Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Feb 1935, p. 10

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Man. 11; Toronto. Mrs. W. H. Green spent the week- end in Barrie. Mine RHH1 `lVI':n`1in nf Hillcrinln i-< end 111 .Ba1'1`1e. Miss Ruth Martin of Ilillsdalo is visiting her cousin. Miss Dom Clarke. MI`: T.nrnv Jnnninunn vicilnri 1n:1 severe colcls. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cain of Oak Ridges were visitors at C. Mar- lrow`s on Friday. M1`. and Mrs. J. A. Lennnx snenl uance. Mrs. Leroy Jamieson visited last week with Mrs. Harry Leadlny in Cookstown. 'I`hnrr- nrn dill :x numhrw nf nnnnln U0()KSl0\Vn. Tl}e1`e are still : confmcd to their l severe colds. 'Nl'r and l\/h~< I rows 1*1'1day. M1`. Mrs. J. A. Lennnx spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rowe, Newton Robinson. TVh"< .Tn< .Tm\nrx11 nnrl .1n\'m\ hznrv Iowe, Newton Robinson. ' Mrs. Jns. Jennett and Joyce hznvo returned home after spending the past few weeks in 'I`m`0n1.n. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stewart were past row weeks m '1'nmnI.n. in '1`n1'onto last 'I`lmx'. attending the funeral of T. Hawkins. 'nlV.. ...__1 1ur.... I 1x an Ll'l.' l|lIICl(ll H: J. Anuvsnnm. M1`. and Mrs. J. D. Stewart motor- ed to '1`m'nnt0 on Friday to zmonrl the funeral of the late 'I`. C. Hawkins. TU!" A.-.,'l `All .-.~ Ink.` 'l)un.:-nu nu ! Nun: Iullulul In un: Jun: 1 . L.. u.:wnnm. Mr. and Mrs. John Rznnsny and Stanley Ross of Newton Rohinsun were Sunday visitors at (200. M(:- Dmmld`s. 'l<`nv-hnq Qnrnuln rnhn'nr\rl in 'I`hnn. berland 51,. Mrs. C. Pnucher is visiting in Tor- onto. Miss Norma Pnuchor. Gr-urge Pnucher and Miss Dorothy Riddcll, all of 'I`m'rmt.o. were up from the city for the weekend. Mr nnrl Mrs, Allnn Brun1,0n and l)0nnld's. Forbes Spmuln returned tn 'I`he0- dore. Snsk.. on Mrmdny cvcnim; mf- ltcr spending :1 couple of months with ' his mother. 1 I`rini1v W A hvlrl a vvrv s11(`(`v5.<- `his mother. Trinity W./\. held a vvry s11(~(`oss- ful social at the p.'n'snn:x;1e nnn ov<~n- my: last week. A very cnjny::bl<- time was spent. Mr. and Mrs. 'I`hn.<. J(`11h(`1l nnrl time spent. Mr. I`hn.<. Jmm Mrs. Hunter Kmmt-riy of Rm Mrs. Wm. Robertson uf S xvem recent visitors :11 Thu inn'\` Mr. and Mrs. H. lV|. Innmpsun spent Sunday afternoon in 'Tm`nI1II= with D1`. W. B. Sprnuh-. '1`h<~ dut-inr expevts to return to his home in The` Inn this week. M Jenn Brmkc spent lhv \v00k- end in Orillin \\ilh hm` sislt-1'. IVli.~'.s Helen, who has been ill. and who !ro1.u1'ned with her and is now cun- ivalescimz at her home here. co x..,a..-C AVT1/x \ ` nnlnr lrot,u1'ned with her and is Cnn-I xraicscimz . | St. Jude's A.Y.I .A. was onim'1:iin- `ed by the branch ill St. Pziul'.~. In- nisfil. last 'I'ucscl:iy evening. This l)ran('h hold :1 })i`t):,`l`(`.\`\'i\'(' (-rokinolu pm't_\' on Mundziy night and the first `prize winners were Aileen NIili(`l and John S1c\\'m`1. 'T`hn nnmml social niuht of Thorn- S1c\\'m`1. The annual social night ton Junior Institute \v:`.s held ln.~:1 Wednesday :11 Miss (;cno\'i(.-vo Jum- ic-.=0n'.x'. The ovunim: was sptrnt in prruzrossive oucllre. There were seven tables. and the prize-\\'iImm`.