Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jan 1935, p. 7

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` ADLET COLUMN and lVlI`:~1. .1. urrnck. I..O.I.. 3112 hold n \'m')' SllC('(`S.-flll dance New Year's F.\'u. Although roads \\'vrv nut the bust. a lame vruwd gnllu-rod tn (lmwo the New \'nm- in. .V n a nu -`ullulll \rI ..... A v*r_\' slicovssflll svlmnl m'm(:m'l was he-Id un Dovmnln-1' 21 in SS. No. 17 Rev. 1'`. Burner zu'l(`d 11:: rhnir- man and his Inzmy jnkns and slnrios \von- -njnyvd hy lmth pupils and \'i.~`.i(uI`s. NIL Fnx with his humnrnura rondimzs will lmxg he rmnulnlwrml lw thv vhildrvn. I\/lu.- \\'.'\s Sun- renmmzs will long ne reinuinuereu by the sup- plied by Messrs. Ash and Re_vnuld.s. The teacher and children are tn he enmzmttilnted on the fine prugrmn whieh was provided. The Late Mrs .l. A. Coutts Friends and relatives of the lute Mrs. J. A. (`nulls (nee Annie Mnrie Murphy) were stunnerl when news was reeeivetl on Deeemher 2tl that after a severe nttzu-k of pneumonia and :1 prnlmu,'ed henrt ennditinn. she had pnsseil an\\'u_\' ut the Royal Vie- lnrin liusitzil. Barrie. A ilnugzlitei uf Mielmel Murphy. she was burn on the 4th enneesstnn ni Vespru in 1899 and lived all her life in this vicinity. Her life, st) to spenk. was lived in it very shnrl period of time * and \ms made beamtiful by her kind- ness and pet'smtn|i1_v. espeeiziily the - rlmmtinn tn her sisters zmd vmtmzer 'nuss mm pm~s l`SDL`(`lilll)' un- dovution tn yminger hrntlior Rdxvzirrl tllu.s'tcri. whom she rnl.~'.v(l from (`hllt'll\ ller llfl`. OH uurth (`UlnDl(`lt`. (lad .\'ll\\' fit tn lulu- hor mid nltlmmi tho sympntliy nt the mmmunity is with tlmsc left to mourn. it is lwnutiful to think of the wnrrls \lllt`l`l`t`l by our Sa\'inLn'. wlwn llv dlvd nn tho (`rn:<.< .\`tl_\'ll1}.'.. "l<`mlior. inn. l`h_\' hamcls l (`Ulnl1lt`l\tl my spirit. nnrl tn think that uvt-r_v thing: pnssililo \\':1.~` (lane to comfort and l`(`lll`\'(' l1(`l` rlurin;: her illness un earth mid that .~:hc- has gain: In it place \-cliorc w" will all mm-t 2lL',('tIH. Slit` lvnvus tn muurn hm` l1ll.\'htlll(l und mo child, Dnnnld. who is 01-\u-n vvnrs of am`: hor fnlhur. Miohm-1 I\-Inrphy nf Midhursl; Rm`: of Mid- hursl. Mrs. Iv`. Garvin ul` Dctrnn, Mrs. D. Shmmhzm _nf ,'1`m'nntu, Ed ward (Hu. of Kirkland Lnkn` Survicv \\'u.< hold in St. I\'I:1x`)': Church. Barrie. :11 ll) :1.m. un Fri- (Iay. D00. 28. and was in (-lmruo 01 Very Rm-\'. Donn S\\'e0m-_\'. Inter- ment louk plnco at the United churc`h vonwlory at Midlmrst :11 11.13 ' undor the din-(`Iinn nf Rm`. (3. C`l'1lS(~. nun |\n-II-tn`: uuu-n Fri and Hm`! 1W\lI`- Gl`.lll'(`h l`(`HH`l(`l`_\' (H l\'ll(lHlll'Sl ill |l.l.l ' Pull lwznw-rs: xvorc Ed. and Hon`! Mur- phy. hrUlht`x's; Dalton and Lvu Dur- un and ln.`nn:u'd and \7('rrnI (`mitts Those nttvnding the funorzll from A r`Hx`L'H\l"I\ m-nv Mr. and Nlrs. P`. Gau`- nttvnding lhv lunoral xrnm 2| di.\`lnn(`v_` wvru: Mr. \'in of Dvlrnil. Mrs. D. Shnmlhun nl` '[`m'(ml0. Mr. and W[l`.\`. Con. Coutts and sun Jack M` Bmdfurd and C. Cuutls. Tnmnm. Aurnrn. Kn) Steele and Both Slu\v:n`t. nl Tornntn xvvrc ;.:\m.~'ts at Frank Steele's. run (: S:u\\'\'m` has In-on confined Happy Nvw Your to all. Miss Mur;,'nr(`t N1-illy spont lhv hnlidny at Mrs. A. /\p|)1t`lOl\':-I. Knv Stm-In and Steele's. Mrs. G. Su\\g\'or has bcon tn hm` bed with :1 severe cold. but is improving. l\1lss C`:nmim,: nf Barrio will ho {ho h`:u'hcr in Gilfurd school for the h:1lanr`e M the school yom`. Thu x-uchro and dzmcv hold on Now \'o:u"s Eve in tho cmmmmiI_V hall \\'us :1 decided s11(`(`os.<. Mr. and I\1rs. Bnyco and family mu! Mr. and Mrs. \\'. Stroltun nl '|`n:-nnvn u-urn mu-\`I~.' :11 C H.'ldu(`l"S. MAN WANTS WORK vutlinn \\`0nd or fnrm work or .'lIl_\'lhil'l_lL Apply 100 John 81. In `Au:-unu n\|\ p'.uL.V|..\ (In H. ....\.,,\. I Mr. and Mrx. Russ (`nmcr and l\'Inr;:nn~t uf Barrio \\`on* with his `pnrvnts. Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Cumvr. Mn... v..:..' nmv .-.~ ~:.: no mum at Lem:`an ..I 11 .1 121 nl`. J.n`.u.:zj\' 6 Hm. my \:.<:1n1'.~ ';\'!x.<.~o.< !\lar1~n `.x::n` P~.n'. Hu1c|\nL~m1 ut Tux'nnm_ .\!1.<. _\[.~,;~tha. Rae and }{u_~.:h Camp-, I.-11 st `IV mum emd ML<.~ Jean Mac-` ` ` :\r1hur u .