Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Mar 1935, p. 14

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may Olllyl. ul- Mrs. J. Rmzers has been seriously ill for over :1 month. Miss L. l!uyli.~:s is recovering nice- ly from :1 recent illness`. J. D. Wisdom lms bc-en laid up with the flu since Snmlzny. Miss Ilene Full and brother Bert were in l`rmmln over Sunday. nu... .. I. ..r r:II:.... 4|... (`rd 1`) I... ullluncu allu I [call Fillets . . . . . . . 17c lb. Spareribs, fresh . . 13c lb. P.M. Cottage Rolls, 18c lb. I`l("l I I l'II\l II vr-nu: ARTJ. BRENNAN - ..... ..w--...a- ----..,, -.._ -... [SH and POULTRY Fresh and Cured Meats PLEASE ORDER EARLY Satisfaction guaranteed 1-7 Essa Rd. : Phone 5g 'i'liE ililitilz EXAMINER. BAII. mm. bANAbA 1~[ .ri(l- (-uh-x'i:1in(-r1 n num- A'iL`_hI)r)l`.-' zmrl ullwr frivonds 1 4. l`|u- ('\ ('lliH_L{ \NzIs spent nag. Mr. NI(-Brirlx- is quitting and has rented his farm to --nwI.`.< A.<.s'u(-inlinn mt-l rm nl l\/lr.~;_ .lu.~:. W:-1|lun's with H:-n Aft:-r the meet- mr \\'.1.~: .~:vr\'r- by 1110 host- GRENFEL |)('n[)|<' |'rnn'\ In Orxllul lu rhl vnung.-_ _]n-nplv t' n}1.:lut In -1'_\' (-n>|uy.'1|)l- \'Vl'l'KH VIFII H] Il)I`HHY(). The reuul:n' mooring of the ().R.(.' will ho holrl tm Mnrvh 17l,h :11, 2.30 p.m. in the Truinm(`n's Hall. TX-~ and -1.. .....I I:uI._ mu,-`lxy is vis- . |"I'(-rl (.`rn\v- I 0|` Ivy is Mrs. /\|l(-n S|H'l|l HM` w'()()(l YIUb[JllllI l.|ll.IltIIl_V nu. Thos. Soeley and l'.'unil_v lmvv n er! into the vzu-unt hnu:u- on Be;-l|nmy':~: farm fur llw pr:-31-nl` 12`.-nnul Du-nurn i< hnuinu :1 mm! her. Mr. L Brown Inrm.` It is snnwl Fred Wnndwn1'd is quite ill l'n|lmv- in ' nn nltnck of `flu. hrs. Melvin Wlls:nnis in ('n|Iin;,- wood hosplinl (.'l`ilI('EIH_V ill. nvl-..-m Qnnlnv null 0': nihr |\:.\u- nun/.. |I1(.'lHlHl_y rs lulu: nu nur pnr.~u*|||` v Ernct Brawn js hm/in;4 _n s:n|- ul farm (:ITO(`lS am] 1:: }nuv1nL: lulu .`s'(ny ` nmx Mr. Cmrns Is nmvmu In Hu- Ul'0\VH Hl|`lH. It is snowing nt I and this will be \Vl'] us` lhero are many .~ lyinr in the wmnds. A ox. M1-Murrnv : the wands. 1 Aox. M1-Murrny nml his: hmllu-rl I"r(rd of (`amp Bmwlvn \vt-r( - m 1].;-. 1-ily over the wt,-(_-|(mnl. l`ln-_v pun! H Vi.-ail to their friwul, (`|:n'<-nu-v \ Spt-irs, whn is now um-n':ulin;., :1 51-12 Vl('(} mnlimn cm lhv KiI|1.`,\'lu|l Huzul. } seven miles (-nut nf llw vily. ()nr vnunu l)('lbDl1' urv univtl In }| NORTH SUNNIDALE H \..'_.._---:-:---?_J ]I.IIl. III lll\. Llllllllll\ ll D llllll. I Dr. and rm-.<. Houston and lil,1!:,.-| (l:uu.:l1tor Joan of 'I'm-mun visilml Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Little, 90 Bur- inn /\ un nH|(.'S (-zml nl Hm 1-Hy. Our ymmu ])('H|1|1' urn:-rl take a nmr(- m-Uvv purl in politics: but U10 hittnr .nV('vliv-, 1h<- luznnlm l`(`(`l'in Iil1HUlI, tho l`llV'lIlHnl'l| wwzul ; .