' The Desperate Goderlch Forget Locked up at: Kingston utter may Escapes. E James Farewell, 'fui'iiiwly 61 `reputablel reanleut of Goiltiuh. was arrested in Uctohr-r lilSE-DD vs clurgeqol alturinq.;,Dumin" inn Bulk Bills, !`llS.t;"l from *9 to S5 and $10.- V_\hil.- hating cuuveyeil to the l0L`livllp lit` broke i\\V.\) and es-wiped. What) next` heard of he was wurking.0n- the good meal- lings (if the pcnplu ..iuund Allistnn mid` then -leaped e'lftel"`*{l`8 prisoner. but in the tmiiaferml his \ pcmaions to Oro where he ` was arrested by Uiviistzible McBride. He pluanleil guilty 1: uttefriixg two ofith-: raised bills in liirktou. Out. and iilau to two . charges of fails- prcteuces and ms sentenced ; to threeycars i-i tin: Kingston Peuitenti-.u7y. On .\l,ir:h `29, while Bmililf Gunelry \vlis 3 taken Fzm.-xvell east. the prisoner laped fifoni Ellllllvlllllgllt express one mile west of r Brighton. The train was running at :1 rate ' of -10 miles an hour. One of the guzmls_ .ilu1-kncss uuulil not find him. The train biuikeilup A1111 the comluctor founrl Fare- \vull-'s'coait and vest. The pijisouer Wzkl sliackled when he jumped. _ ' Hn 'l`11mul.'L\I pill`!-`wll Wm! (`.nnl _l1l"(!(l in the ; in their work `E ? I ........... ....-4 ...... .0... \-I \......`.. ` Midland has :5 bicycle track; `bride, mo, \' i.. shun imve one. 1 A rrl-till.` IHHI` . ~`._"h\ AL Li I) \ Duffel!!! .R.t1r~, has 3 u Yizzv-i $20 funxefuslllg Lu rctuxn Her 31 jg-=13 .~ I I . . . Im'.u:iImiiun .'.m! App:-titu. Even suxxsilslv pcnpiu are` often deludud by nhuir iumgin:wi0n. ;\`disoiI1gl1isl1:~\1 '1.\mlogib0l1ulzx_\` mnro :1 dimxor, nftor dissx-cting`u Miss xppi alligator, nnd ho laud asked 21 szood umn_v_ 01' his discing` uislml 1'1-lauds no he ',.\I`0svI1t. His house and u. \\'em in gaudy snyln nl1dt:\5I_er His ;:uu.=ts cumu. Thu dhnic-r mhkp. hu)l;c41` :4plm1d'1 . witvh 5;:Iu,.'~`. chilxrs and plate, and E110 xui-ul conuuullced Hui. . .II..... ` They 1150 1'c1i\`c I`E-~.;c_~_: frmn Dyspepsia, t Ixuli_;cs1io'11;1:nl Tun H'.".`.I`I) E.1ting. Apcr- I fuck rcmcdy fur Di.:.:;nc_<.<, N.msca, Drowsi- ncs.<. 13.1\1T.!:<'.'\'i1\ {he .VI>x1t11,Cat:1tcd Tongue i P.".xv1 in the Side, TOR`l iD LIVER. They I Rc;xxI;1(ct11c Bowcia`. Purcly Vljgxjtable. sman Pill.` T "Small base,-% % _ Small!-`rice. I : i 1 Substitution Soc `}`ou gctv Ci1rtcr's, DAIUIKIS. lUU|\L"l` 5!` un with L-xmIl1vIu'. H X .l`.. Laahtpu uyoao Tears of test.wurk nn-1 vxperioxlce prove . that Di:x:u_upCI Dyys urn the East. in the \v'._)rld--the dyes that ;-,1vu`the grmldest and Lllursfa sutisf:u;tory re_su1t. H-"unn urn I-III-F1-|-I"`.I\I\|l.fA mxmuvh fn Wm `lU\\ Kll" `VUH . tho '/.uo`m;::-'t.~'\`.Vu1`ro1' own ,_pl:m.-(ul, ' ml nf rhn {luv 'mn I my 'gou1'nu 1- < `* \'m-\' ' \ UI ollur. L Iuuuv)`u: nun m-.xu-u-:.., \ 1 u ....._.,`, tusvo.", :uxunhcr.` "Nun \11x;)1v2xs:\11p. b.x1tpeu11Xi:xx~."' ` . .. _Al1 n11*'.:_;ut.ur.-1 have." \v:I.< ci-.o:u.~..~`\v\`x`, `Who .\1nerim,1\ alligator. 1~zn-t-_'u`u1u1'1y' so--t3hu l'u11o\\' whom 'I~-(~]:-iS5`iklL1il1-$hiS mom1'n15.:, and whom _vuu"u;n'u jusn hem) easing. 1`he1:o\':\s it gem-m`; mun mi _;:'.'1v~;t..~:. }ver_vhm1y' t.m{nnd (>.x`n~. H I :5 \iH7.`3I1 Em1`tEM up fmnl t-ho t:\b.l\`._ `.1'\`.`` wr ihrve run oun u[ the rolnn: zmli y-;11j.'hz1 m\' 'ro1Im'nxu_n_1 Isn she closu "of am um-u`.1u11{3 out'.u1"t;ri1inn~11o. - --;_ . , See `whnt; _i1uugim1t~ion is," .~`:\i1 thu host. If I bud tnldmonx t~h:n; in was t.o1{rupiu, or lmxrnlo, or "hiI`l]S"-I1t:.`l'VS911? Stilt xvurur aulxplxibis, or phu glutixn of u sh 1`1'mu the ]1].`|\\ of a S0`_biTd, they w'ou1,d have prolnoxmced in. uxucllunti, "and Email` digest-inn would -hnve been none` the wo1'su; Such is prejudicu!" AA ' Unnr n-vuc h- um-xHu uHixvnr.mt`3" .