"They were eating up our apples." sho snld. rmd I put. N am sli(`(`S of bread (.0 get. rid uf Lhonl. My hug- hand knvw M the [)lII`(`hllS(` nnd ad- vised mo to he (;m'vfuI of it. IJ<-cnlw` of H10 (-hildrvn." R/Tru (`nun znlrl olxnl In... \n\l\.|\nvv U1 U1!` ('lIH(ll'l`l1. Mrs, Coon said mm 1101' mother. Mrs. Harriet. Cro1ghlm1_ 'l'm'unt0, lmd born with her wlwn she sprond Ihv poison on the brvnd. S-hr (old poliro that all piuvos of i)1'm1(l.w Irnalvd had lwen dragged away by Hw l'nl.s`. --unn:..... 1.... n.. ........n ,,,..,. .,_, William has |)eon (rnnslnlltly wor- rivd." said Mrs. Cmm. "Our farm ha. (reused In pay and tlxvrv is u $'J,.'0(I n1ur1unuv owing In-sides u debt. of $400 In thv bunk and $500 that. hr owns n S(`hf)lI1|)u'I`:!, mnn " l"nnn'u Inn-urn n. '.-0, ..r Inn ... Dl'lllllIlUl'l'J, IIIHH. Coon`s {arm consi. of I00 avrv-s nf WP-(`,llHi\':ll`(`(l land and is mm M Um lw:~( furlns in llw innm\diulv nr'i:zhhnr- hood. Of late _vva1's the land hm: not paid as well as usual and hr grnduzllly fell into d~l)l.. Mrs. Conn said, Suorvd I)I7./.y Sm-11:` H0 wm'rlvd (`Ul1Hllll:ly for the pa:~t two yl'1l.l'S." she added. "Mr has nflrn bvvn . with dizzy :<}wHa such as tho unv hv had Sun(ln_\'." Cnnn \\'m. mw or (hr In-st known !m'n1m'.~' in the SUllH1(!l'll part of Sim~ cuv county. H!) was a Shn1`L|mrn br(:cd'r of nutv and u Slmrthnrn 1-x hibilnr nl full fairs. ]'ll'lh\II lnhn ("nu-llnn ruuuvn nf and am-inl -:u`rivd on i villv. Thu |1.. lH'\\.N|l-l|Pl'l with Llw ca. 5BARliI"EHE`ARS STRONG APPEAL (ConHrm.cd from page one) N[u.\iv for lhv .sr-r\'im- was Him I_\` :1 vhuir rlrn\\`n {rum all lhv (-hm us. A hr_':u`Ly votv nr t.h.'mk:; tn .p:-ukvr wzn nmvml by A (3. Ard` In.-I .. ... n `And I... 1).... I\.. 1. u\un H"lllI \/unuIr||, ll'l'\l.' (H m. told 'I`ht- F.xuIn|nL-r Hm! Cnun h:n`dl_\' ht` rnllvrl n l`.H~lun mun nmst. of his l)usm(`.<:: df`.H`.Vg:v mrinl and (thurvh m'Lh'IHt-:4 wvrv `don in :mul.hvr \'lH:IL:I- m':IrI"t-n- Villnuv nf Hm-Inn :lpp:ll'I`llI~ ms nut \v1-l(-mm- any unfu\'m':\b2u |):l[)I`l` p11miuit_\' in (`0HlH`(`U(>[I HUI I` Kilt` n\Ulll`I|lIll| |l'Ill` Ill CHIII` K. John Curllnn, 1`l`(`\'t` of ti l_\' 1 .-1-Inn n ..s u:II...... ..r n.... the THE 1 ROBERT ` You can place your order at on`:-o for any of these beautiful coat: and havr sannr dr- livercd within A few days. nr nun .\up|n|I'u n (`hlll'l`h- I to lhv y /\rdu;:||. . Dr. John Mm-- ` had Ilrsl hoard` \lHuci;.