Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1935, p. 5

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John C. Read. 87. nssr:.<::n1ent enm- missioner of Owen Sound for almost 35 years, has 1'(.~si;:zn(.-d. Nfvlulrnlrn T\/|'IIn-'1-innl Accnnizuiinn ix` lill|L`( rzph I ('1. , Al ihe meetinp: of l\ lc-(lhnte enun- leil. held on March H. with all the I members present. :1 delegation from the Police Village of Hillsdale re- quested the Council to apply for five. additional street, lights for the Vil- lage. A similar request having been i i`(-coiverl from the Village Trustees last year. it was ordered. on motion of VV and Miller. that the Clerk i write the Hyclm Commission order- ing: four lights for Mill street and lone on Pom.-tang road. placing said] lights where most needed. T\/lnvnrl hv .lnl1n:tnnr`- cnnnnrlr`-rl hvl illglll \\'HL'XL' Hll)hl llL.'LfUUU. Moved by J<)hns1one. seconded by Wood. and ordered. that all relief paylnoms be cut off on April 1. 1935 I '.\1......x 1... ur...\,. ...-......~.`ln.l 1. I I $ 1 P-.__y..n.....~ .1` ... \ll~` .... ..,.... ., ..,m. Muvoti by Wood. seconded by Miller. and m`d(~1'(~d. 111211. the ninn items of 1:1xns 0ul. on ml] for 192$ , be placed in the hand of Thus. (`m':1nugl1 fm` (-nllm-tinn. [WES T0 EAI was i cam, 11 CHECKED { HER CDNSTIPATIDNV ?Ko11ogg's Au.Bx,m Helped M1.-s Kosterke i ___,, ,_,_ ,,,,, ,,,, __, I ; Last summer I was on my vaca- ` `tiun. They served Kellogg's ALL- 5 BR.-\N. I just loved it. 1 eat Kol- i ; 1ngg's ALI.-BRAN every mornimr, "N and ever since 1 have not had to I i take any more laxativx-s."--.\Iiss` 1l\lur;.-`z\rct Kesterke. Address on; 1~...\n.x.~f ` I l Isn't this food safer than risking ` I put;-in im=d`7.ciiiu.<'? Two tablespoom i a fuls of .-\LL~BKAN daily are usually I ' surlicient. If seriously constipated, N use with each meal. See your doc- } tor, if you do not get relief. ` ' I I,'. as a cereal, or in cookin. Sold 1})` all grocers. Mglde by Ke lugg in London, Ontario. : prov` 3 .'-\LI.- . un I Keep on the Sunny Side of Life lilllf l')lIEl|1| Ill il[I!lIllVl' II [J of work for thv 1nwmnln_vm reliof will he paid in nmh. Allislun has 22 fznmilins totalling 10!) ;')t-r.~:nn.<. 'l`Y fnelliyz them in T"oln`u:ngv Cnun. '1`. E. Rv_\'nr;lrl:: in` in z., '9 quote from In` 'n:1v's mm, I luwun The I.` H lil 1'gzu`L' cquost. ..n lI'Ul II] III ` 1. r'(=.'1d . er}, $7.00. Tn.-.4-.04 \\ . Vlll('(,"1l, -?1`f.Ui3l Lb. lVll|ltH'.~Vill- sheer)` $1.50; Municipal World. I Lo. vsts Show Ke1Iog;z's ALL-BRAN : vidcs bulk" to_aid_e1in1irmt_ion. .-BlL\.\` is also nch m vitannn B I rnn the "mum" in ALL-BRAN is gen- .'e.~ists digus-imn better than 1 1' 1n fruits and Vegetables, 9 uftcn nmre effective. ! THE BARRIE EXAMINER, BAREIE, 0NT.. CANADA Zlll_|l)HI'lH,'(l HI H1(`L'l HI 1 April 2 at 10 n.m. N. (`OXWOR'I`H. Clerk. \Jlllll:'l l|J`:'\'Yl \. H] quoslwl by Hm Wu have the (-urI'rv.' Kn light s:uvin;,' is in ..H].ZL`,('.\'l('Il limo for i: 1!! I \lY1 null fin- lIl' .\l James Jv . shoulrl h L ll) .\'L'Il(l 3| l'L'])1'l.`S(.'HU|'Ll\|.` mcil meeting: re the un- schonm. hm` letter: 'I`}n'ce X hm-un1e constipated.