Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Feb 1935, p. 4

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BORDEN FLYERS I ELIMINATED BY MIDLAND TEAM! I. nl.'\l\.l B t .-\1la\nd-ale rink last Thursday: "'fa~3G!\ I\v\Ia'II1 - Mar_v'.< tied Essa Road Px'esb3'~ us 2-2 m jmvnile church hock- maugh and Ryan scored for St. y 5`. ed for Essa Road. Mar,v's--Goa|, Desjardine; de- m lln.-L-lav Wrnenl` ` while Trusk and Turnbull mantra Jnw- Inn me man (hml. H (It-fmmc, _ Kn.-nxu-rly: m-nlrv. Struch- . \V:1ll.~:.Sin<'|:1i!`: .'\l1m*nnlos, n/I..I ,I M... -3: l\n(hII'h'In | 'l'. WI'iL',h(: tlvl'm1t-0. '('llH (`. I3'.. N:-r~|:m(l.<; I1 ru. .;I.`~ II...- onvcl lho .<:(' in vilh two ;.:nnls:_ 1hr.- 'nl nmunri lhv rwt mm on :1 pass (mm Nurvznl Lu:-k Hem`- 1 Hm st-<-mul rmriud 'un`)I('_V. In the 1:15! '1 Sim-lnir slum-cl n I in n gnu! for Bar- n - I. l".. /\(lum.-;; I:-W V. Hlnp,I,p,; n'vn|1`(`, /ulmns, l`nrp:-yi` - I` h`..v.-inn ll: Ill _L',Uill IUI l)Il` , Sine-l:nir'.< pa.-zsnut mo Fir-d Pts. 1 'f Midland Alxoat Sure To Take Cage Group Beat Flyers 3rd Time l"l_vt-r.-. in u llurnn and Slnwno Hus- kmlmll I.e-zu.-,nu- gmn-~ nl Midland `I'm-sclny nigh! hy the runnt of 22 In If: Miollmul ulmnl 1-.`|n`Iw( l lhv grmu) hy Hw wln '|`|wy Imvo won five Miallnnd It-l'(~m-rl (`nmp Borden` nut of xiv; (`ll('UlllI|(`I'S. (`mun Burden huvv Iwn winr. nml thrr-0 10330.; to their vn-(lil, whH- ('nIlIng\vund has ln.-.t ull I`mn' gunu-rs played am far. 'l'hI- first hull vvurs l <-mun`:-(`I by :1 fast, ruggml .Hl_\'lc'- uf plny zmrl oncl:-(I 6 In 5 in l'nvur ml` Micllnnd. Nr-y scored two l'm.~4kvl.s' uml Mn-Arlhur mm for Midluml (`mun Hm-Ir-n'.~: ('nl|I1!(l H in this .-=.c-.~a.-sinn w-r(- Spurn`, who nel- lcrl Mn`:-v paints. MIMI" l)rnk(- und Mm-Kc -ll mm om-h on rrml ltrssc-5. . .. . . |.. In u... vur:,n..... 1 A4 .m..m.. . .. . .. In lhu Iu.~:l hull llw Mixllnml tr.-nm (-m'ri:-cl tlw play I'0|H'll|('(H_V lu Hu- \'i.~ailm's' vml. Rm':u~ht nml Mt-Arumr mum! lhu- Hunk-n lnzmkrl with skill- ful m"u|'m-y. Nvy wzm |'~s[mn.\`ibl(` fur n lm`p_n- .-hn1'(- of Hi ]mil\lH gzn'n1'3I'- ml by Midlnml in tho st-('mI(l 20 min- ulv.-4. '|`ln- gzunn was (`I4-zml_y 1-unlt-.-;l- ml, Wu;-,;; h<~inp.', llw nnly player In (lrnw the maximum ml" rum" pt-mul- nl I'nu1.~4. Midlnml ("'1-nlrv. Nvy (8); I'm`- w.'u'd:4, H(~I':u'h|. Hi and Wzmq; g\InI'(l.~;. Dnvirs zuul M1 /\rlhur 17*: S|HIl'(`H, '|`.'4yluI`_ Tmnnnhill, R. Mm`- kw-n'/.i(~, K. Mzu'|u-n'/.i<- um! ]'%|'('mn(`-1' u 1 ). 4"-nun I1:-rhun (`uni |':- 'l .nnmInnt I guzuw :4 puns. Iilhvrl Hrmlvur w:1.~: plzlyilw; hi\' I lwsl uunu` nl` tlw .\`(`(l.\`()H fur Mi(ll:m and in fivv 1ninulv.\'oI' l|u- final hm--| ind hv hunk ;\uhr\\' (`-r:In1`s }):l.\'.\` fur his third guml ul` thv ni;-,hl. It was l`I`:IH_\' :1 Tim` |)iv(`(- nl' (~mu|)inuHun. Slam. l`:Irl1'i(l1:u. who ulnmi with K0nIu'rl_\', was lhv In-st nl` lhv lly-1'5.` vurnml lhv final goal of lhv gunw with om` minulv to play. The l*`Iy-rs. :{:Im;ml xlvspm'nlvl_\' in lhv lust min- ute when Hwy llL`('(h'(l only mw gnu]. hut it wus no use and Mirlluml wvnt inlu Hu- final.-:. 1 (`amp Hnrnlvn Gnu]. Ilmrk: do- l'1`m'v. Pvvk. l`n1'tridp:v; (`t`l\\1'(`. '1`v:1l'- fv; \\'in;:.<. (`uuk 1\'1\':\. :|1tvI'n:1l- nu k'nn|u\rI\' Smnmnnn. l\lcKni;:hl. 11>. (`amp l3m'rI4-u (`.1-nlru, T.nn1.5 |'m'\vm'(ls. Mzu-kc-ll II) and ('}>mlwin I2); p_'u:n'(l.-a, (`znlun um! .H`|w:nI` 45), .~;p:u':-.-s. l)rn|u- I5), III-I'bl'I'l,'H|)l`|IH~ Inn. HyI`m- and Rnmlnll. I R1~t o-n-(- A. SI:-\'-112;, Mi(llIIl'l('l. IIIIIII |'I':m|` uluy. AI .. um-n.-.. . . ... . ..... 1`. A. Sp:nrlin[;':; fnlll` hnvv r(~m-h- Ml lhv l'in.'1l fur lhu- ll. .1. ('}l`n.~4(-Kl (H11). \`V|\iQll will lilu-Iy |n- |)I1l_Vl'('l ufl this wt-vk. Rinks skippt-rl I'I_\,'_WlHl`l' S:n'jv.'|n| nnrl W. (". Walla` are in Im- .s':-mi-I'in:1l. .-. . . u u . _,.._-1_ ...:u_ 4|... .\|'IlIl`lIl|Ill. Play .-:t:u~1o(l lnsl wvc-k with Hu- firsi mum] .~'('<>I'U.~'.h('iI|1.',: W.(` Walls II R. Iv`. (`;r:mI, 8; Waller Snrjt-:m1. 15 -.'l2u-k (`x'nip_, 9; Rt-V. W. A. E. Do:-, 1:! T). I-. Mm-(uuip,, 8; P. A.Spnr1in1.:, H1 A. .l. Surjmnt. 6. Sparling do- fv'11(-ll Rn-v. Mr. Dov in tho semi- I'l. .I Id II. I final. II I I lll\\IA1 I II II\rA1AJl IIAIJ Six R:nrri- rinks hrnvt` signifir-d tlu`-ir iHll'll1i(I|lS ul` r`m'x'n])(`.l.ing, nt-x1, \\'l'l`k :11 the I`umnl0 I`$ ` Tho f`:mk:n' rink.~; nrv: W. B. Un- rh-rhill. A. F`. A. Mulmmson, R. Mul- <-nm.