Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Mar 1935, p. 3

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Speaking at the Kiwanis Club recently. Reeve H. (l. Robertson, Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Town Council, intimated that Barrie might ex- pect n fifty-mill tux rule for the next few years. Tluis would mean an increase of six mills over last year's ...........I:A.....\.. .... ...|..u "nun ul.-n-uh. nurcd spm1.~ihi|i1_\ -1 dilhcnll timo.< Inn gnmt. runs! it ul mu SilK`t`l`(` \\`i.~'h . nlTili:uum.<. Hv. '2mcur pl`v\` in C`ln1ld;\ in ._.. . .--.-. `K .u~ -. \|\I\\\A.< C;n\-sor now thu second leading cznxsu of death. bving second only to heart discasv. and much g:`1'u:nu1' nxcnar.` than tube1'culnsi.<. lhv prevention and check of whwh has cost Inilliuns of dollars. If funds were zlvznlabh` for early diaagxxosis and trcannent. many thousands cf lives might bv s.-wed. m.,, u n v . . . ..u . .. 1933- an ulnrlnim: incwusc. is is nm\' :1 This splendid movement to bnttlu sl_rongl_\' suppnrwd. su 1h:u 1'oscarch on and an :\doqu;\!c number of clir and treatment xnuy be esmblishcd i 1!: IT (T()l`l.l> HI-I 1)().\l A Minnesota editor momlizcs thuslyz If we could all switch business all the way round for just one week IlJVJu Estimating: relief expenditures on what has already been paid this year, tour mills will be required to take care of Barrie's slmre of the cost. Prnvisimi will also have to be macle fur some reduction in the lame bank overdraft. it` Reeve ltnl)erts0n`s plan wt` envering it l)_s an issue of debentures is not approved. It is not likely that the bank would be satisfied with less than two mills for this purpnse. 'I`hese lwn items make the six mills. based upon the full levy being; enlleetecl. But -`ll-' only 80 per (rent. of the taxes was enlleeted in I934, it would be bad husim-ss to strike a levy withnut mak- ing a fair allnwam,-e for unenlleetetl taxes. Last year on a levy of $2l8,lti3, about $4tl.00(l remained unpaid at the end ml` Deeeniber. Even with the appreeialml cut made by the HU:Il`(l of l*`.(lueatinn. amt ether eeunv)- mies the Council may effeet. there shnuhl not. be less than one mill levied lnwartls the deficit (hie tn short Collections. No one wants tn see a high tax rate, yet it is a most mistaken pnliey tn levy helow requirements. In l93.". the rate was cut it mills and a reduction at 41,`; mills was made in l.`)1lIl. Frmn the manner in which the ev- erc|ral't, has piled up, it. be apparent. tn an_v thniuzhttul person that these reductions were not justifierl. Unrler-|e\'_vin;,' is but pnsl.pnnltt1.'.` the evil 4!... Al... I ...\ll|..u must, ......I ._-..I.:.... r:.. I ..II 11... |......I.... Thursday, March 14, 1935 .--_._.-.-_.:.:. In (in fund. n bo:u`in_::. :1 wvll known I" long and luml THE ' EARRIE EXAMINER 'l'l|Ul(8l)/\Y, MARCH 1-1, 1055 TIIE R/\'l`l Wl|.l. HIE lll(}H : |Il|\`1 .1. .r . EDITORIAL Established 1864 A weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of the Town of Barrie and the surrounding country. issued at the` Post Office Square, Barrie, every Thursday. by J. A. MacLar6n (editor) and W. C. Walls (manager. owners and publishers. The Barrie Examiner is a member 01! The Canadian Weekly Newspapers Asso- ciation and 0! Class A Weeklies. ovvtnervnvnmlnxr D A VFDQ HM` ,. . . 