Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1893, p. 2

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J ~aE'uxsw.~ mm Sewex-`Pipe: Plnuwr or 175;-in (5 omeneu, eta. --;()'l<` TORONTO... rwumv A . nun. :\.A m. Britishf VAme1'ican Assuranc" Cry?` EBTABLISHE _ Gran snrolna..1st Jnpuny. _lBBa` ` ,$1,12j6;239.G0 : I CASTERN ASSURANGE `C0.`i.PkN'x' -cA|=|'rA|_ sI.ooo.ooo ; N50 - OH ` =n\'0 )i~`...../Ci-' "3 1 0'31 5 ; ' .QBT'A1;N Y0[._!R . V I 5 Ma,rr1age Lmenses 1 0. H`. LYON. Issiirer. _ * OFFICE :-Russ' Biocli, mum. gg - I ; AI;i~f~ fru:-v- q.;a:q ,+ `.__!* -#3-:Pegf_y_Da7v:$` : '-T ._-.'--'.~ I _HOUSE_ ~._'[IE`0 0RAIORi 1 1 .L1\tn__f, )7 ur n_1`n 'r`I'n'I'l'\- sign ig~r\i"&er. 2 1 .. ' ' " H. - ~ -, mzmovep T0 DUNLGPFST-J |.. --.... . _a.nox* Ere. -Mane! -Inland. Private mica aw n. .-.. ...\...., ....._ _, , , , _ 'c?w`1=:.Ax'1'o1v1 - . KBBISTER. suximm `cl um Supx-63:1: Court, Pronto:-, Nocnry Pnbuo, Convoy ...... x.~...va `.1 eat um: and Imus te_rm- { :7, M. Moureomr-:av.. L ""KG1:N-r. BAR anal" ITAL SBDUD-ODD _' ~ 0. H. LYON. ' BARBIE. ~- x unn`)so`en-gror~9n`u`~or1n'c:m3ouann. ` "P`!`T '..Y-"~'. -' r A[9ir dziys ugh thq New York Preys . reported, chnt_'.1vin irbik . dying" at-Axxgelica} N3. Away back. *\ in` I.he_ foI_-Ijs `be was ag active aboI`x_-_' . tinisk,` p~` _usad` `to hell: " ' EWS1: ` ingi Rlents, which ha'uurrKted n" few slave whenever he could. `he unlaw- smmks ago. will` ha_v'e` a special iutexest. for older 1-em_iera,.vghq remembcr when tb ' underground `1-n.i1mud"' `was 3 ' mystrious bu'>I. highly valued institution.` \Vh'en' Ivwns 21! `Braid `1.\Ir. irbank. my 1 I . 1 3 . .1 ujyshcnluun uuw .. ' I was 21, nirbank. fatuer nI`ga'dovgx _he leghgqy nlyd hio Rivrs with 3. rain of '1iunber:; `Cincinnpti Itpok passage on,a sLe_umer' ( for Eiusbnrgh. '_I'aa stenm:,stope'd~ \g n. Nysville, Ky.,`w take on freight,` p_h_d_ while it was Iaading I went for n` . ' walk about the tnwn. .7 On one of the ii I asked hezgwhub was ul;e| nxHig1 mu.ct,er,_n.n_d gha told me then.` she waa~_a_ ygpugd, 51avr,--yo would not ` hays known It (LE1; nu fmqn` her 'c_p10.I nd_v>vn~s;t:rir3:: N3 raised Lb: he `_ 93: Town" 15` bury Butch. puny Funds," it fxurp` Her End W111` uyi escape fx-`om hr znnstei-,5 5. n Payve, whg luv 6 a few mile `nu |ve_ e ';nile"ou the` co_uhty ffom `MaLa\'ille, and .who Egg` also he; fngher. . I `took `the girl In: k _zo the steamer, xntroduzmd he:-V3.57 niy -s -garb, .+ist.ez-rn;z1d,we made Lhe grip to` Pints- nqnu uu Iauwn `;;h are 1911 goig '1 ", ` _ __ ` _ , `Nonrdf yam llsinesa, sir, butvyquv " bmgh In sa.ely.