Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jun 1934, p. 11

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ywm smmzj li .!I Hunlnp ..`..-nu WALKER :31'oR;=.s, u.'.mam'a. ,. l"l`l(T\'l'l'|'lH-2. ?\"l'()\'|-I`~'_ l`|.. L4. nJAvnr. .z n 1 .'1(`l<\'.'CH'S IKC |...o|` WRI(.`.H'_T (Il..FIANKZRf3_ OXYDOL ; 19 .`-"._r': 2"." 15 HARRY J. TWISS URRY BROS. A. E. SMITH ~--W -_- n .|\--r I. V47, l'.:|_v untl ('|l:lI'I(`.* :-ihwu-.ts. l'()lH)N'l`(). 16-uz. Tin` tn 19 n_u:.4-\ - Ihlnhm .25 McLAREN'S STUFFED MANZANILLA CLOVER 1.!-ZAF .\1 I` [III .`.I |~.'l2I) (}rn'z1'11 .`{1nnL'(.f uI'II'\`lnvDI'\ I Mrs. W. J. Gruccy spen Oshnxvn. I) .|'unn-u nnrl Rah anon! UPI - i'z3E3Ac0N 1/fem] BunL'lc.a.s` -\ur.u-I 'I3i'i`_`i;i?.Ts VEAL" `\'i~l'/`"13"1'i'~i'i`is - u,. Blade Rib Roast (1). f\1(1_\'fi('l(l fV'lI'\I" 1" I Ihmlop SI. RARRIEA BARC./`\!I\I I-l()U.`5Fl IJIBSIII ID (.'nI|:Iqn Anqvyrtnlrnl .._.___.___ ,, ,, ` OOE30 U$ HPSOI H/\.RRY ARMSTRONG H. E. Nl1:(flJLi.UEJClI 11".}./l1I|'C VINEGARS 1-, 1.1. -.r. <: t\'. );mr.s<\\'cx MEAT PASTES I! .11.. .1` FR/X NV. Dl..l.'l`Cl-!l".R nuurxn I 4 H1-rHunrI'.' nInr~|( n ! 3I<`iIrLlViJ`-."|:Ll{'S I"/MR H. H. Jnna - xuyz 8; I'.l::r.k\\`cH's ' DAQTI-`C _ for Your Old Ice Box :,;.,;,, ,3, )'v[r4' IJHvI- IHI SARDINI-`.5 - 2 mm 15 1'1 M11? PICKLES l`r<-m ,1 1 MUSTARD m-`:_1`-;_.i `() l Bl{F.NN./\N Weston s Biscuits HIN D!"-5 umms 4-oz. Jar 16'/$4-oz. battle 14 ,.VI'.- U), ` Pawn lift-vcn __. ..__...__._. 10 .18" 14c .13 14 tin 25 16-01.. Tin on-:4 "ll: 1'; [Kim SIM 74 Dunlop St. Special Represenattive for invr slsln-1'. l\'Ir.-:. L`. | Mnyw L`. -Npurlc.-4 :1: Iron of l`nrnntn wt-r |Mi::.-: J. 1nr:l Amlrqw 4 ' Mr. nnrl Nlm. U. T 'n'4- nvnvinrl lnlfl '13 JVII H. IVI. I l'iI|H 'I"zun :~:pvnl. n I'<-\ with llw lull:-r'~: nnm. an I.` n1..I\ lVll`>'. WI. I" (law for K: ;pninl:: wl`u-: I M.- Thursday. June 28. 1934 iMrs. (E00. ltnchxo. wl Mrs. Annie Bnnnvr (-111. n l'L-w duye: sh-1', I\'h'.-:. C. 1*) I 'l\1I.'uIIn' (` .'~2nnI'ks.' nu `(l::_\', imrh [ IVI I`. ` /'\ndx': l M". I-2 G. T. TRASK I '.*:|>c.-m!III;.: II Inc: )m'(-n1.-:, Mr. zmrl Mr`. Mr. nnd `1\"fr.~:. .l:xz~k mil. uml Dun Wvl.-zh r 3 run tn. *i!:H(`[l l".lmv:a|1- frin-ml: urc mnvmu ml: mu.~:(.- ju.-zt -znsl Mr . Dnvirl W -nu-nI'i|nv IT` Mr. hilll` .SIME>$@`%` HM` I.` lhn- ( -nlrul rt-H ; lulu!- I` .'Hl Shaw Business Schools III! lulu I r. . M. F. M(~(.)u' "or K.'nnIrmx>-: HI Mr. :_ Thu.-4 nultnv v nll Hvpl .'.`.. I . Hilt- /ilh M After Trade-in You Pay rmnn an ; lust mu *2. D|l1('h( nr] \/ix-Hn [ COMPANY I LEMWED Simpson; make It easy for you to own one of the now complete LEONARD Retngerators. Your old me box, together wlth a cash doposrt of $lO is accepted as Down Payment Balance may be spread cvcr 24 months - $7.43 a month wxth small mterest charge in- cluded. Installod complete to your electric outlet. BARREE IH-t'i~:inns urn- _56`S_1`ATION I. (h'4-1-nlzlw-l(irk put:-ivk X`.