Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Feb 1935, p. 1

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flIHllll'l' lJI'. Dr. R. J. Sprntt. Pl`0pL`l l_\ and Smith. chairman. .-\. Henry. 1\.l an ....u4 ` H: ..m. In rL'cL`IV(` cmur1nunon.< such as beds. mattresses. bedding. patches for quilts. dishes. pots and pans. fur niuzre. clothing of all kinds. includ- R ing boots and shoes. The: nnrnn-\iHnn u-ill 1... ..1...: o. umr um lIk'L'll.\k'. \I| ('Ulll`SL'. HIS SUS- penshm may nut bv permuntml." Sollimg pnt:zmo:< withuut the ro- quisilo license will be an offcnvv for which the Natural Pmdtxcts Mm'kr~tin;:. Act p1`nvid(`s a fine of $22 ) to $500. iIm)risnnn1ont from throo nmnths. or both. explained the nnlntn r`7;n"' u-hu ic -.10 nvnunnt one tn` nu. ,..... \'III 1 to naae tum. nlcasel ..jj.:_j-_._:_ Ill` IUCEU H1 have decic In I'C(lll(.'(` t h... H. .\ BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1935 H! LIU. spare ball of yarn. \`l'IllZlI'n nv cnnznmm aquare or squares No. 8 needles, and uh . Wording to ;HUlp, $6.13. ~ i The totz cost to the county of the `House of Refuge during 1934. ac- | the annual statement. was $20.289.31. I that June 28 would see the end of! examinations. Du-nub-...u r'.~.................s.. |....: |.........|` examinations. Previous Governments had been ` approached with the complaint that examinations were dragging on into the middle of July. forcing pupils to labor during some of the hottest days of the summer. No more of this. Dr. Simpson has decided. As to the question of fees, he was unable at the moment. to estimate the loss ` in revenue to the Government. In the past the entrance examination fee has been $1, while in secondaryg` schools the fee was $1 per paper,i with :1 maximum in the neighbor- hood of $11. I Ice-cutting on Bay Expected4 to Ease the Local ' 1 Situation Om World's Fair" on September 11, 1935. will be "bigger and better than ever". it was stated at the un- nuul meeting or the Oro Agricul- tural Soeiety which was held in Oro Town Hall :1 few days ago. The re- tiring president. Walter Thmnpson. Edgar, was in the chair. and the :11- tenclanee was not as great as it might have been on account of the severe cold. Bert Gue: Guthrie. was promot-| ed to the presidency for the ensuingzi year, and a strong executive eon-I sists of the following: first vice-pre- sident. Jnhn Walker; second vice- president. Thomas Fletcher: secre- t:iry-treasurer. Irwin McMahon. nirnr-fnru F`,I'nng-9 (`H-~,nnrn.-A r*.v. Lilly -LTCHSUTCF. lI`\VlH lVl(.'lVlElh0l'l. Directors. Ernest Crawford. Gen, Pu.-zlrzzall. Ernest Coates, Bert Craw- ford. Smith Campbell. Thos. Luck. William Jnhn.- John Reid. A. C. Currie; assr)(-into directors. Mrs. Or- tnn Crawfnrd. Miss Elva l.uck, l\ l'rs. Robert Hall. Mrs. J05. Emms. Mrs. Irwin lVl('lVllh0 A vnnnnn .... ...... ...`l 41...; :.. r.. IIWHI JVICXVIEIHOH. A motion was passed that in fu- ture the Reeve of Om Township be a membnr of the directorate. ex 01`- ficio. A n...-...:,l.....\|-I,. .......,.....4 -5 Ill. A cnnsidt.-rabln amount, of general bllSlY1CSS was 1rz1n:~':icted at the meet- ing. The financial statement. pre- sented by Secrctary-Treasurer Ir- win McMahon. indicated :1 favmn'- able balance. Tho 1934 Fair was :1 great success as previously reported. lHouse of Ref;;<; Is Now Overcrowded ] Wit? Inmates| , -.___._ 3 At the present time the House of `Refuge at Beeton is` overcrowded. |with inmates totalling 108. according to the 1934 report of Inspector 'l'hos. iMcKnight, Cookstown. which `.'.'I`lS ipresentcrl to the County Council at iits recent session by Jim. Kiernan. Tdssorontio Township, chairman of the House of Refuge Committee. < 'T`L... I'...........An.. :...x:....A.__| lL_A 4,... un. ;n;uav.. In ;u:Lu5u \..uIIIIuILu:L'. The Inspector indicated that dur- ,ing the year $2,375.05 was spent on `permanent inpmvements. and also [that Mr. and Mrs. Jardine cln.<.c1'\'c a meat deal of credit for the manner iin which they conduct, the lmsincss l`..Il....... '01 me mouse . ` Some details are as follows: in- {mates in the House sinve last l'(3pnI`l {1l2: admitted during year, 24: deaths. `6: abseonrled. 22; now in House. 108. {Causes of pauperism of inmates was {as follows: sickness 18. destitution '70. lame 2. old age 25. blind 4. other lcauses l7. Averagze inmates during Vyear 109.4: keeper's family and hir- jed help ziclclerl ll'7.4: average ex- pense per week of each inmate vx ith i`l family and hired help. `.,l.04; total expense, including 13% `per cent. nn $48.000 capital invested `tin the Home per week for each in- {1::te.