Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Apr 1897, p. 8

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M `iv. _ ` . ` Honey-,-Quotations are: (M0 for 60-11). i bins, and 7%o for 10-113. bins; new clover , honey, in combs, is quoted at ` $1.40 to t $1.50 per dozen sections; t_dn lots of pure? _st1-ained, ,f.p;b., 5% to (Sc, delivered. K Maple Syrup--New run maple syrup , is quoted, at 80 to" 850 in [large tins, and at 900 in small tins. Old -syrup sells at I m tn van .. ` IIWO-wn 1UL_u1 LVU. 1,_uuuvL'1'uu, aw mu. nu. Strm_v-Car lots 0fnat*straw*ron trac1:, are quotedab $5 to $5.50. ' , Wheat, white. new . . . . . . .. 00. '74 Wheat, red, per bush .... .. ` 00 72 VVVheut, ggose. per busgln... 00 . 63 Peas, common, per bush. .. ' -10 41 (Oars, per bush . .. . . . .21 23 Rye De1`hush.... 32 - 32 Bar ey, pm` bush. . . 24 ' 9&- Ducks, s1n'inr_;_. '_` _ , 40 '80. -Ul1i_:|u-115,.-`;...r.guur. . 30 50 "'(i'eest-m`-H)./.r:.' .'~~-08"'--~ 09' ] :\1I.1,e1', in`!-ib. 1 uH A 15 ` 16 ' 5 Eggsklxz-\\'. mid. 10 In I- mI. nqu1_I1L.t4tdax... St uhf.:,i>: nnmml at a. 50. I non. Ryz>-Cm' lots, f.o.b., west, are quoted 11 . R`7t- ` ' - nxulpgunugpa I -iiiingjmton, April n19.--May6r Skinner`. has called u public Jpeeig for to-n1or- row uy'uning__to discuss _tjg quest-ion of ' export; duty on 1>111p\\?o6(1'un1 nic`k1e7o1'e. Mr. P. J, Loughrin, generallubor o1)gu.n- l izer, will uddress the meeting. w ' . When Hm hnir nf Hawaii the nnnvinf. 17.61`, Wlu LLut|1`unp uuu ummuug. ` v When the body of Jlewell, the convict { shot by Chief Kep0r,H1_1ghes.;was in the - dissecting room of Qu`em1 s M9]JiGlil~- C(_)1- 10:10 a. bullet was found in, the neck Twhih he rccoivqd infa `f1_'.apa'_s before 116 /g1'l:alx"S(1 .the_.inat1tLul21Qg\,.._ " ,~ --i Annlnun Aeanninttn ` khan lnlin n." ginereu .nntLinauuumngi,.., T - /5 'lfl'xe Anglers Asapbizitidn has Iiiiiiiu requisition fox: 2,000,000` Wallieyud pike -gfry and 500,000 masi fry to e ' piaced"i_n tlie St. Lawrence River at t; e Thousand Ila1'1de.f V A " flihn 'irmnlhxnl-.|mvv 'nn1nm`nini'| nf in.\7anf;.N) '.l'I)0\1Sti!1U. xuuunuuh The." `pen1tbnt1_gu'y uommlsaioi; of `.inves:`" lgntsion` t':o1_m1ud6d`_ita " business hate ,on 8at11rdny".,night and left` for St.` `Vincent 116 Paul. `I3e11itentim-y at . noon" today, where they,cQmm hce- work tq-mb1'row.': ` It. in said some ve'rv henirv cu-am ooh- It is said `some ve'ry"he1iry gram ooh- ihipmenta midnlso to-have mado engage- M 11:: 8t._Law;~enoe1jouvo urine May, .. _,,. . mother o`-N}"- . ` WNW WIIUFU l|HU,y,UU_II.lll|Ull\3U' WU;l.'L |1\{`IUI'L'VYVn. ' tracts have `been made by` exyiorterq, the grain to go with the St. Lawrence and ' Montreal. `The Mount-gal Transportation . Company is credited with ham; en; ' 9d" alurge quantity of Amartoan grain or me.n_ta~to1-wheat from Jrort `William 30 ` Montrealho` quoted rm: hung Mo 5 uonts.._ one lb! per e;mma' that to -V 1 1.g00,000:`bVu3h8` `of in will by] um I ` ow York 0!! ';3;-{-' 15.3` . E. III Lrnx BARBIE _ExAmNx:n, mummy, A_f'BtL22, 1397. 65 1-`JU 14 00 _..7_N,L_ 01' . - Ulii 7 as `.05 TURKISH co,vsimMeNT `TAKE8~ THE ozcssnvs STEP} Ministers Arc Recalled-"Turkey Sun `u! Greece 1: Wholly Ruponinlblo--bcltr ment\'ln London-`rho fifollng st (tins and Constanttnopie. 1 LUl.|3l1H1lllUplU, Apru ll. -'.l`U1LUW1Ll" tha news of the incursion by the Gmekl on Jfurkish territory the Council of Min~ isters at~'tho Palace to-day recalled tho General Assembly, gm passport: to Prince Man-oaoniato, tho Greek Envoy` Extxaoxdinnny and Minister Plenipoten- tiary, and onlered Edhem Pasha, the 'I`\n-kink rnHI!n`I-11 l\l\IYIhIhVIl`lIA tn {min nary, tum orunreu nunuu ruuu, mu Turkish military commander; to tail t.heoffena1vo.~ No actual declaration of war has been made. A .n~.o.n.