Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1935, p. 8

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WHTUARY ] zen. Sho tnuk up residence in Lefruy W . H. Mv(`lll.I.()U(i|| .. nu_,_ , WXilI`(`H H1. |:m.r. In urn -nun She had been ailing I'm` some rim BARRIE EXAMINER, BARRIE, July 12. Hmll. Mrs. llllllilllgh name xvu.-4 Sadie M. ()nk1x-:' -r ml` the late Mr. and Mr. )uklc_v. Slw \\'.'I. n1m`ri(-rl .21 v I,, 4 until 4.. Y .l.\MI IHNNING vII('I ill. l.li|l).',llLIl.\l. ul- 0 Il:n'ru.- hu \v:1s vm~ ' Vvsprn H011-I uml the ` Huh-I. s in lhr` J nwnpivrl by Ihv R.i\'~` us T where she cunlinuuuzsly re.-iuh-(I fur fifty years. hzn=in`L: nmdu hr-r hnmc among her three .':uv'\'ivim4 1-hilrlrvn for the past few _Venrs. Next to hur children her L`hi('f inter!-sis wm-n flowers and bunkxx R(`HlilIillL`_ hm` faculties until Hw (-ml. :.-he (*I1`|n_v:-ll life 10 11:0 fllH<- null hm charming and ('h<-m`l'l|! pm-.~:vm.'n|ilv made all wil \\'hInn :11 l`:!ll|(` In; ' contact. ft--3! |u!hvr fray ].v.\:,..,;q ; known her. | elm ..- mm m 1| hv Eva l:|m4hl-r!~'_' "Mrs. H:u`lfm'(l 'l'hnm.'r known her. She 1.~' .\`lIl'\.'i`.'l.'~ l Ix]: {Wu Mrs. /\(lt>Inilv ('u:`lu-ll um! Goucellnw. mu] tmv .~*nn. ! den. all of [.vfI' J|H'v-- h and two hnll'-l)rnHv-n ~:. M1 Carson and Ri<-hnrxl f~"..">:m. Orc.. Mrs. H. (`. Wilxun. `L Sl0E1n.ChllI`('l!iH:nlfmri... chilrlrnn and fivv me-.-:1 14."; ran. A d:m;;Im-r. Sm:-i-, .|i tnmls nml hr-r sun. !".!u.w.m| of I..'n'dur Lulu-, ()nl.. pr her nino yc-max, Page Eight .16. ' she isfil I ONT.. CANADA I`..~:\1-1<-<'["n>~l1 M Pork 179 Shari Rib Roast m 1 5 Easa ms Roast m 13 Bonzagass Pot Roast 11 ape Leaf Bacon i51?;`?' HUDAY `(Z)WNLY ELUEBERRIES L3Il.(. 4;. M; I Bear 3 Seedless 1 - ="--lb. tin 1 null D|'\\IVV .V I;.`\ l)[':I. SALADA TEA 31 3 14 Tomato Juice FRUITS and VEGETABLES LARGE ORANGES . . . _ . . . . . . . . Do: (ZRAPEFRUIT LEMONS NEW CARROTS All Iirunds RED RIVER CEREAL FLOOR WAX Ilnwv-`s GINGER CREAMS I\ e."aCA_ROl`Il ~ It). xnvn Mb. tin E E3.!f.`;ClJI'l" MFX .~..um lulu} VELVEETA CHEESE sgquue FOWL Are Your Looking Food Values ? Richmello Coffee CUSTOM-GROUI\'I) - /\I.\VAYS 1~`RF..\`H HERE IS REAL NEWS FOR THOSE WHO SUFFER FROM DEAFNESS AND HEAD NOISES--NOTHlNG WORN ON THE EAR--NOTHlNG WORN [N THE EAR--`IT'S OUT QF SIGHT A H. I...... ..1 ll.. . ..... ....._ ...lAL...I I....n,l Tltiait and Fish Values are Good until Saturday Night only. is Hrmm` .Iml;-_t- Wismor 1 -4-1! 