Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Sep 1933, p. 7

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4800 Copies mg. 33' Hail the riotous reunion of the great lovers" of the screen! Join Marie and Wally on a laughing cruise of the world's wildest matrimonial sea! LAUGH until the (cars roll down your checks--THRlLL until your hair sialzds on end! llul. oh. how ynu'll focl lhc lug at your heart strings as llwr-0 lwu lovable char- ml'I`:4 <`na('l the must W(`l(`()lH(' scrcvn (`nlcrlaimnvnt of y('.'u'5l Illa!!!lOlIlJlOIlOltIrOOI-FOIOIJIllllll-DOOOOIOOJOIDptnpgpppp-n------_. - . - . . , , , , , . , , ,_ .. --------7-:--vcwvorcrar:ooro.oooo4~oot;o:p:.oo N()'l lC.lL---()wing tn llw Iniph ('05! of this production and lhv :'vslI`i('tiuns of [he pmduccrs we are conlpcllmzl to raisr our pricvs. !\!lI`l l'l" l`\l'1Ir~r-n . I u. n.- A. .. . A _. It(ll14llIIIOOOIIOIOOOIOOOIOIIIOOIIIllIIIJOIOIIOIIIJIIIIOIIIO MATINEES WED. AND THURS. AT 2_.30 P.M. Th LUIS TRENKER and VILMA BANKY SHOWING ON THE SAME PROGRAMME 3316 DAYS - N1(_;H'I`T15R1TC is { Xiliifs 55: C MATINEE PRICES: Adults 25.c.r .......I.... l`l...:r. r:,,| . . I .. .. . .. uuu . nuwpu. r1uuu.a 1..-Jc. \.,uuurCn J` Wvdm-sdny Thrift Ticlwls not hnnurvd fun` this pi.`lm'c. No Prvmiunxs givvn with this pi('hu'(' n.;;;;;------------------. _ , , , . V V THE * BARRIE + EXAMINER mtenluzs sum` auacennnmr Daughter of an aristocrat, she {orsonk her family for ar outlaw love . . . in the pi(`.tur(' that grips you with its mighty drama as it leaves you ;_'_asping at its TER- DIFIP (`I IR/IAYV I-.0 nunfguny ul tuna RIFIC CLIMAX! (JIIIlloooloolooooooillolI00 O04-Io: 0000030401010 ~ 2 Nightly Shows, 6.45 and 9 p.m. Matinee Saturday, 2.30 p.m. Night Prices 25c and 15c Matinee Prices 15c and 10c Chaid;-C}. 15.- 5c. Children 10c ...I f.,.. 1|` ' A with i liiC|I?A}d /`V\rlc7I7V, Vxnidy n....:.... u .... ., ' .. I In--.` ...... ......n.u nun... nun, Dvvinc, Jmnvs Gloason, Gloria Stuart, Juno Clyde, Preston Foster, John Dar- row and 16 great football stars. '|`h.-(i1`c;Il Football Picture THIS WEEK'S CIRCULATION Cartoon and News hnvitation iof Barrie Club Accepted at Burling- ` ton Meeting Barrio will `hr the ."~(`(`ll'.` next Aprll or May of the 2.0110 ti Cl)llV(`l1HOll Of Linus CIul).'~'. Si:-ztron mmn|)m's of the Bm'rir' l.i0n.<'. (ilul) :1llvml(-(1 HHS _\'0;u"s 4-unvontinn zu. Um Bmlll, Inn. Burlim-,tm1, last ....n..i.u. unrl unrnln 1-nrluin Hunt :1 I ELIONS cums I TO MEET HERE , NEXT SPRING /xnmvv ':n'_\` sI`I`\'l('0.'~`, Ul`(`nlr'l Unit.- "d chlu'('h, Sunday, October 1, at. 11 21.111. and 7 p.m. Rev. C-vorzr` CI`u."v-, Will!`- in r'hurg(=. Cold fowl sup- lwr. 'I`u<~sda_v. Ocmbor 3. Good pro- Qrmn by B.'n`riv lalvnt. Adnlisslon 40 and 1300. Z19!) Shruvlinu mnhvh fur rhu-bu nu ! nnnwn (`\'('llHl`-'.