-:mur t.hrust.-4 pf mu-h I.-uy'.~ (I1-l>:nlv In Me I4-,;4islu1I1I'0 is snnu-lhinx.-. |mn|l3' (-::|'ll|n|'rl in .~;(-rvv us Inlu-In llI1|llI':- mom in llml (Iirr-Minn. l.nIl-- \\'m| tier :1 forum-r pI`mnim' slnlv.~.' lhnl mu- _nl' the )rim- < u.'ul1l`n-zmuns ul` u t.lu' I -(`s.~;l'ul pnlim-i:n1 is Hw hitlo ml" 2: |`I]lI'llI('(`I'n.`:'. HOV. mul Mrs. II:-:.|u) HI I` mllorl dull l'I'u-mix` In-ru Mnlul I Mrs. D, (':m:|)|u-ll and mm V\(.`l'(: W('('l(('l|(l vi.-ulmxs, Ill 'l`u Miss Mun:-I ('|u:npp<-l ul :;|M-nt lhv \`Ul'('|(I`HI| nl hm hm Rulmrl. l"Bn_|)") Arlrlmm u burg, Sn.~+l<., vI.~.'m-I l ru-mls I (`('llU_Y. Mr. and Mrs. Swan ul Hm N, `l'l'w '1`r hvld :1 5| M()l)(lily 4 rt.-purtvrl. l`|'\l` (`I 'l`h(t l`Ull(` (fhurt-h HUS] l.lmmu;4hl_\' L.-ht. l.lI0lu,'h u/us: hnlu-(I 1 L.-hl. l.lI0u1.;H nul 21:; \\ l'|l :nl1<-ml` Wm; hnporl Im" A l":u'(-well l`:|rly Quitv n numlu-1 nl l`I'u-ml:' ImiI:hhnrs lH('L :11 1114- Ymmv - and Mrs. .lnm(-s (`nnrlm-y, Mu evening, in bid l';u':~w-|| In prior to lhvir (l(`|)1I|`|lll'(' lhis. vs: :1 new hunw in I-`lu.~;. l)uI*nm cvt.-ninu, zm nrlrln-s.s' war; r:~:.d W. /\l'l11.\ ll`()llL{ and l\|'-.~;vnI.:|lmI, nun of clxuilas was mznh-. Miss ('Zl:nrly.~: \`Vnl1.un has gm Shanty Rnv. Miss. I.s':|l)ul Wnllum of (':m|'.: V.'il.`~: hump av!-r lht- \A (*('k"IId. Miss Rom: lh-rl|1:-lntiv and M Fv.'m.~: spr-nl Hm wr.-1.-kt-ml In Tu: I Miss Amv Mill:-1' >.|wnl. :1 In-w ] I-ivznm: :~:D('nl Hm wr-1 Amy I:-st wt.-c-k with hm` ill. Mr and TVI|\ El Mr. and M.r.<. F.l1)l1it:k .~;p<~nI. Hun w(-ekonri with l.h-ir rl.-mp,l1tvr ll] Bu`-; tel`. MFR .1 Lrm nf Orillin '<|n'n1 H14 Mrs. J. 1.00 of Orillin 5 W(.'(.`k('Hd with hm` f:dh<-r an here. T\/cc TT`.H\r-I NI!-T\/I.': nf here. Miss Ethel McM::slm' nl spent :: few days; how Inst \ her mnlhr-r. Mrs Rirvhv ml` Tnrnluin her mmnrl-r. Mrs. Rluhy of 'l`m'u|11u RllSS('ll nf I.an:u'k, Sr-utlnnd VIKIIII III '1.-l1urt l`h: "lmm-I HAROLD HILL C44 RYS LEP. 744 %4.A|P-S.T,P,E/-\M MINESING T}*lE Airflow Chrysler has had :1 hundred million miles of lri\'in3.; by enthusiastic owners. The new Airflow Cliryslcrs have all the modern fc.1turcs which amuxcd an much comment last _\'c.1r-i'clim.-d, of cuursc, and enhanced in mluc. The dr.n\'ing-rnoin . . . thc seats wide: as di\'.1m . . . thc Lluurs like house doors . . . p.l\.\<.'l`l_1{L`l`.'a C.1XTlL`tl he- twccn the axles ncar xhc ccmrc of bal- ancc . . . the unit fmnic and all-stccl I I 1` A u~r~.~>1~ I\V -1`: ll` \\'u \l)I l\ IIIC Ullll Il.IIll\. .III\.I 1III'J\ HHLC bod)`. SAFPZST IN THE \V'k)Kl.l) . Al ` I , .1! .........Z.. I ;I'.