`tor two being elected owing to the \;-\.:-L`. uuu Luu\.nun~n..-uu-u. Of the Henry Cabinet only four! members survive, vi7..: the Premier, Hon. G. H. Chzillies, I-Ion. W. H. Price and Hon. Leopold Macaulay, the lat- opposltion vote being split. Mr. Price's margin was only 2513. Hon. Mr. Moore of London. appointed to the Cabinet just before the election. was do[ea~ted."Hon, '1`. L. Kennedy. Minister of Agrictiltue. was beaten in Peel by Hon. Duncan Marshall. Hon. Wm. Finluyson was snowed under in East Simcoe nnd even Hon. Chas. Mccrea was (lefezitnrl in Sud~ bury by over I000. I-lon. W. C. Mar- tin went (Iown in Brnntforrl. when- M. M. Mmtricle haul zi plurality of nearly 4000. VIVLA f` I" I7 I\lt\Iu`tur] I . n . \ : unnrlirlnln h :1 `MUSEUM PLAN IS ADOPTED g FOR coumv Barrie Gives Liberal Lead of 874 and Tiny Advances Him 976. Craig's only Majorities in lnnisfil and Bradford, both Small -- Tan- ner Defeats F inlayson by 2710, reversing Vote in Midland by 2079. Only Coldwater and Matchedash Tory--Smith Wins over Jamieson in Dufferin-Simcoe, by 1027, Collingwood s share being 526. `Efforts of Women's Insti- ! lute Backed by County I Council OLD REGISTRY OFFICE IUIIIIV`/lll IIIULIUII. MacLarcn-Nolan --- `quest of the Women's ylhe use of two rurm Registry Office to an nnnnlv nu!-:nnrn ht: Hr ||Il (I III i Later in the s(?$.ii4 Hvas granted by the I I following motion: Liar-Y an-nn_l\7nl::n _ TANNER SBlG VICTORY 1VL'}.'.|Sll')' L)llIL'L' lU 1l'L'lHLHIlUuiHL' 1| county museum, be grinned and that the necessary alterations to provide` D"- 5 an entrance on the street he made! mm under the supervision of the County 9 led by W Property Committee. 1 (Tu. and her SMITTHTBEATSVTJAMIESON -3l\L|LJl Dl|':. IVll\l\IEr' Ill. lln. .Rnberts. PFIRTH I\xu.:1I: WEL.I.lN(}'l`()N S()U'I`ll 1). Paul Munrn. I"()R'l` I\l{ l`HUR (". W. (`ox WINIISOH-W.`\l.KI`IRVIl.l.1`) D, .1` I Croll. { W/\'I`El:l..()() N()R'l`Il N. .I\:~.nm.<~{ l nun PENETANG l.EVY PAH) in V\ -- That the 1's ' Institutes Olx` In the .. n`. .A..I. rc- fur old u an that side ` In Canada. _......t_ . ..,,/....... L r 'l'ln- lmnl lhL'IHh(`l' rlerlarcd ht: had` kxmwn MI!-`ht-H Hvpburn fur [lV(`* hat in mm of tho tznwnlest statesmen That man 15 some man `Lu do what he has done." Dr. Simp- sun sand. "Wh:-n Mr, Hepburn forms a Gnvermncnt we are going to give (~14-zm hnnust tzuvcrmnenl to the peo- ple of this Pr0vim:e of Onturiu. and and her along, the way to prosperity." Simpson was then carried in lad,_,=::1 tnumphul tour around the town ;n1_y Q yo.*.`n`.~:. and he :;:nd he took 0!! ms, the Barrie Band and march- Overwhelmingly ' Endorsed IDR. SIMPSON I I IS ACCLAIMED . BY ADMIRERS . . T :" . | Victor 1n Centre Slmcoef Thanks Workers and I Supporters MAKES '1`(5UR`()r RIDING I Aftvr mzmy ya-nrs of waiting. the l.ihm';n|:; of Sixm-no Cnunty, and in fact all over Ontarin, were pre::cntwl l with their great upportunity to (-hm-r ` on the night of an election on I`m.