OUNG MAN, EXPERIENCED. Wants ` \:lHnn nn l':n'n1 .kIr~-.ulv H nns.: SERVICE TRUCK for SALE-Thrcc- Lon, heavy duty weaver crane. in good cnndmml and all new tires. Apply 1' . 0. Box No. 241, Bradford or Lclephtmv 2. 15b I-`ARMS FOR SALE OR RENT (Rm: vnu caw II In Thn Eianllnnri FARM FOR SALE OR. RENT-107 `acres. 2 miles from Barrie 011 Penn- liamz Road, solid brick house. 11 roum.<.] 2 barns with stabling under both. ccnwnt silo and '..{:1l'g(`, also driving shod, poultry house and pig pr-n. Ap- ply J05. Quinlan. RR. 1. or phone 901 ring 4. 15;) [BRICK VENEER Nina rooms. all 218 E117.21|)eth St. 5-ROOMED CO 1"I`AGE FOR SALE---` 6. ! Brock SL.. water and light. Am)X_\'- .38 Henry SL1'oct.. Bnrrltr. phone 1387!". 15-mp HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE~--In Cln1dI(!.\L 1 mile from B:u`1'ic. I new nf garden. A. Brown. 12 Sophia SL. E... phone 550. 15;) ISTRAWBERRY PL./\N'I`S FOR. SALE. (Hbson and Willizuns. $5.00 per Lnnu. Alm four Indian Runner ducks. lay- `ing. Phono 6()2r12. 151) (`:I,.ADIOLUS BULBS 101` sx1lv~~l..n.< Angolvs, shrimp pink, 4(': Doris Hydv, ml] am)|nl)lossmn pink. :1 l':u'nriL(' prim. Fm: Salmon Rmmlv, 4c: S()llV(`lIil`, nnv S'I`R.AWI3ERRIF.S FOR SAI.E-"Illl- m'nw=r1 Snnntnr hunlnn" h\nd:< in mm- HI-ll |)])ll.`|JlU.\.\'()Hl HIHK. ll li1.\U1`|1,(' prllll, 50; Salmon Br~aut_v, 4r; Souvenir. nnv of host. (`Ivar yellow prims. o:u'l_v. Sc: ()mngv Quer,-n. 4c: lmxvd. 1'30. 12 nu` prico of 10; `.25 for prirtv or 20, Pn. oxtrn. Qu:1nl.1L_v limited. Phuno 223 or 224 Barri:-. ltlx nu-(1, m,r:n 1 4 or Wrilv H. a1'm\wm:.'1uuL~;5 run. a~m|.n;-"Ln1- p)'()v('d Smmmr Dunlm)" loads in non- ul:u`il,v. Wi11iams" rnwst, shimwr. Big Clyde" wondorful |)l'0(`Hl(`l`l`. 150. $1.00; 500. $2.75: 1000. $500. `-inn! Mary W:\sl1in;:t nsp:u'u;:11s modi- _u-<~r\d)_ 100. $1.00. All soloot. viunmu.-: plums. l)vlivm`vd frmn Lilwral mum- lilv dix<-m1nLs'. W. J. Galbraith. Stan`- nvr M-'}1n CHICKS FOR SALE-Brod-to-lav S. C. Whltv Lvp,hm`I1 chiL'k.<. 8 ccnts ('2|(`11. Hzu<:hin_-. eggs, 25 cents pm` doz. Frvd R. Day. Shanty Bay. phmw 158 Om. I) BABY CHICKS---Br(`d-t0-1u\'. Bm'rv Rocks. Lhnmughlv culled and t(`.\`!!`d. $8.00 pvr hundred. Also .-;l:u`t`vd chi<`k:a now xwldy. K(`ll_\"s. Hatclwry. 65 Clap- pvrlmx St. 15;) BABY CHICKS FOR SAI.E-~rHnl(`l1- imv nuns frnm . nous nf hrr`d-In- munr UHIUK5 run .~;AL.r.'-nnu`11- inzz (`gas from soloctod xwns of l)rr`d-tn- `I.1._v Bznwvd Rocks. ALw im`lI|)ulm's and hmndvrs for salt-. Applv H:u'r_v Olm- w:L\'. phone 739.}. 10-1411 BABY CHICKS of tho m~_~m~. q1'1alit_\'. Bm'x`(`d and Whilv Plymouth Rm-ks at the lowest. prlcv (`V(`1` 0'm`o(i_ Om Whilt` h()(`K.\` loud lhvir \'nriNv at thv mntvst.< M Otlmm. Hutch mrvry Wvd- nv.\'(in)`. lIun'_\- .\v`Inr1'vn. R North St. Rurriv. phnnv 387.1, 15'.'0l: C:\.RPEN'l ERING~---0ak floors, mu`. andxxhs. rvmodvlllng. garages, and goxwrxtl repair work. Prices roa.~~m1.~\ble~ ; (`wood workmanship. J R, Crawford. as s.-mmrd St`, bfmnv a".o.\1. 11-moi y vx r-un'.5rnu-.mAN UhJ.V1hJlh;k\'\ BOARD am` asking $2 a V0111 from an, hanns: plots. this momw to be u.