niiwuulmtr, u:u2xu:v \ Min um. lack good llrinking \'.`:mr E2l`\`Ai' NOTEIMHG the q\mlEt__\_' :u:r.`?~ um whatever drinking uid thug: (I/-.i;; hue.` .;m: hen": hr Guuynaus .'.. 51-. pick-i'nkin_g war. at least 511} 1`; 2,` gomnfmrcial circles, is smctly 2:.` v " if you are 1: thougmf 11141;: this wllltrike you as rer:::;y`.m~`. Tan and cnmn ma dnv. niwr mu * ,,1o1.'a,ikn_sea and cstram-. 'jsslo_us, with . ' ' "- ` The '1')lj`s sT1ilT- liot"'klii ri"' :esasa,Vsa 0IlEl(_.__ A__V ' _ I A The dish pafskcolleziof I1'ttW3i`,'_'6f1He - Russian bill of fare is cermlnlfsterlet, which,.whether ,sei_'vo_d_sn annean a. In with slices of sturgeon in 801y8Dk,'1D\1SC he recognized as a notable discovery for all travelers. The sberlob Isa gelat_inpus.`sexni- sturgoo-nlikc sh, but much smaller than the stvm-geon, having a long, ugly nose and no bones, but very nice as Inmate lotto, when, however, a single pox"-tloiiwlll cost-bltrguestnaHeastn;-} rublesr. - A soly- anks des steitlets is charged 3 rubles the .portion`, while` the nst tried. sturgeon is s.I.\o,tin1.0.r. than, 8. i=l1i_!'1...9.f. lm I>r1%l`-M9 sgeoislty` of _the'jVelga5`?i?Er' is, past all questlon,"a great gastronomic l_u'xury. -The . white, dissolving. nutritious 1flashhas. 9.11, delicacy of the trout, all the crispness ' the turbos, all the j digestibility at the- sola, united in a manner to makdmany a- ged cause; of the cold had. t &:~ ;-2: `S5935: _ .'0:f`."' spoken of t3S,knl&t5Q1`l, should be 12%; `:22 with Rte1`lGt.--LDn0l T613!b.' _ $ Russo or made intdan oo`E_s -or Blenai ..--.... . "Pe,:rhap not iii 'yeu~rsrhWt:&:,xi bnrgy.` Your hea.1th_ia mt good. `'yaftf~y9n,f41ard7~ , ly lutow -what is tne_m&_tter' with Lyqu` Your _Lbun'~i11ess.` too". `is On` the decline.` People miss `the old elastic spirit -you; Bihowed in -former` years. V The secret 9!.-L an this. is` tmygur z-constitution ins; `worn 4oVu c.a.nd your blood is; bad, -- Set .both right*`hy.the use 01 Cha._safs:Kid:` , :~n@;:;Ir;var Pi11s.v,a`Que:iox wi11`.cur.L. F398 3 -`/`Q " ` : m" ` V '[~ Rhbnumiam. 5.... ..a..~.... `-.-v... spoken OX l3S,KuAM,w,u, Buuulu vu wu- vgith `stei-let.--I4o1_1don Ta1e:sagb.- W'1~* {T6u@ui1.' i1m';1ferers: _te'Q11ed to; the , zzioaiz .,i:sj ` 1mvLiv`ar Pma. '1`he:v.xa.m T.tB'm,Iiec_1 to, the ielriaabyji . :l,10YfIIiY9T,Pi11. :V"Th .` A IEsTAunANT8 IN RUSSIA. i .g..rr1..%% `eggtlaohd ~ A.im1`nta in '0,0_lI'PllI,lIlI who! at `patina. V omernquucxann ` - _ Along, untanned lmtisext strap Win(l.'~" \ Veraslimes around the birdcnge whcvl indtllcn takes a. diagonal: cut up to tlu ` endof ythewindluss, Atmcgd to the wind~ V ammo rude buckets, made sonnethihg in thulxape of -barrels, which nppmrlndun ` 1:}; as sweet, pure drinking water as ever mmimt thn ithh-at thnt sm-inun eternal 1 L :;:4RP5BE3i3 s:<?;1`+5=L!:%;[ , .- `v - `~ ~ at--iv; . . . lmr,,x ' Ta I` . `I: - V ' . ., , , I m`h*m? W L59?) It Ionxtimaihappentflnt gnomes: i 7_`i5`5' ` young mathenoutterlynnt " "3 -`~`,,`, train:;;t childrcnmqlfqrche adutiu ohuotherliood tint onacannot . gcuy cm. i. bmvonau why it pleased 2 not be beau. over to aha her the httlaoues. ; vtiful .,and wow This happen: nnmetimeun the man of , maul . MOSH really utimabla women, and I have "4111 arms of 3 l\nnwl"n vmnimnthnrnvnlv thacihe Inlllllxlooouv z-,v 1 q-..- on-vv maul. Most; LZa'x'ai:T'u7I:i:ii;,_ T1"h_gv`e. '-all onus of;},,.yagygg mothuuyp1y_tbnsIhe . iii-health? ....r...'i. nm.-knew whndowith bnbv. ii!-health cegtioti" in uI0l'l11UI' have thgi: in I 1 1 "tin ux ` Q 99`! H? "" " t ngWea"qnito'knsw whntto doviikh baby, it was much mquear little thing, and` she 'was half dgaidtomuclrit. Otherycung things`! in tha nhnpof puppies. kittens; , or even colts; tho knew all about and 5 was quite at home w'lth,vbuthher gwn ' thilgz/egnained as out of curious and an- canny ttla being to her till. his baby days vgere over and-he began to share in his mother's hobbies in as boyish sort o!hway- . . H Maw in Innan 1 mnfhm Him this i 3" and `ftraining. _To her. the duties of 7 mutHerl1ooacom'pn`ralI5*;`f6i allT.C1`.".7 axrway. _- . , . Now, in Japan gu mother