Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1935, p. 6

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(Continued from page one) .14 or 15 cents per day. or about ve; cents per meal, and I believe that as a steady diet leaves :1 lot to be desired." "I"hn cw-until.-nr cuirl H1211 Ihn r-net nfu Airow Dc Solo 4-Door Setlll Laf ;g_`K/i`aTx{_;f1i;C.;T* Again. 1Up to His Old Tricks 1 Ice (-Md V F that swoop z !nu 1:-2'1-nr< { xx` 43-gs RITALNLY \/ C.UF?r_D ,1 YOU . 1 `-.\`~ `. 2 T`;1`i;r;,?. embodies many of the principles and features of Airow design. v u nnu . It gives you :1 now Irinrl ofridc. . . due to application ofthc principle ofwcight distribution cnibodicd in the Airow,in- dependent front wheel suspension, and new tapered leaf springs in the rear. u It has a 93-horsepower engine . . . with amazing performance and stamina. 7, o 1- 1 r-1 1 Frame and body of the new Airstream De Soto are virtually one unit . . . ours are 3% inches lower than usual. . . even the seats are considerably wider. JIIUIU \.\.|.~ lull) tint.` mnnuy and that \v:: prupm't_\' own--r. Ho [ho Gnvvrlmlnmlt slun than it rlnos. nml lulu- lhc l:lXD.'I}`(`l` \\'h) is onnugh timv [0 got He \vnnlnd In knnw I in}: In (`.'ll`l`_\ nu. Mr. Scrxllmn :1::k(`r| spent on rvlivl` in l,.'n' lV1'.'l_\'m' Hlznir .\`1Ii(I 1934 \-mm $45.5!-I2. wh fur this lmvn." nlmnl ........ ...\.| xi`! nun Beautiful All-Steel Bodies r-"-----~----?_ I COULSON SHILL I L:?__ 59 E`u zZ. b2Th"st. AND DESOTO DEALER _ I`! lI'I"III',` Both front and rear doors open fmm the center post . . . :1 feature that was unanimously uppmvvd by the owners of last ycar s Airow Dc Solo. model. Inlprnvml Perfnrnxuln-(2 . . . the Airow, I00 Imrsvpuwc-r:, llu: Ail'Sll'(`1IllI, 93 Imr.~1-pcm'<-r . . . plus scnsulimml new 1--mmn1_\'. Now-lypn'l'up(-rml I.mII'SpriI1gt-x. llnprnvml Hyd rnuliu Hrnkrs. All-Stool llmliora, grvxnlcr .-tuft-l_v. Sym-ru-Foil:-nl 'I'runsn|i.-+.~ziuu -- Bilulll, ctlurllms gt-ur-slnifling. Tinu-. pxlyllwlll In H! your Iuulgrl. Ask for lHl'u'iuI "(jhr lvr MuIurs--(Inm- men-.iul Credit Plull. : can t describe the 1 `I. You will have to so HIUII (Ill |'('lIt'l \\'l`l`(` than mvn \\'nrkim: shoot (`\'t`l`_\' 11:1) unlil S:t!lII'tl;u' ni,L1h!. II" :1 \\`:Is nhlv In \\'m`k :1 ( gut in mslx. his rvlivf \ Quosthm of n.,.,.,y~ .. . IIVLI IJJ4 BA \J I \J LIA_1r1l_aL.4l.\ Em E - Phone 730 T-N<").:I'r2'):1;sient M2v1]As I i Unless on Way to Job; KN N'N%A%T%4i`6N)i `i'.' I I Lllll AJl'|A\a\LL4 And All Stations In-t\n.'r.-tn'l'l(()[,I'I` (7I{I'lICI( and AURORA including MIl)LANI), I 15NI'I'l'AN(} nml MhAI"()l(I) IKHANCH LINES. : new Airnw sec it for your- >ESQTQM ..,..., n, Ingcrroll, Kinc.m1im* .\ , Jforriviaxcrg, 4\'upurm" I 1Im`r I m'r, I 4 FRIDAY. MARCH 29 . F r9rr&\.1%&'.?3FE rvnrxn >-DYNAMIC :;vnnnxvilIc, I.