Tiny Farmer Is Killed when Car Overturns Driver Held Blameless Harry 'I`ruvers.', Barrie auto electric service mun, last Sut- urday afternoon shot and kill- ed :1 black bear on the elev- enth concession of Vez~:prn. a few miles west of Barrie. The hear was ll sprin;.{ cub and weighed about 125 pounds. At the time Mr. 'l`rnvem was out hunting he suddenly Came upon two spring cubs; and the female. which stood about six feet high on its hind legs. For in few moments the female stood still and looked at the hunter. who was about 40 yards uwziy. and then the three bears all turned and started to run. Mr. 'I`ravers decided to shoot only one of the cubs. He is huving its head mounted. Shoots Bear On Con. 11, Vespra Have you read the ad\'m`ti. (Turn to page Iour, please) \,I'U\Vll l\L|UllI|'_Y l'1Villlh IL']ll'LlL` You have l1ouI'rl what all llursu Richard Canning. aged 34, Church- ill garageman. is lying in Royal Vic- toria Hospital. Barrie, with both legs fractured, the right one in three places, as the result of an unfortun- ate accident on Concession 4. Innis- fii Township. a short distance east of Churchill about midnight. Satur- day. (nnnina hurl incl finichn fivinn uay. Canning had just finished fixing it tire for a stranded motnrist. and had his tow truck back to back with the other car on the south side of the road. A car driven by Benja- min Levy, mzed 21, Toronto, was pro- (`C(`fiillJ!, east on the road toward Canning, and the latter, thinking that the I.ev_v car was guing to crash head-un into the front of the tow truvk, jumped into the south ditch. AA :1... ........\ 4:... I .. . . . . a . . . . . . . . ...xl Churchill Man Has Both Legs Fractured `III C- At the sarne time. Levy swerved his car into the south ditch to avoid the truck, and the left front portion of the machine struck Cam1ix1g's legs and carried him a distance of 48 feet. Czmninps was attended by Dr. Dun- can M<'Cullum. Churchill, and Dr. W. A. Lewis, Barrie, and removetl to the hospital here. '1`.--,.m.. nrra,.n.- ur w 'rImmm-..n llU.\ ])llLll llL'lL'. 'l`ruffi(: Officev W. F. Thompson. Barrio, who investigated. stated that nu cllurgez; would be laid. m- nuu iu.u-nipueu [U zii'1'-st. Thv (lee:-1Is(-ti. who was: :1 l'|i`LI('. pmvvrfill mun. ft-H his pi'i(h- injurvri by such a ::im'_v and nskvrl /\(`il in drive him ()\'(`I' to sue Wcmds` Thirz wm: dtmo mid on their I'(`l|ll`ll inur- nvy Mr. AHPIL to avoid strikiiu: :1 pie-('0 of pmtruilingz log on thv Sid!` of tho rund. pulh-d his mi` in tho up- p0.'~'il<- Sidt`. lml lHi.`'jll(HI(`(i lhv (lis- Workzstarts On Dock Foot of Bayeld St. Within in few days of the un- n(JLll1CCII1(`lll by the Forloml Govern- ment of the awmtliiig of the (`on- t,ru(:t, work sl.zII'tv.tl this week on the romovzil of tho old pile and crib- work dock at tls foot, of Bziyfiold street to make way for :1 new stimu- filleit pile dmrk with C0m'ret.(- :;up(-r- strlicturu. The contmctnrs. William Bermingliurn and Son. l(iii1.{.'~`.tmi, must L'nim)lcle the job within three months. null. ..ll Hu. (I'll nilinu o|I\l' lllUlI|.ll5. Przu:ti('nIl_v all the old piling and cribwork have been r(.'inov(~(l, and large stones. which are being obtain- :-(I from the Graham farm north of Cunrllos. are being dumped in serve as an approach. This fill in being ll(lnS])(>l`l(`(i by trucks. I`ht- (fUl1(`I`L`l.(` work will start within :1 salmrt time. J. '1`. Simpson, M.P.. .-,xpr0ss<-rt pleasure that the wharf had been Sl1H`l('(l so soon after the letting of Onunl . II-n n. VVUIK Wlll .\l.illL Wlblllll (I .`\I 1 that the (:un1I`:lCl.. Malcolm anodden Present `Big Bad Wolf f I`ornnlo Mail and Empire) Artistic jests were in order during the last part of the Promenade Sym- phony Concert. in the Varsity arena, lri(lny evening. and Scott Malcolm and Reginald Goddcn gave the first public performance in Toronto of their Bach version of the "Big Bad Wolf." For about half an hour there wns n101'e laughter than has ever been heard, one may suppose, at a symphony orchestra c0ncerl.. Mnl.-nlm zmrl Gnrlrlcvn. lh(- lundinu sympnuny UlL'llU.\u `(I CIJIICUI L. Malcolm and Godden. lczi Czuiadian two-pizmo team. who met with decided success in England this year, were warmly welcomed on this first major public appearance since their l'(`lLll'll. They played in group of Bach (Prelude {rum 1:} major suite for violin alone :n'rzn1;,'crl for two pian0!