-s- day. "I'hn rnlnhvnlinn in !nnh-n Qinuvnn Lluy. The ('oleb1`zlti0n in (L'(2nh`(: Sinuroo. 1'(-aclncd large px'upurli0ns and the \'ivt vnnrlidatc, Dr. I... J. Simp- son. was the centre of admiring and chc-(`ring throngs in Bzwrie, Pem- tunguishenc. Bradford and other parts of the riding through which it Lriumphnl mutur tour pas.-4o(l. At much point nf :~:tnm)zu.:(~. the 1VIen1bm thunkvd hm :.'LIpp0rlL-1`s; and friends; for the tr(*mcmlnu:4 m:Ijm'ily rolled up, and prmnisud to .\`('l'\ (? all the rt-.~'iLlvm\' of H10 ruling. i1'I`('s4[)u(-t1\'~ nl Imlifimz I (Trim to Page Eight, -_nlea.se_' I|l\LA\ Cultcr. Q A I YI Riding high on tin-('rv.~I1 of :1 great I.il:>0rnl l:mdsIi(lc in tho Pmvinct`, Dr. Lommrd Jmmvlt Simp.~1nn, Bm`rie pl1_\'siL'i:m. \V:l.\` rv-vlovtod member of the ()ntnrin l.ouislu1,ux-v for Centre Simone by 11pw:n`d.s' of 3,(i()() mnjority over Mayur John l"r:mklin (fruig. in J`L1osduy'.x' epnchnl (`II`('li(1ll. 1, u , .\ n- . . In my (luinu. l)1'. Simpson created political lxislury in this County, for he I'(`L!l.\'l(`l`(`(l the lznrgest majority ever given to :m_',' ('nn(li(lnle in an (`X(`l\l.`-ll\ (` Slum-no (`mmly riding. Rem-in-(l (lenvrnl Support The victor l'(_`(`(`l\ (`(l xzoneral sup- port, lllmnulmnt the ridimz. and even In set-lions wlwre lu:l-minute issues xv:-re illj(`(`l('(l into the (-mnpaiun and wlwro It was (`X]I(`I'l(`(l by his sup- pur!m':: that restllls would not be so fn\'ur::bl:~, he pulled through with flying ('nIn\Il'S. /\ .-eurvvy ni tr.._- rt-turns indicates thnl the (|unL:hl_V fiuhler achieved nmjm'ili(=.< in vvx-r_\' mm` of the nine Illlll]i(`i]\lIlill1`S in the rirlim: except two Brzulfnrrl .'mr,l lnni.~;lil in whivh the IIl1Il`l.!lHH for Mayor (Iraig were t'n|np:1I`nti\'t`l_V xnmll. Out of NJ pullim: snh(li\'isiun'< in the riding. Mnyur (`rum .'upp:n'z-ntly led in only ten or eleven. Dr`. .... 0.. Dr. Shnpxmn nvlxia-\'(.` one of his ambitions which hr: froquv.-nlly ex- pres.~;orl lhrmluhuut thv cmnpnign - that ho was mmiuus in carry his hnmv tnvun nf Hurru-. l`hi.v. ho ac- vompli.-:ht-d in nu {Hum-rt:1in fashion. by vuplurlmz \'v1'_\' pull in the town, inclmlhug Ihv :Ir!\'iIl\(`(' poll. zmrl roll- ing up :1 xnzu-v Hy of mnrc than 870. In tho lust vlw-I rm }<`nrL:io had :1 mn- {nu-ilw nf 1'74 in U.-n-u-in - \-u..,n..-luu nu nu uu--nu--u numuuu. v'1'_\' in mn- jorlly ml` I'M in llzuww. Vt-ry ll:-.'nv_v Vulc Pollccl lmlioulinu lhv lwvn inlnrcst tnlu-:1 in lhv 1-l<-vtmn this your. the vote pulled xvns L`!lSll_V' lwt-my to twenty- fivc per cent. hinlu-r than it was five years ago when 1):`. Simpson camr` LhmuLI,h with lhv scant margin of 220 in the old riding uf (Jcntre Sim- . me. For lnslzmce, Barrie placed its total up arrmml the 3.900 mark as mmi)m`c(l with 3,076 vnlcx polled last time. And what war: true ln Barrie was true all ow-r the riding, and to the same L-xlvnt. lruv all over the Prnvinct.