Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Aug 1897, p. 5

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DIIIP Iuevlug uu u u y 1; u \. _y uu ea In ordvr to sccurela passage to the K1o- dyke gold elds, one peraompzxid `$1500 for a $4150 ticket, at San Francisco. last` week. I: n ,-, ,, , 1.'__'__._..; .......x 1... .:..l. In guuv vlunul, nu unu A-nu.-....-.4, ...... Mrs. Eficaoxl, of Keyport, went to `pick berris, leaving her baby in a hammock. ~When she r'aturued it was dead, the -fnosqui-. toes hlwing killed rt. A 5..-.-- .(.....-...\A mldln |\n`r\'Ann]n J:-nnlr uucn unvnu nuuau um , A farmer_:irreated while helplessly drunk } on the streets in Brockville had in his pockets 854 nud two bank deposit receipts. one for A $5,000 and another for $1,400. ' u, .1 '-u.L,,,,, v.`u,uvv uuu 'lIluI-Ig\.| nu x,.,.,uu. It isnesltinmt-ed that should the eight-hour l_ day be generally inaugurated next, May. as is desiguedpxllployment would be Afforded I` to nearly-1,000,000 additional persons. I n....... :\`......:| -1.-.... .~l.'.;.:.h.A M A..f.m.l .. I nu |lL nLIJ'1g\J\lI1\\Ivu u uuuuuuu ... l.,............ Proton Council `have didtzd tn defend a suit; threatened by" Councillor Sharge for dumnge3-susts.ined by -a runaway horse coming in contact with a milk _can on side of- mad. m. 1' .-. '-. . u,_L.I_. .|_:.. .~__ lllllu The rush of tourists to Muskoka bhis_y-hr. yeni is greater than over, the returns to the GrandTruuk .~:ixo\\`i1igvafax' _g;rea\,ter number `- of passengers than were carried _this time , lash var.-Huntsvil|a Enterprise. -n r, ,1, n._; - ......_A... -......A..\.I.. mau yccu .-.uuuw - um gal: Xv; In --_-.. Near London, Out; a county constable went out to investigate A charge that oh- structions were_ being p]acedq`The way of. bicyclists. The constable himself rode 2: wheel omtlie occasion, struck one of the ' obsti-fictions, broke his collar bone and re- ~ ceiifed other injuries. He ma.y_be._s_s_id__to' have mode a thorough. inve_stigution and is ` no doubt convinced thnitgthe cyclists com- plnintfwssrwell founded. V ' ..L_.E..13?B - V W V .LHU|a\_ WUlr Q! Edmanaon. Bales A`, Go. rv-..n......... 1 In nl 1 Tvw-- -- , I . _. ..,, UNIQDALLID ton Quinn ~. . ." Qamlnf_8qL}`Ma00lA1IOIl.,Ct.IIlTOII;Ml`. , An Easy Cure for `Drnnkenness. The Best The Grand Trunk President in the beat artendlnnu, : um. an Mmmnn, gum , gu..;.; N High JEN IlUiIUl ll vuuwvu uu vuxauwg nut-In H 01 Lu:Yoa_r. 3 The following extinct: from A very , nlunbie crop-iepurt. published by the Mu]: Mud Empire on Satuniy, show favorable; proupocts tor the human 01 Ontario. not-: ,WlKhIK.3ndiDg thus-great miulail of but wggk G nun; ..-n u : !'hn`G~uunI Outlook for onum. Ahead? .1 lane Vnnu x Wint;-r when and hnv are the products` ii: which the yield has been most ehemua. .A further aalistautory piac that t `ex have` in cummon ls iucrt:ase~x acreage. Tmke is a ` ` mun): Niulmr nrmam-` mph: am` `A Innri-' .\it*ut:i\c arc: '.'i.u:i \ \L'i:, iimu incl`: rllif car. \`icid' and tun.-age bring both` ' vei) iiiuicriully incieascd. Um total quantity :01 vilieat and hay will tar eurpns that pro-y iucmi in l.\".l6. Hay and wlieat are iurtlier: gconnected` ny the tact that both aulltfd E more ur lcssuaiiiage train the heavy rains cl ithis week. As tn the dvgrie of that dainage. ill has been very uncquul in tliflcrcut parts.- iot the province. The rain was too late to icabcli the hay crop ms .1 wliuio. Thuugh ithere was t2\`lllrl][l_\ liiiy mi! in spots all 0\':`r the pl 0\ ll)L`t`, yet it imuld eem that the greater part at the urop had linen safely; ~lioi_ised before the `stoim came on. The portion til the crop. (iutstandiiig appears to have been chief you the edges of thc pt`0\'lllCt` as in Bruce. Essex. Durhum and Uien\'ille._' Itrthe east, not niily did the min spniln large percentage of the exposed hay, but the` iurop was below the average tor the rest of Ontario, `A haying imi in the imitter ot Wenlllcl` snniewiint H3 the Qm-.heu err-p did, which is on the short side. Allrr iiizikinu i the utmost allowance lur the eiict of "rain . `oi. tlig_hiiy crop. tn:-re ii:iist still he :i total tuumige in at least 50 pt-r cent greater than that of last year. `The disparity hetween last year's crop -of )\'\'lnl9t` wheat and this years is almost equally striking. Between them there is :iliiiu.~;t tiliwlllit ditit-rent-e thin` [ there is belweeiila lean Liiizla. lat _\'f!M`. Save in : the most "eastern C0l1|lllt`..~`. which are not = fimioiiii fur \\l)L`tl[ gruwiiig, .ixid in Dinham. f the iyieldis good. .