1hr-:u-tinn nf I".1'm.'sl . Ivlidlxmrl lumlu-rm.'m, 1 '11 3 9C nu. .......vv.. Co.oking ' 6-qt. basket . . . . . . . . . 40c Smt~.ll size Prunes . . . . 10c lb. Med. aize Prunes . . 2 lbs. 25c !..zwp<- size Prunes . . . . 15c lb. Included with your order 3 rolls Purex Toilet Paper, 25c . I ('ln`islic's for l l 2 for - ] L}.:. 23 1.11.. Tm 42 1,-H slmppu '.II I'\/l'r\ 1-)k`g:'. SANTA CLARA 2 bunches 15c my i.l `(min is constantly on llm . ..:r.. In. ......I...-.. l....._~. 3 fur 25C CORN QUz\I.l'I`Y No. 2 Tins C(_)() U 1302. 19c Doz. 39c 5 for 25 @HANrLEn$i GEY 1 HEINZ TOMATO sILv1x-(3-xzvxc-;H1" 10- IL Fresh Fillets 14c lb. Smoked Fillets 14c lb. __SALMON % . Centre Cuts and SIiced--15c lb. BRUNSWICK if:-, Mm`; ;_<-ph l`:u: It-nl null JIL. I l4l\ LJl\l\JAI Piece 12c lb. WHEATHEARTS - - TAPIOCA or SAGO, Hulk lll'lH7. l llU\'V III` PICKLES WE DELIVER Phone 407 72 0` Imli/.(-(1 or Irvc-Runuim: Hvinz ('how ur Sour Mixvd nrru/1 1-o H. P. SAUCE I I IJ \ILl I \II in lhv world. Fits hunrl. Roquiro.~` no :` `nil ~ui|l ut 1.! Hut 1 illll \.\/Ill |Hl)l.'L HIU I By u(-lLI:|l test _\'nu wi rm-rely hnvv tn It-`st ~ in you. We invite you I|wl.`\`ll\ \ll4l.AI V K] I l\.l I l-I_l I.'I II\I\II_l IIEAI) ()1-`I-'l(`I. Suite No. I7 HG Bl.()()R !~"I`Rl-II'I'l` Wl"..\"I` 'I'()R()\"I`O. (?:\NAl)A Mnm`ma'. against u-r. tried in (`nunly (`uurt here on li(ll:md in, March (1 'I`h(` .'l('li()n (`0h('l`l`l'1(`d the `(-. I .(-.'1lric(~ I nrk- I.nd;!_(! ul Sunnysrlo, Midland. Lihl-ral :\||ow:uv(-0 for MEI) SIZE 3 mg. 29`: Comfort Soap s~%~[~2s Choice, Plump Quii'1 isKiiR1E III-`Ali (ll-'I<'ll`l-` \'l|iIn \'n I1 TUESDAY, 1 Ilnnru In - LEGS - "> 22 LOINS - m 18 FRONTS - m 13 Loin Lamb Chops m 26 a-gran/A I I , IVIIII \-ll hl\J\II Ill: Hours 10 :|.m. till 8 p.m` Inquire at Desk for. I". Dale vu-1-nun uunxuuuwun -. . -.- PUMPKIN TENDER M EATY CHOICE QL .-\I.1'l'Y D-IILII I I s in the Outer mu: without head I :Il1('nli(uI. The use (-2' this small > gm-.xt(-1' purl 01' your` clifficulty. will know wlml mm be (lune. You I :1 In lmnw wl.\:u1 {him will mezm ) (Ill to (`Illl fur `.I FREE PRIVATE `IL . I II Pink About 3% lbs, each LAMB WITH FREE M INT HI l\|llI\\' \\'v,]J|l III!` \\'III HlL`iIlI l RIVA'l`F , March 26th only I [ill X n.m you 1: l'rr \'t`hl ln.~'trum0nt. Thursday, Mmych 21, 1935 T.:1rj;'<: C linttlc 2 11). Pkg- , TINS liuttlv. 