The Hnmmou Iilmuy llL`l(l 11.5 nuul reunion at Burton on July 9. Y\I:~.Huu'nQncr:l tnwnszhin is ('1(`{lI' ((5-Zqt. basket 75c ` BRAN FLAKES SEE THE LM<`>is|: .C9|d I'.;\l. MOVll'I R0x\IAN(`l'I . of am unus'.uul huppvnlngrn - Hint LN . Hum any part happy :;(:n:on.:;t,nr vvvr played rvw-ulvcl in Tho AlI]l`riCRl1 _ with nvxt Snn(Lx_v's Dc-trot! It. tells of Lhv wooing of H1- I._V:1 do Pul.H'.-4 l7-yt'ar-old ur hy thv mllllnnniro Java _ who l'x`\xil.1`.usly lnvvd Lyn-cle unrt; mm. 29b Thursday, July 20, 1933' ._.- ..._.?..._..._... . Servador 2 for 19c 7' 2 lbs. 20c MsHAws Summer Schools 2 lbs. 27c 2 for 17c 3-19 Gran:1l`E..':1N1V1`d Marble Monuments and Tablets DISTRICT NEWS R0. BOX 95 zunounted to $38.236.8B, of which ciszht per cent. was reported paid by the' Government. The highest month was November 1932 when the figure was S2.7'Il.'i6. Mrs. Robert Bates. Midland. had Ann no` kn Hnanrc amnntntnd rm`:-nH\' szxn mu. one of her ngers amputated 1-c-cent.1_v. About 9. month ago. she caught her hand in the wringer while doing some washing. and the ring finger on her left hand was badly torn by the rmz. Ef1'm't.s to treat. the injury were un~ ` availing. .1 .1 IF. M('Cnm1(-. n`llll lfI.E (`l` of Stev- Barrie Well Lighted ` Says Orillia Engineel i IO OQ Merchandise Is Taken From Glencairn Store reunion in Benton on July :1. j\NcLta\\`nsaga towiisiiip of debt. then: being no bank liability of any kind. ~ Cnliingvmoti 'I`crmin;ii:4 eiovatm` has (C1'e(~mo1'e Sun`) The store of S. '1`. Stephens Co. :1! Glt-ncuirn was bx'okvn into and about $200 worth of lnorohmudisv stolen dur- ing Monday night. July 10. 'I m,- rob- bvry was dIS(`0\'('r(`d about. (`we u.m.. I`11(rsday. when Mrs, Pnddison. who lives n('1'u:ss mo 1'0:-1d. got up and not.- lccd we store door open. Mmnbvrs of the rm wore notified and Provinv:iu1 Conslnblo Rohinson of Collingzwood was soon on tho scono. In 5.r.oin<,z tn Gloncnirn the (ronslnblv t.ra\'v11(~d nlonr: tho Iowniino, Nona- \vasay,n and Sunniclzxlv, and in p:\:s:<- in: t.hrous:h Hm thivk swmnp (`(1 an Oakland cm`. lzcr round In haw bovn stolvn from J. C. l3ai1t~_\`. Sundrldgzo. Thv p()l'1('.v are hot on (hn trail of tlw mbhvrs and mo said to have evidence as to who the guilty panics are. -|`ll.lLl|.\l \t`-i l||'!.I) \'I'\'ll\\' '|() VI\IKT\'l{\" .\'l||{|\l' SHANTY BAY 't\ 1.'1 . h. l.L'v' \ - 1 CLOWES I CARTAGE PLAN 1 HERESHORTLY1 \C.N.R. INSTALS \ (Continued from page one) W(':~.l(-1'11 ()nLu1"10 livld and also as fin` north .11; I u1`x'y Sound and S(-nth hnu Iinn lcL`('(.`nuy Luu \/ :1nnoum'cd that 4 A\\lUv\lIl]1\Il nu HIM Iun('I,1(m. Re:-cmly the C.N.I .. Hm! Lkliss 5,4 Man Falls From Tug Drowned at Midland Freak Hail Storm Hits Only One Farm Kmd. Collingwnotl riow nearly 2.000,`000 bushels of corn in storage. Dnhnv-O Du-.