|lVVII.\ hllqlllf. II I? llU\\ ll Illll" IN`!- tol` than $1.000 pvr \\'m'k all 1nlcL MI`. S('rutun rmnzlrkvtl that it \\'n.' mmmcy \\ (`H spent In keep rcspcn-L able Citi7.on.<. Alp! X)n..|sn.y..` l\ sclf. . . with your own eyes . . . to know how truly bcaulixl it is. nu u 1 In - . u :- .1 The lmml line is ]`(liSC(l . . . lines are 11101'<:gr'z1rv1l and nwing.T|u: whnlc car has I)(,`(`.l1 ]w.'u1lifully rcslylml. Interiors are smzu'lcr than ever . . . with a new in- strumvnt panel . . . and the must excit- ing modern fillings. Ht-nwnllu-I`- Hus /\irHnw H<-5'0!!! SHIIS six llvulvlt`, in rm||l}n`l.- -ynu m~n rt-.:ul 11 Inu;_r:r/.in- at high :<|uw-:|.~'. 11 H ilIIIil'/- iugly I'('SlrlI| and (llli('l ul uny spttcd. Cu Mmlorn 'l'lu's Your Drive this our . . . (.`XI)l`,l'i1'll('(: for your- sclflhc thrill of handling lhis new kind of zummmluilc . . . enjoy for the first time the famous Airow ride. Ruth nvw 1):: Sums are now on dis- play. Sm: I|`.'~I5 lwo il(T()-tlyllillllili slylc ](,`:lll(`,l`S tmluy. Tlnisyr-:11` llu-,n: s only one qucslion...\Vhich De Soto will it be? lirrnztfnrd, / . Brut I ,-. (Copyright. 1933. by The Hell Syndicate. Inc.) 11 Inf.-:1 STYLE TRIP BARGAIN F-`ARES n1, Iiru/}c:':l'I:', (flmllmm, Cnbrmrg, (in./rrirlz, (iurl/JII, IIzlA[II.TON, Kl.\ (i.S"1`().\', I\ ilclu'ntr, Lislowel, .\'I.I([.Il\`.l l".ll.l.S, Oslunun, Owen. ill)|L' ClU7.(.'HS. Ald. Hut-hnnzm. a member of the Relief (Vunmittcc. slutml that many men un ruliul` xvvrv gonim: nmrm: on the main lay t\vvI\'x- u'clm'l< II rvlinf l`(`(`i|)i(`ll'. XV: ' uhlv (In_\' nr l\\`u um! uni in n-u.|. luin .-nllnl` ..l I 4` Yrm huvvn'l rt.-ml Tho Lxzlmincr untll _wm'vu rend tho zxdvts. WET .A/ (I. In. ...I glnn EUVIIT E Chafing and skin! I-.:a-..ol..-u Lnanng am: Jluln Irritation: quickly relieved by I\.. TIJACIP` quickly renevcu uy \ I):-.(llASE WINDSOR DETROIT T.'1urr.dn,v. March 1 rx , Vhilhy, Hill). EIHII -3|.-)HlA H1 I'(`H lnwns :~'-h'H'L`. It i.~: now :1 Nlr Rm-nlnn rnnun-lrn:l I LliAl)liRS By J. M1LLAR"wA mvl l:<-vp by vhum>im.: relief Hlw mmkt.-I . _____:_. 1 :.:..:, nu.-..u, \/vvvrv rat}, St. ('uHum'm.'$, Wiurfun, Woodstock. x 21, 1935 :_:_..-._ I\`v:::u'(lin:: Hu- (l(`livoI'v(I In llu VI`... .. I`l....|. L... Puo Ilx mu. in $1.50U I-1\ H I IIIIIIHI Illll nnly (mu 1! `H ll.` U7 ;.'.l`l ilIUIl_L iI.\' H, 15. how we are un- ll} ucmreu. ' The speaker said that the cost of Hving in general had rmen in the pastthree n10nths_ab0Ln 16 per cent and in some items. more. Some of the unonuoyed had canned foods and preserves prepared in advance u)hdp mu m Hm whnm`nmnms but Hume had been [mod up.zuuI they nuvv h>un(Iitin1possH)k:to get enough to out In nrmrhr r-vnrv rm-:0 we find H1111, akorl how lHll(`|l V . I2-nu-3.. llllll I|l'|[) IHlH'l_' - lhv burtlvn ufl` hzlvim: :1 hard zllnlnr no M Sc ` 0.1-) . (i,5() . 