Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Feb 1935, p. 8

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]"L`I1\tlV(!!-`u In U.-Inuwu. 1 '1`/SS Olive l`hmnpsnn visited nvvrl the weekend in South Pm-cupinn. Mrs. A. J. Sarjuum visllud in Or- illiu for sevcwnl dnys Inst \N(`(?k. ; Mrs. W. L`. Hnw \'i::il(-d hm` dnugh-` tux` in Kirkluml l.:nku nvvr thu \\"ok- 3 nntl !Winners Announced a In Legion Campaign L ..__...____ The Barrie Branch Canadian Le-1 `giun wish to announce the winners in recent campaign for Relief and; uMain1-nunce Funds. 1 n.mLr I Mr Rmwxwk Allnndaloit ...._ , ` IQIHIHHL . ll. X1. IHUHIPSUH. I\lIiII|lliIIL'. ` :2. Mrs S Roach. Barrie: 24, Laurni` :1-`m-gu.~`m. Barrie: 31. Mrs. Henson.H Um-ru-. 32. Dr. Wurnica. Barrie; 83.5; .\1ur1- Whyle. Nakinn: 34. Belt?` gmuck. Barrie: 37. A. Foster. Battle: I` 338. J Burysunk, Barrie; 40. W. B 1 .w.~m). Allnmialv. 42. Miss M. L.aw-" 1nl _ Rarrw. 45. Mrs. Forrester. Port Credit; 58. F` Gullfoyle. Barrie; 67. ` 11) White, Allandalvz G8. C`. Ford. ` `1MmmkIn. Barrie; 72. H Beeforth. Burris: 8-8. J. Balcman. Barn:-: 85. R. M Pook. Camp Bordon: 86. Miss i Boucher. Penetang: 87. B. Kc-etch. - Barrie: 89. W. R. Mitchell. South - River: 90, Mrs. Horsfic-Id. Minet's I iB;n'ric; 69. J Rady. Barrie: 70. w. D.` Point: 05. Alice Glover. For! Credit. n: -n ..-1.-nu mm n.m|..- :1 mm Ihn l'OllHI N3. AHCI` \.ll()\'!'l'. l'|lI`l LFEOII. O! 31 partly sold books 9 had the winning ticket sold. _ Subscribe to The Examiner and get all the news while it is news. Rcyzlm with the proper scalp tron mcnt m:mipu'l:1ti0ns will produce : zllmndzmcc of hair on any scalp. ` We are doing it constantly Treatment 75c Sludrnl.~s' (tmnu-ll Girls.` Boys` Basketball _.. .....| ru\ru;.`\n Im Hll'I`(.'. II:-rbx-rt Maw :lH('n(l('(l 1.11:` :m-' nun] Ph;|rm:n'y dzmcv in the Rim; ".(lw:u'(l Hnlvl, 'I` Inst I~`rid:1_vL uvvniug. ` m.- nm|M1`.~:. William G:11liv.M:nry', 'l'l'HllHM lH'\`V.\. n is upon In 111(- uy H-.'uh-r in tho form r ])(`l'h'I)lHll inlvrvi1~\\,' I`. (`uulributurs shnukl .\p:1('<- is limited. $8 l)UNl.(_)l S'Fl{EI'1` OVER GRIFFITHS SHOE STORE llamkrllmll KVIIHM lllrll FIIIIII In Ill unv :- Miran I-`c-nnvll nl llw lfilh run hm! tho mi.-:l'urlunv In full jl|Hl uul.~'.i(l<- uI' In-r lmnw mu lure nlw wrixl. l~`m` M (lny ur ll(`L(|('('l('(l 1n lunvv it I':~::nniIw (Int-luv, nut I'l`iI|i`I.ilI;`_ l| h-nl hm-n Inim-ml. Wlmn l.l`(`ul Mlsm Iv`-um-ll Sul'h~r.~a Iirnlwu Wrl.-I. nn._ ll(`gl('('l('(l ll) IlilVl' ll l'.\iIIl|IIu'II u_v huw :;I*I`iml:\ uln- h:\(l In-on Injm-4-(I. Wlmn l.rvul~:|. l|u- wrlst hml 1ll'v1'lu|n-(I rnn:aul<-rnlrlc S`WUHiIl)( uml ul prom-nl in` vu-ry pum- fuI_ llzlvilu: In-1-n lll(`:l..('(l in n t'zI:;1. IIIIIIHHI Unnlu-II Notes A! lhv |~`~hru:n'_v lII('l'lIlIj{ nf In- ni.-:l'|! (`muu`||, (' |%|.'n'k muv:-I In t'nlu4l`:IllI|:Ilv lhv Hf`('\ll' mu! l)t-puly Rt-eve mu llw :u-li,w- purl lulu-H Ill Hu- (Tmmly (`mun-1|. 'l`lw HN'Vl', in ruv ply. :u'cv|)lx-(I :;:nm- and inI'm`xm-(I Hu- ('uum'il Hunt :mmn;; utlwr l|Iil`:|'_:: lwn m-\v ro:ul,~: \\'ulIl(l bu mlu-n uw-r III llu-1uwn.x'hip llw Hlh lino wt-.~:l from the Hip_hw:n_\' mu! llu- lilth -um-1-:;.-4inn frmn llw Ilip_ln-my 1-:u:;l In llw .~u-:-- um] ,-:itl(-rnml. H0 ulrm 2l:;5IlI`ml Hu- (`uuncil that lhv-rv wuuhl Iw nu In- c1`o;1.~u- in llm (`uunly rulv fur maul-: - nml Iwirhzx-s. II Mr l`mhl wlm hm] maulv his; fir 1 lnml Iwirhzx-s. Mr. l`mhl. who firm! nmu'ur:nH`<' in (fmuny (`mum-iI_ ulsu l'.\|)l'|`53~'-Pd his .'1pn'-rizuliun In 1'1-lluw Im`Inh0I':-3 nf Hw `ulllwil mu! ussauri-tl llum lhnl hv hut! an In-Ipixug hunt! in .\.....-mmmv um! .th:n In-inu his first - ' til March 31. t1 On the suggestion of Deputy Reeve 3i'I`udd. the uuclitnrs were asked for Hsummstmns in reference tn _methQds of tax` collections. Some d1. 1* was gtven thxs matter and the plan Inf ulluwlng 21 percentage bonus for -1 l prepaid taxes and an ndded percent- `uge for those unpaid after Dec. 15 [may receive t'urth<-r consideration. E Conn. Cnnnell. who is the new 01 member of the 193: ) Cnuncil. shmved 1` cunsideruble interest in the discus` .- sions during the day. He appears to t-thuve :1 sincere desire to render real _1s'ervice tn the rutepayer.