Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jan 1935, p. 4

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. Rate 1 . lnwvrvri 5 I 3 I 1 :1 mm! Pure Cane Sugar Feeding Molasses I ,9 ...n-L 3 l1.o.=+MnIa<'n-=r) IS 8. Eoocl Is an appeser IS a vJondr:r'fu.1 Jtonic Is economical [5 highly recommende by ;3uccS`SFu.1 breeders 1 ('Q\.5IlLI' I l9I~I45\-'b-"'F' ( /.5 n 0% .3"); e e{- No/a.5'.re.r BARRIE V FLOUR MILLS Sold in Barrie by lzil nd harm. Then he proceeded with !a lengthy explanation of the differ- iences in connection with the Binnj` fawn:-d ditch which led up to the ;recent litigation in the county court EH0 went into :1 int of details regard I Hug icvels. water (`0Ll1`S(.`S. assess- i inn,-nts. (:t(:.. in c(mni~L'ti with this; :ir:1in:1,e,'(- st-heme. Apparently the; nr.-n,qin divided the 9,000 feet ofi iditr-h invuivcd as follows: 1600 feet [In (Inn lnurnn-lain Illn fun! In FRY I(.1l[('H 1n\'()l\'L HS IOHUVVSZ IDUU IL`L'l H0 tho Imvnship. 1600 feet to C.N.R. `and the same amount to each 100 =1cr("<. with proporlimmte ammmt.~' `fur , nr.-renxges. He was ent- i.*'fi<.d vith this nnd thnugghl the mat- ter s'vHl(.-cl. `I ftll I'....I um ! .' Jun! nf In . But the C.N.R. rcfnserla `l('I' .'.H(.'(l. Illl 1H(.` \_r.l`J.H. l`L'lllSl.`ll: ') :1r~4-vpt 504) foot. and instead of} 11!:-ttinxg the p:1r1ios 1n;.{eth0r and :n'-` ramuing: zn l`L':l(I]ll: he said. the council brought on an engineer and rudder! about $100 (.-nsts. The upshot` war: that ho was :1SSL`!~`.\`Cd the whole 500 I'M-1 the C.N.R. refllsod. He had $40!) un ihe tlilch and 1h(-_\": wnnh-d tn nmko him clean it nulu` ()`nn.~(~u\u-n1I\'. he zxppc-nlt-d the `nwzlrrl and it \\':x:: the first time he; .'.`V(`l` v.':1.< in (~mn'1. They trim] to |m.'|ke- H :I|)y)v:Ir that he \\'us: _l_{(>inL{`| {(0 law nvnr :1 matter of $10 an` $12. \=J}'u'-I`:-:u.~: the prupuxvd wurk n1ifuht* ` .1 him S:5()(I with p:rywtu:II nmin-? ; .`.( =l(~n:1m`(-. Hv <-unit-ndcd that the on-: Emu:-u-r':: fi;.(Hr(-s \`.'(aI c out 2 fact. but l {the (`ll_Li!ll'(*I' I1-niod 1his. Aftm` thv 0 vwm 4)\'(-1` Binlli(".< ounlvnlinn .. .l 4.. I... ..I..I\I I`|\n 1Vw\lul|`_' I -`I . l'l l\-hI.-;kuk::- W:-Ilmzlc-y ha` unrlvr H1 lH'l'H Fl) 2Il'll\. l' Ill IIliI(IHI_l Ilu-rm (~lu:n';{,-.s' upon rm`! inn \'\ lli('h Y \-: (`V011 ask him In! `pay lho vast of I'vg{i.xtvI'im_'. Ho ran: . h:.vo all Hm (lil(`h('S he wnnfs wound | it." ('t':ll('|ll(`ilLL(. he said tho (`mine-1 H hurl rlmm \\'('H in kovping down Hm. inv ruin -nu} I):-nun hnu/nnv uvtwl \"|H` VI-"ll illlltllllll (H _~'pvndin;,' their . in rintuus: li\.'in1,'. spomlinu hulf u mnnthu pay in a single night. so that |)efm'(- ('hrist1n:u= zlll tlwir mmwy was gmw um] they \\'(.-re luokinu for help. Wlu-n ymumg mm: spend the-ir \-:;uL:(-s in r-.