Luuusui In uuut: wuu uuu mwuwu. . ,Dur_ing the conversation Mr,s5'.l3he1np- r " SOIJ,"ti-l1al6 -old ilady, the mother of_ thirteen children, came in and after listening to her` husbzind s recital ot . tl1ese,`n`atteis, she took up the theme`, I neveij expected that anything could cured Solomon, she said. . We were 7 always trying to nd something which ' wonfd give him .relief,~so that he would beeble to sleep nights, but nothing ever , seemed to.;inzike -mueh.div`e1'enee.' At first he tool;__o_ng of the pills afLer~e_aLl1 meal, but {ifter_.a- time he inoreesed'th'e _. -dose to two. We noticed he was greatly Iimprov_e`d after. taking: two boxes and be wi on when _; Y we saw beyond doubt that he was muith lb better, I reeomniendedjhe pillsto a ' `niece of mine. Miss,D~.1y, vwhosehlood . had apparently turned into wet/er'and . who had run down in, health nnd spirits ; so had that she did not care to live. , Why, shegot as j,'e1l(iiv'essa_ilron, and V \ lookedins if she would not liven week. You \s onld hardly he'lieve it, sold Mrs. Thompson, .bnt that girl .we. the` 4 healthiest and jhendsomest girl in the ' neighborhood. before three ,Il10lll_l1B had *-`passed, and-'elel-frc1iirtaking Pink _P,ills. . "Mrs. Thoinpsouiwas. culled trom.the.` ~r.0om_e.t*this junctu`re to liU;;8l_ld_ to some '- - household` duties, anr1'Mr.- Thom=p_aon_ r A resumed tbe.'suhje_et of 'his;m_arve1lone . `cure , :,`Y0\fl(')t'1lI`l liu'vefno idea,_ said he, = ``wl_1etit is to go through.twenty~ve . _yee`ra withont,.e"good".r`igl1t s sleep, . iwith_out`p`ain. ; I eenji'nd-~ uQ };1\_)td'Si, to make plainto you the contrast; between "'fth`e;oomforts I now enjoy and the`aw,f,nl 'lifel had for so long. 1?? had eibigt __familyo'f months to`.feede_end had to, , work when at tixnee.I felt.` more: like 13111;: down to die." Ipwould coine win at night completely tnckered out, but even ~ than. was no g avenues of test There we. no rest fo n.e,- I seemed doomed to torture and eontinudmieer . When " my folkeurgedmetetry Dr. illiama' ` plinlrpilln T ltkniaiuhla it um-J11 En itnhltrnn "Ami! Yourself of :This Moneyjsaving Opportunity 54 Dunlop Street 1` To the Buying Public of; Barrie L_` . tI1e`gre:1t sticcess of our_ L\`aturday evening _s3.l:e, *`bargui1e1s70f lastS:1.tt1rday\eVening this Week, viz, |+BHB_3-_A %` :reaenm:;v:1:n iii wt A vxcrrm orusrm {Have IYou% [Swen Itc>~ Thursday, Friday andSat11rdayj hour LWinding?-UpDays recu:;1,&1Ve _vy0l' . t gives a; Mnc,.'g ossy cngxneu e `s\u>a,c_e A g. b.V:`l'.Lll.lE(?at foij indoor use..V'_` "Enan1g1 i nig1_t: `is neadyfgt the 9 };'i:*i1;;A:i 2s3:di?2p.$.* P`.`5 `F.":" .'* ``?` 1 .,`~r.,"-: . ~. V` _' ' _." 9 x ) (3(xr~_b6oklet"`PIli$ Pqints. mg: mhe limti _kink's. 5:111 :.- 04 a d theh .- Ihtells,` e ' _'specia r 3 Iseisitg, Em 0319, hams, fences; roofs. houses and all other ' f ttf'xeg: cdpy.>iIon. Skig'm' _ .Mpntreal. . ., -, ` .\ ,7` x -V _Ja,nEan:x.:Imuj V } . ` ` ' I nrnvnrun-a do` not .lik{; i our hsystevl, Of 'Vpri.ce 1 botxght the stpckmat 600. on ~the rm.-`: s}Ikw1il+%wIw1us ENAMEL-? PMT . in the right uplnce, and of vtheiighte kind, will make in greagiznnge in _the `looks of the room or a home. T116 4. mouldings, chairs and tabXesa1l~_"t}1?eT` window casing, baseboard,` pigture can :be brightened made cI.ea_n with paipi, ` - _. . I "H. G. KING, ManagTe%r.% Tlxe longoet wan on reeord ie .thet waged: ` betiv.een.a boy and his clothes, and the le- eu1t; favor of, the boy! He_ ` is; a bundle `ofeggreeaive activity,`-ls the boy.- He snilein-__to knock ouhrbbet new unit. on night. He kneels anywhere we every`~ ' where to work his knees through his pants, - sqnirms all ever wl_1a_tever he sitsm; to wear out the -semi, pokes his"elbowe through` his &_ `sleeves, twists off his buttons. nnddoes eon- I torsion acts toburel:"his seams. He uiuelly succeeds all too well, and tlmugh his nxotlrer de_cle(ee`el\e can't. and won`l:Jbuy him a "new suit/his disreputable anpearunce anon forces`, a , `her he d6'se', and another victim is furnished to'-epemlzel on. Energy andaueivivy ` are hnrdto bent, ybutjpeesive1;esistenc` . e tong enough cnfnlo i every time.