Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1897, p. 4

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I d A`1w1cn9-ir~ .- V ~ .?.na.. was g.w ?; ?$v3`dm. L `~'h.F%.`~33w "-3 % 4 $Hj1'!;(iS _:URE[th %c2u'.A gm :1 3...: gmmmmnmvvmmimmmnvmg Q-- - Ow }... }-. ~ R. 1, FRASER 3: co. % E Ammmmmmmmmmmmmm a. 1. man & cu. White Iioods njepartmefge Perfection in Fit Tabi Linens }a.n6.1 _Tov}e11ings w`1ij _(iI}VIS K"I37 I8`,1:*AM(3"1f'I(:)l`l:`i,. . 1 V W This, ladies will nd in/oui` Corset Depart . meat; all the leading makers ` reptesventgd; -also the vari_ous~qui\lit.ies. _ " ' "frei;ngnd Tenlightend American L t:ois s1nteat_ move is to ecabliah a a bill to that etfecr. lie?-"?.int_ro:iuced 'imo ;he- New York J ust to hand, New Cotcons, La\vns,._Lonsdn1e. Cnmbrics; vety special value; now is the ' time to secure these gdods; also choice E}n- ' broid s, etc. * ` U ` Gr'eat_ value in this sfnck. AS.omo great things in T0\velling:, beginning at 50. yd. Come. and see our bargains. A ' .\ .si)_1'i11gc1Qthiug`,` .:If._y<'gu .w,a'n g, th ` "V`m_dsL.._ 9 y1i`s,'11 ~,igjoods& Vwibh- 1ieM j>l1tst~ d0QubtvwiIlisbo1`1' bc pubttin~g .- i `an-. ppearan `to t e.1l _ds`oi_' zip-V. . = proaclxing sp1~i1ig...'I3heref1'e it,be, hooves 'mankind_ I,O0k, Qut_ forjg grtiagrsuga :"'-L"'1`lgLsaT _. Qve7hmB;W.`1iI0mI y 'np`p.oin!~ . F ,. * 1 .hx3- uannnml` in. Want r nnd ab_l9rLicle' advocates the ' re-impo- [aition ofnn export duty b on pm_e logs that are takehtu thg United States to I tbs: exjgp/t/2L.400.000;0OO f_et. per `yen. b Weekly Sun, tbePat1-on organ, Tl |_stf'week repvorted Vice-President G`nr rie. '38 saying` :--Patronism was _fne. v'e!_such a farce in polilicsas itis \.;, J :1 3 MR `AMntLheon has introduced fa" M prdp_oe_ed aniendment to the` cdunty igounqdls act, providing that councillofs _ah&l1Vbe`bicio;ju9tices' of the peace _`dnring'their term of oice, without any mquiremlz ii! to property qualicaon. .'.l`hisis merely placing them on `an ( aqga1ity_`wit'h reeves, and there is 130 apparent objection to this pmposal-. . `IN anethefioluinn will 1be found an ai'ticle'on departmental stores, which, we '_recomn_1end to I. the most thoughtful ` co_riside_iation of our l'eB(lGl8. The `miter ishlowe thatlthe so-called.be.`rgai-ns of these stores are fakes" of the vln-`rat `,id`8cription, and the sooner the people {.l_'undevra`tend this, the better. ' It is time that "the `professiouu1,.j mercantile fhhcl 7 .and`.l'uboi-.ing glasses should be aliye to thgidengegs which threaten theiugand ungihline to crush `these huge moiiepoliee th'ut.are to:da'y' rapidly undermining the it i`busine9`Vinterests `of Canada. ` ,? j..51`n.g atteritioxi of the worid` sun; Jamming xed on the `Levant, awaiting < f'the_outc.<$meTof.the pluckyatgzud Greece. I X 1 I 1 sltakeln to protect Christian Cretans romathe bloody Turk. Tho__syinputhy - (if Clltistendoin should be~and_ to 9. ldrge_ _ eittrib iswiihvthe brave Greeks and tlieif g1IantKihg eve}: though the concer t. ~`~ Dff ' 'Eur'ope' is". agdimslr ` them. [Both countries are ready for a cimjct, .` which ` it once. _commencpd.' .may.:precipitute u ` 3e'nei'al.;Eur_opean_ (var. It will brcquire the; most _akilfi11i* diplomacy tb avert t\`11i:s;]{1`nd Stilqthz Cfretaim -.q'i1es`tion in $115` 9._ni1Lexj.thizt_`}1umzi1_1ity dEaTnan_g,.J A ` ......................._..... -.._ ,...,,--... .,.