-u uuu nu. \.uu.n..1 -1. nu. u u >\.u . b Sergt. John R. Sherwood. R.C.A. F., still suffering from nasty burns to his face and back sustained In res- cuing his wife from the burning one- Storcy frame bungalow. is the only member left of 2: happy young fam~ y of four, and 1: Toronto family is bcrenved through the loss of u daughter who would have been nineteen veers old next month. mp. ..|_ -4 .__, ,p n, . . The tragic death of J. Delbert Mc- Farland. aged 41. of 15 Bradford St., Barrie. in Royal Vietoria Hospital. about 3 p.m.. yesterday, as a result of injuries received when the car he was drivim: left Highway 27 at the `iron! of Brennan's Hill during the inight, cast :1 pan of gloom over the own where he was well-liked and Spnpularly known. Vi Tho rlnrvnnqnri nwnn uvnc nlnnn in ][)l\[)\1lHl`l_V KlI()\K'H. ] The deceased man was alone in the car at the time. and as there were no other cars involved nor any extraordinary circumstances. Coron- ier Dr. W. C. Lime decided that an innnna-I run n--usnnnr-n-aw`: SOME 11'] Lil. VV. L. L1ll\IC llL'l.'lllV {inquest was unnecessary. 1 .._ ..,.._ _.,g , ._n-___4 cvury rrmay nignl. AUTHISSIOH IUC. Remember Stroud Community 'Ha1l. raspberry festival and good musical concert. Friday. July 27. ad- mission 25c and 15c. 29-30b Moonlight dancing party at Tent! City. Friday. July 2'7. Evan Gare and 10-piece orchestra. featuring Percy Fordham. vocalist. dancing 8.30 to 1 pm. Admission 10c. 30b I Rridun and hnvnnr in said nf Star Art West's orchestra at Cookstown every Friday night. Admission 10c. Rpmrnhnr K91-nnd (`nnnmnhirv IIUILXHBHI. \'UL"1l1SL. UHHCIHE; O.JU [U i 30bi Bridge and bazaar in aid of Star Fresh Air Fund at W. Howard Dy- ment`s residence. 72 High St.. on Wednesday. August 1st. sponsoredl by Misses Jane Dyment and Norma Godden. Afternoon tea. 25. Bridge 50c. Phone 111 or 918 for reserva- tions. 30x ` { N0 INQUEST HELD DRUNKENNESS il, A`\Il Barrie The rmmninx of (`loumzv Giles. mzvd 21 ymnxs`, sun of Mr. uud Mrs. .1u.=wph Giles. 1.&unhl who was :u`ciclm\(-` ally druwm-cl 'I`hursdn_v night lust. \uI\I*n rn:-n\'n|'nd (`mun Hun uvninu-c nfl The first conviction under the new bylaw passed by the Town Council last week to regulate fruit and pro- duce sales to local merchants, on thc part of outside trucksters and mid- dlemen, was made in court. Satur- day morning, by Magistrate Comp- ton Jeffs. George N. Rogers. 1355 Dundas street West. Toronto. was ned $2 without costs after pleading guilty. He maintained that he was ignorant of the bylaw's passing, and `His Wor- ship dealt fairly lenientiy with him. n-u_, 41.-..-- _..L:..I. ..._._ 1..:.1 1... The charge, which was laid by Chief of Police Alex. Stewart. read as follows: that he, not holding :1 license entitling him so to do, did go l'rom place to place within the lim- its of the Town of Barrie and make sales and deliveries of fruits and garden produce to retail dealers con- trary to the provisions of bylaws of the Town of Barrie." ._ ... ~. Rogers was selling grapes and tomatoes to a local merchant when apprehended by Chief Stewart. who has warned a number of these trans- ient traders from distant points. 'l`he police were instructed actively to enforce the bylaw and report month- ly to the Town Council as to the number of convictions. Police Convict Man Under New Bylaw For Selling of Fruit Descendant of Simcoe Made an Indian Chief Willoughby Cole, great-grandson of Governor Slmcoe, and a recent distinguished visitor to Norfolk County. was recently made a Chief of the Six Nations Indians. On that occasion he was asked to choose the tribe, Mohawks, Senecas or (a_vu;zas. to which he would prefer to belong. His reply was a masterpiece of dip~ lomaey as well as a deserved tribute to the Six Nations: "Chief Joseph Brant was 141 years ago to my an- cestor, Governor John Graves Sim- coe, a loyal friend; he and his tribe have been to the Empire, devoted citizens, and the Six Nations. worn- and always have been honored in . the past by the Sovereign to whom - seendants. we all owe allegiance. It would be a privilege to be a member of any of the Six Nation tribes, but because of the friendship between John (h'1lV'l S Simcoe and Chief Brant. I desire no greater tribute than that I be per- mitted to be as a brother to his de- " Mr. Cole was then re- ceived by the Chief of the Mohawk: and named De-haw-da-were-yea." which means "the traveller." Captain Elmore Philpott announc- ed on Tuesday that he was retirimz from politics indefinitely and would not contest the Dominion by-elecu tion in East Toronto. "I am dropping out of politics be- cause of private responsibilities". Captain Philpott stated, and will not run in Toronto East as I origin- ally had planned to." (TAPT. I lllLl`0TT ANNOUNCES THAI` HE IS OUT OI I'Ol.lTl(!S hill south to the east side of tho` highway. Annnrpntlv. the southbound cm` 'I`uk0n u.