Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jan 1935, p. 11

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` Miss Minnie Bell of l`m`nnlo is vis- iting friends in town. J03. Clutc and Boy Arnold spent Sunday in l`(n:nn1n. i1 Mrs. John Klrtun spvnt last week with fric-nd.~: in Torontn. " Snnnlu-I Mark M` Philndt-lphln it. the guest of Rev. Dr. Mark. V Mrs. C. 1'-`m. is s'p<-nding :1 row Imnnlhs with frivntls at Strnlfnrd. J Mrs. Allwrt Mt-I.lruy of 'I`m`()n1r) is .vi.'~:ilin;: ho-r d:nn;;h1.v_r. Mrs. C. Dean. 5 S. A. 'l`ippnn.; was in Tnmntu on lSnturt!ny :nH<-nrlinu, thv f1nmr:ll :1 (an aunt. 1t.`llL`l`S(H1. ll)X'0nl0. Cullingmmd and Stayner played mckuy here Mnnday evening. Score: `uIh'm:,\\'und -1. Sluyner 3. Death of Robl. Gibson Robert Gibson died on January 7. Q35 nflozv nn Illnncu nf turn rirxuc I IHJ. ' ` c-u<-hrv club were entertained r. and lvhxs`. Mr`(`nllum on Fri-` -va-ninu mg. .'n('(` S1(n'(:_\'. Wm. Akors and rd Allnn syn-nl 'I`h1Irs(lny in (U. . .'-nnm. Susie King and hvr mother rlfurrl spvnt Sunday with Mr. rs. Rnhi. 131)) :-:4. hn.i.n- `nL'1;lIIOn rnni no Hun Milx-hull fmm Alberta Isl :1 month visiting` with and n.-Intivus in Simrne md mzlrlv .~:-vornl calls hero I: I .nu1. unnuur lull nn rm- nst wm.-k for n trip to Flur- .-rc she will visit with relu- ' six nmnlhs. Mil<-hull fmm Alberta is v in nnnh vi Hinn` uni? an M.'mhews of Collingwnodi wn this week. 9 Graham of Toronto visited = parents here last week. Spikvr of Hamilton visited mu Mrs. J. Thompson. last m musw. .\In1:H rvslnm-HI. 'l`\ 'hi4-h l`('('('I\`('(l I` (l])])|:IllSl' \\'n-rv 1 Mrs. William sh-p-(l:u1<-im: I muk, y ('\'t'Illl1;.',, .J.'mu:u'y :1. m of :1 .\IIl`|)l'i.\'(` p:n`l_\'. Thu- '-r:- sh<)\\'n the mo: gun- `pi1:u|i1y by Mr. nnrl Mrszl I1 mu! t':nniIy. I`ho-1-vvninp. ulrly 3~i[)('lll with gannws, m- } - ximlinu. d:m1'inLI nu nu. l'r4-shyl:-rlnm` Amuxul `; -rb Speck spent the week- her sistex`. Mrs. Frank 1 'T`nrnnln _;A1`3_ nu I\\l4|\_y \'\.I|l ynvnuxu.| nthlm-n Allan rt-mrnod' [`m-sd::_\' 121191` :1 ctmplc of 1 Mrs. (`h:1.<. Nixon. C`.mkSA 1 mum. 1m_v:-s. rim` Institute met :1! H10 lurinn Htndpgsnn on Satur- H1 Iwonty wore present. ..v|.l...... AIL... .... ...~nn.l I ;-\\'.< of New Lowell vis- ur, John lvlatthews. Ias! ||unu'u. M \'I'I;. H-purl was read . (3ul`(Inn Bush hat the l(`:l('h(`l`.` :1 rm-vi\'ixw_ their \ViIli:am Kirhv ' IL-fl Fri- : isit rwn S])L'('Hll muvh ut1vn - Ihv readings \ H:nNI\nrm-1' munn n\n`ny by ncx-I:unu- Juhn l3ishup 1- rnlc-n::\'u-r.~< mu I`l?2lll)L .N x Hunslmrga-1' by Williuml NEWS OF ELMVALE * -lllllll l)l.\lll)]) L` run-pay:-r:< L r(-cmnm0nd- L tmsu-(:.<: An Q:l]:n`in\' zul .... .. _\ t*I`.\' :\`('hm)l ` .~:<-}mnI Imus: -n (l:n_\'s l.'|l.(-1' the l'(';{ll|.'lI' u~(|, A \'(-r`. :11 Mr. nndl on 'I`hur.' .um-.~, .- hmving, spc-(`ml :'h unuuun. Jack Wilson. Nelson 1 Bill Riley are working: 2 or this week. n-1.- ,,..., u, L: ulna vvccn. The regular meeting ( stitute was held in W Tuesday evening of thi: 'l"I-Q .-.v..n- fr; ..A.. ..v Mrs. Angus. Miss ` from a \ ham. -1: , uaun. Miss Mary Ingham has I home after` visiting in Turrm month. v__|_ nu.-v-_,, xv.` , ,. 1uv..'auu_v cvcllllng Lu llll W(`t`l\. The many friends nf (`hm Bus- singthwaite are glad to hem` he has returned to his home after In-nu: ;. patient in the Royal Victoria Hos- pital, Barrie. T"e"5'?"rl"23P mun mxly IH-I_!'_lll)()l'.\' mm n'n-nus. Wis.-4 Nnru ($i|mm'- mm :11 Mr. Mrs. W. I-'. ])n\vm~_v'.~. on .l:ImI:n'y 1) bid In-r l`:m-\v1-II (HI the 1-vv ml"; dL [)ilI`lllI'l' I'm` H:n'ri- In vnlvr I`:1inin;.' :15 :1 IllH`*`.4' :1! lhv Ruyul uriu liuspi It in unim- -1.. l`|u- mu-Hing: \v:n.