19 tu. u:1~: ('Tmi;,r wns in 'I`nrmt.n. Tues.- rrvc-nimg. ntlrmding the nurso:s`| p dance" In V.'(.-llosloy Hospitwll lc-nco. .. r..m.... Mr-M:|I'1il1 lam`. hvon at` ' Miss Phyllis Mznlcws Sp:-nt thv wm-koncl with ht-r sislvr. Miss 13<~,s' riv IVI:11th(`w.~: of Hnrnilmn. ` Miss Gladys Murphy spent the! \v<--vkr-m1! wilh ha.-r purvnt.~:. Mr. and Mr::. 1". Murphy. Con. 6, Vespm. Mr. and Mrs. (lc-urge Overs ro- turxwd on Tuesday after spending 21 tianllph` nf months :1! Glendale. Calif. I`/Ii.- M:n'g[:n'(.-I 1 (n.~::<, R.N._ and Dr. I\II.'n'iun Imus ul` ]`m-unto spt-nt - -..~..) ...:H` nnix-.~ I\/lnht-I Si. 1 1 1 BROWN LAHEI. 5` Corned Flakes Lntllc Ql VAKHR 59 I. Barter r(-turnt-Ll 1.0 his (In - .:ml< HI Nova S'n1iu _\'-::1 f`I:\|- .. ....mH:'-: hnH(lV!~' in on 0| Mr. an xinpz. Wnmlbri I.'n'mn tunes m In 'L-('k<-ml with Miss -nco. .Tnnw.-: M(-Marlin has`. at II for the past! w1'('k duo In the nf h('I' sislc-r. Mrs. (ll:-vs} .lo_ynt..l ., n ' (hv rnzgmzt-1n(-nu m : m;_4`htL-r. Glnrlys Murin- `lillinm Downing. lhirrl of Mr. and 1VIr.<'., Fm lI7._._.lI`.-::lrlt\ Regular vu . s;.;m;; '|5e}.}.i.' f R;.isir;s' : 1 i .2 .lb's.. Smith's Dnmson FOR 'aE ` Qiallllull 14c--2 for 27c M :"E;::1:'A--5%; .HIln(`S 1` (um,-In(-n1 lnrlvu NI ,';1Iuc.~ ?\l'()I Iil .\ V`i~l nlidnys ' -"7;-`Owen St.` rtrnm Spmu MIll)l`l Si- 25C 1 so` 40" 39 ` SUITS $9.90 2c 23c L%?NIEiVf:f$iAS01"*E% 49c 59c Miss Al_fr(`du Strun;_:- of 'Mi(llum is ('amvnlo:~'('in;: at tlw lmmo of hm pnrc-nls. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. S1rnn_::v-- 1 'l`uI'nnl0 .- MI. - u 'l'|un-lnuy nI' 'lu`lnnI:||n cnnn I |)I'l)HlU .'~'.l I't!l`l.. thv we.-t-kc-nd with his amnls. Mrs. 1.. I I 1\ lnrr:nv 'I'hurlnw ul' F.ll11Vil|(* spout.` I.ivin;,'. and Mrs. S. (`um1iIu: hum. M(.'D(>n:1|d St. I n:n\\O..n A II1vx'nnu\ !7n\n\u 1-4-_ `\\'|l1l(`l` m Now YUl`K 1 my. l ` M. and Mrs; R. S. /\tk(`AV :1ttvml-- 4-rl 1110 annual dnnvo nf Alpha Bt`I:l{ (`huptc-r Phi K.'1pp;1 Simnn l<`r;1tL-rn-l _1ity. in tho Run!` Gnrdvn nf ttw Rwy- ` .111 York Holt.-I. l`m' I9`1`ir!n_v (-\u-n- I im: last. I '3 Jzum-2: B. ]I(`l1(l(`1`Hl)n. .1.l`.. :1 hruth- ` `or nf MI'::. l.nmzm.'m, Barrio. has l'l`-` I isignvrt his pmzitinn nz: :1s::('.x'::nr for jtlw tuwn nf Orilliu uftor ti.-:(`l1m'g:- in); the (lut.i(`.s' uf thzut. ut't`i('t- for n\'- vr -10 yc-m'.s'. i Rrginuld Blxu-k.~4tn(-|(. Pic-km`inn (`>llv1,'(`. l'm'm<*rI_v of P..'u`riu`. :1(`tt`d us: 5 ll:~`h('l` at tlw Innrri;\;;v of Miss .