` . laxatives. But as soon -d to each kind, I began same trouble. . 1934. mmt-11, 1 31100)) have been .In;: `cnt u,-. yum`. LC! v.,5,F,n. Business was somewhat bettorl than the usual Saturday. farmers re- ported. Prices of \-'ege1.ables were ihe same as usual with not much supply. Potatoes were uvz1ilal)|e at 50C :1 bag. Turnips and pnrsnips were in demand. -- . ,1 Poultry showed an advance in price at Barrie farmers` market last Saturday morning. There was :1 good supply and it was all taken early. Buyers paid 20 a pound. Over the counter farn1or;< were getting 23c for isingle birds. which is the highest .p1`ice recorded locally this year. n`.u,._. _.____._:_.-_z -1 nn._ .. ._ ... .3 (Continued from page one) I~`i1'e Hall and Cmlnoil Clmmbor Mnin1cn:mco-- Fuel ......................................... .. $66000 .Suppli(=s .., ................................... .. 25()`0() Car:-1:1ko1' 480.00 Electric Light, .. 130.00 W.'|1m' R.'11vs ................................ .. .'%()_(l0` To1ophm1os .......................... .. 1251):) hlSlH'1)I](`(` .. 175.00 [Rt-pairs ........ .. 1:")()40()` .\..u.u.,u ..,......_, ...... J`... Butter remained at 28c 21 1` but eggs were down slightly. i est price obinined was 25 a I and the grades ranged down t for pullets` eggs. n . . . _ _ _ ..L..L 1 Meal prices were unchanged. 7-9c for beef and l2-14c for pork. .".iI}1;_'_I's\ i.: 10 p 9 pm. |FlNANCES 01-` M ! BAa_1g1;:. 1935; Tn To.'n`n~~- Mninlc-nanco ................. .. T011)! Fire and T0lice . Ccvnnc 1 inlxl inn _, ,l( li`H Pill` IIIHX I'(lIl\'l' . . . . . .. -}' Slrwol Li;;hlin;,--- ` 464 or-dinary lights at $9 23 300 watts at $25 _ 41 200 watts at $22 . `15 100' watts at $17 .. ' P051 (ffice Gore 1iy.{h11ng Monuem flood lights ...... .. JV1kllRSL'l.b xlllLl Fuel ................... .. Insurance ........ .. Water Rams Electric lights Market ck-rk R(`})z1ix':< . .. I Hydrant Rental-- 87 hydr:mts at $35 I30 hydrants at $30 I6 hydrams at $20 .... .. Tum] Water and Light . T\/Tn rL>nc nnrl T7211-\:c_. I _. l'I'uta] Market and Parks ._.,$1. Public Works town work! $7. Printing and Ad\'er1ising-- Voters Lisis .............................. .3 Financial Statnnient ........ .. Auditors report Taxes and ussessmeni. Stumps ............ .......................... .. E Sl11iiUl`1(l1'y ' yMisce1l:menu.< ........................... .. Total expenditures . "I'm more than delighted with the results." is a common comment from users of Examiner clastitieds. LUHU VVillL'I' RIHU Lal).',Hl Ma rkots and Parks--- Nun} Ul\_\l IHDN Snlu'ilu1'.~;. v 'l'(-lvplmxw AT THE FARMERS MARKET A U1 UIIIU. eorge and Robert Culberl spent weekend at the home of Jack hnrf KILLYLEAGH BOND HEAD live Coutts of Toronto was ' the weckz-nd. V. Mac}-`ud_von of Toronto few days at her home last Eaton is visiting friends. x ' Chiof \-a1\v\ 47-) L Equipment 5: and Adv. $1.000.()O . ..` ... ..$ 6,000.00 1).~'t.<. int. 6340.00 010. .. 2.3:')0.00 1,100.00 .. 2`.Z1.168.52 335.00 519.71} ` $272.428.;3 way .01`, vh- Templv Hl|;:., $200.00 . $13.750.0() $2.{)()t).()() $G.8(}().()0 . .$3.045.00 000.00 120.00 54.06500 $10,165 ` ` l $3()0().()I) ...s4.170.:)0 .... .. 