7.10 . 7.70 . 8.25 I\'l'HllL' H) U\I`()ll1{h m1lvnd(~d I I.) Ind.` I\\ .u.,..\;..., 1` nt rhwkwl. .I:m- K .`.`J.`` I was :1 mixture of the two kinds, about fifty-fifty. He stuzgested dir- -:~(-1, delivery from the bush to lhv home to save labor. l`I~.n 'I"nn:n (VIA.-I ..... `l Ln q......1..) L . . . L ., ).I)U [)Ul' CUFG H1 INC DUSH. Alr]. Buchanan stated that the town pznys $6.50 plus 80 cents plus` $1. :1 total of $8.30 per cord. It would r-nst more if delivered from the bush. 'l\lh~ !"nHu-nll Anni.-n.vl ``\I\` II... nu HUIIIU U) SHVL` lEl|)Ul'. J`he Town Clerk said he would be ulncl to Sh()\V Mr. Cottrell the in voices showing that practically every bit nf wand delivered this winter cost $6.50 per cord in the bush. Alrl Rnnhnnnn cfninri Haul Hxn GRIEVANCES :V SUBMITTED BY` ; UNEM_l LOYED \'U.\'L lIlUl'L' ll (lUllVL'I'L`U [F0111 INC D115". Mr. Cnttrell declared that the un- employed felt there should be an :1]- lnwance made for clnthimz. Altituiie of Committee Mr. Scrutnn, in 1*eL{m'rl tn the at- tiludu of the Relief Committee. cum- plnined that the men did not receive the proper treatment and e0u1'tes_v frum the Central Relief Committee All] `Du:-h.n...n nvnlninnd Hunt t\v< Illllll IIIU \_,UnL1'ilI nL'llL l \,UHHnlLlUL` Aid. Buchanan explained that on :1 Friday afternoon. forty or fifty men wmilrl be coming in. and if they had any riifferonces they were all told to come back later as tlm;:I.,- hzmding out vouchers were too busy at the time in dent with them. Mr. Qnii-I hurl u-nnninnrl I'\1|Il 'r\I-xrvnururtru :3 . N from | wnrd i Ylfill lwinu lll ll.'])|_Y. William Graham sairl he had novel" hcarrl had languagzc from the men. although on occasions they might get a little restless. In one case of a man \vhn could neither read nnr write. the man had been getting: $5 and hurl been cut to $4.20. Another In'|n hurl mu Q1 ca... :2: ...\.J `-un\ illl(l |lil(l UL mzm had wcmdcrerl hurl been chnnzm sni ullll llxlll UL'L'll \,`llL lll -D'!.4U. [\llUlllL`l' got $1 from S5. and he if the I(iwm1i:< Club milk taken off this. Ald. Bu- said that it hadn't been. Fred A. Kelsey asked if the sick were not entitled to :1 fund voucher. or if their wives were sick. Ald. Buchnmm said they were it` they re- ported it after having :1 dnctnr veri- II"\' it |_\' H. T)epnty Reeve Stewart asked Mr. ` I\'cl. ltt)\\` many mistakes harl he:-n ` tnnnzl in the past few ntnnthx. Mr. l(e|.x'ey (licl not. know. l`hmna.s' Sinclair. a member of the relief committee. stated that he had 4 funntl Mr. Graham. the unemployed 4 representative on the relief cnmmit< ' tee, very fair. He suggested that the unemployed work through their mmmittee and then through Mr lraham with the committee. Asked by Deputy Reeve Stewart, the men .