Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jan 1935, p. 5

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II. n I1. Wm. John (`hns. L{l'llIT|Illl' Ul \`VUl`K U) UH` K UllH('l| I which in turn could submit it in thz.-1 Prnvint-in] (iuvurnmvnl fur :um)ru\'::I. And it was pnssihlv that (`mum-ill might be nblu In pay for I`('l'f In-_ `hour in (-:|:~:h. . Nu: LI` K)l..2.. . uuuug. Ald. Wiles said he had lwnn talk- ing to the Tnwn Enginm-r who hm! told him that 1-vorylhing was r(-ndy tn go uhvarl and mmph-to the street. The necessary fill could be um .11 Wollinpztrm and Ann Strmats. and us il was :1 shnrl haul. the rust Wtnlld be very srnnll, b(-int: limited In th- mnintt-n:mr~0 ml` thv trucks, AM. Gill snirl l|]('l`(` \v;:s a hit: ro- lit-!' pmblt-n1 on lhv hzmds ml` Hu- C.'nunr'i|. and he !'(-H Um! the mom sdmulrl he got l)us_\' at um-v nu Hui. s:('h(~m-. ` I ` AI:I f`...n... .1 :4 ..n,: I .1-.nu.w.s:uu nu l\(7Ill.'l The mminn by Reeve Rnlwrtszon land Deputy Roovv Stewart to form lu C`0nt2*.'nl Relief (`nmmi1.to0 and ap- prnvv tho M:|_vm"s nppninhnent of M(`SSl`S. Munm, Se-i17.. Sinclair, Bu- chanan. nnrl himsu-lf. caused surm- (lismlssiun hel'm-- it was pa cod. Alt] 7.... 1| (`lilI'l,'U. Mayor Blair pointed out that the Town wnulrl SH hnvv crmtrol as all clwqm.-s had In bv issued by the Town. and in uclditiun. Council hurl twu r9prcsc'ntmivos on the Centuxl Cummitlcv to see that (`mum-il's in- lnrnqlc \Iu;rn nu-nonnon.-I u:rt.'.~:Ls wort` pI'Ul('(`I(`(I. Ald. Webb asked if it wouldn't be zu good idea to have one alderman from each ward to not on the (`om- mittee and make recommendations rogurding Ilw mun whn should gm nliof. ll IlL'I. l Dvputy Revvv Stewart rvpliod that. |1his would absolutely not do. as such a s(`lw|m~ wuuld defeat the very purpose of the appointment 0!` tho Central Relief Committee` Asked if the men suggested would uni 11;. In... :._ . 1. Mayor Blair :~::ni(I ho nn(lm'.s`tnml' that Alrl. Wiles nnvdml ammo work` to k(.'0]) the mom ;,rnin;,r fur Hm Iimo being. A111 `llnnu unit` Lu. h...l I\nn\\ tun. llllllll III (`II H('!|('Hl('. 1 Ald. Cuv.'m:n:h !hnw.',hl it \~/nulrl. be mnncy woll .~;[n~n1. M :1 limb likoi this when there worv so many mt-n on the relief list. Deputy Rovvo Su-wart said he bndi no objection In doing tho work as :1] temporary mt-n. but he felt Hm! there should be :1 plnnm-rl prngrnnw for tho wintor. ' LlllllH|ll|L'{' H1 SUE Ulill torests \\'6re px'nlm`tod. Alri H-hh ndu-ri if it Altl. Wiles: prnnwist-d this prugzrnm for the next mt-(-ling or Cuunvil. and the matter will bur rIisr'Inss(-d in mm- mitlt.-0 tnmm`mw (Waning: and I` lbrrmght up in Council Monday (=v(.-n- 5 mg. ' T\iu:-um-inn ..n DnI:nr ' `DONALD I". Mu4'l.Al(l~2N. Ii./\.. Bill'- - rlnlm`, Snlil-Hm". Mr. M:x,~:unit' I'(>rnpl(- Bni|dim.I,, Hxnrrin. Mum-_v tn Luann. gxuunmucc. [ Underbrush Park On motion of Ald. Wiles and Gill. the Board of Works will consider the ndvisability of llnd`l'bl`lL R()_ .POP-Not Suspicious, Just Careful Dist-ussinn ran Relief |\\|I\.A xullunlltck` 1 8 Wm`. stated that they eady intimutvd lh(`il` \\'iHin;:- act on the Central Relief `I-` - 5.9335 :5 FOR vou, S? `. IAI s2V"`"iN'"BE%bw1TH[ = RHEUMATISM Why wnrry about This old ll-llnw had it :1 i as it miuld be. But he jl iright reznudy. stuck to {he's wnrkin;4 :n,v.{nin -::t -urn ` HIHIISHI. l` U] L'I[.',l|lL'L` vuuld not turn over in `my.s'(-If in any way. [I1-ct \ven- swullcn, um` islet-p or gut any 1'03! 11 Ilnkinq Krus('lwn Snlls. wnw hnlllv, I W(`I)l (`ml V I..... .... 4..I. lllilllhlll. lVlIll|llIL', uric nvid (-ryslnls w l`('.\`lll1 of >:llI).',1.:ish Kru.s'x-In-n Hulls mu` mi Iumn In (-In-ur I luls I":-um 1,|n- .l:_\'.\'l( rs Park; ulsu I 'l'uI'(l Strl-(-I tn Im'1h Sit|(',H` of I -`Tnni.