Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1934, p. 6

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_Mrs. Geo. McKnight is visiting] friends at Edgar. , Wm. Keeley spent a week with frxends in Toronto. . A _ Miss Minnie Bell of Toronto is vis- qltlng with friends here. rs. Geo. Bauldry spent a few days this week in Toronto. - Rex Ansdell spent Tuesday with uhis sister, Mrs. D. C. Harvie. Mr An Mr: Ed Kmmn visited .,., ..:u....,, u... ....- ..... um mday evening, October 1: ). The Late Mrs, Iidxvnrd Grim: .V[r:~'. F.rI\\':11`rl (Higp; nf Midland. mu \\'u.~: \`i: at the hnmo of 1101' uthcr, W. H. (`h:1pI.mm. AH(\nwn0<`l. `Cd uwny suddc:1ly on \`Vcdne.<~ _\ mm'ninp.. Sept. 5. 1934. Mrs. IF) A. Cr .15: was the widow of 3 Into Edwz11'd Gritzg. She was rn in C`ar`.\'.'ri1,-ht on I')<:c(`mhc1` 12. nnri n Hun urn nf cnvnn uhn! Fronts "~ 11: WYEVALE Bars Cakes lbs. um: at 1110 numo 01 nor 1. Sept. 5. :1 and .'.'riL-,ht Hun nyrn nf cr\\'nn Qhr`. H) Townes. Miss Marguerite Torry of Toronto General Hospital is holidaying at her home. M:-< Pnilrln nf Hnrnilmn was the NH : }\ Qxx nrs. mat 01 pm /.0 found in another 35 -:1` .1_Ls 10 two :11 1l\`L`d until her ucccmncr 12.5 of srwon she. is to live :11 nvnd nn1H I10!` nmrriagze in 1877 to Edward Grigg of Waverley. They settled on the lith cmmeession of Flos on the farm now owned by B. Kelly. Thirteen years later she moved to Allenwood. where she lived for 17 years on farm now in pn::sessinn of her son Charles, lat- er moving; to Wyevale for six years. where her l m. wnq rlI`n\\'nnrl . l lh0\'Jll,'.{ to wyevale for six where her husband \vas drowned twenty-one years ago. For the past. eighteen years she has resided at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Per- cy McConnell. Deceased was of a (quiet, unassuming, disposition, al- ways ready with any service she could render to family, church or neighl>r>r. She was a member of the United church. The many beauti- ful floral tributes testified to the hi,L{h esteem in which she was held. The funeral was held on Friday from the home of her daughter. Mrs. Percy McConnell. conducted by Rev. Mr. Auld and Rev. A. E. W. Ing- ram. Interment was in Allenwood ICemetery. The pallbearers were Clifford Grim; of Allenwood, Victor and Homer Spring of Wyevale, John Miller, Nelson Darby and Ivan French of Waverley. She leaves to mourn. two daLu.:hters, Mrs. Leslie Spring of \'\. _vevale, Mrs. Percy Me- Cnnnell of Midland; one son. Charles of Allem-xoud. l'ive ;.r,randehildren and one brother, W. 11. Chapman of Allenwund. Friends from Barrie. Beeton. Aurora and Elmvale attend- ed the funeral. Elmvale \V0men s Institute A most enjo_\,'nl)le outing was held by the memhe 2: of Elmvale Women's llnslitute at Brideeview Inn, W:isa;za Beach. on Thursday afternoon. Sept. 13. Over forty were present and fourteen new members were added to the roll. Mrs. Roy Srigley, the new president. was in charge. Sui,- ,e,ostions for the year's programme were ;:iven at. the roll call. Con- .