-ulrnd :1 ` V Insist Lmd dcmzmd Carter's Littlb Li\rc_r.Pi1ls. 1101.18 6110 \\'UI'SU. DHCII is p1'!'Julll Bun was in really ul1igusm*? lady. ` _ Mn, mv dmw numiuuj. nor. nb muy. _ _ .No, my denr nmdum, all; but as good u"cu1f_'.sl1m\dus 0vm'\_w.skm\w11`I v v lsAkm.xunL v 1 I I Is the Ac;-.o;~h\uot\ of (`hrist n Sucrloo 1 Many of she uxpounduti of the 'l`ruth, `lay a. p'nrt\iu1xlux'st-ress on the smwilices which they deem neu0ssm'y` bvfuxje u seokr can be ucuepted of `Crud. Thom `mm lm: mm cum-i.m' 1mm\ and H: was 0/ffered by God; for the \_vo1-Id," when He gave His only lmgnntexi Sou as u liv- Jnights.'be.snvod-. We may givu `our time, our money or even mm iifp, will ynt; the ' giving of miyt.--pf `nheso 't11ings_'_[1uot be ,_0a_11mi__;1snprilicoroxi [our paws. iimsmuuh is His own, Ha, according to His prom~ _;,i_s,e_;gives1is in -ruburn evorlastixig life. . Weigh in the 'so\lo's of justice 3 life; mortal, whose destiny is death, wiioso and isvaterunl pixtiisiixnenm mid, again. A life. iinilioirtml, whose destiny is otefnai. lifn and whn_so and is over1nst'.imz hup~ 13111053, and tell 1116} if it: ia'u sacrifice to` give u._ h:u1di'ul`of dunt, molded into the, 'iiliiiff"1i1:iWf rif:f ofiiiixijiorcal-' -' lty, at thcfrigim hand of` our Father ii! i hea'von.-By_E. A. \Vpodiugcou.",` ingsgxcrico. that those belioving in Him V as by thus giving God what; plg_IiVtf__u711y,_ UH LIIUBU lilll5|i|Ul.rUly IL`D\ll|D. - If" you are `i111'fu'1`b111m'tve enough tube talked into buying the low grade dyes--.- the iuxitzxtious that 21re's0l sake. Lif large proxyibs--y0ur good5_.\vx1l certainly be ruind and your money thrown my. ' Q...` n\..A.- ........ .l.\..I.... ...a Iitxnn u. .. I` _'.\u w an unvun .u....., - \...., A New York exchange suns t1x-nH;he ' chef. in one of `the 3 large hntels has hit upon a novel nwtlxod; of $h()Uh)g' pens. Ho us-as an orditiiiry clothes wrihgeiu and ,' ?:1iii'Tipid1tWvtth"whto1rtl1a'worl:'i-sdbno _ 1s_';}s111';>rlsl1)g. Thu pods; ` as Willey go ` hhrougll $110" . rollers, btxrst, phasing ,\th1-uligh t;o`th0 mixer s1du,`_: leaving the 5 p`eus.bnh1nd. Tim vrsb iu1pfas1on"one\ get_ssis-that; the.` puns are l1k`ely;to`gob bruised. Such, lxowoyer, ls `uqbi. @119 case. ` Axilxo ..pods stain `the rollers unold' i wrlngmj should be usud.,3 - ) ,, , A51; for Carter's, ._....--....m:.__ 5o_|11ll\l11g Wrong. ` ' `V .l i3his__1s 0. grant, frulb `year; an`(1't;he pouch crop is especially ,bou'utiful: Yet; while \`.ho ush cost; of M1 kinds of fruit this your is p1'nqhica1ly nothing, the rehinllj price to the consumer is, us always, L practically. prohlbl\7i;ry_'_i@;_xp_`11oorin ; khomgo omen. '.l.`here.mustbasometshing oaaentdally wrong in the xnaohlnpry at ` dxsosrxbaoxi 0! me rrummde which 11:04 1 ` unnhn -i unnnh from nhMnn"nn.w hannt Ilslmbll) WIUH HA Iu_uJ auuunuu`-_u; way f- v `~ - , {lamb uoiiot than-ultstsrade which mi. .. o,'1.,,h&1at .-aw new item Mn. awa*>n` Lookam'am1, ouwi Su11'cfri;VIg'e;;1t)'vv"1i :1a a curfew by-law. lH.ll.....1 L`..- .. Ll .. L.....J. . .....l I)... mum: L nun H uflu nu. ' The lxnsu shnnl; his I f.hiu1;ju lm.~: sn. ` 1:11 xmonhcr. I ositi\'e1y cu'1'od by these Little Pi11s._ ucucy-mu 'n :1itl.- .. 1`! ' A"JU!' | Met. the 1"1`:u1d`of the day. U6 ruluuu uuu _yuuI.' Iuuuuy uu'Uwu away. 5 See t-1mt'y_uur dealer gives you the . Dhimond Dyes when you ask for them. , Ex: )3 pa 9L';3\;gtis-wa1`(_`axudV QQAIIJ-;t;';yg1_1 am fully pr_otec_ted ugzninst loslra. ' ,V __`-Nbvl 1\Iotl_1od.:_o{ Slwlling mas`. -.~. `u A \ I LL; ; ` 1 "1'1m1u, is 1 1un`\ find :1 ,1. -11. L ILULHI, ul\l\ of Elm day. ..l E. H: V im1.~cd.` .1 . \\"` { im-':iy,;i"l)le for matri- `(_!uL;d cprtiduxtg fm , baking aud`,spiu`uiug, ..' J I) 4`/`.. mlswumi the I u x1"x3*as~k-bew nn 1`-ur " - Hghtill the v . I 3 4 ; apd race- I _1_q_yuul` Lu "`"" " i22i`;`o% We (Have Hlat W1`*`*F*`~ .0nthe{1abe1dt%.ounP`P"1 ;1' "anyabenot" \ M. 1 . imam :,?.