\'|'iI szlrt-cl Musing: rvlit-I In I In. .I J. /L UUIHSIY I. N(nl:II'_V |'H|)lI(', (`un- vnynm-m` int-lurlim: lruwin;: nl` wills, dL`(`(|S, 1ll`I`1IlI1il)L{ nf luzms, 01:`. I115!!! - nnvr: J all lcimls. Flxm-nlnr. /\r|mini::- trn1.nr und 'l`|'u:4l--, '|`hm-nlnn. Ont. vu1,.;u. I Rm-V0 R1Il)('l'1.\'t>l1 mic! hv Hmlm' lumml thv 'I`u\vns|1ips'nl lnni.x'l'i1, ]"..~4su. 9V-.~:pr:I. and On, \`V('l'(` phmnin,-.: in In-.'n' :1! IPZIXI half my (-nxl. | l'r.'m: Must (`:11 Want] | Cnumril passer] tho fnllnwing mn- gliun of Ald. Mills mad (":1\'.'m.'u1h: |'I`h:Il :1 sum)|_\' ul' wuurl Iw (l('\'(`l`l'(l Vt-1 the Board uf Wm'k.< vnrvl. zmrl ihvu.-n lriunuinniu ....9 1. . .-.o 3 nuvr n !(':I(`h I 1 them. 1.. llIV\ lI. Tux Prc-pnymt-nl A motion of R1-vvv Rnlu-1 AM. '1`yr-r was mluplwl Clerk be instrm-l( (| In min pr:-pnynwnt 01' tn\':-s as pm vual s(-lwdule. This: was um tion mzulv in tho M:ny i zacldrcss. l"|-u. l 2`.\ El(l(H' .. . . Tho En;.5in(`(.-r \\':n.< : Jbuild n rirnu for um` i _(m mutirm of Air], (`nvm EArrn. Ald. (`.'1\':u mu! that it would ('03 and would bu 01' um snnwplnu;:him.{. and thzn lw my -x1r:| <'h:nr::L- l.:_\' mm-... Il.'lVl.`nIUIl (H IHH plnyt-(L" , Alrl. Mifls \'\ .'I.\` 1 lit-nls ho mmlv In I 'I'...... .n.n: .. .. Ill`lllh Ill IIIEHII iliarv gt-Him, Ilnurn (.`UHlHlllLL'(`.\`I Potitinn from l`il`to(.>n pmpL-r1;.- owners seeking shL'H('l` relief to the extent at` 150 per cent. nf the t.'1x0.< payable on their properties. as they understood this was the 1'9L{uIzn' ul- luwnnce provided Ihrmuzh thv local relief office. `(H u! plains obtair he is [Jlcllll.\ lllill nu 11:15 09011 obtain clothing suited 1: he required to do. Wood pric('.< - Bnrrir Supply. four-font Na. 1 h:n'd\\'ood. about 45 vol`: I\uvv ...\..,a C4n,-`.'. m we. .1. ue,-mu,-_v. umpm. : cords mixed wood with my maple in it. for 318: H. about 40 cards drv hard _ Bnrrit.-. 'I`1-la.-phmw 345. .1. I-:nwIN wu.soN'. 155.3./\._ 110.,` R(!;,'|.s't(.-re-(I ():;l<-upznlh, G liimg Blnnk. .-..... u..n,. Onlu rin Department of :Iskin;,r Council to lnnk illtn anger. 1.1-l him tell ynu all uhunl it: "I*`ur two yuznrs and :1 half." ht! writ:-.9. "I have . frum rh:-u-r mnlism. Fur L-ip,htL-an munllus: I: bud. nur In-Ip. mys~H' My lugs zmti ..nI Iluuux .-urnllun -nnl I mnulri nu! At 65-Working Again u;.-, Luum abort C`. no `Ix-:1 I ll Hllhll l)v!'or- IHSII this in lw 1 um ..I' ..n.. ill D-).l)UZ IIJ : J. Denney. Um : wit u n h L... (-11). .1 In .\au'u; at 1 $6.50: 122 on man. 1'70 ( Advertzscment ) THE BARRII3 EXAMINER, Elli) W:'|_ . IVl_V and I ('01 .1 nun .-n.-1 until I WOOD DEPUTY REEVHENOF MEDONTE H TAKING NINE OUT 01-` TEN POLLS| I . Fl ICC, l){lI'I'l('. he h.'a.,< been hing tn rm-I In .-In n lhu \w-sl s: InnI.\'l'il Bunk:-r'.s' 0 on cl... I` '|lHl l'll.\l \'l'l_V' Illlll` ' :1l`(':l1 vznlnv in and that lhvrv would new HM .':Im\~.';2|n\\` ' VVIIEII l'?Ill.`r 1;: hut sh:u`p-- 4 \.`Vhi('h I'm"m 1|.- \l'Iill1iI)illillL'_III`: an :I|\\ :Iy'H I10 ('4 lhn.~:v |;:uinl'ul 4 L"lII\'| Lu 11. i :Il G5 HI I (`UH until I 5 S. /\l'h'l' fnhnlll m lukinp, it, I-n h-:|\riI\ ___=_ , ,3, I 1-huumnti.~'m'. 1 L nlnmsl as hm! ` .- just fnuml lhul it. and nuw3 yn-u1's ufl El zmuuh .' )I\I|ll'\ nu |'l`l. illlll (`H-vk fmm. `.N.|{. tr:u-In, Notmut: T0 COMPARE i wnu BUCKLEY S run n t;9ucHs_ AND cows! `nlwrlsrm : ml llml mI\'or1i.s'v 4 pm" Hm 4 [Hill Cllllll vllll illlllll 1i('k('L' \'VlllI Cl)! nnnhlv the wn Uri`/.01! 11:! Hard ?)m-,\ I and Alr.'.i h puinlmll ('l`_\` HHI9 nah... inl Welfal the (-3 ||I"\.\ t\.\r `lllll IIIH SI:ll'1(*(l1 '1nl(inp,` nu In/n.` taxes ll` elfa re ('.\'t` cum- )](` In wnrk ..... .. .,.u..,, To lnspt A motion by Mills was passed Works send the in. 4: fl`|l(`( in ])t!l`l)' of Jnmus s1l'1.'`l. the l`(-nvc the property line drift fl`ll(`('. entil mncl at lhis paint I and I nmnll1.=. I-lll. (I `(.,.,.,l F .. vi and o lhv 1 ' tho` WTZIIV I C. BHngs.>f (`olul\.-m`\', S u s k. nught, I n kllu\\ . fur he has lulwn NH1`L'lI.`\"u ;Hi.\l.IIl('II Ull l`.ll( I ]l` N 1vnm- of I-mnluy or. , H9 F. W. Kvnm.