`\(1l`1Y` 1n.m- SHIHOH m Dr. .1. Hm-ry tchh.-E 3 in I3i. Strnchnn Schunl Chnpvl,` l`nmntn. Snttlrmxy nt'tm`xw(m. ` ft On Friday. Ivlnrth 15, Miss Ida Nu" ` was: \'m'_v pl(.-:l.<;mtIy surpvismt with thv gift ut` :1 \'ur_v hztndsnmo 1m\lmp- t I 1 n any rlmk from tho wnmvn tvz1vhor.~`- and 0fficm`s and the Girls` Guilt! of` St. Amhw-w's I`n-s1)ytm'i:m Sumlzug/* C Svluml. in H-cu;:nitiun mt` h(`l` svrvit--' `In-.~e znnung; thv yunnu girls of the .1. ' ('V(`llIH;.',. John R. llnrviv, M` or I'l'('\'(` n! Orilliu '|n`:m~(! his 88!): hiI`1 !(l:n_v. ::IilI :11-tivv .'1n( nlmui uf In-nllh urn . I\u\| nu I up... [.r>r~:iI nri ]n"(`)'R will lw lmt-i'(\. 1 in l(-urn 111211 Mi'.~:. Ronkl`. \\'(`H ' known B:irr'u- artist. has been hon-i yored by having one of her pictures` '-IHIHLI :1! the 52nd spring exhibition: of lhv Art Assodniion of Montreal.` `tho loading unnnzil .'n'1 vvmii in` Quvhc- Two _\'(':1r.~` ugzn. Nlrezi Rookcl; had two picturvsz thus I'(`('(I_L'l1iY.(`d l)_\' this :u~:z Hm` pirixlw.-I hnvvf -..1.n;.-ma h\' ! 1......` .nnnI Iv nunnv l'h EIIHUI I ('hlH`('h. K \7..r-n I ('I1|H('H. ` * V4-ry Rm . Do-an S\v(`ox1(`y and Rev. Fullu-I` Lon Smylh. Harri;-. .'It1vn(l(-(H lhv instzlllutiun (`1`l`t`lnuI1)' nf Mu.-;1 E Rvv. /\r<'l1bisImp Mc(`.ui;:nn in Stu` IVIit-Inn-1'.s' (`zllhc-drzll, Tornmn. Inst | cwvnilm. and the Pnntifivnl High 1 Mu-<.< at 10 :Lm. tudny. Donn Swoon-j vy zu-tvd .'l.\' 1)v.'1(-un of Hnnnur. Rev.` I:tlu'r P}. J. Hr(-nnzm. fnrnu-1' cnrzm-I h1`l`\'_ 1'x-ml tho Pnpul .m1|. ! . , I. u....a n/1.... l)....lr.. u-..H III ll'iI[IlllK ` piciu zI,<. bovn ;:1'(-mly 1!)-\:l.. IJII5 nnnn (V V . . . .. SODAS 2-). pkg. Crispy BUTTER SODAS 9 C`,.I_ lII-f... S. W. Moore sV S.- \'\.-\R'l` \l\\' S'l`\`l.liS just the kiwi _\`nu'1l he wisl1ing fur tlu-. Sprixlg \12l_\.\ The T\'cw "H1uc" .\`h;ldc.\` p1`cdmni11.11c. (lmtls C1111 11 \\'n1`n with \1x'c.\1\`-ax`, ;i\'i:1`-4` :1 1`c:11 "Scr\ icc" g`;11`111c111. Skirts nicc1_\ , plczltcd - ti11c'l`\\'ccd.\`i11theSpri11g's]1;|dcs `\ Si"/.L`.\` 1-3 In EH. Brings-a Fresh C mp of :u'11\`~ 1-nllh. -iuhlum I zu-mmlpn I4. llill C ('l|lH. I IH:Ipn_v) F.mm.~` nwll zu-m)n1pnni(-(I l)_v ho!` .'~'i: In Hill, Szlnfnnl 51.. hm: rv- ) I1m'ri- :|I'h-r syn-ntlimz the- I New York (`i1y. .1 um... I) Q A1111-V nHnn1|.. Spfifig (HI. Ill` aulmirq 'Mi(lluml ....u. ..I` In. 29 33"'. Go On Sale at 10 o'clock HUI Inn auuna . . . . 