like this is Intimpossibility. She is not interested hzwolitiou or in social reiorma, neither is she bent 0n._being asocial success , no ' devoted to any scientig philantlx; work, as are somanyof her western tars, v She is par excellence a niotlie .l undone who cannot be rivngcrl in any othr country. * No children 2&1 and carefully tended as hers, and she is 5 patient and gentle with them, never" threatening them,` if they are unruly, with corporal punishment. nor her voice and scolding them in the un- i . pleasant way one so often bears in other M countries. The Jnpaiieso 1notl__:er_v is a born kindergaertnorin and enter? into . the live`s_`of her little ones inst as ozsily as the wesern kindergarten teacher who iihzniundergone a long period cf study her uz_xtion.wofnen'who will-~ma1-;e ;:<.~r ` mothers are chosen 'as`wives, and thus ' inthe coursetof nature the qmility of; inotherliness is intensied `as time gags on, and th'e'raoe-of mothers becdmesr` very superior. ~ . `hlnmlsara in mnwrlxnnri ml msnectrd . very Superior. 5 I Nowhere is motherhood as respectcd as" in Japan, and ifowheie does the motherreoeive more attention from both her husband and her children. She is regardodas the maker of the race, guid herfmatornal duties are considered to ho exceedingly honorable and to entitle her to the utmost consideration and affec- iion.~Pittsbnrg Dispatch. In t_- is east wall of the q\1iL(lr21ngIL "qpe'ni,ng', through whfch n ~liWwood- I _m_1eads from the water cus1.'s- us ` V `amgfgeTF sonic:-2 ` V when reservoirs that`. stand up o'n'sti1ts~ / Vi/iffet from the ground. . '1 Mann 1-mm-vnh~E mv alnim boxes: HIE Might Have Been Mean Enougftto Have I Stolen Bis Inheritance. V - . `Four or ve preachers, at 9. preachers [. meet.i11g.; orurather, afterthe meeting ' was ever, were discussing some of the . peculiar people they hat} been brought [ into contact with during their various pastorates, ' ~ ' ~ ` j . ,, `.`TIi Ve"fy'nWaeetmnn Ieve1fknevw *~ said a pastqr, whose nasal twang` be~ tmyed his Yankee origin, was a mar- ried man, though;.as a rule, the really meanest inen are Bachelors for obvious nepmgw ww1yuu u_Iv,uuu, mun: Lu. Lvnu. _ He have been sagised, of , ufhv mouth- :._.. ...........: ..\m..J. I1-:11 'I...,...I` l'mJr Tun IUHSUHH. 7 ._`"I`his was fairly well to do and expected to be enriched by the death of `an old uncle" to the extent of at least $100,000. He was a_ man of -about'45A and was, on the surfaeeran extremely piouskintd. of a man,` with strict`.-ideas of biblical interpretations. At this time the _rich sold - upne1e--be ""mi1l_io1 1aire, by 4 . the way--wae `approachingthe scrip- tural liixtv of` hu;n_;p_1pexistex1`ce--three score and ten-and this pious nephew h'ad begun to gure ozf what he was go- ing to do with his shzire of the old me'n"_s fortune. The latter, however, did not hold to seriptural_ intexvpretations, but V held on until he was 91 years old. Then he ` departed, and as. per expectation, when the estate was settled up the pious nephew seeeiyed $100,000, more or less. `*1 -Tn n-nrhf. I-n hmm hnnn satised. of I ONE OF TH,E ?.`.';ANONES. -Jtqo 1ow;"`and' `that )1 he: CUIIXHU, Ullh LIV '\VuLl I1, uuu m.w:._ 1.uuus,u- ing around about his "hard luck, he 4 nally capped the climax by suing the trustees ejwthe residue of the estate, , which had been willed to charity, for the interest on $100,000 at 6 per c_ent_ for the time that A elapsed between the three score and ten 1i`mit,a'nd the date of the death of-his unele,"a"peried of 21 % yeare-3_ months, the whole. amount of` . interestheing $127,500;-;.AQ-Iie>44x_zeu:ivs;nt:-0, so far as te swearthat 6 per cent wife 8 'right_` along .fer. the `\vho1e_1f,imeJf `the 91d man-Thad 'diH_VVIi`n the".BiYJ Ie ` :sai_d hehong1,1U9,di9-,. Bgeing in the fam- . ily, however, he whsxvillingio xscoun `the'r'ate-of interest 25' per cent. `New, did you ever nearof anything woxjse. V than that? ' - - . . _ ,And not a m_anV_.the17e did;+-Wash- l' .0! ingtou St0a4V1~... . I" A _ our skpoiegy Leaders. 