-x AI I-A\I|l-L` SIMPSON` W; ~um)lic~ri l`Hlll'l'h. `N2l_\ `nlilr IP. J. MORAN,Barr_ie Chicken Stealing Prevalent in South Chi(`k(`ll vinviul lml I nun tlw Findlay: also make Stoves, Gas and Electric Ranges, Heaters, etc. COMPANY LIMITED A l*`indl:1y Sh-rIin_ ]'In'nu<-v burns: at least 1 ' `- tons lvszs (-(ml (~vvr_v yvur than othvr nmkos`. ml 1-qua] In-::lin;.: ('npatiiL_V. During: its Inn}: lit'~lim<- nf I-4(`l`Vi(`(`, 8. Ul.`...1i..~" "rill n...... ..n.. .... .-......l. ..n .Iu:t\ ..,.....[_` ..,. .....`,.` |||IIlI||\ mu nxuvnx, u. S1.orliI1g" will S:IV(` you as muvh as two or t}1rv(\ timvs its inst;:|l;Ll.i cost. Add 10 thnl 111- :n.<::'.ur:n1m~ of <`nml'nrt.- ublv, lu`nlt,|1f1Il xvnrmlh in ('V(`I`_V romn of your hmlsv :11] winto-r. :l minimum of 1 n - n r ylvtul ---nun nu unuv I. u. nu-nu-nun nu. hurd labour" in ynur vs-llur, frc~(~rl0n1 fr?m1 (mltls and ulht nilnu-nt. hrnught on by pom` ha-::tin;: zmcl Ivy, sink` nir . . . wH,('rt'un1<` in and talk itovor with us. \Nu"Il ;_(i\'<- you I':nr'1:'. and l'I;;'ur(*:< on l"inr1l:n_v l"11rn;u--:4 H1211. will ntmn ~mwin(`c`. _vnII of Hwir :w'llp4'l'iH!` <'nn:'.trm-litm and <`Hi<'i`nr`_v. Or \\'rit:- rlirm-1 for lmnklvi 10 l"iI1dl:1ys I4iHl.d. C:n`l<`Lun I`lu<.'<\, Ont. Phcmv 1501 Hluclc R\I.s:+i'Ill ('.\r2u:u|- Hleutk Arnbiml Lynx F1-.`Iu:|| Hruvvr Thursday, September 29, 1932 ..:_.:___T_..._ Viculm Fnx \N U l`l|i|)("ill(' I-UR ','T%."`_ ,""_N`.T'-;i.. `Page '. ' UX MORE I ll( .}I\\'-;\"]iXl l:3NDIT URE ulu` 'l`llLJKR7S[).\V{',i SIEVHSMBER 39, I933 INNISFIL COUNCIL uunnx Ili` THE - BARRIE - EXAl"W~R ED1 f(5E{AT Established 1864 A weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of this Town of Barrie and the surrounding country, Issued at the Post Office Square. Barrlc-. every Thtxrsday. by J. A. MacLaren (editor) and W. C. Walls (manager), owners and publish- ers. 'I`m;_Barrlc Examiner Is a member of The Canadian Weekly Ne wspapors A.-wxvciatlonu. !~`.UR.'-`.(".l7ITV'l`Tr\N DATFLQ nun: llim . l\ cx pm rig-llxl nu .. Lllh` lurl \`|-\| nu :u:'\u\\.|_\\ ll thc L`X[`l'L`.\xL`\1 ilh rclcrmlcc In ..I K` aA,.,., u I ~l.I /\l'lI;'ll.\ cnntztined the an- ` nu the rccmm11cndatinn ` wn", thc t`li};l1\\ :l_\ $ l_)e~ In cnmmcncc \\'m'k upon h\\ :l_\' at nncc etnployittg` .`\\' at \\'h:ll II`.'lIl.\`piI`Cd at the L`Hlllll_\' cuuncil, this 'Li:l\iHl1 c sur- .. ..._\ l'HlCl' .l:mu;Ir_\'. Mr. Fin-M ur reduction in ex- hc c>-npcr::tinn nf '.`l'i>ll.\ cnrl tn rc- ; 1 nn Hm r:1tep:aycr.~ nerx" 'I`;|xntinn mu 1.! Iwcmnc iIII:r|(`l'- ml ml that 38 pct` `\ ml the cuunty ix: xlngucslcxl that the .' ilx m:n|.~ cxpcnJi- Hy ;1> the pznymcnl -unl cu!" l`Hl r>:nI> .. .... '\' , ,, |.. A r\ A IV EV- l\lJ I1! WD})&|)L lh I\:\.`.".'llll/lllll. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere In Canada. $2.00 a year; In the United States. `I150 a. year payable In advance. Single copies. 5 cents .v-nu -.~ IIl.`|l klll \IlI\\ II x in -nlcr. ax Mr, rvlicvc tlu` lmnlcn lligln ll 4I\IVI.`Lll ll Llll I think",.\;1id :-\vnsl1ip.< nnighl the In\\-'IL\hip.\'; in cxpcnditnrcs inn " I .'lHL`l1liHI In . I)cp;u'I:ncn! LHI \\'i\I1c_\ ml" . .1 . , L`;tp.u'i!y Ihc cnunly ... .. ..l ...... II,` \;1rtnu`nt y impnnv -vn l|AlI umicrm 0 (HI I4 HllH'.'l ,.I ..... 5: uuncil A A Last wcckk Mi\H;nnI A nounccuncnl Ilmt, "upnn of the H01}. W. l5inl;1_w parllnent Inn! .lc<:i.lcxi the ()riHi;I-Mi\ll;m.| higlw almut 15:: men. In \'it`'\\ the .l:1I|11;n`y smxiualu ml" I n.`lI\. the ;I.Mitin hzl, with Alberta, ;:Iin.l tukvn I , A news despatch tells of Canadian seed pota- toes being lnmtleggetl into the United States. It must have been news to the local growers that potatoes are .~ut`t`iciently valuable to get into the lmotleggiltg class. Numerous newspapers are in. calling: upon the Hun. Hugh Guthrie, Minister of Jus- tice, fur an cxplzunitimi ml the prefcrcntiil treatment given to ~cert:1in brokers released from Kiiigsliuii [~.cnitcnli:n'y long` before tlicy were due fur lil`CI'21li0l1. A government nlcteorolngist ix` reported as .x;1_\'ing that the canning" winter nmy he long and cold and than :tg:1i11 it mxty not. It's .~'1n'pri. what these L`X1\CI`t.\ knmv, isn't it? Hmvcvcr, this xvczltllcnnzm gives the im'o1m:1tim1 that in X0 per cent mi rccurxlcd c:L~e.< :1 wztrm (_)ctuhcr Ims hccn fnllmvc-I l\_\' :1 \\':n'n1 winter. Our | l1clp.~l:>n corruxpnmicnt, whu nhscrvcw the weather clu.~cl_y, will do well to keep hi5 eye on ()clnlCr. Rctcrring In the ;uhtrc.~.x nt` CQlItt1ti.\Si()IlL l` Mu- guirc tn the (:ct'gi:tt1 Buy B1cctric.'1l As. tinn, tiultingwtmtt t5t1tct'px'isc-thttlctin .~:tid: It wnuht appeal` that Mr. M:t_g`uirc Ittissctt the chict paints that give rise to tti_\`s:ttist :1cti:>n, and dis- ztgtectncnt with the :nhnini.~tr;ttinn. Hc :1pp:n'- cntt_\' tnilctt In realize that it i~ _u`cncr;tlt\' accept- C\l that the tn:tn:1g'cn1cnt is :ll`Nll':ll`_V and autu- crntic in xxwpcci tn rutcx and |'C_L ll]Ellt()l1S2l|1\tJC- cittcttly .~ccrcti\'c, :t.~ In tlu intcrnztl tn:tn:tg`c- ,_, . ,A ..,, . , , I , .1 I ,, .1, .1 r `u in-nun l cntt_\' i~ cmtic rutc~ t'C_Qlll:llttH1.\' and dc- the mcnt. Hc ztppttrctttly failed tn t`C:t1i7.L` that much ut` the t`ritici.~m. it" nut stll, :tl`t.~C.\` trnm SIHQQCK1 \H.\CHlll'IL`IIll\ trczttmcnt .'tccut`dctl the >tlm1tt.\L`d tI\\'lICt'.\ at the tl_\ tlrn." lull `guru mm. IU u|_~.`uuc|u\,u-In, ullu ul." m.