\'tr:I\':|_q:mt living is it our rlutv I , .\'ll|)[)()I`1 suvh on rt,-lit,-f'. " thnuuht pnrr-nt.s' and L:u:n'di:nn.< \\'<*)`(~ r-.-:prm.'ib|r- to some <-xtont. 1| lilll VV|Hl\. Th-I'rArrin;{ tn old ngn pvn: Mr.` Pm-k4-r ::nid: II is the duty of (-hil- rlrun In suppnrt their parents when t.hu_v grow nld. Whon ]').'ll'('l1tS '.~:i;.!n tlmir prnport_v in nr(lor to rlrnw nld nun pensions. it is not fair to the t:I.\ p:|_ym`. T21-nlv M:\rIn Ho l.'l\'|)il_)'l'I'. ' Rt-ply Made 1 Rc Downey. Deputy-Reeve} rllivklimz and the Clerk all replic-dl tn Mr. Binnit-`s <-h.'n`;,'-:4 on the r1rnin-1 nszo quc-stirm. For some time. the clirx.-u.<. was a bolwounl tho Rcnvv nnd M1`. Binnie and it,` `nu... ,1H'{'.'.n.l0 l`n.~ nun nu! I|\n\-nnnh1\- `mo KCOVL` nnn Mr. mnnu: mm in. `war: difficult for me not thm'nur:hl_\' i-nnversnnt with the situation to ful- lnw. For the Council, it was con- tondvri that. though the Binnie pm- porty \vns Iuwnr. the ditch server] as .1 rut-urf and st) pr:-v(-niod iht-I i`hmdin;.: of this lzmrl. It \\`.'is shown that after the Ardugh n\\'m*cl of 10125"). Mr. Binnie hnuuiil (I(i(iili0l`\1li D`.`0|)(`i`i\' whirh made him iiznhlo i'm'I 1-nan i` ..r .124!-. T.` H... ....u. |)l'l \._V \`\'il.` IUVVUI. \.l|l` llI|L'lY blil \ \'ll H.` `:1 so the HI n:~n|)0rly for! .1360 I've! of ditch. In the n(,-\\' 1v1\'.'::1'r| hv \-.':1.\' nllutlorl 1400 fm-1. ghnt it. vvns vluimorl this was in zml r-::. position 10 maintain. It \\'.'lS v1n1od h_\' the Rom?` that the es- Hm:1t(-d cost 0!` <-lvanim.{ out his >:hn1`o 01' the ditch was $18. or $2 :1 r.... n ..,....-.. 'l`h;L~ um nnmm .\'llIlI`(' HI LIN. Ul|,l'l| year fur 9 ,\'e:u's. This the Reeve .-tnicl was: what he went to court ; ll\ er, but bath L`l`t_Llll(.`Cl`S agreed that l tl`is was :1 fair amount and the I ititl,-ge t-onfirmecl it. The Reeve said that het'm-e the engineer was brn1x1.:ht `mi. an offer for settlement was made ut the pmperty owners. withnut prc- l l was an), x Q; (I judiee. at $56 tit` which Binnic-'5 share was $l2. The estimated east of eleaniiu: out the ditch was $115 and the engineer's costs were $115.75. A. B. Cnutts. Clerk. said the 2 feet error in the em;in(eer's drawings did not affect the quantity of earth to be removed, thuui.{h it would mean tlirowim: up the excavated material a little higher. "It does not amount a hill of beans." he declared. here was." he said. not the slight- e.~t interference with the engineer." Mr. Binnie rlit'fcrecl with these sneakers and the worrly contest tli`;1g_-.;erl on for an hour. leaving Mr. Binnie still unermvineerl course pursuerl i Ihn nr: unnv tn nil` the ltill that by him was nn n I'm more than delighted with the results." is :1 common comment from u.