- She wus exceexjlgngly h,,ve,_.g_ enou -vb due no bu that bright end ,1:~'ekillc_t1 nuisicinn, and I sir]; _ : Jn_' Y . y, mmomber made In dep___i_:_nprnsi_0n on.` I-After my ma of-s1_4`o Es -iriie of"thu _nm1e pr-ssengmnne Frenchman nndl biaurowmaoctmeing "hmn Wm 3'f " W `1"~,"h 15' reao1_ved'tu 'hu.ve the hull when the ' iiell. aun1"is n'9'w"liviir,rin' more than hu=j n& : ;n 7`V`YM ;; _i1'~ `he P'i"'i' I resolyed `cc. the cull wh 19$ 0` FPd` WM` 1 -' S `Llmmmere1L Tue auctioneer gi settled in New Y_nrk,`!ii:Uy married putliianh 'ry-`gr (Give) givm: .:V:-omfortizbla cirunatnnces. J . .4 I In Apr, 1842', while in Covingtcn, 1 I heard '..hnt_Emily Waid, u hbndsume ; i girl 0518,` two-thinia white, A End Elaqn` sbld and \v_xxs nbuut to _b a Lmun south ghmugh me` crawd _ um sight of mg; ecocne thqmiaress of her purchaser. 4;m1;gny_ . . ' >_ VS! '35 k9pVj`'-9"i~f; W IuTlx iifdrh of the excitement I.Ht_: 7 river.~~I-went~a'~=\is`1ti-911.-=nd:.Mm=c'-r Fu-:`nehumn bid_ $1,450 nnc1`I>$1,~175. iilahr`-.4"-t=n*in byitossing rebbm Then were was 3mor,hex' lull. It seemed ' r3.W-*`11>-"_-1"`-"J-`-Lo-mndi1en .:h ..nunt.iouea:_HeL_bn:ed._ 7 . , . .. . . . . ., 4.1 I against the wmdow, vius lacked, and down no rope to the ground. VVhen`\ve1\vam a few feet away from the house: we met. her master, ` who npulogized for unimennonully hrushingngnjnst mo-in the dngkness. 'IJ.u: girl's` case was knqwn to every one- in Cuvingtgp. und._I did no; dare to hire `In August of the'sum year" I spent several weeks in Montgomery Courity, I{y.. as Lhjergucat of Rihnrd `McFu. t1x-md, ' planter. On of the s1u'v I Katy ' 3' Oueroi sluives. Kata I\I'cFu|-land, a girl of 16, was anxious ti) escape, and applied in ~lu for help. Starling oi: a. clear monnlight xiightfwa drove bufore noon. next dn ` to Lexing- tonya dinuncg of~90 n\iiv!s. My scniples -' nguixist an grass in breach of hospitality ' in'Ibanliug'lhe~ pmper1.y.oi. my hog. were in ovarcoum by Lh-fug:t elm. both the git and hay ziiother were the- ;,. cI.j._m_geu of mair_~xn}s..1:e$.-_=-=1 st e .'wxnaqw.-- `-co-m.iduen .the..nucLiou2ar._Hd_bme no ;I scan, zrnot '=11iU8.h 7} hd -hha.gi1'l_ s bndynfrom feet to w...i:t. nu W h1[ .'~h3l` `O. crying boalaek, ` H , vs... - .._ , :BAnm2, `$1-uxcxn Axn Tm-rg`xnA`_Ix. , &mMwmngu4 (:0. _Eoo|>`. I. H. Jun. Jn. Fm were 3*} Q 1 Look Emily . f Levi/Cionfn, superin- u uudejgmuud railroad. n comfurtablp home and > - She helo1rx<._:ed`o-the *8 `=5 xit I 1? Vlbe bk; no $1,350: turned awn , Qmd ma s 1.325. `tar ~ `-g_On_'g`-'m,an: ppetiriid to` d,.ggninsE|,;f;;5`~,'J . me-x_z sq\lul.