j.'~Thvarm y` worm " . ij Mwithfphel apple lareyilli: M _`j_ I , H.;u1*ort>.;' -"3: :. ; ` n'..-rL`.._.'.' mi; ' American, Nervinaja the Heat mediome l _ ' have ever taken : it;oomp1ete1y cured `me - `af`ner'vouq_ j5i'nt.rMihn"and the attendant; ' C ,d|maeI~ o ., the` livur ind ,ato_mach_ that. ' IU ll 5|}!-l0l.'\1`l'l Ul_ UH! ulaumgv, " ' V, ._ " Itjs_ a scientic `fact that many, d_erz'1ng'e-` mama. of. the` system emanate -iron; the nerve centre`; in tl1e.baag of__th_e,'bniin. South American Nervine` cures atonmch `und1'1erv..uug.troublea because it, acts im-' mediaLe1y. un'A the ne':`v'e,_<;eul3r*ea. J ."W_., ` Dinqwuodie, of `UumpbpJ|grd.' Ont aa`y,a;M 'V`_I, "do: hob Vhenit;;s_w.; to` my . that vsquph follbw thisfwukx1eui. .. xgiwrea byaslclsc tld-nu nsmmery ne: W V `NM . slowhsoot .8 `:":=- ;_ng.- u wumum: 9 M ~ m1m;n9diatel~v `Dgpindumn 1 meme :: V iq-n._mlaak.aAabou1t,, Xewrea; at . .tr:1`gta&9atoma9hr33aho..... was %. wlim -50 M s,it,1m=cuuw.V. ?.uw;~:m .mm on. and nivea.t0nean1enB:Ky'.ti>th.\'h run `when,t3et.l_xln3.` If dlgturnaqntnlsmanubxo en \ .tuV teat... ma 1;," puma cu g son a one ygefogv U riitua ].yatasm.L .M.rs;- 4 A VTerah a-mimns.` an loi\u1' Hd. M. in $116 hip bv,?t_he:m;iu; _ali. 1gaham'was" mun-do n .&y L .. ohligedto ' up;.for`i?epa1rs for the; hnd'_1a..fH`f`.uo ntia eiijoymene <.;H;a. _ . broken. - :- wvo 9" -UUll_l_i'W_D- (awn , In Vuw _uu-y. puuunx rm`-_-.m 4 1l0I.`,aea.on1 I?ueaday mOi`ningvivasMkioked' *pa1pn_t.ioi;" xjheuindhid sviag*a;,`.gh eokidjti .;|}; a1ii;` f.Ehq;f,b_lo(J " pom`; _ _ -19. V `1**VY+J?`1"L f`_ nN'>6`Ig'- ha ; Mtieg sfvere As,_qot.t h;tsa}ia1`i}xxggiiiea : ilie.; h}eed.~ ` -f.rrssh9`!,M1di A ` , :_.hqn_m;ey% -._carg.-:19 311; fwhegaarkiringsf f . whi19 ;IJ19lttim.phe tail V `ofi orie of" his .rdn;1d'<`;the ` _9yea.. l\0$tiaahaa;L ~diaziqem f !f`3`iE`i3fV-*!1*'E`:%?`!*'?`1 . Dll W8 wmuull R 14,! WWW ' vmt`ena:.the mas.` .r0!'lnces ix; )1- {z`}a-om c . J .;#:.azitw"t-;iIAg`? ] ` IM 7., 16%. -. -be'J nmlwgv 1'f1?53vor :mot1xr:`for E13115 /ehmiren . ""`s3o7 " x" )0 7 ` I T -%[:s3*:m a 1' - 9, ma: "o1`nd- surauf QB UK r.`l0IBI'H It dint rbedm W101: 1: mun-mt sen " x`x {&1 7'*7 T2.3?<`$u`;e;"'e`e`e r"eo`:?a?s1 ` . tmns onx .'fam,. ' anoe.e.,&IoV s>I9&r~Lwh!tuLanV._ in .lthy.. tr; em veI3\1.Y6'`Bfi&_ `V. mw,;>} * fsvnur-an Lana 113% [ ggflnhar` bxogg ` m rW-i`W inminnn ' mm: . gnglgo en eazid net 5 ` lri/enlldren W I . 33an t. stop it spreading. . It is in the am. _0 Can t keep down 8 good thing. V , A, People who_don't. know abuut i_tvwaut. to know.;" ' v D..,m|,. ml. .-In Lvnnumnnt hm Anal} 4:}-mnr. ll. . u It is kidney education. Barrie people are learning fasl. _ Here are some facls.- __ . Mr._Ju_nathan,Churhi_1l, well known in. Barrie as the popular assistant of Mr. H. B. Myer;-,' ahqgmaker, `Dunlap Su-eat, Barrie, Ont., states}: A - ".T\n.n n Kidnnv Pilln hnvmhnan used mu-ne, unv., scams; "-Dunn's Kidney Pills have; been used iggmy family with rent benet. Beyond question they are I 9 best kidney [medi- pine I knowxpf, and they are {iwunderful xtdnic as well for building up narvuus and run-dowrti systems. ' My Jnlm Wm-nvlh nnnlnn Sh. Harrie: run-uown syzswuus. Mr. John Foraylh, jlunlop St. Barrie; -also has a good"word to say for Dean's Kidney Pills. " Mr.F`orsylh was for a number of yearmonnectgd with `the past 0ie"Insp__ector s Dapzirzment. and is well ' . known in_Ban-ie. ;He states: ' , UT lmnn I-Eon TInun a Rulnnv VH1: Fnr KHUWU l|I_DHl'llU. _-LID D|vUU3 -I have taken Doan s Kidney Pffls for back troubles arismg.~na I bI1ev6,_fr.;m ` disbrganizatiou of the kidneys, and` have derived great. benefit from their` 1156. I recommend `them. heartilyifqn a1l,auch . ,tro\i_bles. ' RI. Tun D...` `nil nudnl 033 vfnura o rang- eoomp1eu~1y.r;qassured. ; ` , ` . In--' order to make mzsurande `doubly .. sure she opened hm` clipboard, and taking outthe` mil); jar opened the g1obr_qn1egly A - . \ X sous worthot `milk trom-tho*da!ry at 1, mm`. . M -`H the em-_nar. "In this wny" s11'e hopedj My M . ~ r - minke mtaiibl,` and her` caaewould be too . J V, 1 . T `strong gore: the. slightest` ` suspicion. ` " ` ` ., Besides, she wanted fsome milk to boil * her potutoesha, and it wasfher intention . ' - 3* , ' to put in a-cauliower as well". . . . ` ` Sn Aha hnnnht.hm\.!hnr mun` wm-th M and: crept -down "the stairs 00 gebuf 7 l'UlI_UlU8. Mr Jaa.Pne, for ove'r 26 year dent; of Barrie, spoke as follows. I lniun rnlrnn nrsnn A Kidnu ROQU RHIU Ulllilllulllil HSIILUU3 . ` . ' 5 I recumggnd them as the best medi cine I. kn- ` ` iduey t_rQu.bles. heudzichcf. etc." ,1 ` --.