=.l nhuunIin- man} Qhln gunning In Will` 1155 |lU LIIWIU A detailed circuihr sent this evening to the Turkish repnsentatives abroad ro- oails the. week a invasions, andrshtII1( that the newest incursion was partici- pated in by the Greek troops,` which therefore establishes that war has brokon out. r'm... ..c......I..- ..-_.....-.f.. u... x...... n...s BEAS. F.% wARn, UH . " The circular expresses the hope that the power in a spirit of justice will agree thu the entire rsponsibmty for this war fnlln nn y-om-n Tllrknv had In N (351136 I.-URI I111! t`flH.-11"? lYpUlJblUlH but the war falls on Greece. Turkeyhu no idea of conquest, and us A fresh proof 9! pacic senchnents o'ers~ to retire thy . Turkish troops on the frontier if Greer `will retire hers from the frontier and E 1-om Crete. a r,.....:.... A...n 10 rm... n-.m.. r`r....n.1. u-uxu urcw. `_ f London, April 18.-'1`he Grcco-Turkish situation is understood here to be sub- stantially as follows: War `has not ofclnlly been declared between Turkey and` Greece, but it has been declared oiciollyto have broken out. The Turkish Cabinet has decided to soar diplomatic relations with Greece, and ~.\hn.s...o.rdered Edhem-~ Pasha, the mander`oi the Turkish forces, to take the oenslve. It is considered in London that war between Turkey and Greece has actually begun, the Turkish declara- tion that war has broken out being merely for the purpose of diplomatically putting the onus of the war` upon, the Kingdom of Greece. ` ` GREEK MINISTER DISMISSED. Constantinople, April _ i8. - Tewk Paella, the Turkish Minister for Foreign Aairs, visited the foreign Enyoys yes- terday and informed them thnt`theA{l`urk- ish frontier had been crossed on Friday night with fresh bands of Greeks, uriiong whom were a number of Greek regulars. It K-I10`! thin nnwu xuhinlx In On [HA ma- I WllU:| WUXV ll LlUlLlUCl' UL \J1'CU lrguuuu. t It was this news which led to the call- ` ing of El Council of Ministers and precip- I itnted the decision to announce that war i bud broken out between Greece and Tur- ke . ` `hn G)-Ant Miniefnr hm-n Pr-lnnn `Mnv. xmy. , The Gree rooordato, w Minister here, Prince Mav- ,,<,>,fJh9:J`upt_ur.<:,_ of diplomatic relations between Tiifkey and Greece. His pass- ports were handed to him, and he will leave Constantinople. At the same time the archives of the Greek Legetion will be removed. In addition, all the Greek merchants in` Turirejrwvere `notied _ to leave the Ottoman Enipii-e." " OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. _ ` Athens, April 18.-A-late' specie} sit- ` ting of the `Legislative Assembly was held to-day. The publicrgznlleries were crowd- ed. Amid intense`exci'rent M. Dely- annis, theVPremler, announced that the Turkish Government had to-day notied ` Greece of the rupture` of diplomatic rela- tions on the ground of the aggressive at- titude of the Greek Government. In a cool but_most deliberate speech '-he re- viewed the recent events to show, on the contrary,` that Turkey had been the aggressor, that her troops had attacked. the Greeks and attempted to occupy neutral positions, and that her batteries at Prevosa had sunk the ' Greek ship _Macedonia. `1`urkey," snid_M. Delyan- nis, declares war against us. We accept it 'I`l\in ahxfnnmnt wm: I-onriivn w`H:I1 I at the same time notied 1 1 1 } UHDUUIIUH nwurucu IIHU l:lL'U," Uul) UIIUJI . ' practice is not` good. `At 3.?) p.m.' a shell -from` the Narohios Niaulis. fell fairly` in , j. hc7Humit}ic}Hntthery.-~*`,`*-*' u.....m1,. Am.n 1'92 rIw... 1...1...\..m:......,.' uwelx \`Vl|.l`b'l|lp Dumlpus;-_g1t:u1g1us,V l:I1g_ cr11i_s'er-Nan-chioa Niaulis taking _up the reL_..Ll`_he Hinnldieh and Pgmokatoros lmHmsina wnhvnnuil thn Hm. '. 'hn+ `I-Lain __J____A ~..v.4..... .. --..-._v y.. -,3-'-.'~.v. E1asso11zy Api'i1 -20.-v--T_J.`1; Turkigh forces, as this despat-ch is being forward- Mlloumi pass; Dux-lug the severe gllting which -began on Sunday evening", Greelii and Turks alike` fought and belggved t I. most admirably. ; ' - V . l v Tl: in `lkiihxxmd khnf. Min hnfzn whihh in :1 ed,-are holding their positions` in the. Fconstafnntinople, April l'7.