-1 fur _nn.- of ( I l on 1-u::mxissinn I: I ( V V lhmn:1:< M. mivilvxgn In ('4)! .._4|. . , . 1.. .m.... .. IHEIFKDI un auturauy, and thv prit-u r:m;{<.- was quite wide. irh-pt.-mlinu un grzulu nnd quality. The `|u\\'L's1 prim: noticed was twenty 1:-1-nls for |)u||c1::' (eggs. while the [best ;:r:u1L- l:n';:e- [mos sum up In 33 in-nls pm` dc) /.l.'H. The most gcnL-rul [Hive fur firsts was ill)()lX1 28 cents 'p_-r duzt.-n. null:-I ll/`Ac He Ilunul ru-inn nf ')"\ _ A plntirul supply of eggs featured `the fzmnex-:4` market on Saturday, -2.11! Hun rn- ! .- ~-.nm. urne nniln urirln .[al.'l (llYI.K.'H. Bull:-r \ ('<-nls [)l'l' 1 ('hi('k('Il.\` r :l`rr(-ti in :1 .in1.: lhv I u'..|'n nnui :llI|.'l'. I (`ulu!, .~;-:u.mnnl w<-uilu-1' Imltls` Um} kt-y which m.'n_vu>pm1 H1('lll)U|'Wlly In impmvv cumlilhms fur egg prorl1u~-` (`rs and Hmm-r s:I1iHl .'u:liun will ho} ;;:-n(~r.':I 11' llw ru*m:1in<|<-1' of Hw Win-` H:-r is unly :n l'rm-litm us vultl :15 last` \/l`.' K .'I\7l`l'1llll| Iruldlll. llll' .` ll'El(l(' ()[)lHl()Hl .~:lnl-.<. "will In-mnw nmrv nmgruvzllml. and when the now prn(lu(.'liun st-11-: sun rolls :n'mm_l lh('l'L` will bu :1 sub-! '.x'l.'mli::l r-:n'r_v-uv(-r nl` xlm'.'uze 1-;.u.5.<', `lrum l:I.~:l yr-:lr':; r-mp. l 'l`l\i.< will pml)nl)ly hnvv the (,-l`l'<-vli jnl ('I'l`.'I1lll]1, ll ht-nvy un(lurl(m(- rm Ihu m:n'l<:-1, and it may he ulmnsl` lmpux. In murkx,-l l'V(`l] llw l`r(-. `lr-;{;;:e nt pml'il:Il)l:- l4-vvls. Slur:Iuu` rm-,.~: mrrin-rl over will viI'tu:1ll_v huvu; `lo lu- llxrnwn nn llw mnrlu.-t fur ;\\'h:nl thr-y will bringz. , l`rvsvnt prim l_-vvls for slr)rn;,'u \`|g U`: mnkv it virtually inums.-:il)lv In; lswll :11 n profit, and it is` l)l,'lll`\. ('(l` "Hm! Iiltlv will be (lune in the way 1;!` mnrkc-limr r~.'t-rvu\' unlr-u-< lln-rn i<' , BARRIE. 0NT.. CANADA `I`].]1.`\ IllilKl' II Vlrlllillly IHUNH 1 1): nu ID-"ll`k("il)Lf l`(`S('l`\'(`.\' llH]('.`.H mnu- hr-11-rmc-n1 pf It-vols. I `...-... I". (`mnphu-H, 14 1V1nl('.'xslcr SL. U13`; -I1-rim: in l`('|).'lil' nulsirlc \v:u.{(m st-nlo` pm $35, lnwn In supply labor and` j|31:.wk. \\'m`k and l m'ni. truvk {mud nlhvr mmnls uf tr.'|n.spm`t:nlinn of. i1l'.*I1-\`\`(`i`L{h1S. | (`hznrlvs Put-k:n`d. H2 Peel strL-ol, l.....~m;..:.\.. 4.. ....o ,x....... ........n.. `mwunwng linshhwlr \i...\.... no` . i (Wnrko 1 JlI\l\'|\l`4 XI` I` ,\'c-ur Ho wrih |I'I`|` llllllllilh ;n`x\':lo;{r- (11:18 pvr ....O lhlAA`1l r\ 'llll\'l'lHl 'ul` 5) I ()nl:n`i .;.;.u.....I. VIII \.'l'.\.\ IJIH llnspilul u, .'n~`Icin_z{ I7 ("mow I AT THE FARMERS MARKET UIY/.K.'H. ll:-r was its usual price of 25 ; pmlnd with :1 fair ul'fering. k('Il.\` or utlu-r fuwl \V('!'(` nut m`- I :my L'.l`l*1ll quantity, follow- l|uIi(|n_`,' S(,`1lSl)l). Chickens - qunu-rl at 17 vents per pound h- In-st while ulluers mld rlnwn 5 ( I'lllH [)(`l` pnunrl. Very few - ur Iurlu-`vs were nutirerl. VL`|'_\" huyw-r.~a \\wn- un hzmd. trade ho-l mn.~~:l|_v nvv-r (hr vnllnlcr retail.` I-rv w:x.~:1lw usn.-II supply of ve;1- | vs inrlmlingz ]nn'.x'nip:< at 20 ('0nLs'{ Inn.-lu-I wu rnunri Hlnl \'\l`l`|.:II|.`-. 1:n`lv:~: ni.x'.~;im in cut down maple in-0 h'(-(-1 in Hunt uf his house. urku and (`l2n`k(- (`u., Limiter], u-_~ mm or mm'(- street lights nllvrl um Ellen slrccl fur cnm.'1~n- 1- of l`n1l)|uyC(.` K1-nm,-d_v, Barrie. am)l_vinL vnllvvtimz town lnxns mum" '.~ h:1.~::s. nun HI! `XI-.H:.n nohinn fr. HUI.`-.\llHI UEISIS. 11:13 Walton. asking {or 1:0 (`Ulla-(`t niuht sail at 2. wr mnnth. and $5 for vloznninnl . pun].-:. nilul fur SN-k (`hildr1-n. 'I`urun- int , fur _v.:r;mt. | rin (iuud Roads` A!~::~:n(~inliun, Minn l~`<-l)r.u:n'_v 20-21. .'n. D rm-mha-r::hip for` fur town. rim Sn('ir-ly nf Phn!m.zr:nph(-rs`. tinu hyl:m' (`nu-rim.: itin(-Hm! lnhnru II: \`.l'II' lllIl'll`ll ill! lIll' \\"lj' 1) $14. I-lug Sltmullun m-Lli.'Ilt- untlunk fn'1hov;:u (`nnmlu hzm;-,.s' in :1 lml- mnlt-. hm-r-h and run] (h'|i\'l`l`( (l i: umlc-r zmrl rlrit-(I ('llI`{.' l)L'lll[.; BU l'lU.