Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Feb 1935, p. 3

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nauuuuallrcu 100'! i A weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of the 1 Town of Barrie and the surrounding country, issued It the Post Office Square, Barrie, every Thursday. by J. A. MacLaren (editor) and W. C. Walls imanager`. owners and publishers. The Barrie Examiner is a member of The Canadian Weekly Newspapers Asso- ciation and or Class A Weeklies. t1YvfxK1r1v1Ir\rnvt\\v n . nu-an I 1118 l't.`Sl. HHlll)f\ from the position cepted. A Lulu... ... . Janet: What do you dn when you see an unusually beautfful girl?" Anna: I look for a while. then I get tired and` lay the mirror down." )l H) ]_"l) IIUHI Uilll ll) \.'\ lH.\|'. It IIIIIHI lw pnintml nut, Ihnt. i1 is :1 unly 11svlv.s's:n1 fcmlish, but :1|.\'u nfnir In |)l:mn3 1|1(- lmnlu-r2; for our >uhl:\.s'. A new social ()l'(ll'l` v:um<)t _-vn-(`I1-(1 on the fullivs of .'1nyl)ml_\'. lhnv hnvn hr-Ii:-\-nrl I\IIl`l`lI\lHIl'x " d|)HllllM.' Or!!! at black eye?" --Please. miss. u ' I mk(: this nppuruulily ; you for z:llt)11im_: S[).'|('(' * last w(.-ok. Whether the 5; up and bears fruit rt.-- .- Sl.`('lI. All w(- 1-an rim is: 1.1.1` -||\Il l..-nu. Ohm -n-.Hnn~ ' nun-\u. W. B TUDHOPE. Clerk. I my. E. R(')'I`IIWILI... r I By authorit'y of the Danish Minis- try nt` Foreign Affairs and the Dan- ` ish Stntisticnl Department there has i been prepared an interesting volume dealing with Denmark, its Constitu- ` tinn. its administratiun, its lnSlllll- - lions, and its imlu.~:tries. 'l`h(- sex-lion ` devoted to Danish hm-on will he of pzn'ticu1m' interest. to (fzmmlinns. 11:; the Danes are their chief rivals in `I the Britisli market. - v` u 1 1 ,. nu, mu. .4. sum. nun A\L.\.. In Domnark dew-lupmont of lho button hug has been .~a(mwthim.', of :1 fine art. This was begun as lung nun as I860, and by 1890 n Spl(`ndi(l uni- mnl had boon produced. Shwo mm timu thvro Inns Ix-on cuntinunux ml`- firinl expt-rimvnt with Hm ul)_io('t of ('sl:1hlishin;.: more firmly in foreign m.'u~kot.-'. the rt-putnlinn of I):mi.~:h hzurun. It is noted in Ihis hunk that "Hun nnui inn mu-nvaul -nul g-Iill In-I11 l)H(,'()H. ll IS IIUHFU Ill HHS l)(lUK [Hill thv pusilinn suvurvrl and still ht-lcl h_v Dzmish l)n(.-cm in tho wurld tmrlu: in t'(m(t-5tuft's IS tho rt-sult. nf pur~ pnsvful work for more thnn twn 11-nc-rntinns:u1(l thv -ulminntiun \vz1s_ l't`Zt(`hI'(l in I931. wtwn I):-mn:n'k'.< exports of lmcnn ('.\((`('(`(t(`(l ttmumr of all (:m1ntI'iv.< t.ng~ttu-r hy Inurv than 40 per cont." ')l\Ii:\l\ ,l.u-..l...\.n....l in T\..n...n..l, 2.. ......-....,.. The Cnnurlizm Red Cross Society has numy activ- ities. One of its g1'c:1lust is its outpost hospilulse, which mnku Inndurn lm:4pit,uli'/..'n(inn available for many nul- lying districts that would nlherwisv hr un.s'o1'v(!(i. With this splendid bramvh uf the work. huwvvor. the Bur- ric campaign has nothing: tn (In. the mnncy mi:~`.ed here helm: devoted entirely In lnczll pu1'pu. 11! ,n.. ~. nu Rm-cm (la.-V1.-lnpnwnl in D<~nm:n'k is` :1 story of I)rnr~din;.z. 24-Inntifiv f(-(-dinpz. and uuml lumsing of lhv 1m1,'.<, 'I`hv inl'|m-n-v- nf vzlrimns fl-r-ll`: lms hf`(?l1 ('.'u'vfnl|_v shuliv-I. zmcl I)l'('('(l('l'.\' haw` prnfilvrl hy tho re- sults of vxpvrim-n1:; mmlv by Hm /\L:riuu|turnl Ros:-:nr:-I1 I.IIl)l)l`:lh)l`} . 'l`ht- frmcl of lhv l):mi.-:|1 hm-un hm: cnnsisls nm.-'ll_v nf I-v|'v:u|.~e I|):1r|-_v, wlwnl. and ryv), mu] :1 .-unull puitm of nmi7.v. Iinrlvy, wht-nl and ! y(-, it is clzlinwd. uivv firm .'m \\'hHl' flesh. Whl'l'(.'.'l.