\'eners of standing committees were appointed as follows: Law and edu- eation. Mrs. R. M. Black; health, Miss l -Zrlna Cooper; home economics, Mrs. J. D. Smart: a;.:rieulture, Mrs. Jas. `SiInpsnn: histm'ieal research, Mrs. C. E. Copeland: bereavement commit- itee. Mrs. C. Ii. Dutvher and l\/Trs T) Jroacn. on In fo roll. prcsiden 1' vencrs S111` lnnnninhxrl nq her home. Mrs. Fcildc of Ilnmilmn guest of her cousin. Mrs. D. C. Harv- ic, last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Tinnincr. Tvfissos . Lnpeumclz Uerezlvemem emnm1'.- toe. Dutvher and Mrs. D. C. Hnrviez flnwer committee. Mrs. A. C}. Bonrdsnll. The Secre1ar_v read letters from Mrs. Goo. Ritchie. Mrs. Geo. Dr_v:';- clnle. Mrs. C. E. Copeland for flowers and other (-xpre::sinn:; of . Mrs. Jnhn Whitton also thanked the members for flowers. A letter from Mrs. Brown was roar] telling the members of the priz- es to be given in :1 quilt block con- test 10 be heki at 1170 County Cun- |'.`enIiun in Barrie in October. Mrs. IR f:.1'i.IP\' T\/[Ix 'Rr:1h\\' nnd 1\Tv'n:-.- I LVLIE. IJHU- per was : .1415. Evan usud for ` `LIKE .\.\' .\R.\I`I.\.\' I .\'IGllT'S BULBS Brown` & Co. For Fall V Planting TULIPS HYACINTHS DAF F ODILS ETC. Ilnvo you read the advertisements? `XL lll'llL'|L` In sith Sunday`: Plant NOW for Christmzls Bloom amnn mm m.. n;. to the bean laargaining \ . Jno. McAulc_v. A dc . by the h B<`u1`d.<:1H. lho prnc l Fnr Hm (`I\I*I'chnnc C!` W'hat you need is n liver stimulant. Somo- 3 ` thin that goes fnrthcrth.-m.-alts. mineral wnter. ` s oil. nmlive candy or chewing gum ur rmmhnga which only muve the bow-cls-:gnuring the roll nine of troublo. vour liw-1'. ; Tnke Carver : 1.iHk- Lwvr Pills. l"uro1y vege- Ilblu. No Lush onlmnr'l(n1vrvur_\`). Stnfo. Sure. ` At {or them by name. Rciuao subemutes. 3 1- at ll] drugzisu. 53 :1d_\` DOI`0Ih_\' Mills. distinguished; eler. explorer and novelist. re- s :1 remarkable e.\'perience while; xing the castle stronghold of :1 mtain Prince in Morocco. Read article in The American Weekly h Sunday's Detroit Times. THE BAERIE EXAMINER. BARRIE. ONT CANAD LEFROY 'vcn my me 4211!. pm 3 Christmas 5 `51`z1(`lI(:-_V and M mninied dole; ct that the cor w ro_L:ulm` Inst 1' mcMin:.: xvi] 111 w home of Ru-frc. G. Buurdsull. Mrs. F. Rowut, fiss E. Foster. musing progrn uducted bv M1 mmg was won dclicmus 5 ' ho. 1` C pmcvvds to mas xunnlms. rn(`0o(1 10 5 supphcs. AD\'E.