$2l family. and hired ; C , . J. ' 'T'll)1n fnfnl (`nut in H10 r-nnnhr .-ll` lhn There was a ve1`_\` small zmcndzmce lat the annual meeting of the sub- : the Vespra Munivipal flkrlephnno System. held in the Po- `,Ii('e Court Chamber. Barrie. Jun. 26. :C`has. Hmwis. <'hairman of the Com- missim1. om-Llpiecl the chair. 3 Thu nr !1|IrH1n|-c' vnnnri v'nt>n:u-\0L< , St. Valentino ' `social evening: ' at St. George's ` Handale. ('11:! `Tu.-nn nnrl ESTIMATE WAS HIGHER Vespr_P;one System} _Operating Costs $2079! llllhblll. UC('ll|)lt_'(l UH,` CHHIT. The auditors` report of receipts I 1 _:md expenditures was presented. Iv Receipts , Cush nn hand Jan. 1. 1934 281.15 `C'nllC(`tirms by Tnwnship . 1939.41 Hnterest rm loan In Township ; Istznnn nm 11n nn I C4.\UL'Ill SaIm-ins and Allow `Bell Telephone Co. ` Material wW\.T.-..,\ll.. IVLllHLL`H 4 a Balance 2 -~---- ~-- I `I James G. Harvio was ('hns0n[ `vhairmnn of Orillia Board of Hcaithy {for the current year. The three new Emcmbcrs. named by town council.. !are: Maynr J. B. Johnston. Mrs. Pat-I `rick Heslin and Mrs. J. H. Jackson: ` s xanuale. ` X Old Tyme and Modern Valentino` `Masquerade dance. Stroud Com-1 munity Hall. Thursday. Feb. 14.3 {Prizes for best costumes. Geo. Mul-` `ho1land's orchestra. Everybody 25c. Counter lunch. 10c. . 6b Bert Guest Heads 5 Oro Agricultural | Society for 1935i |lILL'I'L`Kl HI) IUEH ($2000.00! ` Ivfiscullancmls ` AVll.\CL'IlElHt.'UUS . ]Printin1:. postagv. ;Bcll Tolophnne Cu and line rental AT-Hut.-..~....n.. Ink... IIIC LlJlY1HHS.`lUHt'I'.\ \'\'l`l'C `ed, vir... Chas. Harris. Reg. rand Trueman Thompson. lwinzzrnve and Thus. Walton \ fappmnted lldH.OX`. The expectation that :1 Sllbllllllilll number of men will be able to so- cure employment cutting ico (nl lhu bay caused the Town Council, ntl Monday evening's meeting. to lop ml large slice from the estimate of lhni Central Relief Committee for cznwi tying on relief in town during February. THO Rnlinf r':nnn\iHnn I-anti nrn_ r?----------. M l COMING EVENTS I j '1` he (`u lIIt' IL'IlLtIl mnct`. labrr - cash on 11 Tea. 3 to 6 u'clock.l Thursday. Feb. 14.? Memorial Hall. A! rm ` .`L(IllUl|L'| _V . switching 1 $2336.86 { - re-elect-1 , Bertram` Garfield .: . nu-..n ..n ` 1236.08 i 176.40 | )'.'Al| 4; 1 I ..~I4 229.29 I 33.26 19.0 I 110.00 6.30 reoruary. The Relief Cmnntloo had pr`( sented a report which callr.-(I for H` estimated expendil.ur<: nf more thn $1,300 per week during the month < February. but when Council hn got through wi1 the proposal i Committee 01' the whole. the follrm ing resolution was adopted: "That Ihn Wnlinf r :\n1vnH9nru hn n Chief of Police Alex. Stewart on- , tertained 24 transients in the tow: ` lock-up over the weekend. and ; when Monday morning came around there was a general \v()od-Cuttim; ` bee in the yard. Every man was re- . quired to saw wood for half an hour. the two dozen being placed in Ion : shifts of six men each. Incidentally. lslx buzz saws are all that the town`- | DOSSCSSCS. 'I hn nnld qnnll hnc nifvzr-Onrl .-1 l'n'rn~ VVUl'5L' IUIV LHU HLLHCK. ` | | I l While sawing wood at the town pile in the Board of Works yard Monday morning, Antoine Forgus. aged 19. Montreal. collapsed and had to be carried in to the Board of Works office, where he recovered within a few moments. none the worse for the attack. l`Inlnf nf Dn1::.n Alnu Conn.-.4 nn I Transient Collapses While Sawing Wood] `C. w. c;1.i:.}; Heads V Crown Hill Phone C0,] lul`Il|., IH IHL` CT1ZlIl'. J. `R. Wilson and (`,l:n`0m'o Brm-xn aurlitnrs. moved the nrlnptinll of their report, which was as l'<)|lr>\\'s: Receipts (nah nn I-.-and Tnrx I 1n'JA rt-Iru.-0'71 Town Council meeting lVl0nrl:1_v <.-\' enlng that too much money was bo- ing spent on lranszients. and it was stlggested that free meals be (`ml out altogether. This SlI)'.fZ('SU()n was no` acted upon. however. and in tlxr I, 11!; FED` 5. 4.2; 1' (PD. -3, .54. 1 meantime. an effort will bv made l( I E Complaints xvero Vnicerl :11 l|u~ amount allowed now is 1wen1y| cents per meal, rodoonwnhlv at any `restaurant or cafe in Barrie. I ,,_, , The annual meeting: nf tho ('mwn Hill 'I`eIeph0nc Cnmp:my_ Limit:-ri. was held in (~`sb0x'n("s Slm'(_-. Dnlslrm. on Tlxesday, Jnntmry 29. with {I fair '1!tonr{:1m.`(! and Wm. E. Brown, 1"1'v.<- idont. in the chair. T `D \lIil.u..~. H...) rw....,....... n......... neccnpts Cash on hand Jan. 1. 