.. an well-ku 2 n -photo" a mar lvs :--Mv infant r-hilr lint! .4 er All _ bi0hs.__ >C'u1'e' "or Not ?-4H 3 Have :1 Right. to 3 Refers to Many \ Been Cured," ` l_ Oheel-fu]ly_ A`?! f\...... 3131111: 1'uU1\`sm2,L 49121:. 22," 1391. QlIt:s~ I Gammudnl `havgut. lot":-:ng.ng`sA a New York young wom- pater she nus.-.-, her miuion hing unbr- ' mrried mm :3 as asap.-.au:mn1n } which was the gown shown when she appeared before hn audience. -Agono little byplace of a town she staid uvg}-niht; an the hotel because none of (hp ova-zzixzg 't.faii`I' ,Io insignicant; station . Thu nut pognin; she paid her bill-, picked up har drum unit can and clhbed into him reeling omnibus, which took her and an nnmhhkahle oomnmmiul travelr ,tn the train. Theoommamlul Lmveier eyed her with a persistent intuL'sf\vhic1_1. the young woman inwardly" 1'~e$tgg[gL&gh he gave no outmu-d sigmbut when he tdokiho `neat. behind hut in the"`cm-`she 11- gun to bar active attentions. -They came sonny!` thui Eh! had expected, howccr, ` '1i ii'1'U 1'lT`iv1il?:'Ii"`i'1`uit2e toiili k`i\v}i_'v hei- math.` The oormerclal'-\J:ns\'cler leztuvd `forward, touuhad thodmse suit case and said geuially; - -nn Y rm-mini-m\n (1.1)-lntu `I-nhdxr n0 .r-Um ~= ganha hnnclxm of an educational work . 1 : .wuv:nv.~sL 'ies~=2u9v.1s~~+-W: 2 ;Lchmn1u1a;.?' `V --~ `.a`n1Tin 0nia,> 43%; w-nan aucL:o..ounoes olznqua. * . iL.tnonnfi11'f2b n.),1iail nf wiztzm I ;'l`n nimtnn _ V _ V 1indea7_5tT.`g.Icohol;i_.san1eLI:M f a'm1n'1_t~ Qfslyoerlna a1_1d[. 8:'onnoje's orjmzeg. : . C1`k`m8N"lN-~'TQ-,15Il`3.-W995; nsgwontzi Russian doctofs ere hereafter to wear as a "sign that they are lega.ll_v_ qualified to prac- tice, a little wish or hedge. a silver oval plate an inch ands. half long by an inch wide. on`- which is` a. design of twoin`ter- `nwin'ed"serp.ents. The object is to increases the safety of the wearer` in the less civilized _perts of the country. _ ';u..-.'. uumwsnmv-~lw%16l!l'&..0a!'P80s ns9.anon< Lti?tmnp_f1:1't2o av1iail;.9!'; Mara, ; ;31`0. qleanm... jsn.iled_:obat. or"h1auk1ggm;ent;,Luga;;V2mmg.- T. 2 a;_:oonf.u_ls,1:t;`g_ pintot. gtxwing-`blaok* . 5. 'p;mpo\;a;g1: = j ius a`;gv1`t;lit`ai1t_'d_i11i+~ : * W413! +`W:1.`"l;5 95!! W: 8%: rIitaauin:diitm.tn191_ids. I beg your pardon. began the mun. ushing tn the roots of his hair. I thought--you see, when I saw your case-- und then, 000, your` stopping at the'h0bel in that little town--and--'untl you seenicd .--and than the `case. t0o--I think it was principally the case, but. it never occurred traveler. A few years ago they were as rare as bluebird: in January, but now we meet them at everyturn. And, as I `said, there are always uhe ' sumo frankness and coifdiulity between us, simply as business acquaintances, as them are between this men who travel. I hope-you"inlly must pardon me." 'N\'n vmmnv whmnn um if-,mnu'n! nttnnn. so businesslike and took" `things so easily I to me that you were not a counnercinl_ uuun nu ma mu. uuu wxpcu ms perspmng -brow. The affair was interesting as a proof of the constantly inbrgasing employ- ment of women as {fknights ofjhe, gripjvl -_--N6W York`Sun. ' Bar` One Criticism. Miss Cayenne `was vcryl1ung1'y. and th, young gent1exx1an';s ga]la`ub e"o1`t to be entertaining were not apprecumed. He gave what he thought; was a very happy imitation of the comedian at the play they 1zaT1"fit: "r,TA'it7`f"?I'iihetT"1iii looked rwistfully , at tha"Tnenu card. A cough from the waiter. awakened him to the duties of thehpur, and he,said: (Hm avi-nu`-ah nu-V flunnukilm. u n n n . ...;u. uuu uuuca U1 um upur, uuu I16, stun: _ Oh, excuse. my thoughtlessness, won t ' ynu? What would you like to eat? _. Anything," was the ariswer. But hi1ven t you any preference? ,_,N9. .1 an": .s,u1;C.I_sha1l,.enjoy..wha(:eve: ydu ordr. . . `T`}1arn unYnnEv nf tzhihnn n an1nnI- G1-nun H uu wcuu un nu ma gxuuucu UVEP we .f`0ysters, `green turtle soup,-base, berm-' pi.n, 1let; of beef with, mushrooms, Cla- teaubrinnd with tmu1es-- By tlie way, speaking of steak reminds me of a conver- sation I had with a friend yesterday. The nnhmmv vnnmr wnmhn lnnlmd mm aumuu 1 mm wlun u Irlelm yegperuayt. " The unhappy young woman looked like. a shipwrecked `sailor who had opened a Hamper and found a comic paper in it. I8 wan mnllv Mmmr I aim: vnn mu ; said no, Iliked it y uent. First; rate,` Don t'you-think so?. " x wcru mxnug urcznmtst: , Mid askd me 1: I liked my `mam And I.