| \l Bu rrlv 'l`l`:Iln Nu. JH V. HI! - D()0_\'. D!\l`l`.3 1 IA\ I I'll`. \\'\ll\l.ll . . llic incrcascd \`lsion--all arc rv.-uincd! YOU can rcad .1 nc\\'.p.xpcr or writu .1 letter wlicn Lrnclling .1: >`l.\.l}' milc> an hour in .in Airtlmv car, The ncw r.idi.uor du-sign on tlic Airflow C-l1f) SlCl'S . . . tlic ncw louxn: dcsign . . . [hL`l1L`V\'l1L.lClllgl1[(rC.1Il`l`Cl1t . . . the new radiator grill . . . .111` .Ill Lliomuglily in the functional spirit of true Airow design. A new typc of spring permit: quick exing iiiflittlc jolts; cummllcd tlc.\ing on big ones. Autouutic o\'crdri\'c, st.md.ird on the L lime nl` \vri1iny,| `u-I:-mm-(I h_v mzmy I ' .s'n\vlu;;.s' cull uml | HARDWARE! VVHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS COLEMAN GASOIJNWI.-r`.V VIIYIONS 3%` r\||u I a-u\ _..___...__..._ USED COLEMAN LAMPS from . $3.50 SALE of Sample MITTS and GLOVES ~ About HALF PRIEE \a\.II4I. \..lI`|>J\ll4ll\n4 -any-nu - (Trade in your Old Iron for $1 ) HARRY ARMSTRONG COOPER S DRI-KIl_.l_. .. 7:571 D1iTIVXi:sI:PA IzAToRs (Nil Nun`: MISS SIMPLICITY WASHERS New Models, $74.50, $79.50, $89.50 llII..n L)`-II & I\\.Jl`IVI.lV SAP BUCKETS AND SPILES SYRUP CANS (One-Gallon Size) KlLLY~LEAGH THE SAP S RUNNIN n An rul lr`IJI'7'!`L` AKll\ Cl)ll ITC THE GREEN FRONT GENERAL E_L1::Tgic REI5iiE;Iit3%A`fdRs _.J"A-P-A-LAC FKTNTS, QKENISHES and ENAMELS We Repair All Makes of Electric Irons and Toasters ...-.... Airow Chryslcrs, changes gcar ratios autmnnticnlly at 45 miles an hour . . . lets you drive 60 milcs an hour on lcss gas than -H) . . . gives you the most miraculous thrill in country driving. New pcrfcctccl steering . . . so sure and L'lTurllcs these big cars handle like :1 Plymouth. "\\"c'Il build." said Chrysler engineers, "two ncw lines of cars that will give uuu Auuuu {cent Sum \\"IiAT AIRFI.O\'\" BRINGS TO AIRSTRIEAM T/Je .-lirslreuu Six MINESING ST/\'l`|O*N- Ice Cream, Eskimo Pies, Ice Cream Bricks, Soft Drinks, Chocolate Bars Christie's Biscuits and Cakes School Books, Magazines, Comic Papers. $6.95 CHRYSLER AND PLYMOUTH DEALER 55 Elizabeth St. -- BARRIE - Phone 293 A. KE_NQRl_CK S Subscripiions taker. fvr all Daily Papers at CORN BROOMS lW()Fl`-`A'l R/\N(,;-I . cl.-..n...uTi ll 4l-cr-r- r Page Fourteen -nu . . .. - l\lIl1\.Jl.1 \.Al\ nu u-nu. Combination, R<+_L-,. $155 for F0. T.H.!1.. 1A!*.':.. .$.3*CKS II `lf\I `\I A'I`(\I'I(` I..J I_lf`lI\I_l I \.JIll\/IBLI ' \l;l;E)(;l3l-`ills AND INCUBATORS I"()UN'l'S, l~`lrlll)liRS AND SUPPLIES Pure Cod Liver ()i|---Take it yourself! ALADl);l;J LAMPS AND SUPPLIES Illlllt )Ln.uLnu. \1|\l . .u-.. . . . Airow pinncurcd it this new distrilmtiun of stream Six and thc Ai give .1 ridc beyond any c except the Airow. More hcad-mom. leg-ro< and scar width. Widvr ( the rs: nmdcrzuc-=.i'/.cd I I -u I . . auu ,u.u. . first I has seen 1 Iron: or rear uimrs LUllIlIu\;Iu|). Tap:-rcd spx`in;; Ivan. lilac the Afrnw. S_\'ncr(-silunt [I'Jl)sIHiS\i()|1.