Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 May 1897, p. 7

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LUUUEU VIM 111.1355]-IVJIK I shall never be happy ".nnnI:nr'u-n innnvu-nfnnv ILGHVUJUK ' My mother soothed her. _ V . How dioult you must have felt it n `all ma }n'n.| nvn1iQmnal nm...-....... H5 ILIIISUL-`ll-_LUlUlIllUo 9 ` 9. We thoughtftrivght toj tell you, said mv mm! Innvh lv'*hAs- l>.u'-an u uubu HA VQI-In vucun. \ He nnsieredz nncb I-v-u`uu-nnhnnbluu -- rv uvu.-you up. [ approve? aha shed ` Lxnyahnnl-i Won t 1 _yuu w cxv uqpxxvuncu yv Lu: we FUQI1. M There. is another queen tale `about this aerial ocean. A merchant ot`,Bris~ 1 tp1,`_ it is said, `_`set;`si1i1_w ith his cnrg_o_ for Ireland. Some; laimgafbsr, .whik:~_h1sA family wgre at suppeg,` a knife sudden-. I`! I; fell `in through 2: ivindcw- on the ta-T - _ble. When the merchant` returned am! 5` sawhe tniffhe declared it to b_e11is EJ own `a_.nd~said that on snch`~a.day,_at K , such an hour, while. sailing in an un-p rrnown paiof the sea, he dropped the ' `.ki9 vt?rb@r;.39 and lm \``iI2 n`?;.$ih?;i i7-2" f ~"ot4wh_ieh -waszbnce impliitly A _ by many and regarded as in00D.$!_'0YO1'l- ' hale proof of the existenceof a an above ' .1 the ORG"-i8-&&;10S haconjgcta ` how that Ffunknovwn yart of Ghev sea? connected with than 1'!:* at it. A phys- : M iirnfgeogmpizy showxngn M1iia;wou2.1i1 be; - __ no gnriosiv-'-B Q8Dn ' ' `b ' L i A man may earn; thinkg` whatdxc pleases hat just the 5 4 same, pgrsonal gppcamncr cuts a bxg gure In success; 1 .-Xwcitdresacd, neat. clcnnly 1/ V looking man, with the ma ' countenance of heamx V5.11, i 1 olh}!r !.xing_egua_1, 5 ` -:nelr0unat.dhng' mus. V ..;.kidnby-_tztinb1g.a _sxmnh; tot man: than 3` month ;_omm:..ha-1th~, .h- common .11 -`tmolo nd;het1mcxti~ 11"` *`_lit6!"ih'-":!:h 3- distnasgug `A Main" M`: geondisinn; unit ! am` taking. ,-1?illfui doln$me`m`noh.' ` _; ; aboxwsmmomsiwm vlmxi . th` ilxmimo had - mu . mm 3 . - . = . - ` %&H~hyar im hi)'al' in`-?ha.nd mo:y:mmosmxwm_d1uaexich. , Aahs dui; _`Byv!xe,mo 9'3` t har.:.,ln;:`o'9men health was i.:%:A..;;"""$";*92*;:;*s*h:4,::.*=*%-i*n*%..~. lmn 1* q .GONCLUSjiE Paco:-'.t - ~ Eeonci ~a_ wonixnown Qitlzum. ' ----- . I . "My dsuh':erPoily, has far mom.thsuu' an bpeu Eroub sci with savers sygn toms ot ' b gy _ She had eongtanrm acute pniusm ' A `hot ha,-It. The pain 111 he: head was ieaxml: Ind ,nlmoat_;L unaixdu:nbls. It frequently pro-4 . entodhetmnn hmxidiug sch9o1,ands_he,f.ound NR'1S111'PW?`i!i1i!1?P38i33ll 35$-hid` ' .L.no,sp;aelA-madxd;not sleo `I!ha~`pn`in waavu:3~_Iave2oAaoun,:i he; oar; '_Ihd ahnwu much troubled with gamma; and xqalplhtion. _ woman: in`bady"a.m3.wu - timm Her moths:-A~ thxtna-iag ah: *8-m~h ...*~ {I 11!