` wasn t it? _ < , She nodded a pathetic "assent. I Ido .suy'good `things once inawhile. ' _ My dear Mr; ?T'uIk1, you said even `V - many good`-things 'eaI1jerin. the evening. _ The only tro_ub1eis- - Gn nn T- rfn Rm ntwgza ne ....:+:..a..... ...... . cheap clbcks.sam`;out;z-to-1efwi4dsot--Afri~l `nding-that there was Ii heavy pro in_ the ehterprise, invested a largeaum- of ?sa'me.mnrkct. "Strange`aosay;_saXes wem . " cheaper andfar~ less aoourabetim -1420 VA - \IIVVll `Ill-I913 I-ll vial-WK? In talking pvr "tho uninuixa factors that havameant prot or loss to manufactur- ers someicurions deta.iIs`xvene given. me by experts; Fdrv insmnce, one clock manu- ftlctumr of-` Wgte1fbury;`_Ct)'nn.; found that a3 certuimriwml whsdoingzz large trade in 6 . He got; Ixoldiof Esaiplc clock, and ' money. -in. making a si;i1l_bebber*oIock; thousands of whichmwere shipped tofthe very slow, while his rival-, turning out Q - wnslelling an_bgco1)1d make, Finally the _, exi {cln-I.`~ IXIV Luau -v--5 'we_nr1e1'- furmu, Alter llsilN_{'\ r _ `than.-` an-. 1mm: of the sympcnms I -a _ -mank_i1id." whatever-. I think >iI:. 2;: great. : 0-3.: ..L Q;.......\..'.r`.l....'. uaynnuuuuu L'1uut;.`.~ _DuVugt_:5 1156 VIIOISQ. ; the orig al exgdrbor Wmdv a. -particplrly` } . . . tid`k`._ -' His innibzgtor made, bettarclook, but aimn1a.,,.'J1ha n`t.1x ""s:}iinmnni: m n1nnirn=l:n loud and ziggressiva - it was `almost noiselessgand the .sa_vuges7,' - .wou`ld-: havenonepf its. , The remedywar ` .v_vuuLu~ uuvu nug1u_.9_I 16. '.l.`n6 remenywat .the_Gi1inf2a com tiaked Iguder tnazfmiy % thins previous1y~heaird*t_here.' anwl went` : ::vri3l[l._-A-Phi1ip,l3.';EI_x11g_1:`t;,;A.`.f\r.,,in Soribngs A uwgu -lUt`I4Isl'|,!llI _ "D1e:Iao1ve.4_ ounces of oa8til.7oap,.0r ail! L _pnxje}_majETz. 4 quarts _of honing we.-. `Whan. opal` `ad' at aqua, -ammcniamk ` 1im m.nf~. *aImhn11:`mmn.: - ` traveling mim looked zrbit nonplixscd, V '7Sfi11'the'_young woman stared at him, utuu guuuulyj, U - Do 1 mccgnizeh fl-low `knight ~ grip? The young woman sr1u_v_d; The but pursued: . May I aak`whnt is your line? mom in wondor than in anger. As she did not nd `her voice the man made another tlllpf. ' 11 T hnnn T (In. tint nnnd 1-Qm ho cum auwmpl. _ '11 "I hope I do not offend you, he said court:-uus_1y.~ There is a oermin freema- somfy between us aH,_and I counted on your feeling as other woman drurxgmcrsu do. 1 tag your pardon if I have-- "!`R'nr.`I .-nn nut . in uh-nnuxmn " -infnvrv-nut, I pauuuu um. '_ The young woman said itwasbf no:con- sequence, and so on, u_i:d the man sank back in` his seat and wiped his perspirlng affair was intemshinn ma 3; yuu uruu1'. 1 ' There s plenty ohzhings (70 select from," he went on as he glanced over the 11st;.,.. .vsm=.r-:2, `m-nan hnwtln cmm hncm fauna.- .uu1.up_u.L` uuu xuuuu u comm paper 111 16. It: was really clever. I give you my word it was. It mayvnqt have been.orig- ' inal, you-know, but it was clever; We . were f-nltinr In-pmkfaar Itnaaislsar ma .Was_1l1`i11gt0n\'Stnx'. ' '-' ` Iimauiyotruwlr `L yUll_I` IJIIFUUII II 1 U3Ve"- _ ' But I am not '1 dr111111nf:r, interrupt- ed the young woman indigmmtzly. Not; adrummcr! exclaimed the.mnn. AI-nn f. vnn hvuvnlinru mioi. m.n.1z-9'7 J 399.1: is going tospeact$-10,000 in putting twelvmyoung Japsnege nbudnts throughfu . ' three years course of study" of, naval archi- ~ teolsure and` marin.enginee1:igg_in England: They will work as gentlemen appxjenticea . with great shipbuilding rms. , . w`so,zatanou1un A lugma,,as.sub1,eo A `nu omy nro_up1g1s"- , Go on. Pm lint afraid of criticism, you noxxz. ~ __ _._-.. .41. _ , , ' ffst on .