Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1935, p. 3

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IB-)lrIDUIOllClL I CU`! A weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of the Town of Barrie and the surrounding country. Issued It the Post Office Square, Barrie, every Thursday, by J. A. MacLaren (editor) and W. C. Walla kmunager`. owners and publishers. The Barrie Examiner is a ` member of The Canadian Weekly Newspapers Asso- 1 clauon and of Class A Weeklies. 1 nvvng-nnrnmcnuo Os . pun.- lllill SllIl|I' l'|w |)ir-l 1-vvr will . Ll'I|'I1\' llll l4||.`-` n |m|it'_\' in ISIIIL . l: il Hu- mlurimg ....m I... \\'lHI|ll rinhi Ihnn Cfhe of NOVA SCOTIA tn the mixer 10 lhrnugh lhvir fullwr! and second cuusin.-4 lhruuuh lhuir nmlhcr. Writer's first rnnsin mur- rics her Mon-dzulghu-r. tlluso two urn- first cousins. 'I`huy hnvu 5 vhilclrun; these 5 children are s(-x.-m1d (-mlsin.-; In tho writer. 4 of the 5 are murriwl and have ('hi1(h'un. l`h<-ir vhildru-n tncrufurc wuuhl be third vuu.~.'ins tn hm` and would lw fnurlh mm.-;In:~; 1n the \\'ritvr'.~: rhilrln-n mu! l'il'lh ('ull.\`- line.` In hm` L'_I`Illl(l(`IIi|(ll`(`ll. 'l`hu-_v sm- fiflh cousins on unv .~;i of thv fum- ily. n.. H... nlhnr ..:.a.. raw r. IIV. ()n the nihcr side 'l`lws- fir.-:1 .) vhilrlrvn nf Hn-irs urv nlsn first vam- ins In 1hr 10 of In-r huslunml's sislu-1". vhildrt-n. Hut mo of H10 10 ln2ll`l`il`.`i n (l.1lu4Im-r of lhv wrilms lm.-zluuul. 'I`hi. is :1 ('n.~u- uf first (`Ull.N ilI.\' lll:ll`|')'- hm. 'l`|n-_v had 5 ('|1il(h`(-I1. 'l'h1'.\'\` 5 vhilxln-n .~: mnthor would he :1 half saisler n! this wrih-r .-: 5 1-hilrlrvu. 'l`hv writc-r's rhllcln-n m:urr_\' mul h:n\'- vhiltln-n. 'l`|n-.~:(- ;',r:1IuI1'I|iI(lI'-H .'n't'} l'ir.~4! t'u1l.\'ill.\' In lhv ullu-I` 5. Hull -1 ml` the nlhor 5 mzlrry um! hum` vhllxlrvn um! tlu-xv vhildrvn urv :m t`|u.~;(- :1: _\'ml mm (`NH ii to .\`l'(`(Il|ll v In lhv HM`I' vhiltlrvn lw':Il1: In .~:l.'|rl with, HM-ir p:II'-Ills uml p,r:|Inl|mr:~nl:. wu-ro nnl_\' hull re" u-rs zunl Imzlln-1'.~+. Ynur.< ::im-vrnly. :HlI.'InI,v 13:1) , II'III'lI |l|, "My fnlln-I".-4 l l1nslunul':~' xi-.-lvr. .I .... 1Ill ll. "NI)' lmslmml hm! 51-\'mu t-lnlalr wlwn I mnrrIr~ him. Wc lI:|\':- Ii` My l'.'|Ih-I":.` fnwullu-r's' ultlu-sl :. m:n'ri-(I my |m.~:lnnul'.-.- .~;-mun! 1('1'. 'I'lu-y lnul fivv vlxildn-n. | "Nnw four 0! |hu:4:- l'|Ill4ll`(`lI 2` m:n`x'i<-(l murl h;n\u- vlnhlrx-n. 'l'ln `nf my r'hi|(lI't-n :ul:m lmvv ('hIIlII`I`H Whul I1-luliulu nrv Hu~:.- 4~h1||ra- Wu mnmul fi1{m'onu| lmw \\':-: 1`<-lulu-cl." If cnndilinns (ln nut shn\\' m.'n'l the end 0!