-.-..--..- ...-' .....7--f. in the ine v|table_reault. at the "iI7fh"6f"fhn Edfnlral "Du1rTxT1Tf']7TTna't." ' In VHU IIIUVIIIHUIKI IUIIUH4. III. VIIU fh 5T1a En'fp1reL "DuxrT1T"th?Tas'b" ` griyeara _Burm"ah haa,be_en annexed to ` i1`gi_i>a;; fund '7 elformous territories in ijixgig have beniaidnd to, the Crown; V f pp? `absorb; in sm1ll_ army1'i.ta`elf; and 1 me; _-vmidus ' boulirgv stations out: 't.heV world a1l_ havelobe te1y.Lgm _isonad.>: A11 i ni;_;ea_seTin. 1y"haofa*tc_f be.mada_to ,u.iai r,,tain ' a V umbqr _of _troop at "home as` V pxo.v}isle% ...mjr blsef't1efeI.1e Lax1d_ ' B'ribih?I;er`:ito;y93b1'oad. M Q Tnn_a;u; division of Tlip;opd5L.d increas British. 1- ;L. ,_._...L 1.1, ._;u .1 `L, Ml:- ______._____._ \ Llgoma bPioneer,. in 3 very? " 1' I V . .I ' + f%-~ V ---;--~r for tlre"elegtions for the Local rigor.- ture. The asseiment rolls for this ' `list tohepueed at`tl1e. next Proviheiel " general ` elections. A` change will, during the comingeesion, be made in ' the Dominion lfranchise act eoesto bring it in harmony with the Provincial mppy franchise act, and it is` edditinnally A advisable that the Provrncznl lists be . ' well attended to. It is, therefore, of mg theiutrimst importance that the name of igh 3 every`, voter friendly: to the Liberal etfec; eause should be entered on the ao86S8- York nieut roll. All other franchise confer~ ' ring a vote for the Local Legielaturelare merged in that of the rnsnhood [fran- rgam chise (M. I The qualications ere : yegr wan mm the basis onh voters ` 'd . . . . ' mt Resldenc in the Province for` nine , V33 months, and in the particular, munici- HHS polity nt the time `of, the beginning _\ of the assessment (February 15), 21 fun years ofege nude British subject" ,0. (a) Temporary absence es. `lurrrbur men, mariner, sherman or student at an institution. of learning in '-Canada shall not disentitlo such person to i be entered on the voters list. "But no _ _ student shall be entered on it the list id in where he ettends school; etc,, unless he 3 as "`mll" has no other place of residence entitl- illore . . . . - rllg him to vote. . \ mace i _ ` (b) Eiufrimchised Indians may vote without as property Vqualicalioxi, nd non-enfraiichised Indians, not .1`8.`5@idillg among Indiana or on an Iudiwp reserve, may vote if assesed for $200 in` citi andtowna and.$100 in villages and townships ` V `i It -. :. 1:n_..A..; L... ` Many pexsonre are quite-indillei`eiit\as to their names appearing on the voters list until too late ; the Liberal .workers. must look efoer and urge them to have their names entered upon the roll. Not- a few have just come of yge ; then, too; there are hired men and others who ` 'Sntgc6`.-ngbgr hip/invkd. I ` F-. 4 If zvaotlou o`f.the pang 3:, persist in, Ibnik- '1 lug on their amtuue/If m: as u iok_e, if the _ ;pgeent wuutq;;:}d"injdntide*qont_iuues,L _a_ud. I t.-- t.ha'-xjogd`a,_ja pormzted t_o. jem'v.inj1n` nu] * undiytiila py. condition, it, hind wave to. . indlv Q1 and nattnngal rogieus, i,._at'teru_ rial. ig in fquudgnnn thalsmupej labor T aw.oannonb,b,per_auidon' huplnean _rh1ni- 3 pm, ih_wil_l be] .th,a;, iuevH;able' `term! (`that .w tatepayeag will dmand its ubolitionnud the ubu&ltu;ion- at as law that _w_,iu`he* lean . puny, , ...;........u- mm. ma. haen`t11e reumt..