Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Feb 1897, p. 7

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:DR-P'ERE S: V: Side by Side, would I " .. ' "."-3`*""'.'.j M.'- ` ` 9 -The yearly consumption of beer-`in ; San Francisco, according to the calcnla- `: ? tion of the zederalaugexs. ia14,215,161 1 gallons. Th_ia,itreqn1l-to,843,`0B2 1-5 g , ve gallon kegs. Iswouldreguirg a sin- gle cask 222 feet high and 161' feel; in diaYn`eter__to hold thi1ifliqu'6r. The bat- tleship 0regon could g:asily'oat; in this . b cngjc. . 'h3 `benmpf the Oregon is only I 70 feetnnd `her; eifareme height, \inqlud4 I ingher 1nil_ita.r'y mast. is 120 feet. In would requva. ahips `as large as the ` ' Oregon-tn carry this Beet as ncargo after v V all" the .maohinia,r_g.;-and armament had been removed and siilpwiug. nothing for :- ntbe hu1 dispcement The displgxce -}` men: of the Oregon. is 10,`00Q tops, the ~ `weight 0f'thaf_bee:_iaJi0,.860..tons. }% Nnfmiihcraiwurn Hun .Funf_ Hun! Qnn ? w=wA,; 4|-5t_s5A.asg:4..sa9v9_9s~wav5e5*,e5J;, M, - toyed` 11.851883; d0n t e0ad'enm= 1):. Chase} . intmeut. ..It has 'i16I3K,`bee1L kli!',,1 ` ._ail-, 'Eor ..insta31ce.~_l1ie1soa Simmqgl, , Meyerbnmg, Ont`-,' 'vgrites:; ` 'T"mmd' Dr. .'{`.hn.R mnfeiif ysxqtnervsgrtaa-test: Ir:1'-"~'__ ` `coidsi. :hron91ika'_l; B12. "G1es3, s pf , _ V ` .'`ha`Ljxn'eti'_cin2;l" L gznaling-V it"~`plensmI H-IU U &UU`llUUl-KETIU. DRIUUU5 Ill EMU UII-Jr `I ` - {She Examiner of that city recently-3 L compiled asmtemenlz, ofthe extent of W San Francisco's run: `business, and this articka lzasghaen _drwn upon "for many '1 nf the facts herein given. - ` ' T -'l'h'm. any-`an iobo nn hnnnnnlz (cf fa. III. 54110 LNUIH H.511!!!-I EIVSHII _ . `Them; gures (aka no account of the 3 ; nnmberlesugaarrelhouses--"can. joints ? 5 "1 . inthe expressive vernacular of me 110- I 1 lit:e-_-for she batrl ' houses a;e:noe~re-+1 .-quired to ipayqthe municipal license 01 ` ' ` $21.21 quarter, andconseqneniily -are not ;. gannmerated in the ' 5" . `ml.-.._.'..._a...... u.-_..l:.._.. LL- |......;.1' I 1 3 1 -~ V ~-fi- H . . 3 01:0 Remedy _wntn` has N'everv`1=a;1ed_- '5 and*1_`,csti:1'- 0jgg1<:nt_. ` _ V 3.} Became] other. alxggggf V:1*_ n1:e`di es_;for-.. ~ eae;'n':3'.tie e';uptions~,~ `J =Pm,'7-, - 9631434: ,:'..uweuzau , v_wz:-_-u. qsclald; head. gnatggg. 15149;; 'fhe_ads,. ,sa1t_{ r.he\1Ia.z..La11_sLl;::i.Ar1i_i;ve~;seV 1 ` ha ;; WUQSHU UL Lu. UUUL-lD-JL\l,.UUV.~VULIBr " Notwiihstanding the -fact that San Francisco has bu.6'30,0,\0Q0'f3eop1e, there 3 `are 3,260 Jicenead saluous in the city. { . TF1-n Wfvnmivvnn AP 4-hot n3u vnhnnlu. JW .`; .th`aK:aste "of medicines for children. To [ ' - give em; hnidea of the sweetg1';izg>gawggg?.L = ofeaccharin it`_is only (3 thatqne` grain of `the`d_1'ug'wil1 sweeten -`V anorslinahf cup 91. 99386. If sugar were V - used athleaam half mince or stable- ._h,|D991LL.3!, ` V I 3 In thereatment of mental disease sn1-' phone.) is ~conideredKa very valuable ` `agent. The drug could hardly have? ` i v qchieved success. had it been introduced ! -~ under it; chel F.-199; which c_o`nt a'.in ~just-A two lettera more than the entifnaal-. `T "phabet Diethxlanlphoadimethylmethap .~ in the Pjawbici/`a'k1 .*by`f1*vhic1iic`t:kncmi J! ` fnnhvn-no-`-1' .9 .Ul.|IlLLl| .'L|KE\I l HUG , ' . i -Eliminaing,V,Mtherefo1:e, the barrel.` 1 hbnseaudiallowingto mob of themore.