` the current _v-:n'. ll will I the Town ('.'umu'il and all llu- ullwr 1 mg bodies In maxko sunw lrusliv n-lr it would be well fur mum in km-p lhi H1-rt` in fvrrc-:1 In: N n I`-.1 of Irrnlwlu--_v. lull int:-Hi;_n-nl fur:--i;_'hl rt-nluins an innlmrhml u-Irnu-nl nf |nu-im-~~ |n'a'li~c-. l"rc-Inn-nl|'\' it i- lhr ulnlnlimnliml nf past 4-\p-rio-Ila-r In lhv }H'HlIl!`lll~ nf lu- Innrrms . Fur lhi.- 'I`|u- Hunk Hf \mu .*~nli.': lll(H`l`l)\V. with nu-r an q-'nlur\' uf .~11'`a-~~{u:| lo;mkiu;_' rxpt-ric.-Ilcju pt).-M`-~('.-6 unusual 4-quipnn-nl. THI". I)|H'l \\'|` fulurv HEN he was :1 young mun he lmu;!,ht his first Life Insurance Policy. As his eurnilus increased he added other policies. l)urin;.f, the yenrs when his children were young he felt secure in the protection prnvided hy his insurance. Now that they are grown, he hus retired frmn business and, as :1 result of his systematic thrift, enjoys an assured income. Tllcrc is nothing cmnpnruhlc (0 life inslwuncc us 11 means to financial security Ihruuglmul life. I HEAD OFFICE [I111 MANt_I1=Ac'rU13ERs LIFE His Savings of Years Ago Support Him T 0-day OVER A CE.\"I'I.`RY OF B.\.\'Kl.\'G SI-LR\`l(.'k.' The Pnwlcu "hazing" in which :1 student at the Uni- versity of Alborm was soriuusI_\' injured has already cost the prm'im'o of Alberta S-%8.TU1.45. This is an ex- pensive lessmm against a foolish practice but u wxll be an effective one. 1 1832 Branch Office: U'nrM-u'i4It'furi/iIir'< in rt:-rA\' d('[)(lI`!lIu'Ill ujlmn/. i/1;, Foreslq/zf . . J/\(`K` I\`1t'('U/\l('?. `VII IM. ---: `a-.uA_las\I INSURANCE COMPANY 7I'\f\L vvv IlE|\ I' In :-. 5` mull ~;1-('n|Hl(l:Ill)(|I~ niltlrn-n Ilslublis/Jed I88 7 u un III lLIl|llII|l 'w". J. WALKER District Manager : Bank of Toronto B|dg., Barrie w I uu/u vuu As a means of hastonim: the mil:-cnnn of tax :11`- rears. the village of Bunnxsvxllo recently published a complete list of ratepayers in arrears together wnh the amounts owing. Answering protests. the Reeve stated he had been advised that the village was within us THE CANADIAN HALL or FAME `E. . I` ._ __A.. uuvcw yr Dr. Churlc.-4 I). (L Roberts. pm-L luun-ut.c or (human. A ;.-,1-nun mun, of gt-utlc mien. a gentle mmmur mu! :1 (tuft, gentle much to turn the king`.-4 Emglbsh Into (:11.-waulc-.~: of uuldcn vur.~tc. Hu'.`i in (lm:Lm' 01' luws und u.n xwmymujur. _ __ I.I. l I Illy IIIKIJUIX 1.1.~;u-nod to " th In-nrl. of the wood bu- Iorc '1`ur'/.un h ud been dn-tuned ulmut um! hu.-s known wvll l.lu-, hl`lll'l nl lnlnlzlnlty (`V(`l` .-ilnmr. hu- Wl`H,l:.`i nut. Im- hu luIn||I Wl'lll'.`i HUI: I)("` cuu.~u.- hu ought. m` ('()llll1 or slmnld, but Im- vnu.-u.* l.lu- I`:-t-ls tho llI'|.',l'. llu nrmhml<-(I the mml:-rn unl- mnl Hl()I'_V. ll:-'.