<. 31k The Value of the l`o\\'nship Park I), There has been some 1)1'ess and -e`publlc discusxiun as to whether nr n ` not the value nf` Innistil park gehuuld dthave uppearecl In the tuv.'n.-amp fin- lanciul statement at the approximate "Walue of twenty-t'i\`e thuusund (lul- `ktlnrc l lpoiuleri 10 nuumc uns wum. 1 Luca] Women's ]n.'~;titute5 will be `asked in propose delegates to work `in mnjunvtiou with the chairman n1` IR;-liul` and Indiucnls Committee to consider problems arising; through relief requirements. A mntiun was passed rzxlendinu renel l'L`(||lll'L A \the limo for `til K On the xuuu uvx-mug. Mr. and Mrs. C:1lliv.M:u`yl Sll`(`l.'l. will mark llw 5-Hh :1llHi\'t'l'-E sary uf llu-ir Imu'rin1ze on S.llurdu_\'. Tl1P_V wu-rv mxnrrlml in 'l`nmnlo nll` Fol). 16. 1881. nnd hnvv r:\.:i(l1-1.1 in Bm'ri(- vvvr xincv thzn limo. irapndly being sum um pr 1` ing nearly umee hund each. This (`Ullld n1.<.u b: a portiun of the buck .;.pax`k if the picnic gmun mserved at the \\`:m-r fr whose purchasers had p 110 the water. Adding 1 !2]valuntinn tn the rosulo ' .-{share hno. 11 mm 021511)` 1-|lhe vulue uf twenty-H` '1 dollars as u not value of 113' (after nllmving for 1! `Wing debentures! is. In .<; very conserv:u.i\'o. \ wwm nnrll hnu'|>`\'t`l` I '} value t lurs. (\'t.'l_y L'uuar:A-nu... i The park. how:-\'vr. has :1 value which camnnt be vsllmulc-d Ill dul- 'lar:: to every riuze.-u M the town- lship. It has been pruclaimed nguln ;and ngnln as the must boulmful mn- :ural public park wnlun the same radius of Toronto` As years an un. us value will nwroase. .5 wlll also tits usefulm.-ss. It should ;1l\\'.'\_\'.s be held as n recrt-amnn gruund and nut commercialized lulu nu amusement `resort. [1 can be Improved ulong ltlus plan so thul greater purhuns u! the now-unused parts may berume .~:ervic`able. The swampy purls should be drained und shady wnlks made. The wnmen M the township should mkv an nchvo purl m us beaullcallnn through their Insu- tutes and other urgnnizulluxxs by taking uver purl: \\'hu`h would be sultablu {or sw'.nup ;;au'dvu.~: along which paths would be xnadc su that the visitors could admire the-xr wnrk. An annual prize shnuld be awarded to the urgamzallon wlnuse 1-Hurts won the most nppn-cmuun. .... nu-nu.nn.u\l c a-nu Ilri cnnn . l 1 wnn uw mum uppnm ....u.... All those impmv:-nu.-nts could man be nccumplsshcd by am ('{{u`|cl\( num- uger who had the ban-king uf the (`ouncnl und u .-uuull unnuul ppm- prialiun ullnwml him (nr nnprn\`o.'~ INNISFIL NOTES llln ID If '4] E um-. ll tun cu. I.r\. . ... ` l\'eI1ty-l`wc llmusundlr'Ot .ll`S as this prupcr- I after nlluwing the uulsmnd-' sag," the I-.`u. ' A r` 113 park. n vnluelgruwn Ch mam M in H. T `.d nnt- _`."" _ . M L `us Toronto. an in 3` value IJFIOI` usefulness. be.mum I as recreutmn be m; lmercmlized Tm art. as db Plzin so thull bcim; ..n..o. nn-Au lnmnvne 115.0: 55.4 I V my n. u. w-unusvn })iIl`L.\ nmy uc\uIn\ . able. m 31! hur the lcallnn den `in; Wm u the nnlhs would be , on m um mm run .~:l'uI'lllnl` mu ixl. > |'l`iI|i`I.ilI;`, re:-ru um-(I. lroul u-mum: I in: u.-r emunls. passed roulrn ml tax roll un- Page Eight Ill llll` ldlll l'Il|ll way . H-rv `uunly In l[)J)l'('I`i:IHHlI ml ldlml In-im! fil`.\'l NIH I)l| |('|' mul l'rm-- .-an slu- : l`.'~2lIlIliIu`(l lay :- huu: -- rinllu uln- nunurcu unuala be dune with ' purl uf the L` grounds were re- 'ulvr from so that \....l nu-klin no.-pg; u! pr1c*.~: : hundred x1 ho dull cut- an {mm man public access` it this pnssible] 9 value u! the \_\' be smm than ` -hvc lhuusundl ;\f Ihu nI'un\a`l`- l : uverag- 1 dollars mm: ~v nu` who \ MRS. J/\MI'ZH l'l.|".WI'2H The tlvulh ()('l.'lIl'I'I'(l on Hulurclny, I-`uh. 9. 10:15, of l*`.uI,hur Vul'1y. wltluw nl` lhv lnlv .lmm-:4 S. |'la-wvu. nl Hu- hmnu of hm` lmmhlur, Mm H. II Webb, 15 (`nllll-r Sh !-c-I, Hm'r|c-` Sim hml lwt-n In l|1`H('lIl(` Iwnllh fur Ilw punt lwu yuuru. Hnrn in |'m'1'v villuuu-. Nlll'l|HlI' punt lwu Hnrn in |'(-.r(:_v vi|luuu-, Nurlhum-~ lwrlnml cnunly. H5 _yuurn nun, HH- lnlv Mrs. l'|l'Wl!H hxul muvml win: her I'umiI_v In an fnrm nu-ur l'-m~Inn ;.v,uin|wm- wlu-n qultv ynulw,` Him wn:a nmrriml 0|) _y~uru um um! nmv-- MI in Hht-lhurlw wlu-rv Mr. I'|t-wvu run lhv |'|ullI` mill Aft:-1' hla cl:-nth rm ya-ura nun Mrn. l'luwv:: nu-Vt"! in Hnrrlv for I11 yvnrn nml llvuul in HM rmulh-wu-.