`E..?,?.3*,?, 3;`;X?::,f'* |UU.` ` asked :1 The John Eaton Co., whose_depzu'tn1entz\1 ` -mw\we%w Lwl, suspended. The creditors of_ the rm z_u-0 " scat;tered, very-fo\H)eing'1nToronto. Moat; " ot the' gouds handled were in1po1`ced. The vc1'editu1`a are sanguine of being paid in full, ` as soon us,tsl1e ndjustxneut has beu umde. V No meeting has, so fin`. began culled. asked *4 s:: ace-E 5.. . 2-s 605$`; the -... ...,u-. ...,.. ECOUI. Cream 18 prefer u1:l1L-rcuu be be Ham , umdu with my kixfd u lser\'ed use 18:5 .~%uL;ur, . 1 . : mnv-n , ;...-... um... ..,- mean) 501%. uux: qIL.:'. n (he sgules. S\v.`m-lil: .~ : Mix With a quart of 1 gcuplu. uf sue: clmppui `K l*.ugl1= n_:x_xrm1L~:, Luv n luumua sun I':ur :3; .z .. Ea %%x%xxx%% %* HEALTH . _\,(;B 9g~sgePEAcH 1 % we BLOOM SKIN FOOD we ' % '"_For*th e.Ski11. 9gs;eA ` . ` f` 5 `.`. T" For the Blood. ,\:,eew Ma 13 Ma M: .\-.. N: K! .11.: 4 .u(\ \ -A - 1. >iv`: . . . / Me ` ` so L-ts. each ut_ Drug: stuyes z or sunt pxfcpnul on `xevexpt ~ . J of1`1`luc. < 1&4 xv] C-RQ\v:4`.\n:nm:us 00., ,2 \ `l H .'lom>N 1'0. wwww%w%*% ,j,{\:-`\~,~._f\_;:b -J,\ , 2- , 3 , .4,a\ 4\ In '- :\ I\ - SWIPSDN S BREiAn" Croat) :'rrour Ganume: : ome Manic ~ : 331-end 9o..u.Lonfv; --.--.,-- . -_..- Sold in Lead Packets onl . Never in Bulk. AUGroce;s1 59111 by vnn-we nnru . .Z_Iu---j-,- :n.~mf$` 331$` .%:r .r $IunnnlI -' A" 9 U BLl| IULU KUU Ey| J. r :u Lin: builud Hulk u: : saulcm-p.1n in .1"~_p\1n '.`I'or about ciuhk um 11. prcfulgm Imrmm hue hp mzmi, `C zzz`e7'2 V7`~,V(z7zVri Fa-racy `Z g;/barf, 3_9-nunmp` strec. Harm. x" -2 1 "V - - 1 311113 to Eiuxzsekeepera. > \r. LSETTX . `-\`-,.~a am new uunl & aux: mi prunes. 'I`.u;x-`out ? Hes. :-5` *}_v"ux1d chup'nx':~:'. id: `x nusrr uf urozml 4-rnmhs iI.Jf a Fan Over Fi1`t.y`enrs `PERFECT PILLS. _V V For the Blood. Is not what" a m:m_.saysj about himself, but what 0 other so lo` 521 about 11im-,If. you" want "to kxiow th reputatio'n of ' __ . V . T_| I Ask your nelghbor. about :6- - /dniy % nc;ed1ci:i`fr1;ai;?rqauces'rbgimw undV_T1 ermanntAUureAl oi fruxt. It It is pu-~ ,.m.i if very .u-ilnliiy us: lllHUl\`?`. GU1- :`;\l)lu to milk, d. This suuu ` It .4 UIVCHU UIIIHAUI Hull 1 tine. one cupful 4 mu .'ud juxgu uf 1 ; \feil.beu'Le11. 3.1: ;'J'mMxug umulsl am .\'1.-..un Ki: hum: sfmPNiN,l /A In ,-'(\ an In V2 J h.`-.\ w)\ (T .ux.\ . and mum ?7f\` r , - - . . , :95 ,VCL..EV.-LLAND` AND `TOLEDO I / i VIA `_`O. `:1 B.QLlNE., - M V/` \IJ WANDARD 'l`he.,i1eqlnrat.io1\`s abdve `are made_Iby' Mr. _0|x`m'lea B. Hoinimx, 262Kixxg.;$t\'eeb. VV_sh, HrLmi1oox1..,0nt.. `&y_oung nmti. known to hulxdreds in the ambition; `city. `-*--r>"Mr:"~Ho}m$g%eM me .. m.d?ru,m 'the~he&rb." After a aiege `of~ siokne7a a`u\1'1c1 greuhanger, and failure with othernnediciuea, f6Eds`who" had ' beu cured by Paiuds Oelexy Compound recommended hin1.tb.use the samo._life ` saver and hegslth restorer. V .n "r: u . L, 1...! L-__ _4 _;n;,__ I \\ l'l Ml L.\ I 1&1` FL .\I ` :..'1~.Tr:T.~: 1.\`cmn~:. u\'M.' ...... .. T C nh\"C. g\' H. Lalllk.` 'S[\`2lHlk`|` :l!l(l D1|j0y' R 1'ut'1'z-slnilur ui;:`nt`.~ \'c.+_1 when cnruutv to Clever ' land. Coluzxbus; Cincinnati. 'I'oXedo.Ind1n- laml. Nortljcrn Lake Tourist resorts. or :m;\' Ohio. l,m;im1:1. (1l:<\1lll|\\'L~>('l`ll paint. Semi ~l a3c'1'ns'i11I_:us1:x;:c fur murixt ]>:\m'/pfi. W F. 1u`.R.\l.\.\2'. T. F. N_'l3\\'.\lAN. Gen`! Pu . Uuu'L ,\1:uu1ger. C xv ND. 01110. [ nnpolia Chicago, Detroit. Mackinac 15 v I on n l'.\ Lv. lixntliuio. .\1'r. L`lu\'ul:\u ` Stqtuizcxs City of Butfalc." (new) "State bf 0_11io" and Stamp 01` New York .'[`:1ku.lw`L`. & 1%. [;i1xusm1'nm`~' and enjoy` himr niu`nt`.~ 1'05! .a<>z-ax; ROGEF{SON IEc't1'oI< s'aEI i': EIsiJ% V, ` L'Anc:.ss1~surLE m cnmiam. "" ' g Vvruuuuu y... lo: lnfommtlon and mo Handbook w 60- ` 1- MUNN & C0. 