--,-------j:. uenr. UI narrle, Bpuxu as xuuuwu ' I hAve taken D9an s Kidney Pills-, ` which (I gob_at Jphn Wood's drugstore," "_ for pain in Iriirback. and foupd phcgm a . goodandkfectualremedy.` "I rcmnmmunrl rhnm an fhn hf. vnni The hpfing oros are lobking wen in mhisl locality which is owing to the sT6we,rs`which came about 24th May.- Minu l1`.lIx1TT1'fr-nn,'nf;Qu1nnirlnl.n_ wait vinif. came anouc zam may.-_ . _ V Miss E.ll'F'LT1"c3.a,' of Sunuidale, was _visit- in'g friends in this nei'ghbnrhoodlust welek. M rs. R. "Little returned home from lg Il'Xenl]3 In mm nelgnunruuou H135 }VlCKo Mrs. R. `Little neturned home from Alliston on 2nd, just after having spent a few`week s visiting with Mrs. and_Mr. M. Stacy. ? . ' ` ,4 ` 'l`hA Rsmhnf. 'at.nrlant. Mr. McNeil]. who Snacy.' The Baptist `student, Mr. McNeil], yho holdszegular service in the school liouse every Sunday morning as 10 o clock is becoming very popular.` This is the second svmnier fonhim heije .gsml he is making `B. good many friends for himself. _ - Miss McGee from Homiuna Mills is mend- goon many IHQUUE [UT [_HI5EH. Miss McGee from Homiuga Millsjs pend- ing a. few weeks with her ister Mrs; Ferguson. ' ` -. ' Mr: Gan. ,Vand'9rhunJh whn is teacimiua at rerguaon. . V L.Mr.` Geo, .Vand'erburgh who is teaqhing at Van Ylack accompanied by Mr; James Little viitea the `arqntal home"__on last ` Saturday and spent Sunday with_hisparn`t/s. 1 _ ,. _'l1hn,_T`.riwinif.h,. T.easme_.hald .,in_Buthesd:1, : BEIUTOEY 3110 SUEDE bunuay Wl|2Il_l3pll|'8F15o A-Ihe--Epwdrtb ~.League_.held _in-Bethesda- Methodist church _ is} progressing "very" " favorably. The young people generally I give; musical oncert. once a month. At. the last concert Miss Maggie Little gave an instrumental isoio ` which, ,_was ` ..greatly admired by this audience-. 3 . ' ' Mr. nndfvh-n. R .-T.liKitaon'. of Avenlnn. > L ,. -NOIHVT 110- J drn amt` spenrrm May wwn .['\. 1.u.uga_. , V 3 'The fgilvowingia the monthiv report*of_- Ki|lylea;gh_ Public Sch_oo_l No.Z6.;.Inn_iat_i|, {gr _ e mouth `ot`Mar. Names arranged acc9z:`d- 'i!`R to. merit: ' 3 ` - 3 " - " V Claeg--Geo.~Wright. > : IV `Q1539 Sr._---Martha _ Ayerre, Lillie Thompson, Iiu|u.MuKnight, D. W.. Lima, 7 Wilfred Hm. Ethel V-\'onuh. ' { : 5}-l`l_lll'(lp0VV`l1.y-jl_l'pllkl`l`;` f,Q.'lyl`l,;l}_|0>QEl`.I_*_p(Jl0l', 'nnd`_1 the ei1joym9:1;t`qH1fa. `M .$.. h ,$ra&pa1'i}h} `piitiea: tb.e,If kg1.oe.- atrengfthetig aqtd .vihgi`liaeafV.z t1a.ayaqg ` ` v gpeedilygxat \ and V; . ` ,..LVOD\VlDl!;BIIl!all(All,.' .lv ,llQ ` ulfy" WQWDHGP = Jna.1:`Tiqlq9m;hv,y_. of: vblottawa. "has,-A ` orch94rdvs?ms,Afiv -teeboinc;,s%LhiLgh :o.nhia.fg'z1`m. ~` '-;\}~ VV_'H_Il'eG nylllg QEHCI V` 000": H "` . > N Class _.I:j,__-:,\Vil{re\_c1_., -Stewart, Foster Ferguson," '0lim'a Hercill, Annie Hamilton`, ' Chin"-}es'\\ righ1., Eti".i rriI1T 'Fl'orence` nAa.m:s:* I ' n r~:..-'x...,,, ~.....x, t7`&r.l':}`.m` t1.s.;+:'. ' mu nernernvvvrugnu, Luaggxe 1_w era,--. _ ' 11 Pt,` I.'-..M-yrtle Mp: enzie...i Mabel -Stewart; _uy- Ferguson, _F_lo;e'nce ,Webb,_ Gretie W`righ_t.. . , " ` ~ In. r.'-amv=:=xsa. Ha.= -Tmmv. I=J|.`mE. . aprengunetpg q_q,\vItofI1Iz_eaj_Ip,a. nyqlgggn, apq , speedily .;ea0g9a3vhiz~jb1d of` h9a1I`t.h` .to, ; he oliegk.. 91% i`u\;es`~.v(hen all s'>_bhqii`fqi|. 3 aumn-ea, ny me aumenca-.. Mr. and'Mrs. R .LKitaon", of Avenlng, spenb-24th May with R. Lictlg. ,' " g -'l`he frdlnwincria the monthiv renortyof. IIIUHIPSUU, 14UlU.)UI\ulglll, Wilfred Hjll. Ethfel Wench. IV lsisxa Jr[...VViIhed -Q ' -v.-w --wt? wy--yvv_an, ' -" ~*rn`e`5`i?i;ri*+1iving:':faime;g` xmegf` (her 1 .deliaEe.91aierTin Ih goity. isu`erL :m'o.re' . than chm -..dam.-:19 `fill; 7 wueaankaangg ] u-:'m`u-Hi-~*:i.hn nvynnu " hAn'HA`nHun- krlinzinnni`; ' - -auumw name. V 3; _ _ ` II .CIaaa--Frank Wr_i2lxs.T Grg. Hill, H"Y'bersv\Vr:ght, M$gg_ie"R0 e"rs.-~. TI Pt.` L;.M-vrtle Me enzie.IMabe1 `meme wr1_gnp.. ,. I` Pt, 1.,,Roaeyj:MaHa.= -Tommy. Plant, yank Ayerat. .Lo%hi_`9 Webb . _I)a_r9y Agiamgf 11` is Ismnia Am." Barrie` People Talk About it. Peoplgiwho do knowant tovtnll about r , - ` ' 'f;'N3uw:ti{`ah"ax;: Qa5}1}5 Inn. W `nlvnihnw. inf ' `~Nnhfg In ANJIQSOQPER PACKAGE % %1{z%rRIzEL%mr'1}&s:~ ! 3 %%0ld Gold KILLYLEAGH. 'J.'%o.ba.cco Vs. %K%imn*m`11k%&fco. A 13: um up his ;hato`m-'5`, was yam! `uncontrollable ' ,, opened 1:, mm ,4 `oa ?ni{ am the ` mm",_ and, A qnqfrnb ~ relpltately upstairs, ' lntenftion than [making stifle: .13: `his, clumsi- ` ove'r' 23 years a resi- annltn nu Fnn.W . VRetai'l`Everyw.he19 a . . nAqc1;1:asf1::'n;`JN;Y?. , U18 om UI JIHJC. ' M18! Len. and Leon Brazziel visited friends in Stayuer on Suxiday. ` U. H Lvnnk-/of Hmrrn-_ mm in nnr villa; st. . FERGUSQNVALE. V` ? -3 D. Hamilton has gone to` Muskokaa. :0" work an his trade. V " \ ` ` A 6..." ........r.. 6...... knvn .