-al. vnrmer ml Mm'_y zuul Mll- xnlu-lh HH'('l`|Ii 'l`ht-II nlw Innv--I In 'l`m'm\tu nml livud Huerv for :m y~,m'u. <` In Hnrrlv In llvu- with ha-1 ri.'n|;'_hlvI` lwu ya-.-n':c u;,r_n. til` 9. hnnllu nf munn nnlv Il'l`l` For an limited limo only you can not :I rm-1.v,ul:u' twu~wm-k '. .5v jrn` of Nnxu-n m fur uni)" 15. Savi- zilmuszt half Hip and pl'(`x(`nl this vuupmn n(:w- whiiv Lhi.~euf1'vr lusts. (i.'lII}'_lIlt`I` Iwu _yu.-nru u1!_n. HI :1 fumlly of M-vun, unly HM`:-v rhilclrc-n nuw nIu'viw~'. Mm. H. H. W1-hi) um! Huwlml l'lI-Wm: Hf H:n'- rit-: .'mzl l"rm| Pl:-wt-H uf Hl`InJ| .|_VI1, ..|u.u- ..A {'1-n. unm -. I'll`: fllltl l"I'Nl I'M-wt`); Ill luImI'.I_yn, I I)(`('!'1lH('ll wnr; :I nwmln-1' pl (TI-n- trul M<*l.I1mH.~4l (.'|mr('h w'u-vi Mu- l'|I`Hl Iivml In Hnrrh-. Him wm u nuemhur uf Elm St. llnllc-(1 (`hm-r-h in 'l`m`unln. Of n (|I|il`|. rmu-rvml (Uti- lumiliun. hm firm. Ihmmhl war: for In-I` hmnv mu! l'mnil_v. A un- uln uuu-ulnu nu.-m In-I1] nu Hl'|' NONI! HHU I(llI|Il_V. A privulu HI-I'vII!u wxm lush! rm Mnmluy. I":-,l), H. in Mm. Wt-I)l;'r hunm. with Ra-v. Mr. (hurl! :.|{iu-H-1- inu. lnlvrlnunl wu,-4 in HIl`I'iv` Uniun (..`unw1(-ry. Aumnu Hmnv whn :1ll4-ml-- ml lhv I'Iuu-ml W('I'(` u ;',r:nnzlrlmwu- la-I2 \/Ii.-an H1~ul.riL'- l luwu:.'_ mad :: (ln|u(lItu-rin-lnw, Mm Wm. ('tmp-r, nf '|'m`nIIln. L Ill!` (IPIIIII lIl`l`\lllI'll -nu lvllllnlnly, Ir`-~|n'u:n`_v -I, 19315, nf Julm I.ivim,- 9-llnlh`, Inn` of Hit,` ulrh-1:! nml Inn.-.1 rt-.-am-I-lml rmaiduenm uf Urn 'l'uVVImhi|r. Ho :mI'I'u-rt-(I frum lhv ro-smll 4:!` n sw- V('l'(' lull whit-h Imppt-med ulmul :: wm-k pm-vimm to hix ch-nlh mud whi:-h nu dmllzl hfI3s`ll.`lll`!l lhv vml. l'.i|u- many of the lwnplv nf Om Tnwnshlp ho was 1)!" Ill;;hl.'mrl H('ull'h pium.-1:1` (l(-st-t-I\t. Hh; m'umll'::Un.-r .'n.tI l':nnil.y t-|nIul`:nl<-I [mm S<'n1|:mvt nlmut H132 mu! Hrs! 3;:-lllml i_n tlw vivinity nl` .InrrnH, umlt.-ru,uIn;.', all lhv vi:-i"~4llml4-5; zmrl h;11':I.-shim; 0!! lhn:;t- (L'|_Y.'-I. l)(`('L`1lN('ll was lmrn Hun":- ln lltl), thus In-im; In his H51) _vv.~:n' :11 Ilw lhnv 1:! his dwulh. Sr-vs-nly _v-ur-; :n,m his fnlht-r mm A ,1 r.. ....nI...l I... Inc I ! S|'V|'lILV IIHU HIS llIlII!'l MINI muihr-r and family stelllt-rl rm I01 13. (.'rm. Ii. 01%;. John Cuntimu.-tl Ln ru- sidc mu llw lmnmstenrl until his dt-alh. Hr wus vory qulwt, xu('inI)lt- and iuml`l't-n.~ :1 I n-:;hyl(:rim\ in l'('li1. ,iUlI and in [.ih-rul in pulili<`r,. He It-nvus lo nmurn his loss his wife. I'm'xm-rl_v l".li7.u Ann H4-witt; four sons, John. Wulu-r and Maxwell mf- Iidunr, and Stanley Hf Sinlnlllin. S;n:~:k.. also (mt: fnwtlwr and twu .xi.< u-rs, Gilbert nnrl Mrs. A. Si.x`s and Nliss Maggie Livingstone. nil of Ur- illin. 'I'I\n r...mw.l nmk nlm-n nn Febru- I III]. II, xuu. w; iuml`l'(-n.\i\ | n .-,. ms illm. The funcerul ltmk ])lu(:(r on Febru- ary 6 to Knox (Jumutery und was well attended considering the cold` wuuther and condition u! the roads.` Rev. M. Muclnnes c-mductcd serv- ice both at the house nnd cenuetery. The pal!-beurt.-rs \v(:x`c Jms. C.'n<'kburn.i Nicnl Mclmyre. Andrew M(:Nabb_! Fred Patterson, Peter M(.'Arlhur zmvlq 1...... 1\Ilnf`uniu Thu ('nmrnunil\.' ex-I l"I`(3(J l`U.Ql'S()l), t'Ult:l AVu:ru unu: uuu] Lung McCuuig. The cnmmunity ex-I tends sincere sympathy to the im-| mediate relatives in the great loss of :1 kind husband and :: loving fath- TIIOMAS ROBINSON Thomas Robinson, who was born. at Midhurst on September 1. 1863, :1 sun of Thomas and Mary Leuly Robinson. died at Hnrhnr Springs. Min-h., on January 15. in his 72nd year. Mrs. C, J. Partridge. EC('l(`.H` SL. and Mrs. Joseph Graham. Pen-i clung SL. Barrie. were nieces of the docvnsed. rm... fnthrn` nf thn rlnr-r-nsm! uncr- rlvulh u-ln'u:n'_v I 7 7 7 F" '7' 7 7' \ Burton Ave. United Church 451.1 AN1)AI.E W n :21` I':'-- V. A Pnxrlsluvx Doe "" '-T .H;'.1: I):xI4`hc'r l V E deceased. The father of the deceased oper- ated the Vespru Mills before mov- ing, in 1883, to a farm on Ctmcession 1 Fins, near Fldenvale. In 1888. the late Mr. Robinson was mm`rie(l to Susan Crawford of Mina-sing. who died in April, 1900. leaving four small girls. In 1901. he gave up farming in this district and went to his sister's. Mrs. Mary Jane Allen. in Michigan. He started in the bus- iness of truck gardening at Harbor Springs. Mich.. and he operated an extensive business of this nature an the western outskirts of that ::l`.:.'