2 iE:Lr_ f_ha1s....;a\_9:tain res. striotetj meaning which enati1es'one_to picture" to himlfixvhat -in :s'oci'ety . _;ni_gns. , I3; is not necessarily ,8 brilliant T distinction, bnG-it:ia aiiileab` a snidientki ly intelligible denition, But:-hereo-V ` ; oiety leader) and c1ubmanm`ay mean ` something :01` ` nothi;1g,`.[as`the case may i , be; Here` :iggii;1`dempora`gy'exaggerates. M the very s`e'ntiment_ and positipns it is ' -snppsed to ignare. Every woianiwitth I two changes of .headg`earjs a o0iety I -wmim,",and every maniwith a toylmt [ <,1;`tWs>vi`paix:9` tr913ser.s` _is;aio1ub: *1 man; .'.,z ;Qn6':hear$,.;too;M~mon: .ta1k..abjqnt . "Lid!am$1i6s *h;gre;th%1=f?3Wvhre`61ses bx \ ) 8:1 kn we be-: . 'rt1yi_feeLhathe amlio P? .i.-i53*1i.9`&"i*"51f . %.j:fA;f A:ee:`;f` ` V o.Mhen:uxkos 'o<.m1-not;aemeaown.Vtnto . -. _dijv,-in. 1116; "him `5Ii5h}i'oif7, ,torsh:ma;.eu"-aaf:~;_; *9*I`?.1rii1ns:I;9*`i@9is>iI- 1*VfV%`\9*A:3a= g ; 5um;1c%ni; ; (AAP Wm mama: .` LBjlLl0;l3F`%37$%?%{ M ~A%4;a%as1a9wma ] 336% A .,.;,.L;%Lsv_g%immEs% ~1LuNERS .k i.7ThrA_ea%;l. '2 ncwobim . 1- nu-115!` 'iln!nIrh-urn an-~n.~r~ H"1`: '` `'1`W'v1. IW f'*WNN `tW1bs?vor:`1asuaau:;': ._.g I (H5 [Uh I dnymitcr A-I\j :vna\ but u"- n\.u.._.` _ av ., .~` and yourall, bent upon djscoverizx of Gunymas` water sup,*`.:I.`. . nstbf the city, if you l1zm:b;:n . will sf1fike"`u.\'e1'y:inciL-"no ..r`.2.v'.. :2 \\`r:., V mmnmlw by_u cur stcx11 of ndobewu11s,un:es, 1 re1'.i:\::,ric xx i1'.di;;.r.~'vs=: 1 anomulo.and two Indians. l`hcse cum- K was the\waterwnrks"o1' Gua_nnas.& I: i. traveler: that there is not sylch zmA mm antique-Water pumping st m~i4m in America. And it is not (liig1:1t'td believe this it weaddze qualifying v:.::-as ` nit Lof. `6 T090.Ti_I!h=_I1)' 5 g . , "itch . Surrennding this zxirtoclnn we-11, , which In mid totap a subtaarranc-an stream 5! that aw: he freelytoduy as in the`da_vs of zibntesumn, is n quadrangular `stone w;_:l1~ .V.of_a.boni 4 tent in tbtckness, In the center `:o.thoJouhannntth_ual1s41m$mQp,i9rs{, , holumnxbt amna which 11139 to the he1;2ht._ Abou 10 feet above the Walls. --~Res'ting V 131;: wail: up substantial root or oor- g' 9 ;thaSLtch,' and Sn this `them is 8 small opening immediately between the cohnnns. Rating on the columns over thjs opening l_ie'wel1'i1m mogt primitvoly constr11ct- Vrincasa. V This is` 0perate~on the grnif blow by a big, crude fashioned 1 33130623; wheel that is best descxibed by nompqrlng Hrto a blrdcagc, and this cage. ; > 'whoel,1n turn is operated by the slow and toileomo meanderings of 11 very ancient n1idwe'x$ry_m1)e,' -that requires the consmnt _ Hclllqnge. of Van Ind'mn_drh'er in order to-keep himwlde awake. Just` what it is thiitiep th Indian kiriver nwnke_is~`uu; I` eriqueation, . ` A 1mm. mmmnpd lmtlmr. stmn 1`HD(l.'~ ` ~ contains a striking `:xr:i<*I<~, W031 'm .v(j-` . " tised previously, or if its icilillmiz, 0011- '_ V , 1 3 i I i 1 an . 0 0 .0 . 413190! _ land. 0rAniericI.' A the minus, evgnwhen the work is umreorleuia! a,_.routine' natnm,.snch the: paper. On the ofher` hand . the own- lodged in.siugl>e-hands than in the case papeid are owned bycompanies 61' 33802 ' eintiona, xv Petit Journal, is, bought and soididnily,` out _e Stock Exchange,` the quotations ` apptrixriug as xi-gulnrly as thwo of .r:xi1- ' ` 3:, sha:;s.(:r`.(i bcmz`:s4_. 9 he `circulation Cf 2:11 but a wry few ' ofthe Paris papers vzarirs (:uorxnc\:>'i~: according to the ('n1:tvnt.~`. If a pup tinned story or memoirs, whibh mczstrf 0 the FREE}! j0nr11z11c)xisidbr an esF\`:.'- tial Qart of thbir daily i:=x"1'c2, i5,by soxzzso well known author, the oircnlntibn W511 runup 60,000 or 100,000 in a _\\'L3<'( i undidropuguinua soon as the spe %\f`z_:t1xreis discontinued. When Le.Jm.t gnn'11nb1ishing M. Henri Rochefqrc's.` mmoirs, its circulation went up vo- } `fold, nithongh the price of then paper ~, "had been doubled in order to Vwmnke hay }_ while thesun shone. . -_ 0 " `" mLA 1:\........1. ....m 5 mania` innm mu; = as its lit articles are; signed ivith the- _ naiifeg car` Is Q26 spoiting 4;: law` dpartmnta of` V e'tsh`ipnot newspapers is ileszigireqnentiy 3 in Amerim. Vry many (if the Fr_e`nch .