BEECH'NU'I"I'IN'G" We bormwc.-(l an old box-wagon and :1 couple of worn-mm. "skates," And nhlt.c4hr*(l vllu-m all Loguthm`. and may worked like lifelong n1n.u-:4. Then we culled for szuvt-ral Iellows, nnd some of thvir slsn.-1's. [00, To join In Limli nuzting 1):-lrty to :1 beeclmut grove we know. And we surc.- wok up those 'hm`se.<: and kept, Lhom on thv jump--- It, was mo who l1(`E('l -the lines, while ".`~`L-Inn:-\r" lnlnlvu-rl '1-In nn ohn rnrnn wling I '38 l.0`)H.()()l) (.1I.4:{(;,n0u 1( 14:L02o.un0 108.327.(NN) Tn2.7l2,0m) Sl1.I0.`..1mn l|n- lm4m`:uu`r l1LI .'.l,()00 s tlu; 1 Hum llmnn under ~thc brigih`t. and glowing sky, for travel on the long trail, for field sports or for lei.sun: upon the \v.'rtvx'. Mosz of us `want I:0 bi.-come gypsics in me summer. As the days . however. it is not Nature, bunt. human` 1mLIn'(: and (human contacts that \\'0 need. The liberty-loving individual {becomes social 'and_ human. when tho |joyment of Nature in me open spaces sun begins -to set, and who blinds m'<- drawn a iiiitic cnriier in mo (:\'(-ning and lithe re burns more redly on the `in-arth. 'Piu- miendnr .ha.-' .'1il`r`Xldy re-mindt-ci us that Autumn is not far off, and iiherc are ouhor 1.-vidr-nous i:`.1:rL it is gSt('Elilllg quieiiy and .'.ondil},- upon 115. `Thu skit-s are still bright and . 1 {shine abundant and gene-ml '.'.n'nugh-| iout iiho middle hours or the day, but [its r,-vr-ning npprozlrlws t1Z1m*r= is 501111-- hhing more Lhnn a Inorc-l_v pleasant (-o<:lnn. in the air. Tho \vn:1.lIh of wr- durv sprr.-ad upon tho i1`vI's by -iln-I lavish "nnnri N summer iiuts lozat .~:omr-- I thing" of ills: profusion. l"in,- leafy I mziniiv I)!-,r;ins -10 wear :1 little thin and :1 yi-liow `Lingo hr-re and iill0l`l` n~- r I ])I&`l('(`S i1,h- `(ion-p131` groan. lsomo light. l`Hl`l`iIlu innww fin-i.inr riuwn nnrm | 914':-~45 ul- .'In_v pr- Page Eleven . 1-I.I _um '[m|i4`v\' puu-vs um:-, 4m.-1,-pm` *.:,I't`t`II. DUH10 ngnlv.| F(`:l`i[l)l`il]g lc:1ve< {I114-rm` down upon ! . the lawns and flint-r along `fihtf str(-(-i.. ! `I -'1ow<-r.~; cnntinuo to bloom zuvuy, (each !In its llDDl`O|)1`ia-L0 plum in me ])1`0('0.'<~ jslnn which g()c's by I-vm'_v _Vo:u`, and n1u(-.31 of lh(- p1'n(r(-5.91011 Inns 1l'l`{l(H'I lnnuunr! IlHl('I.l H p:1s:.*4r-(1, Th!- l`.'|(' H1051, ('i|.l'l'lI'l'l" llllllIlil._`. ,lllll'n2Vl'_ I unreflvullvo individuztl mn hardly {look upon who mwturnd Aummn tiolds `without. :1 Innnp, of un:1\':1iHn_9, xwrgn-t. for llw (I;|y. Phat are no nmn.-. I'o I-\`- lc-ry an-zxsnn ht-lnmzs; its zxpproprizltrx :1 nd 1! imvim. Yunlun-n Anulnnxn in nnw :11.