Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Mar 1897, p. 2

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gutiuumuugnuammnar` I ` ultmndluahhon. - for ahokzmnnd nndthelnh jpnndout baton. ' f ` ` trill anon coma I-odnxlhomno x b.rborlnsohay_-. nshrsbnetbuunsetmuksthopur thnfthndayl lniihiivlamucrw night grown doopar. how the .. , ltmlluxnea the plans 7,` , Iii its wavexln; renectlon an the null: wa~ 3. lerlshinaal ~ I! have drama : ring of mncic in the wilder ness and gltmn. .. And the u-knsss loom: beyond l: like the ~ I111: 01 some ust room. ' ' T Gathers new the twilight cimle. ea_cl:'bronz-d g > camper in his plan, " _ _ Ihllelhe laughter 0! 'tbe'nr_ellgl1t xneatsthe ' | laughter on his face. . And we sing the good old ballxs, and the railing college lces " the owl (at up the mountain boots dell- `j` :v".'33.!n the trots. . -' V & en-ulna story and the lnngter pus the mar l } _, '. ry circles round. ' ! And the silence thrills with many , `.. ,, - {woodland sonnd- . . ' , - ` >N0Ir_tl1e weird and ghostly clullenge of the l 1; ._ solitary loci. ~ . ` How the whistle of n plover Journoylng somlr ` * wad `nutlx the moon. . " V ' ; PEACH " . BLOOM ` FOOD .1 OH: I *`:s;ru:;"s'1zi,..r `PERFECT-' % HEALTH- . 1?111:_'Ls_- .6 ` ` t,-I1. 50 0th. each 1lCD1`S,; Bf0rS ' _ or sent p.1j(\}x\ld`onb1'eclpt ,~ of [3110 `e. . . . CROWN I\11`.1sxc;r_u:~_(_}o.,_ ` I '1`0Imm>(. A J-141-db Fo1r_T`the:.]:3_lvQod.: % `ml him lmlghed softly. It ` ;;u`L that the bald ztrea` on :< \u ml \\'.1.s` the work of his anti .I::quire'r. ' K comp": WWW `Pare la Chaise; iso pulled `after Louis ` I XIV s confessor, who had his residence 3 . and is laid out, like an miniafure city, xnansole descriptio , from [the most magnicent sand monuments of every; 5 on the hill long ago, covers 106 1-2 ncfes ' E in nearlyilbogytreeu or avenues and lit- , tla pa'Ll1:Bordering' these are 96,000 1 | i tombs to the most; unprutending urna f : , Eubh little house,.l1as its family name f 3 tbova the door, "and few we ever with- ` E but some fresh tokens o loving mnem- i brance. ,, ` ` The French may not be :1, deeply in gligious nation, but they c(>1't:iinly do 1:02 I i i i = x l . - lack personal ix'e man i ' 1; thislis trikingl_vslio\v11 in their (`.v\'t`-~ 0 tion to the memory of tl1ci'.`cla~;:(l. ():':~:-.- ! mental wreaths made of lzeauls or tin, ; " black,` white and colored, l1l:lll)"Of than ` ` with nppropriatewmottoes, were pill 01 g :. hung upon the monnnxz-m:=,. - t `mnfarhio nnn nf Hm nmiirstreets 2:116 \ i I 1 Y Z ' 1; great-__h ' lg`-A, .'y Wuuuuu Auuuuuv, uuu. nu ..n. u... vv_ .1..." _ down, but when we were in the refeetory and the soup had just: been served: ' 2 Boum,- bouml A shell burst on the roof of an adjoining house, `1`o theeellers, children, quick, quick, , cried the .superlOI'., Mere Ste. Ursule. Take your plates and nepl{'1nsl` And iiown the stairsswe rushed, plate in hand, spilling half our soup on the steps. `The `b little ones thought it` very amusing ;t;hie time, and Lili was delighted. into the. coal cellar--that The lay sisters spread sheetson the ground, and we seutul ourselves on sticks of wood thrown down hem and there und finished this highly drzmmtic breakfast right mer- rily. Not; theleust sign of at shell till night __We1w1eI,1!J,_t0, bd.,lIL1`?`.`19'!!.1,W 3i:, as usual; but, as you may-suppese,-we did not sleep 'hmch,- exccptin;;- Lili, whom` I -haul t;u_ken-into my little bed. The lights had heen extixiguislletl; and we were` much mt>re'nfrxiicl in the dark, About 10 o'clock luze of light} suddenly iliulnined I7: . > is safest!' ` cried the mother superior from above. mun I01` Angel's. N Auu, uuw, unnu In nu. We should be very contented here at any other time, but everything that happens is ` ' I0 and Write home soon, dearest. , I em- brace youfondly. Yours, RENEE. " Fragment of 1). letter from Captain d 0r- Ianne to Jean L--: . _; NEUILLY, VISITATION CONVERT, May 15, ' 1871. - . . ` Just fancy, my dear fellow, I have been convent; full of nuns. We found here, be- sides the sisters," half a dozen boarders hid- den in the cellars, for shells were falling "about like hail. These sisters were regu lnr trumps, not muelsqiretl, und I lived on the best of terms with them for.:rl) ten days. One old sister lgnew our former chief in the C1'imeu.. the merriest, was il._,lli'-We hozuder llhgblll; ltl ; or17,'11suppose, named Renee. She had i 11 little sister, 5 or 6, to whom she made un ' adorable little mother. ` _. ` I eseortedtlxe party to Courbevoio the other day, for they could not. stay any here a. fortnight with my e_c__1:rnpzu`1_yin:,n,_ !-I3l1t>~tl1'er plncliieshof, n.1l,,tl1e,,pret_tiesl;, _ _ 1_u,m,1mnuLJ, It Cancun: 96,000 \hIuoloumn and H911- n2ment:--Tho hat Resting Plneo of Knny Whose xunu un 11: Enter]-'AvBVab tleneld In Din oi the Communa. 4 ` PEHE LA GHAISE, THE GREAT AND a _,EAUT|F,U,L CEMETERY OF KRIS. " fellnmong-the? sepulehers. A Some phor l. v out upona w"1deterr:xce and Paris burst ` upon our view. ` Paris, sparkling. in the . sunlight, spread befere us ins. glittering 4` pa.norania, an i1nme11se.exp2mse of white .buildings' with dmnes, towers, spires ` like zi gamut skeleton U.1lli(1,th0 feast of . "ti1e iiintirmers of the cornnxune appreci- ` ute t1iie1_1e tidvantnges of positioxi af- Here they niet the re f1'0'1n t11e g0\fern~` ` 0r'e1'po\vere;1 'hy.trbi1)s \v1n'uili swim} the, Wll Iomeavnuuus, uuuvi; tun Uauuyj `UL lyGo"thie style, with queer gargoyles, at each cornef. The .story of the lovers is well known. They had many trials and tribulations, but at last they rest together, according :to` .,He1oise s last wish that she might; be reunited `to her idbl. 