1.... Christie s Soda Wafers . . 10C]: 2 lbs. Macaroni . . . . . . . . 13c :1 B`-unswick Sardines . . . . 5c tinii Glacier Sardines, 9c, 3 for 25 vi Cur Mother's Cocoa !( l\ II n',_ qar 69 Lingerie Days FRIDAY MORNING L'( lc`l`l SA'YURDAY, 10 A.M. SPECIALS DRUG STORE !E|iza\[.>et|'I Arden s`1` {Larger Economy Box: $2.00 A {For A Few Days On ! nu |... I.`II I 1 ..X...L . _' \ (`HITCH K H||||'ll n1I'l|HI\ _g.<'.'n'y sN`\'i(".\' .'ll'l` I):-im; u `TSun M:ll'(`|l 2-1 with ` : ml` 'l`m'nntn iho .`<]H`: .nmI'nin;;' .'m :lH('l`ll(mH .~:< .\`m`. is [)('l`h:l])S In-.~:l `H10 D('U]HI' nf Ihv I`1'n\'i1 ` 11.'1l'iu 11:: Dvpuly Minister p:'n`l,rm'nt of Publiv W<-II`: lvnznny _\'(\m'.< ho has tnkn-1 "}i1m~n.~41 in 1-(hu~n1i>n:|l \' `H1 fnrnwr prim'ip:nl of H " Nm`m:Il Mud:-l S(`h\m|. . 1 MI`. Su1`.~:n_I<'iI is 7:1 mom 01,... |\..-.mu- in 'l<`|* An Unusual Opportunity ?\ Italy;-u.-..._-.. . 16-oz. Bag McCormick s r*r\1\AQ pnmlgg 75` M. A. .\`()RS()l.I`I|L (`I-7N I`I{.'\l. BIS. nunu-I_y. IVI: To :m dzn-in :1-: HM IL|1l_\'. `, Thu <-hildrvn wt in :nHvn(i:|m`o ill `vice and 21 large ` the direction of I '. will Iond in the s ...`..n .n.ui.\n nf vile`!-I'I"'] -Ll .\i l'(`])lH'I(`(l lllill \Ul. xdzml at. Camp Bordon, is tn >'ff`l`l'L'(l in ()11:1\\':1 and that 7-nry Imo is in mkv his place nf lhv Royal Czmudiun Corps l U\\ l`I.`~. I 1 I 5 HI Ul \'\|I\'I ll` ml and Yul l:n';,'~ ;::xlhm in ntlondzm {Mun ....l ..l..n- `2j.ar'.. $1.35 n-1'u1;;.~. nu zmm` whm nrvh nvxl 1 '.\ \.\'llIl cl !1lI[.',l' 'i(~nvo in Sun- uum: l vnplo`:; .nu-inuu u-ill nn \,IuI lVl\lll:\.I o \.u-..... 2-lb.:in..... .. Mb. Tin Keta salixn 1A- 0 S(`hnuI will Lw V-'l||.". I`4l'IlI\'| mud in the. I.`V nI|sl1` I7.1m~k:: -\ "\|'lI'I| ;._ .\\'l - . nndt-r {7..n.~nn I |'|| lI\' ` Sun- ill ` ' hvldg :- 13:15"-I | h:1vo| . r\v\Ill mt by Pu-ni.-I HilV\' ` and Dur- FRANK SWAISLANI) (Snnlf Ste. Marie Daily Star) The death of Frank Swaisland, I \\'hi('h occurred at his home in Tara :H1lH. 124 Pim SL. Mar 11. 1935. re- ` fnmves from the Suult one \vho was A `long itlentified with the hotel busi- 7):)m. in this city and district. He had i 5 K V I1 , . I In o_ u 1. u. r- long ulmmm-u with me l]ULL`l i)usI- ;n(`S.~: city had ilmr-n ill some three years. 