1934 3?: Cnllectitms. pair] at Bank of I`oron(o .. Luxpunnl I..D. calls Switching Matex'i::| ............. .. Mm`nt(.-nzmce, labor Snlnrios .................. .. Printimz, pox-ztzuzr`. S Miscellaneous ...... .. . 'T'ntnI e.\'penrIitur( Bn|.'m('e. (`(15-ih rm hz lg I'USUlLll.l()l1 WHS HUODICCII That the Relief C0mmitt,e(r be al-; lowed up to $800 :1 week for the` remainder of February. including; all charges, food. fuel. shelter, and` clothing." Mnvnhnru ("`,nnr-nrrr-rl Thu mmmillc-0 appointed a _\'u-:n ago to interview the B0 Tm-lophnm Company, re .S(?l'Vi(?(`, lu)wm'im,r 1h( switching charge and cmmnission on L.D. calls. briginating on our lines. also the advisability of putting in :: pay telephone at Cmighurst, repart- ed fully on these matters. 'T`|\n riir-or-inn-c Iunvn I'n_(IInrInII -nu! I lull) UH LIIUSC H'Hll.H'_`I '. The directors were 1'0-(:|cc1r* and are as follows: Arthur .T:1r_V. Wm. E Brown. V. Hickling. C. W. C`:11dwol` and John B. Jory. Tho r'nIIOr`l.irm u` unpaid acc0lInt.'~:. mnnuntinsz1nsliuht- ly nver $3()().()0, was ;:iv(-In .~:v~rinu: cm1sidcrnt.irm, and it was rlez-irlorl In brim: prcs:41n'e In bear un!(~s.< thr-yr accounts were suhst.'m1iaILv r(-rlnmvl Clarence Brown was rouppuintor` auditor. An rn-nun:-nnlinn vs-\r\l\9:I<:I l'nll.u.vn4-I `illEll (fll')l(Xl3l' HUUILUI An nrL:uni'/.atinn nwootinu follnx-.'(~rl at which C. W. Caldwell was :xp-V pninlod presiclenl and J. B. .lur_\ vice-p1`csi(lcnt. It was rl(-(*i(lncl h hold .'mnl,hr~r cli1'c(:tm's' rnm-tin/4 early in the spring to crmsirler lhv rc- (sf Hxn r\nllnI-Hrnm nnrl Hut Qt-1-rr-1'n-\` HHVC I'l.`;4lSLf.'I'L`(]. I Registration in the Home Econom- ,ics In date is as {nllr)w.~': Ilolen Fish- `or. Cundles; Betty Huso, Barrie: Er-` {ma Rowe. Barrie: Clara Ro_\'nnlrl<. ;Bm`rie: Phyllis McLean. Barrio: Ill-i lsie Christie. Allandale: Alln Fm'ri.<. `Cundles: Mary Forgie. Barrie: Ruth `Cumming. Cundles: Greta Meredith. `Barrie: Margery Yeates. Allandalo: laum Smith, Barrie: Hilda Skinner, .A]landale: Jean Thompson. Allan- dale; Mary Partridge. Crown Hill: Bessie Kennedy, Allandale: Norma Caldwell, Vespra; Verna Patterson.) possesses. I The cold spell has attracted a lame, number of transients to town. pm`- ticularly at weekends. During Ins: week the nightly registratirm was r\.'-` follows: Jan. 27, 25; Jun. 23. 18: Jan 29. 16; Jan. 30. 24: Jan. 31. 13; Feb I, 19; Feb. 2. 22; Feb. 3, 24. nr`I -M {hp (nw~.nI,-n! c Innvn u. Shnrt (Tnurscs: in Agzrimxnuro f lmys and Home E<~mmmi<'.s' fnr nix` which commenced hove on Mum! under the supervixiun of the Nun Simcoe Branch of the D(`p;nr1mr,`nI Agriculture. are now in full swn and will continue until March 1. "l`lv\n Clxnnl (`nu ` uh.- II\ An I Registration in the cnu riculmrc in date ix as fol ftnr Boll. Clifford Bald Lnuyzhccd. Allandalv: Wil Allandnlos George Ottaw !`nw..m:.~.. ("mp-H F`...-s-\nl.n IL':1IH])I)`..'H. I\llHl]UZl|C - Jul`. Euthriec Mzmri }Lorne Grey. Stewart }Dyor. Allandalcz Ham The Short C'0ur:~:' nnmics is bcim: held L|I` Ynrvinn Llull u-uh. ll|7llllL'.\ I5 UUIHL. lll lll [an Legion Hall. untie- `of the Barrie Junior `Miss Grace Annis. 'r\"v1I-rrn (J H. nln:-r- '.. L'lULlllHg,. l` Members Concurrocl i The above motion was p:l: with} the concurrence of the ineinbeias` of. Council who are also ineinhers of: the Central Relief Cmnmittee. Tlwy; stated, that. when their report linrlf been drawn up. no prmrisinn had` been made for ice-(`uttinxz or nllieri employment that the men might get` during the month. and that the cash scheme in cnnneclinn with the park reclamation had not been pn.<. , Fn...-.n.`l A:..,.........,| 4|... -... llhh \Jl (ICC IXKIIILN. -7"1l} U'll U. clyarge. of the Class. rissistc-d by Bessie Rolstnn, Hamiltnn. Ben fnrt_v and fifty girls of the dis have registered. Panch-uh'nn in Man Hnmn Vnnr ],ShortCoursesUnde;r'mVVa$% Q [ Continue Until March 1st KHHVUVHI Donald , Waltun. I I D` \l\ ` Expenriil urrv: zipts . .0 1')-`ml; ."10fiH.7l .. $1478.71 . 1454.21 ...$ 184.1%! 83I ..0(' 111.3 2 I 2.7.` 1.-n In . .6 I 4. r. (50.0! 21.0` 5:').6. ,` {Park Reclamation Plan Approved by Government: ;Cash For Relief Workers Nurmzm R. Oshnrne, formerly of} R:n'riv. and son of Mr. and Mrs.` Fran!-: R.-().x'l)m'm*, I28 \Vollin;.{tonI W.. \\'.'1.\` fuund not guilty of? ` 1'-itht-r 1nm1sl:m;:ht<.-r or criminal '10[1HL{(,`n(`(` by an Assizc` Onuri jury under Mr. Justice J. A. Hupv in 'I`nmn10 Frirlny night last. The jury '21:; out four and 51 half hours. nu , . , ,1 _ ,1 _.,u., Expenditures on Relief $899 \X/`ee| in F_e_bruary. nun llxll. -2 NH. u-:_.