361 BROADWAY. Nnw 0 ` Omust bureau fon.soe11rlnp1w:ntam Ame cg Every snteuhmkbn-out by us is bro: 11%` k Ml: us. 7 ' the pa he by auction elven tree 0 * my .2}. ...4.~.-re. u....... .n:4.'u.g _` i{Ji,'h6ii&')3',i iiinptluo given, me omnam IIWII ;%timitis r....:.. . ..m-ui'.mm of um sdkntid-Di ` uuvm uuu uwtuvn Iwuuvnu.-. %~eWs ",,')*:h.w'?`{.` - Mmu Holman. who had been so dften "deceived, had yet faith to dons he was ' advied, and a glorious rqwarcl was his The dangerous nought. his debility, his` weakness and depression of spiritathat were dragging. him . to me. r.a;v.e.. were all m I: new at "'I_'VVW'I'V.'I'I-v 'v 7- . . . ~m3 3~3=5u?` , Forf :T \k/eniy`-Seven YVar " ,&Ir 4 N W5-OLD .- A .:-c - uznuniul-nu ml: ._ tit n __,, ` W .-_ ` rm`;-.. BLIA Willy. uvvnuuhv I I I1r,\I.u& LAncs:s'rS t_LaV an CANADA. T t1o\1=7orzLut.'Zo u`mtan'r1onu\ `7--wwjvr ` urs'.=.x:euenc:- uEs- 3H- n-s- e+eAL1*m=uL ne;sy;m;*j ,~ m.rn- P6331`!-7 kl -ELL-53QCR$ J` .5: Award C t\h|..l \I _..Z_...._..:_. \\ K \\t . WWII? I ll 1f s;cK"HETIi}nsHE a.LLsvmm1usLEs I Am New Changed Mani ! [lIS!i1`llh'(.` A;_'c.nt, Fire and Life. "NI'PI!l! !.. DAILY I`I.\lE`. . VbAvVl}A' 5 TA_Dl-.nb5A ] _ DIQIGN PA [I131 GOPYRIOH -OM mmtlon 15- ; 00.. BnqabVf'g .__l}_lI_\};"__9_` .a_;.. :5, 5:`, 40.50 and (Sec. per us. Sold by an grocers. A . U11: 1)ax:_!~uu & U.,x|y. Ltd., Wholesile Agents, Torontn. i\`.~`v':5_ EUFFALGT -CURE BETTER. THAN av: 3L3;vELANnLi - 3 L. {kw ` Soiantibo Amprxcgh *5 -`:` iii=t of All smvzmv. l\- IH-I'1'I' FUKIT V"' `U1 * in-Tins-omv-' j$A (yon TEA .H. suomav gg co.. M.on_treal NEURALGIA 'TORMENTS._ {The Vi Diamond hlubilee E K IF SO, YOU SHOULD 1u\vs~s~vvss~4 I ` . . n {Travel L 3L liominion 1Line-~-- V * \s_ \-~s ss\A-~35`/sq" -Call at ' .o1|ce and nmke arrcmgemel for your pagsage. - ` : ` n . , r._ : _.-- ]%J. % , Ea LQNboN.: A_EiMGLAN;EL THE -umrsa s1'AjTEAsj Tm: M651` Him. Tn1;}\I.imqL?Es' TWE3 Chgmiylnml of Trustees of Guaranma Euxgti Talked when A Week om. I . 46 &` rWEI1"Stx`eet.aNew:-Y6tk.,` jcAP|`IAL,' I g ,500',Tq o .' . V _ > V H-l.IdilV`OI1q~_u-r-` T116 Right Hon, Lord De Lisle and Dudlag The` Right Hon. Sir~Ed\varl- Tho1'utr.n..G.; ; ~ . Most convenlexmor, mwolle;s an1. . __jChequo Ba\_n1.c-Chequs are f7I.7V::liIt`d)l6"l3tQ8t pan the sauna Bunk of E1|g1:ux_G"Notex ci)um.ry1n the world._ ~` A Great Britain or nuv fpreigg: commtye Hand iroekuoxgtaiulgng ndxlresveso 8000__ in all partsv .01`. t.l1e_~wm-1d.-&nd :x1l;Inro nrnislted on wpllg-nt1au`to., ' ':. ' _ , ;$.;%ms:uA* - . _~ 'utu_nge`r anqx;-if AnrumsnEEI 3nsm?h 2-nowmwmm- III: I` I lull! HIAHU mm: V. '0[V.3-;S3l(%- ; HIIEHESI FBIEES? mam- % M 3 umu:':ie- nim`,i5III$ "-'1." 3l""*,`-`.`."'~` W3`? amt. H ".a* x Reduced Steemg Rates How in force. ` AND STILL THE BEST '08.-cuE.RPftE`9 wnm - aLUf'1"'F"" mm xhmxnmn o1mcn- m'Z_2L drrm a graft! rtmmber /0 Emope //(is yearggg, ;\L:k110\\'lcdge<\` to be tl_m 1v(:st`e.s-If and .-7[ost_ 6'07/u,n'0a'ious "swam- ships - 1)et\\'een' VCa'1md_n and Grant Britain. ; umn~.c*rons`._ r`rlocr~P&ae AGENT. .5Y?5N'.?EF-L -.L:X:AII"_1>_`jCt)`rA\*2`; i1_%Ice c l`h2nt I, %2Lii13:e's-._*}9:') No JAMIIS VAIB. "llll Iurluunuauu. nu (mu: _ back. At tunes the pain ms ,aa to ~x'ire1_v lay me up fur! time. I \}'aL~ j_`I-5! :`.Hu'1t di~I.'x'>l had giwu up hnpewhen I \' mende.l `-u!l`;}' Suut`.1.-\rneric:u1 Cure. 1 did_so. The ns: 061 me In 1-mo my 'zm..i. Md ix from :l1et'i:ue 1 c=>:1I1xeLcs.~d it _.__"_I . L. 1 I. :,. ... Lu u ' Aunrd Every Breath She Drew Was an! l3`.\.~..~imir.: Pain _Rh.-\++mat2sm had: 1`cm::u_\ _au .2 ' .\lss~ Juhll Beuum Su1d.:|' Seagc: ` Puiit OLEICKA. A very preny m=:1~`ms; tuukplzx x'tsiienc'e of Alex. (Smmu. - fat?! brnh: at high noon on the` `ltith. it H'i.~ \..mg1:.x-1' .