-. } H-. Shorevs (In. of Mmd-nml annrslntoenll ` IlIlI'-l_ll GIIIKMRO - nmvonxv , UGMIVEAL. mrectzy on. the F`o'11nt'ain ' .The.- Peerles J Wood" Frame ` .34 Elizabeth 5:." COMET is now on fexhibitT0ii '-6 ._ _ AGENT, BARRIE we amlng enougn cm_r(10u: every. ume. '4 .. H-. Sboreyp C0. of Montreal guarantee 211 their boys clothing to be made omaterial . _that.=is tbdroughly aponged" and shrunk. to, A '_to, go zhead,ux'x b'e`sewn'with ,the beat of tliread. __and perfect in make in all rqspects. "Feel in the pockets of any boys au`it`~iySo u buy and see that you, nii .t.herein H. horey'*& Uo s~'gumn_bea ozml; if so bug that: suit, audtell y_o_u:` boy ` enj0y;hima6lf.. : ~` gentleman in Montreal has uti`ard`$500.. .to` the`Domitiio`n W.C_.T.U{if` the member- ship in donbledjahis yam`. ' -( -.. ..`...... \.vu1' mu--uu uullzuu... Winners of Goja Watches. -Mr. Robert .Pattersox"1, I05 Erie ` avenve,Hmni1ton . . . . .. Rm: \V A Vvullin\.-..... a 1 x : I v s add emphasis to his last sentence,` andi looked lilreti man who felt joyful overl _ away. At nniny placs inthe neighbors ; 5 . hood We opened di.~:cus.~?ions upon the} a renewed lease of life, with all his old f I mieeries removed. After congratulating our ul-l iriendlii on his `.llV..)l`0d from the heredi'..u'y it destroyer ol his lrimlred, we drove] E . I case, and leund mat all regarded in as a marvellous cure. Where the Thump-l son family are known, "no person wuuldl lmve hlieved for a moment that `my- thing but; death would relieve him from ,1 p in any smtemeut. he may n:al{a._ \ L the grip of asthma Every word that is written here can be veried by writing Mr.` Solgrnon Thompson, b.1lrymp;'e=f. pp,-g office) and uniiutnmnto acquaintance . of twenty-live years emuhlqpszlie miter L '0 vouch for the facts narrated above, _ ll ind (01-the V8l`2lJlCy of Mr. Thompson b Dr. William Pir.k_Ifills core `by going to the rontrofthe disease. They E renfv and build up the l)lo..d, and strengthen the nerves, thus driv.in_.; disease from the system-.. `Avoid in1iLn- pl tious hy`in=isting_ that every box you purclnise is enclosed in A wrapper btilr` ing the `lull trade `mark, Dr. Williams V Pink Pills for Pale People. . av V5: nvuu. ' Report of Painswick Public School for the, month ni February, Sr: ]V--VVJ Murry.-znn Fl D Mn"-iunn um, znunux In I.` euruary, Sr; lV-WJ Mormon, H D Morriao . Qsgrgg .9`LL11FL.1.0.Y-Q%--.~ .......... , v ~ ' ' _V|nhat Mn[.zu|uhhn W `V-n-nim. 4uu\.u\4l . Repurt ms. S. No. 17 Iuuistir. , Fifth Claaa--Edith Carr,-Mabel Curr, Lambert Wice. la`,.....u. PL... m-l'<\ |./>34; ..... _'... \T,I auu H me, 1\u('ueu N we, umrue Lvloxnmn Senior 'I.`hird C-laa,~1-=.A.lgiu Guest `and Joe Montgomery, (equal); Amy Quuntz, Dora i\Iurphy. Ernest Curr, Andrew Quantz, `Ernest Wico and` Harvey Gu=st,_(qu:\l). V,_ Junior Third (`lusa--\\'a|tm- 'nrnIm| I "ll "59. UIKVU `H9 `IV UK. JJII 7'15`-K9535 1 ink;P)ls I thought ii: would bousblsa 4 butl hid uoi do something} or-dxe sqon, and here;-I` a`maa= right as ed_dlo.V"= hemto < l`;l'llt:S[ n we and survey Ul1csl,_(q|x:Il). , (`luss-- Walter Wuru1c,:, Ell:xSmit,|1, Ailuu Wnce, Harvey Annstrong. Second C|nss-Addie Herrel, Lucy Webb, \Vilred Peutney, Jaapnr Gibbons. ` Pan: Snnnnd (`.ln1w._.[ra `Vim: ` Hahn] `9 MLLIE 991.01 -&.MIs- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~ A Jr. IV-Violet MuLiaughlih, E VV:u'uica. RJ Curr, Percy Morrison. ' *3! Sr. ]"-.] M1-I.m1ahHn 1` nnnlx J l{nm:_l [V I) DRIFT, I.'6l'Cy .Tl()I`I'l3()l]. `7 I31 . IH-J McLaughlin, 1` Cook, J 1(aua~ berry. W Nixon. In m._w l`.. l'~~m+ ` A W.:..|\o .n..:..u ucrry. w J.VIxou. Jl'.III--W CLl'::ert,A Wrigllt. Alvin Wice. , ` 1.. 1'1 n' n-_.|. 1 n \r,-,,, r `, 4-07 _ ._'rne.1.9'ngeas War (In Record.` A8y0|lr VIf 0IrVi'm.-_f in nonon 'nou.. . 4,899,993 . 4.961.523 I . 