`~1 m:|i7.u- mnkvs it sufi. ()lhvr f('(*(lS urn ulsu 11$:-(I In-rv um! llwrv. SlH`h us hr` n. :;hnrl `. |))l:lln(-5:, Why Danish Bacon lg Good During I934 new Trust business zunuunling ation. Total assets under ;uln1inisLr2uim1 now m TD R0 NTO GENERAL TRUSTS SSRD ANN UAL REPORT to 3l8,`)38,()0() was accepted by this Corpor- amount to 3$23(),`)25,()()(). The (Zorporation acts in all trustcc capacities; for imlividunls as Executor, Trustee or Agent, for com- ' `In wnr days the lncal Red Cross ncndqunrtcrs was the centre of grunt :l('tl\'ll_\' for |)|'(.`1){ll`ill[{ supplies of vnrious kinds. The : idon is in bv c:n`x`i(>,d nut in {he Red Cross workroom jusl npenud in the King Block. 'I`hv first lnsk of lhv llurrh~ branch is slated to be "supplL-incntziry relief in llmso who nro rouisl.uru(l us uncmplnyocl mid spun-iul help lu any family that is on ncnr rulivf but still slnu.:L'llm; In vm'r_v mi. Nu`- esszlry :u'licl(-s um. pru\'i(lv(l for in the l'l`ulllil1` rulivf ullnwzmccs may lw l):l(ll_\' n(!(!(lu(l in mine lmmu.~4 and the "sum)lunwntnry ruliuf" will, it is vxpuclml. take care u[ the musl urgent nl` S\l(`ll nemls. Wnmvn from the lmnios 0!` [hr uiwinpluyvd will be murnura;:u(l in join other volunluvr \vm`k(`rs in the Rod (`.m:<.< work mom whcrv is it |)l1lllll(`(l in nmkv uvm` u.~<(-(l gzurnu-.nl<. mid in (in quilting, knitting. .\'(`\\'lllL(. oh: Nu, (lnuhl then` will In` m;ln_\' ll|)|)ll\`lIlll|15 fur : 'l`lu-y cnnlml {III In` fl(`(l. It will lw lll'l`(`.\'.\'ill'_\' tn . them ulu. in 4-n. lhnl lhv nmst nm`(l_\` will he ul- lvntlvd tn firs! zmrl that lhv Sl|l`ll`l_\' will not he impos- ed upon. l <-oplv :ippl_\'ixu: who slmw :1 (lispusilimi in help llwinsvlvcs shnuhl hn\'~ spvviul (-mi. panics as Registrar and 'l'r:msfcr Agent and as Trustee for Bondholdcrsz it accepts Suv- mcnt; Certicates. T/2e Ammal Rc[mr! for 193-] will be sent on request. ings deposits and issues Guarzmtccd Invest- HUN. N. W. Row: LL, Prrmlrnt Assn-:'r9 U.\'m<.u AI).\HNIs'|'1 mN. THE (An l3Lli[I)l'i2ll in The FOR YOUR CHILDREN Tho D(ll'l`l(` l31`.'mvl1 ml" thv Rvd Cl'l).\'.\` Soclul_\ ul'l`m'.s' ll splclulill nppm'lunil_\' fur sor\'im~. 'l`husu who cumml pnrlicipallv in llw nvlunl \\'nx`k mn_\' huvv 21 part in this Inust desor\'il1g.; untlorluking h_\' llolping to supply the I\e('cssaI'_\' funds. 'l`hv lill`l.`\`l' lhu subscripliun llw l)m-- 101`. but oven llu` must nm(lv. donation will [)0 npprc- vizltcd. If it is not vmwvnionl lu givv the wlmlv sub- ,.. , , , ., ,, ,, ,,u .< ,, ,,,. ,,. Most parents are anxious to give their children the best training possible. Even with small incomes, an education can be provided by making systematic deposits in 0 Savings Account for that purpose. With compound interest,Savings soon increase. CORPORATION xnangcls, sup,ur bL`(`lS, grass, and : HM. UH. l-leulth of the zmimnls being of primary illI])m`l:lll(`(.'. sly nrt'nn(.:c- nwnt l`(.`('(`l\ (`.\' :1 grt,-at dual of atten- tion. It has lmvn nlm-rvml that in :1 sly where it Is vmgv (`Ul(l, vlthc-1' he- t`?llIh`(.` tho l(`lll])I'l`:Illll`(,` itself ls low 0]` lJ(`(':lllHL` thv r.'uli.'1ti(m of heat {rum tho pi},.'_.~: is tun great on ac- count of thv llh'Il('l'llllS of whlch the flour and walls are built, the fat will be softer than in a warmer Sty. "The pi1.:'s hr-nlth to :1 very great ox- lnnt (ll`|)l`ll!lS npun thv sly, and the quality uf Ihv lm('nn must uf all up- on the szlntv Ht` hr-ullh of tlw pig. For this l'('l.\`()tI \.Vl(l('\'[)l'(`.'l(l improve- ments lxznvv In-1-n nnulu in this direc- linn in rm-nut vn-n-u" llllll Ill ll'l`l'lll _\'('II . Frmn llu-xv a-xlrzu-I.~; it will be seen that l>:1r~ prn In DI-mnm'k Inns In-1-unw :1 x<-ivnm`: nut mnrt-ly :1 IlIlll(`l' nf r.'1i. piu.~:, killing tlwm nnd .-:(`nrlinp_( tho vlxn-(I prmluct lo _m.'n'ku-I. (`:m:uli:m.