\`hm'o thv hotly \\':a.\' vwv ed by Dr. Duncan I\lv\`nHum. (`hu chill. nnd (`nrunvr Dr. F`1'o A. Hus 4Bm`x`i(`. Thv l`(\l'(\II(`l dvvidvd Him :: inquest was uxuu-co.~'sm`_\' and Hm I`: .nninx \\'orv rvlmm-d fur b\u'xu1 .'I`m'unln. the fum~r;|l mkim: plan '1": nnurl-.1 \- n fhn'v\nnI\ mgnway. Apparently. the southbound failed to negotiate this jog. and our- cencd into the east ditch over .1 soft bank, turning: completely over. and landing against the fence. MrF'aI' land was thrown out of thv car. had ly injured and unable to summon help. nu... :..:......-I ....... ....... A:.~...`.........l -.,,. The injured man was dis(`n\'orvrl m this unfortunate condition some time later by Donald Tanner. Barrio. who immediately rushed him in Royal Victoria Hospital. whore hel took a turn for tho w0rs(\ about 8.30 :I.m. _vostord;Iy and died in tho af- fnrnnnn Mr. McFarland had scoured the var I earlier in the cvcninr: frnm tho ;:nr-` age of Aycrst and Harris. Limitodw} but it \vns not very seri(ms1_v dam-3 aged considering the circumst;mo(~s through which it passed. A r-_..__.. rvvun n_.I-....-..1_ .,__._..._ 1 ...,.,.. ...... . .. A former C.N.R. lcl(`1:1`aph nporn-` tor. the deceased had rc-venlly lac,-on" employed at Undorhill'.<. 'l.lmi1cd. shoe fnrtnry. He leaves .1 wifv and (mo daughter. Eva. aged 17. llv \\`:l.\ a native nf Huntsville. Barrie s New Fire Chief Has H35.` Experience of Twenty-One Years. A fire fighter of twenty-rm!` years` experience is Richard James Wu]- fenden who assumed his new dum-.< at the first of the month an Ear- rie's new Fire Chief. succeeding James Shrubsole. A1o\.n.u-vln (`I-`Sn! Vlfnllnnrlnn unu- JHYHCS DHTIIUSOIE. Although Chief Wolfendon was born in Whitby, Ontario County. in 1886. son of R. L. Wolfonden and the late Mrs. Wolfenden. he has re- sided most of his life in Barrie, hav- mg been a citizen of the town for the past thirty years. He has carried on a surccssful plumbing and heat- *in;: business for the past twenty- two years. f`kinf \l.'nIfnnrIe.v\ `\nn>urvwl\ n rv-\nvv1_ |lV\'U years. Chief Wolfenden became 8 mem- I ber of Barrie Volunteer Fire De-{ partment in May 1913. and for many ' years did good service as an ordin-1 ary member of the Brigade. Seven years ago he was elected Second Lieutenant and later First Lieuten- ant. until. in 1932. he was choseni Captain. succeeding Warren John- son. who resigned. His promotion to be Chief of the Fire Brigade was :1 recognition of meritorious service rendered over a period of twenty- lone years. I The now (`antnin nlnrtori ro- ant. - Chief Wolfenden has always been interested in the welfare of the members of the Fire Brigade, and is a charter member of the Simcoc Volunteer Fireman's Association which is holding its annual get-to- gether in Midland next month. The rone years. The new Captain. elected re- cently is O. B. Patterson. with Sid Shicrlock as First Lieutenant and Cecil McMu1kin as Second Lieuten- ant. (`LL-.4 \XY.-.1n-`Ann I-nae nluv-uvr 1-uann Zl'l|u|Il.\ \\`I.`I\' |\'Il`iI.\l'u nu Ulllldl In f\nwx'ul pl;u`\~' Tlmsda_\' uftm-x\nm\. ` Ynum: (`uilos \\'u.< drnwxwd when? he and u vmnmunnn. Gvm1:v I`m\-` ruse. 'TUl'ul\tu. hum vucutxmuug m Rollo E\\'m't. \\'ox'v <`:nu:ht m n squall while u\tunumn_:.; to !`<\\\' in a punt`, from Belle` l -`.\\`nr1 in .1m`k.s~m\'.< I`ninl.1 \\'hvn about 500 _\'urd.< from shm`o.1 the craft 0\'crmrnvd. and both .\'u\nu:: men. after clxmziug to it for :\ timv., decided tn .\`\\'lI1\ tn the mu-n1nnd.. 'Penro::o was ahead of hls vmnwunmx. and when. after a tow mimmrs. hv looked hawk. Cilos \\`u:< xmwhvro in be soon. Pulxco cnrrwd on dr;u:;:mL" `operations for 2:1-\'m':\1 days without` result. ` WW... Lunlv \|'uu h. Mn nun e!-nvnc nf: Fete Hon. Dr. Simpson At Citizens Reception In Barrie 'Augq_t_13th. 1TOWNCOUNClL REFUSES GRANT1 Iron Rggmlom .,.