5,021,476 ! , 5,o&*+,424,! ; 5,125,436] VII VLIQU HUGH: . On October" 15th, 1896, we took a '-trip to Mud Luke to visit the liiiurit~ 5l`" M l"FiLi'- long familiar to us, and mode it 21 duty _ and found it 9. pleasure to cull. upon Mr. Thompson and lenrn from booing him good lieering his iiecount..of ithow he had been cured. For twenty-five yoiirs we had known him as ugrsping, suiferiiig iisthmzitic, the worst we ever knew who iiiain-aged to live at llll, We often woinlered how he lived from day `to day. " Onealling he met us with 11 cheerful aspect and without displnying A trace of his old trouble. Being at once` ushered info his house, we natur- if itlweieall true about the benets he had received from using Dr. Williams" Pink Pills. Beyond doubt," said he. How long hate you used them, and how many boxes hnveyon used T he was asked- "I started is year ago, rind ` ookeiglit boxes." We next uekedhim` if he felt the cure was peununent. Well," said he, I hove not tziloeii tiny , of W the pills for three or four months. Still I am not entiielysiitistied yet. You see my father, giandfu_ther`anLl great graridfuther diedof asthma. My people all take itsuoner oitleter, and it always ends their days. I have lost -three brothers from the fetal thingnK_nowing my family history itis liar-d tor me, to gain faith, but I can tell you for nearly thirty yezirsl never slept in bed until I took Pink Pills. As you must have known, lialways slept sitting in the chair you now occupy. ,1-had a sling from tth-at l1O0k:*7ll.). the ceiling, aid alivayssatrwithpmy heed ree`tiiig in it while I slept. I now retire to my bed when the other members of my family do." . How, old are you,.ll[r. Thomp- son ? _ _Se'venty-six, was` the reply,~. f`and I feel younger than I did thirty.- years ago. I was troubled 9.` greutideal with rheuinatism and other miseries, probably` nervoii-s "troubles aiiising from . want of sleep, but nearly all the rbetr matism; in `(zone with the asthma. V ' after *tl1Se,'I1`att6Is, theme. sometliing relief, so he rst took one of after each biit7fier_. a- greatlyoi 1895 1-. . . . '.improv_e`d. boxes ,be when \Y Wt` Jr."Ii_w Cook, J H` Nixon,_ Louie . .fL`. hloiuuaon, _ - Ieaclier. Report 01 S. No. Inuistil. Ch\ea--Editli C:irr,- Mabel \\' ice. Fourth (`lass--Bl.I|l_ Montgomery, Nel- 31l p/W<".` lilleben \\ ice, C-hiirlic Glblilltth benior lliird `and '1t`.`-Zml )". (equal); i\`Inrpliy,'_ Curr, lwiiest \\ ice end Harri :-y Guest, ,(lqu:il). ` Juillur Tliiril f`lnse-- Olaies-Addie Part becond Clas2-1ra Wit-e, Mabel allyniatle it our first business toenquire `I Webb` ' V `B Clu`{e-Gi`ece Smith, Mary _ Warnicnl, \`\`Lu'd W ebb. \Vilmot_Qunntz, Lulu Quuntz, lmnny Quunte. _ . ___.____.__..__...__. lTl1t tr Wrapper Competition. wmnnns or run: JANUARY rnrzns IN -DISTRICT or wnsrnnn ' ~ onmnro. ___.._. . s i l l winners of Sterne Bicycles. ., ` _ . , Coupons. Mr. F. De`-an. 1260 Queen street ' West. '10l'0iito .. . ' . . . . . . , . , _ .. `, M13 33117117001. Mount Forest. . . . . 2 Gold 5 Mr. Erie i avenve, Hamilton . . \ lRev. W. A. Wyllie, Waubausliene 1,004 `Mr.A1ex.O.l)en,W'dtl:.. " ;;Mrs. M. C. niiioli.y25 02:3; Sheet, [09 l . South London . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Q 721 l Mr. Daniel J."McCa'rthy, box 734, 605 3 `Owen Sound . . . . . .- . . . . . . ... .. i The same prizes will be given each month competition to _ -` .-Lnvr.n_Bnos.. 5.23 Scorn Sr. Torhuto_ C'ANA_DA'S rorunron. 5 by,the'I)epnrtme.nt of Agricult re for the if? alt ):-:i1',- 18 5.I%5,436., 17 does not 0 ow ia . see are t e accurate" ti _ _ but they are considered to be nppmxirrltirdy correct. The estimated population in 1891 wae-4,843,256, and the census slu_mied_thnt the actual figures were 4,8_32_3.239. The anti-. mates therefore came _within f:e_n~thous;md of the count; Fzikiiig into consideration the inhux of poiiulition tlin_t.ought to follow the inininf; ttleve 0plIo]entl3_lb`lS considered that it '13 no .00 time __ o expect tint when the census is taken four years hence the counti- yvill .cun`tain at least five and a half millions. J,`he estimates that are made from year to 3'83!` olre bnse_clnnn`_)J;he..irninigration returns an -t 6 average irtli and" mortality rate. The the last census, givenfroni year to year, are as follows: i 1392 4,399.09 1893 ...... .... 