Cities Se1`\'i('e Oil Company has given to Allandale junior lacrosse team :1 now set of green and black i.<\\'o.'1tor.~: \\'hi(.'h look quite attrac- .ti\'o. 1m: W1Ul1i!'Cii| D111!` 5 Dyment \v:1.< mltpnintcd two 1'nund.~: of his Bri` Games trials` bout by Ibornc. 1\Irmh`eul light 11 ihut Dymcnt came back ` ,raH_\' and won the thir Xvnnnrl H,'I..\.. H... ..:I..,.,. Lgunlu W Tuesday \-..:.s nu` nrsx your the h'rml1_v. as last _v and `two _\-cars ago the (up donated 1 l'C(`\'(.` of Om when Fru-nun] M` Ill`)`7 |L`L'\(.' Ul L111) V. formed in 1932. .1. .1. -.. Lilli nu nun.-u_v nay: By rI0t'outing Argyle in the nals, Sh:1nt_\' Bay lzlst. week won the H. J. (`1'n\\'fnrrl Cup, emblematic of Oro Softball IA`(}}.{Ll(! <*h;1mpim1ship. This \':.'1s tho tirst your Shanty Bay won us _\'0m' Hawkestone `um Ar;{_\'le captured by the popular when the league was 1 -u 1` (`rawford (`up to Slmnty Bay-- Dx. r`/x": A......1._ :_, u, 1-, .\'(`\'.`lH1lI`k.(`l-R0.\ _\ z\(`(`S St-rics--- rn - . . n (mu 1'L`l1L`1:lng H1 U10 last two games. Archie Tlmmpsnn was :m':Lv _\'este1'- day and will also be u\\'ay next week :23 he is in Owen Sound with the wI:lim';: :11 (rump. I7.-m - hue I\n\I- ]:\L~I u...,.,. --y-w vvuullunllsljj Pm)u'.z1n_s{ ball team. Barrie's great- cst 1`i\';11.<. play thcir last league ;:'.n*.e in B:n`1'ic next VVedncsd:1_\'. The locals are ml :1 winning streak of [three .zzz1m.-.<. c|im.'1.\'od yesterday by In \'icto1`_\' right in Ponctnng. The in- (rlusiun of new _vnun_{1 players seems | In have put I`eno\\'c(I pop in the team and 2' 1'. nuw tlwv :n'a\ nlm-inn m~mn althou hand takes; : n.- (`u l m1el;1n,-:' Herc Wednz-.~:da,v- 11 31. .`?'.'V zhnuld . Micllnn will. F41... 11': xx.-1:11 2':1i;{ht _z .,.4 11 got \\'( ux. uuuuuug LIIU lilllli \.'\'aHl 10 S08 1mj.{ Ivan G!`21L`C_\ . who held P en- zmg to three hits. in action and he il! likeiy be used next Vvednesdzxv. though Herb. Jonnin;.z.< will be on md in (`use Pex1ctz1m: suddenly kcs ax lil;in:: to G1'ucey's slow curv- , (`.:'nCo}' I1;-2:4 d':!'en1ed both Orillin 1 I":-n('1.'1m.: in the last two 0.. hin Thnnx-mun "um nu... . Hi If? the un l\ II_\' and Knock have dropped of H10 Innisfil Softball League. in: I.mrn_\'. Churchill and mi In battle for the champion- (l\L' [Jul l'L`I1L`\\`C(1 1'i;:h'. nnw they 1 . N:l1lll'i1H)' the nut Ir-mu nu--\nn:v I \5. ten lH|.l If hulk ; thv H1 |'1llH th Ne\\'m xtluvl AJAIIIYII llilh }.`,UHC (U and czzleher Clarence to there is only left southpaw- Iube Corbett on the team. the battle between Alf. 1. I\I:mricc Park and Elton in the annual across-thc~ 1 next week. These Barrie 5 are very evenly xnatvhcd I")r\n chnnl.-I |\4:\ r\]:'\n*n -\O ck,` 3 Smith. Collingwood hLn`Ier. has 91 strikeouts ntre Grey Baseball League his credit sn far. He shapes Innthnr nitnhinxr cnnc-ninn . \.uHx[J. if has now lost three :nnv.<. '[`ho_\' are beginning tried. 2lfI(`1` winning their n. and next Wednesday - :1 _-.:rou1 gznno here. is le::rlin;; the lemzlle and I: pil<:hin;: um.-at ball. that m one to I):-:11 now. 'I`he_v n'de::1 hitting team in the with zzoud snpprn't Herb. )(~lie\`es he can beat them. in Barrie again on Aug. 3. 1: :1: :1: ' \L'I_\ L'VL'l|l)' llli|ll'HL'(1 should be close at the bo next Monday oven- ing at 5 o'clock sharp St. dock. Cull 5|! lull. l`lL' b[li1pL'b or pitching sensation class. as he is only nlcur Sufihnll Associ- `HHS 1'c(-enuy unn0Lmc- U1C`H. is :1 Barrie en- L`I'lh(`(li{)le B series. It In or local s(:ftl)z1Il of- : the .<:tmngo. team Ar An..._ 4|. .... It Newmarket three 1- 5.Z;1I11es in the regu- I lost two straigzht to rs in the group soft- `rchill {ems attribute as the main reason lvfuat in the finals. nith. I` hue (H ch-ilrnnnic 1. on ]\Ionduy. the mrkct will he on ( .\`)'mlml ul` >'c`l'\'i\`I` :11 pt]: In U10 team ' are 1)lnying great l':m:: want to .- ...I... I...I.| rut... Cnrbetts piny- `U'l`iL` Hornets at mall season. Now My has gone to no (`la .... lit\ 0.` .u..y. nun. Barrio loads Allandale by 20 points ` in the Harry Twiss trophy play. In the second of the Thursday mght matches. at Allandale last week Barrie rinks won two out of three. The Barrie skips were A. Sinclair, D. F. Mccuaig and Harry Arm- strong. The Allandale skips were A. Hook. S. Mccausland and A. Clit- ton. Three more games will be play- ed tonight at Barrie. Barrie girls` softball team plays a league match in Orillia tomorrow night. . . u. ..