< may ns wt-ll un- rlm`.- thul. if llu-y wnulrl cum- [wlv .<:nxm-I-. \vilh llw Dnlms In tho Irili>:h hm-am mark:-I. tlu-y must m:1l~:n usv n1" (-\'-ryl||iIu.: Ihzlt will imprnvv lhu lm-ml ul' llwir llngs. slmly lhv (`('(`|.`~`. nf lil'f4-rt-nl funds. and n'1:n`l(<-t lhr- ])l`l)(lll(`l in :Itlr:u'tlvc All of lln-.~:v t-fl'm`l.~:, lung cun- linuml. :n'- EI(`(`1Illlll.'IlIll' for tho un- \'i:n|>|<- I`:-plllillinll .~:u-rum-(I by l).'1nish Iuu-ml in llw wm'll':: mzn'ls. but us- pw-iully in llriluin. W. C. \ Arsu.~;. (mnrrul Manager 'nI`nlllu Uluhc) $210,000,000 Pg `Theo Ill |IllI|lll l'lu-y are (lnrnt-l. 8. ul` Mr. and `..|.. i..I.o i scripliun u nwnts. It Till`. I l\`(\l%l PM 01 Till: '1' A fuamm` of tho rvl`u`f pmblvnx I ihv Federal um` 1`ru\'incia1 Gnvvrn` be dovotim: nuu'h .'montinn is that whu are "bmnmIm.:" tlwir \\'u,\` tum Must of lhosv nrv yuum: mun Snnw lm)kin1.: for work but ;1 :.:ro:u xn;uurn_\ no great do. II\ that dirorliun. T up as x'csllv.~`.< .\`pL`t`lll\l`Il.\' of hum;mil_ for any \1st`ful plncv in 1111` ;.;cm~rnl : Driflixuc, alum: us !hv_\' nu`. tlwsv m from all lmnw inl'luvm'cs and us A SoCI`utm'_v of the Rml L`x`us.< Sm'wt_\'. only saw thx-_\' lnsim: tln-ir nmrulc bu tcndvm-_\' fur thcm In lusv thoir mum` vnnvvnivnt glvv :11 oncv provision is lunch` fur quart;-rl_v pay- ments. is lmpvd than Ilwrv will be :1 gunc1'nus ro- spmlso. (.`nrr_\'in1,: nut Sll(`\`l't~`.\`[\lH_\' (ho pl`upusL`d mu livitivs M the Hod (`Fuss Sm'ivt_\' Ill U:u`x'iv will nwnn much in the lives uf mun) uf our cxtizcns. Sulm,-one has . that this . would bc best met by huvnu: :1 m~x\s\l.< taken of thv mam powo-5 of the mumry and cxsnmolling x`\'m'_\' man to curr_\' .1 L`0I`lIfio.'d card of idcnuficauinn. I`l\csc dI'n'tc1'.< art` now required to register when they gm munimpal help. but this duos not mcnn a thing as \hv_\` can vlmlxgc thvu` mum`. and ildd|`(`S.\' with o\'o1')' town With a proper identificzltiun card. it would lw possible to charge up Thursday, February 14, 1035 It is quite an m'dm.'n`_\' thing: in huvv 20 or 30 of thosv transients kopt overnight and fed at thv o.\'pon.~1` of Barrie. While our town is wilhng tn takc can` of its own people bclunglmz to (his class there is no rc2\s0n why it should be called upon to pay for many others (or which we.` are in no way responsible. blue-vu uuu v; wnuaa 1; vv ccnuua. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada, $2.00 a year; in United States. $2.50 a year. payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents For those of this class who arv wllling to work. an % I-Hurt should be made to give vxnpluyxnent 1n road ; camps nr other form of ;;uvermm'nt work` Those who I won't work should be made to stay in the muuic1pal- ity where they belong and be looked nftervthero. The problem of the transient is adminedly a du- THURSDAY, i-'kK3-li3l(LJAl{Y I4, 1935 A COMMUNITY (')| l Ol(TlJNl'l`Y EDIIQRIAL V Established 1864 _. _s____.,,~n ._ . _.,. ..... : -' With 0 1 in the place which is .ot_\'. pmutcd 3 but there is mrnls as well. mm of them may be vrny ;\mmrvntl_\' hnvv n. '1`hv_v uro 1.:rmv|m.: unity punrly adapted ml schmm` of mings. \ A A sllght indication of what might be achieved in Barrie In the way of community Improvement was given at the get.-to;zc1.hcr" meeting held last week for the purpose of formulating plans for the better- ment of the town and clistrict. .... . .. . . ,2, ,,i .,_.,.. to \\'llil`h nvithor nnwnt nppcmxx` lu I of tho lI'll\.\`iUI1\.