4,96i1I32 1394 ..... .. ..'. . . . . .. .1896 .; " ' .. 3.651I, 1.004 { 1,030 l this year. Send for particulars of E _ I',he population of Canada, as estimated '- l ,( 5 V I eat. Sl11llll,LlISla1l`. , T e I I l - 5,083-,4`.54l( r...{.`.`......"5,l25,436I.n " 0n tl`1a'1uel'f yoi1xf=1jap(ax;f;" ;I@okj"at;ih;ai;d;,;0si.v:i3li89&."iyournutgg ~ '14ea`.gue-qr',1aan ween. V A ' A ' - ` Mr. and Mrs. Peaoockmf Allandnle, were I. Vgiaibipg theirvcjhughtpi-,' Miss; Vollmar, last Sunday` V: 1' i I . . There has been." cqnaidernble cold and . inuenza, 1o`wering'.the zmenduncut school. An-ndnnh in. our station would be A want 1 HIE W35 ammgeu X01` I."l`lQ%\y, LV.llll'G|) Dill. ` . . Ming `Teenie aR_evnolda_ lqdrho Epworth } League-qE'laah week. 1 Mr. mid Mrs. Peaaock. hf Allnndnla. were I lulwvzn, l9W9|'lQg cue ?lU5BllLIl|1lUU`li HCNIUUI` Au,-agent in our station would be R Want I sup lied. as it appears there is ubbuu as mun shi pingkhero as any where nlbng tzlxo line. wit gram, hay and wood. 2 % Altlniirizh the mad: ire nam-Iv imnxinsnbk-. ` A-V'8|'Bg9 EEEEDGBUQQ E01` `N16 DIODE-ll `I2. " 0uTueeday eyening of last week a debating " `club was organized here, and the rm`. subject of, the season debated xi-as j.he old" reli_able-- } .Rpsolved--:Tl1M: the horseis more benecial cm: the o9\_v., l The - "cow" came out victo- rioua, altl1oug`h,the.'judgeedeclared it hard to decide. ' Will Praf ledfthe zxinmitive. l ` while James` Dickeneou led the negative, I ClIlliaweek- theeubjecb to be~diIl3&ed iss- a "Resolved," That: the eteafn e_11gine- `la mare I benecial t.u.,m_'en-th1n the-'prin_l;ing pres; 5" J . `0nWdnesda"wi' dvenimz a inelsiml was UUUEIIUIHI |iUv-lI|_lHl-U[lHX| W1-'p['llI`|`l|lIg !Jl'U i`0ngWedneada"y` veniug {A u1e'ehng;wna `called Ito cousider4,' the erection 65 n grlsp` mill for.Anten`Mills, when tllegpmjeut vqaa vgcpltiined-and discussed. and tmbther m_eot- I ing waphrranged for Friday, Mumh mi. Minn `Tannin Rmnmldn ladrhn lnumrthl nue. W_l_E|_! u, nay mu woou. `Although the roads ireynenrly impaasa `the wpod andlgraln in opming in cgmtlnually. ble, 1 I We Kw-hm [ A1llS0l.l'1.4BWl9. 3 `Russel Reid, Lizzia Knapp.- Smiley Garrett, Leo Coughlin; Average attendanqe for the ximnt-h 42. `V Junior Secund` `Class-Many Uoughlliii. Pars Second Cli1ss--Mm1d Lafrinef- 3 First.'Claas-Auah1Lewis. Eddie Benton` `I 0n'I`nndnvmnmimr nf lust. weak :1 dahntina '3 I i l L l ._siou this week is: Which has done the moat} IILIULI VVHIUII HI gr! JPU HHS PHD KHEIII in. V ` A sleigh lmnd 0% Anton Mill s nnisicans. V wen_d_ed theirdvnyl last Friday evening to the home of David DIXON, Mincsmg, when- 'cing in readiness the nnml supplynfvg l was win good things, which is generally found among the people of Mlll(`8lnq_ 1`_l1 order of the evening was music. `Violin selections; were rendered by Daniel Dixon. which were udmiied by all. W Robinson gave some fine exhibition. of his skill on the concertina, All-returned `name joyous and`protiL_ed. Adebatin school has once more been organized this village. Wehope"it; will; not terminate `in such it short time as did the previous one. The subject: for discus-' to oivilizs the ivorld, Ihe Printing Bless ` or the Steam Engine" Vwe have some ' livelyspeakers on the list, and 11 protable time is am;_icipa.ted. _ ' '.T;x.~: Mnl.ni1(1WiFW hn\zin.1:i tiinlmr nlnhml l . ........ u unv uv u--u--nu, u...\.. ..u - n}3Ei"fH' 5ii'iiiix"'cou ncu at.I E'ELi `Mr.`T[1omp's0n has been a victim of lsthma for forty `years or_ more. How- ever, we W111 let him te1.l"~his own story on that head. 15.! warm`... ...1. - rborkif ; mnume tram, name munn;,_ Senior Second (`Lla,ss~.T' V. McLaughlin, Adzx;_"Bentun, Auson'Lewis. I 1...\;... u....,...,r `m.....'.,1u _L,W,Bi.LUL[,lllk_,,[l!i[Illl.U. - ' ~ E Let all the correspondents make a more 1 detdllnilled effort, on this the beginning or"{ i another month to Write every week, wluclx i will help the Editor of this paper in a great i mmmwasys, . . v ' .