~:). Rachmaninoff (Waltz fruni :~:L-cniitl suite for two })l.'lll()Sl. and Do Fulla. Ritual Fire Dzmvo. Hun; en:-:u1n Huxir in-zl Zlll L)!` ruuu. nuual rum` lJ(llIkL'. As (`lt(`Ul`(`. they spramz thvir jam!` at the Big Bad Wolf" truntt-d in` itl t.`h-(ft:lS.S`t(`2Il style. That it. shouldl hv ulnuxiltu was cxpnctetl. but that that` pivcu .-4hou1d be $1) lttU:`tt'I_V :u.'- I (`t`})l2It)|I` tn the czuxs: was l'OtltilI`k&!l)l(,`. v The pizmists had played thts clover! affair fur a private club lust. xvintcxxt but the public had nut been utluwctl tn ht-en` it. i Hold InquestZFriday Into Double Fatality by C.N. Train No. 56` I IN L R iddull. Ht.-dgor. W L-athcrw .~....o.` I...` w. FINLAYSON DENIES MAKING $1,000,000 SUM { 1 u(N>(x&`&'4 Mr. McCuughrin told of a su;:;:cs~ ytion that he received from Anuus gCarss, a member of the Conserva- tive party executive in Orillia. that he would do well to resign from the bench. Then on August 11. 1933. Me- Caughrin said. Hon. William Fin- layson told him: I think I can not `iyou $3.000." Turn monk: late-r, Moffaimhrin 'y()u bd.UUU. i Two weeks later. Mccaughrin said. he met Magistrate Gover and Mr. Finlayson in the latter's office `in the Parliament Buildings. Cover "v"s7i{e.'I"r.Icii;y"'c"r l|tll \L'|l llll IJIU I his t-) carry out tl nce is stated. mp D. J. 'I`aylm jor Game and F` for s(>ctinn.x' of th altz Lzrnunds whm` us), Provinviul Pol, fur thv work 1 105:1 nvu-r:4vvr. Dvpu inlon :1 vuIun1:n`_\ uld ! rt-mum-raiiun hut m'(,' not uffvvtu `W 13 in hlui [`hu nffm` Horse Meets Death Struck by Motor Car A horse valued at $100 and own- ed by George Lumsden, Waverley, was killed when struck by a north- bound Car driven by James Good- win, Barrie. on Highway 27. at Waverley about 7.30 p.m., Friday last. A..,.n.~.l:.1.. An 'I`....rr;.. (\H`:...... In I1` IKIHL. According to Traffic Officer W. F. Thompson. Barrie, who investigat- (.(l, the Goodwin car \vas travelling toward Midland and was rounding zi curve when the h0l`S0 w.'1s spied in the middle of the pavement. The driver of the car did everything he could to avoid hitting the animal, but the door handle on the left .\i(i0 of the machine hit the horse, caus- ing its death slmrtly :ifterwm'(l. Nll` Lnlnnzrlnn nrlu it nnnnucu-~u In Protusion of Fine Bloom Greets Flower Lovers J At Horticultural Show HIF, llh lll'illlI >'lll)l`Ll_V 3lll.(`l'WlU'(l. Mr. Lumrzdon finds it nc-<`o:4s:n'y to drive his live.~`.tm'k z1('1`<)s. the high- way from the b:u'n on one side of the road. to the water trough on the other. At the time of the acci- dent. u mare and a colt had gone safely u(:mss, with the dead animal behind. GAMEWMENS ARE DISMISSED BY GOYEENMENT1 Former Minister of Lands` and Forests Testifies at Air inquiry Some May_Be R_e-employed on Provincial Police Force, However ' BARRIE MXETNCLUDED Jzunos F. M(`(h'm{m`, Barrie, assist- ant. supmntcndenl nf District, No. 2 of the [)(!pm'trm~nt of Game and l*`isherio3, is mm of those affectetl by Hm (liwnissnl of 106 members of the outside enforcement. service of the I)(-parlxncnt. Mr. McGr0;( was nppointed an .1 ;,':un(- ()V(,'I'!1'C(`l` by the Drury Gov- crmncnt, ff)LlX`l(!(?ll yours ago. He is 11 returned soldier who was wounded and uassecl uvursens, but he receives no pension. Breurc his appointment lw was in the railway mail :~'.e1'vi(:c for two .y_-nrs. 'r'h.. .-ml...-oi.... an run-L-nnnn1 ...m..h IUI (.\`\/U .YI.'HIS- The 1'cducliuii in pvrsminel. which goes into effect at the end of Aug- ust. is associated with the long- uritirtipzitod trzmsftrr of (-nfm'cemL-nl. {run} the department to the Provin- cial Polico. The resulting saving to the Gnvornnmnt eventually will be l)c-tween $150,000 and $200,000. Some of the discli:|rgr:(l employees may be tnkcn on the Provincial Police Force It ) their pl`t`H(. lIl. duties. it lk cluhul IH.\ .'(1 I ) .`ol[.',H Illill il)f,lt'l'll)l'IIl. UHLII 11 had been submitted to Hon W. H } Price. because he had had some; faith in Mr. Price and didn't think? he would commit himself to any-I thing in the form of an agreemcnti of that nature." Mccaughrin had, I ksinnod his resignation. , T`hnn vnn did int:-nrl In rm:irtn"| L'U[llllIL'lI|l.`U \4UHlllIl.\.`IlUlIL'l I` Iallvl. The ex-magistrate's case was in-i vcstigatcd by a committee of the last Legislature, and the present in- quiry has been termed by Premier Hepburn an investigation of an in- vestigatinn." SIKUUCX H15 1'15.