< \\'(`l`C l\ lis.< Elczmur Mcl\'(rn'/.ic and Herb W1'i;.-,h1. Mrs. W. D. H(.`lll`)' \m.< the lucky winner of thv lxanrlsmnv hooked rug made by l\lr.<. Juhn Scott. 'T`hn Cirl<' Auxiliarv of St. Jude's The Girls` Auxiliary St. Church met at Mrs. George McDon- a1d`s on Tlmrsdny twenimz. Nlary `Reid and Aileen Muicl \\'ero appoint- led to rm the offices of rim and sec- ond vice president. respectively. re- cently \':1Cuted by the removal of fnrmm` office-r.~;. I\ Iusu-al selections] \':1cz|ted by tho reinnvzii n1 1 former Iusi<-nl selvctimis \V'e1`e given by Aileen ()i`ey and Ail- eon Maiel and Contests ('nndL.I('10d by Lila Cousins and Aileen Gi`o)'. '1`-`nilv Y.P.S. hold .'i very enjoy-i Cousins and Aileen urey. - 'I`init_v enjoy-` able Valentine social. 'I`ue.s'da_\'. The Sunday School room was prettil:.' and suitably decorated with a pro- fusion of hearts. Games and (`on- tests made the evening pass quick~ ly and whetted the appetites for the refreslnnents. There will he no !l1`.CClilll,' of Y.P.S. next week as :1 number of the members are plan- ning on attending the winter selmol at Cookstown on that night. Local Legion Post. A meeting of returned soldiers was held in the Orange Hall here last night. resulting in the formation of another Post of the Canadian Le- eion of the British Empire Service `League. Zone Organizer Robert Pea~ `Cook of Midhurst and Comrades Ed. Shuter and Thus. Burton of Barrie took charge of the meeting and as- sisted in the election of the following` officers: President. Jack Scott: lst \"ice-Pres... W. E. C. Burns: 2nd Vice- .Pres.. Robt. Beaumont: See_\'.. Ralph ' ilvlarperz 'l`rea.<.. Wesley Dun_L:e)'. Up- on return of the charter an inam1ur- :11 meeting: will be held. Notice of {this meeting will be posted and all returned men in the Thornton vicin- ity are cordially invited to attend. `I `E n;,".~`. Mr. and Mrs. H. :nm\1 Rnmlnv zuflurm city [or the W(ECKCn(l. Mr. and Mrs. Allan family spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brunion. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rosevear of Niles. Mich.. are also visitors here this week. Frank I-learrl. well known here. who was called east ilirnugh ihe death of his (laughler :11 Fort Wil- liam. with inl.ei'mc-,nt in Orillia on Thursclay. has been spending a few days with M1`. and lVIi`s:. J. Pailon and returns to his home in Wey- burn, Sask., today. Essa St. Prcsb_vlm'i:m Church Rev. L. L. Young. missionary to ` Koreans in Japan. was the speaker on Sunday night and gave an unus- ually inlcx`esl,im.: aclclress from some 28 years` S(,'l.'Vlf'(` in l'{o1'(n and Jun- an. He is now enjoying :1 well earn- ed furlough here. On Monday night ~_.__ _ [thirty-five members being, ])roscn\. ! 1\-Iiss Verna Parne spent the `weekend in Elmvalc with Miss Hel- len McKnight. Ton mmun: on Spring dam has `en McKnight. ` Ice cutting Spring commenced. The ice is 2: iteen inches thick. . `I\/fr and Mrs. David Cash 110211 thxck. | Mr. and Mrs. Castnn motor- Ied to Kinmuum to spend 2: few days with relatives there. Missing Man Still Unfound `_ Nn mm'0 word has been 1`ec'ci\'cd gabmxt Dave Do1zm(\_\'. who has bvcn ` n'\i cinu fm` smnc time. The . I imnssnng ml` `party has ; til sprmg. _:__.:__ THORNTON or some t1m_c. The sea : gnven up fmdmg hxm !. K :1 number of people ` homes owing tn the ing dam about \'l`l'y DUUY, Ulll. UH` .