(From Another correspondent.) achoolfor the month of Februux`y.? Wain-th (7|n.ssz_..F Pratt, Nnrnmh T-Tmdu -I . E. March 2--Following is the report of the E i 501300110!` me IHODDD OI I3&D|`ll&i'y. Fourth Class-F Pratt, Norxxnin, Hardy, Benjzunip Reynolds, John Glllis. I Seninr .']"hiv-ti Flu.-:.=._.N5>.lnnn Cnrvnff DUUJKIIIIQ L\l'3yl.lU1U$, JUHII -Ullllu I I Senior V 1`vhi\-(1. Cla\ss~Ne|son Garrett. I Richard Garrett, Edith Muir, W Lafxiuer, Laixra Coughlim V ` I ,L...;;... rn.:r.: rn....._.Q+....1.m p......,.m. s g muxra pnugznnxr ~ ! -Junior Third Clz\ss--Stanley Reynolds, '3 Charles Pratt, Nellie Binnie, Nellie Reid. } 1 Rnninn Rimnnrf f`.lsa:n...`..T" Kumnn Vinlnh .' i I mum xs u,11b_u:|p V 1 I V "J33 McLa.\_1g1:mI`_ti,gn1zer`place | I on the farm recemly puvbclxased abd pu1~pos- , es having it 'a|l`clnsed in, as sdnn as the L,5v,ea1:l1en,xi1ill-_1,peirmih.' _ Let all him cnrrennnndants mnknn mnm 1 uull (5 friu-I1-is ham for tr. Ill. _[ ui.~h.!_.hv _\'u1rrr; couple :1 happy and safe \'Ljyu;,je in Lhur dur1l)l<-. sch` SIH)\\'lUL' Ill!` l!l`_'ll| ("'.`!}1 7lI present at our racing cururvul. 0ve`r `L30 were on the ice, beauties spectators. `In the nruiwd race hetween Tvrry of T|\0r11t(>u and 1 McAllister of Barrie, Terry wun the tirstl and lust heat, being therefore winner. In r the boys race, umier I5. f`a)urad Mgarrin. `of-I Barri`-, wm_ Srnypmrz, `of Bradford, whn E the Potato Race. Mr. \\7m=. Dnuuelcaud Mi-.=d'Lemuu took the 1.-uzc `mr bel Lady mid ` Gem. Skater. ` A large numheruf Bradford, E Gilford, Thornton and Bnrrie young pvupie j w.'1e yireseut. The very best of order prr-` vailedx The Band, under the\icien!7lr.uder- ' ship of Herb. mm, rendered very choice selection? V - V ' | ` On 'l")i}r.~duy evening a ]:Irp_c uumhor were i March 1--Siclmeas i11;tl1isvlunlit.y is still adding `others tnnthe list. VV,e lxeap ufl quite a number who have been laid on beds i of aliction since our last. writing, and , -while talking with some of them they said -. that they dqnot at all appreciate tliupsitu-1 gtion which la gri palms put them in. i . Asloixvh lnmd n Anten Mill s nui.ain,uw If IHVTS 1. r. 1.emnn. v..`\., me p buyer. :-hipped :1 car inul of Ii-".L :a~.-35" imm Ls-fru_v, UH Fnd-x_\', tq Wmmpeg. . A large number` are u|mugm;z_f.mna t m. \ spring. Robert: Stewart cnmew to Willmrn _ ' KI'ng's, whq guns" across the lake ; I~Sr})i' Reid moves to Rev. Mr. ~.\ic(.`num-`si .~1".u:n (`migvaln-. and .\l~:rvin Noble I.skt :`V in ; place. They are al! moving thio week. ' 'I`nIn._\'be\mrt. Wh,(1h2l.*|)_|eu vmit?ug{rie11d.~` ` in &xrrie,_ia. hack to work. ' [1 Grippc Has 2: vigg-Ljgnrge uumber ov vxctnns here at present. . .- ' 4 large nnmlmr nf ununa 9'n!|: =In.zn Flu. , ` illvltd. I-`I'M brifiu was assisxml by lnr A very pluaaaut. event tm-k p --.-.--.- \\'ud- nesdzcy, at the nsi-Ieuce_ uf_ .7 J. Lu-'-'x~, Wh'm`I l". J. A Russ umtexi inthj!1I\ hunsh; of ni xtrixnouy .\Ii:a.~i Anhic B. to .\l-' mu Nuhle Unly the ,1mnm.xi.xte hu|uls \v`.-uh` Ull|88|U EUVIU, `LX113 lllilllll`-.(Cl"S 111 HR . .O l`8|3- 1 I P cuusin Mimi May Sloan. and the gm:,:n1 by John Luc.1n\.` After the ceremony, and at sumptuous rL-pass was indulued in, the Esnppy couple tuck the eight u uluc`{ [min for New Lowell, where they inlcmb spending their hnueyrnnnn. The pre~'v11t*i w5r(- 11111nr<;11.< K and mzwlv nhnwimr HI. Huh .u; : u u..uv\: uu uuuuu UL vuu 0L,|.|l.lCu\J UL uucli pxlla We have found new-ul, but in ' each case It proved to be. .3..8el1siLi\'c-` M body who couldhol beafto have his or her ame and disease made paublio. Bocenily, howver, _a mostxscixkiug one cmueto our eats. II C1) '1'!) ` ,, L',,,, ,, 1 vu.-uum nut in. plP`|`ub` , \ _ A large number of yuung fo!k s'p'5nt F94- day evening at Willerb I.'m!u ., Kllyiu.-,g!'.r, and repurc having a very pleuxvunt. mne. - The Sixth Lina S uniwivh .\'n.: ' nn Lxuu rupurl; nuvlnu very pIe=.u~unr. nine. Line Suuiwich .\`o.::n'x, un Thursday night; was Very well atmniul but culd weuher und)}:> much suukxuues 'K:[~.' many away. Those who we're p-osem :u_\' 't*wna`the`best `ofnm B939-.;h.