~_&;.;m-a` was ulxitetlin ` to Koue1*tElt'nL`k. `The young p. 3 Hm -uffnrlmnh Yruin :m.! h:|\'- he-~" mvi.'i`uity of Port; Perry and placed, in the slmcmeu wnen ne ]umpEu. On 'l.'ue.~:4.la.y Farewell was captured in the loulbnpnt that place. During the ufgf he `bruke jiil uguin. His . ecnpe Wais` not,` noticed until he had 5 g00xL.._&1l3. 1_>.l1.'?..,th0\| ul1iccrsi.nmx:t}i:ttely went in mirsnit, nml this morning ran down their man at Sun grave. The next day the Sherilf saw that he was safely locked in Kingston Peniten- tiary. I _ K3 \..!.UgIlLI'I ."_3'Xl! Roam 11:1`-.L\;.. the ufterlxuuln {mi zx L1rge.circIc uf : ` far A long and 0) ' cur-zmuuy \\"n*' 1 E 1{uI1i ps.- Clmmic I ._.__-. Cullllllllcu us uau In was perfectly cured.` pew. Ont. Snhl at .\`u.\ru|`.~i pa 1_ pgst. pfticu, . uV`|| `Jill. Sold at Seagers hug st'_vre.upp>s1te I uuau uu xuuuu..y., ` , Coru\)';\l1, Ont. .\I:Iy `.Z7.~-Ednxuml Hcppcl. :1 boy '._l;ed T, the sun of Elnilu: Heppcl, was so b1.H'y burned yesterday that ho died in .1 short time. He \vus nturtin_g :1 r:-, urd hm} ; sutumted the fuel with coal oil. and an e.\'plosion resulted, $l`,[tiIl_L; his c10T.hL`01Hil`c_ l{0VlV__':ll.0f 'l`k':ulc. l Repurtsfrmn the United Snncs suppnrt. ;l l l tltu View that mxclu ixlterests lmv vastly iulprovenl rvcvmlv. and that lhu l)|l3l1lUS:i, uutlonli fur the fumru is encm1ra_::im;.l Thia will be xvelc-:u1uVnu\\`s tuthu pcopln E of Cm1:ul.1, sl11ce.~ our uwn trade interest` will bu srimul:ltel uml ixupmvod. In uutlling has this inuprnw-l11um. b`>u11`sl1mv11 in at more nmrlml way tlmn in than in` crcasml sales of l utn.un's lhxixxluss Cvrn Extnxctnr. "Fluxes 'neing.ll11ll evurytl1inp_:l nut absolutely l\\`<:ll.l!3l _l>.-cmuo :\ luxury. and ila sxlo hccunlu utzuiomry. ~ .\'mv.it is dilll-rent. Salus4l1:1\'e iucmlsed mlly, d0ul)llus.~\ as it has pmvou the only safe. ' sure mxd painless remully for cows, uml wiso people wlll use no olllor. l l 1 _ l xmy tn lu;-truy _:ligcs1'i>Tf 1`hi9 in pigs is .\Iu7ch lepeuuls in fuelling pigs on ;_:i\`ini_; tliqlr fowl at; 1'egulm' iim-rvuls. l'l'l1un the pig will v soon lfecmnc useil to this. and will not expect foonl until, the iv.-Vt regular `feeding time cmnes. The old s.i_\'iug tl]1l.l'v ;\ `squealing pig loses 1| puuml uf fut every time it (1lN. iLlS has this mucl1`l2rucli in it, that the ix'1`e'<,;ul:u' timrs ` fur fvctliug wliicli ` occasions "1aSf. _>f tlm Nlllcllllllg` is the sI11'csl`/ not so strong :13 is often supposed. Tlie pig is grcmly by nature. Olzliers mus: sun: to it thus it does not cut in<.u'c um` nftciiei` tlmn is` good for it. - A Groupy Cough was Soon Driven Away by Dr; Chasers Llnsed and . Turpentine. ` _ K .VIylito buy hml Mm! cruupy cough, says `Mrs. Smith, of 25.6 li:ul1xim` street, Toronto. ".l\.l_vnei:,:hbnr, Mrs. Hopkins, rec(>I11!11endeL1 mu Lu try Ghnw`s Syrup otq ;`Li`nsecd and Tl1\`p\mflllt. I lid u`, and the lirst Mo did_11imgnud.. Qlle.b(:Lt]B _ con1pleLu1y curbd tl1u. _L-:13. [r. is sury prising. thu pnp`uI:nrit_v of Cl1{tsu7ai_ Syrup in this Ilui-__rl1bm'ln'ud . lb u.ppc'..l`S to me it vctm now be fuu'11d i_u*o\'e1'y house." _ The broad hguvus of We potato am what . the crop wry -largely depends upun for xnnturiug the tuber. Ibis impmtmxt; that they be kept green as luhg as possible. 'L'l; .fa.'etr4;hu._L~ gypsum or Iund plaster attracts n1oistu;'e xu1z1kes4_,iVt:_,,_a1,11 especially `good nppli,c:1tion7for the potato crop. 'l`he.1'st use 9? I -nix i44um_m alashuw Hm mxI'.a.tn.L IIPPHUIIDIIJH }Ul' UIIU PUVIHJU UFULL ll|U~ UYSL] . e-ef~.L a+i-s~g.:+'ee1:-t;<;Alest.wy-tl1e-potat larva ought; to bomudo with gypsum. - uttmctixlg xnuistinre from 't;l1uv.ir and thus ` kex:piugcl1o'1eu.vus moist. more of. the` pom: mbeetle eggs will bu destroyed before they hatbh. > ' 'I`housunds Could Tell tl1e'S:u11u Story of Misery than \Villi;un Davidson '1`ulIs-- .