iarnu neone an we same." % '1 "It was q1_1eer,Grann _thQught;things . d'udn t seem to have t e same-effect an Maggie th.:v4_hey Used to `have. $118!; `. tried, sometlmes, to see how provolnn .-s . ` he could be, but Maggi was slower 03: ,fl9.re up or 7a'nsw'eIaa\1'cily; -as/she once would have, done. And sometimes.) fsh-e would ca h the gitrl` slyly cutting!` thelaxgest piece 'of_o0rn bfewd for heri` . or Dad:or. mmchimq untlfe ,stra.w Inat-V13 ess no make 1: mow comzorr.a,me.xor_ old -bones; or stulff" 3 some of her own ` acant c_lol;h:i1ngbiV _8.Gr.8.0k, towvardoff I 80 dgaf. Gfwn ..(1,iKln't really ob_jept' to-` havmg the /room cleaned u1p_~a httle, ebther. N . on the whole he_was not ` lsqrfy M ggie had burned Into agoodH gnr . ' Ipe day Mag .358. coming suddenly n'nt'0__th9 room, _ade_1su.rpr1se. , There. / huxngtng on the wall nne place of the nn- luoky ,curcus poster. smiled a. radiant; othilds face. It wasonlyan advartisinggl card. itatinsz that M`v nana. 'usasH or Da.d;or. ptumghimg up,t1ie,stra,\v mat-"1 tress to make 1t more/comforta,b1e.for_ I Ah! .hnmn.u- nr ufuvlfffrfiy smmnnf hnr mun I U18 IEXECBL IMBCB 0J._ OOH] IJI'e&v(1 101' 1101' ' dnLl(1's Iace_. 1t wasonlyan a.clve_rnsmggu0n. card, 'statu1g that My Q papa`uses;sZhK_>u1d Kh1fone's ci-garsg," but Ma gie wuldnftlbullt I read that. and_ If. she-`cousl ,I'doubt 'if1t u_1g 121 would have ;_d1at.ur.be her. Where hacljdlet _s it come from? `A glance atGra.nuy,4sp- "hueatl _ parently very mulclh occup led, but unwimdulg conscious of. thle,lurki.ng smile about thevcorners of`h'er mouth :thd.t._~betru. eel - E her, told` the story. And althouygh as-g _ gie was rather roughly bldden to "go A 4 * along and get the" plates washed," I. .' - thivnk it..wa.s~not long uftex`warda *.hat cough` r`umdmoth~erl `love promptedzau order mm ` 0 "stop pew -1111, on that mattress, `n fho` ' .ta1_ cheer! wha.t's.che`ers_-Iur,"f.;that pllltb oftensueiadg Vattgn; take Dad's cheer! vv;hat;'s.che`ers Iur."f- that evr usafu1_ remedy, hot water,.. ,,not to set in?" V ' ' _ con ided Mggia joyfully to the'miiturswhc.h-klis0rdr the digestion ; gone ou.t.: ; . . . . _ . ~ Jbouing should bej.;pec1_' when` t.he.p_a.1j- :r::.since;th(_anag_raat, many p90ple' have oxysms` `com? ,V;A.~_ cough xjesultmg 1:991; `Tfmdxng, qu4:_."ufor zgrownjup Mag- from iI`1'_i-t3:,tl0.l,1,'iS nelzey-ed b ]10t,Vy9.-i / gm )5 `now a.m1ss1on wox`k<;rvamongthe t,eJ"`?Ullgh_tha`A romot1nbVsecret,1on vvuvvtvuu vs. vu>o-AuAnn-1.15 auunu u-uvuv y- ' _ , :thL1.t_~betra. ` , ` ` ~ ~ _ her..told` And a1j:houygh' Hm WATER M_)R_C0m`H - .` sudden and wearmg attack of uftex`w arda . ' - . - - - love. promptedzau wpeclally 1 wnwmptlm and .imV' mgttress chronically In an |8lL!]JOI`Q"-I1Gy' _ . `_ . , . ' ill oifben pwdve vervmffeove. It `is? bod -usY; ,eJ`;f,f p0lfta`,,_,f `vfiiff ->`ml1oh_bet._l;eI. th:Iu1'<'t>11e`ord1nary cough Kh-rone'scigar. girl, after Granny had'wnd' sp-ail `thus `a'pp_etif'x3. W0.-`Bil; 8lmo,st . very tenbments w'hore`she and`Do.t,i.aud, \v(l1ii)h Tmnistwa W ,.'_.iJ',xii\ted supfaces. .. ` Gra1u_1 zonqclived. 1A11`($?whe,re0er she Hotywatgxrlmlso`qgxctqriI.n_ . `of pm` e"i'i.bb0n'tiiB.t mld her tirs,tl,V,g. .-, `cos; 1 .waara;:.nin;gi;~t`.tha,tron.t; 6: .a,n_1 g;63Iig;e&- . . . 4` . .$WfM`ll rdreagthe.-tm-y-mlver c1fqss,a`.n d.bit ' . mmlu.5'nm tn he :1 nrinoma. ' ` 7 W ` G.'l.IIWlllT; 1'/'0 RCWKJM DSCGIIUY QII6I' 1` ad `to `his rung egatwn. by} a country , EBBIOH .H'e.,'11ad have-n Qmlding forth on g = he advejsntua of`,D1q.1}\_ spea51 _ ; ' ""Whyfhret `.'heLso.1d.. bmggnng is ` lm.nd'd,cw;'x u'pp`n,.t_he pngfxt. wxtlrgr tr vieor.~ti:_aero. Ia nqm Vof. all these; I long wgrds. anI11_11- 1iT~sox;ndin;terms; not o.rb_1t.' Look at t. Pamfll. lxsw dz ' M1 to: the men}. 0 :;.now15ge uiutl he1p.?".an_d .116. dLdn't makquse ,`- jot 1u\yihmha,l\rtin talk. *,`He`~ 3.1-" * `wan mdlm `m nlajn. aimnlo En1r1ish.l resolu romtu be; a princess. D`ll.l`_ 8'l5lDD0Xl W181} semen V >A .uM.J ._ufIu._Iuunuu. L ' s 1` . Asmtement - madam good raima; bu [V diffxcult` to acoe1.Awas`mcenuy o1fer- ? edrto his mnrenation bv. countrv OK uz\yvmgnIa,urun ERIK. ","07` 51'" Raye in plain aimpla English, .mmmnl"; _ 1 UL is 'J}.NGU&xGE. . Cl:bo theory of artificial iqyiratioi is . that by restoring the raqirutory min- fgments imnzegliabely after they have I`: ceased to be mud on na.emuy,j -ma f . prom-a of bngatbing may againhe at` 1041. and preserved. _ Experknema; Lfhaverabavm lbat tha vitality of tho` _{ hwnan body 1i1a. be 'prea_arved tor. I. Im`i0d ofth1%e mum afterv air has 7 Hmaaed to be inspired. Ai. mm, L}. ;..o.....a......a ....o:r...:-.nu.. 3).- ` """'*""" "V "" '"3""" v . ` Air may lzeinummea an.mcm1xy.in-I to tb` lungs in mveral wayr; by alter- nahsly compresimg and releasing the walls of the` chest and alxlbmen ; by vbrqathing directly into the mouth; by fa oombinatinmof both `these xilethods; ~.: " and by exciting the muscles of,,reapi1'8v.~ ` tio wit}: electricity. W'b,at-over meth- I od is used, it is im.po1-mnt to. remember ` the followim points: '" - K I Th`; is-xnnnldnl ........n..-.. "..l.....I.-l hn .. auuv Iuvunuuan yuuaugsca Duuuuu vv cIea.r_ed of all obstxuctfons, solid or \ fluid. It, is obvious amt" the chances of success are directly proportixmate to the ease wit3a-whinb_-Hie air cam be . made to ente`r"the lungs.` I 9 rm. 5...! ..........; 1.... ......+:.... ..... \ III-`VAX? UV WUDCL VI-|U lH5D~ 2. The body cannot gg naating mo `quietlywhile the treatment is in pro- ?gxess.,, 1: is better that it should be lkapt in a horizontal `bsition, in order that the heart be not embarraasti M ,.........._, ......,,..w. i V u[ 4. It is important _t1w.t the sin intro- s dun.