~;r>x`5 of Examiner classifieds. HZNI HUl|(' \\'l'II HI l\|`l'|llll).:, (llI\`\ ll| ho 1nx rnto zmd Rovvu D0wno_v w.'1.<| nlillnrl In :1 . l(-rm. ; Pu! K1l\ Jll)lL!h zmd Ruhl. I.i;.zhlfrm1 ` pnkt` hrit-|`l_v and dot-Iinwl nmninzu lHll.\ l"Hl|HNHiI||ll_, |ll\` (-11 by Hilmh-'9 cmzinu-01 . s.-: fur ~: Ihv ditch was ('nnL'('rn0tL didn't -2111; if it was never (hm. .~:huul(l nvvm` have been call!-rl Binnie .'n\\':|Hl as (1HlPl`.\' use tho I] mm-h mow than lw (`tut-S. Tu` ms lmw mm-h ho vnlllc-(I 1110 land. |u.;uu-n nH'vx'v(l In g_ivv HM) foot by 200" 1 elm-p :n|r>n;.: that rum] to rum", '*n)I whn u-nulrl nqv Ihn H-Hie! V L: nu)", ul(l pay lhv rt.-1.:istr.'1-. :1 I'm making :1 sym- : lhv 'l`n\\`n.\'hip Clrsrkf en m-Hvn in lnmlini \'l` IUU IL'l`l, n_\' .;Im IIIHSI but u.n.l ll1('(' IH l'lUl()l mnn1h s :0 umwy king help., -nd \-smgx-sj ` rlnlvi I rt,~Ii(:f'."` Hvi 'Y|I!lI'I}i.`|I1Q \I'l`|'I": wrmnn said that :m_\' tho norms- wvrv rrnv Is relief` ntuge of'."'{ there wnsl .. 1.:..h...-ml There was 21 gnod sale of poultry again at the farmers` market lax! {Saturday Business was not as brisk !as the previous week. but even at `that a lot of birds were sold. Not ;very much was left on the tables by I nnnn : noon. | I`l.n'ke,v.< and Chi(`1-Z0n.\` \\'(`I'L' Quill` `plentiful. 'I`ur| \-core selling at [2()-23(.- :1 pound. ('hi('kl,`l'IS at 15-H .(:., f` G00. 1 ruxnzlincd urounrl !4-1.")1-. 'I'hr-rt: wt-rv` `not many du(~k.<. the prion hcimzl i 15-18c. Fowl was quoted at 12-Hr`. ` rI .- snld fairly` well. but the p1`i(.`(' ... ..,.I.) ........,. `.1 ..|.. cl`-`.1 .. ..nl ;I`(?m{IIllC(l 11I`0lIn(l Pt-l.')('. lll|'I'L` Wl'H'l `not l)cin;: ` Eggs sold more slowly than usual but there was not :1 lzlruo :~'uppI_\'.} `The prices of various I-,r:1dr-s worn, E23-25-28-30-33c :1 r1u7.r\n. Dairy bu1-[ Her was still 25 :1 pnund with plon-, My of . . Ylll.,..A .:..1 .. . . , . . . . ..n ....|. .\,...I....[ `.3 un nu, 1A_,'- M<.-ul did run gr: well, will! pr~u|1r_\-' being L-hiofl_v in (lomunri. Hm-f var` still 7-9(' and pork 12.-Ht-. (JIM \\'tm(| sold well. as did ]1un1(.-Inado |).'Il .- ,.u,u,_,,, ,_1.. i.-..,... ! Pl'l('(`.\` of \'('g('l.'l1)]l`.\` 1'1-Immwrl :1- ibunt (ho szum-. with thv .~::u|z~ not i vvry brisk zmd tho sllmxly .~`m:I|l<-1` nlhun nun.-nl I`:n-niuw nml Ethan I nun-n ..v ~ .._,..V. i (h:1rlt>s: S.'llI\ l`.`4I. xu qlnntl. 21. lVI.'|tt~ht~d:1. ` I xm'\'in;,' lhrvv munlhs-' .11. 'u.Zl "I 1) :.. H... .., GEO. ll. AND lCl;.\'lI'I A. BUR.NS-- Unlzlriu l.i(-mm-_ (`.hirnpr:urli(:_ ().;t,(*n- n:IHuy, 1Vl:::<.-: ,zc_ l"m>l. zn(Ijl1.~:tn1crnl.*:, I'Ilt~-lm. llydrn, l{u(liunic, M:lL(l1(!ti(` nml Sun m-:1t.n(-n15. Dirt. and llumv 'l`h-mp_v. Hnt.(~.~: l`(*:I::nn:1hI(3. R2/\ Dunlap St. Plmnt: 405. \SlTl'\'lll,` . in HM- I by Mu` A "THE f ` FARMER ' MARKET FROM 0.