\.......:..,'x 4;... VVUKI It IHU unsuv. . _ A few people-. from here amended the \McCnrt'hyite megtig held._e_;n Exmvnlu on 1118 3rduf'Jnne. ' * \.-I..... 1...... ....,I IN... D........:..l ..:..:.A.: IFICLIUS Ill muyuet on aunuay. 0.41 Lyon`;-/of Hume, was in our vi11u;.,e on fhursday, . Mum Muinnes. nf F.lmv;nla"` um: fhn on Lnursuay, .b _ Muss Me-Giunes, of Elmval, was the 1 guest of the Mnsaes Marley lusg week.- The Elmsmlu and Hillnd.1|nfnm..|u.n mums ` slllu Ul bll AUIHZSUS AVliLl'ly H136 WCBKI The Elmvulc and Hilladale fuyot.-ban: teams stoppeu`a"al1ors . Lime` here on ahfdily evenmg. . ' "' ~ g ` ' M... lzlillnnnin L...`.: u.., ...:.:n........ ... 1,. :2. evemng. ;, Mrs. Gillespie hat} the misfortune to Ioohe a norsu pn mtumuy. June 9--(Frum another correspondent.) 1). Hamilton an) F. Mcthuueu 01 um: place, have left for M L|aKUKll:. 1`. Dem-ermul A`. K,mh;nrnenn cnnnt. Qvm. pnnuc, uavu mu Lur Lu uaKUKu,. . I`. Degeer um: I. mchamson spent Sun- day In M|uu:.uD. ' V `I -ML}: .uu.ml)nnninohnm is: uiaieim; ..~iph.1u may in lllluumuu. K u V -Mias mumguunniugham is visiting `riehds in Lzwgman. . ' ` . - Rev. hit . Skane `tlnallntnui nrrumr nipbv. In mwgmau. ` Rev. Mr. Sk`eue Eunducted prayer me'et- ng as W. .J ohueoxfs on Friday evcul " ` ` Every one was pleased to see which was so bzdly needed. wad to;,learn that Miss Katie Cuuiming _ `is able to be around again. Ml. am1_Mrs.'H. Snider visxifml frinwlq umvuuu-*:=v_uu,gu:a_x1u uuswaxu. forms Hputvt us luuuul a'r-maedy Lu. has px`1'.ui1cnxly.;gtVeu"Duck luetu Lhasa who - v-.a.u' supwaud =u uo`uu_) um11:u1.u at ze- , `cove:-y wuh lnearnruuole. Uue of the vmtuea or. Lms u._e..xcmu 1: 1ts*ins'Iau_ane- In what 18 kuuvm us Dr.-Aguews Uure . 5 uus euguo upon me p_n1eL.E. In wuuht um - ` ue wuxm muotyuunerwxue, for wun..be,u.r.t. d`;ue1`asa prou;p_I_. nuuuu la a._u auau1u'tujnu- _=cessx`Ly. I Mr. .1guuu .\schuxs, ox _PmerK)0l'Q, V . ` tor _LueJ:le_ar. "My wup was u-uuoieu fur ..--Uut., wmus Mus m _Jr.->Ag11c;\y7s Uure 7 . , , 1'20 years rwuv Inca}-L dlsezgse. Fmmwhe. ; tirutflew Luise. 0l.Dr.-~Aguew's Cum for v me Heart sins ubmnwu rulief.-~ ul1s.l- com - unuung us use we Mud, l_r..\ mun: ouuetu 1'rum.u. uzamnuxu, (I1: me \v\:|.u|`lpg she 9 vu r,q1u.' ' _ m..g.u on 5. u diseased man k ' I` n.\;....- .........."`.. R! HUZU LU U6 HIUUUU ghll]. MI. am1,Mrs. ti. Snider visited frienis` V in Saunu on Sunday last; ` V . D. 0 NE COHEBIIIDIEKES h1ul~.hnn `)1 nmna U- U nun uuuwulyimtns uuuamg `ll _ scone fouudumon'.uuder one of His `burns . V ' I Jae. Tonu` re}.urned hgme 1_1-oni Peebzrug this week.- \,IZ..a Null l`...m.mi..p. "H. .L`. J a Uhllll compleped. t~ThaAmneufMd1ca1sn1ence{[ IOUIH \VBUlSn' -- Mius Nell Cumming was.` MissT.'1`tu1rluw mu. week. " Mrs. J. Mclhgue speub ounday `uh Agxo. J.*UumImug s new Duitdmg is,x.}ea.t1y comnleued. ' ' me gubsn of Dr. A:.:new s sluccessml Experi- ments in} Ilegu m lliseases and " -tlavuarrlial 'l`rouble. 1`txe"wd1l.1_tnus been of-;'t.ueropinion that where tutzcllczu `nuance cu1,1__mascer aqch dreaded uxseasus as dipmheria and h}d1j0- puub1a, yuh wngau ;hu_ heart ls aecteu were is'no hupe for me ya. ieut. save su`cn__ as mny`cumu mm easxug his cuhdmou. l`hg_dzacu_ver1es of Dz. Agnew have prove!) unu aguld mm: meta Hwuxs no end no but: pussimlxtis f'sunence In us uemu.m,.ut disease--pv_uu.g1ea,r.t. dnseawl In mhnf. In ln..m.. and Mr. .\mm.u u l`.n|i..x D M|BUnDD ~r V_\_t-1m,'_`evur3unq7u.tJaxrh IS a. moat. "(ul- .pleasam.' Lrollte, anumis 1a eapwmliy um. "um; wmn uluege wliuae duties mug mum bef-grunt: public up pxcgsunens. or spakgra. '_ "A (i1u'y;Lhn_&\1;xLugub,m, .t1!J!1n:n4l13Js1uns:d telliIi'g' of mu pqculmrgyjsqcoeaaful chu- acter"ufrsDr.'1ii`gmv*$\7`imiL um; . Rgwqgu 1 1 than whm1,1"_"l1ua conue' from prublmuem. ` 4b.itiZeI"l8&.'. H.k6 l;he 'l$1sk1Up' Of"fu:`On3u,-vixe '- mgng Rwy. _A.- _3',VIeu'|1mu,"DA' 1)., U.L.U; ;` . f;om__ luaumg uu$uw4e_ra.u._t me Iacui y 111 J):1c.\raut.s::Atiall.'the Rm. '\V.`H. \VulE'o.w,` ' LLD.', a `rcpt-edeumm-vVe Metuudust Dmne; - Rug. xvlungo B`ra&e_x._,AJ U., or iipimzlgou,-' jaf prouunui Preuyeri.u;, am other * puulLo`vmn;_. l`uep{: gs Eluuluu uufve_au, `M `Diet..Ilid}**`&1guuI.ul;e,&-.Lbold , of the `mot-'4 ' Qliglilv ecnvka` `oh,urqt`ur7ut' = _Agnis_v. s . j hgwdqn -iaiu_ -rdfgkliug w u.`kj1ftlmV _. 