-u ..u-uguu Alnnlutlu. Winners at Allandale Mnnda_v night were: F. Bowen. F. Davies. A. Hook. C. Webb. skip, Ist: H. Twiss. S. B. Hinds. H. Hook. S. Gzlrsidv. skip, 2nd. Y)......:.. IA.._I.. An____1_u, L,, nn _,:_. On account of the Allandale . Scotch doubles tomorrow the regu- lar F`1`ida_v mixed doubles at Barrie will be held tonight instead. u7.'.......... ox` AII-.._)_u_ -r___.y_._ ` I The Examiner gives the greatest newspaper value in Slmcoe County. Next Wednesday at Barrie will be held the first big mixed tournament fur the Stephens trophy. \ n...___:.. `LA`:rJ ... ,1, ,;- u:,,, nun, .. _,.K,....... .. urn; . A Barrie ladies` rink of Mrs. Mills. Mrs. `Ryan, Mrs. Hewitt and Mrs. Kennedy. skip, won first prize at Aurora last Thursday. /\ . ... .. LAWN BOWLING J) lIl'.` i won the . bu! nu1si< not get f` ` in mail"! ed. Sim 1... ..n 1.. rxuukn. L`. FL'Il3U||. -J. 1'IullL'K. O. Hilts. Umpires: C. Smith. C. Vvingrnvo. In the rst game of the series. Centre Vespra dcfeate-d_ Utopia by 11-8 I`I'HllKL'UIH. l\L'Il\.UYI. omlln. VVHKFQH. Edvnvalc: L. Chappel. H. Fmlick. C. Miles, G. Miles. C. Campbell. G, F1-nlick. F`. Pearson. J. Fralick. S. II:H.~ IICU). VL'lil \.LUHUlHl,`.',. | Umpires: Jim Torpey. Harold Tracy. Fln\'u' QnfH\v1H Miclhurst captured the boys soft- ball series and possession nf the Junior Farmers` Trophy by defeat- ing Eclenvnlo in the final by 9-6. The fczlture of the match was two home runs by Miles and Fralick of Eden- vale. Score by innings: l\'Iirlhurst . . .. 0 Eclenvnle .. 1 |\(llL'. o\.u|u U_Y Illluugh. 0 0 6 0 3 0-9 0 2 0 0 O 3---(3 Mid`nux`st: Craig. M. Schzmdlon. S. Walt. E. Schzmdlcn. 1.. Russell. P. Frankcom. Kenton. Smith. Watron. 1'4":-lnnvnIn> T (`H-xnnnl Y! I`.-Hal; DUI IUB. Minesing . . 1 0 4 3 1 2 3---14 Midhurst 5 0 0 1 0 0 2- 8 Minesing Station: Helen Kavanagh. Bessie Kennedy. Irene Davis, Aud~ my Knapp. Norma Tracey. Nina MC- Lean. Muriel Davis. Mz1r_\' McLean. Ruth Cumming. Nlirlhnruh NT (r::irr `M hmunv F` l\Lllll k,UlYH"lHnf. ,. Midhurst: M. Craig, M. Dwyer. C. Smith. R. Murphy. F`. Russell. M. Doran. Shirley Bonney. Ina Ken- nedy. Vera Cumming. TTmniv~o=-:' Jinn T`m-nnv It-mnlrl Qlllllll. Bm'rie--W:ittie. Linclsay. Bl`Y. Bauldr_v. Nealey. Smith. Nixon, Lt- Claire. Charbonneau. Mi(lhurst ...... .. 3 0 1 3 1 0 2---I0 Cunclles .. 3 3 1 0 2 0 0-- 9 Miclliurstz Same line-up as above. Cundles: R. Cumming, F. Bcmrose. F. l-leslip. G. Balclwick. M. Malkin. D. Wilson, A. Brown. Smith. Hall. Ul11|)il'Cv-Sl0\\'(1X'l L. Page. Girls" Softball Mincsing Station won the Junior Institute Trophy by defeating Mid- hurst girls. last _\ czii"s champions. by 14-8 in the only match of the SPl`i0,<. Midget Softball Three teams competed in the Mid- get Softball series~~Mid!mrst. Cumi- Ies and Barrie--]\/Iidhurst defeating Cundles in the final by 10-9 after trimming Barrie by :1 score of 28-4. Midhurst `. .. 5 4 6 13~-28 Barrie . .. 2 0 2 0- 4 Midlmrst--H. Spence. B. Martin. I... O`Reill_v. H. Duran. L. I(avana;:h. C. Pnolc. A. Wallxvin, H. Dorzm. J. Smith D.. 2 unu lhilll 1V1L'1vlEl,\`Ll'. Open: 100-yard ash. boys and men~~Bernnl VVil1S.{l`()\`(}, Ken Miller. 75-yaul dash, girls -F1uron(-e Rus- sell. Bessie Kennedy. l"hI'r>n.lnurtc-:1 1-nnn__t`l..-.-mun 1).... (Ill IILII n't(-d pi < vnnarn u u v 12:] Inter-( Vcspm. Utopia n sun. nussxe nenneciy. Three-legged rnce--F|m'enco Rus- sell and Lloyd Cumming: Ruth Cum- mimz zmd Andrew Cumming. Blind mnn'< rnr-n r`m~nlinn Qmioh nnllp, uuu nuuH\v L,ummm;:{. Blind man's mce-~-Carnline Smith and Harry Fralick; Florence Russell and Lloyd Cumming. Inlnr-c-lnh rnln (`n-n y-1..I.e_,r'.m_ unu 14|n_\'u LlllHlnlI1g4 Inter-club r0lny~-f'1\'(* C1ub.<~-C0n- tre Vespra. Edenvale. Tn1nr-rv1uh On-r,:.f u I:--~4-Iv HIUXVU. J`he various races and softball matches were held at the Forest Station Park with the picnic .<:upp(>r SL`!`\'(`(1 on tables in Springzwutcr Park. I 1'i7.0.< were p1`c.<(mte(l dtlrings, ' supper. A rlnu-nnnIn~ no` .~-..'.. ..|.,\..a 4 ..... ..