THEFT cums : ARE DISMISSED AGAINST PAIR: Retired Engineers And Widows Lose The announcement of the Brolhcrlmod of Locomnllvn En- glneers. following the conclu- sion of lh(`ll' convvntlon at Cleveland on Saturday. Llmt the pmslon nssoclutlon of Llgo Bro- tllc-rlmnd was to be abandoned and the pension s_\7stc-xn subro- gntcd. did not come as a com- plete surprise to about 25 lovnl rr-clplonts of these pensions or to mmnbers of tho Brntlwrhood. .... _, ,.., ,.,u.,_,..u 1.-. 4.. The Bmthnrhnnd has done :1- way with pensions: altogothm`. and doublvd the insur:\ncr- rate. -, _v _._x..,_.... _...n. A/\. uuy L:\L'uu|5. nup.-ml `4 Professor Hume. who has l7 non-s nf npple orchard. shalt-d mm. the up- plo maggot or mllrnnd worm was sw- livn durlng tho month 01 July. The fly lnys an mm on tho sldv of am lmlf-Lzmvm upplo and the egg be-; comes :1 small worm that goes mm the centre of the applv and rlddlcs 11- (Turn to page six, please) unu uuuuuu mu u..n..u..\ ....\. Local ont.7.hwt=rs state that Brntlwrlmnd ponsions hnvn boon stnndily cut. down during the past thrvo yours from $32.50 pm` month for roHn~d mqinr-r\rs In around $6 to $7 pm` month. and from $25 per month for widows nf ongin0m's to about $1.50 pm` mnnth. On this account, Lhv vonmlolo salspmmnn of pay- monls was not sur1)r1. Rmxsuns givml by Lhv P(`11.%|l)ll As. for its ncuon in- clude a dvvlinn in mt-mbt,-r. :\I\ unnnllnf nf h-.n-II Hmn: and `Motorists Murxrst Stop At 26-27 Intersection Two 'I`or0nto motorists z\pp(r1u'(~(i in Barrie Police Court Friday mnrnimz inst. vlmrpzmi with not stopping in the lllL('i'S(`(`tl0ll of Hlghwa_\'.< 26 and 27 at Mldlnm4t, Ed. CR"(`lld(`l` was fhwd $5 and costs, in all $11.50. und judg- mvnt. in Eriv Lawrnsonts (`150 was ad- jmn'nod until tuxnorrow mnrnlm; in ordor to allow him to bring tlur man who was driving: in the car with him. Provincial Of`ll('(-I` Rn)" Hodqsnn laid thv clmrgos. Constable H0d9,$0n instilled that zi- hout 9.20 pm. on July 9. Cnllvndr-r was going, 30 to 35 mih-s per hour nnd did not stop at thv stop sign on High- way 2'7, in-force I-ntorlng Hicziiwny 26. WlI.lH`.\ said the m'('ust-(1 rt-prt~. himsvlf as ihv Chlvf of 1'-`()1l('v of Bradford nnd stigizvstod that the mut- tvr might bv fixed up. Ma{istrat(- J:-{Ls rcnmrkt-(i that this lvnturse might | M or might nut be taken up with tho` (`.rnu'i\ I 2 J1-(`ll5UIlS .!,l\|'H U) LI 1 m on C(`()lllH` of hard 1 Inc-rensod rains and sms in the fund. .-.,n, . . nl'I.\ nu mu: nuuu. Railroad vomrns Hwmuzhout Canada and the Unltod States nrn affected by Lhv new ruling of the Brnthr-rhood. How"'fiEE`ATED STILL SUFFER MOST SECTHONS 1 LACK Of RAIN! ...__,_.VV ,7 _ ("Turn to page three, please) Hmvs. `and 1 frnvnn n<.. ZXIWYLV Jl) ; "1)1'<'.an~IH<-d] _ _ ' ' _ 7 I r 0(.l` I `V I C T I thv mnI- ` . . MAL-i.xlmI:-N VISITORS HERE . FROM HALIFAX \ T0 VANCOUVER Reservations Pour in For Annual Assembly of 1; ; Knights Templar Arramzcxm-ms are m':u:l,k.-nlly com- plvu-d for holding the F'if(.1N.h Annual Assc~xnb1y of the So\'-reign Grant. Pri- ory or Czmuda, Knights 'I`omplz\r, in Barrlrs from .\u,mxst. 9 to 11, mmnbcrs of tho Ax'r'2u1'.u,-rnmrt, Comxnlm~(` report. Thv gmwrnl chairman is Hugh V. Plownmn. Prrrsiding.-, 1rm'(-,pt,or of Mount C.'\l\':n'_',' I l'('C(,`[)U)I`_\' N0. 12. DncnI`\?nf' .r1,< h:1\-'0 hm-n nourinz in Calvary 1 l`l`C(,'])IOl"_V mu. :4. Rtrsorvaf ms have pouring from all pun.-: of Cnnzuln, and it. 1: (`X])l'(`ll`d (hut, Hw1'(- will bn nl. lvnsl. 500 mu-0!-t(>'.' -.1 dvlt-;;ah's pI`(`S(`Ilt-. Rosw- vnlions \\'~rv ror'<*i\`v(l up in this WOCK l'I`mn suvh wi(l(-ly sop:\r:m`d (`H-l(`S as Halifax. NS. and Ruv(2lstok(~, B.C. I:`n\l(O r. n Vnlr in r-lmrrm of bil- and H(`\'(.`lS1()K(`, b.U. EHLKL. L. O. Vuh`. in (-haruo or lmlmz. 1'1-pt-ms that more Hum 200 re- quvsts for a('.('0m1n<)(l:\Hun hnvr br-on rvcz-l\`<\d nlrvmly. and that all the hou-ls, Inotnr cmnp grmmds. and n lzmzr: numbvr of primtv r<-sldr-noes hnvo been ruservml for Lhv visitors. For vxsunplo. the ontirv Imkosldt-. Tour- ls!