-4 u |,-n-uL-;;|'un(l- fullmr mu! (lm-:sI|`l. slmw IL. Hm 1-lnl,lu'.~'. urn (lurk um! wn-ll-worn, hut. Wl`-kl'])l.. Hv l,ln`nw:s uwuy UH: lu-y In hi:a hmnv, whu-lhu-r ll. lw H ::lml\|m "-.-lmlln" nr .. ulnnv-I nnrll nc-nr l"I'l'(lt'I'l1'l-'.llm, N. 13.. hr` 1:; :.:--n nlu--n-1' in Ollnwii. lmuhm. Nu-w `York, 'l'urnnl.o l\'.l'l'l`l':IHHll Ir; (`In-5:` |)|:a~.l|ml,1nu l'l'lHI|lu: "|mlp" 1n:w.::7.I1n-.-5 Ov- mmullnn nmklnyz, u pnk:-r hunt! aim: :.llv<-r rm1n(l:`l:ny`s l.ll(,' l(l'y H) H|.`i llllll`, l)<- u :+Iml)l)y ".`i[lllI)" np:n'l.m-nI,_ u.-; mun : 11., lH~: I'I'l|-Inl-: llln` 11,. um ll'|l`ll(l.`i H mm. Hv buildra .-slilc-:; In Iln)':s nml would my HllUl`ll.'i 11)!` UN` wnl Ho think.-; n dun 1:; 11 I'll! l ('()\V. Hnrn In-: m u... I.lBER_'.l'Y"S `Thursday. March 21. 1935 -__._.._...- . mnumy .-nuum m` u HIIIIH rl.m-nI,. me In: l,nk-:4 His frlt-ml.-s nmvu in with 1935 run.` I TORONTO, CANADA |(':|l' l"l'l`(h'I'lt'l-'.lHIl_ -vn () 'l'u m vlu-:~':~.. l)|:a.~.l| "Innln" an .~|llrjt'4'l ;:sl'I|<-:; In-1|) ('rl|mlvd vnuhl |n'n|u- buying ' wnlf nl. UH` door. :1 thin I-.- nu lrhnl nl nl jnl) |)l`IlllinH. I Hi. uw unnr. .-.mm- kind 0! Page TIIl'O_O '|`|lURSl).A\Y, MARCII \\'.-\'|'llx`\\'( WKS l l\`( )} l'l`S EDITORIAL NOTES EDIIQRIXK THE TAX RA'l`l3 Ealahushed 1864 -_-_ .I_.._A_,I ., .- nu-nun -nu u. y-uau :1 vv ccnnnua. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ` Anywhere in Canada. $2.00 a year; in United States. 1 $2.50 a year, pnynblc in advance. Single copies. 5 cent: ; xight \ ll11|)l`()\ (`ln(`Ill Ivy ll will lw xw<'v.~:s:n'_\' for l municipal sp(-n(l- nmv dl`u.\'li(' n-Irmuvlmwnls. Aml hmn this in mind. $;30()0 lmzhvr 1 ,. 7 . ., ........` . .. of thv ;,:vnumI I ... dopu rt m --\ : well be I reduced to a nominal cased to the extent of f 35500 was lurnozl and this your $1600 vurpusv. In 1.034 thv nvn to $l13(\3.1l but ..` 1 Profits. Thu` (`um- \' h_\'drz1m.< in half s \\'m`v I:n`;:0l_\` put ` I and vxtvns_i of n and. at the sznnn ntmn. 'I`horo \\'vru - vxpvnditurvs {nr mld bx` nblv B`m'ric's tax rate is fifty mills, the l1l;.:hc-st. in the his- tory of the town. But even at this llguru. the pro- cceds of the levy, which will actually llnd their Wily into the Town culfors. will be zupprnximutoly $40,000 short of meeting the estimated cxp('n(li|ur('s. Reeve Robertson, Chairman of Finzmco. ntlmits that the 1935 budget is not :1 bulum-1-(1 um-. to the extent n .. . .. . . .. I035 n in 1935. My- v. tn (hv wu- This xwuvv-~ u.u.. au\..uu.. . A buyer asked a printer for a quotation on some printing. and the printer quoted $52." ran an item in a weekly letter sent out by W. A. Meeks, niana1.:er of the Typothetae of Philadelphia. Inc. The buyer ask- ed: `Can you make a profit at that fi1,:ure`." The print- er an:4wer(`(i. `No I can't make my actual cost at that figure. 