`*.l(ll'llliIKl.'3 il buck ('<>m.-v.~'.~ urv vml hurl. '1 track is. hlI\\'l`\'(`|`, for the must 5: in the ditch ~:u (1-1: M lln: trnvx im: puhliv l'inrlm;: Hm,-ll` in Hm g Kt-1'." so 10 .s'p1-:1k. l3vHw:a(l:n Unilvd <.-hurch mm mv(~lin;z \vns hm-lrl rm l`m-sdny tvrnnnn. l~In(- I`(,'[)()l`lEi wn hc:n'(l {rum all Hm uffinrt.-1'.~; \\'l'l'(` ru-t:l(.-t:lc(l w oh. :.\-1-..nIi.n\ nl' {In 1 f'nnnh U. H NORTH SUNNIDALE || The Tmvnship Council mot on Monday. W. B. Sloan mnrio :1 busin(:.~:s trip to 'l"oronlo l.'1.*".t woelc. Miss ()li\'(~ H.'n'x'is of I`m'on1o spent the \\'(`(`k(`lH ] :11 hm` homo. lira \K7uHnu- Allun ennui :. r-.. nln n-mny 1,:n ruuu~r-. wlm Inna um-n Yullimxwoml lm.-spilnl fur SUHHE Lhs fnlluwin;,' :m :mtmnul;iln m:- It, is now m:nking very {:nvm'ul:lu rcss tuwurd <-nmplx.-Iv l`('('t)\. (EI'_Y. xe sleiuhinxz on Hm highway in" pour, but the .~;i(lvx`u.'ul:s' and 'l`h<- < purl 10 travell- nuuhlin l" ' whnu ii`-4-If Ill Han I'll!- A Word of Appreciation V70 wish In (:xprc.~s-. uur uppr4-(-i:\- [ion for lhc rozuy rvspnln-1: our ru2~lmn(-rs--|mlh nld nml mrw-- have given In uur campaign to lower Iixing rusls. Our nmnagt-rs xmd cierks (`0rdiuI|_v ' - \n|I In. nr-rsnnnllv V i`~il our nu` Uur unu clcrxs (`UruuuI_v in\'il(: _Vuu to ]l(`I`50!lZl"_V vi-il -stores for nmnr-y-saving: values. ;a;;;;;;ea,; Creams Graham ( Wafers Pk u l,'IIRI.\`7`ll-.". w' ---Sll\'(,'l~.' 1853 Choc. GI. omas " 1 5 PoiaItrj7Fe`eds Ix`! 'I.l~.' Egg Mash `{}`j:"" $2.19 Scratch Feed 1::`;:h~ sun Oyster Shell H")`()il-. 39 Poultry Grits 10 H. A34 Bran i";`.. .._."" 75 Shorts f;fg'"' 734.: :1 Miaa1ings:;7;"'%s1.7s flllkdll. mu \\\l nu nu nu ||\.| nuuu-. Mrs. Walter Allan spvnt :1 t-mlplv of clays with her d:m_uht(-r ir1 (`oaks- ville. Ml` nnrl R/Ire I\/Izn-uhnll Rah-n pruxni Sunnyfield PASTRY 24-lb. Bag ..y.- . n.nn~.- 1 n- :- 63` FRHSII li(I "t.\"IV'l\(-.`.'l.`l"I'~o_ 4;-1-- PORK SHOULDER lb. C Burrs a... uni ;.';;g;gg;2.,,t19i (`HI \ TR)" STYI.E 1 no) 7 RVI:'!`)w.\I"l2. \r. V I ZVLI HI sAoN3 iwriiiau nAnmE 12` rm . .. le ~~~$':~,14ei r:.'.T 21! MI`. and Mrs. M.'II`.~;hz1l| Roivv sperm a couple days in I` last week. i h.- `X/nrln ic 1:.1.~;....- um nvn:-Hun nr AANAs e -:j7 -:?_ T I IN.) I. lR1.l*.~ \lI..\.`l\ I (I lI.Il~`l)R\l I--- Hlrfl). IIF-{IDS U .\U. I (JR.Il)h'----(fU()KI\l} Lemons do!-18 Lettuce 1HBdS13c ONIONS 415$-Ioc 5 |l0l\'I-II) i j j-- I` . \l} \.')!t1IlFR\' .`~I*.'l.I.'('TS I. VRIJF. N'I`I'.' F'Rl'IT vuuuwn I 100 ll. Hug I51` STF..~\K 5. III. at lb. 18` Dr. Wade is mlcinp; the practice of Dr. MCCHIIIIIII, who will be in T01`- (mm [or some limo. Hm`! I`hmn.'I.~' run! ('1. W. \VnH worn in Tm-nnlu over the xvookcnd nnrl nil:-Inch-rl Hun Finn-I--.nl ml` lhn Inh- .`:.:;t- 10` 43 : 1r::vun- 1 tin gut- rki 11.. Bag 50 Hr. ling mm In. LIBERAL-CONSERVATIVE _ Rzf_K_LLY Friday,% February 15th AT 8 O CLOCK _ _ _ _____. -1-.\, \/A` ODDFELLOWS TEMPLE, BARRIE (}lf()H( ilf Sl* ( )'|"I'()N, l":SL]., M.P. J. T. SIM| S()N, 13511., M.l . AN] ) (_)'|'| llflx`, S| l5/ \Kl{l{S Come and Hear the Questions of the Day /\l.l.