~i in UN. dIH'(" 1 Iv-rm .~'?i`i: Ilnov .<:inipiI-5 rif rtreziw ;a ;(I\(i 1\\'n uf hUl?('2 . ho rionmnstmtedfzi tho" riiffvix-ii--o: in quality. '15 Mr. Admns also di.'~K`llSSCd thr`; ymh;.hli- (-arises and the remedies for l dc-for-is in .\".'.`(`f\!`ld grade cream. which in f _<'~i's for lhrnp r'r_:'1's: pi-r pound of} hutiur fat under first grad? cream 5 _ and ihc iziuer nnrr cunt under special 5 v, tr flavour. billel` flavour. gasoline`e vi';irI(- vi`!-um. Tho mmmnn d(.`f(.`(tlF Ea dealt with included high acid or very if swur cream. cui'dy- cream. metallic 11 flax--~i~r, yeasty. cheesey flavour. lus- `a flavour. stale flavour. lumpy cream fodder and weedy flavours. stable:e flavour. He pointed out that thele /In...... 4. _. __ 4,..- ,,-,,_ {JURY mus N. R. GSBORNE 4 . NOT_fG;U..sTYg - --~- I Barrie Boy Acquitted of` Both Manslaughter and I | Criminal Negligence IN TORONT6 . ..._.,.- ... .....-...- . `/I:m:1::('r an the C.'.N.R. Restaurant at] \lI:mrl.':I1.~. wnu wz ` elected (`hair- mm of Bznrric Brmrd of Ivlducntinn for 1935 at Ihv inaugural meeting {V[nnd:a_v (,'\`('llil1L. This is Trustee l(ni;.;|11`.-' 1'r>1n'lh _\'('l!` as :1 member` uf the Board. but he was pruvirmslyi 1 mvmhr.-I` val tho 'I`n\-.'n (.`r)un(`il. | _(Turn to page two, please; .._ `av . . . . .... \.I\4I: unu- Sc|;c>ol Board Head \'l(7'l`()R. E. KNIGHT couRT .....un (Ill. Mr. Hnrsfic-Id went to work and the bny was takrm to my place". said .Mrs. Tvndall. "Hr was pretty sick f'frnm the odor. Mrs. Horsfield was sick. ton. The living room is a 5wrrc'k. The window was broken out [cumpletely and the furniture and `floors ruined by the acid. I think a `large bottle with n cork was used - ,as the bomb. The stuff was splatter- ? ' ed all over the place." `-T\/| .- and `Nina LI',.....c:..IA L... F`: I. 1 uv. me mum. Ald. Cavanagh zuIrco(l with Dtn puty Reeve Stownrl, as also did nth- er members of Council. "Plan nnnr-nun-nu nr uni. .`.\.. ..nn......1 Barrit.-`s big; un('mp1o_vInenl relief 4S(`h(`Ih(` for 11w elimlnation of the ` unsightly mzlrsh lzmd .'1lnng the wa- ter :11 the h(~:'.(l of the Buy, and with la view to vslnlnlislximz 1h(.-rc- a park or camping ground. will definitely 1 go ahead. l ur,_..u_ _, n,,_ ,,. _,,:n _._,.._ ,,,\. Work rm thv pm_iv('l will com- m(`li(.'(? noxt wmrk. it is stated. and 'cmiiinim for 1hn-(- months. The men {will be paid in <-ash at the rate of 25 cents per hour. Tho ::<-lwmc. whit-h was proposed by /\l(l. W. R. Wilvs. c-lmirmnn of the iBr>urd of Wm'k.'<. at the lust inontimz `of tho 'I`own Cnun('il, had been inni- utively nrlnplt-d by (fmmcil neiwriinxz `tho soctirixig of (-vrtnin information and the approval of the Ontario Gnvnrnmenl. Approved by (.`.m'orn1nenl, Whon Council mm Mnndny even- `ing with all the ln(`llll)L`l`H prcsenl, il\i:iym- Blair minnunmd lhnt Hon lT\r l. ,1 Q;.....c.... hull oninni.......a jUnemployment Relief Pro- i ject Proceeds During Next Three Months lVhI_VUl Dlklll' iHHHllllll'L'U HIHI, IIUII D1`. L. J. Simp.=:>n hzul telephoned that evening that lw had secured (`mvm`nmcnt nppmvnl for the prn~ just on :1 cash rvlivf lmsis, This wns all that \va.< nuotlcrl In make it. pos- sible to 5.40 alwntl with the scltenm. Cnuncil f1])})l`!)\ (.`(l the purChas'o at :1 lot on the vast, side of Bmrlt'urr.l St.. from Mrs. C. W. l lnxt01`-. and t,hr* Clerk \vn:< uutlmri'm(l to pay tlw p11x'<-lmso prim-. $125. zm cnmplotimx nl` pmpor (lm-l. 'l`hi:: lnt is nC(`d(`(l tn round nut. tlw S(`h(,`ln(`. Arm of 'I`<-n Amx`.-4 As indicntocl in 'l'h(- lxmnim.-r of .):mu:n'y 24. 1h.- pmpuml of Ald. Wiles calls fur thv ruvlzunutiun n[ `the t.vn-:1I"I- are-:1 o:|s of Bmdfurd St. tnwnrtl thu (,f.N.R. trmzks. from t the north ml of John Street tnwnrd /\ll;mrlnl(-. The men will be fill(".l full width. aftvr tlw brush lm.-4 lx.-on cut. down and \.n4v(l as t)ntt.0m fill. 50 Mon fnr rm Days 'l`ht' figllms pm-st-ntzrrl tr) the (luv- vrnxmrnt. and :1ppmvo(l by it, pro- vidu for work fur 50 mvn for about nim.-t,y (lays. the work. of course to be passed around among the men on rt-lief. 'T`l-an IIl|.;\\\l|`t|r` .0 ..f ILA .-\ . 4 UH l'(`HL'l.. Tho estinmtvd (rust of the project is $12.81!). or whivh the labor mat `will be about. $9,000. As (he inwn will get u rnfund nf hvn-(hirrls of H10 lnbur (rust. UN` not 1-xptmditurr: by tho mwn is 4-stinmtod at about i$(i.RI(!. Alzl \lHl:..