-...l.uvl:.n-F . :\/l-. ..u. |. !\ :|lhl-ml Bx-ll ::p<`nt n 1'm'nntn 1:-wt week. .'~`.<-hrw-I Bnnwl nl` Om u.::u,'ud 1\/[i::.-: `Mnrirm IV r \'(-;u'. $169 H'::, H. l`.ll`n'I: UI 1'1`!- Irl ('Iifl'm'(I I".h'i('k nI' I :1 few vm-k. IV!` '\l'IIlI II III! lI'|(|ll"Il. WWI` lrulu I'm` '|ll`JilI('Ns' pouitiuus zlml lwlp in plan-v our L-,r:u|u- an-.. lint!-I` auly limv. Nu I'I:rm-1| \':u':|limI-.. Wrilv tn and lVl'r. and I Hf ()I'1Hl. l -.n.I1\/1.-9 I "xi/`.I{i3.; mggmssggtg} CHITTICK Motor Sales Pontiac Sedan Chrysler Coach Durant `"6" Coupe Overland Coupe $25.00 Dodge '31 Panel Delivery Ford '31 1` 2-ton Stake Body Dunlop St. Phone 491 I--vllJR.i-BLV_l?kV'T sH_01 _c0. Ford 1932 V8 Coach EMPKE HARDWARE I u 1.4. I an Ir.\n4n4 1 l'.`\|\"l'f-1 .`!I\'l) \'k'.-\Li.l'.- Chev. 1933 Coupe I):-pl. Chev. 1926 Coa.ch w._ _l). GRRFFlTHS_ THORNTON Ford 1 931 Sedan THE BARRY! EXAMINER, HARRYE. 0N'!'.. CANADA .B.RQW``.` 4?` C9- T. E. HAARLEY The following Barrie Merchants wish to announce their pi;`:,c`(..`.': nf business will be open all day ~-every Wednesday during the summer `n1cm!:hs: DOUGLAS DRUG STORE REF.Vi:l S JEWl7ll.RY .`_5'l0RF..`3 u-vi.-up uvn.-n I l\'1`VI't\\' IIl\'l'l.`I In l|l`l.`\ _w._R. ALLEN 'u nzl `(Z IInn`un `L. l :1 nn\uJ 1 R0 lhmlnp >21. \.-.2 n unllld 5:4 Imnlnp 5-:. NEWS OF ELMVALE TO SERVE OUR LOCAL AND COUNTRY TRADE WITHOUT ANY INCONVENIENCEZ TO GIVE OUR SUMMER VISITORS EFI*'ICIl:`.N'I` SERVICE Lgune a rut ed the Sun hold at the '1 Mr: Rnhn MlLLER S Fl)SHlON SHOPPE COOKSTOWN _s"rRou1T lI\.I\J\.Jl_lF|AJ LJn\\/\..I LJ I \_ll\l._l lWl'Il.l.l.\'(i l`()\' llU'l'l-II. IIl.|N`I$) um1n_\' school Convenuonl 3 Town Hall last 'I`hursda}`.; rbertson and children and: Nlr: V T AHrii nfl EDGAR SIMMONS & CO. BI_LL GARNER This special offer of accepting your old ice box as part payment is tor 3 days only! Model SL1 LEONARD has everything you could want in a retrigerator-lots of room-- every inch ot which is usable. Large ice cube capacity. Twelve freezing speeds at your fingertips. Extra tast freezing tray and many other features that make LEONARD the most complete refrigerator on the market _s. w. MOORE F.` C. LOWER V l.4I\ I: Ihmlup M. BARRIE MERCHANTS ARE OPEN mm }\"Us}I:.Es 3 ml `RaI7M7o7~iI PORK s. BEA?~'7$ " 3 Lr\`H(' -\' 1'. .'ur'.'.'.t .1 5 cu? DRENKS . :..m 25 Czm-Hf. SPAGHETTI ill ! cult! '01:` rwllll ll l`:mr'_\' l'.1t |-1 SHRIMPS OLIVES Sunlight Soap 4-` 2?. Lifebuoy Soap 3`-$22G This Spring'.x-Z-lh. H). ( Bolling Chickens Pcumcalcd % A , I KLIIIIL LL!-LL` Cottage Rolls 1. Farmer's Style (`V I I TI` A I`I Short Rib Roast u3 Strawberry CL1snr:o's Scotch Style \\'1l1 I`rr,tin $10

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