~:un and Rx-v. Dr. J. S. Shu1'll_ skip; Hurry Armslmngz. Frank Si- mun. 1l:n'r_v Honk nd A. J. Simnn. chin xuun. skip. T`hr skip. The District Cup rinks are: Dr. N W. Rng9r.s'. J. M. Mills, 0. Puller- son and Hilliard Mex`e(1itl1,_,k'lp; C. J. Tirrrh.'n`d. Hurry Ellis. T`. A."Sp:n'- ling, and Dr. R. Rivlmrdson, skip. In ndrliiirm lhm'(- will be the rink ('urn|'m.~.`(*(l ml` Alb!-1'1 Mt )ffa|.t. Mutt. Rum-r1.~:nn, C. H. Pu-1-lby and St-lvin vm...... 1|. .-I..:.\ uvurl nu. t..nim- rink thq Mr)! 1':Il.t. I Mort-(li1.h. skip. and H10 Junin n1 Jzu-k (`.raiL'. Morton Knox. Punt-x'.~:m1 and Ted skip. O C C I SIMON VVINS BONSPIEL The one-day bonspiul held at Bar- rio curling rink last Thursday was quite a succ(-ss with 16 rinks from the county entered. A. J. Simon`.-' Burriu rink took first prize in the pi'in1zii'y. The consolation was never played off but Norman Playfziir. }Midland, and P. A. Sparling. Bar- rio, rvnchcd the final. First prizes in the primur_v were dunutcd by the Gliddcn C0,. makers of Jzip-21-lac paints. Primziry First Round P. A. Spiirling. Barrie. 1()---Dutch- `e-r. Elnivale. 9: W. H. Kennedy. Bar- rio. 9-- 1\ llln;~`l`i2l\\`. Allistun. 5: F. Al- lan. Churchill. beat Pluyfaiir. Mid- luncl: Luurandoau. Midland. beat Dr. Rogers. Barrie: R. Malcomson. ;B;1rriv. H ~-Humer. Elmvale. 6: Mc- {Kunzic-. Midland ll---Hurst. Allismn. 5: A. A. Smith. Barrie. beat Walter :\|lun. C`hurChill: Simon. Barrie. H Smylh. Strand. 8. Second Round _ l\'vnnod,\` beat Sparling 15-10: A Laurandeau beat F. Allan`. Malcom- . son beat McKenzie 13-10: A. J. Sim- h on beat A. A. Smith 14-12. - ' _l_. I n . . I`-\;:1\n\-A n w:,, 3 2:5 `.\r\I It`; \\'ll1;:.\`. LUHK. l\'Il`:\.\|\|n, ...u....... vs. l{mu\('(ly. Str:m.~'1nun. m:uu`h:1r(l. Miullauul (lunl. S_\'xnun(l.~`: tlvfmim`. I)uh. Halt: (`\`l\1l`I`. -`\rln. \vin;:.<` !~`.lvw:n`1. i\l\'Cn1\kt`_\': nlh-run altos. l\lv\'in.~; (`.r:1n1. Hrn "ny-3 ll lnok :1 |'iv--('ml" lo lwat Midland in the final. Vic-1--skip (`hurlir B--|- hy rxhorts skip Ah. Simon to gel amotha-r .~:tmw in I.lI(`l`I'. and Al). dm-s. UH ucut I1. :1. uuuu. pr.-. w . Semi-Finals: Laurandeau beat ._ Kenned_v 10-6: Simon beat Ma1com- mun 10,0 'I'hv ( Inrlusul Vnllor '50 135-5. Final: Simon 12---Laurandeau 11. ` The Barrie rinks in the semi-fin- lals were: Dixie Corbett. V. Hook. H. -Hook and W. H. Kennedy. skip: W. '3. Underhill. R. F. Grant. A. F. A Malcomson and R. H. Malcomson. skip; Harry Armstrong. Frank Sim- , on. C. H. Beelby and A. J. Simon. . skip. Consolation Ismp. Consolation Dutcher. 9--L\Iunshaw. 6: Playfair beat Rogers: Hurst. 16--I-lumer. 5: Allan beat Smyth. Playfair. 10--~Dutcher. 2: Hurst. 9 ,--.-\Han. 8: Sparling beat F. Allan. Smith beat McKenzie. Playfair. 10--Hurst. 8; Sparling. 8 -.n1ifh 7 l'hv ('hIn'vhi|! ,`:l'llilH' rink of J. E. wrlusum, S. 'l'm|(l, 'l`. (3. Hvivv mul nllor /\ll.'m. Hltij), lU..l in llw hr.-at uul In Sm ni:| hy lIS~li in l|l(`Hl~I1IUl` nkzurnl pI:n_vul'|' :11 Hzmxillun l`m`.-s~ \'. Urlllln nlsu \'\'I`l`l" (II-It-:11:-(I Ill .- I ir.~:l muml. C C I D AT 'l`0RON l`0 BONSPIEL .....l\ (ilC.'\Sl~Z l"l` (`UP PLAY THE BAIHHIE EXAMINER. BARZRIE. ON'.l`.. CANADA" ~----' ---"W - [IE lllln L. I St-lvin `..n- rinlz Barrie Win 8-2 g Game From Penetangs I 3L'l\ Ill or rink . Garry T_V1`(rr, `l'_ V`` trimmed me mm` without. Neverthel ` U anxious to see i "e` against Gravenhurs 15-10: IIcom- . held them to 4-2 I last game withuut ` ers. The home g: packed Barrie Are: * * .. __,_u nu_-.._ \|' SPORTVIEWS ii l"|I.al Lt-aguc Standing-- nu 1-:__-u lcrnvenhurst Midland . ...... .. 1 (`amp Bm-den ` Orillin ............. .. . 4 I II.-u nu 4|f.n\. . I`lm finnl standing of one of the most holly mntested intormodinte groups in the province is: Won Lost Tied Pls. -5 \llII|llL (`.x':1\'e3nlmr.s`t mirl Midland nro playing hunw and home gmnes this week fur the p,-rnup clmmpinnship. .._ .1. .1. up Irlyun.-u `nu. nu u.u.......,, Whut .-ahnulnl hnve l)f.'t.`I\ :1 big, yum` for (Tnmp Burden lv`l_yL-rs in the |mvk~ u-_v rave has already oudod, although the Myers managed tqjw ke u H-- mnrlmble Hl1n\vinp, in of in- juries such as nu team 'IIr(_I.u'hd ln-rv hns hurl to r-ndure in years.- n ...-4.. n hm.-r nlll In have Mid `-5 W` 4- I-`lycrn Out of llunnlnx- ` un., A ..| \..I.l Ln...` Inn...` Hm`1`i0 (`ults had lwmxng l`m\x`l:\m: 8-3 mm Inn! I<`rnl:1\' niuht hns hurl to endure In years.