\'L' H} ' that it acts as 8 entirely blocking the rhxring the winterl _\l'lll'.`. II{' \'I | ll\`5I 'l`hvn= is nnthing,-' um UK` market In vquu1it.lls Illnulu _ Hlsn u..Ii.u\ I mips at mts nrmnnd thvl ..a ok.....; r.`.. nml H '. 1 VVISH Yesterday ) her singing : was whin- IIK, ill I .':u'(I. I um-n I I J. w._HEsMAN 1 (Continued /rom page one) 1 1934 at $5(l.3(i. Fluwor slimv 1'1-l`r l|)`..`~ ;\v(-rc $32.) in 1930 and I'(~:ir'l1mI . _tpL-uk of $55.05 in l932. \'.'hl('ll wan lnczirly L-qunllml in 1934 with $51. In `v 1933. roc<.-ipts from this xmm-u \w~1v _l$36..")5. ']`h(-rt: ws paid ulll rm` pri'/.v:- in 1934 :1 total of $127.25. Nu mum cipal grant has been rm-1-ivu_-l for several years. R(3('t-ipl.`~' lint-lxulixl,; $90.02 L-;n'1'iorl over from l!l.':.'h n lmmmtt-(l to $527.19. l9I.\'p-n which includod 1| numha-r wt` :14` r'()l1l)lS incurrvrl in 1933. \\'('l'I` S;4(H. 36. leaving: :1 bul:m<-1: 1;! $1312 313. l9.'l5 Option l.i: l r(.-mium options for thi.~= yr-:u will he siniilnr to tlmsit of last _\.'4~:n with two u(l(litinns: 18> -ul).-:'ripi:.n to tl1(.-Cann(lim1 llnrticultumlist um. I9) Eight adult zulniissizm ll('kt-I: t. tho flower shnw. 'I`ht- (`X(,'(.`llll\`\` \`.'.l: nskt.-cl to prepare the ]n'i/.(- lid 4 early as po.ssihl,-. TO I . - . . dun knnn .~..........a.... 41.. 1 . V... ._, ,,.,.,....,... It having been .s`1n.:;:osl'.,--I thu`. SI'\ urn] organizations might (`U-npvr-E ate for the impmvemt-m nf Hui strip uf land on Elizabeth Stxw-I.i nutside the ngriculltnm park fr.-n<'v.-.; by the construction of :1 moi . xx-xni den. 010., :1 motion was passed h(*:n':- . ily approving uf the >'UL(gt,h\Ii(:l1 an I promising the support nf th:< -:n cit-ty. . In 0|. 4. .10.... ....~..... u... um .u..-nun. I y l Hon. Presidcrns -- Nluyur W .1 Blair, Dr. A. T. Little, Cmnptnn Ueffs. Hon. Dr. 1.. J. Sinwpsnn. M PJ , IJ. 'I`. Simpson. MP.. and .1 12. um.` lden. I Dwna 1 A n;r..,.v ....,... I WANTS TO HELP` '2 ;WlTH womc 05 ?BEAUTl;F!CATl0N A ...-._, I In the genera] (lisrussirm 1-xcvlh-nt suggestions W(`l`(' 1: on to the (lirectors rm` um.~;m-x- Officers Officers chosen fur officers are as follows: vv,, n VEO. It. AN!) lv:l.$ll': A. BURNS- }1nturioLix-ensc, (.`lnmpructi<.-, Osteo- wthy, Mnssugu, Foot udjust.ments. ectro, Hyorn, Hu(li(mit:, M:n;{metic 5nd Sun tr(:ntn`.-nt.-an Diet and Home fherupy. utes l`('.'|.`:0mIb|(:. H2/\ (nmlop St. I hnm.- 405. .. .. .. ........u..... I N 1st Vice-Pres. -- Miss Mary R ,Campbell. ` 2nd Vice-Pres --G(-0. C. Brown. I Sec'y-'I`reas.--J. E. Marriott. Directors: Mrs. Harry Mnrron. Dc-puty~Reeve C. D. Stewart. Gm. W. Havercroft. Douglas Sh.-pht-n.<. A. S. Jamieson. 7`vIi:=..< Jane Caldu--E! Donald F. MacLarr-'1, Andrew (Yur- J. C. S;LEl\_/l_l\/IENS 5|lPEF|||1H E lL'Il. Prcs.-~-J. A. Someone has said that we are sure or two lhin<.;:s in 1'1fr,`,D!':\lh r l`:txv.s". '!'h<- (til!(`!'(`l1(,'(` is, hmwvcr, thnt Donth cmnc-.-'. but nn:-v luv-_< cmnv ('\'1':'_\' 1'. Local taxes have :1 pzwttculur lnt(-:'<-.~t rm` I one 01 um. um! wv -.u':- }>(*l'.\'(m:1Il_V (-t'f(=(:tod by the amount our not-;h.bn2~ and i]m.~: p:I_\`.'H1l' Suxx-x`1o1'Storc owner in your cllstrtot is, It tum! payer und helps to 0:15 the burdvn tnmn you. tlwro.'o1'(~ you are contributimg to your own pm.-,;n when you deal with htm.'1`hls \\'t't'k-('ll(l !;tk(- 1ltl\'1HtI:l-`:0 of tho .~.peL-ial .~;a.vtngs oft'or-(t tn thw qn; foods by your Superior Starr-. \,uvvuu COCOA New Table FIGS- 8 oz. pkgs. . . . . 2 fur ` Superior Skores TEA `Clover Leaf Pink SALMON, 1': rlllll It. 118 1'lush- like :\-lion 1 cu.) .... .l I. IEORDON LONGMAN. Hzwri.-:Icr. Sul- 'h-ilnr Nnlnrv VIP IVIUIIDV In I.(I.'|n. C & B CATSUP - 15c Beehive Syrup bR<?.Y::L., CORN Choice Quality F|eiscHman's X R YEAST Crap:-Nuls ."I A L l'.