507.00 902.00 255.00 200.00 .... ,. 00.00 " I $6,100.00 i . $1000.06 $1000.00 } r I .. $:son.o0= . :m.0n 200.00 . 2.40000 70.00 olwux It. Sollcihw. N~~':1r_~ Mom\_\` In l-um. Bll`l`it`. 'l'(`lv*ph< ` I \ .' .().()0 . 1:")0.0() szmnnn I 200.00 350,00 $850,i)0 pound '. High- 1 dozen | to 20 ...$800.()l\ l()il,00 A Ac;9()(!:(J0 . $200.00 20500 10.00` '77` [If] .,,S500.00 20.00 70.00 125.00 . 150.00 25.00 110.00 { L-|.U\! ` 400.00 , 160.00 (`coil Newton spvnl tho \\`l`(`k1'lH [with !'1'ivn(l.-: in Tnmnln. l Misstss Oman Brn|(-_\' um! Dly1`nlh_` (h'ifl'vn of B.'n`ri<` ."])(`H` the \\'(-v|u'n 32:! ilmir hnnm 11011,`. ` V:-rl (,`uu11< ix; lms_'.' lhi.-4 10" p1us. straw for WiH'r(-(I Brulh-. zmrl hny I'm` 1.. Mnum. T*}l\\'nnd Cartm` is in Allisltm lmsr pilnl : frmn :1 sv\'(-n- cm 1`! one fun! <'n11s<~(l by :1 ('i|'('lllilI` .<:m`. Slo.'on (.`!nlhin:,r Found . .. I`. l.. I. ...I.:l BOYS & B()YS, B:n':`istm`.~;, Su1icit l Nulm'io.~: .l`uh|it'. (`mv(\\'z1nL'ers. EtL'.| Mum-y tn loam :1! ln\\ (`::1 rallvs of in- lurt.-::t. (JITE-:0 12K Uwvn SI... IV1lS0l1iL'| '1`:-.nmlv Bl Hurrit-. lh`:nu'h uI'l'u'.-_ i l<}ln1v:1lo. W. A, Hu_\'s. K.('.. .1. li. Buys. N .; .. Sum (`.'n'r. om` (lzly Ins-1 pn.\s1n;.: nl0n_L: the I` his plzuro. found :1 lnrgzv clulhmu In an old s:n<-|< I nuncu \.:u ms plncn. mum: l.`ll';1< L`h)lhillL`, in dontly had only In-on Iv ('0n1L\'. On ill\'L'.\'li'.{3IlIn in was sonw ml H10 (`In had hm-n slnlvn I :-um J. the evening of I-`.;:|u-rl, I Mic-hziol il`.`l\\ il'_\' siwnl Hiv \\'(`l`iC- end in NIr.x'. Tnwmln. Hormzm Earl` is .\'pr'Iirlim( st-vorul days with Mrs. H(`)`Sh:Ii l3:n'1'. Miss H=lr-nn F I .'ll1}`I:1.'l n i.~: \'i. her sister. Mrs. John Murph_\-'. H:iri'I<-. Miss Bernice IInIi:I5_'.'in is . ii i'( w Ted Fmirnicr Miss \\'(-(`ks with D(n'(.`1lS hm` sister. til" l`m'unm. BuI'nl'iel(l .-4pm-in Mrs. H :'nIIplv ul' (i:l_V`.*1 with her aunt. 1]`I\`4 Juhn Bu<'h:1n.'in, M Mrs. An nHi)(`i`1S()l] turned to her hnmc in H. l'<\\\' finirl rl;i_v.< with Mrs. Hnhuri Wm. has nu zil`lL'r I3lIl`l|- i I i I i i i i ll MOUNT ST. LOUIS ii l(`\\ rIu_v.< with Mrs. wm. UlIl`l held. The many frionds ml` .I:u-k M: Demnnll, whu has been a pulicm 2 the ('}(mm`ul }{0sI)itz)l. "l`urr)n1n. :n Ucvmoll. wnu has l)00n pnlwnl II) the H().<[)ilZ)1. "l`umn1n. are pleased to see him home again after i spcndin-.1 the winter there. He is imnroving nicely. Vi.~:imr.< me: Mr. and Mrs. Andn-\v Burnfield and rluugzlm-r Tl`.c~Im.-u or Riverside and Nliss F.t'fi(- l3urnl`i-Irl nf Rn!` in \\'iH\ Mr nuui R/ll'\ In: -`I )S.'1I'ru". :Burnfield: his bl`U1hC'l :.l' 'l`nI-nnh '\l |('m-rm: r ]~;.uvI:-V; Burncld of Edgzu nrovmg mcoly. Vi.~;i1m'.< nnfield versidc Bnvrir-. with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. lrnfield: Isaac Minor ur Flns. with | ; brother. Jus. Millvrz I)n|l_\' S}hi-ls` ']`m'nnto. with hm` si: l\.`Ir~;. .-h.-m`: l-`.~:.wI.-v-1\m- mm ' ~c nnl I Sunerior COFFEE-- 1/ ll, - 1 II I\LlCX2\NlH'-Ill S0li(`i1m' fur nl wilis. ;:u:n'ml1:m::| lion. ('.vIwrul Sn VOW` (`V I'll` 1 Clark's Cooked Spaghetti, 16 oz. tin. |\u_yuI I Uln PEACH JAM with n -411: Pectin Standard GOLDEN WAX BEANS-- 4... QUAKER OATS-- f\ .I , , Royal York DITAPIJ IAI. vvrn 2'5 \ \Jr1 I .1` Quick or regular. Large pkg. . . . . . m*` ~,.