`-l};XlkIllUll. Then you did intend to resign. commented Commissioner Fisher. '1`Inn nv_rv1>.n'1'cO-nOn`c 1-nan Inna in, lL'IllII(I. Police stated no charges would be md. LI lfdll_Y 'I`aylm~_ Deputy Minister of Fisheries. pointed out the 3 mvincinl hlmting whore from eight to trn Pulicc: would kw nvailabiu fur dmw furmorl_v by (me Dvpul_v W:n'(lvns. whnsorvnr on vuIun1:n`_v bnxiz; and re(ruiv(.- nn from Hw Dvpur1.mont aft`:-rtml by the ('lmn;.{(-s. 'I'hi.'~; I)i.~;l.ru`t ..('l'n..O..l l.u II". ULIL LHCH }JlL'hlfllL UULlL'-5. A`. >1-|....... H or" 117 of {hope of~ rwinvc last yum` was in tho ()riIli:1 dis- nu: L... 4....~.I.... ..,..~, RIFT WITH TMAXWELLL U(,'l'. I\.. ll, VVIIIILNP '1`. I,)(-yvll, Wnllza ' Miss: E. W. TZl_\'lI If`! Ill.`1l,I II L by 1110 m`d(:r i ith hl`2l(l(|Il;lH(`l`S : Ir '\'H\\:s-1|-::n\ [H VI'l|.\l1I|. unr- F. Me(;'L-L!- N. 1.. (Inkl- \\!,.;I rm y... I lVIlI\ ` ` l. Hirin- inrls:t>r, . Uull. Gorgeous Display Glads," Seedlings a Feature Dahlias Fine COMPETITION KEEN Good All RISKS Exhibition i Attendance Better l\l\a\ IW . The flower slmw stngerl in tlv` Town Hall on 'l`ues(l.'iy. Aug. 28, was one of the br-st in the hlSl0l`_V of the Bnrriv H0l`Il(`llll1ll`(ll Suviely. Al. the sections were well filled. entries running 11:: high as :1 ilmcei. in somr It has been ;i izmnl . for flora clevr-lupim-nt and the result was seen in the :il)1ind:m<'- and fine qiiaility of the exhibits. Ellll`lt`: totalled 309, \\'hl(`h was :1 little hotter than last y(~;n', lh()llL'h the nuinber of exhib- itors vvas sliulitly I(4.\'.;. l`houi:h verty fall`, the 1itloii(l:iiim~ was still short. of whnt it slmultl liuvn been for such an excellent 0.\`l'll:lllUll. Nu-irly 400 people atlenclecl, ;il`lvi'nrmii and ev- ening and CXl.)l'l`: ul` 'lhnil`.'ll.lOh were heard {ruin all $l("l`S. While the bulk til` the exhibits came fmin Flni'ri<\ igurdens. theru uznvn I1lIlI\flI`l|l]<,' Finn nnh-i'nu Tu-inn ;Vs1Mc0EJcmiNTY CROPS GOOD REPORTS SAY w(:|\' lIIl|||\fl\PHI\ IHI\' I'nLIn':'4 uuul Rev. G. A. ('ru.~u-. IV1xm-.~'.hxz, Mrs, 0. R. Black and Mrs. .1` W. llnuverz Slrmul, M.~:. (Zunphn-ll Reuvcu U" Big Bay Point, Mm. Harold Ritchie and Gordon Wulrliu or Shanty Buy and 'l`h9::. Wt,-stwurth uf lvlidluml. Glaanuli rm; l"<-.aLuru ( }loriuu>; ;,'Ind.~."' wore again the feature. This is not .-mrpri.-;ing in View of the numhm` of prnminent Iocul ;x1'r;wors. ]`hc- lurncst exhibitor in Ihn ul-ulinli --4-.~1\':.nu \I!'|u D T\ IUCHI Rl"lYVUl'H. llll" lill}(U.`3L lfXlll|)H.U| in the uludinli ::('(`.1inns w;m R. D. (,`oull:4.` Mi(ii1l4 `. and he had some exreptirm.-illy inf stn1'l'. Splendid bloom also wn.~`. sot-n in thv \7m`iOll5 st-ctirms from 1..:u`i`y Whitby, Geo. Vi(t|((:l'S, I`). A. William.-;. '1`. Want- wurth und ulhers. In i1u. \lity. the exhibits wv,r(- quilv up to those at the C:inmli:in .-:ha\v in Hamilton last week. I..'irry Whilhy and Gen. Vicl(- Orr: divided In. ":1, hmuu`.-; between them, with vi-rj, 1`Im.- tiisplays. Rev. G. A. Crusv ml l\ Iin-sim!, trmk 1110 prize for b:1:'k<.*1 uf prims. For spoo- mcn xpilw lhl.'i'l) W\}l'l` H vi1t1'i(':n. E. A. Wllliziiiis 1.:1kin;1 first with Pioardy and R. D. (`mills H:vuii(i with Mother Machrce. Tlw cnlur classes (3 of x~:\r.'h) l)l`r1lU.`.)H mil. .1 ::Lip0i`1) lot '11` hlnmn. this hIIIinl'.`i ho;-in;.; rlisxlxilauted nmum: :i(.`Vl:I`:!i of the IL`urlii1;.{ grow- ers. To NW 1'.zins." the scudlimz scc~ tiun was of c-xpucial ii1tei'ue;l.. many new m*igiu.'Iliun:; if much beauty be- ing smnn. (Ben. Vil'k(H`H was first and X `R. I). Coutu: second. A number of` gum! si-erilinu.-;. izmwn by Harry limnu Alliulnn iuzhm (if the slhnw. With n x hand "mmlv nu nu! I.n...I I'\. \.I lI.`|\' |lI bn:'kct :1 A.WlHinms1,:1kin; H (: m hlmnn. lnumr, 11` T I ` One of Most Fortunate In Central and Western Ontario (J()(l Sl`('.fllll1u.`;. ;1I`l)V\'n Hy nul'r_y .l AHi.'~;lull, judgu of the ihow, were on vx|n'|>ihm. Next in ulzndiulx, dnlwlm.-1 were thu mu:;1 prrnnim-nt l'-u1u1'c- uf the show. Ovidr,-n(`in;: Hw grnx-.'lh in public fav- nr whivh llwtm rlnwvrs; have made in l'et_'1.'||t. y.-:u'2~:. Thu; _v:2;lr's dis- play was lhv ba.-.~;l mu.-r seen here. Suvu-ml he-uul:l`z:| h.1:;kel:a of duh- lms were: xhnwn, lhu |)l'i7.(_`H going I-) (1 W. Il.'wvx`rx'u`. t and Miss M. E. ,. , ... .... A .