Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Mar 1897, p. 4

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Overcoals, ge Beaver Here. we Give you an-~LIdea of What we are D%oMi`ng of our town. He split 8 cords ready for stove use in 10 hours. n h can beat this! U 1,.A;`.;.u+m. ammt Qumlnv nnrlnr Hm parental 1-om. ' Report of Minesiug Public School for the mouth of February: V.--A. Knupp, A. Malcolm. IV. aenior-R.. Knupp, M Livingaton, E.` Tmcey,`_S_. Jacobs. I,uV.vinnim`--G. Jdhnston. A. Youuu. J. In 1U hours. no new mm; H, Joinstou spent Sunday . under the parental roof. Rennrh of Minesinrz mmpp, M. uremner. . ~ . 1ILsr---W Addison, A Johnston, J Liv.- in;_-gatbu, M Lennox. - HT ir._)T Kc-fvfnht. f`. Wnvnlznnx F Trmev. 1'mcey,__5_. Jacobs. IV.vjnnior-G. Jdhnston, Young, Knupp, M.Bremner. ' HI, an-...\\ Addison. A Johnston. J Liv- lI|}_'KOIl, l\1 LCDDUX. III. jr~-J Krfdot, C I*`qys!;on,- F Tracey, `M Stokes. ` T....2.\.. h:..:.!m. \\ nllie Malcolm. . - ` Pt 2"A-`-Harry Lennox. David Knupp; Chm'l_ea Jones. h . Pt 2 B'-Ir\'in Johnston, Harry Fletcher, Pt 2 C-vAuah Wood, Lontaa` Jones, Rue Degeel. ~ -. ` Dart _F`.sLrl Knimn. Dalton Lenuox. I U|cU|$C3a - Junior Diviigion. ~ S: II-Norma Crosaland, Annie Johnston, Will, -Bremner. _ T..0..,I T. -mi.` (`.umnhnH Fr-ml T1`nvs.tnn. _ wry IOW Wll/ll UrfJu\:1||uu. _ Geo Cuwie has gone to Madoc to enter the "B. R`. office at that place`. - Inn Wilmvuc innmihlr-. m leave the house. Wvlll, - nremner. Jr 2nd--L1'mie Campbell, Fred I*`oystQ1_1, Wnllie Malcolm. I)\ I)"-A `IL...-n Tnmmv Thvi Knunn Uegeex. Part .I-Eurl Ku'upp,- Dalton Lenuox. -D Arcy Lqnnox. " , , __'A;u,u,u nu 4,~,+1s5~-,a,n,9_-s- _ Impnro bluod is the natural result of ` close counemqnt in house, achoo1`room or"shnp. > "Rlm\d En nnvnrl hv' ows Sarsamrilla . or snnp. - `Blood is puried by Hood s Sarsapariliaf. l gmd all the dnaagregable results of-impure `mod disappear with the use ofitbis medicine. ` 1: -..... ....!,.l. L.` km!` ...,.'l1 I.-zxn"n'1n\I1r HIUUIUIHU. - V - . - _If you wish to ft-e1'_wel1. keep your blood pure with H5md's :arsaparilla. H3on`s PILLS are the bestf;;mi1y cathartic and liver medicine. Ga[)[l9' reliable, aufe. ` ` _- . A Long Railway Run. . The longest regitlui daily run made with- out u Stop by any railway in the world has just been placed on the aohedule of the Great '\V<-.atprn Railway of England. . It was made hetween Padllington elation in London and Exeter, a diosfaxxcszg-i_1fLm,ile:a..io..3 outs and 36 minutes, by what is lmowli as th Uor`nwu.ll express. Ibis i,o_m_urkoble, not so much as owing to the time, asfox the tact that not H. stop is made from one end of the ` run to the othor._ There have been longer runs Inode without a. stop, but they luxye ' been made by special and not regula_r'tra\ina. The average speed otttsiot-.(l by the Cornwall express when nmkiug this min is `1.07 miles an hour, although owingto a peculiar con~ ~ struotiuu of the mile at Bxistol. 118' miles from London, the train ia_ obliged to slow to an spa;-.(l of ten miles an li'6ur._ During the run it is tm:easa,1`y to take water for the (gn,s{iu_e twioo. This. lv)v\'e'vfer., does` not ueeossituto any. Slop, as it ili taken up' from `a trench l>es.idcs the truck as the miin speeds along at noguly a niile a minute. Mn. Amu1lAMN11iLsoN, ,Drusdon, ()uc., `says: My dulI\;hl61` hurl Eczunm bad for ymm. One (1(llar a W\)I`(h _uf l\lil!er u'_ Cg Pills cln`-.*d`her; it ixunev yuulxsinnuu slmrwuhed the-. pllls, and she ` has uot.bean n bled hinge. "`i:.'.I.I-...r n:.......`.....4 In . ..... an-...... .......- ` * now, without.fenLof\ oleatatiQn.