--F'ollow1ng- Lhn mxwn n! the lnnnrnlnn hv thn Gmekl I A telegram just receivedjtfrom Aetium states tlmh the Greek otilla ix} the Gulf _ of Ambracla is now (4 pm.) successful) ` honxbuixling the Kadukl battery, Four I' guuboats ure attacking Salagora. The --~x-ing opened atrlong-ra.nge~ab0nt"'*2.30 ` p. m'._ The rst shot was sent; by the ' Greek \Viu`Ship Busil>eu;Georgios, thq .._nip'nu.\Tumk%nn Tdhnun I-nlrh-nu u}. H... I PIANO AND onmuuuea '.l`ach_er_ Of Vidlin _ V and Voice" Production 1 ' _For term/s adqeas 46-3mob v . .BA8RIE. ONT. I115, llEURH`U:l Will` llgkilllb UH.` WU {IUUUPU it. This statement was received with prolonged cheers from the galleries and `the oor_ of the Chamber.- The Premier then read despatohes reciting the events which had happened on the frontier, and with reference to the reported cap- , ture of Menoxa he said that the `batteries 1 at that important position had been 3 brought `into action, but he knew noth- \ ing as to its alleged capture. He added that the Turks, after repeated attempts to. force a passage at Revini, which com- mands the road to Larissa, had been driven back. `The leader of the Opposi- tion, amid renewed cheers frornallparts of the Chamber and from the galleries, eloquently endorsed the patriotic declara- tions of the Premier. ` e --I1 l'U.--.L.lXb__L1l.|u1 1\.l1!1L_iMvSl_-|Z$`11!MU&{| UUIUH batteries returned the f_1,but `their -.......Hnn in and nnn ' Ab Q 0: -n um` n n`nn 7I5IIU'..'.l'I`{l"l1II(l'lL7II"'IJTlilIl;`t:!l"!'-} _"."$.74 . Brussels, April 1S,-'1`_he Independence ` Belge to-day v.nnoun_ces that Turkey has. officially declared war_ against Greece, and that a notication to this eecta was sent to the powers this 1ne1-ning.- `l1 r\Y ruxrn `ll`l 1' r\1 1"n A n A an H1053. HUH|U.'U.|.y- _ `It; `is bliewfed that the battle lgwhfoh lg ` now in progress v1Il'_ be of a decisive character. nv....:;n.1. ..m'..\..+g4.m+_ ..m..,hm'}l `am./ +1... . uutxruuugu. A . . `_; -1 . > '1jurkish reports-just received any the 5919 otthei rMi1ouna_ `pass is` now in possession. of . the Turks, ; who carried `Greek `block-housgs atftI1e- poVint qthg 4 bnont. - ` `Lntn mar. niuhh infnnmntlnn` 1-emived UlIy()l.lUU. -- Late1cist`nfghh mtonmation` reeivea .- ufI`dI_n the f1'0nttn1xO11nced' they; the Turks joooupiegl h`he`wl\_61o extent _Qf the,M11ouna' pass,` and all - the ocm;n\ hnding...heighta' from Meokohe to`}`ap:x}yvz;vs. ..us- "well as ullither dejlles. ,The` ,,"1`\1rki}x Vlosses -thus` a`r.m`.e x'e'p`o1'ted~ to .b slight, 80 killed 'aL\d'50 wounded". 1`h; comsppndentv osmon. V`. _` . . The Turkskleolara thatthe Greeks were )......1..- Annlun lun hktlnh van!-nu-Raw BA. {the Associated Press gunted 1goHem`e1{j M corpses onftho hill opposite the,` Turkish ' Win DECLABED. The 1'ul'K `.W01l'd llhltllllu \J l'I1UKH WUIU drunk during the ghting, y_eaberday,. bo- mg oonstant,ly~ supplied? (with liquorg Kenan Bay has returned from Karyn, where `ght `ng was pontlntiiug `when ha) 7 mm there; he `Turkish loss at that place ' ` is $300. Kenanveyiayq he counted nearly I I onetaliousan1`de4_3s~'Gl_`'91`i- V 7 * . ` THE eREEK;.1-30MB;}xiD11v.G,. '\ , ` ` --:__2 aqua:ramvr'3'r7rir:nroiz*r .,_Thn_wJ1eela equipped with the Famous Chriaty" Saddle without extrzi charge. 5 Va is \ \ , , 'I m$ `.`C6mmon Sense," strictly High Grade, imd below ull $l00`wheel_g`in'prie; ` The, "llm-on in the best medium grade wheel in the market; ` vi; Aleoyclioice oi Dulilup, Morgan & Wright, Flexilort or Hartford Single Tube Tires. .......-.;u 1 u uu Univ rvvvynu nu... ...v.-.....5. .HOLD_ING MILOUNA,W1?,ASS,_ su nuuu wus auup uy we 1 Bttsi1eL1s.~.:L1'gi<>ms;Athe., ; 5 Niaulis taking uu the ` u~V`% aiA.{.m Dcmludl 5 Intro!` Thounnl Bonus 7 In... K: din-J, 1 UIIIIIIIBI I IIIIIII 'lXI$UI lrvI-- run lnxiud. Wumgson; Ami 1!.