\' nu town to tuwn x`-\\SHx\'l' Vmtn \. ......u,.u. - -1-..: The Canadian government stands to lose many mil- lions on the ultimate liquidation of its wheat holdings. now unofficially estimated at 225,000,000 bus. How much we shall lose, no one can say. Parliament and the public have never been vouchsafed any informa- tion as to the manner in which the quasi-governmental ~ agency is gambling in wheat. 'I`hn lnu-4 nt` run-n $25,{lfl(Hlll{l nr $50.000,l'l0 would he . agency IS ].{ZlITlDlIH}.', In WllL'il|.. I The loss of even $25,000,000 or $50.000.000 would be ; trifling compared to the loss of our wheat markets. a } process that is going on steadily. It would be better to spend that amount paying the farmers a fixed price and selling at the world price. If we lose our markets, our entire Western economy will have U.` be altered Billions invested in wheat growing farms and in the machinery of wheat trans- portation ancl processing will be affected. That is something to worry about. Wheat is one of our major national problems. We i should be holding our markets against all eomers in- stead of handing them over to producers in other areas. nu... .2. ....u:.... ill.-n . hnnnrio run .-.l` Ihn otcuu nu nuuu-up; I.ll|-llI un.- u, ,..u\.....\.... ... .. The farmer is getting illusory benefit out of the whcnt stabiliznliun policy. For every rlnllzir it will put in his pm.-kt.-l on his 1934 crop it may ultimzitt-ly cost him many. many rlnllzirs. 'I`hm-n uhnnlrl lm :. chnwrlnwn ni Oilnwn nn nur whcill cost him nnnzlr. ` I`herc shnuld he :1 showdown at Ottawa on our wheat ` policy. ficult one but the milnicipulitics which have to pro- vide for :1 large number of these wan(l(:rcrs should make strong representnlimi to the Hon. David Cl`()|l that snmcthing may be done to correct the prt.-.<(.-n1 un- s:1lisl'.'1cl(n'y conditions, which impose unfair burdens upon them. Every dnllnr (:onlribut(`d tn the B:n'ri(.- Branch of tho Cunudiun Red Cross Smtiely will be spent in Bm'ri(,-. A Cow w:in(lm`c(I into an Arkansas public library 1 rt-ct.-ntly and it. is suggested that it may have been in ` Search of lrecn Pastures", says tho Perlh Courior. Or perhaps: the bovine was looking for some Ian Hay. nu.-u. un mu. |.\lvv|| uuu unum.-.-.. The idea of having a common plan without over- lapping is an excellent one. In the past. the various publlc-spirited organizations in the town have been doing good work, but there has been some criticism on the score of there not being unified action. That, seems to be an essential ingredient of success in community undertakings. Alf'_.!A__I . :.1...i ..... r..IIv- :.. ....:n....nHn Anrl J. D. Wisclnm has-been clt.-ctod chairman of thr- Board of Health in Barrie. With a name like that. would he not be valuable in the town council. Col- lingwund Enterprise-Bullet]n. Mr. Wisdom has al1'u:1(ly proved his value both in the Town Council and thu Board of Education. Trx'cspt-(.~tive of party ziffiliatinns the many newspa- per fri(.-ncls of T. Percy I.anczIstor thr0u1.{hnul. Cun- uda were pleased to see that the action to deprive him of his seat in the Imgislnturc hurl been withclrziwn. A few W(!(.'kS ago, Mr. I,.z1nczistcr was very critically ill as the result of an zippcnrlicitis operation, from which he is now slowly recovering. It is announced that the evening passem.:er train leaving 'I`orrmt0 is to be put back to practically its ol-,1 time. This is good news to the travelling public and is in the best interests of the C.N.R. The later hour a`. which the train is now running has not helped thr- express and mail service to any considerable extent but has resulted in a marked decrease in passenger traffic. Out in British Columbia. snow shovclling after Hm recent [.