~elti0iil tzilliiig l)t`.l0\\' `: (ll 3 buriiela to the acre,'oiteti riaiiii: to 30. and yaoiiietiim-s in i%") V Struiitze to say, Diiilinm, } ` which had a puor crup ul wlit-a"`t this year. 1 I13 i ` had a poor one lust. '.Li1EyBZll`_[ll8 `patches of gonifwlieat. as iiiust people will I`l`.i:ii_. were in widely separated patulies. :This ;year they are more evenly distrihiited. `As _a result of the min the wheat in some piirts _ of the province has `begun to sprout. 'l'iioii;.(li the hnrm done` wasvery .ctiiisiilr i'zihlniii varioni-: parts, it l has by no ineins entirely undone the work _oi the loinu season of fine weather that p`re- loaded it. The spring wlxeut sceins to i`ll\\'ll` lesczrped. Of this the yield is also evidently greater than was that of lust years crop.`- III UUIIIUIUU I3 IUCICBGCW dbl` `much higher average` _\'1e oI\h=lI5:\'r ,nr,4 21:1,! : I I:_ ~ifm+%LounoN?AunnAuAuI "M [MN AND 00. .. . i nu. n. For all the lmrin the rain lllla slontfthol _. fzmners us 3 class they will be almmliintlyl xrecampensed by its benet to the iiniryl > industry. So that it will prove an unmixed ` good, There is every prospect_jhat all , f_o1;mer records in tlie Cnnmlimi cheese trade will this year be distxmced. Cremnery butter. too, wliicli is loomingiiito impurmnce ; as an export. will also-be -beuctitted by me I rain _ _..l_. = ....., -, I 1 Last year's oat crop, was .1 van gdnd one. d_ jbut it will he exceeded by that now to be 'dmrveated. Rust, as a result nf the min, is` ` reported from some qlu.1`ters. Outs are coming mm more nnpnrnmce H1 cousoquemre i of the demand fm them that has sprung up in the Bntish nxnrkct-. ' Mm... n.`.... .4 .m.. ...;n .\m|\..|\|.. mo ..v......A i Q . in the Urltlll marker-. . j The crbp of peas will probably not exceed that of last year. if it eshapes dunmge from j mildew, us :1 result Of the min. i l (ll barley the yield is suivo\\`lint larger. nsf also in the ucriezige A very large proper!-iiiii 1 of itwill be discoloured by the rain. Un-l fortunately that czmnnt much diminish its value, as, closv.-d out of -the United States. , markets as it now is. by the Dingley bill, it - ' must come to the level and the prion of mi feed grain. In both rye and corn last ye:u`s limit willl prohnblg be passed. . i l \ n . vnu nnnh !`f`L` Folidepressimr uf spirits. ixLTr\.'(\1)sI1vss: {and general \\'e:1km.- ss,' ;'\1i}le1"s Unnxpound ` I1-ox}, Bills are .-x.surg cure. 50 doses, `.251 cents. null! uni Qnun-nae Ilnnar Kfnlnn nun CGIUS. So1d.atSe:I2ers llrug Store. opp. Pgst 0i<'.s`- Sent to any address wxthout. extra ch:m:_e. - \ , 1' ..\. L.... L..- 2....) I` lll.II IIl' I-.\l-I ll \.l.||pl ,q_I.- Two girls in New York liave been ned $20 each and $47.25 costs for keeping my .tume'robins in my es. `The virls treated the A birds kindly, bathed them, disiiifeclbd their cages, auiigiwe them plenty of fond and ,w:iter; but; stein jusiice could n()teXcl1Se4.hP nwfiil crime of keeping the pets captive. The paper repni~iiiEg' the case contains also the regort of the n1-rustnmi iinpositionbf B 32 ne on at loafer who came home drunk, beat his wife and children, threw them out doors and kept them out all night. . U.S. agents are in \\'51`li trying tu entice; immignmts from .\hmitolm. ' Wlomaafsw Ills ! ' dmmy, and should we continue ymu: pills would 1 At the time of getting vour bmrumxs Kliiey Pills,I was sulferim: with :1 min in my hack. scemin _ to he in the bone thut. jtjllls (life, lnips, and ` extend in: downitlm limbs. - I six"? l0S(`,d it was scin- . tina. and I i`e:n`cd your pills \\'o_u( not rewcll the --ense. gratin 11 week 01'uioretlmunh1 leftum. Dc- caslonnlly I have pains above which :11": severe, "and tlleliighest. one is pmlmbly in the kid`u2_vs. I think my d:mgllli)l' and myself nmjlnhicd to be much bgimlted. '1 am x`1mu`im: my s\'ent_\' l `f0lll'tll year. [am coutlnfuut your pills will work wonders in healing tlm`sick., and Ilmve lon:.u thought Aspai':\gu`s him some etfectou the kidneys for their `good. M duught-er thinks sluz-was n1llCllbem2lll,l(.(ll)Y to use of_your Spam us1iid- mv Pills,"i1nd`slIelms taken your Litt u Linn` :PilIs with gw results. Says she. feels much * stron`m:r. ~ . i ' .I we 6 - Stud "ta us fweek 1 rpmaglax 2 ghaI??I`Y1e!}1!ne::i&gqyua?xauby brnong A _ _ 1y` No .cIaa1e`s. Course dams `mom that any of wk`, 1131' uum |lUDII\3 \ll all sickness is tllorough laxative. *' Citrate AoL1\_l'Lnesia _is as pler{Zi't"`t0" takevas lemonade and is as eective as the strongest p1n'gatives_ ' It s 9. simple thing but :1 good one.` We put it up our- selves so _you can defxd on it. l ms ts ofte caused by kidney diease | as by aifeutaious of `.116 womb. Ammmr Hm nun-.