-llyuI `J. Ivbry, who was arrested in England I83 fall on thc charge of conspiring todutrqy public buildings and highway! bi 35533 `I of dynamite, bu pnguedabomb for the British Gomnment in the IMF` f 5 claim for $100,000, which` ha ha`: asked -; the Stat; Department to pan for P3!` ment. `~'- ` A.........u.... 4.. sh. ...-.....~.IuI Huh has mans. According to the momoriai which has : been submifkd to the department, Ivof! I left New York on August 17 has for ` England, Later he_ went tolasgow, , ` whats ho was captured on September 7. ` His triniloliowedhon January 29 and 23'. and on tho latter may sh: prosecuting solicitor informed the preaidini J"-`W99 that than wt: absolutely no evidence Against Ivory, and requested that U19 "case against him be dismissed. I Fn! his dnnmnn and inCm'ce!'u0!J in I case against nun no mamnssau. ; For his dotantlon and incarceration { prison Ijory declario thni $100,000 dun `.5 ages is a reasonable sum for Great Bri- i can: to pay. H1: purpose in going abroad was a peaceful one. and he had no con- I nection whatever with any plot to the dynamite. Proo(su.re'presented thatIV01'Y ` is an American citizen. I. - \In...... o.......;...... \_`Mnwnnnv\ r-at run. 13 an Amencun (`IIIZCLL When Secretary Shannan first exam ined the claim`, it ls -understood that he was lncllned to believe that it was per- ; factly just. The record of the cute, how- 1 ever, has shown (lev\'elopmentsv_s{liich1nuy ` vitlnte the claim. Mr. Bayard clusgg` ` watched the pmwdings in Ivory'.% case, 3 and found that they were being (:02: .`.uc'.- ` ed in 3 legal mnllner. The British` an. thorltles gave `the prisoner all the lxI_rm!r_.` possible for ma defence, allbwing i.i:L cutinsel, pernrissibn to discuss his ms.- wlth the-nctorrwys, and to collcgt evi- dence ln his mvn be-bu f. T SlinEii6,"KfiFil"`JUTL1"li6lT"F`rrIr`"'h}-p='--`A notist, placed zi subject in ll trunuj l:.'::e thisnfcernoon zmd huriud. liixii-+1: lw-L under ground, there to rcnmin for Ihr - days. Sheriff Jackson and at p(.u`.~`:-e or` oilioers Dpt`:lX`(`,d on the scenous {ha g '9 was filled in and ordered the 1:iv`."l';=.< .- to take the mun out or Sll`l`&lI`l't '13::-. professor refused. stating thus` he \xj...;< violating no luw and than it _\v-.miii`Lr\, dangerous to the subject. He \V llS ;:i\'.-:1 three hours to obey the .\`,lieriff`s uni:-:.<, but paid no attention to them. (`nun:y Crown Attorney Ansley was con~nlr:~,:, and as he could ml no law bearing on the case the Sheriff will (lonothing: until tomorrow morning. He will thr-n rvii-r ` the muttaer to the High Court Judgzs, ` who is due here at noon, and will gut upon his advice. The subject is supplii-ii with air through a box tube, thrniiigh which his face can be~~seen. It resuniblcs that of a c<)rp. but has not thiit tx- Lreme pallor. There is a great deal of ex- ciernont over the case. Every otlicer in town has been nppaled to to stop the . 'proceed1ngs, but; it would seem as tlionglr nothing can bc done. The _professor_ is not at all alarmed and says he will bring tiho man out safe and so'und,_V__, Kilmthamvews. ~~ '- mains of Mr. Wm. Carroll, a. prominent Chalzhzmx township farmer, were intgrred yesterday in \`\'z\l1ucebu1-g cemetery. He was 85 years`-of.age. _ nuninl Hnlnv thn vnnmr Ann n1 is Som- il Uhatlnnu, 0nb.. April 20.y-Tho' re-3 uoose wncuu...;..... Flm_rr;imkera, pep bbl Flour, famity, " nnnnnn .1 was be _V`t`z\1's-uLuge. . Daniel Haley, thg young son of a. Som- ,,bm Xarxnvr. was ned $5 and costs to-day for distmx-hing: a. religious meeting in the township. .. _ _ ~ 'l`Ma 1ntwnin'n` nt Mm Pnlir-.9 Com-ha mwnsmp. This Iuorning at the -Police Court Angus }. .ennefutl\er pleaded guilty ton chmjge of nllmving the t;hrowing.of dice. on his p1-emises, zu1d'was ned $20 and costs, or $21.50 in 2111. ~ ,fl`Ln n1'nrg:xL;_.nn.i1xx5nv Ifvnlv '1HL'Y'| it COSBS, UI'_Z.