~'vd= for tho upkoe-p of saumx P1on. sond` money to Mrs. W. J. McLean, HM P.O. H-151) HOUSEV~'IVES -- Your m-nblums wilt `be solved and qulcklv answered whon; mu got \'our hardwood floors waxvdu and pnllshod bx` A. J. Loprosti. tho] reliable floorman. Phonv 490. 35 .\Im-' caster St. 15p GET YOUR AUTO SERVICE dnnv at 1 the Bay Gm'as::\_ 16 Baycld St. .-\'.`.` work gtxamnteed. Roy and Earl I-1:\d-I dock. proprietors. Earl Haddock form- erly foreman In the Che\'ro1e1-Old.<- -mobile Garage. 15p` Q`ll`|)lll\lh `i3EF IR A v v n I 1 saw H In Tlln FI:InIlnr\r\ SWAP ANISEARTER [an noun uuu H In Thu Finn-ulnar! 7.\V. LEGHORN BABY CHICKS {nr 1`, Alsn lmtrhinrv mvns Hinh m'nrim-- ;.w. LEGHORN BABY CHICKS mr 0. Also lmtchimz vgzzzs. High |)rudut'- : 1-`islwr strnin. Prico r<~.'1sun:H)l~. C.. Mnrmw, I`hm'nt.un. Phunv I\'\' I1 11.1!'n\ PLANTS AND BULBS ' lnv vnu Q:-nu M In Thn Finnllnnrl (;lTilE'I`_ lnv Inn saw H. In Thn Examlnnr) AUTOMOBILES ` n v v n I u (aw II In Thu Finmlnm } 5U? 1| nan. II In Tho FI.Innnrr\ BABY CHICKS v vnu xznw II in Tim Fimnin EEUAN FUN. SALE-l` good condition. Phone 151) .~.uum. \.:nmm:u1 1.11:` 1nsu1'zmc- mmp:m_\'. :1 ynung; murr`u'r1 mam [0 Work Bmrlv um! < li:+fri<-t.. I.ibvI'a.l (:nm-- `hiS.'~`h)lL Apply In I .(J. ux 193, Rm`- _d<'. out. 15;) u_, ,, , ,, _ _ 4.1., L HOUSE FOR. SALE. c0nvenim1('vs. Am)1,\' Phone 741.1. 13-17;) ! FARM FOR SALE ur will u.-x<:lmm_u_- as part. pay ml an lII!|)l lI\'(`(| lurm. l\m)lV Wank (:1':1.\vln.(l. .Shz\nt.v Bus . On- Larln. 12-I51) nuuunum Salt`. April .lunn 35:] [HI Hill`. l\|H'Il -1* Juno, $1.00. plmmr llriil. ,_.:___ .-___- l_I\J\/ I l\JA 1 u}: I ON S/\ l`UHI)l\Y I'2Vl5IN1N(`v. April 1:3. at 8 p.m., Auczinn Snlv nf lnnvy China. .:ln.\'.s'\\':Irv, s.i|\'<-r\\':m`, vutl--1`_\', _i-\v<-lr_V. \\'ut<-l1~.< and -ln('k.~, at I". I). }|:|i<.:hl,'s,` DIn\lnp S Rurri:-_ nu-.\ l. (hmr In Wml- I. -o\\'. L`. (1 n In` UU A \/In- ` {urn1u.l`in1\ ___________________?______ LOS'I`- -ES(':l1ll`(l lrnm thv pl`:-n\isv.<. of` Ilnrry F. Mxwrvn, 8 Nnrlh $1.. Bm'1'it`.| um: Imnnlv l~`il.vh, ulmnl xi /.v of mink. 01`m1r_zu- and l)lm'k m'.n'. will inlmhll. fn.1'm l)lli1(iinu.<, Su1ln.l)1<- r('w:u'(l [hr in- 15-18!) 'AV|il1'(`I1 .50. U1] r`5':|lIlI`- nvur (,`:utln'i 1`vr: hip and ]):L\`lI]L," 1-xpm Imh'ny, Ont. L{IH\h\\"ulIl`, I\lI\|`l \\'2l (-luck: $1., w Snlv :11 I Cnnkvy. A1u~Hmu~:'1 l.J\ll\lv I C.'\RI.IN(? Al, 11112 1'I.\,s:| R.(l., dulv. on 'I`h1u'.~d:I\'. April 1:. Mr mud Mrs |-` \.V (7:|I`]iI L)(1I'1l J1l.}'l. IIJ I31] :1 dum:hl:-r V2114 DOUGI~IER,'l`\' -At 1 I Hnspilzll. Bill`I`it`_ 1) 11!. 1933. In Mr. , < ;l1I1try. nu '-n " 1J(IIlll1(`l'l._\'_ 1.1!! duugh I N`. LOWE - -Al Hw Rn,` LII R-.n~r|u nu um`. Our hearts mum God nn1_\` knmvs In .1 homv mm -E\'cr romvmbox Mrs. A. Scott 2 The Home o_l:(_2:1alityMeats E GS FOR HATCHING v mu snw H. In Tlw Emnunr-r) Rolled Roast of Veal . . . . Peamealed Cottage Rolls SMALL SAUS-AGE . . . . . WEINERS . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Dunlop Street ND FOUND lQ:1v mm mw :1 in Tim Elamlnr-rt FARMS FOR SALE (Rm: vnu <:uw it Ill Tho Euuninrr) AUCTION SALE THE BKERIE EXAMINER. BARR!!!