* " - L;. A nEe`a_k `.(1di1m1_g.' " A `treiheudouss`euatiox:, ~.aa`yu `tl\e,_Enu " Claire (W_is.) L;au` haw -bee/h oregntvvii tlnouglmut the '.<:o\1x1try- by chm dlxoovery that thejmtexnts-of the cL%lebratci'~\\ elsbzxoii. _ ,(known\ in` 0o.ua\d.,zf ;1h'_ Aue'1f_Lig'ht) Gcpnx-, puny on their wail-kumvu g$xa"'burueru,|1avu ux-pired. The 1108f(il`Tzhi51`.i||'ti0Iyhkllihqgtl ' ` from $2.50 to. 4. whilu iLT=Tclai111_e(l `_theVc0at, ` dues `inn exceed, 40 ccntgs. The \Nalsbgq,l1 . Cmnpany" x'epo7'.te'd to have ulexred-over $30,000,000 in |;l1iu`co11u \`ya`nd Edrop. whil , tI1_e`p`wo.uta'held. an that gin far as they've concerned. there should. he. no kick coming; Au innnediatb crash in the price ialookod . for; at: anyone ommake and sell tumburnera HRH ll()V,.l)CHl1 [I 410160 BIIIQE. Z"`iuldau, S1-.u:;`ers In ||f:fSti)I'l5,`(`)[)[D5 .| ust liicc...` Se It to any 4l_glglre.3' witlmut. a-xl.rn.-av nu~1u-. T not Illness 01 me put, wuvn. _ - Miss b` Armuuung who has been visiting with"M.xas M Hamlin, returned hon.-o to Bradford. i`.~m1kT/uvmunlmahnnn m\W.:rinr1 from n .l'IISla Ullllmu. '36 III III) it without c-.xt.ra; 1'. name we CANADA , 1'; u }\Q(\(`l.`\'l'I(\N- `___'1_';_;;;_n iuy. Nutshell. 1 I 1 Sale %a.Ft Cashman & APerry s` A % " -FOR 30 DAYS 4 H lohnston, _ ;=$'I`(ji ys!;on,- m H-3` : Naw ion. ' Q, 3 C10 `Annie fl p1 To` 1, Foyntou, 59 `-50 Sh` " F = R1 -D'dK Va-5"` ~` .. av: nupp. 6% 35h`, Harfy - ?I"' H17 xontaa'J0ues,LRue " 8 F01 U . 3 ` :51} u` Q . Co: _.._.. A,:,42.V;... .m191l- .; 2,; `M result .4; W 188, P 5 ~ 2: q rod Sarsaparillaf. 9! 9'4 .......Ic. 1.? . immu-u H U, (6. H ..Wre`$6.50, M s 8.00,_ , - 15.00, 4` -L 1` . 10.00. `i 4 ~ 6.00.1 H -400, `F Le " 10.00," ca 7.50 c: 5.00 and 7.00, % :"*i`00;*h63v'"`"" 4 i > x 3 " Seagers A Drug Store Entire Stock =0f `Spectacles and Eye Glasses to. be cleared 'outTat one-hglfthe market prices A ' Sheagers . Dmgf Store, nmuora. Fred Norman has been suffering ` s~ vvre attack of bronchitis. u:,_. l\!,..... h....l...m nl Rnuli G6 to the Ant. thouhmggvard. `considqr ' hex` ways and be; wlse" `5 . | v_1'u\_..'L1 \\A\gA., .' ' `1~ie;`b."27L._r;a\_-ml G(lthri,e_,`of.Bott,A1`Elz\xr. 2 a_for1x1er`x-s.+i(lent of Oxq iyab prequt visit?` _iug`l:'iq"brotln`m~ V,Jus;Gnthrie. `Hi:-1 mg:,u_y friouds will be gvleaagd toee Shim lookingv 3- ' auwell} 4,. J _ , Mihnnn Mmmie and Graoa~Mdrr1son mud Eu W811, ` 4 ,> ` Mime Mu gie and Grace ~M and Miss Josie. Ifayea, of the B.(}.`I. spent ` Sunday with Mrs.mD. Morrison. ` ' ` One bf our xmuua men is intendiuz tukimz ` Uuuuay WW KYITHMU. l.u\ll`l`l5Ulln jr One of our young is Intending taking ,u';paruw`r to himself" next week.- (Iou~ .- ` ratulatioun. A ` V Lhboucheru a uharaotisrization or th Sul- ` ~ tau oi{I`urkey an our" and a blob upon oiviliaation.*' while unpnxlimentgry in tone. isnone `thelua V a k1ud,v..ot pnrnseplogy - 5 entirely juhtfsd by the oondibiongjhht any 7 A pre`wuu:lI.Hn .tho .siom}in; of.-the 'T1`nrk-" ~ .' flavor-oUr9adomMo ha" oxquseci `for ` lo. in um! (clam M ;th-conveys . Byenrs. - zunmlnl to $50 palid in Maturity valuoyiloo. 7U('C,IllS|l`l`Rll21l`OD01` mmllh for 8 yezlrs will be $67.20pl1l(l in. Mzllurlty`value', $100. 60 |)1'vpLli(l $tU\`.l( will be \\ Ql`tb $100 per all ~.._- I `e if)` 860 p1'epuill- sfock will d,m\v*li"pe1' cent . interest. . ' uyublc half yearly,` aneHn 10 years will be worth 100. = - _ -A lnemls ol` ucculilulalhl s_mu_ll e_.arn1'ngs, mak- ` 1l1f`l1l.ljg(\}>1`OlS.__ ` - l \ pr 1urlic\_1llu's, em1ull'e o_f.- VITHESU N1 ASTAVING'S%AN9% *` LOAN cc>MPA;NY; ; . _ 50 centspgr shqro per xmfntp for 10 ye.'u's`\v1ll-f` p:L1(1 in Mammty valu0.'