\l:di2md. at then` respec- ;H\'e rgmneg Mrs. Rum. McLar ' Vdauglxlh t` Ton) ' !C;`&?:. r m. Sm-ct-s.~:ful Sn-luml (`nu-vrt MIDHURST -(l\LFORD u \ x on- - and fnmilj . n (P. Bzldgm-1" 1 n........ ... Mrs. J. E. Mac-Donnld is visiting In ']`nrnmn. Bub llnlmvs, ul` Ailsn Craig High Sclmul, is visiting his parents here. I Mr:, Rurlnlnh nnd children of `Schoul, ls vlslllng ms p21l`(`l\lS no;-re. Mrs. Rudolph Wostnn urn visiting at Dr. C. R. Ru- | (IoIph`s. Eldun Gillespie. n suulvnt al. (').A. (3.. Guelph, is visiting his nunts. Misses C. und M. Turner. Nh-u H I`v:uu/lr-v nnri anus Jim nnrl` Misses C. und M. Turner. Mrs. H. I"ra\v1(-_v und vs Jim nml PM. of Turunlu, are vi.~;il.im1 h`i0n(1.~'. in the village and vic.-inity. N11".-4. Louis Fugun and son Alvin nI' '1`m-unln urn gm-ndinu the winter Ivlrx. LOUIS l"u[.',un and mvm 0-.` '1`m-unto are spending the winter with her Iuullu-I`. Mrs. J. Dovitl. Orville Jnmlcsun and [`um Morri- son have relurnv(l tn l)m'.~'.<.-I after spondlm: Christmas at their humus lwru. Mliuu Nlnv Jznninunn 'I`n|`:n|1n null }`OSI'l'ION \Vl\N'l'}*7l) 4 "or. t1'u. mu! v l'\l'l'\l`."l`\' Phnnv !)7R.I lwre. Miss Mn_\' .l:univsnn. 'J`urunlu. nntl Mrs. E. Bvncm-It uf Bleu'k\v:\lm' nrv \'isiti1u.: their purumts, Mr. nnd Mrs. D Jmniosrm. Rnlph Rumble was ru-olcclurl as trustee fur Ilillsclzalv Hvhuul at Hu- nwvlinp, hold by H11`l'Hl(`|)iI)'(`l`s.W('(|~ nostluy morning. Mi 4 [huh Gzmlun. slndvnt 0|` Tur- (?(`ml)(!l` `.51. RM`. D1 . Shnrlt of Burriu prom-11- ml the C'ln'I.~'hnn:; .-4:.-I'nmn in S!` An-- (lI`t`\\"S (7h1.rch. Sumlily. [)1-v. 23. and huplizvd John 1)nvid. sun ml Km . .12!` K. amrl Mrs. \Vv.~'l. v..|... I. ...I ..r Iu'\. an I\. unu nun. vv\'.\|. Juhn Irwin. :1 l'urm01' H-sidvlll Hf Wn\'vrlv_\' um! whn hm! rnsith-(I in Hillsdnlv thu |IiI:-`l I`:-\\' munlh.-:, |)ilS::- ed n\\'n_\' in Hzu'rn- on Stlndnv. Dv- (-mnlmr 30, nfh-r 21 slmrl |l|m- 'l`hv funvrnl wans: In-Id ill W2l\'(`l`ll`)', 'l`uv:`. riny nftm'n(mn. [`Imm- who sm-nl tho \'llll`H(l(` nut any nHm'nmm. 'l`|msc- spvnl nf lhv \'ill:1;.1(,` \\'1-rv: Rm . Jns. K. and Mrs. VVt-st and chil(lrL-n. ut Rncktun; Mrs. M. Hu\\'urH1. with her clmu1h- tor. Mrs. W. Smith. l`rv:;1nn; l\/Trs. C`n:1l(-.~'-R)':In. with friends in TM"- nnlo; Mr. nml Mr J. l".. Mnvnunnlnl and (`url_vlv. in l`-mnlu; Dr. C. R. and Mrs. Rlululph. Ill \Vr~stnn'. Mr. and Ivlrs. Wm. Minn zmd t'zuni|_\', all Nu\\'n1.'u'kvl. (MI! nI' tnwn \'iuilnr<' Mic: Hahn mo 'l'lI(llmp|- ul 'l'urnIllu. \\ lll\ Mrs. .1. Morrison: Miss Dn|'0lhy lhunhlu, 'l`urm1lu. \vilh hcr pun-ms. Mr. nml Mrs. J. ( Rumble; Mr. nml Mrs. A (Turn,-n um! |'mnily, Mr. and Mrs. Jim l)n\'<-mmrt and vhildrmi and Mr. nnd Mrs. (`. Vnllivk nf Rrnnto. ill the hnmu of Wm. l)n\'vnpm't. S|'.2 l\ [is.~; 1.. 'l`urm-r, Mitllzmrl. and W. 'l`u1'n1`r. 'l`nrm1lu, with lhvir p:1rm1t.~4: l\ [iss D. 'l`urm-r. |`nruntn. zmd H. Turner, Nt-wmurlu-1. at UH-ir pur-n1- all home: Mr. and Mrs. M. M:n_\'n:u'rl. Mr. zmd 1VIrs. (`. \Vullu`r and sun llmvurd. Mnrkhnm. at Goo. lluw"& Rlhs lirukon in (`ollhzion Wm. Hm-hzmnn. \\'h(`n rvmrnim: from Ilnrriu nhnul nnnn W(-(1m`:xrln_\'. run hcndlnm; mm :1 lulopl1n1u- h`u<'k. Tim car. :1 (`hv\'rnlM (`0.'u.'h. \v:\s had- I_\' (lnmzuzod. Mr. I!u('l1;m:m \\':1.< st`-4' Vt-rt-!_\' . up and hm! n vuuph` of l'rm'tur-d ribs. ru_-u_._,. N0\\'n1(ll'K(`l. Out uI' (own \'isitnr.~*: Miss Rein Morrison nf Elxnvulo and MISS An- nio 'l'lI(H1u]H' ul` '1'urnltu. WI! Ivlrs. .1, Mnrrisumz Miss Dnrnlhv Humble. nu nu: l'aIl'\ uuun As :1 rv.~:u|t of tho nnminmlnn holrl at Mm\nslnnu. I\rIundn_v aftt-rnnnn. I)uv(-xnl)uI' 31. (ioumzv Burr. fnrnu-r Deputy` Ron-vv. is R1-ovo by n('('lnmn~ tiun: M. I*`1'a\\`lv_\' and I". \Vno(ls will put. up u fight for Depmy Rouvv. Councillor (-nn(iidnlu.~: are Arnnlrl. M('Hln,'h. J. .Iuhn.~:t.-m. I`nllcr, S\\':llns and C. Minor. ' :11 u._ u. II? an n ..Jn1m w e. ; Mr and Mrs Du\':\\' n! 3 :9.-1. who :pent Chnslmas ' `dau 9' Mrs. W. P S! l; . v .1". 1r HlLl..SDALE . nuuun. St. .~\ndrt-xv`.-: W.M.S. ._u.|_` __ . 4. . r 0 PR/\C"I`I(`A1. NIIRSF wmml Iikv rvnrn nf invnlirl nr Iuunx-1-|:m~m~I"< nn Tl!!! BARRIE EXAMINER, BARRIE. 0NT.. CANADA SHANTY BAY I` 1 nu at Dr F R nu.1 ' "I lVIl'\1|lll\.', II A _l0lI_V tum` \vus spa-nl by tlw 1)zn'- 1,`. l.1(.(-{N1}. cuts and Hnldron nl St. .luhn.