-. u. ... -1-11! uy Who has hm-n appointed ('hnirn1nn of Boys` and Girls" Work for Kiwan- is Intvrn.'atI<>n.'Il. This is one of the most. imp mnnnitteos and the chni('(' of Dr. Lvwis is :1 tribute to the Hm` work he has done for Ki- uvnnio *` " 1 Rejects Suggestion of Com-` mittee of Citizens, After n._ T 7 {. That Council is heartily in ac- mrd with n public reception to Hon. Dr. 1.. J. Simpson nu Aug. 13, and 1'r;1n`.ts that it is tumble to make :1 grant for 1h.'l1 purpose". Was :1 mo- tion pn.s'sv by Barrie Town Coun- Inil fnllnu,-inn m\I1-4idnr:aI\hI dikrlls- IIIUH |)EI.\.\l'(l ll.V K1111 ! IL? JIIVVH \,l)lIH` vi], following cm1sidemblu discus- sion. aha special meeting on Mon- day at 5 p.m. called for this parti- cular pu1'p0:=(\,. ; '1`hn.:v nrvst-n1 wm'r\ Mnvnr (train. Honored by International C|llill' pUl'])U.'V`|?. 'l`lmw present \\'(`l'l" Mnynr Craig. Reeve Blair. Dupmy Reeve Macl.ar- on. Aldermen Tuck, Cavanagh, Dnugnll. James. Shannon, Stewart. lln(lgu.~:. Gill, l nu('hcr. 'l'li<)sc absbnt wort`, Alcl. R0l)m`l.\'m1, Wiles and Jay. To Allond (`.miforonce Hun. I).'I\'i(l A. (7rnll. Minislvr of VVvlf2m- and Nl\ll1lCl|)(ll Affairs. wrrno uimmincing that n c(mfcr~ once of mayors and reeves nnd oth- ers ropro: Ontario municipal- ities. wnuld he held at the Parlia- ment Ruildimzs, 'l`ornnt0, July 25. Council appointed Mayor Craig. Ald. W. A. Gill. chairmnn of the Re- lief Committee, and Town Clerk A. W. Smith, to attend this rnnforentrr-. Orillia Hand Harv Aim. 1. ! lion. C. Bruin. B2lh(ll11Sl(`l` of lhn Orillin Kiltic Hand, wrote sm.uz(!s1- inn tho lmlding nf :i band canon-r1. in llnrriv. "l lmvu. during the past iwu \\'('('l\.\`. ;.:i\'>n mnci.-rls in Bruce- 'bri(l;,vv .'m(l (}r.'I\'vnl1ur. nnrl would llkt` 1: (`Hllll` in ynin` town in (lo the, 11.. mm 'l`hn ' :>l\v\\ru" H,-inthn-:u9nr. HK(` ll) ('UHH' [U `YUIIY l,()WIl (U Ill) UH.` | .~'nnw". he said. The B.'mdmastor< :1. for 1h<- privilege of selling tickets: in :1 draw on August 30, 1934 . in purvh.'a.=:o now in.\'h`um(-nts. Tho 1 Rzmd w:I.~< invited 10 he pr(~.~:-nt in IBm'ri(- nn <`im- Holiday. Aug. 13. QUl.':~`U()l1 of Grant [1 > (`Mum-il rvcoivod n I<-Hm` from A. ,.I. Hamlin. x<-vn-tznry of tho commit- Im-, us {r>Iluw.<: At an impromptu IHPCHIILZ nf Hm ritizons of Barrio Hwld in 1hr- Pr)]i(`(` Cour! Chambt.-rs; `on 'l`lmrsdny. Ann. 19. rv (`iliz(,-ns' in-('oplim1 In ho uivvn Hun. Dr. 1.. J1 Simpsm1 rm /\uL:u. 124, in motion was} 'nrriDrl thui I. as S('(`l'(`UH`y of tho i .n-....-. ., ___. i l/l'UlII'H l('L'L'l\v'L'Ll il l('l|` J. st-crt,-tnry If 1:-1-, citizens `vht-Id Court "on 19. I 3r<~('0pli in Hui isimpsnn rm 13.11 I `(`:11`rio(l S('('l`(". ' (Turn to page 52:, 1 CAN.-\l)l.~\N I-`.(`0N0*.Vll(`S INST. Among thosv ox w-ctod to m`tici- - I I . pale in the C;\nadi:\n Institute un Econmnics and Politics to he held at Y.M.C.A. Park. Lake Cuuchich~ oological Smnmary. New York. Stewart of the Foreign Policy Assn-1 elation. New York. who will lccturc on the N.R_-\.. and the following Canadians: Profs. Irene M. Biss andi W. M. Drummond of the Univorsi1y~ of Tomnto. Profs. F. A. Knox and J. 0. Watts. of Queen's Uni\'orsit_v.` Prof. F. R. Scott. of McGill Univox`-E sit) . B. K. Sandwoll. W. C. Gnodi and Sir Henry Draytoa, 1 ing. Ontario. beginning July zmm. ls`: r. Rcinhuld Niobuhr of Unmn- ` Other loaders include Maxwvll S ' Barrio Brigade is also a member 01' {ha Ontario Volunteer Fi remen's As-- ` sociation. I` r~x.:..c xxv-n....a.... m...-.-:..A n-m..l` $0c)an0n. 1` Chief Wolfenden married Nemej` I-Ianes of Huntsville in 1911. and has- one daughter. Beryl. He is a mem-l` ber of Trinity Anglican Church. V111... :.'....4 3:... .: 4|... ...-.... ..-.-._.,... u\.A u; ;.u..._, ....,_.,u\...... vuu-.-.... ( The first fire of the new reglme 1 took place at noon, July 6, whenl( slight damage was done to the house 7 SPECIALWiViEETlNG 'R. J. WOLFENDEN I Photo by Jackson. Bar1;io!_ .. vn \rll~ll4\4ll0, Discussion .__.`...._, please) New Minister of Education to Be Honoured by Constituents | Premier iF`i.`;Ii'-:pburn and 1 Cabinet Ministers I Expected Hon. Dr. 1.. J. Simpson, Minister of. Eduvntion for Oni:n'io. will be honored by his follow citizens of Barrio on Mmitlziy. Aiigusi 13, Bar~ rie Civic Iinliduy. 1 lnn.u are being made for :1 L`i1i7.0ns' I`(`C(`|)(i()ll. picnic, sporty day and parade in Queen's I .'n'k on that. (i:\_\'. Yntyii-ICi:\I\c nu-n hniniv cnni In `Pi-n. ITSUII. The body \\'as in tho first sl.'u:(`s ( decomposition when recovered. l'l'K UH lllill. lli|_\. Invitntimis are lwim: soul, to I l`(`.- mivr Mitchell 1-`. lh-plaurn mid all members of his l`Zll>lll(`l. and to Hon. W. l.. Mm'km\'/.iv King. I.il)ei':il lead- er in the lL`(ll`l'.'ll lluuso. and it is expected mnsl uf them will be pre- sent in izivv slinrt l(l(ll`(`SSL`S and he introduced l)(`ful'I\ llw ])(`()],)l(.