\ .y......, u. I|IlLK.D Results; of the races were as ful- lows: Junior: 5()-yard dash. 14 years and unde1'---Jim Smith. Bruce Miller. 'l`hrnn.1nuun:l rm-n Du. r'...~..:.\.. uIlLIL'|"'dlHl Dlflllll. J1`llC0 JVllllC1'. ']`hroe-legged rnL'e--Russ ('ummin;,' and Cfliffurd Pnoloz Bruce Miller and Earl ML-Master. (In;-nu Inn n....,: .1....x. ntlpgjcl. A rluwnpmlr of rain about 4 p.m. 10mpnr.'n'ily halted sporting: activi- ties, those present taking refuge in mu1m' cars. The games and races were resumed afterward.`lmwcrver. Results nf Races lnu'c' 1nLu':.uil_V' zmernoon last. I In the (w'cnim: :1 very succ-css{ul' dance wns held in Barrie Armour ios. attended by about three hund- red young: people. Art West's orch- osttrzx provided the music. and here ihc trophies won on the sports eld were presented. "N-m .Tnnin-- 'E'-n-n~.......- m..-..I... Two hundred members and friends of Barrie Junior Farmers` Associa- tiun and Bmwie Junior Institute fuily enjoyed their third annual Sports Day and picnic-at Midhurst Forest Station and Springwater Park. ThL1l`.`.:d:1}' aflernuon last. i | In Ihn nx-nnhur -\ Ivn ............,.r..I | ght play -:1 rnmn nf `Junior Farmers Hold I Successful Field Day plu. ILuL`nVkll.`. r-club tu;:-uf-war ~~ Centre I. Midhurst. Erlenvnle and also competed. \\/1: n .-.u .. Boys` Softball .`ULL\IIH. Cnunuess other such be He along me road. It is ing sport to nd these hid and Jasper Park with its of acres of woodland, wnuvna 1uL'nL~ ....A .q..,.... u1 nuts 01 wuuaxana. moumam I ranges. lakes and strcnn1s, still ha.~;' much to be discovered by the visitor. ldl\L'.5 LIHU 5]) be enjoyed. ready have mm`.-r... uI;.;uV\I_\. uH.s ruuu aIIf)l'(1S (`(15 (`CSS to lovely little lakes SlI`0Ell1lS where fishing is :1 These have been hidden fron main :-1rfe1'ir\.< of travel and nnl casinnnlly visited by the ;: parties. Qnnvov u-ni.-`kn... 4..,... |... . [Jdlllt`S. Sporty rainbow trout have made their home undisturbed in these lakes and splendid fishing can now be nninvnd Nfnnv nnn bnfnhnn -.I,z Sunwapta drive. the completed`; section of the Jasper-Banff highwa has become very popular since it (mening. upt:Inn;:. Besides its unusual scenic attmc--1 tions, which include :1 close View 01': the ' tumbling. roaring /\1habasca Falls. where tons of water leap andi writho in :1 narrow gorge under the? 11i;z1m'ay. this road affnrds easy at`- rncs tn Invnlv mun 1-.1... .....n. my :11 New- c of the len- m.'n'k<:L are ` The return .7... Sh. muss C. L0l`D(-P11 p. I (,'nnk. H . R. Broley ss.| Arnold 3b and p. Kidd c. N. Brnkxvl 2!). Baker lb. Wil. rf. H0p}`)o1' (`Ll Mc-Mann p and 3b. I `Hmniv-nc,._?\1 :-I nnn an! /`V-~~-' DUIILI fICH(1. `J At Bond Head yeslorrlay the Hm--i` netsz won by 10-3 with Johnny Begg` doing: the pitching and only allow- ing: six hits. The Hornets not nine nffi Oliver Could. The Barrie lineup wn:<. . the suinio as in tho Conksiown game; excnpt that C()l'l)(?H \\'as in riglit and ` Honk rm first. r. Score by innings: R H Barrie .13 013 2 0-40 9 3} Bnndcnd l011000~-36G} Umpircs-~Lisk and Cross. Boc-trm.;: _:?_}i_( I HIG}l\\':\1r;?}5MPl.ETI1ID THROUGH ROCKIES ; ...,.. u 1 1 u U 1. J-.') I A Barric-Cr)uI. rf, Simpson cf, Kale)! M3. Monro 3b. Marshall 11).. Summers If. ML-Donagh lf. Rourke, ss. Ne.-4s c. Corbett C0()k. IF D n.~z.1m- - - nA\.n/ldllll 1) mm 0!). Umpires -~-M('T..cm1 and Bond Head. AI D...-I l.1....I .m_4 By winning: iwn g:inw:: this \\ f.`('k away from home. Barrio Iinrnc-isi rnzlde sure of a playoff position in; South Simone i)S(`i)Z`lii. On ']"uc.=(inyi the Hornets won at Cookstown 7-5.1 thus eliminating: Cnnkstrwvn from` any l'nrth(-r ('hancc. Ruhe Corbett; pitched the game and allowed seven hits. while B.'irri(= were mak-| ing nine nfT Jimmy Mt-Mann and Bert Arnold. } Q1-nuvn In; DCIL nrnnm. Score by innimzzsi Barrio .. 0 2 4 Cookstnwn 0 1 1 hp!!! (l(`{'lSl()n.' The main bout c-hie Thompson. :1 (.- Bnrrie whn used to last, a Slllgfcst. to C Turonin buy. Both \ feet on end." an cxuuuL nut no cmuu srwk. As long I as Wichmmn s`luck to his book-I knowlodge and stuck out his loft` hand and boxed at.