~+ may-f.nin cvmnfnmn as Dy 3111561410115 0]. H16 VVUlL|Ua . Among` the 1nust...cexta.in symptoms of this disease are }?a-ckac11e, Bad Com- plexion, A Tired Feeling. Depressed Spirits, Headache, Nervousness. Side- 'fhENn1'iI}g iETT00 Frequent Urina- tion, Dmggriug Pains, etc. 1 V . ,_,Theae czmbe . ,, =6URED \ l"IllB Wll I stI*o_p`g<:r. ' Bodkkgoping. 1 enx'xiiu.1shlp."S&),olllng. Practical . Grammar. Banking. Commero `Law, `and-` Gorrespondance . Menaumion. Ci al . l-Ktllmetivl ` Shorthundntl ypowritlng. `Dlllld Sew! zlcvengk Sessions. Open summer and winhar. .No`,jcIaasea."Goume dams `from rst any orw ;` ~'Iand|nco. students-mav anmr any day of whale JHOBBS REM DY '00.. Pnornmmns. 0316506. . ~.Dl'. Hobbe Pil1sForSu1e`in BARRIE..0NT.. at SEAGEWS DRUG _s'roRE.opposv.e P. o. , Jul Excttslnn ausnugss comes} 2 % Suara us%KidneHIlls. IOBBS REM Cmomt )1-,H`nhl\n Pilh war Ruin in RARRIE. amt. u MRS. A'..nnd`M. L. 317.!-31);. , , ' ~ 1-128 Omnge St._,- Syracuse, N.iY._ % B7'_AVlRlZEf;_ VEIKU. LHEIU [3 RI elu, and"a more: . ~. A _.. .... D.` $H:%?f`1VfacLarei1, THE sovamnu nasnxnr PLEASURE nun or HEALTH A \I|l\l"l\l\I u........... ... ,.v. . I Japan`-has consented to submit; its contro- VerI'WiLHa\\ aii tn m'_hit:rntiun. Thllsjfg j the 'p'reaent'.the warclnud '\'vhinh seemed to be ggthering on Uncle Sunfs west.eru coast: has passed harmieasly. But when it comes to arbitrahiug. our neiqlghors will want to V be the third, pnaty, mmullg that privilege under the .Mnm-ne Jou?t1`i:m._ Japan may Iejeog, or, hn'viu_g cnnsenned, mm'.objec,b to, tht arbiter-`s `ruling. Then-ea may belhigh words yet between -the two. ` . . "u.. rs `D n.,........ 1.I`...L...1.'..z .. A Collingwnnd ynhng xfolnzm says [that] when shu receivvd her first nmsculme kiss, she felt: as if- sumething was running down 1` her nervetron fret, uf dhunnnds escorted hy, _ several little cupids in chariots drawn by` angels. shaded h_\' nnm>_vsuckles audcanopied _ by melted 1`niuh_u\\js.." That young lady _ u\~i(fently knows. and appreciates an good` thing when she meets with it. [` W IIL`:!'.J,I._l,2.. 1..1..-an v'n;._ I net 9 0 owmg: ornysv ~ yes- 1 terday chartered tn loud cm-goes `of gram at Philadelphia. New York; Baltimore and Newport. News fufporls in the United King- d0m fmfl E:"[ l);J!N1}ijMLILJ&y3s:J:e1:m:d.;, r`-`i"Pn1)kH1&d-.-l'- klkm`-T. t.hes vessels \\iH`~reguire over _-000,000 bushels of grain. wunuu_yvu um-...\.. . *' MR. G.`R. BLQUM`, Melhodisl mixyistel V . Dresden. Ont, says: *`Kfyr a prolonged` lnttaokof la. grippb. [was vgery-ue`rvouat" andwenk. `and troubled with severe pains. I took one` bog; of.,Miller"s Cprnpfmnd Iron ` 'rPiIla.and mil perfectly we11"now; , , -' V i . nl ntxonni-rs Ilium Stan-15.. nhnf I vvllouvlu) van-vnutuun" . c _ ' la Th Medical Record-may: eggs aiuaefnl i_n`tzhe following 'appliea'bionu}A mustard plinster made with thejvhite of an egg will not lave` IL blister. A raw e. taken immev ` diatoly wl om-y down a ahhone that 1 cannot. be. extrmted-._. The vh_ite skip that: linen the shell in a useful applxoutiqn ton _boiL. White of fig bdatep up,wit.h loaf, ` Msugu*nnd\ lemon ism hogragneas, n, `spoonful, ukgn aye: _hd,nl"; . A_!x`.t_aggjiu.;bhq` 1 ~mora\:i_n`gL qnp. QL00 ;in; as g6oJd,louio.V.-~v1AL ' taming. vim/_thom3;o!k:.unbrokqn V A I: '3` Lbomm mu \ i-l7llll _!lLl 8l_ll purguuv 1_v weu uuw. `, - Ls -~_So_ld auseasu-x{s.lh ng Sim:-e.` obp.~ Post omce. `sent to any Address \ withmu; extra charge ~ 1` I rm.. n_.n'__I n_,.-....1w-...- ......- __*,:*..-.k.:.I 39999ooooooooogg ms nu smear. Toaomo V V 909909ooyoo9oooooooe% MAKING MEN'S LTHE3--A unu n nwu mu Hiirmexpma. July .n.v..:u I --Tim Rcord t>o-dzw Lead packages only, .25," 3o`,-4o, 5o andioc. per lb. Soldfby all grocen. .. 1 Th'e Dnvldmu & Ilay,`Ltd.. Wholesale Agents. Torontn. " `PU R5 any IIIIAB IICVVIT T _ Lemon--Orange--Grap Fruit;Pineapp1e--Stmw- ` . hen-y--Ra.spber'1y-Van`i11a and other_ fayorite avors. . PREPARED m TWO umufss D.J,..u.--+2?(3 ; AY ALL eaoczns . -wcunnw ~ %xx*%%$*% ALEX. MILNE, Liam, . `.5; \;~.- .. ..v"i0[)EL Loans made on irpfoyied fagrm proprty $1; I lpwst current rates, .1 ` A ntuosous inn nulnnr A Powde1',p;cpa.r:.cL,frnm the ..u..I34_ ....Il7.. 1.-.; 2-n_' ' "' "11 -r4l-|I!IIu-nIL Manon nu. Emit} calf : Soot ; ., ZWHIIO GIVES sATIsrj.-xCrI0N ooo ooooooooo$oOOONMMO60 tcsvmum. trade {has sozusbn i has dqsired. It a. r_,, _ ship `will a1_\m\'sbho1d' 1 x We w.-m! $0 " asu p_riuus .x1uHir>t-\ `II 1 \ I1- ;;The E Diamond Jubilee ` en Dated at Barrie. 23rd July. 1897. we Yo;u?