Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Feb 1935, p. 9

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One cent in word. cash. each inser- -` tiolh (minimum charge, 25c), five in- ser extra if not paid within five days or date of issue; also 10c extra when re- plies are directed to The Examiner. Store or business advertising (in- cluding agenis) in this column, two cents per word. cash with m`dei' (minimum 50 cents per issue, 70 cents if chnmed). ons for the price of four. 25c 3 1'l'ED.\\'. FHl!Rl`.\RY 19. 1935 I mmlncm-nu: an 1 n'cluL`k p.m. ` Tb E. C DRURY. Sheriff ROOMS AND BOARD (Sm: vnn snuflv. In The Examiner) I'\II\ Bfllali may you In It In The lumlnu) TT PROPE'I'Y Tb LET nu nnnnnn um II In Thu Fuumlnnrl Hume Cu. l.I(L \\'hU are in ex- \'u :1rrm|r.~: will he rvfnsvd long nu` sor\'icc ull satisfactory set- .~n( IS made with the '1`I`1`nsI1ror. Arlmld. 7-8b EHz-M:?r'I7z;I3:` 1-w vrul law It In Thn Exnmlm-I) is7-7r.6TE?- R n u u n u | ::\w M In `Hm Eunmlnar - FOR SALE All sun: It In Th: -In l\'llHL'.\'llLL!. -In :\cr(-s: 3 mm- lk {rum public and cmtin- chnul and church. Apply Chappel. Box 66. Mino- 6-l0p -A\u. tor Sit- of On- me. will in the W/\N'l'I'}I) Ilvm! L{iI1('. 192.5. '26 HI` '2 6- 10;) M1no- ' I ncai Sut- 5-91) .._-..v - _v._--_., In the liquidating of an estate. I have an excellent store property in Barrie for sale. The rentals pay 15 per cent. of the money asked. Also a small rough-cost house. If inter- ested, see me. Gordon R. Foster. Bzirrister. Office, 3 Owen St. Phone H0 -Rh --tnu-I 3----j F arm Stock and Implements Thv 11ndo1'signed has reL`ei\'ed in- slrtwtimls from CHARLES J OBBITT .. .-nll lu- l'Jn|\Ii.- Au I\I .\l'Il u_v I uulu. 1\\u|I\uI nll Lo 26, Con. 12, Innisfil (BIG BAY POINT ROAD) Wednesday, Feb. 20 THE FOI4LO\VING: IIORSES-~1 girey I m'ch0rnn horse. 7 yrs. nld; 1 brown mm`:-., 8 yrs. old. (`A l"I`I IT I u-nni.v1.n.nl Au. .-.. . ,..... ulu. . .....u.. .....m, u gm. mu. CA I"l`LE --- l re;.:istered A_vrshire cow. 9 yrs. old, due Aug. 1; 1 regis- tered Ayrshire cow. due Sept. 8; 1 Ih-refnrd cnw. S) _vr.<. old, due Sept. 15: I registered Ayrshire heifer. 2 yrs. nltl, duo Aug`. 15: 1 registered Avrshire heifer. 2 vrs. old. due Sent. l ()l(l. dll(` /\U1. {. H32 1 1'C{.{lSlCl`(.`(1' Ayrslxire heifer. yrs. old. due Sept. 10; 1 Jerse_V enw. 5 yrs. old. due March 7; I Ayrshire cow. 7 yrs. old, due Mur. 22: 1 Dun-hnm cnw, 6 yrs. old. due April 8; 1 Durham heifer. 1 year old: 1 purebred Ayrsiiire heif- Ier. 6 months old: 1 Durham heifer. 2 rout : ficc. Iycur ma: 1 nuremvn I\yr.mn`.- hell- cr. old: heifer. months old. IMPI.EMl!`.NTS ~- 1 1VInss0_v-H:n'ris hinder. (i-fl. cut: 1 nmwor. Interna- tional: 1 sulky rake. 1 spring-tooth mnltivumr. Internntimmlz I set hm`- x`o\\'s. 1 single plow. M11s. 1 sovdr1ri|I. Supc1`i I2-disv: 1 SM slvighs. nnk I'unm:r.~': 1 ice ruck, 1 Hum wagon. 1 scufflor. 1 set loam harness. nlsn forks. chains. dmlb](`.- trees. nco| unrl nther articles. 1 (`rt-znn supzu':1lm'. Ronfvow. P()UL'I`RY-->25 Barred Rock pul- , lots. laying. FEED --- A mmntitv of nuts. .1 Icts. Inymg. quantity c quantity nf hay. :1 quantity mps. All will be sold without ' reserve as pr<)priotm' is _L'ivin_L{ up fm'n1im4. I`I4`I)!\/IQ run -:.\lI.`-,_AII cllnxu ..rl il.\ ]JIU|I|l\'LUI lh _z.'I\.Iu_x.; up uu|||I|LL',. TERMS OF S2\l.F.-~All sums of $10.00 and under. cash: nvm` that amount 7 months (`rvdit will be given to purtivs furnishing apprnvvcl juint notes. (3 per cent. pvr annum off for cash on (`l`(`(1 sums. | c..I.. ..4 I ....`. The undersigned has received in- structions from II! I` IIf\I`Y Iuu nu \u.)|n nu \.\u.. .v......-. Sale at 1 13.111. '7L- w. A. MCCONKEY, Auctioriecr. Anti`-I & hand of High (J'.'..|t`1ss-Jersey Ea-t-he Farm Stock and Implements Lav: an, vuuu U, Iuorlw To sell by Public Auction at his l`nrm. knuwn us the Frock Brickyard I l` off Pvnctung SL, Barrio, on "l`I II"lVI'\A`7 I"I`I\ 11': . . \....,u.....u. (`.*\'l`TLE~-l .l0rsoy cow, register- ed. due Sopl. 1: 1 Jersey cow. fresh, due Jun. 1: 1 Jer.~'c_v cow. due by (into M` sales; 1 .IersL-_\' cow. due Man`. 1: 1 Jt l`S(')' 1-uw. due Sept. 15. milk- ing: 1 Jars;-_\' vow. due April 15, ymlkinu: I .lm'sm.' cow. due b\' date mm Jan. 1: 1 .Jerso_v (xue _ Jt`l`S(`_\' m1lking' 1 Jersey cow, due by date |.:f sale: 1 Jorsev cow. due Feb. 22: LIVE m" imw Hmlklng: 1 Jersey due by clam .:f sale: Jersey 1 .Ic1`:'Q\' cow, due Feb. 28: 1 Jersey cmv, duo Mar. 7: 1 Jersey heifer. due OCll>bL`1` 1: I Jvr.~'o_\' heifer. due Mny ll: 2 .Im'se_v heifers, 1 .\'v;-ax` old; 1 Jersey bull. 3 yr.<.. vligiblc to rop.:- ister. 'I`hn nhnvp nrn n \'m`\' choice` he-rd lster. The above are :1 \'or_\' choice herd of Jersey cutllu. Anyone wanting :1 real good yuumr (`ow will do well to attend this salu. F`!