I ALLANDKLPI} Way%_S;1gl_es_$ Spring _Fil|e_d Mallress l"'5"Hll'U [U .Di|lXlL' llllulflll . was given in North Bay 1 T VH1 '.'.'-Ni: Furniture 129 Dunlop St.` DU.R`N.`3. TF.r`.3'.*'~E 9`.-Y. A. B .`.V.._C."?`.`.`?`__M`_`.`.".*`5 W I J: |-liHL`| Mill1|'L`\ <. l1i;4l:l_\M Ivm mum.-. - \.\. _~;l1l.\' lclnpcuxi cuil prim; ckch, cn1lvc.Mc\i in 1:1}cr 'i]i":]`I:1 and ;{Tn_g11 ]-ism <:'K1a'1.1~: sI>I'<'1N<`. Rc;;'tz1:n' Price, 10.35---~-Special Price, both for $7.95 Spri I. )`:" SPIT-i(ZI/\l. ARR/:N( il{Ml:'N'l"S VVl'|"l I `Tl lli WAY SAGLESS SPRING CO. LIMITED 13 /\l{li PE.lMl'|"|`l-El) 'l`() (}lVli /\\/V/\Y FREE /\ lVl|'. iulll AVH-`I. lb. [AH and Molly, of I`nmnl Mrs. Jack Wnndr; 01` were gllesls 411' M1`. 21 Faddon over Sundny. Tllnvlr u'u1~ ulna-Int 15 -. For full details, please read descriptions below Z2 `.3 .\.. ....-...a - ...u -` icc nl M:lIl1'c~~ ':l_\` S;Iglc~ Sp: Hcll. ~L`xcc1\lirI n...-.-I .. vnlpcml la I`()/\NY()I;.`13l UR(3/\SlN(} A 1:11` $173175 THORNTON }" .._, .. III \\'hi IIUL . !l'lULlb. At, the 3Mm1(I::_v; 1' the Y.P.S.C.I-I or fix inn (`,hlH`('h, vn-.s;. I32. 5 acntertnininrz, mlk on ` plc and (:usmm.~;. Mr and M rs: l?. I. Stoves znni 511.! BARRIE Unit No. 2 WAYREST Spri nu. '\\'hiI Both for . . . . . . . . . ` . $24. BOTH FULLY GUAR/\NTF.F.D Unit No. 3--PERFECT NIGHT Both for . . . . . . . . . . . $27.75 MATTRIZSS GUARANTEED FOR 5 YRS. SPRING FOR 25 YEARS Rump Roast or Round Steak It or Roast mun. I'--\u\- I x. ml \\'hi1c Full` :4-Iillcxi I qhly lcm _-lillt.` Floor Coverings Phone 535 9 I 1 vowo Moo 4+o~ooooo~~ooao-) umpcr cmhuu 193] Ford I).-Luxv (,_'n.u In 1930 Hudson 8 Sedan. 1929 Durant Four Cuupv. 1929 Essex Coupe, .1 1929 Durant Sedan, 3 ( .`. 1929 Durant 6 Sedan 1927 Hudsun Six Sedan. 1927 Pontiac Coupe 1925 Ford Coach. 1925 Ford Coupe, .Huli iiiiolu .,.. f.`3'E.:': PORTERHOUSE 701- WING ROASTS Will acct-pt quantity of Wood as part payment on used car. HAROLD HILL MITCHELL SQUARE MOUNT _Thursda_v Match 16. 1933 W55 Eli;abcth sum REL-.i" "i3_.;(RlE an nI\.|- . v in IIMM l Ll'./\5AN l` $2V4.75 I` L` L` IN PICKEREL uu.\.. llznnu .\MHKF,l? RR8AKF.l\S'l'-- SLICED Kmcuur MAIN . FROM Kl-Ill. RIPE ()N'I'ARl0-Cn`ROW`N 'I`()l\A-'H)lS ---_.__ j. g...._____ __._4 BAKED BEANS 3 Cooked 2, :::; -Flt your feet at Hill's Shoe Box. 1) Got anything` to tm(!o? SPO 1):1qm! E. Ogden was :1 visitor to North Bay over `the weekend. S.0.E. meet Tm.-sday, March 21. at '8.00.p.m. in Tminmens Hall. -Get a tmnsfer on thv _ii'.n(:y and vstop over to shop in AIlz1n(1:1I(-. 11!) Mrs. Mary Bruntrm is 1'(.-('0vm'i11r.~. from a serious z1t.La,ck or int`1u(-nm. M1`. and "Mrs. J. R. R0',('I'.\ spmn. :1 short holiday in Toronto Lhia W(`(`k. Mrs `D (Tam!