` of (Ten- tro Simcou l`llllllL',. Dr. 'l`zmner of Midland and Dr. Smith of Croomore. M.L.A.'s for lizisl znul l)ull0rin-Sim- me, will also be nrcsent. An impromptu nwvlimz was held in the 1V[aui. (`mirl Clinmber last Thursday ovunimz in response to a lZClK`l'.'l_V expr~s.~w desire for some (`vent to honor Dr. Simpson. 'l`lw (`ll:|H\l)(`l` \\'ll.\` llml to capacity with cilizeris, who 1-lm'l.c_`rl .1 commit- 1,01` with ( :(-nrkvu \7i('lu'i':-I, vlmirinzui. nml /\Illl)l'(IH1` llumlin. am`.-I11-(is. 'l`lu! -' ' .. , ..r l\ I.` Yl/In, !BARRlE c1v1c HOLIDAY l.(`(` \\'llll \:(`lH|.:(' \/ll'I\|.'l.V, /\Illhl UH1` saw.-* 1`x(`vl|1i\'(` is ('uIn]m:4v(l M` 1 (.`u.'\ig, J. I ). (`lvlunvl. H. (? unn (`lHTnrxl (h-nhznn ill (.'u.'\ig, J. I). \ |l`li|llIl. n. u. |\IH)\:IL- snii. Clillmwl (ir:ulmin and A. F`. Pugli. They \vvro zivon power to umminl. Slll)-(`0lllllllll(`l`S lo lnuk Hf- tor (`lill'ur(~n1. fl-.'ilui'l-:4 in (,'0lllll`l`l)ll with the rm-vptimi. The nlY:iir will lw vntirol)' non- pnliti<.`:\l. 'l`hnl puinl is living: stress- vd. While llwro is \'-r_\' little time to ar1`:\ngc Ill3lll(`l`S. yvl lliu izrcnt en- l.hllSl&\.'4ln slmmi by tlw vitlzcns nml committee is in-ltim: m`(`x` all ob- stzurles of time. 'l`|\nvn uvill Im n (l:i\' uf snorls in of 111110. ` 'l`hm`u will lw :1 lay of sporls *Qum-n'u Park, wm:.~i.-zlimz of mods and girls` .-:uftl)nll .-and foul. races. A parade will form at :.vv(.-n n'clm`k to vmmisl of 2: p:\uv:n11ry of flnnls. l):mrl:< and rlu<~m'nlvrl (':n`::. It will prnvend nlnm: l:n'rio stH.'nL1 10 the Park wlu-rv : .upue('hou will be hmrd and H is (-xp:-Nod :1 Civic wel- come will lw extontlt-(l by Mayor J. F. Crnilz. As :1 wimlup 1,0 the day thorn will hv n (l:n1m- in tho armam- ics to nrc:lw.=alr:n music. hlizu; ;.{rm(l us: hr h p` I`hnsve pl`('S(`ll nludt.-dz K A. - A. W. Smith. l.iU.l(-. Mt-rlimnl lnr J. F. (frnisz. ;Wisdmn. Sanil Q L Bowman. THINKS TOWN snouu) MEET GARBAGE cos'r HEALTH f0ARD MEETS Dr. A. T."L ii, M.O.H., Favors Plan---Town's Health Good vPih"'h I Inspr.-(`tor lim-vxnnn rt.-port~d that lthr-re was sunw h of lmilk going run. Hr had found thrt-c lor four sollinu milk the pas- ltt-urizuticm plants. Wht-n the ques- itirm was thrashed nut 11 your ago. ilt was found that thr- sale by this Lmcthnd was abnut 30 quarts per day. IHe thought it was :1 little more than ;this now. He had had a "kick" from lune dairy that. milk was being sold `from a farm in Allandnlo. Dr. Little declared that the bylaw (Turn to page sir, please) I THE + BARRIE + EXAMINER ` and contents urrmpiert by L. A. Nel- isrnn at 14 Jane Street. Damage was iestimated at $20 to the house and `1$l2 to the contents. In nrrlnr tn nvnirl unnnnoassatv nr- `@145 IU lHL' l,'UIHL'HLb. `4 In order to avuid unnecessary ac- `icidc-nts. Chief Wolfzrnden has issued ,an order that the fire truck .do not exceed a speed of 20 miles per hour when returning from fires. This is lconsidered a good move by the citi- ~ 71:-n: Milk s:mi1.'n'y and ht'aHh (ton- thv Iuwn are Lzuml, av- `: S:nnit:u'_v lnspvctnr John who Inmlv :: rt-port at the wt-(inn: nf Hw I :n'ri(- Board in lhv (,`mm(`il Chnmb(:I` I1-rnmn1 lnsl. PAGES 1 to 6 SECTION 1 nontlcgginr:" No. 30 I L` . nu.- `Robert- .I A Ii` Four Burned to Death in 'm)m: Evelyn Mmasic. nncd l. employed (Turn to page your, please) 70th Year. MILITARY INQUIRY ergt. J. R. Sherwood s Frame Bungalow Prey to Flames .....\........ _y. .. nu. -u,n.. nuns... The (:hm'rerl rt,-nwains of the girl nnd the two small children were re- covercd from the must; of debris: sev- `gn-ul hm..~.- ..Mm~ nu. n.... rm... . :r..| NO INQUEST HELD -an --van nu pzvuul Morning Fire, Sunday lo Inquest to be Held By Crown Authorities In gimp Bqrden Tragedy `RH Ill ` plan-v: . IP01. I` ` ltinmc 1 J 1.... Liquor Commmsinner for the Pro- vince of ()nl.:u'io, under whose direc- tion the freer sale of wine and beer begun on I`ue.~:dny. ._....._...:..