- cl-daul Ilxu` Han IIyl\Iv`r i.)n,nm. , Ald. Wilus . that tho work inn \V(-Himzlnn S1rvM West. is still ipl`<)('(`(`(l1[.{. and he lhmu.:l1l. Ihnl the 1 (7'11,rn to man s1.1t. `nlcruml Hon. Dr. J. Simpson Re- I l ports Government Ap- E proval for Scheme STlNK ms THROWN THRO ~ HOUSEWJNDOW u. un uunhxu .u.,....... 'I`h- :~`1ink honnh" was thrown thrmmh the from window of thr~ huu: oz-rupied by llnrszfiold. but pn- licv arr: of the opinion that the rim-II \un: rhmn hv :1 Hunt! hf -.'1rHrin:v v\.\A uu uv... un. ynuvu. Mr. and Mrs. Horsfield have no `enemies and Mr. Horsfield is not [engaged in any business from which I such trouble might result", she said. cr memoers o1 L;()lln(`lL in The conccnsus of opinion svmnvtll to be that relief expenditures. of necessity. wmild have to be vcryl` carefully investigated and curtailcd| as much as possible. if the town`.~:i: finances were to keep level. 1 Aid. Mills nslrprl Ihrv mnmhm-c nr Home of S-t;l\1i;;' Horsfield, `l Toronto, Formerly of Barrie, Attacked i i Z.._.._..... I The hnnw uf S1.'Inl:_-y Ilnrsfic.-ld. :1 ll-0l'lTl(`r well known wxcident of Bar- rio, s:llua1r`,(l at 201 Wnstmmmt Avc.. Ynrk Township. 'l`urunln, figured in n "stink-brnnl)" npismle early Friday last, and pnllvo nrv still on the trail of tho 1l('j.{('(l t-ulprils. VF]... -4..IL..I. L-..` l." -..:.r- Ilm.... 'l|.lHlU| nllol t | u-mun-u. "'I`hI~ bum! wm: thrown in thr- fmnt winrluw and it exploded in lh~ ilivinp,-mnnl. making a loud uni-~ and amusing the nt-i;:hb0rh u"/Irs. R. 'l`ynrl::H. . of Mr . ` Hnrsfic-Id slain-(1 Tho ndnr was t:-- ~ riblv. Ev<'rybr.dy Inn the street ('nu"l snwll it. My sistr-1'. her husband .'v- I 1hr hrny were all In bud Upslnir`. `They were tl\&'2Ik'|`l(`d by the m-:- plmion. Th(,'_V n]')('n.'fl every window ;:md drmr and r(-xnnined upstairs by a window where ihey could not some {rash air. ..~nn,. iv. .- . . . . . . lll.'lY illl} '11 Ill`? UIHIHHH IHRIL LllL' (H.'l'Vl wn~: dnm: by :2 uznm nf s`lrikin;', gzmnont workvrs who are said tn have pr:-vim1s thrc-alt.-nod an ramv [pl()_V(.-I` l'('.'~`.i(hL{ on :1 street close by. H i:: lhnuuht Hunt the mlssilo was in- ivmlt-r! for :1 huusv on Nnrthcliffe P.mJ|rv.'|rIl hnvinu Hm surne str I,-1, nllrnlmr Thit Irulh-r urn:-1 rune nu 1 III IIHHHI lllll ||lllL'(1ilHlilgU U1 house but ruin:-r! snrnc [urnil H is rt,-pnru-d as being simila mnstrtxctinn tn bombs used in 1 land for 1(;st,111L: S('\A. (.'l` breaks. H Iunk-t ar: if {ht-5 got the l '\IIlY`Il)l`l` hni Hun ulrnnrr uon.:.1" f` thc-_v l`ig,'h1 mnnhvr but tlw wrnnt: street", Chic! 1! Polivn Faulds of York Township i(-(-lain-d. l"|\.. |\ .l. ....... aL........... 2.. IL., STARTS NEXT WEEK DONE BY MISTAKE YUHI ll. Thu bu `tuners Lu nuances were 1() Keep Level. Aid. Mills asked the members of` the Relief Committee what \v:1s (hm very lowest figure the C`.mnmiH(~<~7 could get along with. Hv nskml if.- $800 per week would . Fm` February. /m...... 4.. _ _ _ . . , . ._ ,,.,_, URI. (\. Sinclair. L`.--un L llll H3I\.'lHL{ UH` SHYHC .\'ll`(",'L . This Inn:-r street runs pm`- Ihc former. and one blm-k mnh did little dmnngc mn rnim-r! unrnn fnrh SECTION 1 PAGES 1 to 6 lo to tha- [urnitm'(~. hninn zirnl..- in IIIIV ll| 1 Eng- v. E. KNIGHT HS NEW NNNRNAN` scnom. BOARD Allandale Man Elected on Fourth Ballot; Standing Committees Appointed Central Re-efT3o Figures Cut Dc 71st Year. 'Is Rjiificlj 'E>"y;-C':;>_I1_r;-c'i|i (Turn to page your, please) R(l:f-C3ommittee s as Down by } Council 1 I` ll $11 ii:-pl _\' Frank II I\\ F. `or. vhnirn . 'l`hnn\psu uh` (I ;\.\.u-nu.-uuu |uI\| nun, ux.-.u ')un.`LlI. Council discusszed the question in! committee of the whole with Reeve Robertson in the chair. Rigid Et,-nnoniy Needed | Deputy Reeve Stewart riot.-l:n~erl` that the utmost er-nnnmy \Vnu|(`i` have to be exercised in the mmhnct of the town's affairs. or else the town would find itself in the (iv-3 t'ault.in;.z class as well as other tmvm. He thought the amount spent, un re lief should be kept down to the! minimum. as only eighty per vent. nfi the taxes were being collector]. and; there was :1 very heavy nverrlrzifli at the bank. 5 Al.-I r`-up-..~...r.I. .....m..i ....'n` r\.. 1 t pnszu In ` follow- U] (H | had" xl un `I llll'?lI l'ElI'K. oi Mziym` Blair. in behalf` of 1111-1 o;invifi'l1m'.< of Cnnnvil. thanked the] f;'I\'i\vuni.s` (`hub for this annual Civic Pi Ni-.:h1" whivh hv tiostrrihwi as mm: of ilhv hrigght spots of CuunCil`.< \vm'l<. ,Hu also thzmlu- ihv Kiwanis Club Hm` its .\'(`l'\'i(`L' work in town, and ,p.