`lsil\ Airow. Slrmniiining that rcally lHL'.|n5 some- thing. Rich, SY1`|.H'[nlUdL'l`l1 intcriurs. An Airstrcain Six . . . and an Airstream Eight . . . just about the luwcst-priced quality cars in thc world. joining with the great Airow linc tu give added thousands of Chrysler owner: the beat in motoring. Now more than ever before . . . you ll be happier with .1 Chr) slcr! woman get in or; l...\..r .~..- mar .l..ur WAILANTDALEZ Canadian National Railway: ""I'I."I A-rvnrsv In of Airow. /'5 :ulv.1nL.1;;cs ,1 Thin-.-zany. March 14. 1935 (, lll)l '\KLlIa 7' ill! 1 weight the Air- : Airscruam Light ny cars at any price 39c, 49c, 59c, 69c ll?!/.$!L'Z (- UN- '1! |H`l'n |lll!}l'H..`a', r-I purk i Ci'.'.'n".' A WHILE _ R0`UND TRIP . _\ ,l..I "1. mums Mm. To, Ftom, or Between All Stations on the Lin ...:.L umxcnon um: A mm a \vL-(ms. I The S.().E. will meet '1`m-s : ni;','hl.n1 8 o'clock in 'I`r.'1imm:n's Hull I Allzmdzllc. `|\/In nnrl T\/In-n `ll 1i`nII 1.1` f`uvn1n~nn [ I LAvlA_z 1 FIIJLA ll`Il'f(-('liw- l" `M, N Ntuuurmw Un1:\n'1U ttL.x. _am1 Nu'lb`lNLi Ub;L\"l`l\':\.L KL). and beyond CUC.Hl~l:\N}:1 to lxAPUSK.~\SING and HEARST. Also to l`m'ry Sound. Ardbeg. Ko_\_'Jct.. Pickerel River. Bunwlsh. Sudbury, Cupreol. VVoal1~oc.. Gogunm.Whonugu. Foleyet. Obu, Homepayne. 1"Lougln-2. 1`Hm'drock. temldton. Nellicoe. Uturseou River Cold Fields`. nun 5 ucalcsl _~\ge}z7I/0;" Far-c. 1'i.`k:tJ. Rttnru Limila.:x;Id Train In/urmyaliun. Agk for Handbill: QANADIAN NATIONAI, Changes of Address (`Iran-,;u-s of :IllllI`1'\'.\` for pn- pu-r~ xhuuld rrurll 'l`ln~ Ix:ulI- in:-r (Hfivr nnl luu-r than 6 p.m. nu \\'\-:lm~~'(l.|_\. ln vnsnrc lm\'in;; clIun;;u~ Inudv for ur.1il Inn; of lln- s.uu:~ \\'m-k`.~ i.ssllt'. FRIDAY and SATURDA) MARCH 22 AND 23" -us.-un. n;-;..-.. ......- u \.-;nxv;.4;VAnv.'L\.\JJ. uuu 1L\.'LVL\JV'l.JJJ.JlLl And to NORTH BAY and .\1.LS'l`A'l'IONS on line of TEMISKAMING & NUl\"l`Hl".l{N UNT:\RIO LY. and NIPISSING CENTRSLL HLY. mu! lwvnnd (`.()(`.HR.>\N}<`. in KAPH.\`k \SIN(". am-I I-IRA Rx"? T `: |mH1`l` !\I`l'l\'(` .`\I'X'X\'(" Il:\miX(m .-\ll;nu'..1lv I:u`:`ic 7.23:": :1.m. lllfull ]l.l5 zlmxh {ruins (luil_\` vxcvpl Suntlny` .\l.l.:\NI).-\I.l-I--Mli:\l"0Rl) ` \.'nrl lulu-nun] --I hnnc 240 for thc I{:1wlvigl1 Mm: (day only). Hh 1\/I've J Rntvm`.-4 hns hm-n svriuuslv -1|. `I-I. ll-lll_\ l'.\l'('[ll hlllh .\'IIntl:|_\' u))L\ . \l..A\.\Jl).