Gnoceef, gaame. ` lute H. 'l`h_o.I lumdutT was on mut0.from Cxximttat for the Colunitiain ballust, and I was xst mate under Captain Ti)ul.('rtm'.~`. Among other live stock xxbuzxrd was u mnlteso cut. The cat be- hnctl vc ry wvll for the first \\jo(`-,k Or two. V but whyn we not over on the equator she xmulo the night hideous with her inces- suut y<;\\jL' 15;. Old Tiuxhertnes had the gout and did not sleep well uuywny, nnd this inictiou nearly made him crzuzy, so one night he came out, and, nding the cut in ugou position, kicked her overiuto the sound- ing sen. . 'I`\xn nn`\' \\'ihlDRQ f fh d(`(?(1 W33 8 V 3.xaz}sons_thuLu1eJ1ots1b3ja 1is, Hoivus !i.,J1_jgl1 favor during the opmgjxig of the . ? Baltic ('v.um1, and in tho nnuiytalksl 9 : h_iu1,\-.'iti1"l1im Iwas_much'improssed by S his knowledge nudhis vigorous manner 0 of pr_esc~nting it.` He is the fomidor of 5; German East Afridzi, and _i,t,_wus he who '_11i_u1sg1'uuu wuu um BU\ Uuuucuu J-U1 racket three times heaters 116 1-He~wats-prettwy--het1-I-g-not reached his uioe. but I had -for .\him there. I had tale lot of my life _insnra_ucq 1 Jouesio wanted to tuke out fore leix-ving the city in` ti fitted out the Gernrm h@vrmmn% 'iSed mm (0 send}; the re1ief_of Emin Pusim. Of course in Gernizmy ho viggorously ubusekl all things English, ospoviuily when t11eyicQui1ict- ed with the iI1t0I'( .\`fS of co1(>1iiuiGor-- n-\-1n--C \...L Hui. u-n-nvmhln ..r..1.. (`mun to see him. There. were two when he reached it, ynd vk in during the m_oAruing._ Jones thought he was g lot of work", too, but us a m mg: Tho only \\'itnoss to the tleetl was lus'(':n' sailor ut. the wheel. mnl when he i told thv ITFT of the crew`wo nlinost had ` "u xiiutiny (:11 our hands, as they pr0phe- ` sicd all sorts of biullnek would happen l to thv ship. I\'0thing (-nine of it, how- .'e\'vr, zunl as \w- xwrta in good ballast trim we cninu flying along in rattling . slmpv, and uhont 490 days after leaving the (,illllg((`.H` our niudhook went down in g Ast0i'i:1l1:u'l.m`. otllburs Cl1lllllJt`l.'('(l uh(>:1r Curran, the houtlnun, l'~illl('l~1l`tl away on his lun- ynrtl nml his hunt cunm nnnnnl [under the sturn. A nimnt-nt later we ll(.'dI`(l a r l _ \\'1lSUu1`(lltll1lllltCSO cut: and tivohnlf . 1...4A. In d11c-sez1s(in,tl1u 'cus- ' tum lituixsc l,nnt- (`lllll(` out, and when the ' yell, and Denny \\'us coming up the~ ]il(l(l('1`lllllltll)\'("l' lnind us though the,? , (l('Vll wnssufm- him, and in his bout, ` nxultingr :1 unitul clmrus of f1nx-o\\'s, ` il `H s l a _nx'1d I think Scott Johnson, the Atoria - stuvedorc, has some of her descendant-s yet, and to this day they will out udth- I ing but s0ufisl1."-_]. 0rtIuud Oregonian. ~` 1, l . `The Fuuuilovr_ of German mast Africa. Curl Peters, thu'Gor1nun who has d0I)`{-. more tl_um.`uny othur man to give his co1mtx'y,thu doubtful glory of a 0010'- niul empir0,uppuu1's at prvseut to be in disgrace with his go\'e1'1111 1(*11 for rnunuc Hunt urn nnt nh\'iI1H Hnivnn ill cu \\'lLu mu .l11u`n'.~us Lu uunuuuu um- nnmy, but usidn.-f1`01n this p:u'du11ubl0 political hu-mbtig no 1i1z111_J E1ig- lnnd hv,tt.e1' or appreciates her seuices - in Africa migruhighly H1211: `arl Pe- i tors. H0 is just nbiv in L01i(1o11t.ting i outunother African expedition, ubout which he throws miisideruhlu` uxystory. - He (i(`S(`-1`V(`S success, fpr he has gieat.` `i_p1_1l'si(:_zii :~2t1'e11gL_11' combined with men- Hm u-at :T17r1n17 Hniiri +4.] nn|1iI\Innl\f Vllllilzillife F'1l`lLll|>/Ill \-UAAIvAu\\| IlAuAI 4.avnq , tul equi1>mcut6f"t117st 61"(1er'I Hcffs j;:d8( | trznxtelud in every part of tho world and c(,1`uit off has a xuiud-r(`~.udy to zxckuowlcdgo what l l`,mm.e1_ ( i_g,um1 iu di`ervnt systems. 1:~rsrm'e1r+fus V Om truclxoly to 1-eovt that this mun, only K1` pligd ti V4.0 y(u1rs_ Old, and whq yet 'Iii1i"livuc_1 ugtn if -long e11qm.v, sen t11<~C{ur1ux|11 ag Car- called it ` *rie(Hnt&t11e1l1ea1`t of Africa, llmnks to = Jones l7his courage and cute 1'pri.~;0--{l1ut's\1(',h 11 .f , ` , . 2 . lot 0 .8} rnnu a mum [10 In (-.m'mum' hn-mad ,. .. * 1118 courage uuu (`um 1`yu.'su_--uuu: mum: u ,41)aIL,ShmV1LlJJ_h):4G_t'l1Lli.Y. t.u;'1.1_t>_d_ adrift, while. `the colouiul 011100 in Bar- lini is lumborccl up with an wt of bureau- ! nratiu pedugugrics, this w)101u vo111nm of jwhoso learning and ti'ui11ing-is practi- cally vulu91os.