-1 - than 3,000` Iienned saloons apfrontage f V` of 25 feet-certainly 1 moderate allow- 7 `_ _a;xoe--'-the aabonnding giant is made -to` ` -afapear that the Sia`n1F_`ranoisoo saloons, `! -if placed side by side in a straight }ine', `. Tv\vouIdVa xtand nearly 16 milpe\s--on'e~un~ .; 4 , br.oke_n`.' bibnlons, beer_v bouleyar_d.--.`;=: I Wm: TV Vnunn . g ` ~.Ltcmn g_x:,xA1es_.-; am, can. recugxmeuux `highly--.{?- `SW3 '-3.i')S'{:it . 1, "I141"? .1 ; `parted: `freedom. f1`~`oI,n[ 1`-he`diseVa`se." * ` Pe1:e`1`7`Va.1ilIeI r.`L Ama.blE..QueL. 1 -tact!-;-.,'_ om = Chase. '. ;;nn.maJ .."anJ1e`1er. as f v>, the !':;`Edx.n:inson.; Baata &* ."'ntraat; 'l`o'1'-onto. 2, i Bates; -an ., `..Qj:1,=011 |`-.`*'.'=e T9r9t9-i ;VPrr%w:*i0Le!1&se`,. A meyergnnmg, U11`-,' EH _ . . . ._ 3` ",I nses1=. Dr, ;'Q!w;3 .s ;0intIzie\ ., f}= ` ' ` .B,i1es.-; andg. can. recommeml 1* `Siiia `us?-n`sr~-`-it T "have had _sAN >FRAN1;Sbis BEER. ltslnrgelyamat-_ ter oS.yood' ` anspgutrggn ._:.u; .i*?31f9*?1,)`i V IJIILIIHCU I-DI IJ03Cn"-In Hljgh oiciuls in .Mn-1'Icl1x1s'a'tf._'ll;";zIln ` privamvletters to tlio secretary of` George '} Greuvlllil discussed in bitter terms the lib- . oral 1nmemen_s in the colony and haul rec- ; ommendtcoemlve measures on tlxapan ` ~ at the home goyerumen. ' These louars, in some uilexplai-neekwuy, fell into Fr_:mk ;` llu'e hands, aixd he felt ln duEyl56i`fil`o mud them to Boshon [or lnlpeotlon by the `L popular laidore._ `As might hove. been ex?! H footed, they cuusotl zr grunt furor" h6th7'Til"" Massachusetts and in England, and in the `; latter oounhry a dispute between two km I tlgmhn as to how obey had heenfobtainod '- led to a_.nm1yAtm1 duol._ Frankllu now 1 llntzervaued, stated me he had forwarded 5 v the lowers, but rerun: no say how lmcame by than and faced the storm of popular ; dlafzlvor "as calmly as only 8 philosopher i could.` He wae examined before the prlvyl} oounoll, insult.od'luueourr_llous ` , , fol munnor by the aolicllior general, Wed- jlerhurn`, and the couuoiiore themselves. dlamlssed tram his postngasburehipund do -. prlged or - muoh of the public respect that had` been previously shown hlm, but not ` .1 of the eel! respecuhati marked his behav- {' lor throughout the entire anlrgx l-His: nnndnnt him nlnm hman' Hnfnndnd . ..;........,.... ?li`vd_uuc!|o::!-.in~:h'g`tharU. I 31: >* . .,. x ,- V 7 TM old. Old arid hurhchtnds alto. ~ `And thn lpiril vhichbvutdnhs. V 1 7 While Mad that her colthiul iloaiy Em. , That such routine aha can hardly hear, I lorhurm|nhoodronm"nthauo1nunmn.- . ;:.:a.:;.s..u.asaug. 1} L an inn; ted. nn&wMnh:I\vu_1h-` /3-3 cheaiuuudnin neraeooaxneayu > . mm ehtiovcls wmau gl'nn'inJaer we. 1 [ '1 us nu: mnnnn ml unruly Mar, !lorh:rpplnhood:g:npn`hlhha_!o1npI;~imz.,' g ` 7.2, nun. 3 '.~Nc\v `orbs! an . 3: I wonder if Inatnox-y:d1:`;'2$ 1 my OE Inst winhlsnnn Lind an nn grwonuerxtmunu-rungs: my . ~ _ OE luwi.nu'uput in} an ardaat boy,` ` _1nd':hh darling moods of ih:xt- paaainnac-z_Q_. * .When ahawon ind mlddened her f:s`.*o1"ia i | ` ; . mm 7 50?. lei: hhxi a!una and rode n'wz;.;. -Iren\ Ouoml inYnm \ -~-.~- _ - I `F pnqkxin Would Navur mien an In n'\.s..|.....| n.- n........__a_ ` IUI-' UUFUUSQIUUB IUU UHIAII-11 `I-lull"; \ -His conduct has sincelbeen Hefelndedg and rqprobnted and must always, in one i v. particular. be hard `to characterize. OI}! - ~ nal `verdm DJUSE plninlyepend on A` . 'know1odB' 9.1, how h_e'gob- the xecms, but `E V thins just what he nevetwould reveal. 