~: 1sun- land D. A u) School in the svhnnhwuun (nu `< _ . A (llftnn Stm :\vc10 unv Pzxdu)' ovvnnng (N1 the UCCHSHHI hr 8 rlvt ' 1 :rl;1_v o\'on- the annual! (`lu`i. tn-v. An inwl I` in` Wm` mmli<-- ,promptu pm;.:r:nnnw vnnsisllntt of W; ",' Id his will` 10-ilulinns. xum,'.\' and tlinlugxlvs unrl W`--""` '3 n Elnnwo. m4ocU0nsln'tho Sunday Svhnnlw- Curnun Frm go by the clwstrn was given. Rofr(!.~:hxm.-mx` Inn. J. B. 'l' i got dn\\'n'\\'oro served by lhv Adult Bible (-lion :4 m the doctor (Wuss nvr nch (Nd Sunhu:uw1v- (Hhq45L pl l~`.ln\\'nlv.|od and nl'1vI` a few words nf wvl- . . . I7. T{lIl1l( r, 0 1 llvv. vnnH* (hshwhutvd gxs and Candy Iy hud H hwnn n \vvH lndvn [nun nun` fun-nu. `I, ,.,x ._.,., iich :1 rrlsnn. sun S:ln(lm`.<< ' Newmark- I with their`: Lnon. left 44.. uinull JVIISH lVlill') .Imn1::1:m 1-n.|u_v-u mo hnIi(lu_\'.-: II\ |`urnnlu. ])Ul\ilI(l Mv(iuir- .-punt 21 l'v\\' (ln_\'.~: in 'I`urunln Iuxl \\ (`(`k. Miss Nnrmn (Pugs is viseilinpz \vilh ht`I` nunl. Mrs. H:-ull, in '|`nrunlo. 'l`lms, Shznmhnn is ::|)l`lllHlIl1 n f('\\' wm-ks with |'ri-n in l`m`umL Mr` and Mr W. .l. (Brut-4-_v spout Sun(l;u_\' with |lIl'll(l.\' :11 Allnnrlnh-. W. (`. Hitvhiv hm; horn 4-m::u.:L-rl us stuliun um-nl nl Ill|:l('\.\'lH>(I_ Ont. lVIi.~:.~: l".. A. Hvmn-ll has l'!'llll`lH"(| nu...` |...ma,....... 5.: |....- 1...... i.. (n~. m ilIl('I' ilhn. Kc Yt-nr.~: luv:-. Misr: Mnrllm MM-`zulcln-In unrl Jn.-2. I\II(:lml(l:-n nsilc-ml their lln('h' .'Il (`m:k:~:tnwn lnsl \ \ l`(`k. Miss Int-7. llivklingz Ivfl un Mmnrlny for Mmmlnin (`hula-H wlu-ru :slu- lm.-: hnnn tunlnnnll nu It-tn-hnr \()(II(!~:Il)\\'ll HIHI \\ l`(`l(. I win- hm.-n ongzuzt-(I us U-2u'h-r. Mr. and I\ Ir.s`. S. 1-}. (`nr lsnhvl and W. S. (`nnm Sunrlny \\ lUl I'I'ivn(ls In '1 All nlzwo.-; of l)|l.\ill(`N.`4 l KI\("l'lL`1\l. Nlluhr. \\'mnn mu` care of invulirl m` In-IN-l pm sitinn nr mmzing: uf any kind. :\mxL\' Box "D." I<`.xnmim'r. In hm.-n mugzuu-(l u-2u'n-r. (`nm!)vH, Miss (`mnphvll spt-nl I`umnln. plum`.-; WIH (`Insu- (`\'(l') lliL',h| <-xw-pl S:IHn'Iluy_ h(`L{il)- ning JIIIIIIEIY) H, fur .lmI\lm'y. IN-h ru.'n'y nml Mnrrh. TVIi<: Mnrmn'r-1 lh:-.1.-nl` Pivlun, N H . WIISS Ann Slur:-_v u\.'1-r N1-\\' Yvn .. A. 'l`. (`nupvr was in Now York uvvr lhv \\'x-olu-ml nllunr|In;.: the worl- (lim: of his luughtvr. Miss Edna (innpn-I`, In Mr. Bullock uf N:-w Ynr|(.I l\,1.- -nul Y\. l..~ Ill. llu-l;li 1 unrl mm lvlzm-n. Miss Mur;,:nr(-1 Nu.-:.: or Pivtm and Miss Muri-m Ivh-l.(-nn (`lmrlulta-ln\\'n. I .l'I.l._ \\'vru- ml I\ li:::~: Ann Stun-_v N1-\\' A '1` (`Hum-r wan. in Nvw \..n..nn, Ix! nun. |r\I||II\.n ..- I1: .v nu... Mr. and Mrs. Wm. lllvkling and Elonnnr returned in (`amp Hurdvll on 'l'hllI'.s'rl2|y uftt-r :1 l`v\\' d:|_v.x` with MI`. and Mrs. W. L`. Hi(-klin;,:, Al|vn- I warn! lmr. mm Mrs. w. L. nu-nu I \\`<)()d. Hulidny viszitnrs in Im- ud: l\ IisH V:-Imzx :11 Wm. 'l'vrr_v .-:1 QIIl"\lII`\' :10 'm.._- :11 W11 Sudhu Hmlm (h`v\\".~'. :1! T1 an n. w. nnu Bnwmnn. :11 Jn Vvrnu Bmrllx y '.Qv'nxn'l'u' (lnrrhn VUFIHI Ul`l(Il()' (ll ,H:|l`l`l(`, ill .I'. 'Sinurt's: (iurrlnn Ruwut nl` Wur- minsler, at I). Hmmnltz; Miss Mary Ht-n:~:m:m of Pm-r_v Sound and Mis.< I`1\'cl_\'n Black 01' l`m-unto. at R. M. Il|:Iclc's: Mr. and Mrs. 'I`. I1. (`hv:;t(\r vnd I\ liss M.'u'i- of Oxm-mr`v. :11 Dr. Y} pfII'PAII'!1l1'Q \ .uuu..u. The xmminnliun loos was held in Mmlduy ovonimz w! <-itizons were no 'r.- \ "nu Q.-a..|...v (wuzens lmnnnnu.-n: xvnnunl Train. Ray Sri1.:lt.-_v, S. A. 'I'ippinu. 1.. R(\l)ihSuD. M. Whuthznn. Dr. T. S:-nu and Ht.-rl) I{m'lnr'. Mossxxml l I`ruin. Sriglvy. I`ippm;,' and Wheth- nm qunlifix-(I. lhrvo in he u-It-(`tt-cl. Sumlny S:-honl l'Intt~rt.'|inment. timv s|n-nl the pur- of Sung tiny lhv K<`v~irI::\' nvnninu nn ihn n:~r~ncinn nf MXDDIJ-`.-. \(`.F.D W(WI\/IAN \\';m1~` hnusokvt-pint: for unv or two adults. or \\'nlll(`l :Ixsi.~:l wxlh light }'muso- work. Wnulrl (In wnrk hy the hour or day. 'I`nwn nu vnm\lr_\'. Apply Examiner Ol`t"u-xx lp Special New Year Bricks, 25 each Vzmillu Ice (lrcmn with :1 5ll':l\\v"`Cl`l') Hell in ccnlrc '\\'oro nftt-r \\'hl(`h led wu '<'mno rlistrilmtvd gifts W0 tron ;\l:tsonlc lnstnlln The inslzul|:mun of tho.- !'M:n.~'tvr and 1111- in\'-51111 E('l':~` of ('nrnnulmn 1VIn. F. &- :\ M. xvus hold In l`:-unnln 1|I\ l`hnu~url-.n- n\ (.