\ud 'l`i1uusm1ds Have To-d.1y the Sauna . Sung of Rejuicil1g--Cured by South American Nervine. . I CfU\1TYCy7UWlTW IVHCUT ., - ' nmde :1 snmll uuuou out of gas pipe nud- lomled it with Imils -uud scrap iron. After fastening. it ,tQ_.uVbeI1cl\ he se xted himself in ` `chair, wxth his brenst against the gun _s milzzle. and \'vitl1:1l1ente(l wirn ignited the puwdr at bh b1'eechL , He is dead. ~11}; wrinhs hboub his oui-e as follcrfvs : -r -- - *. an (an.-?1'. L... LLB Vvnwu Nuvuu um mun an \UI.I.vvvu . V It; the spring" 0f`1895'I w iua7troub1e'd with 11'-cuugh",'debi1ity, and general de- pression of spirits. `During t.he`s\nuInor ` ~antl'atttt111m-I~t1sed~t_mxHnber-oEmedicines, ` bub`-received 11()b Lnaebfrbmhl1en1. -About `the boginniizg of Novmber I was advised to man _E;1ine a Olory Compound. I pro- cured the preparation and began to use it. with woxgderful benet. I am now con- vinced, after usingxbevorul bottles oi this unequalled medioinm that no other can 'oo[n are with it in "any reupeob. ' "*4 am nmn A xxhhhol` min 1 Ilivhlllt-h '00!!! WWII 15 In Mly IBIQGOD. . 376 now a uhangd mun ; Ixyhenlth . ' is renewed. dpreulon ofwnpiritn in ona. mu nnnntn 51 mind; did. I alnon RC1 . ;;'io'p1H.. h(2.&iC&aT1'3x_&p` an. a A "I `will alwkyu 31.! my ,a good word ; f~i?9`*~' .lw: %nn#+ V T. A IE.` YEA RS ~ iilTTI)lLS. in 320 FOR wnxxs," tif_,u-nu years I had been tmubled; n-nrmiriam. It had eitld 1n my? :. ....` .. ,,..... In J a.\ LAA4\`.JF1V 33:93? "C1:P:`;:Il;3:`9f?~` appetite in good`. _aEd~ I ulpgp M1. ' hm. nlwhn nldlv my a mod wt H ' Jr 4313 l3Ul-I5, LL11 H1! L .,"y-' uuexican -__._R.h.ElHD1LLl.L'. ,, L'-.sm- rd hr-r from his Grasp. 2 1 5 I smfered untold misery fm.` over three months frmu nuilruluia of the stomach. Physiciams did their best to help me, but all abtelnpts \vero_buled. I saw Eoprh .-\meric:u1 Nervine advertised and msolved to try it. The lirst; bottle gave me great`. relief, and aifcw I. had tfsed six bottles I was cuuxplutuly cured nf this dreadful d'1se;\;4c,_" ,_4\\/illialu Duvidszm, Thedfnrd, Um. 0,1,1 .L Q,.....,...,. .l...... um... _.\.m...`..| ._ An Elxpvnlg Weddin-,.v . ,, ,, . ,._ . I 1; ' ... ,. . . J. ..v . . Coal 011 Fa.ta11ty., | /\ A. u ,_.\- l.`.l..... MILD ouu uruw `Id! nu; . ` Pain --R`h&B-matzsvu had 'l`..L\.... fl?` LL. 7 hr EUUIII .'XH.lCrlL'iill 1\Xl\1lllUiLlU >. lh-: that bottle enabled; u o I .1`_\' (ml. 111 one week; I, I _ . .... 1...-.. IIUFU (ICU l was ]l,'L'U||I'; iuut Azucricaxx Rheuuxatic I`L ;. -. :. .. ......).!.`..l- IUIHCL SCH IL5 USU L Kl! L is undoubtedly the .-. urld`fx r rheuulzmsnl." ~: Elam. Um. `gnu nu} mluuzmuca `\ w1nle<! `"8. H103` ml by Rev Hr.` -A8 GU DFIULTI -weeks at. ag x'>ux'ugL;d am} I M: rsmnni`. 1, |.~|u\.U u. utu` rher -01 , [ha inst, njhen lxlariiuge E n Sale left o:1{ x-4' wishes of; ..s . > ? 1 ` (sppoxile negro child, living in ialmt city, has been ' pl'B.lCilcl', who has 1!. church in the viiuity. iuuliblc to all present: I wish all 'those czille1's'cuok the liiu and sudu Llepzgrtgd. ' The Nnshmlle, l`enn., Bu.ui1i'says tlmt ax tulluu-.1 ever since in was :1 vieezl-mold." The chihl is u. girl and liii.rCl'S only from other bilbls in tint it can bull; as plainly and be ' unllerstoml as distinctly uaingroivn person. The voice, of course, is mitailmlly weak, but hu. lime oftne baby pructlu about it. In ildtiiiiill to the cl1ild s_talkiug propensities, it secms to he possessed of superior iutclli- gbsuue, and gives voice .to ubturuuccs mosh astoiimliiig. coining us they do from ouu so young. . The Rev`. G. W l\lu.rt.iu, ii L`Oi()l'B\i null at majority of his flock, cullml am the house to convince tlieinsclvu-s of the truth of the rumors which il.L\'-0 been circulated con- cerning the child. The little one seemed to enjoy the pieseucdof the crowd`. but. suou tiring, l`8llll.ll`i{G(i_ in its inoblier, in ll voice folks \vould go' home, as 1 am tired. The a z * 'j` ' 35 Tclegrzun : lndignatiou M Oltgnm in uuly =' 1 of value to as party in Opposition, wi_iy:u- than, Iindignutlmx is shaken} by the cqputry. Ufi 1 Hrhnr `u-mil in if-for Hun, Grunge E. RJSIUI` gumignution is en-uren by me cqiintry. U[' Hvlinz -.iv:iil is it~f0r Hon. Ucorge E. F0316!