\..... l:1_\`m:n mu pcmlitur:-r the cwunl \|llL'(` Hm _... I ., 1' um. |.\.\IV .. 1|.` 1| . ` nmrkml ':1l`,iliI.\' .11 m.'|n wlm Lop! hi I'c11.Icrvd an cxc c-mn1uniI.\. }3nr.~ Mzu ;l`ClivC \\ 1.ul.'K hut kcpi up I'(`1h|Cl'.\ by I` I ,,,.. Spcukil nlccting 1 the l:lXL`.\ kI:lI\\I nu. .~ --\ h(`.'l|' ;1 mcmlwr `>lJll`l11L`IIl.\ whiv c x pm u-Min] .v~-un and Ihc fricn.I~. Sc` 2l.\.\UHlL`xl cc xplcmlhlly his Iztlhcr. OPINIONS OF OTHERS <"`! El III\. I ntlm news_u'ill pru pri.-;etnt|1c cu /\ddrC:.im'_ mmlc : I` ., .-,... ,A :rn;ll I{`;In1NL`r" much \'ll:lI lll MI . SP1 II FARM]-,`!\'.S' IN I`ARLlAMIn'N'I' :mlin-riliiz rm .lirc`c1 I u: lln` .4, \\ ihc - AH expend HkL`\\'i~t` H1 \ [mid direct V u`I`I.lil1 cu` lhc Ind;{_\' uuu -, unly `Ivulu. \\(|I`lILI|1l\II'\,kIIIllI|vII .~pcnl hi.~ \\`inIcr.\ in (`.:1lit`nr11i.'1 .`:-11n(`clim1 with .lnl|l'l1(l1-/\r_g"ll.\ .'r_\' intcruxling 1L`HCI`.\ of "The R |`u.x~c>.\c.l I! :1 kindly nature ` ut manner, Mr. licdy cniuycd H1 H!` .1 \'cr_\' wide circle mt" znx zlgn hix NIH, Lurnc A. lEcd_\'. mt` Hus .'lIlll'|1JlI-/\l"L"ll.\ and h:l.\ nincd thc Il':lLHliHlI\ :~L`I up by 7 Ion. ` the 'n1g' wcv Hm x;}lii}I \;;;`liI: `L uunn .` the : rectly vulh Hm FLOS COUNCIL \.I-. hig .\.. I. \'}' I1 IIIIL .`\.I\|L |" ~ he had been m ,`_`.`. nicieut I ztllcnlpl .-u.n.\uO_- ` I'll I her THE Tl'2LF.l'HONl-2 SERVICE To The Editor of The Examiner: Y\.m.- Qhu '1`hnnnh 1' an-\ nu-mulib flu` 1'0 'l'l`lC ismtor 01 rue naxamlnerz Dear Sir: Though I am credited with being 8. fairly long suffering in- dividual, I must say my patience is sorely tried by the telephone servlcc~ or rather lack of .=erviee-we are get- ting these days. To have to wait two or three minutes before getting central or to have to make half a dozen at- tempts before getting a new connec- tion after completing a conversation is certainly exa when one is in :1 lilirry. The Bell Telephone C0. has made no reduction in rau`s-and I am not complaining on that score but subscribers while pnyim: the stunt` rates should surely expect a service rezwmnhly npp1'na('l1ing what we: haul f0rnierl_v. I do not blame the opera- tors. as tlim'c.- is a limit, to what an nperafnr can do. but I do think the ennipmiy should make an effort to give the sul)seribers what they are paying fm'~a reasmmhly prmnpt service. Yours truly, ONE OF` THE WAITERS ` BURIH-ZNS()MI~2 S(`.ll00l. (`OSTS Tn Hw Editnr of Tho Barrio Exznninvl` I lmvv just boon infm'n1ed by public .\(`hn()l inspor-tor that t..msl:`r~:< of any K(`h(\l\1 cm-tinn \l'|mr:- Fifth fnrvn u-nrk hl`llUUl lll.S[X`l'lUl llldl, l:l'll.