-gurgd, ls:-om; sgouldered, .g ewe 5-an '. hick-necked;bullet-he:x bundle, ~ from ~Nw Orlemis, wfio Twas `told ' Th Si . . . _ . . __, Orleans rnan.- ;nst.'un:1y`ra|,seVd` thexbid $100 . .1 g,6r1_ 3700, he S800: I 3900.)): '1 $1,000, I $1,100, be $1,299. _ forhfenr and shame. The nuctiim 1 'ee;`5egah h_is work Hy pointing: out her 1 \benu|:ies,:cnnnh1g1ing_-,\ ith, "V Vhg. _ `auuu. . ;_ _u|IA`cIvv, nc y......, -.,.... A 31,200. Why)! I raised my_ rash bid to $1,300 the Louisi- njuu `h,u,;e `.wi'r:h an ugly Yqok and` I 1 1 ::~. .: `_h. . ~ e _on.um uymu ; - u1iuoxbxx';1w:`smKcf.-.... .1 ` -h - nk 046 mm. nppenrd *0 _b1d~ mime`? tI:eI.bndonSl:da113cLrdtos'ny;31fx'awood_'- uhered, Elw -unugg. {uni eight pence pq.1oo-. ` ' npen;_EVlfza's waist, expogeni xx bush us` I perfect a 'culpLore&"Luuk, ` gentlemen, I: cried. `I ' - 1-y_,' , nd; ~ tennn-g-_ ch crowd ut_ sight this av I V` r `Ton $od'. - -Wmn. a. shnine, rnnjf indignity. - ` -`-":~n{mn nml Nuse. hum removed to Au umuuxe ' third-door (ram Ynnge Pitrlmb. Teniono. In a, stream, Wfny be ookulhud It him Quunn`4 Hons] tho nuaouu I-`rhlny ,ux -uu-y mun. (ram .9 to 711 nun. - ` `?lg"': "" f , 2 ;`h `." '" ~."'a ositiui: that the Wolmm possnssod 0: much ""-V.`3 '` 3' ', `=?'`-```' " '1 act is nave: benutifu . The author-bf, SE0 `b% %xd '1 -this quhint idea forget. hat int:-}_1le'<:t'u:x1i!:yu`\. Tue murmur inf disgust ,deeps-had is beauty, and that all his or her citations A ingq 5 .1-our. ` That Ducliuneer ve me of various clever Indies who-were homely -. - . . J 1 an... r ca.n`beprqu1p(1yb:11qncod~'\3'y-jzhggxumes E` r mg c1m'd.-meuoL;u1nte11ow-man. But I vgus-L too excimd to spank until my 3 `couhestnpt $1,480. . '1`he_ hcunme Eozigeiunc hid T hammer qixivcrad ;' Elizo.'nnd her aunt, who were standing by my 5' `le;g1\Va men. Iuulc . . . . , L v _I_. _\`.ione . nee`, twiz':e,' tlu-ee--$1,-t,8'_>_ ` 83-8'.)-85-8.)--und I'n:,g:2iug~ to"sh-ike = the girl u' in one minute. Once, twice, . mfd: 3 I V ... `V 7 " . . . *` `How high are yuu going t_I_JrbulT _ `Higher than` y'_9u dc, Vuxyonsie 3' I replid.- ` `min nhinstunt Inierr shuvtottercd ` ' buck moo` the arms oE,jaex- Bum.-'in 9. deep swuua. . '- ._ . , _ uwoke 9. cheer, which, _I. sing 1:01: Ken- tucky sl1oiI;"i-;m.' !._lxe'uir;' As 'soon,us may could I)? _n}nd_a cm, I h - deal Elizm to-dny_1s w an-:_I inst heard. `of hel',T` cheerful; clmrmihg-matrou.o.G2.;@n1y.. _ themembers of hot imlpedute family. you an doue,` yelle-1 lhe nu4:~` Qucu, twjce, t[u-ee--$_1,-t:8.'