\l.l'l--l'l<`. n I ;-I\n!qI\v A `\N(i AH. l'l`Hl'\;lH'. l\l'l'lV ` ll.lll :I.m. 1 mmthlmuml - /\ll:nul:1l<~ Arrl " HI I: III ll Allzmxi 'l`(llc()N l`() LINE h'uI|lhlmmul ABOUT A l.l.ANl)A LE , 0Vr glween ;\ll'5;.a;ion:on Q-he Li_ne from AURORA to SOUTH RIVER _y4_ith MEAFORD, MIDLAND, PENETANG BRANCHES. .'\1\ ll. I.|'- ;`AlIIa.` .\`url hlmuml :\ll;m*..|l4- .-\'.`: T1H\~- nu I To G'1LA\*ENHL1T1{.T;1:{Li` Vriix-x"`1;\9`1`i:i:12 KH\L"1`ll` I) .\ \' .....l .\1 Y Q'I`.\'!VI1\\Yu A__ IL. _ Arfhvxxurnvr X l-`.\\' . .1 cl... Also from A11`S-txlntions on Li11e indicatedAui.)ove VVCIU Ill LUIII|||U uvl.:| uuuux-_;. The work of filling the C.N.R. `t houses hL`l`(.' was cmnpluu-cl on Mon _duy. Mru A Pnrlrlicnn i'< nhlo Y0 he Iln /\:ll1fII](` A1l2111Id:'x1v n .1-1 Vbaln I`YI`Y I I`..- \.\l'm'umuu 1-`m`o.~". Adult '75; l`l.\'.\10l`V w n..u~ 101% I llllll A1'rlv<- Pmu'.Lu11g:l 1 I l\lVll I riw :\1lunduh- 12.45 p.m. I "vm Sundu I`.`{ An i I v n\' .':`ivc .\I('n[m`(3 1.111 p.m.` !).5(l p.m.1 -|.u.v |l.lll. -u-pl S1m(Iu_\' u. I ~ :\11a\nd:\14 8.38 ;1.m 4.05 pm. 7:10 nln . _uuy. Mrs. A. Pmlrlisun is able t n be up now after an illness of over three weeks. 'T`hn Q 0 Tu` unill nnn.-4 'I`nn_-rlnu Arrm-I l'm'unl,n T15 H):.'3l) 1: mn l\l I l\`l' .umiilm1 8.00 A1'ri\'v` 1 I I-1 VH. and: uul: `I-J. `VH1 Il:\S I-`LO\\'l.\'G LINES I'M-vnnnvh `:.\IIl"I\r\nr l`.uu-inn Rn. name here. Engineer P. Delaney wns in Mil ton on Wednesday attending the in- quest held there in ennneetion with the death of Wm. Crwsmzlve, who was killed by :1 train. fl`hr- S`. nnrl S (`.mnfort. Shoe with Jim McBride. on the :~:tal'1' of Ray- ner and Sons, has been laid up with flu for the past week and his plzu-(: has been taken by H0rzu:.- Barnard. I In V,l_._..A., ...\... Lu... kn-. um IJUL'n Ltll\l:lI Ilj lllII(I\.\. .4............ J. W. Rnbert:~:. who has been spending the winter in Whitby. re- turned on 'I`hursdny to celobmtc hi~. 79th birthday on the next day, at his home here. !4"..ninnn.- D T\nl2xnn1y u-nu in NH Kmeu my 1: mun. ~'I`h(: and S. Comfort Shoe arch support zmd made in :1 L-nmfm't~ able low heeled last. is just right. fur tender feet; in black `kid ties for wn-- - mon, $3.25 pair at Hill's. 1!! Stores in Allnndulc were ciosed :11 4 Inn. on We(ln(r.-sdzxy in nrrlt.-r In 111-- lnw huxincss men and ornplnynes to Icznlch the hockey spvciznl to l"ulor- 1hnrn to follow the fortunes of lhv I Cults. Al Hu. v-nznul-n rnnnnu nl' Hu- nnzmuzuc. Mr. and Mrs. W` Full of Curnt.-mu. Ont... spvnt lhv wot.-kt,-ml with Mr and Mrls`. I-L Full. 1'i`u Clnunn.-1... |t\lul|' |v\I\|\ru1rnv- ..l' x,mLs. Al, the regular meeting of iho ymuu; pr`n[)l(' of Flssn St. Pr1~sl)yl(-r` inn Churvh, on Monday night. Miav _I5(`: Hum` galvu :1 lulk nu linu- j L-Sty" and look (-hm'g(- I'm` the Duvn `lionul Dept. Quin n mnnhnr frnm hl`l`l' innk in i C. T-inlhwull of 'I`m`nnln, whn is ViS`l|il)L{i1(?l` mulhvr fur n !'