(}c.ooc'_l-C1'1`Jck In` min A NA7uaaLjamAxa. --I-am-not! with slow emphw , L Wagli ; ' gm ;'....u.:`y.L 2. ..- ' ,. nu; nu pc;m,~.wuL1y um-uuneu my puuuczn I. _;_)1'i:('fpIes and so clearlyaimed his*ge_n- . _c~;um,ies 213: me 4 that I retmted~ angrily". This was_ what, he w,:u;bed._ He handed me his card,1`,f,,r1mi`-\`s"i`thin half an hon; two of his friends_\va'1ited`o1_1 me, pursu- .4-u:t..to,1e code duello. Togain time I ref: rred them to my partner and hurri 1fack*to_the,r;u'1ch_. Hejgvas delighted at the prcspcct. : It would be` a, greut piece, "cii ':dverL_ising.t co1o_:;`cg;;9gv;e;*,_- ` ` an at. 5%.; srT137T+ n it: wmna ;n.....` * Reti1`isI1 I,'1u-IJ.F*`3`l!ey 4 , - :4 ? ~l"'`rF "9`The;'mo}{e1ii?sIii;1$fQ1:`1`ealisuL;inE V - _Z;_3L'iS gi_\ Cn`_t0t l)eSf3"Gurrierit ' ' , F " " Q4. .. `a ~.=o:~=3ly :11:gi;'vzi'lue"$;1s7aijeec!sion qt the} ` Q `ass th at _tIxe'n%1v.e1s-.of;.`no;ot1ier;q1i* M` 2* L_' :~.;scss; `;srirites'33FQh:; in: Th Ame .Jour1ia1{-~iiThijsvis-qota;sayipg;f'by V Txi;ean;`:thm:'qur.novehs "T" L ` =13 1) nus nuainsiu znenunm-. u ' llqnI{;cIutnI !<`I_I_hlohcu; Whi1a`mhvv miiw.-.-ihlm mu `....m.. :.;.u.:x.u, wuuu_ zuuuwu, was wcugnlzeq 11;: cue of the most dange'rqus'men in't]_1a' szmtpwqst-._ His ultimagxni wasthat we t;us miE it was apositiv,e_ assui'a2ice;t_hai;_ no pne shouldiba hurt. bhanges` .hon` r_ was satised`-wit:hout7`ag nnxl V `Ma m...+..m. t....: ..........1.. Line Exffair came 011*`, and "after three ex- 1 . .u~uI Inns auupuv~ug=uuy--~uv- . ` Tim Attention '0! the l'nd.imiIpo|iIi oi 'nIIanIIn III-9 been called toxhn` fl.ke jinitgtiogu of maple motlnu than: being 101:! on the market ahdin wmgawm. The fund it oh: that is worked every you dur- ing the season of maple molwe: uud buck when aka. A lame maple sum in and] in muting` ha imitatipu. anti the peculiar . zupril gi n 10 itC..b,the uwof biciory T . 73.` 7 `D -0 km : ny up:-sane atoms! at ` i; th genuine article. It is and that than in aeieral 6! the fnotoneu" now openting . in the city of Indinnapblin. In some cues -the imitucioig in nu perfect that at in very `dicult to datectw-; \_ ` City 8anitarim.ClnrkJ_ms been looking up ` u; anthnritim. nmluhe has" found no law .-.uu5\.A: ..uun,u_u_ wan cquxaneu-w1wuuu' _C;:' 11] Qtid; My partner had simply told the c.o1one1;'s Seconds that` they must him. 1`1ie_yJ1astened..to'.f:hoose he blank `alts:-nativc,Vand in time the colonel and. .~1c.=_u2 with ljlank czsrti:i1iges.oi' settle with , -rI:-l;e=:1m>4fi1shfriend. Hgcqndexitially ._ 'a.mitto_d. to ma` "nfh=.i*'xvsir :l- tam. kn. ma.-; _ v x~um,--uamr.s.aauu'xuuuu. 113 uqunuenuauy 'a::m ma~ that hqreck a {(1 _lL ,eye and must: 1) outs. of, -troub1(s._ -.,-Deta`oit_ Free : Pmnur " ~ -_'"- *1`f'S-'I' V"` ' While xnhmamze cable: can nmvbe guada of andauamparativcly znll oosfwgmat dimculdes am still on- coqptaxedin aandinjmemagaa ass` conimemially pmtableapeed, and than dimculhies increua with the length of t11eIingL__`InT!ong cabins there is n trou- blsome retaxdntiop of the electric cur- rent, data no theafaqt that the - cavern! the ooppezptrmds beogmea it- .,.19~..I....o.:a...x ;.`.`..:' u..-- ._`_1.-. -u__;__ gun`u.Au.- uuu vvyysfuvpunuun ur s-:'1f"e1ect1'ied, thin snao` charge delays mesaageq by prevenng this cur- rent 33; the beginning of my sigma!` irony rising rapidly to its .m1m'1num amdagain tmm rapidly dying out The mnseqnenoe of this, is that while` from- ii_ )0 to 600 wonis a minute be sent war; a landline. the maximum speed (:21 an. Atlintio able is somewhere about 373 words a minute. Before the siphon rfmofdf and Lord Ke1vin s curb r.nd._at- H19 stime77t:i"IHe it would insure` r_2vc'cab1y cpmmitbed agaipst the duel. . x. ;v z.'. vug:;.ug-.uLuuW{_xn9~G01Gl1@;;GVE; L ; me ugain.s't like troubl in the itura. But by principle. and tzmining I-wa ir- Tf. win difr-nit ~Fm- nd. I-A vimlm mu x_.v\'\.