-iirl :1 Irihuto tn the service clubs iund ntlwr m'p,zini7.ations which were idning thoir host I'm` the town. His' ;Wm'sl1ip mvniimic-(I the fuel that: H Dr. 1.. .1. Siinpsnn hud givmi; `zissurzincv tn him that Cnuncilw H-nnld ;.:n :1|1v:i with tho Rn;.:ersI L`l`m`k <:'|1mnn and hi ihnnlu-(1 Han` 2 i Hm` svrvi iribu iund nl` `Wm'ship nu ;H t K.-....I.a ..I V {I7 H!` VIII llcll l'l('. President L. S. Clarke, in welcom- T inn the Mayor up_c1,_`me1nbers of `\ Cmmcil tn the meting, thanked 1| Council for its cooperation :1 year Hugo in ommc~ct.inn with the establish- |mont of lhv outrinor rink in A;:',ricul~ ' luml Park. A} 1\:1 -n-...~ n|..:.. :.\ k.\l...lr ..r 11.... I The City of Toronto possesses the finest credit of any city on the Con- liinoni. and has siirpzissml Montreal as the lending inrlustrial city nii Czmada. Mayor James Simpson nf i I`m'nnin mid members of Barrie Ki- wanis Club and guests at their un- nunl Civic Night" on Monday. Mayur W. J. Blair and the mom- `hurs ni' Barrie Town Council were ipruscni at the mvclinzx. as well as ntlu-rs ir1tm'esi,eri in the public life inf iiarrii-. 17:-nuirlnnl Y C r*|....I.,. in uvnlnnn-. ......v.. .....u.... .;.u.. mun I nf Tumntn, who spoke in the Barrie 4Ki'.*.'m1is (`huh on its Civic Night." ' Ivluynr Sim1>.;nn is an member of Tnr- ' unto Kiwanis Club. a farms SEOULD ~ HONGR DEBES ! ; snvapson SAYS! DR. TYRE1i,TI1_cE-cHA1R. Mayor of T;;c:n-t-o Addresses i ' Kiwanis Club on i Civic Night I nl.`~.\lll`i|HCl' ll` ?(`uul(i llhl ; l`:n`k .\`(`h(`H1(`. 7\4iniL-Inn 0'...- I` `EHIU H11` lU\\'lI L/ICFK. l\I.'1ynr Simpxmu. who was inim- :du('('d l)_\' l`I.\'-Vlnym` I)unc:m I". Mc- `(fu.'\i:.'. I{.(`.. outlined how ho had `ln'\mn1v i11to1`0. in municipal af- /Turn to page tour. please) Red Crjo$%s%Branch Formed_ Plan to Raise $1500 Fund um-vwn n1';m(`n IN `n:u`IL`l`. Presl- idem Lnngmun received it and turn- {vd it nvcr In the Secretary. Miss 1 Rnrisvm-= `_l'&llK .\l`lll`Hl(`. 2lll(l Ill` l.l1v'.H1K(`.(1 H11. Minislvr fur his rnnpomtinn. [In in-` trmhwod lhv nwlnlwrs of Council] `.'md tho 'I'n\\'n Clerk. 1 l`I.\'-VI:1.\ m` Mt)-I had; `|\uI:\I\\a\ innn~n.~4nr) in .n. ToRoN1`O's CREDIT Addressed Kiwi:-Ymians Victor E. knigiht \\'.'1.\' elm-(ml chairman of Hurriv Bourcl 01' I".du~- cation for 1:13;) at thv in;u1;,-um! n1ooting on Mundzly (:venin;:. Mr.` Knight. xnunngm` ml` the (`.N.H. rv.~'~ t:1u':ml at Allunduln-. is .~:<:r\'im; his f0u1't|1 your on thv I}u:n`(i. '1`I...u.. .....\.;..-.a.\.-I o`...- ..1...;......,..V \\'|I1'K lorsod than V\;\!` I`! (`hatter Prusmmlod ~ Jmnos Simpson of `l':H \'nnv'< :1 nvnvniuu 1 C`h;1irm:' XII luxuuul. .\|)\I|\'U 01 that city and heartily mnvomont in Barrie. `scntod in HM` nc\vl_\' ~h nu aVh'n~!n|- D.-n -Ill \\'llll lH(' l\()).:L'I'.\` and ho t.h:.mkud the} nu r-nnnnu-Minn Iln Sn II I`. XVl(.'- x I cipul { r gnlne mucs. ] That portion of road which is the mwnline between the C0unti(=..< of IP00] and Simcne lmgzixming at 21 nnint. where York and Simone Coun- ties stopped constructiml. and ex- lCf'I(1ill[.{ westerly on the boundzwy lline between Peel and Simcoe. a distance of approximately five mil- l (`$3. A rubber onto:-ring lhe residence of `Mrs. J. `H. Knapp. 38 Brnck Street. smnc lime between 7.30 and 10 p.m. on Frirluy lust, made his escape with more than $7 cash. consi. of :1 $5 bill. 21 $2 bill. and some small change. The money was in a small "purse in :1 drawer. According to the police. entry was made through the front. door of tho hmnsn by the burglar breaking a small pzme of glass in the door near the Yale lock. Drawers upstairs and d()\\ !`lS`iElll`.`~' were pulled out and l.hnmughl_v searched. but the re- mnrkuhlu lhim: about it. was lhul some jewnllm'y in Mrs. Knnpp'.~' hodrnmn \x/as untouched. as well as ollmr valuables. 'T`hn numm~ nr 41.,` 1.m..~.. ..a..a... At the recent meeting of the county council it was decided to add] the following to the County Roads `System. subject to the approval of the Department o,Hi2hways:--- A -......c:.... ,.-. ......... 1.. -..__.. y-u_,,,,. Uiil. dista: UH h(` nn Ul|]lfl' \/illll<'l|')l(3.\'. The owner of the house stated that lights in the back kitchen and vernndah were lighted when she went out. but were out when she ar- rived hnmn. Police consider this :1 rather peculiar occurrence. . Total uxuuun ru;;nwuy Lrzullc ACI. I I mnvictorl . .. 1 Potty compl:unL:~. all attended In 20 40 tlll' l'|ilS.\L`.