-')U 11] {UL ` _ `The oleca~ir3=ai}way- liy-"law, "Which is to be subinittd to the Council to-moxrrow evening, is set` forth. Every precaution is taken to uurd the interests ' of the city and 4prodo against misunderstanding of the 1'*ailway bonds" is to be given to , the city until the electric light plantis nnd litigation in tho future`. No guarantee i com41')1eted'nnd $10,000 spent on the rail- way within the city limits, No o'_utsi(lo workmen, except it skilled foreman, shall he exnployxl on the works within the city, The agreement is for ten years, with a renew'ziI7>IaI1'1se for ten years longer. The line is to be constructed to Lake Erie, and to be completed by. Jun- uury- 1st, 1898. 7 ' ` ' OI Bile C[\\ll UHUS VRSEU ulguu.` V Berlin is to have a bicycle factory. Mr.` Arthur Peqiieglmb, the ' well`-known bi(-.y_c1e de-ale1',. is the pxfomoter; "He has ' jmrchused tfvflne/factory -lo`t~on~F1-ederickiy street-, upon which he will commence at `F 0_llCe the erction of a ' .bioycle factory, mm` mill nuunnfnnf-.n1-d l\iir-.vr~.1p: .f.}m1-m1ff.m- mu an us unc ucaavua _: Niztgafa Falls, 0nt., April- \:17.--$;.A` } strzmger, :21 "years of age, opened the seulsou of suicides by "jumping off the' No'o'ne sen us; tolinow who he.` was or xvherelie 11116 from. A-huckmzin;naI_ned. Dave .Nic':-;m-su11- drove him to the_ Cana- diun side us see the sights. `When about t1:&9f.the bridge the man_ jumped > out of the hack. and with the words," Here goes,"good'-bye,-- hq leaned over Athe bridge ruilingjnto the abyss below. T11e~hzwkn1z\n jmllpedho t_1is,hzwk,, and saw the 1u_2m._ st1'_ike.. the old D of the ice _ tmxt,\vu.s being czuried down` with the cl11'11c1;t_s.' '1'h_e only eyiden_oe,left by him fwigsji` ]aro\vn- Derby but .wit:h-A1`naker; s - nm,11IaVi.'nsi(1e Hall, Boston. ' ' uriper Sllspmisioli bridge at 12.15 -to-day. 7_ , _ Ber1ln .News.,, ' Berlin, 0nt., April 19.---Yestei'day _at Trinity Methodist. church $912.were laid on the plates in cash. and subscri_ptl0ns,f usu.tha.n1< (ffering for Easter. Eight: hum ah-_ed dull `.22: were asked for; The church was be; ` ' n11y_ decked with owers. liuster ` , of the c umhes last: night.- D....1:-~. in 4-n hnun n hi:-vrn fnnfnrvv Nfr-I services wre held in most V kimokled belmxdfwltn a ugmz ape asaeh` eye and stair on the torehead, ..' ' M dgaiafiah. ;.;.%.'a.`..,.="`.a.m.;..-.V 1- 1311; : L` U_I_l(:tl um t`.l.'tfUuUu U1` cI_.uu:r,yum Lam/U1 and will n1_anufactu1'e bicycles thereaft on as lgnfge scale. , Th: vm;nVni'. onhh nf Mr Gnnrcrn Rnr on zs_g11jgt7)V5uu1u. 2 The recent death of Mr. George R095, '0? Bridgeport, deprives Waterloo county of one of its best, known and oldest citi- '.-z:rns.-H$w&sJ8Hte&y-e1Lage.---4~j---iw , UIll0I,l`1I,NIll. Ngwigation. i now 5pen` mid, afanieis. V f(),1`_ th6'11ppAeI` lakes are`expete(1 to leave ` `in a-fe w days, as an `immggse quantity- + .of fredghtis now awsgitglng shimbnt to the 'weatsLand north. . _. _ ,,.. 7R_0rugeI *--- -- ----v-- . -.. ;K".`?` Q . 8E|.IZABETH ST. BARRIE g woav wmrs` DAMAGES. vuuu-.7. wvvu -. C_o 1lb1ngwc;od,Apri1 15*`.--`G\1"l\I.l2(1 Unitt .of_the. Ancient; .O'I}der of Worki_nen,' assisted _by `Grahd Wznthxxmu Hodgson, 7in`itiated`40;new\ .'1nemt`;e1-q_ lzgst" night In" Unlzm tnll .` ` I .nunw -I Iuuvvn uw uuu nuuun. * Markham, April 8.-Early thisv moml mg the stable" bf Mr. `Geo. Gardiner-,` lot 21, Lconbeasion 8, Markham, was`enbe_red, and ms bay mare, cart and haijnes stolen. _ The Iinare was Vaylight aged. gimgkled belrtndrwigh alight spot oyer I Mach an Ant} aha`: `On the forehead. - .- 4 `lluuuwu av; : Unlontlall. 7.?.m:...mH.m *.`."`." ibrse Thieves u Mabkhnn. .|.I....... A.....I`I 0 IP|n`..1n&Lln u ` Co1;l.I1Ig;Wo`ol`i_.` -. 1 u 4 rv 5A Strong Range of Patterns ` in All-{Wool} and Unions Brusse1s CarpetsvJ-2 rim V\ hei:f. l:$ 1Tapesry Ca1%pets4-./ {Azminstr:Rv.gs, 1 Imperial Pgugfsf FRAWLEY~&~ nmm, spniisilag; ........................................................................... . . Aegk fa . _ s1mi1at1ngI1u3ToodandRegutzr; ` l'mg1heSt_omadBandBowels pf J------- A~i;{x"(tes 1')igZ:stion,c1\eerfLi1%~ % ness qnd.Rest.Contai_ns neitl1erA- ' um;Morphi`ne norMinera1._ nin \Y A-uh nrl-"'47 1 A[$erIe':c't`Rmd.5f 61* Cohstfpa- i lio_Ii,;;Sou1%'.Stoinct1;I)iarr1oea%. Worms,Convuls1ons.