-`knjno to a; uni niaiszm . . Esa"5 a&`x .E`:`;; ~ upmcaihatwtcmgnav and I _. ' ~. ' lxtnordlnnry Superstition Once from `i T - ` lent In Enxfhnd. The curious superstitian thanhere in an ocean above" the clouds is illustrated ; by the thllevug strange stary by an 3 `old `English writer: One Sunday the E people of a certain vil1'age'were ceming ; out of_ church on '5' ihick, cloudy day. i ; when they_a_vQh_e,Aunchor of a ship I I hooked to onset the tombstones--the 1: cable, which was tightly stmtched, . , hanging" down from the air. The people V E were hatdnished, and while theylwere J % consulting about" is suddenly they saw ;the rope move M -thoughjome onella-_ E bored to pull up the anchor. The un- |'chor, however, still held fast by the stone, and gtgreac. noise was heard in the air. like the shoutingivof. sailors; ' Presently a sailoi-was aeensliding down the ciibln for` the purpose of unxingf the anchor. When he had just loosened ii, .the villagers seized holc_le+himrnnd' while in their-lmndshe quickly died, just as though he had been. drowned. ` llwnni uh Rn`-nu ofhu 6k.` n..J1a..... In V `Kauai " vrizv j Qebc, J uoguffzf my children spramd "her ankle, which.` -54-.` inn-L tnunnnn -n;rl Jlannlmunnll gain. IT\n!r-It-mu-A .;u-u an uuuugu uu uuu. ueeu-umwneu. .Abont an hour after I the sailors above, . hearing no more of their com~'* rude, cut the cable and sailed way. In I memery of this extraordinary event the people of the village made the hinges, of the church doors out 61 the iron;of . the anchor._ It is further stated` that these hinges are still to beeeen there, . avbit of`evidence'nmch like Mnnchau-. een s rope w-herewith he once climbed to the meon_._ If you doubted the story, you were qpfronted with the rope. L Thom. in nn:iHmr'n:1sxn1- thin `uhnnki i scrunua. " 1 Dr.,Pie1'ce s Golder} `Medical ' (hives all impurities fro the blood in -I % cures all forms-of skin ectioua. It is the 1 great blond purier, liver invigorate: and 3 esh-builder. It cortecns. all disorders of L the digestion. ' Thousaxids have testied to g { its merits. Dmggistzrsell it; , ' I s ...- -.-~.-ca. yAu`aaIg cn.u u. I ....`. V X Wm. Smolhers. Esq..ot' Miustou, Jackson. 03.. Wis, writzs`: I wash to say that Dr. Pierce`: ` Golden Medical Discovery is best medicine Y mrthe grip that I haw: ever med. . "uemn is the best endowment" and 8 ' ~ _hea1th-prescrver the best invsnjnent.` Dr." Pier_ce s Common Sense Medical Adviser ` . teaches women how to tank: can: of the health_ of every ' . V 3 saves doctor's bins`, ,It contains 1008 pages.- over3ooilIustrations. Several clmptersare ` ` devoted to the reproductive physiology of ` women and_ diseases that unt young we. 3 ` men for wifehood and young_ wives fo- motherhood. ' For'paper~coYe.'cd copy, sene- 31011:-cent stan1ps,ta cpverthe costof n1aiI- -` I 1ng`anc_:l customs oniy, to the World's Dis- ! nsanygledical Association. Buffalo, N. Y. I or firm ninth hindimy emu! an 34.....