16116. dlqhu-`3**f,Ull_l.by`J '-\rVjqu(.hr. aet,`tl9ri,writ,ing_tepi1=tcrm V lregeivejpyoxymargphes u v` yawn gIvuAn\'u`nIIS;;,lAVU'Wll1-' mm.%aui3;I:ammes.%A Jxongy: 5&1? :9 am? A - 1ng`u._stoue a bnr ' '- 1You Ca .n% . ..,`; nvenlngwas spam pxeusaunxy 11131110 % "1`_1i'eat9r r_1es.eobeuns, 2 - _ ' _ After` the V -pertormnnne` Jmolesquin; 1ne'.d.t-he three bthermnd the-_four wen . drink~A.!5ha`1iearesh cafe. . " I ' n 9. word, this to`ry,'though Parisian g (led. in marriage We carry: Ifufgea stock of Violin, Guitar A Mandolin and Bunjotrluga and Fixmrel. ylustrunxenw rpayired. ' tL%.}s.T%sAN9Rs ' * 124 Dun1op ; Stiei 1 DAILY |_.l.\i~; In-.'nu;I~..V CLEVELAND AND TOL$Do~ .? MA -c._&'B.` r.m_s`s.v , '-_; , . LL _\ vivvi T ? -,-, ---.~V. ~ Scahmaus -`my of B_u1fa.ie.;` (nei "State It! Ohio and acute or New Yuk}. - . `DAILY TIME TABLE.` ,.- * scxnu uzcnrmsn AFTER uu`30. Lv. Buffalo. 8.30.,P.2(. Lv.Cleveland.\8. `P.I Arr. Clevelmld, 8.30 5.5:. An-. Bu's.lo,:;&=:C us I: . cmnnuzws ...\;`n..\.nn Innm_..,. An". uevcuulu, c.w Am. I an. uuu...u,..u..~ -.. A&1:sms'rx2e`n4-\iu>a=xu3.~~-- Take the "Q. & B.vLlne steamers and en 0y a refreshing night's rest when enroute to C avo- land. colu1.bun.'c1no1nnat1. Toledo. Indiu- napous Chicago. Detroit. Mwklnuo II ' land, Northern Lake Tourist resorts. or zuiv Ohio. In<'Jnna,.orsouthwesI7ur11 point, ' Send 4- ceuii Dosuure for tourist pamph1e:, Ohio.Imilnna,_orsouthwcsI7ur11 pom. Bend posta.ge pzunphgeg _\V F. HERMAN, '1`. F. NEWMAN. . G'en`l Pass. Agt. _ Gen'1 Manager. - ' CWJVELAND. Onto. , . :4H1"::g;lE<>`RLR' , ' L, F'ROM THE TEA TO THE TEA CUP-`~"" Monsoon "-Tea is packod undef the ou . r en: ' of the Tea growzcrs.` and is advertised and sol - aampie of the best qualitiesof Indian and eyloiz For that reason they see th`.3t_none but E16 .1. I._.._. __ 3_., 11,4, , mus? 1:2: _ no -rm: wonu) n Edy ucrsu luqvua gu um) ULUEIBQDII PBCKBQBR " "" mat is why Monsoon.` the perfect Tea, cata 7` ":5 .'h 2ri==1asi21f'or`ta- f - 7 _last,- Toronto. :--- r--- V "xt is ut upfin sgaled caddies of 36112., 1 lb. an ~ 1bs-.aVx_xV_ wlih11jthrge{_hvou`rs at 406.. soc. auyd 6oc . 2 If voux"grr.{eer does not keep it". tell him to mice P STEEL. HAYTER & _C0., xx and :3 Eroqt S}? Pm; sx_;6.'6 boxsf;i$3,D0...S;ntbyii:a21. 1, . 8_cCU"S`1ys_en1'd. Wx`i;e_f`ox-sgut book, ~.$ta'i;I2'n,g _`r`.zcI:." fm-v.Men on1y,tcl1s y_oq yqvy to g,`-e.t,'v:.`,-` VB:_1d_- s;;;/ye/Q.` V Q 3,?` '-tasiroaz Failing M A` U LIX` E; Nervous Debilityg. anhood. Secret D1- s:as_cs, caused by the errors aqgl excesses of youth. v and excesseq ofyputh. Yoxiug, `uuddle-sized ~ and `H. 7 `muddle-aged or 01d mm MONTH , mmysgxfferiu fromtheeffects. cHo1!1'es an excesscz-:,'xrestox7edk` healLh _.;.~..'x.-'V hood and vigor. _ W . V V . Pr'!c. $1 ;00.'6 boxes to: 53,00... , Sent byirr, an. _8_Curgl_y_s,ec1_1-d. write for.-out book. ~.s`1:m1.'.m `?-.9!`*n1s,"9."!t!vJ..._t12"% ` "Who hacfsaid nothing,` `fn.nd'.I shall` not`; ' .fo_rgi\ze,:you for -having interrupted my _. , L V L jstudiea unless you wiuapoept a-box to- n ilif !orT16__T__ ga 1- E195 -Gobi Iins. alonuhe ' - `Ewe. accept, cried Edgar m his jturn, 7 `who saw in` this puddeiy h_1terrupt1on~ a. 0.13 maa` ` chhnoe, .t'o' ohanze 'th' conversation to a s1'b;t-LL. HAN ast; _..W,r5='.=s`.-.,9t)!;E[r.I`- \`:Q|,C|, -\TE C_0.. Box74- ` is M 5..-_ll'1_O.,ld`l.`_"_';_F0`.T..`_"_ 2: .1 sample or th_e best qualitiesof Indian and Ceyloix Fens that none 16 u-;_,ry fresh leaves go into Monsqon packages. -7-- Tlint is whv " Monsoon.` Hm narfnnr Tm, M- L- I V. 17" . .______.__.._..____ !N ITS NATIVE PURITY. `us In cu-vw `III W asslunluo ' runsrabn 4 Eh bien, .monsieur, If yburhstf-is? - _ zylniureii you have only togiffo alw.tter s _ W53 and get: 1th1ockBd. _ , . . t ` Nut. - *1 mmxmke no instruotlonsfrom you, ,b19.- fmademo1se11e." '1 : _ ' .511`? _ .`,None' gtha M1_9,ss, gxntonsieur, II .> repeat 90 you should goto A hatter. Them is my. . - U " A. Torothor, who` mm thafhntten business at` 75 - `;Bue~das;Mu.ttyrs. ` ' h ` d5_`-` d... Would you v'eryr__nuoh- like to ms` t L me go to,breakfaq_t in`_a restaurant with, .. Iyoui En W HeI I.ah_a11 go mkyaur-brothe#eLw1th_my.M.hatnnly.ont. . condition thut.'you-c_ome with me" to ,5 1 : restaurant for breakfast. . - . `_{En; men, monsiemgh VI shalt go wit . you to. n., reg_tau3*nnt' 6nly- _on;condit1on _ that-you take your h_attb my ,brother's.. '~ -'An`d I,j .', cried 'Mo1_esquin, who had be1:n'hatracted by the`.diacVu_aslon,t but > J. . WW 9 a `said `fund ,1 shall` 4135 for ice" oxi for -havin intern: ted mv. 3 Dl111I:Mh87be11 * atisiiea .?.1...g vnu wm Ennenf 'n?hn"r M. ;,:\#\"hlI; Viuyxa ` kn(iI when to t~ J5i3? ] ia.}f- `get it * |TuEti.E!t!t!.i| Gum -seothat the 'Ijmdo Mar * -name Tutti Frut;t.L.\a,_on' each package. Bowm-_e of imitations which some dealers try to palm oil to get a. larger perogm _ e of" profit." Save coupons ins: e of '1 wrappers tor L';{iiV*Books; THE PERFECTfTEA> lulu use nmvvnlsri urn nun Alun Tnl `Is to how whet; m7buy ;I. rlight--lht xs_--'che ap. sis wgll as .Ech. vof these birVd`s-,-so as r-Vpeak--witln` "the same none [by taking. `advaugtage of the: big rductions we havemada ` un"every1_hiup.` Pass. Agc. ,u< Onto. cLEvELArfn BUFFAZLO Y.oud6n't need . to suffer from indigestlonani other day. Get k of `Aars-'3r"um ~Frutti Gum it and use after meals. and it. after You will soon ' teal better. . Ivluua wan UW||l!Q|H ;l'|.|lW'I` ' En {nit B151 om- I K ` IIQVVVVW3 3'-[U ulllw .~ 3 opus-use :o`oonoegnne'_basket ofpotatoee, V ; 3 -: -which must otherwisp have appeared so j g _ ; mush @115: bar. and groroed herseluo _ 53*,`.!?i';"l' . {put on an tpnocems. expiession with _ WWWW ,-W gwhlohcomeenne police. _ T `1n*91.5 MW`? ` - 3 Attefwamng u mun mugs: and hear- Wd` mn9`..j `mg no; nolse"of_st'epa,but only the I R ma mmnlahzlv mnnmmd. - " iyunn/y morning by the lzhni fth nm` and looked $7 i!111i1x:"erby mac. wks `bling `possum. The" BIN! mu '; Silk ha? his-gentIa,man,. who 'tn.mu 1: Lil! nt '5 / Is'1!d1ngon_:tJie'saond oor, whepa lmhuns eyedieach othrtora 1'::lir}:' nmnv um! Vnnfnnlnhn __ deniy bpened ands person Ijnghedp n'v=gxmt;: hurry gnd fell heavily `W90 . f 411:1:-`s .. 't{d.71`1r`mr`" irrm m-Ahnhiir nii 521;? `ll1()B~_.D'I> yuu." ` ;_ M 9 `9Bfh_y?I a*'j59vs.I In 3 the einmy` devil With` Ma tgfyi t;u.umke,h'xn pa,v_:to1_" a. 50-fi!';`as,ti1at 5'5 L = 91L =w_1;:xmcorpaga: A1241 ?vh:';"if you pIeasef . ~ - Bcane `aid Bhlache {Han ail it '1`1.5*vsr"ii>;ii ai9.`.s31xi),1 . 1:91 votatc; to itwwner {na1 n Xi *1 3 !'ri"WWf'. _fcg;;se.`p1%1 B__d:)che i s`a_n c ]wm;.wm A:_k1c l:' -you dowps 9, ,pI)"}ih do'o'r*or you ~_a.%:` 1&1 idh(~.he`. :v L*n'e;'m_9,man eyeu eacn Vanna: mtg _w1thf angry and. astonished i'e1:dy_4to abixsa _each other, `when n)mne`onsly uttered An_axc1ama- ul`Hn% . lxH b_1|1't36 yx_mug.ptf,tvpIe _wem: uuwxlsbalrs. _ ' " The iireiikiiast ,w1};s delicious arid the . -Jaftmfnoqn passed; Wifihe rapidity .oi_!- _ lightning The dinner-for,one=1'nustz' , _ h:"\7N__eg1iuner4.-'-wnsalso vie;-y. _g9od,_gmd the ; '`: vening. was a pe_nt pleasantly ya the ` Tiieacgsr des.Gobaiins._ 7 9 ' 'i1i1.`I12i!irioind the three hthera and hh.fn11r went.` , .3 11.986; Alter " -pertormimne` Mdlesqulnh #59. mm ; verb: thgvrlndx hirvnmo `W 4%. W W gram W L: .1 7 W30 ; ~ .3*_L;` D.0.. M! VVTNM9 *; her. Then she: and quietly waioedthe mm or /, `events. awn, wu-hn_uu-mr when Jhu heQrd,,plepa`aom!ng`up`herstoira-thu than af mgn,"two men, hea\'y"'m_1d loud. Wf'!m m mnnemm." `she thnuaht. c..| 905% 1 9!`? we man, nan)-'!T1|0"xon1. ;'|i3T |"f P01509333." `lb? $110118. pix1.|t an rought her llte.heart_begun V to but more quickly whlla oohkpmpln x`;.`:'3';:x.`.?` `, .fW"e:1?;`:*..:.?e V 17 xx 3 o , V men : uruelats knocking at $119 door of ht! little room h'ervtace suddenly- -rammed ltpcnlgnand peaoetnL grpxuaion. ; `stulvshemas nfraldto move for nomn timcgh tau-in with loglca.1_ mind`, that whgn the pol an tpuud, that: the wenaays 9f'n.n:xt}.,door were=-innocent they `would come `in and. mouse her. After some momenta, vhqwevisr, she gained enough oouI`38 3`oonoeal'~u)e'_basket of potatoes. -4, 2 mnnh angina}. Km and -fnl-nod hm-sm",fn I) [IUD H) II U{!llHllUWK_.`l' {IS WU11. So she bought heihfonr `sous wdbx-th of w mm: dud started on *the ~ retht-n.journey. _ wlyh her spfrlt at test ,nnd her milk bottle oanefully held in tmnt ofhet. nddnnlv cihix fall. nvinlnnf. Haw n hp! bottle oamgxuly new In rr0`ns- 0: net. Suddenly she f_eltav1ole_n_t blow pf: her ngots, and `at the same moment her -'hands, her bare arms, her. ;_ cox-sixge, face, `and mouth wem covemd with milk. Tt urnntlm nhhxfn that had a1|n$\nd- (1-nr'n 1181' HMSB BXJLI nun` l'Ul1IHIJ lb- Hi - Anatole; with his but all smashed in on his head. V ` ' ' " rl!I..1......;........}I. 41:... |.m,..-.a .5 ......1. lull! XHULIIIII Walt! CUVBIUU Wlhll lllli. l`L."!$'hJ ' t5_1!_%1!P V4.39 Anatole s. hisnd and had Ian pd with ~ remarkable pxjeoklon right In the- mouth cum mm:-im-. 0 . - . ` ruumnmum prpuz of th milk` jar. . Oh vnninmn III we mus ;ur. . ` ~0h, mnx'nma."v cred'Agato!e, in do-_ spair,` wha has-.ha;3pex`:ed? who has done .th!s'P And aha run up to the stair- case, only to min plump into vrthe hzinds ' lot Anatole. ' ' - " . ' A....