__ sromw RAZES LARGE BARN , AND I1/9 SlLOS Miraculous Escgpe of Men and Team at Angus, Last Week `CATTLE `ALSO SAVED (Angus Correspondence) A severe electrical storm. with high winds, swept over the village here last Thursday afternoon. Many trees and fences were broken and blown down. but the. worst. damage was done on the farm oi` ll. S. Will- son when his large dairy barn. which was 150 feet in length, was crashed to the. ground. Two large silos were also laid low by the storm. It is thought that a lightning -` bolt struck the barn. weakening it, f and this along with the terribly high _ wind which was blowing at the time was the cause of the destruction. Very for tunate`ly. however, no one was injured and no livestock lost, ` which might have easily been the case. as the foundation. which was of a cedar block construction. col- lapsed with the rest of the barn. thus letting everything right down i to the ground. nu. ._ _. .._ f K UI. lVl\,'K'Ht.'L' Hil SUl'C{`(`(`H.'(`l 'd SHUXW I time pro\'i0us1_\'. [ In a little chat with The Examiner. {Chief Shrubsolo admitted that he I was loath to leave the Brigade after; `I36 years` ussucmtimi with it. How- `ie\'er. he paid ;\ high tribute to the 3i worth and efl`imenC)' of the new ';Chief. Richard J. Wolfenclen, whn 5i learned the ins and outs of fire- : fighting business from Chief Shrub- }solc during Mr. Wolfendeifs twenty- B. one years with the Department. - "What was the biggest fire in your e! time as Chief?" The Examiner asked g4 Chief Shrubsole. A9 "'T`\~n first n1\I:I\1I1- IS.-n ft.-.-n O- cuvurcn [rum Lnc muss m n(:m'I:< scv- | ral hours uftcr the tire. The wire and mother died from critical burns: to her face. nrms and body. in Roy- ill Victoria Hospital, Barrie, (early Sunday nftcrntmn, conscious: of the death of her children. The father Wm: in hospital hero and was lntcrc removed to the hospital nt Camp Borden. \7inIiv-no nf 0|-no 'T`|~!nnn.ohr .. .... h. \'IllI\l The men on the farm were en- gaged in hauling in hny and (1 team with a load was smmiing in the barn at the time of the crash, but (`scnpod with only slight injuries. Turn lnhnl-nru Jurn:-Q Rm-nnnn nnrl |'.`1'(`K'||)l'l| \\ |l.Il (lllly Sllnl lrljllfl 5'. Two laborers. James Brennan and Douglas Yenrwnod. were in the basement when the crash cnme, but nmnaged to not between the large runways and escaped pra<:t.icz1lly un- hurt. The rest of the men. being; four in numhm`. \\'on- near enough? to the (l(mr to run nut and $0 were not vzuu.:l\t. A1- |_..n ..... . ....,..... A large bull and several head of young (`ulllo \N(`l'(`. also in tho bns0-| mont of the burn and worv ('nu;:hl,| in tho \\'l`(`(`k2l,L!(`. Wil.h tho :1.` `islanvcl 10! help from lho village. those :mi-! nulls won` 1'1-mm'(-rl shortly ul'tm' the l `slnrm and \\'on- only injured slight- ly. all T(`(`(\\`(l`ll1L{ fully. Theso vsrnpvs arc (`nn: \'m'_v miruvulmls wlwn one mnsidors that: there was 35 tons of hay also in the-{ ?barn. . l mu... u.' ., 4.. ....k...'IA ...._xl `UIIYII. ! Mr. Willsnn plzms in rvhuild and`, 1prnl`Ht`.'IHy all tho dohris has been` Zrmnovod nnd the hay . ` Il3orn1ermC._hi.ef Jas. Shrubsole Joined I Barrie Fire Brigade 36 Years Ago; llll'Ill|YL'l \|l Bill I ll" 5 \'U|UH`('(`r Ur!` doparunmn. with mm-teen years as Chiof. is that in tho on-di! of Jzunos Shrubsulo, who has rotimd as uctivn head uf thv Brngndv at the age of 75 _\'vzu'.< to he Sll(`(`(`(`d(`d by Ri(`hm`d T uvnn-.....a.... 1 I'm more Hum delighted with thel` results." is 21 (`nnunou comment from users of Examlm-r Classifieds. I `lll' \\ cl.` HsIIlll`lI \ (Xll'l ll` .\UK'\`K`\'(1 |Hl' Hate C01. J. B. 1\I<`F`hmv. who went ~m'erso:\s to tho Grout Wax`. Chief }Shruhsolc had m`1`\'inusl_\` bovn mp- `unn under (`.01. McPhoe. and also {under the late G. G. Smith. whom `Col. McF'Hee had succeeded a short I Hnux vu-.u-in-mlu \.`lH\.'l ~`HI'llDS\)lC. The first serious fire after my appointment was the old Queerfs Hotel fire back in 1915." he declar- nrl "Annoi-\n.~ nan Dink, :-Awinno fu'--n . ;l"lUlt'l lift` UHCK Ill 1313. HE UECIEIF` ?ed. Another serious fire was Fish~ 'ier`s Mill in 1918. There seemed to lbe u lot of fires during the War. l'1`here we! the old Barrie Collegiate DUI`UI.'l|. Victims of the Trmzcciy The victims were: Mrs. John R. Sherxmmml. nuecl 45. n m'udunl.c nur.-.-c. who .-:crve(l over- seas with distinct credit during the Great War; Dnnvc Ruth Shnrwnnrl nunrl niuht Heads Liquor Contfoi Ii. (5. OD I-ITTI-I PARADE HELD HOLY NAME AT Pl_LPST0NA Phelpston was the :.cene of a gath- ering of approximately two thous- and people on Sunday afternoon when the annual demonstration of the Northern Deanery, Holy Name Societies, of the Archdiocese of To- ronto, took place. Vnl... ...._..,..1_ ...L. J- :-..____y 2.. 42.- 2,000 Attend Annual Dc monstration of Northern Deanery .`,......, .. ,u..\,-.,. The parade, which fnrmr.-d in the baseball ;.