`l1f`.\'Il`}l l\'t`I|. K I S : I I`\lll'l' Hit` (.'ll'1X'_L',l.' \\il _ remanded by `Magist tnday when a furth made until January !leased on bail at s; l Tn n.-..~-\.x4s0.n.. nah Hot Chocolate Fudge SUNDAES . . . . . . . . NEILSON S Package Chocolates . . . . . 50 ' i DlL`\\'i-H"! Siilltf ll quanuxy UK tnc missing goods was discovered by [Provincial Constable H. T. Hammett! `C.N.R. Constable Charles Fullertoni gland himself. on the premises of AL) silan Brown at the eastern end 01' Dunlop street. I I The thy-ma vnnnn men will all hni BRYSON S :Third Ma_n~Arrested In Connection With Freight Car Robbery IULIHIOD SITEEL 3 `The three young men will all bel `,(r:ed on Thursday next. January 10.` `When they appeared in court here; _ today. with the court room crnwded.{ r|the (`rmvn withdrew the breaking' yand entering" charges and laid charges of stealing tohacco. shirts.` Jand tea, from bnz; cars,|.*.he pr-.'pex`!3'. NEXT A. & P. STORE FIIRNISIIEF) ITOUSF`. \V.-`\N'l'l".I) nr 7 l`(mn\.~:. llmmuhxxlv }mS.\`t`.\`.\`iI nu` hnl lulnr !l\!n\ In`.-h I -`\nn1\' Hr rIill|l'llllH U! I Munro w |nnd \ontori: lu nnnnhtv !\IliIll Dll)\\'ll. v`IRK'll .1-J. dl|\| XVUI llldll Brown. aged 30. appeared before HIS Worship Thursday last and were re-' gmanded on bail unm today. when` `they were further remanded until, `January 10. Chief of Police Alex. `Stewart stated a quantity of the I ..\X.u-Inn nnnn Iuvna Au-nanny-nrl I-.\u Delivered if you wish BRYSON S BREAD AND CAKES I.. . ' lmlidnyn Amlra-w'.~ n wulvh u Fun Mnry .lohn:;l:m 1-n_iu_\'-(I tho '.-: .m l\/I.-(1 . .......u ,. r....r rlrnn: ELMVALE LUNCH AT .5 VUIIHH _ oi inrrmm, i. 'l'vrr_v's: :Il1(`i.\` Slnuv if `X. zit. 'I'hn.~: Slnnwu; Miss Lily of I\/li(ll:m'i. zit Wm. An- ; Dun Martin M Shanty Buy. W. /\nclruw':4; Miss Velma Ill. .l:i.~4. nmvmnn`r:; Miss Ila-znlliv ..r ix...-.-a.. , l- n I` lHll1l(`(H(\ DI` not lnlvr llmn I:-h. 1 B." F`.xmnuu~r 0I'I`i-o. u n. for \'ill:u;`(- '1':-uslm-s 4.... ..:1| . . . . .. 9... v'.~; Pr:-.~:l)yt1-rlnn (`hu1'('h| I night sm'\.'ir-- am New ();.{l`}lI11nl(` (`(IHSl.\'HHl.{ 0| mmzs ' tho Svhunl nr~ : `l Bible Sunm arriv- I` mm- gifts I Ind:-n trau- I1`! . n... ml for \'ill;1;:v lru.~:- thv fire hall on 1 when the following nominated: Milton Illnv Q A 'I`inninu . 4 Pivlnu, N`H.. M1-IA-nnzm of _ p,m-rats of NRC `soc lb. uwn im-lud- of 'l`m`()lIln, Q mm... ..r 15c Write it l935". With this issuo 'l`hv Examiner ` starts upon its 71st your. ` Sim-I ihn vo-nr I-iul hv rmwwinu l $ WOOD \VAN'l`FD - 7 <~m~:l.~' gzrovn body lmrrl\\`(u-d In lw dx-li\'on-rl. pil- ('d and ll\(`ll.\`lll`l'd nl (`lnullvs Sl`hnlll. -H. A. T unr. .\`-t-n~lur_\'. HR. No 3 B1l1'l'it'. 1| SHIFIS ll}J()H HS IISI ) Uill'. Slurt the your ri;.',ht by ruxmwilw your subscription to The Bnrrnc Ex- nminc-1'. A kl4\:u1l nu.-nI..H.nu fnv Ihn Mnlnl nmnnor. A good rusolulimn for the New Your: X will uso Cnpucu products thrmuzhout the y(-nr. Annn nf rnmu (`lnhh-s"' nnw mrmu:nuuL me y('lll` . ----Alum of Greon G}ll)1(':-3" now sho\vin1.', at, tho Capitol '[`honlro. Cumc nnd got your share of happi- nnc< ;\' nnss. :\- Thu cartoon which appears ml Hu- vditorinl pugo this week is from lhu pun of mu` North Surmidulv cnrr(-s- pmuiont. W. J. (lnlbruith. Uphn|s1orin;,r dmm, lxutost. <-uvur- hugs to L`h()()S(` from. l'urnilur(- ru- puirod zmrl rofinish(=.d, linnloum luid. C. A. Kolly. Phmw 910.1. In 'l`h(- plmtgruvurv uf Hislmp Hov- L-rlvy uml Mrs. flvvt-rlvy which alp- pvurwl in lust wL-(-k's Rxnminer was l(in(|l_v supplit.-(I by the 'I`nmn!u Mnil nml I<`.rnpiro. .L'n-k . ~`.mith n Hnrriv sludt-nt nnw nnu mnpnrv. Jm-k Smith, :1 H:u'ri(' slud(~nt hiking the nl'v|1it(-t'h|rv ('m|r.~:n at the llnivvrsity nf 'I`nmntu, has hml .\`('V4 (-rnl hIIlnl)l`()llS vnrlmm.-`. }|(`('('])l(`(l by Mm'lvm1'.~: mngn'I.inv. ()m- nf lht-m um)!-nr:< in lhv (`nrrt-nl i.~::~:uv. I')uIT's Dry (hmrls uro sollim: ll...-1. CHI: ll;-n ul Kn u - un In |Vlil|.'ll'illl .5 lIlII};lII.III(`. I Illl` ll| |lIl`Il| l`uI'v Silk llnsv In 59(' [mir up In $1.50; hmnsv (II1-.~4.s'(:.s', 491- um] 69`: ailk (l|'(-.~:s('.~:, lmlf |)l'i(`('; quill l)2IH.~. 5511'; lu-tlvr qunlity ('him'/, 25(-. 81-0 lhv winrluw nf dollar sun-('i:Il.