\;uu.L_v. ugmuuwuu. uguL}1s una (11181. i It was diicult for_me' bojmke my partner comprehend any Such mgral bias, ~ especially as we had fought 05 battle ` thieves together,-and" h "knew that _1-ad? nz-_ve' and was a. dead shot. He E 1. . ma . . -................ ..- u uluu\.L Ln. n uxua uuvv acuu UYUL nunuuu ~f::!\!es, to increase to 70 or 80 tho12 `words per minute that. could be sent war :1 single cbre cable to Hawaii, and r:Lisi,f1;0m .15 .f,0,'l,5_)6 _W01`dB I;uudo'11 to Cape` Town.--New York Times. * W ' usuxuy. gun abuly way IUHUWHI Righc after {the war Iant to Texas _::m1 formed as business" partnership with :2 rough but brave and big hearted native. A T`o leased and stocked an_exbensive oat- ile ranch, hired our cowboys estab- Eished it little community of our own. My partner stiperintended aairs at the; - ' much while I did the dealing, the pug.`- (hasc of snppliei included. `This took- me to the nearest; market, and,.aa it was too soon for the prejudices between the Vawo grat sections of the country to be ' entirely allayed, I_,`,W_I!S very careful to tlzlk nothing but business. - " .R|1f nun ,1....:., +1.. LAM! .... '..- '....1.. .- uu\:L IIIJLU LLIVULIEQLQ u.l.U mnumum s.:pved 1;vas eight `hr ten words per min- \'.te. Curiously-`enough, the mmuperfect mite cab1e`s insulatidn may be the greater `is this retardation, andslight leaks in this covering often --increase for the time the line's yvprking capacity. The zormsivp `action of the salt wamr is ac- tive at such points, however, and will scan cause a` break in t cable. ` n 0 D.-n#m...m..' Q:1.......... `b ml. .... -..' .1 "cable "with three such conductors, the r uuu Luna}: II tutu. Lu um UIADII1. Profcssoif Silvanus 1 . Thompson ,0! the Royal society of Englimd has in- vented u systcmof cable construction by which he expects not onlyto increase the capziciby of the present 1ines;-but; to :nake-practieallei;lie~eovez=ing-'oLtha 3,600 miles which sepnrate Hawaii from 1, }forth_America. His plan is no make 8 ` cable with two separate conductors in- closed in the same armor, eoha to form 1: complete circuit, and every 100m` 150 miles he will introduce sketches of thirll being ziwire of high resistance, the purpose of which is to act asiu sort of artificial and protected leak. One end of this third wire will be connected, with the positive condn<:tor~ and the other - v.'itli fl1i`5nt`gative one.- By; this `device ihe static charge on onewire will new , tralizc that on the other,,endnall retnrda- 7 tiou will bevavoided. The expectation is to multiply four; or jive times` the * number of words now sent over Atlantic !`v\`r\Q In :..m.m..-.. 5.. HA ._ on 4.1.. 1:! Se`,vero. ~ `mall Gainaboxtqughi; which had: .: . me, begrxuuhoft2ue.1xoaaes9iqneothe artist : H family-, hive`b9an_. preaented.:b.t,he;Nabional A `:G&llax`y;. by; t-._?|_1'e..M18aear V 9. .the;paiinbo; s; f gear; [times-J I 3 Bu_tt}1e Duel Wan I`ought,.n.nii Everybody ' . Was Satised. _ .L_s'<%r,y 9.1112 Who;k11xvs 1i,11Y1AiII8 EDDIIL .`,\:..`;Ul` Wintou knows that he is without: zx spzuk of physical cowardice. That is the reason that he incurred no risk in failing the story that; follows: . ` .X`1'nI\r nF+m- "Hm mm. 1' '.?.T...o. 4. m.._.... u._-n uuuuus uuu uunumaa. _. ` But one day in the hdbel an ex-co1o- nelwho had taken on extra sbemn at the - ..`. .. .. - - pulitiml :)1'i:'('ihIng and an r-ham-1v gimnd Harem", {$EW!NVE `?F_??-,,; % NO BLSOD SPILLED. V/A /(\_ or sent prepam on receipt; /I\'4_\' . ofprioe. I . . *%7m=$$%V' ~xx. / -% % %x$x%x% %%$$%1 Read the. following teafimony that ~comea from_oM.inalake, of 303 Hughaop Street, Hamilton: _ . . ` ' Wnr Inanra I nnnrnr` uly-..a+'i{2 and Am; r(\ In >595? I.\'VESTED"1N CANADA -ACCUMULA'}}ED='-FUNDS .. |0'I'AL ASSURANCE . INCOME . .. VWESTAERTNV7 tusum .'.._0` T0Ri)N'r_u.'-AV' 5 " /- b l`l.lu(`)2ii;0tl1tGd,!!g5`i J'%" ' lnnnnss STANDARDJ _.mu~4 R OGERSQLN \lI'Ort"InC V8lNI "01 `C80 lfll9II'lvlUlU.