` _ ` V hile the. stock of s'evel'1i1 of '. . 1 the best kn;)wn.'S\1Cb` as The Figaro and ! never;-nave any lucu nu uupuu_y, aucnus % that you gettbosewllioh you have from 2 ' {Joe Mi11er s jokebook and the old a_l- Qnnnnnu H `H10 rrencn prC;~;s 1:-1 muuu _.luuL`t7 um- t oentrutcilm ~t}ie*cap1aI ian` `tImr0f` ' other Enropeanicanutris. In Germany, for instance, it is not" the'pre`ss of Ber1iu that l1astb'e1arg`et circulation or the greatest ixxuenc. -In this, as in many ` `other Anumers, hoxvexfer, the French press only bears out the saying ;that , } Paris i France.--Chantnuq"uan.' [ A Badly Needed Invention Suggested by ` I ' the Caustic Copy Reader. I shall be famus. I 7 have an idea ` that will send my name thundering = 1 down through the ages;remarket1the ; copy reader. . . ` uu.mmM" mnim mhnmorist. It I * reauer. L V umph! 1'.-`epliod the humorist. ` wilfhe the first idea you have ever had. 1 You spend most of your time destroying g the good ieas of others. 3 1 Wm H196: mnv `n. althnmzh Von - the goon wens OI U`..".Ul'U. 3 Well, that may be, although you "evr, --hm any idea to de_stroy,seeing n'...+ ..n..` ....o:Hmm urhinh vnn `hymn from . `IJUU 1111155; B Jvnuuuvu uuu Uuav ..-.. .._. manucs. ' ; Oh, well, 1et sl1av your ideal ;---`-` `TUi(1lIUt1'UT,1t` wnrsuggestedf & to me_ by you. . J N Am nsmnum. m: mnnh. and vet van 4 1 say reached the point Iond` iitiis tiroeoto hi i mark for humor. It` iaintended to show} "times, you know, the point of the joke ; supposed to be ,u`nny, so that the_ reader ~ 1 ma'y he prepared to laugh when he be`-' Don t be in too big is `hurry. You h1wen t heard_,my i f i " What is it?" ` _ - g -I have` invented 9. ~ anetuation ulongwithme atnstoniphins speed. 1) `(Away we vgent,_the. turtle trying to . -leave; me behind, and I hanging `onwith I might and main. In rain I tried to point . . . t . . . , the old fellow`: head toward the boot.- He- used to beprmted 111-112111108. Nowadays 3 would have none of W I ,m.ed.not drop ; them 19 90 W55 to '1`"" *9 Poimi and i for the bottom was for enough off to be 3.8 many Of the jokes. Such 113 yours. 3 out or eight". and" I could not signni, for have no point, it is impossible to print ; my hands wereinot free. I . the point in italics. -Now,.I suggest that 3 "While I hemled W0" 001110 to $110. 8115 3 pmmuation mark 1,0 placed at the 1,8,; of our tethor--the limit of the life lino. ' - - , / - i - I Then Atherowos a sudden jerk and we glunlnggnd at the Qua of "everything ! parted company, _'1`he turtle continued-on his way, and I fell heuloiig down. Luck-_ iiy I struck on a large sponge growth and broke my full, hntl was much shakeripnd` was hauled up, feeling sure it would he a long time` before I tackled another turtle. '4 fet bing drhgged over the bottom and ' ~booam e conscious that my intended oap~ the radenxvhero to laugh. Infoidan gins -to read and know when ho has: gltingh. [would s11ggest`that.the mark be two little squurts `placed above the `line, andlshall call it by my name. z A Foal-full` Death Dulo_i'i' fore 1 -opuld raise tho monster 1 win my 1 tivohad captured` mo ma was swimming 'Eira_m 5, Maxim : new maohinogun is the tint `fuliy autmatio-gun--&bovo 1-54- inoheswhioh has been an unei1un1ed suo With this new terror o gunner whc Whziiio ion think of that for an idea? i It was suggested by your stuff,` asl tohl you. , nut Hm hnmnriskr. had nivpn tho nnnv 2 955` New PUNCTUATION MARK,` run 59 ` `him : .A `correspondent writes to the-London . Field that wlxillxe\vanhui1ting.rabhits i. with fermfs_i11jJzmuary-119found rabbits * V _ on three occasieus in \V'i1l0'yV~'t1'66SWhI'Ui!`_: , '.`A9ggphu11g`t11water of a mill streum.__] A The mi"1ier`ai_;1`tlammwas i1'ot a;n":m'.:' `T usua vciTr3WIi`(IeT`SUme"months*ag ' .'.I,`be`,Fie1dt()l(1v_of Ot h0r_ra11bit8'wl)ich h(i1(13J8.(3n,8h0_1`/,'1ikB raccodns or opus: - sums. out of t1'et:s_.i1; `England. - -In Accnt yearn Lcnsus,nf,rz1bbits in trees have . been 1-epqrtd witlx-inc`rAen`sin g f;eque`n'cy.A `_ I` From Australia has some thqmost re- ** fm}1tkabfc5story1izf*rabbita.`- as .c1imbers.