- It was a bitter pill to have ` lnnrl win lust I-`riday's gnme by mm gnnl, when all {he I"I_Vvl'S needed was a ti!` tn mnke the finals ngninsl ( :rnvt-nlmml. PM-vinusly the |*`|y-re; hurl lrimmwl Mitlluml wilhnul mm-h lruublu in lhrm` slrnip,hl lv:u_{nu 5.{anw.~'. l"lH'lh('lllH)l'!` tho Flymfa 1-Iulm they .~n-nn-I a goal, nut :|HnW- NI, mm wtmld hnvv tic-1| ]"I`ill.'|_\/`ii -r (frlppin Movml to Midlun I Al " ;.u.. ' I|)|)llI Avluvru u: an I`t~mumnI nulu uf inlc-rox1, to | Imm-Imll I'uIm: "Hamill tlwik) (,.'I'ippin hm`. lmvn mnvml from Pun- :-l:mp_ hrnm-h ml` 1hc- Bank of (`mm- Im~rm- In Midland. ('I'ippin is 1110 aim` shm'1s|up I'm I :-1wI:1ny,', Ihv Iuzulimg hitl.I`r zmd .~;p.'n`k pluu, nf lhv lonm. H0 in :u:-: vu|Im|lt- In I`t-nu-lung, an pila-hm" M:n'1`hil:|nn, nnw :Ill<-ntlim4 St. Milcn-`:4. Ilnl iu dill liviml :11 Mun-':+. Hut. (`rimuin is :1-1ill living Imnw in l`-an-l:nu4, lriving over In: Midlmul a-vc-ry day to work. Pun- -l.'nn;4':; Imll 4-|1:1m-vs` rr-.~.l. on Mar vhilxlun, whn |m:~: l'(`("l`iVl'tI m.`m_y (bn'l'l'h` l rnm l)lhl'I' ]I:u'1-H for next :~I~:|sun'1. II 114- l'l`|Hl`lI.`i in I`:-n(:L.'m;I_ lha-n (`rippin will sztill play for lha-m. Hm if Mmwhilrlnn m11.{rnlo.~' In :1nn1h-r ( (`lHl'l`, lhvn i1 ifi szuid l`(~n<-I:m;.: will lmp ulll nf hull and lhv Imrzf. nf 1h:-I1` pl.':_y-r.~: will rm-r;.{n with Micllnrnl. 2k :1: it as n Hun l".mnm i.-. I`l'('u` Wl`)|i"'i (`) Hrmpilnl, 1111- ilujllry Iw 1'1-11-ivv ("rznrrlx-ns. Hr m-In 'I`urunln I`!-])nI`l(-1'5 1h. r-n1.i1'r-]_v ::(-x-irh-nln], lmin in nu way In | ` ()('('Il])_VIlU.`, the .~:.'nn:~ 1 1\/hxm-nv n nlnuln (H'('ll])_V|lH.', H10 SHIN! l'(llHH Wllll IHIEIII MIn'ruy_ :1 1~:nmn.'nlv who .~;\1I'l m'ml :n bzully (`Ill 10;; Um sumo night. Tvrl Y(H-vr- in tho 'I'-It-gr.'nn says: "In x'v;.',:1r(I in this; il .~:(-r-Ins In 11>` lhul :1 In! of puhlirity uvvr rungh play n :u~:-irlmuts thzul rr~>:uIl Ill ilI_|Ill'i(`F (1:-p~n upnn who L',v1.'~: hur! and nmru (-specially. who d(w.'~', Ihv rmx).',h --;1ufl'. For in5=.l:mr-r- H:mn_v I*`.mm.'a is *:p('I14lin;; :'nrn(* (hay-= in hllhjll af- tm In-imz (-ru.t.hd hm: tho luunrds hy Buzz Boll. Bull is :1 hard-irying l.:A :\ ..c...- in Han rnulzinn and nor- lT'll ll('l'\. l' HI |lIl' .~:( u\ rt~>: Fun in. .n':r`r- H in nu n...-, rz..II null i- l)_V Ull7.'l. l)Ull. MIMI 1:: 11 Iliuu-u_y|n5 kid. :1 slur in tho mnkimg, and cer- tainly not n dirty playvr. But thr- chnrgv that svnt Emms h(,'.'I(] first into the wcmrhwwk looked like :4 dirty play from whl`:1'(.- we were sit- ting um] we think that if TCn1n1.~: hurl (lune the trit-1'. tn Bull instead of being my thv l'(`(`L`t\.'lH.{ end of it thr- Tnmntu t'm::dlin(~:; wnutd have been full at` thv btxsim-s;:." Q.A .. .3. Flyr-rs would Midlamd but sustnirnwl. Y\Y..Inr.n II inn ` ll 15 hunt ur l"lyt-rs ` l`l\il IBIS! l` I II II.:\ match. '1`|wrv wu ` n-.n-.\ u.\l \r \LlSlnInf`(l. N1-Isrm Kipp, star dr.-foncr.-man. suf- fer:-d 1: broken 101,1 jus1 me week in the day before ihat last game against Midland. Hus lns.< was the p,ren1L-st tho It-nm had in bear. 1 hp. fin-c1 tlnvnn nf tho cnn I IVHGHJHH. HIS l(l5.\ wu.~. team In the first game of the season. Elmer Fryer. one of the sinartest !`LHl!'O pl:i_v-r.< in the district. suf- ferer] a broken bone in his hand and was unable to play for the rest HI the seustm. In the next game Jack Kennedy hurt his shoulder sn badly he was out far the next {our game.-; mitt when he ezime back he was not in (`nnditirm until these last two games against Midland, when he i`(~alt_v : his class. Pete McKeri':ilI. veteran defence- man. hurt one lee, so badly that he was out for the lust two weeks of the season. Several other players euffo:-red minnr injuries which gre;'it~ ly retarded their eftectiveiiess al- though they continued to play. Blanchard and Peck were Zt`.\'E1_\' on leave and missed the first`three llll I t ' ;:,I caitcnt H an . Consequently there was not even one game in which Coach Walter Robinson was able to put his best Hnnnn nn Hsn inn lineup on me ice. The general cuncensus of opinion locally is that the Flyers could not have beaten the great Gravenhurst team in the finals with such :1 weak- ened lineup. With Kipp. Fryer and McKerrall in there. they might have trimmed the Indians. but hardly Nevertheless the fans were that final series Gravenhurst and the Flyers right here in the the injured play- game would have Arena to capacity. 