-:n' Talking with the. secretary ofthe re 3 depiirtrnent lust, w eek,'I'Ieur"ned"i5h5t'dring the last year the iossesiiy fire in Barrie did 9 not amount to over seven per cent. of the ` premiunis paidin the town. -During the past five months; I believe the tireiossea 1 have been under one hundred dollars.` With ' such agood showing before them, the Fire Writers` Association have the nerve,to`usk - the town to go to 9. lot of extra expense, so that the rates may not be raised. None would beehetter pleneed then'I to see our ' brigade with the most modern equipment, but _considering their record. I ean t help remarking on the unmitigated gall of the ~ Fire Underwritere in even suggesting that their l'i3k'.i$l'& not weli pretectedin the town of Barrie. ` ` . A `i I - w as ' A'I`aterbo ro1xgh.cycle club recently de- aided c';' give}; reward to the puthmustor V who kept _the best; bent btween that citv and Bridgenorth. It is to be hoped that the daifed end will `be nlztuinerl, and that the delightful `ride to Lake hemong may no; ` hl;ewmaHed_ byvsudh roads as many path- .a.m+.m;. Am rmmnnaihlo for. I think that) to hl;ewm9.Heu_ uyvsucn rozmu as many pawn- rhuateris are responsible for.- I think I 9. large extent, stat`u_te lalmris a. farce. The work is done in 11 perfunctory-mzinner, the l patliinasterh too often. have but a veijy faint ` '- idea. of mud-1nukimz,.n.n(_l_tharesult. is a road. the lust stem: of which is worse than ' the first.` Thai du.y.cannot come too soon that will replace statute labor by a regular `cg stem or roadmaklng-thulrwill give us good highway, at less cost. than under the present: 8 atom. , .5 V " *5 * 7. I , _ . _l`l1ore la a consldemble dl'erenceo.c.piuion concerning the abolition of mur_k eu rates by the railways. -There can be littlstloubb that it will be honeolul to towns and villages vlvmecrifercniever-t-o4)&h'er~bg+w+;s-tlzat-ha: taken choir trntlen To places like Barrie and Orlllia it menns,.m:r.tuin loss of lmcln; v but. such excellent business houses as we have should draw the t1'n.(lelmre,--tlna only . _,:.:n.,........._1minm:1m,u11n...fnknuara,will.;luuzn , have should draw the Ul'lL(leI1vrt7'u|uI)x1Iy -d~ierenee-beiaygattwtthe-~~fatnmer3wilklmvo L to drive instead of coming by train; The ` railwuvs expect to make n.onay- hy'the_ir last move. To my `mind, it is -a. `short-sighted policy. For this will stir up a _mux'e vigorous agitation for or two cent _ru.te.1-4nd will also _aor\o rye an impetus tq the building of eteatx-id` milw'nys,. that whan once in openttmn .wi|l kiltbotly the tre'l;:ht_a.nd Passenger frame of the milw_aya" with V whjgn `eol'rIpetitio11~.,g,w , . /v 3 they , qome into 4 Vpo`m_sde-.- `rm: nan men` ma I'Iuw~-Iu m;merouu'towxxahipa', and if the old` ivathm ;m<:j'exlIWq friends must makp amrsdioul 3 hangs\;in_'t:li9 piggen method! of ad.mmI~ Itrjgbigp. ~imd,-'.pr6vja,f in `worms-eVMnn1fi2hl `rni Venn: I-nrxu. I\n1n\ [F03 BARGAIN HUNTERS.