`VTARIO'S' FI1\'I'.'S'I' (.'l(I2`.4.'|lI<.'I.'I!u'.`a` I` turn: luv 1 an 2? .3 ibnrnmnc um: _I If W In` I. If If A .I`\" I I (ill/I` l'}I)(.' I'.'---H RICA!) jg I : I : . I - / - r u r . . V - . - . . . . ` . .. M 50-11. Bag 98-lb.'iiug 24-lb. $1.,zo $2.39 Bag TEA D()N.*\I.I) I. 'n\l:Il`I..`\R.I`:N. ILA" richly` Knlivilln` I-11' NIH.-:IHli(` Pl` IJYISK ill|(1 [H0 !\ll|7|)l_\' rnmnu-1 1lSlI.'l|. Turnips :m . - pupulzu`. IIm1(_-Av sold only fair- NI F.-l.V'(.' Y SA.'\'TA (IIARA jj1LOjA (II "R 0ll",`v 1' (Y I:--'I.'ll VlIl\ SOA? A l`I.MI'.'R flllllllilv.` PEAS 2 .`4i-'.4- Tins _ 35 JUL! I` &- (.'---I. -H NIHCY LL Standard Qualitywgi R @' S` P R I M E R I B 1` Slaouldev: lb e! RUM %_WB1!`WW` ...'?..';'..`Z!. (.'()IWTlH' S1 YLH _ BOYS .\'.-, BUYS. l, .:u'ri.~:lvrs, Su|i('itm's, Nut:n`i<-.~: Publir, ('mn'v_v:uu-1.-r.s'. EU`. Nlmwy In luu.1 :11. I l.`.`;l, ru1.v.s` of in- tern.-::I.. () i-U It UWCII SL, Musmmr Te-nlplv B . .`;lN. vi(`A }Erum'h uH'in.-, I-llmvulu. W. A. Buys, K.L,`.. J. R. lsuys. Illw` .4 `JV AI lv'H__H .ll`l " " '7 " `V? P!" J. Il!`.'.4 I,l;'I)---II /l(Il( I I:',-! \H:'.~1l.I:'l) 1 E E? E shy; AANAs LEMO_hLS 1 `6"r'rA@E ROLL! .\'$llIl\I.'I) .\M(II(I'.'I) FILLETS 17-= I-'a.....%.g Wl.`V l'lCR (T-1l (.'l! T l..-lK(.'l'.'. MIl`l:'. I<,'l.l.Ull" J. l`IlI\\'IN \\'II` Ro\v_i: U::ll'u H`.ll`I`I('. 'l'I`1\'phn . KlUYT1"1|'1'S"H (`('|(l)l'1ll(`(l h! ...r .u... l.lII|'I'. -Aunwncn f_ SPREAD :\ nnv Bmrlfnrrl. I`(- ' smm hirthd:u_\'. I honllll. SPECIAL H, BLEND ' 16 n;.,.__ L, }'lI|ll`\l'lI :u-id lit-nu thi.~.- wmn " I Mr. Began in Knee, Spregj .- ifgm ijvlius) ( waits; $2.1 mm mu linI'ru.`. lbs. AMAZE AT EFFECT KRUSCHEN 'I`|:r- insialinus thing nnliun ix` ll.-|l-|ikv :|I ml 19 3% E? E? 19` SLHCED Eb. 27 mumus mung mum!` s` (I1:xl-~rlik(- :u},:(- i! (- im-xi unlil (mo rl:I_\' yml n Ilw 4-rm-I grip of Hm 'l'h:It ix \\'h:11 lmppvm-(. `lll f IlT-I1-tl with rht-umntis rs ugu." slw writes. _\' In-ft knvo und nnkle, I. and suddc-II [min 0l'l'('II 0 ~lumhlc and call out. 1*.|rA'1I in my riI,:ln mm. 4`\-. 2-.i;:Iuls. It im-roalsml mining on .~4l|dzk-nly i`n -r. and lnzwk. llu- :1H:u-ks 2`. or VI` :l:|_\`s. 'l`h(-, ~-mun` me-rv _L!('l|('l'1|l. null Hw In) 'm~.nr1mI lhonl . I" It .4I.l'I`Y BEEF` '51"i3iE6EEf6'iXf"i3'iiEE6i$3E% ............................................................................ A I .` .33 .1. u:n".s' .359. if teens m I: l)li`I\' ,4 & P" (II I\ II" `V HI Ax` I I u l.'Ill`llS"I`lI-."S l.'III`lI.S"I'lE'S (,'III:ll..$"I`ll~.S _` F ng Ru H-I179 Cnalo `Kai `I B! 5-22 JUKI unu liquor .'InnH\(\I` '---?-j-- 1 W. I). M5NNIKlN. F1IIwr:\l l)iroclm and Enlbulnwr. /\mhul:\m'v S1-v'\'ice*.: Phunu 437. l,.imun.~'im' Huurso if dv- 1 sired. (`mu Mux'_\' um! I-`.iiz:1ln-th S15.