- ..:, 8100 ii {HIT ('l">D. 5 The pasture Crop was t_ hardest- - hit this year. It was burh (1 out it tithe dry munthr. surly in the season j!and never .ar:ovc.-rml. The result}: {that milk prmluction has been quxto " I heavily reduced. and also that beat lcrzttlc are not in as good condition - i as hoped for. lick rnazu-(I 9n Hun zmnln nrnn fall H-.. ... ,,,....... . must T031! grnwl Hm- '1 Sc.-vr-rnl I` I (1. II;Iw:x`rm`.'1 Czunplu-H. A 11-mu ..,n /I\.. \'| \V. VV. ll(I\":1IIIII\ nun: Ivnnau Au. :4. ;'_n|`}'_ulHl.'. (`l`ll1l3()l'l gi- ant (/\u:;lrnh:n uruwn by (3. W. Hav- /'l`urn. to 12mm /(mr, please) HAY WAS '11.`; |"|()])(.`l1 l'H'. E with regnfd tn the apple crop. tall apples are slated to be below tho }a\.'c:*a;:c. and the winter crop, in many cases, will be a complete fall- nrra " \.\.ann\I\-nl\4\/ vs.- 309 Entries VERY lulu Ilhllll` H I uwnvd lumln-r plum` sfm`k.< v luysull. fornuw fnI't'sl.\' m thu` .\-I 'I`nu..l~... .~l. No. 35 "Ullflllul -- Hm! whnlu - .1 small mu"- ror1u:"rc,- this A'.'nord!ng~ nv nun-at 1;! GOOD l'l| llll'.\\I` \\'Ul k|ll_L: , lwfuru H hold by I` Mr. Fm ..l.'...... ..I' iu _\ . nu.-1. minislvr, lcuvv. 'l`|\.- I`..- `He believed that any restriction lruvv. `_. 'l'mu'sday-~ Barrio: F`rid:i_v~~ The fnmwr minister strongly ux`,t`.- j .-\|li.~`1nn; Suturda,v-Barrie (if ncccs- ed C_Ullllnl.\`.\`i0llv.`l' Lung ug:1ins1 muk- _\-;u~_\-). ill ll? 1"~`D0l" \\'hil`h '0U1d hi|\"`: I\Iu_-.'i.~`lmtc Biok, C`anninL!ton_ will the effect of cutting duwn lhl` 1`t`sit in four courts as follows: Orillia. protection service in New Ontario. | 1m. or ml-cc d;;_vs per week, one of . ]them being Wednesday: Braccbrid;z(-, would be 8 <`I\1i\ml1.\'- H0 fl!-!1`t``d-Iltixitsville. and Bula (summer onlyl. with the commissionel` that tile lllllll-`T113 days of the eo1.; on which he ber Of Til"-` l0\\"-31'-*` might b9 1W-`-11'?`-*" ' sits will be a1'1'anged by Magistrate (Turn to page four, plmscl lBick. Magistrate Jeffs stated that THE + BARRIE + EXAMINER (Eimvale Correspondence) James Tripp, aged 52, who resides on lot 27, Con. 1. Tiny 'I`nwnship. was instantly killed early Sunday morning by being thrown through the root of :1 car, driven by his nephew, Harold Allen, a war vet- , erun, who resides at Wnsaua Beach. 'Fhn 1-nr I-nllnrl nunr unrl ninnnrl 70th Year. N0 Blumo on Driver I. H \\.I.\ Ilul , had granted Iv`m'tunatcl_v no one was injured in a three-cnr motor collision on High- way ll, ten miles south of Barrie. about 5 p.m.. on Saturday. Ar-I-nrtlinrl in l`y-nffir (]f'l'inny- W W i1UlHll.i) ]).HI., UH nilLUl'UE1_Y. According to Traffic Officer W. F. 'I'humpsrm. Barrie, who investigated. a motor car driven by Harry Taylnr, T`orrmto. was travelling south near the I{in[.z.-:rm)unt Service Station, when the loft rr-:u` tire blew out. The n1:u:hino swerved sharply to the right to the shoulder of the high- way and then hack to the left ncrn:=.s the pavement in front of a north- bound car driven by Harvey K. La- far, Toronto. Lnfnr turned west to thv c-onlrc tn avoid :1 head-on col- lision with 'I`nylm'_ and in so doing cmshurl head-on into :1 southbound rnr driven by Ralph Maybee. Camp Bnrdt-n. nu- ,. n L. Y nfnu an ! Inn... No One Is Injured In Three-Car Crash lives nf the Pv:u'(- for thu County of |Simc(m. who have been retired, and whn munlwr 11:0, is as follows: (In zulclil.i the Mayor of ouch town. and the R('('V(? of each village and U-wnship is, (ex ulTi(-in, :1 Justice of the l (-.'u-0 and is not u!Tc(:tod by the 1'cnr;.:nni7.atinm. Anrh-nu: '1" Arnnlrl AHIYIIQ` Jnhn A (`()n1[)](,`l(' list of the former Jus-I I I)lPl(H'|l. I 'l`hr.- r-nrs driven hy Lafnr and May- hr~(- W('I`(` rlmnzuzorl, but. that driven by 'l`:nylnr, :: hcnvy :~:erl:m, was not l.nu('hr~ althmlgh it travelled 256 fret from the time the tire blew out until the time it was bI`()uL'hl. to a stop. N0 (`l lEIl')2{0S will be laid. |J.P:RTREn NUMBER130 SIMCOE coum 'I'UlH`).{ilHlZElllUHl. Androw T. Arnold. Angus`; John A. Adams, RIL, Elmvznlc. Di:-k:..,l llnll 1Hnni-.- ("Inn Tlnu, crun, VVHU l'L'5lUL'5 ill. VVilN'(I].', l`)l!&lL'|l. The car mllcd over and pinned. the body nf the deceased In the ground. His back was bmkc.-n, his skull fractured and both his ill`lnS broken. 