4. 4. a. nncl c nun aux. \. South Porcupine refused to play Mclntyre Mine last Saturday in an i exhibition game unless the latter did not play Buster Clark. Lortie and Massecar. But despite the absence in this trio. :4 battle broke out never- theless and the Porkies left the ice. Victor Goring, who played last ' season for Barrie Colts, is playing ' hockey this season in the Radio ' league at `Varsity Arena. Toronto. He plays for the CKNC team. along with Sammy Silverton. who was manager at Miners pavilion last at urnrnnr Ih ru- Hcre and There- summer. Alliston meets Owen Sound in the junior O.H.A. first round. The first game is tonight at Allislon. Monday at Owen Sound for the return game. tnkh n.\h_~n.. nu.-.-in ha: hppn nu- 81 u\\'en anunu u)i Ln: icuu ii gaiuc. John Dnbson. Barrie. has been ap- pointed reteree for the series. A]- liston surprised e\'t`I',\`bOd_\' by trim- ming Coliingwood decisively in the group finals and it was their first group victory since 1902. So con- gratulations are in order for the A1- Iiston juniors. They have on their team three players from Touenham. one from Beeton. and Frank Stewart of Thornton. an it is smne\\'liaI of a : liunna` is; I`l>('uVl'l`in1.', hgy 'l`m-m Ijury n-1':-ivr-I at N x.-us. rlvl'iniln!_v 'IlI) Ihnl his i E`]_V ::(-virlu-nlza], with ' : 1)].-nm-. ;yin;.', mum \ 4 .\.n..1.. ..yI...` -1* '1` 4 lh*covrr|mz---~ n \\l'll' l|\H \\\II III \\-I situallimx. nltlmmxh th full sin-Ixgtlx. neither bx-in}: used. Thu` win .. fin-co nlznu W 7|` W `P 5 Iliddlrd by lnjuric.~>- : safe 10 say that Camp Bordon 5 he in 1horr~ instead Hf ml for tho injuric-5 `1ho_v "mu mvmce us: Won 0 0 0 `IN U('uVI`I`in1. , nim-Iv in I, 'l`urnmu_ [mm .-Iva-I Mn|:lr- Len!` |vl'inilu!_v infurm:-d l1i:s`iniur.V \-vm. 2.], 1311' Bull I.` . .. 1. LI. U. IIHI./. IIUI t-. l'Imms: I with Aliza . .l ...H `Dr.Simj;son Entertain: ` `Pntanguiihene and I1 ` I ! ,I ,II '1"`--__-- Members of the l`cn(elung mad - Barrie bust-bull tr-nm.-a, 1034 Hllillit.`-. of the North .'~`uin1t-no-, lr www- guests of Hon. Dr. 1.. .l. .'-ihmmnn. Minister at Iilducuiinn for Untnrm and h)nm'm~y prmiidmn of Um lun- gue, tn, the Bnslun- l`(mmtu prnl`m4.- sinnnl hockey mntch in Maple Lnuf Gardens In.-at 'l`|mr.-aduy vvcenlng l)r. Simp:~:nn hm! l l`.`1'l`l`Vl"d u pluck 1)!" seats in the blue .-wvlhm mu! llu.-rv were I5 |m*n'1lwr.~`. nI' mu-h It-um pm-. sent. Arum I... (wanna uuhiuh Inmnul nlll sent. Afle-r the game, which lurnml ml. to ho me all" llw In-at uI' llw .~-n.-Inn, tho plnyv.~rs nml other gm-sI..- want in (`uh-.~s for .~mmwr, St-nlc-tl nl Ihc-. he-ml Iuble were Dr. and Mrs. Himm- Hull, Manager Jim Shnw nf Ih- |`c-II- vlnung It`-nm, Mr. nnul Mrs. It I). K('efe nml Ml'H. Ht.-zmliuu of l'(-m-- lung. Also gm.-sis at the .-suppt-r Wm :- Um). llninawurlh, Hm l(il1'<-u nnvl H11 /.'/. llull of tlw l1`.KI{.>il'.'I`l llt-rt. Mr- lm-uly, llmmm I:-1`:-m-mmm, whu :ipuI(<* l)I'i<.-fly null v/t-rt: inlmrlum-cl In lhv gm-.~:l:~;. I1. I). l(I--i'<- muvml lhv vutu nl lhamkra In HI`. and Mrs. Eillnpwll fun HM-ll` lm.--:pilnlil.y nml il VJIIH .~;:~vu|ul ml by .l. l". l)uh.~:nn ul llnrriv 'l'hv l!.'n'I-iv lr-um |)I~-an-ntml Ur. .`a'inum-m wilh :: mmmlml lmm-lmll unlu- ;.',rn|>lu-al by all llw plu_ym:;. '|'lu~ ll:urriv pl:-_y-r.~. hzul plvluly uf lrmnhlu gl-Ilinp, thorn-, hut flnnlly ."n`rivml ]u:~.l in lnnv Mn lh:- mum- 'l`w-: <`:n':-:, wilh 10 HlIl`l(` plnyt-I.~4, lmlh l)Iul(I' uluwn lI'.'l llrmlfm'l, 1-nu.--:inu_ :1 lvlny of HVI-I zm hum". 'l`lw fnlluwimg HnI'l'ic- plny:-r.s' mznlv tlw hip: Julm l)nh.~;un, Kvn Wall:-2, Aalum M~K-n`/.1:-, Allzm 'l`r1|;~ hlv, Hill M:u.-,uirv, Art.-luv 'l`hump:-.:>n, DnIu4l::.-a Rznrn:-.:a_y, Mnn'I:~. .`s'1r:m'-,nmn, Tum llnro, Ga-uI'p,* Swan, 0. ll Willwrs. |.v.~sli(- llunk. HYOWHTI. H1` (`lnil', Hill l(.'nl<-y zmal lvxm (2r:u':-y. I `BIIQIIIIIBKI I C I I % I I \ Khulna Barrie Baseball Teamal IL ll. I ho J I .....;..lu..l Barrie E:)'lrtHsw(Tu)-a]ie Suffers Fractured Jaw urnu: usm H10 (`OHS i }`mu\mn_u Nnilnn :1 'I`lu- ulrl injury jinx H10 l:n`rir- (`ul1H. ()n Mundny nigh! M'In1u.~:h .~aul'l`t-It-I :1 whn-n .`a'I`ll('k un me Im. in ])I'.'u'1i(`(`-, Ho will I; 1,'m`m- for ~*vvr.'u| wt-nl when the (Yulls .-n-u Jll lhu plznyuffh. This is Perry McIntush`:+ first and last year in junior O.H.A. company as he is now 19. He started playing .H'(.