111110 `cl;\_\'od. 9 clinics for diagnosis established in Czmada. .\\lNl.\"l`l:`lx"S ll.|3 illm~ss l.\' mm l\o.'wily upon :1 mam ,< nu ruum fur pvlly p:n`t_\' pnliluux. l`rimv l\linislv1'. Rt. Hon. R. H. .`1'in.u (`nun :1 clnt of bluod on the ;m.\u'ty throughout thv lvnglh I':u't that Mr. llonnvtt has l:1l)~ during; thv past full!` 01' tim- h:\.~' dune. ttw tt`t-nwlututm l`(`- `HE thv l)uminim1 in cxtrontoty |_\' luv that thv strain has bo~.`n ` in lhvir um{(~rtul zmrl 1 :uhnini.~'trutinn slrluzglim; I I vm1.~'vqncnl big hunk uvmw t nm-o:~'si1_\' fur a<'tinn that vxt`u.<.\`i\'1- lmrvlvn ro.~`tiI\:1 of what political w of his labmuxx \ \ admitted that vuluuu nuu 11:. \.aIuua 4; u u.\.uu SUBSCRIPTION R'ATES Anywhere in Canada, $2.00 :1 year; in United States. $2.50 a year, payable in advance. Single copies. 5 cent: NIESS we d be a lot more sympathetic or the other fellow's problems and know a lot more than we do at present about the cause of his shortcomings and of his appar- ent failures. Let the banker sell prunes, the grocer pull teeth. the dentist run a garage, the garage man edit the paper. the editor run the bank-that`s the big- gest jump of any of them-~for just six little work days and we'd all have our eyes so wide open to what the others are up against that we would never have the courage to criticize. nor be Linsyim)atlietic again. Then it` the whole eabooclle of us were to move on various farms and operate them for another six (lays each. we'd all be so wise and unclerstantling that the peace and harmony prevailing would make this little old community just about the best. place in the \.\'()l`l(I to live. It can't be done, of course, but we could take the thou;.{ht to ourselves that we rlon`t know anything about the other man's job. and concede that for all we know he is handling it in good shape. Sumo pr.-nplo who are .'u-(~||st.mn(` to paying from 40 to 50 mills of municipal taxation may wnnttor why 'I`nr0ntr> protests S!) loudly nw.-1' 21 rate nt` 34.5 mills. In c(nnp:n'in1.,' city and town rates, it should be bnrnc In mind that the local impr(>v0In(\nt tuxus are nnwh hC1lVt(,`l` in tho vily and the b:1.~ wt :lSSt.`SStn(`lll, 21:; :1 rule. is higher than in the towns. It is HUI M1011 :1 hnrti(.'ultu1':1l St)(5i('ly rv('(.-i\ro.~: 511:-h puI)li(-il._y :15 was uivvn in tho Stziynvr m`u:111ix:1tin11 in the Slnyner Sun. :1 special sot-tim1 of 11110 iSSll(' 01' that p:1p(-1' being (l('\'0l(`rl In the \w)rk uf lhv H()(`i('l._Y uml h01'licull.ur(e 111 ;.:o11m':1l. f)n11l)Hos.-: thv :s`llC(?CS.\' :1ul1iv\'- ed by D1`. R. E. Ives, nmv 1'0(:ug11i7.(-ri :15 mm mi` ()1:- l,:11`in`.~: I1-ndim: ;.:l:1 ;,'1'4>\v<-1`s. has sli111nl:1l1-(I Sim - rmr int:-r(\sl i11 f|m`i(`11H11rt`. /\H0r the fiiw l)nn.~:1, uivvn by lhv Sun, 1111- Sl:1ynm' szociely .~:l1uuld have :1 l'(.`L'()l`(i mcm|)(_`1'ship this your. mnns 5'72 lvvvl hi[.{ll\Vll_V ('l'().\':aill1.{.`~2 huvu ht-vn i-Ins:- 469 of thom Imving box.-n vlnsmi with lhv aid of mm- tributimis from the SD(_'('i.'l] milwuy p_ mrl1- ('l`().\'.\'illl`_ fund. It. is inl.t-i`oslim4, flll`Ul(`l`, In nniv tliul. dm'in1,: tlw five yvnrs SH ovvrheml hi;:h\v:zys. HM crnssim: sub- \Wl_V.