~`:.-I1xxrp0r's W(3ck.1y. V _ _I\loney t0Sl1co.U1$`.f V _ Awomau puz`z1odAu B<.vst<)11ol(a1'k con- Jiderubly recently. Heir l111abnud is _u bunk president in'Nu'wburypo'rt. `1`ho=' .nationa1..banks receive their bills in} I faheets of`1}3, which ure"out ufyerhojug A signed. g';g;;;e1'K>t1a`,prosizt1<}ub gave) one of` these sl1_c9ts to his \vife,,, un(1 she M natlixfully vatnrte;(1~ uiil 01100. for Boaqh. After making sono1purol1aseB in one of thanrgeo ato1'os's11e'd1'eW the bills out. of her Epookelboolouiud. onlily said to V the clerk, `-`Lend mo `your-scissorsuand lwill pay you,f Tt;he`r'oupon cutting om ` a bil1.._;,'1!ho astonndodolerk it first re-. Inaed to receive such money fro so. open at manufacturer of oumuey, but nally the matter was explained. -2 -.306- oton Record. ' 3 . Woulduft, Do1n Kentucky. V \ } . "Now," said the lecturer on natural \ goienoe before a \Kentual_sy audience, * uwe will -suppose a.regio'z z in which k nothing existed hutwater. um. mm vnnliad a dozen-indilmnnt. Iota. III.. nonmng onuwu uul: wuwg. No! no!`- replied a dozeninldignant vohiu mace. v_ Wewil! suppose mish- .4...4 M 2... Mn:-|-....Al:lnntn cannmm. not it once. " we win auppune new- A of. 61:9 L%;;1n;1.'*-gmauu; aguggu. J fm nmnitz EXAMINER`. 'rai1Rsm, sum: 22. 1397. s Ftamd In Wmanshower Bah, rollowod u With Severn] Qther Annoying Ploulno ' me} and W'ound rp with n Gndd 0n~ Ilauzhj of Life Imurnnee Agents. " { "\)_'egl1. I guess I've gdbeven with i Jouegnll right enoughlor all the pram ticul jokes he has beu playing onmo ` i . ` ,`fcr_the last week," said D3 Smith" 3 * g:} up his coat and I: zk his seat at the luncheon table with | 0 :1 party of friends. ' n . 3 "'q Hunt?" nk?!` 0116 Of the 1, D 3 Irmrus. s:kno\\'," evxnlnint-d 1)o Srnith. "He 'l'.`.r2lrs it s it good thing to thump and us he goosrlown the horol corridor about 2 o'clock-intho morning. He nev- :`lmnl('i, am} he rznhcr resents it if any of lzis fi'ion(is do. He has born pound- mg on in)` door that \\'jl_V now almost wiry morning for the past week. i \\'hy didn't you gefnplzxud kick hiin?" :`.Slit (l one of the party. "I did try to thri-o or Ionrtinios re~ 3. plis- De Smith, but he zilways got {down the hall a little way nnd then laugln-d at me. But 1 m oxgri with him now. Iwus xed for lrin1'\\'lJon he come ; ulmng this morning. I had a big pail of - water xed over thertransour, and when old Joncsiocznno along and hogan thump- ing I pulled the string fnstencd to it,` Eniith, I`ll get own for this. Then he . \\'tlll\'( (l down the hull nnd'I looked out i in. time to see him shaking the water oil hisco:rt and hot," I rum... . .....,. m-nh-v tr:-ll_ nmninn nun .. Well, Jones is a great joker,_yon ' ;=<,\`{.E21l lilfe tho deuce on in fullow's door ` (r,Apo-cs to bed wlien a decent man` ll1l(l .I heard old Jonosimcurse under his V lmautlr and mutter, `Darn you, Do` ; HOW oz, SM|TH vurmso savnAL1A- V Bug on HIS memo JONES. . 1 4 Mn 01' 1181` law 111 IDMWII U1 Uuuuuuvs V011` ab muun nu" mu] Venue. ms was not written on tlgevliarvard` The Oooideul `shield tn:-not1aiujg.,'he Harvard spirit my own town I muyrneed to be awakenad and nourish; lm: I'll. back ed and kept c_\1ivo`.`.hnt; it lg N: ken}; A 49,1! .. . .110: will . A` mwvr } party or xnenurs. "Iiu\v-'s that? asked one of the 5 friends. ` A uuun `l..`,... L. .. numb '3nIior unn , on msco:ic auu n'.u.._ . Tliut. \vus getting even pretty well, old mun. I wish I conlhl have seeiijiim \\'lI(`.ll the flood zittuck him, put inone of the party. ` 3; ,Oh. that was all right for :1 start- or, .5:a`id Do Smith, "lIl)lC it w:1. t i lmlf iho (low I gain` liim llflll`. You ; .