-`F`.h ._ Ounniiiv coed nuts. Im- attend HHS Sam. I FEED Quantity seed oats. Im- proved Bmmer: quumily out >`tru\\'; qn:umt_\' h:1_\'. mixvd (~1m'or and tim- 0111)"; quantity onsilage. quanti1_v| turnxps` HURSFS 1 hay hm'se. Pe1'chernn_l wniuht mm] lh.-' I hn'v mnrn Pm'{`h- Inurns Cl scufers; lllux-ris: 1 lutnrnnt lm xum.\r..\ l nay nor \\`vighl l3."xl) lh.~<.: 1 bay vrnn, \\'t`l;.{h1 H50 lbs. Y\lhY L"\,l | `kI'1"C Ii"'l"f lt'.\ Inn llUI[|('|\|u3 uv nu nu-vu. HOL'SEl{OLD FURNITURE Happy Thought range, 1 dimm:-1' exlensinn labia. 1 parlor suite. hogany. 1 bed. n\HU.x'ess and sp'.` 1 couch. I boukcnse. 'I`IlD\.lC nl.` CAI l`,_,_All nun I L`OU(`l"|. I D0u|\L'ua::. TERMS OF SALEV-All sums of $10.00 and under. cash; over that amount 8 months` credit will be giv- on In p;n'ln`.~` furnishing approved mm! notes 5 Del (Till. D9!` annum vmm notes. ti pvr cent. per annum nff (nr cash on cu-d_1t sums. E\'er,\`- lhmg will be sold wnhout reserve as U10 proprietor has sold bus farm. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. 7b W. A. Me-CONKE\', Auctioneer. HORSES .AU.CT.10N. SALE J4] V Ill pru.-vs 1 phone I Store Property for Sale 41... |:,... ..... ..r .... .A.U.CI10N SALE. '|\-I1, \\cq.;u\ nun: nus. IMPLEMENTS. ETC.-1 lurrxs bxnder. T~ft. cut; 1 I-nvvie nun:-nu~ R. on!` 1 \.rO.l IUGKI BU run I IV \t about Feb. 25 Other Shipments to Follow Cafload to Arrive . I< I (`IF BARRiE FUEL & Sl_J_lfPLY_'CQ. Office and Yards: Victoria St. and Railway See What We Have Before Buying Elsewhere `fl Il'Il\IdI-lLJ I'\ l-UIJI I I in svll by Public Auvliun :11 . A.` A .. - a n. Lot 2.2.,` CV0-n: vespr \ hv Puhliv Anvtimx :11 h um I x Huuul "')'EsDAY, FEB. 19 mun Lu'\I 1 1`\II1l\Vr\. .11., um: n nu, FARM WAN'l'l`Zl) 'l() |\'l`}N'l'. S(`.*.\'IUll as smm us |>ux. tn Willi`:-rl M(`M:!e Utopian. FOR SALE '1'] I E FOLLOWING: 1: :1 1 \XI'f"EI"h'<'5iv ' hqrse. Percheron. L mare. Purch- nu r of H11`- | Bert Cook of Allandale. formey in the Barrie store nbout four years `ago and more recently in other stores of the firm. has been appoint- ed manager of the Orillin branch of the A. & P. Stores. I: do cl: F `F W` Will`. H. Todd Ltd. are featuring a special sale of suits and U\'0l`('()21L< with the reductions gumnnteed to be 20 per cent. on every suit and over- coat in stock. For further particu- lars see Mr. 'I`ndd`.< ndvex-tising mes- sage on page 7. sh :14 :l: '1` `F 'F I J. Edwin Wilson, Osteopath with office in the King Block. is able to be at work again aided by crutches. Several weeks ago Mr. Wilson slip- ped on some ice at the bottom of the stairs lending to the second floor of the King` Block and fell. brcnkin;.' his right leg near the ankle. :1: -.1: :|: :3 H: 3|? Frank H. Hurlburt of the Hurl- burt Shoe C0. Scan! :1 501 M` five pairs nf baby shoes to the Dionne quintup- lets. in care of Dr. A. R. Dafoc. sev- eral months ago, and ro(`<-ived :1 nice letter of {hunks from the filn1()LI.`~' dnvtm' of tho fzunnus babies. They xverc the Hurlburt spoviul baby shoes, designed and m:1nul'uclm'cd by the Hm'lbu1'l firm J: X: 1!: ' \'Il'(,'. t\llL`l'JllHHlS ill`t` H()\\ l)(.'H1.{ made on the promises. A new .-mow- room is bving fixed up, also :1 grease pit and other ixmwovcments to make ii an [In-in-(Into .~:ervir:c station. The new place will xcrve as an nddiiinn 1.0 the nlhvr Ayerst & Harris gur- ngc nm'us:< the road. FARM'WAN'l`I.I) 1. rvnl. mo nl` nl`l'lH: 4-\~1u-rw|u't~(1 f:n`)n1'I`, \vl|h IF Ayurst & Ilnrr s Ltd. have Icznsed the gm'u;,:c on Eli7.:nbeth SL 1'm'mvr- Iv occupier! by Dale_v'.< Mntm` Sor- `vicc. Allemlinns art` now I) in: .....\.4.. .1.` H... ......m:...... A The many friends 01' Nlrs. Gilbert Love were sorry to hour of her ill- ness in :1 'l`omntn hospital. The rv:.:ulur nu.-cling: of the Guth- rie Women's Institute will he hcltl ut Mrs. J. M. Gilcl1rist'.<. I`lnirsrlay. Feb. 21. Rull call will be answered with in potato rocine. 'T`|an Ilnihul `J32 hnlrl n 17..ln.. \~-nun u puuuu IVLIUC. The United `x'.F.S. held :1 Valen- tine sncizil at the church on Feb. 11. Owini.: tn so much Si('kllC2~`S. the :11- tendzmee \\'us not as |:ir1.:e as usual but all present hzicl :1 good time. The D1L`(`lillJ.( the previmis \\'eek was ht.-iri zit Mrs. John Aii.s`(le||`s. with the (`hristinn Fellowship cunvener in charge. Tnpie I'm the meeting was "Ser\'ic(-." The United W.A. and W.M.S. held their rc-uLil:u' meeting lust Wednes- duy uiternnnn :11 Mrs. Walker (`ald- well's. The devntinmil leaflet. "Strung Friciids." was read by Mrs. Hull. Mrs. ( }rey gave the third chapter 01' the Study Book which is pm\'ini.: hnth helpful and interesting. 'i`he Wn1`|rl':< Day of 1 i`:i_Vvr will be observed. as usual. in the chureh on Mzirch 8. YOUNG YORKSHIRE HOG fl sale: weight about 200 lbs. Apply Ilarry Lynn. 