- . mg mug curnuxus umy, u) we wona's Uls- gensanygledical g` or fine cloth binding, send 50 stampg. ; . ; Us SEA ABOVE THE CLQUDS. {_' L moxmgmnn,wImmene_sn? L`? ;l .counte:x_ceofh_:a,ltlnt;`ll, ; othertt _ btmg-Veqnal, i ontatnp the manmho1an t1vholesome~lqok- mm imagine that hard work-`- 5 hustling? they call E;-counts for every- 3 thing. Inge long the eagy-going man `, i. w}:o takes tune to thunk of mg health and .` ht:-pusonacld_`g3Qax-ancc antstnpa thc teck I 1 less. negle `mum-." Hinnncn are E I less. negtectm1"lmsuer. Ilinyvmen Ire hen} buckin the stnizgle of their t personal appearance. Through n eet of . the digestion their_ blobd%B'XIT,`of im- e 1 purities and humors khich show themselves on the face and bodyin the shape of skin ' ` blotches, eruptions, eczema and ` fiealtli is tlie besf e;1dowmnt" and r health-imescrver the best. inxvtmnpnf ` hr `persona: trance onlsmpa tn: tack I I. neglect} `husuu-. lnyvmcn :3 stmmrle Iii: bvthzir `A min miy;Iy'w thiniz` /vhstchgglcnsesbntjusttheu `HEB. gppcmnce? `cur.-sabnggnxpxn sneeeaa.,;A Awe}!-dressed. neat. clennlv : 5 g vuuu usuununu yuan. 2 'fwhy,1hava.juum6op.yma-. hangar 40 can to deliver snob. ur `. hovnvnfcrnmandhc-vugonalaulihn '. half an hour. Itwonldhoohnpcto , _ cheaper to hiya sent iiby _ mail under 3 spacial dcnrrntnnp. j . womanliko, baton}: she thought. . `l A rnaponse in. an_ invihtionito din-1 have hn-ed" fosbnnd huhsudirivu, ` What was tho nqte?"7sho ubad r nun Hy no muIg.Ia.au:ur1illI`In0 Irb` " 'clinia of thg.monayedL_R'dAm8ns. Jldilh T -_ 1` ' : .of`-parrohs"tongne.s-was as great d_e1ia,a- ~ HI .- cy; Bnmdiah-of pa1_'rots mng`ugaLwhioh 1 .7 ` ~; , .hadLbe`en9apab1e.v1:en in their mm: L -V 7 . place, 6)`; fraxixing words, was; of `- V ' incalctable vaIne,,wh_iehimieasec_l 5} Q ~ 1 8 dimes-"mo with the4voca`,b'a1ari8 :ot;= the d'efnnetpnr`rot.s. . f .,_,;_:._._; . .. . % Another. ma. forwhih, tho), Roma 1. ...e,_`2i<:;1_1(v -,\T`!r:_TI,s!! in the `hahi_tc7 vn`V`= -ulonsj ths:;-fpheneegog I 1 which itibalieiode to hams ,m58%Ih- 1?` f1.'1"|`ii`.-; i'1{\i,n_.:t:*ilIl51 "B0=t118:1`1I`1"'759`30?518i1 7 , L1and-fas.thmgmdeiijhndhoggu" ' nomangi-spi66:ila:1'ii_au V in Win Ibmmdnaandg. 71' * V `.............-.` W inn` gun; umlgq quvvuguul , *:;j7 7 ~m .GuLEIl. Sff jaw -conugng` gre e.IsometaI.st1tch& amlcnallengbfali t9r`duxab'iXity~ `Juana; WE aunw IV XIII. Will! NIH EWJIHIH Q ' eyicnre. Andi!` he wen nnabloo make 3 ,is costly my other-w_ly pdwderad precious stoma" or gold v 'lTero~ dinod on eneoc:<:_8ai0n mm a peaoockxhieh was sprinkled with13ia-V vmonddnai. gal spocimuot `chat ' W dmm with gold` of with cmilii paarlf . `TH 131: no. Inmum nmxiku nfti-.. an I` uuuun, -'IlllL~l1U Iuu note _to it makes itwell thegirl a billa Ehnlht n!` vnhit Q r-Ania av- e ._uuw _Uu ul suuwu II wan. WIIIIII iul_.l.'l'8 f thought and your 20 cents ex_- -; us. News isthe phn clan;-`to you an. bpidbmin? - . Wkkmhni-"H: ....