'f`kn nnnirlnnl Inn! nlnnn civ rnnul l\. l`\ll?HIlS, ll.l\.., l';llIl\ illL'. Ri('hzu`d Bell, Utopia: Goo. Bay- (-mft. Bet-tun; Thus. F. Burrows, Slzlynorg Nclsnn Bull, Orillia; Lewis Burncllt`. I..afnnl.ainc; .1. S. Brunton, Allznntlalvz Arthur A. Bell. lot 24, Om; Joseph B<-zmp*'c. Lafontainc; J Humid Bell, Utopia; E. J. Byrne, fm'mvr1_v of Barriv. now of '1`m'onl0; Juhn R. Boyd, Orilliu. | I\ n1 7: r<..n....__ t~.).._....I._. 1'1 1'.'Il Long List Will Be Replac~ ed by Smaller Number `DUTIES T-` LARGER 1'). W. E. Culhum, Edmvnlc; H. (`..'u'nnlmn. Elmvalo: J. Cavltnn, Bec- lun; .Iz|::. Cu. Cmi;:lu`rs(.; Mar- mznduku (`u:\'Lun_ Cruigl1urst' D. Hen- ry (`.nlom:m, Barrio; Goo. Qulham. St:n,vm-r; Wm. Cmnpboll. Gloncnirn; A. 15. Cuuits. Harrie; Goo. E. Cope- land. P.M.. l (~m-lung; Frank Cook. l`.M.. Midland; Thns. Cartmill, Fos- awrtun; .Ius. A. C.`.uhiH._ R.R., Stay- nvr: W. H. (`lutt-_ Wyowalv; J. R. H. Cnwtlvn. V1\S('_V; Cliurd Cuwan, 'l`nt,lunh:un. : l`nun In nnnn Innr nlnncnl llllyllfllllillll. r l`1n'n to page 1 lzmrv to lhv ditvh. ` up an llw mad it is! (`Ion-:I.~:1-(I haul pulled br:1lu~ which vaulsvtl svi7.:- and the our to nrcmnd and make 1 x'v\'ulutinn:< tmvzu'ds is lhnllght that the < I-u-:u:1-(I the (`l1'1(`l`l`Hl`_V v:m. tho wheels in turn (`tmmloivlv _: um` and :1 half the fcnvv. 1 Both m`vup:u1l.\' of the cur we're lhrnwn through lhv runf. Mr. Allen i I l I When hv swumzi Iluzhlimz over the fvnco and Mr.. "Fripp rv<'vi\`ing nmrv sorimls in- l_i1Ix`h~.< and thv our falling upon him. Mr. Allmx. on cmning tn, culled a m~i;,:hlmr In his &lS.'~'i.\`I(|l1L`l`. 3 1 . E.~'|.u'r l\l.\(`lllNI-IS .\"l`0l.I-ZN A1` ] 1 `[ \\'.'\.\'.~\(i:\ IH'I;\(`ll IN G:\l.I 1 ! Twu slut m;u`him~s wore stolvn at i\\':ns:u:u Be-uclm on the ni1..'h( of Aug. Eli`. nnd an amount of almost $40, `tukvn Al l`)lwrh:u`dl`s thv |nzu`lm1oi :`\\':n-` lwlivn-d lo huvv (`0ll((Iil\`d $30.5 :1! \\4l.\ fmuul later lyixu: sxnu: (mi u` buzwh. alum: with :1 similar: `nun-hinn I`:-nun "l`nn" [Lu-inc fl`n|l\\` IVITcTiEi.~T`Viv'_c->1_te %Jeff-s Here Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; `\\|'\'\l. |Ul`.\U\I_\' lIlUl'l||llR` K3r1\(`|IOI'G: l`\1v. ufu-moans -~ Barrie: Wod- nesday -- Midland and Penetnng,ui- _shcnc: 'I`hux'sda_v---Barrie: F`ridny- }Allistnn; i:nr\-\ Drmwn. 1 The uccidcnt took place six miles northwest of Elmvale. Ball 3 I `sit Itwo Ithem `}{LlllL\`\'lllL`. The week `aim I kn nu-u-sunny} kn 'I\x1';nDv-010.5 x dolimllod with the, `HIUII (`UHlH\`llt {YOU}! \I- n-I-|cuul`u`.\A. l|l.|ll l`IllllHlk`ll ' cla. - /our, 7)lm.sv) An accident on a hill on Highway 11, about ten miles south of Barrie, about 9 a.m., Saturday, in which several passengers in two cars were taken to Royal Victoria Hospital, ' Barrie, for treatment. had a sequel in court here Monday morning be- fore Magistrate Jeffs when Patrick .B0yle, aged 50. Toronto, pleaded guilty lo :1 charge of reckless driving and was fined $15 and costs, in all $19.25. W`:-n `Tin IWTFI:-nu `KY 12` '1`l ........ u Reckless Driver Pays Fine After Accident; Several Slightly Hurt Traffic Officer W. F. Thompson. Barrie. testified that the accused had been driving a sedan north. passing the line of northbound traffic. lle said he had been over the read only once before. and was attempting to keep another car in view. The car was met by a southbound truck driv- en by Jack Constable, Lefmy. which was loaded with stone, and when the sedan struck the truck it was whirl- ed around facing south on the east side of the highway. A northbound car, driven by Ross J. Bain, Toronto, collided with it head-on. The z1c- cused's ear showed skid mzn'l for 63 feet before hitting the truck, which was shoved over eight feet by the impact. 'l`hn nffir-nr ncltnrl flil` 51-: lnninnt IIIl[)}l(.'L The officer asked for as lenient fine as possible in view of the fact that Boyle had no insurance on his ear and the property dan1a1.:e to his own and the other cars: was great. Magistrate Jeffs, in reply. stated that the amount of damage done in ac- cidents such as this, did not meas- ure the degree of re<'kIessness. it shnuld be c1e:u'ly understood. Tn H10 nnnirlnni 1\/[re Annin R:\v1n hllllulil UL! ('ll`i|l'LY llll(.ll`l'h'lUUU. In the artoirlent, Mrs. Annie Boyle had her chest and right hand out. Miss Mary Boyle suffered from shock. Mrs. Mabel Bnin, who was in the roar scat. of the Rain om`, wns lhrnwn n`nu;,'h the \vinrl:~;hivld. ro- (-r`ivin;.: .s(`vurn head Cuts, and Vvrn Brain. zmnri four. had :1 cut on the chock. They left UH` ho: after treatment. A vnrinty of improvements is now being made in N10 fzlcilitivs of Auri- Cll".Lll`l|' Park in preparation for Enr- rio's Bin Fair on S('ptoml)or 17-20. and also the opening of school on `Tuesday noxt. A nnlnr nf vnnn in Inn-u nu-n:-Hun Han nun ullvvx.