'I`he buyer said: `Well, make the priee $(i1.5().' The printer almost fainted. This was something new. " l`he buyer continued: `I am firmly convinced that l)u::iness will never be what it should be until every legitimate firm is making a profit on its sales. I have made up my mind that I will do no more 'ehi. If the other fellow makes a profit in hi.-4 bnsiiiess he can afford to buy more goods from me---and pay for them. From now on I expect those frmn whom I buy to make a profit. That is my way of helpinju, to bring back pro.~'.perity."' This experiem-e actually happened to one of the members of the Typothetae of Philadelphia, says l`he Salmon Arm ()h. 'l`he only thing that has been cliamzed is the t`i;,'ures_ but the riifference in the |)l`ll`\`.\` quoted is exactly the same pei'ccnta;.:e of (lifference as in the original figure. Is this man .~ Is his thinking right`? You can buy and sell at lower than cost prices. but then even the buyer can hope for only a teinporary gain. lv`.\'ent- nally his act will come back to him. hecznise .\'()lllt`ilU\\ chickens come home to roost." ` , ` rights in inking suvh action. [I will lw int(-rv.~'lin1.: In learn wht.-Hwr ur nut the publicity Inns (ho l effect in spcudim: up puyxm-nts. The editor of The lllvnhvim Nv\vs'l`I`il)\x|w (In to locate 11 book {ruin his lihr:u'_v_ "I-`..\'v:m-rs All", was luzmvd an ft-w \vvvlcs ugu. 'l`lml n:nm- might. : to many books bm'm\vo(l. Tummy (`hurt-h. M.I`.. usunlly t.'1lk.~: pretty fair lmr.~:- S('nS(`. but when he il(l\'()(`illt`.\' tho t`SY:ll)|i.\l1Ill(`l1l of u nnlitmnl |).'u`k in Muskukzn ho is nttvrin;.: nmm-n.-u-. !\l1,:nnquin Park. with its `. .,50() square mih-:4 of -'ll'L`Il (lnttod with lunmlrvds of lakes and rivers has nmrv In nffor than any park that muhl hv made in Muskok:u. Husitlvs hvim: (I finv gzunv pr(%sv1`vL' it. is :m idvul spent fur a summer \':u'ntiun nwur to nntura-`s ha-zu't". A vitizon tells Tho Exmninur that at man .`~`(`t'kilH . ht-lp to cut :1 fvw (`outs of wund Inst wot-k ut`t`<-rt- thv jnh tn :1 st'nrv of idle men on tho .\`lt`l`L`t in H2lI`l`iL` zmvt was turned down in ova-ry instance. the men t1p1):ll't`I)l~ ly .s'cnrnim,' to cut \voud. In ('il.\ (`.\' such as this. an 1-tl turt should he made to .\`('('lll`l` tho nzunvs nt` thv l!1l`Il. Tlmsv who I`(`fll.\'(` wurk whom it is oft`:-H-(1 tn tln-In lmvu no right to expect rcliof and should not be gin-n .5 |I\|I\l\ ll.` IIll|l\'.`k'll. I IIl'| I" town of Il:u'1u- today .