-. l`I.n I\.uI\I\,r| nun.--nu.OI-y nan-A Ln`... l"l'llVlHC(.'. l`h0 people nppzz 1:; interested in their voice was; ht` ....o Winning Creemore Doctor 1 DR. W. D. SMITH `Who defeated Edgar Jamieson. the ,' late member in Dufferin-Simcoe, by 3.1 big m:Ijr~ri'_V. PAGES 1 to 6 SECTION 1 I \'I\\ HV ]{m'lmx`k. 'I`f\I)f\ l\l nmmrr-ntly were keen- in HS 1,-l(~c1i0n. and ; hvznrd In volume and .. ...un-uu- .._- V r_\' mo (Du. I\/I-nu... I`. J. No. 25 Iu'u |'l UL` burn Cabinet s nlly !\lVl|L:I\ S\'l1\\1~x\;:ux'. mu u '1.` |V|\'GK\\'I\a \ pl. l'|l|IIl\ K\|'ll`\ :\L( IOM .-\- M .'\N ITOULIN W. Mlllvr. l.l".l.IWS (I '1` l"ulfm d. l{.*\IN\' HIV!-`.R Rnndulph (`mun NUl{'l'}lUMlH*IRl.AND H N (`a l)URHz\M W J. Brauuz. llUR(\N~BRU\`l-I -I (`. A. Ruin .-4... A. J. SARJEANT President of mo Barrio Lib: sociation. who was the very head of Dr. Simpson's `nova ization. THE * BARRIE + EXAMINER LIBERALS BRANT Hun. H. C. Nixon. GREY NORTH--v--I). J. Taylor. HALTON '1`. A. Blnknlnck. KENT EAST -Duncan Camphvll. ELGINV M. I. Ila-ph1n'n. nN'I'AnIn w l`. N .Qin.-Imr JUIJLIIIV` IVI. I`. [Il`})l)|ll'll. ON'1`ARI() W. E. N. Sin(`lnlr. SIMCOYSI (`.EN'[`RE D1`. 1.. J. Simp- znn illll. I.AMB'I'()N WEST Wm. Guthrw. H./\LDIM.`\Nl)-NORF'01.K H. :4 "..Hn.. LIBERALS SWEPTA INTO POWER BY A GREAT LANDSLIDE, IUH. W.`\'l'l`[{l.()('\ S()U'I'H- N. (7, IDOL \VI5fI.T.AN|3`a I4` .1 A\I|rh~r~.-an -ISAU-LII` STE. I\/1AI{IF.-- Dr. E. D. )nl.....o.. vvn|r.Iu.\nrn\rU|n- w.\r.n VVl`II.[.ANl)"l".. J. I\ll(ll`l`.\'<\ll. SH\/l('l')F'. [".:\'l' HI` (I I". 'l`:Il VV |'A|:|.a!\lV|l .1. .L l\ll\ll`l .\Ull. SIMCOFI l".:\S'l' Dr. (3. H. 'l`:lnn('r.{ NIAGARA v`m.1.s w. 1.. nmu-k.} ()'l"l`I\WA I".I\S'l` -Paul 1.vdu(-. ` Vl("l`0Rl.\- Wlllmm Nvwmnn. l'ISSI".X N()l('l`H H. A. 'l`rult1vr. HURON -- Junuxx Hullm1l_\'m~. l.lN(`.0L.N K H .'\\`(`l`_\ . 'l`L)R()N'|`() Hl".I.I.W()()l)S~ A. W. )....\.....L. .7 ~. PERI. Hull NIPISSINH H!\NUL'I'UN U.-|uu...u.nu- 70th Year. 3l'H\\'l'lll`l'. l\RI1(`l~I -Juhn Snwlnir` HR.t\N'l`I<`()RIi M. M. !Vlm'I`h'|dv. MUSKUKA J. Frank Kvlly .\[l'1\.'vI.\ .'\I.\ I\!!'I`I\H`| IN u` 1 Directed Barrie Forces (Turn to page` eight, plmsc) ' ST, ANDREW ~ J. Riding on the crest of a popular wave the Liberals. under the lead- ership of 37-year-old Mitchell Hep- burn. were swept into power on. Tuesday and will have as big a ma- jority as the Conservatives have en- joyed at any time during the 25 years the Liberals have been in op- position. The party standing on Wednesday showed 65 Liberals, .17 Conservatives. 4 Liberal-Iro- gressives and one each of U.F.O.. C.C.F. and Liberal-I_.ubor. .. , :,_-. _.