` Camp will be used by tho 'I`ornnto > dologullnn and [)rn<-Llsv drills will be ttmriod out on lhv 1,:rm1n(1::`v. An ..m..n~.hh nf tho (`.1-v-nt. Prlorv (-.xu`riod llw 1,:rm1n(1:: l-ll(`l`l`. An nssq.-n1h!y of tho Gr:-nt, Prlory 1121;: not. been held in Barrio {or mnnv yours, Hut` It. is h1I.m'ostim: in mm! that the L :\ncor_\', or hondquz\rt,prr._ was 10-ntui In B:nrri(~ hntwoan 1876 and 11194 when the late Most, Em. Kt. Dan- lnl Spry was Grand Clmm'r-llnr of the- ` I{xnirzlHs I`vmphu'_ and T(`!~'-ld('(l horo. Barri!-_ lhr-1't~f0r(`, stands high in the nfrocliulls of tho Ordvr. 'I'hr('n-I)uy I`rnt,rrnxnnm The schoduk-d ovvnts for Hm three (lays, ns nmmnnwd in tho nt.l.rn('.t.lva lllu. souvcmr prns_:nunxnr: print- vd by Tho Bnrric Exzunim,-r, an` as follows: urmi m-qdnv Amrnqt fl lullows: Wndm-.<.dn_v. Augznst 9 9.30 n.1n.--Rngist,1'aHon opens at Mus- onlv 'I`cmp1c. 3.00 p.m.-Ex(~(-I1Hv~ ('mm(`il nt, Mas- nnlv '1`4~Inp1(`. 7.00 p.m.~-Church pnrndo rmm Tom- ` plv to Trinlt,y Chnrr-h. l.30p.xn,--Div1n(: .`H`Vit'v at. Trinity ' Amgliunn ChHl'('h, cnnductod by Rev. Cnnun A. 1", Shumnrd, Muntrs-al. Grund Ch."f)l'Ih]. 9.00 p.n1.~-Bx-.d L'0ll(7(`rt nt Quncnlx Park. '1'hnrurl:n- Anunct In ;u-u....u_v, ..._...w IV! 9.00 n.n1.--Dec0rat,inr.: (tmmlnph hy Grand Mastnr W. W. Williamson. M()l\L!`('1. 9,30z1.xn.~Oponlm; scssziml in Mnsnmn Tmnplv. 9.45 n.m.--Rccciv|ns; Supromc Grand Mnslor. 9.55 a.m.---Intrndu(-Iion nf Mayor .1. F`. Craig, Barrlt-, and Mnynr William J. Stvwm'l., Toronto. 10.1:'n1.m, -- Ru-(wlvin-.z (H.-+t,Imzul. visitors. 1.00p.xn.-Lunt'h-un for iron! Priory In .\/Iuknnlc 'I`vm])lr,- P.:mquI`( Hull. 3.00 p.n1.~Cn`z1n(l p:Irudt- and drill (`nnm<-Htion at. Qur-vn's Pnrk. 9.0p.m.--Gr:Ind Mast!-r's l'(`(:(`pH()n and hall at .'\rmnurIr=s, I<`rldn_v. Alngmal H 9.()0n.m. R<-sunw prucr-vdlnszs of Gr:-an Priory. l l0.0Uu.m.--~Elec!,lnn uf Grout Priory nITicvr.<. V` (HI '1 vn ,_. Yn'J'.uHulinn nf (`.rnn.r JLALLY BERNARD LEMSSES AWAY. l`Il'I1l'\I\ . . . Allixlilllilllllll U1 Prlnry r)lTl(:1'1`s, 2.0l)p.n1.--Cln.-alnz nl Cm-nt Priory. With Sir Kl. J. M. Mills` ln rh:u'!e. tlw ludivs will l)- 1-nu-rl.::ln-(I l'hurs- day and P`rld:\j.' by mntor trips to Cnm'hlr'hln;; Park, Orlllln. and W215- ugal Bl'(`h_ Pom:t:mL:ul:~l1mw. uud Mid- land. as W0 us at. purzulv und drill ('()lll])l'llll()l1 and Y`(`(`(`[)Hl)I`l and bull.` AUGUSTF 3T0 12 '1'hursday, August. 10 PAGES 1 TO 6 SECTION 1 No. IE7 .0111 I,` (II served Dunn rm n-\ BY MAGISTRATE D(`H(`l` Dill !\"\`(1$I'i\1i`. (0 iH.`\illi`|' H. ! g:np[or_ Fifi)` l````' *`\`m. or Iuuru of ihi` xvhoui 1 His M1\sm\'u` career began Septem- (`rup is now undvr cnvcr and smut box` 5. 12:95, when iw jomcd Corinthian i.hrushim: has bL`i`!\ done. Sumv xilsiki`, Ludgp, No_ 95_ ,3.-1-1.3, of which lodge lHl i`.\`hlH\.` I1:-..~' hvvx`. dmn`. H`-\.\'1m`.- 05`; hv is a Past Master. He was D.D.C-.M. vuilluv. '\>` t`0mN"u'<"L SD`-mi: xuwlins. {or Goonziaii District in 1903. In 1899, n"v (`Xii`a`i1\i`L\' \'ux'iuhiv this wan`, smnv` hr \\'as Worshipfui Master of his iodgu. ' mops bvinx_ splundici with tho xn:\j0riL\' ; and at (ho close of his your installed hghi. On account of short sti`n\\' in`; his siivceswr in that office. with the` wine S\`(`li0XL\`. mung` farmers are v.\- " exception of one year during me War, pvriom'in\: diificuhy in (`ui(.'H\:.', wiihf he has oiciated at ever_\' Corinthian me bmdp,-_ t instalimion since that year. a total of -- -----~---~-- :33 times. which creates a record for -.,,., ax. _.. ........o.< nnnvc in 'T`hn rho Du-nvinnn nf (`hunt-in ~---~-- :53 nmes. wmrn creau-s u rm-oru uu Mow Simone county news In The me P1-ovincv of Ontario. Exaumu-1' man any other paper. I R.\\'. Bro. Cowan became a member \lI| .`.. \ (Turn in I (I Lhnt ul ubnm 6 11.111. t'[`uv::(in_v1. lw haul Inuk- r (.l':u.