~. uml (`unlit `l.~:. 32 01.. Im- 18 01 IR OWN Special Blend Week End Values AYI.MER--WI'lh AIM:-II Prrlin 31 BRO W;\' I..4Bl'.'I.-IH..1(.'K ;ilakes 2 'iaicmI-"flats ::,;',*_.-, l Rl/'\'(.`l~.`.S'.` "VI'.'STLF.S--C(). VDI-.` V'Sl:`D CROWN HILL (H 'I(.'K UR RI'.'(.'l`l..-1R 4 3 TUI I,l'."I' $0.4! i;"5iii;:live 5 (.'.4 I`I'.'l.I.l ;$aroni 1 x 1 ' In 30 l,'HRIS'l'Ik".H' IflS(.'l ITS` \Ass d Creams na. kbn Lettue STROUD_ . , BR!-.'.4I\'F.-."I' 91'} M2 1 lbs. 1`9'c FRESH (I.4l}(.'IlT .4'l'I.-l\Tl(.' ."h-; 11. 19c Pic-1'0 S'I`EAKS'. Ih. 12:- PRESM (I0!) Fillets lb. 12 TFL\'.-IS SPINACH . .. . .. V _ S|.l(IEl), lb. 25:- C.`('H'\"I'RY .\"I'Yl.I',' ARIZU V -1--(Tri TE'.\'.4S-Hnnh Svmlleu IluIrr.v 1 nu. .u.n Sa ula Tea :. Bertha Cnwan has I I visit to her sister m 1 "iii-i"j'?i"i3nit 5 for 19 W. J. Smart is nursing a: `Ill UIH` IV` Hislmjn Ilauplu-I'r_\' and Slruwlu-rr_\' /Irunvwli -vr\ 9 -_ 4 BOND HEAD Extra Special 1 1mm 4;-rr\ I L` Hy lhu Pit-1-as k` = Uta} A 5 P : plalqe for Lower Living Costs Slu-llrd Walnuls, pivot-H 'A`.\Ill Rninin.-1, hulk Fancy Szmln (Elm-n I`:-mwu. mc-Hum ` II Auslrnliun Pcmvlu-s, Imlu-.=. Nu. /Ir-.3 Jus. vvry |nI(`.'I ` way 14: I r'~:lim' nl: Brut-0 Bird (}rn\'~l. Inrgv 3 H95 Sc COD Head 5` .-1-(.'ri.cp lrrht-r;: 10 1 wzusnns Hm this week. s Chas. Ba; l in hour hn lu- NEW LOW REGULAR PRICES W.-mun. lVl1'S. .1. w:1I~ , l'l:|j,'<-r nth-ml:-(I 1h:- lulv Mm. H. l.u(l|nu slum: :11 Aumru on returned 1 Chelten- |'|\'(<. ('..~\l\' |".`~' ll) HI. l'l;:~. I FETR-GUSONVALE I | jaatter lb. 13 Shortening 1' 11 |i~*i.To"iin (H R ()H'C\' S'll.l"I'.'RlHi0()K I)().HI-.`S"l'Il.` UR I-.'.Al.`II-`lRS l` us. I41. Ba-zmlsznll nro [n|(':lh':Illl and vnrio.'l (`nlifm-ni:n. Om- : )'1|.'u'(-s llu-y (`ump- - f:nnmx.~; Mineral r:17.y W:m~r ('r_v.~`.ln|. I l.'lI.1' I'.'lH,'Iv.' -- H'Rl'.'.-ll) Phone 22:: 1 Smmlder o RUAMP .L`.} .'.'.tL'3. `.22. Slmrt Rib Blade sirloin .'.`:'f;::..... n%o}ii`s Prim%%%R.i..|?_ 15* Bananas 31*`-23* "FORK Shoulder 1' 11 BUTTS I553 1'--16 Bei Bologna 1 M 25 Pkg. 9- FRIC.S'Il Y(Il `;`V(.' IH).rl.S"I'I.V'l.' I. vlI((.'I-.', IfII'I:', YI.'I.I.l)W - ulIv\'x|IuIIl. znul l\/luslvr Mt-r ytnn-.-.-ls ml` 'l`m`nnm _ l`nrnntn i lnwn. [{(>_\' III. --T H1! If HIU 'I'RII'IIJ I'I'?---'I'HI'.' .VI'.'W A K: I` I.0 W.' LUAIF H1: :4 IIIII unuuu nun. .. .- . REA n I l l` -I. , J: 24 oz. Wruppc-d Loaf ' I. .,. . Nut Imlwul In lIIlfl'l r:~;::Ir4H-up 0|` prim-3 50-11). J 27 me 22 11:` I5` I `Me-n~lim,' 18 | 19- : tor gocu JCD pruning. SUNNYFIELD lb. 14: rucnarusor} 0! Hamil :u|ida_\'s wnlh her hrn nrdstm. I Plrirlr cnnno on fun xictimason of Hamil- r.|id::\': wilh hnr hr-n- BUR `.`.`;'s"' 63 Bag $1.10 98-lb. Bag $2.39 E. Armgtrm Mr. and 4 I'xt:s<. 19 . n was ` provid- .~ showed xv nnnr- s;;.iag I.` lIfI)I-.'\' I -lT(.'H--(.'H()Il.'I~.` Mucaroni 1 lbs. 9c III I! (III \' I'.`V'(.'HIH'.' Sandwich Sp;-eg 15 I. !\ II) I'UWIH'.'IU'.'l) 15011. Clrick spent a few 1'-m_~:. Mr and Mr-: |()\|-)|.Y-LSS and R0l.l.EI). 184' n Albert Toner. Ill bemg elected - Legacc are ho!- |\'L'.\ in Tnrnnlu 1- mnvvrl 'i|l:w_-. 'nn|n /\_\Inu-r (Ihuice While Corn, /\)Inu-r Llnun-e wmu: Lorn, no. lin .................2 Tina Slumlnrd Corn, N0. 2 III) . . .2 Tin-.1 Hria-4| Whole Japan Peas . . 2 lbs. .8`:-ulu-In Minn . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . llu. nu... n.n_ pun .vIllIIlI nuuun -uanauou-...... Hulk l'iIu~cl Sair Dales .... 2 lbs. uu n -\1:A,Ini||, nu... nuuu mun -cu---we ..-. ; Happy Vnle Swecl Mixed Pic-kl:-.-u. 7W. n1. inn .