-rnn rmurnnrl this \\`l'l'k: c Fancy Japan--Bulk ll Australian cleaned summas 2 lbs. t Il'k .\I II.\ l\|*.l- RIP \\|3 ILNTINM |`|\I. SARINES TENDF`.R, JUICY [lulu-sl Qllaloty FY:-sh (`urn Texas GUARANTEED---A'l` NEW LOW l`RI(`,ES! WITH | (|N.K .-XNII 'I ()MA'l`() .\`Al`(`I`2 SPINACH SHUFL Ull(1ity 111 LUI'()HLU Lrllld \\'L`l`K. U Mrs. D. Cameron rcturm-d L11i,~'. w 1-}: from Orillla, where she Inns bu-n \v'i:'it.- mg for some time. Miss Fldith Plant. w~tIn'nr-(1 rr-(-m1Il\.'{ ` S.-\l`(`l-I \\'|'I`H ('HII}I`I.\`l'7 an I um. turn 1 ('\KIi KlRK'.\ ('K.\"I`I|.lv'. P'R|".I-'. VVITII F..\(H l'I\\'K`\1-I-. .hu O.R.C. ), at 2.30 If U('hL ' ` Show! 1:13 I nu unn I lbs. 23 LDC 'Ol'K U1 lllllllg. The W.M.S. of Essa St. Px'esbyte1'~ Ian church met on Wednesday :1fte1`- noon at the home of Mrs. W. Barron. Essa St. An intornsting feature of the umrrnoon was 11 paper read by Mrs. R. Moncriof. `inn block by block to Lhc skid \vhr:1'o il. .slid(.-.5 to the back of the building. I Road I)t.-pi. (rmployccs are in ChEll`f.`,'C of the work of filling. 'T`hn \xIM'R nf Essa Rf. 'PI-n.' Injured While Tolioggnniiig Vernon Palmer, 225 Bradford SL. is laid up with :1 .sm`i0usly :~:prain(-cl and bruisvd ricght, ankle, the result, of an Iipset on L('S1l!'s Hill on Satm`day af- lvrnoon when he was enjngginp; ms t()h()L{glllll1g' with :1 group from Miss; McKm'm"s class of the Prince of Wal- es school wh(~1'e he attends. An X- Ray examination at the Royal Victoria Hospital on Satui'dn.y evening showed lhnl nn hrmnc wm'n hI`nI(r-n hilt i.hl~ ;E ...,.... m 13 OLD, lb. 1 9c Brunswick Domestic t6 Tins lllg XUF SUHIU LINN`. Miss Edith Plum 1'utImwd 1`r-(rmnly from a. two wcnks` visit with 1'(`]HLiV('S and friends in Cool-:sIown. Dnuclnn f`av-cnn I-nrnrnnrl on f'.n:Inh '23,. 1 2 2 Large Bottles med 2 5c I 25 BANANAS Lne ume OI Wrlung. C R. -Dnbson was ammintt-d older for u the Grcnfel Unitod ('hur(:h on Sunday. Miss Edna Chri. of Strnud is I spencling a Wonk with Miss Ethel H211`- l 1'18. 'I`|n. mmnn nnnnln nrn hum: H11-`ut a /\nyl11inL1' L0 lmrLm'? Sm: ol.`m'_ 1 u.gr 1 Tom. Anderson is very ill at the time of wrilmg. Fred Harris is somewhat, better at the time of writing". I? vhnhunn urnc nm1ninh\d I-ldr-I` fnr l1'lS. The yonnvz, peoplv are l)us_v nir,zhI.'~`. pmr-,ti<:ix1s_v, thvir play, Roc1-Headr'd usurp-Child." n: \I n..:.s.. .. ,` xv. A 1m'g(- Imxnber nltmdod the $2110 at Wm. Moore's on 'I`11(-sday on l.h(.- ninth concussion. IL was :1 doc-idcd S1l(.'( '. The Hr,-lpim: Hand S0('i<\1,_v l1`I(`L :11 the lmmv of Miss: Marjorie 1{a.1'ris on Friday night with :1 good atlmxdmm-. Aflm` the businoss, the m'onin-,1, was spt-nl. in c0nlr~st.s and gzum-s. Thv Imdit-.