'I`hu1`ntun. 7 A1\J AA\a|.a 1 wish to correct the statomonts of Mrs. Milton Hickling made to sever- .111 people that my children, or any of them. had whooping cough re- CL-ntiy. I have the advice of twu doctors in Barrie In the effect that my children have had no trace 01' whooping cough and I am inserting this notice to correct the false stale- mcnts made by Mrs. Hickling. Dated at Barrie this 12th day of Fel)1'l1:1ry, 1935. CECIL DUNSMORE. L.al|l4\\J I \ll\IJ Lllin-Ila Of Valuable Residential l`rupcrt_V'. l llou.~z('hold Goods and Furniture Under instructions from the execu- tors ut` the estate of the late Laura H. llill. there will be offered for sale by public auction. on Saturda_\'. the 23rd day of Febru;n'_v. A.D.. l935, at 1.30 o'clock p.m.. on the prmnises hero- lnnfter described. in the Village of 'I`hornt0n. in the County of Simone, the l`ullu\\'ing chattels. namely: Mon- delssohn pizmn, walnut case. guod as new: 3-pin-e (`h(`. suite: quar- ter-cut tlilk parlor tuhle; uuk Mm`ri.s' chair. leather uphnlsu-red: mckin_i: chair. cane sent and back; flour lump; (I number 01 cusliiuns. eur- tains and side cLn'tuins: `.1 Wiltnn rugs; hall mirror and seat: finned onk buffet: finned nuk extension table: ti fumed uuk dining chairs. leather seats; ltngers radio: sofa: lib- rnr_\' lump: dishes and cutlery: 2 wal- nut dre::sei'.<: 2 steel beds. ni;itti`es; and sprnigs; 4 czme-sentecl bedroom chairs: steel sliding couch: Quebec heater and cook stave combined: bnkim: cabinet: onumel kitchen table: cupboard; linoleum: kitchen chairs; sealers; electric iron: electric toaster; aluminum kitchen utensils, wush tubs. pails. puts, wringer. lawn mow- er. garden tools. a quantity of hard- wood, Ll quzintity of coal and many mhnr articles: Pontiac sedan. rzund wood. 11 quantity or Coal and other articles; good as new. driven about 5.000 miles. At the same timv and place there will be offered for sale the follow- ing residential property in the Vil- Inge nt Thornton. in the Townshlp of lnnlstil. in the County of Simone. mid being composed of part of the smith halt` nf lot number one in the seveitth concession of the Sllld Town- ship. more pm`ticul-arly described in registered c0n\'e,\'anco number 18591 for Innisfil. On lltesv lands is said to be erevted :1 cntnfnrtaible brick house. neiirly new. with furnace. 3- piece bath and electric light and it izaratze. TOO LATE Tb CLASSIFY with m.1tricu1.1tinn stand- ing. to act as factory Clerk. +\ppl_v. edu- FARM WAN'I`1*II') TO RENT. POS- enm.-inn m: x-mm zm Imxsil)h`.. Annlv EXECUTQRSf SALE n.......... ll . |\' us; an -up----J c.ninn. experience, if ;1n_\'. and sal;1r_v expected. to Box \\" The Ex:m1iner ALONG MAIN STREET WANTED YOUNG MAN GUTHRIE I930. DUNSMORE. RR Nn I Rnr NOTICE 01 cushums. .ll'Xi|iHS2 `d uk rs sofa: ma n||1lnv'\" 0 ma]. Jmmvumta. . No. 1. Barrio. WAN'l`F.l) All kimls nf dr(-.<. unri znlteraliuns. lonv r(`:I.\'nh:1bl_V. Miss Martin. (`l`11n'(-hill T`.0.. Om. (Sp for y in Innisfil l`nwn.s'hip Council met at Stmnd rm I";-h. 11. with all members pre:s`cnl. A nnmbvr nl (-mmnunivniions and pre:`cnl. accounts \\'vr0 with. Nlr r`Hl\l\li`l|I\ \\'Il|1. Mr. (-'()l1n('Hl'_\ , zm in. of tho Dcpt. of Public Wt-ll'u1`u. \\'us present t(~ explain Hm 1'H1I'l1I u|' nrlminis!cr- in_:: um-mplnynu-nl relief funds. The Township Clerk was :nppuim.u(l Hu- licf Ul'1'icL-1` for 1935. Thu nnnuul mcxnburship fee to tho Onturiu (iuuds Roads Assuciulinn was y):n'd and tho Reeve and Deputy Reeve \vuru uppuintvcl clelegulcs. Thv 'J`n\vn.s'hip uLIdi1nrs pwscnltbd their rvpurl which was ncccplv.-(L The ;l`u\\'I1sl1ip l'in:mL'u.-; are in very sul- Isl'uclm'y :;h:\1)('; (.-nn. better than at ihis time last. _v(.':u'. Ilu5- pital l'uu:< and necessary relief to une1npl0,\'o(l amounting In 259.57 \vu1'u urdcn-(l paid. Thu Fi: nu-u Cummiucc recom- lnnisfil Finances Show Improvement urdcn-(I pnm. Thu l<`i:mm-u mended payment of the l'uIl(>wing accounts: Imnnltl Allan. bonus for killing (lug, $5.1)(); Registration births, n'arri:u;x.-.~; and xh-211115. $23.50; 0. H. Bluvk, rent of hull, $`..()(); Munivipal World. minute bunk. $12.01;; Dun Junvs. one 511001) killvd by dogs. $. i.l)(): .~xl:Ilium'r_v and supplies, $44.95; C. W. Ha-m'_\', (`.\{|)(`ll.\'C'S in 'I'm'- nntn rv rt-lief. S:).(l(): U. E. Tudtl. ex- $44.93; L`. W. Ha-m'_\'. ll) '1 ur- lnntn rv rt-lief. .\S:').(l(); Tudd, penses to 'l`m' rv rm-lief. $5.()(): R. W. Rvclforn and Bmvmzm Allen. 'I`n\vn.s`hip :1u(Iitur.~'. $25.01) each: W. L. Blau-k. vxpvxmm fur Bub Mullen and Wm. Pollock to House nf Ref- Llgo, ---~-- ; W. E. Pearson, 2 sheep killed. $l`.!.U(): Inn-1n\)m'sl1ip fur (hmrl Roads A.~2.\'uL'n., $5.()0. Rnnrl nml n-Ii:-I` mrcmnns amount- l{()ilCl:I .`\.~2.\'uL'n., :::).m Road and rt-lief :1 ing 10 $251.04 were I payment by Road 5 (fuum-il zldiuurm pnymem 1) (`h1u`<-hill 10.00 11.111. HAVERS()N---At 69 Ciowan SL, Al- Juntlulo. ml Sunday. Feb. 10. 