=nV, Jones has h(~eiiln'v:1l\i1ig my slvop `for znvcoli, -mid it tool; moru t`i;in a b\1(`k(`C of wutvr t<$4l4x1\x:i1'l~ nccouxitsl I umivipatetl his visit of this nioruing, v},`so last night boforogoiiig; to hell I 4u1'_o1'(lo1' to (`lll1'lll1ll at 6 o'clot'k. Old 1 Jonvsio did1_i`t get to bod l>vfore"3 ? L o clo('k, so l1odimlu`t get llll1(`ll sleep hey] i fore 6. . Then ll boll ho)` bog-.m to pound * ~ on his door an it was time. : to get up. Jones slioim- buck to the 3 boy to getjoub or he d break hisinuck, ; but thovhoy-replied that ho had orders 5 to get Jones out of hell and he was, go- hiaiugo ixnd hustled down to tho hotel office to find out `what in tliumler they l The clerk told" him there was an order AL- .. ....II as 1! n7n1nn`r mu] Hmf um: nll left I hing to-"do it. Finally Jones got up in-~ mount by break-ing his sleep that way. ~ l ' bdy got, him on the wire and told him, ' toivuit just. a moment, please. , W611. Jonesio waited about `ve minutes and "t-hen gave the bell 21 viciousring. The boy answered the ring and usked Jonosie I what he w2\11td.v `I want to know who rung !i1(\ `up, _ said Jonesio. `Nobuly 1mxe;~"" ii`d"th0b0y, and he said he heard Jouosio swear as he rang off. 3 51117,.-II I` uwnvv/\ kin: 6-hnf fnlnnhnnn i 3 tots. ' ~_ g Blake St.-Frame house, 11 rooms. shed. 1 etc` Rough-casluuse, 6 rooms. " 'McDt_)nnld b't.-Ruugl1-czxst house, 5, `rooms. - - . " . I Bayeld S_t.~-Fr:une house and lot. } Francis St-. Ei,-`--LN , ucre. ` ` KInpm1feI`(lt .3`t.~--lirictg house, stable, _ Best home (what uf7St. \'iuceu|: s Park. . Town GfBrm1I'ord.~-tS acres and dwelling. `" iI\';'UIIm-.-IT7U7a'er`fes, 6`t"I9;" concesaion_ -12, 155 acres, LODI4. Cpn. 10. .\l:\tchcdush.~~Lut 1?, Con. 10, 45 uurtfs. Inf 1'7 f`.nn 1 `mH ` I5`, (Inn. 2. {`oror.tu.--2 neloirs, Lynd Avenue. . WWW :1 rhecption : telephnoncdxto n F? was going by at 3 in the morning. He,` , Jtnd advised them inert eround 3 he spent the duy explui'ning_thut he T6EC?$9F%R friends that 4 a policy -be th_e_Lft`o__r1toon > in the 013100 ve more czunc induring I A going to don matter of feet` u.idn twnntuny` life insurance or any- thing else but a chance to tend `to his own business. One of the agents nally . let it out that I had recommended Jones _ us a good risk, and he rung me-up at once. `I've got enough, he says. `I m willing to pull it all square if you are. ,,iouL\ze'got the best, of, it, ,1 ud.1uitL , he j equalled, so I told him I was willing to cullit off if. he would remember not to liznmner on mydoor hegiufter when he replied that he wouldn t rep at my door uguih the hotel was AareLzrn(l_so we A off. . ' . Jones lmsibenten me out of :1 whole ' .but to `meet the ball squarely for line ~' motionpif the hell he hit squarely and nu Iuvuuinn .._ LL` we-L ~-.-- ~. . teurs,\w1th `tow exceptions, can do.. :`I'he wrist and sun motions can be con- _~trolled,`1nore eusily sndquickly than . the body swing, so that most of the ' latter is left oil the `butter has u_ greater chance of judging the bull accurately. lutely essentizfl{ that batters should be other words, they should he coached not to slug and try for home runs, singles. .,\Vlien`y9u,,sso u better, us I "of- ten huve, strike atebull, and from the force of thdstroke be turned completely around, you huvo seen one who is guilty of._[Lwo breaches efcorrect buttingTfii1 oipl s. First, having entirely sacriced the important urm and wrist motions, he has, with stiff arms and wrists, de-4 pended entirely upon u powerful body swing. _A_nd, second; he has . lo_st_his bulk, ance and therefore ull butting form. Lt will be well to beer in `mind tht. against any pitcher sgoed, clean ht can be made, even without any body `lot e_ sleep of._lat_e, but ._I_ guess I'm - It'll). with a quick arm motion end` snup of Itherefore think, as ucngumcy is ubso- couched` to use but little body swing.` In ' the wrists. -_-Hsrper s Round 'l`ubl_e. ncuru JUIJUSIU uvwau uu ut; snug uu. Well, Igavo him that tselophoue 1 racket three times beforevhercuuglxt un. J_I.TAJu..a_nvAtt\-y,_hnt?I (u1ng_~g `;;vI3p]1J1Q W ill uuriug Iall\7 xu_U_u.uu5._ I 1 explaining _ that | I ` I J ones Vimludanl-. Hm hncf. nf `H1. Tildlllif. hf! | (31111 In 0II'1IAuu wuuxu .l.'tJu1Uu1UU.l_ um; um {.. he 1 He,` 1-plied _areLz;_1;d_ u1`.\...... l...n.1..m+nn ma nut nl n uvhfn gso we. ouueu us on. whole of sleep bu`t;._I_gue_ss reygu, fellows. What do yo tnink`:" ~, And Do Smilh leaxledback in his and looked at himself admjringly in the mirror across the rooni} '-.