-. ON'l'.. CANADA M\N'1`1s1> ' uI h:m1 (`H on. wm . I (`Jun-1-hi M. J. BRENNAN RED 'I`URKE\' EC-(`:5 1'01 ` $`J.[H) for 15: Mu) . $1.50; I. Rwy Gm)r11('llmv, slrnud. Ll. 14-151) Miouuksf FRESH AND SMOKED FISH AND FRESH VEGETABLES WMARRIED GENUINE SPRING LAMB CHOICE BABY BEEF FRESH POULTRY BORN rm- mwzu vu-mun. nn VVv(lm-s(i:L\', Apr. r. and M12. I"rrd Muplo A\'o.. :1 Q-ll\\J rvHn'nv-(l hnmv : in (7ullim:wvm(L `u....rl..,l 4|... Inuu 1. ill!` lllllR'l . April Ill. 1' -q-I'\'i4-n i b:-.jj DJS'J`lLI~(:'I` A('.la:N l` WANTED by old smhltwhr-d ('.:umdi:m Lilv [nsurzmcv hnlhilllv `I rnlxlm nu-.n'I`I`nri nnun In` win I{uspil - /\m'il H). gi LOCAL NEWS 1: ` Tmnnrmxv. (`mod I"ridzvy. is u plliit: ! Imli ----Spur:in| vuluv in Indies` m1rsv:<' with 7.imu~r. 981:. nl. Vlckers 151) ~-Fnr plulnbing und lwut,ing ring; 214. J. .7` Nvvl:mds_ 48 Blake SL. ltfh Rt-nllav f`.u-uni nunrvhl n ninn H_H\ ` HI!` lllll||ll`.: .S(`ilhUll. I ~-FI'(`(`. punts \vil.h cw-ry suit. sold 1 SuL11rdnA\', April 15. B I). O NvIl_ min- or. Wvllinglml Hntvl. 15p Hwmns.-11! You should sue the Inve- ly shrw.-4 fur $2.00, smnv Bl:Ir'h{nrd's in- ` rlutlvd, at Hur1b1n'L`s Shoe SlA)l`(!. X5!) VV<~:n.luw pml)ul)ilit.i~s urc: Purt,l_v <`Iuu(L\' with n fr-w light. sh0\vm'.s' lo- nn_v,ht.. l"l`iti:l)'_ frvsh wvslx-rl_y winds. ` cIr~n1'in'z and cool. ---F`m` $2.00 women may .st.ll1 pur- I ('lHl.`il` Iinv cl1'(`.'~'s 511005, worth Hn't:(: and mur limvs that. price at. our slnrt`. Hurlhur 15!) l':.n .- '\l\:|I\ . \i.ll..n.l ....\.. 11. 1}. ml` l`ll`l'|ilIll|h_ `IO [1lilI\l', Dl-. lull!) SL-nlry Grunt caught it nice 6-lb. lukv lmut this ll1()I'l1iIlLL. tho l'n'.s't uf lhv tmllin-_: svuson. L` n r-nil n-I-Irl . ......n.. \Iv;5| ... VVvsH.l' \ I TI`...- Il'.\l\l|'Ill I`! rust, (`ml ( (lunv. \lH\.... ----Wlwn _vmu' In-l l\m'l., you hurt. all 1 uvvr! Mr, Lumpkin, llw vmlnenl. font | ::pc~(-inli.st,, will advise you on your font lruublvs fl'(`(` of vllargu Sullmlay. Apr. 1:3, :11, lIur1l)nrl,'s Sh()('. Slnrv. 15b Vvrn Taylor was I'm<-d $5 and ('().'~'l.<. in all $7.51), for spt-t-ding on Brndfm'(l .~ln-l-l, on April 4. in Pollvv Court. i.l1i.s IW1|`l1lI1!!. Chivl Slvwzlrl. luld thr- ('ll:ll'[,;l`. n (hmrl l-`rirllnv HI '7 Ill) n m I`ln- llllllIJllIl.\. 15)!) I'(-n yntlnvg, Midland mvn hnvv bum lukvn tn Camp I3m`(l(-n to the unem- pluyvd :ain:,1:- n1vn`.x' (-mm) lhcrr` undur Ihv I)<~p:n'tnu'I1l. nf National Dc1 m1('-. Imrriv Firv Bri-,vudv was (-ulh~(l out law. ni'.`hI. In :1 ('hill1H('_V lire at {In- .-irlnna... ..f I I.` Vunllnu O I\l| nvf u-nun- ruling:-_ I On (mud 1-`ridu_v ul. 7.30 p.m., I`h(- Cx'u(-Hixiun" by Sir John Stain:-r will he sum: in 'I`rinil.y r-hnrch. rm solo work to ho dnnv by Mr. Mays. [1-mu`. and -S((ll1ldl'l)H-L(`El(ll`l` Bl'()()l-((`S. burl- ! %~1=`()":"5)$.1;ni; 6ii3E?fA'E;-E I L.|w nl An Tlln l5I.1n|inm-\ 1 ---`Vlr. Lampkln, Dr. S('hnll's parson- al rvprv. will ho at, Hurlburt's l Slmo Stnrv all day Sat.urda_v. Aprll l5. l"nnI sulTm'm's will hart-. l,h(- opportun- ity of musnltin-,2 Mr. Lampkln wllh- mtt cIlH.l`:(`. 1% In Pnlicv Court tn(la_V. a t`har~,u- :1- L-,ait1:~`t A. I". Empkv at having only nnv I ht~:ullip.ln was dislnlssvd when it. was sltmwt tln-rv was smut` doubt as In the wlu-r~al)m1t.