Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 May 1896, p. 8

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* V .`l" " (:r?\A`*' -,` J Iahp0ne True Bloo,'!1*uri1lAer. AlIdrui;g;sts;.u. 7 3 only by (3.1. Hood & Co./, Lowell, Mass; ' uomen WI 3-Sggg Jockey Cl`11`Fl`):'1f ~l2c. tin; '- ` vnnhhn (ls-Fm-I ' *73bNura|g@i% `nanny. ' ' LEI` and fmmlthin Pnmalvnonro `\ __ `D "1 , -mines to the merit or vHood ` -. pcrll_la,.`,andwhat he says lsjvorthy inhnmsuemad adds that zhepx?::zs ` "attention. ' L""V"'7'L'-3"?" "" 7""-.`."""':'-V e r. . L In;u.az.awuocsahm.,o - . = M1194--ThmTim es'iG hhighlyrenpectad-dl thronghgz `~``jd \ - . v an cabled exmcea oi the` Brit *..';.:;..~.;-2.:%,..:.3s:..:; :,;,'=g':"W M 7 . hunt the `dmo ram 1: 1 `.339 Sabin` Bmk 20 Y"- He Piiggshnt are iyigdemsxg Heeden gladly . .t.lxe!w`!`rnnsvaa!~ 0icia1sam la hy- Bolony 'aTx-eeq ually,unt.b as` those 56 for such pr-honeys as . hereof the Reform _ All brain orkers Hood s Sarsaparilla pecarly ad __ ' `is no provision made for to thgir needs. It malges pure, rich. _ N j K ` in dn9__cyo,,snd about my templad, one A paeliily gt. night wgnx had been having `v n hnridny or_'phy`aicax und xental labor. : `Hook mInyremediea,buiT5End hnkponly: ` 1:: Hood : Ssgsapdrilla which cured me of rheumatism, neurhlgia and headache. - Hood : Bmaparilja 1335 proved `itself amp. . friehd. I also take Hood ; P111: to keep my. bowels Vregnliu-, and like-vtho pill! `varymuohff Isuo Lnwx, Spbinn, Ohio. 1. `j 1- '_n:u muuu, unu mun ans comeavnerve. _ ;_1hent8ly bodily antldigestiv stnength. - Mam glngto 3:} that, Hood : Sampde 3111: is 3 vggy good miediclne, eapecimy V n 3 blood purier. 11: ha done me good ;mInyjmes.' For se'v'enl yeusliutxexed .` grutxy.wiu:_`ps1nsjo! ., `V .. .. , ,_.. -, ...`.. -.vu.\-\,u.,uurv /""`j**-- obd s P/it/Als Ziifffgbim . / . l ['40. Do ' 5 -Canned Gmed Pump . W I ` Canned Crgwigrd Peagggi .- 1 :3 Pieted Red`Che`rr :1 3 Bartlet Pears, 15c. _~ ._ . .. `Gallon Apples. 20c. L -in ----v-- - v-as-yuumuu yvvuuna p "_l'.B(T blood, and from this co T fnental. Bodilv ant` II 31 nre, meavnerve. diovnfjv nfnman. %L%%j%TsarsaparanIax] `CH5. an 'l\_..- nu--. J .,.,_ 7 VF9#?ABLnsQ 50.. I10*s;.`1i?!9 "o'gv;Z>x a11;Vkinds.-\I:1oga}1.i_:,'5ai . V 3. 00 3 Eoi-`1ah and 85 .<.> n` sale; m,a5kem.1we: ~ ~ ; Vbwnislx active at4vbeV_ rkm`-as 13.4 ;to ., QB-.49};L`.nx1xe1 pa0.k'rs,*88, 4,4); V8.3a..,o QBAQ-; ;p1gs,~_~ :s`1o_-\ ta 7.9)-`$138: V3.80 t0, stagesgltgz ' $.35. ;-Vshnn mud` InmI\n;_'.._o-`mm: n...........I. correct 0 date. Cifefhllj Mes. 1898 {u,`..'. J. . ;'..'. .1, V thr0'y.\v,e9t"Corn. fa. tin. mar Sweet Corn, 71:0. tin. - X '&Gairden Green` Peas, 7J_;c. t a Mecca 7&0. tin`. ulden \ is Bmu;s; me. tin. / So many goods *udve1'tise.d at ridiculously `low prices . that were never in exist- enceL_So_ld out. And how , often are the cheap. trashy -goods` made to compare h_ with the clean healthy and ~ wholesome. But it is 2 grat satisfzLction.ito have - you Show yam` -coni -1100 In otin advertised 3 ate .ments .4 by responding so _..nro1nnt.l1.;.4 . _.,_+W1u -- 7. _lL|Ul.llS Hy .l'6b'pUll|llllg SU ~---Pt0_In9t1'_-~-<- y; uxrnfu .g pa; `bbl .__ us-u'.. . " link nauL.nu um -.-_`: \.e1u;.us.L1uA1_4nj'1'_.1 u_:-; ` ' RD HIDES uqiic. ` _Aa$_-daA:x._ my 27(;`31_s9} A LL: '70- '71 .3 cu. -` vnwvsu aw W .911 $1193 m.94~`W.1W* 7. but {piggy amhe ?