-u._ 5....-. l'lIl|l'|ll WIN` hlll Thvu l.v|.:m1lt. (`l.N'l'RE -- _ ucuxu local 0rgm1- IRI ` Liberal As- \~nn-\- nut I 3 `New TEACHER s ENGAG FOR 1 con. [ATE Barrio Board of Edu('ul.lrm. at a special lY1(!l`l.ll1[.I S1|llll'(ll_V evening, i(-n[.:uL{(-cl Miss Kathleen Mnm'o as I lvezntl of the English and History De- pnrtnicnt of tho Cullogiutc Institute at :1 salary of $1800 per year. Miss Munro. who has been teach- ing in Aumra high schnol during stziff of l"cnetz1n;:uishen(: high school for six years. She is a spe- cialist, in English and History. a graduate of MCMlSlCl` University, and has taught Upper School Eng- lish for the past, six years. During the past your she has taught Eng- lish. German and Gougrapliy at Aurora. Arlnnn-Hz-n tn Tnnnhnr the past y(-zu`. was prc-vi<)u.s'ly on the 2 EMiss Kath>leEA:rn- Moore Ap- : pointed for English and History at $1,800 `REPORT "615 " BOILERS l !\lH`Ul'il. Advertise for Teacher "The 'vaeacy in ' King Edward School was discussed by the entire Board and the members felt that a male teacher was preferable. At- ter t.he matter had been thomupzhly riiS(`llS.`Q(l. it was moved by Trustee Tyrer and seconded by Trustee Dobson that the secretary be in- .' to advertise for a male tea- (`her for Senior Third Gracie in.Kim: Erlxvard School, the advertisement to appear in the Barrie papers. Report On Boilers Secretary 'I`rea.s'urer A. H` Felt read a report from R. Bellman. tn- :~:pe('tor of the Boiler Insurance Co- who had just in.speete(l the boilers in the seltools. The inspeetor touml xonw fault with the thirty- year old butter in Vit`lm`tu School ancl stated it was not good enouizh to be repaired and that it would have to he replaced |e\'entnall_\'. 'l`he eomlition of the tlmilerds in the` other . was HH|l'l'.\ HI LIN` Ull|l`l .\L'lIUU|>a \`\'i|.\ ('nnside`1'(`d uuod. 'I`rustoo Smith. clxuirxnan of thv Prupurty and Supply Cmnlnittt-c, vununvxmtml upon nu` favourable re pm`! n-('vi\'.-d in (`unm-(`H(m with the illSD(`(`Hl\!l of thv lmilvrs. Ho ro- \'iv\\'1-d thv hi.s'tnr_v nf thv slukvr "Hun hand horn installed in Prinvv uf iWulv:: .`x`<'h and later n~mm'vd. Ul|`|.\ KM` lHSlHll(`\1 UH UUUl.\ i:H.'CUl'(1' mg to l`t`qtll`.\`l of Fire M'.ii`shal. `ltiilkilli; cost of duurs $199. being $49 additional. This mntiim was t`al`l`iL`d. Rt-port mi :\pp1iC'.iiits Tho 'i\iii:\:i_i:.`iiiviit L`niiiiiiittuv.`. hav- ing; mot (.U'llt`1` iii the u\'0Iiiiig_ pro- _scutod its i`vimi't in l`t`]{1lI d to the viicaiivy in the Collegiate Institute and King Edward Schools. Trustee Thnnipsnii. chairnian of the commit- tee. wciit into the IIIRIICI` very thor- uiighly 1|Hd,ii.\`lt`d so\'ci'a1 teach:-r.