1 We are therefore left to inter frpm Frank- lin :L_chnncber whether he. would have taken them `in an ignpropar way. He him- tmelf cerninly`b9lieved`that he had done , `nothing ivrong,-but its `remains to be data- 3 1 1 5 1 " mined whether he was anabsolutely tn): % ' judge of what a" gentleman shqnld have I done under the` ciruumshmnee. : F`:-n m n um-elv ml` `ml mint nfeviaw lea ~ t. uMu:.Ig,~/g 2, V; = Siege: oqmaangu: I01 I 9&4 y;iiiie;s asubstsnae 4 tha is 280tirues'sw eeter t}w.n'sug_ar. The 1 mediciinal pmgegvpag3or,th5adms;e. an. `L tiaeptlc a.nd`a.wetei1fng.. As 9. substi- 1 Me for pass: 1 is used- in. the diag.:3__' ` of gout. diabetes and all which saccharine . fopds contrafndi ma mo 1, thbxtaste of medic: s for children. Tn ' _ _ --com the Iaqvsxit a very hig"h-I-1':'ricVe.;_t6 $119 I flihfula ~1M.}Edqua`1'df* Blimd F Wh r.tiir1;b1 saWghhe" . gr,l`9 i9d.`Whj-ih Tihe,` ` 1. 133, ,holindmips'are ah eyidgnqafmhe `-, ,9: fmzh'zi';i~"'h@ii1ti`s;7 snd~' me the impcsmon .1 ; ~hv:s..bmn1 hando * gnghar at thalnnnhg "!)llI11,,"I:I_1c'~ veemgusmszeaaq fgixe V tl8*0!L%Dyer:.o Kev`{G_rdI_is-,I L9 we mamag ta7eie =AtT'ah_{rci`nar1}s;1r1ng; vi1 l088sc0g zx_onr gn. (gains; an;2~e1g;;s;2u;1;._ qnua unnar we qgruumswuueu. ' . _. ,. E From a purely political point oflvlew ha `stands jabundzumyj lsiad. I Nina-tenth: ` of the English and A ex-iqan stabesmen at ; the-timowolzid havobnken the 1etf2emglad- i x Ly rind asked no inconvenient. quastipns 35.`; Lto how they were _ob_t`.x_x1nad. But would :3 Burke or Wasbingboh have clonfsof "Th t : ndnwarmnnnhndnlihtfnzl Nuithnr Rn!-in . ` _ EIIHVVBITVXIIIIIUEIIU UUUUBLUI. LVUIUHUF Dutlll I nor.-~Wa_shingtqn.would have tguchod nu ' Lpapers wiiliou bbingrrst cnvinoed thl} I the pstsoh oering hhemV<}nme. bythemat . honesulyand being gxruvidedyith pmpu } Z 'safegun1:d: for his own parsonnI,.hon ar.--J 3 `` 'Proens_or W.,1 . Tren1nM'<:Glu1e`s.' : DUTK3 01' WISDIIJKWJII HEIYC U11. 301 Lil! =_an'awercannothadou`bttu1. `Number Burke ` nun fnuklnntnn nsnnld lunrn bnnnhnrl Hm .. 1*hennddhu:sun u 5 ~ ` Father.-Huc, whet_1~ho._cm_1ld not under- stand whausoemadto him" who marvalous, elnv {ably satisdowno the devil. There tree` ngar:a.lamasa1:y`whicb{ put out; lenvas -impressed with a szmrsd [ I characorof tho Tibatnnlunguage. Bgzyard .TayI'or_, Ixo_ge_%e1-,- gxplaindd .h'ow ~i;{,'wa2- i done. In vhmlmlletin of .!;_he, Amnnican. Gedgrapbiam society the exact` character 91: this fsfe krdescrihad 'an_:Lhow_the latter: I ` gum uuih \' ax'a.mau8.. . - ; ~. ` } !` " ' 7T11'e smx-y ot`thmnacre_d.trne-thafgrowsvin - ' hgnts of the tempIein:hha`IEibet.an1am.aser3~ [of Kumpnm hm: bags: savagely shaken-by , recent; in'V6S}gahiOnl.:`Fi1the>l` Huo`to`1d,-_ in `. }_his._,ch,aIminx.: book; at _.:m+.-hrea. --._w1mas . ,. leaves were, miraculously inscribed; mu sguros of Buddha,,s.ae1:ed fmzmulaa 03 pray era Later expleqrers, wamong. whom were Botanine, Gr,enzu11,an_t1 Szachenxi,-,5aw chi an_d.atteu_1pted't0ZaxpIaiI; b'h8-.:_nystgri- ` ~ous.ma1fkh:gs`6n jtzs Haves `and bark L M. -`,Potm.iin,thhugh1: L_s_on'1 tns'evr9nghu the " _tracl`1g_a;'Aother&~bx&p 9 ` _` L 23. '_ .-emu markings`? "uertained. nmmraliy ta the `. ` J15 DIED R! tracings; Aqnner`*am I 3/he ~ makings gar-tai__ned nahxraliy to the 1'00'.1' which was ' very remaxkable`, indeed,-_ _i);as n1jnch as"v;h olL sgn,ban_ce:* in tb?'I:ibat . ;an_1anVguag9L might_ be. `thud: on *haV1e*m7ea; j ,H,..,FL L 7 ....`-.1 mg... x........'.; .4 .. ...`.....' ki.