-ed into the lungs should be ag warm as possible. If than is 3 fife near . qt. hand, the body should be brought! as close as it is possible. The ideal * thing is a. room with an even`. temper- , ature throughout of ninety degrees. i 5. The auantitv of air to be ,|Bl.l1l'6 LUYOUKHUUL 01 lnely aegreea. The quantity of air to ' thrown into the lungs is 3 question Qof no small moment. While it might seem that even 9. 1u.`rge amount o air , forced into the lu could not be huxmul, it is desira. be\ in practical ' artificial xmpiration to ixnit-ate the > natural process as far as may he. About , Lwelvu in a minute is considered tobe gs. sufficient number of inqyirutions to force upon this lungs | 6. Eorta to indum natural msm'x'a.- ` 3 For theaame any exceasjve motion in_ m.:'mi.pg.Iat.inn, or force in till- ` ing the lungs, is to be avoided Every A` `ounoeof vimlityvis needed by the reS- ` | piratory musples. I T} :1! C--\n.._l>n_ kgl; 51... .2`. 2_L...- Iorue me lungs 6. Eorta to induve natural res4xix'a.- . tion should not be given up, so lon as the blood_in the veins remains flui or the muscles remand to electrical ex- ' ' :At,fmn.uts at nrtifix-.i.-Ll resnimtinnnre OX` L118 IIIUKZJBS l`1:K)_I1_Q LO Glepflgl 6X` Atte1n.pts at urtxfwlal respxratnonare ~ most likely to prove effectual in `young . sulgjota, or in those Wlmse natural vi- Mt.-mty or reserve force is good. T Mush of the perejudice against vac- cination mhich still exists in: the minds .of many people is fed by tlhie'occuxrence now and then of unpleasant or even dangerous inflaminzition apparently caused directly by the operation. This inflammation may often be pm/vent'ed. l1'owveve.r, by the exercise `of a. little `_ca:r,7)x`"`it`can be robbed of any serious cons_equences by intelligent treatment. The danger of this inoculation of cer- ' ' ~ ' . " which` was L 1 vzv_v.v y 1 V v V - V - v v - . - . . v V . L Wrdppgr CompWlon for my imam V.,. V D __` pfthnyearzegy - '!1I1llilI.K1l1l8.LlDIl wyuuu lull]: ulM2K{;ll1U1'.l IL ' Lcalyxses, is seldom 5;.-ngus um/"requxr<:s ` "only" LL u';:p11catLon 01` .~;ouae smooth fvl b(lby1l0WdEI, or 01 colcl/lotlon, round gbut not over. the van.-cinanion sore. `ln " V '2 ` ` lilzrmmatign pers ` and spreads in spite of these simple Vmreasures. ungl th-en. especially if the ` '.w-hole arm/' becomes involved, or the; ` gkmds undem the ar.i1Lhecomes-sw.ollen `undte er. a physician should bacon- sul withollt delay. ' .R.nH.u.r -Hnnn trnmtmnf, ,hnw'p.vp'.r, i l F l ` tc-hing,-or peizxps even painlul. Tzhis rmflammatinn beyond the discqmfort it ` CU1:Ll(1. or ' we gum surroundmg the point of vaccmation becomes hm. red. swollen, (':u1s;.=s. `seldom 5;.-nous u11u" reuum:s. .5-ounuetimes>a widye extent of sux`f3.ce| ' suited W1El10l1_E uelay. _ . `.;,Bette.r "than treatment_-how'eve'1`. is I; the prevevntlon of the; caue.s. of this |fia1_fle,5n1_mati0n, Sometxmes xtvxs due_,to f _;f.notxou1 by the c1ot_hnngv_ or to sc_-ra.tc_.h-| | ing by thephuld w-hxoh brgaks the skm . over the 1ttl_e blisters, or tears off the ltscab and irrztates the raw places to _ipxoduced. o , revent this-a vaccina- . ti may w9In.. or better yet, I the .pa.rt maybe` covered by 9. wide, '. 3 thick Layer of cotton fastened to. the` i n.wm hv Adhpsivip. mlastaer. : 1 | . Lnmx Layer 01; cotton 1a.s1 ..a.rm by &dh)3S1VB plaster. I n:~.hm rmxsm of msore a ,!a.rm by acimeswe paasper. . Othne-1' causes of va`sore am after vac- `, oimatinn are dirt, catching cold, indi- ` Jgestionfrom improper diet, and con- stitutional weakness. VV`it1I's0me chi!-"' dr-en every scratch is fallowml'- by in- ammation w-hioh takes 9. long time to 2 get well. Such children will, almost ` ,_,surely have a sore arm" after va<`cina'- . `-iti-on. alnd -it possibbe the operation dslnould be dstemred unttl they'ha.'ve been huiH? aim. hv fnnix-:5 and freizlh nix`. Um`- ';snou;a De aete.rr_eu_ tmcu may nave peen built up by tonms a._n-d freslh air. Dur- ' `iing the ientire.vacc1nat1on period the I `idiet _s]1ou'ld be-si:n_upsle. meat and. all .|"hueat1-nlg" foods` belng very sparmgly ` . =-imdn14zuLi n. v ' ` .9 boiling be 3;ped_' V}v'h;en` t.he'.pa.1j- oxys_uf1_s' 'c_om9 syn.` resulting r "hot, wa-E. tex;_thr7aug_h thxs rK>u;}:ot1on4Li>Vsecret,io1x:M; ., vvftlzch =mn1w;If ,; _.l17r_:5k\1>ed4 sunfaqes. :4 Hot` also` momotea mxnectoraton ; Miss f3Wr0vi`v1 caiax. ths..?.{_'.$.*o,i 1[ maid -' is L uK3h;'=_ch9._rmin I. "4; th ot1'x1`e1"a'evei%iI1g 38.id,.$;1'!6.I'n%>1( i`l<)1J.&i{%ln-gtozg *. tpipr husband. som4ethin.'g_'8bout'h . bemg` pretty. .`I'heT.%9gg;;-g:rI- vmewso , I . I don't. se_ ow you men, an no utruthtu ;u 7' E anon thixik `you d khowhb?}1iiA . 594 time .;ttha)t ;I tun .nm'mr untruthfu Mr .coddungton, mprgachtluxy. I said` 1 she was inst a.`s'.urettv B shia could be. M.k1' .U0(1.m1ngr.Qn, vreprgacnmny. .l Ema she waazjgzat as prejzy as she could. be. `ands ewaa . ' < I A` LumcRo`Us mzsmxs. ruv Avnnvvvu` lkuuhu 1. The bronchial passages "should be Ilnnl-AA at all nI..+.....n`....a ...I;A ru- ic- Bni.?'?$1a `' ' man Raf gm .Ma<;1_em19Fmen or the retire Mmloa me. was knocked [ BEE. *."5iZ '$i6 Is1.'. ~E$nx"$ ` .03 8.V;ya,rg; jot em. waa.k , amt %l3d;jx` Pg.I,,0nnIxi,t1I_1t on: this '_ lanagl lam. ABIFIFIGLAL 1'u%s91a4wxou.` =VVACC.jLN`A'I`I0N. in nuulrl run, Iuufzu uv / -W--~=~ HHS Bale, cermaandoun.-An , . iarmsm mu. 0. x. Hood.&~On.,.Lo1nn, mg, irhooglyfllhubke with Kood lBItIIlIrm& ALIJ lllullilnly jlltougcl Ia: uu p steam railmad costs gram 04,000 to $5,- 000. and weighs 38,000 pounds orininokr teen tam. A mail car which costs from 32000 to 32.500 and is shorter bi- about one-quarter `than the `ordinary passenger coach} weighs 32,000 pounds or sixtgen tons. "A baggage car. With ou't`t'hQ baggage in it. wgigha 28.000 potmds or fourteen tone. aindmatl hlxmt as m'u'ch as it maixl bar. A 8160])- --r- 4- - --_. ..