-cording to the diagrams. he was rm top but he grew znnbitious and stepped out to, try and lmmtk Ft-rgy for the loop. That was :1 sad mistake for when it vnnxe 1.0 this thv Barrie kid xvzls; right in his elmnent. He knmrkmi Wichmnnn down. But he got up and X after taking :1 torrifiv body lacing` in the third round. nutIn. F0r-` Lfuson on she!-r stamina and won a; split decision. ' y Tho nwnin lv...4 I....\.....x.4 _,,. A IHHY throw Hornets Win at Bond Head and Cookstown j :1 Three Barrie Boxers I Lose at Gravenhurst A1`:-lxiu Fhmm>.~:;m. I.urm- I-`r-ruu-` son and Auggic F1.-1';zLnsun of Bar- ric boxed at Gruvt-nhurst rm M day night. each lnaim; by .'I (I11-isicyn. Lou Marsh of 'I`0r(m1n wzl.-4 r(-fer:-0. Auggiv F`crp;Iu.s'on lost to Jerry With- mann. The 'l`omn1.u Star says: .I(-r- ` ry knew surnotliimz and he weath- L-rezl out :1 stonn nf lusty It-IHl(!X' thrown hv Ammin P,.mmu.n -. l I'lrrIl\* x_v mu.-w surnmnmyz and he weath- thrown by Alxggic Forzzusnn, :1 Lznrnct bantam from Barrie, and gut lhei nod but Ferny couldn't have Stop-` ped that Gravonhuwt wiltlr.-n1. unless` 110 had b(_`L.'!l armed wiih C0s'tus." "Burnt-v Xvi:-Iunmnm.` ,.,...,......\a1 m- xmu l)(_'L.`!) nrnwu wnn costus." "Burnt-_v WiL'hmznm's oppolwm \\'us Red FL-rntlsnn {rum Barrio and Foray not only know what, it was all about but he could sork. As long his hnnk- nJA4\/\/l\r| I WAGONS _ DOELHCARRIAGES BICYCLES - MOTOR CARS PETS __ HOBBIES _ Harnessed DOGS Everybody Get into the Parade LOTS O_FnPR_I_Z ES . Thursday, Aug. 2nd, 1934 AT 7.00 P.M. FROM MARKET SQUARE BANDS _ BOY scours _ CLOWNS FANCY COSTUMES _ GIRL GUIDES ._ DECORATED ___+_. WAGONS' DOLL CARRIAGES njtwxjrw two nu/xv:-s/\r\ rs A I\ru CLEAR THE 1)1aTcI< s"I-*c>T2_`.c`?1?)11 ON Kiwanis Karnival Mammolh Parade sci-'71'nALL DANCE at MlNE`l"S POINT L-_!'7i!a>f2 %-'_s".:' 2'! "I" Baker; Cams "or I ' ""II "V. The management is entertaining Allandalc and Roxy Aces players and their girl friends. Everybody Come and Join in the Festivities. I"sAlI1su-I .-. ....--____ . ..\. - van: v |I.l -I-3-A-NCE ALL NIGHT for -- Gentlemen 40c, l4\J I ha KII I .I.\ILII4L. Bigger Parade and Best Karnival Ever From the Market Square, via the Main streets, to the judges stand in Queen's Park _QYS and GIRLS! : beaut hn I`I\"AP` Y4 :.. A [JIUHUIU usmng can Many tine catches al- bc-n made there this. t brought out Arg I colored boy from be porn]. but he ~ Gnu. M('C(u'1'ic. n 1 wero out on their ` 4 u uv::uuL) .\pu\> , a fascinat- r hidden places 1 thousands unrl n\I\||n0:\ . Huh x.-u.~,v cit`; and| is thrill. on from the only nc-f guided 1 I \AlE\yl9 VI IKI ldII\.I \.JCalllI\r E1 Industrial Softball \.:r.`u'1'_v mm :l(l1`I('f,1 Innrlzulv but was run Arnrylrl Reid :ul'l-1" I I'\'(>ynnl(ls and Boll the .~:(-cunt! but mile the next three l).'nl!< Kzmhnr-1' and I`nny Act-s in 1h<-ir hall` I zvnrmn 3 5 0- yours`. Kl 2 rsrnpp. Phyllis - Fson. `Y n n ..n..... Q OCR WIP ()l'l.\'l()l\' 1 Sir. my wife said I was to uslv I for u mist.-." Good. I'll ask my wife if I ma) nu-n x-..n nun" lI.VI`; llIl.Vll I hate to see my \ Why'."' It often leads to i expensive." |.l..'IIIn kluuu. n n u give ynu one." FldCl." `XVII . I'!Ull].LlllUH. IVIT. LA I Fathvr nnd Son rnr:0-~IV Huedy and Wallace. Mr. 1- land Ken. 3 '[`en(:hm`s and 0`i(-er.'~'. Jrnce----L. Beaver and Miss W fby, J. Hughes and Miss R. H Ylnnnnn T7:x1in:r rnnu If` 4Vlr.llI\|l|. l4|U_V|l KNH IHK. IXU 15-17 ye-urs. girls. 75 j I)onne1l_v. Mary Mrmtgumc ~ Howv. 1.4 I E `Il\ .|`1'lvl Iiuzzhc-.4. Nail Class >--I !\/t.-kn. ; K-ldh "_`AVl| Mother : 4 Wingzrovo ` -xnrl Kfnnnn ,un.- p.:unu:. The supper w: looked after by 1 and 1f.`&1(`h('l`S. The ed into juniux` and (Ira ml` 11.... ` L`\ L'l _v um: \\'il.\' ; The wnnthc-1' imishups. Tho I; `Cl. 1'1. OYTHU1 L'ndcrhill's Barnard ss, ' Barnes 31), >11` ed both hr {while the h( .41. I|u1\ 1n|-|:\ I~ In-.l:lH.\ UL LIN` I .xau-1:, npvy 1 [Monday tho `I-v Ki:-U`-.~ I11.` '\'l U>~l.' Ull , the game 'I`hn m `Wright Hores Score Five at Stamford Par Anv r;n('1rw I. (`I-1 Up! `ford I"zu`lI., I\'i:u:zu'.'| Fa (.ia_v and tho hursit->1 of `haw: hm,-n mnkipg n I` On opening day ir .r.'H'(:, Spoy (Ir st, wn: [Mnnr!.'n: Hm um. -:.n:l .~ (7E.\ITR:\L SS. I`l(3I\'l(7 I The S1mrln_'.' S<-hm! pi<-nir- of ( `ral United Sunrlny School \\'.'1.'< '.'IY rn~ivnm-mnr r).,..x. um:,:-.....