` - 1'M THEM . By the II] -gala Wail illeqzilly H1 in jail sinm.-mmk Inf`! months. 0 current, in dvhn iznmllwr 100 fine. For lrn mink wi .out a license, Bm'1:nu ,_qw-n 1 1 dnys, in dofnull, or $1 CONS. lo: your mmmmuc om ,.u,}A,`,;n, 9' omgy-.-pngn lo: lawn [Mn] (out. from ry mu mnounccmml cl out lower pvkll. you: n. a has hem mos! gmlfvlnn Our pol-rv has kiln. .1 I.....u nmsibln mks. n -4}; ..,_.__ will-(anllnue to ba, to all! nuahly mnchmdnu al _.__ M. lo .q Inna! pmsiblc mks. ` . g.-E]| HANK YOU I r ~Iurnsvnie {IS nu` :15 Hit.` ]JilVl:Hl(;'lllI goes, will be kepi open for motoring] his \vimer. and plnugzhs have urriv~ or! at Hilmsxrilir-. R4.-(.-vc Edw:u' L)ul1on. Vi('101`iii Tfm'hrn-, VV:n'ri(;n ml` Simona C,'nunty.; `\\`-'l!'. 11.51 '.\'-vi: lhv !~'D(.`ZIk(`l` at tho` pi`:--(.'ixri.~;'.rri:xs: mm-iin;; ml` the Mir!-I . .| 1r:....i. . ("Inn _ GORIIUN l.()N(n'aM:\N. U1ll'l`iE7l('l`, H i<`itur_ Nut:u;\', F11`. Mum-_\' In 1.1:: Mu.x'(mi(~ |`t-mph` Huil(lm_u;. H:u'rn-` Z0 .' A The Ferguson Higxhxvny. north of' -Iunlsvillu as Fm" :13; the pavement {lune u-ill hn Ilunl nnpn Fur vnnlnrins` Apparently quite rhnut lhvir nc-:n'm-3:: :1-nor:ulI`\'. 1: pair :1 1: I lengthy Visit In Cu} at-on (`Yhx'i.-zlnms 1):2_v. Mm. M:n'1,I:u'<-l Mitt Nil um Milt-hull. Rue` Lin nu:-.-1.11 l\~Iv'|1 Il4l/` W um! I UK ./ll JIH}. llil win Ila-'.y;it:n\ |l4'_`. hzul rr-2; 35 1113113.! IU IVIIH. n'|`m.\'ly (-5: +...1 u-. \av \3- -q-..---.;- `as `ru- l\ lahH.\l|t`(| I869 l"l1V'l~`.R:\I. D! H` lll`()R.`3 AM`) i2.\Il.\l..\`lFl(\` OPEN IIAY AND NIGIIT Motor umlmhmce in run meutlnn BAIUUE. ONT.-~-|'ll()Nl*2 K2 l)l lC\I um AND .\l(ill'!` 47 L-.liz;alu-lh St. : l'|uuu- 213 ` G. G7 Smith Co. FU.N.lil\{ .0;L-`I3-iljl PLI'i"0R AND ISMBAI .M[~LR ' (.'1\1_vll-;IcuN A Hull:-ilm'.-;,-11., "J'~l-plmm: MN .LlJ.LJ.l.L\.l.\/A Linulvvua ' O lOO O OO OO r- 'I':xx (`unsul1.:1m:<. Ii l`m'nnl.<). Waverley 'l"'(`|' Mvihlmn, I-()nl.'n'iu, i.': :1 II :I..I l':. wn Him am: AC(.'0UN l`/\N'l`S (.`ll|R.()l R./\(,"I'l(J \?i-:7i-uiui;\9..\Ix,u~4 I ll. .\`Ml l`ll. Hyt-sight Spy- lmnlup St. Phmu` Hll. li' Su|ur1In\'-4 till ll) n.m. \(H'I . l'l)lH|LV il',',l'l('ll| ljvr`, '\h>\'.'m.'n`lI.:l. -r.\' 0! lll1If=Vl(.' wi \l'()ll(lUl)(`(` ll['l(H1 (.110 x rliuh` Q-nvinrr f'n|' :1 Ii! .. ,,.. .:nlr-p::f.'m": n.-alrml in rm Hun ..r [Tn/I: Mz\\ ()l(. & (EOMPANY ml Am-mmlrml-: /\ll(liI(lI`!-I DISTRICT NEWS r. r. x t`.'1pwl xvluit-h HH!l'l il C`luh. I.l'IM.lNli. Vt`lOl`ln:]l`l11l1 ()fl'ivv. -18 B:l_Yfi\`](l SL. me 811. \ Iunr. ; uncnnz-m'nod| :n'm-:::: In <`iviliz.'1li0n nix" ul ])h('.'l.\'X1HIS paid! ` Cul(lwn1(,-r about : LLOXI9 l.S()N, 1s.s.A.. D.O.. -up:l`.h. G kin,-'_ Bl0Ck,| um` EH5. ]\-'1it(~hz.