$1.00. 7u(-cntsm-1' .'\ll:1l`O her mouth yezuzs will ' S allack 01 I)rum:mI.ns. Mii:L`! Ulnm Du}'hu.m, 01 Bradford, is spending it fhw days with her sister. Mrs E. 3. Meeking. . `Rm H. 1}. Dixon. `TorobnLo'a nhilahthro- SA V1Z\ ?}_ IS EA1iV1NG* 4MR.iz%* A. B." cuman, ~ mh r$i.~xxnunv .9.` nn $3350 ,4 50 ` Opp. Pdt Ofce * 10400 . 5. ,_ 6.50 3.00 2.50 -6.00 5.00 0, now` 4.50` )Toi1et Articles I-lair Brushes Nail Brushes ` $C10th Brushes Tooth Brushes : Shaving .B'i'usIxes Dnnnro iRazorS . V iShaving Soaps ; )Fine` Toilet Soaps i Fountain`Sy1;inges Bulb Syringes" `Combination Syringes .Ba .C_9rIi12i_r,1,_ti)i.,i;no_;_ Atomizers . All the _ Popular Patent Medicines,` of the day (Syringe and}-Iot Water 7 .,, v_... `.,......*.}.......,V 914`. BENJAMIVNVJL 00;, I .; * `Dian -1ct.A'gent_, Binnie. B. meekmg. V `Rev. 11. U. Dixon, "I.`orobnt,o's phila{nthro- - jpiat clergyman, prehchealat, St.. George a '"'h'i1fch'x1ia'x't'l`Iindi:) , morumg and evening. ` (hm (`.lnr|.r r-mulmahir. has uulm !'l'.(!()VRl`hd ToRgNIo* 0i1LCH-1isT.;V ` Meiiig" Beaver Caps . Coon Coats.A. iHavy All-wool Shirts and Drawers.. -Top Shirts - Rvgalta Shirts............. Ties in Knots, Four-in.Hand I Linen Collrgs, all styles,........ r1 church next, runua), morning Lulu evening, I Get) Clark, conductor, has quite rccoverqd ' hqlii his recent illness. Tim 2,.lr.nt nhild nf \Vm. R1ll'lU in ntill YYYYYYYYWY?YYYYVYYYYYYYWYYYYYm??Tg \ VAR. 1. FRASER, 6: Co. W A UmliwjtlNNIWNNWNW - -C --C --C *'C I1)/Cr`/S/. r/$v / 4 R. I. FRASER! 8: E0; White Goods Wbepartment Perfection T in Fit `Eagle Linens/azid Towellingsv being attacker: wun us grlppu. While coupling an engine to u curloud ol ` luniber in this yard? on Sunday morning, Jno Blevins got his right arm badly sprained between .the projecting lumber unrltnc engine Happily he is progressing fuvurnbly, though still unable to use his arm. Miss Sadie Furl):-s has returned from , Ch.urcl)ill,- whre she has been viuitnng. Tlmmnrriurl nmr'\ n art hnnm" in the nlrl ALMILNE. )rawers...._.....Were 65,` 7 . ....... .. ' 75, ..... .. 65, .. were 75, 1.00 and 1.25, and Bows~...Were 250, `.. ......... 30c, ......... 3.50, i: :`.'-;?'`"'5:00," DA-% J1Vlll.41VI.`A4, mum. -wI;o.4Gi1vi:s31gigIsrAowIou H m ' --n . This, ladies. will nd in` our Corset_Dep:u-t ment; all the lending makers represented; . also the various qualities. ~17 . Just to Ingrid. New Cottons, Lawns, Lonsdale ,,xn1`1\n;n.c,,-, not" ...\..,.:..I ....1..,.- .... .,. Hm Great value in this stbck. Some gfeat fixings. in Towelligqe, beginning at; 5c.'yd. Come Tan'd'see our bargains. _ I LID" UV `Ill'1|| JJCIV \./UEBULIU, JJCIW LIB, J.JUU.|lt\lK`.Z ambriesv-3`--vetj~speciaFvalue~%1owistlxe time to secure these goods; alszpchbice Ern- broideries, Laces, etc. - No'.do1_1b`t w`iT[" sdonl B3 vpiztting, fan .ap1)eara11a .t0 _ tell us 01 apw p1`0ac}iing_ Vspz-ing.' bThVrefQ1'e it),be_. . h)0vs ` maki11d'.:;to l0t0k . Qut `for; gpljjng sclot/hing. IIf Vyo1:1 `Wa.nbv fthe` V % mos; % .sn;i1ish V goods j ,w'it[h% %Veh,e%`1ater;. BA_RRIE SOUJH wLrJsAvmss. ~- 2:66 2;-35*-A-T-~~--A~ H 32.50 ,23c 49: 39 39 49c 15c 10c ' III] ' '.. J '1. IO QIIKKU "UH BUB `L'llIU.'HUI U] inuenz.;. ' ' ` P oAvoy is seriously ill with inam- `lmlroxnt `he lungs. "ind nn .\`nnd.:u'. Fr`-II. Q8. .IAlliP_ Hm _!I`Qm ms recent Illness. The infant child of Wm. Early is still `low with bronchitis. Gm Cnwie gone Madoc rs:-v . W mp _g.mn1.vimt.' Chef Mraapnt touch af\ grjippg. v . alt no mks. near. lutuvea L /imI'ast.1?ark`urfa Rink` rm Friday Mi. " ' (SH attended as the forlmw 2 ` 9 ,w.uq did. 0 thoroughly fe; V 1.13303, (3 _ 'h9mpni1 M` . F paf1i'isd5I.i'uk haajwn `vegyy 111." but V is _ :0 H`dii3lin" in uompletelyi |9eeo`v_;3rhud \ (7 Nb. ry in Jbuilding` 9. atore.'ad V L BkadfgrdIt.veut, beaidLgo)x6r u /; ~Publi`LI;t}rb.y hate. in_iend ?p1_nbliah.,M L" W'I It'26t fwiirtl baud` rm LB_mnzon,. 