(XV81{R\"'/\ l`l\/1'35\*Vl'3l.(:()N\E t\I\f\llr'V(VPI*l'\A llv AV'l'0rI1l'\`II\ 1111-an-I |nEn""iiicLE A (.`RA. \'l.'I..1TI;`l) Sn 4!` -Phone 240 for the Rawleigh \Nnn 7|) Russo iiualwnnut Butter 4: i" I.I\ ' Australian Ransms Sultanas 2 ""- .`|lrl.4Rl'.`.'\'.S` PEAS 4 2 - .\io~\-cs Tim; I .\"l'.-\'\|).\Rl! (_)l Al.I'I'Y, 2 No. L . Tins 19` .-lYI.\IF."\'--(.'I)'\IH`:'VSEI) EREAD gm e Soups .IH'l.\HiR l'IiU!('l~f \I.I.\,\)i\hl:l<\';\ll\/I15 lT:l.(,()N\l: W ORCHESTRA IN ATTENDANCE39, ., _ I".t'\l.'Y (. lH'T. LR-il)k'.\' A N I. In 'l'm'Ol1lu r and znllvndvrl th<- f E B(`l'kill.\`hI\\'. wl known in this: pin 'l`hn Mm-.~I. .......u. Blade Round or Rump Square Wing Po:-ten-house .~z \\'.1n.I.n l(I!\l|l.l-,~ ~`, I; ll. Pkg. 19:` A & P UU.-IIJT)` in FF F l\l.')' SIIJ ERHRIl.IIT lb. ` Ste NEW A 8 P LONG TWISTED LOAF K H Toilet anylowers Soap ~i~H AND FULL BODIE Vl`];I' I'uru- (Ihirku-n 3 Tina 25- Il. - 'l'anvI1:|ltn 1:111] V I. Steaks 15 JIUV. VV. Cl. L)LllL III III` IIIC Dpl'(Il\L7|. Tho p1'm:x`ossi\'(~ ('ml and ra- dio play. givt-n in the hzmvmonl of tho ('h1n'('h. was }.!I`(`2lll_\' vnjnyud by all present. 'l`lu- z|(`tm'.< all look lhc-ir pnrls in gnarl .~'L\'|\-. \\ ilh :1 lilllo more prm:lir'u lhvy cnnld tour the countrv. 'l`lnn-.~4du_v. February 11', 1935 3 -` 23 ` IA-I`;- PKG. t(~"`\K}`s ' lb. nu. 13 Known in mm |'lI.'I('(`. 'l'h(` Murvh nu-<,-limz M the Church- ill Juninr lnslilulo will he liolrl :11 Miss M:n'y Sloan's on S:ilm'du_\' .'-If- tcrmmn. lVlll`(`ll 2` Thv mll will be answered by A Small Econom_v" Rev. W. S. Butt will luv the sponkcx. 'T`hn r\I'nn`I~ng-ui\nn nu-nlzinnl-n nnrl u--3, . Man. Frank Dobson has been laid up with influenza since Sunday. T?nt1|I'I::r mph f\'1Pf`1.inE. Sundav. pr count ry. r Midget Church Hockey Nearing Playoff Stage - (h-um-hill Junior The Churchill .l1mm1' 1| I\/`liqq lumllzu Dunnin- at. t\lul'_\ .\ .3. 1 dre`\\"s 2. Ram! \\'ll\_|.`.\'. `.Vl.\\L Gear. Lung. Much of Red Hurner`s be spent in Bradfnrd fro: He is head salvsnxan fu sporting gnnd: Far-tnrv in Innr Ei @i,E'\V~. CHURCHILL ABOUT A LLAN DA LE nnc. n - fmwrnl nl` Iho l:|1(` who was \'(~r_\' \\'olI :|:u(-rt with influenza since tsunuay. Regular O.R.C. meeting. Sunday. Feb. 17, at 2.30 p.m., in the Train- men`s Hall. The S.O.E. will meet at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening in Trainmcn`s hall, Allandalc. Mr: V Wlrlmnnrk nl` Tnrnntn isl the C.N.R. rink was engaged for the evening by the young people and with St. Andrew's Association as their guests. with a clear moon- light night and an excellent ice sur- face the skating was thoroughly en- joyed. About eighty were present and the frosty night supplied hearty appetites for the tasty refreshments served afterwards by the Essa St. l young people in the schoolroom of the church. n____;___ n_._ u-1-..u-.: n|.......I. uu: LuuA\.u Burton Ave. United Church The Winone Class held a combin- ed business and social gathering on Wednesday night at the home of Miss Jean Wilson. The newly form- ed C.G.1.T. was well represented on ` Sunday at the rally held in Collier ` (I-nn-r-h 'T`hir1v-fivn