\`. 25 wiiz-wnu si;.zn:1ls, 201 hull and wip,-wni; : nuls and 3!) (`l(`(?ll'i(` bolls \V(`l`(` built. All this il])|)l'li\'<'- mcnl, has mid:-d to tho Sal`:-ty of lrnvt-|lin;:. Inn` tlwrv is slill rnnm fur mm-h further work of thin ll !- llll`(`. On Hw C.I .I{. In-:11` 1VIIlll'.\`l, fm` 1-xzllimlv. \vlivm- lhvrv hn\r(.- boon suvvrul bud l(T('i(U'l1l.\' in rvconl. yvzirs ill cmssim.{s on Ilii.:l1w:1y.x' No. 26 and 27. l\(:('m'din1.: to ro<~nr(ls produced in Hw Ilmlsu of (Inm- or P1`mnim' Itophiwn tins hintmi that. :1 nnit'm'm imrmnv tax for thv prnvimtc may ht! Slli)Siiiilli(!(i fur the pm`- sont, "tin(h,'(--pn(|;.:v" int" munii'ip:1| intrnmv tax. If this I'.'1(`-`lH.\' that tlw munix-ipul iH(?l)ln(.` tux bu Ill-'l(il' (`UIHA pulsnry in all inuni('ip.'ilitivs and nt in iiiiithrm i':1t<~, it i:. :1 (`iHll)L!l` muvh tn bu rtc.~4ii'u(t. Hut it" it mv:u1.~4 l.h:iI UH.` Prnvin(.'(- |)rnpu.s'(!s tn lvvy this tux tin` its own ll.\.' und deprive the iminicipnlitios of this .~:nurm- mt` rov- cnuv ttwrv slmutct hv strung protest tmm Hit? mmiivi- pzilitios. With the heavy burden of relief to mi'i`y, thv llllllliCi[).'liilt('.\` are lnnkim: in thv iznvurmm,-nt t'm' mur- S()lll`('t`.\` nt` t (`V(`I1ll(` in.s`ti-mt nl` boini: (i(`.|)t i\'(`(i mt Stllll" t,hv_V now huvv. Ul1(il.`l` tho |)l'(_`.\'(`tll systvin thv tux is culloctmt nt :1 minimum of L`.\'D(`l).\`(` \vt1m'(-us it wnuI rmiuirv :1 big stutt` nt` officials in iliilltt` this rvvmuw intu prnvimriut L-nft'ei'.<. A fenluro of tho II_v(lx'u`.~: Qllvhvrr pmvur turn" that slrikvs nnv Hr: p(ruuli.'11' is Hull :1 unit'm`m 1`: $15 pm` h.p., \V.'lS L:l1.'I1`L:1.-(I. no mull:-r whnl Hu- :4. nl` pmvcr or (:)st of (lvvulupnu.-nt. Then: is nu 01 kIm\vin;,: lhv L`Xl(`l 1-ms! M` !h(- p)u\vvr frnn (intimvlu. 1\1u('lnn-n-Qm-lwr nr Hv.'1uh:mmi.s' 1-ur ius, hul {hr Ilydrn (.`unnnissinn km-w uxzwliy lhv ()lln\vu V:1llv_\' pmvvr vusl in-ruuxsv this plan built by Hm H_vdru-Eh-('lriu I`n\\'m' C`u|HII1i.<.~:i( ()nt.'lrin. umh-r thv (iiI'(!(`ti:m uf its nwn 1-x1;,'ix1m-1': iho Quvlwv hull" (urm.-(I over In lhv pm-vm-r mm :11 must. Thv II.I*I.1'.('. km`\\' that H vnsl mIl_\' $13.3 h.p. in ;1<`I|m':1t<- this pmvvx`, yo! it vxxlvnwl inn :1 tvrm vnnlr:u't at $15 pm` 11.1). H::\'in;.: (h'|'Inilv Ii as to vnsl. Hw (`mnlnissimx \\`L\' in :1 |m. In -a lI'II'tl I......u..:.. I...4 :.. .1 .1 :. H, , , I ~.....v -v\I\ nu ` ..,.,. l`Ilcc1riL` l`m\'vr (`mm .\'|l0l'l.D Rl<`.\'l.\'f. .\ll`.\'l(`lI .\l. 'I`.\ ..In.. n...v... - _.u.n.-..\.... u....\. ..._,...,, ... ..... clay and making thv final sel.tlun10nl. all the hurtlvr upon lhuso who have to pay. OPINIONS OF BTHERS EDITORIAL NO{ES .\`(`(Yl'.\' I-`(Hi Ql' :\l.l'l'\' nun.-.| \...... \ I . .' :n'nnis (-nmpzm V whni * plant xvzur rV.,,,.:, . `H1X`(`L` l1l`\\' pl`: `Ontario and `were given :1 @9015 J M-. v$E.A T0 gSE' -';i517",j;_> ">'_% V'.`-."1{ rev-' 9-rz; 1` 'l`l:I BARkll lCX.1\MlNI'}l. ll/\llllll 2. 0N'l`.. CANADA L1 l"l'lH\JL' E4U\\dl third reading ; r-~:.< ( The 5 uvnp : !`lHL)l)l.\'(i I -l{I.\K. ` .-\1` SALE l.\' I- 'l`lll3 lHI|\ l)l3.\IS (H: Mlif\}l(Ill ,-\l.l'l`ll3S In an cdilnrizul in which it zulvnvntos :1 rvvisinn nl' Hw whole syslonx of Immicipnl llnnncv. lhu Orillin l .'u'kvl, nncl Times cnntvncls that (rilic-:4 and towns: must (`illmr be given now smu'(-(`.