`Q Cowan's Perfection w/\/N/\ A n n F. W. DO_l_3_SON Royal York MATCHES `/QRK uuml um" 1|1`l|0ll /7 VHF` " is sluldt-I1 dvutll to u culd." No nmttor how stubborn or long` stamiing your Quugh or cold m-.x_\' I. h-\': Rlh`I.'I.|.`\"u ur\"mmr.~ ` Pimne I 58 ,.-_--.a Phone 854 Rhone 164 M MnCI.a rm. IIllI-I--lI!I- 2 pks-<- ?a15c Fuaturt-(I Pl`i('('s for Frid:1_v and Szltunlzly. .l:mu:ury 18 and I9 inn tin 24c YES. 5? 1 ue, try DLH l\l:l`.l 5 AV` You will lm unuuud at t relic-1' it uffnr(l.~:. The sip relivvc-.s` thu cough, time an all ch'|\l'.~` up seutvd ('0I1g`t`SUull aunt Iwula the h-ml:-r. iufhu `lnmnvs auul !`m-1i1'iu-.~: Hu- future nttm-ks. D...-.l.1,...'.. .. M1... on 23 'omatoes _<:ANADIii|W~'i")'\TIo MAL I o CENT-A-MILE ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES A`-}`l:'[lI \']v`l"]l.`Vl[]V:;|`.V`lV 9ANADIK`N\mN'i\T|ONAL 1 I \Illl Lax |A\|\Jl4 And All Sfutiunn hctwulrn l'[{()U'[` CREEK and AURORA including Mll)I./\Nl), l'l`}NH'l'ANG and MIC/\F()KU IHCANCII l,lNl'.h' `CENT-A-MILE TORONTO BUFFALO To WINDSOR DETROIT ll.,Il.~.'II.. II... .... B411/("I127/I , (,'unI:uuIl, /Iurrixlun, I.()A\`I)().V. .S'umnl, I`: Surrzill, Sim x luvvx 1-`! arm iv/\x \l.l`IX/'|Nl)l`Ill. UUWAN. HuI`l`lSl(fl'. -";()|i(.'ifUI` l'm' nhl:-inimt, prnlmte of v;vi|l:s, ;`,uur(|i.'m.-:hip uml :n(lmini.~ ' .-_.lun. (H'IlI',l'.'Il .`~'.nliviIm-, Nu1:u'y_ (,nn-' `V-yuzzm-r, c-Lu. l'I ()wr-n Ht. Mn.-:uni,-| -Innlu Rlthv Hn|'ri1- Nlnlmv In Itmn ~11` I ;-;1 l.:1mo- pkg`. \ S().;\l Ill ) man. I IVE-S.IV Inn rill-I-IIIIIIIIJ lvrilvlnl-I air! IIUIVJ Allundule, Aurora, Barrie, Brae:-bridge. Burks Falls, ('Iuldwau:r, Cullingwnod, (lravenhurst, Huntsville, Brieafurd, Midland, N.-wmurkct, Orillia, Pcnetang, Scotia, Stnyner, Victoria Hnrlmr, -I"rII'I'.~: In I:u-1-rkxlsy, '}'a1:ko;1a, Return Lir;:AiVlA.V1, l`rui;x Ir:/:r`rr::7:Wl;u:;V//:7 ASK FOR HANDliH.I.. k@25'49c "Strike- nnywht-.n: -II)Irj""i.j|| Hnwr-`:4 I r.:uu IV. (fmnfnrl r\\lL ()XYl)()l.--~ 'I'I)'u.".m,-1', NUS. 1'! um ""TL'l11[)ll' Bldv.. Harri:-. "urm I-:V.\ ll ['01/Ill, Tlghetl. Reluxgls. 1;!/(1fIIl(TL:)I;-/r/71-!!! A;(:r:;':.~-.~ ASK FOR ll.`.NDH|l.L 1 BETWEEN THE FOLLOWING NAMED STATIONS IV n I` lI.\'. /II urrnlum I`u/nuzrxtmt, .$'uul/um:/Jluu, 2_|b. mi w. ;. HARRIS SATURDAY, JANUARY it; --.u:----;. --n..- .-A. n A ..... ... . . . - --.5 no----...... c.%. H1_Nps .. _ _v. ----c IvlIIIt\a\llI llI-IlI\IlI Ifmvmunv.-ille, linml/rm], I!mrl."uil1r, ('1/alluun, (`u/mung, (hnumm/u:', (.la-ncurr, (.'mlr'ri4 I1, liurl/I/1, II. I .11//Tl ().\ , /Il},'r`r\(/I/, l\'im`ur1Iinc, l\'I,`V(}.$"/'().V, If/"tr /lI')II'I . /.I`.lmm I, . /1lurr:,\Ium;, Nupuntret, N//l(i/Ilfxl It'll./.5, ()J/unxu, (lawn :1/Imtrxltm. I un'\', Purl II,.:..; II.......u 6.`: l'..lI.... . J. A. (,'0RB|'I l"I`. Nul:H'_v |n|)li<'. ('0'!- vnv.'|n('(.-r int-lmlim! (lrnwinu wills. P. EA1_2_Ns FRIDAY, JANUARY 25 . Fr93r._?B_R'EA +;..;..;, 31.`; {-+..[.. 235* s3[.;.'."1 4 Hum cake 4-C ,,, ....,....-.., ..........u. ...:.:..a, I/.nuu,'H, I/u)I'1 I t1ris, Port /Iufw, I n'\cr/Lt, .5`/_ ("ml/Iurinrw Sim!/ord, 'I'nmlm1, Wlzithy, lVi.ur!m1, Wuml.Iml: ROUND TRIP .]`?4 43 IUI` l|l' H11.` l1ll\|' H U (` K1.,l.\' '.\` .\1l`{'l`URl`I {an r n... .. II . .....In .. '13. Linnils, 'I'ruin I 17c 14c 23 15c 2'3 2 (ins 21c Pork & Beans Large 2 1/; lins Magic Baking Powder BLlIlIU|l|].: _\'uuI` `.'UlIK'H CU! |";]\' 1., try mn'K1.I:\".< MI.\'Tum-:. Vnn \\'i Ln un\..u..,l no bl... :I\.v.nmA o (_~)\/_`ALTlnl\AJE l(()Y/\l. Y( )|{K 'l<()Y/\l. Y()R|\'w 2 23c v:\|_ Small .. Medium . Large New Low Prirv V-vuuvv C.-nah and '.':m'v 29 13. 34c 7. uvuw Wnlh PM-(ill \l.l'IXANl)l'IIt (.'()WAN. .-`.n|il-Hm l'n' nhlninimt I PEAS BARGAIN FARES` (`I/\RK'S W5 . 58: . 98: P-,1;;e Flva "JAMICl()N 1. (IAMEILON. l'3:II'I'iStcI`s. "S0lii.'itm`:;, cut, H.'n'riu_ 5 Owen Sll`(`(.'l. -l'(`l(`])Il0lI(3 401}. Mum-`y In Lnzm. 386 '>))L'| IL) lnulily (1 nd and LULIIIK` uLll|l'I\5. Buckley's acts like a flash-A ingle sip proves it. W. I). MINI`-IIKIN, I-'I|m*rz|l Dir(-(.'t.nr nnd Emhulmer. Am|.ml:nm- Service. Phone 437. I.in\uu.