~'. nf tho car at` tho time of Ihv all0;:(`d 0llN1('(-. ~If you are prvsvntl at tho Cullc\gi- nu anditnrlum tho (wt-nirlg uf April 25th or Etith you will hvar Isaac Mur- plrv l-`olcklvstmn Cnhn tell all about, thr manner in which hr l`(`Ct`i\'(`d in- lnrirs` whvn Rasttus Carlmn t-ra,.~;l1-cl llllt) tho bus with his car. In-nlr-n ::r~rvi('r`; aro bolnv. hvld lll hv .~:'l1:nl ronm nl Cullivr Strwt Un- A[({ (`Illl1`(`Il IIlI.\ \\'m~l<. Rm . W. S. intlt of Chur('h`1ll was the S])('2lI-{('l . l`Iu~s(la_\' l`\'l'lllll'_Z and Rm . W. Nu,-lml vl` Struml, on Wodltvsdzly. Tonight Dr. `lull Camplwll will no the spoalzr-r. - `Arc ynn awarv that we havv a nr-xv Ill'lll of Ill\\')`(`l'.\' in mu" town`? Wt-ll. WI` lmw. 'l`hl- namv nl tlw lirm is lVlv. ~`,lil'k. Slurlit-r and Sllvk. Mr. Slirk .\lIl avt rm` thv clvlvnclanll. El'll!~`.lll.\' (`;n*l)nn. at lhv Collv;:.iat- nu(lilurimn Ill thn (`\'t`llI|lL`,.\' of April 25th and `.Ztith_ 'l`\\n u\\'m'r.~; nt dogs \\'('r(' Iill(`t"I SI -md m. in all $12 50, in Pnlim` Cunrt Ol\|.- no Inn OI\nI' I\\A\ ullnu-inn IIlIlY\ I l I I I I I I I I I n I I Hl`i'l\) plUpt'Il)' IU-\.\ \AHl'H bl 'n.\L\L` \.uI|" bun sxnashod into the bus on 't(`I`\ Sandy; was a pzL%S`l1';(`I` Chxvr of Police Alex. Stewart In-1 rnrmod Tho Exmniner today that it ts .m ntfoncv under the Pounds Act to` have chickens run at large and over; other people's property. He states,` then` has been cottsidemblo of this 011 lat:-. Violators of this statute are 11-!` ablv for n ne up to $10. over and a- bove the danmges caused by the chick- (`HS 1 I I 1 CH3. `K Clear watvr was seen for tho rs! tum` ycstcrdzay morning bet\\'e(`n the Burriv and Allandalo shores of Kem-i pvilfeldt Bay. Today there is a small .m.uu1.t ul zcc skill but out about Phone 50 or 51 ~ ht lire v M J. I-'. Nollvs in the vxt.r~1m- I of Lhv Luwn. N0 dmmlgzc was . . . . . 14c lb. ... 12`/2c lb. . 2 lbs. for 25 2 lbs. for 25 Zllllltl` `I lniss it~-Smm-thins: no-w in is :1 l)vnut,|[u11_v mudo purc- ilk in ('hi'nn wvitzht with .\l'l". and hvvl. Silk 10 Mn and full` (1 with I-`r(`n(`h hm-1. All Si /.u-5.! thv xww spring shading. Ouri R-`m nnulilr xnnnizll nffnrlluv n` ('Ul|IIil|_\ [U lllwl ' simil:n' (`hfll`C',(`\ vn thvro W115 n\\'lN`l'.\`hl]) uf (hr (lUL',.\ \\`l'lI' lll|l'|| -III` 33.50. Pnlicv nlmwim: their (iml-\ nnlrury tn mwn In ...H.. nun.-,... . Proposed Pension Cut` Attacked By Legion` In Two Resolutions` .30/\I?D ANI) RUUM rd rnmn with -.:m hum n nun! Iunnn |\l'i\'ll: Bnrrle branch of the C:1nad'1an be-1 gion. at 11 special meet'm_<.7,' of morv than 200 ex-service men held in the Leglvu Hall Monday evening to deall "with the pensions problem. passed tho- ` following resolution: an: x.. ...........1 ...`.....:....\...-in in. Am, nuuun guy, - \.-J\JIuunvnn . "It is agreed unanimously that ow- ing to conditions of distress at the pre- sent time. and the fact, that small ` pensioners are subsisting entirely on the pensions given to those who are unable to compete with 100 per cent. men. that, any cut in pensions at th." present. time is entirely out of the question." nnni:-c of H10 rnsnlutitm \v(-rv m'rim`- question. Copies of the resolution \v('rv or(l(:1'- ed forwarded to Premier Beinwtt. Deputy Minister of Pensions. M.P.