\" Aid mvi. at lhv hmnv M \.f.-.- 1n. xxrnnnn nn Mr-n-nh 1 u-i`h nun. quilv il`|DS!4 Pal . McBride m'1`i\'(`d h: the W051, on Saturday and i farm with his mother, Mrs. Brido. A Inun-.. nvnnhnv nnnrlnr U-HO. lfllllll III 1_}Ulll>.hIUV\ll. Royston Carson 1'N.lll`ll('d tn (,'x11vlp!1 last. week aftn` gm two wvoks` visit, with `his mother in Turin slror-I. 1"hn v-nnnlav nnnniinn n!` Hu. ml? (1 u Med. Tins YOUR. (`HOWE pull, -5L of 1.110 . 17 2\ lbs. J2l.(lll`.\ IKIU 'Hll'l- ill lln` `s. Wu,1t on March nmnbm` pm-:~'r`11l. M101` nu-I xvnq n\'m- lhnv SI` GRENFEL 13 `I115 HlULHl3l' Ill JHIIH n\lIl l'l, ` The regular m(~(~lin,w_ M Hu- will be held on Mart-1| I9, - p.m., it`) the 'I`rzLinmt-n'.< Hnll. rnt... 1un....,... rv,.o..L.`.... ....0... V2` [MU-\V'lll. t\l|('l llll arm" they .spm1 - pi:-(-ingz a quill. 29 25 21 15 l'.'LMVAl.|'I .lUNl()l{ I".- \RMl'IRS V l'l.;\N ll|l.l) DAY IN JUNISI lE1m\'le C()1'1'(`S})0l`ld0ll(tC) The Elmvalc Junior Fm'n1ers held an inte1'csting' mmzting in the Parish Hall on I`uvsda_v, March 7. The presi- dent, occupied the chair. Plans for the {yv:u"s 1n'ogmn1mc were discussed \\'l1 1('l1 will lncludc a Field Day to be held in June, also a euchre and dance in the Pztrisll Hall on Tuesday, Mar. `)1 Following the busimrss Centre F105; Club put on the px`0p,1`an11ne whiclx in('.lud(`d the following helpful talks, Corn (`ll$l1zl, (` and its l)c1wfit,s", by Wnll.m' Houdnn; Growing, and use 01' my l)vz1ns", by Alvin Cr0\\'o; "Value 01 vit.umin:<.", by John Porter; I`N-d- mg` and (::n`im2, 1'01` the _V()llll.." <-ull'. by l\'vnnot.l\ Cooper. I "Phn hnvq nf` (".nnt.v-n Flue urn In `ru- ' |)_\` l\(`11ll(`l.l| \.AK)))\3l'. Tho boys of Centre F105 :m: to 33(- mn_e.1`2Lt.111at,vd on the Inmmor in \\'hi(`h they r~:m'iml out, the 1)1'0gru11nnu. Thu next. nwvtine; will no hold on Tlux-4 April 2, in the Pm'is.h H2111. Elmvnlc llnmemukcrs Elmvnlo Hmnvmnkvrs Club mol at Lhv homo of Miss C-ladys B<`:n'(1.<:1.`.l nn| WL~dm~,scl:1_v. M:u`<~h 8, \\'im- L\\`(`nIy- mm` young ladies pxxnscnt. I (`UNl)I.l~I.\` .llII\'l()R.\' ICNTF.ll'l':\l.\' (`R()\\'N HILL CLUB AVll".NlIl'Il{S I I'un<`t.ions s1m11snn~d by `.110 young farm 114-.)1)`.(* of this dis11'i<'L for smnv Lxmv \\'ns hold at thv lmnw 01 Mr. and .\1r.s. W. ]3mwn on '1`1m1'.s Feb. 23, \\'h4=n lhu Cundlvs I{mnmnukrr.. and Junim' I";u'1n4`1'.\' clubs <-:1L<*x'4*rl L0 the r<~m'v- svnluLi\'v.~; of like gr011p.s from Crown Ono of the xnnxL s11<~cv.x's1'11l xornll um D ! FU'ZO OO OiO= NEWS OF ELMVALE .4...-., an mu, ;.u....... The Mi.&9(>s C:Ltr:h`(-1` x'<`lI1rn<'d :11 Monday night. from 'I'm`m1tn wh(:|':\ -"they have spent, pzuw 01` mp wintr-1'. rru-.,..... n.. ..|. ..` mu`) '6=="..'