\' UH H1 m.n'. l\\ hi(`h ir with the V'.0.N.I the work of the cnmpnsvd of sr`h tnriu H\nm~. nvn '2` Forty Miles Aded to County Road System i House Burglarized And C3.h Is Stolen E Fines a:;1`(imC:)_st~s-$21.50 CoIlected in January I _.____._ Fim.-s and costs totalled only l$2l.5() rluring January, :1c('nrrlim,: to me TT1()l\U1]fv' report of Chiof of Pn- |1ico Alex. Stexvart whirh was pre- isontod tn the Tnwn Council Monday :evcn1n;:. ` T\..o..:I.. ..r u... ..-. _..1 .,,, ,_ - r I -\.v\.||IIIp,. I ? Doluils of {he report. were as fol- ` lows: :Bl`(?Elkil1 and entering. no clues 2 }Pott_v lhe{1s. 3 convicted. 1 -,nn-n'h`nn- lulu! : U . G vnnvitvlnri 9 wiuh-: :|'L'll_\ lHL'1l>. 0 (Z()XlVlL'LL'(l. I mvaitim: trial .5 ........ .. W . 1F`r:md. \v:1r1`:mt Issued lB1'ezu'h 0! Liquor` Control AC1.` Un mu mm \\'L' won. nv sun hnttlv is just as difficult t znmlhur nnturc. Morale is I whivh is n \'m'_\' se1`i0u.< 1 H10 people. under the Red C` .-mu h1'r\ 1: nnnrl fvnni UHF _\'{`i|l'. Dr. 'I`_vror \\'a.< oloclud \'icv~cl1u11'- man of the Bunrd. in not in caso of tho chairman's zwsonco. Ynhn Ilnu-nu-2 n \n-zc 1-n-nxnni uh`.-I As fnr relief recipiems. there an` many things not provided whivh are yet \'cr_\' necessary and sumo nf these could be made available through the Rod C1-n.<.< supply depot and the \\'m'kronn1 a('tivitie.<. In the latter. nld f:1. Red Cross work would lw done, and the women of fmnilios` nn rclivf. he felt sure, would hv glarl tr pmtivipalv. Mr. Vlnlum explained the \\~url< of lhv (*las. on nutrition and hmnv AI ... .. :.. ,_.. A..- ..... nun! lllK`l'(' ill'L' -110.1 Dl`illJ('ll(`.\' \\'llll 105.925 nu-xnbcrs. and the punni-:9 cnnlribulvd by them last your pm- vidvcl Lrc:mncn1 for 7'? (`l`ipplcd chil- dren. The Junior Red C1`0ss Soci- ety by means of CI)l`l`C$D0lld(`l1C(` portfolios keeps children all round the world in touch. thus cnnstitutinc a \\'nndcrx`ul influence for wovld nnnvn [)\'<|L`{'. Rurx'ux'enco was also made: In ox- sorvicu men. Barrie xvas fortunate in ha\'in-g. such a good Legion and :\uxilizn'y. but there would still be found snrncthing the Red Cross could do f0! such men. who have a pre- ferred clmm if anyone has. Yn .~nnz:L-inn nf` who nnnninn nu... I lL'Il'Cl1 chum I1 anyone nus. i In spcakimz of the coming cam- paign. Mr. Vinmn said that c-\'er_\' bit subscribed would be spent in Barrie. Campaigns had been held 111 other places the last five or sixi -nxl;'iu'n U1 |4l(1U()I` \,0nn'm 1\(` 6 cnnviclod. 2 \vithdru\\'n `Breach llighwuy Traffic Act. | r-nn\viMnri LIUH il l'\' istcr fm` R(`d Urn munuury ()1 IHC nore. a distance 0 niles, this road to ( n Tossomntio Tm n bylaw No. 1865. The road in the lli-1 nn..nnn:n. LU SUIVVU. and we \.. L :n.-0 \' lI-lIl.L|ll`,L UH. |'illHl.'l sr relief. For the mss can he very \sLcntntinu:: way. L` \`\'llll. Ill` .\ill(l. IHIS st thnup.h nf urc. being lost thing` If (`mss flag. :1 united front. we can l:\|-\- " lH(` Cl'1ll'I11ill1.\' (lU.\L`HL'k'. John Bowman was 1`(`:mpoi11twl truant officer of tho sclmols` `A11 -u ll .-xni-x.nu,Y unrkv uv-nu u-nun, We mnbilimd in tho` won." ho snirl. This ... ,m-r.'....n m......n. (\r \[lllI||IL'l| lI|l' \\III I\ (H in no way interfere J and also spoke of L0 Juniur Rod C`.rn.<.<. mo! children. In On- 3465 bmuvhc-.< with anal nu` .......~:..,. 2 Township of C 5 :11. siderond.-; ling northerly ~ 10 townline of C msh, 21 distzmcu No More Examinations in July!` No More Annual Examination Fees! cnargea In IULUTC. These announcements came from Premier Mitchell F. Hepburn and .Hon. Dr. L. J. Simpson. Minister of Education. Plans to eliminate the annual fee were conveyed by the Premier to :1 delegation from the 1`rades and Labor Congress of Can- ada. Questioned after the confer- ence. the Minister of Education ad- mitted the proposal and revealed I I Good news for Ontario school children and their parents is con- tained in the announcement that all mid-summer examinations will be terminated by June 28, and no an- nual examination fees will be charged in future. Thncn nnnnnnnnrnnnfu nnrnn Frnvn Backing up the actions of the new Eastern Canada Potato Marketing Board to the limit. potato growers of this district are already picking over their stocks of potatoes and Lzradimz them in preparation for marketing, following the setting of a new higher price by the Market- ing Board. effective Monday, Feb. 4. I A /IrI:\ ..,, .. Accordimz In an :mnouneemr.~nt made by J. T. Cnssain, formerly of Allistmr now mm`ketin;.