}LLGoin;f I I1` '%'Vv'trVv%V bv'b- 3 T1"W1.%bY iJ% : The D0mihi0h : gas dsswyswso: . an 93 uenwepq. vnqgqw VA ` `:o:_xi:i:3royLt:.`}$riiin.i ;;aim`9fafm,_;%4apgi 'u`11k"u~rug{h UL` yvun gunman *1eduaa;sm;ag$;.;1sc;n{gw;-sz{rora ` rur :i,earcst- hou. : ` '5.`-C` :3~`3`4>O_OOOOOOOO9OO9~" {ton every package. T refrui:-Aavors-` Terms _ t9_- ~_ , chaigeg, ~ ;IF so. YOU s _H0 ULD: `` :A.qk`n5ov`v.!e(id, 96 bitlinejv `ktinxi and -- Jinx! *- AQKDOWPEQREQUV no 03 me T `Fktiost. 3nd JIosz."- Caiggmodiom`. s.t.;;.;.`..'; ` ship? but-ween. Canada; and `.}rah.7Bi-iEin.. T ` mu afmw a: ._rea2 _ -7: 21221033910 Ezzmpe" I/NS yea`9"~~ hm-k:\'4I' 1. Spring, our uni} provs um: Baking o|%_Roast- ingwlll turn out. Every house- warexnm what 9 an advantage this` 3 In ,A `-111! UILI-us my as-to how 50111`? C IT J1sJ7sY ` S_PARING - ` that `could b`e .-`.1133 wo1kq1:m~ old customers ',._]_sp.rmVera71jequiring money to meet yiatuh ' ying mortgafzea or. for any . other purpose,` yshould` apply- |_:o ` the 'underaigueQ_Vbefo're _makingo&herarr1inpa}ngnt. ' ` " " V 1' hrs cennin Iona-age,,wmch will hr pro`! (head at the time. there will be oifered for his l) W D. MCCONKEY. Adctioneer. It the ' Q ` NS HOTEL,h1theT0WN OF BARBIE, I on - W :MU%N|(:3lPJAL DE'BENTURES % A %i=uRcH[Asn % , % Druggist and 0ptician._ DICKINSON & M.-\CWA I"I'. ` `u.K3 Owen Street. Barrie. Vendors Solicitors. I of Ilcn-1-In wnrrl Jnlv, E7. A!` 'aI`I'1'% ##;1'3. ~ _J- F.KlRKp" '\ r ' Mun: Of Crockery _ suit` Borrowers} Mqdertite Limited ;1VIedicinej th usualnodce. ` Other termslnnd qondiliuns will be made known It the time 0% sale, or in the meantime on npp1ica- I I don to , DICKINSON MACWAT1`. I,'l{Il W_ run, , V lzoverv. lrelgnl on ;{1e.w11A n '3-nlmim amaze V mm ' nine ter.1th`s of Y.-_-L...- ;'l`hur-aday evening, 29th. in Jnlyal-_u: nu nun oumnuscu oy wwu menu:-omen: tint six inches of ruin fall on _ the level from Monday night, mm, to: is iocality. Rnmp sav Ihnt the when has stnned to! `1 nu:-any evening, urn, nu nun wcluby. 3 i Sum: say that the grow, an: only whac IS in shock Mt Ihnt is ripe and ready to cut. I Mu. Gram and `an: dnmehtif L urn Eben: I ll W. Lime. . 1 ' Rev. Mr. Wright. of Michigan, is spend- ing a few days with his sister, Mrs. Mat. Sharpe. ' Mina Annie Loucu of New Lowell. -and Shmjpe. . Mina Annie Loucu New her sister Ella, are visiting friends during their `holidays mound Killyleagh, where they spent many a youthful day. ` v \ 4` To be candid and truthful. 1 am miserable, used up, nervous, and can : sleep these days; I feel as if life wnannt `worth living. 1 havev(ried.coumr_v air, and hav, strictly followel my doctor's advice. yet here .1 am, fans wearing away.Y' I Thu: nnnfmmiun mndn`*|w 1. rnnident. 0 there Are Thdusan`dS Like Him `g . in__Cana.d$. iaavicu. yen new ,1 am, man wearing uwzuay, ! _ This confession, made"by 1. resident of; one of 91]!` largest Canadian oitiee,~ truly | rapreaentsthe condition of lhousnndsiufi men and women, oldwmd yuuug, at mu, Lim` of the year. _ ' I H in nlmnnf. may-hain that annh wenklvi ] [HUB OK [HE )'ElIl'. It is almost certain that such wenklyl and`, broken d/own men and women h..\-u not yet. heard the joyful news that Pain;-`s Celery Compound 18 the great life renewa r A and builder, the medicine that makes Ihu| weak atrbng, that gives vim and true 5 activity Louie languid and dGBp0nd`|l',% that makes the blood pure and red, that" gives` digesrivu vigor and sweet. refreshing 4 sleep. ` ` l Ara .mu rlnur rmulnr nmnnunf. tlmi 'Q c?1:'I-ix rfdririlixi the TOWN npe um may m cm. V _ Mu. Gram and `Eur dun MEI` spent "3mC,,_-a. M 4., Q! gun an ` A few weeks latelv with or parents. Mrs. T M me hour of_12 o'clock. noon, the roxtgyymg 2% and Mn McKuigbE, prior,`w her going to` dmmme Pmpmy ;_. -Bl'iti8lLC1llIl1l)ia bu her husband. who went 3 The 33.33 of L0, numb T,g.jmy_ me out there eariy in the swing. She lulu on; East-Hglf of Lot number Twenty-one` and Lot! Friday 23rd. .'or Samdcn, B,(`. t ` number Twen:g'i~`1\:4l3`:{3ln the Tenth concession: yrs. and Mr. Jared. with tnczr sun and ggmggg Tggfmnm ;1t:,j;[ `f0,;`;`>;e;f` dzfizghter \Vil!x-ed and'Berth., frnm sum. `'1 of ;m(.h 13 m, y Well ft._,;m;__,. 7 N.Y_., are 1130 spending a few Werksf the There is on the prom?! 3 "9 9'0! mine hummer holidrys with .