=.Z `With the Junior Farmer `And Home Makers _3'_E EARRIE EXAMINER, BAIIIHE. ONT-. CANADA Mincsing SLa.ti J11nim' Hum0mak- c1`s' Club recently held its annual meeting at the home of Miss Jean Johnston with `-an attonmmco of clov- cn. The old 0f(i(:c1's were 1'0cIe(-ted as follows: Leader, Mary McLean: as- sistant leader. Irene Davis; sn<-1'etm'_v- t1'ea.surer, Evelyn Jones; assisL'.mt, sc- c1'eta1'y-t1'vasu1'(-1'. Norma Trzwy. A pr0g1`:mm1(- coxnnnitu-0 was z1m)r)int,-(I to draw up u pmgrnnnne for Lhv ymu"s a<`ti\'iLi(2s. IL was cl<`('id(-(1 tn hold the April nu-vLim;* at the home of the Missvs Jones. Tn -ulrlilinn in Oh nln.-Hun nd` ..I VMINICSING S'l'z\'l'I()I\' GIRLS I Rlilil (J'l` OLD ()Fl"l LIH7 AVll.\.\('.\ 1JUIl('-5'. In :1.ddil.ion tn the olvvl.im1 01' fi<:M's, (-u1'1`vnL v\'(\11I.s \w1'<~ Lzivvn Jmn .J0lmsLnn. :L 5010 by Winnif Orcharrl. and n ]mp-1' un llnw (Ir:-xx nmrn bu:-mnim.-, 1y", by Elva] T1':1<'_\`, The :;pv:\kv1` said it was j nx my V in (h'>\< h1\vun1inn|\v nu In h \'h IL'il\l 1|. IJUCIII, 'I`h(~ nwn1bvrs `\\'( (`lomimr |)m_iv<-1,. uvnq w-r\'n(l hv Ihn !()HILLlx\ Sll()ll'l` (,()I7l{' " l*`()l':ll I);\ Y8 NI` nil:- . )nu_|I'\`l,. 2| .x~(-rvo by the 1 .....,_, , ,...., ... -"I`ho_:s_ Rum:-0 :'lippr-r.<. in brown I('1tH`lL'1' at $1.155 :u`r- lhr value in yr,-zm; for men, I-IiIl's ' Box. R/fr nv\I' lfwv `K! A It-n1.'i -nut` ;l`I.\' STONI-I IS ll!I:-`l)l':l{. (? \I'l'l{l~I l"l.0.\' ll()M|'L\l.\l(I'I|L` HH|_\. I`Hl||IlHl | of Ukrzmmn _lm-.-.`Lu',` In: 121 \'\|'lll,b `v\:l'1l' },:|\l'll U_ . Winnifr<-I (~ ('()l1)ill}; Elmmn 4`:\.k(`l jus S bm~mninp,ly us to lw [(`S('l'i])[. 1"!-n'vnt'v Jun 1 \.V:|l/-ll \ nIII- Uluu-:l;' |l'.\l'll|)( . I` |'lll'lH'(' JWH \. Wul<-11 Yum` \Vm'xl." `\vn1'k<`d an M10 Club -1,. and :1 d:1inl,y lunv [ho hush- o.~_-_'1 ll()\\.\Iil) lH'l`('llIlC l||`.\I)S I I`Il..\l\'.\l.l`. .Il'NH)|{ l`l.I'l" New Irene Dunne Picture Contrasts Modern Era with Life in 90's Extraorrlhmry%10+Day%0ffer "i"F LW,??'. .9.`5.`..9..`.9$_ s1"'i"g DUX. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. .1:-nkins. and .~ Clifford W(`l`P in 'I'<)'.'rmir n\'v1` 1 weekend and Lrmk in Lhx: hm.-kn-y,` m ches on SutLx1' l"hn fivn |rn~lnurln hurl u run nn KI Sp: Unit No. EVENRESF 1`/`IIIII-'L' Both for Unit No. 4-- SLUMBERNEST Both for---Specia| $32.50 SPRING GUARANTEED FOR 25 YRS. .. lx'c;\>uI.i|` l I I \.\....I.... \\' A... E. SIVIITH Thix Mum 723 hi_uhl'\ ulc }mcLu1~, l:I).c. ml \\ l3clI., L`~\'cnxi in :1 '.'.n\cI1 1'In1 .Il ilngmx \l.Hn;1~k Iickilljg. GUARANTEED FOR 5 YEARS AGAINST SAGGING CIIITH Ull -3'(I.lLIlllil_`y. The fire briL:udr- 1 day afternoon to ( Lought.-ud, Bun-mu blazing chimnr-y, 1) not. sm'lou.s`. A! H". '}\/lnnzluw