~-.,...,.`,,4,.,.-, -, .' ` Poriilg Beans 2 `?..`L" 11 WI-II.(3Il. ANIPI-Zl{H().\f N ('()Ml`!\NY - L'hu1".-I-I .A\:-.~mxnlunl::. l`|'m:l:-u::, nlr (`I'n.\'n l.i1'1- Hid!` 5!} \'nIIL'l' SARJEANT CO., Barrie FRED NESS, Stroud UTOPIA FLOUR MILLS W. AKERS, Churchill an `/2 lb. tins . MARMALADE:=z- 23 n-us YEAR FEED Master Chick Starter ztins 17 GINGER SNAPS 2 lbs. 25c CROSSED FISH SARDINES l3c: m'c _\'<>u (mlcr st:u'ti11g' food anywhere, try and an 1'zu1g`e to soc chicks in _\'<>ur I()c;11il_v hcing` fed Mzlstcz` (ihick S.t,:1rtcr. '|'11c11c i11;md let us show you tho fccd itscll". H isLI11i1`<>1`111lygrzllullzlr in texture, 11ci1hcrcn;1rsc us` fi11c.(,'jl1icks c2111`tsm'l it mrcr<>rw:1s1ci1, they cut it rc:nlil_\;' just. :15 it iP1'()\'iLlL`L1 :111d;:;c1 :1 h:11;u1ccdrzllicm. Feed 1'c.s`111ts21rc built 1`ig`ht i111uM:1stcrC11ick Stzlrtcr, s()yo11c;111 dupclul 1111 it l()gi\1 C _\"()lll'C]1iCkS tl1crig`11t st':u't. l5cc2111;<.c M:1stc1`(?l1ick Stztrtcr cn111':1i11s n1m'c n :111dh;1I;u1ccd t`<)()dv:11uc 1112111ot11c1'stz1rti11gfccdsit 1';1iscr~2 l1CHC1`cl1icks. CHEF OR CAMPBELL S (iI'}(). R. AND l".l..`ll'2 A. BURNS--1 (Int.-win l.i4-1~I|-.`|- (`hm-nnrzu-tit`, Dslvn-` 11 S. IRL l'(.`.\'l}.lH(.'(|. Muslcokn Munuzipal Association is protesting a;',nin.x`t the tax of from $5 up on all bum house sites. J. B. Bmxmm has been appointed as'- I sessor for r`:1y Township. He gets $250 and pays his own postage. (Wri Q cu-Hnnl nnnrlnnr-n hnu . FANCY SOCKEYE EGBERT ROYAL YORK ORANGE 7| IUI lb. The Ace in the pack of starting feeds. i"E`7b~ 35c nnvl vvnun 32 oz. jar 1 nor Sl.` ` Mr. and Mrs`. , with fr1ond.~:. ; r uuuu :1`- \x'(wk \\'hih- ml in from u! uruu lmmllv :11" wk which on- |<-H lhurv ru- \1I1\lI hm l'nInul I. (), Nt'\\'1n\ S l'n\\'l sumwr. (il'}(). R. AND l';l..`$ll'} A. ISUICNH--' Ontnrin 1.i<-vn:;u:_ tflurnplmrliu, ()slc0- ' , ntimy, I\'l:Issagu_ l~`nm :ul_'n1stnumts_1 ll:-vim, llyuru, Hndiumc, Mzxglxetiuzy and Sun Lrcntn unis. Diet and Hmnu` 'l`lwI'upy. H:\lv:: 1*:-mznxmhlu. 82A Dnnlnp St. I`).-mw 405. *` ""j_-"- 2 tins jar31C 24c 19c 10c zusu [ruin Au DWIIODB on Lanes mcucateu IIDOVG To NORTH BAY and ALL STATIONS on line of TEMISKAMING & NORTHERN ONTARIO RLY. and NIPISSING CENTRAL RLY. and beyond CQCHRANE to KAPUSKASING and HEARS1`. Also to Parry Sound, Ardbeg, Key Jct., Pickerel River, Burwrmh, ` Sudbury, Cnpreol, Westree, Gogamu/I`1'onagn, Foleyet, Obu, Hornepnyne, `; rLonglnc,1'I-Inrdrockr_TGeruldton,TJellicoe. (1Sturge0n River Gold Ficldn) 1 Sn` mum-.1 .1 um: /up I-`urn `I1 . brlx Rrmm I {min nnrl I`m.*.. I..I.\....,.:.',... A ..|. r.... u.....n.:u - ..... .u- mun u .4 4. IN]!!! rurn. 1 u/ma. l\('llU7ll..l"lI!.S,(17llI 1 ram Injnrnnumu. Ask (or Hnndhill 1 Mu: ECANADIAN NATIONAL III:-IIIIIII `nil all OI! To, From, 01 Between A|| Station: on the Linefrom AURORA Io SOUTH RIVER A with MEAFORD, M|DL>/KND, PENETANG BRANCHES. Also from All Stafibngbif Linea indicated above To 'l\TD'l"H DAV nnrl AI 1' Q'l"A'1`l(`nu(`_` ..... l:_.. -1` rnuxxrorr A nnvun EENT. Items for March 21-22-23 hm: Mar` 35 `53 9E| owfrlwf A MILE (N OXYDOL Large I 'l'HlI.l'l'l' 50 \l Cake tr\4 nnuvvu \ g-.