\1rs. and Mr. Mc- |m...m ..v_m mmu <| mmd on-hard and il 106:. x:..;..;.. u... T......:`a nnulonrn I nuu plwlubu U1 LLICDI; uu5u Auuvuo The bare bones of the John `Eaton Com- pany, Limited, disclose, on examination, a Juct that is worth more to the business world thanallthaxtwnslobythetenlndth fuilure, and that is` this: rgiepnrtmental l store, with its slap-dush methods, may make or lose afortune in a year, but to be solvent bile facing-the hazards that confront it, it must, notwithstnnriinq the starvation wnges paid and all the boasted economy that comes from concentration, make alsrger percentage of profit on the volume of business done than _ is made by the ordinary store. It must prosper at the public expense or smash to. the whol M--innnage- ment, tlie`repairing of blunders. the expense `of advertising and keeping up by various ` devices adsily fever ofexcitement. exceed 1 'li`y` perlihps onehnndrtaer cent.` all thatis saved hy concentration. This truth is the gem that comes from the crucihl e., The ;world is. bigger than any person init, and the lvalne of merclinndise is regulated liy` ` lows and inuences that no man can defy. If a store gives real _bsrgains it soon ends in the hand-sot on assisznee ; if_it remains solvent it prots are raked inevery night and its Ibex-gains are not real. A department store is run under exceptional expense, ahd if it- prospers its prots are excessive. however piices and values may be shuied4o deceive ypurehasers. ` sleep. * ` Are you. dear reader, amongst the S alictd `ones? Are you pining in miaery l and su`cring.and full of dread and fears ? i If so, let us point you lie the only inedi- cine that can meet your case without `a fear of failure, It is Paine a Celery Com- pound, nature's medicine {for the tired and worn our. body and unatrung nerves. The virtues of this medicine strike right. I at the seat of the trouble. quickly bring- ing health and happineaa. It has a inat- l velloue record ofcures, a fast and enduring ` fame won by rescues and life saving. Will you test its elcacyl ion mustif you desire health and` robustness` as well as extended years. I a. lvuuu vs ...... ...........__-_.-_._, "Mack. in Saturday Night. referring `to the V disgraceful statepf affairs discovered by the failune]"o'f the John `Eaton Co.. makes the following iinportnnt remarks on the bargain "and prots of these huge fakes:- nm- |.__,. L........ ..c Hm Tnkn Rntnn (`.mn. occupation mat has becommplensant and ` ."*People in easy citcurxietuncea who give their attention to the work_, of 1m\mn-Runnn nlnn `nd N`. A mnnf. nrnfable ,',;:;-~Home dyeing 'ia_ nciw onapf tlgpjgue I home arts. 3 work that in artistic, an ` A Fasioz-xawgiafie and Mony-Saving ` v Work. .. _ I Q7 wuu gut: home-d ei .........u. Inn recremon. - Av . v This increased imsrest in dyeing work. and the great success that sttsuds ft, comes from the use of the celebrstsd - " Dyes that at-_e so `easy to use. so _ true to color, so pure and brilliant. so -` `fast sud uufading. . - A 'n}\nHu wnn` nr Hint drank HIM. has rash an Vlllltatllng. . A "costly wool or silk dress that has become spotted or -fadedican in a very` short space of time be made equal to ne_w. No garumntp or. niaterials need be thrown a_va_\io1' the second hand dealer b'ec_uuse of last or `difxgy colors. An outlay of_from- tenro twenty cents for Diamond Dyea: will.-rec_m:_s1_`.e 'e\}ery` pi`e_ce_,and save many dn[I_zir_a; ` IF `vnn ,-Fvn nnl: vnhhlinun th` ensv unggara. + g ' ' If Myoulive not.,yet.~b`g\1!3 thxeasy _w>orkfof hoina dyeing. let ua gsagutfe you _ that `you miss a pleasure and lo'ee _money as` ywel/1.} Look. `up yarn` fadd and dia- .ool gm-x;ieu_ts up` pnce, 91:51 use the Diamond ._Dyps; Ayo.u~wi)l be wurpifagd ' __with your success. ' ' V . M M Immgnbe ,0":-on: lathe Want`, Western rixilroaid Iifaio aiciala ;believe they will be nbl to handie the new ompj` but thoyvm-o taking no uhanoga. Reports ` i1i'dica1'.e- that the corn cto _. `at Nebraska dlghp will be "larger by 60. .000 bushels 1 .thn'n ever before. ind nni'one` dares put hi: -3 all of whlcnlarairlysyeii iexzci.-u.,. u..,, ...._.,..- ..,.-......., .. ._.. ...o_. _. _,_, iiroireriy two stow) summer house about -20:28. :i goml orchard log `, Knight` Mn Juredls Parana E .133 . . l m c|enred,ili balance! We congutulate the pupils who passed There are about 135 an-rc= _ beiugiiibimli. I`lieiiro1n:rx 1.3 well watered and; the live Emrzince examination from mi; l.-Iii mevlclulty 1` 3: i ca. school h0U"6 aml . , chulrchem It lis `$1. [Bic lcadiii mad~w marker. l s?r2%l'A::w`u d h,E``:::e;mI1``E:;at$`ouI::rg, I,l? ' . g L . 8 l thy 'I`own`of Barrie lming with ll 5 mlles. g _ TERMS AND C0).'Dl'l`II).\ :a`.-- l`he property`. following were granted Entrance on the- 1 will be subject to 31 n:ser\'c lilil. Ten per ce.n_t. or . Les -' : M` M m i A t - prlne must be 1;.-iii_l down lll cgsli at the time of sale. 5, Tholringon 1:31? M ?