`k.s. Ho haul found 9 page stx. please) THE + BARRIE +EXAMlNE1R A. F. GARRETT)? mas SUDDENLY ON BA_Y___SHORE\ Expires Without Warning While Talking to Child . on the Beach Albert Th;ic_t$h, 21, and Neil Mclnnis, 20, Are Acquitted Whiln out for F: walk late Saturday _ niternnon, Albert Frank Garrett, pro- minent. rt-tired music dealer. was sit- ting mlkimz in a small child on tho iwnnir ni. i.h- fool of John strum. while ` Lhv iuttcr's mother was in hnthimz. when he fell over on his men, and ex- pirod n ivw minutes iatvr. dt-spite vi- forts of Frank Gill and Glen Ayers to rz-vivv him. He was in his Bath year. : Thv lair Mr. Garrett was well and. fnvornbly known in Barrie and dis- ` trim-.i, nnd his sudden death came as in shock to his friends and acquaintanc- [ vs. During the past two years he had suffered somewhat. with his heart, but the day before his death hr` hnd honk- od passagv for England for a holiday trip. 11...... ..o (1.41. cm...-antcixlu-n nun- -Woman Arrested, On Cheque Charge away on July 12. 1925. ....... Born at Bath. Sotnvrsctrzitirn, Eng- hmd. on D(',Cf`ml`)(ii` 15. 18-19. tho do- ronsed rocvivod his c-nri_\' vdurtniion iiwrv and was mm'rio.d on Mn) 4. 1871. to Eii7.nbnt.h F`rnnk<`om. who pnssvd Latvr ho was morrivd to Jr\. EIi7.'\br`th Ross of London. Enrzinnd, who sllrvivos. Thv iutr- Mr. G:'ti`i'L`H.. with his first \Vl`._ omigrntvd to Canada in 1874. . nr-or Bradford. After a short tinm thnrv t.iwy took up 11 form on Con. 9. Fins. nnnr Eimvnin. wnvrv titvy resided ten yours. Thou they romovvd to Con. 2, Fins. nonr Anton Mills. the` form now occupied by their son Ed- ward. About 35 _v!'nrs nun, whiiv still on tho inrm, Mt: Gorrvtt started in thv music i)usinns.\` in Barrio and gun... thun iatnr rmnnvp-(1 In It\\\`n HI` Wanted by the Toronto Police on :1 charge of obtaining 9. mo- tor cm` from Vaughan Motors. Toronto, by false pretences. and on other charges of fraud and theft, Miss Isabel Russell. alias Gilmore, nllas McLeod, ag- ed 35, Toronto, formerly of Col- llnqwood_ was arrested about 9.30 pm., Monday, by Police Constable Wnlter Rayner. as she was entering the car which was parked on Mary street, a short distance north of Ellzn- beth street. She had been at- tending a show and had left the automobile there before 8 non illll` llHl5l(' l)\XS1ll(?S 1n Dllllll` unu . mno latvr rmnnvvd to town. Hr hand nu vxtmslvv tmdv as musir drui- his main lino bring Huintznmn & "mm ,Qn\'n|\ vnnrg hnfmwv hr rr\-| p.m. Taken to tho police statinn. the accused woman was qm-s- Mnncd by Chief Alex. Stewart, and was kept in the lock-up over nlgm. Detective Skinner taking her back to Toronto, Tuesday morning. 'T'hr- mu-n. is rhnrgnd with (`l`. Ills mzun llll(` 00111;: nl7uu.I.|Imn mm Cn_ piznnos. Sewn yvnrs bofnro he re- tircd ho huuam tho block \\'hvru~ the` Harris flmvor shop is sltumvd nnd rnullmwd thorv uum hv sold out to thv .1. .\I. Gl`t`l`ll(` Music Co. nf P:-tor- I\ln'|\ in H\`){\ 'l'll(!.`3Clily TTIOFHIIIB. The accused is (`hfl.i"_7.(`.d tendering n slibstantiai cheque on June 10 in payment for fl. 1927 Buick coupe, license num- her M-9157. the cheque being aerepted as the banks were closed. She had previously re- qur-si.c the eonipnny to hold the coupe until Saturday. Siner that time, she had been living between Barrie and Brace- bridge, eluding the police. it is szfntrri he _1uluv(1 U(`H(1'l\l (`mm-n uuu \- tlw Otfivizn Bnnrd. later trx'n.~i to thv Burton Aw. Clmn.`l\. \\"\ x\l::n lwld n(Ti(`|n'. pu:=lt,lnn.<. In _vvz\x`.< ho had \won :1 m.-`mhvr Auqlicxm vhurvh and was -.1 rnym: tvndnnt uL '1`r'mit.:.'. n..n.:. 1.. ...a,;.,..~ . hrnn mu lxwu H1 1920. I)ovpl_\* imvr`. in religious mm- tmnx, Mr. G:\x'x'('l,t was \'(`1`_\' stctiw in the work of thv M:-.t.11ndi:~`t churrh tn" tho gzrvntm` part of his Hfv. Ho sorwd as n lncnl prvncl\m' and was sunnin- lvndmu of tho Ann-n MHL< Sundnz` Svhnnl fur _vot\x`.<. C0nVl)l`! tn BnI"`i'.'. hv juinud Cvntrnl church and wax` ux: um (mivinl Board. t1".'x\.~{.~r1"1n: Albert Theukston. ngecl 21, 31 John street. and Neil Mclnnls. nqcd 20, 56 John street, were acquitted in Police Court, Monday, on charges of theft of articles to the value of about $150 from the wzwclmusre of Maurice Alex- ander, whnlcsulv: produce and junk dealer, 'l'HHn street. An nddttimml charge against 'I`henk.'