'Th1'ongh.t11e tombs and trees we went higher andhigher, until we came und_ bridges,- and the Ei el tower rising beautiful architecture, No wonder that forded by Pam la Qlmise; I1e1 e.t11ey inf trexiehed then1selv'S.'u11(l t1`nnsfo1`1ne(1 tixeguiet cemetery into. a. noisy _oan1p._ ment; pgsititins, nnti_1 ~ _n:_111;.' they Svere? place when t'11eusunt1s.'>f the e?onnr.u11ist s j = l wrefches t0.'hi&1e in _t:i_1'e`t0'1nbs,a1xd the xnereiless snliiigrs (:16.~;<;d Tthmr up ,fust,"s0 thuhto this (1:\y's1 of their : V yietiins are feund in their g11::.s'b1_\'1)i'is-~ i on9;-eParis Cor. e1\Tu\\` York Observer. s " - _ __`____ ` .' ` ` ~he'ights, and the jerrihlo s1.u11gi\tkrf`too1<\ -i V; Gynthia? ' H.- Dootora-How 39 'A'unt` .. nt11i.a-H iug, do0'tor'~V--a "106 wor Y1.-u-(hi-_._THH I71! tvdw h1'i'n t I `J-Il\l'l`Jo your brother,` M1139, H o a worse this moni-' 86. ~_ ' mm mm. lug, uoosor--a mu worse. . Dootdr---Did you give him am meas- oiue as I dirgdtegl-g ,tt\I>00nfu1 every hour? . 2 ~ \ Aunt aoynthia- -No. \1ootr.`,4.1 3W ' `mum Min Mm whnh hntkl 30: (mm. Ila. l _ v;uuteg1'to}h\1r1fyf u in acid in H1: vmni-hm av. wanted to.h\my and: getwo1L._Io I_._ sagammapgugmmmmau inn fminhln. u ~ " Ii; 3 nun . i 11.3-13.111. I ' 2.-14 N11 .1 4.20 -` - &i:ijneP1a&:aiarmmg and mm]; ` thvx-owri by the commune. It burst in a` worm"-_ ` . . Bonm, bouml It was a shell, my dear, tree not ten'fe't" away. Mete Ste. An~ ' gele had not -the courage to nish her`s6n- 1 tehce. Theclnpper fe11,f1-om her hand. ` ' "Irma In-Hnnnnn haumv fn mwi * T took Lil} I | FUR 7.20 a.u1. , 10.15 " V2.16 mu. ` 9 Trains lcgnve, Barrie fox: and :1'rrive from 119` ~ undenm uhoned plncis as tcllowsz ' TORONTO - PR0 '1 on .. in 11.33 :1.m. ; x_/uu.u.u. .. \. \... .. i 1055 am. (frc1n(`nl1i '. 4.17 8.00 -to COHing:\\'0ud) m:\' x: '1` A `x Ul`UN5U`.V 't\`- DA11-J`.I14.`\J.\'1, uuau 3. ERS in COAL nmu kinds. iuwotte tjireot from the mines; also Lam and Shingles, White and Grey Lune, I lustere1":s' Hair Sewer Pipes, Fire Brick, Fire Clay. w 1 Plane: of Paris, Cments, etc., A110! best quaiily. and sold at very reasonable rates,` Q1`-`FICE: 23 Elizabeth St., naarly opposite) L Wellington Hotel. _ 6-27' ~ ` 1015 11.111. 7.35 pm. en 1 Q1-`FICEZ `A6 mnzan `c1IC QUVILX 15511111 chains are strong, others weak. Have you a good family history? Or is there a. tendency to con` hs, throat or bronchial troiigles, weak lungs?` Has a. brother, sister, parent or near `relative bad consumption? Then your faxrfily ch?xtE#IhMreak. Strengthen it. Take SCOT'I"S EMULSION of Cod-Iiver Oil` with Hy ophosphitcs. It makesrich lood,givesstrength `-4 u1.~m. I-A nvnatr lunnrc ant` 6 51` :\_,m. 537 pm. [1I. .\` 1'06 xlubxevuuu Ixguu w my. :. uvvn an. in my` arms _a_nd we ran to the study room. The `I mat" of 't1i e.d2'iy. 3ntI.'the' night passed without incident, a`nd"we` began o quiet tl1'eVrefectury the Rnnm -hnnm1 A shell `[ IIIZLKCS nul DIUUU, gt V ca aprcug In and vigor to weak lungs and run-down constitutions. With its aid the system throws off --..L- .......La 44.` 4-I\`An '6 non. [IS 3.10 1115 sybtcun uuvwa uu acute ghs andcolds. It prc-- vents t c chain from breaking. .` Shpall we send you a book about (has, ] . `1 SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, -` $1,729,800.00 I , . ll Denite contmct with both`investor and bor- . rower Ask fo_1` pamphlet. `f---> EWESTERN INSURANCE co1 I ` -OF T0RON,T0.--1, ` I 3*? ******* "nU`I;mc%; UEIQKElN:DI;M.N m, DRISTOEI Barrio Railway Guid. `B!:1I|l("`B)'(ik% de to (91'tlei' .;?ju;;`al ziuc and Iilusic l3iI1(li11:: ` A z_m_ S){`ci:lH=_'o' i.i\`v \1 <>|-k7 1>i"`[Zail `A Kinds l ro|npt,ly I~;xecut.e1l ` 4 01 qujolnxrng nouse._ , the Take ' 5 steps. nvnm Hm mm! nnllm-.._HmHsx saf(2sf2!' I~uvs1Ams AI no. DUNLUP '31.; i0'HNs0N ix: sA1{.If}1'A7NVT, DEAL mm :.. nnn. nf an iun`orte $1350 Kw 0 ' . For szk by a_!1 dmggists at 50:. nnd$x.oo SCOTT '1 BQVVNE, Belleville. Ont. cLg;\:/"L; LAM) HAND ToLDo` _ MIA` c&l3,. LINE-" _. 137n..m..|.. n lunIn\ I. . In-I Etna :5 ------. . . sceumeu any ` 6: ;B\1`ale." (new) , State oi Ohio ? a1x`d'sm.Atn of New York . . 'nA'1LY rxma: TABLIQ: . ,_ ` :' SUNDAY iN<;I~._Un1p'A)rTEn my 39,. -. * ` Lv.;Bu`ulo, '8.3(k'i`.ll. Lv.01evelnnd 8.00 Na Am~.(}1eve1md. 8.30A.M. -Arr. Buffalo, 8.84.` La .` BUINUAX gnlmuuny an Ann nun cup . Lv.;Bu`ulo_, 8.30;1'~.n. ` 13. A1`xj.Clevelaud.8.30A.u. $80 a.M_ 2.. - ~EA8`EN sum: um mm. `_.__`_ Takethe0. `-3. Line" steamers and ex oy :\ refrcshhx 13! W3 rest when an. uwtov 0 evo~ 111116.100 um _uI.0lholnnM!, 1edo.In ua- nape II C ago. neu~oxt.`raacl1nno 1| land Nor mu Lake `mum: ruom. or any 05110, lugilana. orrsouthwestemr point. V % a::*a " G35: sea`.-MI ..`;3am!i V1 ush) stand. opp )\\:u11;St.,`Bur1'le IS PREPARED, TO DO ALL KINDS OF 31011 wus_Iom11eu, more mI:11u.u:11u1_y uuuu - Jm nngs__1`hc1Iy sisters f01- 1- . .16wed,carrying our xnatn1'esse:r;=wh'r1trwve f dragged ouxnshcmts and cove1fl1ds'_alqng by I ` thelighb of the dim lantern. 1 ' ` Tnun-Ind Lili. for in nil this n(V)lBA ad ! I7 _ ` N... UNA \"I'II\'}1UI\`ST 8: .\'0R'l`H BAY - ' ` am L` Il.BE1{T_L\)V b has on hand rst-class. horse I '.gu,(l Rigs. at lmsplmble rates. In 1,110 old mushy` stand. opposltcthe: Mechanics? Insdtilte )\mn;St..`Bun'le ` V -: ' ` \ u.v- VC,0LI.IN(':\V00D & MEAFORD .:..n... n..n':.....m..m.,n 59 ' lnu>,o.f`_.*,\(')~rut;`(1 19351. F M. M6RTcoMEnv.' _AG1;NT,_ BAIFRIE. n. 6.50 :\.m. m , g(`m\'cnhurstunly-9.40 ~Grzwcnh'urst only) 2.15 p.111. 5.05 .`.\n o um I vnnn (LAVTE OF` 1;1i`\*`GsTp1\') ulsfdl-;i-i;JZZVF%OG'ERS0N. hiarri:-'f'J cu-out Rn` Association. |i?`M~\\\\\\, ll . V ;%:.:m or THE `cgugnxgii A 1IAllY_llN|1- Im1`\vm;.v 4 1I'..\n_11L.T0;\* uun1;.'n\;uu; 1 E.