`s. i Dominion and Provincial COlT|lTll1ll(l. l and all bx".m(',ht:s of the Cflllfldlilll LC- lgion in the Province to midorso. In eul- dition to those present. 43 roturmrrl men on relief at Camp Bordon. lmckocl the resolution. Another resolution was also ntloptorl as follows: Rcsolvc-(1 that all (`X-S('l Vi('(` mi-n be given rolie-I from lhv P1-nsions Dv- pzn't.mcnt. as given to thosv in 1`(,-(`vim of pensions." rr... .......n....- .. . - ....Il.ul 0.. him-I In U1 In ucuvnm. The nlcotlnu was (`lH(`(l Lu nb_i-(-1, In! l.h<-. Fcdoml G0vm'mnm1t,'s |)1'up0.s`:ll Ln` lrodure Lhv pvnsions of civil svrvznnts who arv bx-.m'vi('(' mt-n. shanty Bay. but. it. may .=nl'(-IV hr said that, tho bay is (*lvm' of irv." 'I`ht- (haw of thv pus: work ha: vlvnrt-d mil. u. hl`{l\'_V crop of icv in :2` ('rm1pzIr:\li\':-ly :;h0rt, limo. A pnrlruit of thv lutv Cnl. J. A. Cur- riv, f01'n1('r MP. Inr North Simrm-. who took the` 48th 1li<.:h1:mrh:r;; wer- soas and Ix- Hwm in st-<-rmd b:\tlh- nf Yprvs, wns lmvt-ilvd Inst. W(`l,'k M arm- nurlus, I`ur0ntu. It, was l`(`('(`HH_\ mm- pl:-tntl by Il'.'1nci.s' .1` Hnxby, ymulu Tn- rnnlu urtlst. and was })!'('S('l1l(`(l in tha- roghm-nt. by Mrs, Curriru It will hang in lhv 1'vgix11(`mnl ufTi('('r" nu~... -: rwrv 7- ..n.. A-r\H~~..I In nu n,;,unuu-mu ...-u.... n..... Mnundcr's snm'L'(i r-zuxtnln. ()li`.*M In Cnlvm`_v," was sun: with lino M- fvcl, on Sunday 1-Vt-nine, in (nlliu-r SI. Unltr-d (`hlll`(`h by Hm choir n1 t.hirI,_v v0i('z:.<. Ul'ld.".)` thv dh'N:t.itm nl` .Iunu~..' H. Wh1IIl('_\`, r~l10i1'x1mslvr and (n',::u1i.- Thu solo pnrls \\'r-rv wvll lukl-n l)_v Miibl V. Smm.!,o_ Miss B. I)vHurl,. A. S.l Munkmun, S. W. Mnnrv. W. A. I.:Im-' bcrt, F. H. Iiurlburl. and C. 'l`. Pick:-r- {nu Boulderfel Greenhouse SAY IT WITH OUR LOW`E`RS J n_a\r Iv -..n\-..a ON ALI. OCCASIONS 'I`AS l`[`.I-`U1. DESIGN wum< EASTER LILIES AND sl-mm: n.mvI-ins PRICES REASONABLE 74 Blake St. Barrie. Tel. 832 ORILLIA HIGHWAY LlBBY'S :ab-|J\l- I\.rlr`r-w---:1 --_ .. _.l. _ _ ,, _ Appropriate Easter Foods are being fr.-aturt-d at your Superior Storm: this wm:k--nd at al- tractively low prices. Take advantage of the extra savings offc-rod on tiwsv wt-ll-known, nationally advertised food products by shopping at your Superior Store today. Remember *'**a"* WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS TIvlR.El3 l~'lIRNl.\`Hl-In rnnms lur rm: 1'\|ml_\` Ml I(`1l`l)hI\H|' R122! large 14` .1 oz. [in SARDINES 5.; BRUNSWICK lll \l\l..4l\ .1 \4\:\..x/r - 12,5 24C Baker's Soulhcrn Slylo COCOANUT, per (in 14c MAGIC BAKING POWDER, c.&c. 16-07,. Iin 34c ClMV)Kve;i;: ar.` `socxma I L.r\|\LI I IJ\J I n|_.| 6-oz. 10c--12-oz. 1`5c C-ilIetl's Pure Flake LYE . . . . . . . . 