- Elllll I hr`:n't._v invitation rl:~'`2:1t,-*5". in nu inuitnlinn u an I. AVIIII (' (71nl)s. Qm-b<*r- Hun W in dis Qll(`1)(`f'. \\'`1'(' Hon. Burrio'.< nlll`-()I -l()\\'I\ rl Hrnnt Inn in] \'nI|11u,sIm`:4 I 'll'|I hl-nnnd r. '-IIHIHIU, HII in: Mill Cu, bhwv hurl < n I n 4-no A TORONT`( )r Sl;\lLVA'l'lON ARMY BOYS` 'l'HURSDAY- FRIDAY- SATURDAY - DOUBLE mu. EXTRAORDINARY - urn. D&Illl1`.\ I)I`Illl1 Hlt` uul`-u1-!n\\ n f|(`l(`{.`,l1i1)l). A Hr:mt l0l]0\\`(`d Hm :3 .n l`\l 1"-`h!~.~ U . an .\ runl. I.` mullzl" Sdllrdzay. September 30 IN APRWIZL OR MAY SILVERMND ` :4 M` } \1 Special Sacred Concert in the Roxy Theatre I \\' H 1: ON THIS Rl:'.ACTl()N RENO -- Macassa Howey -- Sylvanite San Antonio General Insurance Canadian Pacific All Steamship Lines Bonds 4 Stocks Gordon Stevenson ROSS BLOCK Tei. 1010, House 196 : BARRIE dl`3ARRI7E,jEANADA,- THl'JRvDAY,`SI.:ZP'VI:i-ZMBI-ER 23, 1933 ' COMING EVENTS CAPITOL THEATRE lllllIL',.\|l'l.'x hlnmvd rm I pilv 1)!` fl 1`-and In %s;..;aa'y.% "og{;,`:;;;} 1 `tux .\ \Y ]L',.\'Il'!'.`~l plnyinu with mnlvlu-.k' mod fur an {|H(`lll])l 10 wt, firr` ilv finixlwcl lwmlm-k lumbm md-n-half fool. (min Lhr` , in tho _v:n'd nf Hw Bull Plan- ll Cn,_ Lhmlvtl. this xvvvk. Thr hurl ('h;n'rvd Hm wood in L\\'n A . or burned tnzm-hr~.u nmd nu llw gzrmnld. I III, II. lI\'Hl|` VVll1'_ 1:1(In's I't'])1'o. iw` mnnl (lil'(`r'1()l`:llJ`. llclll II H('(H'(` Hll` district, A _ Onlzlrin "rv r~prvx4-nl:-rl at tho riv`.< Iwinv. thv lnrz.:v: 3 \'n rlnlnnnlinn A rlunz-n i` AG_E_NCY .3U`_'_ nlwrs I _\'0;u"s 1. nmdn certain Hmt. :1 ion \'.':1s v_\c1I`lld6`(| to H1" In'1A 'I`l\n l..\..,. V` I)|I.\l V llll`V'l`lll`.{. H! PM at whirl`. the while! udrlx'('.<.x by (}lmI`l4,`.< ll. :1. K:n1s:ls. illlll)l`(HHl.l .I ..r ri.n..- l..I.......I ll` I'HLL(`.\|` 3 . A (HllH'(` i ~ bamqunb. of HI!` I r` -.O ll... 4 AM. \/'HI I. Wiley. rIist,I'i<'l V. Wind- on Lhv ||lll(" sinzzlr - in the I A cm1f(`s.sim1 given In I"rm'in-in] Cunstablo Wullvr Robinson, Culling- wond, was admlttml in tho vvilxwss lmx today by Ed. Rawn, Now Lowell. in the trial of his brother. Pr-rt'_v Rawn. aged 27. also of Now Lnwoll. on :1 ('.harg(' of breaking and vntm`h1r.: S. I'. SLr=phnns' gem`-ral .stm't- nt. Glam-airn nn Hm nitzht. nr July 10 or f-hr` rm'|.\` nun-ninr_v nf July H last. Pm-mr Drown mac Orinrl In (`frmnlvi lIlUl`lllll',Z HI ulllly ll Rt.`-lr. | Porry Rnwn was mad In Cmml.V court, here Lnday bnforn Judge E. I\., Wismor, with Crown AHm`nr`y Evan.-;1 prnsm~ulinr:,. and A. J. I". Sulllvzm. istaynrr, nM.ln for the zm-usod. T"rI Dnxvn ulhn in nnur unrx-Inn 5| `Ed. Rawn Confesses Burglary Implicating His Brother Percy ' DI?l}'llf`l', ;'1(`l-IIIEI [HY H10 ?H'(?llM`U. Ed. Rawn. who is nmv .sorv|n2 zv ierxn in H10 rMr)1'|n:H0I'_v :11. (iuolph HI nnv ymr dnflnltn and mm yv:u' imlvf- inilv, for his |)z\rt` in tho ullogod hm - L',]?|1`_V_ in hi.-; r-nn[vs: i1npli<:nv(i him |n'nflu-I Pnrrv 'l`hn nlul. ul HM` 1",: r Commgssion Agaginst Playing Favourites Hl`('ll.\l`H. I-`rank Imlnnr-. (Ju!'.w~ll. slzvd hnlh Ed. and Pu-r(`_v had left, :1 win(lhr~nl:r-2 at. his plm-v and hum" P4-rvv hnd r-- mrnvr! with a gun and shvllsz Hi.] m'id:-n('r- war. mrml)nr:m~d by hi:: L :- your-nlrl sun Wr~llinL!l,nn. Paul Slvpllvnsz, prnprlntnr or .311` l":\u':\ On:-lliinzl uvhnn llun I-nun-I IIYII Charlie Chse Comedy, `fF:`a1l`e;1 Arches \V'||.\ |ll|I\'l'l'lIl||`.. do I ll!` l'.aI\(lllIlII\.'l V\'1 Ill In p1'r:;.s'. I I`v`x'-y R:Iwn`s rt-mr(l dzclrx hm-k In 1931. Hv has fnur ('nnvir'Iinns L0 In: crvdit, l0'.;(`t.l1(`r with hr:-ulzinu mm`. 21!. NH` (iuvlph R.vfnrxmLI :1 vnuplv Hill` nf vn H1. I-Ill` \l|ll'l|) of y(`:u`:; :12-n. `70 Per Cent. of Taxes Collected To Date Mollison Take-off May Take Place Tomorrow `lHlI'l. \\ 5I8 .\'(`llH`ll('f`(I [H UH` l'(`l(ll' Injv nfln-r plvmiing guilty. Prnvlxwiul (`.rms1nl)lc~ WnH.m' R0 :11, Cn1linuwrmd_ Ir-stifiu-d lhnl. {awn hmumlta hmkv Hw (rum, < Muss and r-nl.vrN.I H1:-:;lurr~ HHPI` mg mg Hw lnr-k, and that. hv fmnul `:ll' ul)m1dnn<~(| mw and 9 hall` 11 .....-n. It` r~.1.....~.u... n.. ..a..n...u I... r.u xcuw nlliml thv duh. I)n| nu uvu ll! :l:1hlv R. Il`('|l.\l`(l. I nb Exannxwr 1: read regularly in all me homes in Bzu'ric's tmd- ; \:l|l|l'H`S l'lllll'Il(H1, HIIH UH II, in CnIli11I,'wtmd pnlim-r~ . tn thv rr~lnrnm- .1 _.m.... ....nn mm mm Hr ::l:nlv(l I :11` l"runl: I. Year. Vnll.m' l?nhin-` it-(I HH- w (lnnr `v um-H- hv fmnul lhc milm ::lnl.vd luv had "Hull: l.:Irlu:~`: {ROXY THEATRE J 511.41.: a.r:A YA `Lanny vv A Roxy's Greatest Screen Event of the Season menI-cn0rgeu CIVTTIOSPTIQVB OI E. PHILLIPS OPPENHE|M'S Nightly Shows 6.45 and 9 p.m. Paramount Screen Song Down by The Old Mili Stream" ALSO BY PoPUL_AE_I3.MA'Nb_Z\'RE'I7L3: SI--l()WlN(1 or `n :1; YEAR S (;REAT[iS'l' MUSICAL PRODUCTION NICHTLY SHOWSVAT 6.45 AND 9 } .M. MATINEE WEDNESDAY AT 2.30 I .M. Coming: RONALD COLMAN in The Masqu'era'der i/i`6iii)AY 1fsDAY - WEDNESDAY FREE DINNERWARLVL 'I'UE.SDAY Nl(.Li i'|' T%E N HS wu= s NEW ~ M FOUND SWEETHEART George Arliss in Alexander Hamilton MUSICAL mavur; AND scmsngw SNAPSH()'l`S LEON. - Tums. - wan. - THURS. 'l`HURSDAY- FRIDAY- SATURDAY FRI_;E. _L>1}_\gN;;RwARE P`}}l[{..Y_ _1}11_(;1-H" H " pa "42nd STREET" ._ . Alsn that Grand (Nd Star of lhv Scrm-n in Anothor Mg1gv_[]ifi(q-|:{ Pmkrnyul CLIVE BROOK GEORGE RAFT Auscm SKIPWORTH _H_EA:E_N` % Y! N 5_9Ff'._ A Paramount Pncfure wifh Matinee Saiurvlay at 2.30 p.m. 1\ll.IrAA 1VJ|\JlnJ I Two Giant Featurcs on (me Program He Had No Choice-First He Had Introduced Her as his Secretary and Secondly, the"SweelhecIrt" was the "Big Boss" from Abrc - Here's Jack Buchanan at His Best. THE LAST GOL

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