~:(`nx`vs of pvnplo who h.'I\'u' I lwrv . !h0 nrgznni/.vd nf l`t`]ll` llI1dl`l`tlk(`H. For [[1050 tho I`zl1opayvl's of (his have had in pa)` nut 41 gum! den! of mum-y for tlwy should have had no ul)li[.,:llinl1. Lnsl. \\-`(wk lh(`l`l` was I`(`(`('i\ (`(l from thv l)nminin.x Prvss ("lippin.u .\_umu~_v 2| b.'ntvl1 of .\`mm- 700 vlippinm of items taken from 'l`h(' F..\':IIni1\m` whivh hurl hm-n r('prncl11('u`d by dz1iliv:< and \vm-kli(-5 in 1-\'(-ry pm\`imw- of lhv Dnminiun and in Nt-wfuun(ll:Ind. Sul).~:(.'|'ilw1`s along lhv Pvnclum: Road will be ilm-H-s(-(l In knnw that the article which fuund a place in lh-~ \V<-slum Star of Curling. Nowfmlmzmd. \\'u:< nnc ru- ft-rI'inp: in thv vxpvI'ixm'nl.'\l pi(`('(` of 5:111 mud |n:l dnwn :11 Crown Hill. Such :1 wi(ivsprv.'1 rvpm(luvlin:n of nrliclvs lhul h:1\'(- am):-:n'vd in our vulmnns .\hn\\'~' how Tho I<`.x:1n1invr helps to kn-op Harrie bt-l`m`u lhv })L`0[)l1` of Cunzulzl. of the uncnlleclnblc tnxes. less the $1,()()() allowed fur this item. In the Inst twn years only 80 per cent of the taxes huve been culleete(l and (`ul- lcctlons will not, improve with :1 hipzhvr rate. This will mean that the ('l.\`ll yield of the levy will he only 40 mills insteml of 50 mills. As only $11,907.12 is pro- vlded for refunding hank Iuzms_ \Vlll('l1 Reeve l{nber|- son slated to lmve been $l23,()(l0 at the end of 1934. there does not seem much pI`n:'pe(`l of the l`m\'I\`.s' lln- nnces showing any improvement. all the end M the current year. I_. ..l 1.... , urn -.. . . . . . _.. . Norfolk cmmly muncil :11 its lust suusinn pns. '1 resolution pmtoslimz against the regulations whim-h state that thv municipality whvru an intlividunl r.-- quirim: rolivf is residing on Svplvmhor I is the mu lhat must pmvidv for thn: pvr: The prnla-. Is {inn-l_\'. No xntnnivipznlity should he ('nmp(-llvd In pru- \'idv rvliof fur pvrsnn.< who h:l\'t` bx-vn n~.~'i(lvm wilhm i1sl>numi.< fur lvss {him :1 _\`L`-'Il`. E\'t'n lhvn llu-rv wnuld luv m:1n_\' uL)l'uir hur(l<'ns ilmm: Thvrv :m- 111 `inn-n nf Hm.- .,. 0. .. . oarnimz." If I lief burdvns will not be 1 slnggostvd in in Ontario. HA Lildlll _VUul L'dl_\ |u|l Ul DUHIUHIIIXK lllill H ('10 I\`l' musici` Unul the radio works itself out of _the public mind, heaven help music of any sort. I Buyer Quits Chiselihg OPINIONS OF OTHERS ~ (I1-.~ . .. . - .-. ...a , AIIH . \!`l`.\RE.\'Tl.\' lH)l~T.\`.\"'l l mm. (Cowichnn. B.C.. Lender) TIIOSE _... . -... _, - In striking a lllly-mill rzilv inslt.