{ir.a M -Vemd h[!f.`:' and enougli.wilhm:xl du{s unerwardsn. iinake up l P _ - '- -8 v '3 49 1' t_he. full uco, d ' lug the amount alien I D. W. Little. ` -- A ..\ tn oh; I1.-nilmnl `D-.. H. ll -lull} nf Mi.->|-uiznn in ans-nil I 8.lf)I1"0 Will D0 l&`0l_.` DY OU.UUU.\lUU Dllllilelli .t_hn'n ever before. sud dn'ro put a name to. guess of wlmt the-whemfnrpptoi NshrasILa;Kmsasand Oklahamnwillmnennn * us. All. ma-m2hnI.ann3 fuinhh om Ind ` Nohraskaylunaas and utlnnomawux amqunu ; to. All ` me glut every iroiahb.,onr-,Ind ` ravew- mig 1: e|:iu;9,wil1 hmV 19. work om-, 1. hmiln a:nmnt.1 -. ~ V V 44 kIj.YLEAeu-. 2 Jnly`3l-,It bu bun commuted by wind umum-nmeut that nix -inches fallen ' A cm Mmrs WAIL. Prots 6! the Dpartmental. % H1811` annenuon 10 we _wulj|\_,,u1 gglso `nd it a most prothklg __ Q In Pntaoap Warn. 1? The Diugley Bill wen: intmeect in the n Uuined Sum an Saturday morning lut, And u ncoprding to the Demit Free Press the in- ._-___..\ __-p- -_., -l..,...l.. .......S.... 3.4:` h- ~. The went` p F '. morning fncoprding Detroit . lhxeued prot: nre alretdy pouring into the ` " jpoclietu of the protected few. Prices for T131; 1. up gompuing of lg common soot-sanries off life are gilrudy iguana. tum anon. vnucing so more in to o ow in e nenr , future}~Sugaris among the ratlo beimrked They 1?" 1 `wean `up, and the increase in thoproiitn oi the, d P5h- Th_`i `h"3mI P03 _ mint barons who control this commodity will tha atomtch and digestive orglnla `hm lrun up into the millions and therls will nob`-,sav3cnrnucoLHood s Susaplrilll will [NI gbe I home iromxend to end of the Republic them 1; .130 puma; ma gm-ichu the ` 119: will fog. make itah cfgtrihntiogwto this blood` cum that disc,` `M, ns mg or ones 0 .ese men I as are now own . .- ~ ` 3 Footwear, wooiens and other necessities will mum lube! only " dyspepnc an i be aifvscbed as soon as the large stocks; laid a k v cam` n ppm' "mm' mt lin during the taritf discussion are sold out. 5 i tired feeling and builds up and anatiina Z l and the workmen and mechanics who allowed the whole physical system. It so prompt- : E themselves to be deceived by tile sopliistry 1y gm] emciently relieves dyspeptieaymp- i ; f `hf PF`;:;3`ii=il'll_`llllI`]*` fl PW dearly toms and cures nervonal1aadnchea,tlnt it , ortieir o y. am in ave our years In t u w my: lwhich to pay the incwaaed tax before they i mm `o h"`ma `Hugh u ' fwill be given an oppvrtnnity to show _ lalfe betting that long before the term of [hr l Dingley Bi|lV,hna expired the unwisdom oi 2 taxing themselves enormously in urder.tn `_ A ' u _ high taxation will be settled for the next " . !dec21de.--ChnLhuniBanner. ` V ' enrich A few people will have come home tol; ithli vcte that they have repented. It/is: the American people so iorciblv the fate oil I v. ..s/...a,in Inn! nu. nnn Trnn mnnrl Pvirl `For four thousand years or more the/ world groaned, suffered, mi fumed abop{ its coma, for them: was uo positive relief- no certain and painless cure until Dr. Scott Putnam gave to t-hdworld his great Corn Extractar. If there is suffering now in is a result of carelessness. for the remedy 15 at hand. Try. Putnam's Corn Extractor. It is sure, paiulesq. and prompt. Beware of substitutes. The members of the commission recently appointed by the Provincial (`nbinet to obtain datawith respect to reforeetr} have returned from their initial trip. the district i visited being the townships of` Harvey. Bur~ ` lei h and Gslwny in the rear of the County inf eterbnrm. Mr. Southworth reports that l they found far. better prospects fora second !crop of pine than they expected. In one i block of 10,000 acres, which is quite nnsnits , able for .:ultivation, he says, they found at least 250 pine trees to the acre. This land was origmnlly free grant land. and sygie i burned over twenty-three years ago. Follow- `! ing the tire came a-thick growth of poplar. l and in the course of: a year or `so more the ?young pins began tolappcer. The poplars `served as a shade for the pines until the pines outgrew them ;_ now they are from 30 :to 40 feet high, audjwill average not less ithan eight inches in diameter. In addition l v; to the pines there are now quite zxnnmber of >ne young lmrdxrood trees to the hero, and `providing this block can be preserved from fire for another twenty~ve'years it will been very valuable timber berth. ' - --property will be otT=red.and upon which themls Town `of within 5 mues. } ,,r :s`.