~a. ll) Ahnnl 'l"\ an:-w\lu-aw nnrl nun-ulu HH- Int` Wlnfluw (H (umzlr :~ipt'c'Im.~e. In About 35 mt-mhc-r.~: nnrl mu-sis, the lnrgt-st ('l`uW(l of the st-nsun. nl1vn c-(I tho wt-vkly lmrlmintun H-:1 of Hu- (.m'1`i.*:m\ (`hub in tho Arlnrmrio-.4 lam! S:-.l1n`rln_v. Miszsos Mildred Wnlls zmrl Ht-Ion GnI'rMl \V('l`(' in rI1nry.::- nf UH: Gnu u-n. -R(-npr.-ninpz of vm-ntinnul -\u-n- inn classes nn I`hur.~:d.'Iy t-vc-ning. January 3. Cl1ISS('.`~i will mm-I. ovary '[`uusdny and 'I`lnn`.<;(l:n_v 1-vnning from 7.150 to 9.2). Subjorts: nmlnr lT1(`(.'h&lniL show vard writing; znrl; English. m`illumrlit' nnrl hnukke-op- ing; (lr(-s:~:Innkim.',; h :41-imuw Lurlios may 4,-nmll in shnw currl writing or n'ml,nr rm-(-hunir-.~: .'m wt-ll :13 the nlhm` (*lu.s.~:\.~'. 52-lh Results nf I\/Inll(l.'I_V'.\' nmninulmnr: in st-v(~r;|l Sim('m- (`minty mlml'ip:ul- il.i(.-5 wt-re ns fnllmvs: Mwlnnlv 'I`nwnship Rm-vv (3:-nrpy Burr (nu-|.); (`Inn'- vnro }3m'lmn:nn fwilhrlrt-wt; rlopuly l'('(`V('- Frr-rl Wand, Mxvhm-I I"I`.'Iw- loy; <'nun('illm'.s' (l]ll`(`l`) William Arnuld, John M4-Hup.:h, .Innus.~4 John- .-;lnn, (`h:u`lv.~4 Swnilv, Wvsh-y Pnrlr-1'. (}r.'ml, Miller. mmlmsoth i'n\~nship Rm-vu rurry M. .h-hh, Nnrmnn W. Bm\vlo_v; dc-puly rm-vv Jnurms lh-ndorsvm. D. K. I[:n'w-_v; vmmvi|- lurs fm-I-l.\ E. A. Apzm-w, William Rilt-Mo, W. A. Apporloy. Orillin 'l`nwnship Rtwvv ~ John S. D1'Ink\vulm' ..`....| .. .1. n/r....I...~rl 'I`F.NDF.R FOR \ \ ()(`)D fnr .\`.S. Nn. -I Essa I5 sin;:l<- mrds of lIiin luulx wund. lwc-rh or lll2l]`l\`. 'l`vn(lvrs clus- vd .IuI1\1:nl`)' 21` Vw. ('hm't'h. l.uhm'I. R.R.. mm. 1-3!` \Il Illltl Jnh (noel. I: rl<~put_v Hnrno Inccl. h Y\Y:.H-.ur-1.-u In` my 1 ! Ul'2|(lI()l'l| R<-evo- Dunis Nolan. J. 1.. (`numl>.~;; (`mum-illnrs Hhrx-I-I J. Ht-rnnrd. A. ` Spvncv, F. W. ('ullings_ E. (`.nU.v.'-ll. Roy Cnusins. O. M. Sc,-im. 0. K. Lukas: schuul trustee ~-- 1.. C. Mo Cnrlhy, W. Kinuslcy. I Orilliu Tuwn I Mayor John Cnnrl. J. B. .Inhn.v.t-m. H. R. Tudhupu: I'm-V0 W. (Trump. Cori! (lounge; rh-puly l`l`(E\.'(`- 'l`hum:n.< 1\1'v(}uiru. H. Mm`ri.s'; vnllnvil 48 tn vlo(-tum /\. Ball. Pan] Cunn- Izmd. Mucnam. J. ('. Mlllm`, Stmvurt. 1.. V(('nr_v. H. A Burn:-1, .1. J. Wilsnn. Phil M(`l.(`(1d. W. H. l"l0wm:m: W. l.. and P. (`um- mis: to ho vlw-la,-(1) C('()|`L:(` Prank Horn:-_ Frank Ti$.\`h\lI- Tuclhnpt-; Brmrrl uf Edu- cation be c-lvclodl William ('. I-`rnnk Hutchinsun_ Humid Hunter, Dun M~(`:mL:hrm. Jack- S:mdm~sm1. -I. l J()_\'lL`. Lil`! I4, l|Iu_;;;, E. Ru-c. O. Sh(_-rrwk. Roy Hulvhisnn. Alnnzn Gmdhnmu-. G. T. X-`om odkmnlinn ~ I-`inlay (`F Paul. V. A. Ellis. 1-`. C A Mm-don. Rvu. (Pill. Du)`: public utilities Fr in L` I'\.......|..... I! u A I of the Canadian National Railways; .Ba1l to the amount of $3.000 was re-` Pjnewed. C. D. Stewart acted for lhei 2` Brawn brothers. and W. A. Boys, K. V L! C. for Munro. Nominations In 3 Simcoe County 1Ul'l1(' '3 . .7 Nnl(z1\\';1:;;u::| 'l`nwn.~;hip Rm` '0 I). A. Vlll('iN(` (:u'u'l.): rim)- .... ........,. n......., m..rr I n.-...-1, 1 For me nrsl nme In seven the` entire family of Mr. 2 Eli Grieg spent Christmas when Mr and Mrs. Money & 1\' of Buffalo and Mr. and I watters nf Toronto came I `the holiday. C`nllim.'wnnd Mn_vnrA.I. P Davis; G. J. K-vl vovv - I)nu;.:. Mvhormirl. J. V Smith; rh-puty rec-vt- I N. RllD[)t'I`l, \. Manson; munril J. H, Irwin. ` '. Bnylt`. U01 1., Htuzu. P`. A. Elli! .` D... f\ Churn-...l: I Rn:-lnr 1 "Coming Evenu." 3 cents A Word; fwnh 50 cents minimum. Cheapest `i and most. effective pulgliclf 103' 93'} . tertalnments. I WOOD \\'.'\N'I`}*'.D 11! -urrls -unlnrl Inulv uunul '1! In-rm! I` One cent a word. cash. each inser- tion (minimum charge. 25c). five in- Iertions for the price of four. 25c extra if not paid within five dnys of date of issue; also i()c extra when re- plies nre directed to The Examiner. I, Olllfl I IVK, I1. IJUI lull `son. Smith. Lori X-`nuli.~". board x.<;..|...-r*n..1. nr M up Munfnrrl Irwin, w. A. Elliott. Bnrland. :n. I ,.....n tzcar mas 0! Horses FOESEE cm Highxvny Hm`ri<- (hay gnu-n. |'h<~:u- (quality. \w-i).'.l lh.\'._ frum L . In ll. -1 mil:-5 north uf t(}r.'Iy (`nuvh lwlnssc-s slop ul |mr::<~.~; urn nf vhnivv \`V4'i).',hllI;L frnm 11500 In 170!) In M yt-m'.~: nld. l`h<-y un- fnrm rzuist-(L quivl, wvll hrukt-n and m\rm1~:'r'r 'r.. Mr. llznrruli (`n||u-r rs/xmuunn In NH`. nun wn'.