` Hlg us :1 `m|)l*s ' -_;m'dt-n. I And 1 Inn. .-..v- n avuuul mmugn IN` : glide Mound in :1 can u svdan. Bm nmny Rm 7. smlug In an cusy 'r~frr-0, un`1ma_9,im1-`.iv4~. Iivirhml nnn hut-rllv ] `Q4 O.`!U 11.111. 0.0-) A.\.UU V 44 4.05 p.m. 4.23 6.35 ' 148 7.50 pm. 7.55 9.45 Note: No. 46, daily: N0. 42, daily ox- ioept Sunday and Monday: No. 4-Ll 1 daily (-x<:cpt Sunday: No. 148. Snncl-.1_v' only. No. 74 mnn North Ba) .V(:n1(ln_`.'. Wecllwsday and Friclnjc A mx11n`.('LsE with N0. 44 at Hunt-svillo. I Northbound Y nnvvn A v-:-hvn A Prhln 1.) .`L.:.: )).Ill. I. 4'? 9.30 pm. 11.33 11. Note: No, 47. clrxily: Nos. 41 45. daily (`X(,'])(`L Sunday. Nu. 41 l,lmmgh to North Bay Tm-s x'I`hurs.d:1y and S:1tnrda_v---mznu-r with N0. 71 :11 I-Iunisviliv. Al.l.ANl).-'u.l-2-l lv. ETANG T.(`. l\'(` Allantlalv A1'1`i\`c~ Pmw ')n*'.` 1| In ..n-. 10.4. . Canadian National Rail!/Vvays I-INUIJIH I-I11:-:1 IN LI, WlL'$ H11,` WHU HPKU `H113 lllufh, Wlllllr "Sklnnu.-y" lummccl `pm on -the rump. And thv wagon jumped zmd ruttlr-d :25! \\'(,' went past. house and field. | And uh girls `hold 0 who slclns when wn `hit (1 bump, and .<;qur- Ind: And our (logs all run h(*.`~'i(l(- us, zmdv b:-hind 115., and hm-fun`, ' And one Sul.1n`(I.'L:.' a Wl'('k'.S not (`I10ll{},'h{ for 11:; any morn W'hon bow-h and l)u!t,-rmxts are fall-[ mg Ix-om the brnnvhr.-s all nrmmd, And vuuh club shnt flying upward brings; zz bush:-I .10 I110 :I`0UHd- Wlltrn mv nuts r-:I,m~ down likv `hail and szz-l,Llv(l in Mw drlvd-up g1':1.-es. And wv m-v:-r found 4lh- hall n1" Llmsr Uhnls 1-umn rlnuvn chm-n nlnul (I-II`l`m-tive leln'u:1ry I8, 19.1. ! Leave Barrie in Win `ff'i`M%j""*%9i1%?%i*f Northbound -.'1\'1~ Al1:1n(l:1l<~ A1`1'i\'(` .VI<-n. 11.111 :1.m. 1.111 pm.` 7.40 11.121. 9.3: pm TORONTO LINE Southbound vn Y nn nn 11.1-I 2.0: ) }).m. (UH) n_m. WYEVALE .\ urthImund /\1'riw= m Allnndnln . ... Ill .'..'. Suuthhml nll IA`:1vv A1`<|I\Ilnln Suuthlmllml .\/|HHu1'(I /\I'ri' HHU VVP Il('Vl'I' l'h:1!1, 4-umn 4 Thu, mm]: of I had ll:-(I-I1 Whvn wv vlix start. up '1'!) And mu was musk mum; I-l1ltlin_L-, all N hI)lHl('iIl;[ :xl lhul un. ..II m L:(.'Ll\'C Allandale 1 Arrive i Torontc | i " "'" ' h fl} 0 I bOZO OZ0 O$ 020 . | i('lll R('llH.L xvom-:.\".\` l.\'S'l`l l`U'l"l'. and Bob Fun`. A In-znm1n2.' bzmnnvl-; I 'I`hI.- n`:ul:1r nxwtixlg. at` tho Cl1l1l'l,`h- ' l>H`!lm'<`(l bl` W -*`"` "`"`"" ml ` ill W.I. \\`ill 1):` lwltl :1! M13. E. Slam s. l0\\'v(l the l31`0`~""m`; D P"`1_"h`_S _l~`r~|)'.*1xm'.\ '32. at 2.30. The wall (-all is 1>I`lu~'ldI-d uwr (hr (ix-\:mmn:1l =xo1'(-Isa -.