- . . . . . . .. Jul nappy Hue nwerl Julxul rn-nu-.-u. 7: o1.jm` ............ Jul` 1.. Bulk Soap (lllipa, 5 II). pig. . . Pkg. ls. N1!` sdule. mlrr)r\g of Bar- Mrs. Geo. Mr. and Mrs. 15 urrxvul of :1 .4 &- I Sh`I,ECTED BEEF ll prim----HUT--l|Ie Deal In In- Iuul ; (`hum-h ` \\';l.< hold I! \v:I< execunvc xnm-unu Barrie nn Tu(~.sd:n_v. The W.M.S. of r~h..n.h ham 5. ....m '1 me w.M. (.'hur(`h held :1 Tut.-sdny after van... 1:: come ume wnn hm` (I:H1)1hh- Gen. Shortreed. B::rrn-. Crnighurst Visitors at Y.| The weekly nu.-(mm: of th- was held nn MorIri:uy 1-vvmru Andrew's Church. `Flu: mm-1 opened by Rev. Mr. West which the officers fun thn V-.4-.' installed in an in'1pn-.~.~.:w.- The president. Alnss (}r:)(`1: I then took the ('h.`m` um! we llhe Craighllml socu.-lj.'. `A fun h` 5-d wilh thpm fnr vh:.I mm-tun wm. Newrnzm 1.-,zr.-o dress on "Worship" how it should be en its rewards. Aflcr devntional games. In mom. James Parnell an mnmrnng to Turun` show. The `NA (J H. Joe Webb, who is is improving. . Bill and Frank C`: IS Improving. and Frank (`M YTIOIOI`'d North llmkll mun! _ .`4f< .KL-In Mun: 2- n tho wt-c-kt-ml` hen-_ No. 7 2 lb. Prvmium Pkg. U lllicu V7 .Au.n. The Women's Missionary Society` of St. John's Church met at the par- sonage on January 9, with eighteen present. Meeting opened with quiet music, Mrs. Grucey at the piano and Mrs. W. A. Graham with violin; call to worship. by Mrs. Bate; scripture reading by Mrs. Verne Benrdsali; prayer by Mrs. Gen. Bauidry. Pro- qrnmme committee for February are Mesriumes Campbell. Smart, Keeley und Spring. Plans were made for taking up the study book. "BuiIrie2':~: (if the Indian Church." Paper, ~-'I`hmmhte nf Pr::vnr wax` niven hv Have you read the advertisements? xangnursx s4 zith them fm Nnur rn n n 1 N1. 21 HILLSDALEQ WYEVALE lb. 13- 19 15- 19- 21 U! the lnmznn pnurcn. ru|)L-r, "'l`h0ughts of Prayer." was given by_ Mrs. W. N. Bradley. Chapter I of the study book was dealt with by Mrs. S. E. Campbell. An enjoyable lsumnl hour was spent at the clnse. 1 I I Junior Institute CI:l9I.S I`hirly li)((,'$ were in attendance ut the Junior Institute C()lIl S(`. on its upvning day. Monday. The morning: was devoted to exchantze of hints and vnultimg rvri[)es nnd :1 paper on H`('hlII)l llIll('h('.\` was rend by Ruby Hurt. l\/Hue l<` Dunn: utnrto-ll thu lIIt'llIl)l'l'S 55;. 29;: 1Ul`(`h the lIlll'lalIrIllI-lll an The annual llM`t.'UlI1; of the Film- V:llL'-t"lus Hnrticultnrzil Society was ]t('|(l in Mrs. W. N. Bru(tle_v'.v. on Fri- ttuy ovvninp.-,. with t'it't-on nwxnbc-r.~; |)l'(`S(`l\1. H. N. Hunter. president. M-- vnpivd the vt'.'iir. After it short mt- (trvs:: by the presirtc-nt_ tho fin.'in(-inl report was prosvntett and was most (!t1(`Ullt`lL{it1;{. 'l`h<-re W(`t`(' fifty-three menibers in the society in 1934 and tho trc,-nsui'(-i".~: l`(.'p(JI't stmwc.-rt a but- '.'im'o on hand ruf $25.74. Reports of prize, option (I show cu|nmit.t(.-es: Wt'l`(,` ])t`t.'S(`l)l\ A general discus- sinn I`u1lmvud on \Nnys and nu-ans: 0t' lwzilttifyimz the tnwn. W. '1`. Linton prt-.~:idu(t for the election of nl`t'ico1's as futtmvsz F'resi(tL-nt. H. N. Hunter; ts`. Vicv Prvs., Mrs. W. N. Bradley; 2nrt Vice t'l'('.\`.. l\/Irs. W. A. Mulonlmi Sou_v.-'I`i'(=n.s'.. Mrs. Gen. Bznilrlry: Dir- 1.-i-tnr:s'~-Ono your term. Mrs. C. F}. (`um-lnnd, Mrs. Frvtl Dl'_VS(t:l|C. Mrs. `A. I-I. Spring, W. T. Linton and Wm. Wnltnn: two your term. Mrs. C. Llnyd (fnpeluml. Mrs. W. J. McGuire, Mrs. Jns. Smith, Mrs. W. C. Slubbs nnrt Rvv. 't`. D. Jones: Pm.-ss (`arres- pmidcnt. W. T. I.intnn: Amtitnrs, S. A. 'l'inninL' unrl P. .1. Crnv. 