., His was a familiar figure on the streets of Harbor Springs. Of late. however, his health had failed rap idly. confining him to his home un- der the watchful care of his wife. \ The late Mr. Robinson was mar- ried three tum-.<; his last wife, Ella Snyder. whom he married in 1908. ' hi-A .....-. 0.. mnnrn lnszxx I-`tve Ll. VV. Mrs. J. There : dren. I`l\ n 0' are-n. The funeral re.~1idem'- un Jn A V. nu: nnni In. xuullg. Innumcn uu . ...~. ` terian Church. of which he lmember. nftclzmng. and the 5 [being under Masonic auspim 3 PA Iumv In uu .1:n\ L`. `grown pntatues was fur:-czm an u|- mcx-ting of wholesale pululo dunk-r.~': I !l1c'Ruy;|l York Howl. 'I`un-mu` Tuesday uftcrmmn This. h--u:o.~vrr.1 will be offset by me` inxpruvu-nu-n1` grades. which WI n.-sult m .1 sup-I quality. 1! \.\';1s ssnd A mini-` -mum price. subject to changes. w1H mamtained -1-.-..p1.m.-.~ Lrhn mm-r the induslry matntatnect Truckers who enter the industry dlstributnrs were condemned. it argued that they shuuld (`nu- tine the-xnselvcs tn trans.portnt:;>:: alone lt was the Concensus at [hm- hundrod or 50 dealers present that farmer was receiving .1 "raw deal" and all agreed that they wen- . nnnnrd with nnv sano tnnvemom {dean anu `.111 at; [in acrnrd with ` which would r farmer J '1' (`niun nf J '1`. Cassin of the Eastern Canada Potato Marketing Board. acted as chairman _..._-___...__......_:_._ nu-ms. In addmun In 1 the park wul produce. You haven't read The Exanxium until you`vo read the advu. __,.___.________________ I 1'.l\rl.- - L.UD1 In A olvunvn Svr\'ic-I 4 ` Monday -.!uxuor B.\` PU Tuesday ---Sr. B Y1 U. Skating 1`nr(_\ \\'odm.~uda,\' Fellowsmp ll] l ru_\`\~r, ` and lhblu Study. -Thu Book or- Inninll I _ JOHN E I.lVlN(ih"l'()Nl`I v.- H SUI) mun" result 111 ' ln\l\UlIlU|l| bent-{it In 'Ex-Mayor J.H.MitchelIV' Elected ils Honored at Alliston Co. Master, Toronto ` District; Born in Essa | '/`.11: 1-m lit-Hnlrll ! To (`Ii|))`l( J. H. Mnlvhv-ll'~: L'Hi(`i(:I|1 mum: 1....-.. l... mu; 1.. VIN.` Hllll.'|l'I'll lIlllI`.1 Hull! 11' I'll n u. AHi:rt um! pm-'.*mu'=. tn m-<'up:y'- lng thr: muynr'H I-hnir for thv Hrs ! time had Dl.'('l) rt.-4-w: fuur years; :md7 spent twu years in the muncil. Mr. Mm'hL-H':4 yours nf sr:r'~.'ict: tn the town were not conseculivn-. Some` years ago he retired for two years- `nnd came back when the debentures` crverlng the cost of the turvia pave-` men! rm Victoria .~,'tre(-1 were hang- ing in the an`. In 1925 he retire.-d from the n1uyur.'1l1_'y' after hz:vim.: been elected tu me 1c;:isl.'mn'c and, for fnur )'L`iI|'.`i rcprcs(.-ntcd South-, . west Simcue in the Provincial pm`- I;.. ...o 1.. 1(n 1lnn u~.u nnrn nf1hrv(- mc-mm-r.s` Cntmcil tn L'UH1H|l.\.*lUl took his p virtue of through a l u"II: nnvnr '38 never UH Huh unuxu un year, having been an 1-lvcted rx bar when he did nut happen I at the head of the council. (Mr. Mitchell was rccc-ntljv painted Rt-gi.~'trnr n! the Sun: Court for Hm Cuunly of Simru \\ (`KI I wuuu; ` lhb ., Dumvl` iw. \\"lc: \ (`ll 1 held RA I\'line. 0. Inn VI-`.SI`R.-\ TOWNSllll' OI-`I-`l(`l~ZR.\' At the rm-c-ling of V(`H]`rl`n (`mum-H at the home ul` Rm-\.'v Du`.-.'ncy. ...; ._- ,.. 13.4. 4 .v .....u ,l._,.;,]..,1 meeting a an the 1 `inn. nn Feb` oh.-. ...-n..u Mid. by BARRIE FLOUR MILLS SOLD RY LEADING GROCERS A WAY TO MAKE PERFECT BREAD re acr lhc W ruled legislature and 10 bi.` South-'_ W- ncoe pm'- TOW" In I917 he was one u! three 550- 4 5 of r.-uunril appointed by 14-0-1` constitute the first H_\'(h'n 11.0.1. :.... :.. 4......` \v..\-c ~.vnz.r hp H15 `H11 all the . (F (H nzu ll, mu_uu nnu succeeding years H's huurd till this 1 mem- nnt in be u. r-nnnnil |.'n. i`H3.`(\ _vL'ill IlL' on this board by ice as ma-mr and "A: iwv. ERNEST 8. LONG. 3.4., B D ! Mintswr 1 LLOYD TUFFORD Organist and (`holrvnuszcr -\ M many (`nslu he hard times ll` uuwnuy. xas decidwl the town- ..I nnnnnnl. `Hut I Inn :.