8 huge success. Tba,G T R ice~hQuse has been lled with some of the fine liiarr ice, for which Kcmpnfeldt Bay is uot_ed.. Art.hnI' Glllaud his fair bride returned .5: Inn! by oniscuue in ma nunmes . Bound Bu-tie`: Bsuway Warxl. - "W; Cuuc'l_e went to Toronto on Monday ' for 3 cw day` visit. - - Wm lmrlv isvshll nu the aicklist. lmvimv 1%. IV. omce Lu. mun pmuv. Jno Wilmbt is umiblc so leave the house, ` being attacked wnh la grippe. While cuimliuxz euzmc Uh-llfclllll,` WHEFC sne '18-8 l)l.`l:!l VI8ll.lDj!,.. The married mex'1 s at home _' in the old Methodist church on Mar. 9, prpmisea to be huge n 'l`haG T R. ice~house lscmpememn bay is uowu. Arthur GM and his frnm their honeymoon trip` om -Friday iud .will`tuke up their residence in the em ward. Who rim-mr nrnnnunnarl Mrs. W. J. Allnmd _Wlll`tuKe up melr remutcuuc 111 um um want. The doctorpronounccd Mrs. W. J. Adamsi quf. of danger on Tuesday, whwh wxll, be ~---g1ad~n_ewavtor her yrnanyh-ienda. ` Jma Pitie ir. is `Sable to attend to his nan. - ' - Atxtne IOF meeting last Thursday _ night, W 1 .Suulea was, appointed dclggute I t0the,Gran'(l Lodge. - v.'~ - . . `Min T.n+.Wphh naturm-.d nn .'\`:1f.nrd:uv {mm `in ndtince; $1.50 if not ` . _ ' popdid. . . ` L Baasm;. 1`uUxsp.a.\', mm -4, 1x597 ""gll} H_WH'I0[' ll8I'rI||l|Ily`ll.'l?3llUHn Jae Pitie jr._ is `Sable attend to. I duties once more, having co1np_let'ely": Wgovexecl f1-om: t_h_u effects of grippe. 1| aft 5 mange tn-ni{rhf.. nn( `g h.-uxfcltnymapathy ofthe whole com- 5 mauon m we mugs. Died. on Sunday, Feb. 28. Jagsie, ghe infant daught.ernfJnu Clark aged J year ' u1d3 mos. The funeral on Mondny was Qjnrgcly attended. The bereaved parents have Izqy. ` 4 _m"1`-::e _-{;(_` team of the Allandale Lacrosse _OVe(5UHl'_l:(JlllV IVIIVIVJVEILICULD U1 B|Il P`:/I The social at tYw_mause_._to-night, under the auspices of the ladies of the L :-eabyteriau cburch, is expected ti) be one of the most ; Inccessfnl of its-kind this season. `Finn-.n'nn Mni~\1||lnn m r"nnv.ulnn1-nnl: Iminn Inccepsxnn 01 lunuuu um: ucuuou. -_ Duncim Macblnllun I8 cuuvaleecent, being out on.Tuesday. His lute attuckmf inueizza is his o_u|y"iIlne'sa during the past 0!] umurii ' ' .' . " 20 years. _ i Many from here are'att,endiug_ the hyp- notic exhibition in the Grand Opera Houae, where the marvellous feats bf .1ne`smcrAia1n. are puzzling all. " sn E mehlaat uiht in the 'J'rAinmau'Zu7 E0 tneuranu uuugc. ,-nv Mrs L0tvW.ebb returned uu1Saturd}y from Stioud, where she has been visiting her winter, M re Wilson. ("umuli':m Hnma'Circle`met do Mumlav , about 9. week ago. ' Bxotberhood of ` lailway "1`ruiun1eu lichl their regular semi monahly. mee-_tiug last Sunday, ' I ` ' `The manv~{iem}s~0f-Jo&~1 ri0rA `were verv _ JB,l'(lVIIW5yc ` -. ' -` _ ' Vfletlpiaxg ashes on_ th most prominent; 1trct`.1u.our_thriyin;'g ward certainly _dm:a , t1t1i1;'t,o3._s,beanty.~- It; the authorities di, . xm`n`ma L 1;ir.d1i`ty.'_'s;z @:h nuimxceawoulgl eaqn be puzzxxuq an. S 0 I)`. met. laat night. "J'>r\in_men_x"u7 ' Hall. A0 Hm ll} W moutintr lnnt Tlvuirnulnuy nsunna,y.. _ I `The many-friemskof-Jos~1 `were very `I`0rr'yv.tohear' of the death of his father` `I night. Samuel l ror, which `on-curred on Sunday Urder of Railroad Uouducburs 'ineet`tu;. . Urder : lqnt. , . . .- V ' `: G"Th";"" LSt7a`r\1r`W{'E`{t&iii&l{"aakccomiEor"on1 ' ' ' ,_ . . _ _ _ , y_ wnlluot be diegumtl. .