~`im- ll:-ursc if (It'- aired. Cm`. Mary mu! l'I|iz:||)L-HI Sl..~:. `.1la`l.(?lI, ANIHCRSON & (3()Ml'ANY ;('hm'tt-H.-(I Am-u1u1t:nnl:<. l"l'u.~:lucs, [fun Crown Life BI(lp,, 5!) Ymu.{t- V, 'l'm'(mIn. MISS M. Mn/\R'I`llUl{ Furs Itornmh-In-cl nml Repaired. Over llur|burt's Shoe Store. Ilrsurl IIIII null nluuln Motor nmlmlxuu-cs In em m-zllnn run vac Iglvlnarinalvunanv OPEN DAY AND NIGIIT 47 lillzaluelll St. : Phum: 218 9' ``*.:L.. % .1?`.'`..` C` l`hursd1Ly. Jsuumry 17, 1935 P. C. LLOYD FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER nvnl Inn`! A` n urvnvu BAIIIHIC. ONT.--Y'0NVl'3 82 2-2- ;. x... .J........ V. V- Eslnlnllsin-ll Hm!) I"llNl-`.lAI. DIN l"("|`()RS AND EMII/\l4MlCI{.` OPEN DAY AND NIGHT r..A.._ .....|...|........ 1.. ..... ......n. BRENTWOOD I !-0l!l*2ll'l` ll. SMl'l'll. ldyv.-:iL:III, Sp"- IL-inIi::1. 13. ! Dunlnp Si. l hum- m). Hnurs: 9-6: Sninrrlzuvs: lill 10 [).m. N I". M'(!lI/\I(i, H./\.. `SIN - : Cl'(`S:Wil'k(` X: B1-ll D. B:u`ris:- it-ilnr [I'l' Nlnnr-v In Llmn ClIIR.0l`R.A(."l`l(,` VI~I'l`l'I[IN ARIAN nun: urn unu inflamwd unnu- vs thc-m uguimt mm 51.. Jvm.-;unu: . Nlum-y to loan. AVll.\ 1 Ul`. ` the insttmt 9 very first , and in no ) the deep- nt h x s and ........| ....__ I, I"5urrlstL-1', n(lmini.\'. `, 1'. Mug: \'|l\`k l\_\` nu comer :2` 6.30 8 p.m. DRS. LITTLE & Ll'I"l`LE, Physicians I and Surgeons, Barrie. Office and Res- idence, 47 Maple Ave. Office hours: 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., or by appoint- ment. A. '1`. Little, M.D.. W. C. Lit- tle. `M.B. Phone 213. ll. (2. (1. l"l.l-IMING. VI-It-rin:n`i.'m nnd Sllmmun. (')fI'i(-4-, 4H Hnyfit-lrl St... Bm'rie. Phum: ml. DR. W. R. F. LUKE-DR. G. C. SNELL, Eye, Ear, Nose and '[`hmat Specialists. Medical Arts Building. 'I`0rontu. Bur- . ric office: 45 Elizabeth St. (opposite Roxy 'l`heutrt.-J. Phone 175. Ol'l`i(.-e ` h(:m's: 2m] and 4th Szmlnlzzys nf H !!! munlh_ 3 tn 7 p.m. DR. W. A. LEWIS, Surgery and` Dis- cases of Women. Associate Coroner Count` of Slmcoe. Phone 61. Office. 58 Co! ier St. Hours: 8-9 a.m., 1230-2, 630 5% nm, ---- DR. N. M. LAURIE, l..M.C.C., Phys- ician, Specialist in diseases of chil- dren. internal medicine and minor surgery. Office and residence, 26 Owen St. Phone 487. 1 _..___.______.__.______..:j___ ii). N. W. R0(}ERS, Physician and Surge.-rm. Assncinle Cumner, County of Simcoe. Office and msirlentrez 50 Mnry St. Phone 101. 'l)ll. FRI-II) A. ROSS t!<`nrmerIy :1! Drs. Russ & Ross). l..ute surgeon spo- vinlist with the In1peri.'1l Army. 4% _v(-ur.-4. (lonernl Surgery and Obstet- rivs. 140 Dnnlon SL. Barrio. '1`:-I. 710, DIL E. G. l`UltNBUl.l.. Gl'EldlIZll(_' Ml`- Giil lJr.iv.-rsity, Montreal. Office and l`('.'~}ifl('n(.'("` -~("nr. Elizabeth and Brad- |'nrd .- Phone 105. O`ir*,0 hours: S)-I0 :n.m., 1-3 p.m.. 7-8 pm. DR. WALTER H.W00l)R.0W. Orillia. Sum.-(-sxrxr to the late Dr.A.P.Ardagh ' v- ~E_y-, 1-ur. nrrso nnd throat Hp:-clnlist. will be M Queen's Hotel, Barrie, every Snturrlnv. 9 n.m.. to 12 noon. JESSIE R. BRYSON.'I`eacher of Piano Orgmi, Singing and all 'l`he0:'L-tical` s1ib_imvts. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of music examinations, all 1.{l'lIdL'.`:. Special zxttontion at A.'l".1 (LM. work. Free classes in element- ary Theory and Sight Singing. (Open to pupils only). Recent successes by pupils of Miss Bryson include the winning of Modal awarded by Tor- nto Const.-rvutnry for the highest ex- amination standing]: in the Dominion for the years 192 , 1928, 1929, 1930, I931. Studio: 27 Bru(ll'or(l SL, Barrie. WAl.T[CR. Mm-.NU'l`T. A. l`.C.M.. Bar- NC. Teacher of piano. organ and The- ory, singing coach. organist and choir- mzlsler of Trinity church, Barrie. Sr-hnlnrship student, fur two years at 'I`m'ontu (`unswrvalnry of Music. Ad- (ll'(.'.'!