-zaitl that a unncl deal of ` their ti`01ll)le would he eliminated by ,p;r\'in;; cash relief. The park pm- ject had heen clelayerl nnt'm-tunatelv I A Taxpa_ver Complains 1\-Ir. Nnrtnn. whn stated he was :1 l.'lX[)1l)'(`l`. p,`nt up at this point. and dvrlared that as a l&l2\'D1l_V(!1`. there was a complaint that there was a- '::nrplns of men on these jobs, with lthe men t'al|in;:. all ever themselves. He didn't helieve that if a man was ahle tn \vnrl<. he shnnlcl get a \ l)tlCh- er unless he wurkecl for it. He gave 41.: an instanre of abuse of the relief .-:_\`. the name of a man who hzri lwen \\'m'l nn the railmarl one night. tlrivint: his ear and enjn_\'in;; .himse|t`. who was on relief the next l:`a_v. He didn't agree with that :it all, nnrl he \\`as sure the taxpa_ver.< [\l tl|i< tn\\'n rlirl nnt lil.-n tliinnc likn l"""\' ""r-~ v-umnd h\' :\ vcrv mun 7 north west wind. cmnnletcly duslrm-- | ed the beautiful brick home uf RIF.` [and Mrs. l-`rvd Coulsnn. Suncluy an`- :t~-vnn-~n. N:\iul1lmr.<. who run In :\<- I 'si. found all they could -.ir> `wns huln :11 .<:\\'c smno of the cun- ltenls. The house was a large brick rsh`uctIu'e built by the late .1; ~.. Snruulv. and the loss is only partly cgvered by insurance. Are Your Hands Rough and.Sore? MARCH is the 1l1ll'Sll month on your hands. The hmvling, whistling win.,is are disztstmus. They r0u_g`li- en your hands, retltlen them and even cause tiny cracks to appear. You can C:lSl1_V make them soft am] velvety ztgztin. Just call at l)nugl;1s Drug` Store and risk far It hnttle of Egyp- tian Balm; (the Hand Ln- tinn without an equal). lie sure you get the Free l`ri:t1 Bottle; it is include! in the reg'ul;1r 35c price. Use the trial lmttle l'i1'st. it` not szttislietl _vmn' mnnc_v will he refuntletl. Cn01ll, ,Tl U) Uill. In nearly every case. we find that the sum stated on the voucher in- sufl'icient to carry a full week. and if the merchant did not alluw usi credit. well we just wouldn't eat. 1' understand the grocers are not sup- posed to carry anyone beyond the extent of the voucher; they are all doing it. however. and thus we are pilim: up a debt to be pairl when we get started to work again, which. also. is making it that harder to get away from relief altogetlier. Mr. M'ln(]tv:<:; gave the feltnwing figures for the present. allowances: `N0. in family Per Cts. (incl. adults) week Per meal 1 .. $1.50 7.3 `. ..5(l 5.7 .l.. S . .. . .. 4.20 5.0 5.00 4.7 R7?