`&i.."h;?:;4Q'3K M};-C ms E} $ us vvvnuu uuvur newts: :11 Obtained tbs Docuznenta. _ ,m u . 1. L.. .,.. Lxn sauna am rode away. ` _` -xreu\. Osgood` in`Vnntt1_`!htr." unbn at n with 0% IVI.|1Vl-Kl|B I-HUI: vuuu l.|l_I.lUll BuUL1?$ _and nppgently d --u go.`-I_t has ma Station am} , , v '.coap1.t V % An ggeomp;`;,e&I.gi;g-Aescgieii iVD85d*at Inc. v ' WW3 traa.tment_of inI19n33yitH8 sin or` sorness of_ .13 ggibpe and rhenma-' `T " tism, both and _ 1 The drug itioften Eo'EBiiIg;1:with siiel - ..;.1- .mi..;... in or... 4.-....+.;....`.c` .'.m.'.. .-`x....;.. -I '54--. . v %%31i:x!m :~ .'n-Wm` hues or TEAS Iris: mwm. `N a; aw. t;tn. V1111-oc>'L:'A`.a&L"I:=L. `IN LEAD pArj.rs~ LV`.`12'A?* `-!, V.L QAVW `JG-LLWKLIU GIN GKLUSLK IV HI: I-llshls ll. LRubbersarealwaY.%."up~to4da;tev._ " . j'I'hey _aIe_1ion_est1y made Of.;pnre1[ . A `-i7'uhber,V thin, 1ight;e1as_tic,`I11rable, T j extra thick at balIgu1d'_heI/.; I-IUU U1`-I5 P V-V}-1 T Ind` quinine. in the treatment of the above `I mentioned :it?Eections.aand` the result; 1243- ....a.n..1 8&4; s.a:.1z.a..:.m: .. ...... .. .:.%.;::.: . G1`3H`i 3. 83 , [new pattemsare addeci, to tnll V L knishknrds nun n`u`wvnInI (Sh1un,.lo\.>A-sin. - V '7 I V Dr. s.. 1, Andrea, Moment, f ;- - `V qninkly;__givesteIieff0ta1ong:x" , ~ _ teeth_wh1chshm11tl not beumcksixmlmegnngm; ` ec'ysafet9use.ata11ages',andfdot;sj l otherten_1edieanaedanoothanhedo." ,(AN_n'_ :2}: Cent. dT_1. `:`ebruTf.=:::y7"I5_,%_;_-.W8$%A.' __ 1:31;} ..;.-w=: '4 y' 1 w '; '\ -I .4 ` "- The value of 5\11'IlKiaI`Iii? k`hypU, ` . seem. to be pretty. W931 esltabushea hm hm ikth"~u`ar\`nrIi>'i>ili' am-mt 3 aeexqsno pa prex We}! ew.Dwsn,eu. W.,|.L,; V imbeci1ity,'111_e1anho1ia,. dgamentim `_Pi- s 6 treatment of sleeplesaness caused by ` fatigue an' ,-I_t is`a.1aoL saiditq ba of equal sefvice of_"aeut+'miinia,`L lmxqv.haIh'mii1ati 0i1s andu.afxm1zni6hblL AGli'E$.'1 imbeciiity, u1_e1anhoua,. dgmentim 3131- g Iepsy. ha-11`Q5! 1?.$ 55i <>1.3s 8.n`,:3*1W* 9-Iddhels ism. One Vobrfver stated `tIia't`i 1ifv?'ry - case, "treated the slumber was,` accom-V panied by no disturbances or respiration and lasteg1.fr,Qn; .to ,3 ve heme 91;; 5:15 ;.t`a:3a1t`!:.. . grains are. visually givn dab * Even ` A in"vqry1argedosesv the digestive fu'nc- `7 ` nnuqn-n -rink innrm-ad than nsnn:w'.!; , ylum In,'ay1_4uurx `jnqgu u yq,L"y,. '_j' ' :5; r_r., .3-_~..) _ ~ ;g99s::.'_treh!_n31!;9 -the znsomnisband ' 1 5?``-```-"~ ``.`5` ` "." `%`im ` 1 ~rest1essi1ess. of opini7hb.Biti_1sT'Weh Taacmhe dJ"tan*f.".*ff coa1tar.p:oauut:aain:meaasm,4;;ean, , -..l%_a 8kei_t_haY9=!*9h?1!8?1.-?I*W _ most be `t8`ke1`l'fOrgr&fedthaton-9 of th I ; `told ,1twas`1mposs1bIe wxthoutyze con-* ` * - - - - -' (0, Lsenb of. the secretary of war. .... ~.. `..` .-. ` .. TIM-n um " Kauai!` `"1 nnmnlhnrn ` Wl.|lUIll5WIlIII1Luu`lI 31% H . th&aa.ction`oItlce_ticacidon- "iue 1 -'ThMcetani1id 19 j docmrain preferetmeto antipyrine. Tho. - 1n'1.oa'...'of is hum principal Tteatures in its mr . , ness of dose. less dange'r__o 3 d61i1`essin?g_ ' eact on the heart and cheupnesg. Tho _ ' y oneitenth xiitin6&."`nz 3. :'.:"` g iw 5` ran. .2 S ;. ng;1a:suohgr`* A1... whibk ham" mart`1vi H\ .......1. ............. 1 L . FLF1"3v!!'9,a4|'# mums: wwg; ma cum": class which has" met` with much success `-3 - .............'..n.. .1......_...a1.'-.. `n u__: Lu Vql. lILsU LLUUUU uuv .`5 'ons;a;g.pqg,;_aiso;a;erea,:;nm 3.-.. LIA nmu ' qsv fuguu uu: U_a\4 .. I-/g99Q:.'