\'TI'RE` I uple nave tn friends for ` P UH u) s sup- . Mrs. in hn ' by my \ IS FINEST IN BARRIE FAIR \ socuggys um (Continued from Page One) The Waits secured first on an aged mare for the best mare or neldinz. any age. in which there were eight entries, and second for matched pair. Draper was first in the two-ye:ir- olds. yearlings, foal and brood mare. Tudhope had the best matched pair. and was third in the best of breed, a Close fit. Doug. Ferris. Cundles. was second in the two-ye-:ir nlds. Roy Linn was set-mid in the foul class. Ernie Cuzites. Oro Stzitiun. won second in the best of breed with his three-ycar old mare. 7.. A ,_,, ,,n,, . . .-. In A;_u'icultur:1l horses, Ernie Coz1`cs was the s\vcopstukes winner. both first and second, was first in the nmtchcd pair, and was second in the two-year old and yearling (`lass- nc Alnv |\/Iillnv F`:-nnnnu-n um-In-:1 Llll: l.\\'U-_)'l,'Ell` mu EIHU _VL';n'Ilng (`NISS- es. Alex. Miller, Crcemuro. .<(!('11rL'`l ifirst in the t\v(>-your old, and third in the best of hl`(3I_`d. Sle\v;1rL Bvll. Barrie, was figst in yoarlinyz and brand mare. third in matched pair. and fourth in bust, of l,m~od. \. M 'I`udhr)pc \v.'1s sot-nnd in mulclwd pair. Connie lIul)bert. Bnrriv. won thv foal 01:153. J. D. knzlm). Barri:-, :40 cured second for fnnl and third for broad mum. I) F(-l`I'i.'< was min] in t\\'0-_Vo:1r 01th:, and Roy Linn \\'n:: |.....,.,a 1.. nm ..mnnA ;n ..n.`,\ `\n4<`. lll L\\|7'_Y|'qIl lHll.`v, IIIHI l\.|)_)' 11! .' in brnod nmro. In the of hrecd, (:nm)utilinn \\'n.\` lcvvn \ ten entries. Tn 6|-nx n'I.\ fun 171.1. . and 1 |L'Il l_'llLl l|.'b. In the (313524 for B(:lz,'i:1n and Pmu cherrm hnrso.:;, there was :1 gnarl turnout. tho best of breed hrinuimz out (`.i}. ,hi. entries. H. Smith. (7r0\vn Hill, scored :1 triumph in this sov- tion, winning first. sommt and third. with Ross Kenlwdy. Allnnrtnlv, fourth on the grey t\vn-`vonr um \\'hif`il won first l.'1.'4t _\'(`2ll'. Smith nlso tnuk firs: and second in tho matched pair. and Ross Ix'(-nm-d_V first in the i.\\`u-_\'(`.'1I` old sevtirm. Ray I.oh. Bnrrir`. \\'(m first fol` foul and set-nntl fur brand man: with fnnl. K. Ciilospiv. Hztxvkvstmm. \\'.'i:< first in hrnurl mnro with font and third in nmtr-hvrl pair. II0\v:n`d Irwin. F.x:l)Crt. funk first in the ycnrlimz section nnd third in twt)-ycztr old. Gurrinn (.'l:n`k. Sh.'m t_\' Bay. '21:; sv(:<)|1d in t\\'n-_\'(~nr u]r1.~:. Tho committuv in churyzc of I1on\h\' horses xvns S. E. Curr. <-h:1irm:1n: W. f\ 'l\/I,.Y. !. .'l C `A ! Y7..I1 HUIEUS \\'il.`\ F). PA. \illl. Ullilllll O. M(tKi1m0n and S. M. Bell. J . A. Wail, Elam, judge of the hem` (`zzltle 01115303. \\'.'1s un1hu. ro- zzmdinp: the qllulity of the Shm't- horns exhibited. nnd . in Thu- Exznninor that it \\'n.\' :1 much holler Sh()\\~' of hoof cnic than 1:131 your when he uisu _iud;1c:d. "In the Short- horns o. H1(.`l`C is an odd :m- :t~\1\` thud :1< II\\ 4.. ``-\4\ I "A V1`.-... l'4.\kIHlHIL'7' Ulill. ll \\El.