` AR lllHl.' Ill ll('ill \VlHl IHCHI. lVlr. had received bud lam.zL1m:,(- the men, and hadn't said a I in reply. Hiznn F`. ulxznn cnirl hn Inn:-I r\n\InI- 1115!. year. ` Aid. Shepherd inquired if Council was obligated _to pay the Board of Education 100 per cent. of the latter ` estimates, or just the proportion ac- ` cording to the amount of taxes col- lectcd. /rnilnu tzlnh. nlnlnrl Okn qr-r-nuuvnu lL'V_) IUY UIEIL IIIUCII IIIIHU. Ald. Shepherd cnmmentecl that it. seemed that the Council of lhis your seemed to be suffering for the ecrm- | omics of past years. I`hn hvlnur fhnn nnucnd thrhnxfh HQ` VEIFIULIS l`L":l(llIl)._',S. Previously to the pznssinn ml` the ' bylaw striking the tax rate. bylaws had been passed adopting the :1s:<(_-54$- ment made in 1934 as a basis for tha- asscs.'~'ment for 1935. and (.-xurnptinu certain farm lands from certain items of taxation. (Continued from `page one) | cut its estimates more than $5.000. tun `Lin aft-.uvr\v`v|v\v\nv\. urn! nnnnlu UUL ILS CSLIIIIHLUS HIUII: Llliln .`p.).UUU. as the government and county grants were $2,600 or $2,700 less than last year. Air] Qhnnhnr innnirr-rl if (`.nnnr`iI ICCICG. Mayor Blair stated that, according to law, Council could pay over only part of the levy. but then the ncxl year, the Board of Education could levy for that much more. Air] .Qh.-nhnw-I r-rnnmrminrl Ihnl if OYHICS 01 [)E\SI years. I The bylaw then passed thmugh its various readings. T3:-nvinnclv in Man nncuinsf nf` H14` PERMISSION icouncmvns ` } GAS _1ATl0N I V RATE STRUCK IBARRIE TAX I A1'_5Q MILLS I .lIU ' 8:25 ll .. 10 .. "AveI.1;,c fm relief . Average for gaol . I v..-nn:mcnt Rmirlonts Altl. Wvbb cluimvrl that lh nn vnlinl` 1. .1 (Co1ztz'mmrl /ram 7)(l(7(' one) Several Inquiries I Al(L Cavnnagh inquired if I13 | Shuter had been (lismi.<:.<(\rl as (`l(`I'k 1 in the relief oIYic0. He was now! getting a voucher, said lho Mayor. 1 V Alrl Rlmhnnnn Onld Alrl (`:nrnr1.} 5L'LlHl); ii VUllL'HL'l', hillll IIH` 1Vlil_VUl. Ald. Buchanan told Alrl. Cz1van- agh that meals to trzmsienls had been cut, on" two or three weeks ago. Aid. Cavarmgh said that on Sunday. 20 transients had gm t,h(-ix" dinner, and 24 had recc-i\'ocl their supper. Ald Buchanan 1'(-ilurah-r.l that meals to transients had been cut m'T for two weeks. Al.-I rv.,.,........I1 nulrnr] Clll Ull l()I' [WU VVCU S. | Ald. Cavzmagh nslcocl who was] responsible for what happened Sun- t day. . Al.-I 1')....L....,..~..-. .4..on,J Hun 11..\..4.yx uuy. Ald. Buchzmzm stated that D(`,r)H1_V Reeve Stewart had told the Chief two weeks ago. Alt] 1\/fills` cnirl hn nnrlnrutnnrl fhntu LVVU \VL'(`KS Hg. | Ald. Mills said he unrlc1`:~'tond that; Council hurl cleciclcrl in out off; trzIn:~'ients two weeks ago. Somc~l one was :11. fault. and slmul(1 lml ch(~.('kccl up. . Extra Policeman re Parking: Ald. Mills said he 1m(lur. lhal an (`I\'ll`2l policeman hurl bot-n pull on duty last, Salurrlzly to look aftm l double parking. and asked it this! wm'(2 true. 1 1ur..