~.. ltn Ln nns\\'n:`ocl by "Su:m-tlnng Mrs. Bmxw-1'. .\1)s.*: Bmvmnn, .\l1:<.s'[ !.`-?1'nnr*I1nnth<-rs used." A. CIWOH Imd Vl""" B""` '` `. An ;ul(l1'('i'-' Lmw 'l'h<>11 "I`l1_vLaml'?" ul1:n;.~r~ U1 lixv . lH1`%1'"I|`- . I will lw gin 11 by Mm. O. 'I`t>cl and um} '1 hr \'.I .S. l\.a\'L- 11-L-m\'v su\'m'n! 111- I 1 u I .hm.m.~-.1 u.v.n.-rh l\-' \NI'u nmmi H'l~-!\'ll)`inn_- 1.` nrucuul um nl11\' "Ihw E F!&O O$ OE O$Oq ` i Q 0 ...__ j___-Ac`-4;` cur- vn..avlj----2-IIJI-I\c------q--.-v--v-.a---:__-j - 7 YN WOMAN S REALM 0O OO 0Z0J f Plan For Recovery THE BARRIE EX.-\M'l'\'TR`. BARRIE, 0NT., C.-KNAD.-\~_ .1. `.\ll`k\Hl"_.".i. 1HlH`ll!HllH. I 3 Wurth-n M Rixlr-aw Cwmry, inn, 1; ..-|-I appointed a Justice 01 me peace. Tl.U\\'l.l{lCl) l"Rlil(iII'I' l{.\'l' L` Ill-Il.l'lN(i l|().\'l{\' I-l.\'l'()l'I`; Thursdn.y. February 16, 1933 Canadian National Train is Fastest "l'()lll\-.\' (H{lIl"Il NI`:-l{.\'l-Tl) lil ('.`\.\'I-I\' IN J \\'l'.` lNS'l`I'l'['L`lC (`U .\l`\ l`! ll` play dun" ng Sun Life Assurance Company lm:onr=nnA'nm 1865 \ Hem Orntrr-: - Mowmmn HE inherent slrengtlof life assurance has been tested and proved during the past three years of gvnerul Imsiness re-cc-ssiuu, and the invalunbh-. so-rvive it render.-s [hr public in tinies of f`lll(`l`gf`lll'_V fully d<'n|0i1slrnl-L HI`) Sun Life of Cm1mla,t during this pr*riod---probably the most trying in human ex- poriem'c-has maintained" its re('()r1l ufpr()g1', and has been of esp:-(-inl no-rvive In its TDTAL /\SSURAN(`.F.[~`~ IN F()l{(`.l*I. I):-vc-nnlu-yr 3|. "I032 . mm L... u-.-unnululimr o-ulul:-1.1 J nmulu .. uni ..`........v nu. ...-nu. Ilylnn nu nu nun - `\- . \,.........., \.......b ....., 1.. ...,.. _ 1 re('()r1]0fpr()g1'r9Rs, great lmdy of pulicyholdors thrnughnul the wurld. I'l'H assurance-s in fnrce lulve`il1m'r-usm] since 102`) by $t()S.000,0(Hl: assets l:_v 8-ll$,0()f),(lU(). Ils pn|i('yhuMrrs now nmnht-r nourlv 2| million. .-\.H`.H`I*1 l`.H` IL. NEW ASSl.`Ib\N(I| P/\ll) I()H gu-.mue-.~'.1. zum Sumlm.-r I: "1 'l`t)'l`A\I.]N('1U,\l|. .*` ." .' .113. . I '|`(Yl`-\|. l)l.\'liI`l{.\`l".MlCN'l`.\' -' - - l".\(I|C.\'.\' HI" H\'(I()\l|". ()\'|~'.| I)lH|H'|{S|-I l >\\'\ll']N'l`h' 'l`() P1)l.I(IYll()l.l)l~IRH ANI) BICN|~I|l('.|ARIICS: 1.].-\Hll.l'l'll~`.h`. Al.......n n I\Il)~l'P (I'\l I'l:\|. , l. I, ,_.,` l|C.\`l-'.|{\'|-`. r.,.~ .|.-, .~`l |{l l.l .\` -_ . l'ulI-V I`:-w~r\c-.-a I rv~ |r_\ I|I' .M)p|i'ulimm fur new Xl.N`.~`lll`:Ill1`1'r% xu-rv, rc- rvin-ql 1:) [hr (ImnpuII_\' luring W33 :1! an :I\c-r;I;_-- rulv of lIIUl'1` thzul $|.`NN)_lH)H I'm` mo-r_\` \\oI'kil|;1|;I}. 'l'|w vulnulinn I):-lv;|I'l|m-Ill of . .