~:ton of theft in Dncmnhcr. 1932, of 9. number of (l[`('SSf`.(l slxcupsklns. the property or Clarkrr and Clarke Co.. Llnlltecl. was withdmwn by tho Crown when the MuLzi:~'.l,1'nt(.- dislnlsscd the other r-lm.rgo:s ugulnst, the young men. M|rri! Cu111|)L0I1 Jeffs. In an- Lommm L 1nuw_\. Bv. his \\'ldm\ , thrm` .~'nn.- and mm` d1\\1<.:lm-1'.< .<\xr\'h`v as follows: Al- lnwv. Edxmrd Gurwu. Antvu Mi1L~". n\.:.... n u um-nnlrk Rnrrh`: Mrs. A. Ul'l(lE{(.', stated. .__n-_.._- WAS 11~i?fH YEAR Wasaga: Beach Has Its First Drowning Accident of Season The waters or Nottawasaga. Bay off Wasaga Beach, took their first human toll of the season on Sunday afternoon when Reginald Whaley. 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Whaley. Laurel, Dufrerin County. lost his life by drowning. 'I'he accident happened opposite Nottawa Inn near the mouth of the Nottawasaga River, in plain View of hundreds of `horrified spectators. Coroner Dr. Duncan Coreoran. Elm- vale. after viewing the remains and questioning witnesses. decided Sunday evening that an inquest was unneces- sary. and the body was removed to Laurel for burial. un-ml:-u urn: rlrnwneri in nbout t(`ll Laurel I01` nurlm. Whaley was drowned in about feet of water about 150 yards out from shore when he and several compzmions who were playing on a water-<-.yc1c, became panicky and jumped into the water endeavouring to reach shoro. f"|nl\I en fair cwimmm` vnun_r Whnlcv endeavouring no remtn snort-. Only a fair swimmer. young Whziley sank before the three or four boats which rushed to his rescue could reach him. His body was l`C(`,0Vl"l'f`.(l less than an hour later by Provincial Constable W. H. Clark. Wasaga. Beach. with aid of a rowboal. and grappling irons. Ar- tificial respiration. in which the police officer was assistetl by Dr. J. A. L. Scott. Wasaga Beach. was applied for two hours. but proved 11na.vailinr.z. 1.. hi`: i1l_fn|>nri nun rirln l.h:- hov was two hours. but. DI`0VC(l 1u1u.v'du1w.'.. In his ill-fated sea ride. the boy accompank-.(l by Tom Sproat, aged 21. Grand Valley. and Bob Hamilton. Or- angevllle. The bikc" conmulpt/mn-a pontoon affair wlth :1 paddle wheel drive controlled by handlebars and pcdals--was moving evenly over Lhv water. There was little swell. Of a sud- den. however. the lads were soon to dlSm0lll"lt~fld to take to the wzxtnrz for what, reason. watchers on shore were unable to determine bc(-muse the bikc" rvmainod afloat. and was rn<:0v<-rcvd al~ borwartls. Sprout and Hamilton were ` equal to the swim. but Whaloy went down after compamtivnly brief strok- intr. 'r*h.. umrm-runarn vnmh was :1 mvm-I Ina. 'I`h(~. unfmtunatc youth was a m`m- her of a party or boys and young men who had come from Duffnrin County In a Lrurk owned by the lad's father Ln ` spend the day at. Wzlsaga Bozmh. The father was one of tho spectators of tho trngedy. The boy's mother, Lh1'l'f.` bro- thers, and one sister, also survive. Severe Electrical Storm Over District Causes Three Deaths ur.':unsL the young mun. Mn;zi.s'l,mto Coln|)Lon quitl,lnr.z 'I,`lmuk.slon and Mclnnls, dc- clnred that. ho had no connnr.-nt. in make except. to say this. Llml, thorn- yas in thread of suspicious circum- stunc:-ss nil through the case, but, on the other hand l.l1(- articles alleged to have been stolen, were not. ident.lile(l. The only nrt,iclr-:-. positively idonilfiod `were tho m /.or and sirop but. the evi- dence for tho (lcionce had brought out evidence or ownership on the part of Thr-uksion. He didn't think that on the evi(lr:nm,- he could convict`, and in any cost: tho :1r,(~.1I.snd must. be given tho bonrill. of the doubt. Der-.l::lon of Hl:: Worship come after spirited nd(lrvss-:; by C. D. Stewart, in behalf of Moinnlxs, J. R. Boys, in be- half of 'I`lwukston, anti Crown Attor- nvy `F. (2. Evans. K.C._ who prosN:uL- ed. Tho nmulslrulo Lhvn nnnolmrcd he didn't think ilmru: wns suffix-innt evidence to vstnblisli in case ngainst Tlleuksirnl in tho Clurkn l',`il!