\ll'(`.`~'. ()1 H11) school svotioii \\'h(`l`t` fifth farm work is tauzzlii, must invest in $80 worth of oqulpmcnt. 520 art niorivls. $20 V. lib- rary mid rnaps. $20 applied scionm` and $20 for sninclhinsz 0150. I` just forgot`. The pupils h:l\ (` to be Lauglit at pub- lic S(`ll()f)l if sent, and yot will not. be allowocl to write on thoir oxains next suxmnor if this equipment is not, got. Now as fL[!lll`(`S don't lie, just. let` us rock(m Lhc amount, for this inpsoct,or- ate siipposiiiu Form V. in t"i1(`h school: 78 .<<~hnol.< spending $80 1-a<`h would equal $0240. That would nwmi for the four liisiw<~tm'nt~s in Simcov of $24.- 960. Wh(`l'(` does this money go? To H11 nrinfnv-Q nnri nnlv-r..n\ql(m-c Tho .`1UU. VVlll'll' \IUt'.\ |/lIl.\ Hl||ll('_\' }. ,U. lU the printvrs and paper-makc1's. Tho govornnlmt pays hack to tho svvtion $110 :1 sclmo]. that would be (110x78.\'- 4). $34,320 for Simcnv alum`. You could fi.qnrv out. how mu<~h 28 (`mm- tios in Ont:u`io would bv. Now for n pmvim'<' so mu<'h in debt, would not that 1):` :\ {mod w:I_v to Put. down v.\:- pon: and szuw t.h(- farms to the fzwnwrs. I b......I. ;.. .... .... 4...: ....|.....I J lI"d('ll III for tho life 1 any toaclxcr ` all tlwst-. I : wnuld ho or V chin! 0|... .. l'.\ F..\ll'I.H\'.Vl|".\"I` -1 I<| . TH! BAREI! EXADEEB, BARBIE, ONTALIO 0! 41 mi w h('l'(` on nun FARMER S END INVESTIGATED, said Onhnoal Uiltvr For breakfast. Sunday lllH1'l1il|`.!. Conn ate P. bowl of natnu-al which hv Said hv couldn't nish I):-(':u1. il \\`:l.\ nu Idllnr nu null" nnrl unnnn lunnn, ..... men ii `I hi-. -`(UH Ill` (',I)ll|(lIl[ lllllhll |)l'l'illl.\l` ll \\'il.`~ .124 bitter as gall." and 30111:` humo- mndrr l)l.`~`('lli!`s and apple sanrc pre- parod by his wife. Olhvr xnmn`n.--rs uf tho fmnilyzue Lho smnu lm-ukl`:::;l. with tho vx<~cpt.10n of the onlnu-:11. and frlly no H1-(`fT(`CtS. Mrs. Coon, widmx` nf Hw unfm-t`un- Czmadn. We are now in nmdvru Um Following the snmv rnutixw day day. month by month. is gvttingz, 1 wlwrv. '1`..Il-inn ..,.. xr ...... ....s .... The New Fall Coat Fashions on Display at Simpson's Local Office All-wool Crepe All-wool Broadcloth All-wool Twill Dunetyn Diagonal Crepe Weave MATERIALS 74 Dunlop Street : BARRIE, ONT. ate man, in an interview. said that she did not. believe her husband was poisoned, but rather that he had died after a series of dizzy spells; which he hnd sum-red of Into. She stated. how- ever, that. she had purchased ten cents` worth 01` stryclmine last . from Dr. James Campbell. Toltenlmm. to kill rats In her (-ollmz -uh-1|__,, ..._.._ __.:,_ \\`iHln