'l`he var- nururuy t 4 1 i Hurt. Miss E. I :u.{u .\'turtr(l the l||L'llIl)I'l'S who urv lukilw, up lnnsketry. by in- ~:lru(-l.jn;1 on v:u'im1.w st:-p.< in thu- wurk. 'l`lm :|Tl5II`l\IIlIll l"1I`:\' illKII`lI('H(Jll wurk. The ufu-rumor} 1-lzlss in.x`tI'uclion |)l'()V(`(l very inter:-slim.:. lVIr.s'. Slav- ~-rl (1:-:4 ilwtl the l)l`l)L`( ml" wunl |)I'()V(`(l Inter:-sumz. lvlrs. mav- ~-rl (ll'H(,'l'i|)(`(l process from the time it ll`:lV('S the sheep's hm-k until m:1(h.- inln smno l'm'm of :u'licI<:. The n`! 01' Inanking V('L{(`l:Il)ll' 'l_\ t.` was ulsn explained. Samples nl` wuul wuuvinp, were shuwn and in- -atrnclimm on how ln muku u wnnl vnnttress. up I 1- lv `JVIP,-3. I';. lvInnl,p_mm~1'y. . Mr. and Mrs. W. .l. (h'.'I('1-,_V am. "2 J. D. Smnrl :cIl-Inlvd t|u- nmlur shmx in 'Fm`ml.n Hui.-: w<-ck. Mr. and Mrs. Ilnmlrl B0 and ('hI|~ ~'r|r(*n of Gilfm Wt'I`l' mu-. at H14 hmlw of Jns. Hill rm 'l`lun-.cd:u.v. Mr. and Mrs. (is-u` Hlxrlrmn nr Hmn- H` ilton Imvu lwnn vi.~4ilinu lhu |(Illl'l'.." purmnts. Mr. um! Mm. Jnsz. Hill. Quilt: n numlwr :m- inking: :|dv.'ml mze of the l~`.|mv::l:- Jllllinr ln::ti1ul<- ` and Juniur l":mm-I'.: shnrl mnIr.~:v.<. Mrs. I. A. Slt'])h1'II::nl1 and Mrs. W A. Mnlvulm :nt1v,-n1l-tl :: lIH'(.'lill[.', oi` the l r=s|)_vlm'i.-m W.lVI,.'\'. 1.'\'l'(.`lIliV\ lv Barrio mu l`m-.~:t!;n_v. I`hc~ l'l|m\ru|<- Wmm-n`.~~ IIIHHIIIII-I will mm-1 nu I-`.-in-.u niuln .'.. Iln. mus cunnmuees also were uppmmen. ]\/Irx. Bnuldry was appointed (10!- (:;,::m- to uH.(3n(1 the llnrticultlxrnl unnvvnliun in 'I`nrnnlu, l3`cbrunr_\' 2!- 22. with Rev. '1`. D. Jones as altern- ate. A hourly vote of thanks was ext:-nded to Robert .Inne.< for his nhlc :1ssisl:|m'c in preparing for the 193-} flmvur show. A vule of thanks was also nxlontlvd In Mr. and Mrs. Hrnrlluy for the use of lhvir hnmc for `ho Int-1-linu. rte. Mrs. Wilson nt` Turmnu is spend- ing a fvw xvuuks '1! Mrs. W. T` Harms. ' fjnitn n nlnnhnr nnuind hair nrn ))( )ll(l(/`I11. W. '1'. mnum: .`\ll(lIIO|'S. D. 'l'ippin;.: Gray. iuus cmnnwillees also uppmnterl. I\/Ir.-<. B.-mldrv mmuinted 1 ' wunu a-mum.-, .\`('('lllS I!) no mo um- v.-r ul` lhv duy. Mrs. Civnrgq A. Spec-rs is _. :1 |(`\\' (lays with Thnrnlun h'n~nd.-4. I 4 J`h.- mun are still keeping: the mud if:-um Ivy nut to the Highway upon i fm'_ mu` `. L Dun-is Bnlurr has returned homv .'.|t'Ivr vi.~:i1in;,- fric-n(l.\' in 1.1-l'm_v simu- 5(`hri. an, r.,,,. In` -,;uxu' nu uugu. Mrs. l{ntU!u1`ll1 l'|,`('(`i\ t'd u um-ssangw un Mnmduy murnim: that h('I`n1UU1(`l`, IV1r.x'. Bray. haul an snrinus unurmmn fin (lslmwu hn.~*pi1:n| fur gull stnm-s. `She has l11:1ll_\' l'riund.~* in this com- jmnnity who urv zm.\'inu.< for her re- ` ('n\'DI'\'. Rev. and Mrs. A. 1 . Stanley are `taking :1 nmnlhls holiday. Yt \Hnl.n T\.\nn.uHu evxnni -1 fun: tuning, -I lllUll|llb Iuluuuy. Nliss Violet Dnnnelly spent :1 few dglys last week with lhends in Bar- Flt`, ' HZIITIS. Quite a mlmbxfr confined to then` mumps. Miss I-`lam Young .uc| uuuu: ucnx . l ! Jack Murphy Jr.. who has becjn wunfim-d ty his bed for n \\'ce_`k. xs ;:Ible to 1):` up and around agam. i nu... \r_. \-I Vnnnnot ml` 'T`I\.\v-I\0.\v\! \ nu muuun. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dawson attended Ihv funvml nI' lhvir um'|u. Ml`.A1l(!l1. `:11 Tlmrntnn. on 'I`m_-srluy. ('3. A. Spent: hud tho mi.s`l`urtum-. \vhil<- xvnrkinp, :11 \\'un(l in the bush {lo 1:-t the and 411" :1 log fall (In um- lmnti. Nu hum-s are brnkvn but ii is `h.'ul|_v .~;\\/nllvn and ;:i\'in;. :1 Int 0!" ` mun. I Mr. and Mrs. (3:-or-,zc Rnl)('I`tsnl), nun-um n lulu-u th1|si:n. Bum]. Young: [I0 ll`l ` hn(l|_v p.