`...'. ...'.. 57.; - ..'...._v! Fl U-(I311 A. warmer ii; waa:_mf~~ nan woman that very aftm-"neon a A` delightful note at `uaanksm vaxuauai information, accompanied by 8 50 cent ; bunch of` violet: from swell hung"-3 -{In-int _ -w....1..-.-._..... ca..- 2 uuucu UL uuww uum, 3` "ii ' --'-Washington Star,` 7.`Al::x1oai~an;*-r`}fi:h;~vfsr1.1`x'-a:"} i|aid mend it.~rm`tnuo.a1inesa. inaigeaapu. : ih_ ind. tn mi! -"min? thinking "nnnHL 5 gag, nun, wuul way u: wmuuxlnuauhi gnoss. was canto tdkewith th9 Roxn'an .m:`,....... 1.: Mn. ....... ......1.1- 4.. ___1_- . Y w_u;. mun u Jun 3' JI"ll_!}jI7llM|!_.l.4_; know, who ha : in money; ;than yen hue? Whnhn huh notuxf; n book` manna to I ' ,,.hp.doem t wme-4'0 cent on nigh b :-j-"-o'h, that : what it ii. usho nohi his look at nrp:iu,`wo havoaoal1inouhoxine,andInmoom~-' monopoly. pellcd to us it nomtimea--_bnt`he does M a much better thing, Hajnat gdth 24 g {cenhbohis40, slipnuoundtotheobg . infu, orders 50} cents` worth of violet ~; sent to the girl, pub the note inwith` A the owery, and than you are. - seer I Only 10 mm out, and think howmnch . n:fnr ninlu Rn in-nu luau... .u..- .. an `- uuq xv uunnu urn, ILII nun: IIDW 11111611 111-for girls do Iovoovms, evop 50. mm 9: mm. M 1` WU Ullbl suvnnvngux Iuruuu, -Juli; Fuu M! j ;u.|a_y, will pa, and, to en: E" 1 - sumac tn-a an-unA'1g GA guuuu--6u.:vnunI-u|yuuC`::;:I!nIR' ` in` & i8IlCiq', at _ jllltad funds: 5%! ml mahng` _ - 1 By law " h_ewauayin,."l|I1l4Io!t E of Chill; inknply intdanblol ' 1. -wo..e.;...'..4 n.;....ssi .1... :.`.....c...z ' ninja: haw nttarlfhalpleu am is :9 ' Fopty cents inchnpforngooddjm nor," she smiled. ` M 3 Bu_t1csn1dn tgo,ha'wui1d. lwuadocliution`, and En woman g top of that.` many, 1 cumh, an moi [ uenger aemfne is swank inpodtion should not be tolerated. Tnnty-Q70 : centrafnr is ample, vii in.lI- ;tances_at l0ar15emh. !_luop.vu- in-ma 6. null. ......oL 4.5-; \_A.'....._._s ; Inuu IIII ll. luul HI greedofnon ' . 3 Yo; Ina mrxynj 5 LI... ........ A-..1_'LI-.1 A- ' don't seem to know inspects. yew, .w.hsr mn t you II`.lI`,lI.__;a7mag__I`_i : hmur wlvm hugs: can u-4-5 ............ any _ shatkhdat smug` uininlintim cuufinmyocynq` mm. `in`thn Gnniknliht nu` nhnhinnqd i us ua;uh:u_nn}zo;;y llIIll_fIlJlI1" . .~ cm tlnng!' "aha mqugna," A with_admi1-ablepoile. A Why: I Iinvn 4...: |..a 5'. ...- - ...'.. Yd: T0811: I I win jinn: van no Iii-kk'__. Inn. 1' 5 Z the man named. to it hmgaa ion`; don t how {SE UL UH: `i ._ __'2he yoina man` aagss::ing.[:Vm 5 mm To:," Ihwant; right": em, .it gs; ig . the scum when owers as more an; L-penniye than mesiongof Iervice. .jm mMm nwm,,..,Ym nun I >` . lvwwb nu ptwugiflll Iquuhlfili .I:uo.`_llIll_l;'-t'.w- ' `V No; swee.!:'pnds-.' 'l.