1935. in Mr. and Nlrs. 1.. C. Hu\'ur.=;on. a unn FARM Wl\N'l`l`Il) In rvnl. Hm lzm m'r('.~:. ('X|)(`l'il lH'L`(] fznrmu-r. wllh 0])- tion of l)1u'ixn_u_ 13 Hr R lTli|(`.\` from Barrio. /\ppl_\' T~Ix'1rninur Offiro. 71) son. HOLMFS -- At the Royal Victoria ]ln. Barrio, ()nt.. rm Sunday. Fol). 10, 191%."), in Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur IlulmL':~', Amzus. a son. 1VIeKEEVER-~At the Royal Victoria Hospital, I3:u`ric. on W('dnesd:ty. Feb1'unr_v 13, 193: ), to Mr. and Mrs. William I\IcI\'t-v\'oi`. Cund|v.<. 2: daughter. IVICMARTIN-~At the Royal Victoria Hnspitnl. Barrie. on Thursd.'1_v. Feb. 7, 1935. to Mr. and Mrs. Charles I\'Ic1V1'm`tin. Owvn St.. B;n'rie. :1 son 4D0nalrl Rnl)ct'U. WIPVJAIJHQON .. At `lvlirlhnrui Fnh I 1l)(mz1lcl Imberu. | RICHARDSON At I\/Iidhurst. Feb. 9. 1935. to Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rich- ard. 1| dnu;.'h1o1'. SHARP In I`nrnnlu East General Hnspitnl, nu I"vb1'L1:n`y 8, 1935. to Mr. and Mrs. (7. F. Sharp (nee Irene Laws). :1 daughter. STUBBINGS---A1 the Royal Victoria Hospital. Barrie. on Fx'idu_V. Feb. 8. 1935. [(1 M1`. and Mrs. W. H. Stxxlwbings tun.-0 2\1urjnric Smith), :1 I1`; sun. \VH['I`FIEI.D-~At the Soldiers Mem- orial Hospital. Urillizl. to Mr. and Mrs. Cmvdon Whitfield (nee Vina C.1'm\'(=\, :1 (l:I1LL',htc1' (M:n';1aI`el Anm. "l'Ell1.`S'0N S CHOCOLATES .; IN SPECIAL VA.l,ENTlNE WRAPS '2 A .... A.........L.. Lremutc-r_v. l~`eL>ruur_\r 13. BEI.L-- In Tumnl` nn \Vvd1w.~:dz\_\'. A w R.-H ..r1 llll` um'1`Ie'. ~ 1915. Sun 1.ENNO.`(-- F`.-h I`? V ANNF.'I"'l`F ~-~ On Sundn_v. Feb. 10.: 1935. HI the Rnynl Victoria Hos- niinl Rnrv-in 1\:l'/xrin .Inhn< fnrlnnr- nox. ban`: Barrie (Tn L(`)\VI.~~Ix1 ' 3. 1935. I Rllrlinntnl CAR FOR S: \l.I'I U110.` i"| I-null mmrliiiulli Hill` I J2Xl lSl(lEJNL7|`Ll. Dodge and Do trucks. H. R. :1. luaa. l\llSS rrnnces LOWE, 0: Burlington. Ont.. si. of Mrs. A. G. MacLu1lz\n nf Yarmoulh. N.S PLEWES-~h\ Barrie. Saturday. Feb. 9.193.'m.F.. \';\rI_\', \\'|dm\' of late 2171!` n1n!hnr nf MCMASTER--In loving memory nl our dear mmher. Mrs. Robert M01 Master. who passed away Feb. 18, 1933. _ Bevund thv wm-es of earthly strife, Bo_\'nn(l the mm and cams uf life. Where all is peuceful. bnghl and fair. Sumo day. dear mother. we`ll meet you thvro. _ Tb -1-`amxly. 3BRYSON S NEXT A. & P. STORE wan. pita]. Iv of 01' IUTOIHI S. B. .\nm`Hv 7-llh your. I ("nmmm~v '1 5l.4t\L'K- B-'\l`l`lf`. I, Q: :0, 1:a.sn. r.. Jmnes S. 1 Mrs. Rcuhc nh` fnnr-rnl _7{fY"i'Aiii ' VALENTINE BRICKS lN`TODA_Y For Your Party Another Shipment of l\Il'-`I7 I\ A Ir-nur 5.7/ut Mm .\1\1.lu 1'1 gunrl vmnliliun: oruzm. I l1mu-5&5. CARD OF THANKS LUNCH AT 3 Assortments :II Inc Hnynx vxcmrm Hos- . Barrio. Marin Johns. t'nrmer- F Tnronm. hm-Invz-d mnther of Ammn. 7? (`.u\r:n1 Q! in hun- IN MEMORIAM 25; Eaia `,\'uL'n., :::).uu. nd uccoums 1.()4 rocununencled I'm- Supt. Stewart. zldjuurm-(I 1n meet in un '1`Lu-sdzny. March 5, at W. B. SLOAN. (`lc1'k. 50315. ' :mor xurxy . Plcwes. hen Webb, :1] xrrw hnlr BORN -.-_...___:....-._.:_._..Tj l.()S'l` IVl.\N'S IKHUWN (l.()\.'F.. 'I'1u\<(1II)' muhl. I<`-lrn:1r_\' 12. (`MI 1450. Th _______j....?_______ Livingston and family mk theu'_man_\' friends srs for kmdness shown `ir recent sad bereave- 7n `DIED I [)l'('St`llh`d and dealt . m umvmu .51.. m nvr Inlurmcm St. James` Tumnln, We-dm:sdn_\', z mo General I \` F`nhrn:n'\' mo uenoml \' F(`bI`ll(H`)' Midland. i `arty. wmmv m Kile `es. and mother of Iebb, Barrio. Priv- : held Monday. Feb. nnl in `Rnrrin YYninn -Family. I \ Hospital. ' 11%. 1935, n hm Ric: her of H1 hm` .1-.1n1n\~` S'l`RAYI".l) OR S'l`()l.l~`.l while and um huuml. On nr ulmnl l"(`ln'u;n`j for uny IlIltII'n):I1i0H. O. Bnx 3, Barri:-. " F05 St. Valentine's Day. Barrie Liberal-Conservative Rul- ly. Friday, Feb. 15. See advt. on page 10, 1 LOCAL NEWS 11 ---W. O. McKinnon expects a car of big horses March 1st. See udver~ tisement next week. '71) `x n'I.`1n|- --..~nl-.-uh 'nr: nu-tn 'F`nui_ usemem next WCCK. 1;; Weather probabilities are: Eust- crly to southerly winds. mild. with occasional min zmd much fog tuduy and Friday." I MI`: N Inn! 59. nnninn SL. dis- mm rrmay. Mrs. N. West, 52 Dunlop St. dis- covered 'a butttrfly in her pnlntn bin ` this morning. If winter comes, can spring be far bc-hind?" -Snr~r-in] fnr Hair: wnnk Hf A, 177,! S[)l'H1H DC Hll` DCHIIIG. ' -Specia1 for this week at A. E. Smith's February Furniture Sula--- heavy qunlity Axminster rugs. 6 ft. 9 ins. by 9 (L. $15.50 up. 71) Wl1i||\ nlnvinu :10 l`l`(`l`R :1! HM U 1115. Dy U IL. $|3.l)U ND. While playing at recess at the Prince of Wales School on Mtmduy. J. Stobbings. aged 10. John S1., fell and broke his right thigh. _.