* "Ther i| `nothing\delet.ex'iouu to beam: in the cdmpoainou, Iiehay, and he ainnot order his inspectors to makajrreats. A .very cleverwinutxon can be produced, he lays. hyth` use of rcund cornoobd i place of hickory bd{k.-- ntional Recordqr. " Taspoo You find all the good qualities and` none of` ,the badTbaking' paw-. I der_qI1al_it1'es in . . . . M; _M.:%GG'iE:R~#f\,., A. A**EN1`i _: :27 Bank b Tdronfo gm } Xm-an l" :*7 :?m] PEACH E E BLOOM; E SKINFOOD. A For the Skin. E PERFECT w HEALTH- a,.4 . .;.J,.-.~.< ` I `For we Blood /. -. \ V . .' ' soctmeach amrug stores sent prepaid receipt - ` --eRowx M-anxcxmz Co.. .211,` B_,1e1:;1i* 5InlWl'lIn.\J|5l|'K-I.-`I3 D3511 LQIIKIUB: up the authorities, aunL\he_hu' found no law ' that will enable him to arrest the Inanufsc-_ . n-u-m-,.aul_ uAuuhuLL- nf Aha. fnhn..nlInln A muss, - 0 ptuxulng, __ Owen Stiregt. . 33,500,(D .' 90.00090 - . 5.ooo.oq 38:5()0;00 510300.00 `Bit Will BIIIUIB llll Ill BTFEIE EBB lllilllllif -urerr-cnt}-vend ~of tho fake~nrticle.e - Ther6 `nothing deleterious hunt. Jubilee: 45* `fgnf your pusigei. -..up- Iavv-vI4IlIl_ u-umu _ `ma Qmt Baking, _ Call` it nn'ce;_a'x:tl'-m_u[h iii CAHIAL; 332 532.51 SEBIDTG,.HE'ALTI'fI g Imnnwnn.-. ~ Axn,s'.m.L wHE ans: .- L _cIsLns:~;j r'n:vIn`u` `rm -% T ' \'. v , , ` ` Tm; Most Hon. um mQUEs:_O_,) ., ` Z _C1ai_mau ot~"1`ru3`ees9(i}_1m3n R _- cpuntrgg lugthn `world; Great Britain, ox`.`anv-1` mun` `- L in; all: parts `of. _the= v_vo:1d;."sind 0n;1;ppl1c\t!0n toi . ` pamne-mma aennk qr. -Most convenient _f0'x*.'t,1'a.V/.;2.IVla;.K Ham? ookeontixiilis `Lennon; \ 1 4wa`t:er!oo .2u,_g_ '1'_I-Iv,-:fU&:.'I:s.c:=: "1-he ~ mgm; Hog `II.`<-xi_lf an 5-. ~ ggmtl`-5% luxhn Uneque Bank,Uneqnes`ane*nva1lab at f the-samea`2.Bnuk of. Kg -: Raina`-`made. . gream 9c. .........-..'.u...'.uu. ET1-y our ..-...'.,......u-.... .-.-.- as ate n.vaila;; "The Kind%Thai;C1irs.% cam. me? _ ;:_ pi .) run. Mao. mg; A ` Acknowladgbhl to Fhlktl } xiii" C`ow:gzod`ou: 'ut\e aa`-E T ship! "b'eI.wm_i_ can-ag ; -_`.I 1_.,A `L9; 3 bthenr peopl say a; him~-I youw W` / know the reputation ~xnauK_xuu. ' . _ ' . V J; ' Sold ab. Seager` `drug _s!.nre,~ dppsite Ap6af e- - % A ~ - Leudckuti ..Axm:mBu!h lweroeers. V D! -\ uuruusu I511: -.` E Jam um-j 4 _AsTa`. compil of-`([}Alia?srRf:Vip Book . m:_nn.mn -in familiar` "in mmrv hnnnnhnl \ _ ` . . -`Panic : Geleryvcqpmponnd tor Men. ` V Womeil. Ind Glgndren. ' lbw xapxosynpis-la- mg- _;...`..'o:.... `-3 sh- I-...n...;......I:-= .1 onnnms 4'1'R0UI`3AI.S_ '1, Tina up `ox m. cm, ll nr w u 1-..-- A1?D 3'ILL;'!!I2 ivfi it`-iii Tnn 'I3naIn:fI nnlw \'n}1ar 3` :xu.un_u\g `bu`uu-to .`w1t.!1pa,1in of cu`!,ting_t_eeth send at gnce and 5% n . ' `bomb gf'Mrs. W!nslow _s Soothtn Syrup for heething; .It will relieve- a, r little _ ;s\;t1fererj.i;nmedinte1y. Depend upon .1 , mothers . 3, is,nomist_akeAabout 10;. `I1: cures d1an'.hma.;. . ;tmshesmmMh~mdmwm- cures wind colic. so sxthe `cums. reduces. inammation. and `Kidhey trouble ge_nemlly begins with a single pain in the back. and in time de- velopea into `Bright's Disease. People & Lronbled with -at`.rictm'e, impediments.- Hstoppega of water, 61" frequent: desire to urinate ac /night, willgnd Dr. Chase's Liver Pills ziblesaing. Read the wonderful cures in anptherhcolumu. .0ne'pillis rs dose, and if taken every other night wil`. _~' goiitively cure" kidney troixhle. " Dnri'ng the rt Hre`monha of this year 85 deserted babes were taken to the Infants Home in Toronto. . _. , - ` lhllulllbll lU_l.` ynlig nuu .|.V!7L'Vl.|:uU>lu __the, `only remcfy that has `done me any , good." Sb writes Thomas McGIahan, North Plhalll,` and-hi:L.:.e_stimpny ip.sup'- parted `by`thous`:mdn"`of, others who have e x pe1-ienced the. woudgrf-_nlIy `:pe'netrating. and pain jsubduing pmver__of `Ner:vilinVe- : the great nerve pain cure] * `bdusaxijg - K -K'idn'y_'w(5rin. which ii; supposed to be incurable. has been killing7Iowa~_hog,s_ixi - u-nus Inn Lnunrxn nu nnlmnvlln-nu": V What 3. world of meaning this ahztement embodies. Just what -you are lookizfg for.