\ II lH|,ll'II U(`ll(?l cattle imul that is up to the tops :11 Tm`- onto." he said. The Pulled Angus" and ITur0fnrd.< \\'o1'e nlsn gum]. hm therv \\'cI'on't use many Ih`1`ofm'ds as other breeds. Y \P\ U(l|L'I' UlL`L'L15. In the registered Shnrihnrns the exhibitors were E. J. 1\ Iurph}'. Or- illin; Ernest Crnwfurd. Orn Station. and Thnmnr: Bn\\'m:m. Slrrmd. Mu"- phy socurcri firsts in _\'vnr|in;*, huH._ bull calf. I\vo-_\'r:nr old hei1`ez'. ,\ Qn1~ ling h(\ifm' and lmsi herd. and nlsn l\nr1 Man ``\:\4-` J] 1"nn~n1n nu w an rft\` THAT 'llEPRESSED FEELING _ _ IS LAnt;I_:Lv_;IvEn i _V0n1'Iin_L{ 1 heifer, th and fnurt In thv ....\.... r) '1 lKIU\`\llb \\C|C \Klt' .`\lUll'.`L lildhb. \`\-l'.A'l the Shropshire Downs also strong. , In Colswolds. A. Stanley.-' Guard- house. Weston. was the only exhibit- or and captured all the prizes xvhere entered. In Leicc-sters. the prizes were divided among the follo_\\'ing in that order: W. C`lm'k. and Sun. Weston: John Allnn, Orlllin: R. F. \'t'I'_\ \\ lfll \`.lLH lllL' UUXVY lilllh. George Downey. Bolton. judge ml` the sheep classes. stated to The Ex- amine!` after the sheep had been 'judged on Tuesday afternoon. South- ldowns were the strongest class. with Iokn Clsuunxgwl-.u`-n Ynuunn uh-n elwnnn \ Ill.`.l III II r1in_L{ bull. `or, third i fnurth in 1 H01` .r)'r)1x7 . 1). VV( . Smytho :1 \\'us first i H1 H1 IIL'l H(31`c-fn1'4 B. Warni Hahn nn.-I Beef Cattle V (H Hlfnl. and Sm` I `'91 anti u|n\|H;.', \u\\. bull calf. [wt n aged bull. heifer calf. ..~l`,...,l.. I`\r\ DUII. Dll'Ul _'.!0d bull. Wake up your Liver Bile --~w;Yl'InlIf Cxlll. the cxhibi ` Allamdnlc. n. Strnnrl. \\ d bull ..I,1 `-\.\ Jllll. 3 hird i I hoii ; ,()1 n `_lH Ill Fl calf. nr Bowma- : .`\'\_'I7I|\l HI n-_vcn1' old and herd, rllI\| um. 11 as get- }`o:1r1in_u I Ln .-n hibitm`.< I10. and 1. Wm`- ull calf, heifer. .1 .1`. I H \\:l:x 3 lwsi | wiih u. u. |..I1\,I\Il.'. (4l.'[)H`\l. In Sln`up. ])n\\'n.k:. the winners xvvru H. Skinm.-1`. 'l'_\'rnno, and I`). (?r::\\`fr>1`d. 1\/Iimnsinzz. In 0xfr>1': ; I)v)\\'n::. .1. II. Lnckiv. 7.cphyr`. and (.`h:n'I(':< Walden. K(.'UI1'I)}', : the hmmrs. William (.`Im`k.s' and Sun. \Vo.-Jon. \\'m`c the only L-xhibitm's in Suffulks. I`1~.. A. ... Hullnlxh. The connnilteo in <'h:arg<.~ nf V`! lunuuL uunuunul . You (Are "feeling punk" simply because your live: in`: pouring its daily twu pnunds of liquid bile into your lmwcla. lhuvsliun nml vliminution ` gm both hampered. and your entire system in 1 w. R. Johnston & co} He brings with him suit lengths in the latest weav- es, serges, tweeds, worsleds, homespuns, etc. are particularly good. Durable and warm, the ma terials have style and pattern which are outstand- ing- You can save money, yet have your Fail Suit and Overcoat made to measure from the choicest Bri- tish woollens by taking advantage of this visit. 