`_; I D-Ill lIHlIV\ nld Stephens` Ball Thrma A..- r< .... .. nu u msn trzlmc` am That rrmkcs three ;z1n(l :1 third in five ` _\'l.'nIll`-, KH I5. , Dm'i.<: Wimzro .VL'llh. I1u.\., 1:) _V(lH.-.I1](`} :. Eldun 'l`u('k. M:m|'u:<- l>Iin:-5 D1`i\'in;,' (frvnlcsn fhnynlis -Mrs. Money. Mrs. Brown. er nnd D:1ughtm' mt-o~--M1 : we and D01` Mrs. M'Brid I I Stngixu: :1 7th innings assault that :nelled fnur runs: and drove Allan- 1 i d:xle's pitching ace. Arnold Reid. from the mound. Roxy Aces evened `the _L ,'1`0ll]) snftbzill nals with :1 6-4 vir'iru'y over Allzmdale Imperinis at V Ed. Shem` Memm'i:uI Park last 'I`hu1's- ` day. evening. TI uvnu `I nin nvwr] hn~L- fink! nn HHI ) |lHH'H' HHK the junior ring for thc 1'):-kn)-.~ ,.r .`\LHlll L'HI.\ Hnuuhton. ru nrl Qnn r Thursday. July 26. 193! - win); L'Ullll.`hl. ;:,I Vclvn Emma. llL',lllI| . 1 C'on1(-st. b0ys;-Hnr . D. Richmond. .. ......a.~...4 . RY.- c, Ladies 25 :, 50 yrlS.~I |1_\'II sun, Luis (')wvn. .'.<, 50 _v(1r:.- .f.'u- {ir~h.'n`d.s'nn. Bobbi K`. 75 _\'d.'~`.-- Rn: ml. Ross Ni xnn 7K u/-in T;`r'I1 up:-nod .11. Stm F'.'nHS. on Salt: 1.! `II II 11!.-in 1:! _\'NS.- l..nu1` uvc, Olive R0-ti !St. Clair Drives in 3 Runs But Allandale Loses 6-3 to Roxy Team IiJL'l' \Vc'l.`i '1 )n 'l`nL-sdny, Di u-yr-:n--n]d. w c-v(-nt and \Vu rlh rmrv. Y(rs1.(- v .~'(-rm.-rl his 5 - moot and S10 M from. . o.. .. win-eIh:a1`1'n\\' and W.'I|l.'1(~ u1'il1L! nnrl Willi _\Il2`.` lll'|l'II I\ nn. Ormu Hut twn-minul- r. Lockvnby -. ML. (1.... \ll.`w.` IVIXIIII. yd.s'.-~- Fdn m3x1\'.Glady H11` .`llU\`VH 1h(- ft-niu second. ( xllnl nu. ... ll . l\I,-I {nuuhtm megs TIE UP I ; 3Ag_E:NALsg T0 I'IN'I`ER'l'AIN PLAYERS IVT(`rnhm`s of the Roxy A005 and AH:mrlnIr.- softball teams are being (>mv1't.'1i.v1cr1 T~`ri(l:1y night this \vec:k ni Minefs `Paint Pavilion. The play- ox`; and their girl !'ric~n(l.. have been invited to attend the rv;.:ular dance ar: mic-.=:t.<: of the mnnagcmolwl. and 24 lznrgzo crmvd is expected to join with tho hall pl:1_\'0rs in an onjnyzxble ov- enimz. I`Inwn1'd Smzu`t's m'c-hestra will ho in :I1lm1(lnn(' This orches- tra has added nearly 30 new tunes to it: repertoire in the past wevk. Th('Sf! inr~lndn:1Il tho Intosi hits from the new shows. (lH,'.'~i HIM) UL` y,1\'('n. This l`:lL`(` is upon to the County of Simcoe to swimmers unrlvr twen- ty-rmc years of age and is : by the I\'iwz1ni.s' Club. dz1_\'. the 31st. if the water is too rough on Monday. The race will be held on ']`u0s-' Wlll UL LIIU 1JUHdlL_). The first man to nish will hold .1 l.'n'L:e trophy for one year. The first throe men and the f`n`st three Indies Iottch win :1 medal. A trophy for 121- '(HI~r.' n1.'xv hn utixvnn .U. Umpires- x:ununL'IIL'In;;', ilt :) p.m. snurp ll`OlTll the Bnyflold dock. Entries must be in by Monday nnon and may be loft with C. J. Sn-it7. at the Y.M.C.A.. 01` S. G. Mal- kin. Each contestant must fu1'm'sh a boat. said boat picking up its entry at least 100 yards fmxn the Bayeld (lock and trzzvelling in the wake of the swimmer. The boat must observe spucizll care not to interfere with any other swimmer. Disqualification will be the penalty. l`hn vct rnnn +n r\I'n11 mm mm: -1 -J. Walsh and I Behind the stezfdy pitvhin-.5 of Ken Guilfnylo. Roxy Ac.-vs on Mrmdny cv- ening at Ed. Shvnr Mvmnrial `Park dofeutml Allnndulvr Impm`inl.' 7-0 and thus won c grnup |1(:11r)| $ of the Simc0c`Sm(h:IlI I.':!,ulI`. Ezlch team had p1`evi4)u:-'I_v won one ;{z1mr_' of the finals. Y3n\n An \Y-A-A o....:..LA u u. 's-BradIoy cf. Bales rf. ` Lee C. Scon If. Kerr p._ Robertson 2b. Kigzhlleyl Jv1un(,li, . July JU. p.m. sh rp from I 0:1 31). F I D. Konst. I-[ow cf, I }L(IIIlL' (Ill 'lin_I: efforts and Stew. no right 10 `or homers. ("lain who raise at but. (1 triple to :1I\1`\` V`I!l\\` "OM Score by innings: 1 -14iUnder`nill's 1 3 5 0 5 0 0 1 0--15l D- Bakers .......... .. 0 3 611 1 13 0 x--`.`a} n:.'- , L'ndorhill's--Barnes 11'. Tate . _Can`mbc-11 cf. Brzldley cf. Robertson` Sb. Reid lb. Whiting ss. Kerr c. Cooper rf Bates 2b. ` I R:1L'm~ .. I'\:4..L:-\_I ,, `ow ll Bakers are mdusirial softball imguo champions. On Tuesdu_v night `who doughboys won their third -f.~traigm ganw from UndorhiI1's at S .