` A Few Pointers, on What. They Really Get at Departmental Stores. While the idea. prevails that the depart- mental stores eollgoods cheaper than other stores, .undthet_t.he splcinliste or regular dealers formerly got excessive profits from the people. it 18 cninpurativelv useless to ask them to regard such stores as enemies alike to those who` are in the __mercuutile line, engaged in professional w rk, owners of property; or occupied in mal iug a. livelihood in any manner whatever. by work -oflthe is brain or hand. To convince people thezt such stores are all-round deatroyers,_ it be- '_ comes necessary to dispel the belief `that. they confer benets upon the bhying public. 'm.a.. ;.. um. lmrrl m rln. "l`h'osu \vho are in ? 7'? rndItsDu, mm 11, mm. comer benemza me uiiyiug puuuu. This is not hard to do. Those I the trick know how great,istl1e'inip0sturo practisedv upon the public in regard to bnrgains," and if those who read this will _>experimen't'. for theinselveshiud think seri- ously, they will `at once discover that .de- pm-tmontal'storeshave liuinbugged the public` in brazen fasliion. ' , _ V-.. Mm. Lnhxn nunnlxx mun ` H ` (Inn i\'ll\J lll l)l'&Z8ll Iasmon. ,~ ~ You'0fteu~he"nr ygeoplersay; If Icauhny, , anmrticle ion 60 centg in one place why should I~p_uy njdollur for it, iomewhere else ? ' ' _ To this it muv be nnsxvered that it is pos- Lpuy n_(1oun.r 101' lb Houiuwnuw muv : To this it may zmsivex-ed pos- sible lor circ.un1atu.nces L6 warrant one n "paying the extra {my per bent. A perfectly lic-nest man will not feel lreu _to_bu`y a_dolla.r nrlziclu for 60 cents if its clieupxiessis dun: to the fact that. it _hz1s_been stolen or smuggled. A peffctly sensible mun will see-no advan-; tinge in b1_iyi_ng'zx dollar article for 60 cents if its cheaptiess is due to the fact nlmt it is not i , tl1odollururt,iclc as all,l but an 1du1tei'i\ted , _aulmiLiie,_ The same porlectlyuaeusible mun will [for regard it as a'lJurgtxiu if he gets a Q genuine dollar article fowsixty cents, if the forty per` cent; Qnined on that purchase is tucked on to another purchasq madq at the . same time and place. ; It in nut. Imr-fennarv. rim` Wfmld li: b0 i`.l'llil\' shme tame and place. . It is not necessary, _n`or would he ful, to say that tlep,zirtmoutp.l stores (like the shoddy peddler) `are alnxosbultogatller inter-' . ested in selling hoddya.nd counterfeit goods, but it is necessary and truthful to say that tlnqdepapbmentzml atore,i1n_imte the peddler s general av,-heme iu that7t_lfgy_lp__hq11g y on'a few triua every day in order to rlehide pr-Vopfe '_1to believing that dverything is sold at the , annidlow price. Evan if zhev do not`. charge an excesshve anme now pnce. v V Even if they dn charge excessive price on any article, yet in gaining a mono? ` poly of t.x`ud,e at the coshof vi few bargains they `are able every night in the year.t0 shovel enormous prots into their vaults and dxoluilnz `']'hia has iudegd been at bairgaiu . ,_ . . ,. ` d:xy-~for us. - V - IL. 0~|\1\|nn in mmm nf Hm n ?? ni\(l1nIiI\H\H d:\y-~Ior ua.". -V . But there is rnpre of thclffpoddlex iu the ` at_>.heluL1JmuJ:he more trick of bn.ting a hook. We are rushing with the `speed of tho wind tuwzmla u period of universal shoddy. 'l hu_ ` depzwnnentul stores" are n%ot alone ir1`_Lgaliu;: ` iu inferior goods. but th\3y\Lre the depressing` mHnm'1I:n. WWW/WIWWWT 0 ` of a spool grows mm b` lnrguiu in upon 3 I dixn? (see how theydu it! lu }l..l||.'l'll)l guuuu. uuu mu: Wu vuv uu,,...........b U xuuer'1ce._ IT'tW'p'o1Ii"fTTxTfZaTo ohuup'e`r prices than qtllels can`ael| gr>o,d. nunllantlise. the 0'thers must degrade `the qnulitypt their wares in ordcg yo `um-ll at ruling prices, .;,.