10 Equal Monfh!y Amounts No Interest No Extras MEN--Here's Anotl}_ef_'!'_r3at for yo? TWO-PANT SUIT SAIE Saturday. Sept. 22 Special Reduclions on Two-Pam Suils ' UP GEORGE YOUNIE 10% DOWN Every garment made to your own individual measure. Fit and Workmanship unconditionally guaranteed. OVERCOATINGS Men s and Boys Wear and Srm. :, the prim: \'r H:unu1: I l|ll~|l III] . '/.(.~p|1y uirn Ihn :en(1 mgn school. Miss Wilma Ivlzlrlin left for Toron- Special Representative of .l|L,' 11 . Hzunptu n1 cf w .n 1) WILL BE HERE `mm. In - divid(.-,I .\ A 11.... ll|\ lUl 1 Alln 74 Dunlop St. THE ` ROBERT4 ON DISPLAY AT ;mSlMP$O `$5 25 Dunlop 5%., Barrie COMPANY LIMITED TOMATO 7{3.`; ` JUICE -ms sister, Mrs. D. C. Harvlc. M1`. and Mrs. Ed. Knapp visited 'their son in London this week. _ Fred Bauldry of Chicago, 111., vis- Jted friends in town last week. Allan McDex'mott of Port Credit called on friends here on Sunday. Mn... 1:: n...... ,.r rrv,\..,...tn .,~ ...; BARRIE I`lIlII's( l:1_\'. Sc-ptrnulncr 20. 1934 Users Enjoy Serenade-r Superiority 35,000 Over RICHMELLO COFFEE Steak Roast ` 116 Rump Roast Tfsws op ELMVALIW Bologna Perfection Floorwax "lb. tin '4' Perfection Lemon Oil bot. I ? Perfecticn Silver Cream jar I Keen'| Mustard 11,; -oz. 1 Palmolive Soap - - Christie : Fig Rolls ~ I Blueberries - N0. 2 1 Qsoups ; Pork $hou|c|c rs Legs ic, last week. Tippinrz. Katmcen and Joan spent Sunday at Gravcnhlzml. Mn J Koll 1mdm`wr\n1 nn CROSSE 8: BLACKWELUS Crone &. Blackwell's 4&9 Tomato, Vegetable, Vegctnblv and Beef. ChiCkl!n Mushroom . Chicken with Rico ' LIVCT l)llC ---Without Calomcl _,._Lu _.-._ _ n___._._- ..__.- E96 . on Tuesday _- she will al-' xx Uravcnhursl. Miss J. Kcll underwent an <)p01`.'1- tion for npponrlicilis in Bm`ri(- hos- pital last week. Miss Marv Cu1'r1'o left Tlxcsdnv lb, - nnsvu 19 1` 190 I 10 192 1 12 Wellesley Hospital. | Mr. and Mrs. David Greenlaw and children spent a few days with the farmer's parents here. NI`:-_ O. F. Thurlow and son Edwin Lindsay Fair on h'1'Iday. I M1`. and Mrs. Wm. Andrew andl Mr. and Mrs. L. Jones spent Sunday with friends in Hillsdale. 'Rm~n--Tn mmvnle. on Wedncsdnv. to this week to go in training in Hospital. Mr. and here. Mrs. O. of London were the guests of Mrs. C S. Burton last week. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Keeley attended last week. Mr. and Mrs. Keeley the wedding of Miss Jean Bowman! of Stroud on Saturday. Mia-< Lillian McAu1ev and J. G. Saturday. Miss Lillian McAu1ey ML-Auley of Toronto spent the week- kend with their parents. Mr. and W. J. Grncey, Jas. pilal last week. Mary < for New Li: \\'hL'l`L' : tend high school. N/cc '\ViIn~m T\/1:n'Hn Inf! Mr. and Graccy, Hill and S. E. Campbell attended, Fair Friday. My nnrl Mr:-, \Vm_ Andrew and. end their ` friends in Hillsdale. Bo1`n--In Elmvale, Wednesday, September 12, 1934, to Mr. and M1':~:. Lloyd Wood. a daughter. Mr, nnrl Mrs. Geo. Hudson and Dr. ` Lloyd Wood. daughter. Mr. and Mrs. | and Mrs. J. H. Scott of Ilmnilton spent a few days at Jas. I'IilI'.