-1|. \ll ;.lII|IvuI\.. Mr. Allen was taking his uncle to his home on the town line be- tween Flos und Tiny. when the ear got out of control. The machine went first into one ditch and then across the road to the other r|ii,('h und swerved completely around and rolled over, landing on its side he- aide :1 rail fence. The am-irlr-nt was investigated by Provineizil Con- stable R. G. Bentty, Midlaml. T3:-I-nncnrl nine in hie fh-rl Vl|.'Il' znnrl Agricultural Park Is Being Improved llll.'hllily lH')\l. A gang of men is busy oroctingz the new chain link wire foncv on the nezust and north sides of the park. and when this job is completed 1: de('id(`d improvement will have been hrnugltt. ` about. In the vicinity of Prinve of Wales School, overhanging limbs of .1 number of trees had to be lnpped off. Inn nun! 4.... Klll. Men and trucks are now complet- ing the {ill on the Elizabeth street side of the Park. to widen the new section of the race track north of the new Main Building. | (`nn urnrk hzm dill In ho llllL' ll\'\\ JVIIIIII XJUIIUIHE. Considm'al)lc work has still to he done before September 17, including the levelling of the area nnrth and west of the cattle burn. the improv- ing of the race track right around the oval. and the repair of various l'vn(`cs. Fined F or Trespass On Gunn St. Garden M Charged with potty trespass on the garden pr<>pvrl_v on (iunn Street n\\'n('d by Joseph Grahzun, 73 Pon- -(-tzim: street, Jack Arthur. nuod 23, Barrio. was finvd $2 and costs. in all $4.50. by Mimistrate (,'UIH[)i()H .lcI'fs. l\/Iniidiiy innrning. A SiXiCt`ll-_\r'(`ill`-()i(i i(`(\H1| )illli(>l| was remanded for sun- `i('l1(,'(.` on the sainc charge. Rviz. F. Smith testified that ho was Siiltldllul in Major Knowles` 1.ZEtl`dL`H hotwocn 9 and 10 pm. on August 2.., when he sziw the two accused in the '(:ruh:nn izurclcn. They said they i\\'cr(`ii't nvttnu: any mrn_ ::t:itnu.: thvy had tints :it home. In their nwn It-t'vii<'v. thv 2l('l`USL`fi said thvy were nul inside the` (irziham fcnci`. and wvrv just walking atom: Gunn street. .'\skvd if hv usually (`urriud field };:lnssvs at night. Arthur said that ho utton took them with him. -`\(ilH! (`lnof nl' I nIii`i` .Jzinn's (`also ,_i`midiu'Icd thv pi` and the `.'l(`I`Il\'l`l! \`i|IllIIV nu-n \\'1\l'n nut I-.-urn. Run. i lwtwocn 9 5 iruhzun ............'o Fall F;?i)_a1E In Simcoe County` \ u\u\.\l\n\ F.lm\ ul0 [Midland f\.-.. ~-`"'` 1 Running northward with a load of] xvockcnd supplies, Preston's supply] boat of Midland. came to grief as; it was approaching Minnicog re- cently. Flames enveloped the boat following an explosion in the light- ing plant. She wz at once headed towards the beach. when the flash of flame forced the crew of three to` jump overboard. They all reached shore safely. LILEIIJIU I\. kl. JJL'il|.|._Y, lVlIUIilllll. Dccenscrl was in his 531-cl your and leaves his wife, three bl`()Hl(.'l`S and two :~:lst.oI's. An innunni nu-u nnnpl..nl..;l Iu. f`...- 1'\.\l\l'Il ll l|l' ll.` 1,:la.~"sv.< at 4 ' ul l`0ndll(`lL`(`l pl nu ul I`-\III\l' I\\ |||l'\ K II?\'.' ml l'('pl`l`- Coroner ls Dissatisfied With Alexander Verdict Dissatisfaction was strongly ex- pressed by Cnroner Dr. W. E. Brown. at the inquest Monday into the death of Max Alexander, 21, Toronto and Barrie. when the jury returned a verdict that they were unable. from the evidence before them, to deter- mine the driver of the truck in which Alexander was riding at the time the vehicle left the road, on the Ferguson Highway. near Gibraltar Rock, south of Gravenhurst, crashed through the cement embankment and hurtled down the steep ruvine below. T\.~ D ....... n .-..l.1. Y I..|.l 61...... Y Dr. Brown said: "I told them I was dissatisfied all right, and so I was, because there is no doubt in my mind who was driving that truck. I told them that another jury would find a different verdict, and so they would." 'I`kn n -var` A-..u..| (I tlrivs` nun: \\'Ulll(l. The accident occurred August 9. Alexander and one cmnpnnitm. Cionrlze Milne, 23, Toronto. were the uccupzmts. They were on the way from 'l`nrm1to to Szmlt Ste. Mnriv.