_treHt!n9 ' combmation with hyoscing`.h_vd;-0. `.2-TU1Y_988&. and, ;nTr_n!_1 A_ hai : " m$`~3BIphon 81613: "*'??P"..`. .i=:`*<?:?m?`* 5 - ,,,;,,_5&n5_1 {Eli a_t1_on, a thtisZ1`I:too' "it; TheL`fp1;fp:ppe1;~ties`b.r e antipxrtic, '; `4 ana}gesic.9.n1:isepticand._hypnotic.. ' _. j._ - " l`r5nvmI uifrl-h burn: m1 Iu.a}5ca1u. nnfuxcfuyyxu l)l.LlL;yl-I] puvuu LTrig_nal which Germtinygvr =1$9n`gM mm. . Roi-n Fnr Hnl-nnhnn #n'I1n1~' Ti vi; \`l'U.L Lunuy, In ~v:vugu11_ Jmvtwut-as liwlu -datefor therapeutic-favor} It possesses} _h9_1.9L31ij399,9.. , _B0n515L . hasfound toniglj 9.13; ; ng_ T mmnia or hystp A I M negargsihqm in 3 * cases at .zreat6lstin and Whih had? nsalopheu. although. .n9t:.- dzshncg 2; E . ; K1l0Wl lIOl' IBVBIEIJGIIIIIECHSBIU V . I 423` nanie deitivegftm whichitwnsmadanltia/p;_1;a; ,;;y:` th&:apti`ou*of:g:_e;eic_:aci 'iueoiI.1 ` V.greayt6l?s1;i1ia5f`ahdW'hii:h had"? failed to te`81>01.1d.1:oLa.ny otherAt.re_atmen_t. ; 4? vnnnmm nvnitnmnnt nn nnrclvhn : SUE? W4; . . Ahau:~gh;rstonq4aL I , 'toattracunydona1 ', 138$ , ` mtipynn' 6. whih: its % M Z . lom.`I_0 Lyearuago nd . kn?) for ___9- 2-;'.:..-.l 5.... '4.L-- .. S. several : .118 ~ Luacgmniia 51-; 811'! ..mm;nger huad.M2,ih.,o: mqamcst 3;-3;~m;nv? u auqcuons.aana' we resgugs . f9f:;;anrysis;fa~ ,. .4 khlglul .1 1` \J`I'1ILll!g~ RU DUU Hull! UK] KUPUIEUU NJ ' aiuiit, George G.,;_Wafg'aman, A ,3. 31.de5'posit`e`d *$48_-`and signekf` his` name- m_ V Ulysses Hirggn Grant. `His name as ro- 1 pgxtgdhom Waahington, however, was '_ 0" ;_gl_'J_. S. Grzfnt. andVf~he.er;o:.aroseintj1is .awE:..Wa=MTh.;iH9b-Ehemsgamer meivd L 9, , :`.t!;a1e'f,fer ot`Je s'se Grant only` the day .- ._,, {before the cl(_1s8*o_t his term, and, being} 1%. mn'mrri9!3- sat. : ona.`-an41,o;.= " V `r;.Poinett;, 3e1:~ V 3 `"3-`.".`3,. ~*`, !,'.?'.`FFr"V",`.`,.`.`.-.'t!`:..T?",-F *.3?i "41? L` axa~;rsmar=:: wife baaemmwelcoms arid` ! II I _u_uvy suzpuuuru. - t . ~ Nax morning, an hour aitersunrise, I "11 9 Bewlsgq was E E" e, lying . ' the_lbe1t.r bfincypniai hdgia by_ thg . _:oa'daida. The__red heart is-atlill` v.Best _mp at have come aboutgtlxutinie thesuu-' _ ~.;,g1;ing\4;toache&:}bg`yBay Beside the 1e?;`u.~&lchqf!{ gglleu from be- healh`hi f6nt. niv thhmbegl .Sh::L:<.-- penre, clasped in his gaunt hands a cli:-2- ` .:wx: P 53,".d`*::'*,3"K?nPi3*: Tho; `I a Kempis has a sprig E)f_cypxess"'fur r. bogfxmark. 91; `age gt the.ppggs,be;v.' :1 L. . N6 - 35"." . 'v8omahing:n{nnadu_tnlnuuand M L ~.1:pginn_moteIanubasi;ar.but T -:W w5sz.=~W'- `wggicn itrejgtiitiihgizmssaazez 5; - `0 Fathc iiihv is to bf? hanurdwz i9 nim."!'hii?i` from Iii eh-"f=:2rr gimu aaasci1osse%.wou1a ,ti1:iiv:j that; thy servant forawhott time should he . .fqp1'Jt`sseVd__ egtexiorlyi, bn'E," interioriy I would even live unto thee; that he L, gh;;ug;1,;gAto;Vn,1igz1e s1igbtc;dnd(h1;m- . mad and: ahariI?1`TfnlI; ha: 5 hi.-val ; uuucnu qvcA'_ uvu uuuu tutu} emu HY! g11.`9uJ_d,,paf tot Llitjle b,bi,Al1`Jer_i_`a)::A&?-; qhpa ,;fall "ghq:_`ighB;,j`9tH :'!L'z'iVex`: . -`- SLi`mf raucisco C1311. '. 4 i V ] `A G ;: Up toyzg stains fox; Point, `G1-a`nt had Ulysgenpoz H. Ulysses . i Grant. The` young travels: required a ! f(RANT2s NAME, _ 5` 1-an-;&irie fkmif` ii%f; on: g trunk, and` `Thomas Wglkegj, 1;` local geniu,Vf`waspthg'!g:;1i Be`; 3 did 505393.49-nishit*nff_; he trizd`*(m n...`......;,...;..~x.:- x....'... 45.. um :..;+:..1. 3, `.. ....g am.` oh... ...;:. IUK UICU WUIIIUIIU UL Bull) 33 , be a,w_u_ _Iul{ nun xuuu: an uncut lumen 1; ,``' "P9"d V .;"9`*`!Ei1 }``l -taemmmnmron dcak,.:'-' -. 