-. ,L`ig`9,B{};3':{Vnv time of. bhe debaters; i)em_g present. ATM B 1 " `WE. debate will.beven.the- programme for non hulldlnl - ' 5` 75011 '1`1lI\.1 B,dDY`.evening. V _. spring, . V _ A w .9! D!) All lhe home: 01` the Pros literary society are weekly solving the M _9 In t!3120rI"`we:e`vin|ted .-mi b blame oflnfe... AM)1elrVlantmeet-A 1. ` V ` decided. that a buggy was more ' A/Ir. Fletcher is _n.ukin'g prgvBre'ti()nh fer esideuee the coming; rt In G ek my .4 V .'1` V _ ' , ` At their next meeting. ` V In ?}'0.f0l&bl0<~'~9it_~y or M` M are 4150` Behheld in fie`. m"'1`iXeadey_ eight duri ` mans. - _ . . < Qo:i owell mi- fonday night; to uttepd__Lhe nallnb llmt. place. A `good time was the general verdict. ' Match cumefin~like'u lamb. which me.u_m `place, A gnuuulnv wua mu guuurau vuruwv. March dum.`in~like'zi lamb, which ` gbagfnling to the old tradition. thgnb in will ` have at ve;'ylionliV}4e`dentl1. . .` 3 `Thu Brmlfoi-d Hhroad is unite` u fnmrim j`t.3l0l't xor muse man 01 un,v-lug. j Jlailroad ahirs are-very quiet at present. ,Th're is some talkof ex Superintendaub'.lu,s . .'W'_e_bg/tut again mki1f1?" qIuuge ofithm ` division, but w_l_nM irutlx there is in rumor it isard to day. " ` ' ` fnimiam nukes rm th mna nmminanf. nave us vev_,'y :1vu11;cu' uuuuu. 'Th(5Bt_'1df0fd Bhroad is quite` a favorite Mort for those fond of driving. ` ailrna Ahirn um-vnrv (mini: AI . nrr-..-mnt. IQ!` short. visit to n yeme. A1bert~CLuk.is cuvnedtothe house with qieazmneei ahoiha in made :31. A. Iloc area. pnblither of Tax Egnmum Ont. tor a new any man. Wm buly isvshll on the aickvlist. lu.u'iu'g Fl 1 -_~z ` to drake jlo me plutches uf ` ..lI......" M'gfFr;_'I;iuk haM:mzn_\'e;y ill_. but is '- im`m`ovi'n`u aonuhvinnt. v . n` . ` ;(_` Allandafe -'L.. .....o..`llf7 . (In. 1, `,.;ld*an.epting Webb`: Hate] . , nigha for thzifrpoae of electnug ` I1 eyuuu. ; (,vez/ipg from his Intel (31133 0; hid ch: gkanuiu tgcamiait-. j from 11 . Vhi_s It would be no` grtur. eurnriae to me to find the electric light ivnntiiig on our streets in u cuuple of weeks. Little or no progress has been made in thenegotiatious between the (,'uuncil zand , the Electric". Light 00. After the lrhinsl`. `the eemprmy threaten to Lcrcnse their rates to 180 yer light. As the `Council do not seem inclined to pay more thun the present rate, it is quite probable that,.tl'i,e company will try to bring then; to time by shutting oil the light. The question will then be which can stand it. the hell-`l`, the town, the loss of light or the company the loss of revenue. , * ,_ ` _ _ M \\ . - * * 5 It IS much to be regretteu that the Chuirmzmofthe Board 0! Works has an ' long ben gxbsent . from the Council. .T!fe internal injury received while at his ~ work nrrivml mnru nnrimm than nntir-jnaahxll It in Ox-i!]iana ore ()l1CC*_il1:]`(} `greatly Worked up over then bformution of a new county 0 which Oxillia is to be the chef town. .It iI~` rather intviesting to notice tim this oqilu-f xiou in rviveml just after -Simcocfs Council `had decided to hold its June Session in this! town. This `will`give.the Orillians an npportunigy of denioneimting to the Councillors the immense u(1vant11geu"'thnL would accrue to Sinhcoo by the formation of 0riI|iu'u new >county. ' -1: {- The trrivnl oi Leht. reminds us that Spring in it hand. And just here. I would like-..to unite I suggestion to the. Board of V Lest Worn, concerning our side-wsllrr-4._ year there seemed a. total lack of system in looking alter-__ the bond walks. Conse- quently the money was not used to the best mhiaptage and the wsllts in many