`\'(`,r:Il years ago in goal for Central Unit:-d of the juvenile church lua- Lguv and was ruthvr ttrurlu at the time. But he shuwu! u rcmznrkublv gift of persistcnvy and ambition, Last season he was somewhat of :: sensation in the town league with Baptists and he ulsu played for Bar- rip Hniun .Im-kw. in the South Simrrrm Baptists and no 11154) pluyeu mr nut - rie Union Jacks in league. When the season started he gave very little indication that by the end of the :'eu.s0n he would be a] smart goalie. This was nu,-on1plish(-d` by practice. He vvus over at the. `upon-air Kiw.'mi.: rink at all Hm!-.< and never passed up an opportunity to gel on the ice. no matter with lwhut team. . . ,,:.u_ .n_. r~.,u.. .L.:. Vb'I|lll LL'(llII. He tried out with the Colts this season and made a place. Hr: vvu:-` being used alternately with Alvin Bowen as regular goalie and was shuwinp , some Vvery smart work In the nets. Bowen will have it) carry the not-minding burden alone unm Mc-Inmsh rccovr,-rs. iCarrison Club Wins H Match in Orillia 30-5: Eight teams from Barrie Garrison Badminton Club visited Orillia Gur- rison Club last Friday evening and |\nt.n r..m aka Inner`: R 1:-urn hv .".() rison Club last rriaay evening unu won {mm the latter's 8 team by 30 points to 5. The Barrie players. who travelled by a special bus. vxcrc en- tenained in splendid fashion after the match in the Officers` Mass of Orillia Armouries. Results of the match were: Ladie.-' Doubles Mrs. McBride and Miss Garrett: `Br won from Misses Skinner and Hardy '0). 2-0; Mrs. listen and Mis~' Watterworth 18) won from Misses l l Taylor and Williams (OI. 2-0: Mrs.) Little and Miss Turnbull IB) won from Misses Tudhopc and Vick 10- . 2-0: Misses Stewart and Dunbar BI won from Mrs. Dawson and Mrs. Thompson 101 2-0` Men`s Doubles , listen and Stewart BI won Iromi Lynch and Auld 10) 2-0: Syer and} McBride Bi lost to Bartlett and! Cole IO! 0-2: Brookes and MacLar- en IE1 won from Morton and Bailey 1 o 2-0; l\IcNabb and Wilgar Bil | i 3 won from Maxwell and Dawson `Or . 0 n Syer and Mrs. Little Bl won from` Lynch and Miss Harvey 10 2-0:] Mr. and Mrs Eaten 18 won from! Hr. and Mrs. Cuie '0! 2-1. Stewart, and Miss Stewart B won from! Auld and Miss Vick -0 2-1; McBride} and Drliss Garrett Bi won fromv Bartlett and Mrs. Skinner 2-): ,Br0ol-res and Miss Dunbar -B3 won {from Morton and Miss Tudhope Oi -2-0: McNabb and Miss Watterworilx; 48) won from Mr. and Mrs. Max- well Oi 2-0: Wilgar and Mrs. Mc-; ` Bride BI won from Mr. and Mrs, ` Bailey :0! 2-0; MacL.aren and Miss I Turnbull BI won from Mr. and `.|Mrs. Dawson 10) 2-0. .:-- 2-U. ` Mixed Doubles ..__._.:-____._..j_ combined squad from South Simcoe. It is also .-\l1is!on'.< first entry 11) the 0.}{..-\. in 12 years. .?_._._.. Phone your news items to 223. luv {OHS lillllk thv first pvrind wiw Livingston gut th (`rum Bill Scult. Bw l\'u.~`hmsI' went in 1 goals Kirby got I from 1.i\'ingstm1. D.-uni n u u urnhh: I`I-IRRY MCINTOSH .. v,. p,n:nli~ l`t=rr_v mm! hmlu-n jnw l I`m-4: by 1hl:|)lH`k 1* Im H11. 01' HH- ...| .u.:n|z.,- ..I n Iinnu l| VVI'l'l\?`.` oll. -1 null` .-m Jll.`~.1 .~:t:n'1ing in H1` . I .~;t--u|ul- I 1:-.v|m|l ronnnlns nvvr of Camb __f _!f`..`_i"_ Fiyets |I!n.'Il U) HUI) l'H(`l-`HI U1 1-H-mm 14' H. 15-)! last Sznlnrday. lluw:vcr. (} Ivzunul up Wllh Mm, M. ]{l)bL`l`l:iIIII uf Ottawa to win lhs: mix- mi duuhms 4-hzunpiumehip. L-74 CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC-CO., Limited _ E31301`! M4`-\ZD`\ KYO! l.\\'|l\SlUH. 1`:-notuug grabbed a goal vurly thv . cmnncx`. Lvrnux (akin pass {rmn Bald This process \` ro\'oI'sed num` thv end of the gen un the final Penvtung gnu] (`.u-nun (`nnknn vnn\I\\nd hllh` I ' c"iAEY{'6r~}'6'TE "._';'>1{.I.'.; 6'2 Tickets, Time Tables and All Coach Travel Information at OU never save by buying bargain bulbs. They use as much current yet may give you far less light than quality-built F.Dl.s`UN MAZDA Lamps. Look for the nznue--and save. BETTER LIGHT LAMPS Han Permit to Race Motorcycles on Beach; inrimh Empire Club I LOOK FOR `THIS MARK ` 'l`ln|II-.~'ul:1_v. l~`0hr|mI1\' I4. 1038 --?.-._.__.._..__..._.__...-.-----_ MADE IN CANADA BETTER SIGHT Illl` .\`1.`cunu \'\Iun|L'l. L.\'|\vu.\ \ur\u|;,' aliufvll .1 u.;; \\'ns thc Burrm gaxuu"pmaclxcd to quickly ucce Gregg Cuulsmx rammed home two \-mush` mm goals in the second period. which vhance for u vndvd 6-1. BOV. Scott fouhnrod (hr .1 job 31 m last period. Ho.