--...--1.!-m 6}...-. un- {Sciatic Such an Bonds, but the Ca! V 'Welg_Iu.- ` , . uuvutu dc IuuLu no a Luau; uuu. an uavvy~ inc chat is more expensive than. any 0! the othcxs and it weighsa good dgl more, too. A plain. simple. but du'i`au- bln sleeping car costs anywhere frtil 86.000 to 810,000 and at ou1nta._e_la.bor~ gate luxurious sleepmg car w'lt_h'obso'rva- `tion attachtmenipf literary annex. and culinary `department coats. auywharo l........ omnnn 4,. crmnnn min- nvunrunn laWldIaWl} |cUU. A ful trailn in` motion, on 5 little fimnrinvg will show. is no light atfnir. The ordinary weight of the railroad locomotive for ,passe service, in- clusive of bender, but not of fuvelbin tho tender, in forty tons. One baggage cam weighs fourteen: ions and one'm_all car sixteen tons, bringing up the weight of the locomotive and the bagfafo and mail can to seventy tons. `Sixpen- ` senger cars at an average of nine-3 teem tons weigh 114 tonsffoo that t*he~tot.a1 weight of. 3. tmlm made ' j of wlowmotirve and eight caxii wou-.1 , b 184 toi1s,-0r 368.000 pmmds, diliao -" of tlne weight of baggage. of ihe hm] ' carried, passetngrs. and mall matter; Pmllimg 184 tons along` mile at thvrnte of fifty miles am hour or more is an mchievement which has not. been easily ' brought about. and. the mmothe ro- I blem us Blillldlbd the more clearly l_ I: , ulnderstood how for the moo-hanuezl. work on railroads has been put! `. There were by the last figures reported. ' 86,900 locomotives in use on American 1 railroads, 26,000 passenger cars. and .8.- 000 mail and baggage care. These figg uares seem large wntinl compur`ed_,'v`vit the number of fmirght cam on A' e_ri- a cz_ru _rni.lroa_.ds, and than they in in- . signifiumt, for the mnmber freight _ cam. in uses is 1,250,000. , , * Frniahnt mm, nmnma-, m.ilrnml men. 1 W9Ue,P |I3 vilhwuoweum-nu plbcegmlothwkh noon Ruytnhb __ __V. I ` 14,-- E: - T " 'Ind`guytooye,ratoJim:a o1ood'IP11In_, wmcbm ....on `Ah In many: manna! ' vuun.|oA_y ucpna uxucuu vuuvu - nu; n --av from $10,000 to 820.000. The averse! weight of a sleeping car in from 40,0!!! 00 44,000 poumda. or from twenty to t.we>nhy-two tons. . ' " A cum +....:... :..`.....+;.m an .. um. .'3.l'S.11.n use: 18 1,zau,uuu. ` Fre_L.g_hat cars. amen: mxlroad men. are dmded into fowr sses-- -f1a.t.c9,1's. 5 mm -h :n: a ra-nun r\ n r1 am (lwlaeu IDLO Iowr/cusses--11aL. cufn-1. $n of stone. machinery, and lum r; .130: .. ' ash use or` 15. ' cam,~s.u.cu a.ar_e use zor;r.ne_.L_mue- portatxon `gf/'g;a1.n. frunt. and rdmary - mercihixnise: stodk cars. s'i1ch'as are used. for cattle, and coal *cars,' such a! are used for._t1m transportation. of coal aqd o'L1-_-t hose used for oil`; being an: phed wlth-tanks. The average weig t of a fla.t,or gondola car is seven. tons. The ear costs` from $300 ito 3400}; Box cars wei.;z'h a ton 1nor9..a.nd Sl we car_cosLs' Irom wuu -L0 Mun. ; no: cars we~1g'h a ton morevand bst $10| more aanh. Stock nnm wnicrh -piiah1 T? ' ' IXIIIIEI An atlemprt tosgive a.sc>ientilic my count. of the destruction "of Sodon and Gpmomrah l1a.s`been made b5; ,;Dr . C. Diener of Vienna. A study of thl i peculiarities of tlm.Dea.d Sea. basin, 9.31? . of we site of the ovarxvhelmd, 'fci.t1ei v of the pl-a-ia3rr" leads him to concluda . that a violent aaqhhquame must i 8.` some time have occurred there, whicl , affcted this oznhire Basin; and was an . _counpaniml -by the. inundation of tin ~ sLhocraes.- An old violca-nic- crate; 0! the` eastern sideoln the sea, wash: - thinks, simultanequsly "thrown inbi eruption t.hmugh the disturbance pro ` (lured by the 31'thlqu3ik_8. These :00 cuxremoes would an; 11;! the priucipa h norm na mentione in th So" In 1-am'1:im'l._+ ' 6' GLIS W6l{L1 3. (OD. II1.0l`6'3,-I10. 0035 $10 monepeaeh. Stock cars weigh -eight tons eadh on the avera e; coal cars \w=,ig'h three toms each. 1: costs about $200 to bwildl coal .o'r~ _oi1 cans, wnd they are -desi d to carry five, tons 'a. iece. 510 uinl uvu LU \.~a.u._y 1IVU_ wun Cl. we: 0 I y coa cars 1s , on and oi Elwin` con oents._ if all filled, 25 tons, .whti.z:_h, with 'I_ocounotive and ca- vvadded. mqker 420,`tons.a.s L_he weisghrt; 9{__a. tra1n., ,It._1na y;be.;sa1d, rough-1y,_ that the weight o.Jouded traims, passenger, coal, or freight ran as from 200 to 550-tons. Tirwlighf; en` t_miIn,`_"the greater the speed that's the rallroad` ru1Ie.`. _ . J WI v_v_uu VV.nUvru\u LUUUX1, U,I)e mlt dds irmediately stop; cough;_ ~15) ` loosonhig, thephlegm, pis the` liytdgqnxp .s1eep'an,d teat. Dr. Chnsg.'9om[)Qi;nod this va1ugplp uyrup so as .tq_'tako' n\9ib,y5the"in1_ plaisatit taste of turpentine and linsceda, `OFFER t9 Hromd. {he piice if 13%. Chang`: Tsyrup will ndtido all that it in claimed tqdd ' - )d onapuyapiba ut_ul}v<!,ea1ti. ` .s`on . Bityv Co-. .5 Lombnxd .sz.._ Pmass %?`%$`$i`%%%%%5%g@:`5 ` ~ 3 *vw:g, U-1_a.MM`. mere 3: 'iou1y;on_q;prpliut.1l hi __(_`Janada t'o-d`ay fht` gunranieedztor ' Baoncnxrxsmsd:nms`nn:ouas$f&:uu! yor:uu\sasn. MN 1_une:ImnL~ It"i3.-:`MS5,7II:I5 , ER_"S cure foxfhcr childwtien. it `isi%a'11s`!I1ff;d Vupwm: CROUP mg: oTxghi'i:gvit.slit`t1c njang: mm mm. wunm>n(m' f`f\l1i'1L1 `n..- `.......r` R "W! vuvvn uuu \.Vu`Iuu In nun: nu: cu: with WHOOPING COUGH. `qn; gm ~rlri`4: vr1mndin0A1n mm H... ..-.....I. ` '1`;HE~ DESTRUCTION OF 's0DoM. [ram ma non nmms.| N ri e A 4] ' .....u.-maul nllh chm nu um um `;.`?Ixa`:`i2;_;c.r;i2i12<<:?.m;r.s'* 1:` Id Cnnadh fn.rlav ihnlcu i'1"m1`n.m'vv }fAa .nA1L_noAn nunmzus p-`V ._._.~__.. A rwnkn xuumnwu nscmss mmnnnm um. runm Iain mu: Jo-es rm nug_og- . 00 Hell llgi In nun; Sud While ` Fellow Wu-inn Intact Delltfl to Int-It lln - le` lehnved Hie 1 - -4-g _ Int Lnree noun on Iuesany _muru-- m8.