___ > ' `*S6,61':ii`'iTd' i1t'l)ni"ga.1'l1"p '_ ea;`but-ymr may ,1_wte that the hole t ` ugh the centre V exxnnd the core of thu spool.-ever fut r, A purohnar gets as . butjdoes h get a. bargain I . in threa,d?~ -ith aatehelfnismf spools, hmj- ; uuin lxu emexolnim izxat1zni_ra:ti(>n:b Well, ,/Illtht) il1V!;{iEBtiOll -now being, held by the [_.egia1`-.utu're of Minn`eaota(Premier'I-Tardy -will please xnaliagsjnote ohhis), u>deuler in , + wall-pnpr.ai'rmAd in" his. evidnga tlmt. hu- hndbeen alxprnaobed _by 9. paper-make,r`\'ho o'ewd to make bargain rolls? ink` him, the. L mne as ho` aoldwo departmgnbal acoieirtixi` is-,' wall-Vpuper with the` thicker wnodu, cores iujd tlireu orgfour~Tynrd`a less wn_ll paper on eaof1"r{)ll.s, .' - . A v.:..... hr mm+6.%n.{d M. 5o. an otuice. ' Hea0h`r0ll.:,; ..;_ _ _ ~ 1 . ,. j A drug is advertised at `"50. ounce. , regular price 150." ",1`herealfactiu`tl.u.Mh,e I regular p_riqa*of'that.dru in` drug atojea is , pnly 100'. penounoe. A ne adv. seam to ; ,hdW a big bgxrguin. audthere ma be Wbure . gain for they one/day," but the` po at is that I ; vlahegciv. Inlprmn thouum`d_u aumthoumuda g of oixatauirathabv the regular price of that I . drga Ibo '. and so if it in ngld on "other days} at} . on-$180.. people" will still thiuk..they . areMgat,ting?u bargain-in drugs, ~whorea;vth,e i 1 lane; of bargain qty win-he reooupad several M i tlmql`-_0VeT;A`,'-FM mu ov%"\Y0ras,\uVwho can _ =*'bm|x _evau? 1\ vihh.va _d`ep'nrtment`1 atom L > Lft6r.playlng`it!LM.I sama. on itI.ownground `I g } `lbtyTV_oleyer.,nnsLmoIQ people M in thin wv atria. oh mr V gpii of tho) Corliss Bil}, n," Vii!" Clevdandk happy -mu max: ,%Tauns$?-F-iugacx; at. mem. _ . Charles Austin Rates of New York is an .ndvem'ing xport. He has jusisaued a book `entitled Good? Advertisixig. which is intended for ihose who \\ rite advergigmcnts. LL. Jnunfm: n kin nhnr-A nf Ha nunnu fn nn Out of their o.wn`x`notM1ths let us judge them. m....I.... 4A...+:.. nun. at Hm" Va.-I, :5 on xntenueu I0!` ulusu wuu nw uuvclylrg ulcnw. He devotes a his; share of its pages to an explanation of Advertising a Department Store.- He does not write in opposition to such institutions, but as the promoter, as the man who booms them. He is the man who inspifes the clever American experts who write n'dvertiaement.s for the depart- mental~st'ores of 1`oronto. He tells how he ' took charge of a departmental store's ad- vertising business aud made it boom. u on name 344 he savs--(and evorv man and vemsmg busmess auu mane nu mom. On page 344 he says--(and every woman in this city and province should rqad this and grasp its meaning): - N ------- mm e.. um LAIIBA :.....:.m.... I/Ina nun nuoy um IIn.uIM|nb,n ` The responses in the house furnishing deparment brought joy to my soul. Insix monthathe average business Increased thirty m< fm-hr vinr nnnf. ` AR H10 rlimnt resmlt Of months me ousnness inoreaseu unmy or forty. per cent. `As the directresult of advertising a. certain sule,'_ _ me riop."u`hnex_1t was crowded to overowing, and in two days about $800 worth of goods was sold, out of `. which $90 worth was of the items nxivertised, ` prot.