~`-(3. The trial conmiencnd Sul.11rduy morning whvn lhv Crown's; cnso n- gninst. the two young men was pro- sonlmd, HM`. (:l\nr::r~:; agnlnsi, both i)(`lll'.'. h`l'*.(l io.zvl,lmr. C, D. Stmvmm, for Mc- Innlr._ nnnouncvrl ihnl. ho did not. (lo- slre to will uny ovidmlcv for tho (lo- fmicn, and judunmni on the Molnnls chamv Wm: rv.s'm`vr-(1 until Monday, .1. 1 R. Boys. for I`hr-nkslon, sold hv would ` call (ll-fun:-n \vil.m-..~;.~'r~:. illid adjourn- ment, of rourl, was; then mndv until Mond:L_v mornlnax. 'rm- r-l1nr1rm; nLrnln.' Thonkslon and Simcno County, csnocinlly t.h1- nor- thern portion, and Musknkn Dist.ri<-L. were visit:-,d by the most so\'c1`c r-1-(~t.ri- cnl, wind, and rainstorm of Hm sea- 'son which caused a L1`r:mox1ci(:1xs n- mount, of damage late Sunday after- noon and evening. The storm bmkv a prolonged heat wave, which was Province-wide. A cnhcfnnfinl nrnnnnt nf rnin roll in Hrovxnco-wxue. A substantial amount. of rain fell in the immediate -district, or Barrio, an- coxnpanying the electrical storm, but. the` houvir-st. downpour was farthm north than here. Mnrnriute nn shnir wnv snnth frnm norm man here. Motorists on their way south from tho northern resorts to which Lhoy had retreated before the heat. wave. report- ed t.ron.s and brz1n('.ho;~" down all along the northern highways. Hundreds of I-211`: stnnrl hnsidn tho l`n:1d.< Smllvti \'()lH|(`llllf,' (?UlHH'lllll|l.lL'.\. Fatalitin.-4 dirv(~tL\' tmcvublr to Lhr storm included the suddon dozmms b3 bolts of lightning of Mrs. Goorm: B011. Toronto. while lmthlns: at, Waubau- Sh(`ll(`_ and Miss Monica Manon. whilr 1 sttrpxylxxg Ont 01` n n1n;m' our 21:. Port A Cuming. as well as me clomh by drown- \ int; when his <-:mm- nvvrturxwd hx ` Lake Cuuchivnin.:_ of '1`h01nns Whiu-.. Orllliu. |'.H(` H01`!-HIEFH HlgHVVll)'S. nunun:u.\ UA (tars stood bcsidv mo roads stalled when t.m`rltic rains boat. in upon vn<:in- cs. Electric power service was inter- rupted in Orillia and in S('\ (`I`(\1 sur~ rounding communities. F`utn1iHn< dh'm~tl\' trnN~:|hl.I~ tn {hr Picked up Sunday while driving an nutnnmbllv mung: I~Ii.zh\vn_\' 11 nczu` Guthrlv whilv Lin` nmrhinv was on rr`. Volnoy Evans. zuzvtl 45. '1'or(mu, \\'a.~; n.rrc:~'u'd by Prm'inci:\l Polivc on 11 chm'Ev of drlvmg a motor car while imoxicutvd. nu" out \\'h'|(*h 11 trouble. (`ll.\KG I'll) .-\FTl .R (`IL-\.\'ll .\l'.\u-Inn n 1-vuulx .n\ Klltvhu-.1` lVI(Yl`()R (`AR ON Flllli Hu.\.\Ur\4l Lnu in mud stopped :\ 4800 Copies BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1933 Open House in Thornton At Reunion,August 5, 6, 7 (By Rev. R. J. D. Simuson. D.D.) On August 5, 6 and 7 mo lltllc vil- intzo nf 'I`horntnn. some nine miles from Barrio. will keep open house to all former rrrsidcm,s-tlio ``boys and "girls" `Kim Lhrnugzliriul. t.h(~ yoars lmvr di'if1.r-d nwny from the old `hmnlel, Lhv S('l"llP of so many plvaszmt associa- tions and who will. on those dates. ro- zurn In rcnow the old fx'ic=nd:<.liips--m fnrx.z(~t. for n time at least. the still dig- nity Lhoy are expected to olx<:-rvo in, tho lmsinoss and social world oulsldv. and in be just. Bill" and "Bob" and ` Mar_\"' nnd A1mic" om,-0 ngaixi. Llko most. rural comnmnlnles in On- tario. Thornton has during all the wars that are past bvcn making an ziltiinsl (-ominuod contribution to tho nrv1\v\:\vv\i/- inrhucfrizxl nrnfncqinnnl and I ( 1 I Kiwanis Karnival and Kiwanis Club Actiyitigs alnmst. r-rmnniioa (`OHLHDUUOH [0 un- c=cnnomi(-, industrial. pvofessional. and political lift` of Lhv Prm in(`c. her sons and dzumlilors having given :1 gund m-.(-mint of Lhr-msclvos whr-rm'm` U1(`_\` hurn mmn 'T`hniv- hr~:n`t.< hnwnvm`. There are :1 cmtsitierzthle number at` our citi /.en.~:, who. thrnttglt not heing in close touch with the work of the Ki- \`.:lI`Ii5 Club, have not hecnme ttcquztinleti with the work the Club is endeztvnriug tn tin in our tnwn and district. Tztke, for example, the ltoys and girls enmmittee. if)uriug` the month of _lut_v and .t\trgtr. the Lltuh etnploy :1 5\\'ill1I11il1; in.