2 tins 25_c Taster Specials al Superior Store? `Inrn lhiv; A SALMON 1/2 s 19c KIPPER SNACKS 4 (ins 25: BAKER'S COCOA [Ann rd (`tn -H.:_ 1.. ttnu i I`l1uI-sday HILLCREST PEANUT BUTTER 2 tins 15c H. M. LAY :%7`.'11iJ'1rEig" MUSTARD TOMATO per (in -uvu F: v.......... .. TJrfi"}iI:"~`0R.LEss >23c 1's 10: Good Used Furniture iand Some New Odd Pieces l|This Satud_a_y_, April 15 HOUSE `tn Isl. NH: Eli`/,:ul ht-lh RI `gAUc'rIoN SALE 2 RM. " {I39 Dunlap SI. (Formerly U.F.0. Store) | Whilst`H1ismr`Hm(lnf( I-Mgr slur-k nf unmls: luiu \Vlli(".1 um-un1ul:m-.< hm (lispnsml of in Uw I`l' lht-.~v gH()(Ix 1I.~.uul1y ; ._A I I\\n|\ G. R. and E. A. BURNS. FOR QUALITY WE LEAD ----mans MEAT---- FRE;SI-I AND CURE!) Golden "Smoked Lb. Picnic Shoulders . . LlBBY'S PREPARE!) LOIN PORK CHOPS l..Al.l a upcunvll VERY CHOICE RED SALMON . . . Extra Special \rl:Dv runIr' M Hi n r..\ lwd 1`. mm. ha I hrunzn (`n.\\- nmut J. w._cHEsMAN Free Delive;y to any part of Towr. 80-84 Elizabeth St. : Phone 145 A. E. FLEETHAM WILL RECEIVE PATIENTS AT NEW PREMISES No. 82A Dunlop Street, on April 15th Crossc & Blackwell 14-oz. bottle ASK ABOUT OUR BABY BEEF It is of the Highest Quality Round Steaks . . . . . . . . . . . . 20; H. Prime Rib Roasts . . . . . . . . . . 20c ll Short Rib Roast . . . . . . . . . . . 16c ll F. W. DOBSON wilil fa;-. TL?.}.[ai. C._(_1.Hl_Nl)S nnlnmnxn an-1 .\n'.:I1 (`0.~'\'. m'.mm"..1hh-. I l`t`ql|ll'I`t'l and hen pm if d(`.\ih'd. `I`11\ '.m;\` I . KEARNS FREE DELIVERY 9-01.. Imillv TOMATO CATSUP A. E. SMITH VPIVIOIJCH 145 Phone 158 Pllonc 854 Phone 164 Phone 12 :1 Camp Bm`nn'1\ uumv. uu.\`1m`.\\' can-l plv. ms nldvr mxlm-.~ 1-vu1'im. hmn busi- xuw. .-\m.lv to S. L. Fleming, `.211 Blake street, B:u'ric. 151) ANOTHER CHIROPRACTORS mm 10 12c 17c Sliced 15c llll [mm mm: nmh Very Clmicc Sliced Lean Side Bacon, Lb. Shoulder or I Chuck Rnasl Beef. U'H.`4I\ll Apply . Fm-sh or Smoked -.. u I'*'t I n E-"|`1.`i'.'r;"f'."` ` H A D I) I E 2-lb. tin 15c R(`(l Lalwl ---- ` 5-). pkg. TEAA--%2:%s SMALL 9c - 19c I m|u~r's Unawctrlcnod (`H( )('()l../\Tl'.., ' 5'5 25c HlI.L( 'Rl .ST SWEET MIXKI) PICKLES 5c run. wm pm . Churchill, E55 ROSE SUl l{Rl()R SOFFEE `3's 18c---1'5 35c CROWN BRAND Hillcrcsl Shortening l-lb. cartons llc SYRUP OXYDOL CRISCO, 1's 23c n:nu..ur . n\.-5-4.4.4 Family Jar 29c LARGE _Page Nina_ POSITIONS WANTED (am: um: <.-aw II In Tlm Ex.1n\lnver) Lb. lb. lb. lb. 13c n1m'hinI'. .\u'll", 1.. mum ADLET COLUMN Kdbhs ms {3o}{ii') 4R.w vml -..|w II -n Thu Eumnmnrr PRbPiiT\r TO LET I.`i.w mu: -..m. II III Thu El.In|Il!l`I'D 9 cent a. word. cash. each insertion. lnlmum charge. 25c). ve insertions r the mice of four. 25c extra if not ` id within ve davs of date of issue: so me extra when tonnes are direct- to The Examiner Olce. "AE;1:'Nfs' WANfE15" .w um: LIIW II In Thn Fxzunl -EP nv vnn saw il, in The Exnmlnr 5 T0 H.l`.IN |' B I-Ilimhu-lh SI` ION W/\N l'I;I`) by a rosp(-.c:L- nan. Hnu:c~kr~:-pin*,'.. Town or I 1vn.s1- slulv \v:u2,v.s'. Apply ' Exnn1inv1' Ollie:-. 15p "WANi4i1;"54 n yaw II |n l'|Ir\ Fr. I r:1n(I.-4 cu prim-, paid. I. Lovil. Box 1 IN I ll Amvlv U9. IgA\;n/\NL-:1; mr 5-mum hm1.~w, good ~ u:1r(i:`n. urmcl land. l~.':\:`t. Bnrrlv. /\1m1_v H-I.')|) Him: I MHHDH1 '.\1nm'I` 'ILlI U! H`) ll'l"..'~'olH`X`. ` Apply W. Edt1;r~r- 15;) AN'I`ED~--~Vll(l('ll(`-:1g('d woman to as- -L with hnnsn\vm k. 