{x'0unds cast of Phelpston. was met by the Blnssvd Sacrament at First Avenue, and than prnt-trcdcrl to the grounds of St. Patrick's church. Tn! L... 4|... A....L.1:,........... 1v._:..._ lIlIlUl.'lL Led by the Archdiocesan Union ofTieei`s. the pzirarle included delega- tions from the foliowim: societies: Toronto, /uljzila North, Adj.'il:i South, Alli.-iton. Barrie, Beaverton, Brechin. Collin1.{wood, Lnfontnint.-, Midland, Mount St. Louis, Orillia, Penetzm;.{- uishene, Perkiiisvid, Stayner, Up- ter;.:rove , Port M(~Ni(-oil, Victoria Harbour, Wmibiuuahene and Phelp- ston. 'l'L\,. In ..| .1-i......I:...... ....\..- r........ `VLUII. The I:4I';.{est rlelemllimls woro from Barrio and Orillia, each with about one hunrlrt-d, whiln Penetanxzuishonc nnc hundred, while Prmotznnguislu-n(-, Midland and Slayncr, also had large rlcle;,'aLinm:. 'l`nr(mtn xc-nt about. fty in take part. in the paratlc. this (`un- tingent |)(-imp: led by John Bennett, pr:-siclr\nL uf tho Ax'('hdio('(-san Un- ion, and I`. M. Kt-nncdy, past proxi- dent. Kr. .. .. .. ..1.. ...#.... 1r:., -l\\'lLll lUL`i|l \\'L'ZlHllTl (31 in mtmndmwv \\'u.~4 - _\'(*nrs. Tho cvronu land irnprossi\'cI_\' V ; rnn;:(2n1m1t.- \\'\`I'(` t Fathvr M. J. (`usu- 5. A. C`m1wz1_\'. Pholps Lll'L'l. Will , Denys Ruth Shorwoocl. ngcd ci1.:hl, daughter of the house; John Gordon Sherwood, nnod six. on of the house, who was sleeping Fvlth his mother in the corner bed- Ivnnvvu - Matwhznls fur the purznrle wore Vin- cent Hu(`kl(!_V. [`urrmtn. CI':mt1 Mar- shal, and Allwrl. A. 'l`nn<`r. Ihr~lp~ stun. The pzn`n(l(~ n'1m'('ho(l four :1- lwronst. l Wu. .`.......1h ... . ......n I... al.... 11: ' IJl'L'iI.`~l,. ~ The pamrlo was nwvl. by lhv Elms- orl Sucranurnl at First Avonuc. and the prnc`r`ssirm lht-n pl'O('(`(`d(`l | through the rzmks. urmmrl the block and buck In tho (`.hlll`(`h Lzrrunxrls. Mennwlxilv tho pnnplc joined in .~:im:- inn h_ymn.~: as the pl'O(3CSSi(Ill pns. along. T`hn Rlnuunrl Qnr-rznnnnl u~u~ nr.m~i_ iIllllIH. The Blossorl Sncrznnonl, was (`arri- -od by Rev. Donn Sweeney. Barricx :1sx.~1ist0d by Rov. Fntlwt-r Kelly. Mount St. Louis. and Rev. Father E. Kvlly. St. Clnrt-'.~: 'I uris:h. l`m`om.u. 'I`21kin[.: purl. in the p1'rn('(,-.<.s`inn was Rt. Rt-V. M(n.x`i1.{nm` F. I . (`a1'rnll, ur`rnh1iuh-nOrn- nf ihn Au-/-lxrlnr-nun 1 Lxufgv 1. orynxnur nus purrnason `tho px`np-rt) . cm'nox' 'I`m'unt and `Elizabeth Sls.. formerly owned and tuwwucd by thv kno Dr.}l.1Y Arn- Pztll. i er) . l Chief Shrubsole. during all those: years. has attended all fires and than has made a detailed report on each. Ilf ci1`cumsmnc'c-s SPPT11 it! Ll CIFCUHTSIZIHCCS SCCTU 5U5D1ClOU5. 113 `tr his duty to notify the Fire Mar-` shal's Department. ` ....... . .,~,.u.. nu-u. The retirement of sole will remove a figure from the fires. IMPRESS`I\E-1-SERVICE George '1`. ` `III I\l`l\l\|\I" \ Have you rvad the ndv(~rf.lsemonts`! YOUNG MAN. 21,! DROWNED NEAR` B%ELL%EwEWART in 1915. also Simpson's Brow- .r.4m:s smu~'sso1.I~: 1 Photo by Jacksmz. Barric| J. \ il.\H.f.\ il , PHOIDSIOY ' has p1m`hasod l` 'T`nI'nnOn nnrll Chief Shrub- very familiar i ~ (?lVlIllIll.'ll(ll.,'U. One pensioner was t1`ansfe1`rcd`_ from Dufferin County to Adjala, but j eight were transferred from Simcoe j ` municipalities to others: Essa toj Toronto; Midland to Toronto; Orillia ` ]`own to Muskoka. two; Oriilia ' . Township to Muskoka. two; Orillia ` - Township to York; Tossorontio ,|Township to York. A net decrease of ten in the num- ber of pensioners on the list, since the previous meeting, was indicated at a meeting of the Simcoe County Old Age Pensions Board in the ` Court House Friday last. Nineteen new applications were recommend- ed, and there was one transfer to Simcoe County. but on the other hand, twenty-two deaths were re- ported and eight pensioners were transferred from the Simcoe County pay roll. Au limp armc nn tho (')lrl Ann rmn. 1ll'hL UL Llllb yL'I. Twenty-nine new applications were considered by Board, of which nineteen were recommended. six , were left over for further informa- . lion, and four were refused. The ap- 1 plications recommended were from . the following municipalities: Stay- - net` and Penetanguishene, three ' each: Midland. Orillia (town). Bar- rie. Tiny. two each; Adjala, Nottaw- ` asaga, Essa. West Gwillimbury. In- nisfil, one each. Out of seven appli- cations for increase, five were re- commended. nnn .-mm.-.n.-.n.. ....... a........r.