-V and on which the actual `net loss was $9. * The resrwzis sold at regularprioes atagood Q'....A.. A6` Hm ilnniwrn nnririinzrii In this: Shade of the departed ped - In this case only 39 was lost on. the linen. while $710 worth - of othergoods was sold at a. gootfprot-, to the crowds in a big city. ` On mu- 352 he savs in` .reference to ho good prom-," to me crowus 1!! in mg cuy. On N39 352 says ho` advertisements of the big New York hduges : rn, u,,u, _-u., ,.1.. L:............k.. ...m.... Any uuvm uuuulvuva un uuu v15 uuu ; V11: Aluvlvvu . To lok attho aclvertisements every day, `H it would seem tlmt they never sell anything at xgnular prices. but this, __of- course, is only seeming. ` V ' ' r u. ........ n.`:.. ...:u. H... .'...mem.+ mmuikla nuouullgo He says this with the greatest possible _ admiration. leading up to it with" the state- ment that "the method of otfering bargains is one ef the best trade-bringing plans that 1 know of. He had` also showuiu the extract from page 314 that it costs practically > uuthiug. , . V ` Here is anpther tip from prolidpage 344: Suppose you advertise a \'e-inch giLlBi_ _ nnppy."- It tloeswttellareador x\uythiug-~ ' n \vuma.n espeuinllytjhe cuift tell how big ` ve inches are anyway; but justsav. large . ` imitation out-glass fruit ,suucera at thirty : cents a dozen, and get your piwkers rteady, rm., ....W... ...L.. ....,. .I.\I..Aml lm tlmuu uruw u uwmu, uuu 5w Jun; `mung... ._y....._,._ Thegwomen who are deluded by these peup1e.becomet.heir sport"! `There is no doubt about it; the whole thing is organized into an exact. science; this hood-winking of ` the people. 1`|1eyat1idy it ; they trade tricks. Here is another tip for writers of depart.-. manta! store utlvertixenientsh pzigga .345: n I r rm._ :. .. uni- .'..l.'.\ a umuux: awn: c\|IVcIuaUIuvuvo, 345,. um. Beplensuxlt, Thruw in u little jok__-a light and piquim't'seutence or `saying occa- sio_`nal_ly,' jun tsoliven things up abib. . m . .....,. H... mm A him nlhyhc-. mu_uuu_y, (nu uv uvuu Irlqluau Mr u u... 0.! course, Why not? A `joke, a light _ and p`:qum1t sentence costajeully less than ' woodmnutxnegs; ' Tlnyuw u wnolg lot of em ' in. IIIIU |lIUI\ V - We out the price from $1.35 to 98'cen ant} advertised nu vary strongly, at the same time put._tiug_i1i an itum uboup the best-selling 1Vais` s "civafisuiiicrrugixlar We di1n t lose my money on me ti/rat. itum, and it bruughb in lotaof peuple, towhum a qreat number of the other atyius of oexnvam {hoes `were sold. ` " - - ~ ` m .-.' pr ,1 IEL. DPBIIKIII` the trick : CIIVUU CLO \1I|I- - . . The pople are~.t'twed like as` great shual oIa'h`in the water. The; mun on the bunk p(nt,s_a worin on the hook and na'st' il in; the fish naturally rush at it, and. hutcud of gettihg the worm, are thexxvelos gaphered . 'jp, cz\_rrie_d away a3_friAe51 at I('i~mlfA.'.' ` . giffc to;x;.eEaSr. 1 7 If jiqu wiish t` j*Yi1i.;-V hlnuvl _\nu , ahmllki Nike" 15 llly0diL`i`Il_8,\!/Vh uSf`u.e\rr<'s _h1m'\cl V` di9e\a.aes.-` `Thty ream-`d nf" <:u{i:`a bv H(md_a` SaraIy)Kri|1a pmvea thtit this in me.-best Medicine fav_!h+._ bl:-u<.l mver puiduoad. . Hood'a- S_urauptiriIl?