`Frank J ones. a_ young plumber. lay I- thelnottom of a trench in H`em"y f street. New York. with sand and earth . 03041 up to hin neck. and (every ghance in favor 0! having :1 greater load of ` it slip dawn and coves` him entirely. he was nearly free, and twice another fall 01 sand closed aroimd him just. as the rescuers-wgr_e about to pull him out. It was nearly' three 1 houcra mlthe minute when Jones, with a shoepixsh grin on his face. appeared ' 00 this have! not the street. `A shout went up from the cmwd. mm! 5eming- ` , ly. emlnrrassed at finding himself the object of _so mm-Jr attention, he darted We a l_>a.rbe~r shop and nzcived thexje the congratulations of his particular ` `_ friends. '1` have were half a dozen pt H-Cevmen. a.1id`t.hey had thbir. hands full; ' in keeping the 'p9_qple back from the; |.a.rber shop iln which Jones `sat. Thai . srawd had gathemd to the number of; K xiense. But Lhddesire to see him after` t At one. time the s.-Elaine three or four hundred to see the work of rescue a.-nd \v11tichil'5II"t`Ii':1't"`_Witll sus-. he was safe was many times as eager. B.EACH'EI_) ms cum` 9 _ and part 01 ipcovered his face wheq_ 1 he appeared again. But beyond that! and a dent in his but, which had never left h~'m head during the entire time, he` showed no sign of the peril in which 1183 _h:id been. ~ ` "' 1 ,....._ 7....-- ...3L'In lu...,2 ` I-I-AI+='\Iuu9C'.It'!Lu|u.JIL.|.5-Uil Ullb Ulutlh UL the Admiralty. Theeet was divid- ed into two puts, one o`omma,nded by >Admi,ral Fellows. He had sirnstructinns in steam out oi Blanksod Buy, Ireland. ` to avvait, a declaration of war, and tiimn unxienvotir, '14:` return into Vbhe Vbny without being intmrcnyted by the other division. When still sixty miles from ' the randezvous a. cruisar overtook Ad- 4 miral Fellqws and told him that war had Dew declared; whereupon he ir1rn- A e amu, an , wee mg no enemy, en- ~ L-cred the bay` and telegraphed'to the -Admirqlty, "The war i over." After ' aeve.rai_7hours"ailen the Admiral.ty V ~-se:nt=him 9. curt ordnr bo g4.Lto4.-re4;d ezvws 200 ryjiea west. Tih~is he did, aha ,thTen fumed about again. As he, "a roached Blackmd Bay last. Suhnday ` kn nixuz. Liza; f`e-.neII1`y_ a.|'?)e;IL!'8d _.andA ~ oiearul rm` action. Iih:e iagghip Ma- ,k=atio_ ad fue. but Agimiml .Fe1.- Vowsidi not respond. On the. con_tr- ary-,"hze- vna.1led_that..ihe had alregdy :`a4mI.red relmnd. _UhxLt Churah servlges .vreIr_e beingghnld in the: varlms ships bf his diynsmn, and thayt Fhia must den to fight. _'.Uhe Admiralty was fur- ~ mun, andgt will be u. long tiineihefore cherlast is heard 0! this fiasco 1nna.v- V 1! circles. - - r i..... ..,..,_...v.. -mu - lspreauling out On luesday morning Jones. with two- broad simm- otlier iomnoylnen plumbers, went down: {mm into a ditch running from the founda-inble, .pro\_/ided they contain sugar, or on walls ot the house to the wmr I ifsugzir is wuii`l.ing, it be lirst` ndded . . ` _ '- of lb 1. That t ot thr zii:id ure- `md 3 mung 1' the Btnet to wnmim ' sent led] apples` thatmlirxlally' LlL`|l(S v{ine- gar is proved from the fact lliut though vamrnere liliii in tii _ '1` lie vinegar can be mndu the juices of any fruit oi` veget- with these mains the pipes of a new six-lg story tcinement that is being built at` l(JLll11lU(*;5(`0lll.II.lIl the uaine kind olucld 27 Henry street. The dawn was about ; :i<:Itutl3iiiyvrgggljfulxlg mt-`D feet 10113 and three r'fm`.les3 ssvieeloriing in some iorni has been leet'wide. Hbl W383-ll W01`? (111 11 Ajiyll` i added to them. Years ago some excel-V of pipe when at, abouit twenty minutes after 9 the sides of the bank about him` house. The sand and gravel which fell on Jones thirew him into a ha1f-croueh- bng attitude. and as more poured in from both sides he was gradually forced down uintll he lay on his side. `The of- forts of the two men im the excavation. who went to his assistance as soon'as they heard his cries, only caused more , of the sand to be loosnetl, and a mom- " (anti after the first fall. of it ,h_e'wns ` liuiriied up to his chin.. The sand con- tinued to run and it looked as though lioiwouild be buried before help could be brought. Other workmen in the liuilding climbed down towhore he lay, butit was impossible! to move him. When they saw that the rescue was ' their a_spocial fire _ alarm was sent in. Hook and Ladder . Company B responded.`and the firemen ,, s>t.g,;'hQg1._.tg-.g|',)`[g,.-315)----Lhe .oL thel 1...i.. rm. ..:.r.......'n. ..y.... hum nn -ant` closed in; His was near this wall of the- glent vinegar inade irom tomatoes as a basis was sent me with an olfer to sell the pzileiited process. il have olton thought that ltgllllfghl be niudo at a 'vsry'low cost, by adding this juice of the sugar beet to that obtained from tomatoes; whether it would have on `objectionable flavor could only be de- cided by actual trial. ucleirtain it is that from the same area two or three times more bushels of -toniatoes could be grown than of apples, whilg on aver- 'tLge acre ol while Silosian beets would yield ovor a ton of mi air. The `imuicn~ so quantity. of cider a present in stor- age, the surplus of oui'-t1'enie.ndous crop ioi miples the post season, Tpusses on such exp-erimcniing into the hands of ,,1.lJl0l'.ll(!I`,, generation. ~ house Mnnss AND TERMS. Arwhile spot in this loreliead isa. star. . ' ` ' ' . A while lace. from eye to eye isa :3 turned us if success is to be reach- `l`iie following is the perscription of Dr. Sahiioii, for the cure of hog cholera? W0u(l charcoal, 1 part; sul- pl ur. lp.'irl'; salt, `.3 parts; l>i<-zir|ion- ate of sodiuin. :3 parts; sodium hypo- sulphile, 2 parts; sodium sulphate. 