<:. `Mr-~ e~.n`H 1\/[rm (`nvhr-H T-Tn|'viI-`- n4 lS[)Ulll it ICW u-xvva uv. -Ana. Lllll .1. Mr. zm"d Mrs. Corbett Hnrvie of `Orillia visited recently with the for- mer s brothel`. Dr. D. C. Harvxe. ,... r.m.~.. A1I.\.~...,-.n.4 nCCn\sr1, THl:`l'.\` Lu ULIIUI. ul. 1.1. K. llcll vsc. A numbr:_1` from Allenwond attend- ed the mmnversary servncos of Wye- Vale United church on Sunday. cu ~r,..x...r.. 1xr,_.-.m.'.. A4-z nu, \:uL: uuuuu \.uuA\.|I un L.u.un.u St. John s W0man`s Association en- joyed \Vcdnc-sdny afternnmm at Camp-Bc-I1 cottage. Wasaga Beach. 'r`hn -\nr1i\rn'I:nI`\.' L`n|`\Yil`nC mi 511 L(lH|[J'l)L.'Il LU|.L(Ig,L':. vv uaugu .IJ\.u\.n. The anniversary services: of St. John s United Church will be Octo- ber 14 and Allenwond October 21. 1\:r_. ._._.y Vur.... 1 ,... ur.. ..1 `.\/ll...` in '1`m-onto. Quite a number from town at- tonded the soldiers` momnriznl ser- vice at the suldiex-s` monument, Wav- erley, on Sunday. Gwcldn Lois Vnllick. ttwin) dau,r:h~ tor of M1`. and Mrs. Gordon Vollick of Fins. died on \ Vcdnos(1ay. Sept. 12, aged 3 months. The choir of St. John's United church supplied the music for the morning: service of W.v0\'z1lc anni- l\'m'm'v . nn Sundzw. |mnrnm;z scrvxce 01 wyevale amm- fvorsary Sund:1_v. Among those who attended Om `Fair on Vvodnosdny were Dr. and Hvfrs. D. C. 'Hzu`\'ie. Ann Marie. Mm. ` F`:-ilcle. W. J. Graccy. W. J. Hill. S. E. `C-mnpl)c-ll, .1215. Hill. II. Cnrnnhun wand Dr. .T. H. Scott and Geo. `Hud-l `awn-I ml` T~'lnn1iHnn 1 r`. Hmvnx. Ixcrr 51.. am-ml ::.;m won- ?n(-sday evening. The structure was fa xnass of flames almost as it \`.`n.< first noticed. The firemen poured Called IFICHCIS UCYC UH DUH(lIl_Y. l M1`s. E. Ross of 'I'ox`cnjtn is visiting her daughter, l\/`Irs. W. E. Thun11)s0n.| I Mina um-VI Qmith in r-ninvinrf n IJ\:| 11 uuu run..nnuuu \_I\,|,\II1\.A L41. Mr. and Mrs. Lee \V1`i;,:I`.l and Miss Mamie Grccnlmv spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Neolcy in 'l"nx-nnfn SPRING 16 ---.._ -..- IN THE STORE Farmer Style A Pure Hard Soap SUNLIGHT ` SOAP caaiy; Fresh from the Gardens H111. u`dugnLuI, 1vu.>. vv. L'l. 1lII1lu]1n\In.! Miss Beryl Smith is enjoying :1 few weeks` visit with friends in Tor- on`to. Tvrrq (`L From-h has returned after SALADA Ix'rnwn 1.; Vf`dl'I$ The Soap of Beautiful Women Large, Sweet Ts}%A;L{AZ:':`s' 3 lbs. 25c. DOMINION PEAS ;;;15 1.111`-.':v 1`1<:t=. ns. nn Qnrlrlnv CXYDOE. Blade Rib Roast on'to. Mrs. G. French has returned spending several weeks in Chicago, Illinois. Mrs. Frank Townes and Miss Eu-{ Boneless Pot Roast 3-nu.--.a.~--..