`he- mo _ i:1dst'dprh1a; ngm;e'sn, asieti`an'_d; mt. mums `11o1%6j c_o13a:s5ox; Epvierhadsdrawn withlessexertion than 1with';a:y other" `iI_:s3.s.rqatz,~proo metp3.; is not aedtad by moistu're; win; . V we made ofthvf bras x;te8vne;euna19otb&9I2b9n%1}1!Kad`i!>:9baummheea.3*` A ..` '~'I'.|v.iIs (gun l='i|lE" a_-Kai... jn`4 .n..". -A-...' foollnrsa " Bvnecuraforsorencksand sholdani fd Jan xmmthojigbtest, to >t1ielhe&V 43"`i ;3a`I1~ our: g.:::*.-.-.::==.. -`:2-.'-*'-* - A lot} .V"u.m` tau; 1. g \ I&VIlI$ln`lInn. 1\\ --3. n:Jn`: 513%.: Bin" _ A LE$8N mm" Nougbs. r! u--. .-as up. uawu V Eyno meanaararrl n Hon nnnuun` DR... u_.uuusu, mu M. I. `. .' In. v-all. LL. ['1 SOAP. . 1 ' .113-.' * _ Why dIdn'tf'fpu keep. to, ` your own sidgotthe rgad `gun . r` `. " In 3 K1`, 33 H WU] CV33 XVII?!) onrbrnuubafonvoguhoxu. Yonun:vu' an my. Iulltctcmnbruisl ofmy liktho hull l!nuu`ii,n:nd.o:I&II:`d It:nlbiIh-wull,!:lsjui: 4 Well 1 can an: ma, 1 ` have n pz: t :?`I&:lo-.kcnrc"` u `L by Xi: anndi: v"rill cm Ihinzlihxhonvhvull ofanv Y9I_1l_%Ioomi;ng%Idio[" -In IR] HUKI uunullu cw ene.;man:" `I ....A'.i...1 -_-- _`.....7 . I931? ea330iib.* 4.1,. 6`-r a.-...v,u.a..1..vt mmI.'nmm. Iii! , `"1 think `she has I very fine gure,- .' responded" my aunt. T Orthere "ii Ger- . tnd Williams", .She wig! have a for- tune it aha outlive; her-aietara ; gnrely trust your mother,_? M Anumnfednymother; '- I . . my dismtie1z;1f..991 aunt 5 -3`fWoI1._ . I a,siaI"`IL ham told he M "V 1 Z :*`Rin8h_rl"T the` 1tw;h'dieaV_;i.n(A. . i?'l.H"i3f?io%h .Tr4= T 1: . ` ."Eexn,sa;u1Ij`.'sg;id`my;nother;` . - ~ ; ?..``And` 1yhnt`a1`aB_??" aunt : 3 . . knn'iA:-IvalnHnn.nf- H1`n`.`h1`rinA Jig __ ' Tg.v7~xAx1>g estate paid a t once. I` ' ~ 1 I L otlacegxeg VSc_o.ttfx i1usi;. MT *"`;_ Hill ll-I UVV `VIIULI IIULIJU UIIU C-LBW: "And ygu never told mo,'saidmj` mother reproaeb,ful1_y. ' V ' The girl I love is -not -free. Maniodl??criad.my.an;(t. ~ . .Not 1narried=-.-bntenga ge`v3. 5 ` `whn/R H93 nnlio win rbnfka; an , V [LII La uuunuauuu ,J.zu.nm5u. _ ,` It 'won1d have been` a most: suitable match, nIn1murd_my_ mother. `Wary suitable, repeated my aunt. . There'was,3...1nAl;;Q1tary silicc. bro- ken b_Y`mf6|1n1i; -- 5 1 "T Riki nn Enrku (Toned-anon -an an- _ WHO? -I. LlIVUrEUl|.l`_zU,U. I do'n t"Iika' these seem: engage- ; mints , paid my aunt: bmaqnqly. Who IB1.d.y:o1'z?" _' Q . - ' She Go1dme'heue1t. V _ uun.`.. :.' .u... .._...-m .DH': UUl_ll U-lU' LIEII-`HULL \ 'W_hoisthe.man1? .- ` W _ . I `.`I 119' n_otthinkI_shon1d tepgatghin Ill-"T. V _ U . \ "7! hope Gonstanqo isnot-throwing` hIue_If'avqay. . . _. - ` hnd duublfnlty. 5 r ` nu (Kn vnnnf who M; . , ` L xarcbahly endbadiv-;. ? V : `:.`I.- L _Iia::drinks; Iilaijsimy a_nnt.~' -`|>rIhr.l'uT" HUI EH1`. ' ` _ V ,_ I was justly nuxioyed. I renlniy think ` `it must be Winifred Fraser," .1 said. i Sh: is very fond of me, and-- ' 1 How can you be so "cruel to me? j; - grind my mother. Hnve' youxnotfced`? Ihow gray my hair in getting`? You will l not have me long." She drew out her hnndhrchiej. ` Ion will-cgme to a bnd'e:id,\`s`aid 1 my hunt. I (always thought you were. depraved.` If you marry t.}1at;pnint;ed hug, you must not Expect my connte- 1 Inn-A " . - "Undo: the circumstances, I `will not 1 mun Winifred Frase:,_ I said with great" magnanimity, for I` did not par ~ culy wanmmy nncs countenance. 3 My am unied. You "had better 3 mat " "`1`ho tmh ia A --I dmpped my voice 1 K --'=`f am fn`.I0ve with some one else. j I you mo.'said m V} ' `name 1' ' ` ' . pun ll[X1Uu"1Ul|U uuguguu. " . `Whois it? asked my mothai ge y. I waspilent for a m Ilishhd-' _. fyIt is (1onntance,]3n:lai'gh. Ti Iwrmhi ham: hnnvf mnni lnighln I I mm}; joked," I ma aoothingly, ' mnembefxgag she had. not made her will. llindegdlj) .,.~,.. , ,,_,_, ,7 , MFIIIL- 1..,1L _--33 1- ,1, _, , 1 . . `.6,:_ `V . ,"`It is a'aeor_t. . You mm not repeat I.ha_tIhavoVte1dUyou. ' -- I ' T n7ru E"HI:va'1:|1;'aun nnavut nun-nun. III ;*?n HIBL IIUIIIUI-u ) "80 fast!" inbarje-cued` my aunt. _ - ?`But have you never nocicm` me sun on huhair? I naked` innocexgniy. 1 vi nun . R1-aw kn!-as; an III nu unus L &.ntl_J. LlJuU(.'UlfhA_)'. My aunt drew herselfmp. V We have not noticed -the sun on `her hnir, she said with `much d:'5*!;i:y, ' noida we.Wish to observe the sun on I . L... -|;-.'.. H - 1 vl_r0!!,.the_1i; choose for yourself, she .uidt1-(sly. - . _ .. 7 "Perhaps that wuld help," I re- marked thoughtfully. ' LWA1L.,L ..aaid._:-us-A .a'.uu:.1:..,{........A-:-..sl._, -4* V I My `suns ' looked ofignded. "Very Ilunuu wuuguuuuy. #`W ,~~aai&-ny- vinn/imp::tient!y*- pfhr 5 short-pause. .who1n do you sug- gatf ? _. .. . W L ght fora moment. M . Wh_a do you say tq Winifred Fm ' an?" sao1`r s B%00K%sIOR.i I V W: M ' Ig:g;"';nid mung: Tahiia data - ~I n: I nd i~ysy'gjao give I teddy to Abstract; pranci- jm '. = . * ` . , `Wily `aunt to inf` xother. I "What: Ililll Alfred marry?. What do ` may to" Iatitin Bmwnlow. of Amelia m-th`P _ an us, we Iuuwr;-N-my manner- id one -hand--a3id is so .16.. *3 ` .*...'...-.`.`&4`.I.`..`..a.. -~' . um DJ uqvaunn. _ I did notknm{rCg1:stanoo_was_n- Ian-at` 13 ' - "{'= ';"v- . ~ . `nk: _85* *0 meat than V tuuuuwus: ` .- . Is. he qnito-Lqnite-V -3 7 ?Tv "mm . _ . 5- `_"1`hn1s miqx! _;;1y _ Oh, Alhfedl echoed my mother. "Win! nnt? `T nil-ad ' GgG. M|}TH.% `III; Q-L|J C`lll CFUUCM U1 Luuullfr. "Why not? `I inked . ; ASuch I dreadful family! said my nnmr '3 < ""73:w1ibg1eordan2" T .. - T` 1` No, noneof th.ese."_IVcried decisive- I ...-L ` .41. 7`n must` 2 ...,.__ A _' "I3lllltiIlV93'`!0u!Ig,"IidmB8k-` I. ' Iilirxw . ah ifun vnmmhnnud vnv can Ill] IHUHHDF HUIIUIILEIJJ. _ ' ' . "And no one would have dreamed itgl ' We always thought you word so fendfof ' ` ` ` jpoiled him 0:0. utterly; .And > nI'lt7Fn7;`7mo vrivfinntw. h io'Gno' \1nIIIr'nn1\-'~Z~. _` uuuu3._u cuguvu uvgguu Ill HIQIAUIVII I not to.", V H A -P 'u1d never. never havo_b'o1ieyed :4. M .. .s.`x...: n.......o...-..,. nan... ......-.n-.... L /|A`Ju-A UUVUI; MIIUK HIVU _ UUKLUVW fJt,_Iobbed Comtanjm. `.`Po_u-, poorm V I Granville! ' u-.. _...n.-_ .._;.L-La 1:-.. ,5 liustliilnciihix - vt_xu1unuuuuv,j Llunug nu LV T'I;`hex-`e c1,m.'_le.no '1;gy:nn1:..hast. iIy;,. _, . Q =1. -_ :"` .:s:g,m;:g1:6d1:I` ',h6 ZB_'g{-e:igg}` ;_,_ yaniiii "fGmeI to ,l:3'1 a!',. rie`qV3,.*\;w'vb;;;_q;V;l: iir'.V:L?_ "` T .Yon;s`aid hangs cru`i.t :: - .1 ` Of: Wh0I9l_*` _ unnanram Ba:- :-ie e smua v w uu 571:: :3 un nIJ.u .AIL|II.&IlJl.Illu. iwhisparing. '*R1n_af6uv -A Q ` ' .`Wh_`orc aid you, .0915 him;-`denmst? Vhiapersdnylgathu. ' ' Ma9tThix`:?__Why,here,'utvconm. 5 . Ilia 0peni}:g'_cyas.- . _.. ~ Yes.j~.'*ct mother; xpyatiedi 3- _. f _: I thonghtyen.-venli '. aop1med., 1, [ {Ind 11} hurried acme; 170.0011` yoh. ., T `.`Can Almg me made. as misnkori mhtteresi my; me honraolyg , ` _ =:Th9*two e1der_Ia the utmost Memm'r8-Sam 011.8. ' man 'hahn' main}? me u -nun can kl-IG}:|_ITlllll ..##_ . -nu otlconstaneb,-V "I..`>l\nv-'n nan "In no in{auHw.' `1'h**w;1=31.adI V E % . " `V ; ma: rzh'v'\'n'n'nbr .1. camp: uuwz uw uuygf, piul,. sum` `Gonstanca mournfnllyt M - * " I; `<;2on~tgay.'a:as,*_mp1mav1mym:h-_ Perhapa`tho:g;ibm`. !Lnistak'o.?!;,,,,,.? T . 5 . -`How~canthez3a_!re_vg_miaiake2- ask-5 l ..:n......a........ ....~..:..`;.,1-.~... ."1...'..'.x' - I. `III, AILLB QLHMIIJIUQ l III-I El \.|LI -_.l\J-K } 3013!?` " . -> 7` _It.-islwho am so_rry!oryon." mymother donbtfally. , V Ln irks nan` uanv `unis 3':-savage! G` , ,,,,, _yuu\_:u I-ll-I-ll I,`- ~ Fihflyn . Ann } all the time you wom- hiding` yoursor-j Jaw. How Iobloofyou-! ,_ ' 0 ' Ir.i""v.:;;e:w.a.'1m1;-T.`:*:+_-.'ir...*.:; m;t:n:.. {U 1 LIUW lU_Ul UL :U'l_; ;i3?7iii6sFe1- 166`xTd"F'.3Tui7 misiixfa; 1 who-zetnxgdlxerptaro. . " .;j . ; 1 ~_ Who am is'm"_sai1Anne_1:anicha. .i ` x`\nnn'ninn '.F{nR:v.# 3 . nu Ej uxuaus. H - ` 3 . What me you agxiinat him? (19. E .. manded Constance, a redspotbeginning g in bum in each cheek.\_\ V wr:r,. z.:..|... n ..............u __ _ __L J 3 cumin; .5 uuuuull nun] 10. 1 onstaneo rose. jmgia is a_wfn1!she ; said, holding on to thoback of the sofa. 5 I could never hive. bliaved it She put her hand `so. herfcmhoad. "Inf In: (I H!!!` Iiannn " L `*1comp1ef"toekor ` Books. Stati0"3TY7ELW~a".P3P9* yuu HUI Hull VMJ L ! lik abudd1`aam.." HIE... ........ `.1--- 3&0 ll IJl\L \LL's ` I My poor, dour Consta.uco,. mu:-g mumd my mother. rising and putting | herv argue round Mr. K ' II_ ____J. !.._-._..LL __ L,,, 131` UCL ` CJJLIE IUIIIIQL IE3} My fapznt brought up hu artillery. `He is thoroughly depraved and will come to a bad and.` His relations are 3: one on this point ! ` r?nvml~'uu-can knuig Inn. Inn). ---.