--.uu 5\/\Il| J\vlVl.l \.nnu 1' nunun; /4:7 /mm.` . `Iii: k'I'.. l\ c!xarriLt'1ri;isL;znd Train In/nrmulirm. Ask for Hnndhill |-L--Q- 1I-j-g--:-- Mvdium Largo: I L` . . :1 l:1r;zc :1`. :1 (li.k'pcr.~':|l sulv : Hm! which ;.{:|1l1m'- E. C`. \VhH-5:i(l(~1n `I. smnw ml` the fnrm-' .' .~:t:nlm| that tho lust wn sum-h :1 rmwrl at J. N, (::'L-(`nit-vs: suhl '|'|\n1 4|. 21c umnunum rnrca : nuun. lac; unnu 4U<:;) MARCH 29 and 30 .. All ca. :.........u.- I :....t _ AIIDADA IL III-IIJI`3 II"Il' IIHIIV (Minimum Fnrea: Adult 75c; Child 40-;) I-ll 83 __A-I 0'53 . \llL'l'H|l` HUHI I ago, Thu! lh('| and l'l|lIi|>n1l`H[ |)o_\'mu.l (lrmht. the fi1.5uro.-4 at `ulrl. The hul'S- ..lu.uy ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES limum Adult 75:2: (`Juihl Am--x CHARCOAL] 2 Bags 25c J. u L; x \,n.. .- Large 21A tins Fancy BLUE ROSF. RICE ....... 2 lbs. 3`.'o'r': PUMPKlN_ uni . W. D. l\!.'!'.'x'i`.'!Kl.\'. 1"uI\er'.\l Director and Elnb:lln`.Pr. .-\ml\ul:mn`u Sm-\'icv.`. Phnm` 43.1. l.m~.ux. l`lou1`. 21' dw- Iired. (`ma Mzn'_v and Elunbelh Sts. IUIIC I uu J. C. 'g_3_1,T121xf|gxf_1ENs J. W. CHEESMAN Phone 158 I IN /5: I-an-Inn-unto: Phone your news items In 223. Mrs. H. '1`. Uni , writ:-~x Dr.Wil|iams' I uvuc IV1 F. VY`: DOBSON nl-A w.';f."'i7iS."1iR1s unr- `/2 lb. pkgs. yellow label Brown label .-.V._-V.A ....................... ...V.._.-_-.----1 ...................... -- PROFES ONAL D ECRSRY P.` _i_'_EE'A:ijvs Eaed` 'u \/l I III VII Phone 14 ---n a pm.- vvs n.r\/AJLJ Phone 854 Innis!- \&I-ll_AlVII'II Phone 164 i\l\II\rh. I II! IIl'1l\I hone 295 u Ii`II\ SALADA TEA 511.41 l|\\ V Phone 12 llmvsul .\'I v lm Orillin ' '1.-nu-n 7.1 Pug: Flve 27 31 c 15: Thursday. March 21, 1935 l*Il)\\'l.` \\'ll..\`().\'.. 1`.\`.:\.. D.O.. `.::i.-:tm'u- (,\. (`a king: Black. urn-in '1`.\!.-nh.n\.x '!.1"\ nu... ()I'|C\' U." \ .\.\l) NH`-il'!' 17 KH`t.Iht'Ih st. : l'hum- `B114 ` `cu `g. v.-..--v.-- `us v V`..~'L`IMh|u`d Dll`-91 Fl"NF){.-\!. lI(h'F("l`()RS AND l".)ll.\l..\lI".R.\` OPEN DAY AND NXGHT Motor ambulance In curmctlon BARRIE. 0N'l`.--l`ll0Nl-I 82 G()lumN l.()N(:M.\N. Bu` ic1tur_ Nmanjv, EH`. I\lum` Masonic 'l`mnplv Hui|rlnw G cc P. C. LLOYD FUNERAL DIRECTOR ANL`? i-`.MBAl..MER ,l'.\Ll'H llH!I' III! I p.m.. zmcl _t'u: n CI|ll{()l'l{./\C'l`l(l u .I\<':'nunI:1n1: '11 Lift` l3l(l1.','., I), DISTRICT NEWS -...........,..,...l 'n Cmnwil will ask thei wt,-rnnmmt to a.s`.'a'um(.- 11} wrlinn of rt.-Ii0l' e.\:pundi- UHHTII S :uundr'rl cl'fv(:t .\. Tnlu . 1' vlHI`V :'lII( ' the other \':\N. Bun`ister. mu: prulmlv M" and :1(lxmnisLx':1- nr Nnl:n-\' ('nn. g:-')U EIHU [)il_Y.`? HIS U\'\'H [)U.\'LiI[.L'. OriIHn's .<:r-hon] n11.end:.1ncc has been Zl(!(`l(!(l during the past two months` hv mnhrt-uks nf (:hiuk(.-npox. r\..:n:.. rru.. rv. ..v ...:n . on.-xi G. \'vu~rm:n`mn `. 4:! Bu_\'I'1c1d St. Ir, Nnl:n'y, L.un- ' won 81. Ivlu.-mniv . Mum-_v tn hm: ! RON. Uur1'i.~:tcr.~'.. , 5 ()\\'vn Street. nv In l.n:In unrrx: `nmlv nu. ISH. ] Hos rm relief.` The co.~:l, Mi mry was $323._ .; ChZl1'[.',(}. I has been re- 1'5: In.~:|i1utn in NI whilo duv- ni Hun.