Sla_vn~r tux m as In.-st _vrm'. In1Dl`()\'t'llll'llL\' Dutlnnis llill un Mldlnnd I'u:I(l. A n.un|....- HI` 1 Good S3 /.z:, `Swat,-t, Juicy \II\lAA\\4A.4-...` ...._ corona:0.90:00taardoontoonooooooolIovooooooooooo PO`'.TOES 26 15-LB. l }iT.'}'. 0000040000004-toyrooaoturov-vvllovltoooootoodooooop 1_5-u: Pl-V;f.'k 2-HOUR SPECIAL SATURDAY I A"\l` CHOICE LARGE LE.?!W,.,i9.-..l.E TEA SPECIAL - EATON S H()UfiH()LD v nu ll vtvu tilt!` 1' (I lll"('ll lll unlm'k{wl wnmlml drawvr; in~`urum-v [mli.4`_V in a pig: hula`; :1 WI In mun` hid ulzlvvz 21 I-and in a (`ash lmx ` . `nu: ...... ..... ... I. I . FRUITS and VEGETABLES J 10 -- H a.m. ONLY SUN(;I.() CRliA.\1};'RY j .:__ V _ Li!r1it2H:\1.!u;u Luxr-vrnrr ` with :1 2'. Pan Imv-. nr ow-r nutiml-1Im;gl`lunr H) BUT'[E_R 9 Refontless old age follows hard on the heels of every young man. Insure now. AGE FOLLOWS YOUTH to Toronio for new booklet: "A Si/ant Panor ' A 1 SI !-.(,'lAL -- galonla vs I III! "|IIllI IIII vlmxun` uF.~`af't\'. 'lkl.`7l 1'! 22 BAKING POWDER `/our halving In only as good as tho Baking Pumier-vnurniuurlnco A .`SHORT ROUTE d2~T`iI-.l:;1P.M. Thursday, Sept. V. I ...):_33c SCHOOLS OFFER You an` gzmllvling with thrft. with tirv. with mrvl`ssn*ss, with shnrt nn`1nuri`.~`. . 1933 ' 1- Thv Sufa`t_\' Dc-posit notes of The Uulmaliull Hank nf(Tmnnu'r(`e are plxnwl in \'alI1Is built to prnvide }nrnta-vtiuu fur the Bank's own \`ulImM<`.~. The` Bank cannot afford to gaunlalv nn 2! (`|lilll(`(.` of safety . . . nvillnvr 1`lll \'nn r_......... -vu u \IIxllll'(' Ul t~`{IlL`ly . . um yum. The l`t`llt;ll.~` of this Bank's Safety Dvlmsil Boxes are low. rulnlc-.~: In of pum- lv\Ill` V III I` l'Ir`;( `VII- will in hiding- lmx . . . vmnlrlinrv on 11 more ;~ :2 r Hw M`\ l'I (` pnlns ' he-1-n nlh-It-d for 1UlHRl'l`nl'. All nnnilu whn I 30 Million Uullnrs 30 l\lillim| l)olIaI'3 IVIILIIIIIIU lllll. A llllmhI'I' M` (lI'-will luvzn the ('0uul_v re-port llw lhvl'l was from l`l(i:~. Mldlnnd hm. I;-U faunlln-:. I at tho pr:-rwnl Hm--, u.~. mmpu I245 (hIl'hIL: lllv \\inI-r_ Ml'5: Jnhn M1'1'fnl| n nh: R.c.M.P'. Officers Wade Through Bog And Capture Mash (flmr-,-.1-(1 wllh ups-rnllmz n : x'.uj\` to .xc-4-Ilun 174% nl lhv I":- .i.... A..I \II:I||..... n. It VHILL NEW LOWELL ! Most girls in their teens need a ` tonic and regulator. (live your idaughtt-r l._\-din E. Pinkh-.1m'a I Vegetable (Inmpound for the next `few months. 'l`o-.1ch her how to lgunrd her health at this critical ; time. Wht-n she is u huppy. healthy wife and mother sin: will thank vou. gum I.hlA.1r..)1I'..