110 was in his 54th year. l)vcea::L-(I was born in Wyebridge. (.)n1.. :1 son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Aifn-ti Swnislnnd. former resident`: ;of Hm Soo. He was employed in Tor- funio. and inter moved 1.o Niagara Il"n|l.s'. N:-w York. whore ho re.s`it|e.'l for some time. He x-nine 1o Algomn more than '25 _v(-.'n':~: ago and for a number of yv~.'ur.<: operalml :1 hotel :1t_'[`hnssninn. '|.'m,-r moving to the 8:11:11. to take `over tho mzmugt.-ment of ihe Victorian `HolI"|. Pim SL. 1.1110!` he look ov- or ihv mzmugzument of tho Algonquin Hotul and following: tho sale of that .ho1v-I fivv years ago ho moved in ilinilt-_\'l)lIry VVh(`l`(` he opvraivd tin` ;(`ommunil_v Hull`! for two _vo:n'::, `win-n Iw was form-ml to retire bv~ !-auiqn or III honllh. l.` rvlurm-rl In {tho Hem]! lhl`(`(` yvm`.'~::I;1o. ' l)m-vznsu-(I is survivvd by his will-. hi.x' tl:nu.:hl1-I` I)ori.~=. and one sislvr. !Vlr.~'. M. 12. '1`:-gurt, 154 Church Si. l)('l`l`.'1:s`(`(l us :1 youm: mun livml in !'..'urri<- for st-vornl years. iezivinpz :lur- nhonl 35 _\'v:n'.~; ago. His l':1H1:-1` gum-u run u huh-I :11. Cl':li).',hL||`Si. Al'- A.... . ..r 1.. II in Inn IlI,'\k` nun- I K I \ i \ l FITIM . . .` \."-u nun -4-`. 1. ,3 -lb. Tin `C-love-r-`Leaf $` PinkSa!mon . . . . . . . . . . 9c Aylmer Toma-to or Vegetable Soup 8cTin Dr.-`con Tomatoes Ln`.-ige Tins . . . . . . 3 for 25 Other Specials Supreme Shortening . . 12c lb.` i btle. C. 8: B. Calsup 15 12-27.. blle. Horne Catsup, 10c 16-07.. (in Eggs Baking D-----I- 9:.- n n. ... .v.. ! 'l`hv <|vn!h U(`(`lIl`l`('l1 un 'l`lmr.-:dn_v. ?M.'u`('h H. 193.". 0|` W. S, 1VI(`Cll|l1)llL{h 1:11 his hmm-. 8 I`o1'r_v :~'l,1'('vt. .:n`ri:-. |H- had been in poor h('{l|[h l`m`. glimt-. He \vu.-4 burn an l"vl)ru:n`y R1. 112m`. nn H10 (ilh `(-um'es-iml of In- `ni.- wh(`1*0h(* livvd (lnrlmz his om- lly _\'(`:]l`S. H1,` was in tho Rt-uinu (lis- Etrivt fm` fivn _Vvm`1~: and thou l':n`mL-J :1! Minvsing for 12 y0:n`.x'. 'I`lu- rt- n!` his |iI'v haul 1)('('lI .\'|wn1 in Hill -` ~|riv whc-ro ho .~'.m`v(.*d as :1 pn::1m.'m` hit I`! nu-n~u Hm` ll! _\'v:n"s. I Nh`. Mo(`u|lmIgh was :1 Im-mlmr of 'L`:-n1rul United ('hu1`('h. llu ::urv(.-(I un lhv H(l1ll'(l1lI1(lS(`SSiUll l`m'n num- bvr of yt-:Irs and was nlsn stnpvriw tvndvnl of Hus Sunday Svhunl :11. mo limo. l.:IloI' ho was m:ul<- an `ghmnrnr_v mvnnbc.-r of H11` St-:4.~:iuu. *1Su1'vivim.r urn his will-: twn ::ml:~;, :H:n'ry of B:n'ri<` and W. J. uf H1lH.|(`- aifulwl; mu .\i.\`1('l'. Mrs. Jnhn Ruinvy. `U(`l'.\`('hl`. Su. and fuur brnllwx-:4, _:R. W. :11 'I`m' Wellington of | (.`hi(':lL','n. A. l.. of Cuukstuwn and: uv..u . ..r n/r....4...ml .110. with NOV. Louis l`lL'Kl`I'IIl;.', nun`- ;{i:n1in;:,. Interment was in St. .Izun0. , (Zcxm-lcry. Stmud, lhu pull-hearers` . in-ing; G. E. James. F. Kc-lcoy. R. WIIIFHII, W. Wiles. II. I. .u;.{ur(lis and! EA Raynor. Among the floral Iri- Jlmlvs worn tnk(-ns from Central! _:Sunduy Schuul zmd Central Buznrd. ,~ Among.-, the relatives from :1 distance L, attending were Mrs. R. W. McCul-I lm1p.{l1, Roy McCullough. Mrs. Hm`-. ry Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mil- :-h<-ll and Mrs. H. McDonald of TU :41 `x I 4 1 I\` VV. Ill Illllllllll, ( Wullvr of Montreal. 'l`Iu. I`. u nnvul us-ruin X I 1 I W.'n1l(`r 1 0| lVl()llll'(`11|. The funeral .x'ervim: was h(`l(l nt. lhv lute residence on Szlturdny. M112`. (5. with ROV. Louis PiL'k(`l'ill;.{ nffi('- ..c:.... Ind 4|:-|v\1\l\. uyuu in Q! ,TnnH\< I `.vn...- Chn had hnnn F`ullm\rin:.: am nporutinn in an Tm`- nnm <-linic on Thur.<(1u_v Inst. Mrs. J:u1u`.s' Dinning passed away at 1! a.m. 'I`mn<(l.'n_v, Murvh 19, 1935. in her 4:h linrv l`nr cnrn Ililllllhltl l\.I L.('(|u_y Au -uvu. \a\aI\|A .\ 1111' present. in 1866 she married Edwzlrd 2~`hul- I dun of West Cwillimbury and to this ;union wvro burn six vhildrun. When {her husband died more than fifty 1_\'v:|".~` ago she \vus left wxth five `children of tender years. With un- tiring fortitude she carried on, a wonderful mother. neighbor and on. lwnn nnc. Burn at Hnstimzs. Nnrmumberland .`mmLv. July 12. 1889. Mrs. Dinningx V\'Iir'l|l\ n-mm \\';|-< Qmlin NI ()nkh".'. ll|\\'lIblH}l Although a very retiring womzm =lu- vvus frequently interviewed on uhjvcts past and present as an aulh- amy Having been blessed with an wry retentive memory she could` .:_u__.._ ....1..n:..A .11 H... ......I..I '(`l`)' l`U1`HU\'0.` l'TR1HlUl_Y MIC (lIu|u' `ocull incidents relative to the early ' `-1`ll1L`l`.\` of the district and the pm- zross u.' the times. {min her attend- mcc at the log sclmol at Cherry .,`i'oek with the late Dr Lewis Cle- ncnt as lmr first teacher and her mme at Gimbyls Corners. 'sub.o niontly Churchill. the coming of the railroad to Lofroy in 1853, down in \. .. unumnn 30-02. {In Lggu un|\uu_4 Powder . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c 2%; tin Aylmcr Spinach . . 19:: Size: 2 `._~ tin Aylmer Pork and D-~--' - 1 9:`

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