~<. mm. Burr:-I1, (`ol|I<-r HI... Hnrriv. on Sunrlny, hm-. Hi, HIIM, n HUIL FI".R(:HS()N (m 'l`1u-may, .I:nnu:n'_v 1. I935, in Mr. zuul Nlrra. l.IWl`(`ll('1' I-`cr1;u.-;m1. Sunfnrrl S1,, Iiurru-. n ctili .`illll. H/UVHCR All nilznl n:I|`I`IA pnm, n.'u'ru.- 1034, In Mr. N`. I.c~l'ruy. ` M/\l.()Nl'2Y ( :1 rv ') 10215 WUUI) \v/\NI`r;1I l'.! ('ul'(1.\` :2 Hound hndy \\'und, :1! Ix-;:.~.l hul` plc and balance lworh. To be und l1H`l.\`\ll'l'd Ill .-Jwd M D: schunl in I\'1zu`c|\. 'l`muh'l`.~: (`I051 18. Wultvx` l"ul`l1(':~'. St-cro1ur_\' lll`('l'. R:Irri(-. ILR` Nu. 1. 2: mm. N()Bl.I'2 ()n 1-`: 1934,11: Mr :11 1.1-l`ru_v. :1 mm SIMPSON A1 Hlmpllill. Burr 31. 195. In Qin1I\u1Ll\ mm xvllm-.-mm. rum-rs 23. Into-rnu-nl at P.nII)(:I'IS (H1 H1!- .-..m|....- mru in` snnmy nay. IRWIN Al 1h-- l`l'>a`lll('lH'I! pf hm dznu,'hl-r. I\/Ira. H. ('r;nu, :n'riv.: on Sunday, K):-('1,-ml):-r 30. 19214, John Irwin, IL ('!` H3 yr-.'n'.s'. [mor- mcnl 'I`u-sd:|y_ Jun. 151. in St. .Inhn'.-a (`vr1\t`lc~I'y. Wnw-rlvy. LOVE In H:n'r1<-. um Tut--:d:n_v. Jun- unry 1. 193."). L. .'~2l:mlI-_'. Lnvu, 1:: him 4')n:l vn: - nf Philin Laur- sun. 'iUl I` Al plml. Hun 2!]. HEM. I Prinw B1-01'. us you pur('|m.~:~ il Iwrv, is tho king uf mu-r;{_v l`md.~:. A1 };ri('-3 wv f(`.'I1lll`l"fUl` Primv In-vl` your (limu-1' (lnllnrs mm huy _\'nll murv in 1`lH'l`).:i'l.ill}.', ftmrls! I-`.v(-ry (`ul of Mvut \-vv .~:<-ll no:-r nr n1|u~r~ wis1- is llw In-st mmwy mu buy, :11 lhv IUHSI mum-_\' it L-nu lw hum.-,hl Ian" 1. Huh, In I-`crgu.-;m1. sun. pnru, u:nrrn~, am 29, ISIZH, In MI`. (Mu-st, /\l|;mrl::l<-, mun I/\lV||`4I( /\l pilul, TL'n`1'l4 1934. /lI\l.l)NI`.Y my 1!, 192%. ), M::lum~_\'. H II `HHI 'I'I7.NDl*`.RS \\'Ill hv l'(`l`(`i\'t`d h_\ (ho lIl)d(`l`.`~`lLLl\\`(l up In and lnvlndlng J:\mmr_\' SI for ll) wu`(!.~ of -1-hm! hmly wmnl. Innplv nml lwvvlw, Ii wards ml which is to ho dv|i\'vrml not later Ihun I~`nhrIun`\' LA ~nnl lvulwvn-n nu! .11. IUJW. Slmpsam, (l:muhl-r. .'\uu a UL: guld. And up mu: loved ` Hm mp Hal-. MIN Hn.s'|)1lu|. 22. 1934. I\/linuuunn .l(Il)(il'..\ mm Inu- ttumhr-l'. I93-1, in (`,hnI'l\'.~4 Syrlm-_v eidost sun of tho ` Inn zmd Mrs. Hr in hl.\' Iil.~:L _y-an". Si>4l(.`l` in F.n;,'|:|ml 1-rs In (':m:I(|n. ( In In: |nInI'I`a-1| :)fl `SNXDER ~ 1 iarn W 11 Dunlop Street I uu--nun; -. .. He had a nature loving. And a heart ` unit! Ll;l.Y -m Kelly` whr 25. I932. `nlnnlu and 1 \\'nn(l. l\h'l|Hl` mm x dol than l~`vhr1x:n(\' hat lulvr than 1\'l:u'rh 1: ) I.m\-`vs! cu` -||\- '11-!--\||In:l FORCE-FULL BEEF! at G. W. Atkinson's Farm, Crown Hill IN MEMORIAM M. J. BRENNAN N; Al II):- ,H:n'I`|u-, tn Jnhn '|`I r. mm l\/ll`.\'. I-mum `_ n (luIn.:hlcr. (m W:-(lnr-:;rl:`ny. '\ In MI znnl NTIW; BORN -|n mvmp, memory nx vnau- , Snider. who passed away, V 7. 1929. _..,.__ -.. _...|.1 ..... 5.4.. Frlrlzny. 1):`-m~mIwr zr mu! I\/l'r.x` W H. Nuhlz rum l.~41II|h:n'nI. 1 tlw Rnynl Vmmrn 'I'In 1-H I\lYn|u|:nV HIM DIED Thursday. January 3. 1035 l*'rIrlny. DN`mnl)vI' 2H. -nul ml :-< W H Nuhln ' |h>y.'u| Vu'lurIn ll nu Mnnrlny, hm`. nrl Mrs [~'.4iL':n' Hz: In 'l'HII.';. Hl't'IIm, U1` um-rnl Hunrlny. Hm-.` I 2:! (,`x'nighuI'sl. lmh (Iuy nl' I):-~ Vnunnuvr-r. I`,(`._ u-_y Whitln lh'icl;_u-:4,_ lntt: ('|'mI'lo.<; Cub Ih'1rlg<-.-; nf l3m`r`|v, nr. Survived by nnn= and and thrw` lnnthq `L (`rm-In:mm. /\.~;h:-`I -aul nu fznnilv nlnl who knew him that was purer Vnl VIL'1u|`in 1 S::lIn'rlu_v. znul I\/In. R.H. Nu. nml Mrs. Mvl. nrm 1. nun) m ruin Inc. I ---Sadly missed by - Wife and Family. |."l_Y. Ur` I".d;,'n |' mu '.'l| Vmtnrm muluy. Hm-, Mr-: Erin` I rmm~m ('lzu1. '-_- milv frmu .<<~hu land. (`mud xv ( ralwfurd. R.l{. n lln:;- I):-r-_ Hm: I 1. " ,_,____. .__.7. .-_....._AA.7-..o-.- , Barrie Horliculfur Town Improvement ociety 'l'Hl'I /\NN|7/\|. M|`Il`I'|'IN(3 `Inf [MB mm--\_'.' H.-ull lw In-II In 1l`u- pullers -mul. M H pm, on '|'lnn'.-o-l:|_v, Jill). ll) lfliffn, Inn gun--1-nl:IHuH nl N-|)()I'l:$," 4-Iurhnm ul <||'I:'<`I. I'M`. Quality MEA at low Pnces Peamealed I`-An_.... I Peamealed Cottage Rolls . 17c lb. Breakfast Bacon | .| , _:-.... 9R:- I. Bee; Hearis . . . . . . 7c lb} Roasts of Pork, 12-17 lb Front Quarter: of LAMB . . . . . . 