-= Chicago Timeaxerald. L " ' v ' The Harvu-d Spirit. . I Whereso many men um wgorkiug [on Independent 1i11es,\v'ithso much to keep thexmapart and so 'litt1a,v cong'p_amtiv`~_ ly, to drilwthqm !;ogothr,,pne hwy ma-" ' soggbly wonder whether such..4L..thin`g ~ as in common` Harvard spixit nuy lungr ubideby the u111\ersity and who ought- -tolkuow. They need; aim feel it. It c'loea,u_Qt_ po_1;ot_ra1;e.~al1 individuals in` the sumodefee. but it} is r`hdlio;1e and observed as u deuiteJM!o;ge._; T_h_e `~ men best q alitied ;to judge or it insist; that it mu es` or'veiaoity. for in high anse of honor and for good manners. 1'.` AIM nnnn uin Inna 'nnnnnHInnn harm \. \ex|tI It does _ex1st,ao men say who. E01186 OI HD1101` uuu JUL` guuu Auuuuuau. In has. "sometimes; `b_,eeu ohurgedjaguiuata Harvard, and perhaps not without some basis. but not iudif-' fereuce_ to truth. That is her quest in science and in philosophy dud the basis of Her law in matters of conduct. M Veri- L...,. .. .m At uutimn cm tha l'{n'nmrd .)al(l,' U10 \ , and at lkfst. I 3 I rang 1041'*G9-1 |l(l . Wll. 1t0S and g. .Jonosie .0w `Nohuly zlophone ughtun. grequires anknbility to judge the bull m qniliiind aiccuratelx than unin- " ' " ~~-4-~L3-<-- I\!\vI pin ,sh0rt. quick snap of -the wrists. Al- Baselinll Batting. . ` The ideal b1lt.f(`I` puts into his stroke, rst, bed'y~xnotioi1; second, upper arm nuitinn; fn`ro:u-m motion, and fourth, wrist motion. The struke begins with a strong body swing, which is fol- lowed by the` motions of the upper und though this is the analysis of the ideal str0ke,,it is 11(1t~preCisely the one tlmt I` \vonld'rec(nInnend f0Tf1W'1iTsj01`ity of aniutcurs. To get all themotiuns to their full extent-against _ good pitchers ` I, , g _ ,~ 3 ,1nten(11n pure . . . . is-given to Cl fore arxnrespectlvel ,\;un, _1F1Lr_- ' -' ' S ` :El1ITCl`PI`I'Ce-1" _ B'efo .AAI| i A Iseuxukubre Promotion-30! an on | - V "' car: Eohtho Govanment. ; A young mun from my native_ town. : entered the army, and by dint of hard ` lighting and real meiit rose to the rank '01 brigadiergeueral, but with him at every:-.-promotion was his brother, whom , I will-call X.. who had not met him for years and who was peacefully occu- ipiedag cool; in a distant opium den. This"is how it was done. The soldier, H aftozxfeacli engagement in whichhe dis t tinguished himself, reported imaginary i Seeds of valor performed by his brother, I and his word was taken. One day the ` cook in the opium den, whohitd never even seen-u battle, read his name in Tim Gazette and found to his surprise that he had attained the rank of colonel in ` theimperial forces. a` Mimuv nmvvmn In in mii!]V.WBV'I' Llllzlulpruur uunua. v . very rmiuiierritive to the officers. They 1 enroll uuy n_zon they like, and they :11- ways draw the pay for many more men than are actually in the army. About 70 per cent of the full number of meil nominally serving and for wliom pay in dl`jl\\`L|` is the average strexigih of the f` recs. oven under Li Hung Chang's muiruntivelyi honst oiliccrs, while I elsx-\\`li(-re 100 men on paper usually ._. L... m m. an hr elm nch On re. Military service is in many_.wayIv 13: green. .10.. ; Cal[ji;'sZperlb..... ....`..v.; 6_,. ' E141 wux.'r_mrj AND may .x5'uonuoz, ", " 'f~.fll8a!'t6rl'. 6 ()0..6 f 1,14 ;.4qarterd ....-.... -..,. `5 001158 m%v.; ;99!`P"-"" ~ 0\'(`!' Ul(` (Ill`1?l1'U. _ As to the >:ol(licrs of the stumliug nru:_=.' in tiuus of peace, they ure,_\\'ith tho 0XCL'llllUll of tho Blzumthoo gzu`1'is.o1_1, F0 \\'mvl: (lly pnitl that its strcu=,;th ox` ists only ou paper. 'l'ho uieu enlist -.\ucl l'(`;(1ll'.ll'lj.' lmw their pu_y-3 sizilliugs per moutli--;uul lnxw sc:u'ocly axuy fur- tlujr ('0llIlk`l'll(`;ll \\'Al[ll the militziry svrvl icv. ".l'l:e i'e\\'tl2:1t go o11 dut_v in tho (`icy gutis live euti1` hulu'ihcs`. The Man- -clm fono umlvr the l`armr general, on the otlior luuul,j is well 1m_l(l, but those so1dio1's no` Iiglitiiig. -They are only ve1ig.::1g<-(l iu guamliilg the city against Cliim-so 1`ol1cl.~:. '1'l1oy live in 11 separate quurtvr to that occupiell by the Chinese, oil Wliom tlxxiy often make unprovoked uttzu-,l;s. Thus fights between the Ghi~ nese nnd"tl1c Tartar sgldiery are of com- mon occurrcuco, and us l1esoTurta1's()1- diers are not under tho jurisdiction of the civil 1*.'ivv' their outrages invariably go l1llp111llSll\`(l. Naturally there is no lovolost between tho ,cit.yguu1' the native Ghiuese.