--The cent. of paid cash ofsale. enougb.with'm nu du `5 unerwards, I the. am: du uctiug due u n 11 rior mortgage to the Hamilton Prov em & an Society, subject to which the now mm to be due $3,445.00. This mqrtguge be~ ng overdue the pdrrhmuer `may payu utf after the G Dthpx terms and conditions ' disappeared ' Hare for -iofne time, and it was said by the under circumsnauceswuxcn seem The boy had been working for suspicions. `neighbors that- they di_d dot get along very harmoniously. On the night of his disap- . peamueeh<+ho5Lspe " I n in com- pany with a few of the youths of the neigh- borhood at a schoolhuso abouta mi1e'from u... u..... Cm-m The lmv had informed his Any person-whu hug used Nervillne, the \ `great: pain cure. wmxld. not be mthout it if`it coal ten dollursa bottle. A good thing is worth Us weight in gold, and Nerviline is the best remedy fur all kinds of pain. It cures ueurhlgia in five minutes ; toothache in nne minute; lame back at" hone appliczgxinwnz headache 'in a. few minutea; and all yams just as rapidly._ _.._.._.___.__.__ ` uvu... __.. _.-._.._- , a nu; nu -4-......,- _.._.._.,-_,,, ` About a month ago as young English boy. 3 who had been adopt;ed'by afarmer named R. J. Ham, who lives near` Lisle._sixddenly ` disappeared under circumstaucesxvlxich seem mmnicinns. The bov , schooniuse anouca mue arum the-Hare farm. The boy had informed companions that he had been having trouble with his. employer, it is mid, but; he left the gcboolhouse about 9 o'clock for home. That was the last seen of him. Hare f immediately announced his disappearance, I and apparently made every. effort to nd the I E ` boy. Ha advertised fox: him nnd":\ few day 1 Afmrwnrdn, iniormcif the neighbors that he ~` Ha advertised Ioxf mm mm :1 mw (my afterwards, iniorm neighbors ~ ` had heard of the boy gut Bm~k s Falls. This did not satisfy the public. and the talk nally resulted in the lqcul zmthoties taking the matter up and co\h111unjcating with the Attorney-Geue`m1 s departnmnt. The result u-ma, it is said. that the depzutmeut has Attorney-Geue`ml departnmnn. um I`L'uu1h was, it. is said, depxutmeut goxwjo work on the case, and the local authoritieshzwe been instructed to keep Hgxre in sight..;A1listQuHem1d: ' . I F ----u------:----: , Assuinee am; nouounmuu. Attentionxs called `to the card of Mr. Paul Campbell, which nppenrsvelsewhere. Mr. Campbell, as is well known to the mercantile community, was a partner in.~tl1e lame wholesnlpfdry goods housenf Messrs. John Macdonald & 00., `V-'._l`oront.o.. He. xetired ' from the firm and business two years ago to enjoy-a well earned "rest. Being tpo native a. man no retimpermunntly from occupation and business he has opened. olces in the fine new block known as the McKinnon Building, ..-....... A; 1m-am and Melinda stracs. '.l.`o- the Mcmnnon buumug, corner of Jordan and Melinda stracs, 'ronto, as an nssignee in bankruptcyeand liquidntor. From his great; kxiowledge and experience in the past in winding` nn estates Mr..Campball iwe11 adapted for this new career. In connection with the aasignee ` business he will conduct the businea otian` ; >_acco'untent. and will have a.esooiated-wit.h of` the Canadian Pacic Railway. It goes without saying that any business eutrqsteq to Mr. Paul Campbell, as an aasiguee, or to the firm of CampbelL& Campbell aa>aoe_onnb- ,aut;a_ will have the ver;y.l)_esl_: attention that ability. experience lmd i11l'.egrifyEn assure. 'mgu.m. nopxdaynoes Assesnma. . ` " - . (Creerhora Star.) ` His Bonn: J udge Ardagh held court-hei-e on Thursday last to oonsnder the apnetaof the three congregations in town. against the asseaamnh or their ministersf reeidencea.` and also the appeal `of -Mr." Francis Mackayl , nLgajn1.`, the action "of the Cburb of Revkion in _` reducing _the assessment on sai ' fmm $1.400 t:o.$l.000. Hisonop hgurdh T unsmm to the Pan: of Sue conned: in a Xonxaze,,which will hr pm` dnmd at the dam. tor Zfn".e7 offha hul the3ndge s dcision o "the elfeqtz `him the a `wave not husainodg properly `assemble. niueanny, wmuu up _w ppeala of the. cihurohea chidf that th'oy_wege_` :_-_..----.....____._--r-'--- E `Scum, Mam. map. 4;, AV Meme.` Edmhnson.` Bates & Co. - n... Him.-..-`-I mf vour good: V Messrs. Edmnnson. ham or w. Dearf Sim,--I nd your goodsdiavkingl remarkablywell with my cuatomerp. and the , appear :o';give,ev,ery miunotion. an ` ";i`.A~..`ml `tn the not of our hav;ipjtgL.aolti appear to';give,overy lamination, nu ` indioat "by the_ facts of on; havinnaoldv onedml Q. as ofjyout Ohmic. Kiduoy~_ `Liven Pil along during the,-uwjnth at \'A.......s ` v., :A!!a.5e '1 A Boy s Sziango Disappearance. In , _.I:_L L lime Yuu Thought of it ? Worth "Ten Dollars a. Bottle. mmee and Aoobuntnnta. __.:..L .. ....u..A 7. Hm mu-A nf Mr A Fine Display A Second Timber _Crop. - V V" 1 _` Souris. Man-. 