1 part; antimony sulpliidie, l pzirt. Ten parla in all. Pulverize and mix thor- oughl . Dose. one tzlblespooiiful for `each '00 pounds oi hog one:-. ii day. lEven with o herdof the Very` best `of butler cows much will d~pen:l up-on ~, The nllluflll h:ib.t of _l.l]e7C0\,V is con- lonliiieni. lll(l rest. She lathe most gentle and quiet of all farm nniuiuls. \\ h:xle.'ei' may be true about lb). horse the inilr.-li row does not need exercise \\`:lI`lll bedding in the i~it:i. l>le in winter -are actual. necessities. lllliis no-exer- cise idea. liowever has been pushed to an extreme. .-.:.._._..g4_....._.__-u ONE or l`l_lE MOSIIVIPAINFUL or ' iu,-trip/uis. . . l -- Mr. Pelier M`ill:i.r_ Suffered for Years, -_`;,`.x,.e;`,,mm. d yyyth Mow M, - eines Blefore 1`indiiig_`a.yC'ure. l A white st.riyie.iii the face is, n lblnze. hslvrilpo between the nostrils is a" on its eye is 2:. glass eye. From the Brockville Recorder. . 1 ePlJai[rs ino pinsttiier Dlalce is to be upper lolck onthe. ltideaii Chuial. At the mzinner in 'wh.ch they are treated? -says a writer. Shade in summer and this smtirm fnr al (Ill.'tl`ll`.Y' nf ll. (`er{.t.i1r\t' ll Lllll_l_i'_ BACK. seen in 0ril.amlo' tiliuiri tliszil iit N_e.w1nun's * PH!-A',&tl.'~Ml'lJN.Lh' .1Lnuun ~-tar wuu :- hole, The sidawzilk was torn up. and ms the aandncon_tinwed to fall, 9. re- spirator was dropped down to Jones and attached to u long rubber tube ` > which waq brought up to the sidewalk. Heheld this with One hziind. which had been rf1je~.ed by the men_?_a.t-vwork, and Ive never for a moment" lost his pluck. 9 men as to THIE xmstr WAY TO WORK.` ' "Capt. Meakilm and a aquizdof; a doz- en polinoemen came down frbm the Madison t;re/e,t station and 'niorework- men ,we~x~e sent down by Hanlon. the, contractor who is bu.ilding' the house. ()m`sixln nf Hm 'ni-limr 01 hmlrdti which . the cru\v(1 stood several numurea pe.r~ suns. Nothlixn-g couild be seen, for--the . excuvhthom had. been covered mp to pro- 4 beet Jomes from the sum, and _only.the I firemen and the worlgersi in` rescue were alldwed to come iiear the e)ggga,._v_z;- l txovn.` It was I1`_n'allTdecided to remove the _nreajwall and rwnne Jones from 1 below the ditch; So the area, wall was partl m.k&'n.'d0Iw11. and the sidewalk .1 was rn ulp for twenty feet in ordenj that Lha walls of the- trench might be sloped dowm. ` Thirdugh 9. hole In the 1 `area. wall apltmk was ut under ` Jm1es's stomach`. Some 0 the sand - about 'h'i!m was removed -im this "way, bum when an effort to ull him out w:1`s~fima.lly made, it was oumd that his ` leitleg` was smack fast l!n-%h`e sand. As the men (1 around Jones they plac- ed boards um at his body; . nm an Hmu umwi Atnrminna- fnrwm`d contractor Wno 13 I)u.|1(11ng' me nuuse. Outside of the iai-ling 01 boards whichl had been 'hast'ulf' pruzt; u to keep back. Hm vrmvd (dam mvex" hmndred 139.1`- uulnzauuv UL Luv Auruug Ln. -avuauu nu-uu had 'hast'ul(i' the crowd stoo sever _ humdred pe.r~ nnmn Nixfhtn-tr I-nn ha. swan. fnr-`the ed noams under me may. 0mm as they were ;atoo;1vimg`_ forward to Iilft hvimifrom the . hog mmnss of mud fell over him ugain.=t'mrH1e was ` punried up to his waist -again, A swond time, Just befow the rmcue. as the men were o. b_ovust to pull the -plumber out of thadirt. another fall of sand and grav- n.| nmnmllml them to . ,, - H1%(llI`E, EIIOT/H81` I311 OI el .co1npell'ed them to 1 I\1rIA1'\'\ mrIur.1 1lf'I\1 ' `work of V . fixmlt; Sovex`al,m_en *`m>re.ovrc0me_by' - j.'_h_o hang.` P, J. _Hh,mlon. the contractor 1 of iuildiu . was sqmuch e`xcited_.by; :t1_w'w0ide;1t'-t t} he had to: be removed. u. . ~.....,,.......... -._- smam 'rH1_%;JwOIy,K ANEWV. harm the three hours im which the -mean were at work Jones was able to direct them whatVto*do.'._;\Vith his one free arm he held the *respLmtorLt_o his m9u.th.in case A sudden fan of. sand that; only to given thq`x;1en.o`rder't1. The sand about hum `was`so`1naecu'm that the resume` was mad!) doubly. (lit-_ to`Gouveni eur `owital. wnd-.E. J .`Ever- furdM.,t.he~p1mnber who had employed Jonem, was-so.`alecT/ed thgt he was un- L -able td`ta:ko~emy|-l1`am%1-ihatherewuiem T .~-[t'wiu1.at about-9.20 o'o1odkrth8.t his` mxght cover his head; andhe removed ` -able M nuke -a:V1yI-mama} mxme towns. .7 . 7It'W.8v at abmut.-.9.20 o'o1ok( that his Iallow wbrkmen .hea.rdL `Jones war for 11011). andvut 12.25 he appemjed but-the top of U110, shaft; f'1`ha cmwd shouted. _ this pluanhar grintned. and his com?n~ . "mt mm` rushed up % to [congratulate Both the cantrnctor and the hosa`pluIn x-L bar ware arrested; _ Jomga. who In only 19 years old. ab tn a'ne1ghborin' bar- ~ her $110, after he was resale and wim `f. A hand cult hfhia mien. , His guuccrvunrwuuwwi: D94!` $130 _ M6 Willi wupuuu.uuu wi dft a sancl 0u1t'ofv his eyea._ Elia ooor was/V pod. and he codk6d_ husrteet; up botare. -km-`ah behold the men that h6.__la _Il11Jder.th.uan<`1. to 1. vhqdhvat seemed, more than anAh_ou.r M . 0 7` to workimmsdlv-" tea, :1 a tedcni :- ,? ` Maw '33:` a Wm Kbpl. xnsecus out. -- _ '. The months needed to e1'Iect'lhe change by the old prowss are slmr~tcgn- edhy the wholesale mun-nuawhurer `in- to days, `and almost hours, by the new '1. pnxos.w.-s, we plan common. to `an-u t!Lhmn _be1n_'; the exposing the\smullest ,-|quunmy u. wider to the greatoat,bud_y rot air possnble, V;-imer by mung It ` drip 51o'w|yf!rro11,,'*h "hogsn'wds mled 9: with boeoh .sh.1v'mgs, or by having it. run \'ery_slowly lrom vessel to vessei, o.apre:uling Into a lunar Him in that bmnd 1~`.nm1t, The vlnwuzu can he nmdu: uuuav vuu: uuuuuvu \u an yI\.rv"'I- 2)! oxygen xmaliu sugtr (ran attain ' substances. tbb addition of n. limgmcwo oxmgn willlurn this augu into vim- ` zar. writaa J. J, E. Gregory. in an up ohanga Hharoin- in the whole sqiegoo otcigex-m_a_kin|;, whikc the an in the bqsinesa iayto af1epLthia change in the " most econunieal guy In Linrabnd ma- tnrial. The commogy household wliyia to knock the bung but of the older bar-, ml, pm it in some warm aim. and 1 ` than insert. a bottlcg n kdxiwn,__ into ` thobungbdle. .'1'bia pla must hava or- iginated in the idea that the cider-mab ; inc cayacity axismd in the light or ~ ` 1.