$ cures `the mos{t_ h,tub`- ' horn cases and it in tho mgadioiiigs _fq r you. pxo take if your `blood is im"puf6._ ' ` V " I:u)OD:S_Pi,LLS ml;-E1; he'aVu(Aier?dinna1rA pill; lsasiutdigeetion, ourehefdanhp. 95 lhll, . ? Null!` V l 1 2 - % % "dame. %'9"'33Imucn%' Seagers Drug Store N OW- `STOP I_T RIGHT" THERE i*R`epo_x-t of Big Bay Poim: S(;hO0l for the , month of February. ` - 5 1.1 .. ni .. n` .. 111- -1 ,STOP THAT COUGH 7 Entire Lsock df Spectacles '5/nd `Eye` Glasses ut_hn.1f the marked price.` -- VI .w......,. t W I Fourt}1 Chas St --G-ertie VVebb. Amy I Webb,~Benuie Redfern. `(`r'\'n-H1 nlunn .Tr". _.I.n|`Armannnv A V\'UUU,'DCHlHU l\.CUlUl'U. . - . . vF0`.l!`Nl` Class Jr .>K.01u Armstrong. A Fennll, Efe Almatx-nag. G Fennol._ Third (`In:n.....Mur-Ha Limit Nina /'M\l\ I renneu, 15,1116 Amman-nag. h re11uN.. Third Clas~-Myrtle (mast, Nina VVe.b_b, Zelmm Webb. ` ' '.~,......1 rV|.,n..Q. Ln...,1\.(..|.m To 1? .....;1 dillllU3 l|`]UUlU. Uk`I'llt5 n.t'|u.- . Second Class .{_r.+A1fred Webb,` L" Rear, ' Maggie Redfern; ' ' Jmz I7. _Mnm-Isnn. Tua.u:|wr, _ Are You suporstluoysf, , ` Some folk who believe in igns `will tell `youH11n.ih.i:Lt1u\lucI(yL to fall` uverbonul ' Monday, to \\'u.lk`iwer a buzz saw in motion 9ix'I`nead'ay, to fall down stairs. with acoal .e+H-e3cemi--\Ve*dxxesdzuy, -`to shoot yourself on 'l'|\u_rs(h\y,"nr Ln ail. down to: dinner with Lliirteenvut tnhle nml_ only food enough for ten ull I*`ri~|u.y. All; _ however. agree tint everyday ml/w uwek >2; person sh ould.h:we-- / th'ei'r. Iout-.ul-:1-Jar` garnlegxtarnmde of Righy \Vute.rproof Cluth, and no Bioyclisn should go half an` miha nwny fl-hut huie withouI:`9ne ` of 'S|wrcy a 1.i`gby.1\Vaterprn`of Bicycle suits nn. IAHIIHLX VV UU~ V I _Sec0nd Class Sr.-Peg\rl Soules. F Fume], James Tribble. Gertie Re-id- ~ k`;-x.....\A '(`|'....= Ir Alimml L'L'n|\k I" Dmu`. on. ' - .. Rigby p_ruoliu_sz keeps out the- min. but dmeaxmt interfere with the porous propel`- tiesnf the clmh,,ur , its; appuxrauw `iu the slightest` deg1ga`e.-- ` ..__._....:__:._--nu 4 Sll\rllin .c..l-gain :-~fJ.`.h'e` <`ow's Neal-ms Z nlllwav can 1f_"tli _ m_in_ea a_w.'a` suciaes. llxere,'..wlllhe pley 'uf companies w-illlng-_lo` build the toad. . ll the gK,nol'.euay lni_nes are E `f}li_ltItc.: the mixd my nyet be u e'edod'3\l. all 3.ut{ i'lli'e Brillslg ` C()l\1mbli\.p;pple' mut. h`a\"e`the!`Arqng{ built ': mace to dlilt}? their -oou"nh~ ,why then . _lel5 the British 00 uixibill peopl build It. It ia_thoy`wholw.il1 make the money out 'ofhlt;. < dot the1_u\irpayerix.0_f 0t3bgr_l. ' V i " *` ( H. .....Seagex's Cough Cure has proved a. marvellous cough stopper`. If "you have just began to cough-a. few doses will x you. V If its an old cough `it. may take ` all of it 25c. bottle-.._ Except in the most desperate cases, it always relieves and always cures. ~ Solo only uh. W seagers Drug? %`StO%1' 8, good" mzmy people hav thought. that a. cough didn't; amount to much. Most excellent eople` whose friends are sorry to ose them. don E'xmike a mistake. t-his cqugh IS the first ste towards serxou ' and often fntu swkness. I ./06,8!` WUIIDIBU II" M the ore Du 5I`:|`n'a.a.`ainnI . tn Opp . I-`lost 'O"1ce. nonon ROLL`. ix "I'3I")._. 0.2.... 13.1.. Jus E -MOI`l'lS0_u, Teadlxer.

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