\ When Your Daughter j Comes towomanhood G IVC Her Lydizl I3. PinkhuIn's \'(~g(`tuhl(- (Tumpnund Her A P526 Six .lu:u'|)ll 'l'hiH nlun STROUD _l`I!E l'_$ARRI_I-I EXAMDIEE, BARRIE3 ONT. CANADA rt-nmrlulllmg :.mn1 Hunt! SPECI/\L--|3u(l<`rsc0l(`h Fin_z:(:r 355i5:l5_-J!2: SPliClAL--AY!.Mf-ZR _tidNf1T2, Catsup 3 `.`;;f. . .;s 220 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE E 0 N S affer E.ATON'$ EMPIRIS BLEND i or|___'*_1 Friday and Saturday mum-zu-:55 AN!) m~.x,u;n W51_PF-`?Y--F.'E--!_*%;-EE For Friday and Saturday .`wI|\.\'I\' Hll` _ Eninq, lh. 7 ;:--t_ V: . A mn s l|`,I|':(, 19C 1 4 " 1 lb. __-----....---....._..........,........................ ,. ,. ,. _ _ _ . , _ _ _ FIVE ROSES- . . there '3 Savings to be had at the TI 1 -T01 BR l .A K FAST COUNTER SmwuMin9.r%A%_!{ ;s;_%9 I Wlly gamble on the chrmce of safety when real safety costs _so little ? BLIIE BRAND G" CHUCK ROAST BLADE ROAST MEAT SPRINGLAMB BACON -iby Bag INNISFIL another list of outstanding PASTRY A two-day saie of tremendous Importance to every househo|(|er-the knmoun Flve Roses Brand, .1 product of Cnnndlnn farm- ers--.1t :1 special low price that nhould enr~.nur.1m- mm In Mnnk un lnr vnur Full IOOTOO OJOI ers--at special now price mm anoum encourage you to stock up for your Fnll baking needs. 5-Canada s Own ` GOVIERNMIZNT ` GRADED (BABY) -1-dc 14c A FELS NAPTHA LAUNDRY 545? 5 Capital Paid-up - Rc.~'cr\'v l"uml - - Limit 4 Cakes to a Customer with u 2'n: ll '7 \/ollcl IU I \,uuI-nur.: vvl purchase or over not Including Hour PIGKLING SUPPLIES scalar-, quart size Doz. .. .. 3` U01. . Sealers, p|nV!m|>|1o. Don. Rubbor Rlnul. Dozen In ploknuo . . .. ac Ploklln Bploo, whole, mlxe . V.-lb. baa `Ir,- whole, , V4-lb. '/a-lb. bna.. 12c Turmorlo. 4-01.... 9!: Vlneanrt. oldor and nnlrli. alllon .. 370 U01. . Zlno Hlngn. DOL. 23; Rubber Rlnun. Donn In Vinegars. oldor and nplrl. anllon Keen`: Mustard. |/,-lh. tln 470 POST'S BRAN 2 yo, ITYAI/EC-.. DISTRICT NEWS Qll|l\L\Ll'l. J Good Morning MARMALADE 1` A. 4 OILLKITS L`r`s`i{4'c3N " OIL 12,01. Bottle 22c 4&1 l\JJ's) L'L I I Vl.l'lL\lVI l6oz. Jar SHIRRIFFS Good Mnrnlnu H AWES' up V1` pr\\V . PER CAKE 10 ~- 11 a.m. ONLY 242 - hvlm; nuulv on - \ lrtm`Iz\ Hur|)m'- On sale at These Prices Sept. 8th to 14th a... !\I\I\AAAr\ A. . .-.-.-.;_.-.,.,.,.,.1..., AA/ f..II1\I AAAAAAAAA /~.zqvA/v\,.;~AAznr; .'sl Ii(,`lAl,- EATON S l l ,|.K I:'(.`I/`H, EATON'S .l ,I,|< Ill:-`?VI 2 "753 SALMON 2 1'."'.:-';`" 33c Sl li(jlAl.-~-l H)l('~4J'.Sl l( )l-'. Sl l".(IlAl.- I ('/\'I l".l.l.l'.` ..gTh iti 3 1`. eI"19c `2'5E VVhc~n Wm plate a deed in an ....I....L.1.n ....L\.. .l.......n... ....