-n 'r`hn I IHSH `I whil [hr-rt and ` Hun. n rIu',x'zImrn1: l whereby I U-l`.V-ll . lll'l_'l`; I). ll. lvlrmnm). M Harris. II:n`r_v Lirmt'_`.' and H. C. F or. nxo('ulivc.<. P(-xwlunmnishont: (~mInr`iI. alum iunt in favor of <.-nrn]')1Il.~;m'_v \':1r'(: 4 Linn. has (lot-irlvrl tn pmvirlv I'.'nr`il 1 for v:u':.'inatinn and .'u'l\'m-:1tn.< it. }.I. M. Nvttlt,-tun. I\/1.0,! . stlutvs Iluwn is: :||)nu1 rluv I'm` :mnIlu-r |.1.\.~.:,. Ar .-.~.~..Il....v 'l)R. I-`RICH .t\. ROSS (F()l'lhl lhrs. Ru.~:.< 8; Russ). Lulu ::Lxr::a-u vinlist with the Imperial Arn "<*;1r:4. C`.0ncral Sur;v,v1'.\' and 1 .5`, 14!) Dunlop SL. Barri:-. '1` - ` \'l("l`()Rl:\N 0Rl)l`IR 0|" .'l'lL\!-I . ` 5 (Barrie Brmwh). Well Balxy Clinic : ` [rum `.3 to 5 u'('lm`k v\'-:r)' l"1'id:1)' Ap. `nlia-:Ih'nn fur nu-\n\'< -n,-nv hn S--` \}I'HI|El lU\\ Prnvimrizll (Ir. ;{r(-.'I1vI` p|`n[)n hurl- mrenaeu. Kathleen Si!k, three-yem--old cinu ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Silk Jr.. iMntchedash, had three of the tendons Int` her right hand :=evorcd while- `playing with an axe at her home. John Mullin. 73-year-old fish po(1~ (Her and lifetime resir1ent,nfCn]Iinq- wtmd. cnllnpxt-rt on the main street! last week and died from :1 h(-.'u't zit- tack before medical aid could be summoned. v Y`l-no nu-nhlnnn nf nv-nvirtinrr nr1rU.! Huntsville Board 01' 'I'1'ade, which has a membemhip of about 100. plans to conduct :1 vigorous rrampnign for |t;uris1s, and a new booklet is being; 1 issued. Alliunm hnuniful hm`: lhn huuirxcf and \'ml_1n. man 33. Barrm. Ont. . i ISSLIOCL Alliston hospital had the husir\.`:t lmonth in its eight ycary histrn`_\' in F`ebrum'_v. It is only a 25-bed hos`- pitnl. but at times 28 patients were attended. I(-ulnlnnn Gill: H-n-nr\.vr*-tn-_nlr1 rlnn ! snmmnnea. : I The problem of providing addi-I Qtionnl accommndmjnn for publi- [.<:cl'm0I pupils in Owen Suun wiil be s at the April meeting of H10 Board of Education. A new .<:l'hIm1 I is smgxzz-slerl. nrillin Rrmrrl of Firluvntinn hm: DIES. I.I'l"l`LE & Ll'I"l`l.E, Phykzicians ! and Surgeons.-Bm~rie. Omcc and 1{.<:sl 1i(l.-nce, 47 Maple Avv. (Hfivv huurs: 4 ll l.u1!p.m.. '7 to!) p.m.. or lu_\' uppmn1~ muuxut. A. T. Littlt-. M.D., W. L`. 1.n-| `H0 M H Phnno {HR 1 rs !~`ll_1L'E'S1C. . Orillia Board of Erlucntinn `shelved. until next mnnth. a mniinn ('xpr(::=sim.{ oppnsilinn to (`h:1l1L{(*:` in lthe Assessment Art whivh 1ni;:h1 [have the effect of divor1in;: 1:1:-((314 tr: I sectarian school.-4. -n . an n ,,,u ;n r\,'II:,. uni. Ia`. u.'1`l ILNISUI ;('.ill 1`hi\ (`I`.\'lI_V. Mm Wvsulvncv-- -(`ma I".|i;- . fun! ::lrce1s. Phone W). III -1 vn 1&1 n In ; n-om `.5 to n u ` plimtinn for _ mudv direct < phmw H38. .~-uxuu nun .u...-1...... ii Perm` M('Dermntt, 40. Orillin. wnv .fmmd guilty of illegal pns. of liquor and given the choivv of :1 $100 fine or three months in the mum: qsml, by M.'1gi.<;tr.'11c Bick. H0 is rmv.` in mm] in Barrie. Officers of Orillin Life Unrlm'\-:ri1- it-rs` /\.x'2~'r)(-intinn for 1935 are: Ce)x'L'r` L Lyons. prosirlt-nl: D. B. }[(`.'I|l"_'v', vice-pvt-sident: H. C. Dnvisnn. .x'r~(,-rm 12.:-v.1:-(~n D, H, M('N>1hh. A. (`.' Ull'L'. Sir T"rr`rIr~ri<-k T .::n1in AIIi.s'tnn`:4 rno.