` "Stx Quar- _ matte? rendered some time .9.-I:-:.":i011s, .uuj Nliss Dxlby and her fneud frnm Uxnxnamv gwu theuudienze rcuimtiuns and v:so:.g.~; 'f sterling worth, and re1MeI`uLl* Vr(v[)v'- classic scvlu, {Thu ux:\uu_zers ule 326 Dec. A vm-.u nhnauur numur +m.b nl..... \\'...L 1-uvmu UI c)9` Jet grlppr. \ 2 P. M*:Ginui.~ disposed uf uue uf his horsrn ,3 to the Hr-rse King, In Harrie. nn 3znuram_\'. Mr and Mrs Alex. Richardson have the -sympathy of the entire cummumty in their sad bereavement, caused by the de{ut'n an tbeur lam girl. _ The fuueul muk piau: an ` Frtdasyh`. . I Mar. `2-Rober: R:-jve is spending as few days in \h`.`hhzun ` ` Alex. (lmuiug has 3-we to the gold chls of liossiand. ~ , -\1l`., Waruicn has pkgtuznesi hams, .f'qr .- few weeks visit in Tomutu A nnmiu... ..&' ...... .2 u.. ` rm wcrrvs Vlsli Ill Iomuw. A number of cu: woudlneu Long`: wand law, her A good .-.u ) ` 1 I P Y 1. { Mar. lv-Jnmenumminq, our merchant, 3 spent sfuw dxya hut week in Toronto. I Mr. and Mn, Snider Mm \'I:|!f111I nf Iv-mi ; Ipeux. nmw (uya was wt-cl In Loronlo. , Mr. and llr. Snider are vxclima of that 3 dread iiveasv la pnppr. Lsposcd 9.. .4... LI _.. L':.. . .,. n _ n _ c_,- xuwuu. v<;s' ly, mi: h -.v' FERU USONV.-XLEV. AN'r}m_1_aL11,Ls For yearn sforia-5 at famous cures wrought. by Dr. Wiliiams'.P1uk PAH: hay appeared `in the Uhromclcu During this time we have been cumng about for a local case of sucl. a nature as u. leave no doub; of the eii:ieucy of these vuha Wu lmnn (mu-A an" -,.I Luv 3. CHURCHILL. rm: Mush: Exxmnzn, mmasnu, MARC} " '" ;, meme new. ` gKm1pp, vVio}et 3' 1 . Albert Cuuk,{ * `CHI. This group or monitors represents a different grade of vessel from that for which they were intended originally. The ` delay in nishing them has resulted in ranking them modern. They are new un- surpassed "in their ghting qualities.` They have modern guns, modern erinnr, . modern engines n'm'l;i'.win screws. These ships have been built. nnd rebuilt. To convert them into ghting machines of an advanced type it has been necessary to rebuild them under the guiseot re airs." It is believed generally that the Terror hnl never been"ln commission until recently; The executive otlicer-of the Terror eur- ` . pr-ised~hle. mates in the wardmoizn the 0th Nearby saying: i . ~ "-`Do you know. I__9ncg_ sailed into He?" ` vane harbor on thle very ship--thaa is to Bey, the Terror wan in emmieeion when I was a young ocer, and I was attached to her. This in supposedto be the sums ves- ml, It in nan" chin iuntnn Qtlll hlmim I 1 I I I I an:u-wv; nu auuwnn uuuxnnunu , " You do `Iot`kn_ow the world 'nntslI ,yoIA~ I now ch: `man who havgx.` pqumnea it and I tried its warm baton over you wqr_-egivon `you:-brie! run upon lib.` And, there is no "unity comparable wlih_ that 'wmoh- II csohqolad in the thougbtnhat will keep. _ It is stidha schooling that `wt, not from the .wdi:ld'.lihr&turo. Thu book: hhmdiuap puma which we're` not ` gonuina--`-which Iupdko Ismnn wniuh.,it they were worth `laying at all, worn not worth, hearing more than once. I!` well al who boon which I I I Murat Ipbki permanent things `olumnlly. and wlahout the um 92 intetpmtabion. -The kind air which` blown frqm ago to In has lhponotl dot tma gliku agrant l,a.vI3t.L I at up in Mum for wane, but now ho: are 0110, we qo not know when All that [km lashed `hu_nhl`ulninI: Ipon in--that it 3: not`d`oud.V _l_!nt we can- Iol be gum sown ot my aft" we (not the anulpn `lltonIumLIIlmIoIm Hm, hoonm Inc In `llvod no long.` It hold: A can 01 `Annoy in the `nrlouoanex or natural asho- _un.-Pro;tanoor=Woairaw in man. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --.--.... % ;I5u'In m. o! no =Y1.u`uox-iwu Gu- uh Ioonod CM tlniili IN A. km. in Gnlyn__ot.j' III-l_IAI. nu-wan-no-o-c-an-u-o-soqpnvun I nu`. mu: 1: suppusuu In UK! laud SIILHB V88- 301:. Ib_is:'a povjshp instead. Still tl1'a'1't_"1 3 mush be some oneca of -the old shit) iii this one. She has been compltely rebuilt I undcr Hl6_`lf9,1)a1I`s' system. Some day Yin I going. `to "try to was aruund and see If If] can find that piece of the original vassef.