(-w rluys xvws the special .~:u|ni.~:l. zit ".ui-tun /\v(-. United Ch|H`('il on Sunday. Th: I-`ir(2. Illmr nftt-r thv ('V('Ilil11.: 54-1`- vicc was wt-ll :iH(-nriorl. Wilh Un- pnslnr in l`,|l:'ll`[.{(` and with i*`runk l')ui(`|1m' :11 Ihu pinnn Hw .- `w:I.~: mm-h 1-n_iu_v(-ti and also the- iqu(-::linn:4 nmi :msvv(-r:<. ()1) Mm|(l:1_\' `night Eur] ihmh-r was in ('il5ll'[.'_l` I for tho 'l`(-nmr-rnn('v Dept. and Mrs LU F` I` If I A lnnuu... ..I' I ). Quilt: :1 munher from lwrv took ` the .-4knl,ing vnrnivul in 'l`m'nnto Inezl `;wm.-k. /\mmu.: the-m VV('l`(`2 Miss N lftruwxtliffv. Miss Hvlon Murirlt-, Missvsc Doris {Ind l.i|i:In K(`zn`n:< lMi.<: Mnru:n`et and Annh M(:I\ in- I Icy and 1VIr.~;` Wulkvr Webb. 2 A murtv ml` /\ll:m(l:|lr- snurl fnns tllllill JIUDI. ll(.`y ZIIHI l\/IFS` VVEllK('l' Wlfllll. 4 A party of AlI:m(l:Il(- spurt fans: `W/ho hm! pm'r'h:Is(-d rink li(.'k('IH rm HM.` gunw on W(-(Int.-stlny nighl, W('l`(` } very much nulluckvd when their ` (':n` bmkn clown :11, Orillin. had In hr ilmvz-(I in nnd unulrl nu! be l'npni|'Nl ` in time, :40 they l])iHHl`(l lhv gzunw (-11- Iirvly. M:-< F` T-lnlhwull nf 'I`nrrmIn whn l|I).',lIl l'.'l|'l llIIl|ll'l WEIS Ill l'llill(.`_(' 'l`-111111-1':111('v J. A. l.('1111ux n|' l':11'1'i(- W4C.'l`.U. xzuvv :111 i11st1'11cliv(- talk (:11 1,0111- nr-1':1n('(-. Mrs. 17`. Dnb. L:.'1v(- :1 .~ whivh was :1|sn n111ch [)p1`('('i:1l(` H111-.13:-ssflxl 'l'11h-nt 'l`1-,:1, A bi,':l1l_v 5111-1-vs: "z1l1-nl 'I`v:- `\v:1.\' In-lrl (111 VV(~(l11(\: :1flv1'11un11 by Mrs. C`. .I:1(`ksn11 .'111tl Mrs. C. W l n1u'|1:\1' nl lhn 11111110 :11 th(- I r11'1111=1' :32! |l111`1m1 Aw-. f \N../\.nl'T&111' Inn Av:-1 Ihlilml (".h111'(`h. 'l'h<~1'x- wu- :1 . :1H1~11(l:111c-. tho 1'v.~i(l(-111-v \v.'1.< 1.'1sl1-l'11ll_v d(`(!()l`&lf(`(i i11 :1 culm- t-ITOM nf 1,'1`m-11 U11`n111.:I1n11L, solo \v(-1`(- Lzivu-11 by Mrs. B. I.m1L:|1(~(-(I .'111(' M1'::, W. A. S1w:11`11 and piano st-lm:- liu11.< by Mrs. W. Pm` . A .\`l1:1ko.~:m-.:11-1- luv1v11i11g' Ii`.. Shvznr :111rl Nliss A. M<- _ 11:11] (5l1:11'1.:1- of :1 \'(-1`_\' 011101" I:1i11111;; _vn11111.: pvuplt-'5 S('I`\`i(`(` (111 '\Vv night of 1:151 \vv1`k :11 111:` ['11-s|1_v11-1`i:111 (`hllI`(`h \vhv11 1111 111- s(1'1u'1iv1- lulk cm Sl1:1k(\s1.1v:11'1-'5 lit : and works was given by Miss ML Kinloy. A vm1lvsl in which the num- es of his plays were used was won by Miss Dnrnthy Sin(:I:1i1* and un- MI`:;. l\'i11h-V - 1nll11-1' ('1)11h`.\`l in which 50-1105 1'<~p1'(-- 1111` 111111105 bunks \w\1`o p1`v.