+A1`.. .. . yvunffnn no o...4`.i;1`..m 1.. OI ADIIDOIH. - . ` ` Anatbfe, as .5 matter of fact,'viiI`1enV he L saw the potato ying downward, re- membered the police ordlnhnqe against throwing things out; of "the window after 10 3.131., `and decided to leave Molesquln as soon as itrwmz at once pdlloe and pos- nlhlm` "He nhnnk Edam-_ whn hm! fallen 68 50041 85 xvwzus no uuce puuw uuu pus- aible.` "He shook `Edgar, who had fallen 'n'n1an-n mu! nffmv . m-nmlnimr Mnh3.nnn|n' `IDLE. 18 BROOK 41331`, Illill [B11811 `uieep, and after -prornlsing Molesquln to return next day and take lessons from" __ him, had hurried -halter-skeltt out of the ggor, the bnssoonlst accompanying him"a'a far as thovdoor. " ' * . - Ale `Jun vnnninn -nyhnn hhn `Anni: nvunnn 11111! K HIE" US UN '|.lU\)l"s -` -Atvthe moment when .the 'doo_r opened Aglae was- coming. up the stain`; four steps at .5 time.` Aglao and Anatole " found each other face _to face. Aglae with `hm-'fnnA nnd huh rnnnhm wffhmmrnnd 1115 1168 They Key Vbrsxmal At each _ other`, and I:hey"`(indersbc',"J it all. "Mdnnlmn-`nMnd Anlo vrm. m'~A M n. . "Ann yuu um 1'11-ureu . A , A man who cannot hold 9. potato in his band should not undertake to give lessons to anybody. ' v 1T ndvlnn vmi in am: nn1H-Mn nu` IULUJU. QRSUH UIAHUF 1506 VMJ LINN. {L81 `_l1r face and hair running with-n Aunbun uvlbk Y-do In-uh n nvnnnkn IOOL" . - . _ m . _ .\ + "And you, mtidethoiselle, your ngers are made of `blotting paper, repljed Anntnln, . ` ' ~ - . .5117 1113110 Anatole. av... m IUEBULIS DU HM] UUH]. "I advise you to say as little as @099 .a1b1e, mademoiaelle. When a g1r1- cannot peel a potato without letting i~drop, aha shou1 (1vtakeAher_ meals at u restau- Itonf. ~x:uub." 1 - . . ,I shall take no instructions from you,` . monnleur." mcvman n... 1.... m..,1.,..`mc..;i1.. 1 .........+, _n1OIlNlEU1'." ` None the less, mpdemoiselle, I repeat you" should take yo11r"ineaXs at a restau -' -' rant. I know 8 very nice one on In Place `j_P1galle. I do, indeed, mademo1es1le. .' ,."'jWell, go there yourself, m o_ns1eur." `0hl So you think that I-would go to e.` restam-a.nb with-emy hat an}ashed`1n- ?_ this fa`shlon!! v ' _ . x ' . . um. um. mn'mm.... rr u;uIn--~\aE-~a;- _ DDIH RISIIIUIJIT HE}: bien, .xnoi1steur, ff` `ybtir-h1\st7~.is? 1nj~ure` to"g o Eo ; 1tzh1ocked. `: T hhn hdtny rm l'nntri'|n`t1n7I`n finm Van ,I_lllM1UX11UlM5U.U- _ :`,Nono` ., the less, A Them _t;ha hn1;ter at" _ _Bue-des;Martyrs. ' W'n n1d vnn vnrv mnnh lm fn 'hs'w'2'. Jguaww. V You area r_ud_e man,` `7"1fd younre 1'11-[bred A mini: who nnnnnfv In "sin _ H nM. n; _ nus ums; muxrbyna. ' V` V you very :_m 1o1;- mwa _ me to_breakfas with y01i? I .. to...ypm'..7broth.e&w1th_my.M.hatnnly_on,. A condition t1mt'you-c_on1e restaurant breakfast. Tin khan rnnnalann `T a1mII- an -nilbh. Wvw.mwwAu w9w.{Lvrwesw::1~. 1J0W.1.'1911_3~.` %>1.1Ef.:. ` `e.V`?;1nvitsi,{`,t9wvL seicb. ` w` en awn Mr 1.1 uxguu .v.ur_ `D110 .l_l_U{lat}l` um; uouuuus." ~ We. Edgar in . 'w1go' saw suddeininterruptionv 3 chance to" change ~t_h' conversation_ :_1 softer vein. ' ` - ` ' ' `1u...1........x.'. ....a... 14351. 4,. ix. ;......... .....x vspuwt vuug. - . . , V Molesquin went back to Ms-room, and t_ha-t_hree y(m`ng.peop1e _went dowxitairs. '[`}m `hrnnlzfnif. wnh nllnlrinn tid Hm "-"'.""','. "*3? . 2 + 3.39 ,r`}., mm? wi vwm through who :n:s.rvamrg;., K dinixqf-`hour; v9veVn411s'a -h m 'P*1Iv11.W??*3~~P1`?!?P L ' ..zmu.nas unsu.e.he~- ' _nxa1a;m3aIm.::ns1. ' * ti-rt; |lAUl`,`uJll_1 lauuy ull\.l.Ul"Ib','\1. 11: tux. "Mons1eur,""or1ed Agle, y_ou are a |nn]_H .- mwux uwpu, uuu quay um ua me ooIi1p1ehnly_r;aasured. rim tn mnim rmmu-am~ e ' P.ie s~;%Oe1ery kcoilnpound '%Me.ke B:-eight anuram a'3%La'r1=s~ % ~ AI rule parehtn are`. in`blamo if heir` children` no puny, weak, ueyvoixu and irrit-blg. The little ones may be well clothed and amply fed, and yet gutdly._ neg- lected. ' . . V n ..v..\..u 1.. ...............a Hmttlm (children I looted. - `- - , It should be rememberedlhat the hild;en I inherit many of the: troubles that parenta suffi from. Thousand: of little arm buffer from_ waahoued nerx-ea--a" legacy from {author or mother. This nervous condition begemirritableneus. baguemper, hep-dache, i|:xdig.est.ion,nt.on_xuoh trbubles bud impure Inm ' ` Q a gro the ion list of bank note stories, : the Leisure onfr `adds thls:A in-oveler _] stayed for a night at one of` the largest ( London hotels. In the afternoon after he 1 - had gone away, a telegram was received i from him stetingthat he had lefto. 