Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Feb 1935, p. 2

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\\ III II\' lll.`I\I nllur Duwney. f Bulbs. Seeds 1 \l|H|l|'\l||.\lIl.'o 4 and bone- nbor m` the Fn_vs1rm read In 1\Tnf"Inp.:r Jul) 361 207 I 0 Jzmu.'u'y xduncc cut 6 IA` 1|. -rage PC. I ll.|illlCL' U! L of the Institute ng to the arinoipals of Edu- lllHCSh9 8 lMiS: A Q 2 month: illness): I) {YUM \V.M.S. l'ROVINCl.`\L SECllE'l`ARY Al)l)RESSES ORILLIA LADIES The women in the church today nro the twentieth venhlry npnsllos ul' (`hrist and have <-\'m-lly tho sznnc duty In perform in sprmdim: Hu- Wnrd of (`ind as the first (-ontur_v =x|m.~'ll<-.<." Mrs. ('. H. 'I`hru'hlII`n, ul` Ottawa. pmvim-iul ::u('rr-lnr_v uf Hu- Wmm-n's I\/li.a.~:inmI'.v Sm-ioly of llw Prv.-4l_\'lu-rizun (`hurvl|. luld :1 y.::nlIu-r- inn uf nw-r 201) at the sn(:lt-!y`.4 un- r-1::1l sup|n~r ill ()rilliu_ Fridny -v4-n- inp, Inst. .Qh-nc.~:inn lhn \rm:hm~:-: Inf lhn n\i~:- -gum! .'1l1(-nrlnnrv. Roll call was nn*:-3 "W('l`(.`d by '[`hr.- T`ms'<-riplium nf an [}El.l.l'I EVVAR'l` W()Ml'IN`S lN.\"l`. The H('H(.' f-Iwnrl Wmm-n'.~: [utili- 1u(' met :11 Mrs. Wm. 'I`rmnbl(-_y'_--_ for the F`(-brlmry |n(,-:~1inp, with :1 ~ u. ~ I Hm! . Mt.-mbur.-4 (It-(-nit,-cl on :1 1-mu-In-.-5 untl dance to lukv p|n(::- this month.` The prmfrmn im-lurlvd n talk nn "Nursing in tho Hnrno in gmuvrul" by Mm. IDr.) Mzu-Czlllumz u snlnf by Mrs. Normnn Br<,n.vning: an in v.h`urn(-ntul numhtrr by Mrs. Muc- Cullum. and :1 x`<-citation by Mrs. ll", A. Monro. A Inn-\r Inch: n-I umq unrvnrl hv lhr-1 mg HI. . S1Y'(`,'.-.\'illL , the \':1sNw.~:.< nf lhv mi:-:- r:lt:nnr_v 1-nu-rpri.-u-.~: of tho (-hurvh. Mrs. 'l`hm'lmrn rt-mindt-rl hnr :nIrli- mwn Hml. wholhr-r Hwy h~H<-vx-cl in [he (`i('i(`lI(`_\' nf n|i.*.'.*:i wu.-: ir- H-lvvzml. us` slw mic! "tho mrryiml, uh ..I' n ..n `u nu.-vl. l'('H'\'n'lIll. n'|'\1 Sill` II! III!` (`II on uf mi.~:.~:iun:n'y \-xnrk i::.u c-mnmnnxl nf ulll` l. nml i nu! mull:-1` wlu-HM-r ])('()|II(` nr: or \-Jmmz when H.'_\' vlnim llu cinns (in nu! m-r-runplish thv < r'.s'L1ll.~:." Juniorvked Curcnx-.`s.s ` Formed jat Midland` [orangel SODA Wafers For Your Party!--Try Some - - A-n-- _-----.. gpecial AYLMER Brand `f6MA1'o JUICE pecial Special BRIGGER'S PURE A. lVlOnl'l'. A very lusty tc-:1 wns sorvvd by lh::.-` h0st0:~`<: s. M174. Wm. 'l'rmnb|oy :lll(`11 Mrs. '1`. 'I`i(-rny. 1 l\!lnI'nh vnnr-lint! will ht` hold {H1 w V _ _ . ..- GFape Nuggflglggs Special Conquers 1 mac V/ sToN's GIANT |?9?!?!.N'<,9BH ..Uuquc1: Colds 7 Special MUSTARD 3-lb. Bag 7-lb. Bag 24-lb. Bag Mrs. '1'. 11-rny. I Mnrvh nwoling will bu` hold :11` Mrs. I-Ionr_v Gullmzht-r's with Mr.