5 .'PHn hlnn `cl! Oh; Jbalv ws`nna `ha imnln ; uIu`lUy`fKlug`lv u1fuf.I xv Uu_. nu u.n\;cI_1 uu l the (;overLinbig lgzasgx tacksthe initials `w W`-E VU.'*G`~.` James Marshall Ulysses `IV Eouiin, wenj't :r_'2Wla_e:lp lxim carr y the nwi [ At4rt}_x1l:l;1ong.e.p--_lQl`;:Ss(aAIa lgolzegi at the big : ; I--glmng letters.` Iwon t havalthat so, '- he said; It spells `bug. The boys E*ix'!1d.fv3a23:a' :abosisiti?":An.he ` tl1_ereu;>on ahifted his migldle name and 7 L Mnsimu .-H.lvnmn.~~'F!_- -Grsirik and an be! , "I IHUWI U/H9831`; V ` :;::Ir,i' \ ;&wput-iithilhem. unit` 1 ,.M;'9,. V Try hmnvingatho. ai!clotb,j . T;`{_`|3;t;l{ it tggag-ff:-wnge one ho-rq who cam ` far nn'difiogIi at goodhoohthay may ; Ihxttha is consciously izxikind; but xp'e- Iulxup Lvvvxuuuf UH um: Bil, -~ ` " u ; Arne pm stun desk views the books ebldimand denies the plemfor aid, Not 1 Vtion with ngabonds` has made-`himi and `In. Linmme. tha 139?-1105 2' 'I`Ii_x1_ew~imp?oat 1`e. '1 ; Nari "II(\IlIiIII an `uni nflmn nun:-{an WPAUWU >Uu QHKLHUU L\_IH Iillslfil `X31113 ` !29}2%m.;- ;U:1E35;8ff.3,4. ""1 5 5) went for(:h.into'(:he world. ' ` ` th. ......':..a..._'-.l -4. DAAL. L..L..! I'-..A[ {I L gggggiszereaf at Reefs hotel, Wes!` i~"Point~,;on. the V2951; of Mm, as U. H. 1 } Grant','_ and the same day reported to -- flan? n-Inrolr Clnnnnn (3 `Va ;-iiihnnun ` WLlI LUIIVIH Juli} Ill-IV "UllLlu [ nyugbajwas iA1;;ips.o;;g_qg'[1`K;JMed in the ap- .pIig;fs._g;i_on, aid"thtis`1`l: too'awh'en:myssea taced%he*adjutant.=.'-*"<* ' Fla uzlynl in Inovn Hgnhainnol }ii1'f: ham: ' "V-IAJQHUQ, nun, uuuu.n.u_a5 vuuu nu: AulquAu - --sxxm_ : er pt - g; 5, ha n b Very well, ha saxd. came` here ' to enter the -military academy," and-en: ~-te1L-I-sa1-L- An initial more 0r`1ess.does I..".. _ Z" .Ll..'._*` H ` I1. .:.::'.r`k..;:.-a....'-30.. Jl.;; .u.-p ' BULIII vL- Iup nlcloucllj Uh uh. . I E ` :5-"%`t"'~'" `-"._ ._`*` F",_.`. .'.. :"," " 9 ` : b6j?!.nIy 8 'k17>8~"` ' ' ` ` i Wl*`11. X, * , . ' E Akfzed of ol&`"and*tb cakes. One an -I4.'n1'.in ...;.`.; ...; ansn}; ha}-mac -'ni3."R3i6`-iic`: mama =gt;. xprxnegi xri EL th. kory oi- vvahbuxuuqsguutv. _ , o iLts Lco;;\poneu ` " v -4-:_J1eriAved from It tabs 21 -.x1.;.;*r:I'.u~il.ssn.na;*;t4n:ni;st..: aLa-aa4.;+.m+. n4"1$n.- 3' =.-s~;1='?u.9#"*u '='",* W '*,~=~,~ E hcrjhad-0 review so :qqtroops"atV B1erre,_ I / ' 7F;x' 1: .nnnvn1I! n . uVI_ HIM-I buy a.uvLv..u uyuqngvnvuyu any auv-.v,_ -mm" W-7i4`5f;L;en1. E;-.3;1m91.T2E`J; E %ox;:_~>t ' t _viif ugaa[bim.ys_1com we 97' enpg As .She;.wasg at the momnt'pan;-: ` ` u;n;.;:g=ae.wnp1a; W `.5 Prince and PeaI8nt.' 52?:-pi:mn'a Chrisjiian of,f;Denmark.. had ' .....t.. .. 'f...\... =: a an nun [,7 V !r1IzrII_l|l!_!'If.!llfI!l irnIt!ilI 3:; pg 3hg:!u;.mlu,u naudgnxi , :1 qd,wnrd;ud;bu:uIbI . ujhuughtick-:1 #3 Imiunxehyg `I I:i:a !ljl).ei3t!/t"4ia`i>iiknI , 1 4103'! / - " 3sm$?:s?:.% ;u A 3 j t, ='-. ` Vim wqgoiont, qbnu`8Q9r_49:mlt: `F V _.j.L.V.e*W:V fb.:`=1n`h`;r%$IIhe'8a9nlnAi9pmoea 2 reil mm 1: mnp-4.3 l?._l|{"_!