14c I Baby Beef, Fresh Poultry`. Smoked Fish, Fresh Fish ` Oysters and Vegetable: r--------'------.-- I CARDS OF THANKS \_...__._.-j "' 1 hrum!:a lvu'lurlr~rl in lhu lot m'0 vu-ml m.'m~ln~(l lc-anus nf Greys. :u'k:a znul Hrnwns, I :-rul\crnns.; -lp,i:m:; nml (`Iym-:4 'l`hcru um I! ` an-.-; Ill fun! and I! vhuix-us culls ris- ;; ii _w-:n':; ultl. (`all or nhnne H!) w. A |`KlNS()N. l'h(.mc 902I'42;.v': `V - UH .|/\('l`C.`~'.()N. M--viivnl llc-.'|lH1 ()l'lim-r fur 'i`urnnIu, will he the 5]):-:I|u-I`, Hhurl Mu.-alcul | |'Iu.'_I':nmm- and Ih.-vww of FUR S:\l.l. Onv hound. .-\p;-1) Hnx lii, ANNUAL MEETING Boulderfel. * Gregnhouse i HIM. LAY 74 Blake St. Phone 832 reaktnst Bacon by the piece . . 26c Ll ' ,II. EXPERT B0! AND FENDE REPAIRS of Barrie Branch Victorian Order of Nurses lJ\J\l\J ll l\l'I I ll`\] Acetylene-Welding Auto Radiato Repair 5 ' \\'-J 1`. i`. L` :2: cquigmxcm and ' cngc In h.HhHc gm Hsiull i--'1`. l.`\3.f< or V __. _ _-- Tuesday evening Phone 50 or 51 AH'I'IS`I`I: I)liSl(`.NS AN!) |'.<)M`)lJl-j l`f-3 PHI .1 .l`I`I`S lmlvhmi. Ht (`Mud k.-H\ JANUARY 8th Prime Greenhouse DUCO-SPRAYING .,.I,#_ ll! I I- '*r'6M'A6Es} Library Hall H 'lIIl'|'I.\ I'u.. 1 A Marl./\IH`IN. I rn.-4idr:nt . M A IUH4 )'l"I`. l~'ac(r'y-'[`l`oSut_L.l` ........._...._ _ tho law Mrs. WI .h tr; thank thci ,hbnrx' tot kmdne rl .1 b.m..mmrnl-nl, I ! `V `;..-,- I-`rzuusr upcnt Il;IUV( jn 'I`or_)n- H hmnv: :11 Winds- Page -pt-nl SI;]1tl:Iy M. Houssxvlvgswymw Drobiems Wm. 'l{c;1`31;;1I_:xux"H'.\1!Vi`:iu:V : cn~:'\:xV\;1'V 17.pVt~ be solve and quu-kly ax\s\\w:d` r"""i``\' `y`"``-` b when You ur hardwood Uorsi Luwcsl ul` any {`m`lcr rm m'x`vs- waxed `hed 1... A_ J_ L0_f$ .rl|)` acccmod. presti. tag I In; Om) '1`ELEPHL)NE CO. LTD. 5 "` "W IR\\'IN Mc.\.L*HQN. Secv. xlll mm-l at Misg u~`~.l:|v. Janunrv H.-r: wt,-re, m.- 1 Hm/mrd Be, ui J!-hn Wily, l.~u1v- Mrs. `I v..k p|.'u:L- S Thu Mar k_V_ ;: n` I mm-l at Miss .l:|_V. January in In: a New 1 Donald wish ' ._- apprccmtmn them during 1,-[IL ., xx`. . IIILI4, and J. llfnux MI :TED Ill-v vnu Inw It In 'I"||n Eumnlnnn WANTED h0ll.\CW()l'k. ?E6:$E?TF3`E n mu. II |n Thu r-mum p HELP WANTE -u unu :1: II In TI". I-nmlnn AUTOMOBILES n mug in In Thu r..uum. --Ynunp, air! 1;: help with . 'I`('lophmu* 1l20J. 1|)! TJQEF n\\'x-.51 : " :u`(`vplvd. RR. 2. \1 l`F.l) us hnu.<<-k~(\p- MTi(-imxt. RN`- urrm lh s pnsiliun ul hilzln-n. T010- lp .'m'k on 1 lh :\ av -'\m\|.\' Burru GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED for general housework. Sloop in or om. Apply 86 Burton Ave. lb .` ]N`.\`.\'l`.\`.\`.llH`. ."\pp1_\' Box In SALE \.\` :4-um-n hull` mn~ - piled 1 Dnlsl vlosc Jun. '\'.lI'nn<.. 1' : U . 1.3" WAN'l`ED---Subscripti(m agent. man or wmmm, to cover Barrie and sur- rounding tnwns. Commission basis. Give roforvncc and age. Also state whether full or part time. City Lights Publishing Co. Limited. Re- ford Building. 'I`m'nmn. Ontnrin. lb :?.-: M(~(`I.AR\' I-`.I..EC'I`RIC RANGE for sale; also honked rllgs. 'I`el(-phmw 1288. In ! : FOR SALE~ Quebec lwaltrr with UV- on; also cutter. Apply K. Jm.'|(.<. Stmud. 1p W0 PAIRS lI()(`I{F`.Y SKATES um! bouts. Si7.(`.\` 8 and 8".-. Apply li C`uHim' St. In . . FIVF.-TUB!-3 RADIO Do Forest (T1-u. for sale, rvn.~aonnhlL-. Apply 123 Burton Avv. ll) ._._..._____:._..__:_._..___. I RED (`U'1"l`F.R FOR S.\1.F.--Auto (lnnrs. Apply Jns. l)unczm. Shzmt)' Buy. Phnno Om 310. In EX1`ERIEN(.`I~`.D MAID \VAN'I`I`.I). Sleep nut. Apply stating \vzu,-0 ox- pectod. Bnx "R. I-Ixmmm-r. ll) lnr Slt`, ll\ puma (,'0l1(1l1l()l\, [29 'I`m`nn1n St, Phnnv I-HMVV` I SKA'l'F.S AND ROOTS for Salt`. R mxnzl mmrlilinn $9,0l) vnlm-. 1 I.. \RGE.I3/\I3\' b`IlI"l1(`}' with hood, for sale, in gnnd (: Apply 19%| 'l`m`m\1n St H) SKA'l`ES AN1) l1()()'l`S 101` Salt`. ml R, good ('un(liliun. $9.00 \'i`\|L|(`. wxll svll fur $4.00. Apply Ruhinsnn Hard- \\'.'n`0. 1b NK('(`lAAl(Y H.`\N(il`2 l"UI( .`o1\l.|`. ("uni ur \\`m-(l. lugh clnsvt und n\. vuir_ nvurly nvw. A lvurguln. Rnh insnn H:n`d\\`:n'(-. ll M('(`l./\R\' f?.`\N(iF. FOR SALE ("nul In` \\`nnvl hu-h 4-lnx-u-I um! rum` HUSH LOT FOR SAl.I., 51) ncre:~'. snft wnud; also .~mmm- for p:\.\`1ll1`t", sltuutvd un Cm). 0, V'vsp1'n. l.nl Munro. H2Il`l`l(`. R.R. `J. H1 Lo_ saruy RCCCPKPG. - Ln ORD CO. "` `*3 . IRWIN MCM.`HQN. Secy. 'I`\V0 RI.Nl-`RF. nv:u'|_v now. and for salt`. New rvpnirs in stock. riv. HONEY FOR SALF. ~- Sixty lbs. white $6.00, sixty lbs. light, amber $4.80. sixty lbs. dark nmbvr $4.20. '1`\vom_v-nxilo froo (loliv(~ry. Mnnuirc Brus., Minosimz. ' 42tf|)l EXPERIFNC`I~`.D lwulth_v wmnnn umnlml fnr l`d\lH\'|`\ hnmn :11 nnvu. FOR S/\l.I". Slump .\'ll`U1hS, ti fl`('i. runnvrs 2'; Invlws. lwst of sprun: stool slmving: also \\'hL-clh:n'm\\'s and lmnrlslu-i;:l1.<. A. J. 1\'I('.-\x`thu1'. Edgar. hl:u'k.'n\1lh and \\'<)(>d\\'ul'li- M`. 1-5!) . \ l-1(il*.'l`.-\lH.l*.h Mn: .\2\1.l'.'-- l1Il)l(` r`zu'r-ls. vlmn-9 mnlxlmzuzv. hm-1.x`. purs- nipy and h11 nip.~'. 251- lurgv lmsliot nr 5 fur $1.00: 1-gas _u1I.'u'nI11vcrl l'ros|1. loslvd and ),:l'1ld('(l. Phone 5Rl)\V fur prim-5. H. D. :\hlortnn. Bnrriv. 51-4p {'1-`.(ilCT;\RI.F.S 170] ! SALE Tnhh` rm:-rulu A`l\I\H'|` 1-:nhh:n'n\ |\m~!\' l\Xll'.\`- lll`I.`\'l`I`ll). l"U|U\H.\lll`.|I l\'(H (`unkiIl_L: Dl'I\'Hl`L;(`.\. rL`;Isun:|hlc. ply 41 lnnisfll S1. %- lll".:'\'l'l*ID. |"URNlHIll`l3 R00l\1."?. -mukinw nr|\'ilm'-\ I`l`l,\ II|l:|lllI` Al)- RUUNI .-\Nl) nU.~\nIJ 1 (`nn`:nI,v m- (-uted. \\'ushim.: and mvndmg (lunv. $:'>.. v() u wuok. .-\pp|_v l".xzuninvr OI"- flco. 1p Rook] AND B(').~\1{l) (`cntr:nll_v In- rv,'Ih~N \\':: mu! mnndmu dnnv. _? !1`;\l\`('l-`.1. l.l".l"'l` nl llwlmu-r'.< nn l)m'n-mbm' 1!). ()\\'m".* may I sazmw by pru\'mL: prnpn'I'L\' and 1 in}: for this adv:-rtlsvnu-nl. DOG FOUND Tan and whitv fu- Inulv hnunrl. with um and black spm-klvd In-d.\'. Ownvr may hnvv mine by pru\`im,: pruywrly and pay- in;.: fur this ad. Apply Fwd .-\n.<~ omnh, 1{.R. 2, B:u'riv. lh FOR RENT ;np;Irllm-nl. : l\hmrv. EXI 1'lRll*INCl*;l) m`.'1llny wanted for vmmlry hnmv an nmw. State ngo and \\':IL:t.`:~:, Apply Dm- "C." Examiner Offiro. In I `j"' umwc. T0 swam`. vow: (`AR my wine.-r" `\nnl\~ l.urnn \Vh|linu_ 1-19 }l\'l.-R(3(H\1I-II) .-\l`:\RT|\H.N'I` In 1.4 Rnzmnnzxhln run! Inum~d1:m` turn 1: phnm 4-R()UI\-H".I3 (`F.1\IF.N'l` HOUSF 1-.-no nu H:-mv \\`:Il|`l` ~-h'Uu:\-n'.H \ rrnt on Hon llghl. Apply lnboth St- Bur ..-:-----2--j-T 'K0()I\'H".D HIHVK HUUSF. .11 (~mnw\1mwv.<. l'urni. . .\....1.~ Tu r\1:..-\- 9-R(V()!\H*`.h Bh`I('I nu`-xln n\'n|'\` mun ROOMS AND BOARD (Rnv vnu Inw It In Tlm Eunmlnm-I r6 T (Rm: vnu law II. In Thu Enmlnor) 1:-an nan Law II In Thu Elnnnhunpl ..__...:_._?_.___._.__.._____ EXPERT` S l`ENO(`.RAPlII~`.R wanted. with at Ions! two _\'oz1rs' zlvhml hus- iness oxperimn-u. Apply .smlim:, no- curntvly slmrlhnmi .\`nm~rl zmd trams- cribing SD(`('d. mu-. oxpvrionco and salary vxywvlvd. Box "A." F..\'am- iner. 1|; _1>T2oi>i~iRTv TO LET u unn xnw H In Thu Fxnrnlnnri `.-Hl)Ui\lr.lJ :\I'.`\H Rc:\. rvnl. `.\`.uiun. .\ppl_\- R, m H1422 lU.NI"RE\V SV.l`2\lh\'I`( )RH. one \l.\'(`(1 Mvln1tu_ In Now unnnrnlnr nil nnrl :E3TE" An -Aw It In Th: III! T0 S'I'UIH`1 YUUH (`AK lul` Amuly Lurno Whiting, $1. $1.50 :1 month. lp .1 ll`H('(`.\'-, .`\ppl_\ l` Nl\`L` -I-rm stvum-lwuh-d. 1 \1.s'<~u l\ l(`lllIU`. svpnrnlur nil nnd I2. A. Dullnrt. Bur- in HHIVI lnuanr. nu; sin-M; Wu! -1` and \. Dubsun. `.131! Ili:'.- 1-Sp . |'|\ll`}N'l' in Ixulnvdlaw .. S11-plu-us. ltfh YOUNG MAN wzmls: \\`n Apply l~)xam1iIu-r 0l`l'i-4*. r am` hn\'1' I 1m_\- in H\I.`\, Ap- ()1- `:l_\' . 11 Orrock Smith spent the holiday at his home in Grafmn. Mrs. A. A. Garvin is visiting Tor- onto friends this week. Miss Stella Coulis of Newton Rob- insun is visiting at J. Coulis`. Miss E. (`rnig of Bzwrie visited over the weekend at her hume. vuv:_.. r.1 n........n ..r u\,,..,`..... in ..... __ uwrn nu: \v\:\:I\l;||u in nu: I: Miss F. Russell of Tm-onto Nm`m~ :1! School 1:: vlsmng at her home here. Mice (`nu-nlium Smith vi-zilnd fur n here. Miss Czlrnlme Smith visited for in few days with relatives in Owen Sound. Wncu Nivrui\ nf nnrrin ix" hnHdnviI\r! `douncl. Ross Nixon nf Barrio is holidaying at the home of his gr:u1dI'nlh(.~r, W. (`mum-nn (`amm'un. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Rog. Ma:~:nn on the arrival of :1 fine baby girl. 1\`[rs. W. (fmnomn ls hnlidnvim: bzlhy girl. Nlrs. W. hnlidnyim; with her dz|u;.:l\lcrs. Mrs. J. Nixon and Mr.\. J. Orrnck. l'.I. flll`) hnlrl :\ vm-v mum-n:o.f|ll YOUNG (SIRI. (H-. housework. lunrl ml" vhil phum.` 470.

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