` ' It must be -hem aomnwhoroJ3uG I vuutsurt I tony II will bo_ many moons boron in. IndNi.? --New York,8un. I . _- ' ` 0ur\!`In_x-ly Smltc-amen -1 !l:nl; In Selecting I . federal mpraino am-.'rt_ ln .'I`hn Ladion Ho moJonrunl. "When !ho.constl!.m~lruinl Ind the hlgh duty of aqloctixwllga justlcol - hall been pcrfurmad b_Y`\V'a'3hinzon." ho ` says, th6'smaller -bus not wholly uln- gpartzmt qnit-lou of ,1", cuprt sl1'es:"loo1uod up and muol: agltuwd and divided ch: mlnda of our public man. Shall the jut 2 Flttlnq Cum-2 In-en. Ex lfresl-.l.u1s llnrrlxc-.1 tells of the cen- tentlun cruaxed over we question 0! an up- prorlnp court drop: for the junticupuf zlxl organluucluu of the-court had hum saulcd ees wear gowns? And, it yes, they gown of E the scholargof thewlldmnrx got,-amr or obj the prlm! Shall ux wear the wig at the j ' Engllsh judges? Jefferson and Hamilton, E who had dlffared so \vlrllyln``;hnl1'vlmvs ] u_s,t.o the trauma of the coxxstltuiloxx, wer nguln ln bppositalnn upon slum: question: &'blzn;ly:g- kn xullllnery and" hulrdruisrlng. .lel'Im-nu \\'nn.nanln~'xf. nnv I\umHnea hm- . V930 Luuu: IN uul vase. Mr. Solomon Thompson lives on a beautiful. farm on the west shore of Mud Lake in Garden township, N0l'Vi.FVV`M:- `tom. He has resided there tor forty years be-rug the that 2:11.21 around the .lako. He was -reeve or Garden. and Dalton townships thi_rLy-ve_ years ago, before the countieokof Peterboro and Victoria were separated, and he used to. "TFi2:`n?FT{Ei Ti'"rT5Ei } -"riir" 'r3T-Tr`;FT72i'fIi":- -um: unu -u-4 -nu uu-1 LUAIVKD It is known generally mm the monlonr 3 Terror. which has just: gkmo into commis- I don, bu baiu bui1ding fun a nuora of nuts. The lens is chm uf the other monimr5-- ` Puritan, Mouudneck and Amphi trite.' `Thtlanoaomovh, whiulrwent "into com- mission about two years ago, was` also 1 __atatted.a6 the-Jame Mme that he others I were laid down. That was in 1874,nnd In ' 1876. mm. _`_,..... -3 ....,._.n...-- _-__---_zA _ ! x I i I u1wy;_(~ .-M AuI.\.u;u\:r_v null nuxrureI-.\:Ing. { JeiIers_ou \vas._aguinsc any ueudiuss'of- ; Iiai apparel. bucgii the gown was to carry, i he staid, `For heaven : uxke discard the mnnmuuu wig which mukesjha English judges look like rats peeping through . ? bunches of olnknmi Hamilton was (or tile: i English wig_wi$h the English gown. Burr " win for the English gown, but against tho `innrtod wouiszwk banned a wig. The I Ingiilii guwn was taken {and the wig ief. 4 i o and I am tum that the owing black silk gown stiii worn by the justices being to preserve in the courtroom that dignity and ',rionn-of-soienminrwhicbwitouithxiwayrr I oharaoborizg the pine: or judgxnent. " I ` ongot the capl-ism of program, Tho or law ln bur uppuuui. Tho nccuptancn . of olootrlolty u the cm great ynpzivo force I ll nrungly impeded by Q uirunmnanoo, VA uulu. Oddly onough. tho aunt 1: held back by at:-ongth of tho lnuumotlvo. ll lts imberfoo- clan. Tho appllcatiou of stoma to unglnery 13 aovompnuiod with an one: which bu" cons civilization gnora doarly than my oth- ` whiuh, according to all logical 4 ought lolj nines sa_ ban boon obviated. "Thin ulrourmtanvu lien in tho npplll-atlun. 3 \ j of hen, or nthar 151 they ovolntlbn at but ` ` on its aco-nou:y'tn"tho'pmdumfn`or*;sovr-Ml - or. Eully {Mir-fths of all hu fuel of tho I ( - rlslzxni luytwndlng anmuxlly through sh: world is thrown away. The 70,000,000 poopla in `aha United States are burning = up their own most precious resourcoa winlm an ubnulntn wuima of mnrolhnu 80. par vent or ma.whP1o. vmor Hugo amdmx nu Pa- aewerg 2n,0uo,o\zu traumas into lo Iva. What xlmll no any of the whole world show "1 cling cmll `non the roaring tlzrnnts of 100,000,000 furnucen. Thar.-3 is null an`on- ` - glno anywhuro.or over` w.-u,_ shun econo- whlch it duvour.3,-Jclm Clark Ridpzt-1: in l i I xuliofmon than 20 par cent of tho fuel .: Bruoklyn"1`1mos. - / wnua un mu `maul! OI 0_nluTl9I. l1diiI- Isl! n the gloss about to be ijcltutod to Ibo gm: uh buy or curiosities before ; .whlsh. civilization lllhdl laughing. Bu! 1 the thin; in not yts certain. W: cannot mnko ham to dig `a grave (or the locaL_no- .: him It may be that me meutiatii century ~ will will demand was bony, ciumly, imt ~ 1017 aniclont biutg who: came: in has bun for two umrauunl to e`-.