- .is it not 'I.- Putm.I_n s Painleaq Corn Ex- V t_rach0_l`~--"the great sure-pop coufcuria--acts in ,tbiaIway.\ It makes no, gore "spots: safb,._acts>.apeedily and with certaiby; ' sui'"ai1d" ixfiily.. withoutw; inaming_ the pnrtsg. pa.iz`1leasTyiIm'_ D6 riot "be impose I HUI nu llllll-IlJ`g7,v' pninleaaiy. '_Do not be m gzpou by. imitations or substitutes. :' V \ .. . Fred Lawrie, of Trail Creek, B.C., 1 writes: I. have used two bottles of Dr. Asgma`-lv's Catarrhal Powder-,-amdllave been wonderfully helped. Icnn recommend it; .veryl1ighly to all sufferers from Outrxrrlx." And here `is nnotl1er'.-JIlr. B. _l.. Egtln. EnsLon,\Pa., save : `When I read that Dr. Agnevs Cetnrrhal' Powder would rernov"Gatnrr_lv in 10 Irlnufes, I must; sny`I4 was far from \being'c_onvinced**of the fact. I decided .to try it. \I purchased at bottle - A ein2le`pu' of; the powder through the blower alforded instantaneous relief. 0-1,! ..a. 2----.. .`l...... ..L.\.... nnnn ...L.. melermgml-wilL _ attractions `of Paris. The ngu Him ordered from a Muiningen artist `ts panorama. of` the defeat of the Italians} - } ihinp. W:xsL})w 3Sot;rx124Vi`}T SYRUl?'h218 beu ~ `used bymilllons of mothersrfon their children ' ~ when teethlng-- Iidisturbednt "night and broken . ' `:5 '1`! ` .5 .. YH!" 31` ' `H9 a u1ai':'ix' 5 88 sogtenspthe 1 Vaivastone an r`lTve3t0ne,ant1 energgto tlgwhnles amnm. ffbgrs. 8` . -is.:p16a8:iiit,"tb. the` mats: and. is e; I11`esexfiption"- of ' soneot` the-oldest. and best femalg.) p}1ysic1nns- inf`! ` ` `E: nlM7es:`hesbomncn-anabowe1s-curessvgna cone. _ so ;the `gums. reduces; inammatton, _. inalow s ymp fowshil mseethmg-~ _.._...... x.., n...` .'r.v.::r....a nu..- .. ..,. n: .....`. [I119 UIUWUY IILIUTUUII IIJILHLIDIIIUUUE IVUIIUI. . Sold at Sanger: drug store, opposite. punt oice. ' - -is. pI.aa.a:'uit,'to. the; mm and. 1sthe,prascxr1ptlon'- of W Soot.hlnn`Svrun';`f; the-oldest. female. physicians-and Anursas. Invtlxe .'Un`i%adV-Smnes. Price 25 cents a. ::`;%`3'x3'; a1:}`kl#g`?lgrt.s':%lx'r:`?_>.:tilr`_;;l1`:oxt;lf?a' Famiiy Ties may B B ken in the Grand. ltlish for. Gold, bu What's Wealth \Vitl;(>ut Health--Dr. A;.rnew _s Calarrhal Powder is a Wonderful Cure-lt Never ` Failg/to Relieve in Ten Mmutea. ,L world; Be sure. ` : 599!`ln.$..= -. "9,pL-;29_i:mw..____'.; ___I Oonutipntioq. Diiziness, Pain under the Shoulder Blades. Sick Headache. De~ pressed Feeing` ` Blowing After Enhmg. Debnhty and Iusumuia`, ~ _ reauh. frnu1.3nd Inactive ~~ ` I LlV6l'. ' , Dr. Agnew s Liver P1113, 40 Limle Red` Cozntm at a. cost of 20` gents will set ypu rihin Short` order. Piles of t".m1uny An olevgn-year~6ld' hunohback girl has had, her back-Thtraighteued at St-. Pol aur Mar, ngnr`Dnnl-`kirk, by the application of_Ur. Carlot s method. 0 til h. ing to the Scar. 7 `ytpjgiva the pull for the Con.-erntivp nomi- ` nstion in ' Wm. Simco though there e othu-I such with a. Itrdug. .following,mong { than being W3 3- Shnderl, W. H. amils fnn-. RAH; Mnhlu-Iv .1!!!` D1-."`KirH:hd, [31 Flu V`: UIINIBFI, V`. I3. [I3 hung G66. Mobarlyund Dr.Kirkhhd.( !LP1I'r'1'u Rum AN mm {UP Furmidanl% Trsnasasrs. 1?'l`l:a: I-Ns`ioriI"' L `j ' nhnmctahritere i m;,..... ~ % 4 % A E ` Th`Sh'ricv'u'lplnIIod,with ehaelacw of .1 Dr. Kim ad u. thmpmidcncy of the West iwmioou: um-vniGo'lan:intion'. ' ` I :-Vtmoou; nor:-vm? Aalwunon. !~ [AC3 " -wk "~\ Iuago Mar : x< u'|hv- rt Hi. John Shaped : dun ew ' R; hahhixn uvigaly on chi: hag inuvera! planet from the efeau of the wound: Mt. Banner was conned to thd houla {us took. `Truly the way of uaaniorq tin hard. . <- 4..0$% RED-COATSI .S, "(:1 Skip ~l|Q '>lI Wzamoou: nnsvrvi lalngituon. fink v`v -alt -L. Till-nun `xlnnnnl ` muHT zs,_ =H's`Itee'th send e gvtn '*19fVf`.3;`." W.1P3`?Cf.5 $39`!6`3Y`P' : . u . ,, Inn. `m-_ cum cures nmmn, ' ITEALL THE" TRUTH AND NOTHING". 