_)_ I3 pI;'i5;r_\vbich formnily ->0: Her I `Four 'dny_s n.fter the-anls I ` im._to,-Cincinnati, w g_a_re 5119 but: , at. an (bu but mpamnna cmu anuxnmu ;,.p_._u.. lm nlreulnnu ruin: of ovary nun. and I good donl at lulnrmntlon ~n|)n\I mm: and other mnthun emu inn la the bualnon at uxlvenu aha.` A an ~HOWELIJN--ADVJEISTXHINIE fBUX\EAU.` I0 Dnlue N - . ___._._.___:_.____ us, youg mun`, 'suid the 1 yon"v`:a `gm her champ goingto tip with her '1' ;i, whgare became` 3 fuuiiily of Gamaliel s,o.\re she yecgived n ml: of whiaky-te`aor+u;iasiounry. ' .- m"I A zexigiougensus of Au:grn1iajuhcum4 - Jgacea _sn'ows~ 1.-185_0G_6 mexnbex-a at. the .. bTmb_+:-En`;51maa; 80.118 Cnt_ha'Hcs, 403,.` mL .. ..... u... J...-. v\\:\aI vmmay-nun denom- mab;mm hmang conag `st-cidents. . ` ._ Sam Joqe beneyes mar the devil does - *. nut ma howgnnny xnisaionnriea we send. to my h'e_nzh_:' long as aw agc18 bur- 'J.uu plzgsvnv uuncnguu -.. . V __. ,, Army in the United States in given as 464 corps, 63 outposts; 1,4511 oicors, gix alum _ pos, nu cue. homes, and 0 ;u`o'd mg. l .......J. nnnnr the yuan, ........= ..=.....- .. ... Antishelter agpou. The Amy ? pnpej Wu Cry, has n cmumim; of 70.000. vihmnic 13.51115 ed .Vnm1erbi1t s palace .c1S,I.o'l5g ?in5'3{o\iEbnin. North Carolina, v_-rill 133 the nese grivnig raidepne in -W The most flmonsvgnukogs hunter of -Europe is Prince Augustus of Snxe-Co Hurg-. who has jut killed bisntwo thongs ,,,.. . . TKA ,1.-........-m hf Austria r is the secnnd hst gun. _xus rev.-oru nmunn L EgHvo__1.S'.)3 head, 1,. _ I , | SomGan;!fx{l.~): st'a.rj:e'\iike uizxn'ningp`rG L t c e posanssod oz iute P ,an bu-nutiEu!_. author as,` ` wards of 3,000 dentists. > A pydmiuent xxuilrond mun gbnts that: ` Bnmnts L\u.\`e been issued in the 11.5., in: .,ooo nutomntic couplers, and was among- ' .11 um inventors nut. over a` dozen are any .___..__.__-.- , .EVEnY one in nuuruu xnlmrmnuon nn tho subject. at advert!-(lug will an wan to nb- \ can anouy ol Book {or Advoruun,!'..:5t` ~ page. no em: noun. Mnllad.` pa-tuna pnlri. . an I no [IL or prion. Contnlnh A careful complim- ...m ...n.- n... A. nun:-nu Nnwammar Directory ommury pm~.;u.-,-,q.. .u...... .... _ line in Louaunwxyuiuh admits of: its mum . j being revdkcol when tho tmiu~is at n at.zu.t&- ` ~ ..1v.... barren av-A still. n opumf. on u. central-mil` sygcani, u Ematxus \'u_we no ;ge.1Halmide: _ ' Efatxus \1I_;ve no_ >. "rn1s:.,'13;u_;ig`xE' EiAB\I7EE?l&TE~CH`. ' .. _ o\'Q_ ` 3""'.\ M; `bhf4Q>;:>q+-.V 3 ~ \_:c;,,}AV9.\iArr:q\ \sn_x_~.~ ._ ?.\\.\)vQ``;:`.

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