-:2 G8 Mulunster St.. phone 1524. IZIIHU mung ('ll'('Lt'(|. Pulls were ln<'ntv(l as follows: 1. llillsdnle-: 2. Mount St. Louis; 3, (`:n'l`_\': 4. Warminstvr: 5. Moon- xtmu-; Ii. F.:1d_v: 7, Vnsvy; 8. Cold- \\'n1vr; 9. W:lV('l'l(`_V; H), (`nu1.x-un. by :u'(-lanmtinn. I -1.1 a 1: 7 u u an vr....| HOYS 5:. BOYS. B'dl'l`iSlt.'l':i, Snlit.-il.ors, Jluluric,-.~; Plublic, (.'unv(:_V:uI('(:I'S, Etc. Money to lnu.I at luwc-st rules of in- ;4:|'est. OfTi4:u 13 Uwun SL, MzI:; 'j`L-mplu Bidu., Bzwriv-. lirzmvl offlc-2-,< -ilrnvule. W. A. l~5<._ys. K.(.'.. J. Llioys. [nmtnr cm` and :11 present is lying: in at hospital with one lvg fractured in two places. Wm. Suvmuur .s'm.-nt a few davs vumgc. Owing Lu the` unsettled weather. the United Sunday Schnul has had to postpone twu xneexings m order to gel the last _Vm1s busilwss settled up and officers appointed for 1935. KL`... ll-uni oh. In:-onn.~ r\|~.` nil .\. \.. luuu uun.-.:.~ upyx-uugu |\u Luuu. Now that the elections are all over `and the majority of the people have lhad their choice and chosen the same reeve and deput_\'-rc`\'e with (hm-u `new councillors. let us hope for low- or taxes and u surplus at the end `of 1935. .1. J. Dumnnd was D.R.O. land I-I. Middlebrook, pull clerk. at ' Brvmwnod pull. ..Iu';:(-nn. Offitvo, Owen St. (former- ly ()('('ll[)i('(] by Dr. L. J. Simpson). Re-.~:irl(.-nee.-, 144 Maple Ave. Phone 700. `J. II. N. SMITII. M.l).. Physician andl lB:1l'l`iC Brunt.-h). Well Baby Clinic from 2 in 5 o'clock (*\'n.ry Friday. Ap- plication for nurse's SOl`Vi(`f`S may be made direct or through doctor. Tele- VICTORIAN ORDER. OF NURSES---I ohnne ll47W. I EDMUND HARDY, Mns.Bac..l-`.'l`.C.M. 'I`eucher of Piano, Organ. Vocal and Musical 'I`he0ry. Organist and Choir- rnxmter of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Gold Medalist Toronto Cun- sorvumry of Music and University of 'l'm-onto. II3 Wursley S1.., Barrie. l.l.()Yl) TIXFFORD, Organist Collier St. United Church. Teacher of Piano. l0rgnn. Vnicr-. 39 Owen St. Phone 232. l'lt()l". D. E. WEIR. Teacher 01' Piano ! and Violin. Piano Tuner. Phone 6I4r 33, Barrio. Ont. ul.).L. 5|.` lllUl'l' Ulilll with 546. William ulsu In-ing -looted. I Pnlk un-rn In!-all l\\.`l) pmces. Seymuur spent days lust week with friends at Terra Nuvu. 'l`hn s-hurl: n-:|Hs\r| :1! HM hnnnn nf }"0R.I)()N It. I"().`s"l`l-Ilc. HilI'|'i.`lL`I', .-'50HNtur, Nutnry`, ('mvt-y:m('(-r, 1.-lo. -M(mo_y in loan. ()l'l`i-u It Uw:-n SL, `.'Bnr1'i4-. 'l`-I~phmn- (:9, Nuvu. I The stark cuilvcl at tho: home of |Hill`l`)` Allan lust wet-k and loft (I yfinn baby boy. After the \'ui'_\' mild xvvmlu-r ufl last week quitv zi few pcuplv are complaining of culds. I i\`Ir.<. .\ndro\\' Fmsle returned home lusl week from Hamilton afler zi couple of weeks with her sister. Bliss E. F0l`L`Sl and Miss Cecvlin l\lcBridv of 'l`ormiln spent a couple of days m the (`mum-1"s home in the villaigc. - Owim: weathenl DR. (il (I. SEYMOUR, Phys`- iciun and Surm- 9'7 F.lizulwlh SL. lll(.. lil'.'Ult(1'l'. U. slcvxvluulc, l ny.<-; iv :1 Surx.:L- :ll'I`il', Phmw I40. ()l'l'im- hmnrst H-I0 n.m.; 1-3 p.m.; 7-9 p.m. lIll.l)l(.l'."l`ll 1.l~;NNux Muluu~;N. A. 'I`.(!.M.. Tom.-her of Piano and Eln- vutinn. 8 North Street, phone 387.1` MAYDEE NIOAULEY. A.T.().M.. Teu- vhr-r nf Pimm nnrl 'I`hnnrv rnnnicl MI\Yl)h`l'J Mt`./\lJl.l'ZY. A.T.(:.M.. Tea- (rht-r of Piano and Theory. Organist St. George's Church. 115 Buyeld St. l('_V. Fru\\'|<-_v (lnuhlod W(m(1's vote '11! 1\/Innnt R1 Lnniu Irnnl Mills-I` mcnaruson. _ Mr. and Mrs. Mawhmney and wee daughter of 'I`m'umo were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rubi. Anderson over _Qnndn\.- Norman Outram of Toronto spent an cuu lo 0! days with Mr. and Mrs J. R. sigh. Mrs. Richardson of Toronto spent the xveokend with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Richardson. Air and NH: Mnwhinnnv nnrl u'nn Illl.l)lll'2'l`ll LENNOX MORREN. A.J 'I`.