IJTE Lardine1v1;ag11i_ne%Foi1J, -'-nEcgo'VLL A1Es:"t-z"9Tgg{:~--*rroa*s:oN*ro. A ..-...\.._o>-~ ~m:.`s1:n:srnny%mo~.%, A -u-us Ava nu-III`nI`I:lI'I ____ _i_ .T_... Watson 81 Lennux,\ Jcnascu-:i~n' aR_0pEnv.. 34 Baytlcld Slml.-Bmlo. \.a--. . '~ 4-a-w"'-`P U. u. uuumn-u-.. my Show Rogm a.v1dWork Shn`;j.VCol1ie Ar at. >A , .-L3 "- The praise of Scott : ``muls~z'on of Pure` Cod "Liver Oil `and Hypdphosphites of - Lime and Soda is 'sou'ndedAeverywhef'e. _, mabc Hun umcr Eh-nrr f`risa'o nkvnnur - Ml5GDlL'S . . GRocEn%s.% _TI+IR.ESIi! ERS Thochamplon Gold Medal [Oil which cannot Ibo Egcelrled. `"` ' A %{ 'unamer. 'IaA1iRIE- AND STROUD. - A. `-. - ...r U()Iv`F[NS md OKSKETS =5-oY[;I_N_.DR 9, ms use Thn rowan I mun Iuoond tho]: nit. when H NH Iioll _