~.ITnhn1uln|-inn rlnnn lnhxcl ('n\/m` i|H(l DFUKC HIS I'lgI1I Ilgn. ---Upholstering done. latest cover , ings to choose from. furniture rc- paircd and r(~finished. Phone 910.]. Chas. Kelly. 65 Clupperton. 7p _`nnff u T12-v (`.nnr]u nrn szhnuzinn :1 bllil. l\L'll_V, Di) l.lH[)}Jt'l'lUll. _ -Dufl"s Dry Goods are showing, in complete new range of C`nrtcr's fmmdation gnrme-nts: silk blullsos. $1.00 each. supersilk hose 59c. 71) --Rnm'i:I1 fnr H: \U(`(`k :11 A TC KEYS l.()S'|` ~ Fuur kv_\'.< in blnvk lemhw cusv.` on 'l`m-: Feb. 12, .~mn|o\\'lu'I'v ulnng: Dunlup or FIli7.zI- bull: sir:-M.~:. }"imlvx' phrnsv lvuvv at Exzuninvr 0l'f|m-. TX ..?__.___._.._._._..._____._.. .`pJ.uu cucn. Sllpcrslm nust mm. m --Spcci:11 for this week at A. E. Smith's February Furnilu1'(- S1110-- Borderless Rexolcum rugs. (ix. $2.34. 12!) Dunlop St. Phone 535. 7b A ropm`l. of the mush-al 1rz1veln- gut`. given by W. L. Pnynz.-. in 'l`rin-N :o.. n....:k.1. u..n vw.....~n-,m mm .'.,1 )4.-SW. ll! lJ\lnlU} ) DI. |`HUHL' 061). ity Pzn'ish I-lull. 'I`uvsdn_v night. is` unavoidably held uvcr till next i.<-4 tun sun. At present. the Royal Vi(',tm'izu Hospital is crowded to overflowing. 53 patients b(.-1111.: rc.-ported tnduy. Some gradllmo mlrses huvv born added to the staff 1empx)rnriLv. _.-.Qn1-r-in] fur lhiu wnr-lc 1)? A T7. il(1(ll'(1 LU Ll1L' Slilll lt lII[)lDl`ill`ll)'. ---SpL-cial for this work at A. E. Smit.h`s Fehruzwy Fumiture Sult- Pull-out couches. $7.95. ('nm|)|(-11:. Thv mattress is covcrotl with floral (-rc-tonne and has heavy mll edgv. A vnunn` Inrlv urhn urnllrlr-rut] nurzn/I ('I`('lUHIl(? EIHU HHS |lL`il\.'_y l'l)ll (.'(l[.',L`.| A young lady who wzu1dor(-(.1 nwnyl from the home of her part.-ms in F103 Tnwnship on Saturday night. was picked up by the pulimv in Bar- rie on Sunday morning and taken to Royal Victoria Hnspitul. and later to hm` home. 1:~......a 3... rmznr ..r n..1;m Alnv 10 nor name. Found by Chief of Police Alex. Stewart and Inspector J. F. M(,'Gru:.:` or in :1 shack on the \vul(n'frnn1 (rm! of Hon. DI`. Cody's slnmnm` home nu 'I`u(-. n G6-yum`-nl(l man. in (lus- tituto ('i1'cuInst:u1<`vs and with no fire in the building. was snnl In thu- Coumy House of Refuge at But-tun. H!` was suffering terribly from (`old and exposure. P]:-nrlinxr nnillv in mun`! horn in-1 unu exposure. Plenrling guilty in court hero to- dny to driving :1 car without 193. ) ; licenso murkcrs. M. Ward, Angus. was fined $1 and costs. in all $5.75. Ma;!,ist,rato Jeffs stated that from now cm. (lrivim: without pmpor Ii- ct-nse plates. would not drnw 21 final of $1 and costs: the ass:-ssxrxt-111.} would be much more than that. 'I`hi.-H was the first case. \X7l1nn Hun r--xv in ur'|\ir\h hn urru: | 1 me lll`Sl case. . When the cm` in which he \v:\.~4 riding lurnecl over on its side in ihv west ditch of the highway nornu-u.s-1 of Barrie shortly after 5 p.m. Sun- day, a Toronto mun suffered slight injuries whivh were nit:-n(led to by Dr. Geo. C. Seymour. /\])DH(`n1i0n of brakes on the icy pavement was thr- cause of the accidonl. Four otlmr occupants of the cm` \v(\1*c unhurt. `L!:.- 1.. 17` A Lt... ,.. u7:.-mm. I r] .n. ..;\.u,-u..l_. .1. un. \/ll: His Honour Judge E. A. Wisim-r, ` in County Court, Monday afte1'n<>un. ` reserved judgment in the action or Ernest J. Mnnres. Midland luml)(-r- man. and his wife. Marguerite . Moores, against Mrs. Beatrice Park- er. and her husband. Joseph Parker. Midland insurance agent. Piailltiffl` claimed $500 damages for breach of contract to purchase land. and for waste and damage to the prt.-inises of the plaintiffs. Tho (`in-inthinn T.nr]m'- At-Hnmn- 01 me DIEIIHIIIIS. The Corinthian l.n At-Home in the Masonic Temple last F`ri(l:i_v evening was a decided succoss with about l80 guests present. After the cards there was a short progrzmi by the following artists: St. An quartet. solo by Mrs. Bert I.ou;: heed. rezlcling by R. D. Cnutts and magic tricks by Serut. Symo of Camp Borrlen. A tasty lunch \vu< served and then dancing was en- joycd for several hours. l"'OUNl`I Un llnh (`nn.. nf I~li|vhu'n\ rnmnlllv 1' Miss F. Hcwsnn spent last weok in Toronto. R. Bradey of Markdnlo spt-nt lhv woekend with Mr. Smyth. 1\ [rs. (D. Robinson is the L{U(`.\`( of her sister. Mrs. Bert Vvright. Mrs. Thmmisun of 'I`hm'mnn spvnt the weekend with friends horn. R. Nesx of Tunnitn spt-n1 n cnuplo of clays Ins! week with his pm`m1l.<. T\.'l['\`, 'Y`hnmn of 'I`hm'nmn h;i.~:| (>1 days ms: week wun ms pzwmus. Nlrs. Thompson of 'I`hnrnmn has been spending: 21 few days with friends here. My-c Plln Rrnrlv hnc rnvnrnnri Vu The play cnmmmee ropnrton good progress and hopes to ha\'(- the play ready to present about the middle of March. The lunch hnstesses were Mrs. H. Wallace. Mrs. Alex. Black. Mrs. Chas. Sproulc and Mrs. J. S. Ferguson. ---.