-ml of one sull'i('i1-nl in balance the hurlgol. tho Cuuncil it-ll six mills In hv :1 big incr(`nso zmtl that 50 mills was all lhc rulvp.'iycr:-`. could slnntl al, the pruxt-nt limo. Ilvovv Robertson is hopeful nf having :1 h_vlnw suhmiltctl tn the people in December to pruvitlu fur the is.s'm\ of Shin`! lorm (lu- b.cnturcs with which ln take up lhv hunk in(lobtcdmrss. During the lime prnpusorl for such (l(.~l)onlm'o:< nth:-r bonded intlt-l)lr*(lnvss will ho st\n(lil_v (ll-wmsiiigx, is- sues expiring within the next eight years which take 6% mills of lhi.-'. yo;Ir's lovy. Dunn .. .. . ` ()\\'\'FR.\`llll' .\.\'l) \- . ' years lmfnru some suvh n1ollmcl.< n~< i ish Columbia will lmvc to be ildoplvrl I l|lTl'll lllKlIR.\` C\\1HIl<\\\ ]u`\\}vh` .4. ..v..\. .. (`T l.0\'l-T R.\lll() l`0l.ITl(`.< nplt` lV1Ih` I", lhul . amply , ...` ....\..u... .- ).{:|\ (` his n:um- t Hit` 7 _y.....w nun uuuuuli Red Rivvr rmlnlry pr.'Iiriv.< fur bx-ynnd. 'l`lu- _i lhv Hod nml Ilw :\.s': hm-n l'1`('n;:I|I/,(`(l :1: u slrzxl as t-nrly as I738 \\'|Il`ll l..'I ` hull! :1 furl n. '11` I! c : _,.... . .. ._,. The Council duos woll to put the lvvy lor relief as n sopnrnlc item on the lnx bill. This will show the tax- payers just what this is costing lhvm zuul. it is to In- hoped. will do ::on1(`tl1im?, to make l'(`(`ipi(`l)l.\` of rvlivf realize what :1 hurdvn llwso oxpvnditurvs are placing upon the I1lXp&l_V(`l':~'. many of whom urv litllv. if any. better provided for than some of those whom they nrc helping In support. uh l'.|II_y .x>. nmu \\'lIl`ll l.:I \'x-1'1 hull! :1 furl m-.'xr|_\' Hui il \\ Imlil lhv 1m~r;;4-1' of will hzul cm! In the rivalry of Ihv NnI`1 and llml: Hay (`nmpzmia lhv 0l`i_L:iHil| Fm`! (}.'n'r_\' \\'.'::: ( in that V1-:u'. 'l'hi.-< \\';|:< of wm in 133 (i (im/K-rum` (`ln'i. .. . `I .-.|..~9 o;..I ..:....... UllI|\lIlIH.\. l|Il'Il' \' qu:n'lx-rs mu! I)l(`::>: rla-rl~'..< um! \\'m`knu-n. .. .....- nu Inn of tho lhul.~'un`>' ji-f6nT:gJ;3*;g.spoar 9 M An: 4111- A. non .-grain 5"`T`.3RTE5b75a1sPb{i`T`/7? ``% - ,;,1~`.noM. .::SEA:aT0 _` E5 \rI -{Lt `,`,".f" '3! "T" ', .`.`l`_'`" "?_; ._ ' .:g _. ` Nil-lmI:|.~: THE BAIIIIIIE I'2XAMINl'2Il, I$l\Il.ll.ll`2. 0N'I'.. CANADA ()I.l) I"(H{'l` (i.\l{IK\' ~: (22:x'r_v, :1 (lira.-Inn ilb H\\'l1 U l%.'x_v (`ump;m_\`. whu ]9""' {WI ,ll.\ I'lll'L`l`l' _ j:zlnn_:4 nlm :u.~: |u~:nd(u1:nI'lvI's In!` > ,-,,H 1`, 1-,. and llnuinlmhilznul: Inl 'l`ln. In - I (luv I111 ! \\'hi<'h I'm` V('Il' .\Il'l'] lmil(lin;,' TIM` furl, Tho rnntontiun of tho ':u'kt-t and 'l`in1o.~' is smuui and might lw nppltml with equal thrvo tn the situ- ation in Barrie. [)1-hcnttm-s isstwtl fut` tho ptxrclulsv of the Barrie \\'ntvr\\'ork.< plant. whirh rv(1ui1`od an un- nuul pnymvnt or $5-137.13, v.\`pi1't`d in 1928. In 1930 the Wntcr. l.u:ht and (Ins (`nmnu.~'.