members Sunday at the rally new in \,unu:1` St. Church. Thirty-five. members were in attendance. The Fireside Hour which has been held on Sun- day evenings after church service hv 1hn vmmrr nnrmle is becomimz clay evemngs auer L'nu1'cI1 5ux'vu:u ` by the young people becoming more popular each week and on Sunday last Glen Kell was in charge. Frank Dutcher conducted the hymn sing-song and several in- teresting questions were answered by the pastor. Rev. W. A. E. Doe. One of these was Why are the back seats in church always taken fir.<:t?". f\n 1\l| nu-u-Inn ninth! H-an vnnnn .l.lI`.\L. . On Monday night the young people of Churchill United church were guests of Burton Ave. and gave an excellent propzram with their president, Ken. Ralston. in the chair. The following took part: Miss 4 Gladys Clement. a vocal solo: Miss ` Gladys Kell presented the Chu1`eh- ill News": Miss Cora Canning a piano solo: Miss Phyllis Marquis an ` entertaining paper on St. Valentine's day and its customs, and Miss Jean Hubbert a Valentine recitation. On 'l"hun-n-Ann nfonv-nnnn 1\/Ive lT\v~ \ J1LlDDL`l`l. El VEIICIHIHL` l`CCll'cll.lUIl. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. (Dr) Wildman. Barrie. was guest speak- ` or at the regular meeting of the Wo- men's Association and gave a fine address on the subject of Friend- ' ship". The president. Mrs. H. John- son. read a paper on the origin of ' St. Valentines day and Mrs. R. Heels gave a vocal solo. Mrs. W. - Park's group had charge of the pro- - gram and refresl1inent.< which were planned in keeping with the Valen- . tine theme. The noxt moeling ' a! Mrs. VVill Swit7.er's V (`all will be Dun`Ls Rrmm." TVTPQ I-In:-Ix Ilnnnnv I (')()n1 Mrs. Herb Bmmey had her aunt from Toronto Inst week and Nliss Eunice Dunn, Camp `Borden. \'isiting with her over the weekend. Crown Hill VVomen`s Inst. A \r'(.-ry interesting: meeting of the Wmnt-n'.~: Institute was held at Mrs. S. J. Dunsmore'.< on Tuesday after- nnnn. Miss Helen Fisher gave an inszlructive and interesting: talk on marketing pm1ltr_\' and eggs and Iviiss R.nl)eris R.N.. ) .{2l\'C \'a1u;1l)Ie in- i`urmzitinn in an fine address, demnn- sirzilimz lwniidzigiiru and ziiaissnezr in 21 n`m.~'l helpful way. Both ladies re- (:ei\'ed a very hearty vote of thanks for their fine (ldd1`(`S.\'(`S. Roll call was .'m. by :1 potato recipe and an ex('h;m;:,e uf Valentines. 'NIr.=. Dunsmore and Mrs. Chappell were ten hostesses. ~ The fullnwing : hero: Emu-0 Kn I-lnn n|' ('!::H` 2|! Hour! 01 Unit. :11 Miss 1\'Ia1'guc1'itc 1 her hmmr: Jumt I hnmu. I nu Ixv ~ 1 Allandalc. I Mrs. V. Edmonds of Toronto is spending the week with Mrs. W. Reid. Tiffih S1,. _ T`hn Tmilrlrnrl nnlrrni Sirnn T01` [lllll|lL'. I 'I`hv \/Vnmvn'.< 1n. hold their |Iuln'Lm1`_y Inccting at Mrs. H. Law- 'rcncc`s with :1 good attendance. A }".umnruus reading was gi\;(`n by Mrs. Jun. Mather and 21 duct rondorc-d 1)) Mrs. W. G. Booth and Mrs. Le'\\'is. A dainty `.-\t'Lvr11nun tea \\'u.< s(`1'\'u(`l by Mrs. 11. ].m\'rence and Mrs. H. ` Bnrkvr. Gravenhurst Gains 1 Goal Lead in Finals )cnvcon mcm wno \\'1u Kuup u -hxldron. The hostess scr\`cd :1 dainty tea. CROWN HILL NEW LOWELL wing spent the weekend 0 Kn0\\`Io.