-:1. fmnnur; SUI]. hu-; hnvn r-lerrtc-(.1 tn the Fellowship of the Tlnynl Sr>('i('t5' n1 Englnmi. Dnnnhnnvv Qnuvn rnnnr-il vnfnrl cnnn ll(]V\'H I5 EIIJIHII `NIL llll nllllll lrlemic of smznllmux. | A Service ml` VVilI1(-.95." six |ti`.ns'c rc(`m1tL\' hold in I`nrm\1 iht-:11 nnrl Hamilton. will he Drilli:1 . \rmu1'ic-.<, Aprii H). T!` V fun in unnnuruw-rl hv 1h!` ininf r `DR. W. A. LEWIS, Sur;4er_v and Dix- o.-Ises nf Wnmcn. Assnc1.'Ht' L`uruxu-r County nf Simcue. l`hum: U1`. UITl('(:, 58 Collier St. Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.140-2., ` 6.30 8 p.m. I I nu. N. W. Ic(N' 1:5. 1' `Surgeon. Assm'iu1<- (`ur of Sinwuo. OH i(-0 and Maury St. Phnno I0]. UK. \\'.`\l.'l`l'JK IIJVUUIDI `Sll(`(`(`.\`.\'01' to tho Into 1) I [hm \\'1H be at Q1wvn`:: H v\m'\' Sumrdalv. S :x.m., :JESSII`} R. BRYS()N.'l`t`aL`hL`I` of l".. `()ru-nu .\`inn'nn- and :\H 'I`l\mu-`n1 `\}l`lIIHl n`\l'II|Ul I|'S, f\}HH IHl' 3* I've is sp by 1hv jnint com um nl` lhv (.'hlll`(`h`S for tho (`VIII izmion of Czmurlzl. (fnllimzwnryrl (`m|n('i1 has In mnn::ly rloc-i(lnr1 rt:gn1'rlin,s-.` lhe ( whm'c- :lh|(`-hlIfIi('l l mr-n :1('(-vptiw lie!` and rnfu.:in;4' to work. to :1 by ihc I'<-;:uln1inn.~' 241-! by Hw ( (-rum!-nt to (`2IH('(`l the vrnxvhr-I'.< :n`r(~st 1ho r)f1't-nrlovac. Orlillin l)l`ZlHl`h u|' tho F`(~rh- f`..n.... !|u|.. Ill, \'.......r '-\';1V1\ DR. N. M. LAIIRII-2. '..M.(7.(?.. I`l1y.~'.-; iciun, S[)('(?iiIHSl in (li. uf chil-` `(lr(.-n, internal nmedivinv and mmnr; |:~'.ln';:ery. Offi<'n and 1'Cs1ck_~m:o. 3!} Owen St. Phmua 487. DR. W. R. I. LUKE-l)ll. 1 |I`I_Vv, E211`. Nose an}! 'I`hmn , lV.1(~(!u-z1>l Arts Blxlldnmz. '1 |Hv ufhcc: 45 l'Ili'/.:Ilu\th .` ;1-lnxy 'l`lmut.ro). Phmw `h.nn'~.-` "nrl :|n1l-Uh Quin `DR. (il'Z()lc(il~I (`. in-iam and Slxruvm `xx-..~.-;.. m....... 1 .Vl.~\)'ut;I-; Mt`.-\l LI-:1. :\. l .31.. H vhor of Puma and '1`honr_v. (irgam `St. George's Church. 115 Bn_vx'~.cId : UI Ealllilll. Penot:m;,' town council voted $900. to the fire |n'iu,::rlr- I'm' 1.15 in. of paying: rhvm 1l(`('l)l'(Hll`.', 1n ntt(-nd- 1 nnnn nl I`lv:..~ LLOYD Tl`!-`FORD. O1`;:;u1is! Cnlixcl` St. United Church. 'I`u.`:whor M` Finn-`. Organ. Voice. 39 Owen St. Phnnv 2:1`: Subscribe to Tho Fxaminor get all the news while it i; new: IUIIHJJ, \.l>ll`$|`|'\'5lllVl` L-llllJ.\' IIEIS |)('K'll 'om'unniz(-d fur the cnmin_z: f(.~rl(-ml 'nn1pniL:n. with R0(`\ (` Wilbur (`mmp\ . II. N. SMl'l`ll. M.l).. } h_\'.\`i(`ilH an ur:,runn. Offim-. Owon St. (furmc v ucxrllpied by Dr. 1.. J. Simpsm (.`Si(1k`Xl(?L`. 144 I\'Iup1v .`\\`<`. Phuuo Tl 'l'lH.'1ILl'L`|. 1-'nmu- 11: n'<: '. .ml and 4111 Sulur(l::_ nth, 3 tn 7 p.n1. . I). E. IEIR. Tv:\('lwr of 1~ i:mn ` 'in1in. Piano Tuner. Phone 6141- ` urrin Ont, ! MUSIC m:sso.\'_s- `s sex-\'m-.< ough duvtn ml: and I. Olco lu : p.HL HE FEL1fv%M1%SERABLE AFTER MEALS illll.'l.' ill. III'l'\'. Allis.-1.un Wcsk-y Unit:-rl Church mist.-(I $3,546 in I.`).".4. which was brnught up to .':`.4,f; 7 ( by a:onh'ihutinn.; from nl'fiH:umrl l)ndi(`!:. Mcufnrd is :u:lr.im; lhv (`)m,n1'io W01-| fare Board In :nmn'nvr- :1 pm1{rnmn1te nf numb hm Il\rI ...u...