{I`(!il1. stnrm was such it big job that the town council of Duncan suni :1 lcttcl` nf 2lppI`0(7iu1i()n tn 2: citizen who had gone out, 0|` his way to (`Ivar fur morc than his own piuce (msidewalk. Such action by the council also served to show up in unfz.1\rm`ahlv contrast those who had failed to (rzlrry out thvir lu;.:ul duty to remove the snow from the walks. Dr. '1`znmor. M.[..A.. is quoted by the Micllzmcl Fro..- Pmss as suyim: that Mi(lI:m(l`s `xznimz bI'ukc' was :1 good thing fur thv town and that cumlitiuns were now on the up ;:mclv". Midhmd`s (l(`flUHillLZ of its debts may hnvv lwvn :1 benefit In that tuwn but the Cnuh1)' uf Simcnv and its munivipulitics which lmvo paid lhvir way will fuel the ill cffx,-(`ls of Midl:md'.< dofuull fur yours. in any bond financing they may have to do. Al :1 n1ectin;: of ()shaw:1 city council. lust \\/(.`(!k. :1 resolution was pussucl ununimmnsly p(`rmil.lin;: nc-\\'.~:- pupm` rvprosonlzllivvs lu uttvntl all vmmnittov nu~o1- ings of muncil. Cummonling upon this ru\'ursal of :1 puli(`_v that haul been in l'm`cu for s(-vvrul yuzurs. lhv OSlll\Vil Timvs s:1_vs: Where all lmsix1css is ll'2lll.`4l(`l('(l in :1 full` and ilh0\'(`-l)()i\l`(l mzmnvr. and wlwrv llH'l`\' is nnllxim; to hide. the press slmulcl bu wolomno(l. It 15 only \\'hvn the l`l(3(`l(.`d 1`upl'(rsvnlnli\'t\s of tlw pvuplu fear in lmvv the light 10! in on their deliberations that oxcluslon of the press bccolnus necessary." A well d(`Sl`l`\'l)d tribute to th(\ sm'\'ices !'(`,l1rt(`l`(`d by J H. 1\r1itchi`lt mow Clerk of tho Sll1`l`()1.',Zll(` Court! to pcuplv of .\l1i:`tun and district for u qii2u`tcr-cuntui'y \\'u.~` shuwn in the large banquet at which he was the gliost of h()H0l`. As thv Allistmi Herald sziys. tho vvvnt served tn Shuw uppi`oi`i:1timi of his sor\'ivv.~' in HM` civic fiold in which hv had served oxau'tl_\' l\\ (`nt_\`-fl\".` _vo;ii's and to bear \\'itnv.~`s to his il1tt`pt'iI_\' as 21 bll.\`il1(`.\'.\` mam who over :1 pvriud of t'm't_\' yvzirs had dune bu. iivss with tho fm'im~i`.< of this scvtiun and today bc:n'~' :1 reputation mimm; thom that. has been enhanced us the _\'vaii'.< spud by." Thv report of the Ontario Bnunl \ mg Pivmrvs. for 1934. shmvs that mittvd 1309 \\'vx'v aIppr0\`\`d withn werv roviscd but only 36 wore down. \\'hi1u the munbcr of British ` loss. thu total numb:-1' of Brit,ish til ed from 108 to 150, It is noted in 1 nmng the masters of litoratxnro v been or wxll be adapted to screen 1 up-n~ nu, Wheat Policy May Cost Millions lI|l` tuputt In nu: kluuunu Lnuuu \-I \ ~ of 2161 films sub- without alterations. 816 completely turned films imported \\`a.' films shown increas- 108 the report that "u~ whose works have prnduetitms fur the coming sensnn are: Williatn Shakespo:-;t1`e. Chan.'l(`.< Dickens. Edgar Ailittt Poe. Alexander Dnnias. Sir Jannes Batrrie. John Guls\vm'tlt_\'. eta`- ere indicating: an effurt to raise the standard of motion picture en- tertztinnient. Satisfztetton is expressed at the require~ t ment of the Board for zi certain percentage of British 3 and Camudian items in the news reels being cgmplied with. uuucl I.uI\III}_:,.`. "United we stand: divided we fall" is axiomatic. And the expression applies to a town such as Barrie, as much as to any 0l.hm' sphere of lift`. The b00SU`.l`S of any community. united in :1 common purpose to b('UCI' the community. are in in position to accomplish much. The knockers are soon forgotten in the rush of pm~ Jv mis: Ct1`ciimro Slat" \\ o are in full au'Cnrd with the 01'- illta Pzickct and Times and the Colltngwnod F.iitoi'~ prise-Bulletin in tu'ging that Simcoo Cmmty slmulrl honor tlw bonds which it has guaranteed. If t`espons- ibility is going to be evaded by taking ad\`n1itngc of :1 technicality the investing public will not be so maid)" to ptirchuso when n llllllli(`ipili flotation is again ro- sorted to. The situation is indeed most tinfortizmite. but the honor of Al grand old county is at stake. Many individuals we know liziw been left strandod bee;-iiisc the Banks have forced them to stand behind their endorsements. Why should a large and weultliy mun- icipality escapc or even attempt to evade honoring; its official signaturui` If such a course is adopted faith in the secut'it_\' of municipal bonds will be destt'o_\'ed. Without faith there can be no progress. I I 4 l l l OPINIONS OF OTHERS .....,.. ..,.r...