-Eug1ish Exchange. i other sources of profit besides dealing 8lS(.\'ll('l l`, iuu Lnuu uu pupcn uau...._, mmn but 40 or 50 in the esh. On re- view (lI\)`$tl1e()l(`(`l'$ engage n suicient number (if .=0ldir'r`:= lnyxlieklay to make the army look tillriglxt. But there are in dummy soldiers. The live on huye to wear uliifurxxis and to eat, and b(T food - and clothes ure supplied _u't. extor- t-l0_lllll0 prices by the officers. snthut qt V the 5 tgibls per month paid by the gov- ernment for each soldier, about one-fth or less I`(`(`llL S the pockets of `thu inen. All this r(`f(". H tn the br:ives'_\\*l10 are only ongzigctl during wartime and are disbamlecl the moment. the ghting is over \v11or(:\'er they Iimy happen to he and nearly ulwnys witlmut thq xnenns of rvturning to their homes, thus keep- ing up the mpply of armed robbers all ' the nin1ii'r(~. I V L - . ,. .`x,1:,....` B: Hm a+....,1,`..0' nus vnuvv on yu. .. mum. According toithe Rev.` E. (jlufk, 1 by the S\vu1u'iVivekunenda, the Hindoo [ .he was in this country: When a wom- nable and tries 'u11 some of tricks to catch, 1 7` she bedomes whut/Vtlley mill in America an`o1d maid and. joins the church. These ehurphwomeu are uwul` fanatics. ' They'e thumb of the priests ,there. Between` them and the priests. ` `they m`ake:a:hel1 on earth. `1`hey;.make `American wdmeh are thus referred tit _ who was so 'popular with wome'n_Wl_n`le.,| an tries her fndva husband, she, goes to all the bznthing Iplnees ixnugi-' L a man. -.Whe she fails in her" attempts,_ ` -Some of them become very `ehumby.` ' ` a mess of"re1gijon. with the e,xee_pti_ox_1` ` of these the_Amerioans are avvery gqodl people.` They loved me do muo'h.7. 1 ldved A .them. Ifeltsas though 1 me one them."-`-x-New York Tribune. L ZCH|N`ESE sowuzns. `ne 0rint-But`you ':.'wi11 hot diny ` that onxguttainmenta ix}. oooul science at Isaak far surpass yours. 1 ' Minn nnnhInnf...nnl|.nH:7 REV. Ill!!!` at leans tar surpass yuun. The ooomenc--.-oocum say, :1ghs,xn% my own town I;hm.,`a+ 1 forum Q0110: tha against numbing em onmuiawn the nth; Whyi.ahu ` iba 1'11} men agunn. Inyuuus my } om: onmo,-dawn the pm. Why. Jihll ,th9 iowaihf dtuxbtgt at me. ` .M 80,"! His View of Ou'r`\Vogn.ei1. n rt 1:: In uuua uxuwn uuuu unnu- _fuw exceptions, do. .3 nvvvvl umnnu HRH hn nnn. MLl[C[lL l1H.B||." Lot 17, Con. 1, ` `200 acres; ' \'Mm-... ,r of NNDSU 'V"V|ER CLEARING` SALE... Of 0"dd_l0ts`:r11 sliort ends, e11c0i1ri1ge us to Q011ti11ue`tl1e% Clearixig Out or an Short Lines. In a,ddiv?tion 'tl1erct0 weAar0i11c1_i1di11.g, %d'g1ring7th`e balzmce 0f\`t11'i~_s nlonth; n1z1ny' ' fmnew a11d5S *:1sun:1.ble Summer Goods, with the View of `gi\'i11g_0L1r e11st0n1_rs C\ (?I'y 01' late possible ad'\"*"i11u_t1g;e4 whctllcr they come early In 21 .; r; 'a1'ie.t_y of st)`1e.:, .:pAcially zuhxptcd to the making of Ladies .-Blvnuses and Shixt \V:1ista. T11cse:11c worth frmn 19}, tn '. Uv, ;`o1'y<|. NJW only IOC. l | ` H routns; an `v . - I . . ' - hntendmg pu1'chase1*s W111 :1pp1'ec1a.te. is-giveu_to Chi1d1`en s Clothing; W &__'_...,.,,,.];;I).,:7-,.__.,-, W. .V- - A The bz1l:u1<~-` pr uur .~'tuul; of l :u'u b-we p1'oposo' to clezu` with the ut'im.~.`-. dcsputch, :1nd0f}'e1' all qu:Llitie.~ at Wholesale Co'st. . - - V ' V l . huugh recently 1-eplexllsliel by the addltxuu at many staple Lines of undoubtecl Values, will c-xperlence, the same `Sledge- II:1n11n@1"` knock dm_\:11 in plrigys. 2. `MAWLEL & mavma, Hllll II I I mmtas1et;;,;;;;;:;;:;;;g;- similaxing mefoodand <;gu1a- li1\,gthe,Stun1achsam1_Bowe1sof `1'uwm=r u Gr;uh1ma- Q Sipeclal (- P1`o\motes.Dige,s`lion,Cheerfu1-' nesszgnd Restcontains neither mm,Morphine'nor Mineral. ' o'rNA`Rco'rIc. . Apf&yfor Consffimpi` lion. Sou:\oea. Worms.Convuls_1ons.Fever1sh- "ms and Loss or Sunk. -a----..-- Our Dress Goods Department ` Iacsinie Signatur or - AV . I/c`i'."".i" f =';~*rv?~At:r=a Sales for _C\a'sh 0.nIy._ B'eforeB_uying` see"Our Goods and Prices. q-w-yup f Ni:W'iz'on1{I D1:1nlo p "Sheet, ` Barrie" 1nnl8l1[u-~1V_0rLI1 pitrc 1. 80 acres. ~Nurth-half Lot :7 .ucres. South-half Lot '2 waszrina c+oo:os4 PARASOLS -40.` - 4.')0c' cLormNc- (}u0. .s at 35. ' Hoods at 35_:; Gvods at 50c.` And e 1=A_c::s1M1LE 15c. and '.'UU ucmsg - \'espra.