_1 _:~' . Lanna Isms u1u1,ym.. _ , ':.T-bersiare wricen--the um M.].Taine. was '3 `brilliant example or `them--who L. - 3 {nit ofhiabarya merqdapartmenb.6`phy9- A Getmdns.,wou1d say; _tor whom the annals of thgworld are nothing%mors'tban, qrd at imoesaitated tmnsformgnion and I`; movements, and its qages,.s&int.s and he- _ 1; toes mxdvpuppats, imputant,pleces in the .. ics; ` elm reins Nat.u1-'ggsc'bichbo," as the i ga1;:6".;il,ayetl by naturaI;neIec`:Ion. There. , I z`u~e'otahers--Carlyle` may carve as chair ' 1apokcsI_iian--wlio tell us: '_`UnivrQl his- ; 'f.6E5T,A"f_Eiif6Ey'utAwhnk znnn hns acoom- ; bistoiyof tlxoigra men. who have worked . f hero. AIL things which .wa"&es standing p1ishIdi_n,thiswotld, is at the bottom the i r nccom'pIish_ed.in the worm arepropqrly tho` 3 I onward mal;e1`lalf-i-esult,.the practical` real- lzatidxi a.nd1`_er"nBodimen~ot `thoughts that N9 in. th 3``_`. '".`._i.".` `.119 A. H world.'i I4! . I - um... +z...`.1`uv..;.....L. '|L...4,......'."n.`.;....' +..';.. (fable TX at Ilintorhnl. ` .1:-_..--1_._. 4.1.--'_-_`.:. '._.___-u,.. -1 2. 4 gnuuxlg uuur; mun unwwll I lilmaq 109$` ( jag fellow. ' He told me his Il'ai)i`y..` He was ii * `a clerk and prosperoiiioncu .Th_g;ntIze rm himself okyiiuf work ` _az:awgtb rub nmu'ay.:. met a1iam~u friend in Sioqx` City reex-"ed him A good - place it i_:owox'1ld hnuheathon and take it. LIFE male 0: pine 1aw~ trip! which remained - mug u;j'usi: the pr_ic_a at the uickt, but .ti1er9ware_ his wife and bziby tostarv iffhne " lo;m;n',withduti1,ome,or money. So in .< " gut, wife? `on with the 4tiokes,``' whiia his `riskad"*his iih on tho trucks, - inanding to; `ride until `discovered: and Au:an}n1p." minus mm wqn,i1.m1a-mm : ;to -no bpck and all his wife he was safe, And I would pm`. him of! inter. ` I did--at 3 3` and 9! my run.` I don : know how he I jmunugedvufbur that, bug, I` lathe: `think he : `reached -Si_oux_'Cit'y mmoliow, and the in-_ tia wbimin did not again feeifhah his dead I hmiv -m`iEiif:hn TQM-n a-miin: lmhin ma Mush V ! r; :_rI:uub_y, u_nu , uuus __uuy Isuwuxunuy mauzv, , ,3};l;nt :_trgedqm'~ ofvoution-1,3, _l.1mited_a nd ` H101 Jllbflllzih, I VVIJIMII Ill 11.! QUHIWEJI Review draws the distinction between --'Tulne'nnd GarIyla: . " '- 'I`.hm-nimva wt-Nn1ng.__.hA lnh If 'l"nhm UBgIlUu=Q`UlI , 51`-`Xll1- $3`B90UiIl ; [_,f@_nmg pgggnv 3%, , alga}-.eI,9 my 7 L W?6!;ls*,.|:3hv=n#t`*`3`?1}5F`1`I8hr- There - ....,.:-*;r;:,. R. ,,, M .k.~m:am%;m g ::, ,",,,)..,,..`.= MA ._, ' 1- '15 9 7` ' ` . `-_.: .. ;j:: in w:$g'%,f?{g,,;%???"= `"9 `Emu Whzu`I.hard-wod'.itfQ man 15:19 out of ` ;` "!: -M A19-armed I L ants; and run. poor appeuu-,.aaux doesn`t_ my orgguvknot 350 mum . `e? wen,:mazoes.mwoxxin:amomm v .. ,` .- 53! !Y W'!:. . -entaud heavy hcaded. he 5110 hi uh: me .; Dr. Hem : Golden medical ~Disco:ery.' 1: t.wE2tnkv?ic` V n 1 W kl his ""7 V /Frjigfbne . ."" ;~ " `.3 ' m -fang 1.1, x sqndpm oglhnp u'n- "`g`t`ig; ;:;$:'?*`= .1`.V='- 135:0"-'3 W Z an -my I T `--1:2%ri~uura ?d,i`:es'impnuF;mf1*Lmtll1:ybalnood 334;! cm W frido ir`-hr. ` n?-`:.A"hic:e: 4 am` V g`cnns~ rm me body. x was W343` hehithy esh; E muscles, sndy `nerves jprolussloaak iBaIl2!\'unIh,:x';.,@ve1S>*so1_!xp-,,j`Ind'J active. bra` cells. Ii brings restful whats; ~j'uinp`ad oet-7i'xid,L51!!{1z1_nd_restotes ambitfon. t_ cures new- `wig .m,d.nd Vmmgm ..wh.n `Wyn, :14 ops1m{m1oty. ncgvous exhaustion and nerv- .' `T , I mg!) m ulhzgtfqg with ma M` U: 0115 pmstratxoa. I_t cunts percetgt. of as . % "`.Wh*3`*. wm-to mama ::*.::;:;`:::**":tm::u:* Dr` 2 we newsman an: em ` ' macaw` R. V.'Pie:'i1o:nmd r... n.i.t`;`e.,*`,.w; 1 much Mari: clad tnclwdn dhod look chief mnsnfzing ph sicaanochc Inv:i1i(i ~ was notcfand Surgical nstitu_1c, Buffaxb, `N. Y, I aclorkandnroinetbiiiibncc. Thanthe rm _ A _ _,;_; A_ _ ' ` , . E % l u---gay u-nu --av -u a-nus-nun-I ` `In gji ! history is to be v`v.ritten_,'\ hi the means: or i the mam-iullst, A writer in The Quarterly iRnu`i'nw ch-nuvnn thn iixtinnnn hnlzwnnn snsaing thq'vrsx`edL question of how ' .WUl`lU- . W- ,_. - Kovy thqdloronoo between these` two schoois hnsvreolly its origin in the old con- troversy between: free `will, and dut.erm1n_a- .