< for C(\Hl`_EiillL` who had been consid- Jcred. It was then moved by Trustee ;Thnmpson. seconded by Trustee Mc- `Kinnon. that Miss Kathleen Moore `be engaged to fill vacancy in the ` department of English and History `at a salary of $1.800 per year. and _thut the seci'etar_v secure the cus-` .tomar_v contract properly signed. I - o Get Six City Seats and Two Yorks; Big Liberal Majorities Finlayson s Vanquisher DR. ~GARNET TANNER Read the Classified Ads. County Road Program Involves $100,000 On Unemployment Plan Simcoe County's programme of work on the roads under the Gov- ernment unemployment relief scheme involves the exepnditure of approximately $100,000, of which more than half is for labour and the remainder` for materials. The Coun- ty receives a rebate of two-thirds of the labour cost from the Federal and Provincial Governments. and in addition, the regular highway sub- sidy of fifty per cent. of the cost of work done under the Highway Im- provement Act on county roads. Chairnmn H .T (`mawfnrrl n!` the l,llL' \/UUHL) LU|.llll,'ll. Rates of wages paid on the roads in connection with this work are as follows, on the basis of an eight- hour day: labour, 25 cents per hour`. truck drivers. 30 cents; foreman, 40 cents; man and team. 50 cents. pI'(JVClllUllL t\l.'L UH L'UUHLy YUEIUS. Chairman H. J. Crawford of the County Roads Committee tabled the report at last week's session of the County Council. Raine nf xvzirfrw nnir] nn Hun rnnrlk` l\].',l'l('Ull.UI'i|l DUl.'l(.'|.ll'.V. It was decided to hold the annual meeting of the district fairs a: tion at the same time as that of the Georgian Bay Fairs Association. which usually takes place here in January. Mr ("nrrnll nznnn nn inH\I'(\\`Hl'H d'(lHl.lill'_Y. Mr. Carroll ;:.nvr..- nu inlere.x'ling talk on Fall Fairs generally. and re- mznrkerl on the lU(`iIl exlwibilinn par- l.i(-ulnrly. The Barrie Fair will be held for four (lays this year Sept. 17. 18. 19. and 20. Practically all the judges have been a1`ram.:ed for. The annual] pzracluulinn of nurso.~: in connection wilh tho Rnynl Vic- tnrizi Hospital will [)0 held in Him` B.C.I. auditorium this ITl1ii1`s(la_w evening. (-nnnntrncing at 8 o`clo(*k. Dr. B. III` M(:Ghio. Deputy Minister nf l'i(\S'])ll2IlS. will be tho (`l1l(`.i speaker and there will be an inter- osiingz pmgmimme. All intoi'e.<:lod in tho grziduzitimz class or the hospital are welcome. ..u..._, Wuuu. The C.C.F. olcctml one candidate, Sam Lnwrcsncc 0|` Flnst HillT1iH.()l1. In P(}lCl`h()l`() by running :1 (`anrlidnt,r- they elcctcrl :1 Crmservntive and did the sumo kiml .-:crvicc for Hun. 1.00- pold Macaulay and Hon. W. H.| Prfcc. ; r....,....u., ......-.. mum. ir\1n 'I'nI'\r| Barrie s Fall Fair Praised by Officiall High tribute towgzirrie Fall Fair` and its pnssibilitit.-s for development. was paid by J. A. Carroll. superin- tendent of Fall Fairs, Torrmto. at 21 rlisirict. fairs meeting in Barrio. Po- lice Court, Chamber Wednesday Hf- ternnon Inst. Magistrate 1.. J. C. Bull. president of the rlistricl. asso- ciation. prexidccl, and (lolegutcs \v(`1`(.