` scnrod om` on a paxss curly m .\I; from Coulsnn and then gave Kash- six nmnlhs nor :1 pass rm` another goal. by the rcsnd PeI\etnm.:-~C-oal. 1\Im`ris: defence. 10\\l|- BU` Deschmnps. Rogers: cent1'e.Hm'uo; iml-W"< W` wings. McLaughlin. Hnrnsb_\". ul(or- iibS011|1&`1.\` W nntes. X\lc1ntng`garL Bald. 1-`arudis. H? ha- 1' nv:\n\' D0l`l L`\|I]\D;l\ Camp HOC((:-3; S--quad Loses` Firial League Game at = Midland by 4.3 ` DlSPU"I`[-`Ll-T) `GOAL ` f'uln.'H :ul}nIH'n In Intuit `vll cm Mnrrh 7 M I fun. x 150.755, this (foun- . r-swh Hrhtml Sm`- gmmy pm I1-Ill. uf `,-;.-. 1h:.I. -um "H? v 1-. fin:unN,' them- : (`lurk m.ti1'f/ {ht- }s(`l 1... nf Hum r-ss- lVl'l|Ull. 1| inj\u'v.`d in fnrv Lomux. B:u`rie~ `Goal. Bowen. 1\IcIx\tosh'.l dofellco. Patton. Kaslmcr: centrc.| Kirby: win-,:s. Bill Scott. Livingston: alternates. Coulson. Box: Scott. Sm` phenson. Lvigh. - Rofm-no----Clifford Brawn. Barrio. UV. R1`ft`l`(`1` UN`! 'M(`(`zll`l'A`l'_\`. Tun nrv. Thv (`olls Ix.` fi net n.n tulliod xrl u-iH\.\ menson. LA`lgn. Referee---Clifford See Page 10 For Extra Sport News I ._._ .... .3. l\l'li|l| I` l'l(l:l)' .u..I. J5 NU HUM` \\'I|l'll I wvll In vmmmm tluyv wv nth nnil|u\I' .-\rm\I l(- il 2-0 in lhv first Hm I3-mi|mtv mark I` lnnk HI`m'- lln|l':: r gun! in \\'hil`h Hank nu (`hElll(`('. . nu __ _ H 1 mm` when thv mmmnnd ...I. n..`.. \...n-.. "" _` _ r fump Bnrdt.-n l"lyt-rs wvr:- 1-lnn-l inntc-(I from the hm-key pivturv ln.~sl|\ Frlduy znt Mi(lIun(l when the (`nnsul.~; ! (ls-fault-d them 4-3. It \vu.~: :1 l'(`2t[|\ surprisv to Incnl fun.-<. us thv l<`ly(-rs I had prvviuurzly trimnu-(I Midlund throw timt-:4 nnrl _lu.~:t twn (lays ht-fm-v hml bout:-n H\(`Il1 (Is-1-i.~:i\'(-l_v in Hur- rlo by 7-2. Nc-vvrltu-|v.s':-: Mltllnml won thv unnw uml so mlvzmt-ml into the grmnp fi1ml.~: zunzliltst (h'n\'t-nlnxrst lmlinns. by tho l)Hl'(` nmrgin of mm 1` t puint. Culm) Hnrllvn m-(-dc-(1 (ml_\' 1: tiv tn nut in tho t'in::|.~4. N1-w Mitllnml (hmliv Mttlllllttl |'('|I|tlL`(`(l both ymuuz '|`(-I H4,-nlty zuul thv \'1-lI~run All . lh'mlmn' in tlw n('t:< with .l:u'k Synwmlu frunt I (`l1(`HIllt.(, who haul lwun przu-tiring: with tlw ('nns'ul.s` all your hut hml new-r hm-n usml l)('fnI't'. (nzlvh 'l`y Arbour hmk an lum: (`lllIH('t` in \vhnt.. might hzwv In-4-n Mi(Il:IlItt'S lust nnnw. um! it, \vm'ko(l. Symnm|.~< .~:tuml up umh.-r Hm t0.~'.t and turn:-(I in u urt-at uzum-. It xvns mu ml` thv fn.-ztv (`st uuntv.-4 pluyt-(1 uh Midluml ivv this yum` nml tlw I"l_\':`I's might jlll us WOH hnvv wun if thv lm-n|(.< hml vmnv thvir wtly in.\'t(-ml ml" to I\/li(l` 1 land. Aflnr emu-n mimIh`:~` Hf thv l'il`.`a'l il||l\'\| I withu I flu` I 0 11.n- It: K``- ' night i ' \\'lIl lIll\ I place in - wilhmn f.\.. nu-A wunmu Minn-_\ u`\vm'd. who was ` sv\'vr:\l d:\_\'s bx`- i fuur UIHUS in mu? wply. H'.1rry first on a pass \`. Scott and Bud` .,.., .-....| 0 HI lIll' lil.-u- |('l` -rs 11- an wnm` in}, taking Ll uh n|':u`u\\'\` \vn< . D\'Ull illl \ snlu rushes - last on n 1 I on the luvallsg .\.....I .\I` Hum` nu-1: >1-n-m- w p,u:|l um~| I HM` rod l'('lfl`(`I'_ nl 'm (li.<:1l-l 1-`! Mill n Pnge Four \'u:~ nu Uurriv A :1 juniur ` l|lH i|I nr D_\'u~ y placud| w group. Mi\`k\`_\' ..|\.\ u Midland Plays Barrie I` In Junior Group Final Game Here, Monday Hllllll1\V nip, Burrio m-xl t|1n::r\ (lzltos ( (inul.-a (-nun! wimu-r will I 51,... rI' nu. Hnrriv ('n|l.~; play In! Mirllnml In- mm'm\v ni;,'_hl. Mltllzmrl plnys HI Mumlny night. Mnrk (lawn. I":-IL I5 hurl HS. mmnl on tho mum! and tha- h(- vlmlnpirm n!` A so-1-- .Hm 01' (hr (Ii.`fI'i(`l junior h(I('k('_\` grmln purl will mm-l oilhnr llrm-4-~ ln'I(I;,{(- or Hunt.s'vill(- in me (`).I-LA. pln_v(|n\vns< nt-xi W(`('k. mu-rip finish:-d l`ir.~l in thr- group. |pln_v(lnwns< II('\'l W(`('K. nnrriv Midlnnd .~u~(-um]. Hm'ri(- had :1 SON!`- rlulml mun-h nl Orlllin on Monday night Ins! hlll (`)ri||in mun-1-llorl il. while l'(-m~l:uw_ t-um--llml lhvir last `two 1-_nn'n-s zxgzniumt Midlnml. tlmr. \Vin(|iI|1.:\I|Hl \ (`l'_V hm-lir group will: `llhv l'u|lnwiIu.', .~'lnmlin|:: Won |.n.~4l H:n'rit- .. .. Midlnnrl (')x'i|li:1 1'1-In-lung: Hzlrriv . Ilnrricr . Ivlitllznul .b W(H5|lI(l . Hau'ri- . lhu'1`i- Midlzmtl Orillln . . Hurriv .. Orilliu 1V[i(Hun(l" *()|'il|i:|. lFxz|rri- _. (`:mnl.~` S HIll'I'i(` . Mi(|l.'m(l ()ri||i:I II... Juan: IH'il| IVIIIIIEIIHI `|`-I III IN .