-.. ..c n... 0.... nm ..... an knnm ` -Ag vqvuvuq Ixnanlnaa nu any "gnu v. heat of. the: gun. Lint we ail know that we have tu go` to the air to find oxygen; therefore this buttlesystem ` must it zndamentally. wfrohg, forit , euuiudea` from the cider the very ela- memt it needs to` change it into vine- gar. Though aide} is made With` this pruL1_asu, it is not made by it, but in wile of N, by means of thleuir that enters around the luosely-fitting heck. ` As far as the bottla does uny.servi1:e.'n. ; ,it is wiihed lo, the keqiing aodt of insect inlrudexs, which would he us_ `ireadily aCUuu1})|iiled.- by [covering the` ~: bunghole with .7. bit of tine wire mesh `(:1 {piece taken from a. worn-out sieve .; _ twuld answer), which would freely ud- i .9 mil. the air, while at the sauna time it kept insects out. ' 'I`|m Innnthx nmulmi m -I'fmit.'Hw. I LU. CJIUUVV uuu `N1150- 9 Forge, to. strike" the tue of the` fore- .` foot with the the of the hind one; Yery Lvfton the `result of bad shoeing. 3 '.1:~. .... .. ..:.....m..I.n hum `of unnnn-I7 vv unis: 1&5. I I \Vh_iw around the my of the hoof is .'L wh1b_e Coronet. . _r.,, 1 u. ._. \...u.) t_.,.. -___u lA ..'_.. uuc Du\lIAl\I!LJ , White below the *guaatern'joint is a. white maswrn. .AIb0ve the pastern a wlfllgsleg. ** ` uf|.;.\ ....,....`.a on}. ma. ..r um i..;nr an . Agnble, _a gait; like {Lac/ins`, but slow- qr,1n_)vb.1ch the two egsron the same leude are" moved together. n I vu (A 'mn,{e aye i5 glass eye. A hirse has pasuerns, -not _a'nk].es, and l.hew,is..no _such joint as a nnd knee on fore shouldner, \\H\i&.. I-\.,.|,.-... 4|... ...nJ..... .:;..L In .. A Still`, Ulild U1 Uil-Lu lull} pun WI1e_re ex<-." tv.p "011" the fa`ce"."' can't be auywvhege except on 1 A from Ionxffin Eays :--'1`he who!e_ programme of` naval. _manoevr- es came` to a ludicrous fiascp owing to Appel, the gcntltug on the rein giv- *en by the horse a.t e_zwh.step. _ '(fmn.n. that mat of the horse lmck of Luv D(l\.L\lJ|C. . '_ Bore, to lmai` on the bit. ; Bucking. leaping vertically mto the- air*wit.h all four feet, and commg to; gather on ,t.hLgxoundg; A `lllwmr Snlnt fl: fmr-Alma 'naVl' nhnvn -uromp, um the suddhe n-... 1.. 1 BULUK: ULI ,-|>L|U-~Ll1&b|Mulv-~- Ebow, joint of foreleg 'ne)_(t above knee, _1ying:next to{horse s sxdeu _ 1`orm.rm.' tlint .nzJ.1`t of thka lair bet- knee, _Iy1ng:n_exL to{norse's sme. Fomzurm, that part leg the elbow and lance. ' -- ......... An ..+..'.l...' 4-1..` L. ..f +'|.m Inna. .,.`..,,, ...,., 4... y. W... .=..W...,,. tF1'og, {L triq._n:gvular-1g1eoe of_ spongy horn Inxholmxctdle of the sole of the foot. I. _ - . ('1:-inzhwn Hm hm-k Lmt-.1.h l'00l'a. r _ ' Grinders, the back teeth. ohes c--_. Hund; one-third of a foot-four if}- V BERRY \PRO 1`EC l`ION. All berry bushes should be .proteot- ; ed from summer `heat and drouth, -This 1 may he done `in two wnyh: Eir_`st_, by fl'6QD{8BtrC].1lUVilt'|0Il and hoeing, thus foru_1ii_1= on earth mulch,`whioh pre- vents the rapid escape of moisture from the soil. Second, by covering the ground around the hill with ooaymmnn- ' . ure, straw and other material, which: " prevents" ropid evupomtion and ret/aiim ' the moisture about the roots ' II n,_, -c [L4 L....L ....,1 ..L...... 'f_ THE , KARING CIDEB} vmsdm swxm. the addition 0! 9. pmpoxtion J ..-....-.. .......|.'... .......... 0...... 4-oigin I naval n_:umm-e`s Wlnlh lfnllned .. nae Aal- -nrpl w:s`a!- Pruyjern .n_m1;.,l)ecIlned lo mu. _ ` ` - - |Ll.m luulauuxv u-uuuv huu .|uuvD-_ One of the beat and.chea,;aast7.ii1xilch2as `to; the" farmer. is green` plpver, out in blossom and n,pplied_ s1mm.us_ `manure. If is ezisily ;jetains_1noistdre, .enr'iohraH. the` soil, kee.psL,' ,Vthe*fberifi ea` c1`e'an,an`d contains no germ ot"noxio us . weeds. V `A; `,}g6Qd~mu1ph'wel13applied`is V 4.. )4 nm ........; .....a....'.:+:.... :..".......m.._ cleanyunu conning: no guru) ox puxluuu In uuuw-W W`-M. "LII!-u._Aunp'vuJu: yxnqyfg . weeds. ]'eood~mu]ch -wel1tapplied`is 99ul_d` be` :l`i1.1ypl`0V_d ~` at hut} main at `: dues-bf the rent necesitiea in_"suooosa- dwlf $vI`in8:`i$6o11a;id,`its.,cmnndn' I _fu1L-Irjuit egowitm . ' ; 7 . .uae.,i:n-bui1;1izigs.o!-`9; nwre: or/1_'esa' 'p1ib- % =fWhen..new Cal{W3'9i`. N1'8.b1&k}1,6iry: _u`v;narwm.. _anjd_:m inagyf others as "T I. .1 u; 5,,.. 1'. .__. nu" llilklv gluwnugx -. -[When new .calue(sTo_f`_' t;11'e . shes high, nip, the topf;o:_ About two inches"; this will oauqe -`aeve'r?o.vlfn,ew A _later0.ls to grow, 'wl_1inh sho'uld.be' trim- ` med several in the 5 ring. 3 .'l`hn ninnh nu back. a "me new`.sr1."c`)w- _ _ , _ _ 1>xali,1a,oiiy"; `_ V mm t;1aak.~.'raauberry~aw- eis.h oe9n,im: mea severe; In we %p.rlng. -` ,!1`g1e pinqh ng back 9 tb Ia m1,pota1;ut. {Lt lgmoly. inoreusel fw n.ew-xrow- . uh beari 'rf.w.e`kaa1Ja,th.6b shljw` at1?ons.- we lwfornuezi and loaa'l`ilableQt5A iniury from severe storms. V food more.~avajl.mb1:e and` `iii eapecially frequent ` ' cultivation makes - plant` ` necessary miter hnrdvraina, The ground- must hekieslt mallow throughput the growing aeaaonq, M ' ' A 1 .uu1ow noWI1'uit"bo grow. om straw- all budav an1'.b1dW;i0m3.` ,",. 1`h, mprw "tn '1 1 1 \...m,2..?`E. mm 4%.... Ah -,,J."z`-.`...2"`....` &.|l.Dl1lB' NW D|0i'1If0lIl8.` 7 '!1`ho.1nu,we.d.row with clam. ftha, M botwm ilsest tor mist vuibtle-M E BB Dy Lll BOISE BI: 82M11l.BL6,[.|. Cromp, Lhagpmt 9: "the horse back at] the snddlae. ' u vvuxuv vvxuuvv. .