-.......A `Net Decrease of Ten - In Pensioners List ' Since Last Meeting pay run. As time goes on. the Old Age pen- sion list is becoming more and more stable in numbers, there having ac- tually been a net decrease since the first of this year. T`wnn1v-ninn now nnnliz-nnnc uuy (lIl|V\'lll'(l llIUl`5(|il_V llllll llll. were l`(`('n\'1`l'(`d frum lhv \\'ntur.~: of] Lake Simvm-, hvtxvvvn Rvllv l`I\\'arl and Snnkv l.`l2lll(L and tnkvn uslmrv} nt Hello Exvurl on Sunday uft.(`l`l\nm\`l with hundreds of sunmwr visitors nsi '\\'itx1essvs. | GAOL TERMS WOMAN GETS *% ON CHARGES` Mrs. Maria Angela Tessaro, 26, Sentenced to Six I Months ESCAPED CUSTODY Mrs. Maria Angela Tossaro. 26- _v<~:n`-old dark-complcxioncd Italian- bom woman. giving Fort Erie as her homo address, has commenced the srwvingz of nine months in gaol on Ilm:-0 (:hm';1es_ including two of theft and one of escaping from custody. Thn u!nn1:.\n urnu hr-nnrrhi hnfnrn illlll UHL` Ul U.\'L'il|HllL{ ll'UIl'] CUSLU(1_Y. The woman was brought before Mzu.{istra1.o Compton Jcs in Barrie, Friday afternoon last. Previously rc- mzmded for one week for sentence at Orillia, His Worship imposed a term of six months at hard labor for Ihc theft, of ten diamond rings valu- ed at $245 from Madden's jewelry store at Orillia, and a term of six months for escaping from custody at. Orillia on July 13. 'f'I'\n mi\.'.n1nI'\1hc inn-nn uvill run (Inn- ill. \JI lllll UH ullllj 1-). The six-months term will run eon- currenily with each otlier. but con- se('1itivel)' with a term of three mnnlhs imposed at Whitby the day 1)(`fnI`(` for the theft of $100 cash from the pocket of :1 friendly mot- orist. who, 1nw.'itt.in;:l_v. had been aiding her to elude the police dralz- ` not spread across the province. She had been m`rest.ed near Pickering on the night of July 13. \X7hnn enninnnnrl 1Hr\ rig:-lz_hah-nrl [TIC HUZUI. 01 July 1:`). When sentenced. the dark-haired young woman broke into tears and pleaded for leniency. I try and be good." she said. Won't you let me $00 my boy?" Rho \L'nc inlrnn hark in W1\i1h\'i 501` my l)U_Y.' Sho was taken back to Whitby. Saturday. to commence serving her term in the Ontario (`.0unt_v Gaol. Aclrnr-1 hv Ifiu `Urn-chin if clan uvnrn Asked by His Worship if she were guilty of tho ('h:1x`;:c of escaping from (-ustndy, tlw accused exclaimed: Yes sir, guilty: I didn't think you would hmk for mo." Bofnro sc1110n('o was passed. (`ruwn Attorney F`. G. Evans said that she had been semoncod at Whit- h_\' to three months for stealing: $100 lL'llll H] Um Unuulu \.uul1L_y' uaul. ` frnna :1 n1:xn'u nnnknf Khn hurl nnm-E U_\' H! I.1ll'l'U IllUH|,Il.\ AU! .\|L'?Hlll).{ $lUU from a man's pocket. She had com- mitted this offence because I saw it sticking out before my eyes." The (`mwn sugzgzcsted the sentence he concurrent with the Whitby term. Mn_L:istrate Jeffs, however. meted out :1 sentence of six months for the [theft of the rings to date from any sentence now being served, and also six months: concurrent for escapingv frnvn mxutndv I .\l.\ |ll\'lILIIE\ kl'Il\. from custody. Mrs. Tossuro v jewel theft at O1 remanded one Taken by the pn`: |'\nrz1n? chn Remains l~i;`c-'.--Eraered From Lake Simcoe Three Days Later LYUCK (`l1'l\'l,'l'. H1) '11! would not change clot she left him at Mount} she not various rides ' trucks. The last car was riding sustained Pickering. but when sought his money to 1 found that the cash from his pocket. Her 2 {voted :1 short time aft .. AL- ....... .... ..1.... ; Elmvzile annual Board of Trade 1 field day and street. dance, Wednes- iiday. August 8. 26tfb | Dance. Shanty Bay hall, Friday. qua July Hunter's orchestra, lunch fserved. Admission 25. 28tfb 4 Guthrie United Church garden party. August 2. at Alex. Camp- ibc-ll's. Cold meat supper served from }6 to 8 followed by good programme iconsisting of Ralph Gordon. Toron- Ito. entertainer: Miss Eileen Shuttle- lworth. Toronto. violinist; Neil `Campbell. Toronto. baritone; Jack iifones. Stayner. Scotch singer. Ad- mission 35c and 20c. 29-30b V Notices under this heading three cetm per word; minimum charge. 50 cents. }-- COMING EVENTS -- BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1934 r-0 was convicted of the} 1 Orillia on July 13 and} no week for sentence.` . ...\l;..- ..`.o...... on .. was The sale of beer under the new regulations of the Liquor Control ` Board of Ontario was commenced in Barrie Tuesday at noon with the ar- ` rival in the noon mail of the "auth- ` orities" from Toronto. A 0....` `snurnvonrvn -nn.-..- In nhnr, Ul'l|.lt.