\'E'I`AI\'G I \V LVKUI \\ Alll'4r\l' \7llLI (f rcm (`<~lng\)`o0tl)-8.55 am. 10.13 .inH'\\'nnlh 530 1),), cnnvnnm \Uuu.. nuu I 1 . District `A gem Bm ric- F Rl).\I V 2.43 p.m. 15 ' U333 am 9.15. p,.m. t)\\' u n ; 6.50 -940 -A , E -A, .V l ` . .. *th<*g1z1s9\vas shivcred tozxtoms Innf. mmlmainnj . ' by 3 V10- 10.13 " 5.30_ 11.11). | tn DIGKINSOH &:.KAGW.A'1"1'. B`ARmsTERs, SOLICITORS rznnnn COURT or JUSTICE. xorraxxss. v v PUBLIC coxvnY...\'cERS :01cw-In Iiarrie. next Bank of Toronto; and lE1mvale.McKeggie s mock, . , `Joan Dxcm.-sou, ILA. > D F. .\uc\hn-. rinivsox as dnnswxcxs. 4 BAR1:IsTE1$; Solicitors 0! me" Snprem - Court of _Jndcim.ure for Onurio, Proo [Ora otaries, Oox1veysm:ers,et.e. Mona} to` Loan. Orxices ; Ross Block, Barrie. -J E. .-an-z:-. A. 1~;.u.()3sswIcxx.' ARRISTERS, Solicitomin ight Court of ' Justice, Notaries, Pubhc Couv eyxncu Qmcei Over Baulrot Toronto. Barrie. ` Monev Yb mm of $2000 'and upwards, to` dmcesz Bpulcot '1`orouto.1sarne. Money sum $2000 to Lom1M5perpent. ' ~ H. U t~`1nAT`%vv. Q.C., G. H. Earns. 1) _ 0nr1cz:-Loudon and Canadian u1mmbexs,- L03 BayS1rt;t, T0r_onto~ `~ ' _ Telephone 2413.: ' "Si:1i6i:Ii6i`g","S2St\iriflYi_T" H E. mm. 13.. Jso, -Russ. in D N(YI`AkIES. f`O.\'V'EYANCE!lS.`&c 0r1r1cu:--Cor. Damon and Chppenon s reefs, OFFICES:--l3:lIlk of Toronto Building, Owe: street. Barrie; ' lenvcxplosmn. ' . _ ' ``.Tosus~-`-.I2u-ia.! ,' criexl`Mere_Sl;e. Un- ;~su!a,_4v_1mse -J.>c1L`xVL'z1S.,11Q&Ii,(Ll1I`:,;J:QJ!i9k; - to the pn.rlm,.chi1dr'en!" .' A new proces- a1o`z1"wus_f0vmed, more .me1iu1choly tglum K ` lrknf ne `Hm mm-nhm 'l`hr-.1nv 1-zishcrs 1 Mecnnmv. mL:n.&`mccAn1Hv ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. _ B ~ couvmmucmzs, uko. D;\L'm2< ' M(CARHl\', Q.(`.. F.E.I`.1 u1F.Q.( .- J. A. M(I\.}.-\R'I1lY. D. C.ML`RCu1sox`. BARRIE. McCarthy, Pepler. McCarthy 8: Dxulcau. Alliston and Crecmore. ' _ ~ `.\IcCurtl1y, PepIer.C_orb0uld S; McCarthy, Orlllia. ` - A Money to Loan at Lowest Rates , -; nAv-`-..-`2 ---- ---~. ` BARRISTERS, S0 itors of the` Supreme Court, Proctors. Notaries, Cou\'ey2\noers, &c. Money to Loan. - \ Uices: Ross` Block. Dunlop street, Barrie. . '\Vm.L1xGroN Aver. Aux Cowm. WIIIUQ ID! uiru-cu gannxsmas. snmn ITORS. `P12001033, ~ (`0.\ VEYANCERS.`&c nnmu :-.(`.m-. Dmxion Clannerton `j (0Ul\`T`1 0LERK,w111_ beat his ome ix the Courtouse, Barrie, esjery Satuiday E}_esidcnce and P.O.. Cookstown. ,, tn 1 bL;1.~'uV . D U IuJ11.uJ.V, cu r . OFFICES` Am) :'Nu:n'r. RESIDENCE :` Brow: ` Block Dunlap S`t~,. lmuie. ', Telephone 77. ' E1\l`IST willlvisit Cookstowvn Isl: and 8m Wednestixly of ezxchyuionth. Jillsdtda Ins Wednesday, New Lowell 211d-Wedxlesday. 0ice-_Opposite Post Office, Ihrrie, Ont. b 1) . HAIZGll'l'0_N L!-:)`NO.\ , - GI-Iu. E. . .IJI\I U! U` OIIIILIII EYSICIAN, SURGEON Jae - ' (Latepf Drs. Harvie & Smith Orillia 5_FExc1. AND REsxm2xc1s:`--Co,rner Ovsjenan Collier Snre_ets.Bzm`ie~ . ' V noonjacxs dc rR1{sErjL__ 3AnmsTi:Rs. sgmcmms. ' T - xomnuzs, E Barrie}, Stlayner and Totmnhsun. ' MONEYATO LOAN. I .c !.`nu:m'. -,,_ A DR: PALMER, SURGEON, 'EYE EA Throat -um1f Nose, 40 -College strea 3rd door -{min .Yon::e Street, Toront _umy be consulted at.bhe Queen's Hotel, Ban- he s econd F1'ixla,y,( of avg-53:3 month (1-0; to 11 n.1u._ `Mrs ;.fm.n:a \van .3 lent explosion. `5_Tn;2xu..`_7d;ar` HAL`Gu`r0_.\' lmsrcox, _ \v . A (`:1-to. J. Bnowx ' Barrie. A1'ist0n nndC1'ecu1ore ' ` Lonnox & Boys. Elmvulc . I Ba1jr1c0icL~-Cor. Dunlap nd Owen `streets lillnvale (ricc-0). H11111 shv1L*i Monev to Loan at 1o\\'n~. j fcawroax mwm axvnns. `AnIg1sm:1zs aw. ' LL}.-nxox. novs kc nnown. %ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS ? JlU'.\l`..1 LU uunu. _Jxo. Boon ` ~ us. Fusnn Barrie. Office: Rm Block. TAMES EDW.A a_ns.] - ' I "(ION\7Ej ANGER. lssller ,6f_ 'Nfar'ria2e . _l1cens` vqscr 0 muck BUILDING BAf AFIER Avjcu HYSICIAN, SUt_{G1a'UN, mu. -.SpCci&1t3Y,--DiS4LSeSL11LihG Ilhestr `Office and I`'Sl(1e11C0.-;\Il2\'I`.'x1I\'(}.' ' .J1"*1ardl." =~ E 2 `CeI;1`ts.;. SHAKO A:\*DVc0I1?.{ _[ thengms or mouun lantern. , - . _ 1 . > Iparrled Lug, forin allthisnols and; AB`""V_;pAR,s qgpt .31 .137, confusion she hudwakenctl onlyn "moment w .1 " ' -nu me am wave. %wT% :>l1I:1dfr}<~:::1I( annngedaur-lmdsin (;he-greutpixr1or and} ` W. , `V y '. ` : hyjdown as W6 were mm to do ` `1)r')r-Ilnxuninu; 5. tM~me_. tde Iiys gaiid to me,- e`. - V .x - ' ` 4 `.l:ua1'g:g0ng umee z_L(:_mr11\ng..xx1z1n, . .xplsl,n5`Wer heard W E Commandant d Orsanne, and just: then ;-ll f;' 'l~ .i"3;:6a me gm; ad .pmy".t> he knew nib, 17ut~wa5rnotq!i1te sure. '1`h(n ' -1` I; ~ . W ` :51 begun to Alpughilka`litblcgoosu, and L W`d hm - ``"3""' Th "` `V he said without `preamble; ,;`We1I; Ml1(:. fr , .. " g ,thq1o,ophVqhea.theI' bcmptitnl in; u,fr_ rhVh9.tt'crm,i by shells, W0 rea}i,~ : .1-nd m.`-`-",5 ;`~V"\ln(1L i'Bf2I!. [llI it Ms allaml ldukml at us in 9.:.., we or: ,arewer`o- IL! ,A M A . T , M li'nhini.th n.niIs`ui7oodani' fI:i:`3I`...`EE:*: 43:` :f.`L`:`.E;`.1i?...l 2`i?.$3$;211 111481119 `mid Mre. S69. B`11c1t_eY" '. ' " ~- , 4 " - I v ' 1 ' in hqcame not clm.nge(l'1n the least; not. theore2af't 9,3.;6`eII,,1;0 cram ` ` Bib oldei-_. "L knew Mn} zip once, H_c='.` " 8 " W W 5 - `looked r'nthe1"mba1'_mnsed; ti: ifhc thought 3"""```"`5"`" W``' ~ Renee, howjs mm Lt11jm1`a More `Mum. (la Lyd and my`g1'm1'diau H\d;\ndt: THF`?/'\".?.i '1 1' _.._... nommn noss. n. QARRISTER. SOLICITOR, bliqsg mgocx, 1Ai:n1m, )HYSICIAN. SURGEON. ETC. .-.Specia1t3r,,:Dise;Lse:4;z`Jhc She: )3. w. A. ROSS, LR;C.b`:WiE;1`ix - F. C..P., London. ` 1'\1'r`(YC1r\I A `K! ' QY'YDf1E`{\\Y' `Ry-. S -I`R.ATHY & ES;I;1N i\'I`1ctioueer`aml Valvuafor, POP ,TH:%.Qusm .Ge'c ".4. 1miti:1A_qi:`_IJIc::Ns1; mm . Lomrr & Lomrr. .