` 3 to agitate the great heart of Parlininenc \\r`l1eii i `the country is rintroubled Iv any {cell `deeper than curiusiw as `to what the no; `` tnrill is going to no`! Politicians may he` `3 _` wzitcliing for Grit enormiiies. But the \ " miuutry is \V. l[L`l\illL[ the clofi` ripen and tho; \\"lIl3ufVs})I`iiui. and heading not the sfriie of 8 'pzu'tizan:,- whose con:enli uns are at nr;si:nL1 ' i1`L`llli)I8 from the s3'inp;itlii;tsz1ii\i interests of ._lthe people. In; is is sheer waste of J,-mnl gnurvous force for the Opposition to tight 9 clcsperstely at this early 5[1\_gUillll8llicEll|1c `' Roi the new Govyerniiisnt ` It will be wisvrl for the Opposition to simply assert; IIS posi- dg Lion now, 'lIlLl wnit nnt;l the niistxikes of thv . Grits pmvhle .1 market for all the xlecluixim, ltiim vmil imlimmiinn which the Coil.-'iai`v.1-l I ) " In in unoicinlly auqounced that thewbeat Eve: of Fm-.:~:e is 93.908 uex-tare: (1 hectare V13 2.47 n'L !`r>) bei xv, rs aren nf lb- .?=vi uni, `that thr =enb My wiil probu-` -y b E 1"" 'l50,0('0 .=ctolitr\: {-s Ix.-wlim. Jr}; 9 ,. ; .1-2 R... , .1-.- .;.g..a 7. mm: S All the C.l:im-,2 .\Iin\! ithe rxueptim. ui a uuem iarelawyeni H I Dog poie4>::`rs`are gr 1 in Xhmrnaal. , . . _ . V .......... The mrauvelxxenta fur the iuLz:ru.s:iuu I ` - ;cness match between seieclrtl Uznlllei no ;the British Huuse of Commons audtl -&.\xnrxu.xu Hausa of Kept;-seutativcs_ 1' S pmctiunllv cumpleted. , fK'l'lK,` Pl'U\'lU!1 Ll HIKH I\tfL >|_U| (ill LHU Xl\.'l,'h1 ;tiun :u1.l indignation which the Cousu ; Links mu gelnemte. ` 5 " } lux-t:ovcruu1`nu1te,ofLyolur:u1o. z\1\va_vs "f; 1 wuresj woman's sutfrage in xhemy, but in g pl`;|c_[icu hcjiwls it -to bu uu eutirelydilfcreut ; prupt.::`xtiu1). Interviewed on the Slxhjccb the {ucher uhxy he suid:--'l'o utfet the xutus of 'thc intelligent are the vows uf thu i;_'nur;\ut ., \\'omeu and hence its zill the s1un`e. Not out ,Vsiu\_{h-, soliturv` mud lms cmnu from wonmn'a 2 . . ' E` ,. V vutea ll) L-olunulo. lhree of them were I I . ` elected mthu Le;.us_lz\turc, and they are WUI`:L\ than the muu." U _._.__ C.nLel'pi1l:\1jsl1u\'e mzule their alppenrmxee veryeurlv this spring auul fruit trees are swztrmiu-_; TV-ith the `pests: .Uuless active I;n1eus\1r.=s are taken to destroy" the nests the whule country will be over run. In is cex miuly, n slmme the number 01 people `who are ney.:lcet.i|1): their orel1aml:s in this E 1n.1uI1er. The result wlll be the jtoml desv. itructiun uf fruit trees iufthis part`. of the > I .-nxlnfmr I ; u|u.Iun;|. ` country. i I if I i 5 E ' \ :25 cems cures Cuturrlml Hezuduclxu " Fmxlbn.-gxtlmcmxsed by Catarrll 935 cents xucures Ch;\se`s Cutanrrll Cure with purfcct bluxver-cuclnscd 111 czxcll bu.\'. ; Sold by all dz-ailcrs. U Incipiunt C2m\m`h I Hay Fever V "' " C.mnrr'l1ul Deafness _. `_ ' Uuid in the Head in 10 min. 4 l UHI. w ` ` . _ bold at badgers drug_ ator_e._ op-poems post otco. _-. Wiih Munyois |mpruveHomoeo- pathic .?Remedies You an (Doctor and `MuNY0N s 1% REMEDIES {CURE 'No- Guess_ Work--No Experi- menting_-No Big Doctors` Bills -Ea.ch`.Remedy Has Plain "' Directions. so There WAE7 Can be no Nlistake ;-;.;a_. ~. ff`? They Relievo A_1most`_`-1mmamte1 y-Arc Absolutelyjlarmless and Should _; ' Boiln Evgsry Home. 3 A SEPARATEBURE roimc '_nISEASE* Your Druggisl; Will Give You the Nanxlws of H1u1d1'eds of His Custom- -rs Whp Hzwe Been Cured by 'l`lfC:.e \Vou_d(`1'fu1 Little Pellets. " 2\iunvou s Rhounmtlsm Cure never fall: to rclllwu in` 1- to :3 hours. and 001' 1 *1 .;..