-. After crn.v.l)inu thmugln the coment wall. ac(t0rdin;.{ tn the evidence ui Provincial C(msl,ulJl(' llcrhert All- en... 4.-...`1, ..n........,a ,:....m H\n l'l'()VlI1(.`lZIl L,(ll1Sl,1llJl(` lH,'l`l)l,'lL l\lI- supp, the truck plunged down the rocky slope. landing upside dnwn at the bottom, pinning both men be- neath i1. `nllilnn hilt` Alnu-uuhxr uynvn inn- l|L'ilL[l ll. Milne and Alexander were im- prisunod by the wreckage in such :1 manner they could not be removed until a gang of men, using croxvlmrs. 1iLANn cm GOES AGROUND ALL_R_ESCUED I.ift\br):1ls were manned and 150 anxious pnssc|11,;ox's, many of them women and children, were speedily put aslmrc four miles from Midland early Sunday evening when the ex- Curxion steamer, "Midland City." went hard aground on a shoal. 'T`Iu-iv Onnlh r`h:|Hl\l`ilH1 nflnr :1 lnnrz I-WU .`iISl.Ul'S. An inquest was ('on by Cm`- onor Dr. Duntrzm Cnrcnrnn. Elmvnlt-, in the T'zn'ish Hall. F.lmvnl(s. 'I`u(.-s- day morning. R1,. 'nI........ -... T`\. went hard aground on a snuzu. Their teeth chattering after :1 long cold wait on the beach. the return- ing vaezitioni.-.415 who had been 11- bnnrd the boat sezittered to their homes, while the vessel remained fast in the sandy bottom of Georg- inn Buy. its stern siibmemerl and its how well above water. One pro- peller was reported to have been lost. A.-.n.... um. n...-.~:n nnnnln nn Passengers Numbering 150 Speedily Put Ashore in Lifeboals LOCAL PEOPLE SAVED I lust. Among the Barrie people on board the vessel were: Misses Lor- raine Keeteh. Mzu'gm'et and Made- line Osborne. Norman Osborne, and a friend. William McIntosh. 'I`ornn- In: Misses Maudie McDou;.:nll and Ilene Smith. and Herb Gibson and Alvin Mitchell. \lI..0.u- 1 nunln T nu! !\IVlll lVlllL'HL'l|. Watt-r Levels Low Water levels: so low that f0rmm' hurt.-: are all but useless were hlmnccl for the grounding of the Midland City" as it returned from Co Home Bay. The bout, :1 stcnnmr large enough to carry 450 |).'ISS(`l1).!(`l`. was only 300 yards from the slmru when it run zuzruuml. H in nuznnd iuwl nnl-rnll-rl hv ('.'|nI lI|l' .\HUll! Wlllfll It lxlll NH] Uklllkl. It is owned and ()p(`l`ZllC(l by Capt. N. K. VV:u.,'g,'. Midland. ,Y.'u'!( W]- tlzxnnn hull nnt-I*:Ihn' IV. I\. VVi|)..',I.:. lVll(llillll.l. Jack Elsnn. dmwe hall uporzltor at 'I`ripl(: Bay. saw the pussmmgt-rs lwing: lukvn {rum tho bout while its whistlo shrickud distress signals. El- reun telephoned Midland police and the owners of the bum. tho (`morg- iun Bay Tuuvist and Navigation (`nmnnnv Itlll nay llllll lbh i|l|Ll lV(I\'lh'iILUJlI (`nmp:my. Owners of lznmchos in Midland h:u'l)m' joined vunmzlny officials in trzm. 1hL- pn.-4sm1;:m`s from the bonvh wherv lhoy had l)(-(`n put uslmrv to the Midland ducks`. 'l'h(- lnxnsws on whivh tho pzussmmvru worv going: hmnu were held until the last of thvm had hm-n brmxpzht in Midland. Many of the roscm-ti pzlssmmvrs xverv from Turuntu, it was stutml, I\oV`i 111.. . ;.;I I rum made 1 nr lwu (`rod 1 unl.\z-I m` pussengvr.~', it w;1.~: said. both- to put on lifcbelts. A cold wind was blowing: and when the p.'1ssvI1gox`s got ;1shm'c, some started lnmfirus for warmth. Snmv of them had to wait mnru than twn hours before they were removed. Tho lust of them were brought tn Midland at 930 u'('lm'k. standard timv. three hours after the bout went agmxmd A woman was sand to have suffer- vd u broken arm during the hasty dismnbarkuliml. but the rcpuxt (`Uuld not be (`unfirnwrl llK`l\IL |v.`uu_y nuu InIllll('lll'(l. Klllly UHU Sheriff s Dismissal Is; :`Under Conside:ation E James Tripp, Aged 52, In- stantly Killed North- west of Elmvale NO BLAMEBN DRIVER Auto, Driv-e-n`-bi: H. Allen Getting Out of Control Lands in Ditch (Toronto Telegram) Attorney General Roebuck could not confirm the Barrie report that Sheriff W. M. Dinwoody had been notified to resign. August 3). The nanlhtr u-nv: dill um-lm~ nr\v\_ uuuHt:u Lu resign. nunusl l The matter was still I lsideration. as well as change in the sheriffs the province. nu Fl.` ul\l'l|l'll pullu nllllllllg Illl` Hil- :4vm.:vrs when tho bout we-m :| ;:.rnun(l. 1.if(-lmnts wvro quit-tly ready and l;mn('h-(1. Only nnv Ill` 1\vn n:l< it uxnc u-Air! lunch, I lUllUl I5 "Midland ( A p.'n'ty Hun Kvnnn . It (I UIUKU isvmbarku uuld b BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, AUGUST '30, 1934 Blillllll. ()ITi(`ors VVt-1'0 Cool .