-1 \_lI:1u-- 1.-.~.,,~ The new (,'nunt:/ Man-.tcr. W. Bro. W V. .`.I=m', who 1:-. :1 past district `mast:-r nf Um nurtm.-rn district. and `has hm-n an u(:ti'/tr. (."1I`nh`i!iI(:l|t Or- uruzt-mnn fur many years, was ap- puintml In rt.-prt-sent the County Lodge at the 75th annual scsusion of ithe Grand Lodge or Ontarlu West. `which will be held at St. Catharlnes `the week of March 20 W Bro. Muir is an independent business man. an 0):-s~rvi(-1: mun, whu did his duly In ` the war. and he is (:Xp:Ct(`d to prove Lltn a fn`5l-cl.'ms Cnum.;.' Master. ` H! V aw mm z.,.m in Run \pAa-vn.4n\q- ..v-v-._ PROBUCTS 75 Elizabeth St., Phone 128 1934 Chev. Master Sedan 1932 Chev. Special Sedan 1932 Chev. Special Coach 1933 Ford V8 Coach 1930 Oldsmobile Sedan 1930 Buick 5-Pass. Coupe 1929 Auburn Sedan 1928 Essex Coach 1931 Ford Sport Roadntel 1931 Dodge `g-ton Panel Truck AYERST & HARRIS LTD. Druun 3 .:,u..-.. . ....... -_ Beach's Gold Medal Flour. These flours can always be rehed upon (or giving best rc- GENERAL MOTORS _..,\.\. urn-u-n un nu .........n.....-.. tr be sure of bak- that will be nour- lmmus. wholesome. `dc upon a roclpe r>~en tested for its u-n order its most mgredwnl. namely a_.....;..| Imm... Ar .; ('huril1I" I III` luluytlt \.plII-Il\n|I 'C1Llp[.\t`l`lrIl\ Stx`eeU REV. W K R BA'1`TY_ Mmistrr MISS M KAINI-.` Chair-Leudrr uud Organ!!! Eollier St. United chums`! -Miss um. Pulfurd is \'i.~:i1im: with ]"cl:\(iv(!S in O.~IhnWIl- ` 111,... All`... l`|n\n*n\unn \'iS'ltl`d "THE sown`. or A ix.-\pm' MAN" 3 PM-- The Bible School Scssmn "7 P.M.- -"LOST IN A STORM" . Dunn uni u.n in Slnrvinnl nuns)`: I . A AAA4|\\'l u 11 A.M AND 7 PM : THE MINISTER .11 A.M.-~-THE JUNIOR SCHOOL `3 RM.-~THE CHURCH SCHOOL MONDAY. 8 RM. YOUNG PE0l`LE`S SOCIETY WEDNESDAY. 8 l .M. MIDWI-EEK MEI-2'l`lNG You are cordially invited to [line services. 0 \ 1 THIS COUPON WORTH 10c SUNDAY. FEBRUARY \7. 1935 ll AIM '}\\e!One clear-headed. A clecmeyed man is en- 'z ` W ioying his movie. He * has practiced lhe principles of better vision . . . he alone gave lo his eyes; the benets of optical science . . . and the good light they needed. Can your eyes srmle with his? SUNDAY. l"EBRUAR\' IT, 1`.L'$'.) . In AlII\ -v n 1: First Baptist Church \(`l:\nnm`!un Straw!` rc- y- -----. OPTOMETRIST IUIDI 3 u) IL. Saturday lo 1 1.01` In e-ml. M()NDAY~ Y l .S. 1.I'1`ERAR\' NIGHT ). ~.\' FF.BRUAR\' 17. 1935 `ARE WE EQUAL TO IT" .\! SUNDAY SCHOOL HOW CAN IT BE DONE" `M Y PS F`1n-side Hour. CONSULT mw You to First (`mm :1! (mnwn and : lust wm-k nn :1 " "_" gwnz nun wu wr In lg`_ W. (` Wu ` 1"|11w('1ilu{ Hf "HHS : \'iKinlI Inf I Nc`\\':.p:l[\t'l`: `L `on l"rid:1_\' 5`i Mrs. R l "L lknuwn in :01` ml` .~'.i(h-n1 Tum (`u~u. Smnh. {in Mary at. `| Miss Mun 1`:m-rsm), nurszo-lu- ;1r:IiI\im: :1! Sivk (`hiMrvn's Hnspil- Eul, 'l`nrun1u. is \'isilim.: In-r p:n'(~n|.~'. "LM1'. and Mrs. W. J. | :\ttvr.~`nn. M:n`_\' n no ` .l. A. Mm-l.urm1 vvus in 'I`uruntn _lnst 'l`hur:-duy mtendim: 11 meeting.- |n|' llw DiI`(`(.`l(\l`.` of tho Ontnrin Mn- '11)!` l.v.`uuu`. 'Y`hn< hnwmn. Dmmld SL. rm`:-iv~ lur Thus. Dm\'.~:0n. Dunnld ,0d wnrd Ins! wvvk of mu (lvmh of hi.< hronwr-In-ln\\-. Wm 1*`.lHuH. at` \St. l'nul. Minn. ' Juhn Lzny. sun of Mr. nnd Mrs. H. `NI. l.:I_\'. Hurriv. h:I.~: hm-n uppuilllmi |pri\'m` M-m'v1:I1'_\' tn tht-`.<|n-nlu-r nl` 'lhn- ()m:u'iu I4-p:isl:|l\|I'v. 1 NH.-zs Murlol Smith has rulurnwi u l`nr-uh :nl`lc`r aqxmulim: llw \\'z-~k- |-ml with hm` |\{IX`(`lIL\`. Mr. and Nlrs (`u~u. Smith. 60 Mary St. . um... Mm. Pun:-rsnn. mn~.~:o-ln- [$1. | Walls ml:-mlml :m c-xm`1Hi\'- lnwminu Hu` Ont:1rin~Qu-lwr Di lhv (`:m:uli:m \\ w-kl_\' :Nv\v.-.p:mn~r.\` .\x.~:u'i:I1inn zul '|`n1'unln ; l\/In-u I: H ("mm-rm\, who L-4 wvll 1 Mrs. E. Luck rt-lurm-d to S[l`:1U|'(l | rm Monday with hm` dmuzhtvr. Mrs ; Simrnnns. `I Q (`|nrkr' was and`; l Mr. nml lvlrs Inns. .1. urunaun m `|(`nukslu\vn \\'ish tn nnnnnnvu thw- '1:-11;:.'x;,'n-xmu.-xll of llmir ) 0llll),'t`.\`l (lun- '?;'.l\lz'I'. (llznlys lrmn-, lo .l:|nw.\' Alv\`- ~inmlvr Allen. _\'mIxu.:esl sun of Mr "nml Mrs. .lu.~1-pl: Allvn. of (`nnk.