\/.-~ mum: 2-rm. ` , g _ 1`cl!e\tu In 1- to ;s few `:\_\':.` Pvloe `lfu \hmvnn s .D_\'spv mm-s all foruls 01: mt K`:`\,>\llV1l`S. l`1'lce `J. \`lmI\'nn's Cold Cu I `oc. . \ \`1;u;-mm Cure revents p1lc11l1m- H rm and breaks up a co In a _few nouns. mice `:50. _ * . . `T * _.\luII_vonYs Cougli Cure Etops coughs. Nllllt S`\\`t'u"I:~`. ullnvs sorelloss and speedily lleuls mu lungs. Price `.259. .\lunyml`s Kldney Cure speodlly euros ' 1\nlIl_s lu the hm-la. lolnsorvgrolns and all fortns of lalclxxyy (llsexlse. Price `60. ' llllA1),1`llvlllS uk the siy'stem. .\lun_\'nn`s Lntnrrll Rulnodles never fall. 1"lxe t`ut:1rrl1 Cm-<.-prlce 25c.--ermllcntea_ tho (li::cnse fromtlxe system, and the Caxtmrrlx 1`nlalts-prlco 2Bg:_qle_:xuse and henlrtlxa mxrts; . . FAREWE"LL SECURED 41 `LAST. . The Cfovernbreneral has received a. letter" of Vlxanlcs from the Viceroy of India,`-`in Grrent; `Britain in hen contrib`nti0us`to.the India famine fund. The worst: of tl1e"fu.mi'ne ispL\st._'. < _f ` _ V A lxjrge` key eng1o`a\ v.oopd down on n hmaagumr,-o d` o!Lhi.cVfiJ1l3liQl)Li":f3& E ' rmiding ,uem'-You.ngst:o\v`n,.' 0. Who bird. anukjts talons into`the child and was. attexnpting to carry `it mvaywhen two farm hands 2xppeare<,i,_u.`nd clubbed it 613". ' ` -whicl1it`ieta,ted mac Gzthndn stoopl next to 2` um t,1:xys;~~1?rIue 50c,encl\. ,_ _ ._i g .\Iunyon s Heudncl1o Cure staps `headache 'ln tl1`ree1'nlnuleS. I-`x'iL`e"25c_' ' ' . Mu11v'n11`s Pile Ointment positively cures I-`x'ice"25c; .' __ Mu11y'011 s Pile positively 1111 forms of piles.` I- rlce2oc. _, ,,_ Munvon s Blood Cure emdlcntea all Lur- Prlce`25c. Mun_von s Lur- puz-ltlus"of the blood. Price 250. M. , _\[11n_\,{o_u's V'1tal1;e_e;,1;e;;t_og9s__lustv powers to weak men. Price $1. _.`.__`\ - . A sepnruie cure tor each disease. .At all druggIs't.~;. 25 :1 bottle. . ~ ' lwsollal letters to Professor Munyon, 11 You"ku,o'w `how:i1iiportantih' is to have n prmnpt_ reumdy c_s'n hand. Nerviliue-- nerve pain curu~._-*-.lms a wonderful and immediate inuence upon thianmlndy. Ihv relievesvin 'one'miuu`te ajnd cures in ve. Pleasant. to the taste, and the best remedy` V in the world for pain. - blood. t'rl'ce 250. M11n_vQu`s V'1tall;I._er restoges lqs_tV 1'r1 .\ ~.um.-mn'u mm for each 25 homo. 11 and 13 Albert street. '1`oronto. axxswered _ 31:12 free medlculjdvlc for.nuar-qlseuaeu ` rues: rues: lwnuus rlluun SYMl"I`()MS~:V[0i8lN; intense, xmhimu. st1{m- 1 mg most`.M:n1ght; worse by scmwhinm Ia ~ 1owod too'ont1nue tumors form. which 0 n bleed` and uloemte becom! very sore Swuxn \ io thegg . 8 0m'I.'unu1*' s in :1 most mu`:-3nd W51? 1` W 1' _on -011 Q . IXIQVQ3 Q umor . A6?:a'lsta.'or*bi.nr. M). mats: Dr. 3:391:20 _ :1 IS mvnatnm nun YOU Have Inggsr. % , [0 l'\_`l!L` mxys.` 250. . `.\IuH_\'un ,D_vspop_slu Cum poslti\'o`._\ mm-s forms` of: udlgestlou and stouluvl :nI|\1I-st, 1`rlve ` H ; LU u .w....., ..-~.. _- It Yo1 1a:fe- Subjoot 1:6 Gmp 1;iles_! Piles! nouns Pile!!! uni!!! u.\m....... inmum Hnhfmn. wan u:\I=)* . , ctolitrgx `. 9.75 bush;-`I ,...`\ >:frs ' are geig a most cases removes ma tumors. is b mull, oonta ` wayne 93 j`ll'3' f YOURSELF ' H H`: : ) lbs: THE. BARBIE Examm, THURSDAY, JUNE 3," 136?? _- :. Quele-`. \\`ii. :uu`i A Anmnx` \_\'lu:u it is I1ecdssm1'_y to h,m~ an im- rt.m1 mud delicate` su1'-vlinl `menutiuu ' PU -.\ l pe1`t\nnc1:I we call in the V'e1`_\`besl.e\|1:}_;um1. When we have mnnu_y in put may we L deposit. um rim S:l`fesLv:u) 8Cl.`uI1g:_':st U:u1=(. When we haw lmlue dyeing, wurk t_u do 1t is wisdnm In use the safest. scrolngostalld fas'hem'd_yes. ` ' ~ . W'nxrn4:F rm wnrL' nnfl uwmrinnmxm-nma