< and James H`. at the l'nrmo1s home: crito Cole nf Tnrumo. at J:1n1L'.< Mather. at his will be held : when the roll for the Sick LIOOIKSIOVVH October 3-4. Misc (`flnrn October 3-4. Miss Clara Jcbb of Alliston is vis- iting her mother. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Kidd suent the iting her mother. spent wc.-ckend in Toronto. Mi-4: 9.nr',:l1 Slinht vi, nvor the Reid. Tinm 51. -Tho Mildred. patent strap for infants. sizes 2 to 5, splendid value at 90c pair. I-Iil1's Shoe Box. 713 Mm, V. Drnrv and little son of weekend in Toronto. Miss Snrah Slight visited over the weekend in I`umnt0. T\/rm Radio Dnllnnk in cnnndina n , spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Gladys Thompson spent Sun- day with her parents at I-Iillsdzile. Mrs. D. H. Ross and Miss Doris Ross spent the weekend in Toronto. Alpine Cnusc of Toronto visited over the weekend \vith his p.'ucnt.~'. Oscar Hzirmnn n[ '1` is visit- ing this week with his mother. hero. Mrs. Frank Westlake nl` Tm'0nt<) weekend in '1`m'nnt0. Mrs. Sadie Pnllook is spending a few weeks at Lofrny. __ Frzmk Aunt-\\' of Toronto snent the xvocks at Lcfrny. Frank Agnew spent weekend with his parents. Mice Mnrunroi. Glass of I`m`0nln \\'cekend \\-'|Ih ms parents. Miss Mar_:,'nre1 (Mass spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Gladvs '1`hunmson spent mp, this \\'oek \VlU1 his mother. 11 Mrs. Ton is visnting her mother, Mrs. ( Duff. (`.m'fir-Ir] Pavnn of 'I`0r(mln is I Dull . Garfield Payne of 'I`ornnln I` (`laying with his parents at the 1 sonagc. Rev. H. E. Pavne condmlcrl Rev. Payne rm- niversmgv services at Newton Robin- son on Sunday. > Nfrs. John Lcwxs of S1,n_Vnor xs Sunday. Mrs. Lewis Stnynor is visiting this week with Mrs. Violet Riley at The Inn. Mrs. Constable has returned to Stroud after visiting her dzim-,litci`. Mrs. F. R. R01)01'Isnn. Rev. and Mrs. Blevin Aikinsnn have returned home after sptlndim.` a few d:1)'s in Tm'0mr). F. J Mr~Nam:11`:1 01' Mmmi F()I`L`st. d:1}'s in 'l`m'0mr). E. J. McNam:n':1 new teller in local Royal Bzmk, took up his duties on Vl.'crlnesd:1y. Mrs. Melville M('Fndrlen has re- at UUC paxr. run S Dnoc DUX. [U Mrs. V. Drury Toronto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. Rayner, Cumberland St. `Mn-c 1? A Nnillv nf 'I`m'0n1,0 was his dunes vs/cr1nesm1.v. turned home after visiting her moth- er at Clinton for the past month. 'T`hr~ ' of 1110 cnmmunit_\' Clmlnn mr mo D1151 mnnm. The sympathy ccmnnunity goes to Lorne Wolfe, whose father is a patient. in a Toronto hospital. Rov. H. H. Pinion of Bond Ilond do- Toronto hO.\`DlI(ll. livcrod 1\\'n inspirational .\'L`1`l`l`l()l1.< in the United church here on Sunrluy. 1IlI'1. 'n.\.\4..:..,. ~nL`l\Iqp.\\\ Ix|\rl 1\fh-c LIIL` UHllL.'|l cuunun nun; uu uu.u...v Miss Beatrice 1V1('Fuddcn and Mrs. Lorne Arnold attended the ;2,r:1du:1l<- nurses` dinner party in A111:-um last week. Mm F`:-mi Hnntnr nnrl dzmuhiex` week. Mrs. Fred `Hunter and dnughier Valerie nl` Schmnberg visited Mrs. Frank Coleman for :1 couple 01' days last week. T-rwnv Arnnld rnor-ivod wnrtl on week. Percy Arnold received Monday of lhe death of his uncle. Arthur Brooks of Toronto, beloved husband of Nellie Arnold. Rev. Blevin Alliinsrm is Confined tn his bed wilh the flu. A student of Wycliffe Cullege, Tomnln. (mn- ducted services in S1. John's Chnr(~h in the mm`nim.