~imi|:u' .~u-mm Mirllmul lu- Midlnml. '|`lml Ilmkri mum in}: plznyoI'l` Mitllnntl ha: _mm|ix- in l`inp. (`:I:4\v-ll ; wm'kim'_ H'`lllI, ('n:u-ln* Sivnpsml, I' Mirllzu (linlv .~ 'l`lu-_\' Hhnlllt f'..H.- uh-n ull lhn urznv in nu__....__u-........-.....-..-..--...-...-.. % Glimpses of thci I Barrie Colts I!v\'m'lv_\' Small. husk_\ rlc-l`vn('vm:In m I'ur\\':n'd of Barrie Cults. us:-cl tn lw lhv villain \\'h<-n it (`zmw In thv luwkvy pl:|_\'nl'|'s urmmtl lwrv. Bu- l`{lll.\'l` S('nll_\' 1I.~'o(l tn play ulofm\<-0 ;I`m` Midlnntl junmr.< (lllI'ilLL`, the palm la. .I u.- 1!-um-in nun! IhlN:l' [_)ill|ll' ll`: IIIIIV II|\ \IA.V\ lhnse _v':n'.< and _\'ml min hmv tho Hzlrrw l';m.~ fl`H mu lhun. Ho S(`l`lll('(l in he on big slunnhling block in tho .llw (`ul1.<. Hut mlwu khvn Sm iuivwrl fun-x-.< with the (`U .1. ..._... I... ;.. .,...-.- mm-In l'I_uIl1 mn- with 13:11`: ll|ll'l' _\ run. ll! behind him. \\'vi;:l1.~` H10 pm \'n-il nu :1 inni :lll(l. lllill llll)l(.`\' }'_ul)n IUI an I|I|l.`1~ lmvu :1 strong; iv and :1 h:n'| kinp, by (`lzIrc~||(-- psun. Mirlluml inlt-rmt-- - Hhnllltl m:1l~:(- thr- >. .\'h'|) :n|| lhv way in hnlh 1.{:1nw.~:. : 534-011-(1 ...~ uni .u.....\..~. .. . ,. :1-: u _ilIl1im' and it i. .:1I`v in say : mm of thv host in 111:` 0.H.2\. n` 11 . Undnubtvdly hv i.< mvkhunv of the Barriv (`alts 1hi\- Hc is so popular and l`L-spool- _\' thv ulhor pI;1)'oI's 1hv_\' elm-(`ted mmlnin. During: thv gsrnun `lulu h.- T mmle zmcl L'{1\ |.` lH`I\'l'IR.I.l".\' S`-(`O l"l` .` Aflvr svvvn mimnlos ` puriml, Slun. Dnhmn (ll`iH(.`(l mo of his lm'riH(' shut.-4 :11 llnuk. \vhi<-h lhv l1lH(`l' unly |mI'li:IlIy .~'.lnpp(-(I and Rrmlvur (l:|. in (|lIiL`kl_\' In h:Innum' humv lhv rvlmuml. 'l`Iu- T"lyvr.~: \\'('l'(` shnrl unv mam :1! this limo. n.-4 :n'lri wxn.-: .<(-rvlnu n I pmmlly Mixllnml mndv Iw uh. I. .I A '! 4.. ll l|)|:|llI. .- hc s : but \ ml` HI `I`-\ HI I) ll 4- In-ul l ml p,(um| lb . I ....II -.-.:| l\l` 15 Ill!` Ul'l\ ll attack and dull .. . r. 1 an n _|unu H0 is mun(l.<. aunt lm(1_\'c|1m'kv the nu thv tlxsczlrd holh `..l ...... ..-... immrhm |`I'IIl`Iuny_ l -m-mum, . lvliullmul Orillin l'mwluIu: . -1'4-m-lnnx.'_ . rmmu m-n-. xm-- xx` lnrriv mot lhosv sfuls lust .\'v:u' and u1'(- in tho gzmup I\l1u|I\' nI' nhrlnrwl in l\vIidl:md and :u".u`_\` lhm'o with ur 0.11..-\. nlrmrly : 19 _\*(`:n`.\` old and vnI.:. |.... L... pmmlly Mixllnml nvriml when nl H F`: nncll "nylur l ]ms.~: for mmllwr pz hm! pr:u`1ivull_v n \'\i:lInn1l -cl lhnl 11:n'rir- Hm'ri1-. My :1 I...-.I Ix. in in Wan T r. ur /\u:nin.~'1 >1 1:: IIl\\ll It nvtiun nu: HM` fulluv ntnrlhu; u Slrmul; (`I 'l`n\\'u Iz:-ugm- mu-In-_v 5\\'IIu.',.~| nun m.:niI\ lmnurruw nip,-hl wllh l'ull:>\\'im: L',IIlllt`.\' In tho ('m`:l, ul 7 n'I'Im'kZ Isuplnsl-4 v... (`rII.~m:lm'.~. \'.-a. YJVI (`.A.; I`hu'~ m-n:: \*.-a. (`mum Hnrtlvn. 'l`h--n Iwxl Wu-(luv. my llw m~.\.'l AM of y,nn'w.; will he-: Hxalvlinls \'.-4. SI. Vlrlm-nix; ("ru.~uulm'.s' UH. Rlrnutl; (`mum HnI'(`lf'll \\'III III" lIll|Vl \ H. vs. l\/Iilnmmu-,. \ 3. nuun .....,,. Mllwnllu; `l---\'.M.(`..\. `.5 l`lu- |t'llj.`,|II'~Il'1IllllIL'. Ivliuuwalup, [mun ha`-nl \'.l\l.('../\. -L2 luau l"rir|n_v nu.-,hl in 2: rwlla-lull:-'I p,uI|u.- \\'hI('h wxm In Imvv lH`I`II pIn_\'1~(l ill lhv 1-ml nl lin- : lml wn-: muva-cl l`rn'wm'I nml u~:<-cl us purl M` 2: clmulululu-ml:-1` with lhv junior (l.ll.A. gunu-. A...I..-mm |'urm-v will: lwn urmlaa. [hr _]|IlIlIIl' U.lI..'\. Am|n'n.~:- l'm'p-`V gnnlea, NnI'\ hl luwk zuul Hnlw /\(liI|n:; .-u-nr- H! for Mine.-:iIw_. lhll Hing.-_y_ 1,-,u-llitnp, lwn :|.~;.~'i.~;L-; mul lvlllswuurlh ('rnwfm'rl 0:30` Hem Hlupfp, mul Hill Roll. um n |w.~'>; frunx Sunrly Nu-.~a.-., .~-um-zl I'm` Hu- hm; lllluilll, lH'l|, :lIH`IIIuI\'.'I. .u--........... lhIntm', Wt-bl), I`). Ilium,-. R(~Y~I`(-0 ~(:u|'(lnn lVll'(`kilI].`,. (`Jump 0l'l]l'lI I)--Str0ml 1 (`amp Hurrl:-Ix ml:-I`:-znlml Hlmlul 3-1 in lhv up:-nivu: x',mn<- Mur1rl:|_\' ni;-_hl. lh-W.-mu mu :1 |IiIH.* from 1'\'u".\'ru-lulu :::-nu`:- for Slrnurl. Hnk:-r frnm John- .-mn uml H1ll\'l'l` I`:-um Hill nnd Jn'hn- `um um `I :;u|<> xvvrv lhv 5:t'`nn-1'.~; fur I n ., nu.. 1 `illl (III [I ,`\IIl|7 \\|'ll' nu .u-:...,. .u. lhv ll}'(.'l'S. (`mum Hm'd(-n (:(lIll_ ("n\'; rlr-fern -r-_ Punk, l.:u'm~; N-nlrv, llill; wimgu. ]3:|kt-r. .lnlm.~:m', uII(~|'x1ntr-.-:, Nvshitl, Irwin, I.:m;,:clnn. Slruutl (iuuI_ r-......u en.-..