\'im1 turnvd (\\`(`l` to the Town Cuuncil the sum of $4000 t`rnm profits mission Inter cut tho rental for new Fm` tho next two _vc:u'.~'. thv prufus back into the plant for rvplu<`L-xm~ut mains tn ixupruvv the (irv })l`\\h`\`lIUH time. holp tho um-xuplnymvnt situntmu. also. in rvvvnt _\'\`.'|l`.~'. vnu.~'ulm';xh|v rL`m`wal nfsu1`\'1ct` vmutvctltms pt'vp;u`;1tur_\' tn p.'\\'utm`nt c0n::tr\u`tim\. `.:l.\`l _\'r;u` Ihv sum of S.'\00 turned 0\'l`l` to rvlivn` ttw gmuwnl tux rate this S1600 has [won pt`muL~'vd for thv SIIIIH` p11t`pusv. nnnunl dvlwut1u'v (`hil!`}:t`S \\'vn~ dmvu tlwso will bl` dmlhhwl IS'.H.3l1T` thts _\'o.'u` owing tn the nvw isstu` fur the 1`v.<:~t'\'n1r. n ll \\'il.`\ HUI` I put unfl 'Nn|'1h \Vn~. P|\.\'>`lLH_V 1 break. "IlIX, Ill llIl.' IUII \\'|||l'll \\'Jl.\ fm` ' r(\.\'i1I<'!1('v Hf lhv ~:nI`l.\ hm] I}:1i\'l'l`lIlIl'.\' uf I\/Izlnitnlm. _._ ._...: __.._..._?_.- : Some Thinkabouts it |l:n'k.~:milh. v:n'1u-nlvr and Ul('I' l`zIl<-mm-I1. llnlil 1lu- 1-ml t-I` it.-. in 1'.``.! it \\':u:: vmulmrtxul :1lnI)_:_'_ .'1llllu:l mililury lixws; |)1'I1.~ l':lI1}.`,1tIl`\'}.:ll|iIlt'lhvtlzlily |il':- ul' Hu- inlmhilzmls. '|'lu- mmlwil ml t\.\'Silli4 huin nu-I llu-rv umil lmm, wlm-II 1uu~||~ .--nu II... nl .: ........I.- ..I' II... A legal investment for Trust Funds 5100. and Upward: Accepted for Terms or 5 Years. Unconditional/y Guaranteed The II`.-n . THE STERLING _TRUSTS CO RPORATI ON TORONTO ...- ..-.,,...,, ....,,,,`.... In prcpm`im.: their e.s'1in1.'I1us, lhv 'l`uwn (`nunvil has done c(msidm`nblc pnrim: and the 'l'rozl. has been given nutlmrily to n'f11.~:(- in pay .'u'cunnl.~: in ox:-oss -.>f nppruprinlinns. This is guml lmsim\s.<. Not only slmulxl colnmittot-5 not (\x('(-mi their :1llow.'nm-v. hut lhx-_\' should end:-nvnr In km-p within them as mun-h as p(i:~'- siblo. on GUARANTEED 7 TRUST 0 CERTIFICATES THE I1) Ilil\'(` .`wl'l\'l'(l mltlilimu lhnt w ngs. laid hurl/.u |.\u4.I|\.n- 0.. II I the greatest -unnn r.-uunou I|'I. HI 1- fu. ml ! of 5 in Hu- ll ll||' Il'nII| hi` nl'l'i('i.'Il Ii<'lll('lI:|lll-I "II I.` |l 1". Chri 1 blind ` ......-I a. . 'l`u The Editor of The I-Ixumincr. l')vm' SiI'.- Yunr nft prnvvn inlur- vsl in unfnrlunulu vhiltlrcn (-n(-nur- zmos mv In ask for space for the {ul- lu\\'in;.;: Sn lwm-.~<.s':I1'_\' um! mnmm-n(l- ulnlu urv llwy. Ihul it wnuld lav dif- l`iL-ull In say and do tun mm-h in pl`ili.\`\` ur Iwlp of stwh ilmlilulimm us l|u- lIn.~'pil:1l for Sivk ('hillrx-n, and thv (`rippled (`hi!r|rvn's Fmlndzllinn ..r nun iI n.~.u 'l`.n-nnln i-: nuunuli-ul 5 I 1 |lll' L l'l|l[)|\'(l L HHlIIl'HS I'UlIll(HllllHll uf 'l`urnntu. But it i:: t-sst-ntinl that \w- dig (t('(`|)I`l' zmd gm fnrthvr hark than they Dtl:-.