}`ever1sh5 A was andL0_sS 0.F`SL,E1;P. ~ may ounmmmma 6.1-; 1 1 A f %%x%xxx`%4; Youi Tiadgs solicited. Wil|%,BeA Pleased to 8hI;jw Goods -xx%%%%%% j VL I lu_|u,A'lvA ynfuv ALVA AA-IAS tfoir NARC OTIC; {`Bee'm.perba`g .,... .. ~f0nlona,Aper bag 1 _0nrrom;mn'a.ll d Tnwmarwrlxag Ga bmige,'5peri lmggi . b}{gf '. ny. , P8!` un1i\v n ivy. 1'ac Simi1'e sigsgmmiar. _ .3 .4 '. IIo"'1 '_"- 7 omoi .wswpa_::;n.; We'invite attention `of p1'0.~`pective buyers to our extensive stock of cznpets, which em; braces the latest styles uf M1 the leading makes and grades for tbis season, L ' \. . , , M _ At no previous time in the 'hisfQry~of Bame has the range of-these goods been equalled in "variety, newness or _Tv2;[n`a_._ ' ` _ _.\ ~ -~ -M- ~ -~ ma H... .v3.._.....K..n.. Dilnlop St,re f,` .B>ar'1-i.:A From the best knd\vn'makx's (impofted direct), and their ` best goods-- -uu L \JlLJ\/A'l\/Llll cu: .n\4u~ uuu uvunb :(;1L31'inVgUs, froxjlfzsv tofgesb In ihtest Am rican,TT&mL v '%*$%%%%%' 7, .I..... V ybqmf j,AN`1`5` 'g9b;Ifi;:. j 7,` hind quznrtgn `.........'_.T4 fog3qmrtbr:._.'.'.. .z.,'.;.._ 3' 504,41 _n"p`e_rlb`,`.4.... g.,.-...;.~ L 6,. _ .. .,v 7 .4 .......... ..-.,.J..v... . .. ..=...j.....-..v... .v.,.._ 5 A oga,.... ...-....,..`..:5..50;.05 lhm nlmioht 4 5 g%%%%%%x* %%%%%% Cr0sley s Brussels? IFAC-$I_MlLE = $.13-15i:1tvu1;\"in ne'.six$`bag1aon1y.` is In 11% sold in bulk. Don't allow; anyone to, :01! van nnvthimr also on tha -nlan lnr momlnn that it {on anyumng use on me plan or promise that II` I gm 3,: good" smlwi11, bnworz evry pu-E V W9-" F` 39 *3 1` 8? 0--*'3?T`f '*.- kglnx. II 11315 mu HI yum uonri I1;ov[,unyono I0, let! {on anything also the plan p%rom1aeVthat II` I hit 3.: mm And will Emma!) miv nu.` ham? 8 worldwide rutation. , Ulilo Rva- ' Bi1ckw'b=`~'tI . _Bu_Iey.. ... BU|LTON HONOR! Q %' Q\Qv `1coMMoNsENs` % A _._j 2- RAPPER East colors, `New, 41s "ON "THE _E_nglish designs and gun 1897 `~t czH. nmgll '4. Wool. imwashed i.Wo:!.AW`Mh ed Boaf zkgidea . `.- ..... Tllow, _rendered,~-_-per` lb, . T599 > 8.h. P91 1b .'.=.. 8ha'uEsixins.;..,.. . Tim him: ` nga_..... `f"a';'__1{?v`e might . _' .: f?,1_ "u e.- ... Am lb. Mmwxlnu .... .... Ppiltt, grqen .. , . V. Gllfakftnyf per lb';*;v,, `nun u-.':'irn man A I g. A . - -V: I ..M .Q A - - - - - .-u-.... .. ..... l..:,.-.._, - uocziru-n`Y,`rmrnmn & uccuvrnv. 1_8-2mo ` BJarristers;&c_.,B).rrie raxcics -LOWER. ram nu: mm-. , A cam. son: V Also High Class I/v_er_/ n'Co7mection ` . . --.;..,,.,,.. H 11-3 [119 W ,"f`'_ `..'.:"`-'- .-*A` 7 at lblliv-I " ,u`.L....u.... '50-: `}'3 lptII"l| 9OC< Alt ) ,.`,.,..un' 'p3t`;1b'.}.- 334 ` _,y_o-9 '4" " ` muxm BARR'xE MA1zKETs.j > AT 5 PER `GENT. Cargfnlly corrected to date. - pleaja CENL; mmzmfxp1*"21f*1897. 5xamm***wemm who give: customers the very best hcon buy at the very lowest. liv- ing profit. and who keps`every- thing there is It demand for. comes the nearest Cb pleasing everybody. If there is anything yon wish that canno`. be found in 01Il'\ stbm. we will prpcure it gut. shprt ngtice for you. ` - . `A; J. oahsont. A on .-inn!-1-u of nnnnu: W \au_n nu, Ross Block, Barrie. A large amount of ri`vnte_funds Iorjlnvestment al55_per cent. on szm.-1 xwtory security. - M ' - AULT a: comm, -- -"4 n......v m....1. m...-In A GROGER r--4-n.u-.~'~-- . ' ~u......~..-,.- 'Al`l new wheels. Price-3 Right. I III Vt an----- 8 V ELIZABETITET. BARRIE R. s. MILBEE, [Cultural Laulesi ' ' "' ' " " Iuulluj. pan usau how to do min :1 good cause; Addrcm, JABEZ GALLOWAY. Toronto. Ont. MQN ;y no `LOAN FXCELLENT contract to active agents for Q the bar vest Life Insurance Company in the world. 