'I`hror~ adults in mlly, one would rvquiro .-smno nuns- g attention. Plmso send terms and fercncos to Box 90, I'h0rntnn. 14-15p l`i\'i11`].;l'.' um and lmurd in ml 8!` R1':1:a0|1ah1t` I 1." l.\'.'m1i|u-1' 01-` l'IN'l'l:l`IMl!ZN H1'\' I 12-llil) . I nvnr B:u`I'10.n m. Apply Box 151) n:.~o.\`.<.|n|1 May I mly I84 Eliza- Inn ` nurmn /\vv.1 Bull Plzmlnu lnlfh u gnnd young 1' In |rr\shm`.I llvv fowl , `I'r`l<`1)l1m1r' . 542. Barrie ll-Hm wrv gnrurn .~;\.~il\' \\'u~:k- \ H \Vri2h~'. \--.un.\ n- n (- Apply ($2 15]) on Aw. 1-nrlv in I.3-1!lp UUNU MAN, Js.`sL'r.'m1n;Nun;u. wanes ~ Simon on farm. Strudy if pus;si|)1c. ood 'millwr. Rnlm'nx1c::4. Apply Bar- e E)aminvr_ I3:ll l'il:. 15b]; DISCIHARROW 1-`on SALE--16 disc. 16-inch discs. in good condition. Thos. J. B. Kenny, Shanty Bay. 15p _:__.___::. MANURE FOR. SALE--Well rotted or fresh. Delivered. Also ashes removed. 33 Collier St. or phone 384. 15p :. HARNESS FOR SALE-Two sets farm 3 hm-nn.-:< nnn hnavv with bl`CCChh1E. Al- I HARNESS FOR SALl::-'J.'wo sens Iarm harness, one heavy with bree_ching. so collars. 198 Elizabeth street. 15p - AIR COMPRESSOR FOR SALE- Noarly new, reasonable price. Apply P. W. Drake. Livingst.on's Garage. 15b ___ ,_____________..?__... FOR SALE--1 3-burner electric stove. lower oven and 1 Quebec cooker with oven, for sale cheap. Owner leaving town. Apply 186 Elizabeth SL. 15;) __________..:___..._. I-`OR SALE--One Acme electric wash- er, like now. $30.50; Little Ben vacuum cleaner. $15.00; waxor and floor pol- ishor, cheap. Apply 83 Toronto St. 151) I `IFOR. sALE--smoom, clean Dooley Isa.-od potatoes. Good. bright, No. 21 barley. Also young pigs, 7 weeks old, Arthur Smith, Mxdnurst, phone 603 l 122. 15b HONEY I-`OR SALE-Fancy. water- whiln clover and bas.sw0nd h()n(.`V. 6- 10's. $4.80; dark amber. 2-30's.. $8.00. 'I`wnnt.y-Inllc free delivery. Ma;:.u1ro: Brus._ Minosixlg. 12-161) _T. I-`OR S/\LE~100,000 Ontario cndm :shin9,Iv.~;, $3.75 pm` M. 200 vb:u...s of Gov- ornmr.-nt. Cnrtifind Dooley sncd pota- tons, 800 per bag. Will sell all or any n part of the nbovv, subjoct, to prior sale. Also good farm Leanm of horses for sale, 3000 lbs.. $180.00. P. Payctte Co.. |Pm1utax1;:. 15-17b ANTED Wnivx` Iul. tale prim: mu! lm':olH I." I-.x:m1invr () i<'r-. APPLES 1-`OR SAI.E~Nnrthern (hm:-ning , Boll l"l0wor. Phone order to H. Otlm-my. 739.1. 15 ' EtF$E.E nv vnn um H m Thu Ex.-Imlmvri TIMOTIIY HAY FOR SALE-~~I. IL: Lurk, Crown Hill. I`(\l. 902r23. 14-15;)! SWFJEI` CLOVER. FOR. SALE-S. J. Cam`. Phone Ivy- I`hm`nlnn 121-21. 151) MIXED WOOD for SAI in .~.tn\'v lmgllus. Apply 1 frny, lul. 17r15, L(',t'r0y. |SEED IlAI?,I..EY AND HAY fur SALE. Apply Briltnn Dlm.s`mm`(`, Plmxw 901 H1. 151) I -l`:RUlT HAY FOR S/\I.E-~Or will exc.-lmmvgv fur grain. Thus. J. B, Konn_v_ Slmnly Bay. 151) I-`OR. S/\I.E--Quzanlily of goud lmy. Apply to Erm-.~.t. 8. Love. Shanl._y Buy. 151) SEED HARLEY FOR. SALE--Alsn mwwl. cI()\'l`r . R. W. Jacks. Lofroy. lOnl.., phone 1213. 151) Ilrlvv (`(IlIHlll'|:||llI' l' I'h':1lr lumw, lh':I(iIm`( nlv, Apnlv Hux "M." 100 `-ESEED HARLEY FOR SAI.E---O.A.C. [Nu 21. Good, clean svod. Also sweol lv1m'(`l'. Howard Allan, Chu1`('h1ll. 15!) I ALASKA OATS FOR, SALE-Ivun Mz'Iw:m_ RR. No, 1, Barrio, phnnv lnoxr-21. 