~:._ R. Cunning 11>: xlssislzxtxt hn.~`t(-5<.~:. R01!` call will be My Fuvnuritu Dv.~:. Recipe." I 13` 23 73 (:"5'(')"A V2.15. Tin 2 30 QRANQES SPECIAL~Sweet Juicy SEEDLESS NAVEL TEXAA SEEDLESS Large size--Doz. Good Size Keen s Pure F RY S PURE BREAKFAST 14134:` A GRAPEFRUIT )od 2 1 nun . .r Dnughtmv -- clork thinks town. Shnll I T\nlhnv~ .-.. ` runny FLOUR =MARMALADE3"j; 26H lull I (It-.\: Excellent Value ! - T--uni: CYIVIV 12-oz. Cellophane Package C-ROCETERIAS CO., LIMITED um-,~. niuhl uni.-_ Wnnowu LABEL ~ 33 1/2 11:. {onAN<;E pnxon - 40 1/2 lb. IS \ I B" Size c Packages "5 [U\NI'-. DHIHI Mother thinking so." News. ` Salada Tea Yellow Label 28 now has a blend for every purse Special Make Your Wash Day Easier vvvvv`. v`,.,.,\..4\.- SJ;ecz'al 2 in 1 Or SHOE Pous All leaders 41: 1:, `Phat nnthit if?! 12` in their class 14%-oz. Tin AYLMER Stramed Foods EECEE14` n MAPLE LEAF -9931 : SPECIALS on SALE ALL WEEK of Feb. 14 to Feb. 20 10 32-oz. Jar HS, Rinsn $`.\\.'t`S sCruM\ing-mil)' I/nu/I/U Hit` llllc of clutlncs-~yu11'll .s.wc lu(.\ uf nmncy! You'll .~'.xvc time and \vurk---~.md save: your hands, too. Cup for cup, Rinsn gixm twice as much suds ax lnghtxvu-i;:lu. puul-up :an;\ps. l\l.Ikm's ul 1 5 :uuuus (..m.\d1.m \\';1s11crs rcmlnlncml it. (".11-.n fur dislws. tm>~~- nml for all clc-.1ning. Gut Rinso tuday! I l\ SPEClAL- AUNT JEMIMA 2 Tan. 19` or Inl':ml.: uni! In`; AUNT JEMIMA Buckwheat `1'>"A%N}5.k if FLOUR (1 6c Rb ER nmm poli- um! nun ' FROM AN OLD V:\l.l')N'l`lNl COLLIER ST. UNITED W.M.S. I ml . .__,,..a|\|.. ..., DON'T l)I.'~3(`0UR.-\GE IIIM '\ nun .u., u .._ 11.. A _, IN WOM AN S REALM l I me will she ;:rn\-.' u|(l -` -: charm she still will hnltl,` l tho days with joy. r- sic-ills from her ho`ll r(~~ mm can rlnslrny! V -Virnn . nu-w bx-uuly. .~:nm(- m-wj -"MuUl(`l' dour. that rut-vs! I`m thv l)i('(`.`:l jJ_irl in: I let him ('nIl`."` 1 "NH. 101 him koop on` THE easier you see {en work. {o read or lo wrilo-{ho loss strain you are putting on your eyes. and the longer {hey wi|l snrva vou as thaw should. The best evesiahl insurance is in strain putting your and the longer they will serve you as they should. The best eyesight insurance is to have suiciont cloer, rovoaling Iighf shining not in your eyes. bu! coming from the proper angle-directiy on the obiect you are looking at. For best lighting sakisfaction see (ha! (he 4 lamps you buy are marko "LACO Mazda". 2 [1 H ll'L`Q`; min-,-,lv them`. upon the air 1 rnnv In-V zsnwyz 1 -~Virnn Sh('. Il`(I.` The r(~.;:1x|:n' munlhly meeting of I(`n1Iim` St. '[Tnilor l (`hlll`(`h Women's 'Mi.~:.'~:i.nnI'_\' Suvi~l.y was hr-Id nn Fri- |dny aft;-rnnun. Feb. 8. with the |m`(`. Mrs. A. F. A. Mz1l(~:m1.\`nn. in the t-huir. Mrs. Jns. Robertson presented thr- lhuduel fur Hm year nnd (ho (Invo- Ilinnnl mu-iurl u'.'|u in n-I1.-n-rm nf Mic-'4 m me cnzur. !1iunul |mriud \'\'ilS in L'h1Il`[{O of Miss lPnulh. MI'::. I.:\}":; splondid pup:-r I hnsu-(I on the study lmok "Buildm`s nl` lthn Tnrlizm (`hum-ix," nnd :1 dr-ligzhtful i-~.-In h_\' MI:~:. .1. M. Mulls. .-.m1.\.1 L',l'('.`I!- ` :1`, 1,. I... .m.-..-...-.. ..r Hun: uu-II-nt- |'7H|'| H_\' l\ ll.`-'. II. l\ l. lVllIl.` I3. In Ihv |)|(`.'l!:lIl'(: uf tr,-ndu-cl mm-tim.{. A must t-ru.|u_\'ublc limo was spout ls1::| Mulltlny ovvning wlwn St. Ann- |(`h`(`\\".~1 Y.'I".S. wvrv the ;',u(-.-; .: of mo 1l"..'<:::1 Rnzul l`I`<-.\'l).vI(.-ri:|n Ynnnx; l'vn~ }plr.- :11 :| St. Vault-mine p:Il`|_\'. All mm `zn-. lhv l'2.~=s:u Rum! L'lnm'h :11 7.45 and I :l.h(-n [)I'U('('(*(|,'_`(l In thv Allumlnlv `rink \`/h(`l`l: an hour or murv \`II:: ..n ;.. .-I.-nth... I-.0;-r nll I-4~hn'Iu\1| }z!:lv.`iI'1lzl1.`,u (ll 1h(`m l)l'('ZlllS\' :1 umn-` `I.-siv Svivnr-0 in-.'u'h(~r mm ivzwh ymi imzmy thing.-: that nmthor (luvs nut know. If it is nut pu. lc to learn n1 hnm<- pm` :1! .~'('h(ml. n])p(-al 11 um- nf `w-u1' mzi:'Ii(-(1 fi'ivnd:< rm` help. Most i:im'i'io<| wnmun will be 1`-flU1(`1`, iproud of being able to touch you `and willingly give you an oppor- tunity to przn-tiso. And will you b!` `pnpiilnr \\'i1b ihv l,m_\'-i`i`i<\mI'.` Tu 'n'i.'ik(` :1 ('mnl` imnw is: ymir mid of ihv [)21I'ilH`l'.\i`.i|). so play Hi .- 5 gzumz. /|.l..ll.- 1.... v...I.. on l'h:l.l.-on ` j , I Pity the ltridv Who ('nnnot (fank Vzm-nlino Day is :1 !'1\'m'ilv mm` {In .'u1rmnn<'- an l`l1;:2lL',l.`l11I`ll1. I won- `=<{:.-I' lmw m.'m_v nf thv girls whn {ll`l` 32:0 h:u>p_v m'`r thvir l'll;. ,1l3.',(`n1l`lHS mud so busy plnnnim; lnm.~:sv:1u>':I1\(i Milling hnpv (-I14-six :u'1- able in umk. .1! :1lwn_\`:~' 1):-.~:v.s` my lInrimj.s-tunclim; `lulu! I|iI`l\' nun Ifn hIHhl'IV 2lh(`.'I(l 'll`l(l llmln (U n ,uhlv In fil !S(nn(- 0|" 1 !fllJl)l|l it n ;whi<-h In . kin 3.. _V()ll L)l`{.Hl \\'(`ill'lH){ ll llllh |u|Iy.. run] `the plun.~:u1'o in telling the 11:10 was` gum-. As a nmlter of fact. she just `turmxd u\\ z1_\' withom tx`_vim.{ to tell lhor .~'1. Then paron1.~; <-mnplaivl gthut HuirL'hild1`vn do not Cm1l'id0 in. `u..... \\1..u,.\. .~.....`.-I1 -uni mm Hunt! |lUi|.\ll'lI Ul ||Il' |:lll Hull Illl `y n~n-. _ unul uh! In (`arm :1 livin;,". Any \vn- 1 man who mumnt rank .~'1:n't.\' m:u'-` iriod lift` unrlr-r :1 S1-\"l`v hzmrlix-up. I:-nplv who have new-r cnnkvd 300111 in think that it i:: nuthimz In |('}ll`l1I ,nll yuu um-(l is izm-1ligm1('v and :x gnarl Hunk bunk. Yuu mwrl hnlh. but :1 little <-xp(-I'iL-1u~(- i.-: n grvul hvlp. `Ynu. who .'m- tn ho ln'irl(-s snnn, make it your lm.-aim-ss to lw able In `rook. 1Vlnr'.1 p,irls mm lznrn :11 humv ;if they really want to. If there :ll`(` `vnnking ('l:1:~:svs by all l11l`lll1S lzxko }z!:lv:1I'1t:u!,'.- ml` Ihvm ht'('lllS\' Dum- -s:liL' ..u..... l.:nn.- H.-.0 nuulxnv (Int-u nnl l'vll:<.\' l\ l('L I'L':1(1_y, nnu uu- v\u|Iu:n lnuglll by przu-tit-al dt'xx\UllS1l`:lli0I1. At vnvh lc-ssnn. H mm] is propuretl for :1 family nf fivv or six: mt-mbcr.~' of mo clznss runnplo ii. and lho <-nsts `mm play` H19` _ .A\du'l" Arc ltudv to (`hi`dr-n I Whalt :1 pity g:,1'u\\'I1-lips: Czmnul ht- ,:1:: ('m1r`.<-mzs in vhiI(ll't`l1 SIS 1(`.\ 31"" are \vurkL-d nut. F.zu'h food llsorl has 71" HUN`? L'l`0\\ YI~i|PS- "0-*5`->1.\' H10." 11:: food vuhzt-. and its relation to `d0 "01 |"" /-t` H131 1lW.V' 1 ? Vlldf` D111 budily hcnlth t-xplaimwl. In g(=,no1':1!. `they are _|u.~:I tho smm`. T0dil." -'1 the women who utlond but-mnc r.unm\-um /':|n1t- in inst hubblim1.1u-nnlv inn-rrwtml in lhi nvwol` '. lIl HI $|\Ellll|_L'_. lulH'I 1| llw (`hlll`('h \v!wr- :1 I l'I l` plzun-(I mu! :1 pork `pp:-r 5::-r\'(-rl h_v thv nun}: P(~npl- She has 30 sweet an way with her. ."I`is pnr:1di.'-z(~ to stay wilh her. And on like 1'ir:l'|ios~ "Her words light all the dusk for me- l`hnu;zh not for me the dronm.x' I :4: Within hm` starry 1-yes. VVIII.u:u |u| nun -1.... \- I lnrm (1 l1l'L{(? |)('i'('t'nl:l;.',l' 11' lllllhl` JESSIE ALLEN BRO/-SI ])l't`ViIl(`lti tmln_\'." ) l)I'lll()Il.'~1ll`.'ll inn Mvtlmd U.~:u "Tu mt-Oi this (`lHl`l`L{(`I)t`y. thv RL'(l (`m.-as has izivvn nxtt-nxivv mitritiun Day in.~ (luring; tlw pzist throt` nit.vimziizuttit-tit. Y('"5'~" Mi MC(""'5\d.\ 5"- ..- l`lmmgh the mmlinm lit` the Red ('l1g11`_I_(|n]|\|)t_R Ci'us:=. l.li7l ()ntzn'ln ino_tlwr.~: i`tl.`~l1. ml t1'missv:1ii>' nntl .V( 1l1' I"-v'(`iW`d l)|`i"?"3'i In-\`'""`- ling llUDt`(`h('StN:ll't'1ll)l( in fltltftlllilh` (P15 Di"-`ll-' Ud ill. 1` W, 5 ndp|`5`u]](]']:: minimum of cost. Tminml cliotitjans ,w Li},-is mm ,3, him-l_y nlu-.'ul l.l1mn1.:huut the prcwinve Vt)ll|l.1l.L`L`l'- :m in he m1ll'l`i('(i without living: Ni tlwix` services [roe nt'. cl1ai't;U. 1 >h- t'ill tlu-ir end mt` tlw l).'i|';:,:|in. tmlrli Hurt Cl'()SS nnti'it.iun uoursc.s'. )lI\(` 0| li1l'ln are int-linocl tn lmn.-.-t In nil. fit't_y-xvvcn <-nurso:4 tit` S(`\`L`ll mm 3,; if it won. _<()m(-[hing 0|` l(`SSl)l`tS um-h wvro t-nmlnctml in hich l)(* nruml. 0th(\r.< think itll\vtl1l._V-.\`l`\'t`I1 0nl.:n`io citit-:4, it hit: _inl lluw wmtlrl tlmso Sa'lll1(`| It is within (-mnp;u':It.ivv1_v l`('(`('l`li rls tot-I it` tln-ir llll! that mu-.f1;]|_y ~(,m|m-ted ,~.(._ )iI.