- present from Biirric. C0l(iwa- ier. Oriliia, Om. and Collingwood /\L{l'l(`llil.lll`: |i Sm-ictivs. H HILIQ rlnr-irlr-rl in hnlrl H10 nnnnnl TALK ON BIAI7'I`ll"l(TA'l'l0.\' OF THE HOME Sl}RR0lINI)lN(iS At tho meeting of the i\'iwzinis Club of Barrio. Monday night. the mcmbcrs had the pleasure of hczir ii'1:i'\"ei`y interesting illustrated talk on Beznitification of Home Sun roundings" by M. A. Adainson. Supt. of Midhursl. Forest Station. Mr. Ad- zimson said it was one of tho duties 0! a citizen ~i.o keep his homo sur- roundings in a tidy and presentable condition. He emphasized the im- portanco of having a design for tho uarrien and working to that. end so that tho pii-turn may he as bounti- |'ui as pn.~'r:ihi(~. . WORK HEAVIER % FOR 01.1) AGE PENSlQN_ BOARD; Claims for Refund Take Much Time and Attention SIX MONTHS REPORT; IKIHI. LII!` lll'ILll C lll(|_Y IR` (.15 l`K'|I\Ill- |'u1 . A \ ('I`_\ In-znutiful so! of slidc-:: ud- dvd much tu the very infunnativc '|rlr{|*nL-c R..V.ll. GRADU/\ I`l0N 'l`0NlGll'I` Cllllllh .\<'uu'u. UIIH lH('_V i`lUVl.`L` uiay this be done. ln future. in an effort] to have those claims settled. without} letting property. when any. deter-`i iorutc in \'alu`. it will moan much. more work {or the Local Board. 'l'ho: propvrly usually consists of :1 place; which was used as a home by the pensioner and in many cases we! find the relatives of the pensioner continue to use such property. claiming it cannot be sold. and do not pay rent for same. The Com- mission and Local Board do not ap- prove of this. yncc. : Inroncls were made into 'I`m'y' 'I`0r0nt0". Liberals capturing: six out of thirteen seats and they also took West, and North York. 11 T 'Y`nul:n- Lilun-ul Inn: u~n_:-In:-I- i The Examiner gives the greatest newspaper value in Slmcoe County. Sinl(`t>(` Cum iuurd submit O .E v n\\1\ mnly Old A110 Ponsitmsl ittod its rvpnrt. fur the! onths of 1934 in the. ..._:I ..c I....4 ...-... nu.suu_\ . dull!` . .l, ill I })4l114 A. A. Kalil`- 5'-` ma` I vm. Scc'_v-Trus. 25b `__'~`l Keep Aug. 2 open for Guthrie \`` Unitvd Church garden party. Full dn`:" particulars later. 25b 1 c ; District annual South Simcne Wo- rd. ThL`lmm~.'.~ In.-oivn1.). 1.... rm L-.., |T|1ree Towns Debentures I Guaranteed by County ` TOE! Amount, $80,000 'Collingwood $33,000; Mid-I land $25,000; Penetang $20,000 ONE lSSUEWliEJECTED Proceeds of Midland Issue To Be Applied To 1934 Levy I Simone County Council, at its {in- al sitting of the June Seson Friday afternoon last. guaranteed deben- tures of constituent municipalities totalling: $80000. made up of the fol- lnwimzz ('ol|in;1wmd, $35,()(l(I: Pom`- t.'1ng.:ui. $'. [).0l)0; and Midland. $25.0(l(). r'..........a.,.. ..r _..u rv.n:.... 