3995- 2.1 .:|...`....a.m ` Rnhaa & C03 . THE BRRr1_;ExAMI:.*1:13; rHua.aDAY;{A1'}3UsT 5. 1397. r n ;\lont_real, July 31.-Sir Charles Rivers! Wilson, President of the Lv`.T.R., London. England, will arrive in this city to-morrow \m0ruing on his nnxiuspl tour of inspection , aver the symem. He willspend A month in HCuuzuln. ` . ` ' ' ` rCnnndn.'s>Favor1t.e ve Stock Exhibition . s Th;-,_Wgstern Fair, London, is a;2aiu_toi the front and is prn\'id_ig further acc0mmo- dution and impr vemeuts to their already! excelhant btock buildings, necessitated by the increase of emriee lat year in these de~ partxnents. ` 'I'wm1tv-n:nn wmrs huvp nmxaml ninnn Hm PHTIIHUUIH-. I Twenty-nzm, years have passed since the Western Fair was -_Sl?\l)ll5llL (l, being eachl year nmrked by Rd\'!H)Ct`l1](.`l!t in all the de~ l partmonts, lnrgelv due to glue tlmmzhtflllness I and cure the nmlmgelnent, and giving the; ugrimxltuml interests rst place. Uvpr $745000 warp a\'m>mlml in lxililullnun 5 I|gl'll'HlUlHH IIIIUYUKLS UFSI. PIIICU. Uver $34,000 were expended in binildfngs lusbyeari and utherrmre in course of con- 1 V 1 structiou. ` ; u..'1..|.;.n.... p'\` 5:.-. 4...... .....,`u. ...._ srrucvuou. ` Exh1bitur_s of first class srok, cnachinery, ; or produre of any kind. looking for pnr-. chasx rs. cannot go to as better plact than the ` VVestern Fair to get what tlwfy w'axnt-readg ' sales at good prices. "rho prim Tint mnv-hp Ind from Hm; I may now bels seen here, in all grandeur of new stock and new goods. The largely -increased duties upon china and glassware has led us tolput in an extra supply just now. What we have will not la forever and if ' you want-to buy at old prices. you - will buy now. UPUU3 lib KUUH PTICCU. 'The Prize List may be had from the secretary, Hr. Thon.as A. Browne The closing date for making entries is Sept. `9th.. Sin Hansen Hen Ali the Arab nrinnra will i UIUEIHLJ UKLU [Ur IUHKIUB l5Ulrl('H 15 oepl. UUI-.'! Sie Haasen Ben Ali, the Arab prince. will i bring his wonderful troupe of Arabs; midi secure the best talent in America along other ; lines. His knowledge of the business and l his ncqmxiutance with best; {mists and his. i mvu nmmlliml rt-nntntinn in nninir-nr. mmr- 7 HM! lIl..'ll\IMlllliHlL'C Wllll UUEL HFKIUL3 Hull own unsullied reputation is sufficient. 1 antee thst two hours,` of good, clean. class atfrn.-Liors will be on lumal. Drunkenness. Murpliine and Tobacco habit: may be easily cured by the vuse of - Hill a Double Chloride of,GoId Tablets: No ehrt i_s`required.of the patient and atimu-l luuts may be taken as usuziluutil voluntarily `given up Tablets may be given in Leger. coffee witliout the pritiens knowledge. A cure guaranteed in every case. For_Sx1lo by ' all first-clas druggists; or will be sent on "receipt of $1.00. For full particulars `Address The Ohio Chemiclal-__Works. Lima.\` Ohio. naumanson. DIM!-:8 n. uu. _ hGeI319_Il!8E.~1 have pleasure in saying I: at __ If. _ nsg3 a intment ~ Pills and `- Cat/M:th'Cure and Linsd nn Tu i-'pentine' . re_ selling well}? and are giving every . snusfnomon. Many of my customers have` spoken highly in tgeir praisia. 4 olurs hru y . , > 4' ; . ,. . *3 A. _l:lAcKINa; .- The Paris Star-'1`runao rip't, after a refs`:-0 915509 to the $40,000 extension _of th Penman :6 rka. ` which Tgries asserted 0 had been ; 3 lilld by r-he.GxiVtnri, says 3. ul addition : ~m. the Penman Company` -the Pans _Eleotro- ' vPlat.inul Campwy ".e] almost; doulad their "tylf. tn? Oamelf9;d_Cn8et and Hammof -Company. the Enupwra nrpen \A[orks, ..the - Canadian HamInnck.C_0j_npai1`y and tliI X L Carpet Works have all m&terialtv_.inorea_sed ' the nnmbbr of h`andsv-:mployed.' Thebublook tor Ifarin is exceadinglybpighnindised." And ~au_ch- tapnrts come in .`ftom various parts of ., "the country, _'I`l)9 uloutjs will-p_nss byma V 11 * . ~ 3 ` nmuim:-|n rm theona True Blood runner; ._.__.________.._____ _.:L_..:._- .__ The`,'Packe!; saws Lake`Co\1clEl\ibg was six inches higher after the rain. rm.- n_:n... -;..;,\.. I.-.-. 1.... ....,..mA +.. H... uu.\ uu.u\.u u-5.. uIv\.A mu. Iwnnau TheJOrill1a station has ben moved to the Diamond V ouljitreiglxt beingJmnEledmLth old depot. . 1.. ."-_A..L,. _..,.v.. 1:1,"... ..,..r: an \ . are /Ho9d s Pulls Qxua. an dlgunon. 250 Ulu \.lVyUl/- In Toronto 1:xte`.y J-{mes Hogg, aged 60, married Miss Gray, aged 55, after :1 court- | ship" lasting t:hirty--\_'e yea.rs._ DaViS, V Importer}

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