~ ~ ' The only wayin which rabbits cdnld be ' .kept out of crtain tracts of. land in ; w __T A_, _- wire. _ _fenee_s- about ,them, the `fences, haying . meshes so small that jha_bquats could -, `not crnW1`_th_gough 'li!}(1**b6-i~-80 ' high, R that they c'ou1 not jump over. The tab- _ `bits have clawed; a_t`tl'1o wires until} their nails?gmd;ua11y have become hooked. ' Some of the rabbits learned to scale the fexmi, and 1tFi n great _additiona.1 ex; ' pause was ;1e}.}sury,, forthe top _of the fence 11:36 to 1_be?bmt;Anver like at 5 up- ..,,_s.ide11('>wa_:, ,\'v'1't_l1 _th_,;,a hook _o1_'1t,.aoV~t1mtA Wthe xodezits q0u_1d not 1396 ovsr the top. V ` `Australian `ynbbjts 41re7said.7, learn: 3 `fng Vto'c1i1n_L)_3x;3es`fo;;hc -1e avea.'q` `- I :-.-.; w`: -V VX1118 Iuesun uuuuc. _ ` The French press is much` more con- ."`"`````l`'`````....4...4,.. .. ,,n;.r7:.ra:v:.1*1';rn*1`7rrrrf XUIL ' ~ 7 But the humorist had given the copy reader"a`1 oi51z of scam and had vanished, -~Chicago Times-flcvruld, -.1 . _J. 0 by you. 4, Ah! Ithought as much, and yet you` us-.59 _ saeu6`i&`:5a*`a*i . 'Ilal`xb1ta'`El`huf`Cl:lx11`b. ' . n. men Irom we grouuu. ~ l ` In,_tbesq*reservohj or sluice. boxes/t.1n r.~ , . jg gtdz'ed..- Early every nxnmxxg `sluice boxes are lled. The inhabit- G'ga1maa.cqme out and ake.thv:ir _ pi mic; lmpply gheretrom, mad __by nigh` tilde .b(_1_xeq are erxiptie. Not (ivory A . V@nu.:.g i3s: u diurnui ginage to"ch1s p1'in;i .ive'wnt(-.rworka_, ._ = 5;;_f#`_t1lg;ign_1;;;;'/{;_L;:)_j)1_e, . who _cannot. ' . m;pay=t- Ae slight chrg".!'n`idcnt_' ' Q, _ mxr V} ishevxeguiaxcyag-rinrs for the well ta y be am? -in , the early. h oiirsu3,1;ha, hm name siorth `and returning with . suddenly: up SIIOD we menu. I 1 ; I ducked behind a sponge growth and - ` `crouched with beating heart, fenringjhai `I my opportunity was gone. In a few mo- ' ments, however, the turtle began feeding E 1`ngainru.nd.lJindc_nJun_an_d n jumpnndl i landed on its back. . A .4; In stretching out my hands to get . i `them-underthe ehall I stumbled, and be I "tore I.-opuid raise the monetor I felt my _1 11 ! being became ,t.ha_t and 1; along withme at astonishing ~ 5 Awnv wn want. the turtle trvimz ` ithe turi2le's head, bein g"-tI:s pointed up- umr. wnmvorm says; > R 1 . 1 1`he' memory of my .111-at tussle with one--of thew creatures in still impressed $ ` vividly on my mind. Ihad been to1d,tc.` ` approach the turtie quietly from bghlnd, : lift it quickly to my chest; and give the ! signal to be pulled up. I was assured that I `wa r1`i,couid move in no other d`ireotio'n', ` and that hiabig ippers would be power ` `iu1._enough to bring mow the surface 1 - without turth'er'nid. l ` H A ....mIInaI'u uvhnn I cum mu y-at tur- Look. ibout you See :3. . `ourscl `Who suffer, ~rona,sleeplssnesine:vpusness, ner'v9us-dyspepsia, nwxfalgfa, desp;`)x_1d - Ann :31 wcak UC3Ol1UCY .I V gcucrju woo; ncss? '- Who art on the gag a of ixctvous Tprostration `all time? `Those who `afc thin,` Opium,-`chIo`ra\l,,\ bx-omidcs`, Theadaghc `powgdcrs. only make .mattcr's worsc. Iron and bit -` tars are only stimulants. To- bccu " , ahd cured. for.%_ . _-.'A- A `a4;n'|a[P:I`\`rV _ I made xx circuitious pnthzmd orpt oau-` Mously up behind it, It looked to/me tre- ` mendous. Whenpl was within a few yards - ot- j_t;_,7eIh_er the bubbles iron)//xny escapi- ' valve or my 32` poundcrs scared it, and wlmouv Iurvuer um. Accordingly, when I saw my rsM;u1_'- _ t1e_ feeding quietly on A patch of sea grass, A `J "\ uddetilyc shot its head.` ` " U1 dint-L I!1Thn}\in n nnnmm growth and { J DC GURU, 3:110 curcu. Lu:-s`:uu,_ ' on need" a {at-makixi _ ou want ncw,bI rich ;ISIo6'd; and 1:` strgng ncnvog tonic. . . V - SCOTT S EMULSION of C`ofiL-liver Oil with" ,- -,_~_1I ALE. KOO-IIVEF UH Wlul phitcs isa1l7this.. .11 s the I y!-I uur tissues; makes rich blood, and. strengthens the nervgsa 7 `Book about it free 15; the asking. $1.00. 4-nruu-II a. nnmvn n.u...:II. `nut. -Fo:sa1eIyaudmggistsat_,5oc.and% along wnnnme tn; zlsuunlpxxuxg upueu. went, _ the. turtle ` h"angil,18 .011 with He drop,` the bot_t_om was to of sight. and signal, were not "While I henimted we came the i 1 znuxne Ebll ~1n,L1`_e earxy_.nuur:u.u,uu;,t A 50 ' g s;ort:_h and remrning gum! cugibns water vessels. queption _upun.discoye1-ing t!q"\1e`wawr su3xply,or __G11uynm's is .51.? onperningVthe_ z'ige of_. tha nrtesiixn` ' h"e]ll_n'fQUt'r_vy_tIil:`1stir1:ii1nk}ing>i#%* _ `isltbkn , but tl_1o'A1n.ericzm t ; tu113 .4_00 years old. ' . :'ro1w;<>r.Azt;c_<>`ri= ? ts- 1-55-` inches whigh uneun1ed suc~ ` case. this ! knows his buginess can deal -out tour nine ~pox_1nd'*ghots in a shade undefthree seconds `without even so `much as tuklngms aye off the "object to he stended to -o1=-h1s n- .ger off themgger. -Thaxxnger of death to the gunner by-the explosion of a cartridge ; while the breech is open"haa.beenhrend'ored _ imposalb`le .by the application of a slynple nvh-.A whmh Iwnvpnfn the mm helmu1man- ` lmpossmxe .0) ma Iuppnouuun U1 is uxgupx: e_w_hid11_ roventa thejun bqlngjgpang ed ~unt}4l At 9 charge has been "red.-- Sqn . -:Fra1n01sc_o Areonnnte 1; f . . _ . b au-van. , This `butter seeing strong," rsauld the. young husband at their first 'br'eakfastv'_at home. - ' ~ . I 'H\?'nn Y7 ulna cnmnnwn T-hnxn to ii}!!! home. "`, she answored, I-talked to iahe marketman nbuut. that, `agd_1e mid it was economy in the and never. to by ,,Twga1:,_1sju9_to1. H0 9916- :th,ub_`even hnth this might cost ble oouf 7 ggt tilgng wjhh less 0! git, and it would _lz_xst 'longer." --Washingtqn`Star. T ` jmotlvs aronow running in vnriou~'c0un- ` t1'lea.. Eumpe has 63,000; Asia; `3 ,300;_, Um! `nunureuV_u.uu Luuu uuuuunuu .Iuuu' 4 ,`Aust:rn1iz\?.2:, 000,_z_md Africa, 700, V i. `/ 1 l A't gs. 1 g;'isinnvning,1$afty the 01%:/110.1`. day a '.pplqndh1 dog} appeared, _draw,1ng`_ a cart: lled with Towe`rs',b driven by union; ; `LL11 vnnun an n nmmhmnn. um nueu Wxm ,l1UWUl`3,> uuv key dressed as n ooaohlnqn. Oe Ahundfed nd nine thou/sand loud -'.u mmiunm 1-nnnhanv in vnvlnnnnnun. '~.eT . L ilti- VL V V '?P51YaVvIr`m -W.IT1" .`WU."`! W`?.*""'JI..9 V-on ---Q: citric Ohm an 1` : mm: rqasnncn rs; mnmm 1;-s uu: \m3`m I!ngs;tn."I!'ei1co, and a very goml'w;:y~ lilmipedmdhking water. , . {But after` you have '\'is`nui the nc-v.- ; ..; 1. tlmslghtsxhm` !uht`Lm'..1)x`.f~' lord; :f9n.mny-havc n cuI'i0sit_\'_~lrx knnw about the \\`:m~r sy.~*:-.m.` `Ii ' such 8 ,curi.os_i.ty should possvw a_eean Iua_ng2 how the _`x):\U\`s` XL\"Uiilj-Hill` . mmhthe topic. i'Z1e_%*1krmt w x~m- m!`817I9t_al`k-.\b0\1t_~tlI'~('::.. `.1 1;nn`.iF.\'. 5-5' zz" Inter, and min $001} .~{!.a: zap ,n -=m.=..' M.` /..a-..'.L..`a`.u g IV`I\!?.`I-.1 I._lnwInyI,II. K a_-.1 ; . -V ` -m;-".;..-".~... ;...'.1"D'.`.`.aa-....4.. n.."..`.., V . Lutliig.` H . ......... n`d *r;H* nAiiR1r:T seen an lines andpxarkingt ` 3 w1;;`chformed'uperect picture of Apolla `; little children recognized it on sight; -. llliil up Italian ~w-jg -vuuuu 1 Eben; time .of- 0h,"~mndonn are thenine mixsea.*'1iny_aayI thntho ~`;,In thishonderinlb-natural piotnna. In ; @4311 astha articial drawings,~Apol1o , was mpresenegd gutted in the midstlot the muses; harp in Mad. Majo1na,_anntber writetaf high wind- -- hm: alum In mrn th 01 I Pliny; n.xi*e1lil:n3dn ~ I $0 l|UvXlUl (;x],'\`:`~ l I .n.\\ _` Ln mom in u.".\fcx4r:1n.` Il7f(1f,ohly'._,O00 inhabitants. and 5-nu .'.:'v it?` surprised to have gr war. r onifor you-tram big lcnthurn :':."4 lehul jarti; fonzhm is the \r;:y~..' mun .in"iro?1m. and a van smuLl'w;w~ .'... wuaeh Wm kind 5...... ukmagmn {T $Ex5$?I:zRi: vizazwgv, 4931; M 9, %};m; i All umo Ilcluro Ill .uIuuu_u numuu vv nvu_ 1; _ Wotldwldp P_olnt.' E {X M 2: Cedar motor and trailer approach- _; [wed Wilson-avenue recently tuvomnn was I noticed dodgingnbout the middle of the street. She was evidently hesitating as * to which way to go, but nally crossed to_ the aoutli trunk and stood there. -P-erossoverto1hcyotheraide1= 1oarod~ 1 :3 group ofhaen on -the corner. T.-my (me: i m- Hm nmil mmnmed a `(An Ohio Picture of Human Nature With > Illmaiplu-hh. `Dnlnl-, ' EVE ETERNALLY _c`oNFusEp,} smuguwuuu up.tIuU uzuu; This car is going to Fairmonnt street, isi 1M tit? { * T W. No, n am', mpligd the` conductor, I it s'go1ng right the other way. ` _` . umlmws T `incl: Hnnhnhf. it want m-ind "HOOK 0110 19!.