-.-..~.-n .-.. I l)urin;_r_ I032 tho (Imnpuny pniul In ]mlu'}- lIU'1|l'l'!-\ uml In-Ila'fi<'i:II'io-s Inurv l|I.1vI$.'H:U.1N)(| fur c-u-r_\' \snrkin;_r |u_\. In:-nmo frmn re-nmsul prmnium.-a mt lhr largo-sl (`\'I`l` I`:-:'`i\-cl Is) llw (I:-nlpauly in u single _\'o~ur. BEECHNUTTING Madame Housewife! Sun Lift! A SSII was II on (3 0 m p :1 n y up i It at n an 1! an \\\H? '|`||lE lS\.~`\M|.\ll\ , II"I I ` A '\ I I I 5h:u"Im||o-r.~C Durin,-1 llu`. your W323 Sinm- |)rg:mizuli . .554 The ll /`Ljl`l`I\."l`\ 1l'u1 II` I"'Il\1I'A. IIVWVT IIlI'['l' -)l. I"|)4 ' 5 3 This Iur GE ununlnl, the an-vunmlnling e-.-tut:-n nf nvurlv ll million Sun Life pu|i:'_v|m Iv-rs. will In-munv lm_\':||n|-- In llu-m nr lhrir lh"[I(`ll(';HIlll luring lhin gmwruliml u slulnili/Jug; fun-lnr nf grrut :~nI'i:I| uml f`('ullII ':- value. |_1 - .. . - . . . . Hnmlsz _-{ow-rnmrnl. munin-ipul. public nlililv Ill illI1'('1IlIIIllIIII; Imum on |I|nv'lgzIg_'a~e-1 rrnl 4`-lulo-; ~;I.~.-h in haul`,-A, uml n||I(`I' :n~m`l.-.. '1' 1 [I35 - . - - - - - . Mmmal nim--It-nllm uf this sum rrprt-ru-nI:4 lho I H'l iclr In gmlrulllc-1-an pulin-_v [Ii|}lI|l'llIM as H y.` . . . ...u~. . . IA` run. :\:*u:\\ I u I l|'U`ll[) l)il.`,:.* v (.`limb(.`(l in-to tho wagon to. p `l'h(- (l0'/Any, 1111545. ` w:w,nn -`.121:-n wt-nt, rattling] (mgr Iiuhu hnrm-ward mzul. I ll law l`llla' and lumps mud up, all lhv wlnztppg; load. all n!` nu; '1-I !- hllHL'l'L' fhzmrls ()n11 ` her I of mam-In hurl In-on nmulv nn lhr lm`-ti`-x pr:-m-riln-ul for I III Hulllilliull ur(:1IlH|l|1I. -I |m\ c- In-a-n \u|m-I Ivy lhn fun In! I:-\-I prrmillln ntrlhml, u I! |IIr4ur:nm-- `\'l of lhr Hnminimn sf (Iumu|:1. rm- . l('I'()llllI .`...\v.. . . , . ,. c-pr:-viulicm in nuurlgllggc-H nnul HI Illi\' . ($`.3.00()_i)0()) lunal lnnlnnrv .- nulnl - . - - ..1i"` STAT E .\l E N T `/'0 r 1 93 2 .V.l Mm` '1' Hlllllll `Ill! Hilll Ul HlU.*ul' down thr-rv. alas! Us found p|n'nL\'_ and all .nn lulnu jzswvr; ' HAVE YOU READ THE RECIPES IN THIS PAPER -'.\l I-IN'l'.\' r unal ullu-rs: l H4'\i\ :Il5 of 'i|'|.h(`Il |m|iI'i*.i ' llmw all any pr:-\iuu.~` _\-.'I rvlnlinll. '|'|w lH'I unmunl ul` |m|i<'_\ lH l)('o'4'('n Irfl uilh l|u- (lmnlmny M illlvrn-sl nu.-s Hllln`- ivI|'l'l'lIN'll. `III on-lit pf l`('llI '5-Hill!` ml ulnvks: pr:-I`:-rrrcl lnnma nu (}un||mII_\' |nnliI`it'n; lush Written for The lurric Examiner by I-`rexl W. (mull, \~ iclnri:l, l3.(I. [mIi<`\` rmu-r\'r lhv mlluunl lha-_v |u-:'4un4- dun-. L l`\l`I`l'Il0`ll in : Ill rt-pn_\vm-nl nl` r-|m'lion 32!. I |(n.(NM) 4.73 [.000 .'y.`W.('H)0 |)I'a'\ ;1.n? 'l Hli llnul uf wilh I ll _ 10: :31: