I ijunoqouxucmq .__, 02..-and p.,---qp..- GL. Can be a: of Pet is 1 Prop:-rly (`Ir titted, ;(lx1.~:s an aid to vi` :1. part M y: as tud:L_v<-u uyos and u 4-llulrv uf _V1 Whethl-r \'u rmtc-ly prim cl nn .... - The ens!ar Drug Store - ""'_9. .`?_'_F`3 CENTA1-13" l4ll.lll' I'd Street. But. I ----i- --7-- -2: --c -nv Opposite Post Office-~-I"hone 5 Phone Orders Early-~-Free Delivery Midland Steam Laundry __*__.m FEATURING __ ........ a La France Dry Cleaning Procesn 2 3533?? You In order that we may be of greater service to you we have appointed the CLARKSON HOUSE as our Agent in Barrie. All you have to do is Phone 976 and our driver will call for your Laundry or Dry Cleaning. The dry cleaning is an additional service just opened. Our plan!` is the most up-to-date and one cf the best equipped in Canada to handle both services, supervised by Crafts- men in both industries. Just try une order and we are sure you will be more than pleased with the results. TI1UI ."1.1_3T4 Robertson's Drug Store -1 (`\fl`,',, this Optometrist GLASSES R`2!%IF:.59h For Courtemls Efficient Delivt-.|`y Phone 188 OUR PRICES ARE MODERATE OUR SERVICE FAST AND OUR QUALITY THE BEST ANNOUNCING . SERVICES Y . SERVE . .. O11 Ba rrie At last you may fulfill a desire you have cherished from childhood. A 32-piece set of Genuine STERLING SILVER Toiletwure in the exquisite EVANGELINE design, some- thing for [he entire family. Every Lady Adult admission you buy at this theatre on the days mentioned above helps you towards owning this lovely STERLING SILVER Toiletware. A r~ 1 . r- . :- I - .- --<- FREE -,- 32gPiece Set Beautiful STERLING SILVER TOILETWARE Regular Prices, Zgc /3 /1?` IA I STERLING s11.v1.-:11 % j .S?5,P't|@Th9a15%r%e- Barrie? ' 1 1 uuclvvul C. A Complete .` !':;,;;e Elghi 7:` ro our Lady Patrons FREE Coupons given every Monday, VVcdnesday and Thursday, commencing Monday, April 16th. :- 2 Se! now on display in the. 'I`|1c*nln* Lulxhy. 77IeI:.z.5E THE BARRIE EXAMINER, BARBIE. ON !`., CANADA See Regular Advt.' on First Page of This Section 4-A SPECIAL TREAT-> CAPITOL -- The THEATRE where you SEE MOST OF THE OUTSTANDING MOTION PICTURE_S__l?R_OAl_)}`J(;};`D. w;m:1a '2-`dfz '"r'1ii::[31h"{i{1` VCUMING BOY SCOUT NEWS H. H. Beeforth -4 __BUTC,.HER_._ . ROYAL Pu1{17iji*i:TA:zm;N 55.1203 . . _ 50- 25 Pkts. for $1.00 SALE HARRY ARMSTRONG THE GREEN FRONT H A R VVA\ R E Where You Buy More for Less" ___T._\ I AUC'l'l()N SAl..lT.S If I I. LII tel I\l'll Now is the lime to get after the flies in your attic. II : this way yuu |i save :1 lot cf trouble: Inter. %E_I;.fE.'(.T`l{IE_Tl{di\JS, 'l`OASTERS-, ETC., RIELPAIRED .`"`f.LY. SPRAY. or HERWiN~`Nll..l..lAMS PAINTS . . 20 Per Cent. on 1-lumen and pro1wu-ly ;(lu.~`..~ws' :u-<- mm-r than aid vision---lhr_\` IN'(`UIlH` 0|` _VOIll' I :-utn1`*+.. Sw- tnd:L_\'~--wv 4-an in-lp ymnr utlvisr you in Hu- your glu-sac-.-4. Whetlu-r vuu wish for )nml~ pric-HI glass`:-u; ul frum $5.00 up or the nmrv I-.\]n-n- .-clve kiml, our 4-xpa-rio-In-o of 225 yt-nrs is at your . tn help you lll'('ilh` wlml i~. In-at and most ex-omnni<>:nl fun you. .r/ *%`%3*;: Sccure_a coupon at the box office every time you buy an mlult ticket. Make this Theatre in family habit. Please note: STERLING SILVER means SOLID SILVER as known to the arts, containing 925 par.s PURE SILVER and 75 parts of copper. This is just the same as Hall Marked English Silver. The laws hf Canada protect a- ggninst any dt.-busing below this standard. Save your cou- pmnc inwards this lovely STERLING SlLVER Tuilrtware. NOW is the Time to Have Your Car Checked HAVE MOTOR OIL CHANGED to Sumrm-r Medium. FLUSH DIFFERENTIAL AND GEAR CASE and refill .,.IAL 0,," , ,, SEE THAT YOOR BRAKES are in (loud Cnndiliun B"Y5S?,!!f.?3%.%.W.!.EP""*Y " SERVICE STATION Firestone Tires : Sunoco Cm I WU.` llll I l.nl\l4l` I lI'\I.4 IIIVLI \.IL4I'$l\ \/I\.Jl_ unu IKTIIII with Summer Grease. REMOVE ANTIFREEZE, Hush radiator; examine, the ra- diator hose, rem-.w if necessary. by :| Cmnpt-[1-nl Tin- Man. [)0 NOT DRIVE WITH POOR BRAKES OR UNSAFI . 'K'lRF.S; this combination causes mos: of the fatal accidents We Are Equipped to Render You This Service 64 El_i;aT)e;h'S_l." A 1i`[l(.. J"1n`Hn~I` Q0 .... AM I-En! il |':.\.n OUR PRICES A-RI-ZIRIGI-l'l'; OUR SICRVICI-L THF. l .F.ST Fm` Warm Wealher Driving A FEW SU(1(;ES1`lONf$: ONE QUART SELF POLISHING WAX . ONE. HANDY WAX APPLIER . . . _ . . ` (The regular price of this outfit is $1.50) C (YCEDAR PASTE WAX _ . , . per lb. Now SOC H II II` 1' mi .11. O CliDAR WAX CREAM l Ol.lS}l, 25, JAP-A-LAC FURNITURE POLISH, 25-, JAP-A-LAC PASTE WA Ir` II ,,I t_,. d-')1n(.\ Gurney GAS STOVES from $iG.00 O CEDAR SPECIAL nu up:-4 /\))|'I| QIII -.. PASTE . . . . 3-). can selling for $1.40 I !`|AJIl4 VVl`1.l\ . . (5 lbs. on sale four` $1'2,l().0')` --a. -jar--au-r as much a Part People as Ivy of Oak. Regular Prices 25c KJIIIAAK/AV Gas and Oil Thursdzw, April 12. 1934 101' good ".1 Supplies , 50(:, $1.00 , 50`, $1.00 pm` "1. 501: 1 |nh prllmmz. 53 Dunlop St. Phone 80 Ham-s: n to 1:5; Lrm tn (5. .H`:1lurd:u\' In In |s.m. ROUND STEAK OR ROAST . . . . 16 lb. SIRLOIN STEAK OR ROAST .... 19c lb. I ORTERHOUSl:l S'l'EAK OR ROAST .... 21c lb. WING STEAK OR ROAST . . . . 20c lb. SWIFT S PREMIUM SMOKED HAMS-- Half or Whole . . 25 lb POTATOES . . . 23 Pk. LlBBY S TOMATO CATSUP . . . . 15:: bottle Have you tried Our Own Brand Products ? If not try them. Look for this Label; Fl ensures you of lixcullcnt Quality: A QUALITY-VALUE at BEEFORTH S