` ggv gm`: 1 woman on the sidewalk. m rm... .....L............ ..I..~.u-ml M Woman 011 we Hluuwzms. ~ ` The motoman olanged his bell and shouted, and the woman dodged out of hI1rm a way. The1_2`,2 `as the train slowed ' down,she` trotted'a1ongaide'of the trail- :.Lu.L U, u conductor. ' '1' .....nnn\ M0 Chm-yxnns, um! itzrs will -be` out of u_ I,_ how::ver,' whether it - YL\0(H31)l%.ti1`.((3:!il\I}Q that ' y` qfstmimtmry cmgirze. .v _ its baek;o'tl1 eml}s and . ` Oowfcesb nlxm ;*-1>ys~asn1p % " `my; dpmznodious UQHUUUUUI. . _ ~ . .In answer to the _upp.e:_d the woman" ' suddenly appeared mroundme rear of the trailer and pet one foot on thestep. Then she changed her mind and trotted to the front end of the ear. Here she - climbed up and came in the front door. The conductor snapped thebells and the train started suddenly, tumbling the newcomer on tn 2 fat" man. As she 1 etraigheued upehe said: ' ` mm: nnr in nnino in Fninnnnnt *`sx-m$s'*x%nJ7x3n%sr;A-% A `mun `con. An apparatns by which an engineer `may~test~or edetemne the quality an_d- .,,a`,..the coal he !: ec,eiVfe_seis,d_e- scribed in the Boston Jeu_rne1of_ Oom- -meme. The t_.est_is not intended to bean analysis, but principally to show the amoiuntof xed carbon in the coal and ` the percentage of ash. ' As each oaxjload is received samples ar._e'taksm.:fmmv20Aor e 77 gnaw P9115,9119.1`;_311!9?18h1Y mixed. ' an "quarm rALMint*d1ee" V, mixed,a_nd quartered until the samplcnfs `obtained. 'rhis.aami>1t:isethen.qerLl1L - weighed;>-thevvelatilormattemlrivexxefg weighed againendttlieearbenoonsumed; _ /and the ash..weighed. .',l`his estimatetis impo;`t:}!j1'te_i_n guarding, againstithe use of oeal having, an undue pero`entage_ef 1 V ash. TFe"VWi b1iItdit`fe1jjn the per- .' centesedt ash which they oontain,.s`ome_ .C`umberland`c`oals having from 12 to 1:1 _ `per cent 01 ash, while a guod New river -awill [have as low am} `or. {per cent. ' ` Thus, ,th_ou'gh_the;"uoilamay look alike ` _' to the average engineer. th heattwaluee '1 Q characterizing`1-&pereent3jrqht4 L V ,. er` in_. one t-.deseri`pt_iixn; zthun . Vthe,32trh,ex*,T` * `gwd... t'afs.<>erttsi3i!~i.ust W8. iinportant. 'jIuv'i"ng=`iii'1t1xe` gent` fue1'e.I:xayv1;iault: . e :3 | "IFS guxug rlgula um Uuucr way. | There, I just thought it was! cried ' the womm1."4`fint'you: all yellet} atfme so that I got confused. --I; don t Want to 1. go on this car. Let me off. n Hm nnnntnr `M . hm` nff at '30 On tum uiu`. nub mu uu. . So the conductor 1eb?heL_QfE__g1'1;-th ' next `stopping -place, and the: * lht the passengers saw of `her she was standing on tha wrong side of the street waiting for a.n'eastws.rd bonny ca;r.--Olevplaud -Plain Dealer; A . OI men ml `mu uu.L'uur. Look out for the car! screamed Aa _-... ._ .... LL- '..:'.1..}.'...'l1y` . r.' ` . . -. A Here; where barev yop??f shouted the .nv\RvInl-n'1~ - . % if 3: 1.4.2;-..:a-%{.t>i;~sns.;;;.gc. ][;.1% ' . vi1.1.5P.93*. 1:? !4?9WV'3?1 ` jday-um _.;1;o,l_ ngnfp thje, :-poker _=w1t1_x. . c.\`vl1;i.h-.h;asis.ia 1:ah9i\}M9;sir,th6 1111:, 1 a;kd:1ifa1I 0h31d would ml` _ "him!" 1 ` `Eh 6 L !hnti9nddn . % Ma ammma. on ' of Mexico, is the 01 late ymm. comixwrclalxyg V `.;and_'~ tan jcitizcns, by that inux ` English mefcbnnh, have a _ impmvemgma, and as V tbepttoxyla begin ca mu; _ nttlm trend 1 advantages of` ,_ jmhettu as Idencantbyshxeszs Wtthpztde they show you their mu hone cars and sevm;s.l or less-modern 1n1,pro\`mm:nts., an; ever has a word to my about or the water sgstmn. Ye : 1 _ pgticewit1:5 _tJs(nc1i tho with i` "gVI;y0u t) , t`lmr (pt rr.`et.;!, ndiwy piehslng to the eye and t;1stc Itconrs you dovht cxpr. ~r i\ :i::d_ imudim iraifxvr in pi\':*a- mum in n".\icx.h':H1 diaolqexa `or the `digesti5n;I{Vn'e`{:"_z1` " djgestmn i_s_`ba_d the; mood heoo311es__i}n- * , and 13 gmperfectly any lied` vnth M 1.. fm.e1ements that b nxfnewf` *=<*?::.,i-.i`;,;.e:;.m, sup mu; `'Zsooa-aemenxs Mew; ma healthy deem. `and tea? 4"!!