\ll, wife of , RUBVO uf Mulmmn nuvntv in 1 nu-.1 hut`,- l\v'II'3K()N. Burr l<-rs, lI`l`i(.', 5 Uwvn S1.r(-1-1,. \.'lnm-v In I.n:m WICLCII. (3/\Ml lSI'Il:I: K . LAWLESS (`hm-h-rml Am-nlmizmlg, 'I'I`ll.'~: EOE. (ELC. 1(|,`L`VU U1 JVIUIHIIII i :1. 1y in Lord Dull- '.'1n;:u\'illc,~, H-('1-ntly. . I m-:n' M:nIs | I KIIUHUH, lVl.l'. ll)! 1 pnljent ir.| Al. 'I'm`<)I|l.n. where} npomtlun for up-] . m~r:1(i:nn was Sll(`-I Victoria` )I' C,'nunt_y.I l(` the u-(Em; I. . urin hay y)ri1'(-:: _v lifliny, uI' thv us nf (`nn.'u`!i.'m - u D lUl'|l|Ill'. IVJI. it`. /\lli.~:ltm. -_ un Hm ill to xzx-inf {III a 'l`hn\' :.I. l!l('_\' ?ll"l nl Lmldnn 'l`m`mItn by H IUlVll'AN Y /\uditm`.-4. '3 A(Iolz1id- 1237. till 1.-, .un..n,, I I5nr- | nplo I III. n Wl':l.(:ll. U/\lV1I'IsI-;I.I. M I.AwI.r..\n (`harm-rvtl At-(,-uuntzmls, 'I`ru:~:u.-(as. 5!) Ymnmv SI... |`m-unto, Ilumn and [Grin l%uildin;',. Lundnn. . M... .....\.... E Edwin Jarcline sufl`m~-d the loss r Ilhroe l`in_zu.-rs in un nccidt-nt whil |:1t \-mrk unloading the SS. Vznlc-:n tier ul lhv C.S.l.. elevator (Int-Ir. : Mirlhmri. He was trt,-:1t(.-d at St. A: l(lrc,-w's lTn.:pi1:|l, wlwrv hv rvmninv Ifnr .s`(-vornl (lays. The nt-(~irlvm In Ir-urrrrl half an lmur hol'm'- the ju Iwnuld hnvv In-~11 wynmh-I1.-r1. l|lV..I..!II.. Y\..I| . . .... .. ML-lvillo I\/It-Curtn(ey. 26. n InnI'rio<!| mrm with Hn'eu small 1-hildrvn, wmzl .<:h'uck by Uw ('.'.N.R. ])nsst-n_{0r 1min` aoing inlu Mr-:H'm'd at H) p.m. on 1\IInnd.'l_v night of Just wm-k mm was ! ins:tnnHy kiH(-d. his hnrly hr-inc hnd-I Jl_v m:m,-.v;|(-rl when it p:n:;,:-rl un:lm`- ; m.-nth Hm whz-t-ls ml` the m1mnr~, I`h(.- 1':nil\\':))' \\`.'x.-: u.\: :11 H10 in-` I,.n;.:l "(lll\'\'ll` iqnvsl. m. ...I v inp, an l('ll'[)HUH(_' Illll. l'UlIl ll l|\/l`I HI Iho dill-h (wn or thI'(-(- limvs. /\ l)hiw-nut (-:ius:(:11 him to low` ('tIlli,I'4)i 01' [hr mn<'him- :13 ho \-.':is _xgnin; clown the hill in the uf Midi.'m(i. One ml" M:l\('i l(`(ilSil'S lift-lung ros- irlonts died with : surldt-n- nc.~:.s' on T):-(-<-mi)m' 23. William ".'L\'- lnr wont ml to ihn lmrn to lend In xmnn r-hm'es: :1buut P p.m. nnrl \\ . l1' fuund {how} (load :1 {ow lTIil1llll. .\` hilt-1' by :1 Inernbm` nf his fzimiiy. D(`('(`.')S(*(i, who wns in his l`.".rrl _\'o:n'. hnd hovn .'ipp:iI'vn1l_V in his nsmzni i1(':Iilh up to that time. The h(=m.`_v snow . rvf \7Vmi- l"i(`.'~'(iI`|_V of 1:151 wt,-(='k pmvml In lw IL. ' r.(` 1? ) 'f`.-.no1 F`)-n-1.-u, .. o:..I:.-\.~ Clifford Jermcy, Bass Lake. has `purchased some hundreds ol` acres I01. standing timber in Mnluhrrdash and will have it cut into logs. Thesv logs will be taken to Orilliz; on the CPR. lo be made into lumber in n smv m-ill he has (. l`O(.'l.('(l them near the lake front. -a 4, , ,,,n__ x_.... :._n.. uy.,n. ....u ....w BurL:1ar::. recently broke into Walk- , (-m's hzn'rl\vz1rc : 'I`nttenhum-.I i through :1 hm-k window. They tried tn got intu the safe and as :1 result !Mr. Wulkcm xvu.