` tion} The schfoolot wh_ich_`wa bulge Tame` Its a iropreseht-ativ9_in .st1-iotly neoossarian. -' I It holds shat; the pomical oiganlsxn which jwo tgallnnatlon devoloptaccording to laws.` as absolute and undeviahllig anthoso which govern the growth ot a physioaiorganism; -`The school to whioh. Carlyle belonged and `I which profagees what `h{,1'&f_H'6Vl'b8l'1S[.)8!)081`, :.de1'isivs1y oa1ls_th9_ great man `the.ory_;" practically aeoounts of "will .88 the 011152,. reialisy, and does not; suiciantly` realize, * thm: =h-mdnml of vinlitinn . la 'l1mSf.ad and '- uu vvuqugu mu HUI. lllull LEE] Eli HIS (IOHQ bad?" l;1`ig`liTt:_g by jg-?mi_1es bqhlnd `on that 1 `*2~;"A1-`??*f=3T rim. V V - A__ . l `lL|;g`.R1h l).l".r!A3glUlI;Ju;L5 uumuul: nynuurg dingijlezaner um gs merely pleasant narrator g `Qt-iv. at-we aIl`kno`w, but a may historian l_xuma_nana1ed `hip matexim in a_ fztresh a;x way ag_g9;A);1y[ent,it1a V ` " hinjto the *cradit.ot having ;mi1de'; amen`-, . _nributioh'ot.lasting value.t2o_o'11rhisboricAl, lih_qr_abure.. 3 -.`h;is. judgment will hardly his . appruv.ed= by anrteader who is unable to -.1 rid-himseltbt whaumgy he called tabs a'n- : nL'.\1-is;ioA copoeption ` of hissoryj; `Such ` aja, mader`wi}l{`dema_n'd nyfii 'br"elsef_oId". ttzctsrenallbd. infgn grasp}! Usnifexhauaivg` _ majjnr.` `YehDr,._,Egg:1e`stdn could: scarcely he 9'; pectd to ux`nish,;;any startling V of lung: facts than wnulkcompelevlxl rewrw `mg at: oamoloniak hiS_( he certain.-` Ly. hasnof 're:a.i1ecN_he 01 facts In the `tvT!9dUx.jW31-`*'*.'T:; *fT*"" `f""ff1`*J'i- " ~. Mgmuf qetmg, thgtnll. pga. aftbi`:1zage"jj or thv'1e:ng{{9Dmgi1ati9h,o,his, -pred.eA-` `.; . ' "..13:t19.-tn.-M.,'1'_.I,.*;9='m- I 1 'F.bA_tn9 sition Vmntiv*e"i3.s:ig' 12 Dn Eiigzz , glesqk;'nj.;amqng_ dun hiIiuriz_1;1sA'and whats`: dogs;_hjs. ;:ev_v_vo_1ume.'ibnnd-fqr? .Fo:: owxi put I have: no hesitatlqn hnswer-_ , ~'in;gjhat= Dr. sEgigI68.bm1;iS neither a.p1ud)-7% dimr silnllnmr mi-r n. mm-ah` nlnmmni: mn-mtnr T ll-ID`-I MU uvcyuuu. MU an .. . , "7 In _m3nxc,1 ` ,~` -"**"';~'"".*`*."*-52"%.*` l":1`W!1- .1 `PEPLBQI "e8.lO{!l TFO!!! I Peter" vammen, ` LfAma.b1 e? . QueL._ hail l _ F ;t1:e* 'e`c'zma_I SLvrf t1i1i9 j ya.rs- my tried ,th:ree- - doetra;- hutt 5` re(:9ixg3cI" no b_nefit- ,Qna ~`bo_:<`-.`o,I<`Dr- :.(ma.ae;~s 1 Oihtment and` ,1 boxes \0.l;D2';,;i_(/}ha.,e. Pi11s;vcu:e!1 < I-himyscbmpletelyi :-Ea rgs scalizitsfiiovretf 5"T.;yhA'-legs vgizd.-9043.: hug/tize Ointment soon; 9 3;:-emcwd them.-. Ha =vqil1~u5wearL-tu:theso`t mu:-11.1 1 L ""fheym` urban" sh:irhi)'c,t?ii' hagau-is oi: m.:gug:{ae. man: we grin! :_ He ha-laughs %qm ` 3 th: nmstritiz Boar ufm lnuthar. Thorn * lJl\ol ll.4I\U l.4~lJ;1s mrgtly 3 } -_ 7- ; _tet.o.good health. and gobhealth is largely a. matter of healthy antivi of the_ b9"w:[. `Doctor Pierce s`Ple_asant elletx curtcqnstipation. < They-nrrsafe. sureand speedy, and once taken do mt have`.to_be nken always. ___)ge g little "-Pellet", is a_ gent.Ie_-laxative) and 3 rtwo a,t_ni1d mnaruc-.~-~-- - - A g `. 3.32;` PELLETS.

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