4;-.. ....L..u- _.._....1s_ 1_....:.... ...:.1. .. DI I-r 1-1n- '1-nu .-.-.. " sureggnd Paihlels F91! 9v_er 3' l_.Yea.rs ._ ..__u.. , n_.--.. ' ._ .'u--.._..._. | ' cmmngx. ` ' The majority of grown people, as ` ell as the children. `in ancient Rome V imrely lighted a candle unless at dawn. The bedtime in Rome, Athens, Egypt: " and other parts of the Mediterranean " shove was between" 7- and 9 o olock in the evening, `according to the season.` _ Mr. 1. E. Lewis, well-kuozn -pi1o'tographer, 307 Church street. says :--`_`My infant child and :1 very __severe cold in the head. and the nostrils were obstructed to an alarming degree. \Ve`were en chairacter. We consulted Munyon s specialist, who prescribed Miii1yon Uatarrli Care, and be- fore we had used half :1 bottle the obstruction had; been entirely removed and thereims been `no re- currence since. '1 ma child is noiv in good health. We nlwayakoep a. few vhllsfur general use in the family and iiud_ it a splendid remedy. ' 2. _ ,. ~\L.,:____n_..'n...... u-mw..- van. _v;`1i=eiigyi;prey`uLCm1'u|;iztia . L n_u~valuab1evli.v_e;E npedivedf M5 V V '395a*s='E,?W ., `an no as. "a; 5 ,s1m9lxannw:-xgwguurg O1:.";r.`~Ix-::_v:m.";V,No.n1;, jams; medicine-v7mqulI:ud.,~ Gttyes` um;-,L eczem; i t41Lenu.lioI1s,0na $130 4:1. ~lmud.=!., nioses.-v:.; iv}. - s.ki,l m n ur In MIN I ma M Do His Rmedies ( - a.zs_the People ! 3 vkndw, zmd"He ] Who. Have 1 W and Will_ VA>ns\verV A K!lJ.Ul.J1\J.V>U- ' ' -~ The B,elL ' e_}zhone`--Co.. s p'Ie`m!;_will a.$sessed_:here.A. _ 1 ` > Q 'Bi,0YQ156.nEhu8i.&_b3i1xPend6ung nnd`1\1i gland-`titilizgiithh hbliaay o_n'Go`od~ Friday~by.- ' ; cqjnatruqtjug, a biqycla path" hegcwqen vt_he- twg . ._towns. _1`heirA pnrpaae was t9;~ax;*m1jnem.seIv_as; _ "winhg.~pioks, phnvela axbj, B1i_(1f make` a. lpathparallelg wilshrhbe-gwindiug roadway in 3 "t.\w,oode.lg0!3.0.. "W `.2 V - 4 . ` , .- _'I`h*'Eree= Prhaxi-xs'.'nnnni7d7Lm an"'nnni:h. I lie . J. WIQII EL` U0- _, - grgat medicine. . 1`he'.* -Em Pra -in `.o;,pa:a? in an`eg',q9a. ; dug; m_1. aSva1igs,ii_: pulprwoo !0.W.0Gl13.Qg0I,R.9.. ' "` ' ` Enlishmen who have resided: in` Guernsey for ayear and a day are com- pa11ed,,to,sennin the loualmilitia. -1 the lungs,` Price 25a. 3 I ' 2\hz`nyon s Kidney `Cure speedily .cur08. r.'zms_ in the back, loius or gvolns amlfull 1`m~ms of kidney disease. Price 25c. I * 1\Iunyon's Nerve Cure stons-nervousness IOPIXIS OI kidney disease. Brice 200. \ Z\.Iunyon's Curgsto s-xgergousness gm] buiIds.u the system.` tic,-,5; 2ac. ' \Iun,von s atarrh Remedies never fail. gm] buudsng the `system. ` 1 (,'.a `50. \hmyon '-`1sease from` i` system; and "the Catarrh The Cntarrh` Gure-price 25c--e1-aiilcates the, eanse and, ,l1_eaI_ `the " eause !mu.,,u_I:nL we 1~:1rts,.* ' * !`.\'. dug, I .ric,e_50,c'gnch., ` . - . . E. uI.1:~`ou's Headache Cure `stops headachs 1:: three minutes. Prlce.25c, '. ;; -.\hmyon s Pile Ointment positively cures L LI! forms` of piles; .P'1-lce 25c. . M1!,nyon'.s.Asth:'na 'Cu41-e 'and Herbs e-= `Have asthma In three minutes `and cure _1uA Munvonk Blond (`,nre.emdlnntes all imf Ix) wenx_~men. rrlce $1. ' ' n A? separate curator each disease. J At all mruggists. %c`a bottle. _ I -Jiersoual letters to Pmfessdr Mnnvnn. 1- mrugglsts. `.'.5c'a bottle. -.1.!e rsouaI% letters to Protessdr Muny__o_n, _1; -rem] 13, -Aibert street; f1`m-onto. answered - M111 meg medical advice for any ;ds_ease.`-* their mother at home to take care of the house. A man with blackened face and in black attire suddenly entered and- uIlIlO11!lC0d himself to the seared little mites as his satanic majesty. `'1 sun the devil. `Where do you keep your money? They instantly pointed toward Athe massive trunk where the modest-wealth of the parentswas treasu1~edup;_ While, however, the murky looking `impostor wss ransacking the chest, the younger of the two boys whispered - to his broth- er, Go and-fetch thegunenwshoot the anvil dam! "HEM I3! .. The first speaker pointed to 2`: North Side Butcher`: windo , where, under` an array of calves li ers,_hung this sign. Get Ygur Brains -E{ere.