{. There was no ser vice in the evening. I` n c x/I....I .... \|L'I.,' H1 lIlL' k.'\\.`lIJ|I5. Y.I .S. Meeting The United Y.P.S. held their 1'03- ulzir mcetin_L: on Mmideiy (`\ ('ili11 with the mis.s'i0n:ii`_v (`UI'i\'(.`l1(`l' in charge. The president cnmlm-led the bu. period. SC1`i])illl`(' l(`S.\`Ui1 was read by Miss Olive Rubi). aifier which Miss Helen Gi:i.<.< luid an in- teresting: story. The chapter of the study book was taken by the pres- idem. P:-1-m-nintinn tn Lorne lvolfe llcsclnuuun Lu hunuu vvuun. About 50 _\'mm_:: ponplo ;.:`m,h(`ro(1 in VVnt. Hall on M (-voningz in bid f;n`0\\`cll to Lorne Wolfe. Mr. Wolfe. who has been the teller in the Roy:-11 Bank here for thc past three _\fo'.u`s. has been trarlsforrorl to Owen Sound. The first part of the evening was spent in bridge. \\'as road by Norman Cookstown fall fair date is set for ')r-tnhnr R-4 spent 1n D1'1cLL:0. An address by Bmloy and Jean Cuusc prt-. Mr. \\ ul1"o with :1 Rolls 1717.01` in he- hnlf of the _\' ]>(:o1uI(-. with nil their gnnd \vi. A daxinty lunch was ser\'od. Show:-r for Irene .-'\lli.~;on On VVedm>. c\'unin;I, Feb. 6. ncighbow and friends numbering about so\'cnt_\ -fzve gz11herod :11 the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Truman Firm mm nznvn 1\/Tr: (`or-11 h-wm (nee Irone MP5. 1`. rcayncr, L,umuL-nuuu QL. Mrs. R. A. Neilly of 'I`oront,o was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Henson, Burton Ave. ,,_A T1(T fnum-i1n {ho Vnniiv home of M1`. and Mrs. `Human r and gave Mrs. Cecil Irwin (nee 1: Allison) :1 miscellaneous sho Two ndclresses were given: (me I the communm and one 1`:-um Ladies Assu(`i;1lim1 of 'Fi1`.=t Church. The Ladies A.<: : her :1 pair of linen shc-Cl.< and pi e:,1. hemslitrlled and 1rimme< ninl: 'l`hn\' ::|l Czmu FOP Sht DIHK. 'l'h("_\' (H1 Sill` JOH_\' Good F(`Ilu\\'.' The c\'c-um`; was ( and d.'xm-mg to the tho morning. Ref cnrvn senlation .4 :n COOKSTOWN n itcd ling (-\'(-ning `he :5 Helen <(,inu "nn,n'i,m',"' ik M1. M}, . l)f11"L`. 1 itation to Hunjmd : 0 hm; Mm Hall h1'(|[hp1` \ :c1l h(._n _..~(-p; ho had li\'p(l 1 Rank horn fm` 1h1- m\. ihnil` :i Nolsun ni (-mused hzi I'('('l, heuli but his Ct ed scrinu :1 stroke frnm \\'hi< STAYNER UTOPIA : holi- e par- llL'l'(.`. Jl'Ql]l() Geo. ` A nmnlmr of rosidgms are confin-` ed 10 their homes \`\ lU1 colds. Jnhn Mn/Xulcy of Orr Lake has moved into his house in the village.` Nelson Rumble and Allan Elliott uf 1\/lirlhlnd \\'vre Sunday Visitors. at `mlph Ruml>lc`.<. R011. and 1Iv1'>'I1(~l Colo of Tm-nnm Ave. -A B.C.I. favorite. the Vanity Maid Oxford with military heel. snappy appearance with comfm'1,.' See them at Hi11`s Shoe Box this week. 7b `Alf:-a n 1>..~:mr1nu zmrl rm Rnhhvl nmpn Immmc s. Hut. 'I`0rnnt0 attended the [um-ru] at their uncle. the lam`. Sam. '1VInrl0w. Rnhorl Silwlnir. :1 sturlent of Tm`- nntn Ilnivursity. pro:\c|1od in S1. An- drews Church last Sunday. 