\'l('(i mt` thv tart HUN `.V Wl`l`0 SL`.'ll`(,'h \V0l`khlSILi\"UI1llSil1(`S(flt`n(':` )l uhlr- liviI'IL'.' of nutrit.iun. which simply pmzn-lms :11: '1-wk mill`-`tlint goml t'n is funtlzimuntnl in or! ,\'l'\ t`l`(` !{()(;(l m-nigh. An. \\-.. p_(,i,,g1,, l,m(-. t'tl|)i(` l\nv0nt~v(-r Lisp what we know 10 b(\ `)l`()\7Cd r .-:<'i-,ntit'i(- t':1ots;1bnut bmlily h0:1lth'."' l 35 -'l.\ kt`(l tho Sll])L`l`\7iS()l'. "l"ui' ll1Sllllll`(`. mrl l'V(`l') child and iltlllll ll(`l`(l>` :1 cm`- tuin daily intake til whole milk. as nu, tn) \\'(,`ll :13 (-u oil or its equiva- Iilkt` to lent in vitamin D. In In` :issii1'u(l nt` Wk. nptimnl tooth ht-ulth. We know N`-'1." `Mimi L `0 11` that (lurin_u the winter months. in mkimg (wnnud M lmst. mu, budim. (10 nut lv.'intzit."- pro(lnc(- vitamin D frnm tho sun`.< it ti`- H'iW|' rays to any oxtvnt, and \\ l` slmulrl. 1"H.\' WU!-` W`i,tl1(-1'(>fm`v. take in llt,t(litit)ll to uni` f`UW- 1- H1 normal (tl(`l. not only for [)l't>lt`(`tit)li l .<('l1(ml..'ipp(-.'il l1!(Il1t' ;1g;.ingt math (]p(-ay mm! against ti l`iL'k(`t5= in thv infant and _vuun_-4 T031 1 f1UW1`.ci1il(li. but tn lll('l`(`(1.\`(`()lll` I`t`.\`i!~`l. ll1('(` mud 10 to infection," she vxplziiiterl. ncl give :in Course is simpk. inity npulm` lake 1 Thu nutrition (`()lll`Sl` is (` ml n.~: simply as pns:ail)l:-. (-nntinnt-(l `M mu lvlI:<.< lVl('CI'L`(l(l_V.. and tlw w ])l'ill`lI(`al (`ll'iiil)l\Sll':lllUll. zunu. . ts` [')l`(`}.):l1`(`(1 .\du'l .~\r(- Rudv tn... .. r....w:x.. ..r mm ...- mmnlu-re Written for The Examiner by .......-.-~ . . a rd`! rur|r\IIlnl lways lInr1mj.s'mn I ;.{i1'|sv:u1 nnzl. 1 - fill u- 111 ('h 11' hi_1;juk<`. s lm: slvd Hwy were livim.:'. I mur- I . l.n .. ...n.~ :uuulznr' u nu HINTS FOR HOMEBODIES ST. A N l|R.l`IW'S Y .I`.S. (`W };IIllI(`.'W and ht-ml Allnndzule: 'l`r.'u'hin;z mother: and other wn-I men in (.-hnr_u,u- nf lmnwr: thv im- pnrtnnt art :1!` hzmdlinp fund. huw tn huy tbnds frum the stnmlpnint ml". their vnluos. how to t-nnk thmn. nnd lmw tn hulnm'o nwnh; 5:0 an In ;-,1-t the maximum rut` health value out n!` them. has: lmrn thu u|)_ir-ct of 1-xtvn- s'ivv nutritinn and dietetic instruc- tion givs-n thmummnt. Ontm"m dur- ing thv past tin`:-v yt-.'n'.<, umtvr the :|ll.\`|)i(`('.\` ut` thv (`:m:u1i:m Rod (`H3145 Sm`it'ty. "'l`hm-a- h:|'< In-nn nu tinm in tho! FOOD VALUES lnummon AND ` ARE 33555359, `Red Cross Home Classes! U Feature These in Home I I Instructions ' I A SPLENDIB WORK -I think her voice has vnught the hm- `And londcr lune ul' h('H.` nf hlut-. 'l'h-.1 n-inu lmnr-nth :1 lrm-' }HlUU|(ll U 517 lllcll II \\III UAKJVV lsidcs -tu my way of thinki :`i:: the nicest. By way of :1 put slim-vs of bZl(`()l1 a(`l`ns:~' ;l)vfm'0 baking 01' pom` purl < uf tunxaltnvs around and n\'(.