\'-- ' lnwn. lhv m:n'rin;:v lo lnkv plan-v llw llntl:-r purl nf lvlu`n:1r_v. "1 I-`ramk ll~:n`(l nl` \Vuyl.mrn. Sn.-ak. wns among: old frimnls in town for in shurl visit this wm-k llo cunn- u-:I. fur lho (`um-ml ul` his only `.Ll:nl_n;l1lvr, Mrs. Ruuzvm. ml` Furl Wil- Zlium. who (`livd on Fvl). 4. nflvr :1 along: illn:-.~'s und was hnriu-(l in Or- ,illin rm 'l`lnn`sxln_v, Fun. 7. I lon 1 lV[l'.\`, H. ("mm-l' wlm wvll H:ll`I`i1'_ \\`.'l.\` -l('\`lI`d pum- l.~:idc-nl 'l`ua-mln,v U\'t'l1ilu1 nf thv Wn- gun-n'.~: ."\.\'.\`n\`i:lli:In of Wnhnvl` lhuul `n...\u..a l`I\...~..h ']`:n`.\|\h\ ;I'IZlDH.\'\ l l||lI'L'II_ Illllllllll. 1"r:mk I-`main-r. .h`.. l'm`mvrl_\' of ,H:n'rix-. n:>\\' lI'u.~:l nfHl't`I` of Hu- J(`.rv_\- uml lh 1u`v l`ru.\'l um! S;n\'im_:~: `Cu. O\\'t'n Smmtl. rvvvnlly :uhlrv.<.~'- [ml lhv ()\\':-n Suuml 1hzsi1n'.<.< zunl Pl`u{( Ullill Wnn\vn':: (`.lub nn "'l`ht- A` - V ll |` .nH.\n A.- (1 ll)I'IHt`l' Illllllslvl` III at. :\I|uu'. . (`hurvh. Ilznrriv. Dr. Brnwn made m:m)' vnquirie-.< r01:ar(lin_|: his Barri; l'rim1(l.<. In 1111- cvoninu, Dr. Shurtt delivcrc-d the ;1ddx`css at the I-`ch- ruury university . hold in St. An(lr(w\".< (`hur<'h. His 1-n_u:u:('11um1.< on Nhmduy star!- nd u-ich -m nrh-nun tn Hm Kimvctnni t\|l(lI'L'VV .\ \ II\l u-ngzlgt-m (`d with an and Mimsloriul A l"uHn\\'ing.: this \\':mi.~4 Club 1| noon ho hurl .' in 1|. nu. :(: we %,1{sA\ Ii RFVJOUIS PICKFRING MlNKTFR `W uIIuI\uII "14 REV. LOUIS PICKERING MINISTER Sl'.'\'D/\\'. I-'F.BRk'.-\R\' I7. 1935 11 .\ M l lC'l`l'RI~`.S OI TH}-`. l }~`.R}-`E("I` LIFF. Fnurth UlS\`ull1`.\'(' m S:-rivs 'l`!u- Qm-` '1`hm Fxndx S:Hi::f;u-In-n IHHINHII nlf` >|\|[I. (\II!l II l\ll|I [..,uIu\ )1`. Short! mm-r;:od \.'i(-mrimI.~<. Un Sumluy mnrnim; Dr. Short! u":-:I(`hod at tho ru_n:ul:Ir . in ~'.(. Andrew's ("h1u'<'h. Al 4 p.m.. he um-zu'hvd :11 :1 \'vsp-r .\`l`l'\'i(`l` in (`hul- nvr:-a Unilod Churvh :1rrum;vd by the ninislvr. Rev. Dr. (`zomjuv A. Brown. 1 l'm`me1' minister in St. An(h`v`.-.".~: Thurvh. Dr. mm)` 'rx(~n(l.<. .:.1;. A n... ...4,I.-up. -.9 Hm L`. The sympathy of the mnnmnnity is -xtendt-d to Mrs. J. A. Muir. Int 6. `un. 1. Innisfil, who lost hm` house hr--uuh fire on Munduv ufternnnn. -`z-h. 11. The extent of the lnss is mt yet known as snnw uf the mm- ....1. u'nI'n c-n-nri `J I 0 "`J`IJI\L.4VV IJ Presbyterian Church REV J S. SHOh"I`T. M .4, DD bhvustur lzdmumi Hardy, Mus Bur. I~` '1`C.M Orgmusz tmd ('hUIrn1as!v.'r :s'nnrnrm.~:. `l.. S. (`.l:lrkr- : nun-r vnstorn points I |Jur:ir1(:sS trip. .1. Andorsmm 01` thr- l\l1.\ J. L). IIIUXVXDULV of Dufforin St. Presbyterian church. 'X`urun1.u. formerly of Allundale. will preach at H u.m. and 7 pm ` Miss Elsie (`lmaghloq/. Organist Sve Our Chuvvh Iiullctm Buard \ I lMun.. 8 p m. Young People's Society Wednesday. 8 p.n\.--P1`:\yo:r Meeting |v.~` had lwvn Issuml At the xmunlhly nu-c-t1m.: of lh"ilu-1` :\\';nlab|c :1`. In R.V. Hospital Board on 'l`ucsdu,\';Tx-uvk lnccnses suh most of the time was spent discuss- 22.. trailer about in: certain proposed aznmdnnents purpose about tmL to the bylaws. c-rs permits law.- Anniversary Scrvices, Feb. 24 ` REV STUART l :\HKER. DD. ..l T`.u~.\n0.. u-Ill up.`-..~h SUNDAY. FEBRUARY H. ` REV J B 'I`HOM0 uf Y\..ll`.uu.u Q0 I).-.\.-Isms. n .`| \.<'I an W'lvomc- nun; \`(`l. Cl .OSED GATES BFHIN D OPEN DOORS BE!-`( )R E F.VENIN(} AT SE-EVEN REV. LOUIS I`1CKl*IRING Q..hi.u-0- .V DIUIKKI l`.`\l(l\Ll(. 1 of T_uronto. will preach l.v'Au.-;im:ss Bunk nf 'I`m'-i unto stuff. Kitrht-nm'. spont Hun wvr-kn:-nd in town. "[)nnnl(l I". Mn('l.:Il'm1 nllomlurl lhv Kfzmatlian Bur A.\'sm"iutiun dinnvr in '[-`n'(Inl0. Monday ovvning. II A H:-nrv nnd Jns, Hg-wi11 I:-ft ll`.\'\' \\ lil.KI-INII ST. AN_DREW S BETHESDA >lyim.: mt hr I 1 Tzxnkz -Id.` A `.'HH?HlS UH l\`lUllUl|_Y Null! :1d(`lro.<.s' tu lhv Kingsttm .`\c.-A... Iinn nv 1| :1 n\ .\'U('lilllllll Hl ll il.HI. ht` spnko In the Ki- 12.3(l. In the after- : game (If curling nnd 11.: he was the chief zmnuul banquet of the union] Sovivty. stay in Kingston he of Princ`ipnl Fyfe n1 r JUIQ I Ik Subject: (':A'l`Io`,Q )lI.~;_V umv. 1' Yhv lwvn curlers rrivmg on Snhnrday `:mm* fur him that .1 him with lhrt-v 9 might skip ngzuinst uknrd rink wiih (loo. Aftvr :1 km-n Lililhl` nun` 1-E:-hn-inluc rr:. H17. furmm .1). Al` .