-nn. ` 'l'ho ` 'l`ho unnunl mm-tin-,1 of H11` I`rush_v- ll:-riun church \\'iH` hv he-Id J.'1X1ll&lI`_\' 23. :11 2 [).m.. in lhv vhurch. A full mm-ting w vunm-v;.::|linn is :1sl:~ ml us thurv is :1 Int ml" l)ll.~:ilH`SS In 3 bu -,:nm- lhmugh. up! -. uxu. 1u.... ll.....n...Il. ....... Miss Yu naall School sp< !hm' home here. I I'.__|.. 11.. aunt uv ur up uuu uluullu uguun. Mrs. \'vrmm Jennett of Tlmrmon` spent a few dalys lust \\'t L`k with her parents. `Vlr. and Nlrs. Eb. Harris. !\.I`.u\|\ n\1I\\I\l\O|\\v nuonnulnrl l.'\ [p1|lL'|l|.\. lV|l. uuu nus. nu. uunnn ' Much s_vmpath,\' is extended ln `Mrs. Jack Murphy and family in the death of husband _zmd father. Jack `Murphy. who passed '.uva_\' very sud- ldenly from pneumonia. ! 1`$\.\ \'DC huh! Ha -~.;nn\.\.- .n...~.0 ' \u_un_v u uul yucuunnuu. The \'.P.S. held its regular meet- ing Monday night. with :1 good at- tendance. The meeting was in charge of the vice-president, Miss Ethel Har- ris. and a missionary talk was given by T. L. Young. The service in Grenfel United church on Sunday. Jamuary ti. was Inknn by Ray Bishop, Dr. Perkins and Jack Walsh of the Y.P.S. of Central church. Barrio. On Sunday. J:tnuar_v 13. Rev. A. MacVicar at Ormia took charge. \ II\\`l_V. I|1.s-litutv Ilisvulsst-s School l.lIIu-hes nu, , n r.. . ... .1... Wund (`ll(lillL', to I -1' nl` llw :l:|\' ss. llortit-,ulturul S01-In-I..v ..I .... 1.1` oh. svhuu Ahhr ..-Inn (Jill illllll. Miss V. Stylus ul' Kilwurthy wn.-2 u glwsl ml Mr.~:. I), (I. ("hrisliu uvvr (the wee-ke.-ml. ) Mrs. A. RU|)in.<.uI| 111' L`ult!wnter is `spending; :u fa.-w (lnys with hm` sisztt-1`. ,Mr.~:. PI. Mm1|p_mm;'y. 3 Mr,m11l`/Ir: W _l (:.~-u-..v nn: ,__. .._.u_ n.r:._.. United W.M.S. GRENFEL l Young of Toronto Nor- spem the holidays at l we. around here nrel hnmos with the% Miss Mary Fletcher is spepding two weeks with friends in 'I`0mntn. Inn. 1:: v ru n._._I... _......_a An... wu vvccna wnn uncnua un Aununu-.l Mrs. W. J. C. Boake spent the weekend in Orillin with Miss Ht.-Ion `Bnake. T\/[re flnnmln Hill hnc r.-hi:-n:-1| unake. Mrs. George Hill has returned home after spending the past hnli- day season with her .~:istur.~: in `For- lnntn. 4\_. u- n:_.,.__..__ unuu. Orville Simpson of Fleming. Man., was :1 recent visitor with his aunts. Mrs. Jumieson. Mrs. (irusu and Ivlrr; ` J A. Corbett. ` a nu... .........L...... ..r on r....|.,v,. ur A u (x. \,un u\.u.. : The members of St. Jude's WA. are packing :1 halo of second-hzmd clothing for Northwestern mlit-f. Article-:~: for this bale are .-m'n<-sally solicited from all nxcrnlx-`r.< n!` thr- _church and are to be left at Mrs. W. I E. Grey's by the end of this wm-k. ("n L`.-Iplnu ..unnin.r In.-I uh f`:. `I .-.. \n\:_y 3 u_y mu Cnu u. H... \'vl`(`l\. On Friday evening l.'t: the Girls Brant-h ul` St. Jurlt-`.~: W.A. hold their I mnnthly meeting. Although the :11- 1(}lt(llI1L`L' was small. thin wan. H \'u1'_v unjn_v:tl)lc tnectimz. A pitmn min tvzts given by,Miss I.illi.'m Stl'V\'1ll'l and :1 vocal solo by Miss lA`lHit'(` Jnmiesnn. lllU.'l'(_'SlilU{ i11iss iun::tg\'l :~:toric-:~: W('I`L* rt-ml from the Girls` Dv- [)1ll'UT]L`lll of tltv "l.iving; lWl`.\'.\.l_:'_1` I I by Misszus Lillian Julmstnn .-mil Lilli illl Stewart. .11....-.... -n)uynu,, u vn~1~_y mm mm vnru=.'I trip um lhvir nf llw inlt-11-.~:lim,' p|:w(-s ml :11 \v:1.< llw Springs. wh1-r(- (r:u7..\` are mmuII':Iclnrml. Hoclul lvlw-nlng l'ur Mi.s`.s' N. Gllmurv Ahmn .~ In-i_:'_hlmr.~; uml frit-n(l.~: uf Mists` and l)u\\'I1(~_v'>. 10 to ml" 110!` depznrlurv in lr:1inin;.' :: Vi('\uriu US|)H:!