-H... n1..:.. wmliml Hmq Mn hem; \V|,'I'\.' ll LIL`. Mayor Blair . tnld the Chief. e.s'sur_v. to put m nnfv nt|I\\'l\ Q10 \;rm(u _y put) time. All] I\lU. DlIU[JllUl salaries of H10 1 been cut 1\/bun." `D1-xi`. UL'(.'H Clll` Mayor Blair said thc been out for one _V0n1'. cnntimled on at this 1` n , r. r ....,,.,.. -.... Ald. Mills gave 1114 special cnmmittce on Ho guvo ch-tails uhnut ford Street. He sug chuvk of all gas slut to see if they were 41... 0......` I-\1v`r\1|y Nu the MN`?! `on rc-livl` mine from all nvcr. and mzmy nf them had not been perm- anent residents of the lawn. It \\=n.-4 not 51) had prnvilinp_ rvliuf for men \l`m hurl \\'t)l'I-Z(`d hero and hurl their jobs here in guru! limos, and hm} `fullvn um vvil rlu, V. but he 0l)_io(rtvd in Innkin:!_ after nnuplv whn hurl come hr.-rv in nrrler in get relief in HUI n:|~:1 Hlrnn nu` fnllv v:-an-m I vcrv 5 Ald. IHILT. Aid. _ . UV pux Reeve I I>'O1>C r5S;i'_ '4\Il(l IHKIII (Ill * stzlrting now d. Shepherd `ink nf ihn nnli THE ONLY THVWE 1 \~/AS REPRIMANDED IN SCHOOL WAS FOP? TELLING THE TRUTH .' V.-1. Mills ( ihc pol vl I-u nxn I Report < 1\N:l|.. .. -.. I vo uhn =`vv(\l\` Tfln L` ills rloclnrucl ` police w0ul( unnn nll sun H1 nnII\|ll:,'_ in the past 1 nu` ,, n Ul KPH (U1 L Stewart HOW. erd asked : 2 policemen V rep} iod H" hn fr L.`Clill'l!(l llli :0 would all sumrr uru nu gun .`LulIun ; (me an Brut '10 suggcst(.-d that as stations ho mm cunt'm'min;: y munrndnrl H1 the that I 10 found 1 extra m. -4 -..u.- ill the salaries had 11`. but th'cy h:1(11 : rate. that i ulrl In. l'r|ll I HIKP Th( `v \\';x.: Rtalion repn. mm and about 1 which 1 l lllil ill il 100kvti* wanting l '. if they` H [:)l(lll` I :1 no nmclo" :..n 4,`! . .., Lulinns. 3 1 B`z1d- i lhn ll the x had I IJC` th(` ; 'T4Bi" l.I'l|lL' lI'.'l I` III IIl\IU| HI ).,:l,'L |L'l|l,'|' !|11'0,- or four ). ('11l`S. Whon :1.<| In hold up lhvir l`.:1mi.s', 1-iuht. hands went up :1dmit- him: they had not b(-on 1'c. here 1. H1 10'?!) BTJILDS A NEW AER0-DYNAMIC CAR AT POPULAR PRICES "wa;"FH1*d Earl; ;.{ 6; ES< CANADA'S AIERO-DYNAM HIS YEAR DE SOTO does the unex- Tpnr:tcrl again . . . introduces not one new car . . . but two! First, therc s a new Airstream De Soto at Popular Prices. . \ -n u n ;-n And secondly, the famous Airow . . . the car that shattered 29 A. A. A. Con- test Board records for Speed last year . . . now brilliantly rcstylcd. J The new Airstrcarn De Soto was de- signed by the same engineers who built the record-breaking Airow De Soto. It IT WAS TIME for someone to build a popular-pricrrrl Streamlined Car. And that s just what De Soto has done. rru .~ _ 'l\ (V. 1 THE BARBIE EXAMINER, BARBIE. 0NT.. CANADA H. R. PALMER um; LnL'_\j nun mu l)(`L`Il l'L'.` In 1930. Aid. \rVohh (-nntinuvd mn l mlw hlmul nut ml` "I"hnu~n u--.- ....I.- ...... .......

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