\~ .....m.. |;'. N[|{~];)[`(lj uuun... I NIH |l|'iI|'ll\'uII_v I Mitllmul 'l`hr.-- Hp Midlzuul mniinm-(I to so! Hw part- in lhv svvnml pvriml. Hl`n(h`l|l' wx`nl| in nlnlw uurly in tho I`r:um: for H mm! zmtl lhv (`unsuls wm`- sitting! in n nivv pnsiliun with Ihv ;::um- hull` nun!` \'.II1;.;:u. In ; :- uh-:4. F(`l`|'i('I`. . H('\A'>:uIl. `.ol`m'(-0 l`\`n_\' I`-xu'm~:w ll:-wsum. l'T$lnnr1_v) Wilv.-:. 1|-Mim-.~xinp.-,' I Rur:u-:1.-; h:IlNl('(l Wliuvsing thr-ir fins! rh-font In two _w-.'n'.~: H1 1h<- soo- mud gznno lvlnmlny niuhl. 'l`lu- (`ul- liur S1. Unitt-rl loam look :1 l'|x'::l- [1('l`iU(I |(`:1(l 0| lwn ;4u::l.~:. hvlrl OH :1 it-rril'i<~ Mim-.s'in1.: (m:~'Imu,'hl in llw :01-nntl l'mm(- mud tht-n 'n:1slod hnme with :1 3-1 vir-lm'_\'. n:u 1\/lnl n...l nnmmrl Hm <:(-nrinzl in H01` 51. UnII('rl I(`:Im [mm :1 num- `:('('(Hl(l :1 Hill IVI(`l.(`<|(l npomwl tho l`n'.~:t ru-rind with Hm fn:-zl whvn ho wont nlrmc-. and the other Nurmxm Jnhnsnn. ml fur Min:-. in .... .. .m..... rl-nun 'I`.n-In-v In Hun lnqt (`ll|Hl'lv|llIl'>;n1.:|u In nn n pu.<.~: frmn 'I`m';u-y. ru-I-iml, Walls: and Sincl: rush which undvtl in 1.: :u(-as. Walls: lnkinp, Sinrl: fmm huhin the nut r:....| H... lJil]1l IVICKH` ...- II'iI .Inhn.~4un. lVl<'l.1-url. l\lnI'l'lS. /\n(It'1'1nH. Minn-sing, - Goal. 1"). Adnnwsz do- I`(m(-v. C'rnwl'o|'(l. Bloguz (~cnl,r(-. N. 1.11:-k; \vi1u.:s. L.. I\rl.'m\.<:, [`nrp-_v', ul- tt-rmm'.~;. ('. l3`(y. H. I7D_\'.\'l<)n. W. Lurk. Rol`orm- -Jm-k Walsh. St. Vin(`.0nt.< 2-Y.M.('./\. 1 St. Vincoms (la-l'e:nto(1 \'.M.C.A. 24 iv the final uznnv Nll)Hd:1_V night. in which m:1n_\' p(`lllH.i('S were hnnrlorl um. I".:n'l_\' in tho third period S1. Vinvmuts \\`(`l`(` short thrvo men while Y wurv at Full . hut 1110` :..u.... ..:n r..;I...1 on W-...-.. mu: \\'1n;;.s'. nuns. n .Inhn.~4un. M<-1.1-url. Gnu Vnnnu ("u~~\uv|'n|'(l Town Hockey League Notes Hl|I.l'l .\|Ill l(ll|\'\l uv n\Ir|\. IV[2ll`>'h:1H .~::-nrvrl on :1 mm` suln of- furl in tho first frnmo but Boll Hod the .~:('m`e vzn'l_v in tho second. Saar) nu :1 pass frnm Mnrslmll smrorl the \-xinninti L'n:\l M10 in the second. I I St. Vincz-`nl.~: --Guul. Scnlt: (1Cf('H(`(`. P4131:-. Byrnv: ('(-ntrv. Marshall: \\`im_:.~'. Snsn, '[`umlin.s'on; ul1(`H1}l1(`.\`. Robert- :<.n. C'nrb(-1t. Hunk. Grovn, \'.l\/1.(`.!\.~- (Ural. Cm:-v_\': dofc=n('(`. ,w I1 n1\I\II'1I N1-cc` xrinu: ["1 1l.\`l?1'. L (\l\l\l ('L`lHl'L'. lVL'N.\. \ Ixu.'..\, Bull. E. Hugnn; :1llern:1l(~.~:. W. H:1p,;m Elana. Jnlmsnn. Hodgson. Rel`uro(- Juhn Dubsun. ovvv. Hut .l:u-k Kunno(l_v and .I:1<-k 'l`~:1l`- TO. Czlnm Horde-n (`(`lHI'(`Il1(`|l. www- uul-lluckml tun uflvn nml In-I`u1`v tho pvriml h:ul vndml c-:u'h won! in in smre unul.-x and H10 I-`Lvvrs \,\N'I`c' right in strllcinp. (lisluncu when time l`fIlI\l` C!Ll'UlIlI (`rusndm Rap! ists lH'll'l`ON l'NlTl-ID 8--(`I-'..\'TR.-\l. n .. . . .. . . ,, - .. l\`l\L`(`. buL`KlL'y. rlfilscl`, ccnuu. unw- ett: wings. Ca\'anz\ughR,vun: spares. Shanahan. Cannemn. Essa Road-~Goal. Harker: defence, Trusk. Sinclair; centre. Dickey: '\\'ings. Turnbull. Thompson. (`(H`t?(1 IUT k,t`ll1l'2H. 3 (`antral ~ Cmal, Havercroftz do-l cnct`. Lexvis. Goring: centre, Sm1th:- vin_x:.<. Houghton. McDonald; spares. `nstle. Leigh. 138138.180. Reynolds. :InI\hs\n< 1Ik`])Hl`H.\'. ,2- Burton ~- Goal. beC-ear: defence. `alum-r. Lime: centre. Scum: \\`inp.s. Sun-en. Lung: spares. Sharpe. West. Phnno _\`nur news items to 223. xI~I\1Av vn...... \v \....--..--. Burtun .\\'c. United Excelsiors `at Central United 8-3 in church \'(`nHk` hockey at Allandale rink :1 ThUI'SdZ`l_\'. The game \\';i.< much user than the score indicates. Bow- I tallied three, Sharpe two. Little. nu and Lung one each for the \\'in- -rs` Lewis. Reyiinlds and Stephensl .n.nA o`.u- (`nun u-nl mu lllhll. I. vvIIF."` -u......, . Sluun; ('('llH . Rt-`\'nnlrl:;, R. N('I`l:|lI(1S1IH(`I`ll- Smylh. R. \ Vrir_hL 1.4-agm` St-.nulim.:' to Dan` 11- _.. I ...a ' .-.4 |z:-ugm- lmrkf-_V nnuin Inn\n|'1`n\U Cmnp Hmvn mum dmmumlu unnl vm`ly in ma` film! |\l`I'i0(l whivh would have tied Hm st-nrv. Jnvk Kvlnu-(ly slml znul thv nuvk .\'l`l`lY\- hmh'wmninlm~nM.Tm-wmlum [Hm-Irpwnmy fmu n ligght but I'o|'-x'u(- Hvrl M<'(':1l`l'(-r`\` 'l`urunln 1wo1'~r11l(`(| him disul- hwmlmvmmLmwhmtmrmwkdm nmgminlm-mwlmiuunmlmlhv muhkyumx r~:n...... n.-...l...n- um-: nlnvinu hi. cmnu Flym` Gnu] l')i.~`:1|lnwv(l \

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