`5 IFUXTI lUI'()Hl.U. The two beverage rooms In oper- ation -- at the Wellington and Queen's Hotels ~- apparently did a rushing business during the first at - ternoon and evening. The Welling- ton beverage room was reported to have sold out its supply about 9.30 ` pm.. so great was the demand. l`VlOnA.~.. ..........~.......l A|.n.-....I-H-u. nu F u... saw ,,.\.u.- - Citizens expressed themselves as rather displeased with the actions of certain hoodlums. who apparent- ly thought it was a night of celebra- tion for what reason no one seem- ed to know. It was felt that the priv- ilege o[ partaking of a glass of beer I in a hotel beverage room should be respected by every patron and that there was no reason for a display such as was witnessed Tuesday night. Many thought that the "first ' night celebration" should never re- cur. or it would not be long before the Government rescinded the new regulations. The gnln nf hr-nr will hrv rnnfinnd FROM HOTELS sum) HERE `SALE OF BEER The body \\'ns found by vx-("(m-` trnllvr ('Iau(l<- Pl`llI'(`(`, 'I`m`<\uln. who! was in a molar hunt \\'hi('h was ful-1 lowing: u short (listmwv hvhihd 1111-} other bout. Tho nu-vvnwnl of (hv; nrst hunt svvnu-rl tn ruuso :1 shuhti dist\n`h:uu'v in lhv xrutm` which up-` pm`m1tl_\' hruught tho hndy to tho; surfun-0. { Beer 13 to Be Served in Beverage Rooms of Four Hotels X'L g\.llHLl()H5. The sale of beer will be confined to four hotels in Barrie-~-the Wel- lington, Queen's. Simone and Amer- ican. :1 survey of the situation indi- cates. '1"!-us v\vv:nt\ nlanuwvnrl I-up {kn l\nOl1n ui CHLUS. The price charged by the bottle at tables is fifteen cents per pint of eleven ounces or twenty-five cents per quart of twenty-two ounces. Draught. beer, which will be avail- able in some beverage rooms before the end of the week, will sell at a price of ten cents for a ten-ounce glass. it is stated. rn.:._r ._r n-I:..- nu-.. r-n..___-..i ..,u..... .., u. .. ....\.. Chief of Police Alex. Stewart stated that if there was anything out of the way on the first night of the beer sale, he was fully confident that things would right themselves in time. There were no arrests for `drunkenness Tuesday night, he said. TI In I\t\Itr In.-val IA .`....1'ln.<.\ `\r\:\`~ |I\l\lJ It is now legal to purchase beer and wine ~~ but not hard liquor--- from the warehouses and liquor stores without a permit as formerly required by law. Rnslaxurantg urn ...:,...., ..- mu... ln _.J nnwnnrnrilv I I uquurru lilVV. Restaurants arc lcftwtcmporarily at least-in the cold. They get no authorities. But Premier Mitchell F. Hepburn repeated that the present regulations and restrictions are mere1y'dc-signed to test public on- inion. Later thcrc may be restric- tions or enlargements. Nn flood of beer". continues to be the Govcrn- nvnr\1'c rnnn UlSL'l' . CUIIHIIU n:ent's motto. U. D. MFARLAND FATALLY H URT IN A c__c_1 DENT V. .......-... ......-L-.......,. ') Mr. McFarland suffered serious in- ziternnl injuries in the region of the `chest. concussion and it fractured _-ileft pelvis. He was conscious prac- i tically until the last. Dr. E. G. Turn- -,)bull did everything in his power to -!. the lh_|lll`t`(`l man's life, but e;there was little hope from the first. -i Aecording to Traffic Officer W. P` 1-`. Thnnipsnn. whu investigated the Wacrident. MeF:irland was returning Y1 home from Midland before midnight. '.!The highway is under construction 1] at the point. the new ten-font strip 11; of concrete being in use on the west ]side of the road as far smith as the ljbnttnm of Brennan's Hill. where :2 Tgharricade `v\'l-`h two red lights is er- E` K ected. The concrete south of the R` barricade has been laid but is still `-`covered with earth and water used c after the strip had heen laid. Tim` iroadwagv jogs at the bottom of the n `Motor Car Leaves Highway ! No. 27, North of 1 'I)_.;, There will be no inquest by the lvil 'nuthm'ities into the causes of he tragic fire which lost the lives I four persons at Camp Borden on unday. After :1 consultation with Crown ttorney F`. .. Evans. K.C., Coroner r. W. C. Little. Barrie, announced hat it hurl been clecitletl that the ourt of inquiry instituterl by the , llitary authorities would be suffi- lent. The court of inquiry. with Squari- on Lemler D. C. M. Hume, R.C.A.F.. s president. and Major M. Flinter, .C.C.S.. and Lieut T. M. Brown, unior medical niYicer. as the other embers, heard the testimony of Dr. ittle on Sunday. nnd is still inquir- ing into the causes or the tragedy. annual 1.4... :3 cu. ..... .....: nr-A