`1 Stuffed Meat Loaf I IE5.` `4 cup U1 l'ilSpDCl'l'y O1` strmvbcrry jam through a fine sieve. `add 1 teaspo0l1 lemon juice and sul`-| ficient icing sugar to make it thick` enough to spread. . Lune: DU)-~~~ wnaus CW Slightly Bigger Bl`ulht`1`- ing `No. thank yuu.` when to say `Yes. TH .~\T'$ I-`l`lQl' F.T'.l~`. L. n... --nu. .v Jam Icing .. ..... I of raspberry or ' wrmmh :a fin I etiquette?" he\r-"H': an` I\ lx.x;; 1\ l:u';;:n'.-I l.:nwr<-In-v, whom the Barrio \Vmnen s Czlnzldinn Club` is hrim.;i|1g1t> Barrio for its n1u01in;.',. run I-`v|n'um"_v 19, is u mvmhcr nl` (he| 'dilm'i:nl .~:1nl`I' of S.'Iturd.'I_V Night" and ulsu uf "'l`hv Canadian Horm- Jnux'nul." Since coming to Barrie two years ago under the auspices or the A: of Canadian Clubs, tshn h.'1.< murt-cl 1110 whnlo of (mzulnl under lhv snnw .'lll.\`|)i('f`S. | - .. . 'r*...m.1. I .... ... ...n.o lUHll`l' UH` Hilllll.` illl.\'[)ll'(_`!\'. l M'i: ).u\vrcm:c. an I`ucsd:I_y next.| is p1'v. In 1101' nudir-n(_'c :1 crit- ical 1` `unw 0|` llw modern wumun 1 A piunoor vitium of New Liskeartl. 1 Mrs. David Littlejuhn (-alt.-|)rated hm` 3 9151 hirthdny SunrI.'1_\'. Feb. 3. :11 her` home there. :.. n.......u.:.:.... rm... um nm, `Aim mnncr mm- J`hnt ring ht-nt-nth 2 Slmshine nnd color r 'l`ill Summt-r falls up '|`huu;:h Winlx.-r it x M RK S `HER `EH ST B lR. l`lII)1\ Y lH|lHl.' Hll,'l'L'. Born in I)cvmshirc. E1n,:., the old- trst of Mr. and Mrs. Mmjvj Kent, Mrs. Litllojnhn came to Cam-j ,nrl:1 with her parents and 300 other El-InIIm'v I.nyn|i. 78 yv:1r.< nun, Thu ......I n....,..` A Quin r rightef; wixxgi|1g1:> 1 I uriul Sn .. . ..{` uVl`|\.. I`. DON"I' VRISK BAKING FAILURES \\'ll.l.lNG TO OBLKIE nu-In hlundo flapper mlleri ; l\\"\I,'}l Ihn .l'u\' ::I'tnv' nu 11:`:- lL'l|_\ Ulllllllt` IIII Ispital the day T spea1sk$"vGS.Z4;T` >C:A;_x:a (lmi_ar_1W(:l`117|:':V.. `On week-dzlys, und on hnli(l.'\_vs She walks nlnnu lit :-`s r~unmmnw.'1y.<; uno nvMnI`ncI|D'l|I' uhn rinu \\ t'l L` IL'l't.`l\ relatives th med States. MISS M:\R,GARI~."l` l.AWlHCN(?l'I 0 the yo I in H". 7 i thought ilg nd give him ; In up! when! irl who wn: u 5H/I: llllli gel wheni K bf. IX. kl H51. Kil\'L' El |3lH . !st1'(-.-:.\`im,- the udvzml ` 5 fit.-: of bevrnmmg :1 ' `,B.'n'rir3 Snvit-l_V. Ml` . 'l`.. ,h....o `-1 u I." V School Attendance 89! .:.Per Cent in January , ,Many Teachers Absent} Sh? walKs nmnu nu-5 x-unnnmm.-,y: But xvhc-x`e.:oe'er sh(- ;J,<>c-s. By market-plm-(-, ur shnrly lam-, Hy dusty stx'('et. or greeting plain. I know some flmver bl()VVS` SIUCICIIIS (ll UH.` Llllll and Public SCh0ul.<. :1 {monthly I`(`pr)I`t.< nf . presented tn Barrio `rcation Mnndny r-vcni L.