\ i 1\\ ` 21 inn u.~ EDITORIAL NOTES (Financial Post) _ . 1 Sll0l'l.D HONOR BONIIS I THE F'0ll l` ON TIIF. ISTIIMUS I /\I'1<-r I' H:nlil`:1\' the I3ri1i. cl(~tm'mim-(I In <-m1sulirl:1l1- lhoir hold . Y\r...... q,...u.`. .....vI rm` ~ I uxx'|'nI|:'n XIII }VlI\tl Wl'llIl4l built on (`him which |. hi River Missimquu cred with Fm`! little .~:lr(-zmn ( -1.1 nn un..1'l`ir~i WHICII |.(!l)I\ lH.\ llilIIIL'. l\(il Mix. .\'qua. tho Front.-h ('tItllll- Bt-ausv_jmn'. and tho little .\ tr(-am mum: tn hv rv;,':1rcl-rl 215?. an muut't`i('ial l,m1mrlar_v tn rrn.-::: which was an a<'t ut` :|g;jL1I'(`.\'. hy either sirh`. 'I'h:- militant 'l* atht-1' Lu I.nut,r(s (-nntinm-rl tn inspirv 1'(-si.-t- an(-(- In thv Pwitislu amun_L: tho ./\<-a ians and in I755 (fnlnm-I I\/[mu-ktun with .'IS1.I'ultt;fnt`('('stilml up thv Bay of Ftxutrly, ch-1~rmim'rl In rh-ar thv I`-`x'on(-h [Tutu di.~:pt|tt-(1 1('l'l`i1(Jl"_\'. In twn wt-(-k.~:, I"m'| P:(':lll.\'(`_il)|ll' s'1n'r(-n(h-rt-rt and \\'.'l\` 1-r-namwl Furl ('umlwrlan Mn1:(~kIrm rcportc-rt that thr(-v hunrlr:-(1 /\(-a(li.'m.<, nmnin- ally Parilish suhjt-(-t.~.'. harl l`m'mt~d p.'n't of H11` ;.::n'risun. 'I`h<-(-mmm1ml- ant, ,L:a\'(- .'l`{.\'lll'1Hlt`(` that thnv had . . . .1 ,, ._ H , N U55 IlIl' officers made him unpopular with them anal ho hurl tnanzuzvtl tn gr`! away hul`>r(- thv :~'lH`l`t'l\(l(`l`. only tn be uaptttrorl |)_\' thv British when sailing from Qll('h(`(` to l~'ram`('. One cannot \-vomit-r that, thv on- (~r;,*etic privst t' fault with the dcfenrtcrs for im~ffir'i<-m-.\'. The r'umm:mr1:mt. (';mtain V('|';;m`. was a Mt.-nd of tho tum-rtlymlmn.-4 Bijurl. I t`0I'it. my (Ivar Vt-|';,'m'. |1_\' _\'ntH' place," th:- intt-ndant had writtvn. "Trim, lap nt'I'; (In it qaI<-kI_\' so that you may hn able to vonw and jam mo in Fram-v." \/'<~r;;m' was trim-(I tut` mis(:(m(hu~t but rt-mainml in the ser- vicc long c-nmu,-h tn ht`ttl',; upon his country a 1.',l`t`:ll(`l` f.\'HF[(`l'. I-`ur he vms in t'h2H`t.`,(` at 1.0 uf the ;,'u:n'd 7.1 ..I...- ...I I|.I.. lliI\'l righ pnr: whit wag mak mus not nut. unf: lrnl bu ( If mu lipl` or mm vim that ln 1\\'() \I\'('('Ii.~:, l`l)I`l l`:l'illlS(`_|l)lll 'I`l`w (-rmmmmh |hf`_V . HI. II. D` nn:-I1 nn-nI:u- [lull nu nu ,a.,-uxmun. Ann \ .. lalccn .\`(`l'\'i('(` with llw PH-n(-h unrh-r (-ompul.~:inn hut the ('il ('llI1l.\'1.'ll1(`('.\` in<`I'(`:|.<(-(l SLl.\`pi(fi()l).`$ and p1'r-jLxcli(`os., _____?. unnu- IUI II|illH`l` IIIU worth a wnrxr listt-n<'-cl In hi ro.~:m-('1, This them. was (1 ` Ulill ' `hm 0.. ;\s1*o1u1:%i)'.;Ja44sPors M,r=..:?.A~A~,, EZROM ,:.$EA `l`0g$E& TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER, BARBIE.` ONT" CANADA U) ('UlI.\lHlI|lll|' ll|l'll IIIH nlin and Major l.:1\x'rvm hi;:nm-In I.\l.hmHs :1 fn hie n IT\{\ A: xx H THE OTTAWA SPOTLIGHT A Wcck1_v Rcvicw of N:1ti AH:1irs BY WH.Fl\'ll) Ii(}()LES'l`ON 'l() I.\Ll|llHl.`a il 1 name. /\<:mss I vm .. |\| n --url A number of proposals menlirmecl at the meeting by the representatives of vnrimns m'x.znni7.nLinns_ and indi- Czltcd in (lelnil in :1 news story rm zmnlher page of this Issue of The Examiner, undtmbtetlly will have the ap- proval of the people of the enmmunity. With every or- ganization putting its slmultler to the wheel and (lo- lng its little share In help along the good work, there should be nn difficulty in accomplishing El great deal for the town. nu v |,,., .,_| ,,r ll, h..A._ZI 1\/1......