-4 unable to gvt the Isafe open the next morning. A l'uw (rappers were t.'1k(m from tho cash register. but :u)pnr:ntly nothing: (`lsn was taken. : V?` . ~ .. .-.- un,, 1 , ,.~ l l`|I(-km" M(']3I`i(` ;(:. with :1 To |:1l'lr-rrumn uI' (`hr [his am` left the 1'0 x I in;{ :1 (oIvphom.- 1) lhn l1l'h hvn nu I /(`(]-l 'I1o.'~'rL'1y lwl llho initiation of Ed. 'I`(`-ml. (`I:n'k.<- lhnnz. to .' work m1 pm- |vin(-inl I1i_L{h\vn)'s. Ho had just ro-1 L-I-ivvd word from tho D(-pnrlmt-nt of] IIig;l1\\'::_`,'.s`. I`<>rnntn. that his lmulr-I` Fm npo1`:.11in5.{ the .~:nm\' plr;w`nn ln;5hwn_\' 26 I":-um Ownn Sound in Sln_\'n('-r. hnrl hmm !~2ll('('(`SS:rll]. I C-`l\:n'|c.< Sim-In, 3). ]1`n<-vl)|'i I w:I.~: fint-rl $10 and r-nsts of $7.25 nfl:-1' hv pl!-nrh-rl gzuiliy :11 Orillin tn rm'k- um. w. A. LEWIS, Su`l`g(.`l'y and 1)is.l cases of Women. A.<:so<-ialic (;`m-um-r County of Silnmw. Phnnv til. ()'ix-rx. 58 Collier SI. III:ur.~;: H-9 ::.m., 1)...".(l-J., :94. H nrn I KIM K.'O|ll(`l` :3 cm. H ]).m. W/\Iu) I ll)ll`l`H.'l( l'm'nmt- 'l' Q1 1.`. 'I`. DIES. Ll'l"l`l.l & l.l'l"l`l,l'I. I`h_V.~:i('i:m:: zmcl Slxrm-(ms. P:.'Il`l'il'. ()H'i'-0 and l.`:-:<- Inch. Ll & lal'l"l'LI'.. 1'ny.:n-nun and S11rL{(-uns. nrriu-. zmrl H:-:< i(l(,-n('(*, 47 Maple Ave. (Jf('i<'(- mun`:- 1 1n. ip.m., 71,09 ;:.m.. In` h_v ::]n[mi:11 ment. A. T. Lililt`. M.I)., W. (7. [J1 rill: MR Phnnn `)1? I DR. W. R. I". LUKIC-l)R. G. (3. SNIl,l..' II_v(.-,l'Ia1`,N<).s'c and 'l`ln'n::1. Sm-:`i::lis1.~:. Medical Arts Buildin;.{. 'l`urnnIu. Bur- riv nl'!'ic(r: 45 Eli`/.:1h('l.h S1. mppu.x'ilu- Rnxy [`ho:1tru). Phmw I75. ()I`I'i(-<-'3 humus`: 2nd and 41h S.'I|uHl.'a_\':: ml" `.ln-4 mmxlh, 3 In 7 11.111. 1 I JESSII-2 1:. mum N.'I`eaclwrul'P1uno [ `(_)rgun. Singing and all 'l`lmun-txcul y !.\`ub_ivvt:~'. Pupils pr~p:n'L-d fur 'l`m'nn1u (`nn.~;m'\':1Lur\` u!` music ~x:uuin:mnns.` l':DIUND IIARUY. Mus.B:u'..l".'l'.('. '1`:-!:H`h-II` H` I :-inn (Mu-:11: \'4n"Al f|I lllll. N. W. l()Gl`IR.S. J h_\'.~:il'i.'1n zmdg 'Surg(aun. Assot-into ('m`um'l'. (founlyg of Sirnvuv. ()H'i<-9 and l`('Si(|(`Hl'l*I .`)U1 Mzngv St. Phrmv 101. z .l. H. N. SMl'l`ll. M.l).. l`h.\'.~:i(-i:1n and Surgmnm. O|`fico, Owvn S1` (l'm`m('r- I)` n(`('l1|)i('(l by Dr. 1.. .l. Sin1ps Ix`!-. 144 Maple Avv. ] h<>Il(` 700. UK. In`. (i.'l'llKNIil!l.l.. (EI`:H1lI:1lI* !\ (iill Univvr.s`it_v, M ()lYi<-(- :1 x'osi(lm1c(`r (`mt Eli`/.:1b(-lh and Br: furd : l'hnm- 105, ()!Ti(~v hon 9-H) 2) ll! l_.'{ n In 'I.R nun Inn. w/\I.'rl~.I( ll.W'UUI)l(.UV| . (H`IllI:I,' `Sll(`('(`S.\`()| in tlw lutv DI`./\.l .Artl;w,h I 1 . `[ luyv. om`. nu.-w and thx-uni s'|n-(`I111 M.) \\*iI| hp :11 (Jun-nn': Huhzl P.:n-u-in I ` l`._\ l`. l)().