|. .x`yw,nl, uznm-:; uml 4-uni:-` W:ml:;umln-m- Heals I`}IlHV:l.lI' Thu VV:ml`muslu-vu- inlt-rnw(|i:1lv llnckt.-_v It-um nu-I lhv Incnl It-um in lhv Elmvznlv rink nu 'l`uvslu_v nigzht. when the visi1m':< \v':m(|ui::)w(l thv lnvuls by an .~:<'m'(- ul` 5 In I. 'l'hv vi."- iling lumu \w-n- big, husky chaps; cmnpnrt.-ti wilh tho I~2Imvul- buys. Ellnvzllc lino up \vx1.\.~ fulluw.-.': Gunl, Jns. Bull; rh'I'vIu'n', .l:u'k Rilrlliv, (}l`:l< hmn Whillun; Isl linv, 'l`im Butt.-. ()0- oil From-h, Hwy Arnnldz 2nd line. Gruhuln (`ln'm1i-. I-`run:-i.-: .`x`mm-, .In.~:. Cr:Iwl'm'xl. I m. .......-. 3 n. . .. .11. St. Jude's A.Y.P.A. nwetinp, on Monday night \v:n.~'. in e|m1'g,- of the` l`irH1, viee-presirlent, Vernrm Jennetl. (`ulvin Jennetl was; :Ippninlt'(l seeunrl vice-president, to fill the v:u':1m-Av left by the recent re.~:i;:n:nliun n1` l`e(l Murrow. Mrs. Reid was zlmminled 30-remry of A.Y.P.A. Monthly." Al letter ml" 1.:re(-ling was read from lhel presitlent. Miss Belle Sn-\\':n'l. Misw] Mary Reid gave :1 piano snln and `Mrs. Reid gave :1 missirm:|r_y rendin:'.. Rev. 1". V. Ablmlt rent! an article from 'I`h(.- (ThuI`ehm:m" by (fzmnn (.'. I V. 1"`i|cher, heingz one in:~:l::lmmnl UH his series on ehureh nmsie. Next week's; meeting-, will he held M the hume 0!" Mrs. Reid. `, l`rinity Y.I'.S. Officers At last week's lT)(.'('lill,'. _ uf '[`rini\_vI Y.I".S.. 13`rid.'1y nighl. the l`nllnwin:.; ufl i(:ers were eh-elerl: )"re.~4i(l1-n1. Eth- el Hnlbert: Vice-Pr .. ._ Dm`isI1n'm-II: S('(`_V._ Genevieve Junuienrmz As-51.. 1.i- lu Cousins: 'I`re:n.<.. Ed. IVlzn'tuIi:~:; Um veners hf ('nmmiHe:-.s- (`In-i.~.-mm Fellowship. Ruyrnnnri E.'I.\'1nn: (`iti- 7.en.s'hip. Eleanor Mr-Ken`/.ie: Mi:<:~:iun- ury, Jacqueline Cumerun; I.itt-rury. Jack Reynolds; Sm-iul, I.~4uht.-I Cur Pianist. Lillian Tlmmpsrm: As. .. `f~`|0renee Spencer. Al the meeting.-, an I`uesda_v night, Rev. G. M1-(`mu mack gave :1 short lznlk intrurluein_L: the new study book. "The l`r:m.*:- forming: F1'ien(Iship_" and the ray]! call was answered by :1 \'(-r24(- 01' Scripture ('0nl:1inin;.; the \vm'ri "frienrl_ I`hn.-:0 lnkinv mum in tho "friend." I`hn.~'(_- taking part in tho wor.-ahin sorvimr were Joan P.nnlu-. Doris Ptirnoll. Olive Muri`i.~:un and Er]. Marquis. 'l'h(.- tupiv was lulu.-n by the prcsidt-iit, who i-wit-u :-rl in 21 must il`llL'l`('S1ilI}.{ rnmmvr thv chap- ter. "'I`hc Ru.-id tn E|(lm'n(lr_" from tho inis.s'i(mur_\' study hunk, " I`i':ai|x and Tales iii the Nurthlzmd." Y.[ .S. l`ulu>.s Church Servici- The service in l`riniL\' Churr-h Inst Sunday evening \vn.<; taken by the Y.P.S. Miss Etht-1 H:1lbm't_ l7 |`t-si- dent. hud char},-'c of the n ]L'(`iinl.`, us- sistt-(I by tlw pustm`. 'I`hz- s(,'riptur:~ lesson was l`('l(i by .I:wk Rr:_vnuId:; nnrl lilt! Uf)('l1ili_L{ prziycr was i{lk(`Il by Ed M.'irqui< I`hL- thvnw for the 1-vi-nin_L: \-Jzis i`li(`I1(i.`4hi[). Miss Fl- naiinr iVi(`K('l1'/.il` j.{il\7L` :1 \ (*I`_\' I'im- tulk on this snhjc-('t. rt-I'(-rrint: iill'1,1(.'i_\' tn the t'ri(.-nrl.s'hip uI' .h-stis. and Miss Jncqtu.-lim- (';mwmn ;5:ivL- the pr()ln;.:ur- tn the now sttirly hunk, "'1`r.'1nst`m'inin_-.3 F`riendship." by Los- lio Withu.~:h<-ad. t-rmclurlirig with thv four visions showing hrnv Jesus can t.1':msform the btisim.-ss lite. hume- lifu, cullegze life, and even the most lom-ly life. after which the pastor instziilvd thu- nt't'i('(,-rs fur 19.'5. Tho |chnir was cmnpn.-;o(l nt members of the Y.P.S. '1`h(- Harmony Mule Qn:u'tc-tt- xvns znlsm presvnt and rent!- lt-rc-rl t\\'n \'t`l'_\ l'inv Sl.`it'('iif)nS. The .K`(`I'\'i(`l' \V."1< \'(`!