' ' A5 .111 know. :1 Serious to the spinal card, will at once cause Paralysisof the boygiy below thejnjurcd part. it therefore will be cqg_g_lIx well undeistood, how` :11": demngcmcncs ofthc nerve centxes,_wil1 cause the derangement of the dierent organs of the body which. , . ~ they supply wizh Nerve Fluid or Nefve Force. Therwronrderfuil successrcf SQUTH AM;x_xcA.v_NExvm1-:_is d_ue :.Io_n'e 1:9` thg; ' ' THE {vonderful success of SOUTH Annmcmz Nxzxvmr-: is due alone tcrthg` '- fact that iris bued on the fpregoiug pxindplt-. - The usemf a. single. bottle of this remedy "will cnvince the most imxedulous. It is indee, :1. veritable Nerve Fobd and will Rel ieve in One Day the variud forms of Nervous Dismse and Stomach Troubles. - l of Nervous Dxsmse and Stomach Troubles. ` Nervous Diseases. _ ` n ' This c!ass'of'diseas_us, is rapidly increasing each year, on nccutnr of thc_ great wc.u- our mode of living and labor imposes upon the nervous system. Ijiine-t of all the :|i1m_ents _t9 which` tljxhux-1_1a.n~ f;ux_1iIy i.s hc_ir, are" iiviing ind labor impoEes updn Nine-tenths ailments to which thhui-ua.n~ family is hair, dependent upon nervous e..I ` U tstioh, impaired digestion, and :1_deter'.omu:d gnd unpoveshed cqndition of the blood. The SOUTH A.\u;k1_c.\N Nlaavmz 1_s- a. great nenjer fund zgnci perve builder and\ accounts f_or its 1:_n_a.rveI_lo_us is- nenje and builder z1nd*Lh.i's for marvellous bower to cure the varied forms of nervous disease, such as"Nn3um1gia. Nervousness, Nervous Prostrntion, St. Vitus s _D.;mce,"Ner\'ous Choking. -Ncrvous Paroxysms, Twitcrhing of `the Mu`sc1es,. Hot Flashes, lvignlal Despondency Forgetfulness, Sleeplessm.-ss, Restlessncss, Nervousrres oi Females, Palpimtion ofthc 1`Ica::.._Sexu;1l Wcakmsss, etc , etc.,