15-I71) ID-l`.R`.lJ Lula` FUH. 6I\L.!'.Z---Litmd h(`z1v_v mus. Hw O./\.C. 7:1 Apply Jas. Byrnvs. `Mn C Vv.~'~pI`n, nonr Union Conw- I ll`l')'. 151) | SEEI) O\TS FOR. S.`\LE---Gn0d h(`:1v_v lnnls, Hm 0 AC 71 . Annlv Jns Rvrnns IIIAY FOR. S./\LE:-50 ` |):u'l(`_v and swvrt. (`lovvr A. Wall, Shanty Bay. u nunrn M. 'Iplmno G29. ISEFD ()A'1 S FOR. S/\l.Er- I44 O.A.C. /\l.:u n qunnmv nf sot-d Cnbhlvr hm.- ulm-5. A));)l_\' Jose-uh C0('hmm`. Allan- dnln, RR` 2. 11-151) , I `AI./\SK/\ SEED 0A l'S-An imprm'(`d .\trnin of Alaska (HHS. Why nut sow` `Hw hvsl nnd gm rc~. Hnfh l'l`L',i.\'- _1vrv('1 and (mu, 2~'.t.mdm'd No. 1. Govt. l.\'l:Ind1u'd Nu 1. 55v xwr bu.~nr-I. Frank ll". Mnl'rilt. l{v.\\\'i<'k 15h !A("CORDING TO THE SEEDS ACT. 4 D.-p;n'ln1-nt of :`\g:ri('ulluro. Canada. 9 no (-wvul zrnins. gn\s.~`r-.< or (`lm'(`r seeds shall he udn-rsvd for 51116 at :1 slatvd ])I`l\!` unlv.\< szuno has kwvn gmdod by | lhv I):-purhnvnt and the grade numbvr in iH('lll(1l`d in the` nd\'m`t.lson\mt. iHORSFS FOR SALE --- : [work horses, mun-s and ,`\'`i!lhlng from 1200 In 1600 1 condition and rvadv to go `Price reasonable. Terms: 6 '1`:-..vHo nn .n\n..umA (nino no. :1-/\N'I`l'IIT All Lanlod_ hiszh 1 4 nr wrilt ll vrrxcv 1 (`rvdlt : 3 Bali:-. V .-.... 'I`EAx\ISTER OUTFIT FOR SALE--- |1`:\:nn n` \1'nll n\:\fA`l\.-H rhnv n1~,n-nu R '1'lSAs\ l'l'ER nun-'1 r FUR. :sAL.I.-:-- Tomn of well m:m`hvd bay nmres. S and 9, weight `.1800 lbs.. sound and szood \\'m'kors: makv grand farm tz-am. Bra. (mun 1mx`mss and Ifm-m \x'nn'nn Alxn nnn nhnnn rnnrn ' K1l'.*S~Hl0Ul1I(`(l main l\2\l'l`lt`.\`S HUG .'m'm wagon. Also one cheap nmrv. one cow. cheap. 33 Collier St.. phone 38-1. 15;) - TJVE srocx FOR 5 I \/IiA Al I" Yhn l'IJIn|nm-I WOOD FOR SALE [n v u n : n (nu: H In Thn Funmlnnpl 0/\'l`S FOR SALE -Bmmm'. lrnm rm: i:.l.m'1\d xmxrl Annlr U/uh MIN Dl\|.:l`.l`l:$1ll1l](`l`.I Irom l'v.1i:~1.:-rod sovd. Apply M. Bvll. R.R.. No. 3, Barrio. 15;) ara run .sAL.t; -- 5l.\' noon go-Idh\gs_ ling um. good Mon to to work. months` I on approved joint note. Josvph `. I4 Baym-Id St.. phone 738. 151) AND VEGETABLES unn unu II |n Thu =I.'IlI'I|nl|l`| 3'01`: H/\I.I-7 lmnllvr nlm-4-, ln.-hnil 8 Wollimzlun 'l`n:-L Hun `Eon SALE nu saw H. In The Ell` I. SALE -50 tons` Also svvd 1 seed. Apply A. Shzmlv nnv, 15-Hin > SALE%0ft. wood ;. M. Kinclu. Im- I.~1'1'ov 151) I rn Spy, :0 your 15-191) .pp1v A. 15`-16p . LI`- 151) BARTER. OR. EXCHANGE CHICKS. one to ve weeks old, electric broader, broodcr house. oil and electric incuba- tors, cistern pump, battery radio, want electric range or what have you. 65 Ciappcrton St. Box 341. 1:31) PASTURE FOR CATTLE or COLTS. Well fenced. Plenty of old grass for early feed. Good spring creek all sum- mer. Prlce reasonable. Apply to owner, Fred C. Leach, lot 17. Con. 3. Essa. 15-17b CHRYSLER SEDAN FOR SALE~- |\/fnrinl SR in nnnri r-nnditinn Dhnnn. L)H1tbl..ul'JH. : Model 58, in 1390. rsr: man. would likn ;m: on good rm. Host, of r~t'vn-,nco.:~'.. Apply Box `." Examhwr Offivv. 1:31) PERIENCED FARM HAND-~Gnt)d I