~.-ry mnii zmd his product: so Bhfundlf $110 mil. Thi Iubntituliqn of olocmcity for steam III I motive tn :-co on ma gr:-in railways of tho -, l 1 United Statu, Vviiicl: now scams so imml- _ \ nent, will ' be, if is coma. Ibo moss mu- ; voioui single ohnugc thzsl; hu over uccnrwl rodiumnng gho physics 0!.` tbs civilized lifml nf man I I . _ pit-iiiix-new 1 I It ummmnn no ram 1; nunfag {V9 us run, up 9!] Too Flat. y-g Luv Inch * ` ' Tho whnlu lywm. at locomuoi H; ihrualuzml wttn h.u:i:>ens ravalhon. Thus two hm-us, one .4 huh, and one 0! I1-on.on eating mm and the cum` coal, 5 End their vocauuma gum; any together. ! Science thn-aamzs tu I-rum thnir czsrcuson on the same ',';-`YO. `Eiactnmcy oun half as I locomotive turn: for me mslionl. 'l`hc_ num locomouvo. nuntod omblom ml mm of the (man of cqnlurlu, nds 11- an)! ll lhn alnu nhnnl on n. ...I......; ._ , ifunmy of-Anplohd Lltantnn. I`-.. .1- _-_,:.`|_.__ Al. _ ___..v,u '.,, .n aupinsmt JUSTICES eowws. The Old and the lldw Ten-or. 1,1,, , r0m the Whlt.b;` Chronicle . now M31: COAL I Iuuxll uwnur we qxpxo wno1vnen.om_me(1 2 1.119.! yuutiHbe~lutep howled for. warm . aud:h9lamn1y_n`\gor`nev'er to do lt.Ig.s`4ln~.V 5 ` The Birch Fer Kleptomemaea, ' f `g London Feb. 27.--.'1`ruth- gays. thaththe mlehae of Mn. Walter M. QM-ml: ' has been" followed; _l_y` an alagmiug increase of klepcomania in the west and of "Land 11. gDne_1pg5ljpgAeton~ekeper says hlihh. he as 3 fheen (_`2bIige.d to take the law `in his own .` hemdia, iecogujzing the ;futiIit.y `of legal. 1 pr_0caeg_1i_ngs. and-in vie,vy_of the fact that the ,1 disgrace `of the` arrest, etc.~,;"falls vI_I}'1on ifiunocene members of, the families. -This I storekeeper sayehthat he V watched as `well-t`o- dolady and caught her stealing ,eevex7al' ` - times. ,\Fimmy, hevtook her. he em;a,- to- A nip private oice and ordered` henhe choice A ' of um: or nummpry ehuatiagmeht then and-,_ , {them She accoptedmhe latter, and `the; ypmprietor left `here wihh;.hia_ sistqer, +hhe.1 J` mu: on-euaftho atom 'who_ hhnt Iuhlll Mmlnhan hnulhdi Mn mm-nu? ED Macwenaj You donlft know` what you are taking. You place _implr'cit_ con- denf in the physician who pr - --scribed it.. and the druggis_t who tornpoundd `it. We realize this, _fully, and act `accordingly; __W`! ,want you to have _every corrdepce in _us---wc Avwarit your prescription trade, `W_e have` .made_Va ,special1y_ ofAthi_s_ line--w will \;;ppreciat_e your trust . . I KL` . ': vs IW%estheKnife! % jawn come the Prices {When You 1 Take WA Medkine .`Dn- ,1 Tforget ! Moilble heels, `shaped :u1kl-es,.regu1ar 42c, pair, yours at 29c, __ 1` - On1y 60Pair of _'Ihe'se. Ptt Aside for Th?a%;`'-';' N0. 3-.-Ladies -1Eaetra; Q:1a1it3? Black cashmere Ribbed Hose, Seemed Doomed to Torture mud Con- ` `iinunl Mi;=.=uy--F..Liu=r. Grandfather and Great Gramuatlxer Had Dxed from the '1'ruubIe-B,eleas.-. Cornea :11 Old Age--The Cu1e_Lookcd Upon as Miracle. -.*" $ cgmeaua See We win l]oTneel:unt1 am Last 3 Shance--44 1:-"--`F%n:-1n=ig}1l')oring._,v' n1`crcha.nts :L>f}:1s11i11g,,1511t `never nlind, We } `(I'M [`iiVi` iii "IE1. T V \ from 7 pm. :33 10 Next saturday,March (syn 0 wi [,1 fly to I , iw11'l ,1fopm1t our ` % (om: c1.o'sm;% DAY.);7 % `V No. 1`-h--We give` you the choice of any" Silk; `Handkerchief in the sto`re,_i11iti:11c :i~ititChC__d or 'p}:L1n, for the very small price- of 350. ;\b0ut- 4:5` (10261) `jto-Cho0s>e froln. ` N0. 2-~Y01ir,ch0icc.0f any__T%ie in the stnrefor 15. j -_"Al:)Q11t._7:5 dozen to C}`1OOSTf1fOvI11V:.-, ' ` ` Ba rgaing 1% Ba rgains ! Baf'gafi%%n%s Ax F QR S AL E_V-1 G-a's Stu've.4aud Ii-ops, '2 17-ft. ,-C`ounters, ~`2 Tailofs Sewing Machines nge1'), I\/1n'1'm's, 'I_ab1es, Cha11's, Stoves, etc. ` ' ' - ` U . 7 Qyuggisn -4m1A'(_i'pticiaLn 4, mi. Inn N01` scam is nil Trot: TWENTY-FIVE nuns. -'