_ ` .: 13.40, use. pao.krs;$8 41>; V x A medm ,` mun Ia.;4.; to ,&&.45`; wagha, mes.-me areprompt. emcint and 5 can In effect. 2l`Anl. ] andJ"85"on sierm Vkaar ` anMaIr1y.aouva,: ` 1 ~35. ta %a5`;-`1Ia;Vquu% V 1311- ml. ' gOVHUV.T [Mn 3. un, _ iatsup," 3 lb. cans L ,. n 7&0: tin. ` av.- 97. . ulcllii am) ` 25 cents. .uuuwr,1n 1-1b.v;reHs......'. - 510 Eggs, new laid ...... ._.. 0`n1or_1s, par bush. . . . . . V'1`m-x`ups.' per bag,` by Lload.`. A Potatoes, per bag. 2 Potat.oes,,car1ots ~ ,Bea,ns.`?per bush. Beegs, per b .. .Uarr9ts.Lp_er _g,;by. Pmnips, perbaj;_. . . . ..` f:Apple_s, perbb1..'*: Hgy. tignoth ;..';. ' `wBeer"m a .. `:7, Beef'for`e1s.s;,..; - _ gpring `lamb; .ca _e.a1.~pe,r 1b~.~ ? ' ...:.::' 2 a~s.e,.:. 800~*&`-'>` .~o5_ " if .',tiNITEi),s'g M: E393 .33f.`9iS1=*C&`5V$1e4-.T8i3iPhsr- #4.}! 0w. ';h._1walt_~gu1c1;1_! on sa1 ;. market . `Lslow,; w1bhAon!y.g. few. mtg andn-Veal; ows :`nd`V apntngers-agl_dVatsI nQon;1"j51'o_g- `j.. M x1eo*S. j16x.v`-`cg 015,a11;ginds.g\I;Ipgg;1.1i. ; :'$h,l0l'33.h . and -M 85, on` sale: maikeu lowhm to 70 L510 uuuwv oases :0 oo_ {or spilt; casesn Dezge: ` 1 looking /f01,`TWIf{ pElo:sTas the pick .l1ng,season is aboutover. - _ , Po!:atoes~-- J.`he . market ' is dulL Ver: Bttgg , is doing. . C,z_n- `lots A quote: nomf1nally.utA about 120. Wagon load on We streeirl a"lF+n TRn " .vv uuub, goose, per nusn. ,.. . : *Pe{;a ,`_`c`o'zm11oI1',' perxbustg. .. Bgtckyleat .... . . . . . Qats er bush-. . `V 3*l,;`gTrbE. A V Bariey pe1}bush.... Duo_ks.s r` , e ai Chic-k'ensI.) 11:31? bani: Ducks. spring, pr pai1f_._.;,_ Geese. per b; . Chickens, ei- pair ._. cu- Butter, in 1-1b.'vfr1...I'IEI Ems. new laid. _. , vunlvng -av.-5 uuuon uu*vLr1c\w.V IVUJI -_l!llDW `Tii'El"v1B`aTio?iT.E rm 11315 d . fault to dispose `of. Dealers advis shippers - I'.o_ dlsocntinpe {ending in re] buter. We'q1fote:Cho1ce ]dva1rytubs, 1 no 113(1); medhim_.d1ry tubs. 8`t,o,9c low griid`diry mils, 6 to 70; `choiq large rolls, 10 to 110; second Lagge rolls 90; dairy pound pnts, 11 to 129; hes` made. oreamery tubs, -150; creamer mum: u1-hm; 15 an 'IR(\ *- K ` .,_-_.._,,..... -avvuv an-up nuavu wa_u an ia xstreefsill afflfto I80. Baled Hay--Stocks are` still Ize am gmoyement is slow. Cars ot_No' 1 `on th track here are `quoted around $I3`.tk $12.50, There is no demand fo1No. 2 112% ' ` Billed A sI'aW--_No_ gsaies ar reported The market is unchanged. V \ Vbe8._t.'whitg:,per bush'....$_ '-`76~ 8. 78 Wheat, red,.pervbusl1 ..... 00 - "78 Wheat. goose, per bush. ' I56 fg*eg,`_c`0 z`m1`1oIi;'berxbush... 53 ` 54 --fuuv. vu.cunvL_y IJLUI5, 1.00; CIUHIHHF pound prmgs, 15 no 160. - _' A. 2E.zzn--'J:he deliveries are`su11_11bara prices are unchanged at. 9 to 9}o fo glioice cases `to 6o_ for split; caes. - Deqlgr looklnifni-'6vB13 n;msrm. .1... hinb w pgqu p31'lD.. Iuere Is no (1emzm:1 f( .them. Good grain-ted yearlings` zu: spring lambs A29 fairly steady. Yearling with the W091 on rule at from 4% to 1 per Ib. Spring lambs sell, well at from E to $4 per hegd. One [qt sold to-day 2 $3.40 each. ` >B\i`l1s-`-\Qnlet agd nominal. One ( wto head mus at 9;: mac perm fl ping phrn fies. ` _ tockem'_an` fender):-'-Not many 6`or( nm"#al}--tho good Raul;-fut"iosder`sf6l` but there was hardly any request f< ht stookors. Prices for good feeder 1- 9 at from $2.