\'n11lv(i by 11 gxrnup nl` _v(111111.:' [:1- zlivs with 1v11.<.< I'Zd11z1 Ridcloll as prizv \\'i1111m`. \\'llII|l.'l'. World Day of l'r:I_\'cr 'l`hv mmuul World Day of I"'rz1ym in cmnuvvtinn with tho Women`: l\.li.<. Society was observed 0:! l"x'i alfmmmm in SI. Gcomzv`. l\Iomuriul Hall with in fine attend- nncc r(`prvs(_\1\tim:` thv tllrov Allan (lulu churches. The nn1.~rmmn`s pm. grznn \\'n.< lulu-n by lvliss F, Hub- hvrl. l\`Ir.<. N R. D. Sinclair and Mrs ` l. Dulysun. (lLl(`l:~` \vore givvn by l\/lrs &\\ . I`l:\_\'liss and Mrs. E. O_Q(l('l\ nnr` ~.\1r.<. \\'. licnnody and (l;\n:.:htm' and plus h_\' l\Ir.<. R. l-[vols and l\'lrs. G Brunlun. A Lonton sm'\'iuv was on- on \\'v(lIws(ln_\' vvvninp, l)_\' `hv rvclnr. Rev. G. E. Ficrhullcr. lu-ul.l1 of `Mrs. I\l:|ry Wilson llur mzlny friends l1L`l'(` will learn wnh (l('(`}) rvgrvt of the death nl ! Mrs l\1z\r_\' Wilsmx after :1 six \\'0vl ' illnl-.~'.~' at llw hmnc uf her son Her hon. 111 2\n;:u. Sr. Hun`.illm\. on 'l`Lw.<(l:1y. l\`l:n'ch 11!. Sh(` \\'u.\' hnrn in I-England and was so\'ex1l_\'-oigzln _\ (`(lI'> of 21;.',l` In Oclnbvr lust. \\ kl.\` 0! 1 ;:1';wiuu.\' and kindly pvrsnnulih` it nul her fzli`.l1l'nl and vfI`i<'im\1 . , us as nLn'.~'c (hn'in;; the,` past t`v\\' _\`v;1r.~ : hnvv on(lcm'v(l hvr ln mzmy in 1hi.~ r_di.~`trivl. '1`horc are . two CHI` '. Child 40.` BARGAIN FAR[EZg `MM .m.-\ Edgar Lyons. 'I'm'(nnln, spent :1 few days here last week with fricnrls. qnu-3hr! muuui hu hrn-n MI:-ulnv T\/In:-_ EIHU IVITH. l'l. I'l.'ll. | Fred Sit.-vm1srm. lm-nl mnnnuor ufj the Bunk of Tnrmmy, was in ]'>mnln| over thv we:-kvml. Mrs. D. J. Mr,-Duuxzull is imprnvinzz slnwly from :m illm,-sr; cxt.m1lim,' nvvr sevornl xvm-ks. TUHcu 1\ll n T'\nz.un-rlZ.. ..f .l\l. (Wu uuya IIL`lL' Iuhl. \`\'L'L'l\ wun nncuun. Spring must be here. W('5:!ey Mur- tlln saw 21 robin in his m`(.'hm'(|, Mm`. 1 A Mr. nml !Vh'.-4. P`. R. Arnold are hr>Iirln_vim.: for u \v0uk with l`ri(-ml-; in 'l`m'rmtn. MI'Q Mnrlin i< wilh hm` NIH; in 'l`m'rmtn. Mrs. Martin is with h('I` . Mn Mayes. at l`h-th<-::r|n, as In-r si.~.-L:-r not very well. Mrs. Eur] Rtfifl and sun :u'L- vi.~:i I.0t well. vi.-:il- inp, hm` pzwcnts in l".'u'ry Sound I'm` :1 couple nf \w-t-I45. CorIL`1'ntulnt1m1.~; to I`ht-lmn (han- couple of \w,-u-I45. CorIL:1*nt.ulnt1m1.s' "I`h(-lmn hum, who rlxtl rm wull Ill In-r (`u vum|'_v music e\'um. 'l'|u-rn was; Im - -M/im-. in Hu- vumry music 'l'|wrv wan: no H('l`Vi('1.` bylt,-rinn ('hun'h Hun ?1(`('()lllll, ml the \\'<-nl|wx' pery 1`nn(|s. M:`H. (}t'm';,{t- Dznvis, 'uInin frnm 'l`m'1mln nfl litlll rlun I'll. -an S_\'1npull1_\' Dznveunn and 1 eurldvn cl:-nth Mr. and Mr: nu Mrs, (it-m';,{v nuvl.-:. b `. Is zlunin from 'I`m'rmm urn-r In-i =11. tho hunw of hl`I` .