1'IUL.`I.. flL\ 000 issue \I stalling a prm'idim.z L:zIs-driven vnunvnnxnnh Noucvs under thL< handing (.11 per word; minimum charge. Only 17 Conservatives Are Elected; Five Ministers Defeated TORONTO GRITS WIN I v &O X l [J61 IJCUIGIB IUXUY. Sow !men`s Institutes. Iv: lcrybody welcome. | nannn CI:-xnu D- 1l`l'_\'UUu_\' \\'L'1L'UIHl.'. .530` I Dance. Shanty Bay hall. Friday. `June 22. Hunter`s orchestra. lunch lscrved. Admission 2250. 25b 71-0 v-. ~ - - - I .--. . \.u. Anuunnoonvll -IV. uuul The Rainey reunion picnic, Mon- day. July 2 at St. Vincent's Park. All relatives are cordially invited. vn_u_ an . u .>. . - .... .-......-. ...- ykuu-uu_. .uv.u.u ' Edenvale Women's Institute ice cream social July 10. at home of William McNabb. Admission 15 and 100. 25b -- COMING EVENTS --1 BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1934 TO THE ELECTORS OF CENTRE SIMCOE: Ontario s Prime Minister- Elect xl.l`l' U1 addit in rznnteod xluu. 1 0' WES], unn 1VurLn xnrn. D. J. Taylor, I.ilwrul. was r(s-(-l-(:l- ed` in North (}1'uy by :1 r(~vm`rI mu- jorily nnd F`r:1nk Kt-l]_v hunt, 1':2v(-l<\- stone in Muslmku-Ont.m'in by over 2500. llinhnll I-Innhnv-n cnnvnrl u In-nu! MITCHELL F. I HEPBURN muuxng mrre crnu 1 50 cents. Tr.'Il'fit: ()ffi<'cr Ilcffcrnzm has <`0II1lHL`Il(`L`(I his duties: nn I-hghvvzly `.36. his l('l'l'llUl`_\' ox1endim.: from 1\`Ieafm'd tn Midhurst. Constable lIc-ffr.-rnan. with his wife and child, have taken up roz.-idcncc in Co1ling- wond. Fruit fcstnwal and ;:`m`dcn party. Churchill United Church. June 2&5. Good program. also baseball tourna- monl. 25p Irivnd.< nnd rr-1:aH\'n< rnnwnnmhr-I` '-'llHil)l\ J une 30. `I -` nknro Liberal-Progn-ssI\'rs (1 r` \v-I .l'. . . . . , ` . . . . . . .. Independent lI.I".0. .............. UV Liberal-Labor May It). I Conservatives Liberals ..................... Progressives ............. .. Liberal-Progressive . Labor ...................... .. Unit:-d I-`:u'm(*r :|(`.:lnl. .. . .......... .. ST/\NDI.\'(i AT DISSOLUTION (May I6. I934) Cnncorvativnu R4 (Redistribution in 1933 rt-ducrd total from M2 to 90.) ZDUU. Mltchell Hepburn .==c(n`erl n }.:runt personal victory in Elgin. which had been given :1 big normal Conservin- tivc majority by the l`(`di.':trihu!.inn. Owing to his .`1l'(?l1Ll()l|h' (':unpai;,:n h(` ,: spent practically no timo in his own riding. His majority was 2839. 1'\.. 1u..r\..n.n...... ~11! II` I\\` C HOW PARTIES STAND In. .:ap `ricnds and relatives remember annual Black F`.-\mi1_\"' picnic union in Innisfnl Park, Saturday. in an ")A ')R|-. no >plenJi\l ur- hy the .\ll]`[`HI'I :lt'fi1i;lIim1~. I * place`! Ln Inc. J. SIMl`S( ).\ sun . xhc UX[)l'llSl'5 is issued f this sale .. 