5 1 ` "note on the xnnntelpieoe. On vinquirieav beingbmade no note was found, but the ` chanibermeid rememberediinding 3 dirty ' piece of paper on the floor end _\`.enrl_ng it . up, and, carrying it away with the rest 1 of the rubbish {rein the rooms along the ' j corridor. The pail of rubbish was traced to the hotel dusthole, into _ which were - shot the eoeurpuintions from the whole ofthe buidling. The manager gzive.or- ders for the duetholo to no pleared out and examined, and half 1; dozen people were set to work with sieves to discover V `some trace` of the missing fragments " When nearly half the mess had been ` gone through one little corner of the note , wnsyfound. Then `another piece, soddcn, . V nnd dirty, was discovered, and nally, after about an hour's sifting, all the pieces were found but one, 0! about in square 7 inch in size. The pieces- were ` washed and "dried, and stuck together on "an" elaborate networkof postage stamp strips. The bank paid the note; the tmv- eller did not even say Thank you, but- merely -complained of the inconvenience to which he had been put `by; thh `cham- bennaldis stupidity. Am whey Fragi1,%4Rest1essjV and ervousf? A .Iig";; blood. I ! .m blooa. ., | If you deamnas arc; mflcced with air; -of V the troubles mentionednbove. how'cm you , gzgpgcg thexr_y;9__l)a lpppy and pealthy! They need your best and most itefff Care, 0; may wlllgrow up in disease and < 9 wiebhedueaa. ~ . r n:....n... ..|.:l.l.-an Dnimm. (`Marv Cnm- '2 wrebhedueau. Give the children Paine u Celery Com- pound; It is the `medicine that inpat- tioularly adoped forffortif ing the` nervous Y syn-item, for building esh, )08BI!(l muscle, -and for producing pure, cl;-an blood. Paine .-s'Cel-.r Com (mud is pleasant to Y P . ake, ms entiigely vegetable, and cannot. `harmthe |1f0td6llCMi8,0rgalllSln. 1;. will banish-every mceof sickness and diseaaa _ _wrought by it upon some `of. the finest I - - A Pointer for Boys. . `Edward W. Bok, editor of the Ladies Home Journal, gives the - -f0lloWing,- nrnong other reasons for having never` tasted liquor: Another thing which led me to make up my mind never to touch liquor wnsmztlxo damage which I saw u ` minds with which it was ever my privilege . to come into contact, and I concluded 3 that What hnd resulted injuriously to others might prove so to me. I have - seen, even in my few_ years of profes- ` brilliant, literary` men detlironetl` from , ` splendid positions, owing, to nothing else 1 which hundreds would strivoie lifetime 7 _0Ii1r recently there applied tmee.1f_ii> rj but this indulgence in wine. I_ have k_nown'_meu with salaries of thousands of dollars per year, occupying positions - to,_uttein',4come to begary from drink. any position I could o1 fer hi1n, one of the `most__hrillient . editorial writers in the newspaper professioni-n man who two Wafsfgt) tisll"y@ii1T1d"'6h11T1iTd'i`eZI A dollars for '3 single editorial in his spe- ; oial eld. That man became so unreliable l I siounl life, some oi` the smartest, yen, ` : ,fronidriiil'r, that the editors` are now : Goon` to-ydny writees forcible an editorial _ is any time during his .iite,*he `sits in n nfroid of his articles, and, nlthoughhe cellar-in one of our cities writing neWs- i It paper; wrappers for one dollar per thou. : bi:treadbniokiv3`3 . `t.n,a% :p;'o1_i1_emf 3-ft1i.;7!31kh`~tIi8Y*f86$ there"--`T-.inno the `.'A .x~'athe'x-.c1evex" young _ `lady: hqs been explainlngl to',pu 1nq1uslt1ve 't.h9 way*in~whl oh: 3119 reads her novels. While the majority of people. are cout'e_x_11_;' _ mbegin with Chapter 1. _nnd: Wm-1':_ on conscientiously to -tle~1nevitab1eV ma:-_~_ rlage at the o1ose `of `Volume III.,~Aahe -adopts .theTqr1ginal, procedure of begin.` lngnt we 1a's1a ohapI;e1; and 1-eadi!ng' . bapkwaird. By. so doing she nds thacAshe' obtains a:o:6nnu;sl fund ,of.axo1bqmeiit, ; ` `tori ish_e_ remmkgfit lgeasler tiofanticl-i~ .`pate.the_(:'1ose ot-a novel .fr6`r_n vita begin-`" yajpgvthix,'to`Vdiy11ii`1ts _bjgsg'1,nn1ng jtrgzn J : 1.03. 1 _~. :.-~Th.`E='r z,n.azT`b.e ` .in'?hhe;nge1s*es ' `.`ne`rther rial: -..Anb.i*`,'ra1j_e.l ? .; "a`_nd"mr_h9k.`l>r`a>`h 1l\HYtiVo,S' mayne..hao1mjey,ed,. * i.slt2tII,i121oi`1:-C__-_-Ti, `,1n&1btm' `en"0\1gh_; " '11:" jg London N5 henopintong vmiiigak .' .1i,he'.` `duneat n` '~ Wm , u V , Gmphorated on rubbed `in wih .the A was" is? dhfdemii iv yf 'Iy1i1ai_l'14pa,`10J:.;. auiinig` ni_?a1d' 01I*thaVchen6. -a..u...... Inxnxtsmass . ow t liead `Mdd6fH Nova]... 11' `A; A"Bank'Note Swxjy. . u .4, .