`l6 to$8.50 par ow _s; kers fax; the comm fetch on) E6 loo"h1e o s" of bacon hoga good nlngen, were A er` up-`day sellin 194350 per lb, we! , off uhocan J A Js"a.good murkeor them. illeav i Jet dull and not ~wanm( lgchlng vs `no per 01551;, wesgned 0!? tr `nus. Too mam of that clan are obmin mm Stores are Steady at 8% tdgi par lb; sum; for breadlug, 8 tp 3% pi 1b- 6 _t:_n_dm hh&gs,2to2"o pi '1b,aan4?:: WW , /` `- i; wanted. A " cqnxmy pnonvon ,Jqucer-.1fub buttr is ;pxnsx:u1---an there is an easier xeollng in the markej 's`es being harder to-_ei_feot.i Roll butbg "Frvaa1:r.T;?.:;:.:mn7. uu npcwu uu sunpuuaru mmzmy cunt-mun . 101-._ One drover oered A good bull t ay for 836 which had cost him um than thatjn hhe country, but he can not find a t-nkdr. One of"the boss loan of eexporters sold fa-day went for 83, 9.3 p cwt. and another 161; almost as choic _ ~bmught only $3, 90 `per qwb. BI]faCh.!" ('.!\tA-_Tv-ndn xrnu `Ii\l:VlI`: umugnu only 353.90 per QWD. Butchers cnttle-.-Trude was . unznti _ `factory. - Cnttl were worth whatever the would "fetch to be `got rid of and sex` expense of feed. It `was 21 ver_v`du market. For the very best cattle in low '30 per lb was the tops Only one or tsv ' s went over-3o per `lb. heap and lamhs-,-Sheop {Ara dull at. : to Bxc p3rlb`.. There is nb demz\n:1 fc them nma '.mu.n.o..A'~......n....,. wuu u; ow per noua. 'L'ms'Iu1s Imd a\depx`ess1ng.effect ini our markets. Ye mregy did Anything go over 40 inr -lb! day, thhiosb 6f the sales being as `ha 88 'i> $3.90 per cw}; for loudsof good `cu ` tle. DA few picked head biqugm ac ; lb. Dealers me `well sdpplled and it ' `not likely that there will b much 6 mtmd during `the next fcjwinys except, ll space on shipboard ulmady contract 101`. One drovrrr n`m-pd A onm! hull r . ___.-, ...._, .7` To;{1ay a innrl-{err \vna;etkei poiw 0 fd;be dded to,t.he long list of that hit 'Irh'do _1n;eve;'y line was bad exjcept 1 choice ho ` . A _ ` Exppl taaI;tle-+'I:Iade was anything 1: _bris_k;toT~GA'y[ Reports from -Britain `z baqnd news comes to'dea1ersJ`._r< France and Belgulm that tlie prices thosqmareis have fallen o to the c tent Of $10 per bond. Tbis"`hzm had 1'- denmnna nnnt iu nun .~m..)...o.. nqsumsunces rs nonzme. some 0! c. will almoshoertanly die and qtbers jnbixr disease. 1;; uupv sown 15 very strong ngamsu 1 " L pas, because even under the prom ` by th Gogemmht ti oonitdon og the prisoners would- lmrrovgd Shah i19_pr1so'nmen_t under 1 Iilnnmnnni-)i"l hm-A S`-'.(....... .: u.. --.....--- u. can xannnuumq vvuunr gigprisohment x!1'inumstuneSTs hEBYeT-S"dme of (114 mu nlmmzt ivnrmnh} IHA Ant` .;u...... .. umsr MARKET REPOM WANTED1& 0UNG. QR MIDDLE AGED . , MEN of clnnrzwcter. Hlll1(h`(!dS foremost in . Canaan, smrtedxvith us. About $14.00aweek to ,_ ..with.::'1`HE~ BRADLEY-GARRETSON C .,L1`n., 'l`oronto.V0n1... ' . . Inc wurunvlll wt mun pnsoneys bgrsvof vidohmade II Iliiieng _ in the Ii:-ison s_v e i50,'Q,h'0.1 6 South. `Africa Tha Ea: nnnaent further save, um nnhlln (ml w,I:,uu.u us nouul. _ALnca. Inc can .Mn$ further says. that public feel! Q Cape !`own is very strong Against !n@1$. because mmn nhdpr the nl-nun 1_.1v'3 _s'rocx MARKETS`. 7 ` _To_ront;o,_ May 3: .:__a- '____L_L , omn ~ArmcA. 1'1 lilglitlw `- Golden V Tnnbmr-1

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