`r.l...n.,l ...l.n.-1.1.! The trozmnom which put this man rigl1t must surely be worth tr_vi'ng in every case 01' 1'ncli_-.:os2i0n. Read what } hrs cnv l \ \v"(. mm-h petite, I1 :. ,.l.- FICHI. .\ |l'l`H(l H(l\'l.`~'L`(I HM.` LU Ll,`y I(1'us:I'wn Salts. I did so. and I am most happy In l(>.sIiI'y that after :1 `;I':m'I. Hm" I I'('II the :.','\`O.'11C$l rcIiI`l'. I cnnlinlu.-d taking: I(rusch(-n till I felt n1yscll` quite better and a new man. I feel as Iighl.~hearIe(I as I did twenty ,vr-arr: nLzn."--W. B. What Kruschon did for him it will rln for o\'o1'_\'hnrIy else who : (`mm i11rIiy,5r.n as he did. The l'a('1 | is that the little (Iuily rim-e" of Kru-: :~:(~h(n first s1imllI.'l':(`S tho flow of` g`:Istri(: juices to air] (Iigr.-slinn. and than ('I1Fll!`(`S :2 (.'<)n1pIL-to, 1'e;.zuI:n' ' nlirninznfinn n(' .'III . | Geo. Cheesman Heads `Stayner Business Men I * ---- `* I Acute Indigestion Relieved by Kruschen rm... ... ....4 u.:,. .-.....i UHHIIIIHE (`IIXFIIIHII I mutter over ' day. years ago I suffered very mm indigestion. lnss of ap- unrl n n'1nu1 un\vnv'n nnin in vnv (A(Ivcrisemen,,I 1 1i A ill I ght h.'m1s and p1'0f(\ssi<)naI :15; :1 (`l'(`f]i( bureau. the 1 will be 10 koop mom nlmm inrli\'idun1.< to n.'(l\'is.'1bI0 to extend rmbr,-r of the L`.\1('hZ`uLL(` or! with :1 list of mmd I :~Ivu0nn1nrL~ FQIANK lI.~\.\l.\IONn_ lcxtmf. ch`. '.\l;l~-"um' 'l'z' Bi'|l`l'l1!. NluIu`_\' lu Lu: I'l'lll'L H1\l,"ZlH',ill(l > illin :11 tho In-p,ixmim.' ~ hr-on 1':-tired. Many iHIl1(`(I {mm 1110 li:~:L- 1`e('ci\'im.', relief 1'01" I who were not omit- ~lIllll\.'l.\. > Cuuncil has pm- wn 10 :1 complain`. nation of market . ;.,_.....~,.m.I : items to 223. .. ...,., ..,.- me pain in my my smmnch. - after meals. v nnnniifn (`nu- Essa Tp. Will Financel Warble Fly Campaign Essa Council held their regular meeting in Thornton on March 5, with all members present. The l'olln\-sing n(-counts weuc ord- ered paid: D. H. Col:-man, hospital .'xc('nunl, $57.88: .1. H. Bell. wnod rm` Gen. Hicks. $6.00: relic!` a(:c0unt. Goo. Seller 38.16. J. Delzmvy $7.00, J. Ed- n':'n- an cu:nn- rnllsaf in-nnnnf n,| DCll(!T .).lU. -J. lJL`llll1(`_\' .`,1l.UU, -J. L'.U'l gm` $1.50. $16.66: relief account. H! Misozlmpbc-ll. $4.00`. W. J. Dempsler, in date. $4.00: 'I`ns. Essa share \`. 0l`k W/I`. Line. $:'S).3; C. Arnold, .-ma ozann nun H.-Imo 1 cl-unnn in \'.'(|l'K \`\'.l. 111118. . v. (\l'HUlLl. 1 Sh`(':p injured. $5.00. C.N.R.. ticket 2'01` \V. Vin('ov1l, $4.()5: E. Miller.-val- uhxn ;|1nnuv\ (1 RH T\/Inn-.24-u'n.,'l \l7nv<]r-1 l" IlL'.\'L \.`..`UH lemplnymenl 7: AAA z~:. -`.1D.J(1. F`. A. 1.ns}1I0j.'. Agriculiuml Repre- sentative. attended the meming in the int:-1-o.<.t.x' uf the Warhle Fly cum- pnign. A mminn by VVilkin.<;on and B:mtin_Lr was passed that this Cmmml _: l'in:m(.-(2 the Warble Fly Campaign. The C101-k was inslructed to write the Deputy Minister nl' IIigh\v:1_v.< and ask him to send :1 1'c-p1'(rs0mn`.i\'r_> in nr-\'I {`nnnniI nsnniinxr vn 1hr: un- I)UNC.*\N F`. 'M(`('U.'\I(i. cessor to (`x`v::\\'i*l:x- .\`~ P (er. S)li`itm', No. KW :1 R053: lurk. l\:n`r'n`.

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