places ' were in utiisgrziceinl state. A tew weeks ago, atom: in western Ontario, did some- thing in the matter that might be. followed with good advantage hy our Board of Works. The town which 1 refer, instructed their med inepcctor to mslie a through exzmiuation of the town sulewalks, His report as published snowed in lentil, the . condition of all `the walks, pointing out the immediate and probable repairs to be done witluiue cum , of each. If our Council were to make 2: similar examination as soon as the snow goes, they would know the probahle post of sidewalks for the year, and would he ` alile to save considerable expense by prompt renairs. In'sdditi_onvto this, the citizens would be better satised, and the danger ol actions for damages would he reduaedv to s njnimnm, `Sometime ago a. petition asking that the 1 Public Library be kept -open every day I .lu`xing vacation, was `presented to. the : .l$n:n'I_l. '1-"hnugl1tl1epo_-titiun was simxedhy ` some of the most prominent .snbscrihers, the directors p1id_no heed to it. Now. they will hdemnpelled to dons requested if {hey want uhe town grant. as the council so tleCl(lL'(l on Monday niglxf. The reixsons for the hhrary being kept open every day dur- inu \'zwn.Hnn lmm zllrmulv anneahad iu TUE `past. " n um nnmry mung Kept open every uuy unr- ing vnuu.t_ion have already appeared \ ExAmr and it. is not ll0CC`89[H_'y for me to repent 'thcxn.- For my pnrtzl cannot see see any reason of weight that can be ad- vanced injnvot hf closing the` librnry three a days in the week during vnca.t1on. The town gives a ghnl} and ,,Lhe_B\lbH(:l`_i,l)il`S_,I individually my for the use of thelibmry, l and they are cutitled to the fullest. use of it, vu. nlntter what: has been bhd cusmm in the, V V. K'N'I`..I Wu MANiToI3A seems to begetting along . pretty well. `Tiny cash hfxldxne on hand atthe c1<:s1s of the scixl year "wag $674,219'27. . 1`hat is a good neat egg, lllllurq - _ The 3;`! the. . Club .w1'h `I-lid ` -9? tomorrow I0} oiceru fox-1he exxqni`? n.m:A ll...--..u in 112.1. i_ his rnmovul will hemlicll felt i110ntm'io' i strong _pL1l`C._iy,lil1!1Il vind dealt. the Conser-~ 'Liberals illltl _Conservutives alike . -oiillyyszxys He has enjoyed the regard IN appointing a Sherilf- for Kent, the. Hardy ildllll`I`llStI`i\l1l0Ilill17B.(l0 I) happy choico in Mr J R`Gremmi1l. For fhiity tlm.-e yeals Mr leznniilvl vigorously conducted the Cliittllallli Banner, and 'journalism_ Although he always was a valivcs many almrd blow, his personal life and chm-actor woie such that`- lirinmjetl and ti`i1steil.hin`1. Even the l lune.t, his hit.mi'ost4)pponent polil1-- of all his ;,`2)llllCill opponents` for `his integrity, rimnl ineisa,. c.)urf,esy', and o1itlui.~:iusii1." '1:m; `uppointtnqiit is ono, which not only the government,-but all the pcoplcof Kent, should foe] proud of, ' The t\\'bl\1i9ss Bel] have mtued h_o'mo ' . again after u prnlonged viait to'bhBir,friemla "in Mulmcr. " Vl`l.n.1. nun nnih-4 u n.nn\Lnn-vn-Fwmunu n` \n muuncr. _ . . There me quite :1 number '1`rf1:u.sc:s_ of la grippe at present in this phg. Amrn1},v,ab mmm ofthe worst are A. B Cross hud Mru*R Bollimd Mrs W M.aMuuter-but we n're`glml tn learn; that they are recovering u`guin; ,' Hm M::t|n':aalihtu *hnve m-nnnivml nu. U! lCl_|I`l,l HIP-D BUSY are I`0(!0\r`8I`lllg llillll. , Our Met|1'(J4litn hu.ve m'gnnize(1_ zm. Epwnrtlx League in` connection with their _` church ii: this place and have nxbov,e'Lwen'by members. , _ . 'l`Imin mill hdn nm~1m~ nmIn| llhlnn At fhn memners. 'l,`heir will be}: parlor aoaial lgivawatr the, house Hf M Bell .Utop,ia,on`Fiiduy evening Mm-chth in connection with the suns` churdhp . _ _ - A `: 'I'h.6.,..'