~ M 3,` Can. 6. Lot 14, Con.` 14. l arb`of East-l1 alf Lot"`22, -Con. 6, 12%| Ulmnl. 1! put up In 0110-1119 umul vluy. a knot sold in bulk.` Don ! allow anyone to M11 yuhsnytblng also on the plan ox: promiao that it I hm u nood . nm\wl1l.snnwer Marv nu- Ltie. ';Vl0,re thzm uuz11 zlttcutioil We gualmtee Style, .Qu:L1ity THAT THE `on anything one no pun ox: pronnae um 11 :.;m as .'m\ wl1l.cmawer every pill`- pmn Kr thaiyovi gew-A-3~T~O-L-I-L MM; is put up in (`MAO-lilo bmlu dnly. It In not mlrlin bulk.` Don ! allow unions to nil SEE 'IS ON THE` acres. _ . 1 - `-Manitoba.-~Severul 5 sections, `J xnnchcs 1280 and 1630 acres. ' 30c. -sto%NATURE \\'1lu. 2,. .'. Goose. \Vhea_w Elour, bakers, 1 Flour, fmn'Ily;' ,B.;..PE.E9PENs s;.ecms_. % % F5: mswee1:% --FU&i,-5&uzbu+>, Uu.ts....-. 1. -13%} .` ' Buckwluecm. *_ Bui'lev..~.... : 'vPV0tut($c_s. per bag. ,;, .... ,, , -Cdbbage, per, head . .. . . Beets, par bag . . . '_Oaiona; pgr hag ... . .1. . .~ -,;GBI_`3`0l8,`1_1n'U red, palug 1, '. u&.' nun \. J. CARSON. mule, etc. E ~ . 1 Francis St.--Briuk house, stable, etc. 8|` . , - .n(\ln(: . .ll`gn'C1-`5[N.'5l(l(.`IlCIL . . Brarlford .\'L,-Brick house, 8 rooms. L!..i..l. lumen H rnnm; . \V0rslc'y lluus. 1 Owen SL.~-Lnrgc brick house,` L Inn. ~ . V 'wooi."..mJga.'eT;77I " .. ,"_.Wo:1, wgahmi .' .. sa%2ti;de;d Mwr n_ `axed "p - a21ow;{ `ib Muss MABG-TA rnunm._ Cooked Cursed` Be, Hts. cans. ~ s:.\...;.| mi. um-k7 _' _ _ _ , _ _, W... V .. ..... ":1.-avian":- ",A|iva weight .. I".M`_' ml lb L. . . .-.. .crca.._j`_.. . ` Innis1.-'-N_orth pm: Lot '25, Con. m umvm: . N'nrH|.hnlf Lni. `.75, r`.nn, H, ,.;99 crown I ' vcuv I ikjlw`.-D iD )`lq pip} Va` 37`o:~3b9'E,',t-9ngo -g-3` 8 'u9.y'n`ua.- '{ FOR SALE IN "BABR|Eu 8 ELIZABETH STREET. |,ggr,_|1va wmguu . . . . . ._1 'qg;d,'po1lb Lg}_gr,.tub per 112...... $_D'!'0" not Xmh ,.p/acdyvoIop %n;A;;_E;rs.:T Tnngxie . hickcn . Cooked U.>rt,eu' mm, 1 Special this week` . Boned Be,-l `nu. emu. 1)evilled ]`uy'key., ... "Ham T.;T3ARSON;-; ul I)r:m'hn_'. Oil nml 'Lhin:1 mix of thw.-`<)n! 1rl(,uS(-lmulm' Art. Turoi vim-` tur school c.-hl1<.1n:n Saturday. h]'_!71o0|0""'.' 5'1=b1N'Ts/, AizIiIEA` \,'ayrufull' c0i'recjt. fo Mme. ; HMmi1~:,- July 21, TERMS To sum`, . Special ~AND~ Boue`.ess' rigs Feet, `.3 lb very` sprcial . , . . Cuoke1'(.`0rnexI HcL7f,"`1" 1ii.`" _ special ,. .. Potted Ham, "?h1ckex),``l \ Tongue . . . . . . ` . .. Cooked Roam 15;-cs, 1 lb special . . . . . . . . . ... nu 1--~ -~, `, Q . 1 warn. '/nub" xilpiis I '1 . ` .`1)AVHSE (mam iiiulz-% __,;.a. .,-.a-._;. l'2c. l2_c. ullllu I 1. Can. 7. Heiuifa }S.-.kml`lir.-anus. 1U, 10 acres. 15, ()on._2. ' 1897. .. 1) .4 `.3 75".`. -1 -7-. _ . S motnu. vaczmt 1 2 Z0. . W46) N uminul - ll -')v`. ;,%;;;%. i)Um .15.. . 11, 100 10`) (`V IS TO CARR`; ELECTRIICITY WITH` ' OUT LOSS_'0F POWER. [IA ! `me Only Thing mean: 1. a. vucuum--m- ; mum um Au Prong na nbkjyrhich ` ca-n.. s the Wire, and$1'oi% Hue `Irena `Is, I'.;`.I.l You Wake Up Again. `I'\-.; (gt the greatest thing in the \'m'hi," mmukcd a prosperous looking i'.idivi.n:Il who walked into thenice of mivof the most. prci_'minent consulting nigixzzus lziid electricians in the conn- ir_\`5`:1u.EXpX888 reporter was sitting E In rh * mmr ulce. ` , I I \\'hnt is it :", asked the engineeh. Y I'll tell _v0u,~" respundegi the ros- [1F} (\u8,.iCI(:i(il1g niuu. IVS un inven- tn`n"-hL'x`U the engineer began to look 1 .21`, but he sinilui poliu-ly and his u~_ -'u r miitinm-:';_--nu inn-ntiun that M11 n ~;uinticj-nizv the business 0! trans-0 niittimz eloczric power." - .\'o\v if time is one thing thahthin 1 . I I pamix nhxr ('1!},;iIl( (?I` is more ixxternted in (tr ig:m.\v.x` nmre about than uiiything cl.-v, itis this same subject of (hp ming- inissiun of ohctric powci: He began to in it u'1ittlc more inurcstccl nnd urged his \'i.~`n0r to tell him \\'hut the sclnexne \\'..< and also to inform him what he ('(,nl(l do fvr hiin. ` 4411' H |., 1` .1m~nu-Hxn Hun ivwnvi. M-loud qf mm El/llti )1 any oth u.i,:hc 1 utaizixin in Per tnlzi-u V only. in ' usual t mind a Iroqnn` nrfhl N board the \\'t- `ing: fro is 1:: t mrruu tluif, v run in mnh i lute it. Th Cnlui Tim M ulmzm XV, r 7 I7 uxx1::<:;,.s11: w. \ i;.I 11,49 have you made? " .' :.