\`tructm', Mr. 5l2lItiC_\' Mztlkiu. Mr. Muikiu in- structs nnt nnly in swimming hut in the practise Hi reviving zt petxmti who is :tpp;u'entl_\' \il'H\\"nC\i. It is quite unneces- sztry tn point out in our eiit'/.eu.< the great value at such krtuwieti_s;'e; every permit is well :l\\`:tl'C cat" the V:l.\i num- her \v1mitttitii;;'e in \\t'1lICl`_\tml`l.\,tti`lii kitttisztttti it u:ttur:t1l_\ thitmvs that the mute _\'ntttt;;' [temple who receive in>truc- m-.(-.m1m m Ln(`ms(:1\'('s \\'I1(`I`l'\'|)l' nu`) have gum`. Their hearts. 11(wvc\'ox`. haw a1\vnys t,hriI1('d to the m(`mm'i(\.< of the old home and :1 drop ;:ra.t,itudt` has ll:-d their souls as thov t.h0u of those who were entrusted with tlw task of guiding their childhood tom, in ,. ht. m1.l,hs and who now 51001) their task 01 gulmng l.l1(`ll` cnucumou mm, m riht, pa.l,hs and sloop lung: lust slovp in the village c-mnN,or_\'. To all such the invitm.lon to colobralr in thn (lvnr nld hamlm has mvakom-dl_ (.110 komu-st unliclpntions and all on-r` tho Px`m"111(`c mm and women arr xnarkimz lhr nbnvv dates on tlwir , 3 .`\tIg ll>'l pm i gre: s` whn itttlttlge water _\p<)l`l>, mt` all kintl \\ l1<) tion in the prnper methnd ml" :1~.\i.\'ting\-'nll1: citlenl, ztntl ml` tukittg` care at them.~'el\~'e>'. will occur. ur ulcn 'n\\`l1'nl`l1 will occur. The lmys and }; ll'l_\ :ll`C also inslruclcli in the pl:i_\'iug' ml" vzirinus guines ziml it is irnpl-C.\.\`.`\` up-in them the value ml` plziyiiig cvcry j{2ll`l1C in :1 true .spni' m:mnc1`. in the Uinlcrprivilcgcil Child xvnrk there is :1 c>->pcr- zilivc movement with ulllCI' (lluhs ml` Siincnc (1nunl_\' to establish :1 clinic for crippled children where cases can he cxzunincd and mlvicc given i'Cgziix lii1;: treatment and care fur each case. l`l... I`I..l. i..I,,.. .. inlm-nu in Han Inninr |3:H`n`I{`l'\' THIS WEEK S CIRCULATION rm` cucn czuc. The Llluh takes a deep intcrc.~l in 1hc\luni:n' |3:1rmcr.\: <;1`g:x11i2:1linI1 and lend their suppnrt to cvcry mnvcnlcht made which will cncnur:1g'c hcllcr prmluctinn. A dmmtinn i. the Junior Ffll`l11CI'n dCp;u'ln1cnt ml ml!` Full Fair Hlluc WIIILII Wlll L:1iLIvv.nu_x, awn: I'II'\Iu\.u is mziiic in 4 in onion` in :l.\`>i.\'1 in the pri'/.65 given. The i'ni`cgr>iii;` are just a few of the 1 of the Harrie Kiwmiis Club which have I .suppm'lcil h_\' the i'csidci1ls uf mu` tnwn :1 Ji.\I1`iCi and the (jhih is VCl'_\' ;;`i :ucl`iii in all :1.<>isl:iiicc. I\.. I`..;. 1.... nu! `\ n.innc.i-iv nunniiiir 2l.\'.\l.\l?lllCC. On '|`ucml:1_\' and Wc.lnc>`.l:1_\' cxrcllillgs, A1134`. 151 and /\ug'. Ind, the (llulw is h()1\lil`lQ their zmnmll Ki\\':1ni.~ l\ :u`ni- val in Quccns l":1rl;. A nnvclly pztrzulc In the park nn 'l'nc.~1l:1_v evening` will he the npcning` cvcnl. In the park will l~cll1cl`un_\' Ride lur the chilllrcn. rcl1`c.~lnncnl llllnlllb and lllIll1Cl`0ll_\ g:unc.\`. There will he \l:uIcing in the ar- nmu1'ic.~ each evening`. IIIIILHIL.` L1l\.|l L.\'LIInI. The (jlulw mclnlwcrs fccl .\lH'C that :1 splcmlid crmnl nl Cili7.(`I1.\:lI1\l visitm`.< will p;1lmni'/so lhc cl'lm'I\ put lnrlll h_\' the Club; llll.\':ll1llClp. lllHIl ;u`isc> from the m:1n_\' l;in.ll_\' rc- m;1rl;_~' llcxml rcgnnllng the Club : l nrmcr :lCll\'ll_\ ultmg Al.:. 1....-\ IlI(ll nu xl\. this line. nwans passed on I-`rinr'.ipa1's mun an : minimum 70"`, L4 Elmvale and Minesing Entrance ununum. m I Luuu. uv. m D(`p:u'[m('nLa1 Ex;1m- _ ELM \' .\ L E vos wm~.rcvm' Int`) :1 n1omm'io.< d is nnfrndnrl u'iH\ Hun I pa-zoxvxoj~14:14u:<-:o:u:o1<>:v>:c>:a2o1w) v 1 Monday morning. The clmnzns nL'nln:4t, Mclnnl.-s lnvnlvcd vnrlous m'tlclos lu- cludlnlzz llmw c1'utos nf oguzs, t.lm`n sheepskins, nnv bowl hid:-, mu` sz\lnL_\' mzor in box, um: tnblv knlfv, nnv claw lmnnm-r. und :1 munlmr of beer but,- tlos. all the property of Mnurlcv Alnx- ndvl`. I'lu~ ll(`P,l`(l Llmfl, wax slated to lmve mknn plum on the night of July 10. Comnlnlmml. 'I`r`st.lflo.-4 THE KIWANIS CLUB OF BARRIE IS bL l'l,l- total. E n` E`vnn1_ IVLUIVIL \\|1H ILLLIVL. nu.-nu :l~.