-um. Dr. I is. for .~;mnr- limo-. I-Ilnmrv llznmm_ 'l`mmln. Rvv. W. J. zmrl Ivlrs. Hzumzl. cnntlm-H-(I Hw ::(~|'vi('- in lhv can ('hlll'('h. .'~un(|:ny 1-va-nnu.:. Uuvn...-.lI.u in 1.`-1.. 1v1r.~.: [my tunlml s:p('nl. :1 I n 'l`m'nnto In.-at wt-(-k. 1\/llss IVl_\'rl.l(- ('hnp[w|I, 1 .).:h:u\\'n. \v2|.~:u1 hxmw l':n' .'u I lair; wt-uh. 1\/IFS. Il'('(| H[H('l1 ll`. Snlll "ism-(I her p:n'unl.~<. Mr. :u Wm. SI:-\.\'uI'1. lust \\'1-I-IL Brillnn Dunsmuw 15 'mm \N()()dSI()(_'Ii \\'h(-rv ht: :lru(:lur at >:hUI'l (`()lll'\`('. Ac 2: I`l`\'HH an!` :un am:-irlm \'\\'H7.(`X' mm H nu \\ (~cl1w.s'cluy. Sluldzty Sch The .'umu.'1| Sm up, \'.':|.\` hold in ` m V\"('(llI(`.\'(l&L\' cw `md tcuchvr.~' haw Drury. 1ez1(:lun' uI' Rev. 1". Burxwl. Biblv (`l:I:~'.~:. '\/Irs. S .\/liq: R1\" uirl-.- .lVl|'. ilI](l IVIFS. 1. VV. l..HllC, UU bu)`-! Ion Ave. Mrs. .1` Dn::jnrrlim- was c:1Hr-(I to` Detroit on Suntln_v Hlmlluh lhe- ill 1103:: of HUT sis14~r-in-luw. Mrs. .l.i Ifm'.'In. H!I (*, i Mr. nntl Mrs. D:-l,ir:l(: Hnstinxz-i hnvo rnlurm-rl fmm ()H:nv.'1 and loft I rm Mnnrluy fur Mirllzmrl wh(.-r(: [hr-_v will lnkv up r(.~. (`.(')x'1{u Milcht-ll. (mrulinv S1,, hzusr hm-n .- from hv.'n'l. irmmlv and was lnkvn In lhu R.V. Ilcmpilznl on Wvtlrwsrlzny fur lrunlnwnt. V11 mx: g,'1|'|.< L)un.~:mnrv and n1.\`vd ('|u.~;:1. Mi.~ Ins. S\\'it7.or; prix md Mrs. .`\Ik1H.\`( Il`\' .luu;.:lmrr" Mrs. Gum. V\ `Mrs. L l.n\\'ronL'v ml and six suns. Robert 211 hmgzlmvnucl. }1;1x'1`_\' of ( Hvrlwx`1 and 'I`lmm::.< 0 zmd William of 1\uror:1. ` \\`1I.\' held on 'I`huI`. :11 with inltwmvnl in UUHU ., 3 Whilv it \\'u.< yer being lvl {\\'il7.vx' had \NnrlIu\ * `nnslru-I mm W: 9 ngxeeu blade: z l)l1lL` night. I x. Injured by \w.\n \'...l I). CROWN HILL HILLSDALE Enlmh spent. fvw mt In ('| nnunll I.` N um. l`Vl(`4.'- 1:: Un- .qIll\l`.'l\ ll|l)I`l|iI UV(`l' SCV('l':'ll \V(`l`K.`I'. Miss Marirr Dr`smn'rli(: 0!" the On- tario Hospital stuff ut Orilliu w:n.~: home for the wot-kt-nrl. `|\/fro Th-urn. 'Fl\I\vnrc'I|I\ and rlv|I1tI`v\ r._thc t`nll_ \_vm* .\'1mc-rod taIN_\' , are \'1.smle. Falling -n...<,.. <- H:mn.'I. ('hm.'| /\u;,'lx V`:-nxnu. n_\' murmur, on `and H10 slip- rm-mznnx \\':-rv ]l(,`ll'l'_V in HM- lm p|'(-rl:-(-:-:u.~:- rs. Snlllll I vlr. um! at an true Mrs well and Dur Mm] f`-"-__'-'_":- I MOUNT ST. LOUIS \_::_.____.__:.__-:_ m-r-:mw vI!|:wL: Choice Weinera, 2 lbs. 29c Hamburg Steak . . 10c lb. Smoked and Fresh lb. 1'. I I ) II IIUHIU HM H11. \`VL'('K|`Hll. Mrs. Drum` 'I`hmnp<:m nml d.'m2h- tcr Hclvn lmvv !`l.`HlI`HC'(l from 4" '1 in 'I`nrnmn. n. rnnnilnn ml` ll. f\Y`) f` \vm'k`s vi 'f`lw n l'fI

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