0110 cc territory ; salary and commission; ()o1npanf"sus5ct3 over two hundred and thirty- four1nlHon~_dollars; nots to policy-hslders have never been un led by any other com- paynxl; issues every estmble kind of ollcy. . rte. I`Ii0MAS MERRITT, mm en: The Mutual Li('e.Ins. Co; of .Y`., 1217 Toronto, Ont. | I`e.wcHer 61 Drlxwing. Oil and China Painting. N Graduate of the Ontario School of Art, Toronto. ' Special class for school children Saturday. . |Lssu'Ns ~m PA|NT|l}l BUTTER. EOGS:AND Poumvl l\lTB EBIVIVI A `I 'I"I`0 . HUI IBIIY BUUIIWIIIU I UUIII Ill` 0111: srncIAL'rn:s. 1 Hicusst mass onmuen.` - nerunus-vnompm mun.` 1I)..l`,..m..nn /\I`lh ml`:-..~.nun nuuuu-yuvhnum HEIUIIHU "I|U|IlI' Ilul IIIPIIII-' ' M . ` - aple S; Reference our slnppers everywhere. quoted 8 V . . ' ' . , (_Jo1resp()11L1encc mvned. . ; S "PARK. BLAGKWELL 'co..* 70 to "we. ;I_.'1`D.il`0B.0NTO. LI ` Baled H " , ,,_,.__! fair. Dem: HE North~I{:\lf of Lot 25, Con. 11, lnnism eonmininrso acres. more or less; also the Nort1vhnlt'0f 0t 26; Con 11, Innisl, 100 acres. The nrnnurtlea are \ve11fcn<*cd: :1 never failing Nort11lmlt'0t` Lot 26; Con 11, ml The properties \ve11fcn<*cd; at `cum runstl1rougl1bomt'u1'ms. \ for partof good !own property. 1 W ould sell en blue or separate. Annlv to - ~ ` V HE Nokth~I{u1f con. Innisl Nnrthxlmlfnf 0t 26; 11. Innisl. Imhxstrluous persons of eltlxl` with, Hood clnamcter and TY; nu -nu.-v..v.... ...-..- _, _. ,,V. _mwsoN=& cninswxcxm, "wDux_1,1opSLre7et. iurle. `('3-3mo) ~ R.osss BIoqk'I mun pauuu \:uuuu-tun uuu \ bxxnon sc1i6b1 ducuZiu.: ciiii"T)IitfLI"'1'pT6y" 3 ment for two months in this coxnlnunity. ' u_,I.1rLv;I`1;}~,m1tn43ht._- . `=Y:du"'t}0n'f know what you are Ltalhg. i.Ypu `placevlimpliclt`con; '. de11c`e:ig1ltl1e.'physician" .who_ p_reg \ `scrlbgd it, `and_th`e druggist whdf_ ~compou_n ded`" it. -`,Wc`- "realize, this; fully, and `act ac"cordin"gly..- jWe want you to h'ave"eydIY ' Condence} in-us- --we want your pr;escription_.f trade. Wbihave {made-"a specialty of this ~Iine--we` , will -appreciate ` 0Ul"6'llSl2o, - ..' l Takemedicinei \\ ould sell us - Apply ' M3 MABGIEI A F'.'_'l.*.Y? gAm) _WM-. BOOTH. JR., Pain _-Or AULT K COWAN Ban` mFOR_ALE SOLIGITED. V `-':-,We have n larg amount of private funds to loantt 6 percent annually on-oerms fyworable to the borrower. if security 13 good. __._.....--- - .....n.unqno-vn HURSNI *%%xx% W iqM Ill LIHD uuunlluuuq. 7-~l\.I.-rlP-ILY1I` - wit/h force of charac- ` ._..g ter, needing to earn "money." can ' learn .,.- Adam. TIA ROB nnisl, I; . VVo11ldcxcl1x'm`.:e Gash preferred. I . J R., Palnsxvick. V AN Hnrrin. AGENT. )_,I 70 75o, u I Hay--About steady. Trade only` __ Demand quiet. Choice to funoy lmy sells at $10 on_ track here; No. Sis quoted from $7.50 to $8.50, De'nle1-}g_t/9 two-ton lots of No. 1,_(1elivei'e(l, at $10.75. al m....... H". 1,. ..4L....,4-n+....._.-.-..-+...m1.v MONEY To L;6AN `urns? wroirm. - 1 V_ Tmnh, April 90. DRISQEIIKOGI AND PROVISIONS. _; ____.._a-.__ -__.u;_- A- gun-uuw-.y 4--rv-- .--.-.- -_--_._..--_.,.. Luge salesot pnovmou continua tn bounds. Ordcxianbdmlig to hnnd in ovuidanhla quuntleu, lid fucking houses are buy. Light lean host will it taken by packets at 86.95; light all at 5.26; and heavy Ma, 86.. Quentin ` ' are: Barrelled pork, shoulder mess. O1 to 310.50; heavy mess, us to gum; short cut, :13 to $13.50. . hm Rnlfn \lmt.n_Lnmr char human. I Inors ens, no no u'o.w. Dry Salted Meau-Long clear bacon. our lots, 70; ton lots, 73{o; "case lots, `Die; baokl, 7 Me. \ Smoked lggleata--Ha>ms. heavy,` 100; rhodium. 