\is1ingnl11c1's in czuc ml ac- " 1hc1nsc1vc>', the less t`:llulilic.~ _`.,.._____ calendar.-4 and arc vnwing that. no matter what. also may be ov(~r1ookc~d this one event. shall be duly observed. .. .-,,, _,, .__.;__.-.u .... ......I- ....,. ..,.n, mus unu. hvunnnu .u.u.. |d\ u..._, _..-.... ../... ` So far as printed rocords arc con- _. corned more dnos not seem to bo any aut,l1r~ntl(-at.ed darn for the founding of the village. The chances are that in `the long fox` past some person , taking advantage of the lmlv st.1`c:un ' which at that. time ran through (110 ` village erected and operated a saw mill ' l` to supply tho n(`l`dS of mo neighbor- , ing farmers. Thom. as ntlwr . ` mmn into tho mmmunlty the nood 1'01` recent :1cti\`itic> vhich lwccn .\plcndidl_\' and SlIl'1'0lll1diI1_Q` r;ucl`ul for that kindly ing farmers. Then. nmrr Sl`lu('1: came into the comnmmty it post, office was nmomd. At any ran` thc records seem to indicate quitv clearly that Mr. John Hcm_\'-grand- rmhr-r nf Mr W. C. Honry-was the that John Hcm_\'-gra1m- father of Mr. rst, pn.=;tma. as he was also the rst sc|1o()1n1ast,~r. (`.nncnHinrv hi_<;tnrirnl rv('m`ds we nd Conxnltimz hi.<;tm`ica1 records that. Simeon County was opened for about the beginning of the last ('mmxr_v. The Township of Essa was suxwcyod in 1820 by Samuel Benson and later in the smno year thn T0\\'n.ship of Inmsl was surveyed by Ri('h:u'd Bil`d.S11. rtnnu-nn Ynnni uvn< Oh!` l'S?. C()llI1T\' | by mcnaru uu`u.suu. Gmrgo Lount was the first, Countv Rmgistrnr and mo rst. Wardr-n was Jacob Irving, whn on thc 8th of Jan- uary. 1843. called thn rst County | Counril mm-tine: to ordvr. Thr` first so!t.1ors in thvsv um xm\'mships--and probably the same is (Turn to page two. please) -__.._____.__.__.____. July 10. Complnlnnnt. Mmlrlcv Aloxmldcr. who nwns n wnrelmusv on Tlmn slrr`(`.L, tcstlfivd that. ho hnd lost articles by night. In`. llvr.-d t.wn doors away. Wluu-ss; suld hv hml locked the plum: hhnsolf nn tho night of July 10 nnd when hv hurl none buck In lhv mm'nlnv_', ho hnd found vurlmu; nrbiclvs Inisslmz. hu-lud- ing thrvv crulvs of eggs, Llm-r 01' four . u .\ufvl.y mznr, lwvr hm- tlos um! 12 h:unmm'. Asked how ht` could klmtlljv Lhv lmer hmllvx. which wero pruthuu-ti In court. witness snld 110 had nut:-(I in :1 Ilt.t,lt~ hook hm-furc hnnd thnl. tlxvrv wax mu` Old I`h'zu("' ` lwvr hnttlv. Hnnlvs had born mknn bofnrv su hv hud nmrkvd It down this time` to .:m- if mu`hud_v would tukr` them. 'I'lu- lml.tlc.~: had be-on lyhuz on thv flour of lhv \v:u'vhnu.s'v fur Llm-v or four _\*r:11'.~;. Hr i(l<'nl1fh-(1 thv hum- nwr hv ll sun-zu` nr \\'hil- puinl nn the lnnulln Two InWGao1 Here Charged With Theft Of Farmel- s Cattle Clmrged with stealing ve head of cattle, Albert A. Gmlmm, aged 45. Mcdonte. and his brot.l1er-ln-law_ Chi- ford Brown, aged 27, Waverley, were committed for trial without bull and conned in the County Gaol here by Magistrate Howard Gover_ at Cold- \vat`er, Thlll`Sd9._\ last`. They pleaded not guilty. It, was alleged that the cattle hnd not. gmuy. It was alleged that been stolen from the pasture of Thos. Bannon. Medonte Township fmmor. and trucked to Toronto, wlwrc they were sold to Swift-Cmmdlnn Co.. Ltd. A signed statement by Bmmon said the lost cattle included five steers and two heifers. which were llrsL missed on July 8. Flnnnnn nnslvnlv Identified one of. July U. I Bmmon posit,i\'n)_v identified ofl the hides found at, the Swift` plant, as bclnn_.zing to his gray heifer. (trnwn Amnrm-v F` G, FZ\'.'m.