1\ h's. Juhn Irwin has tznnv in re- nrvw s LhllI`L`h Inst bmnrtuy. _1\ h's._.1nhn {zone to re- sudc \\'1th her d.'1u_uhtor. Mrs. Rom. Cr;1i;:. at the murt hnuso, Ilznrric. \'i.;iL from Elmvaln Y.I'.S. Tho Ynum; People of St. Jnhn`s (`hm'ch. Elmvnlc. \\'ero the guests hi` the \ .P.S. hvro lust Mnndn_v ov- onim_',. (irnhnm Christie. president! uf Ilw Elm\'n1v Sn(.'i01_V. occupied thcl (`h.'lil`. Aftm` the devotional period 1110 \'i.~'i1m's gave :1 very enjoyable` pm;zr::n1Im3. L-nnsi.~:ling of musical 1mmbo1`.~'. and two : papers nn .-\mhitinn Has No Closed Doors" and That Man Hitler. This was l`n}lm\'\-ri hy :1 mnm~s1 and several` H-la_\' gznnos which were very ably rnnrhwtori hv `Mr. F`imJ0hon and Mr. )`l`I_\' \\`hl(`h ably vnnrlxwtcri by Mr. Fiegzohon and Mr. Bishup. Rol'rvshmcnls 1)ro1u.',ht a \'or_\' ])l(`1lS(1l1l.(:\'L`!lil1_LI to :1 close. l)c:I.th of Samuel Marlow Anuihn-1' ]i1'v-lung resident of}~IiI1s- dnlo pns. :1\\'::)' in the person nf Samuel 1\ I;n'Im\', _\'m1nuo.~'1 brother of and Verniv Marlow. Dc- ('1:-A- hurl uni hnnn nninvinxr nor. Neisun and vernie Marlow. ue- had not been enjoying per- health the past two months. condition \\'.'1s not consider- serious. He was stricken with smnc time Sunday night. \\'hi(`h he never regained con- .<(-inu. pzissiir-,1 znvuy Wednesday l]1()l'lllll_L , Feb. 9. Mr. M:trln\v was sixty-eight years at` 1l_'.{L`. lle was of :1 quiet disposi- tinn and :1 kinrl and friendly neigh- Mnt-h . is felt for his Vernie. as they had never .~ tln'm1;:h life. They alone sinee the death of their sister seven _\'ez1rs 212,0. De- ceased was born on the farm where he died. Ihe funeral wra.< held Saturday (`.flt.`l'll( l()lL Rev. W. C. Stubbs of - F;lm\':ile hurl ehnree of the service at ' the lmuse. The pnll-bearers were Wilson Rnwzil, Ree. Cnle. Walter I ht-nn...~ (`.:n`Iu`1 R:-id .T:u-1:1-hibbert 55 Elizabeth St. Phone 293 Hm h0ll.~'L` n_4uin. Mrs. Borxnt-1' and M1`. Fax are visu- inn m 'I`umm1n 1hi< xvnnk, % Mrs. Baldwin is able to be around` 1931 Chev. DeLuxe Coupe 1929 Graham Sedan 1929 Ford Coupe 1932 Willys Sedan 1932 Chev. Deluxe Coach 1928 Chevrolet Sedan 1928 Chrysler 72 Coupe, Rumble Seat. H_AROL_l)% HILL _c_;Ir'y1Ia}}a3=ny_..I...Tn.' I\I`lII"I'I `H U`-0 NIH-?H9 RTOUD \3I\'iqi\u1`s. A humurnus remmtmn was - s i\1<'I`-<`-:I.\'- also gwon by Jo.`ssi0 Mnddloxun. I ! 30.VS (`UP W0 by C. E. Dumber Rink At the close of the xneetim: re- ` An interested grqup of spectators freshmems were served and a SOCIRI \\1'.m.=:sed the :`:naI`g`.1`me in the Boys 1 hour enjoyed by all. HILLSDALE THE BARBIE EXAMINER. BARBIE. 0NT.. CANADA DALSTON ml 1 were: .\'z1l, rnct Reid. Jack 1-Iubbert 'ux'r-c Jr Tnlnrnwnnt \v:|.= _1$_Ii:vs OF- ELMVALE (1. .Jzu-K 1-mm)er1 Interment was plot in the Ang- 'z1\'cr1c,\`. 7ictor Hall have! `1 north of Bob- 5 L._\'(ms. I mnell spent :11 tie last week. 1 ~ and friend of with her moth- Mrs. John Scott spent the weekend in Toronto. R/I've W H ('h`nnr\ chnnl ihn urnnlr. WOCK. H) ' Mrs. O. P.r:1nries and son Bobby! and Tonjn Kuusia, all of Tm`- rmto, were werskcnci visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McClcz11'y, Cum- berland S1,. Tllfrc F` `Dmu-hm- ic viciiinrr in "|"nr-

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