- audgqr? awqziz those that are` \...1: n nprviia are` not rebuilt: and. awa those gnu: are xnenguu ! half.-d e`nerves are` notwrebnilt fr_om day to day with new, ylgorotgs, --active bers. Every organ,._tissue, mus quexitly it is themost deadly of disorders "uvrnn or some tie and nerve in` the body is half famished for healthy nutriment. ' Almost any dis-. ease in the cute ry of human illtmaybe the result of '3 condition. Most fre. ~--consumption. Sometimes it is some other wasting digxease. Again,,it may be "other wasnng a1easc. Agzuu, .scrofu1a or some skmdxsease- N...-. z. 1: mm rmwentive a 7scrofula ski1i`disease., "Tor these oonditionsmid `maladies. It 9 is Dr. Pierc_e s Golden Medical Discovery. _It corrects all disorders of the digestion. It restores the `lost or failin appetite and invigoratea the liver. - It fl Is the arteries with the pure_,.rich, red blood ofheallh. It builds new, rm esh, healthy, active nerve bers, and strong elastie muscles. it cures '98 per cent. of all `cases of cor}.- smnption, and wasting diseases.- It cures _!1E1 V_'0l1S prostratiom i Druggists sell it. ma. mun rhn in cm lnzv or uellectful to take There is a sure preventive and remedy. nervous piuauuuuu. Lu u55..n.a nu. ... The man who is,!oo In or neglectful an occasional dose `of m icine to ward"d` the evil effecfs of constipation deserves to die. A111 he will surely get ms desexjts. for constipaljou is -the~mt-caune-oLmudLsmkn2ss_.Dr..B1.:<;;`A _ Pleas;mt`PelleLs cur"`c'onsti Hon, may xievcr ; One_ little '_`PeI1et" s a genue laxative. an two 1| mild mttmrgic. All gogd druggists sell them. No other mus are as good. ` I110 Dishesou Which One Din'u--~A (I6 tronomle Luxury. - ' . One of the most fashionable restaurants in Moscow is the Hermitage, and another is the Moskoyski T1-sktix-,' at Grand Hotel` de Moscow, near to the entraiico of the Khitagorod. At bothdt these it is much the custom to begin dinner at the table it- self with two or three commanded dishes` of the zatuske- A teblespoontui` oi the shining, pnpetising swim, with a slice of lemon and a corner twisted fromthe hot _ kulatsoh, accompanied by e radish and on I olive or perhaps a ickled `plum and with the inevitable lllttle glass, leads to ' the cold plates and sn,uces,? -`for the ' Musoovite chef servos his sh in the mid- die, `not in the beginning, of the repust. tioeuhle (the Russiaiyrysbehik), but this bird is more welcome in the disguise of an okrochke than ooohed whole. In sunny- ommise also the rysbehik is `highly pop- hus been vs truly described as a bi_rd'per-` taking or t u uhnreterlsticsboth of the .. grouse and the. pertridge, with a slight underilevor--in which it resembles the ca: l perooilzio-of turpentine. S ohapecuiiani; E l ty is no `doubt due te_its,h it of feeding about every bird and beast,'andti1ey say 3 that the geiinotte had once the iinest breast of all birds, but it vexediits Creator, who took this_eway and geve itf'fo the ryper. ' There is epre `tlon of mutton, styled so1mstni:,wmo might be worth import- ing hither, and beef is curiously `metamor- l E l phosod from its .Britis Kidneys, potcliki, with trules, may ap- mm Mom: with mmeists and ox-etes `do Among dishes of gasnetiie gslinotte is_ no `mint. HThisAgelinntte,n'r;Eduuh1o.,snipe, l,_ upon the tender topmost shoots of the r -. tree. The Russian p'eesents .hur_e1egends forms into the, zrnzi, the shtosdi an the sin tntersk.' 2.1521 mthgnic. All gogd 41: 5:11 thegn, _ pills 1i1(1D6y8,p0ICl)K1,WliIl urumcs, mu_v_ ay- pear along with -outlets and coq mingled with swootbreads in a 1-agout pr pojwrskl do poularde aux legumes, a lplata named after the hero who delivered holy Russia from the tyrannloa of Poland. aThe_z;rk`oe, or roasts,` will nq1ud_a;tejya'-. Wtin`-a-i. e.,`ve`al and turkey, which is called indyk, the` duck, cot-ka, thepock of woods, teterev,-as-4vejl1 as, when"in season, the "quail, perepel, the dvopernnd the teal, oherok.__ W `Inn dial: ncm nvnnnr1`E3-`17rAi"A.W(7\f_.`\7 sweet, pure tlrllumxg wtwur us Uvu znefxegi the. thirst that spring eternal, on tha hot skies of the Max can sun- In` 1.111`: mm: wall of the n\1i1(lr21mzIL