-\Il:mdalo. It was supposed to have >` boson :1 best three out of five affair 3 ` but Bakers stopped after three gam-I :o.< all won decisi\'e]}'. Score of the cilust game was 25-15. It was a free `hitting match. Every player on both `teams hit at least twice safely. i 7. Qnn...-. I... :....:..-_. \_n\IJL'1' H r V Bnkers-~C IK. Rayner ' .nc '-Zh E` I Sh-oud girls won two games from Thornton last week in South Sim- mv lea,-.:u(` softball. At Thornton the score was 28-5. Olive Shurrlng hit al homer and Phyllis Marquis :1 triple. {Connie Batoman. J(}l'l`_\' Reynolds land Amclis Ne-Glands hit doubles. 1 Score by innings: Stroud ...................... .. 3 1 5 T -1 8-28 tThm'nt ................. .. 3 0 1 1 0 0- 5 3 Sti'oud~-B. Connolly. O. Shorring. QC`. Bntcmnn. J. Reynolds. I. Carl`. '1 . l\'IaI`qui.<. M. Cook. A. Ncel:1nds.l g.-\. Bowman H. Robinson. 1` I Tl10l'l\iUl1~ E. l\ [cKenzio. B. Stew- g:n't. l.. 'I`liompson. M. Kcllv. M. -I\'n 1-! I.'.\ll\ Y I`-u... r` I .. .. Y1 Baker _WiHn...-g1:ies Industrial Finals rmu'uul;1--Dp(`il1`n l'1. L)(.`V1lllCl`S C. I\Iz1r(~hilcI0n p. H. Crippin ss. M. Bald Ih. R. Crippivw 2b. J. Bald 3b. Bax`- bvr 11'. Ris'hm`dsnn Cf. Sheppard bai- ted for R. (`rippin in 9th, McCuaig |b:m0d fur Barber in 9th. I 1v YV \ v\ You can qualify quickly for Urnpi1'es~Hodgcx`, Barrio. at plutezi lDuhe. Ptznctangi. on bases. : T T '- I }Stroud Girls Win j Two From Thornton? lDrlIl'lL` Pent-tang L'U (U nuvu lulu uueuen. neynoms then (lumped :1 hit over first base and Scott scored. With three runs in the eighth Bar- rie elusc-d the scoring. Clark laid clown :1 stale bunt but was caught off rs . on a throw from the catch- er. Dobson walked. McKenzie doub- led to left scoring Dobson. Scott also doubled to left scoring McKenzie. Scmt scored when `Reynolds was safe on Bnlcl's error at rst. Thus Barrie got only ve hits off Marehildon. but they were bunched and helped by errors and walks. - V-\ .4, .. Bm'1*io--Cl: lb. M(`K(`nzic 1. n TJ -nu` . .. h\.`\'lHlll. [ I Penetamz scored the first run in the fourth. Fred Deviltiers doubled to centre and while he was stealing third Reynolds threw wide to the base and McKnight failed to stop the ball while the runner raced home with I- enetang's only run. which was unearned. In the sixth Barrie not only tied the score but went one ahead. Dob- son walked and stole second. Scott hit to second and Bob Crippin let the ball through his legs while Dob- son went home. It was :1 close deci- sion at the plate and Penetang rai.-<- Doug. Hedger called Dobson safe. but the latter slid right under the (`illt.`}1(`|` nlthougzh the throw appeal`- I ed a terrific howl when Umpirel It led to have him beaten. Reynolds lnmn nnmnnrz q me .-...n.. (`...,.o I\nnr\ lI\L'l lIlL,' llk'll,l. New recruits were tried out at seveml positions and they all came through ne. Red" Reynoids caught :1 nice game and handled Gracey well all the time although it was his first game 01' O.B.A.A. ball. Aus- tin Mzrliniuht and Nlnrxgv Strzmsmzln from R0x_\' Aces softball team. \\'01`ked well in the ineld. Straus- mnn was pln_vinr.{ his second game and he made some ne pickups .11 second. 1).\.`.\4n.... ,........\.1 41.. :-,..,.A uuu LVl(.ll\.Ill|\AUll \\ an an t.';I.\) ULIL IUU times in :1 row. Gmcey`s slow curves had Penctnn_L{'s heavy artillery tied up in knots. They were swinging their heads off and popping up :11! lover the eld. TVA... Ilflrl :mn;,;, iur swine reason. Jne sc01'es| have been terrible. In the first two gziiiies up there this very year Bar-I rie lost by 8-0 and 5-0. Now the jinx is: broken. Barrie's recruit nd." Ivan Grae- ey, pitcher! the whole game and at- towed Penetnng only three hits and 1':-.nned seven. The great Crippin couldn't get the semblance of :1 hit and Mai-childon xvas an easy out four] times in :1 row Crnr-nv`< etnw Dllvxrne ' Liin_L',. zxnu Dy (1 S(`0i'G OI 1)-1 (`ll H1111. There was nothing tinkey about it. Pvnotnn,.: had their best team out on the eld and all the home routers were doing their best. The great i\/1 m'chiIdnn fanned 19 Barrie bat- 102's. but in the pinches he was not so hot and his support let up on several 0(.'