.. Hm nun-`A ..l' rw-unvinun in human` cnurum. , " - . 'Liuten'.to the sound uf mnrrlngeviu bum -Hiu near future. ` 1,1 L ` - ' a-Auxu.;u .n.-. u r V Mfall 2'?-Tllniz fnllnwinq ixria-1hc):'nVf`Ii_s3_ a'xa 6!, V the Clurisfiun Enduavnr -for the`-next three mnm.hs:.--I ras., .Re_v. E. ~Wallu(E`e ; Vice, 0. ,BDl f0n.;{ S-q., A. Btewiurt : '.l'reaa., M Black. ` Prayer Mgelin'g,Commitwe: H Munro.'.Lobk ` . (lnxwotrimitteez Mn`u.~O;M Hioldjng.` 8%`. Co}nmitLne,;R.2. Munro. s v"` A" nnmmmum nmnxm wnn eld nn VVm1~ uq:nmuLne,.m. Munro. _ - A" committee meeting was held on Wed- nnsday, 24bl1.`f`or,zha pmpoa ofmrauging _ fora teu;.nntqtin;rah the 17th of March; in` annuectioivwith the English `church. - 'Nm deate nn"l`hm-sdhv m'renVinu.' M or 0Ml!_l00l:l0!\'W|Hl U10 l`1!Jg|l1! Ulllllfullu The debkte on"I.`hu rad'ny evening,` at our \ Literurv. waleefnilure, 'on account: oi"on1y. v three of being ' . debate will bevon.the- M IThuraday.evening. M .,1'A1l aha ` home: Prenb 3 M mbor--;wm vhnlted by t gorllhowveek. ` `V L, tartan uhumh 56 -waver: E 5:KmI.s'M nI1nmnn and 'l` .m-nn`}mvn in. ` Imgiregidnh `I133: ~'tTeT Way.T UlU\:l'l [Ur `H5 UHIUS" Davidhlurrav in I ` W9- uvere attack of If/, rippe. Joa_ Graham is gradual 1-.-__ L:_, |.,._ :n_...... .....I....` "sway amen meni ..;:o.,.;.h._.. With . boastful shout of joy. Trampling down dull .Wim,er a veatdre Like 1 boiaroux. reokleu buy. .uIimUns?1*. V1.1. c..n.....1.... '... ~ 1TJ'l`04I 1'A{ Y . KN0'I`.T The young people lrom here and surround- ing villages uttcmled a surpriaoparly at the home of C. M cGi"M.h; Hillsrllle, on Thursday night, of last week. The night was fine but frosty. Everyone seemed to be in the mood for fun. and all app}.-zrod to have their share. Refreshments ol the best were gervetl, and in the wee smn hours all prepared to depart ` for their respective homes, wl:ll >please nppurent-ly, with the timesperxt. Mr. and M'rs"'S."Reid and family, of apparent-ly, with the t-nmugpenu. Mr. and family, Victoria Harbor, called on frienda here on ' Sunday. Robert Croweinjured hia,foot badly. - . 1 ; J. McNal1y. of Cedar Springs," called around here lately. 0 . . Mm I1`.oml`.nnlin. whim has been for some around here lately. es Miss Etta Qonlin, who has beeiiio1`:iomev ,,1iu1e_past__in Mt. `St, Louis, returned home last week. , The ice is being taken off the lake here. A great many qu-e complaining of la grippo. MISS Rachel Dent`, who has been visiting . fricud~3ihvre,' returned to Orillizs. 1,4... M..N..m..m. at Mr $1.. Louis. snent fricuushvre, returned no Unum. John ML-Nmnura, of MMSL. Louis. spent a short time wuh fmends here. u. Mm Riuhnn nf Ehmmle. were short. time wun menus uore. - Mr. and Mrs. Bishop, of Elmvale, were guests of Mrs. Whetham. V Mrs. Juo. Lime has been ill; bchool has rn`-opened again. , lh0(}l.T_.R. will nnduubtedlymnomoe their March 1at~--We have been notietl by` out G.'l`.~R._ agent tlmt the sale of 'nuu`kct tickets to Barrie has beeuiecuutinued. This will be u. great. belmt to the country lnerchums, who for u number of yeMs`have lost. consi- .lera.hle trade through this r+-dueed rate, but luiemke are long, us this was the only in- ducement they 0lle1`ed:l30-tl1e public iuthis vn.-inity. Everytl)iugl1>Lu dropped propor- timunely, in,thjs__c__ouhtry, the past few years, but the railromls. and we uvroeorry ~ to note tl1_n._t their mm; are still the some as , '20 yeaars ago`. W hut an e.xl.'_eueive business they \v0uld"re{|lize` if the exeurein rates were1`u.f i`ce always" l _ "nnnln nmx m~m.c.Iv aurnrised at seeing the going to the Inurnton carmvsu lo~uIguL. Miss Bertha Bruuton has returned from * hr short visit to Wyevale. . \ Anm.-o.(`I ..k ;a mmnedtolhe wxth wereiu.fQrce always I ___r_ l. coplu um greatly surprised seeing --quaml'.ity,41f live stock that lca,v9Hliis town- ship.` One would imagine that tile stock would soon bu exlituisted. as Geo; Camomn aliipped vu cur loud last Friday. l.'1stSat.urd:iy afturnuou the dew u paisseiiger . truin' got so wqak tlintulie stuckiu ix snow drift a; few miles _lI(Iltil ()[iil|)Te, wliere Bile ' remained till ziliout 6v0'clo(-lk. It tew unxioua .passe1igci`s awaiting lier niiuertniu an-ivol. Arriving l1(.'I`0vE!ll6 luid to remain" till the .~ urrimxl of tliu mv fr6mLlio noutl`l~_ J.'lie , Wmtill` liere did not appeal` to be blust_m'y- l ...i. 4,. .......... ;. An.hw_ iuul was were.sun- Wt`B.I.h8|` here {.116 I105 app_eu1'L9 nu u\|aL3aI'y- Enough to cjausu in de_laxy,. and we were. sup- priaed t0.leurn of the till in`,a1\ch`zi""bho1't nlihfuhue north. '~ The husinegs men have their supply of icu iur. being supplied from tlmlirm of M e.asr.~. Rose & Doyle. The ice is u ne x-xpeoiruen, ' being about ljnchea and perfectly clear, ._ IV'lms.C`;u1pent'or. `uf`"Bu1jrie, has auooeedokl in ac(*u1`ing}\ u11mber,'of.pupils o_m1 lesson?` uuthe 0r;.{Ltl1. : `M _ . A'm.....uh mu` enmmriaimz doctor 18 kept ' mrthe M j Ammugh our enterpria_i:ig is kept _yeryVLuay, woifeel s__on:yto' think so much aiulziyn `in prevu_lent. Lurippalma kept * mtlur mteexdy pace~tl\is'yv_iute1', butxvmre glxsdi 'lumw that welcmno` spring will sboi ` l)dhe;. ;>:l1:lIiiukkiim]()f!ghls;grip.: _, , their hound men, .or in may mnu_ .. ...,. W ~` the happy hunting grounds. V . . _ I .\K.. S A colleutiun was taken \1 , lnat`Siindzsjg.. i In the English and Metlrnd at churches of this place, in grid of `the Indian famine fund. A phild uf J'.,-J"le:che r was bitten on the muth by}; vicious dciq,A1a'at week.` Fortun- ~ areiy the.bit.e war; not very serious, and he V be disgumd. ' u ` M. Flntnhnr in mukinil Dliepurutitinh for V 1. my cum: in van ;uuwm.... ......._.:- ,I........, 1;` mild furm._ J ` ` V "A nojmd wusheen `f1uning mn deaf, 0`. week qr`two_ago. ,It was summed /in the marsh. ia.ndjwaa1un gxll (lav: bill it was `lost ' `in the wodda of Flos. Sumo ouajlxould keep their hound tied, or it r nay7wko_ a t1"ip to' ` nu. hnnnv Imntino` umuuda. `. ' ,\,.. j v 11N1a:s1N<;, g h - unzziia Very prevaV1%n5-_ere_qt ,preaont.' ifurm. " , - - . ORR. LAKE. `wm erlccxually afup u uuuuy. MIPS L Traviq is able to be out again after her illness of the past week. Mkn M`. Armnuulw who husbeeu visiting vvl -HELRSTON. Rogers Old Stand, `Five Pdints. > We-want room for our Spring Goods, and in `Order to make a speedy clearance, we Wjtl offer the bi`ggest_'indueen1euts to the people of Bayrie and sur'z'ou11ding country ever at- tempted, in 0rdter. te~*e`eet,a quick Sale. ` T V ' ; % e , A 1 ~ A:\.nyt}"ng you require in Clothing, Fu1`nisl1ings,e*I-Iats, Caps or F urs, gjve uja,,Veall. Special "M(|I'S"'P'ii `:1 ' `I H (K Ulsmra.............1...L.L..; Meg's Sgjts, Heavy Double Breasted Youths ` . 0 Boys ~` - ` (I (`K `n n t1;;""I`x`v`c:c'>cI;'Ii6iivy"::`;:"`"9" "1"; Fyeize H u Boys 43 ~,,; 1 Men :/Heavy Frmze Ulsters.. `"r1_1 `B`A1`iR1ELL ExAMrNEn, THURSDAY, MARCH 4,.` __1s97. Black MackiIm\' Pfmts .... oAsH MAN & PERRY, hgri pe.. ` _ ` . _ . 1{`he colonial trains startedrou Tuesday. _'1'hc principal of ting public school sends mphtlnly reports to the pqpila' `homes. Tnia `willeffecmally atop truancy. `Mm: L Travis is again

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