- W \-IIHIUILIO JUKI IIIIIIU IIHVU I. K` i to `tgllume this! exclaimed Constance, drying her tears." "It was so god of M yon._.. I will not give` him another thought. To treat his~mn3her so cruelly! . OE, Mrs Granville, I so sorry ' I Vnrv V` ' Cogutuca allttlocrnnhod. ,I nought Alulwoinld we told fad, Ihe mnrmuxcd. _ `::W0 1!"! _h0I1- began my aunt. V `W "W am new an... _-..____ ..._ n,, I 0;-. uuunlul. { .uumr-'uquI f-_ V ` If you are allndingto your onpgm man .said my aunt `somewhat aevenly, we have-dready heard of it.j ~ * " You hnveheud!" dried With u deepest: sorrow." - Constance drew herself up. Yqn do not ukad [ .-....n.. Lug; nu nut uypmvu: ' une urea proudly. _. Wt. 1919 you too much," aid my mother gently. A . A..TTTconssaace+1eokebeiwi1aem. = .- A - . You.are too good for the wretoh, cried myiaaaf-f~~.~_ ' M M ` * What! Oh. what do you mean? ax-' `chimed Constan _ 7. - T? vnn m-u-wv 6 Sn .4. 9 n`4...J-:`-......1 I ,My mother took Her `ma. -My lis- _ tar should not call you this so suddenly. It in mr"daH~n-m.n|z and .1` ..m 2' nu uuuuug u_uu wu. Jun nun so suuucnsy. It is mdutrtoispeak, and-I will, [ crind m jf.1it.' "I will not lot 0021- stance unite herself to thiaman with . her eyes close. What Inn`. . ....". .....`:....a. 1..:...an .1- L most triumphantly. l".nnntnnr8n' -nnlr `ha LLw\u.A.u.Ll, \xuu: annual: utll-ljI&luJ. - I ._ V` }' Oonntanconnk baclnin the. cushions.` ; ` "`I_don t beliove it, she said faintly. ` He ill treats his mothe1*==-beats her, I believa, " continued myhnnt ` Thin nnnnnt In frnn 5-6.3 mm . n uvucvu, uunuuuuu my zuuxu. This cannot be true, dried Con- Itanco. i`fM'.rs. Granville, tallme. , ` My mother.` nodried sadly. `> "fAlaa! I Cannot deny it nnndonnn 1-nan `l"La {as ac-n! In ..L;. Vkuv Uu Illll yuuluu - Conaance. buried her Iac inmy xnefherwbosem.~~~0h,'dear,' oh; daart f And I lave him no! she `sobbea. "'1" nm ..;e-:...'...._ ....;. r _-_ -_-`__ 7;m.m.mmm%-; i V. smmnatmua VI -ql_ ' oI:errn1h,tlnn_stoppar1 (V.en..s........ 1..|..`: - nun- _.__. _ g .. vungu usnun um, Uvllill VI0l1"I I yau.,take_o1:y;m;ba:2" ` i ..-Gomtancgoame mdnat byheuidu. hm anxlou to oonoand nuns! int-t.ha_-=_ U [I -.._ ._ .n._::._ , `L _ , ) usnuutu KJUUEMIHUC. Eyaunt vigqrouly. yon regret Il___.._LL,,;, u n '- . ting uncomfortable. ` 4 nnu -L gun: uuu an ant: wuuum I "In -the adjoining rosin I was beatin- "Wn o.h`n'n..b.u+ ..;..I..4-, .+..- 5.1! I... n ` IIII Ul_lIl|I.l|I 3 uguv I_ IIUI-I said my aunt, movd brhr toning! (`though Alfred begged and inzplored/in l nnt tn ` . n - I _0rder$ by` .t`elAegr:.aph'or.tLe1:ep1;ont?a 'p'z-omptlby atte;i1e :___._ Qbtns and Cgiskets of` all kinds kept hi si_:_ock ' - 4 ` V Robes a rid?._(]rgspe, am} all Funeral Requisjtes f\_1_nishkgrl; A D_. "DOLMAGE,`fManhg;, Strrpud V A show? soon; ;nd- Jwoyk ?sh'op`,' Cmr- St. mm.

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