- n I\\nnI inn vym-kui-nd in town. E :[)nnnld Mm-l.m'm1 nllvmlvd lhx-u H. A. Honry and by bus nu Sunrlny for :1 month's visit in l.::k-land. l<`lm'id:n. Mis.-: Mario /\1k-_v. Ow:-n Sound. Wm: H vvvc-kc-ml gut-.~zl of Mr. Mrs. R. S. Atkvy, 37 Rn.~::~: Slrvvt. \ y....._ n:,..... .....u M.-.. A v..,.K,... Hr I week- znul ho The Duplicate Bridge Championship won by Mr.and Mrs.McKinnon mm! FnIlu\\'ing are the results: nf the lust lwu n\evlimx.~; nl' lhc Ull|)li(`:ll(` Brid;:- (`hub of I:n'ri<~. l`h0 1>~'('()I'(`.\` uf the p::uno pl:1_\'-d on l"-h. Ii xvvro Ito! lnlmlnlml h_v lhu linw 'l`|HI EN- ill11ilII`l` wvnl In prmzs In.-at 'l`Imrsrlu_\'. The winm`l`.~s in lhv unlm` Hll`llliulH'(l xvvru as l`nlluws: Nnrlh and Smnln Plu-1' I. Mr.-:. (`. l.. ('hillirl(. A 1| \UiII:-II ')Il(. \ n. Illnl ....... .`I I The Sun(l;n_\' Srluml Hull hf ('ul|ic\.' S1. Unilml L-lum-h \\':n:: wq-ll filln.-(I on 'l`\I(-.~'(l:l_\' v\'4-Ililu; \\'lu`n Ht-\'. (ion, 0. l":xl|i.~: of 'l`rinil_v United (`hur('h. Turnnln. g.;n\'v :1 Inns! il11l`I'(`.k'Ul|).{ znul vnle1'tuiI1im; In-vluro um "]`L'l'.\`IHl:lI Expmix-m-vrz with llw (in-ul zmxl --~ :.. ...|.;..I. I... rnl-ulml nu II. lll('su.I_\ l'\l'II `Pr Exporix-m-v.v. Noni` ('h`q-:11." uf his 1 ing as vhauul u:.... |l`(`ltll`l` "ix-rsnnui EX[)(`l`t(`lt(`t`.* in \\ |tt('h hv H-lntvtl if l`.\])l`l't(`ll(`l`S whilv .\'(`l'\'~ ('hil]|l2lil1 durim: the (trout War. inurv piii'tit'iil:n'l_v the ilitiinutv tUtl('h(`.`< in his mm-ting; with t]tl'l]1- bors tit` thv hinh ('lIlltllt:lll(l. thv Rwy- al Fnmil_v, i(`:l(ll`t`S of tho British (luveriiiimiit :m(l uthur ttiiJ,iiitaii`iL`s. Thv h-t-tiirv was llIl(1\`I` thv :iiispit-ex of thv Mt-n's t'hxh. Prvsixlt-iit i~`i`unk If. (`ruig tviidorvil the thanks ml` lht` uiuliviicv to Mr. Fzillis rm` his spirit- tlitt t('Cttlt'l`. As it p|`vlil(h' tn thv |t'('- turi`. xi dvli;:htt'ui Inusit-:iI Dl`U}.1I`\l1\ was given, with piuiiu sulu hy Miss t\`lnr_v .Iuhnstmi_ baritone solos by D. A. \Vic.i:2iii(l. and (]l|tll`lL`It(` mim- puscd of Mrs. Lziiihmin, Mrs. l :u_;t-. S. W. ]\r1t|llt`t` and A. M. KNOX. with M1`. 'l`1iUurd as :it~mmp;mist. Gmda News` ._. _,, 'I`rinit_v C0. lms taken in four rc- (`l'lllIS this last month and one Guide was 1l`lll5ft`l`l`L`(l from u 'l`umiitn Co. which givos us 28 C`-ui(1cs on thv roll with an ziverage attendance of 22. 1\'l0sl of tho girls are working on their signalling for their Sommd Class. I...-4 F`rirln\' '26 went for :1 slciglv Last Friday 26 went I rick`. After :1 two-hum` ride all came back to thv PH'iSh Huh where :1 hot lunch \\`a.< awaiting us. Thu h':1\'t-luguv on T1|c. night Hero and 'Thon,- in the Old Coun- try brought Trinity Guides the sum of $15. We take this opportunity of thanking Mr. Stow.-n. the C`.1 .R.| ugont. for bringing lhis traveluguczi Mr. Ma<'Nutt. who supplied the mu- .-: -nu` `:\/Ir R.'\Hi\'1nn for alssistixw,` MacNutt. who suppncu um Inu- I sit. and Mr. Bullistnn axssistixw, : with showing the pictures. The mt-mbors of thv Fixocutivo of lhr` Local ASS()L`i(lH()l1 and 1110 Guid-` ers are asked in be present an U10 moc-ting tn bv h('](1 :11 Miss Juno Simp.~:m\'.< on F1-bruzngy 18 at 8 p.m. Ihuuzvrs will meet next \\"udxws(1;1)',' Feb `.20, at H<-nri:-11:1 Grz1. . lVI|.`.-` I). .\1'n\| . ., M114. W. (.`. Wullx, I\/Ir.-4. II. A. l'n1lvr.~ .. Fine ci.c;.1.f. Service I At Collier St. Church and Mrs. P. (`. l`:n`s: . and l\ II'.\`. (I. H. (`mm ` l"I`m'l Nnrmzln and [I`.`<. Sh-\\'nrl I)|-Il.l(`-I|'l`I-`l'I. Ll-`.("l ('Iuh (`lummiun-~ .. .- I.. K IIII `Will:-ll 1\ (`mu 01 '/J . nun: x \.. .. .. Upull Hm rt-.~'i1.m::linu uf Llnyd Du- Iauu-_v as x-(|il.m' nf this column. Gurl). Smilh has lmc-n vhu:-n his .`ill(`L'(`.\'.`i(7|' by Hw mum-il. If (Purl). nnrl his :1.-;~ ..~am-i:n1c-.~: (In nu we-ll us Llnyxl hm: lulu n1 llw In-lm wv slmll ll('V(`l ho luvkim; in int:-ru-.-xlim: nvws. 'l`hi.~: rnlumn tlummuts uf any 4:!` :1 l('||l'l` ur with Ilw (`(lillIl`. H-nu-mlu-r Hull XVl|'.\'. H. D. ntnry, an u-ma nu`... !KU, I H. Mrs, Ririr-r nnd Mrs. A. Fram~|' a N(-w 'l`m`nnl0 \'isilmi on 'l`n(-.~:d:1y nu-n`.~: ."\.\'.\'m*i:lliu 1 with Mrs. J. W. '1'. Ellintl. 