__A nm N, TAr,%%% ma; is.,;s9b. iik yon ` ' _ ' _ i ' The Three Grout South American Rome _ by` dies,---Absolwe Cui`eav_for .Kiqgay,_ ' Rliuumaiic and` Siomach.~Di seuees`--` T . `_'1`huiis{iiids Of G|`littfJll"CltlZeIlS All 5. males. ,0ver. C_.IIl8.LlEI Bear Testimony. I0 having iiiig ucvei` of. iieal: yr lnjiirioiisly hrs imiirtest, tliroiietl` o ~iiotlilii'g vine. have. 'iiig lveia lifetime r drink. *d_ tme.`.f_i`r,l xiii); l rrltors inn other, but each dui'n__.; ila own work, nich- oui is sniiglo hiilurel _'l`ne keyiinie of rho success of `the bfuuth Ameri uuii Remedies `is ihau. ihgy atiike an ilie seat of dideauu in every case. ` ' ' ' patientnau is" done lIl|.\ll`liIDy,()li8'eB nli re ; pillii and powders aI_`up|`e88l.'llJed., Kidney diaeaue iuisca tioni the cloggiiig oi the lter-like puns of ihe hylilelll shut. consu- iute_ the kidneys;- Only `at liquid can disaolvle these ohscriieiioiis, and such is South American ' Kidnoy `Super, of l$urku a Falls, Uni.. aiitiigred `terribly from kidiiediuuaae, and treated owiili --me most. skilled `physicians. His words aia r"I;-did not obniin any relief iiniil South Atnuiican Kidney Cum was immediate ifeliuf. law now I1 cured uiaui, one of in grain. woi'k. ?' _ . - "used; _'I:`..3li't.I_t:(1 my case 8.X&0Ciy,~R`IVll|g- ind" believp one bottle will convince aiiy_ `rT"KT\K'TTTR'7G1 Not. one mndiciiie doing the work of the ` 'l`u.ku b'UU.Iil`-Ailjficll Kidney Sine. Ii , iis not 9. uludlolllel Ihai: mass with the 3 Cute. " Adam 7 * iuiiiT"f`uinu Ti1mi"nvinf. In -nnn-rl`fn wnwg:-- . ` , "I have used Paine : Celery Compound with most gratifying result: at different tiinesxvhen I found myself run-down to Ii u'er_v-ma conditi_on_.A I have also fbund the Compound to be? an. excelleurpreparstion fot,my"children. ~ I - "'In'f]aFr\TRa7*:W:-7:! M. An ..Tmmm- inn ` in: very short time; it will" give wan} appetite, sweet `nleet, and will :make' the little cues aa hippy an larks. ' A A niinhtv chorus snf ariatitnda has wand Iluw m_Iuu u nappy an urns. I 55 mighty chorus of gratitude has gone up all over Alto Dominion from the lad Ifathn and mothers who tiave ILICL. haix-,, dear mien, perfectly restored to health by PaIue's Ceferf Compound. l.'of PA Mrs. Powe lam ntrmtf h;h;1ntrAn.I, I0l'_.llly'Clll|(ll'Go -}'In'iIrTy"aTt"6r eas`p;;is;.;a. m my" `children seerhed to befrsil, nervous `and restlessxnnd bed nosappetiteior their meals. Fully convinced (tom personal 9xpetience.of the grass valuaof Paine s Celery Comphund, I resolved to have my little ones u'se`i_t. The `results are so pleasing and satisfactory, that I am prnmfated tn advise you, for the benet . "o.parente who are anxious regarding the condition of their dear ones who are frail 911 narunilul 7' N16. nuuen; ueler u ._ _ . Jo . alaoe street,`Montreal, Mrs. Paws wrim :-`-`- at i.......- .......I u.:__u_ }v_n_... \`n.`_..____.1 ' One of the most diszistrousv storms- that has visited this locslityvsince the cyclone of Mg, 1893,vpnsse(l throu h here aifdfthe northern part-"of t e county.last Sunday a.fter11oon. Messrs Fleury& Sons were the my persons in the town who suifexle very much ;1 loss, their moulding and blacksmith shops being ooded. Their loss will be in the neighborhood of $200 South of the town `the storm was very heavy cemetery, severe _la e monuments and head stones being t rown over and about '30 rods of fence blown down The roof of, Mr. _Ca.nnon s burn was blownpoif, as well as that of Mr. Wm. Majors. East of the town very, great damage was doneby the _wind and -. hail. To thenorth very great damage was done. The cor oration of Ne.\v- market suffering tot 1e extentof $2000: A washout-occurred on `me No1:thern _ between Newmarket and Holland Landin , which delayed trzttc on Mon dam an part .of,Tnesdn{V. Consider- ub ednmage was done on onge street, -- art of the road nortl' ` ~-- trial Home being washed away as well as several bridges. -Aux-om Banner. and great damn ewes done in the [THEVNIUMPHANT TRIILI I Juuuy uuau uuuuuu Hush m rpguru W , rheunmliam. Outside upplicutigns may . itpxnpur"anly relieve me pain, but "the `blood must. be purjed-1f`a permanent cute '15 to be etfecteu. '1'l_)is 1s_whm Suubh |An`mrimsu RJxeuuUmioCure dues. _M'rsi \ ,.`Ph1lips. BL , Hamilton,-' was completely tLxipYJl6d wimrheuumusm. She procured lav bottliwuf Suuth American Rlxeuumtic ;t.0ure.. and sup: ` It is without doubt. the quickest. relief `for rheummiam I hz_>._ve -_ ."\'or seen`; -and;I hen;-u.ly recommend it. . to all'sutfere_\-sonha diame,"' > II ii: 4: .1-innhn `hue Vol.3 -`nuns. Am.