|-.n..l..' Annnnin Hll i\U\Hll\'l.'U momic prob- Nllll I. hIl,'l'\l'.`x. lIII\'| IIHH in their \\'nrk rm llw I his |'npm:n-hm: for the um mu :-urro 1 mu:-u,.', nun. \`..\.,.\ .. . ' wu Bi; "Pr0I'il. _\' writ` "'1':-in1 Inn nl'1'~ (In it nun-kI\' - 1 |HL' H1 ]`IiIIII`\'. \ |'l};ll l`('ll`Hlil 1 rlis u'nc in 1-h:\I`!In nf H11` L'ULlIlLl'.Y El ){ll':ll|'l |ll.\nl.\L\'l. run Foulon \\'h laxity mndv post the silt-<-vss of Wolf '.-: 1 ,1: rc-zwlx 1111- Plains n1` Al)r.'nhnm. "eH(I}"--])(`l`HJl[)S H \.`\v'l|l ll\7\l'I lJL""` for Hus upm`.'1lirm nf :11] uur finan- r`i: mznchint-r_\' us :1 puhIi('1_V-mm1ed uti1 it_v. The Liberals would prob- ably have suppnrtvri the resolution (moved by u U.F.A. member) if it had cit:-(I the (`vnlrul Bunk only; but as it \\'us. the two mujnr p:n`1i(`.S jruim-(1 In bury tho l`(`. under an :1\'ul:molu- ml` url\'(-Ixw vntt-.<. The n :.. I .. ..r L`. U c4...~...4 n...) Stephen Butler Leacock, econo- mist. and humorist. noted for his humor and paid four times as much for it. by those who love to .-nna so than rm hi: nrnrmnw hv IIXUU) {IVY 1[ l)_\' 1111159 nu 1l)\l` LU :'<'.u:`. M, 111-.121 my Ins tconm11y by Ii`.L' s:::cim1zs c-:' .\XcG'.;1 Um\'er- 3:1}. xxlxczc he W D T: ~w~-v-.~nr n! , UCllL`\CS V\'()lllt'Il should never vote out 0: respect for women. They don't 1:`. Que- bec. the only place in the Elm- mre where women have no vote Wears a widely discussed coon- skin coat. the pride of all ante- quarians and the envy of many a museum. Eight generations or moths l1-ave been born In It. Llkes Mark 'I`\\'a'u1 and Charles Dickens and has written about botlx Will be best remembered for "Nonsense Novels or twenty rmn$ AV` runrn nan Cvriln: In th for Nonsense IVOVCLS or Lwemy yeaxi or more ago Writes in the morning. lectures after lunch. joins the boys after dinner. Glad he chucked farming to teach school. IUA ulu ulwu. The Burric brunch of the Retail Merchants` A tion of Canada is to he cnngzrutulntcd on its energy in tukinu the lentlcrship in calling last. week's nmotinu. and by the time mmthor cnnfurcnvc is held, probably in :1 few weeks` time. the various i(lo:|:~: pruscxxtml will have taken more definite shame. \IH_LL . 'l'lI IA` IAHIIIP, Ill lllh 1-.~'. (liI'('('lil|L`, lhv /\':u1i:1ns 'urk r:ummr1.\'. Hut u-h(`:: laxity of the nude mu Ihn unvm.nrInr nnlv In (ll.\'Kl.`L(,'IV. l`l|l' III! Le ;i1_v p0.s`.aih|,- all:-: plan c J Ahr-|h:nn lIKHlil}.{\'l| (H )4 `l`('l!(l(`l`. - \\ h1 In I.` ....n I lhv tl('|)ul.(,- 1 cl... ..h-u1n.- h IC` . in his 'u1i:ms IL-1 , \\ an -I \' \'1IlIl' " ru- 1 I-IVII. l1REl'II)S EVIL `To the Editor of The Exmnlnor 1 -- A... _| n,, ,, 1:1 uu. ;4u-nu u. ...x ............._. I ` Dear Sir: Although the practice ,uf charging for the use of money is the root cause of our prost.-n1. dis- trossos. our troubles wnuld not end if no ('lmr;.:c \vm'0 levied, for two adrlitinnal Inmwlury rules. both of which we are ix.umrim!,. are to be fnund in the S(fl`i])llll'L`S. One. "Lend hoping for nnI.hin;.z again" (Luke (3: 35). and which may be interpreted Money must not be withdrawn {rum circulzlmm after Issue", zmil the second Don't save". Ir ., ...n.a.. 1-Inn-rtn aw 1 1 I 1 uuvx. u-nun Il|\I|\. u\,.. A stnrl has been nmdv nn :1 community service whlch may prove one of the greatest bonus the Town 01' Barrie ever possessor]. Lne secunu "uun 1. saw: . If :1 mother made no clmrpzo for the use of the butlums: hm` vhildrvn llsml while plznyinlg .