(i.M.. Pinnn nnd Filo-` lcilur, etc. Mu.-;m|it: 'l'-mph: Htliltlirm, Bm'rlu. Muvmy in l.n.'m. `RANK IIAMMONI), H:nn'i.v.t<.-I`. Sul- Sunday. M ix-uu .\unna_\'. Misses `Mary Wiseman of Toronto. .-Minus Wnsemnn of Hamilton and Viola Stone of Toronto were at their hmm-S mm!` the weekend. Subsm'ibe to The Examiner and get all the news while it is news. OW `I45 :7 I) DU l"ix`.-:1 throw ole-vtvd. 5.. (i('nt=rnI :s'urgcI'y and ()hsl(*l- , Dunlap SL, Barrie. I`(_-I. 710. HAWKESTONE l`(l\'\'H'_V lIU\lUH',(l VVUU(l.`i VUIL` In St. Louis. Grunt Miller, 4-. loud the (`.nun(-il [ml] with muro than H. J. Jnhnstnnc Mi, Arnnid with 433 u In:-curl MUSIC LESSONS 'I`utn| H34 J50 552 mu: UUIHIUN I.UNlilVl/\N. H:n'rI::Icr. no "[('H()l`, Nntur_v_ l~Ilv. Ivlmwy In I.n:n Mn.-zunit: '|'~mpI:- Huilrlin;-,. 1ll'I`i('. :):)L 546 433 314 227 (Continued /mm page one) ; his npplicutirm. inrlic-min1.{ his lerm.~`.i Several Inquiries 1 Mayor Blair asked the Clerk `If! the agreements re.~;.{m'dim.{ nrenwnys had been sent nut. Town Clerk ` Smith replied that the agreements; had been printed and were all ready l to send out. _ Am r'.......\....1. ....|...,1 :4` .. ........\..ol U1 .\'L'll|l ULIL. AM. Cavnnnggh n.~:k(.-d if :n rcpnrt} from the tax collector was nvnil-,1I)lo. 1 Mayor Blair Sznid this wuuld be giv- on later. Yxlfnur... Blai- n-"4. ..l.1..'l ll`. .0 H`... I r s I I (`ll lilLL'I. 5 Mayor Blair mnmrkod that through 5 Hon. Dr. Simp.-;nn, :m'nm.{un`u-nts hnd ; been mudv whereby thr- Department` of I-Hghxvnys would do thv snu.v { pluughing from the town limit.-: In` the (wnotery this winter. and ntm` that Dr. Simp.x'on h.':(l :n'l'.'1m{L-1} tn; have tho highway kopt f`l(`:ll' thrnuuh ' town rlurimz` the Wil11t'l'. 2~:mn('thim',` that hurt m-v(-I` In-on dunv In-t`nrv :14! I'..- nu `N1! .-nut.) .-..n..ll ICENTRAL BODY [ls APPOINTED ? y FOR_l?:ELlE!? IUWII lIlH'HU. , UH,` WIIHUV. M I'm` as ho roultt rvmll. Exp:-nditnrr-.s: Sincv Nnv. 15 Reeve Rube-rt.-4mn_ t-huirnmn nt thi- I"innn(-n Ct)H'\l11illt`(`, I`t`|)0I`t(`It that ev.p(-mliturc-.s' M the luwn I'rm1 No- vc-n1b(vr I5 tn Dot-en1l)(-r 31. 1934. had nmnuntvd tn $40,357.18. zmrt that tho` umnunl spout frnm .I:muz1r_y 1 Jzmunry 14. cmtsistinxz ontiroty `2.'tl.'ll'i('S_ hmt Ix-(-n $1.12t%`82. tn of tho .-:tntomr'nt :15`. pr(-smnturt. Mayor Blair nuintx-I nut that thr- nvt-rrlrnt`t at tho 1-nrl of the yr-:11" was 3:13.000 rnurv than it was at tho ('t).'<|`- of 1933. due prih(~innlly tn -.\:p(-nrli- turos on rt-lief. (`nmplI't<- W4,-llinutun St. A mntiun nt` Altl. Wile-s and AM. (Pill "that, tho Bnnrrl nr Wnrks haul the no-('4-ss:n'y mIIt1'l`t:I| tn ('l)n1]`nl(`t(` W(-Hingtnn S1l'(,'('l West, thv snnw tn the (tune with Inn-n1|`)|u,vnu-nt H-tit-t" l::l)mIr, pmvukvrt xnnw (tiS(`llS.'s`i0II but finally was zutuptmt as :1 temp- ()X'Il`_\' n1(-:nst1I'- to |)ruvid:- wort: fut tho um-mntnvnrl HUlIH'lll|lIl',' t I I t I t t I Town I`1'-:1.s'1|rm' Smith 1'-xplwim-(t un u.uuu;nu_y.u. . Deputy R1-ovv Stewart roll that the} Bonn! of Wnrks shnulrl submit :1 pm i Lzrnmmv nf wurk 10 11:0 (`mum-1|` U.Ihi(-h in Iln-n 1-nnlrl mulnn ii 1n Hm-X u-.u...-...--u |r\.|Iu(' ll wan puhhru. | Ald. Jay lhuught that since it w:|~; the 1nwn'_< rnmwy which was being handled, Hun the (`mmcil of the Town of Barrio should handle tha- money and not nthem outside Coun- cil. AIA r~:n .. 41...: AIJ 1, cu. Aid. Gill explained that Aid. Jay meant that two years apzn the Central Relief Committee spent the subscrip- 'tinns of tho (-iti'/.<-ns. not (HX`('(`l tnxe.x'. Under the new plan. the Cummittt-0 wnuld spvnd direct taxes. "You probably (`uul(1n't do it it" you (`.'nn'_` dawn tn :1 {inc thinL{." Aid. CHI (10- oln rod. u. . nI..:.. ... :._....1 ....A 4:... .- IH'iIl_\ Hl(`x'ISlll'(` tho lm('lTl])Iu_'(~(l. (`.(`S.`:0I' Lg ( tor. Snlwil Russ; Elm.-I4

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