-Chi- cago Tribune. ` oureeu, namnnou : _ _ For years I suffered greatly, and was under the care of doctors who finally told me I was going into consumption. _ I was v becoming worse through the use of me/di~ `~cines, and I gave up my doctors. While in a` very critical condition, nor. able to sleep or rest, always faint and weak, ep- ipetite and digestion bad, and my system tun down and little life Ieft_itn me, I i 391mn_e_nce'dn Jo use,..En.i.I39. s :CeJery 001!!- pound. After hiking one bot_tle- felt much relieved. . I have used in all seven `or eight. bottles,` and I am now 5 new Woman, can enjoy life, and em as well as " I"wii}1 1b"be.' Many thanks for your nl-nut ivnnrliz-inn <- rweats. nllavs soreness and t1`0uDleS.. Price . . . ' Mun;-011's Cold Cureprevents pneumo~ Mar and breaks up a cold in `a` few hours_. Price 25c. ` ' V ' Muuyon s Cough Cure st0ps'c`oI1gbS.'Il1Sht `speedily heals the mugs. ` Price 25c. ` ' :mmyon's Kldne_v'Cure sbedlly Auunyqnusv moou,_U_m.. eragmntes " 3~.xrlties of'the blood. Price 25c.- ;`.Iunyon's' Vltallzex-,1`-esto_re:_3 lost phwerg L) wehk; men. Prlc $1. A`*senamt'e cure for each disease. 'At an er, uu uuuw devil dead." \ "VLA L_..LL-. lllktnllod For Indlznlt ` -'fhat s what I call `an insult to the who e human me. " ' u'm|.....; :..v.m ` . ""-` `-'-. - -r-~--- -..........,, . to. relieve-in, 1 to 3 hours`, and `cures iu.a ` fu\v..days. Price 25:3. - ' -. i Z\Iu_u,von's Dyspepsia Cure` poslt'wl_\`- i cums` all forms of indigestion and stomncli troubIes.. I'rlce.%. - 3h1nv0n`sz Cold Curzrnrevents nneumo` nnyon s Rheumatism 'Cure- 'nex'~e1-L` mus , A burglar recently, Vmgt with his de- serts in `a._ dramatic manner. win the neighborhood of a. place called Hunga- burghnear Oldenburg, two` little boys. mrml mmzmtivelv R and In ulnnn `nf nu The brother jumped 1:; the idea, fetch-` ed the loaded weapon. crep`t up to the unsuspecting thief and lodged the whole charge in his Buck. He fell back dead. -4@1:;d_o;LTeleg.r,ap_!nL V M . r | , unaunlny gums I,5I:ku.-_.:.s in the was-iI.n{ Km [dug in the !,,u'.\'eH nd nnomk himnuce lam-m.t I|n:m- -ML: - s_ T ;; dou.bad'tasta,c0a&e_d 3 ' mngmmkuumu, 1: ' ,enx`aconIdptIon`Ind|`IiibA I repuedbyG.j.Hood&0o.,Lowell.Mnu only run 9 nnmm-noon Sarnparls A3 35 |3UUJHl|.U_l` U1. \Jl.lBUr-.lVl1l5|PH DUUK. E -hnH9&me -is familiar in every household in The land; _while .35 4%. phyaiciaxi ihig . wdrkson simple, formulaslait an imprint f of. his name that will` be handqd down T 5:g_n__1 ` geneqation` `tb_`ge_x'1er_atinn. Hiaf laat ' V` ' gmatiiidiiug in the-for:p,_of hi Syrup ' ..oJsinseeeL&n ` V__ , L`1argefpublic patronage that his 0i`m-metih',- . V .Pills;am1 Uatarrh Ouremeihaving. Dx:,'. _:~0h.a.ae s Syr!42L9f;E_e99s1_299__T;ux29n9L - is -epi:oigzl1y;,adapbe;i-for MBron gum 5 ".'._AB3hm8tipi~oliblq.; . , ' P ` nun yluulhlzzl W53. uuptu IIVUE. .-Jul, Mr. I. E. Laws." Church street. snv MUNYOWSV TATEMENS.L% A constipation hmnexlnlh nnnm nlckn.-..-3 in um Inrfd ` II NLIUIV LIUILIHLK 1` What is? mi... 43...`. .._.. V '_IJT' H'vH'E- `TRUTH: ._... Killed` the Devil. JMIDLAN-D. nu Were` of`-the Heart_-Hun'1an_ Skill was Almost Dafeated :when Dr. Agnew s Cure for the Heart_Fell Into theBEeacl_1, ' and in a Few Minutes After One` Dose v He Found Great Relief,` and Five Bob? ties: Made a Bad Heat": a Good One. ; Wm.VCherry. of Owen Sound, Ont., `writes: For. the paaLtv'zcLye,a.m': I have ben greniI_y,tronbled, with weakness of -she. ,heart"a`nd aintingspalls. tried ,, \aeveralr_'a-medias, and consulted` savera1- ng.nce_a~rea inxuu'ials' of glam." cute; made by Dr. _Agnew's Cure far the H_`ea_rL. ` I - ;l`0Clll`6d, 3 .1mftl_. "and. / be tirsl. dase gave relivfw '1' e first h--_uIe.did 1 Iwenrlexh furhm, A`|ter' using '\ v hull]-S_'( .a.!..,':.. A... .5 5|. n..........n. .1 s J