-.......... rv-xv -. ufnnnn nnn You czin have 0116 nnywh`e:'e.froni`$(i00 ,; "$5,000 t`1jox,1`1the1a.*g9num`bex'foi sale by_ "t 9!? Iinru. mi map MM AULT .&`COWAN." .-per wx dos it. cost. M youto get all the 'n`ewsV b reading . . . "1`nn .` `DR . J. c. `sMI'1TH-" RYAN GTYWHTQHN .E-n ` CON\'EYA C MONEY T0 `LOAN. U. .I ., uuuuuu. PHYSCIAN. SURGEON; 3 ~e- syn v'Nmm` RESIDEXCE 1` Bro nn. w. it. LAW; for County of Simcoe. R- '1'- BANTIKG `K - Nd wivtnsggs knee. The clapper Ieu_1rom ucr mum. I .'he littleones began to cry; I took Lil! L n mvm-ma and we ran to studs `T aAM_i=.s :owAeos_ %o;H;LYoN. you wANIA A4mu: BA_RRI E, o, no TORS. ' ETC- .1 mA......s....n G. W. Lomrr, ` Bmr Barne. W\ \V`._ A`. Bovrs. ugino our feelings. ~ ~ V 1 Abbe` Jnuelin beard our confession in {:3 corner of the coal collar. ' The big girls '--eIpecia1ly\ Bertha Malvun, who always . wore her handsome cousin's picture in n locket; you remember lur-sobbed bitter- I - ly and tlxougln nheir last hour had come. > I i Llli, who in 6, made, her that confehssion that dny. . I can't. ima glno.wlm't she told siltor did. Confession over, Abbo.Jusse1in gave on Lvetry solemn genc1'ainbsolution,as in time of great danger, and exhorted us .to i Bah, I heard Mere Ste; Felicite mut- ` car, he should nopmlkso vochlldren, Then be administered communion, still in the cellar where the Holy Saoramont had been brought several day! before. It was " ooniln. , "Abbe J uuelln, but she would do what big _ i make the sacrifice of our llveito God. . very impressive, I can tell you, andlwe. felt like the early Chrlstlnnsin th_e cata-'5 rm.-. ......_*x.... (`nnfn`n avnmannd mm: ` . R I my to use that hung oLnobl. birth, Ill) vary young and wearing u mod- . II for lsnwry during the war. He staid A full hour with an, talkod ehocrtqlly, g'sv_e Hun Sta. Iellcito now; of an on gonorf d whom also had known in the Crimea : and found oukt; Ghls Man Star. Ursula wu mm to on of his oomndu at St. Cyr. ; . n. .... .1...-N... mad mmd 1.1)! an he ] mm to or In comma: an as. uyr. , E0 was ohlrmlng and and Lin till I quite won her hut-t:- hrnext day he lent as fresh men and we-gemblcs--we had 1 ....u.I..- 1.. arm} A-5.! nmwmnna. He lent from men an vegemmes--we unu tune `to ICC us'evory may, often bi-inging {guys 313-mg mm the limfs share. nu I<`.nt.er dnv our to (1 i'E::2n1zxin. Abbf nothing left-bu : dried provisions. He V 2 bonhonl and dxintles to the litgle ones, 31- Q , On Easter day our gw i'E2:2plzxiI), ; Jussen, whom we ma.` 1:-nw um! tlwn, ` ` told us man he would hvuruur confegasions K `annual. . _ _ r (`nucdn :I ('\v-cnnnn `Hid Nd US that YEW.` txwnys ying mu me man s mun-. 'u`usua1. - Captain d Orsanno had told us that very. ` 1 morning Lhatasortic of the (`om!:xuni5u. . -was expected and Hunt his ('ml)[s:1l1_\' iavould * 1 probably `h5Wth3`a day. ' He addO(lth1ll ; we had nothing to four, but you_ may im- ' fuel\in;s. ~ 1 Ahhtrlnuelin confesslon , UUHIUI. ' | That evening Czmtmn d 01-sauna` camg ' back. with his company. They were vic- i E torlous, of course(Iwi1lcon`fesstoyou that ; ( I had made special pr.-xuyers for the cnp- i .+.In\ hut. thpv hmmzht back several UH h\;1'mu: -1- gzu Il:.uHIA. bade us f2L)fc`\\'\'n. uud Mere Ste. Ursula] thanked him. wzu-mly for his kindness to ' us. He uslml leave to shake hands with her, then with me and with Men} Ste. ! Flicitu, and he klsced Lili seve1'a1"t'1mes. ' " '. 14.. m,....+ irvvc run gr Hm thnmrhf. ml ` ..[.u..... ' Renee` Blanche S---: `l _ Axomzs. May 15,1871. 0 * Here we are, my dear Blanche, comfort- . - ably estubliszhed in a country house near-. .Angers belonging to Mere Ste. Ursule s ' brother-in-law, upd hzive been here for the past weele. But I run still so bewildered `byau um has `happened tliatlfeelzisil 1 ; awakening from a dream. As 'you'know, 5 I remained at the convent `(It Neullly with : xnylittle sister Lill dud six other boarders, 5` orphans like ouiteelves, or whose parents, living in foreign parts, could not come to u hke them away. There were in all four llttlo and four large girls. At first all: ` went sn1ooth1y-'-no more lessons or tasksf 1 onlya short recltntloneiin thefternoon jfor fun. We spent the day in the park, I playing or reading amusing books. But - T the mothers looked sad and worried, and ` to be sure our quiet did not last long. i3 -Although you have been) year in so- Y oiety, you have not, I am sure, forgotten one of the oddest customs at the dear old ' nan-nvnnf. } A uu,u Luu` \ tain), but wounded- . f\nn no WDUn(1C(l.. . 3 One of the cellars was cleared out for 5 their reception, and the nuns took care 01 ' tl1e_m. Iwanted to help nurse them, but ` the superior would not letjme. I com- 3 pluined to the captain, and he told me 3 smilinglj that my duty was to stay with ; my litcle sister. Bubwe could not. stay in ' tlie cellar fnmvor. `Flue (`apt-uin s:1i(lth:\t the war w0nl lugt ll month Ion`, gerpgp we must decide wlmt to do. The "* 8th of May the .cx1pvrio'r'tnl(l us that_ we 1! were going ix` .-\1i'gcr.<, \vh<-rc,l1er l)rqtlier- in-law, u'wo:ilt-liv lI.li1Ill'lfi'lCLlll`(`I"A.` hull 0i fer- ; ed us his prom-I ion and :1 shultvr. We mob" took 11 lltr{ll- humllc 0f_ _cl0tlw.<, lllltl: in oral der no-rr:u'1'_\:is much as p0.~'sihle, wore ' two pairs of strwkimrs, BW()'(`h(`l!liSC and V jxyjp Q1; threw ll`lll('1>(ll-3. 'l.`hr~ nuns. bv Wnv ' . ,__,,L_ ., . . Cbf precmltion, put; (in ()l'(ill)`il;ll_;' (l1`(:sL".TxW`T hm: .in.-ztmd of their liahlts mid veils. i > 1)` !JlU|./lD|||J|` I hats,- insu ; Such (11`i*.= I More SL0. % fxtonl hem nmtlwrs lnv Nftrln `Mm-. l but just us the <-uptnln \vus ulmutl to leave l l i I littll ;"z1.l:* \.Vlln(l`(Lnp` $ pant" mm pmmssur. U` ""5.'1"-" Cain d'()r;s`:nme ncmnm*::n'1(`(l u.