'I`m*nnlnil{upHs1 (`hurL'h_ ` I \-u L`: nan-u nu... H(`.I. jnniur uml .~u-nim` p,iI`|.~:' |):Is- lu'll):I|| l('lIll1.\' Wl`l'(`. pillurl zuminsl (irillin lust 'l`ImI'.~'.(I:n_v in llnrrin. Juninr (Emm- l|.(`.l. juniurs \w-re dn-fmm-(I by n .~:-m-0 ul` 1m-22. llurriu was hnm|n-r- ud by tho illnt-as M the .-4l:n' l'm'wzn'd, Bid Simmons. Hmvvvvr. H1-Ion Bry- sun V:-ry ably tunk In-r plm-0 ul. ('('|1- Irv, wilh Cmmiv Spourn nntl Muriul Mchmmltl us Hm other puppy rm`- \vunl.~:. l`hv strum: gunrd line cun- : 01` Mznrn. W1-hb, J1-nn (,':1mp- bull and June '1`h:m1ps(m, (']l`Vl`l'l_V inlvrruptvd .~:mm- very iricky pus:~:~ nu vs. H,(`.I. linunp---I~`nrvv:mls, H. Bry- Null :5), C. S])(':|l`ll (1). M. M<-l) um 45), .1. Slrun.~:Inun'. gunnls. M. M. Mt-rodith. / Q4-ninl` Gillll Wm-hb, J. Cmnphull, J. 'l`hmnp.x'un. \M. lVl('I'(`(tllI\. Senior Game R.(`.l. seniors wurv more fortun- ntv than thv juniors by winning l with :1 svnro uf :u;-a. The girls. hold I n neat l(':l(l nll through the gmm-. ` lhv st-ore nt hull`-time being 32-B. ' M:ll)(`| Rlvhm'cl.~:m\, agile omitro. smrv(l 13 of Bu1'rie'.s` 1B baskt.-t.~:. Ruth Svntt, and Vomnu Applt-by sinking in the other 5. The g`u:n'(l:~'. l JUHH Lunnox. Dot. Grunt and Muriel ` Rndgurs, played :1 smnrt gznne. Much cu-(lit goes to Marion Vziir. who plnyvd senior becznise of the illness of two senior players. { B.C.l. lineup--I0rwurds, M. Rich- urdson. R. Scott, V. Apple-by; guards,` J. Lcnnox. Muriel Rodgers. D1 Grant. M. Vail`. n /1 1 i... ...... hm Hm lnct uninos Lifilhl. 1V1. Vuu. I. B.C.1. teams play the last gaxnesiv in this series on Friclay. Feb. 15. ml Midland. llnv9a' Basketball uuyx nauanruuau i The junior and senior boys` bas- ketball teams journey to Orillia to- morrow night to play the Orillia teams once more. These games are very important from in Barrie stand- t point. If Barrie wins both games it means there will have to be one more game on a neutral floor for ` both teams to decide the winners. Til('SC games should prove to be the ( l l xnnst exciting of the season and; \-miilct be well worth seeing. The Skating Party I` Our skating party turned out to` ubv a grand sueL'e.-<.< with more than! .'`250 students. not to speak of the ex- .|students. attired in their most col-l zinrful regalia. The races. which com-1 menced at 7.30. were quite novel; affairs with Don Felt coming in, r:.-.-1 mr Hm iuninrs and Mi1uI`i(`9` ) J ewelle Bca14"_t`_%3rv,_Studir) Don Fell coming: in, first for the juniors Hinds second. coming right in, on Don's heels. First and second; pl:I(',(` in the intermediate were takv It-n hv Whitev Walker and Jacki `place intormvdmte were um-, `on by Whitey Jacki Hughes rt.-. while for tho! t (`.rnwfm'd Leigh and Lloyd! l . It .__i L . jnymt-nt of skating to keep :1 watch-3 1'c.~`pe(:t|vL-ly wnue ior mug Delaney were first and second. The ifouture of the evening was our Prin- cipal. Mr. Girdwood. donning ska-, toss and after being off them for 161 ) l`(ll'i~'. turned in one of the best ef-5 forts of the night. keeping up with the best of them. Mr. Girdwood and` Kntlwrine Delaney were unanim-I ously chosen the best skating Couple. on tho ice. We wish to thank all. thmo who helped to make the party} such :1 success and especially those` who dcprivt-d themselves of the en , ful eye on tho woincrs and coffee` and also those who stayed and help- ' ml <-lean up after the party. ; isoniom Crawford Leigh Lloydi` I i l\ lulnU.`n2ln(`(` 1- unus. 1 1. 5 Book 1. Mr. Buocnck, Allandalczgv [2, R Couch. Allundalv: 3. Mrs. Gart-js HUI`. Allandulo: 6. G00. Webb. Al1nn:l dale; 7. Mrs Reynolds. Allandale; 8.` d \1Vh's. Partridge. Barrie; 9. V. Coles` j Ban-rm; 10. A. E. Anon. Barrie; 11.`; _,F l._mghux`s1. Barrie: 14. M. Hanna} "AllundaIv. 15. Grave Gerrard. Camp! \ V Burden: 16. C`. Ahern. Allandale: 17.=l ,i!I)un Blogg. Allandalc; 18. Mrs. H..y.~ " SI-1d;zv. Allandalez 20. J Lawson. Al-;a lundulc. 21. H. Thompson. Allandalczi I `W wire 9 Rnzmh Rnrrio: 24,I.:n1rnl 4 St. 1 Britlnn Dunsmm'u- is nuw in: VVnor.l.:l,<>cl< as in.~:lr1u'!m' ul tho :n,-V, rit.-nlturznl rthurl vnIlr.s'1`.~` lwinn ht-Id` lh('I`(.', n -hm-I Nlnul zmr-mlml 1111-

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