0|. In )! DR. SIMPSON PILES UP A RECORD MAJORITY FOR SIIVICOE COUNTY One of the most, notable l.il)(`I`.'ll victories in the prr>vim'o was that of Dr` E. G. '1':1nnc1* uvvr llnn. Wm: Finlayson. In 192!) l*`inlu_\'sun had in majm'it_v nt` Iltlll, but on 'l`1i(~.<(lzLv the Midland physician rovm'scLl this and won by ulmnst as great :1 mm`- gin, he being 2710 nlwzul. with (mly twn pulls in l`a_v to hear lmm. 'l`lmugh this was Dr. l`:Inn.-r'.< first venture intn politics hv mutlv :1 real job of it. l"inlu_\'sun ;.{L`HlllL{ inz1_inri- ties in only two inunit.-ipnlitiv:<. lVl.'it- clicdnsli and Culitwutx-in ln ()ri'llin town 'l';nmer had 515') :15` <-mnpznw-tl with 524 l"inlu_vs0n last. time. Mid- lnnrl, which gave l"inlu_vsm\ l1l2Zl in 1925). gave 'l`unnor :1 lmul nt` (359. lVlv- (lnntv. whore Finluvsnn led by `. .`.T last tinw, wont lAil)(,`l.:|| by 217. Port l'\ lcNi<'nll ;.{uv~ 'l'unnL-r Sltl us: znzuinszt 270 for FilIlil_VSL)l1 lust. vlvvtiun and 'I'u_v. which went 'J`m`_V by 444 in 1929, L{d\'(` u (lrit. inujurity of 2M rm '1`uesda_v. A 1"inlu_v. nminrily ul" (it) last, 0l('('li0n in Vi(:tm'i:1 llurlmr w.'1.< Cmivortctt to :1 l.il)(-ml lmul of llll Om. thv only municip:Ilit_v in go against. l~`inlaysnn in 1929. im-rouswrl its 1.il)L-rul lvad from 41;: In 693 and Orilliu Township, which gzxvc: l~`in~ layson 275 last time, \\'u:: in the l.i- beral column on 'l'uesrtuy by ltlti. In Duf|'crin-Simcoc. Dr. W. D. Smith, Cr(.~onmrc, scurvd u (locisivv win over the late member. J. I".du:n~ .Iamics(m, his nmjurity being I027. (`ninlnlunnll u||r|\I~iur\r{ Hm-H` |\v Ji|IT1lL'SOH, HIS lHil_l()l`lIy DL`H1g IULH. (`.o1linp.woud :'urpri.~:(*d ilst-If hy giving :1 Grit mujnrily of 526. as :1- gzainst 597 for .Iznnios in 1929. Nut- tmvasaga went (ho same \-vuy by 442i and Adjala added 229 more. Croe- more. Staynm`, Alliston nnd I`0tton- hum also went Smith by 139, I53. 7!) and 67 respectively. .J.'univsnn`.< 1)(,`Sl scores were in Essa 1114 mzI_i.>, 'I`ocum.x'e(h (I60) and Orumzvvillv N33). Mono gave him 41. Mulmur -13 and Bceton 28 xnujurity. -..u..-...<\. nu: . n .---r County 'I`rez1surer I). II. ("nlonmu received a cheque on Monday for $Ht.(iIiS).ti9 {min the Town of Pene- tzmguishene, which was the zunnunt of the 1933 county levy of that town owing the County of Simcoe. The funds were ready for payment on condition that the County guaran- teed an issue of $20,()()() (i(>l>outui'c:; of the Town of Pent.-1:uu.:11Isheue which the County Cnuuvnl (Hr! nu Frid2i_\'. Only fuur uului('ipulxti-2: have not yet paid their 19213 In-vies 'I`in_v. 'I`u_v. West Gwi|iimbur_v nnrl Orillin I`nwnship: and (hillu: T0\\'n.~;hip is ~xp(`(`to(i in pay it:: l'.'lH.` within (I week or t\'.'n. .......;. Anna .....,....., . Dr. 'McQuibbz1n, W. E. N. Sinclair nnd Hnrrjr Nixon ull won by huuo majorities, the figures respL-ctivoly being 4000, 5068 and 4814. Memln-.r.-4 I-Elected