`\' ht-lnflil nnri lhncn (-zui was answered Lu 0] Qtit k5l:1(:KslUL`K; As Sun-_\'. and Mix |.1 w Yh\n|'\-- `went by car and sloigli tn Hillsdzilr Knox Pl`t`.\`D_\'ll`l`lll (`lniri-li St`l`\ l(".` iii '.'.30 p.in. /\ll_L{ll(`illl St`l`\'ll`k`.\` next Suiidiwt Si. Jolin s. 11 ii.m.; S1. P;iiil's. 1.30 p.m.. St. Peter's. 3 p.m.; St.- James. 7.30 p.iii. St. J0lin`s ziniiiinl iiioctiiig ;ind| supper Monday. at T p.iii. Shower for Newly Weds A shower was gix-cii Mr. and Mrs. E. Ellsmcrc on Fl'ld;))` last. in which l'm'1_v~f0iii* were `.1 pill`l_\`. lvlany beau- tiful and useful gifts \\'t`l`(` showered upon the _\'i)ung couple. Mi`. and Mrs. Ellsinere spoke :1 few ivords iii" wiirin thzuiks to all present. lvliisic. dancing and i'et`i'eshiiienls cuiivliidi.-d ii pli-usmit evening. Y.P.S. Visits llillsdale Fifteen lnt`l`nbl1l`S of the Y.P.S. on iVIoiiday vvening wlioro they \\'t`l`L` onteriaiiiz-d by the \'.} .S. of Si. An- drew's. ."\fl.L`l' the iiisiiilliitiuii 01 their 0ffl(`l'S. Max Craig presided] A paper was given by Rev. W. New- nmn. Weiners and coffee (`UIl(`hldt`d ('l`l'(l l\\'U \'l'l'_V HIM` Sl.`|l'('HI')nSl '1'? .\`(`I'Vi(`C was \'m`_v hvlpful and those \','h0 \\'on' not Ul('l'(' mis:~:('d some- thing worth while and it is hoped that the Y.l".S. will put on -'l'llII1hL'l' S('l'\'i('t` in the noun` future. 'I`riniL\' W.M.S. 'l`1'iniIy W.M.S. held their Jnnllnry n1ou1in_L; un Wvclnuscluy nflvnmon :11 l,ln- hmm: 01' Mrs. W. ll. L.'umpl)(`lI. The scripture It-sson was taken by Ivlrs. Bunkv zmd lhv dt,-\'nti(>nnl lv:1|'- lvl by l\`h'::. Le-mmx. The study book \.'u.~' taken by ::(`\ ('l':l| nu-mlwrs un- (lvr lhu lvndm~ 1in nf Mre Mr-(`nu-m- .\ gwen D_\` Kev. W. New- \Vc.im.*rs and coffee concluded the evonmg. Craighurst Y.P.S. on '1`ucsda_v next. I..iler;u'_\' meeting. 1 New Officers St. John's \\'.A. 5 St. John's W.A. held their annual nmetmg on Wednesda_\' at Mrs. '1` C. Craig's. about twelve present: Mrs. G. Snider \\'u.< elected Presi- dem: Mrs. C. Bell. Vice-Pres; Mrs. Nvwxnnn. Seer; Mrs. Craig. '1`rens.: Mrs G. Wmkms, Dorcas Sec_v.; Mrs. E. Ellsmerc, Organist. Four new members joined: Mrs. Bell. Mrs. Pedlinghann Mrs. Pitt. Mrs. E. Ells~ mere. A supper was arranged for the annual meeting of the Vesu';v'. CRAIGHURST THORNTON x I 1 mnkt-_ . aka.-n I ..4 ml wnv CONTINUE 9! %C0UGH1NG- I NIIIH. Imp um! ('|Iil(|l`I l'ruII1Hwllilllilu-i111: John (`mvun Jr. is lvndlm: llu- lhr:-.~|n-r.-:' Mrs. Llnyd Hmllh zn Vin Bnuth urn Ihv mu friuml.-s this \VL'1*Ii. Mm-In :;)'|1\p:ull|x |.~. 1 J. Smylh in lhv la.-;.~; Ila-r|wrI Smylh, ml` Sh .`s'trmul I'M-.\h_\`I:-rizn pl:-'5 Sm'it*L\' \'\ iHl(h`l`\` mo-ntim: In .-nllw-ml lh For :1 slight c;1lgl1 ur 1| deep seated lwremchiul eunditiun there is unly nne .e. '| re:1lmem. Hundreds ul" UlII'Cll.\'lIlI11L Y'\' pru- el:1im this Quick s\ctin|-4' Syrup the lvesl lhey have ever u.~`e\l.| Fr<>n1 the first muse relief will` ipe _ \\'!m 15 l1etle`r.~1i1l.` l I V | `nun-rxur :1 I gum]. Hv hi: k.'Il('h<-\-.':m 1' I'm'nn~|'|_v ml` (`ullisti . . ._. u I I I IHIII llll. lIl.`| \l|l,`L ILHLI \\xxI' ~he uhtztined. \\'h:1l l1ctlcr>1ill. |Hl`ul1L`lliIll it is e:ts_\' on lhc .\1um:1ch. (m to |)uug l:1s' I)1'ug SIm'c:1I1.i ask for :1 lmltlc ml" /\lHl11tIIIi:IlL \I] (.'<>u_Ql1 Syrllp. Yuan` \vun'l 1'c'g'rcl il. I):l_`.\'ML".\ if _\'nu arc nnl cnlircl.\' >:1li.\I`ic.l they` will L'l1c::rl'ull_\' rufum! .\'u1`i ll]nHC_\'. H`! ` 'l`hu l`.'Iul'.s' .