---.:._j. lL.O.L.W4i2 Opposes | Diversion of Taxes` United Empire L.O L. No. 452. Barrie. passed a resolution at its last regular meeting. opposing any diver- sion of taxes from pubhc In separate schools. The resolution. which was similar to one reported in last week's Examiner. was signed by W J. Henry. W.M. and Elmer R0l')rf- son. Secretary. It urn: nrdnrrxrl (nrumrded in R2n'ri1=: mn. accrcxary. It was ordered (orwarded to F Board of Education which fnl at Monday evening's meeting. STROUD J\'Ti. I\ [ulrny spvnt the wcokt-nd at hm` lmmv in Vigzn. i 1\*Tisv~: Tnh*i('in Dunn - fircl nf. |m-r nnmv m V1;!0. | ' 1\Tiss: 'Pnlri<'in Dunn sp<=I\t first nfv tho wvvk with Mlss` Mary Frawlvy.! Mr. and Mr.<. David Millvr s enll first of Hw \\'('('k with Mrs, m.| l'l`hn|nr\mn\ In; III. I Mrs. Dnvitl Miller has returned from ()1lzn\\'u wlu-rv sh!` visited her hl'(\1h('I'. (}id('rm Miilvl`. who has been ill. We nro glad Us say hisi condition is imp1`n\'im.t. ` ]\4Ii.<.s: \-Vivv uf Alluminlo wns: lhel l"UUNI) Hn mm \ II nf Hi;.{h\\'ny_ (|1lllI]lIl_\' mnv hnvu sunw lJ\' In` cnnumnn as IVIis's: ,'1u-st uf Mr. tvrnnrm Inst tvrnnrm Ins! v guest of Mrs. tiny nl'tornu(m I 01' 1(`2l('h(`l` of l n I... 1-: om-v l':u't_v new ., _ A \'r-ry plvnsunl evening: was .'~`r1<-nl n1 Ilw lmmv nf Mr. and Mrs. 'I`h0.<. l-'r.'n\'lv_\' un \V(-tlnusduy ev- -anim: of l:u. \\'l'(`k wlwn :1 progres- \.~'i\'r~ <-m-lm- p;n`1_\' was held. The prizn wimwrs \-.'m'v Miss Joan Hnwke ml` l*`,:ul_v '1 l>:n. uf groceries. and lid. B.-n~ `I pair uf mills. Tho oven- r inn \\':L all llml cnulrl be tlvsirctl _ nnrl :1 luruv (-mwrl :15".-'.(.-xnl)le(l. F.ver_v- one (-niu_vvd 1lwn1.s`(*l\'c.~4 to tho ut- ` IIm_~;l. I\'lu.~n- uml (lam-ing fnllmvcd ' h_\' u <,:mwr lunvh supplied by the lmlit-s hrnught lh(' ovonlmz to a close. .-\ vow ml Ulunks and lwurty cheers \"(-rv .'H'l':)l'(lL`(l Mr. and Mrs. Frznvlcy % for llw use of U'H`il` home and all wonrl-` llu-ix` \v;1y hnmt-\\';n'(l. vvcll culiufind wilh lhn hrm|'~: cnr-nl. H MOUNT ST. LOUIS ; MI.-'.~`. hlnu boo.-n spvndn parents, Mr. nnld. nv Ml||l'l' ml with lhvir sis; ill. Dnvh "rmn ')l`<\1h('l'. (Ht wunn ill w vim: lvlznry n I\1I'.<. ()s\\':| lite Millvr ml with lhniv ui< Domestic or Eaaifirst SHORTENING, 2 for 23 Sausages . . . . 10-15c lb. Roast Pork . . 14-18c lb. Rolled Pot Roast of Beef . . . . . . 10c lb. Quality MEATS at low Prices BEEF HEART . LOST - |)ll!'.\`l`. ( .*;il\'vr. I Bunk : Pl(`:I::(' Olficu. 11 Dunlop Street Fresh and Smoked Fish and Fresh Vegetables msnn. I 1-r,\' sli;.',hl irm)rnvcn1(-nt in Miss . Millt-r's (-un(liti(m is noted an nf \l'l`i|iIII` Pu-I10 Miller, Barrie, spent a lays wnh friends here Inst n nmvmvlmz. the ` 1\h'.~.'. (`IL-mum Burr me Hf- \\'(':'k. She was also (}nm'gu Barr on Fri-. rnuun lust. She was 11 l'm'm- | wr llnhzlri. liut-hr- l :u't_v lleld -1")` was` Mrs.) M. J. BRENNAN . INC UIDICS \NL`l`(! l)(`HllU- 'cnru\cd and with the usual ('uk(-. John Scull was an-r` M.'n`g.{'.u`et received many and pretty gifts and good I)!` mzIn_\' more happy returns l.'n_v. The evening was spent -, . and games. All en~ vc-ry pleasant Mme. '6s'i{s" xm-ux mw ll`L: lust. WCCKI ll lhv hush. nr;.{nr-1 RnbcI`1s()n cnnducts1 l>,\'u-xum Yuung People's ox! Mnml:|_v nn Citizenship. lholwin Arnnld. R.N.. husv ndnm: n h<>li(lu_v with her vlr. um! 3\.h'.s'. '1`. VV. R. Ar-' . , YOUNG ('.`\l.\'l-IS FUR .\':\l.1'I. A11- nl\' (`hue l?l\lHI\\t|lI ('lH\\'H Hill. 7|) lam-re rt-sent very much the 3 n hrnn nf Ihn nunninu mail} iv .-:. 1 :1 Mrs. Frank Bell and fzIm- ; the weekend with Mr. and . utu-mun at Uninnvillo. While f V. J. M(`E\ven baptized thou` d.nugh1or. Nancy. -(._lLl-`ORD ).'l.\ |{l'l (II }.;l`U(?(`l`l(.`S. anu mir -rmwl 1- followed ls M nunks L-(I in` h the hrnu'.~= spent. C-snnl ...a I.`......:....- mhruno had the misfor- :-nk log last week Hm lm WY- .-\. G. Foster and c .~pen1 Sunday anj nwoll and I. Nemy'? .-spective homes for, Invls. . Martin entertain- ynung people on in hnnur of their mt-I : huanOv.l'irv:l . 7c lb. YUUNU (`Am ['4 ply ('h:1.~'. 1t::l::w evening man. ~ busy putting xllnrd 10 Con! 0 return , ucled in j Mr Mr. ' ruwncc 5 I \\/{`I1- 7 It is nnl. nlwuys tho n\'(-n that ho hlznm-(I. 1.01 u.~: cut you n R from Meuts s:el(:('tc(I fur runs Then see hnw crisply ro;|.-4tc(| _i` still can (-nntuin uppoti'I.in1.: 14 juiurs. It`s in the Mom! W:-`ll p it! Ynlll` mmkim: skill nlul uur Roasting M(`:1t.~' insurv :1 (h.'H( dinner! {nor In 'J`nrnnln. I Aubrey Bortram r irccmxt. visitor nl his Min: Rrniih Hm!- Miss ML-Ku_v is xp~m1inLz :1 work In Orillia. . _ Edwanl K~rrxd_uv was :1 T(`(.`(`lIl VIS- Eilor In 'I`nrnntn. I Anhrnv Rr\rfrnm nl DrHHn me n rccmn. VISIIUI` :11 hi.- I Miss Smilh, tom `school, spt-nt llw v home in Crni;.:\'nlo. The Sir-\v:n-(l.~: of H | m-u \:ro.