~': +.s:_v, my sir, we have `n1;....~ U 12.0% oxhzmstivc Iwts. W0 lxzaxaa L\11n"u1z1il(2 of conduit, sir, and t1;-- 1:. dx-li<-utv i11. fuil to `:`n:V<;t tho .=:1iglnv.-;t 11:55 of` power in ti`;:uSn1i.~:.~'i0;1.- Oh, tlwre inxoqxxu-.~'ti(>11 that thu prm-(.<,s works to puxhutiuxxl I, NU'.\', xxlmt I \v:1nty<.m to do is to give ; llH_\fUU1` olxinimm up it. Study the sub`- i jwt, ;_ziw_yu11x' in writing, and wu'll 1:11) you l1:u1(ismne1y. Q and I`1lscu what I thin}; of it,s1iid I the vnginuer. If I think you leave 11 I practicable thing. I d like to see your , exp:-rixut-xntul line in operatiou.., 'l`h-.l n Hm u':|v I Hlm ft) h(`:l'l` V011 Well, tell me what your process is : A m:r,.w mvmvrxox; STRANGE; THINGS Ag SEE g SQUARED ACCOUNTS. -; u... . .1 - on nut 5 """"` ~""" ' 5101)., ML NOW, 1'11 .l(`.H yU11 W1l_`Llh (L115 1 grmt; invention` consists of. It a/u Va-' h cu-.;u--nothing but u vacuum. You k_1:-.:w R vacuum in the umst. pmfeet in-` i.sul::tiox1, don t you? Put In vvncuun; 1 zuxmml a wire und tho 0lecti`i_uity (::m t gt 1. uwuy. I\I(,i.st1_u"ejcnI1 t gut qt the \v2'<:; . Air(:1x1) t got at it. Vuci1un1 11 I ' . ,_ 1; - pthc: current on the wire, won t it? as vueuu1n', ...|..,. I-.- in Um ulluwed that uL|,.. IL? "11 TOWNpPR(\)PERTYE 'p (`,XpL'l'llUL'llliu uuv Lu UlJl'L(-|llUu.~r 'l`lmL s the way I like to hear you talk, Sir; t~:huv;.~' you are 9. consurv:iti\'e man. A it. I \\ un1(lu't giv a rap for -the <`1..iui<':: of in man who jlllllpri ut conclu- sions, nit. Now, 1`11.u:n you \\r'h_'d/C this ~ .. ...`. L .'...muH'.m~ nnnuiuou H : n \m.' ! L_1_uH'ng1m'g'L'aluuwuu may it vu\;uu.Lu, '; it` :1 gm 1 one, migzht hoof vuluo form- i suiuL_`In;;j1urpr:sx~:;_: " 3 " M11," cu11m_:'.w.d tho prosperous 1uL.Li1;j.: mam, we just tuko H115 vzu:(:u- ... ....l 4.-uvwvu if fn Mu nH.h'vn|fn uuLuuu;,; puipim-n. "W<.~il," i this -um idea -.u;.l carry it to its ultimate conclusiou, undo1'stau1d--t0 its1nsl;uuul- ysia-`, so to S{.!l!11i{.' It s easy enough to surround :1 wire with u vuouuxu; All you ve got to do is to put the wire in a tube and pump tho uir out of a tube, isn't it? Well, "suppose you pump ziwuy . ` Ju1I:_i,1 1ou ve 3% ml ..t.1.I.9_ air Out; you vo got your wiro iixsiiluggiiavexift you? Cun t loso uny oiirrmit, can you? _ But; that's nil, Y6"i*o'g<`it the reistuuco of `tho wiiu to dczxl with, uud tliuts \\`liu1'e you lose oxmgy. That is where our discovery comes in. We know why tho resi'stauce mists,` uud from that it s easy to lozirn how to cum it. ' 'l`nIm n 1~nhnm- wirn - (3nnmAr n made ,` Tuku as copper \virc. Gopperls made up of molecules, isu`tit? 1\l0l.ccules kep \'ibztutixig all thotiuie, (lon t they-- '1:r=vcr may still, uewr remain in con- lnt? You k'n0w~ ullubliut that- Well, , ' u}ulcculus,'tln~1i, is11 t.tlm1'e? ~'l`l1eru is, um] tl1ut_s0ni<:ll;in;; is air. '1`hut`s what llm electlrii.-ily (l01i l; like--cun t pass through N10 air. Now, S,l111p(lS0 you take llfc 'uirfrti1rr the ni()l0('.ulc, 105 ronmin at rest; ` `I` r:1nI t`il5y LU IUHILI HUW tu mun u. ` rlhore mustbe soxnptliiiig bewven t-hose ` 1'A1(l H0 H1 nun. \\'xl1, lui',n+V I clvscribe tl1ein\'on- , m, mid the prosperous man, PH 11 5-nu what._~\\'c \'u done. \V'e`v0 `dis- vn ml 2: \\':2_s`*~t(: transmit pnwu with. -Hlultrly no lass in trunsnxissi011--ab- Jun--1y no 1059. Do you realize what 9 nu'.nn_-'r 1 `, \\ l)1lb .Hi|1l11\'u.~; MLUH \.`uu'.-1 utuuuu uu rmu ` --. spny ;1u:<)11tuct. _ ILlcut1'1(:1ty. 'g0eS' through without uny 0btr11(:ti0u, and ` them you u1'u-`-uo lossof current xT1u_ 1. Lu1.:ical, i}T1Ti"tT? V ` , IN. ..nnhm.m,mnn mxftinfr fnint. hnf. uuguxu, mu u lb. ` T1l(H`1JgilJ(JUWlS getting ; faint, but he -found voice enough to admit that .the; V tin`-my \\'us1~.urbuiu1y'i1igu;1inus. ` . `- I knew V5'0n (l say so, said t:ho_eu.-_,,_ I th1_1siust'i0 visitor. Now, it only` r`e- J 1_1n\i}1s to extract; t_l_1_o -uig, 1}u(]_ t_l_1g n Jr ,1 ,1. ... at xm'::n15."' : V . It: means you ll mhx tho em:th_it -.:`\-~ wt it, xumrked the ou_gincer. k`,'<=rm~t!" excl-aiuml the prosperous` nu. As: _\'mx."s0 aptly put`, it, .\\'e 1l m the <~;::th. Ymrwill notice I do not :2 .t that 11.m> uny doubt about the ;.u.