\'il)l_\' mm. It has hm-n rzztirl that to m:1I'.u tho In-st spovinwn nl` thv |)h_\'St(`:|| nncl nmrnl mun. ho- ::in with the urt-ztt ;:rnn l'tm iniquitia-.-s at` th- f:1thvr.~' .-ehull ho` \'i. on tho chilctn-n. 1-tr." Elim- tIl. 1t.h>l1 of 1II('(>hl)Hl' liqu suvinl xti: and tuls:wt~u.<. 'h'0-nntzll l`t':l.\Ul|.`-i for so m:m_\' uf H'.\`l` unt'm'- ttmuto ('llHtll`l`ll'S t-ululilic-n.~'.. wrmhl I... .. ~ .|.O (:~1l`l.`~iL.\'. pr Nu lln-sm In-gin .\`unwwh1*r(- nunr lhv 1I|::(-an PH-vvnliml is In-llv u-urv." Snnu-mw has said "A I` Hlv lup of n px`o-ipix-v is n In: u-I`I'm-lI\'n~ llmn u lmspilznl at (In l"ulun- y,1-m-rznlium: lH'I'll llm I`:-luvs` lmilrlinv, Iw (hum-. '1'! rill. .. I. plnnl lm\'in;.: horn paid, l`(`li(.`\'ill].: tho \\'illl`l`\\ |)l'k.\' plant of an zmnuzil vnpiml L'li;ii';,11~ ur $6.820, the Puckvt and Thnu:< ('miloml:: that there shunid be :1 hvnv_y cut in the clinrgu for hydrants as at least. 50 per cont. of the capital (-xpvii(iimi'v had been ziscribod to fire protection and Him` liyrlmiil rental fixed zi('vordiiu:l_\. A further rvnsmi is _|!i\`l`llZ 'I`hv tux nn \'.'u`.'im land in Orillizi has lwvuiiiv u wvll nigh intnlvrublv burdvn. {Ind is dvlrimvnlnlly :ifl`vvliii1.: rvnl osiailo. Nnw. Inn-1 dues nut Iiuvd fin` pmlm'li H is lhv buil(lin;:.< nnlv that bviwfit. If thv hulk of tin` rust of :`ll|)[\l_\ lll1.{ lin- wulvr for firvs is lvvii-Ll H1l`0\l),.`h thv \\'ill(`l` rates it will fall upun Hm prupvr . I The last of the dvlwiilim-.< fur the Urillizi plllnpiH`,.', l l||llnI|(.' |'IllI1I|l'I|.`\ |'I)II1l|lIlll|.`I. thu- In-ll:-x` fun In! llu-f llml 'l'lw with n hmlu-n piniun lI('\ l'l' .~:u:n` rm In/4|: .'u:uin." SiIu'u.~|'(-l_\' _\'uu|'.-.', I 'l' I lll nu-rnnur HI I \\<..n|l like to ('un](- If n.'Il`l'i(` I I'll. ll \ El \'l'l In I`l'(|ll1`l' llw tax I znul 4, mills in 1! old rule hurl hm-n lhv |:n::l lhrvv yvu :||).\IIlll1l'|y nu m-<-1 (lIi.~1 \'vu In allu- . ..l' 0'`! IIICMOVI . I'll]-I-NATAI. (TAIISI-IS IIIUIIIQIL l:\'l'l'Z UNAVUII)/\lH.I'I 'l`n 'l`|u- l~`.lilnr ul` 'l`lu- l`Ix.'nnim-1`. I):-:n' Sir; l l(`:1.-;v nlluw mu .-1.'u'<' In n-ply ln'i(-ll) In n "'l"mp.'n_\'1-1"` rv J,;|I`rlim: I|u- pruynu.-.1-I ||l;.',|u-r Inx rnlv. MI`. 'l`:n.\')m.vx-r u.-zks` Wlml is ,vnin;z In |n'1'n!ll(.` of |Lu'I'n-',"' I-1 r4~p|_v I lumw what will Im- ounu... ..l' FL. .. II` II... ...a .. ` (.'unmIu (.bns! 7.'m:.~'! In HIV HI mllu II` high ns $7300 p|';wln'.'\lI_\' :5 drum n`nt:1!s, paid out tm'wurks dopnrlnu-m. last the (`ash the \\`;m`1`\\`m'ks give h)`dr:ml .~'\'1'\`u`v M. still be $1000 to NH` ;.:nm' of punk dotwnlun\ 1\:1_\ xm~ As is poimod out by th

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