-as soon-xy rnrmou ' Miss Smith, l(-nvlu-r :11 N0. 15 s('h(n()l. has m'g:un/.-(1 u Rm! (,`ms.<'. S(wivt_\'. which will be known as the IRNI C1`u. H.'un;:<-r.~:. 'l`hv fir.\:t mm`!- llng was hold :11 lhv S('hl\()| hI)llH` nn F`ebrunry 8. The :x| f|'(-I3; c-IN-I-1| nrv: Presidc-nl_ Mnrinn Mr-Kay: View Pres.. Mac Emms; Scr'_v.. l.illi:m BM!- rum; Treus., Russ H(`:Il(-_v. 'l`lw uh- jcctivc ul` lhv ,~;m'H'l_\' i:: In n.\:.\I::1 llw crippled childrq-n'.~: fund. and :m N]- ucntinn in health Inws. home In L1rnu.:\'nlo. The Sle\vnrd.~: of Um United rhur(`h I met at the homo of ICd\vn1'd Kerri(h;(- nu February 8 In 1r;nn.:u<-t l)nsines<:4 in rnnnectiml with tho ('hm'<`h. Thv Wmnc-n'.~'. Inslilulv nwt. :1! Mrs. M. Alkinsmn'.~: fur 1lu- .I:nm:n`_v mN-l- im: with 1-lght nxoxnhvrs nnd (mo vix- imr present. Thu usual l)ll.\'il\(`.\`.\' w.'1!~: lrnns:u:led. The qmlts have been (:mnp|-1:-d zmrl xi,-nl lo lh('il` rh-r~'tinn- tinn. 'I`h<- Fe.-hruury m(-vling will he (mm .-.1 tum .r, szm-rrn-ulnq (m lhn Cnnunolen nn xvnl1<)lhvn'(uNlnub Phn iht-Id :11 Mrs. J. Slu:[l'i(.-l(l'.< on the 2'T(h. ` Ra-ul (`I-nu: Sn:-It-Iv I<`nrI'nml FARM '.\l:\l\`I". Inn` ulmnl IJHHI lbs. Sn PI'I<'|' $65. l'hnIu` T GIRL WANTED for general house- work; sleep nul. Appl_\' 28 Eliz.ubL-Rh; St. '71) . Slrnw l)n|inL: is the m`rlm' of the day in this \'i<'inil_\'. Snm Warnim ix bus:_v harvostim: his winter (`mp uf i('(`. B. Sutherland ul` Tnrnntn is visit- ing at Samuel Wurni<-zrs. (nnumtu|:11i:m.~`. to Mr, mu] Mrs. imz at Samuel Wm`nI(-:I'.<. (nm,'rntuln1i:m.~`. Cecil Irwin whn \\'('l`(! mnrrivd 1:194 week. Mic: Vmnm F`r-mm]! hnrl Hm mis- week. ! Miss Fmmn Fr-nnnll hnrl the mis- 'f01`lune In full and l'rm:lux'(- mw wri.\'f one day Inst wvok. We are surry to hear Mrs. Nurnld Wallace is nut .50 well. H is to be honed she will snrm he shM.lcl'. Mr. and Mrs. (`hnsz Jtjbhi hnvo |1"nl4-(1 lht-ir farm In Mr. 1\/I('Mill:m. whn inlmlds tn tnkv rlnssu-ssfun mun. Ernvsl Aikens . mm on Fnrl W.'n`nit':|'.~; lip while pinyin}: hnckey (mo day Inst wt,-ck. l".:url was tho arm! k(`L'])(`l'. Aikcm: will mun play with the Muplv Lvnfs l(`.'lIll. it is I exp:-clad. GRAVY-LY CRISP! '1934 Ford vs Sedan l933 Ford V8 Coach 1932 Ford V8 Coach 1932 Ford 4-Cyl. Coach 1931 Ford Coach 1932 Ford V8 Cabriolet 1932 Ford V8 Coupe 1930 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Chevrolet Coupe 1926 Dodge Coupe 1931 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Hudnon Sedan 1934 Ford V8 1` 3-ton CA-I._ H0 Dunlop 5!. Phone 491' Boulde_r_fe! _ (i_rg_nhouse 74 sua:.'.'s}." "i>i{o..e 332 Exact Motor Performance Told ()lII' M()'l`()H \N.\l.YI".R rho-('l\'-: 4-`vi-l'.` r'w<'l::oI.1<.I| um! I-Iw~1ru':vl pun"! um `.um' Multan` S'lllp~ :11} I'll!` ".xn'|rT 'l'I'H` .s'mp.- an 21 I-IXA("I`[.Y hx In-rfnrlniliu `I huun \ \'\\ 1"`1'l\1`11uI`) mnl l{1`I'c'f0I`d lvrvvd C1'u1;:\vulc-. --___._....._~j. 31! IL|\`(-Id Street Phone 8?! : ll.-\l Ava ! I Ulu VU I ` :'|\IIl Stake. cSi7TT1cK M.<>t_o!' Salei We Solicit Your Orders BIG BAY POINT Valentine s Day FLOWERS Phone 50 or 51 Flowers Telegraphed W. L. BRENNAN CLOWES 1 nl ()l'll||n was his home lwru. -zu-hm` of Nu. wot-k<-ml nl 1 TIIREH NED horn hulls. wrx R znni hIlnnl- nf OrHHn was :1 He hnnu- hnrn that's In I Rnzlsl, rn::.s'1in;.:. lml ininls Formed I (` 'nn\vn 11*.` -I-Y1-EAR-()l D sound; 5 (him 10 Hx'nI\I.v nu" Innc hnx" f'\l'In ----------------"-- ('l.H:\N 'l'HE I\lHl\l-?HN ` h~..l.u I.u- u-nu! l`h.m Rl".DU(`El3 PRU` luv nmi u'rh|.n:: S.'\\\'Mll.l ul rnhnv CARl`l'IN'l'I'IlH wprk. ullerulx Window and h~rn\\' I-:|s'un.. HUUSEW IV ES be solved um! when you not _\'n= waxed and pulu [`n'('Sli. `he l'('|IiI care of Exununu: LIVE s'roEI` SALE .. (nu |l In Thn Funmlnnri POSITIONS WANTED In nnnnnn mm It In Thu Eunmlmu-\ EXPERIENCED SALESMAN in $01]! Dnrlml nnrl Do Sn! r-:n`< and Uuduvl H/\`Vl". FIVE MEN w.'\nlin;,v 10 I a farm. Burrw R4-nl F..~;t:m~ (')f- 7]) LOST AND FOUND II In Thu Fnnmlnnrl I"()Wl. \VAN l`F.D-Ilighost paid. Writv I .(). Box 542 or ` 384. H. l.<`\v'il. 4-Rn punt. \'vrn.(- 1.1-vii.` T HELP WANTED {nu vnn 11-11 It In Tkn :-maln- MISCELLANEOUS tn. nun nun II m Ylm Exanmu-rl 1 (`(m(lll|(m; u Plmnv 355. 7.TfT713ETfs_ 1 n v u n n I unw AL In Tin: Exnmlnr "37ATiT13:}T nu unu II In Thu II TWO YOUNG MEN wanted for 01'- .(lm' department. Agc-5 18 lo 21. Ag)- p ply Box A," E.\':1minL-r Offivc. ;1) 5/\I.n;L~;Jv1/\N in SCI]! ` Snlu (';|r.~; and Dndti`l.`{ P::ln1cr. 0 p I L`!'If\ll-T'l`l-`.R \' I'LI \\.~: rhu- ! S'l`()l.I<`.N~ Om: hluck. I 1 I.:u`;;v nmlc.` l"vbrum'_v 9. Rewurrl nniinn. Plmnc 52. I`. `in "111 ---Iv--T-rn Dual-purpne \'u'r;|h1r .\:;r. I fur (`In-vrnlvl vu- '27` T |mI|U 735\V. 7p ."llI"..\'TNl" l `In-.~|\` |\ , I I 1o.'1('hor \\`I.\`h(\..\: I`(-hiltlrvn in ov-l um.-r (){l`im_-. 711' .. hmi.<('iL ens! ropv. Ownvr s\'Ing.