\ A star, blaze or bald face can't be :in - : . :1 . . snm` Lrgnw D0 gruw. on I'bbruW- "'Tru1 n _n?mmo1' legtureutye p;``_()-`. 3` *`$::m. W M. rm m*;;.::P mo: mi.st'va.rzmqam1' - " `_; ~` `gm: BARnm2xAm1_u'm, wnunsimz, L.x1ri.'Y._ 2%, 1391; _ A- : the 1 oauc, cuonann, cantan- nonnus,- nunnnoan, . V nvszrmsnv-, .5; an suuusn conpumrrl 6! - ouuam or Mun... uxcz, 35. Lmwue of lmltytion, u snip . nnsm. moan _ aura. Avoxq mung funny .too lhlc in the row and you awil Jun . lugs! and utter b_erriea With strong hox'ry_ plants thg {mt season; pick o grown mietnas runove first run- .nam _lIeidoalnnthodwouJdboto M allow turd mnpors to makq glantrnn-3 til matted rowja ilornmodgxgxvintunah plant. five or up: mans mm :pp.co In whiah to grow, and removing 311;. . runners thereafter. This in ieldom;a3o- poxnplilhod in pra.dical- berry grow-a `mm -L ~ - For the currant 'worm. no remedy. safer or more"easiiy applied than white hallcbuzp. Dissolve an ounce of the pmydqr In two gallons of waves and ap- ` plyywxthne wrinkler or brush broom. `The worm first appears on thb ldwei branches about the time (run is total- . ed. . ] _ . glean mgltivution is the geek aa_fo- guard against fungus di89g_aa(aAd m-- aect ts. (Phase enemges gre cowu-d-T; 1y; 1 akwaya.a.t,tabk the weak and unprotected plants rgm. Look for tnemj closely and applyremedies for them_at.} anon . . - ' :- CL ty during the trying months of July and August." ' horongh Kvnrk inJune insures sa.te- ` u. .u_un ?UUI.I Dyussu . Oow peas or L-lovu` for the pqrtein, roots or silage for the sumulence. `and a. warm stall to" keep out the cold, {and} 2 our cows will huxdly know the season`: without looking in the ulmnngc. i '"l`aaH-un 4\....m" ..\hn..... mnly:..m Ohain. bieer poi1:I7 zKn`iIk> `into cold. as \ it rwjll goon spoil {Emu `Anna .\.. ..l.......x 6'... H... ...u-o..n .u...uvuv nuvnuxgg nu luv uaumuu. I "Tsting cows" means making their . milk for one day. seven days, thirty` d|ays,`or`longer, into butter. `Teating` `milk_."' means a dmerent thing entir'e- J ly. It means to asgerlain ',how much ` fat, there is-in u giv en~a1no`uht of milk. ` so don't g`e_t mixed in your dates, I. l.`m.l (ml L` n...:,...... ..\....... Hm ' the` perscription cure \V0u(l sulphile, 2 1` ' V Oughlgt forl it -filth pounds l .| lEven with :1 hm-4l'nf the vlrv- host Iv`: uuu v any AA.|A.xpu Au Jun: uM\-uI.u_ Hood fed to ll1.e c0w must lye-. clump and of the right kind. Only one (`ow ` in twenty is fed so she can do `her best. ` Thq dairyxnan must mveat inwardly 1 as well as 0uL\\'urdly--tlmt is, develop ` tlle intellectual part as well as the phy- Blcal part of man. The X-rays must t M; reuclkl 9, A Berlin mu says:--The Inch" - that Emperor \ _iA11izup is(.reh1.rniug to Kiel for-am e,xam1nal;t1on of the eye. re- realtly injuued, oonfnrms the fear that ilh amideurk is more eerimfis than has _ been gdmitmd. the danger rowing out of hhp general law hgalth o the Kaiser. -ewuxn zw pouuus `oz nag any. 4 (of the treutedi} ltontuwnt, and `gtjnlle " ithu milvh mu rim; nut npml s-vnrnimn. - that peribd am.-ed. in the uxmcity -of FTUIU l-UU Dl'(K7I$.VI|l`..f x\p4(:()1`(lk2l". pmattuer M ut.N_ew11mn`sI.. dbm` on the. _ At-E `."3h h` this station for an quarter of u wn.`tu1~y ! mi 9 rexsidzetl Mr. Peter Milllmr, who duringjfxonad loaknlmn, and Was.-lrorllmps the _bvst E4 blah: knowinnmn _on' the L-u1nu.I'.. Mr. Milla.1~ |'b:::(C0 3 Is now a resx'de',n`x oi 1Vl'p;rr1pk`ville,l1.mv~;muse ` ingretimxl Irou1.`ar:`ti'v:,life... '1 u`zL:,<:'oI*' f v} reS.pd'nde`nt oli .t,hse.={Recbrder he re<!%e1.p(:::t lated the follawing mqperienue: Fom ' xnaxiy years _I was tu`oul+Ie+L\vith`u`r`mke` ' she 1110 Lu ' ' '- 13 1" at tlmes, and an sad uve much loss of ` `sleixp. .1 tried d` e!ren* kimlii ofmedi-' Ling out ire wnle 'daiy_` ielt Tsiqxne- cine_.1mt ifoundjitxtlu . - . r`elief. The` spring of 1t595-1 ww. Tng at gm-I Lh~in`g_ silmp or 1' m brwk,` am! Lt \vm3 some Ulllli.-_;. me . cuuld.l awIi:rhim'i'5mv.~x=.1lf nln I nnw hpmimo. similarly, sand 1 immedialledy Benbitnd L-l1`1Il;g: Hllzillll OI` KIVB \-. '7" 111 UilL'.K, tiuni; ._ could. } stmightef myeaelli u{p., T. now became-i t `so `bad tl1`a1t.- when I laid down I was` 5 unable to rise w'i-thout acssisxta-nrsvwlnd - I Lfully nwdle up my mint:l' that I had'( ' biecouie an cm-onic invalid, _zLned never-:5 exui;-ectp,d'to see a `well day again." -A` Q couple`0f-weeksat,e\1' my lmck had 'ul-I most entirely given out, I saw by an Jamcle in a. mp-at that Dr. Williams` .I"ink Pills had cuzrexl wperson trjoubtled prooumd .1 box U0 that th|em.. Before 1 lmxl finished nhla box I found my bank sommv`lba+t~stxron'g|ar, '90 I procuredi five bones more and by lthie time they wuene -used I found myself comanletaly aured. Since 1 =_tool; the last box I have not had a pawn or particle of lamy `ness, and my hiamlth has been far .bettaer tlm_n iltfhatld been for yea - be- fnm. .~Demer um-a_n nvnam new Ior years ne- fore. ' - 7 _ - / . To ejnsune olntainmg the genuine. a.l- ays ask fq'rgI)r. Willizu Pink: Pills, as theme we many pin oqlored imita- . . , . tions. V / . /,L / ` _ ; Ils I/aler lie-ve.lopmenIJuul Its Wl1lely_l_1x- 1 % I l_englml User ` 1 "In noone Eingle-little thing,' /sa.id ` the middle-aged man, has there been " a gweater advance since I.was 9. boy,` thn11 }ii- bthye introduction. of the door spring i,n_bo gomparatively gommon ` I`-urppoae there! must, he now hunclneda of pa`te;nt,s on~door_prLnggs. _So;n[ pf`.-, * ..`he;prixmgs are well `nighj `perfect. It , is diffimnlt to. see, in What;r'espect:`they/ . nnnhi kn` h'r|n\-n.