< nf rvvonuo or he rolivvml uf some of lhv r<~spnv1sil)iIili(-:4 l:Ii(l upun lhvm in rec:-nl years in an extent fur ;J_'l'l`Zl|`l`|` than Hu-ir tux slr1u.'t1m.- can carry. ml. Over` 500 ion sale ut` \!.amm.o.. .< \\'il.\' SUIG` \\. -I. H'\\lH OI \\ 3 bought Whiteside`.< farm a ., wise. possession in the near `. .l Rl('l"\ HIGH |.\'\' \ 'rn\.'\-_~un HHH wm .'<(nH'l l)l pmhll-m whl (`It-I-p (`4H]('('l' (`l'HH'](-'.`? h::` I! u.M 6| llll . (h)H.'l1'H : All .-4. WHEN A BIT OF HUSTLING HAS SHORTENED YOUR TRIP . . ._ AND YOU'LL BE HOME WELL AHEAD OF SCHEDULE. Share the pleasure with the folks at home. Call them on Long Distance. .Long Distance takes care of little things as well as big. The cost is trifling. You can talk 100 miles or so for as little as 30 cc-ms. See the rates in the front pages of your directory. THE .. .\ With lhv ;:n\`m`nn1vn1.< vx wlurinz w I which lhvy mu)" pu.<.~'ih|_\` svx'111'u l'(`\'(`l C\'(`I'-;u'n\vim; Iwvd.< ii is that ou.s'_\' In 2: dilinnul l'1nul.< for lhv lnlll1iI`i|)&lHlit`.\`.' But the xml_\' \\':\y In find out i.-:11: tr; MAIL MONEY SAFE-LY When you are sending money by mail, U'.l! 0 Royal Bank Money Ol(lI!I'. ll givns eve: y advanluge of sufnly and conv<:nir,nw:u lr) bolh sender and rec--iv`:-r. Money ()v-`la-I-. may he bought ul any l`.runI:h of Thr`: lB<`ml and are issued in dollars or in pounds. A. A. SMITH M.m.:grr Page Three ._,. Throu stlpmr-slinm for mnjnr om.-r:IIiun:< nrv : ed by tho I`n(`kui nnrl 'I`inw.x`: (1) 'l`h.'1l Fmlvrul and Provincial (iu\'vrnn1(~nl..s' :1ss1um- lhv wlmlv rust of re- llef, the prvsonl :u'r:lng`cn1onl. undvr which snmv mun- icipalities ll`l' H-('oivin,-,' I00 pm` (-0111. while l)iht`l`S am- forced in pay 25 pm` cvnt. of lhv actual nulluy and NH` whnlo ms! of :1(hninislr:1lium hving <-nnsidvrutl most. unfair". 12> ()vurh:n1lim:' of the whulv (`(illCilii()l]-`ll system, cnlnrgin;,' the scope of public solmnls and in sccond:u'y .'~'('hnnl>' mnkinxz pupils i)('l0\\' u 60 per (1-nl. standard pay fur lhvir svhnnlin;.': also lmvim: 1h<- Dv- pzu't.mm1l of l~2dn('.'1lim1 .'l.\`Slln1(` 50 per ronl. of tho cos! 0[.s(`(.'0nd:u`_v v(lu('.'1linn. (3) Witlvninu lhv h:1.~:v uf municipal taxation. thus l)rin;:ing greater revenues in the muni(`ipuliti1-s and :1l'fnrdin1.: rm-livf in tho mvm-rs uf roul vslnto which ho.'n'.< lhv mujm` purl M the tzxxm: and pm('li(':|ll_v nll lhnsc required to pl`n\'id(`. unonr ploymont rolivl`. A 4.. . u... _. l"". A cnnsidvrutinn nl` lhv munivipul silunlinn tln'nu;,'hm|I Hm province slunxvs` hmv gzrout is tho nmwl nI' smn.` stmnu nvlinn In (`.'l.\'(` 1110 lax |)lll'(ll`ll nl` lndn)`. forty nmnivipnlilivs .'n'v hunlcrupl um! :1 number nl` nlhors nro luttm'in;: on the brink. When we we ln\vI1.~' that hnvv l)0(`n x'nn.~:vrv:1li\w l`(`lH0ll&ll)l_\' (`:u'vl'uI in lhvir with lu':w_v tux ;1rrour.< zuul drafts. it slmxvs thv lll'}It`l\f will brim: rvliof from lhv upon the nmnicipnliliv.-:. nun. Smut- n_. ,,. , u .- 1 i \ 1 i l Tlllf |`|x`lMl? Wlwn llw hum! of i in puhhv lifv. Ilwrv 1: TIM` il|nv.~4:: n|' lhv Bvm\vH. who 1:: suH\~ heart. has urm1. and hn~.'ui1h' or (`mm

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