{ prupcrly l`hx-nu 13-24. ':'|\ \\'m;:hin_1: Id l`t`|l:llIl1`. 7}) ..-_-_.._._. ` I'n.'1 (nvn Rnll HOUSF.KF}EPER WANTFD Cap- nble` {nusl be fund of chil(l1`(`n. A good mme for fight pvr.~: Apply Box: "B." Exmmm.-r (,)l'l'icL'. 7;) M.~\Rl.. uni l l\- : M. /\m>_i.v I :-ry user \ Snl\'os. .~. Doug- `T4 ()l' 4-81) ' 7}; CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. All sizes. Apply John McBride, 610r5. 7p 200-EGG CIIATHAM INCUBATOR for sale. Apply J. Brennan. Angus. 7p PROPERLY GRADED sound Dooley putatnes, 40 per bag. delivered any place in town. Phone 692. 6-7b 1 BUCKEYE INCUBATUK. UUU-eggl capacity, good as new. Will take part cash. A. D. McFadyen, Ed- lgar. 6-7b I lI ()'l`A'l`OES--Choice N0. 1 grade. 50 Cents per bag delivered. Prompt at- tention given to your order. R. M Bell, phuno (529. 7;$ l YOUNG WOMAN with um` child dusil'(`..~: ])USili(7ll us hI)lI.\'l'k('(`})l`l`. Tol- (-phune (i0Hr5l. Tb _j:: 1 BUCKEYE INCUBATOR. 600-egg rnnnritv, mmrl as new. Will 1 iI~`()R SAl,.E--~Pnir of light delivery |bub:~;leigh.< in good condition: also `family cutter in nice shape. Call at 6? Brock St. or phone 477.}. 7b 600-EGG MILLER INCUBATOR. unm hm! nl' mmriitiun_ Wnuld :4: |(i00-EGG MILLER lN(.`Ul5A'l'UK. m ttho best of condition. Would sell `reasonable 01' exchange for young cattle. W. J. Cameron, Midh1n'st. 7-8p FOR SAI.E~~SE'I` OF` GOVERNORS rm- T\/hmlr-I T Fm-d r-mvine. nr can be FOR SI\I.I<:---:5I1:'I` Ur` UUVl`}KNUKb for Model T Fnrd engine. or can .'IH:1ched to nny other make of on- uinn, Annlv to R. Prebble. Sluvner znuncliecl to other make 01 _ginu. Apply Siuynur lI`ns1 ()l'I'ico. 6-Mp ] FOR SALE --I expect a car ()1 Salt :11 |(.`rnigvnlo beginning of next week. I .'ll`H(`S w:\n1im.: sull should put in 21 year's supply :11 low cash prices of!` mu`. B. Wel>h. 7b ] __ 2VI<)(}I-2'1`./\B[.F`.S FOR S/\LE.-~ Beets, c-;n'm1.s', cabbage, turnips, pursnips, 25c pm` lmyzze lmskcl or 5 baskets $91.00. H. I). Alhcrmn, Bznwie. Tel- :-phune 580W. 6-101) I(`:-niuvnlo hc-L'im1in;z iI`OR SALE ~I expect <)l'sn1t ntl REFINE!) F.x~.\'(-hum! 1 position Htznyinu: with < er.im{. Apply l..\`zuniu` | `SACRIFICE SALE`. 1 Mixxnuster with ulinclnnonl. 1 hlnwt-r and mm- tml. 1 two-plate wilh two 3-heal :s'\\'i1chc:s`. irons. toasters. etc. ltml. 1 lw`n-plulo \\'11n two .1 swilchus`. Irons. L`llff(`,, Allnndnle. phone 865.]. .-:.-_: | __ 'SF.VEN-l)R/\WF`.R SINGER sewing machine, looks like new. Medium xizv 'l`;1ylm' .snl`e. 500 theatre souls in uund shape in be sold cheap in make room at l'u('k`.<, 20 Buyfiold SI. 7;) 3 IINFURNISIIEI) ROOMS to 101. Apply to Mrs. I. Bm'k('r. 59 Park SL. :01` phone 45W. 6-7p `ROOM WANTED Clean. warm rnmn. clwnp, furnished or unfurnish- ml. Vicinity of B:1_vfiv1d and Dal- lnn. Phnnv 1196. 7p l FARM 'l`() REN l`-- Frwrcman. renter or buyer, fur W(.`:~'lDI`n furm~~-good with lmrsvs. m:u'hinery and grain farming. 960 acres 500 for crop. Hunt;-r's R(`ilH_\'. Barrie. 5-9b - FOR RENT -- Nice 4-mun) front npurtmont. stvnm-hunted. S. W. Moore. 47tl'b ,--:-:-?.----:_j._-. l I iSEED AND FEED FOR SALE] (Say you saw II. In The Elamlncr) NEW Al`ARTMF.N l`. steam hea1ed--- Rlmm_\'. mndvrn ('un\'(`I\i\mcus. now- In nnrl zxtn-nr~H\vnlv rlnr-nrnh-ri An- l\'lmm_\', mn(l`l'n ('nn\'(`I\lun(tL`s. |_v and z1lIrncti\'0l_\' d0r`n1`ntcd. ply 1\ Imnro':< Shoe Store. A C/\I ABl.E WOMAN `mu! :1 g:}n)(l cnuk (Iva-:ir-:~: lmusc-In-onlnu no.~;111un. FOR SAL.E--Sweet ClOVe_|` hay. well made and fine grown. J. W. Shenrd. Big Buy Point. Allnndnle. R.R. N0. 1. 6-lop HAY FOR SA1.E--'1`0n tons mixed vl-)\-"er. \\'(-ll szwcd; also work horse, 1400 lhs., for sale or will vxchange fur rmvs or ynunp.:' cnille. A. Mc- lmnn, Fldonvnlv. 7|) I(\l` _\'()l Lmn. Edmwulo. 3-2..-tj l".~\Rx\I FOR SALE ~ One hundred :|c|'v.<. oust hnlf lot 9. Cum. 2. Orn, Wm. Andcr. Shunt)` Bu)`. R.M.D. No. 2. 71) l`.-\RM }~`(')R SAl.E-5() :u`re.<. Hth (Wm. \. t-spru, brick house. bunk burn. Ha uvrr-s sx,-o(lod (lawn. '7 acres in \\'hont. pluwinu dam`. Apply R. 11 ('um1in;.:hum. l`hm'nlnn. 7-Hp U|l'.\ \'\nI uulinn s Mrs. J. sing. F011 SALE--NiL'e farm in the \:i!~ lngv of Mim'. ~85 5 un-<` \\':|lk {rum nuhlic %l`\ry-Thornton Tel. (Co. Ltd. .'l'hn sll|)\A`l`l]H`l`\` of lhc` I\'\`-'1"hm'n1un , tr-~cI"GI%`-`I7 `V TH WHOM 1'1` MAY (`()N('ERN: '1`.-\KI N(Yl`l(`.F that thv Winter S ,l'.ng.< of the Supreme Court () 'lnI'in. fur the Cuumy 01' Simcno. \\' ;lm In-Id :1! ma` k`u\n`t Hmxsv in I !'l`u\\-n m Barrie. nn rvn-I~uI\A|' I` nIII'|I1I1 In Inn IV,` I nun Thv .~ub.wriher.< the` Ivy-'I`hm`ntnn 'Tk'l\`|1hUlM` Cu. Ltd. who in ;-:-.< lam: BUII lcln \.d\Io l.aLuo cook (lcrein-:4 lmtm-lu-vpin_L;_positinn at um-e. Apply Mrs. E. Kmvh. `.144 Cm`di;.:nn S1... Vvmnrlxlm-l<. 5-71) F L.'l\l'[\l5l.lL WULVIAN mm :1 gnuu` 1

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