~:lmps". but ur- dored mom to he rclurm-(1. lhv amm- wnuld slop for luck nf :1 mu-(lium of vx:-hnm.{o. and \Vhil`h mvclium is us l1(`('(`SS:ll`_\' in our murlvrn inthlslrinl .\ys1(`n1 :15: the ;.{m> Mu, we muku and dl`h'il`(` in (`X(.`h2lH1.!(`. If nun In` turn nf Hxn v|\ilrh'r-II HG (H`31'II'(` H) (`.`((.'l|iIH}.{('. ll` mm` or twn uf lhv (`hlll ll'('!l (`l)ltSl.\`l(`I)lly snlul nmrv than lhuv l)uu;:h1. they wnuld in limv lmvv all thv l)u1l hrinu thv uznnv to an (-ml, and put tlu-1n.s`vlv(-:4 out of busi- n<`:~:s'. In (`fl`v('t. llu-_y wnuld, likv tho ,l):lllk('l'. wilhdrztw th(- mum-y {mm ' ('irvI1l:Iliun. l-`:Ii|ur(` to nl>s(`l`\'v th(\:~:o lwu rulvs .'u'i.~<(-:4 frum 1h(- przu-li:~u nf lvmlintz In int(-rt-st; fur nll l)n mw(-r.\, if thvy :n'(' to uvuid lt-fault, must rt-pay thv loan as well :15 |m_v tho lllll`l`l,`.`~'-l r*l1:n`;,'v. 'l`ho \Villl(ll':l\V:ll uf mum-_v luzuls tn \'\ :IL ,('-('lIlllll1L and (lis('l1zn`;,'- inn nl` nu-n Iu\Il\ nl' urhi:-In nr: -lit-nu ll.`1IllS U) \\'i|L',l'-l'lIIllH],L illlll (ll.\l`l|ill';;' in}: of l11('l|, lmlh of whivh prm-li('('.~< x-x'o.'1h- alarm and inrlm-1 (`V(`l'_`y'|)l)(l_V In save in 1111` lmpv that lhv mmwy <:1\'v(l will shivlrl him frum w.'m1 .-'huul(l hv also lw tli.~4u~lu1I1:vd, but szu-'in;,' meroly il). ,L .l'&lVIl(,'S the (run- hlv. Qiunnlu In cuuuul \|vl\'|In\uuI` Inn Simply in .' Wl)IIll`\`l.`l` war l1.'w<- .~`nvv will not put l]h'll1,l?l`.\` right but will only l`l'l`-`I10 :1 Imu- pumry tr.'ul(- rvvivnl. 'l`ln~ fznvlnrs wl1i1:h (-nmpvl vn1plu_yx-1'5 In rwllu-v \\ :l[.{(`h` zmrl rli.s`<:l\:1r;,'v men. unrl :41: mnkv us nfrnkl In : all wv 4-urn musl lw l'(`l)l()\'(`ll if thv sllunliml is 1:; us) from l).'ul In wnrsv. H nun-:1 lw nnintml nnl lhnl il i< u 114:1 u unf:' VUL` (`I'('('ll'(l UH UH.` lUlll(`I\ U] illl_YUI)ll_\'. thvy have ht-Ii:-vvxl lm1`m\v<-r.<. vmlld mukv nmnvy hrt-url and mul- tiply. so nlsn h:n'o wv who have M'- sax-ml and l`x[)('('l(`d In rt-ct-ivv Inurv than we saved. If wv urn cun- vincud that mum-y cznmnt hruori. that all -urrvncy must he It-ft in (-ir(-ulntiun. and that we injure nur- .\`(*lvv:< and n1.l1<.-rs \vl1(-new-1' w(- s.'n.'(-. thvn we have made lho first big and m!('(-sszlry slop fnr\v.'n'd in our march 1r>w.'n`d.x' :1 hull:-r rluy. Wt` .~:h:1|l have nthnitted that mun-m.'ul.: lznvs which :n'(- npp0.s`(-rl tr) (,iud`.< laws invvituhly loud to (.\'.'IS1(.`l`. Frmn s(.-vm`ul pas- . in the svripllm-5 we 1(.-urn lhm i1. is m>c(r::sury tn ml).-4(`,rvtr all. -nwl uni incl vnn nf Hun rnluu (5:01- mm ll, IS l1(.'C(.*:>ul'y U) IH).`sl,'lVl! illl. and not just, sumo of the rulvs 1S(,'(` Jznmt-5 2:10). but it cannot be dc-nit-rl that we have l)(.'!`!) U'yin;_{ In side- 1--eu-Lr Ohnun rhmlivnr wilh finznwn UH \\'(' lH|\/'1` l}l.'l'H Ll'_ylll]. , l,ll .\l(l(? lmck those dvznlinx: wiih l]1|I1(`(`. I <,~rh:nps we lhuu;:h1 Gud knuws nuthimg about lu1. Ymuxs truly. F. R()'I`HWl?.|.I. 1 .S.- -May of thanking to my letter .-40:.- sprinyzs: mains tr) be In soul the set.-(I and ]('1l\ (.' lhv m::l.1('r of ;;(.-rmin:1tir)n to other influ:n(:L-s. 114 Barrio. FL-b. 11, 1925:). um -u.,,,, 1 ;_u.. .1 'l`I`ll3 RI-31`) (IROSS CAM!`/\|(iN Next Monday :1 week's cumpznigm begins for mu purpose nf raising $1500 in support the work of the Barrie Branch of the Cnnzulinn Red Cross Society. This m`gani7.ulinn did :1 wonderful work in Barrie dur- ing the Grunt. Wur. 'I`ndny lherv is another great op- portunity fm` it to delnnnstrutu its usufulne. in help- ing tn nlnoliurutv cuntlitinns resulting from lhv depres- sion which likewise has brnuuhl much (list,I'(2ss and sufferinpz. rru.- rV..._.._|:..._ n...| r1..._.... 0..

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