`un(| - -Rut Min main hf./J} "Weq'ddn'tjPlh'ilR3110oxB now nearly as .mu11 umwe used tof;,.w'o ed6ne`t;a.t'op to, A shut them; W6 ark lpared that tron-,1 ble'and we save tum, 3N`e:qpe:A `the door andwab ogn through undies./v the door to takecereot melt. In the time . -that it wolililfbavg us to close . . N; we are six. 9i8`,b`.t`. temfeet offsbut 1 the door ia-nOt'D;e3`lected; it hu it. A self. eflmly. .qua'u.et15'; an<,1with certain? - ty as he mean match-waway. There is ' lean alwmminag M doors now man ever. and fewer do-om` hroleft open: and the T suvixn-g of time `effected Vthetxae of of the salt.-cldeimrdoor la n the sum. Wild. KOWOT 816-1613} open; lm M18 w vi!n"g' txmo the use of of the aalt.5:loaimg~ door in n 01% mm . xmta tmnendoum, ` = .4 or we Ullv-0l0B1n8`u0`0ll`B up any aggw ._ gate treanr`andoua., "'Trul' 5; pg my 01' legtgrb m;. mg. gram 0 '.$mvx1iza.tion` mom .- ,anrnn.1-out ;-1Hj?(I ()0R"SPRI:NG. ' T mm 50*?-' Aioiq mans nu raw and van wil Jun , :la"T*.Il|I1(l ger ptpe, and men uecuuse we to- j haw`! bacco was oujc. S.h_Ie abused `M-agg1e_be~ _` C. P . cause the but_cher"gs.vesosmall .ap1ece ' $6`) of pork` for 511` `cents, a.nd=_:1lmost beut H10 ner Wh0!1'_th6 greemwoozl mthe littln, ` .. `Up: cracked stove rfumed to burn. Finallvlw ;A iP`rinc:ss Disguisgi L` Hello!tho;e'g Mngllym. S ho .i.1ot.u > ot~fnn..You dn teaavhar about her htir. `xx. u getaghtin `mad; nv1 ;;'!uaws brich, H ey,TRedtopI" andgj ;0YVd)'"J8cR droppedwlh/howling dog ` hehuk~boca tormanting. . . M But 'g'nl.IuddenlyL diaappgand. iw` the doorway of _amige;ulo?5ane_ment,} , . leaving disappointed` J toshy htonea ' after the dog . whichhad taken the WI` .1 no.-hm- A ............` -""- "W W03: Hutu uuu wnuu um yr ; portmty to escape) I ' . Ruohinf the wretched `garret shin [called home. she. pinhed thmdoonbaok `nu itsv-crea.ki:x_1g>l;_inges and entered. ` ! A .,.....1. ......` ...a... \.......1. ...'h:..l. ........1 -cu '-uanunlu` >a,|V1u5w nuu cuucavu. A rough wbode_rn bencmwhich served 5 :11 table, near it little cracked. rusty : atove; 5 box covred with gdirty mat-",1 `Teas-Il_l1d9-`l`agged quilt; sect of 'dusty7` aheIvea.- on which stbodawater-pail, vs!` candle-stink, and a few greasy . tiny` plaice: and spoons-these. with two" rickety chairs, made up the entir fur` nitun. And tbegirl, .i_n bar untidy dress, hr tangled hair falling over her`! far,,*waa whit might Vhdv -lien ex-1 Xwecbed from `such surrougdisngs. ` lun (IL) 5.46` nan` L..a..\If In n3}u;u- (J 1`" "She said they're `King's Dnughterafli 2'1`-hat means they do things to help other people and don t look for pay-I know. 1 `cause she told me. And she said Ican| 3 >beW(me,`f r the King hifi;e1`f was so`. poor he didn't h;Lve_ aplace to lay bin 9 headnnd he wasn't afraid to keep oomp'ny with low-down folks. I don'h_ 4 care `I thxrboys docallme M21g.Sp'ltfil'0- 4 goin to_ he a- King : Daughter. 1 .- `.,"` an I . edge of for her. Lu .-nu. , ycvvcu LIUU- BUJJJJ aunluuuumgu. ' She did hot seat herself in eithexj of the broken-bottomed ch:iirs-tK'ey were the property` 0! Did ahd Gran`n"y, nn `she "with not"a.lIowed"to use them. The .` edge the .mnttxes s was good endughin la... 1"... . Jilie todfk om from the bosom of her A dram something` that gleamedvliake sil- ' vet. and foxgdled it with rverent fin- Qers. " . "A !ymn'.. uinnalxlrnu--'* aha umncml I 5:219. _ H A k`img's daughter. she mused. "that ud be a pri'ncess-Mike O'Finne- gun .it was. '.l`h(\t.'a what I'll be. ; the. Now, remember. and don't go to `diagram the Kihg with doin iilhihg` mean and dirty." Sheikimed the silver` Icross with its tiny .purple bow, and ` `then msceno-.1` 1:: back in its safe hid- _,i.ng plae. - ~ I ---'n..:...-4 .. ..,m-., I:1.,.1..-........,. t.... .. .'-=5 w-~v- . | "".l`aiLu t a very- 1ikely`ro(xm for a princess, now, is it? Wll, 'twou1d be ; fitter if 't\vas clean. I can see to that ! ri-ght n\vay,AifGranny s got good luck, and stays owt all miornin. .!lL.. ..,.....n ..c 1.)... 1.1.... :. n.:.e .1:...... _ wuxx .,...,u \ll4MU .... All-I\J.A ...... `The result of her labor in this? direc- tion was quite satisfactory to Maggie, although you would still have thought c the place adirngy, gloomy hole. Brut,-K atleust. the floor wa.s`fre_e of dust, and I the shelves and tableyshowed the ef- ( tects of vigorous scouring. The only c o1`imment of the "room wasa highly col- i ored represenmtixyn of 1; group of 1 horses, tazke_m_ Ifroxnacircus bill posted `K on sfym. ol Maggie thought there ought to be smnethlng in the way `+_of pix-turgs; ` ' n..+ .. ..L.,'.~.....L..,1 ..,1....:..:..,.I.. ..xm .. 1 I u-m..u..n,-:. n znmyua nu; one-e_ urged iv'it11 ome reason against? me i. I . vucc-muxion. is now done-znvay with G1;nnny,,t9 bhome. 1f.thep1d ,-Omani by the almost uniwe-.rsal custom of tak- hnd met with noor suzccess. among the ing the virus {roan 2). hne,al,th) Q@1f,_i!l-- .5 z}3hr-barre1s`.anu ragkpxles, the changes'5mad of from me am of 3, vauinabed run .the u.ppe.'u`an4`e'ot the'room wou.ld!.-.m1d_ , . < . v. kiln. uu.;;_Lg; . But as sh`gazb udmiringly, she fe- `1 naer WIl8!1'_U16 geem\s'oou mine nme, I scrucked stove refused to. burn. Finally; I `she maliciovuisly toreapiece oiIt.oftha;. pr.-. ure, '1 vy 1c_ ,0 lg > er pxpe. Peonle don't alwavs know whenv ._L3u:~uarre1s.a.nu rag-pues, we cnunges 4 inn u.ppe.'u`an4`e'ot wouldl. \only serve to i'nc1'ease her ill-humor, Mild. imrlnnd, }rm1nv'.u mood nfnvnd . Romy serve to l11('1'0388 ner xu-nu.m_0r. Bud, indeed, Granny's mood proved . gbobe`. She scolded hex-:m.se shecouldxft. nfiuld Ber pipe. and then because the to- | meat) was Ollft. Shae abused -Mamzie he-. ` pl'..'-L11I'0," QED WHICH 0 llgUC HI' pipe. , I People. don't. always _know when ; xvou re a. princess. .sighe,d Maggimto , `herself, "but you've justgot to go on` zamd be one all the same. ' ` | If wni: nunnr at-nnnv H\nn nhfl'}1lna-G."