- unnuul 1 `II \I H! mrung m nuu 1mm mo com All the classes \\'cre swzunped. Mr. Lntlejm be the speaker next Sunday. MPQ R\~ri hn next aunaay. Mrs. Bird has `after spondmg :1 `brother. Elmo Q In-: Rn-irl nf '1 II MITCHELL SQUARE Ii Miss Laura Wheeler `isiting hm` parenls. Miss AEl1t' Tavln Phone 222 for good jogprmtmg. A1 lhv :mmI: Stnnul | l`('Nl))'ll'l lnwim: uffix-1-r.-; ' lll:l|I:|3.',(`l1H`l|l lm; Wm. (':mm|u-ll. .`a'N'n-l:I1'_\'. lrvnu II luwmnr kn BELLE EWART :l('('m1IlI. Wu-bl) um! Elmt.-1` Blm-k minim-(l .'mrli1m'.< 1'-urilu-(-m11- '|`|x(- r'|mirm.'m of 1.h<- mr.-:-l- Rulmrl Sniln-rlzlnrl. prv.~1~ ht: 1-nlnnzunv ~n :1 1)Iu-no \v:n.< <~n1 ull (~ffr)r1 \v:n: made in pay -(mm. : returned to Toronto :1 few weeks with her Dunn!) of McMaster will \ the Baptist church IVI nu-- Thr- mm-I: mo woelu-nu wxm ms parents. Miss Kathleen Smith returned Sat- urday after spending a few days in 'l'nrunm_ l1|\\..w nu Frzmk ~:pcndim.L fril-ml,-4 :1 l'llIII`.\' '|l| ` I I Norman Smith of Toronto spent `the week:-nd with his parents. Kathleen Smith 1 ' I'm'unIn. fix.-; ])ull_\' Jnhnsnn, who has been `the gm,-2:1 of Mrs. I-I:n'r_v Smith rm- tho past three weeks. returned to Toronto nn Sundnv. nu: I . . r-. 1..n A.` l`.~i on`. Warm thanks \\'\`l't' given thv hosts. Mr. and Mrs. John Ix ;-nny. the \v;u'd- , ens and ul'l`xcor.<. thc \\ .;\.. lhv org- unirzl. Fl`:-d Puriruhzv. and the \'x`slr_\' clerk. Wm. Purlrxdge, fur Ins cure of the firvs and liglxts. About thirty 1|In|~.\ M nunni 'munI,v mm mzmv sow-rul calls nerc Ilmt. \\ l, (.'k. Mi.-::: R().\'l'l11nn(i Kirby mm.-rtuim-d HUI 1-!::.~'.s'vn:m-.~' :11 um :1l'1c1'nmm ton `in re-lvhmlinn uf hm` two;-_lI`lh birth- day on l`m-.~:tI::_v, .lznm;n'y H. A very iv.n_`;n)'::hlL time is ropnrtvd by tlmsv I 4 '.','Im .'111(-MIL-(I. I RlId(`l'i('|{ \V:n'(l. : I'nr \`l'\'|-PHI \':-:n'. In ill'IU.{l.` ITIIIH h(?l`(`| u muxh-:1 1| H.'\l`-. ........... .... Miss Loni: `(lay my!` last ' ,i(l:1. wlu.-re: 5 H:\-nu |':u- uiv L'|\'l`H II_\ `and HI!` Mlrlrlh-In` L. ll)I`()lH The h_\' DI`. (Mu an 1\\'f`.t`K Mrs. Herb S and with he: Henderson. T0: (`nllinuu-and u-..auu un Iuvvuu uuuavu : H935, after an IHHCSS uf two days. lcausurl by heart \\w.-aktmess. The fun- luml was held on January 9 to the Mennnnite church and Stayner cem- etery with Rev. Mr.'H0muth and `Rev. Mr. Buckberruhgh taking the . The pallbearers were: Duncan Buie. A. Pridham. John Mc~ Arthur. W. McGuire. W. Bell and D. Ross. Friends from a distance attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Almer Gibson. Georgina Island: Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Gibson. Mrs. J. V. Buffey. `Mrs. W. F. Abbott. Toronto: Mrs. J. .Cih and danrrhtnr Mr: An-tn: vvtmxnx Ilnrn I llnwzm 'PllI`l|IlfA Mrs. w. r`. Aonou. Toronto: Mrs. J. Gibsnn and daughter. Mrs. Amos Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Girdwond and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Girdwood. 1C`ollim.!wn0d. M1`. Cihznn was burn in Hnldimnnrl L unnmzvmoa. Mr. Gibson was born in Haldimand county In 1852. He was a Baplxst. in religion. Two sons. two daugh- ters, four brothers, two sisters and six grandchildren survive him. .1. H. 1_.::wron('e spam 1 in Milmn. Tho whixt (-1111) met IVh'.<. Gm. (,`un:~'l:Il)l(-'s : .-vnninu um.\~I. rrvu Manx`:-mu. and mo \'t`su'_\' hl.\` firus \\-vrv m`usL-In. A shnrl mco\In_v, uf the St. .l:nm`s W.A. \\'as held (In l`uo.~:d:|_\' whvn Mr.'~`.. R. Acunlc-_\' \vu.~` l`h`\`lI_`(l P1`vsi(l- em; Mrs. A. 1-2. l`urtrul;,w.-. Vnco.--I`re.<.; Mrs. P. Caldwell. St.`\'}'.; Mrs. 1-`, Partridge. '1`rvn.s`.; Mrs. Kenny. Mrs. J. Rix, Mrs. A. Caldwell. Flower Com.: Mrs. I. Aconley, Dorcas Secy.

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