<, K.C.. m:1un.z1ng L0 um gray lll'lH.'l. Crown ALtm'ne,v F`. G. Evans. K.C.. called J. B. Kinnnar. buyer for Swlflfs. who identified Graham as the man who had sold him cattle corresponding: to those lost. "How did you r('rnmnl)(`.1` this par- ticular tmnsaction? SKCd dofonco counsel George S. Dxldlcy. Midland. Because they were tho only ve head I bought. that. day and Graham no- cepL(=.d lny rst offer withnm any bar- trrrmg at all. That. is unusual." Kin- nrrnr replied. He doclarod Graham nskvd him to "rush them through as I am in n hur- ry to get home." Accusvd was aim identified by J. A. Dunlop and Rnbort Hawkins of Swifts. l".rnhnn\ dnnlm-mi mm. Rrnwn had Hawklns ox swllvs. Gmlmm declared that Brown had lmrrowcd a truck from C1 Wells or Wa\'m'lcy, which was used to trans- port, the cattle to 'I`oronl.o_ Provlnclnl Constable Robert Eealty. Midland. produced a sketch of the tracks found at the scene n{ the nllozzcd llwlll whlch, he claimed. (-orrospolltlod M111` those made by the truck. N0 l.l(,'lN(`.F.S T0 nmvr. Two 'I`m'0n1.0 n10t()1'isLs zuppoarocl In ` Bzu'1'ic Police Cour! F1'ldz1_v morning: last, charged by Provincial Officer W. I~`_ Thmnpson, Bmric, with having no opm'atnr's permit. Om-. man plnndvd glxilty and was nnd $10 and costs, in an $15.50, whilv judgment. in 1hr~ nth- cr case was reserved until lonmrrm\' morning. IF our I1:Hospital After Tire Blows East of Guthrie A tire blowout. was the cmnso or an- other so1'iou.v, motor accidont. on King's Highway 11, cast of Guthrit`. 1111(- Monday mominr,z, when a large cm` overturned in the ditch. \xIhnn Han rlcrhl frnnl Hrn hnr,I.'I lIl|`l' U_\' RI .`vII|l'il1 huntllv. Wilm~.~:;; .\ill(l tho nvxt (law <'l ed around (or = overmrncu m LHL` (uwu. When the right from. the {our members of the party were pinn- ` ed under their wrecked automobile, which caught re. The occupants were removed from the wreckage by passing motorists with cnnsidm'nb'u` difficulty. They were rushed to Sol- ` diers` Memorial Hospital. Orillla. where it was found that Mm were seriously injured. Rnhm-r Young, mzed 77. FIdwm`d.<~ 5('X`lUll5l_V lH_I urcu. Robert. Young. agucl 77. \'lH(`, N.Y.. rcccived so 31-0 lacc-,rat,ions and other injuries. His wife. aged 68. sustained lacerations and n fmclnrvd log, Miss Helen Williams. Buffalo. N.Y., suffered a fractured hip. a broken leg and nose. and lacoracod face, and hm" sister Grace. aged 19. lost. Sl`\'(`l`l tor-ill and sustaimd lacerations 1.0 hm` hoad and face. Drrninnlnl flfnnr Wrnunr Doll 01-. klllll Ii'l('L', Proxinclal Omcer Fmsnr Boll, Hun. investigated the accident. `Western Magistxlate E Pays Fine After Crash Angus Urquhart, aged 65. n immis- tratv In Alberta, who is summt-ring at Cawnja Beach. Georgian Bay, was n- ed $10 and costs. for reckless drivinsz by Magist,rat.e Copeland at. Pom-tang- utshcne last week. He pleaded gullt._\'. 'I`hn r'h5n`0n wnc laid hv Prn\'inr`inl Ll1Sn(3I1C IESL week. he mcnueu gumy. The (-hax`sr.e was laid by Provincial Constable Ray I-Iodgson. Barrie-, fol- lowing a crash at the intmm-ctions of Highways 12 and 27. bctv~'or`n Midland and Pcnetangtlisht.-no. According to thn pr)li(:(?, Urquhart` was driving mung N0. 12 and though he slowrd down nt No. 2'7, hv did not actually stop. J. F`. P. Bimic. Owen Sound, was drivinu from Pt-nctang over No, 7 and as- sumed tho other rm` would stop. It didn`:_ but is stopped for repairs at. C1`ai2hPad'S garage whvn Birniozs was alsn taken. The dri\'m's \v(-re nlmw in their (-nxxs and they escapod injurv. 1 Prof. J. Calls on Farmers and Others to Eradicate It ` APPLE MAGGOT l I REAL DANGER I IN IIISIIIICII A mll lo fnrxm-rs and frull. grnwnrs , and ollu-rs (0 mkr lmmo(llnl,c stones in ' nmdlcnlo thv apple n1nuL:0t, or I`nll- . mad worm. whlch he snld was l>-cnm- lng very prm'nlm1l nnd lnjurlnus ln , lhls dlst,rl(-1., was mnde by Professor .1. G. Hum:-. formerly professor of phll- nsnphy in the Unlvc-rsll,y of Tormm). but. now (mo of 0ro`s fnnnvrs M . Shanty Buy, who nddrr-. the mvm- l)-rs of Barrie Kiwanis Club at. lholr mocllng, Monday cvcnlmz. rru. - ,.._,... |..... ..v...- Invrnrhmntl ht` I lllcllllg, Avxuuuug l:vL'uIur.. The speaker xvus lntrotlucod by W. O. McKinn0n and thanked in behalf of mo Club by Hugh V. Plnwmxm. President, J. H. Rodgers prvslded. H. was announced that. next. week's Ki- wnnls Knrn_lvn1 would vommcnr~v.- with . :1 large novelty and pets pnrudn, 'l?'uos- dny evening, August 1` n..-r.......... Lluvnn u'|\n hue I7 1I('I l`S Weekend Rainfz:ll Spotty" and Dry Conditions Still Exist POTATO CROP HIT