(`ElSiOI1S. So that the jubi- Iant Barrie team walked off the di- lzimond with :1 \ve1I-dost-r\'c-Ci win. In recent years Barrie always |)lziyC their worst games in Pene- l.:1ng_ for some reason. The scores vfnnnnu nn thnvn this xvnmv Ivnnv D... 1 I ! Kashner Gets 4 Hits, Bats in 4 Runs; T. Saso Also Good It happened at last. Yesterday- for the first time in ten yeax's--Bm'- Ha ha]! team won a game in Penc- t:1ng. And by a score of 5-1 at that. I 'T`hm-n u'nr: nn-uincr nlnn aka: :4 II. Gracey Penetang to Three Hits and Gets Fine Support I HIT 11:1 PINCHES rhi11`sr-Barnes 1).! )1] d ss. `s-Goodwin c. Ditchfiold 1).! '10!` lb. R. Guest 2b. L. Wil-I I~`. R:1,vnor ss. G. Guest rf. . Boxall cl`. Hodgson If. mud tho h<>m< Phyllis M212`. l and was back ' M:u`g.:uret Coo I 11 strikeouts. I.)_v n1IHn_L',.\. RH 114 `....000002030~-551 :..00010()O00-133 -(`I:n'k If and 3b. Dobsnn onziv cf. Scott rf. Reynolds ss. Hook 11'. Stmnsman 2b. 11 3b and ss. Gmcey p. Ram- ` Vnlls batted for Clark in 9th. ng-Sponrn rf. Dcvilliers C.` Inn n T4 (`rinnin cc 1\/I D..1Ax no home team won! [is !\Izu`quis pitched` ras backed up splen- wet Cook. Miss Mur- Lvnnnlc J i 14`. Allan played inn In pie bu`. `la; - ,... ... }nuL\I\.L'.\ ux uu: past 1110 12::-:.' gave :1 good account t}u.:1.~o!\'es before a heavier well-t`.'ain0d team. Scorers for landale were Haynes. Scott, Str; an, Reynolds and Little. A GOOD SALARY Albany. Aug. 6 ICi\'ic Holid. Aug. 7. Aug. 8. Aug. 9. Newark~Aug. 10. Aug. 11 ~ gzunos). Aug; 13. Ba1timore-Aug. 14. 15. 16. 17. . Syracuse -Aug. 18 two gum Aug. 20. 121. Rochester---Aug. 31. Sept, 1. Buffa10-SepL 3 ILabor Day New York Yankoos wiih B Ruth. Tuesday. Sept. 4th. Buffalo -- Aim nn Qmu ,m. nuul. 1 [It Buffalo ith. | 1Urn..a..... [PLAY (`.~`L\':\D.~\ BR]-ZAD. Canada Broad St rfi ball rnminu (rum '1`...-....- .2 us xnompson ll. mm ;\ 1cL'm1.-land !I'.'dith Bowen 1). L. Travers 3}), M: {ion Vair 3b. Mm'garc-I Honk lb. D1 is Kearns `.113. Caroline Smim 0. Ferry ss. | Umpi1'es--Gmnt and Miwshzlll. \\'HL`1l Ll1L`)' SCUI'('(`l L'l}. ,I1l FUHS. Marjorie Fmlick was ]\'Iino. best batfcx` with six hits. including: a double. triple and homer. Vornn Luck had five hits. including :1 (ion- blc and triple. Rn1`v*in hnrl 11 hic nnrl ninn nv-v-Arc UH.` uuu ll'l}JlL'. Barrio had 11 hits` and nine or while Minosing had 14 hits andi f`*1`1`t'\1` L'J1'Ul'. Score by innings: 'Mine; ...... .. I 0 2 1 0 ' Barrie ......... _ 0 0 0 2 Z. Minesin;t~Dol. 17`x'a1i<`k cf. Bmgvl Parks 11'. Alice Fmlick p. `Marjm'i(~ Fmlick lb. Viola Rnwell SS. RCbo('C:1 Sinclaxr C. Verna Luck 55`. Jean White 21). Florence Dixon M. T. Bin- vn vf :The HoT{e` for 3 ; Toronto Maple Leafs! Mincsing took the lead tn rhv North Simcne girls softball mm` with n \'ictm`_\' over Barrio horn last [night by 18-6. 1\ Iin0sing1 did not _-.10`. far ahead until the last two innim.{s when they scored eight 1'1m.<. T\/Tnrinrin Frntir-L u-he 1\ f|'nncv-\r~r`g- Int 11. Barrio-MabeI Ri<~hm`d. I is Thompson If. Ella l\'IcC`nu |Tv5riifh Tlnuw`-I1 n T. Trznvnu-c ' Ken Guilfoyle Pitches Roxy Aces ' To Win in Final Over Allandalef . "ACROSS THE BAY" S"I.\I Bats ,, H _ H ., _ . _ | 1119 annual n(:m.~.x-the-bay .~\\'Im In `will ho held on Ivrmmuy. July 30., ] `('umn1r\nr-in1I {H 3" n nw churn l'rnnn """ Al..- f`__J 1 mum` " Minesing VV ins 1`8-6 1 Girls Softball Game? nuuuu. | The formation of :1 '1`rimunL\,' hockey association was moniod by the delegzmos. nnd it \\'n.< drsvizld in secure the consensus of opinion of :1he various towns and re]m1"L 1:: Pre- sidcnt G. Frank Doyle. Nvwmnrkvl. presidem of the Trimumy Box 1.2:- crosse Assn(`1'utim1. The p)'npn. Tricouniy ITncke_\' A.<. \':nu\c'. affiliate with the Jntnrin Hm-km" Association for 1110 pnrpucv of 111*`- ing part in the Ontario pl:1ydn\vn.<. It was felt that at the p1'(-sent time. the delay in getting: into the ])`.I1f'- downs was e.\:ce.<. Inn_:. and the formation of a sopa1`:=.1u but nf'filint- ed association would provide kocner `competition and added in1m'es1. J(lllKlLllU. The delogzxtos dnvidvrl in rhzm: the rules so that white lines will I placed acmss tho rink in from n( 11 goal posts. and in tlw cvvnt nf po alt) shots. Hm 1'(`l'0ro0 will have 2 players in ne-a.rL\' Hm snnwo posiiin after the foul as before it xvns crm mitted. '1'... In... nlllHH)l' -O1'an;1c\'ill0. Allisim lzmdalo. Ccmvencr, .10 lzmrlale. '1`!