~itiux:. \\`vk1uy\\' what we have \'- 1* lznw sun it`wu1'k. There's ,.n) I 1_uuum nu uAu4um 9533 uu, Iluu .. xvhzlt wn vo d0na--got nn nirpumf thut 11pumpu11tl1e air out fxaom be-_ Huwueu the molecules of n copperwire.` wire, ai1'.,_'l`o0k at mile xilxrlq fu1' szuvizr 1 I1li"l(',/lJ( (`Hll1S(`.@110` wird wort- cned up w'hvu j the x_uoletm1eH- crowded t.ogetJu~.1'. '1 hut _s what \\'ov;1ox_1e, air, tuid I think Ay(m?11 ;n'g1'ee.withvn1e that. Wu v_0 duno it--done it`on unniliwfv. wu vo~ gun the groutst iuveixtibn of "the `uges, won tyou? . _ 1 - '~'|`hn n1n1'i|nIm~lmmnml 1 nr'hreuf.h und `ages, woum yuur : `The e11gi11:gr guspe for ~b ruth upd Jhan diplomuticul1y,_Vto1d the stranger that he would do u Little guring in `tho sblxenne to see hbwmuulx money it woiuld unvwinmyear and mind n.1'opq1't in w`rit-, ? ig buth, n1'e'r,its of 1 the 1 project. V * Aux: the viaito1`bo \ved himself out the `eu- giueer turned [to The _ExpX{0BS reporter guy! remarked; l|T\'n1 unlr uni. nu In thllt? "|`hnl;.;s3` nnlv I Eli /ubelh St.--Iiouglucaxst hduse, 5 rooms, stable, etc. K Fr-, Sr'_ ...llri-.k hmu-m.. stable. etc. 8:` jug: reununmuz, Did you: get On to that? 'l`hat only a sample. If there": one crank comes to my .o`lceTh`1' a day, there are a damn. Everyone la:-5 crazy on eleotrlcity, and / gheyvall think they have invented the `very thing that Edison and Tesla and an the rest have failed to obtgaln. It wouldn't do for me to tell a `man like ghnt tlgere wan nothing iuhlis wild proj-M ` but of-pumping air onto! the intentions between the molecule: of sroopper wire. . Iejimiply wouldn't. have believed me mdlwould have spent lizoureltxytngeto ~~ . n luv V `V L Lawn zit! nun Uul \uu u:uu\.uu vuv wu... .- ....__ J | I a ! I 353 ,_ _ _ ; U\'K\1l,J\, mu m: uluu v ,.,r . ..7..\.. Wu, ..-. a sum 81'9`'1} k`W"*- _ _ .- 1 to pound` Rm, '. hm D" `y 1'CC0"'_1"3,d hm bmh' 1 and s110utth-ut it\\`:1sti11m. he '`t`d M: '5 ms D0 `. 3 1 bucktothu uround under the stmh, tho mumuls get out head break mM._k r 1War`.'tly 51m`"3 H '9 top of the ' mve s rudder, und _tho mmuul svlght nearly , to Jones Outof and wnS > or )0 frrghtened hnu to death. .\\e fhun went fin todo JOIN- in: mm back and mude nu t?x:x111h1ut1o11 of the higmgoixngl1;usg1edd0.u W rudder and found that w1th her claws nd `/u rho abandoned cut hud scratched a cnv- bmykmg t,1mtway_ font of ti` ml Of _h rd,dr d3 Th'ec1'erktb1d" wushn order Ct whale _ the lascur szulors. had been I for 3 cu at 6 Oyclock, and that was all mmm her death `she was engaged he know about in . r . r mm,` ,' Id renrmg u fumlly. lhe rudder, bemg uwem Jouesie went hack 60 bed but at lngh out of th_u,\y_utur, of cdurse pre- .` he dmuyt get to Sleep g-Vin. Ipaidith mm, ve11tu her gghtxzxg wet; vgry om-n , l\1d K be my enough to pwveut that, at` *1 :'.]::`:*:.:`::;*d.`:;.:::?:r:r:;:::::r*:;%;3:::`%..:3 . to I V "'21 Cloud cradled Frog um 0 Cut `u! would Not Drown. A remarkable story about the Ameri- . can ship Iroquois picking" a live frog of! n-loud in midocean excited n munnur of comment along the water iron}. and Hm] the stiary come to port with almost` other man but Captain Taylof it have been doubted. '1 _ Em- s rep- for veracity is well established Portland, so the strange story was ...:sLn.\b n nvaha nf an". and A..L` .. z E E ) 1 Y i ; wijhont 2: gram of salt and with few drinks of whisky. An um i "usual tale of tbeI_ea always brings tang another, and the frog story of the 3} [r(rqn0iS was no exception. ` "-'I`Lu.rn'sz uh-anon thin hDl'}l1 on ` lr(!q`.!(us vms nu t.'.lL'L`puuu. ""1`hn-re's strange things happen ,,bourd .-`hip, .=nuctimes," said AI Betcs, \\-H1 known river pilot, and scrap- :., . :..._.. ,.n' .1... ..l.\ with a lrmvvuiinf : luv \\'Hl 1;uu\\'u nu-r puut, uuu :\ Any mg: frogs oil` the clouds with a ufpmzist s the strangest. I remember an oo- 5 ('l11'rt`l!K'|_` on board the Old clipper Plum- ! 1 _v .: : .1. ....... .... 7/>I\I"`~"`)I'2\`i Hm}. 1 <-v rum} oouru we um ruppu ; Auur t ; Mzin-lx~\\'aa so r=.~uxarkuLE<- that 1 ' ` frf(1\l\`llH' nccused of lumdliug the ` \ : in a careless manner when I re- ` nm`|.A 1)\......1..1 "mg on rnnfn frnm T00") , Mary SL.~F1n2st brick mansion in Barrie, .18 . rooxns,'coueh `house. stable, etc. `Fine -.rr-.ugh~cast Ti`IFi'fCj. ~ Bmtlford house.