-I: Mr (`.3 vvnrs n m'ai-I um numm nxmmxm, nAn3L:._o_gg:., cums .____ ___._..._..__.. ___...__.._ ._-....._ 5I`L`Cl:\L--HL'l.l\ l3l{(7|{lfN 1.2.). C WALNUTSi%18 SPl;`(.`l.-XI- cH1usTlI-L's -'13" SIZE WAFERS 2 ,0, 1 5 H`;-n:. Pkg. A .\'E\\' CRI.\'I I().\'~- CHATEAU ROQUE6T" -%--: j J L . .V[L\\ \,l\l'.. \/AV"" lI[lll.4l\ I J -.- \-.`. C H EES E` ;.;;i?;;.gI sc 25 N1 ! L`l.\L--I .nr<.:c 5i:c 5.-\.\'T:\ CLAR.-\S `C mum-:5 2 25 .\I'1'.'k'l_\l.---HHl{.\| 'S1)0L'Ul.l`: CK[7:\.\1 ( C U STARD """ Tin MM~w~.~.~.~..-.~....~ww... SPIiL.'l A L- N L'( ;(I:T S} 101 . Hnvo n Quanhtv rm handnlway.-1. Handy for daneru. :akeo. candy and sandwiches. In storage. Robert Rusk. for (`>3 years :1 I`(`, ii- dent of Mu:;kok:n.. dis-(1 aL Gravonhurst recently in his 90th year. r-nra-n M:-(`fmmn hns hm-n n.nn0inL-` 1;L0Ls SH / / / / / / y/ / / // ,/ A (T:I:'NER()US OFFEIS EMPERE COFFEE ON SALE AT THES_E__PRICE.S.J-UL;-Sz1'tc: Eu. 2.02. mcxgcr. OF PALAWAN TEA (;1\'1-:.\' \\'1THOU'I` CHARGE WITH '1`Hl;` PLJRCH.-\SE or` A 1.1.13. TIN. C`.-\TH.l.l'_\' COOKH) - I6-up Tin L Lj Ice In nanzple this deliciolp .-.ero. Try it nced-you wul THREE MONTHS REFORMATORY 1 FOR TRANSIENT The Hnmmoll family hold its an- -nual rnnninn ni R1-Mnn nn JIHV (Continued from page one) what he was doing. Hnrvie had been urn-:sL(~,cl when he came out of a bush in Vv. ulmut 200 yards from the tuwnlinv. Tho officer said it. appeared as if lI:u'\'i(: had cmne out of the bush In 9,2`! :1 ride in tho cur, nut knowing it \\':1.< :1 police CHI`. Frank Ilnrx-`iv, :.rivi11r,v (`\'i(1l`n('C in his own (lvfvm-v, said Tuck had picked him up \'.'h1l(- un his way Lu Wnsngzn Hm:-h and the latter had uskvtl him In stay :1 <-ouplv of days. On Mtmday .'|fl.u-1'm)nn ho had cmnn inln tho 1101130 In rgvt :1 drink. He was short of money and lust. his lu,-ml and ran mvny with H... uvnh-In ,..v-. HLICI-(. Hruwn Tan, \\'|\i(e Bmh for 10 38 I Hu1'vit- Nu Inu. WYo`{.t1..' Piead Giiilty To Entering Apiary For Honey Cappings IOO Ol Charged with breaking and (-nt<-r- ing the apiary house of Alfred smith 'I`e(`.um.=.cth 'I`0wnshlp. west. of [`oHrn- ham. on July 9. two youths. (mo '.|:(-ii 1-1 mm um mhnr now! 13. m)m,-.n'-(`(1 ix` ham. July ll. [WU yuuum. \Iu\ u... .. 17 and the other aged 13. m)pv.-.n-~<`d ix` Police Court here before M:1<,:islI`aLt Joffs Monday nfternuun. Both })1(`&1-1((`i.` Lunlty. Judanu-nt. was re: mu` u'v;`1< L .lllll_V. Judgment, was 1'( S .`X`V(`L1 until July 24 in the vase of J`r~r1 .