{ a_L{enl. with heariquurlcrs in 'I'()rnnt(), until fur- ther notice, the prices of Eastern L`.zmad:1 No. I grade potatoes, deliv- ered in Toronto to \vholes2Ile dealers, are as follmv.-4: Ontario Dnoleys. 50 cents per 90- nound bug; Prince Ecl\vm'd Island Green Mountains. '75 (`ems per 90- pound ban: New Brunswick Green Mountains`. 70 cents per 9()-p0und bug. Du-inn. -,.i nHm.- m.;no.. :.. r\..a.....'.. ... `..\....v\. .uuuuu_;, .v._-/. 1. toes is raised 20 cents per bag to il(l(ll.'(l [0 H18 IIIVOICC. The new L:rzu'le.< were also effec- tive on Mondziy. No potatoes of Eastern Canzidn No, 1 grade will be znlrl to dealers in Tormito and other (')ut:u'io cities below the prices men- tioned. A reasonable time. will be nllowerl to clean up the stock on` hand of Canndzi No. 1 grade. Price Up 20 Cents The price of Ontario-grown potti- the \vholesaler. over the previous figure. This 20 cents includes an ad 1 Vance of ten cents per bag plus an nrlditiomll ten cents to take care of part of the spreacl between the prices of Ontario nnrl Maritime potzitoe.-:. The higher price will ver_v |'nv- nui`:nhl_\' nfft-('1 loml uroxvc-1's. The Exzuniner learned from several miirces. It may take :1 month or :0 for the thim.:' to worl: out. but the surplus of potatoes on hand in stor- age is reported to be small. ' 'l`hn II'Ill`llIn`c mill km... on .....o..I.i U-IR. X 3411.. OH NC send to workroom. I Thnen .. .-|.:.\.. o truanl 0IIlC\`l' 0] UN` svsnums. Mrs. I\Iox1ta,uu-I,eod.< was l't`:l|1- pointed as the Board's 1'opn\s:-1111\- tive on tho Public Library Board. usvnn no \\'orK1`00m. { Those wishing to have articles` called for please telephone the Red} Cross 227. An nu.~..n;-lino- ....-......... :. 1- _.__,1` Pomo PRICE ,UP 20 cms! 1 gomuyn BAG I New Eastern Canada Potato Marketing Board in Action | i LOCAL MET? BENEFIT! uug. Prices at other points in Ontario are on :1 Toronto basis plus freight, differentials as between Toronto and these other centres. In each case, the inspection and toll clmrges are added to the invoice. r'hn nnm u.-...-Ir... `um... -`I.-.-. Arc..- unur llllllllllh. U1 UUHI. L`X[)l&llllC(`I U10` pntuln (`7.m'." who is at prcsont ov- Lmpyim: offices in the provincial dc; pnrtment of a[.zriculturc. ' Cut Spread in Prircs Tlw scale 01' wholesale prices, which went into effect nn ll/lunda_\',j -ztipulnles that P.E.I. potatoes shall` sell for 75 cents. New Brunswick for` 70 cents and ()ntari0 fur 50 cents. Tho: spread between Onl.1n`in and` maritime potatoes was fm'merl_v 35` cents. but in \'lL`\\' of the imp1`m'vrl` `quality of tho local market. 1'2u`mcI`s 'md dealers decidod it would` hn nulr rm in vmhu... H-.;.~ .-.\.-....,I 1.. v lug uums unu snues. The committee will be glad tr- have thn women of the town rogis tor for the type of vohxmary work` they are willing 10 do. If \-mu hm-n -1 ..n...... knll l\` .0. LIlL'_\' EH1.` \\'1111ng H I If you have a : start knitting a Q-in \` 9-in nn pt uss .:.'.t. | _ An immediate resrwnse is louked I Itor as the need is great. ` ..uL_4--~ :u.;c lh n:pm'I.L-u LU UL` Snllll. f The truckers will have to walchl out right awa_V." one xzrowcr deelar-! ed. They will have to be more} L-nrelul in the future regardinz: thef notatnes they huy. And they will; have to have a license." 1 Has Wide Powers l J. 'l`. Cassin, Ontario man;n.:e1' of} the Potato lvlarketinpz Board. slated that the board had the absolute pLm'- or to decide who should sell potatoes l and at what price. ; 'l`here is no appeal from our zle~ eision," he deelared. We have they authority of granting: licenses to no- tato dealers and van also take them` away. A dealer is really appointed`. as our repre. and as Lqng a. ' he obeys orders there is not likelj. to be any trouble, but if he sells po- ' tntnes below the scale of prices which has been fixed. then he will lose his lit'0n. Of (`l)lll`SC. his SL18- nnnulnn rnnv Inn! in. n.\....\....n..o " ------ ~ (lL`liI L.Ui\_L`liiilH i'occi\'od it and BUILDING Sl.:\(?K HERE `- ii m gm-m;n~_\._ Town Clerk .-\. W. Smith. whn is R0 also issuer nf building pormii.<. dis. ` FIO'd SUN`-`!:1I'.\' l*Ivnrri posed of only one permit fol: Con-| N. R. Viuton. Field Secretmgx for struction in January. and that {m Omziriu. spoke on the proposed work just $100. It was taken out by R. 1 hex`v.`. The Red Cross Society knows Tuck. contractor. for the erection of `N n-"iti0H1i1.\' or creed, he said. a garage on Mary Street. i"l'. offers an opportunity for every- I

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