11c; llgh,12o;breakmsebacon, ' 11; roll, so; backs, 11; picnic hung, 7 to 7340. All most; out 01; pick]: 1:: loss than prices quoted for smoked monk. `(.nni_'I`Im-mu, 7n: tnbEI.'l1.4c: and nails. mun prices quowu lur umuluu Inoqw. La1d-'I`lemeI, `Io; tub,'l xcgvand pails, 7%o;`con'1pounds, 6 to 6}/.'r. - DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter'-Commlsaion house: say that they can do with more nice dairy rolls, either lamb or mall. Good quality will sell readily. `Creamer-lea remain in about thysamo position. Quotations are: Low and medium grades dairy, tubs, 8 to 9c; choice dairy, tubs, 12 to13o; large qniry, rolls, It to 1515; smtxlldairy, xjolls, choice, 15 to 16; creaxmgsry, tubs, 18 to 190; and, crenmkery pounds. 320 to 21. luu-m_nnnmml fthir Summer makes anmcrenmery puuuuu, nu w ow. Choese-Deman fair. Summer makes Sella: 10 to l0}4c, and full makes at 12c. . . ' ` `BREADS I`UFF5.`, { Wheat.--'I'he boom in Chicago put. hoid- 5 are here in better humor. Ontario wheat. offered sparingly. 1`here was quitcu good enquiry for it. White WM wanted at. 73c, and red at 720, west. A few cars of red sold at` 72c, and same wzis bid for more. Manitobais are rmer. Holders ask tile for No. 1 hard, Midland, and 790 for No.- I 1`1lT:..21_!!!_.9J!!1l!!!`.!..Mtwx m.ss,us.-.-.y.. rdller, middle freighpals guowd at $34.50. M_i1lfecd-Bmn is quotd at$8 to $8.50 at western mills, um1's_hort,s at. $9. 'n..hnnu1 WI`-4: lnfa nf vnllnd mute in bi Weswyu Luma, uuu a_uuru4 uu on. ` ' Ozmncal--Uar lots of rolled outs, in bags, on truck here, m'e'quot<~.d at $2.75, I and small lots at $3.85. . \ . ; ` Pcm;---}3`i1'n)_ur. Car lots north and west ` sold 'to-day u 390. Car lots cast will . "bring {form 4 `to 42, according to locu- ` tlon. D-.. (`nu lulu (ah numt urn nnnfnll 1\Jl7"` at 32c. nun`! an axe. ` \ `Buckwhent.--Demund quite fair. Car Iots west; are quoted z\t_ 26c, and east at 2 ! to 280, according to location. A Rnv-1nv_(`nnHn1Ind nhinf. I Nn 53 H1 1' We have large amount of pvnte -funds to Ioanat 4} and frper cent. pa able curly. Loans_ on. mortgages wul be ma_ eup one-half the nine of me prqperty offered. - , . .-__.-.._..'.`u '--guru-n n. n:-n.nmn1r 'd'I B0 zac, aucurulug w lucnuuu. : Bur1cy-Continues quiet. 0. 53 is ' quoted at 280, No. 1 qt 81c, an fancy at I 84 to 350, 'outsldo. Fed barley is quoted at 22 to 280; north `and west; freights. - (`m-n__RnHam~ 1u.Hm- (`.su- Inn: nf vul- Corn--Rather better. Car lots of yel- li low, Chathum freights,T.i'e quoted at 24c. nn6u_T`irmav Hnmu RH (I00 hnshelu ! as 221 50 25:30; norm auu Wash lrmguw. low, Umlmum lrexguw, um quuwu an cu. 0ats-Firmer. Some 30,000 bushels was purchased by. one rm to-day at 19 to 19}{c, north and west freights. -- T ? ?RonUoE.~-; T - ~ T ~ Eggs--Receipta were good to-day, and i values about the same. Supply and de- ` mand are about equal, both being large. . Commission houses are doing a large 5 'b'1isiness`.'" Sa1es were made at 8% to 9:: x f0x'-"new laid. Now laid are quoted nt9}c, and held fresh ab 50. A 0u,...u.... `D......a..o.. n..m. n..n+..+.inmi anu muu uwu nu uu. . Pou1try--Reeejpts light. Quotations` for bright: stock are: Turkeyg, 10 to 110; I geese. 8 to 90; chickens, 40 to 600; and ducks, 50 to 800. Dntnnau__Pnnnintu fnir and demand. uncxu, on w Wu. 5 Potatoes-Receipts fair and demand moderate. Cur lots of good stock on track I are quoted at 18 to 190, gmd out ofto1-e `lots at 25 to 800. mum 'I:).....1...... n.m+..+:nnu um Qrnn ms nu zoo no we. - Field Produce--Quo,tutions are: Small lots, out of store, turnips, 20: ` per bag; pm-snipe, 400 per bag; `and onions $1 fo $1.25 per bag. ` - ' Rm{nn._. nn1Lnio.knd.whit.a hmnn brimt . J"6Hl.i(J:-,~.. [IL-I` nug.. ;J.iemL5.._1), ms} ' .lSer La`. per du~,. .. l?ux'slIips, pm-_ xlo.a _ A[)i_)1L`.~`, [)`l"`x})l. 31101` tilnnrhr ` {L250 Del` Dag. Q Bea`n5-_--Hand-picked whine beans bring` I 700', less commission, for single be lots. I Round lots _ sell at; 600, less cqmm melon. Common beans sell at 85 to 50c. A..m1.... nnanr nmnm-a mmm cvnn." UUIHIIIUII DUBHH BULI DAV (DU DU UUU. _ Apples-Quiet;. Dealers quose small lots of dried here at 250, und evfzporated at 40. Unnnu {\nAi-nnvm mm ((111: frm m\Jl\ mm M 4: AND 5 PER cum

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