`4(1 will hr :11 Qm vvL-r_\' Snturdz ' I ` l'.`I\Ml'2I!.()N J: (`.'\l\ll'IR,()N. Hull}-ilnrn: I-11' H:|I`I`i!', 5 ()\` I V l(7|`U.lI\N Uluu-. ! tliurrio Bl':llH`h). V 3 {mm 1 . lo 5 n't'|m~k 4' I plu-utinn for nur.x'v'.< made` di!`('C1 or thrn fphnno lM7W. I-;I.mlUNIJ HAND) . Mu.~:.u:u~..I-` '.t`..u.; Tezuther of Plano. Organ. Vmxtl and`; I\`[1Isiv:ul'.l`lmuu'y. ()rg;mi. mu! ('hmr- I nmster of St. Al1dr~\\"s Prvs1)y1v1'i:1n! Church. Gold Medalist 'J`urumo (`<.>n- ! lsorvntory of Music and Umvurmy uf ` I'l`oruntu. 113 Vvurslvy SL. Barrie-. I I 9 | I DR. N. M. l.Alll{ll~2. I M.(!.(1.. l hy.~:- i('i:m, Spvci:nlisl. in d ' -, ' -In|~ (Iron, illt('l`lIl| medivixw and mum!" -znxrrmrv (')t'fit-t- nnrl ! 1l\`i(|l*I`I('N `)lil Uwun St. Plmnc 487. (Iron. Inn-mu! memc-nw zmu .-;ur;:m'y. ()ffIc(! zmrl x`u.s`1(l(.-nvv, 2li I I T 1 ( 1 .__ ILIIRI-ITH LEN NOX M()RRl'IN. .C.M., 'l`t`:1(-her m` Pizmn and E inn. 8 North Strvut. phunc 1:3 V I \vAI.'rmt MurNl1 l"l`. A.'l`.(`.M.. B:u'- ; [rim 'I`eachor of piano. organ and 'l`lu-- ` wry. singing cuuvln, organist and -luir- ; llnuster of 'T`rinil_v churvh. Barrie. |S(-holarship student for two _vu:n's -:1 `Toronto (`unservutory of Music. Ad- idress: 68 Mulcastm` SL. phone 1324. `iMAYl)I'7l-I M(`AlYl.I`IY. A.'l`.('.I !:'ln-r uf Pimm nml 'l`lwm'_\'. l `K! r`.um~....'_ mun.-I 115 n--.\ LLOYD TU]-`FORD. Orgzmist (`ulliur i St. United Church. Teavhvr of Pinnv. ; Organ, Vuice. 39 Owen St. Phone `.!.`{`.`.. 1 l`R.()l~`. I). I-`.. WEIR. 'l`o:u-he-r uf Pim `and Vinlin. Piano Tuner. Phone (`.1 1315!. n.'||'I`if\. (M11. . ._...___._...__ MISS M. I\lcAR'I`IlUR Furs Rn-xnmic-llvd and Re-paircri. Over Hurlbur\'s Shoe Store. DUNCAN I". l\vh*('l?/\I(}. I!..'\.. msssnr to (*ro-.-:\\'n*lu- &- Hvlli. I am. c.n;.-ic...- ..u.- n/n...4w 1.. 01' 01 P111110 and '1`! . (`.e()ru-":4 Church. I. hill!` v Impcri: I S|ll`)_{1*l'}' wt) 51.. B: IVESPRA GIVES ? 1934 councu. ANOT}l_{ TERM} (Continued from page one) mlirzl' expenditures. After the gnv-; ernment aid had been deducted only ,` $279.58 was `left for the township to; pay. but it would have been much}, Ihcuvier had it not been for thr-F fine work uf the Wnmu-n`s Institulc-.x" nut! :1 number of inrlividuzlls. ]`l1m'0: . no .... rm rm . ..I\.\.. m'. mum, llw (`(1 inlnnn LOOK HERE. WE ALREADY REFUSED TO SEE EIGHT DIFFERENT RUG MERCHANTS "THIS MORNING. ./`Q JU HUHIIIL` ZIIJUUI. DU: other. There were N/0} h 9 ('hiI(h'(m. three nr and snnm with 5 to 7. )'(.']i(.'f cases were near Il\'I] ml Lninu l'.1\I\I\IlI'l` I VVlllHL'lI.\ f inrlividun fnmil it-:4, .~ "l`I-\n. .\ lI|.\Lll.L|IL'.\ Jnls. 1'here about 80 2 two . Ikunn ru- to ('l`!`.`\\`l tor. Sulir-itnr, (`I Run.-: Elm-k. Bur:

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