`./[:u'- an, older of the pair. Sm1l4-n'(- '\'.1. susp(-ndod for one your in the (`use ml the lad under 16 years. on mnrlitim that court costs he met. am! his m ~ Lhor go his bond in tho nmmmt in $100. I`v-nuvn Anurnnu F` G I<`.v:n1.\'. K C. 3*lUU. Crown Attorney F`. G. vonduvlctl th(~ 1)l".:.'~ ('(`lILi0ll. zussielm-ll lu- Pr0vin<`i:\l C(vnsLnl)l(= 'I`lmmu.< M. M!"- Dunough who ix1\'v: Thu` :11`- cusod were not l`l.`pl`(.`.,(`llt(`(l by <-mum-l.` Allrcd Smith. Allistnn, propriv.-Ivu~ 01 the apiary. tt"st.ifi(td that ho \\`:l.`$ ("lll< , (`C1(`d in tho bl'C yznrd two 01' thru- rods away when the l)'_>_\*.~a ':x1t'1`(-(I ii about 2.10 p.m.. Suuvluy. July 9` l'h<- ,- boys had conm inl.n the _vm'(l uml xlml off 11 rifle. One of Lhv lmjvs hlul trim? l to get into Lilo` 2l[)l:1l'_V lmusv hy uh- I doing the lumk. but wlwu this \\`:\.< * lll]$ll('(`('SS[1l1 he ltmk hnld of thy lzwl; I and Ll`l(`(1 Lu pull out. l.h4~ st:-4~pl(~. l`h- utht-r boy took an old pipv uml pm-ll out the . I`hv` pair '.~:ul in::irl-- lhv building and sL:Lvv(l fur almul 23 min- |utcs. Witlwss lh0ut,:hl. Lluzv \\`<-rI.- lilu-lj.`;1pph1'zs {rum lh<- hm"_`.'. uml lln value or volume of lh:- nlllff Ink`. :1 \\`u` -:m~i..nH'i:unl" l`hr~v (liln'! Ink!` 2111'.`- "|IlSlS'.IHll('{IHL . 1Hl'_v thing one uf vulm-. Pm brnken mln the l)u'1l(ln `\n'l\I'|I [)!'liKL'I| b(`fm'l`. \:I1u' (I ' Nlulnll > l)HH(lil1`.! I ruppings. .__:j.. The Camurliun ' !rnml..mm1 1;. mm ` length. your he had paid $42 in buy out of tho army. Whvn His W0l`.`;hl|) pn:.~4-(I . I{III`Vl("s nmlhvr hmkv (lnwn : and slu'it~kr~d nul., "Nu. nu. boy." enlocl thv bve yznm Lwo Ur unm- uds `bout J`h<- mys D 0 loing but I11s11<-rt-ssttll md )Lht-r ml . milding ltcs.`app1n'zs wall"! 11 `insisu1lfl('ux1l,". Thl`_V (li(ln'l :m_'.'- (`I50 of l':u'li<-.. ml l::u_\-.-; luul buil(|mp,.~, S(`\'l'l".l1 Linux I. .. G. W. J E:\S'I`MAN. Pxup. I`! R. G. .\lANUEl.. .\'l;'.r. 1"nm DEALERS IN on Quality Provisions SMOKIEI) snoLn.mfu 1 3C P I C N I C S "" the EATON Way BLUE BRAND 1;/mv 1;-:'1'-;i" BONELESS AND Tllil) I1 'ii';{iEid(iT"s`ii_}i_:i{ Roasl lb. SLICISD ]ll.l.H-'l) VEA 22 7 7 7 , 4 __---._....;.AA,\ MACARUNI and L`/HI I `I. LOAF (}()\'|.l(V,\Il"\'l IV ousavvv-vvvvvy V|SK|l*i"(.mEOLOGNA 2"-25c OTHER. _"_4_4. T..! EC A -5 suvncma MARBLE WORKS 1 . he h:1(ln`L 2 : to stun] but, on! - `-SI !-ZC I Al.-~ POST {SPEC|AL-- `FRUITS-VEGETABLES ` 'CA"T'L}P 2 bottles 25:: LARGE. FIRM llEAI).S` CABBAGE . . , _ . NEW HOME GROWN pbyjgous FIRM HEADS Lffbce LARGE FANCY" BLACK BARRIE, ONT. E'Hl-EZ>RRl!E}SA_ HOME GROWN fbimiibas ON SALE FRIDAY _/NND S/\TUR7DAY ..~t- A I -I.Irk\\rll . Evans ..x.. \,f \/I:-_ I1 I'1P\lll|)I\;I' 700 [Wit Hosressa You haven't. read The Examiner lin- bil you've rend the udvts. " Electric Refrigerator