-u LAMB English Brawn KC" Label zin dcstm_v- rt\ ml` T\/fl-< AS YOU PURCHASE SOAP u--_- Wesley Neeland of Chatsworth spent a few days with Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Petch. Jnhn Rmiih Mice Sm-nh Smi1h nnd J. A. Fetch. John Smith, Miss Sarah Smith and M1`. and Mrs. W. P. Clute of Elmvale motored to Lindsay last week to spend a few days there. I Anniversarv services were held in Illinois. ' Mrs. Frank Eu-l nice Townes are visiting friends at Merlin. `Mrc 'T`rn:u\' nf Midland sncnt :1 spend few days there. Anniversary the Wyevnle United church with Rev. A. B. Hubly as preacher. There was a large attendance and the Elm- vale United church choir rendered Valuable music. I considerable water on before it was subdued. Plowman Stunned by Lightning` During the heavy electrical storm ivrhich pn:+.<:ecl over this district on Friday afternoon, A}l'rod Hcnly. who lwns plowing on his farm on Cnn. '8, F105, was suxxmccl when the plow was stnlck by liglxtnimz. Young People's Bible Class Organized A Alx.-.1-O lnvnnlw 1-nunrr v\nr\r\11\ nxni -M I Luuug 1 cuyu: 3 unuu: ulna: \;n5uuu.vu About twenty young people met at the United church ])1l'S()llil_L{C on Monday evening and clcctecl their officers 1'01` the Young People's Bible Class, after which an enjoyable so- cial time was enjoyed. The officers are: Presirlent, \V. S. Campbell; Secy.- treasurer. Oscar Gray; bouster, Miss Mabel Terry. I I-`los School I-`air 'l"l1n nnnnnl ruvhnnl l':1iI- Tn!` 171.3: E Poik ' lvumel 1`e1`ry. School The mmunl school fair for Flosl I`:w.'nship was held in the A_m'icul- turn] Park on I-`riday. Soptc-ml):-1' 14,! and was well alt:-ndod in spite of most nnf;1\'or.'1blc \\'0z1l,he1'. The ex- hibils in the building \\'(`I'(? splcndicl. 'l`hc;'e was not as much live stock :1: in f n1*rnnr vnnrq T.i<`. nf `.`H`i'/(`I (mumn. S.Y.l"./\. Offircrs Eloctrd St. John's S.Y.P.A. hnlcl an organ- Iization meeting on Septulnbm` 10 when the fulluwing: officers \vcrL-, olovtod: President. Gmham Christie: \'icc-p1'0. ]VIis'..< Fllil Monigzorn-i nv-v- r-nn\-.u1nvc,_.:~hv-iciinn TrHn\\' 1 \'ICc-pl'O: JVl1:'..< l<.'rlnz1 M0m;:orn- m'x\r': crm\'unm's---christiun fc>Hm\'.s`hip. MISS Florence Mmming; christian missions, V\ . S. Campbell: 1itcm1`_\'. Miss G. Eckcl: citizenslxip, Robert Jones; recreation. Elmer I*`i0;:chen: . Mrs. E. W. Cnmpheliz `h`C`. lSUI'C1`. Miss Vevnnn Usher. The npuning meetim: will he held on i\T 15. Ii(l\\':1rd I\ !'1':<. T\ [irHnnd. .v.:-In. \\"n' vi inn` 51 1h:\ hmnr. nf hrn` may mum Mary the Ixrn-n {:1 F` Lmrn 121 L`i1!":\'.'!'1ullL 1837. and at the age of (':`.m:: \\'x1h her parents Wnverlcjv. where she ]i\'c \\-nu was hrulhex`, p:1:`-S(`(1 e A 11 \' nan Merlin. | Mrs. Truax of Midland spent `_ few days with her sister. Mrs. Frank Townes. Mix: T\/I':n'mm`il(! 'I`c-rrv

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