~1 c<)'tlm lust ., W1-mum D Moungh the new. judge 0:4. olxtppsti. On the h1'i 0\'(?I' the Seine u i W hden` "t hr the dlstof Nbms` 3 pull" of wind (tun-ie(l nwuy-Z\lr-1'9 Ste. U1 hmw bm" "1? `` raw Y3 530' aule s.bonm:t. .'-.:1(l we all lzmglxed u little, `, Haw b 1 Galen! ms-I 3-7 V93 $0! - and long worked at Ills -brudo and subse- ; us a shell lllSF(`d()Vt'I'Oll1'1l(T{l(lS and made `lueptly 1`1mm`3 to 9 "loney 3 us serious lyumgzlx zlgmln. . l,'l:('" r':|ptaln i pay tha P55 9 M9 !g19mdi9' 3 flLlfn`\\'\ 1l. Ursula I H913 1'P\1td '30 1391} M11113! 1111111 hm` 811 "m1WY1'- "" lmnrlu with IV - ..,.I....1 \.....m on L-hulm Eelicitu, and he l{lSF8(l mu sevurzu blunts. My heart 'wgxs full at the _ thought that; I should prolmhly never again see this poor i captain; Vwhn`h:1d been so good to 11$. Wu Annn rmu-lwll Courbevoic. where twd captzun, Wn0`n:1(1 new so guuu w ux-_s_. ;_J?Y1LsQQ1Lr;*m:hL1,(79uIIB3179i0, ,WheI`0 , carts were waiting for us, and at 10 o"c1ock we reached V'orsai1les,vwhe`re we took the train for Angers. And, now, that is all. Wn chnnh` ho. VAPV r-hnfnnted 110139 {HIV s}1e1l Whist1et1 past; our ea1's.~ Mlle. Renee me 1 um lifted her little sister _a.nd put hx-`in my wins without 0; word, but withsug}Lu_gg11- ding air and such pretty, appealing. eyes that I was quite overcome. sant. Yoiirs, > JACQIJES, *F1'u.gment; of a. letter from Renee:L--'-- m_B1anche S----: ,_ _ 1 ~APAR{s.-Sent. `31.~1B74.V I slm11p1'()l). ably never see the little girl again und on-' Alylmontion the pretty apparition qn ]Jus~_ ` he knew me, put: 'Wa5n0vqu11'se uuru. J.1u'n `.1 Laugh lksa.`1itb1c`goose, 7 wvlthdut =;A`We1I; .M1l<:. ` Rom-.0, howja L111] and St;o_.` { IIrm119`u.nd Mre,S6o.` 'B`11q1te?Y". ~1u..m .1. mm` and mvmmrdiml d`id\n0t Ilrmntgmnu Mere;suo.~ nexxqxum . `Mum. Lye my`g1'I{u'diau Xndt: v uml_e1'atm.I1tI S12 `M; locked at u111uzeh1(a1ft. .'In`, ahurb, we 14'not(llka two 1' old fri'cnda,'tho. !coiiunandu.nt`and 'I,- -fm'. 5 `he in. colnmlindnub at Bp, my duw. - ` ` 7 ~'1`o,.bb.su1'(, hev in not a. m'unt;or u-Imu--V HC )B'll`C0lYHl1_Il.|11|lI lib 0'), my uuu. ho muntvor : qg1is,`ns_ I fancied, but that xuaka no dlf- . Tdference. M . . Rwxcm. . Fragment `of a. lutter'_frmn Commandant Z. d Qrsu1;ne to` Jean ; . .; . mus, Spt.~V2V1,1_8'I`4. ; A Gueaa whom I met\th_9_otl1ar Q_n_ay_u,u your- "-Auub do L15`. "My 116tloconvent girlof the commune. Do you remmuber?, Shu mun mnnr nn `nmvfhnhlv nhnrmimr. We 1'6- 7 `JL. the chxrqx Slut. hangs forever round the cam'ure`I ruddy glow lane no you remmuuurr, mm . 415530 gnaw and `perfactaly charming. We re- ` nnwai our. oampnlg .expa.1-lenou. ~ I " ` v ` v ` PAR1I, N'o\%. is, 1871. ~ v_ M. bu thohonor to annpunoev-`. theinarr e of lTiT'K6i.190 L--, his . Jnuea d'0rnanne, chief at %tt,n11_9n`bg tho ` WW` !1}6:IA;1n;nf.,`Iio;xor.~=Frdm the ov'lh9qI0or1g?,/:V' V, L. hi":-ty-nrntz Hue and ohev- `A ecmlnlon, pub on m'uum.r_v uu:aau.- -instmxl of V ; (11`-.=s(-Lq, my dear. and such ` F('.i_-itv-luul \1m.~.`u'thc(1 ` .. 1.. ...-....-|umn .-vul Hw- . muae specuu pguyers 101' um \:np- , they brought Au} `_ um ._ ue Lawn afnnhh ,. 1`|".l`_'ll|'-Hull uIu.`uAuu;u Lumu ' won !;:mw.a whm`, :-vsnl the poor :nv)krd likv fI`if-."1)L,.(`X( 4-p:in_'.po0r we Sn-. ;\_t:`..t}u1, win) it so pretty . 1m!:<~l111iH'u.1ln(`Indy. ` : tlxi.-`cmm-I)`: at Iligthtfztll hy tife ` b 4* at, the and of the park. and (lap- mwunnn m-mnnmmird H: tnw lust 'U5hL'B {Hill ` nd llfh huts! xcd them 1Ji'ln_'.{])00Y 7 Dr. Isaigxlx R. Sm` DOOM]. Mixrh . is` u.`:0: . of the war of IEL2. uv,_; ., .-_,__ V n. ` vI:um._v, inn :1 n u : suu uu u|}AvIIvAu ' Next to Goorgu W. \'am!crbilB, Mr. Ra- mu, the United States mlnfhber to Max!- 5 on, is said to" be the largeat landowner in Konh Qlayqllng a.n,_, ,n'____; n__ . Ah, the charm inn nmgs wnmu -Iuuuu Lu: . cam'pr`I : [or the ago And for the (uvsge. for the high ` and for the low! `_ nerein something grand And godlike being `roared with `stxrsrlnd skies ' ` Eiulhed solemnly to siuxnbor by primeval Q `lullibgai. ~ . ` '_ nhmes Bupkhum in Youth :-1 Companion. ; ` nun. uunvuu-. . A fund In to be raised` by ezxalhent Eng: 5 lisbmgn, inclmiing Mr. Gladstone, for tho ` painting of u portrait of` Herbert Spancer -. fur the British nation. V ............ .. -1 .. -u-.... lm-uni and I01` U18 DFIUSII nuuuu. ~A preanmtion of n.sHver bowl and 1 ulver has been. made :0 William Allen Butler in 'coxnxnmor:mon or the ftieth nnnivex-nary of his admission to the New Xurk bar. ` v,,,;,. u.._..|_.. 4- cf 1 (ml. Iualnhnti on - ; umca on any cuu.1luurmuu_u._ I ' Prlilce I(zxrl.Egan of`Fursten_burg, who I` I died recently, left a fortune of $85,000,000 ` I 5 in land and .over $10,000,000 in cash and I securities. 'l`lm{mnllyl1ml been sovefelgn E l ln the prinbipulity liefure the Frouoh revo~ I - 2 lutlon, but was medlutizad by the congresq ; of -Vienna. ' , W. E. Curtlu any: that` there are lmly I throw genuine milllonnlren ln the senat.e-- `J Jones of'Novadn, b`,;im'nrn and llllkins, he 9 says, have great spe='11l:1ti\'0 woulth and '-' might, w_l17h_ good fortune. sell out for $1,- 000,000 apleog. . E U ..-.::....;...1 .1.. T-mam-'.nu nnn nf Hm ufnnt 1 Cameron, Mclllillun and Wetmore. Bryce," nu; Quinn.- Johx; D. Rockeraiim: has been made an ` honorai-y member of the uui'\`e1-aity 0011- vocation of the University of Chicago. This is considered the highest honor within the gilt. of the university. : ingnnh Tnnnnn f*hn`fnl'|hdnl' nf him A1BI~ Judge Murpbyof'St.'LoL_11s retusedto allow a policeman to testify In his court, saying} '1 herehasn't been a policeman }:\ . `Lzmlg for ten Venn who `has ssen saying. "'1 H618 IJHEH E own I puuumunu In >`t..`L~uuiu for ten years who anything." - ' n 1,: ., F\ n.-|.-:,.u-- L..- L4... umn an U18 glwul Luv uuncusny. Joseph Juneau, thofounder 6! giro A1aI~ kan city which bears` his name, has re- turncdto San Francisco after an n`b`sen'cev of yau Ho rs_t'wem .po California by the old overland mil in 1851 v..,.r....n.- Con!-an I Aldnn nnd Gamma _ next May. 0 [1110 UN! uuunuuuunuu uualu on 5 . Frank Van dor Stucken, the musicnLdLw. reptor, of Oinciimati, ha_ been engaged as ; phc; director of the Indfmuupoljs Muy music . fea6{i9i1 l. H6" will `Visit Indianapo1ls 20 ~\ times before this opening `of the fuscival 3 u 1 n,,s.- __L. ....s. .......o:,.m..l Im- uy U18 mu uvvrmuu uuu ul AUUA Professor George I. Aldeu_zm,d George ; E. Cndwin`; who have been identied with the Woxjceuter (-Muss.) P01ytcchn1o'Inati- uto for 28 years, have resigned in order ti go into the inanufz\ct11rh)g'busixiess. 1:...mIp V. nr !:nmL'An Hm musirnl l- IW0l`ll, so was ms nu u.\p-auwu w ugu. ` , - Thomas O _Nei1`0f. St. Catherine, Mo., ; ; lls thelollowlng positions: Fruightngent, _ 1 ticket i1gent,- 0[)C1`1ltl)I`, baggage muster, ; 2 postmaster, insurance agant, town trons- } urer, member of city counoll, school di- ' `x-Vector, district clerk, newspaper agent, ran] estate agent, cnllw/t,o_r,`statistical re- ` porttar mgd professor of tulagrnphy. m.m..m n Hannah +.ha'new iudaa of L ~.j;}1_1d e.;'apt1_seek turf-tmare wgro -goon, \ u `a place: the pi_Is` at V9041 and 1; Q `A $313-nd1y,~T.un19rtunnte ; We know 9, 7 _1,1ug'p1,_towdnys.1 he lllttls onm; b` r`: wa,s:,ry_. ang1 tho big girlncr19d', ` V unglethen. 11 mntxolled myself not to _. S_bI1 19hi!n6B between units 9"o1o6k _ms` a__1ittlo` lull, ( 1(m_n$l 0(tuly42ut and picked up " nd Iho11si,n,thIgArdm._ . .9 4 very long. @Fgt`Mm !~ Hramember her; ahowho w_2zimmny vut-'+ou1dnot , _r;ot tho `'Al1u'nz_1du1d` `, ihtxf % .auf1ozr11r..'s- LICAU Ala}. . 2 Mi. J. Hodge, who wu mentioned for - 3 In uldermunlc n0xx1in'nlun in I\Iun`bhester, N. H.. says that he has no grudgougu1u'at A himself that he wants to pay 011' in that 3 way, and that he would not take _tha ofcobn miy enn.1idm'nt:iu_n._ n_x;..... 1.7....) n`...... ,.`I`m~atnnhnrry whn Uup,uw apxeug. , ` Ferdinand do Iyesseps, son of the grant ' i Frenchman, who is serving as a nom:om- j } misaioned ofoor at Bezlera, recently broke \ new ground in"Frenul1 dueling by run- ning his adveranry,m1other nonoomn1is- gsioundolcer, through the breast with his `i Iword, so that he is expected to die. mL ....-.. r\>\1..:1.Ac cu Po+}.m-Inn Mn signifying never witi er ` "in reference to the fragrance and unrivaled ` 7 _,. 1l18,,11l1ILQl',iVE.j,tS,,m3m9 from the, "fnct'tliat`it W318 prinoipally-sol(Uthe-ol(L' Stocks-market, in London, the market I" The herpestis is named from aGreek word meaning e,crc`eping thing." The primrose is nothing butmhe prime? rose,"an"alluslon to the early owering of . the plant in spring. . ' ~ ' The althme is nume_d fron'1nGree k"word i to cure, an allusion to its supposed p medicinal qualities- _ The dnhliu was named in honor of An drew Dahl. u celebrated Swedish botanist 2 and pupil of Linnaeus. " . _ A` ! The; dlunthus has its "name from ' two Greek words signifying. divine flower, l neatness of the blossoms. Persian word thoulyhnn,7`n turban,'an I form of o well shaped tulip. '1`he crocus is one of the most ancient of orul"nu1nes. It was used by Thoophrns~ tus, born about 372 B. 0. He gives the name us of Chaldenn origin. The stock received its name from` the itself haying derived its title from a pair of stocks that stood there. The anmrnnthus takes its -name, accord- `ing to Henderson, from -two Greek words " an allusion to eustern headdress, sometimes made in the ' g;:i'::\ of rho i:uly's rosillclwe. "'L|.;x nnvnun 1.! 1' Ho Took the Hint; . Not long ago at good joke was played on j A young medical men in it town in Scot- land, which had the eileot of recalling-liim to tho i`u`ct timt the ahealingpf tirtmick` should /be his first care. For a time the ` medioo fairly divided his time and utten- tion between his ludy love and his pa-- tients. _ ' ` i Lnttm-l`y, however, the patients have felt ` tlicnisclves neglected, the lzidy liovefwho Z- 1i\'es.in the 11(`ig`ilil01`h00d,- monopoiizing I the doctor's zftiontions, and when u call was inzulc utthe s111'gory- the young man i \vus gem-1-ully.to ho ioun(i at the home of; his inznnoi-ma. 7 ` y ` - L so in the dead of night some weggish ; folk rg_-moral the name plate from the sur~ 5 gory dour and s<-rvwul it on to the front-' not :::uil\\'l1m.lu-1- the doctorrelished 3 join`, but time. is-n. nun-ked ini- { . . A. in iris. zitmulziiivc to patients ' iiilli c \i.u r-9-rnr1'L=11<.3o Scottisli Niglits. . i ' `ii " 1 T)xiiS IiEe1`jitl(3i1T"" ' "`i hit; \vi~nlly ll .~: nnule man, said ~' '~`.ls-rv:z:n.'.\'iili i`..(> iii!` of. m0`6y to .-J`. ~ 1 . sf: \\'. :~ lum'ni . ~' 1'.rllll lI':-I an ; u`t bald lug! ui` inis luml the ..of ii i. ,gra.ve tliathas been the._subject of so : `with foldedvhends, under the canopy-of speak more eloquently ,t-hen could the finest tomb. _ . " , _ ' . . _ Near by lies` poor. Villeneuve, who '; lost at Trafalgar and in consequence of i NepT>Ieon s displeasure received such a harsh repulse when he returned to Paris that he ran 9. needle through his broken heart. `Just acrossthe way from him is Parmentier, the agrieulturistt He was the man who with the utmost difficulty i convinced the dainty French that the ` potato vvas worth cultivating and eat-' ing. They say that Marie Antoinette helpedehim to etteinythis end by wear- ing potato blossoms vvith her beautiful ball gowns. - However true this may be,` certain it is that the vegetable is planted ` every year eround..tl1e good man s tomb. There is one tomb which every one is sure to visit at Pore la. Chaise, and this is the grave of Ahelard and Heloise, the many songs-and verses, andwliere lov- eEs7iin'eto piilit 11ieir voyvsundpledgewi their faithfulness. Very romantic it must be, tco,'on a moonlight evening, \ , witinthe pale rays falling on. the stone i gures lying peacefully side by side -.-..1.. r<,,;'u.:;. ntula with n1-mm` (rm-cInvir\R V 1 am pupu OI IAIHIILUUH. A ower, .m1,_ ...u- .:....x...... :4" human u-nm Hm nenmess 01 um uxu.snuum. V I WA33118,,11l1I!:QI',}V9E,j,t3"Pam? from th9__ thoulybnn, n turban, an sometimes ` rm. ....,....... in nun n Hm mnui: xnminnf. nf 1 Iqrm OI W611 anupuu uuup. a rl'1L_ _;-'_I. ....-,.x..;..l Hm nnmn fvvsmv thn name 01 Lznuluuuu Uuglu. \ mm , prinoipa1ly-so1(UiIii3,o1d\,_;,, . I", `V 1 , -( mm. ..........;.H..... I-n`vna Hnmmnn nnnnr- e1gn11'y1ng"never wlmexj," uu zuluungquu 1 he eugt; o 1ne,wuEh" tl1'e owersxqt 1 I `x this plant retain their color. , A contemporary days t2he'Phl1ude1phlamJ are very fond of snails na u'tublo deliquuy. It is supposed to` be-hcczmse they can catch theiu.---New York News. v 11. 1.._.u...A.I.... L.. n`KT!1II'v'(\"L' rnnnr rmi; UIIGIU-9-LVUW J.U|A\ uuwn. - . No lnvltutlon to A NewY'ork dinner purl hy is complete ntv witlnxt some informm Mon as-to whether the police will be in ab tondauoes-Boston Herald. v\_.`.1......... 2.6 Hm (`himuun (`.nnnnn1nh\` ULI6 U1 Lu: convent. WVAFV 1 IOI](lU00.'-_-DUHBUII .r1u1`z1un. ` `Members: hf the Chicago Coxmnerolzyl I club `are to start a crusade to save tli Chingd river. Huvh they tr1ed'wet:tiug~ _ It ddwn?-`-New York Press. . , . . 'l`oIeL`lo (mu boast of dbing what no other. my has done. 7S|1q'luV1s* co1npluted a1l11o o<')u1:th'ouaevan(l mid for it unvd kept Withhr .th(-ufjirnibl ,0f the _uppi;0p1'latibn"f tslxglt" `bulposo. .*Ib s n.5pkmtlld~ object, lesson.--. ; Chiunga InterUF.iiix.:f"f ' v . * ` 1.-._....:..n. u... Mm tnmnm-nn'nA amen. uuumav Ann. .4 _ . ` ' . _ F'!'uliuiI{M\})jphy, the ten1paran'c__e evzm-. gelib, vgnng ln];pr'1n`gfin thbwlld and 1r-inn, Yous west, in `neglectipg ao1ua,(1o1dsrip.1!or `lalxuhurvesu in t1he"fa1' unst. More than 31,-_~ 000varrests'tor d'r1i1`xkenness were made i_n_ Boston tlmpast `yam-.--C1u`oh_mat1 Timg-vfw -Btu:-.' `r. nl)lBll_Iuppux'uu\n;.u_y u uu._y ............. .. A reaionnble time is presumed to be in- taded in a contract silent as to the tune` of pgrtorxpanoe; _ _ ` ` - _ . C 'llhc1hdoneniontandL deiivery of a ndta;- _ which il` cured by a chattel 1nortnu`gar~`_ 3. ry thunqrtgage with it. * . A oprrlqx may limit In xmmnay tultav own lino in a contract; tgnfa through uMp- V guano t9 1 pg; Jpn anqyuw llnc. , " ` 1.; n ..... ....n...h cm: In rinnlnn tn nlxlnixhih ,.mnl W I my ._Ivyu nuuyulpu um. ` % H Infcompatsgnt Jar a mrlan to utipulm that tho pup mayo! dmmutortauurno ' dollm; nned mu be their mm ........._....._ [A modication: of a controh lelginvgalldl nnloaq IupporIzed,.by*n new consideration. .` ..--;......\.1.. um`. In m-mmv'nnd tn ha In. 4 FLOWER NAMES. `A 1:3T\7/JVN TOPICS. `LAW Palms. um mnnu: oonvexm. Every little whi1e,_you remember, dur, `mg recreation one of the mothers crossed the c and sounded her clapper. _ mm: `van 1: Anna] #11 mm mar` nlnv and T ' L _ laespecillb true 0! H0964: Pills. for no meat ' cine ever contained no great curative power in _ aw small mass. Therm 3 whole medicine ; 1 MethodavAcluped by 51:21 lm Expect0- rate In Sire:-I Cars. It was on m(lm1-;_nIr\~,'n' cur. <-,on1ix~,v `lsh young inutrun and lwr~frie1ul were dis: 3 ' cussing some_qubject. in u very unimated I V down the avenue from the I'g`.pl[()l. A sLyl- - I I l manner when the young n1uu"on,stopping. suddenly, gazed intently at 1:. well dressed nmn sitting opposite her. Theushe opened the tin3 'iuhlets in the buck of her curd- ; case and began to jot down soinetliing. I g ` `_`My dear Mrs. .A., wlmt on earth am; you doing?" queried her friend. llnvoi you taken l1]lt(!\'_'1,tllI'0 and given to mtch- 5 lug ideas on the y?" ' V l Oh. dear. no!" was the laughing re; ox m iug ideas the my?" . joixidcr. I have ti new fad. I am niakiug; ~ notes of the various places `that n m:ui' Oh, dear, laughing ro; _ `nds to spit. Not xi desirable fad. but one 4: ; that fziscihates withits ugliness mid that 3 ' mmies, I nd. Now, that nmn, s}'>mk-` ing grmeiy, us though diugnos\iug his cw . nutm and rmmrdiuss of`,,the"fnct thuthu rlust. zuway;' ready. aI- .' says emcient, always sat ; 1 f gqqctory; preve t 3 cold | -r znjet, c _ vex Ills. , ~-.-_`.; headabhe, jaundice, constipatlorg; etc. ?:u ` V1 1;: only Pint to take w_m.\ Hood : Sarsaparilhv . x 1 i 1 c..., \l\4VA . V V fad. iiiaktzig _ man 2 (l(`Sll`tll)lL` i nung upuu um 1HUL1llull'IIt-`.. pi Entering one of the iiiziiirstreets 211163 Walking up the hill, we were soon.iii xi ` that fascinates with its iigliiiessmitl labyriiith-of~tomhs. Inside of one littlt 1 i 1`1111119S, 1111 1111111." 1 house, which had it glass door, there \\:_:~..< : (llllgllt)S:lLlglllS(1l~ .3 Shelf hum of mm.b1,_, upon whivh `- K driver and regardless 0f.'__tli2..1:-1L7.t_..'.1_1t_1_1_`. .. stood &fUil!1.l;.P111E3Ph 01 11 1111111- .` could hear perteely \i'w. 1 on each .side were vases H e',a'"";.ith 'f1`:;`I:3 Igwsigg l.:);:,:`(l1lin:W;_a heolilg; ` white lilacs, and underneath was stretch- ` 4 " ed a white ribbon, and letters` in gold , llSll:llllL`(.l to spit on the iloor of the earl _ ` `V . _ I right in front of` us, so ll0 1lllll{lllg{LClls< t upon It told that this WES I111 011911112 . 1 pitlor of the opening in the back of the 3 from his sorrowful schoolmates. Three , _ columns rising from one pedestal and resembling some fragment of a Roman I _ , ` ruin stood to conimemorate three lroth- i . and u _\'ou1li who w_.1is evideiitly jllft lt`:ll`ll- as who hdpwished W, 1, \_ id m`_:(,t1]er` mg to chew Ilt`lll`l_\' broke his back trying ; Man monuments were 11 6 on Ska 0 t to spit liotwt-eii his legs into the grlltiiig| , y _ _ I 1 ~ under the seat. lie gave it up at lust and 1, 03191 EEYPURII `foflns, 1sl_i0\\ing1`the 1 took the qui-l out of his mouth and poked . m9n P011 1110 f'~1511111 Of the 111118 1 itinto his pocket."-\\'zisliing1onStar. E of Napoleon s eastern eainpaign. `One a 1. Business Foresight. I sent where the window slides down wlit ii 1 1 opened. Now, that isa perm-tly new `idea. Ye.stci1tla_v I \1.'ns on the i1` street line. alone in an open space upon a raised l large column with a broken shaft stood : 1. The man talking was froi'iiMBoston in , New York on business in\1ol\'ing it real estate dt-til. * _ 1 Wlieii I begzan this busiiiess ten years ago," he was sayjiig, I didn t know as l ? inueh as I do -now. l\'eit.lier did I know as. 1 much as would suggest; to me the propri- ` 3 ety of going in when it rained. Foriii-' 5 stance, I had got up It big thing in South 5 Bostoii, where we have ti tremendous Irisli ' 1 population, in the way of subui-ban prop- 2 erties, and I got a company to build it street our line to it. A rival of mine was * 1 doing soinetliiiig of the same sort in ti dif~ ' fereiit dirm:bloii, but I knew I could give E 3 him four aces and beat him out of siglit. 1 His street ear line was half a mile longer 1 hlllllhilllllc to my property, and the l0(`ll- 1 1 tioii wasn t nearly so good. Just the same, I lie walloped the everlastng pudding out of E _ _ ' without thinking of the sly pass that V me, if you will exc/iisoaBostoiiinnism, and `;-did it in the simplest way possible. You i see, I wusii t thinking, and when I ordered 1 cars `for my line I had them painted it " beaiiitifiil orange to show how rich our subdivision was. to show wlir`. kind of a ohump I was, had 1 his cars painted it glorious green. The 1 Irish did the rest. If you don t believe it, 1 you want to go out to my subdivisioii some 1 time when you are in our town, it you can.` 1,` find lt.-New York Sun. \ ..,.1 1 l 3 . -'v . u :-1-.. ........ ..`In~u-ul nu ' thetic heap. Soon familiar and world ? est. Here lay Moliere and further. on . `aims de 'Musset, - Ohopin s last resting: place marked by_a olist; Cherubini, the composer," and Q The other chap, 1 giiess i - `Napoleon's right liaiid man, who liesin '1 ' Quack tnmh platform and'atti'aeted our attention be- cause of the great iiumber of wreaths and owers piled `high upon it. This was a monument to those whose burial places were unknown, whose deaths were shrouded in mystery,-and whose mourners come here to pray and weep. As we lookeda poor woman with a child by one hand added her little spray of clirysanthemums to the gay but pa- famous names began to claim our inter- 1 the great poets, . beautiful gure. Lafentaine, with a` little fox appropriately crowning his 1 sepulcher-for who can mention him got the crow s dinner?.--Balzac, the nov- many other famousepainters, authors and musicians. Then the brave men who fought for F1-2ince--Marshal Nay, a little inelosed lot lled with shrubs /1; and owers, but with no monument, for when he died his enemies were in power 1 andwould allow none to be erected, and ' now its absence and the simple grave i [speak w l estate (mu. . 1 ~ us} 1 % much as ) . mueh the ety For in- , I ' , in dif ` 3 3 X , excusoa Bostoniunism, ` - `;-did I _ The i can .` nd1t.-New Ixmlzlnltn, Tniislr. MARCH 4.1291. -:- the court and sounueuner clapper. ~ ` ,_.-_- __ , ~; _ , i -,This rwasa signal to stop our` play and E M `W}1w;t:ll',`,`},tf"mtSf '. ' in silent while the mother repeated I mm M `I ) " E` " ` A . P )1 3 mu-18-' ,.` t Y 1 th 1 th h .m ` uxt>L}wrslnv)kt'(l 11l `zie(f:e,?r O04 egospe or 6 m lhlittlv M(`?':*Ft(`. .~'0prett_vT ` - - ` that sh<~1~m!:<~l 111iH'u.n(' lmlv. .4 . -_ . ` , - . . e:`;?:: 3:sc:$):e3uI,i,(:;g.:v1:1:0a!f;?h:cd1 We Mt u.-`(tmm-I)t. hybthe us that we have S0'u1`s to 68% and that V little putv theend p:u'k,:md :1u;ke3:`:?:l_::t foqueb or ban mat not hridgcovter t-h(-Seine : ` ' ' ' :1 '1 '-B "* " *. T`- . Wen one dy___the 25th of March, I w ` mndx uncd zm 1} km St: I 1 . . . little 9* member"`W were about to play hide and i \vuI9 ', , geek. when Mere bte. Angela came out ; M a M NM Wmm, heads amdmadm d 0r,=4anne _. 110sve\'cr,itIu3 . nog1octed,tho lady 1`o\;e,'whoZ s111'gery-the 1 gem-1'u11j'.toV fo1u1dat l1i.~'.inzum>mta.- . .. 4.. O1\u .1mnnf ninhh cnmn wmrrrishf I tients. i his. imum>rnr_a. - L folk Lhu gmv dour front- nf 1 ` 1:. Bh(`I`l`.iS-H. 1uzu-kedin1- . hi.~:- :2-ru!'1'L=11<:c*. --t~_',(`0Ltisl1 \ / 9, %r J \ J%%%%%%%% Iookjg cotton Root Compound. 4:.-4 . I. M... nnhf nnfe. `reliable A WOMAN'S o:;EfyaATION. `IOUKVE -VVUIIUII llllll .UUIupvuupu_ _ ' l Is the onl _ag{g,_`reliable 2' monthly` me iclne on which j ladies. can depend in the /tour and time of need. _ In prepared in two degrees ` b of men th. ' l No. zforfordiuary cases. is by far the best dollar medicine'known ---aold b. druggists, one Dollar per box. No. for agecialcasea-10 degrees utfonger-`-aold y druggibts. _ One box. -Three Dollars; two boxes, Five Dollars. Na. '1. or No..:\. mailed on teceiptof iiiiiiii - F1"*l_,1; Do11'ara_; two Flvg Douars. No. '1, or No.` 2, 91: receipt `of V` prlcq and two ggcent stamps. _ I make us 101-gen m. wen, member-we about I leek, when Mate Angela "out `with her clapper. Clack, claqk`. Ev_ery- | body stood till; The mbther begun?`-`xvhat ` shall it profit a man if he gain the whole w0I`1d+ mmm hnnrnl 1+. was 31 "ah:-.11. mv dear. TS

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