- cool ('m1du('t of H10 5}: -n-nu-0...! nv.n&.- ........... I `bl. OI. under con- : a general throughout Ul - ship's (If- n1 Hun n:z The finding of the Comm-I"s jury was us follows: We, 1.ht- C`m`m)(`I"s jury. flnd that Jmnos Tripp (-mm` tn his death on tho morning, 1:!` /\llL{- ust. 20, I934. lhrnuuh injuries sus- tuinvcl when thrown out and pinm-(1 underneath 1: car driven hv H:n'ul(l| Allen, un Hm town line of Flux and Tiny. W0 nd that (loath was cans;-cl by summation (luv to the weight of the cur upnn the body nnd uH:u'h nu blame to the driver of the cur." nu, ,,-. uimr L`(]lllpl`llL'lll. Constable Allsopp swore that Milne and not Alexander. was beneath the steering wheel of the ear. Fred Nicholson nf Huntsville and his pas- senger, Juhn Cooper of Huntsville. who happened along in a few min- utes, before anyone else l`CZlt'll(`(l the scene, were also certain Milne was bcneath the wheel, and that lmth he and Alexantler were wedtzed in tightly. (Emu-un l`u-ihluln n Huirrl lrlu-I1 rlriv- had moved it after an hour s work. Constable Allsopp added that the car itself was so wedged among the boulders that two wreckers worked for nine hours before they got it back un'the road above. using all their equipment. ("nnl:u|\ln Allunnn L`\IIlII`fI1'\!`l` Nlilnn Ulllly. George Tribble. :1 third truck driv- er, who arrived shortly after Nich- olson, (`unfirmed that Milne was the man beneath the wheel. Denies I)rivin;.{ '['rur'k I was not driving the truck at all. I \'- lS just :1 p:ls5:mu.:0I`." sznid Milne when questioned by Crown Atturmey F. G. Evzms. I do nol. rt-Int,-1nl)m` zlnytlling lhnl happened after we left Barrie. We szttnppml Hmro to have :1 man see to the brulucs. There were no brakes on that truck. The l)r;Ikes were nu good at all." ur\ ,, ,, , 1 _. ..... .. up.` I|\r h.,.,.. u. .. Du yuu nwzm In my yml mmnnt toll whether you \vm'v driving or 1mt'."' Crown Atlnrm-_v Evans rcp(`ul- mu uv.... um...-,1 u.I..,.4 I Hxncn Man Severcgly Izrljured Has Many Fractures Drawn Into Chopper With S('V(`I`C injuries sustained when he was drawn into the belt of a chopper on the farm of his fnlhcr. Walter Stur}.:c5s, Iimisfil township, Gordon Sturguss. aged nineteen. R. R. No. 1, 'I`hm'ntun. is lying in Royal Victoria Hospital. Barrie. under the care of Dr. W. A. Lewis. Barrio. "Plan ununu -nun Iuvuu hvnnuhi in CHIC U]. 111. VV. [\. LlL'\'V|.\. IDKIIIIU. The young man was brought to I the hospital lmrc on Fritlay after- noon lust. and will likely remain there for n (`om period of time. so svvurc are his iniurios. lliz: right tliigli was broken midway ho- lwcen UH? juinls, his left kn(-1: was (here was (mo fr.'i<'lur,- just b(.'l(lw llu: km-(-. zumllurr double one of both l)nn('x. lyotxvvmi the knvc and tho zmklo. nnrl zmullwr :1! the ankle, in addition to lu-ml and arm 1. n u L71 |l|.\L'.\. Sturgoss was hv1pinx.: zmumrl the :hopp(_'r at tho time, when he ht-- (`nmo invnlvu-rl in the hell. His hm- thvr. who was upm'2:lin;: thv much- inv. turn(`(l off the power as quick- l_v as pussihlv, hut by that tinw, the young man had l'('C(`i\'t`([ tcrriblv mjuI'ics. Collingwo; Lawyer ls Returning Officer |)L'l. I\KIHll.\5|UlI {.~I\'. LVU l||lIK'I lllkll Lil . Friday. Aiiuiist 31, all round dune- ing at C`ooks!o\\'n. Admission 10 cents. Friday, September 7` barn, dance. squares and rounds. `.25 cents` at the door pays for all night`s dancing. 35b Dance. Carter presents Nip Thom- son and the Head `em Cowboys` or-` chestra._ Loud speaker. caller. lucky ticket. Sept. 7. Admission 50 cents couple. Ladies provide or pay 25 cents. Ivy Orange Hall. 35-36pb u. .... nu. mm... nu uu. \.II| Tlu` L-vi(l(-n(-0 br out by the vnrlous WllH(.'h'S(}S imlicmcd thnl Harold Allen, with Johnathan '.I`rim) and Vincent Dale. went. on Satur- dny ovcnlnyx l.n visil. .lmn(-:4 'J`rim) on the town limx Mr. All(-n hnd cxpe('l.m'l In no lmmu in 'l`m'unln and wishc(l to bid his uncle lzuod-b_vc. Wl1ilo"tho1`(r stmw beer` was prndlu-- ml and drunk by all prost-nl. bul, the cvldcnco showed no nnv In he in- toxicated. Mr. Allen hnrl mvntinm-rl to his unclo n slm'y thnl had b<-on tnld tn him by Bert. Wands llml whilv hv, Mr. Tripp, was on lhv Midlnntl pulicv fm`('t- ho had lwvn thrnwn off his foul by an man whom lw hurl nttmnpu-(l to zu'rv.~;L 'l`lw rlm-nnunrl ml... um.