-.n rlnln.-..I,.. .1 Jlhtllll. Northern group - Orillin Owls. Gra\'enhu1's1. Brzu- Milfnrrl Bay. Hun1s\'ill('. Sundriduv. (`nn\'m1- er. Ma_\,'m' Wilbert Ri<'hm`d.*=. B1'.'1(`O-I bridge. I Tnninu um.!x'1m`mn1v ` Central group ~ Riclmmm Nc\vmm`k<*.1-/\m`o1'n. Bl'z1r1i`nrr Camp B01'den-B.'n'ri:. C<.m\`0.1 A. Smith. Barrie. Qnnohnm. mm. . an: (X. Dlllltfl, I)?ll`l'lC. Southern _u1'n1u:~/-r'\I]is1nn. Ornnj.{(`- ville. Czllrschmiu Iunst. Tn:.:l<>\\'nnd. Convener, Horhcr1 A. Mum}-1.v. A!- liston. 1\Tnn(!\nn. ... r\..:II' r\ I p1u_yuu\v11>: 11101` Angus! 12. Plans were mzzde fur the i diate fall series of iho Tri Assnciation. SCh(_`dll]'.`S fr)!` 1 be drawn up by August 10. The ass()(:i:1tirm .'1]."~0 rarrnl both intcrmerliniu and iuniz lthis autumn. tho s(-!`.(-dulo rnence about August 16 nnd n about Nov. 15. Therv will 1 groups in tho illternwdiato 14 teams. and one in the juw posed of fmlr teams. .'.1~= ft)Il< Tnin-nu '11:\ nu muuuu \\/ilh pas.-u 10 mar, ettv.-:1. or if it was at least there is: no rc- cord of it in the minutes. Finally. :1 vote was taken and with the Allan-I dale club as the only one 0|)p()?C(i. President G. F. Doyle's motion \\':1;<. passed that Allandule and .`\lIislon play home and home ,4a1n-.<. and Orillia and Huntsville plav hmnel and home games, the winnv.-1'5 to meet in the final >'erie.< and tho ul- timate winner go into the O.A.I..A.. playclowns after August l2. Plans \vm`r= nmzvln rm Hm ;..a_...n nur HILISL DC (1c(:I.'n'cu D_V` 1\ugu:;t 13.` This was decided by vote at a! meeting of the Tri-County Box La-` crosse Association in I3a1'1'iv.: on Tuesday evening. Alliston. Oriilia and Huntsville took exception to Al- landale being: dr.`c1a1`cd . cham- , pions with the right to enter the 0..- \.L.A. playdowns on the _L:m1mds that the spring `.(,`I'i(.'S coinpicted in junior in which Allandalo \\'nv1 cv- cry game was just an exhibition SCI`-I ios with nothing at stake and no finals. These cInb.< dm'lai'o(! that `nothing was settled at the meeting here on May 25 about thv winner going in the O.A.L.A. pla_vdown.<. No motion was passed to that vIfct.:1.. '01` if it um: 21 Ir-ncf thnrn :.. ...\ .... FREE Booklvt Tvils How llll. Montx`ea1--Sept. 6. Allzmdale, Orillia. Allislon and] Huntsville will meet in :1 special! playoff junior lacrosse .s'c1'i(.-s com- mencing next week. the winn-.`1' to be given the right to clmlinue in the junior O.A.L.A. pl.'1ydm'.'n.~'. A win- nor must be dc(:l.'u'cd by August 12.! This waq dvridnrl lw \~..1.. no -1 . T . 1 {Junior Lacrosse Fmals To Start Next W'eeki LOSE AT llL`.\'TS\'ll.L[-I Hzmdnlv mnmr hm.-.. n v. Aa\IDl'. Ill nu.V1a\'lLl.E l llandalc junior lacrosse team! "ed at Huntsville on July 18. 105-` to the imermediate Tri~Coum_\' we club of the NILl.<,l\'0k(`l town by" The Allandale boys were not mu-l nqniv :m. ...:u. L. _ ,_. Jul l.L`iII11S. 1133 1 Intermediate 1') :,.L (tin TH; BARRIE EXAMINER. BARRIE. 0N'l`.. CANADA u. \\xLu only :1 L in the past :1 nnml nrmmme u. `ILH. V on Sept. -1th and: Holidnj 3' 0 SUDDEN-DEATH GAME 1\u>I111(3l`. cl. nd Reynolds. n cf. D01`-l u. rf. ; Mm`- : lb, Dor- mm M \'lIEI|1L'.\.' be H. nf 1110' ..l` u-\r\1\ ruch- "I`nni;:h1 the Central society plays I New Luwcll in Queen's Park. Y.P.S. S01-"l`B;\I.L l I 1.` Central Unitotl Y.P`.S. defeated S1:1}'nex' qt Sln_\'n:*1' l-1-13 on Tues- d:a_\' evening to take the lead in the north soctmn softball playoffs. On VSnlm'dn_': at New Lowell. Stayner and New Lowell played a tie game. SL`(ll`L` bx" innings a`. iCu1_\Hl.".' /. 1 U U :5 1 I l--lI5 ; Barrie )ineup--Jack Walsh ss. 1\Ia:-:::n`e`. Hook lb, Ken Houghton icf. Gordon Kcast 3b. Mary McPher- ism`: If. I c:'r_v Mclmosh 2b. Maurice Kulland c, Jim Bell 1). Audrey Hook H. I S A nu: \lI_\AlI]JlL' L1dIHL'.s' ilnu `cl DOSSIDIG trip to Berlin. There's something for him to aim at and he should be n1uI:h bent-1` with two more years of grmd tx':n'n"n_t;. 2k :1: 4- ~1- Allistnn are weakened for the South Sim:-no Baseball League play- nfT.< as Pets H:1n(`e_\'. the best short- \1(\l\ in vhn lnuunn hue n`l\v\r\ ....m.. . 3F [lore and l`hcrc- Olrim Ilv