` Jzlnuary Enrollu 'x I) f` Y __ I 1 Twenty-one m :-mbors uf Minesing 1Won1on'ss Institute spent an enjoy- ':11:1(: :1ft(-rnunn nl Hm hnmv nf Mrs. V\ iln1ut (`nnk am l'l\1I1':;d.'z_`.', Fvhruary `7. Roll cull \\`u.~' rtzspuxnrh,-(I to by "A :HI:vn(\I`nII-t Efnrv " MlNE!s'l.\`(E WOMEN'S lNS [`l l`U I`E I HOLDS lN'l`l'IRl'IS l`lI\'(i Ml'IF.'l`lN(iN \ V\'H|Il|l( K HUK Ill} \'ms 1 :HlinI()I`()ll.". Stm'_v." A u . gm \'l.\'ll :H`."(`dS. `make :1 `A l|l|.`l Ill |J!.'l'UHH|l II lIlt'llI|)l'l III Kill.` Mm. A. Iny.s'tm1 Ht short .- by Nollin M<~("lung: Q from Flnwmzz for the I ivinp,." Mm. `r/\dnInsm1 rent! 1: . pup:-r on *"A Womzm's Rospnn.~'ihiIil_v to tho '(?mnmuni1y Outside the IIume." A `dnrning (-nmust was ('njn_\'cd by all }prcsont. Tho juduos were Mrs. C',ha.~`. 1(`n':mt. Miss F.&lI`lf nnrl NIis< Pe:n'l| `Grant. who gave first prize tn Mrs. D. -`(`mm>h(-I! and . pri'/.0 to Mrs. `3C'1`use. x\1r.<. A. Rnnnld zgnd Mrs. Him. I .mmo.... .-m-um! -mo...-......n ca-. , The Man at the hmm ,ROH CH. "1 sand Plzmts. During the r ,there was an zxv: appruxima1c1_v 8 `students of the anti `Du!-.Hn Qnlan. ` lJ.L .1? Academic C0n1myr('ia! {Prince of Wuh- lvictoria . . `:King Edward jKing Gem'p,c- X : Totals Ah, not by 3 Yet. ngcim.-: l'n Hun-h Q ` l3.L.l.---IUH L|L`L'UUlH Ul : IMiss MacMartin, .Jan. 4. 7. `Constance Hardy suppliedi ,I\1orrm.v. Jan. 3. 4: Miss K. iJan. 14: Miss U. Kelsn. Jan. Drinna no` \l7nInc- `Alien (`:1 Ida. 11: AVHSS U l`\L`lS(l. Jail. .13. Prince of Wales: Miss Campbell. {three days. bereavement: Mrs. Bur- lditt. five days. illness: Miss Bishop. 'seven days. illness. M155 Mae Hick- lling supplied thirteen days: Gerald Smith two days. An epidemic of mumps greatly reduced the attend- ance in lower moms. \Hno.x..:n- Lu" nn.anrlnnn.~. nnvina in HIUHIPS KUIU \VHUUplHs Ullllsll. King Edward: Miss B. Carruthers.` one day. illness. one mm` day. ill- ness of mother IMiss Ovens sup- plied): Miss V. Wice. one day. illness Miss I-Iurlburt supplied). King George: three pupils mnvcd away January 8: some were absent on account of the cold weather. {INCH H1 lU\\"Cl' l'UUHl>. Victoria: low attendance owi mumps and whooping cough. King F`.dwm-rl: Mi,~:s R Carru Subscribe to The Examiner and get all the news while it is news. Teachers absent during the I Rf" T__1nn nrvnnnnt nf il nu. 4`\lh\l` Arr:mL:(.-n1cn1..s' I quilt for tho n 25- H.'l\'l\ :1 1 H! n uu 1I`(`h mootinpz ne of Mrs. Wu "T-)xol1.'1n;*,r- of .. '- r attendance owing to vhnnnina Pnnnh I - wzls appointed ml rt-purl their < \-.'m'(- made `.0 mu-(l`\'. R\"\'. G. am I-Im'1ir-ulmrc. Y(`I. .'u:L-1v.w.~; v To lunch 1 What l`imL- 2 plnvo With munc- In`-.1-n

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